Is it possible to give ampicillin children in tablets. Ampicillin in infectious diseases in children ampicillin children in tablets dosage for children

Ampicillin preparation is a semi-synthetic antibiotic wide spectrum actions.

The active ingredient - ampicillin, refers to pharmacological group penjscilines.

Ampicillin has bactericidal and antibacterial actions.

Application of ampicillin

Ampicillin is used to treat inflammatory and infectious diseases:

  • EHA infections (otitis)
  • Horn infections (angina, pharyngitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia)
  • Bronchi and lung infections
  • Urinary tract infections (acute and chronic)
  • Gynecological infections (chlamydia, inflammation of appendages)
  • Infection digestive system (Salmonellosis, Dieseneria, Poklush, Abdominal Tiff)
  • Meningitis
  • Sepsis
  • Septicemia
  • Scarlet fever
  • Skin infections
  • (as part of comprehensive treatment)
  • Prevention of complications after surgery in the field of chest and abdominal cavities

Contraindications for use

  • Lympholoikosis
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug
  • Liver failure
  • Infectious monocucleosis

Ampicillin instruction for children

Ampicillin is prescribed to children and adults. For children, the use of the drug is possible after four weeks of life. But not earlier, because ampicillin can negatively affect the development of hearing organs. Ampicillin children are better to use for intramuscular administration, after half a year it is allowed to give ampicillin children in the form of a suspension and powder.

Correctly calculate the dosage of the drug can only the doctor, based on the severity of the child's disease, the weight of the baby, and the causes of the disease. When treating it is very important to give a child to drink a lot of fluid. Typically, children with severe infections are prescribed from 50 to 100mg per kg of body weight per day for several receptions. If the child's mass exceeds 20kg, then the dosage is equivalent to adult, that is, from 250 to 500mg for 4 receptions per day. As a rule, the duration of treatment is 1-2 weeks.

Despite the regular appearance of new antibacterial drugs, many drugs remain still in demand and popular. Ampicillin refers to the group of penicillins, synthesized in the middle of the last century, but continues to be used in LOR-Practice. It has a lot of advantages that make medicine in demand from doctors and patients. Consider the spheres of ampicillin activity, properties and instructions for use.

Therapeutic component has the same name as the drug - ampicillin. Ampicillina trihydrate enters all dosage forms:

  1. Tablets - 250, 500 mg. May be in cells or plastic bottles. In a cardboard box with instructions.
  2. Capsules. 250 mg, 500 mg. Plastic bottle or blisters in a pack of cardboard with instructions.
  3. Glass bottles with powder for injection. 0.25,, 1, 2 grams. Packed in boxes with instructions. The kit may present the ampoules with water.
  4. Powder for suspension. 125, 250 milligrams. For 5 milliliters of the finished drug. Also performed ready to use suspension in dark bottles of 60 milliliters.

The drug is also available for parenteral use with the name of ampicillin + sulbactam. In this medicine, the effect of the antibiotic is enhanced by a beta-lactamase inhibitor, which increases the efficiency of ampicillin against sustainable bacteria strains. It is produced in 5-10 milliliters, packed in different numbers in the box with instructions.

Pharmacological action of the drug

The drug is an antibiotic, refers to the penicillin row. Has a pronounced bactericidal effect on large group pathogens, which makes ampicillin with a wide spectrum.

The active substance prevents the synthesis of membranes in microscubudents, the cells of the bacteria lose protective properties and die. According to the instructions, the areas of activity of the drug are as follows:

  • gram-positive, including streptococci, staphylococci;
  • gram-negative - Salmonella, Schigella, Gonorrhea, Meningokok, others.

Practically not destroyed and does not lose properties in an acidic environment digestive tractWhat is a big plus, because most patients prefer pills, not injections.

Note that the active substance is amenable to penicillinase.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of the drug

For any method of administration, the drug is quickly and effectively distributed over all organs and liquids. Located in all tissues in an amount that is therapeutic, that is, sufficient to provide therapeutic action.

Ampicillin also penetrates breast milk, which makes it impossible to treatment during lactation.

The instruction reports that after 2 hours the concentration of the drug in the blood reaches the maximum. The disadvantage of the medicine is low bioavailability - less than 40%. I.e most of Ampicillin is simply excreted from the body without having arapeutic action.

Help: For the treatment of ENT diseases, it is important that high doses of ampicillin are present in saliva, the secrecy of the nasal sinuses and the middle ear.

Metabolism occurs in the liver. Almost 70% of the drug leave the body with urine, also some percentage comes out with breast milk, this means that when breastfeeding, the medicine should not be taken.

What is the drug

Consider what medicine helps. Due to the fact that ampicillin is very evenly distributed in biological fluids and organs, its sphere of efficiency is very large. The medicine is used for therapy of the following pathologies of ENT organs:

  • otitis;
  • infections of the rotogling - tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis;
  • inflammation of the nose and the apparent sinuses - rhinitis, sinusitis (including sinusitis).

The medicine is also prescribed when respiratory infections - colds.

Among the pathologies of other bodies, the instruction leads the following testimony:

  • infections of the lower respiratory tract, including pneumonia;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • meningitis;
  • ryg;
  • salmonellosis, dysentery.

With the help of ampicillin, according to the instructions, a large number of bacterial infections are treated, which react to penicillins, including sepsis, rheumatism.

Instructions for the use of ampicillin

The choice of effective dose and methods of use of the drug are selected individually. Official instruction Describes methods for treating infection depending on localization. Consider the use of ampicillin in LOR-Practice.


Depending on the nature of the infection, the age and weight of the patient, the dose can be 250-500 milligrams per 1 reception. On a day you can get 1-3 grams of means, maximum - 4 grams. Drinking tablets are necessary with a large amount of clean water.

Take the medicine for adults, according to the instructions, follows 4 times.


Since dosage active substance The capsule is the same as in tablets, treatment schemes, according to the instructions, coincide. For oral forms, the course is from week to 3.


Instruction admits two ways parenteral application - intravenous, intramuscularly:

  1. Intramuscularly On the powder bottle - 2 millilita of novocaine, lidocaine or water. Enter 4-6 times, duration - 1-2 weeks. Pricking the drug follows every 4-6 hours.
  2. Intravenous. A dose of up to 2 grams is divorced by 5-10 milliliters of water, the introduction of slow (3-5 minutes). If you need to use more than 2 grams, medicine is introduced, according to the instructions, drip. For breeding, water is used (by 2 grams of ampicillin 7.5 milliliters). Supplement with a solution in a dropper glucose or sodium chloride (125-250 milliliters), feed - 60-80 drops per minute. Treatment - no more than a week.

With intravenous administrations, you can translate the patient to injections.

Suspension is used to treat children, we will tell about the use below.

Application in pregnancy and breastfeeding

There is no strict ban on the use of pregnant women. According to the instructions, the question is solved individually by the doctor. Ampicillin can penetrate into breast milk, so lactation, if necessary, suspend.

Ampicillin for children

The instruction allows the use of drugs to children of any age, including newborns.

The best form of ampicillin for children is a suspension. To prepare a solution, water is injected into the bottle with a medicine to the marked mark and shake to complete dissolution. A measured spoon (5 milliliters capacity) will help choose the necessary dose to receive.

Suspension has different dosageThis should be considered when making a solution for children. A measured spoon allows you to measure 2.5 and 5 milliliters, as it has division.

The suspension contains sugar and taste additives that make the medicine similar to taste on syrup.

Selection of dosages:

  • up to a year - 100 milligrams per kilogram weight per day;
  • 1-4 years - 100/150 milligrams;
  • over 4 years old - 1-2 grams per day.

Reception mode - 4-6 times a day in equal amounts.

Can children give pills? If the child is ready to take them, the dose is chosen at the rate of 12.5-25 milligrams per kilogram of weight per day, if the body has less than 20 kilograms. With a weight of more than 20 kilograms per day, 50-100 milligrams per kilogram should be obtained. This amount of the medication instruction offers to divide into 4 receptions.

The parenteral method of administration, according to the instructions, is used in severe infections, including children up to the year. Dosages are selected 25-50 milligrams / kilograms of mass for one administration.

Intravenous administration is performed drip. Ampicillin, according to the instructions, are divorced by glucose (5-10%) in the amount of 30-50 milliliters.

Notice: ampicillin takes between meals - 1-2 hours before or after meals.

Use with violation of the liver or kidney function

According to the instructions, parenteral administration is not used in liver dysfunctions.

Patients with kidney impairment requires control of creatinine clearance and selection of dosages, taking into account its change.

In renal failure, the negative effects of high doses of ampicillin on the activities of the CNS are possible.

Consequences overdose

High dosage can provoke the disorder of the nervous system, intoxication, convulsions.

It is necessary to rinse the stomach, take sorbents. With different disorders use symptomatic therapy. Remove the preparation from the blood can be hemodialysis.

Side effects

When applying ampicillin possible side effectscharacteristic of many antibiotics:

  • rash, itching on the skin;
  • swelling quinque;
  • dyspeptic disorders, dysbacteriosis, colitis;
  • anemia, leukopenia.

It is possible to attach fungal infections, sometimes candidiasis develops of different location (vagina, oral cavity).


All types of drug, according to the instructions, are prohibited for the use of patients having intolerance of any antibiotics beta-lactam group, including penicillins. Parenteral use is also limited to patients with liver problems.

special instructions

In weakened patients, superinfection can develop with impaired immunity. It is necessary to control the condition of patients with kidney pathologies and liver to prevent influence on the CNS.

Interactions with other drugs and alcohol

The following mutual influences of ampicillin and other drugs were revealed:

  1. Sulbactam provides better suction and protects against destruction.
  2. Enhances the effect of bactericidal antibiotics (aminoglycosides, cephalosporins, others), reduces the effect of bacteriostatic (macrolides, tetracyclines, others).
  3. The content of medication in the blood increases when taking the NSAID, diuretics.
  4. Suction worsens in the treatment of aminoglycosides, antacids, reception of laxatives. Absorption gain causes acetylsalicylic acid.

Ampicillin knows the action of oral contraceptives.

It is required to exclude alcohol consumption.

Terms of sale

Recipe vacation.

Terms and conditions of storage

All types of drugs of the Ampicillin group are stored, according to the instructions, 3 years. The optimal temperature is not more than 20 °. Preparations must be located in places inaccessible for children, away from sunlight.

Divorced suspension must be used for 8 days, it is possible to keep the finished agent at room temperature. Injection solutions need to be administered immediately, according to the instructions, they are not subject to storage.

Analogs of ampicillin

Preparations that are analogues of ampicillin:

  1. Ampiox. It also contains an additional antibiotic oxacillin. Produced in tablets and in the form of injection powder.
  2. Hikcotil. The suspension is designed for children for adults - capsules. Accurate analog of ampicillin.
  3. Amoxicar. Used in LOR-Practice, including children.
  4. Oxep. The combined means also contains oxacillin.
  5. . Dispersible pills.
  6. Hikcotil. Produced in the form of suspension and capsules.

The preparation of the same group is amoxicillin, which has a different active substance, is distinguished by greater bioavailability and can replace ampicillin.

A new generation of antibiotics for the treatment of diseases of the ENT organs often like more patients, since it does not require frequent use. Otolaryngologists are often prescribed azithromycin, which is used once a day by a very short course.

Despite the change of generations in all groups of antibacterial drugs, ampicillin remains a reliable means of treating inflammation of ENT organs. With a strict following the recommended course, it does not give side effects and helps to cure the complex infections of the ear, throat and nose.

Ampicillin is an antibiotic of a wide range of action. Refers to semi-synthetic penicillins. It has activity against a large spectrum of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and microorganisms. Produced in two dosage formsFor intake in the form of capsules and tablets and for intramuscular injections.

Antibiotic ampicillin instructions for use recommends using only the prescription of the doctor. Independent treatment This preparation can lead to resistant and kidneys. Also, with an incorrectly selected dosage, you can work out resistant to penicillins of the causative agents. In this case, further treatment of inflammatory disease will be extremely difficult.

On pharmaceutical counters, it is represented as ampicillin in pure form and various salt mixtures in the form of ampicillin trihydrate or ampicillin sodium salt. The choice of form Introduction and the composition of this antibiotic should always remain behind the doctor. For intramuscular administration, the optimal option is an ampicillin sodium salt. This is a crystalline powder packed in the number of one-time dose into a separate bottle. It is well soluble in water for injection. To reduce pain syndrome before injection, you can dilute with 25% novocaine solution.

Ampicilline trihydrate is used to intake in tablets and capsules. This is a resistant gastric juice form of an antibiotic ensures a sufficient concentration in the blood of the active substance. Ampicillin in pure form for intake can be recommended in gelatin capsules, which dissolve only in the small intestine.

Ampicillina trihydrate most frequently appointed nosological form of this antibiotic. In essence, it is a small crystalline powder that gets into the gastrointestinal tract is absorbed into the blood. As shown clinical researchesThe human blood from the gastrointestinal tract is absorbed not more than 30% of the adopted dose. Rest active substance Disintegrates under the influence of gastric juice and intestinal enzymes. After taking the tablet, the maximum level of concentration in the blood plasma is reached after 2 hours. Efficiency is supported for 6 hours from the date of reception.

Ampicillin trihydrate, as well as ampicillin sodium salt refers to the group of killers' antibiotics. It does not have a deterrent, and purposefully works in relation to the violation of protein synthesis in the cells of pathogenic bacteria. This causes the rapid death of the causative agent.

This antibiotic is effective in respect of almost all known microorganisms. In particular, the ampicillin does not have the sustainability of the gococcal, pneumococci, escherichi, staphylococci, streptococci, pale spirochet, gardenell, and many other microorganisms. Does not have an impact on enterobacteria, klebselya, proteobacteria.

For a rapid effect in severe cases, treatment should be started with the introduction of intramuscularly ampicillin sodium salt. After stabilizing the state of the patient and reduce the critical temperature of the body therapy, the tableted form of ampicillin trihydrate continues.

Where finds ampicillin application

In therapeutic purposes, ampicillin application finds at various inflammatory and infectious diseases. This drug is widely used in the treatment of angins and pharyngitis, otites and sinusites, bronchitis and not complicated.

Also, the use of ampicillin is justified at:

  • comprehensive therapy of syphilis and gonorrhea;
  • to prevent complications in postoperative period After interventions in the chest and abdominal cavity;
  • at complex treatment peptic disease Stomach I. duodenal gut in combination with trichopol or metronidazole;
  • chlamydia, including women;
  • inflammatory diseases Kidney I. urinary tract, including cystitis, urethritis and pyelonephors;
  • with inflammation of the appendages, SalpingoForit;
  • in the treatment of salmonellosis, dysentery, typhoid typhoid, cough.

Recently, ampicillin finds active application For preventive therapy of rheumatism and rheumatoid lesions of the articular tissue and muscle fibers of the heart muscle. Can also be applied in the treatment various shapes meningitis, endocardits and periatritis of rheumatoid nature.

When ampicillin injections are prescribed

An ampicillin antibiotic in injections is prescribed with a serious condition of the patient in the event of a absorption disorder from the gastrointestinal tract, with the lesions of the digestive organs. In particular, during salmonellosis and dysentery, treatment should be started exclusively from the intramuscular administration of ampicillin in injections. Otherwise, there is the possibility of a complete yield of an antibiotic in an unchanged form with rifling masses and a liquid chair. This is due to an increase in intestinal peristaltics, irritated by infectious pathogens.

In case of critically high temperatures The bodies of the patient with inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, meningitis or endocarditis, after injection, actively monitor the patient. Against the background of the mass death of bacteria, the general condition may deteriorate due to the strong intoxication of decay products after the death of pathogens.

Usually, the condition is normalized after 2-3 days from the beginning of intensive therapy with ampicillin. But to achieve a positive result of treatment, the course of injections should be continued for at least 7 days. The optimal term for intramuscular use of ampicillin in injections is 10 days. If necessary, in the future you can continue therapy in the form of tablets. However, there is a decrease in the effectiveness of therapeutic effects depending on the terms of use. Therefore, if necessary, long antibacterial therapy Ampicillin should be replaced by another antibiotic after a 10-day injection course.

How to use ampicillin in tablets

Ampicillin in tablets can be used at home with light shapes of angine, tracheites, bronchitis and cystite. In this case, it is appointed in the therapeutic dose and does not require additional security measures for the patient's life.

If within 3 days after the start of receiving an ampicillin in the tablets of improving the patient's condition is not observed, then the drug should be canceled and consult a doctor to adjust the treatment regimen.

It should be remembered that ampicillin cannot be taken simultaneously with sulfonamides, such as Biseptol 480. These two drugs are completely blocked therapeutic action each other.

From what age you can give ampicillin children

Ampicillin children can be prescribed from 1 month of life. Prior to this period, the antibiotic can have a negative impact on the development of hearing agencies. Subsequently, it provokes hearing loss. AT breast preferably intramuscular administration drug. After reaching the age of 6 months, specially prepared suspensions and ampicillin powder can be given.

The dosage is calculated by the attending physician depending on the severity of the baby, its weight and the type of causative agent of the disease. During treatment, you should increase the drinking mode and ensure timely diuresis.

Ampicillin during pregnancy and lactation

Ampicillin during pregnancy is allowed to use, but with a thorough assessment of risk factors. In principle, this antibiotic is the most secure for the fetus and allows you to effectively treat genital and urological. It can also be used for therapy of respiratory diseases, angin, gastritis.

During breastfeeding, ampicillin is categorically prohibited. Its active substance easily penetrates breast milk and can provoke poisoning from a newborn. The most common complication in children after taking ampicillin nursing mothers - disorder of the functions of the digestive system and the formation of persistent dysbacteriosis.

In case of bacterial infections, it is important to pick up effective treatmentwhich will destroy the microbes and will help to recover faster. Among the first among antibacterial agents Began to use penicillin antibiotics. Ampping ampicillin is still popular among them. When is it prescribed to children and how to give this drug in childhood?

Form release

Ampicillin produce:

  1. In tablets,the content of the active substance in which is 250 mg. Such white flat tablets are sold in packs of 10 or 20 pieces.
  2. In powder or granules from which the suspension is preparing. This form of ampicillin falls asleep into glass bottles. One package contains 40 g of white or yellowish granules, and after dilution with water, 100 ml of suspension is formed. The content of the active substance in 5 ml of the finished syrup is 250 mg. Also produce a drug with an ampicillin concentration of 125 mg per 5 milliliters of suspension.
  3. In powder that is intended for intramuscular either intravenous administration drug. It is packaged in glass bottles, which often attached ampoules with solvent. One packaging of such a white injection powder contains from 1 to 10 bottles, and the active substance in one bottle can be in an amount of 250, 500, 1000 or 2000 mg.


  • Ampicillin trihydrate ampicillin trihydrate is active. Additionally, magnesium or calcium stearate, starch and talc are present in the tablet form of the medication.
  • Granules from which ampicillin suspension is preparing, also contain an active ingredient in the form of trihydrate. Sodium benzoate, PvP, guar gum, flavors, sucrose, simeticone, vanillin, sodium sacharind and other connections may be present in this form of the antibiotic.
  • The powder intended for injections, in addition to ampicillin in the form of a sodium salt of other ingredients does not contain.

Operating principle

The medicine refers to the semi-synthetic antibacterial drugs of the penicillin group.It does not destroy after entering the stomach, and it is very well absorbed. The range of action of the drug is wide, because ampicillin exhibits bactericidal activity against such pathogens:

  • Staphylococcus (except penicillinist species).
  • Salmonella.
  • Klostridia.
  • Gonokokk.
  • Proteus.
  • Streptococcus.
  • Cocktle stick.
  • Escherichia.
  • Pneumocq.
  • Enterococcus.
  • Hemophilic stick.
  • Shigella.
  • Meningokok.
  • Bacillus of Siberian ulcers.
  • Listeria.
  • Jersinia and others.

The medicine affects the processes of the formation of cell walls in bacteria, as a result of which the cells of the causative agent are destroyed. Ampicillin may not act on many Klebsiella, all pseudomonads, some strains of the proto and enterobacter.


Ampicillin is widely used with different infections, Among which diseases of the urinary organs, respiratory tract and digestive bodies. He is written out:

  • With angina, sinusitis, otitis, pharyngitis and other LOR infections.
  • With intestinal infections.
  • In the face and other inflammatory skin diseases caused by bacteria.
  • With meningitis.
  • With urethritis, jade and other bacterial diseases of the urinary tract.
  • With bronchitis, abscess in light or pneumonia.
  • With cough (infection flowing with a strong cough).
  • With gonorly.
  • With cholecystitis or cholangitis.
  • With peritonitis.
  • With osteomyelitis, purulent arthritis, mositic or bursite.
  • During sepsis.

How old are allowed to take?

The treatment of ampicillin children is possible from 4 weeks of life, That is, newborns do not use such medicine. If a child has already been fulfilled a month, then he is allowed to treat it as an ampicillin.


The use of ampicillin is prohibited in the intolerance to Penicillin. Also, this antibiotic is not assigned:

  • With infectious mononucleosis.
  • With liver failure.
  • In pathologies of the digestive tract, provoked by antibiotic therapy.
  • With lympholoicosis.

The tool is used very carefully if the kidney work is broken, Polynomia has been identified in a child or have bronchial asthma. Also with the treatment of ampicillin should be more attentive if in the past the small patient had bleeding.

Side effects

The use of ampicillin can cause allergies whose manifestations are erythema, dermatitis, rash, swelling, strong itching and other symptoms. The medicine often provokes dyspepsia, and if the child is weakened, it can lead to candidiasis. During the treatment of ampicillin (especially if the medication is given in a high dose), there are also such side effects from this medication:

  • Tremor.
  • Headaches.
  • Anemia.
  • Reduced platelet levels.
  • Leukopenia (mainly due to neutrophils, sometimes to complete agranulocytosis).
  • Cramps.

Instructions for use and dosage

  • Since ampicillin destroys not all pathogens (there are types of bacteria resistant to such medicine), before treatment, it is recommended to determine the sensitivity to this antibiotic. At the same time, treatment can be started simultaneously with the surrender analysis on sensitivity, and when the result is obtained, the therapy is adjusted if necessary.
  • To know how to calculate the dose of ampicillin, you need to weigh the child and take into account age, because the right amount of drug for a child at 4 or 9 years will be different.The daily dosage for children is from 50 to 100 mg of ampicillin per kilogram of the baby weight. If the mass of the crookh body is less than 20 kilograms, then the daily dose will be from 12.5 to 25 mg of the active substance of the antibiotic per 1 kg of weight of the Karapus.
  • The mode and method of use of ampicillin defines a doctor, Since it is important to consider the localization of inflammation and gravity of infection. The calculated daily dose can be divided into 3-6 receptions.
  • The duration of therapy is also installed individually. When the symptoms of the disease disappear, the treatment of ampicillin should be continued for another 2-3 days.
  • Ampicillin tablets give swallow and drink water, And their reception does not depend on food eating.
  • To prepare an ampicillin suspension from a granular shape, water is added to the vial to risks, and then the medicine is shaken. The drug dose with a measurable spoon and give a child before meals, offering to wash the volume of water.
  • If the ampicillin is required to prick, then the solution is prepared before injection, pouring a sterile solvent into the bottle filled with powder (usually bred with water, but you can also mix with novocaina). Then the drug is gained into the syringe and perform intramuscular injection Or introduced medicine intravenously depending on the prescription of the doctor.
  • Lor doctors often discharge complex drops, which include ampicillin.Such drops in the nose also include a vasoconstrictor component and hormonal. They are used for purulent rheores and adenoy.
  • With angina children over 5 years old, irrigation of the throat of ampicillin can be appointed. For such a rinse, the sterile antibiotic powder is dissolved with boiled water, and the procedure itself is carried out twice a day.


If ampicillin falls in children's organism in too high dosage, it will have a toxic impact on nervous system Child, especially if he has problems with the function of the kidneys. The overdose of the medication will manifest itself with vomiting, a strong nausea and liquid chair. With such signs it is important to rinse the stomach, give laxative and sorbents, as well as restore the electrolyte and water balance. In severe cases, speeding up the body of a small patient from ampicillin will help hemodialysis.

Interaction with other drugs

  • Ampicillin has the ability to strengthen the effect of anticoagular drugs taken inside.
  • Also, this antibiotic is synergistic (enhances therapeutic effect) with other bactericidal antibacterial drugs, for example, with rifampicin, cephalosporins or aminoglycosidic antibiotics.
  • In relation to bacteriostatic antibiotics (tetracycles, macrolides, sulfonilamides, lingcoosamides and others), ampicillin behaves like an antagonist.
  • If you give ampicillin and allopurinol, the risk of rash appears on the skin increases.
  • The concentration of ampicillin in the blood will be elevated if on the background of treatment with such a drug to give a child diuretics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or means lowering the channel secretion.

Terms of sale

To buy such an antibiotic in the pharmacy requires a recipe from the doctor. The price of twenty ampicillin tablets ranges from 25 to 50 rubles, and the cost of 10 bottles injection form The drug is about 160 rubles.

Storage conditions and shelf life

To keep tablets, powder and ampicillin granules should be away from moisture at room temperature. To the place where the drug is stored, there should be no easy access in young children. The shelf life of the tablet forms and powder for injections is 2 years, the granules for the preparation of the suspension - 3 years.

Ampicillin-acos powder for the preparation of suspension for intake
Manufacturer: Synthesis Kurgan

Instructions for medical application Preparation:
Ampicillin-acos powder for the preparation of suspension for intake

Pharmacotherapeutic Group:
Antibiotic, penicillin semi-synthetic

Conditions of vacation from pharmacies
According to the doctor's prescription.

Group II - Medications For the preparation of suspensions for children in monocoa bags "Sasha"

Product Description, Instructions.

Registration number:
000068/01 dated July 15, 2005


International UnPatented Name:

Chemical name:
] -6 - [(aminophenylacetyl) amino] -3,3-dimethyl-7-oxo-4-TIA-1-Azabicycloheptane-2-carboxylic acid.

Dosage form: Powder for the preparation of suspension for intake

The composition of the drug
Active substance: ampicillin - 125 mg, 250 mg, 500 mg or 5 g.
Auxiliary substances: polyvinylpyrrolidone, sodium a-glutamic acid sour 1-aqueous, sodium phosphate Double-sufficient or diodrium phosphate dehydrated, salt diodrium ethylenediamine-n, n, n ", n" - tetraacetic acid 2-water (trilon b), glucose, vanillin, Essence aromatic food (raspberry), raffin sugar or sugar refinery.

Description: Powder white color With a yellowish tint, with a specific smell. The finished suspension is a white suspension with a yellowish tint.

ATX code: j01ca01

Pharmacological properties
Antibacterial bactericidal agent of a wide range of action from a group of semi-synthetic penicillins, obtained by asilithilization of 6-aminopenicillane acid residue of aminophenyluxus acid, acid resistant. Inhibits peptideoglycan polymerase and transpapeptide, prevents the formation of peptide bonds and violates the later stages of the synthesis of the cell wall of the dividing microorganism, which leads to a decrease in osmotic stable bacterial cell And it causes her lysis.
Active against gram-positive (alpha and beta hemolytic Streptococci. Streptococcus Pneumoniae, Staphylococcus SPP., Bacillus Anthracis, Clostridium SPP., Most Enterococci, incl. Enterococcus Faecalis) and Gram-negative (Haemophilus Influenzae, Neisseria Meningitidis, Proteus Mirabilis, Pasteurella Multocida Many species of Salmonella SPP., Shigella SPP., Escherichia coli) Microorganisms, aerobic non-forming bacteria (Listeria SPP.).
It is ineffective with respect to the penicillin-producing strains of Staphylococcus SPP., All Pseudomonas Aeruginosa strains, most of the strains of Klebsiella SPP. and Enterobacter SPP.

Absorption after receiving inside - fast, high, bioavailability -40%; the time to achieve maximum concentration when oral reception 500 mg - 2 h, the maximum concentration is 3-4 ng / ml. Communication with plasma proteins - 20%.
It is evenly distributed in the organism organs and tissues, it is found in therapeutic concentrations in the pleural, peritoneal, amniotic and synovial fluids, liquor, the contents of blisters, urine (high concentrations), intestinal mucosa, bones, bile bubble, lungs, fabrics of female genital organs, bile, in the bronchial secrete (in the purulent bronchial secrete accumulation of weak), putty sinuses Nose, medium ear liquid, saliva, fetal fabrics. Poor penetrates through the hemato-encephalic barrier (permeability increases with inflammation).
Excreted mainly by the kidneys (70-80%), and very high concentrations of unchanged antibiotic are created in the urine; Partly with biliary, in nursing mothers - with milk. Does not cumulative. Removed during hemodialysis.

Indications for use
Bacterial infections caused by sensitive microflora: respiratory tract and ENT organs (sinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, middle Otitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, light abscess), kidney infection and urinary tract (pyelonephritis, pylitis, cystitis, urethritis), biliario system infections (cholecitis, cholecystitis), gonorrhea, chlamydial infections In pregnant women (with erythromycin intolerance), cervicitis, skin infections and soft tissues: Ryg, impetigo, secondaryly infected dermatoses; infection of the musculoskeletal system; Pastellosis, lesteriosis, infections of the gastrointestinal tract (abdominal typhoid and paratif, dysenecia, salmonellosis, salmonesellosis, peritonitis), endocarditis; (Prevention and treatment), meningitis, bacterial septicemia.

Hypersensitivity (including to dr. Penicillins, cephalosporins, carbapenes), infectious mononucleosis, lympholoikosis, liver failure, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in history (especially colitis associated with the use of antibiotics), lactation period, childhood (up to 1 month).
With caution - bronchial asthma, hay fever, etc. allergic diseases, renal failure, kneading in history, pregnancy.

Method of application and dose
Inside, adults - 0.25 g 4 times a day for 0.5-1 hours before meals with a small amount of water; If necessary, the dose increases to 3 g / day.
Infections of the gastrointestinal tract and organs gOOD SYSTEM: 0.5 g 4 times a day.
With a gonoxoconutrite - inward 3.5 g once.
With a non-heavy course of infections in children, a preferably reception in the form of a suspension.
Children are prescribed depending on age. The daily dose is divided by 4-6 receptions.

Age of daily dose
Children over 1 month 150 mg / kg body weight
up to 1 year 100 mg / kg body weight
from 1 year to 4 years 100 - 150 mg / kg body weight
Older 4 years 1 - 2 g per day

The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease (from 5-10 days to 2-3 weeks, and in chronic processes - for several months).
Preparation of suspension.
SingoNo Package:
The pure cup pours boiled, cooled water (see table), then the contents of one package are poured and stirred until a homogeneous suspension is reached.

Dose in the package in milligrams The amount of water in the millitrium required to dissolve the dose
125 2.5
250 5
500 10

After receiving the cup, rinse with water, dry and store in a dry and clean place.
Floacon or Bank:
In the vial or a jar containing 5g active substances, 62 ml of boiled and cooled water or distilled water is added. 1ml of the finished suspension contains 50mg ampicillin. Suspension beglings before use. Dosing a suspension with a double-sided spoon: a large spoon contains 5ml (0.25 g), small - 2.5 ml (0.125g) or a spoon having two tags: the bottom corresponds to 2.5 ml (0.125g) and the top - 5ml (0.25 g).

Side effect
Allergic reactions: Possible - peeling of the skin, itching, urticaria, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, swelling, rarely - fever, arthralgia, eosinophilic, erythematous and maculopapulous rash, exfoliative dermatitis, multiform exudative erythema, incl. Syndrome of Stevens-Johnson, reactions similar to serum disease, in isolated cases - anaphylactic shock.
From the digestive system: dysbacteriosis, stomatitis, gastritis, dry mouth, change in taste, pain in the abdomen, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, stomatitis, glossite, violation of the liver function, moderate increase in the level of "liver" transaminases, pseudomambranous enterocolitis.
On the part of the central nervous system: an assets or aggressiveness, anxiety, confusion, a change in behavior, depression, convulsions (with high dose therapy).
Laboratory indicators: leukopenia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, anemia.
Others: interstitial jade, nephropathy, superinfection (especially in patients with chronic diseases or reduced organism resistance), candidiasis of the vagina.

Symptoms: manifestations of toxic action to the central nervous system (especially in patients with renal failure); Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, impaired water and electrolyte balance (as a result of vomiting and diarrhea). Treatment: stomach wash, activated carbon, salt laxatives, preparations for maintaining water-electrolyte balance and symptomatic. Exit with hemodialysis.

Interaction with other medicines
Antacids, glucosamine, laxatives, food slow down and reduce absorption; vitamin C Increases absorption.
Bactericidal antibiotics (including aminoglycosides, cephalosporins, cycloserine, vancomycin, rifampicin) - synergistic effect; Bacteriostatic preparations (macrolides, chloramphenicol, lincoosamides, tetracycles, sulfonamides) - antagonistic.
Increases efficiency indirect anticoagulantov (suppressing the intestinal microflora, reduces the synthesis of vitamin K and the prothrombin index); Reduces the effectiveness of estrogen-containing oral contraceptives (additional methods of contraception should be used), drugs, in the process of metabolism of which a para-aminobenzoic acid is formed, ethinyl estradiol (in the latter case, the risk of developing "breakthrough" bleeding increases).
Diuretics, allopurinol, oxyphenbutayone, phenylbutazone, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; Preparations that block the channel secretion increase the concentration (by reducing the channel secretion).
Allopurinol increases the risk of skin rash.
Reduces clearance and increases the toxicity of methotrexate.
Enhances the absorption of digoxin.

Special instructions
During course treatment, it is necessary to monitor the state of the function of the blood formation organs, liver and kidneys.
It is possible to develop superinfection due to the growth of microflora insensitive to it, which requires an appropriate change in antibacterial therapy.
In the treatment of patients with bacteremia (sepsis), the reaction of bacteriolization is possible (Yarish-Gersheimer's reaction).
In patients having increased sensitivity to penicillins, crosst allergic reactions with cephalosporin antibiotics.
For treatment easy diarrhea against the backdrop of course treatment should be avoided by antidiaric drugs that reduce the intestinal peristalsis; Can be used kaolin- or attapulgite-containing anti-diagracial agents.
Treatment must be continued for another 48-72 hours after disappearances clinical signs Diseases.
With the simultaneous use of estrogen-containing oral contraceptives and amoxicillin, other or additional methods of contraception should be used as possible.

Form release
Powder for the preparation of suspension for reception inside 250mg / 5ml; Powder for preparing a suspension for intake of 125 mg, 250 mg and 500 mg.
60 g of powder (5 g of active substance) into jars from glass mass or in polyethylene bottles.

1.5 g, 3 g or 6 g (125 mg, 250 mg or 500 mg of active substance, respectively) powder in single-bar packets. 40 packets of 125 mg, 20 packets of 250 mg or 10 packages of 500 mg with a cup (or without a cup) and instructions for use are placed in a pack of cardboard.

Storage conditions
List B. in a dry, light-protected place at room temperature. An aqueous suspension is stored in a refrigerator or at room temperature not more than 8 days. Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life
2 years. Do not use the drug after the expiration date.

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