Vaccine for animals against infection. Vaccinations for animals: the name of the vaccinations, the list of necessary vaccines, the composition of the vaccine, the timing of vaccination, recommendations and advice from veterinarians

Vaccinating the dog

Vaccination of animals is one of the most important preventive measuresto protect them from the most common infectious diseases.

The need for vaccination is not questioned by modern veterinarians. With the introduction of programs for the general vaccination of animals against the most dangerous infections, the mortality of our pets has sharply decreased. In most developed countries, vaccination is mandatory. Such measures make it possible to keep under control the occurrence of foci of diseases dangerous for both animals and humans (Rabies, Leptospirosis, Chlamydia). In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”

At present, the most mild and highly effective vaccines are presented on the "veterinary market". The leader in this niche is Intervet, represented by Nobivac series preparations. No less famous vaccines for dogs - Eurican and cats - Quadricat, French company Merial. In addition, vaccines from other companies are also common. Felovax, Duramun, Multifel, Multican, etc.

In our clinic, there is the possibility of vaccination with any of the above vaccines, as well as little-known ones (by appointment). In addition, the issuance of the International Veterinary Passport with confirmation of the vaccination with a state seal. All of these services are available with a veterinarian call at home.

Vaccines for animals

Vaccination of most animals is carried out from two months of age (unless otherwise recommended by the veterinarian), followed by revaccination at 3 months. Adult animals are vaccinated annually for life, health conditions are a contraindication.

Do not hope that your indoor dog or cat that does not visit the street does not have the opportunity to become infected. This is possible when the infection is transferred to your shoes from the environment (stray cats and dogs are almost without exception carriers of viral and other diseases).

Answers to the most popular questions from pet owners

This topic is probably the largest number of questions from the owners. We list the most common ones.

Should a cat be vaccinated ( small dog) if she doesn't go outside?

Yes need. In this case, a pet can "meet" an infection during a short stay in the country, a cat - when falling from balconies, microorganisms can also get into the house on the owner's hands and clothes and shoes.

Age at vaccination

At what age can a puppy be vaccinated?

The puppy is vaccinated at 8 weeks of age, with revaccination at 12 weeks of age (21 days later). In cases where early protection against plague and parvovirus enteritis is required, the first vaccination is carried out at the age of 4 weeks (specially designed vaccines for this!) With repeated vaccination according to the above scheme. Unvaccinated animals older than the above age are vaccinated twice with an interval of 4 weeks. More importantly, I vaccinate once a year.

At what age can a cat be vaccinated?

A kitten can be vaccinated from 8 weeks of age, followed by revaccination after 4 weeks. Further, the vaccination is done once a year.

At what age can animals be vaccinated against rabies?

By law Russian Federation, as well as according to the instructions for the vaccines used, it is necessary to vaccinate animals against rabies from 3 months old.

Should an old animal be vaccinated?

Old dog

Yes need. There is a common myth that older animals do not need vaccinations because acquire immunity with age. This is a delusion, the likelihood of infectious diseases persists at any age, moreover, in old animals, these diseases can be unusual, which complicates the diagnosis. Vaccination is canceled only in the presence of serious diseases (at any age).

What diseases are animals vaccinated against?

What diseases should a dog be vaccinated against?

As a rule, vaccines contain elements against plague of carnivores, parvovirus enteritis, adenovirus infection, parainfluenza, leptospirosis and rabies. By the age of one year it is necessary to vaccinate the dog against all these diseases.

What diseases are vaccinated against?

Most often, cats are vaccinated against panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, calciviral infection and rabies. Some vaccines contain an anti-chlamydia component (preferred).

Preparation and response to vaccine

How to properly prepare an animal for vaccination? - 10-14 days before vaccination, it is necessary to give the animal an anthelmintic. Only clinically healthy animals are vaccinated.

What is the reaction to vaccination?

It is considered normal if, within a few days after vaccination, some lethargy, drowsiness, decreased appetite, and swelling at the injection site appear. Pathology is considered allergic reactions (rare). This may be an immediate-type reaction - it develops within 15-20 minutes after the injection, is characterized by edema, difficulty breathing, loss of consciousness. Slow down - over the next days, manifests itself as skin reactions, itching, redness at the injection site, edema. Others possible symptoms: diarrhea, vomiting, fever, etc. are also pathologies. If these symptoms appear after vaccination, you should contact your veterinarian!

Vaccination of rabbits and ferrets

As you know, the disease is easier to prevent than to cure. This statement fully applies to our smaller brothers. In order to prevent diseases, animals are vaccinated annually. Providing pets with annual vaccinations in accordance with the vaccination schedule significantly reduces the risk of contracting viral diseases.

The main goal of vaccination is to create active immunity that prevents disease, and if an infection enters the body, the animal either does not get sick or easily tolerates. What kind of infections your pet should be vaccinated against should be advised by a veterinarian. When choosing a vaccine, the breed type, age, clinical health of the animal, the presence or absence of previous vaccination are taken into account. 10 days before vaccination, the animal must be given an anthelmintic drug.

The vaccine must be kept in the refrigerator in compliance with a certain temperature regime. The most commonly used types of vaccines in veterinary practice:

1. Monovalent (simple) vaccines - against one strain of the pathogen.

2. Polyvalent - against several strains of the same pathogen.

3. Associated (combined) - used against several pathogens most often.

According to the composition of the vaccine, the following are classified:

1. Live (modified) vaccines contain attenuated live pathogens, most vaccines for pets belong to them.

2. Inactivated “killed” vaccines are safer, but less effective than live vaccines.

Before vaccination, your veterinarian should examine your animal for a history. Vaccination is carried out only on a clinically healthy animal. It is not recommended to vaccinate the animal during estrus, it is best to wait two weeks. If the animal was sick or had surgery, it is recommended to postpone vaccination until complete recovery, as the animal may be weakened and poorly tolerated vaccination. The likelihood of post-vaccination complications increases.

It is recommended to use an antihistamine for animals with allergic reactions immediately before vaccination. This recommendation is relevant for animals vaccinated for the first time. Information about the vaccination carried out is entered into the animal's veterinary passport. The mark of the vaccine used is stamped by the veterinary clinic (oval with a registration number, if a commercial veterinary clinic or square if state).

Kittens are vaccinated for the first time at the age of 9-12 weeks with the associated vaccine. Then the animal is revaccinated 3-4 weeks later with the same polyvalent vaccine with an anti-rabies component. In the future, cats must be vaccinated annually, preferably no later than a week before the expiration of the previous vaccination.

Puppies are vaccinated for the first time at 8-9 weeks, then after 3-4 weeks they are revaccinated with the same vaccine with an anti-rabies component, then revaccination per year. In the future, the animal is vaccinated every year no later than a week before the expiration of the vaccination period.

How quickly immunity is formed in an animal:

Resistant immunity to infections is formed only 10-21 days after the introduction of the vaccine. During this period, the animal's body is weakened and more sensitive to natural infection.

Possible consequences after vaccination:

After in andcitation during the day in the animal, lethargy is possible. If you notice any other changes in the condition of your pet, such as vomiting, refusal to feed, or temperature, consult a doctor immediately.

Veterinarian Avalova A.V.

GBU "Mosvetstation"

Vaccinating dogs

Primary complex of childhood vaccinations

Age 8-9 weeks DHP (Pi) (carnivorous plague, adenovirus, parainfluenza, parvovirus enteritis)

Age 12-13 weeks DHP (Pi) + L (plague of carnivores, adenovirosis, parainfluenza, parvovirus enteritis + leptospirosis)

Age 16 weeks and over weeks DHP (Pi) L + R (plague of carnivores, adenovirosis, parainfluenza, parvovirus enteritis, leptospirosis + RABIES)

DHP (Pi) L + R (plague of carnivores, adenovirosis, parainfluenza, parvovirus enteritis, leptospirosis + RABIES)

Annual RL vaccination (rabies, lepiospirosis)

Vaccination once every 3 years with a DHP (Pi) complex (plague of carnivores, adenovirus, parainfluenza, parvovirus enteritis)

Vaccination of cats:

Primary complex of children's vaccines:

Age 8-9 weeks RCP (Fel V) (herpesvirus -2, calicivirus, panleukopenia, leukemia)

Age 12-13 weeks weeks RCP (Fel V) (herpesvirus -2, calicivirus, panleukopenia, leukemia)

Age 16 weeks and over weeks RCP + R (herpesvirus -2, calicivirus, panleukopenia + RABIES)

Booster vaccination 6-12 months after the last of the complex of children's vaccines

Annual vaccination.

How often to treat a pet for worms

1. First, we treat dogs and cats from fleas. After all, fleas are carriers of some types of helminths. Flea treatment in the warm season should be carried out monthly, in winter as needed. Three days before and three days after treatment, it is not worth washing the animal, since during washing the lipid layer of the hair and skin is washed off and the effectiveness of the drug decreases.

2. After 1-5 days after treatment for fleas, the animal should be treated for worms

The usual scheme of deworming in kittens: starting treatment at 3, 5, 8 and 12 weeks of age. Further, if the cat is kept purely at home, prophylactic treatments for helminths can be carried out every 6 months. If the cat has access to the street, catches mice, goes to the country, then drugs against helminths are given every 3 months.

Scheme of deworming puppies: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 16 weeks after birth.

Further, if the dog lives at home and does not walk, you can carry out preventive treatments for helminths every 6 months. If the dog has access to the street, lives in an open-air cage, goes to the country, etc. , then drugs against worms are given every 3 months.

At what age should a pet be castrated?

Optimal time for castration in cats and cats - age 3-6 months, that is, before puberty.

Males should preferably be neutered at the age of 3-6 months, that is, before puberty.

Dogs can be castrated before the first estrus, except for animals with juvenile vaginitis, such animals are shown to be castrated after the first estrus.

The optimal time for castration of rodents, lagomorphs is 4 months old.

Eutonasia (humane euthanasia of a pet)

This procedure is performed in our center ONLY if your pet has medical indications (an incurable disease).

What preparation is required before the procedure under anesthesia

In order for the procedure to be successful, and further postoperative period proceeding well, you need to properly prepare your pet for the procedure under anesthesia (except in cases where emergency assistance is required).

1. In order to minimize stress, it is necessary to agree on the exact date and time of the procedure.

2. Requires a fast diet 6 hours before the procedure. It is also worth removing the water an hour before visiting the clinic.

3 The owner accompanying the operation must be of age and carry a PASSPORT.

4 It is advisable to transport the cat in a special carrier.

5 The dog must be walked before visiting the clinic.

6 Rodents and Lagomorphs DO NOT NEED a starvation diet. You need to take a drinker and a supply of usual food with you

7 Animals over 7 years old need to undergo a preoperative examination (blood, urine and ultrasound of the heart)

8 Animals at risk for heart disease should see a cardiologist

Who should see a cardiologist

1.giant breeds of dogs (Great Danes, Newfoundlands, Central Asian Shepherds, Bordeaux Great Danes),

2.breeds at risk for heart disease (German Shepherds, Doberman Pinscher, Boxer)

All pet owners know about the need to vaccinate animals on time, but not everyone is able to deal with a lot of related questions. What vaccinations, when and why are they needed? How to properly prepare a pet, which vaccine to choose and what do veterinarians recommend in case of complications? It is worth considering in detail the process of vaccinating animals.

Vaccinations for pets: why are they needed?

Each animal has an innate immunity that prevents the development of serious diseases. In addition, from the first days of life, a kitten or puppy is protected by feeding on mother's milk. But with age, the defense weakens, and infections do not sleep - bad ecology, mutating viruses prevent the animal's immunity from maintaining resistance to especially complex and dangerous infectious diseases, such as carnivore plague or paraviral enteritis. Of course, you can count on the fact that, having had such an infection, the pet will acquire lifelong immunity, but the consequences for the body from such diseases are fatal, and often modern dogs or cats simply do not survive.

There is a myth that if a cat is kept in an apartment, and a dog is on a private territory, and does not come into contact with anyone, then they simply have nowhere to pick up the virus, therefore vaccinations are not required. In fact, the virus spreads easily through the air or can even be carried on the soles of the owner's shoes. According to veterinarians, the most frequent clients of clinics are just domestic cats, whose careless owners do not vaccinate them.

In addition, one of the main reasons for compulsory vaccination of animals is that diseases such as rabies, for example, can endanger the life and health of the people around them.

What diseases should a dog be vaccinated against?

The standard set of vaccinations for any dog \u200b\u200bis as follows: against the plague of carnivores, viral hepatitis, enteritis and leptospirosis. Also, rabies vaccination is required for all animals. Often in the cold autumn-spring season, veterinarians recommend vaccinating a dog against parainfluenza.

What vaccinations are given to cats

It is not customary to vaccinate cats in Russia, it is customary to think that if an animal does not represent any breed value, then sores will not stick to ordinary Murkas and Vaska. In fact, infections do not sleep, and it will not be superfluous to vaccinate the cat against panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, chlamydia and calcivirus infection.

Types of vaccines

First of all, vaccines are divided according to the number of viruses they contain:

  • Monovalent.
  • Bivalent.
  • Complex.

From the name it becomes clear that monovalent or bivalent vaccines contain only weakened bacteria of certain diseases, such as rabies, leptospirosis or parainfluenza, and complex ones provide protection from several types of diseases at once, and there is no need to torment the animal with injections several times. More recently, small puppies and kittens were vaccinated only with monovalent drugs, since live bacteria can all at once overcome the baby's fragile immunity, but according to the observations of veterinarians, high-quality modern polyvalent drugs are absolutely harmless, and such vaccinations by animals are perfectly tolerated at a young age.

What bacteria are included in the vaccine

Also, when vaccinating cats and dogs, it is worth understanding the difference between modified drugs (they contain live viruses, only the most weakened, harmless to the immunity of a healthy animal) and inactivated (with killed viruses or their particles, which are absolutely harmless to any organism). It is believed that if the immune system does not fight the live virus, then the protection will not be complete either. therefore inactivated vaccines put either small puppies and kittens, or weakened, elderly, often sick animals.

Dog vaccination schedule

Sometimes people who have just purchased a puppy find it difficult to understand when to bet everything necessary vaccinations for animals and why go to the veterinarian again if the passport states that the puppy has already been vaccinated in the nursery. In fact, the scheme is not that complicated:

  • The first vaccination is given to puppies most often by the breeder at the age of 2 months. It is during this period that the puppy's body is not as vulnerable as in infancy, and at the same time it is dangerous to hesitate, because, firstly, when the change of teeth begins, the immunity becomes vulnerable again, and secondly, at the age of 7-9 weeks, a so-called immune gap forms in the animal's body - the puppy actively eats regular food and is not so protected by the mother's milk as before.
  • Sometimes it is allowed to vaccinate even 4-week-old babies, but only in case of emergency, when there is a real risk of contracting dangerous diseases (for example, an outbreak of a terrible virus was recorded among other animals in the house).
  • Exactly 4 weeks after the first vaccine, the puppy should be re-vaccinated with a completely identical vaccine (revaccination).
  • After another week, dogs are allowed to vaccinate against rabies. Some veterinarians advise you to wait with this vaccine until your teeth change completely. This is also acceptable.
  • With the next vaccination, you need to wait up to a year, and then vaccinate after each dog's birthday.

Dogs over 7 years old (especially large or often sick) veterinarians do not recommend vaccinating every year, if an elderly dog \u200b\u200bdoes not have chronic diseases and good blood tests, then it can be vaccinated once every 3 years, and if the dog cannot boast of strong immunity, then it is complex vaccination should be neglected, limiting itself to vaccination against rabies with the same frequency - once every 3 years. It is only worth choosing proven, veterinarian-recommended drugs that are ready to provide protection against dangerous disease for several years.

Cat vaccination schedule

Cats, like dogs, begin to vaccinate at 8 weeks of age. A standard set of vaccines protects against the following diseases: panleukopenia (popularly known as "feline distemper"), calcivirosis and rhinotracheitis. In recent years, veterinarians have also advised to protect kittens from such a dangerous disease as chlamydia, and for pedigree animals participating in exhibitions, vaccination against leukemia is mandatory. Exactly one month later - at 12 weeks - the kitten needs to be revaccinated similar drugs... Additionally, at three months, kittens that will have access to the street are vaccinated against ringworm. And without exception, all cats at the age of 12 weeks need to be vaccinated against rabies.

In the future, vaccination must be repeated once a year.

Free rabies vaccination in Moscow

Rabies is a terrible disease that is deadly to both humans and animals. When diagnosed with this disease, the animal is almost impossible to save, and in 90% of cases it dies in terrible pain. Since pets are the main carriers of infection in urban settings, the state allocates funds for their vaccination against rabies. In Moscow, animals can be vaccinated against rabies free of charge at the nearest vaccination center. The addresses and opening hours can be found on the website of the Mayor of Moscow in the section "Vaccination" on the page of the "City Veterinary Committee".

What you need to know before vaccinating your animal

After vaccination, puppies and kittens may be lethargic and sleepy for some time, refuse to eat. In the next two weeks, babies should not be bathed and supercooled, and also, while immunity is being developed, they must be protected from communication with other animals. It is more difficult to protect puppies from the effects of the outside world, but you need to try: do not let the dogs communicate, carry them outside in your arms and only for the administration of natural needs.

Things to remember when vaccinating animals

No vaccine will give a 100% guarantee that the animal will not get sick, but you can be sure that the vaccinated animal will carry the disease much easier and without serious consequences for the body, and the risk of getting infected with the vaccine is the least likely.

A pet that appears in an apartment imposes a number of responsibilities on its owners, which include protection, care, proper feeding and, most importantly, taking care of the health of the cat or dog. It is especially important to ensure that the animal does not contract one of the many dangerous infectious diseases.

Vaccination for animals is the only way to avoid diseases that kill hundreds and thousands of kittens and puppies every year. Among them, there are diseases that are dangerous to people, and the most terrible among them is rabies. It is impossible to recover from it, which is why vaccination of animals has become the most important measure for caring for a pet today.

There is an opinion that an animal that lives in an apartment and does not take a walk on the street cannot "pick up" an infection or become infected with fleas and worms. However, your pet often eats raw food, and many pathogens get from the street on clothes and shoes, therefore, the sooner it is vaccinated, the longer it will delight you with its antics.

Diseases requiring vaccine prevention.

First of all, you need to understand what diseases you need to vaccinate. Dogs need vaccinations against the following pathogens:

- plague of carnivores,

- parvovirus enteritis,

- coronavirus infectious enteritis,

- parainfluenza,

- infectious hepatitis,

- leptospirosis,

- rabies.

Cats need to be vaccinated against diseases such as:

- panleukopenia (feline distemper),

- rhinotracheitis,

- calicivirus,

- chlamydia,

- rabies.

Among the vaccines used in the prevention of diseases of these domestic animals, a distinction is made between monovalent ones - with their help, animals are vaccinated against a certain disease (for example, rabies) and polyvalent (complex action) - such a vaccine includes a number of weakened and sometimes inactivated pathogens (or products of their vital activity) such diseases as plague, enteritis, hepatitis, etc.

Vaccination for animals in Moscow.

Veterinarians used to advise vaccinating kittens and puppies with monovalent vaccines - they were considered the safest. Among modern multivalent vaccines, there are very few of those that can cause complications: they all guarantee persistent (or more precisely, tense) immunity in your pets, and are easily tolerated by animals.

The first vaccination is given to a puppy at the age of 8-9 weeks, to a kitten at the age of 9-12 weeks, since it is at the end of these periods that the period of action of the immunity of the animal received with breast milk ends. Four weeks later, the pets are re-vaccinated using the same vaccine.

A week after revaccination, the pet is vaccinated against rabies. You can make it to your baby even after the change of teeth, which occurs at the age of 6-8 months. Your pet should be vaccinated annually for its entire life.

Most infectious diseases have a latent (latent) period during which the main symptoms of the disease do not appear. However, if you look closely, you can see signs of the disease - this is evidenced by the presence of discharge from the eyes and nose, lethargy of the pet and its disturbed stool.

During the first two weeks after vaccination, puppies and kittens are not recommended to wash, walk for a long time, leave them in damp, cold rooms, and also allow them to come into contact with adult animals. It is during this period that they develop immunity to infectious diseases.

Vaccination of pets in Moscow.

If you need vaccination of pets in Moscow, please contact our clinic "On Begovaya". Experienced veterinarians will help you in a timely and competent manner to protect your pet from infections, and throughout the life of the animal will track changes in its health.

Decoding of the Latin characters of the name of the vaccines:

D - for dogs against plague
H - for dogs against viral hepatitis
P - for dogs against parvovirus enteritis
Pi - for dogs against parainfluenza
L - for dogs against leptospirosis
R - for dogs and cats against rabies
TRICAT - for cats against viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus infection and panleukopenia

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