What is characterized by adenovirus infection in a child? Adenoviral infection symptoms Treatment of Komarovsky Adenovirus treatment in children Komarovsky.

Adenoviral infection is one of the varieties of a heavy form of ARVI, which is amazed lymphatic system With all concomitant features. "On the eye" to determine the disease is not for even some medical professionals, so it is often a summary diagnosis - a sharp respiratory disease.

Symptoms and treatment of adenoviral infection in kids in Komarovsky implies the use of funds for the relief of signs of illness, as well as normalization of the toddler's day, careful monitoring of its condition.

This disease is a consequence of an adenovirus entering the body, which has high resistance to environmental impact. The sowing of the pathogen into the room involves it in the air over the next 4 weeks, the first two of which are most dangerous.

The hardest pathology proceeds from the kids to the three-year-old age, but any age groups of children can affect.

There are predisposing factors that increase the risk of crumbs to get sick. Among them can be noted:

  • general, local supercooling;
  • decrease in immunity;
  • passive smoking;
  • imbalance of vitamins and minerals in food;
  • artificial feeding;
  • others infectious diseases in acute and chronic form.

Of course, the most likely child will pick up adenovirus in the group of peers, among which the baby has already been present. At the same time, the chance that the non-fastened body independently cope with imbuming infection is only 10-15%.

Transmitted as any respiratory infectionusing an air-drip path. Less often occurs the fecal-oral and contact-household path of transmitting adenoviral disease.

Clinic Disease

Symptoms of the disease directly depends on what stage it proceeds. Distinguish light, middle severity and the heavy form of adenoviral infection. On average, the incubation period is from 1 to 7 days. At this stage, it is still possible to observe any signs of the disease, but the child can already infect others.

Symptoms of adenovirus in the body:

  • significant and sharp increase in body temperature up to 39-40 degrees;
  • sore throat when talking or swallowing;
  • cough;
  • headache;
  • breathing through the mouth, runny nose;
  • flasiness, drowsiness, lethargy - as signs of general intoxication;
  • stomach disorder, while diarrhea should not be accompanied by an admixture of pus or blood;
  • in infants a high temperature can provoke cramps.

At home, it is almost impossible to determine adenoviral infection in the child, since this symptoms may indicate other pathologies in the body. To find out the root cause poor well-being Chad, parents are obliged to contact the specialists.


To put the correct diagnosis of a child with similar symptomatics, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician. It will conduct a survey and careful inspection, appoint additional methods of diagnosis.

This is necessary in order to differentiate viral infection from other pathologies.

What surveys are held:

  • Interview

At this stage, parents must provide the doctor with complete information about the history of the disease in their Chad
. It should be told about where the child could catch the virus when it happened, as the disease manifests itself and how many days is symptoms.

  • Inspection

During the inspection, the doctor notes lethargy and apathy at the kid, drowsiness. Skin Pale Covers may present sticky sweat from fever. The disease is accompanied by abundant discharge from the nose that have a transparent or whitish color. The throat is hyperemic, extinguished. On the almonds there is gray raids. The phonenadoscope helps listen to dry wheels in the first stages of the disease and wet during recovery.

  • Laboratory diagnostics

Analyzes of biological fluids should be studied in order to eliminate complications of the disease. It will be necessary to pass blood, urine for laboratory research. Results will be standard for any type of ARVI. Finding in the body of viruses can be diagnosed to increase the number of lymphocytes and monocytes, leukocytes can be slightly reduced from the norm. It is also washed with the nasopharynx area to detect secondary infections.


The main advice of Dr. Komarovsky on the treatment of adenoviral infection is to ensure suitable conditions for the sick baby. To facilitate well-being, you can use symptomatic medicinal productsBut only after inspection by a specialist.

Parents should pay attention to the fact that most drugs are allowed for use in 2-3 years. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully read the instructions before using medicines.

Treatment of adenovirus infection:

  • Elimination runny nose

At this stage, it is possible to use washing or instillation, depending on what the child transfers better. FROM breast-age It is allowed to use drops containing marine salt in its composition. For example, Aquamaris, Akwalor. Some of them have a vasoconductive effect and in a short time they stop runny nose, for example, sinup (applied no earlier than bilateral age). This group of drugs should be used for no more than a few days, as local dysbacteriosis and addictive developing.

  • Eliminating the corresponding symptoms

Temperature should be shot down if it rises more than 38.5 degrees for 3 days. If the improvements do not occur for this period and the child continues to fever, it is necessary to re-turn to the doctor. Most often, paracetamol or nourofen is used for children. These substances besides the antipyretic, possess an anesthetic effect. These drugs can be found on pharmacy counters in the form of sweet emulsions, so it will not arise with the admission of medication.

  • Additional measures

The children's room needs to be aircraft at least 3 times a day, it is also necessary to carry out wet cleaning. Besides, you should provide a child with a large number of warm drink, try to comply with bed. If baby is sick, mom should provide uninterrupted access to breast milk.


Regarding the prevention of adenoviral infection, Komarovsky also gives quite a single recommendation. To avoid penetration into the body of the virus, it is necessary to avoid visiting those institutions in which there is a large cluster of people. Especially in the offseason. Other measures are secondary.

Parents must handle the child's immunity in every way, balance its nutrition. A huge contribution to the health of the kid makes a mom providing him breastfeeding At least in the first year of life.

When fulfilling all rules, the infection can also fall into the body, without leaving no serious health effects.

Incubation period of ordinary Orvi type viruses are interested. I know from your own experience that if one child fell ill orvi, then after 2 days you can expect a disease of another (verified). But it happens differently. There is such a disease - adenoviral infection. The main symptoms: conjunctivitis, sore throat, runny nose, in short, depending on the weakness of immunity, it may affect anything. Its incubation period is 5 days (i.e., after contact with the sick, a person falls ill on the 5th day - also checked). So, I'm interested in how many days can this virus live?

We did it. At first I got sick. He somehow weakly traced everything: the eyes were scared - Konuctivitis, the throat was cooled. Then it hurt my throat with similar symptoms, but without conjunctivitis. And now the eldest fell ill with the same, but stronger - the conjunctivitis is strong, from the eye almost pus tech, snot, throat, cough (he always always tolerates it all worse). But between the illness of the younger and the elder passed somewhere. Did the virus can live for so long in our apartment? The carpets have long been eliminated.

How many days can viruses alone (in my opinion, not long)? Of course, it is possible that the elder has become infected with someone else, but very similar symptoms ... What if you already know that one fell ill so that he has infected the other? It is not particularly possible to isolate.

It is important for patients to know that it is adenovirus, as it enters the body, the symptoms of its manifestation, methods of treatment, how many infectious damage. Pathology is capable of leaking enough, sometimes hospitalization is required. Also, the disease can be complicated and lead to some violations. Therefore, it is necessary to know its clinical picture, treatment methods and prevention.

What is adenovirus

The reason for the appearance of this disease is to enter the organism of viruses from the family of adenovirides. There are a large number of representatives of this group of microorganisms. People have pathogenic types 1-5, 7, 14 and 21.

Infection occurs from a sick person or asymptomatic carrier with air-drip, alimentary and contact path. Clinical picture It is able to vary, but despite this, it has common features that enable the doctor to correctly determine the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Signs of adenovirus infection

This disease has certain clinical signs. Children suffer from adenoviral infection more often. As for adults, they have this pathology is more often fixed in middle-aged people.

Many of this group of patients have severe concomitant diseases that significantly weaken a person and make it susceptible to many pathogenic microorganisms.

Incubation period

Duration incubation period Adenovirus infection can be different in each patient. The indicator depends OT general status The organism, the presence of related pathologies.

On average, the disease is developing after 5-8 days from the moment of the virus. But it is important to remember that the duration is able to vary within 2-14 days.

Symptoms in children

Pathology begins suddenly, with the appearance of symptoms of intoxication. In patients there is an increase in temperature, complaints about weakness, apathy, headaches and dizziness, lack of appetite.

Very small children begin to capricious, sleep well.

A feature of the disease in small patients is that with high-digits of body temperature, they can occur seizures.

Complaints on a runny nose, sore throat. The discharge of the nasal cavity is mainly mucous, in rare situations - purulent. When examining the throat, hyperemia of mucous membranes is noted, sometimes there is white Nalea on almonds.

For adenoviral infection, it is characterized by a leakage with a low-productive and exhausting cough. Also arises hyperemia conjunctivations with tearing and pain in the eyes, which are enhanced when exposed to such stimuli, as bright light.

Sometimes patients marked the appearance of a liquid chair, abdominal pain, feeling of nausea. In some situations, the increase in the size of the liver and spleen is diagnosed, which come to normal size Some time after recovery. Often inflammatory process goes to others the lymph nodeswhich increase in size and become somewhat painful when palpation.

Photo of children suffering from this disease, they suggest that such patients have a characteristic appearance - swelling and pallor skin Pokrov On the face, hyperemia of conjunctiva, open mouth due to impairment of nasal breathing.

Symptoms in adults

It is important to know that adenoviral infection in children and adults proceeds at the same scheme. But despite this, there are some differences, the most important thing is that pathology in small patients is diagnosed much more often.

Children are more susceptible to the emergence of various complications of adenovirus, including the emergence of laryngospasm and pneumonia.

It is important to noteThat adults have almost no rash occurrence. A similar phenomenon is almost always fixed in children.


Complications of adenoviral infection are that the inflammatory process is able to spread into the cavity of the ear and frontal sickness, thereby causing otitis and sinusitis. In patients children's age Due to the more developed lymphoid system in this area there may be blockage of Evstarchy Pipe.

Also, adenoviral infection is able to cause the appearance of the edema of the throat, which leads to the spasm of voice ligaments. In particularly severe cases, the pathogen may cause inflammatory kidney damage, pneumonia. This is observed with a significant oppression of the protective properties of the body.

Methods of treatment

At the initial stages of the disease, it is necessary to determine how and how to treat adenoviral infection. Tactics depends on the age of the patient, the general condition, the presence or lack of complications.

It is important to note that patients need to go to the doctor as independent therapy Can only aggravate the situation.

It should also be known that the treatment of adenoviral infection is symptomatic, since there are no specific preparations.

Therapy is aimed at eliminating the clinical appearances of the disease, stimulating the protective mechanisms that contribute to the elimination of the causative agent from the body.

In adults

Treatment of adults symptomatic, using various groups of drugs, which are described in more detail below. In these patients, pathology is less complicated, more often the use of funds that reduce the body temperature, antitussive drugs and general measures to strengthen the body.

In children

Symptoms and treatment of adenovirus infection in children are also related. Kids need to follow the bedding. An important point is the next - children are categorically forbidden to drink medicines containing acetylsalicylic acid.

Failure to comply with this rule can lead to serious complications, up to death.


To eliminate the symptoms of adenoviral infection, a large amount of drugs are used. They look like this:

  1. Nesteroid anti-inflammatory means - Paracetamol, ibuprofen. These drugs reduce body temperature, reduce swelling.
  2. Showing antihistamines - Fencarol, Loratadine. They reduce inflammatory phenomena, struggling with rashes.
  3. In the presence of conjunctivitis recommended washing the mucous membranes of the organ of vision with a chamomile solution and instillation sodium sulphacian.
  4. A rinse is carried out by furaciline throat, soda-salt solution with the addition of iodine.
  5. It is recommended to bury in the nasal cavity caps with seawater. These funds are effectively rinsed with nasal sinuses for a long time.
  6. To eliminate cough needed Syrups that improve sputum of respiratory tract. Ambroxol, bromgexin, various vegetable preparations (for example, Dr.).

In addition to these methods, an abundant warm drink, bedding in the period high temperatures, Regular cleaning of the room, gentle mode.

Food should be taken by small portions, preferably in a witch form. Irritating products are excluded from the diet for the treatment.


Antibiotics with adenovirus infection are rare enough and only with certain indications. This group of drugs does not affect the virus particles, they are necessary in the presence of secondary bacterial complications (for example, pneumonia).

Antibiotics are used at high risk of attachment of related pathologies. This is subject to availability immunodeficiency states, foci of chronically occurring bacterial infections in organism.

Dr. Komarovsky adheres to the next point of view - he believes that medications For respiratory therapy viral infections It is only necessary in case of acute necessity.

This implies the difficult condition of the patient, the appearance of complications.

In other cases, there is a rich warm drink, regular ventilation of the room in which the patient is found, wearing suitable clothing.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, such conditions contribute to the death of viral particles, the body begins to cope with the signs of the disease independently, the recovery in such situations occurs much faster.


Patients are important to know signs of adenoviral infection. This will help as quickly as possible to determine the reason for the appearance of certain pathological signs, to consult a doctor in time.

Specialist will conduct diagnostic activities, will diagnose and prescribe effective treatment. It is important for patients to know that adenoviral infection is capable of leaking long and complications, so it is not recommended independent treatment.

Adenovirus belongs to the group of DNA-containing microorganisms. This means that the causative agent of racks to the effects of the external environment. At room temperature, adenovirus is stored near the crescent. All dangerous properties do not disappear after double freezing. You can destroy the pathogen only by boiling or ultraviolet irradiation.

Adenoviral infection in children is infectious diseasewhich is transmitted as air-drip and contact path: an alimentary or fecal-oral (dirty hand disease). The source of infection is a sick person. The virus is contained in the discharge from the nose and in feces. Children are infected, because they do not always wash their hands, but swimming in open reservoirs, swallow water. Patients highlight viruses after 3-4 weeks after infection.

In kindergartens and schools, the infectious disease is transmitted mainly by airborne droplets. Adenoviruses accumulate in the closed room and deposited on toys, notebooks, textbooks.

After infection, the child does not feel any health problems within 3-12 days, although it is a danger to surrounding children.

The most often adenovirus infection in children develops aged half a year to three years. When a child is on breastfeeding, the danger of infection is small at the expense of immunoglobulins contained in Mother's milk. Adenovirus are produced by antibodies that provide immune defense For 5-8 years. But immunity is typical. That is, a person gets defense only from the type of virus that caused the disease. And these species today are about fifty. Therefore, the infection of adenovirus of children on breastfeeding is developing with a probability of fifty-fifty, because in the same geographic region, there are no more than two types of pathogen.

Adenoviral infection in children, symptoms

Despite the fact that adenovirus can cause completely different on localization of the disease, today only two main infection syndrome are known:

  • Acute respiratory disorder;
  • Faringokonewival fever.

Under the first form of a flow, adenoviral infection in children, the symptoms have similar to the flu, but differ in the severity of the flow and the possibility of attaching the bacterial flora. For the flow of the TPE type, general and local manifestations are characteristic. TO general symptoms The following are:

  • Slow start of the disease: lethargy, malaise, lack of appetite;
  • Chills, intermitted with feverish condition.

Local manifestations are localized in the field of "entrance doors":

  • Nasal congestion;
  • Liquid runny nose;
  • Redness and swelling of the sky almonds;
  • Paddle.

With adenovirus infection in children flowing along the pharyingokonjunification type, the body temperature increases primarily: from 38 to 40 ° C. Such a condition lasts for two to five days. At the same time, inflammatory changes at the level of the pharynx (pharyngitis) and eye (conjunctivitis) occur. The child's eyes become blushing, and a thin film is formed on their surface. As a rule, one eye is amazed at first, and then the second.

Complications of adenovirus infection

Virus infection in children early age Proposed to generalization. Adenovirus enters the respiratory tract and causes pneumonia. Otherwise, it is called hemorrhagic, because when the vessels are destroyed in the alveoli, blood accumulates, it makes it difficult to breathe.

With adenoviral infection in children caused by type No. 8, the corneal is defeated, which can provoke the formation of cataracts.

During the disease, children under one year often suffer from intestinal disorders. During the localization of the adenovirus in the lymph nodes of the mesentery, mesogenerate develops, the symptoms of which are similar to a sharp appendicitis.

Treatment of adenovirus infection in children

Specific therapy today does not exist. The effect of antivirus drugs does not have a proper effect. Adenoviruses are also not sensitive to any antibiotics and sulfanimide drugs. However, considering anatomy-physiological features children's body, Doctors appoint antibacterial drugsSince the treatment of adenoviral infection in children is not carried out in order to destroy the virus, but in order to prevent formider complications.

Patients with children are shown bed regime during the week. The diet provides a sufficient amount of protein and liquid. At high temperatures, antipyretic agents are prescribed. If shortness of breath arises, the child gives desensitizing agents to prevent asthmatic status.

For the prevention of pneumonia during adenovirus infection, children are distracted by the treatment: mustard pieces are used, the UFO lamp uses.

Dr. Pediatrician Komarovsky is engaged in popularizing activities with parents, convincing them in the fact that viral diseases do not need any special treatment methods that relatives do without appointing a doctor.

For the treatment of adenoviral infection in children, Komarovsky offers to create such conditions under which the reproduction of the virus becomes impossible. Consequently, the symptoms of the disease are smoothed to a complete disappearance.

This requires a little:

  • Air ventilation;
  • Warm clothing;
  • Increased air humidity;
  • Abundant drink.

With a stubborn rhino, the thoroughbuilding means will bring more benefitthan harm. According to Dr. Komarovsky, the sick child must breathe a nose! No other medicines are required without appointing a doctor.

Adenoviral infection is one of the varieties of the heavy form of ARVI, in which the lymphatic system is affected with all concomitant features. "On the eye" to determine the disease is not for even some medical professionals, so it is often a summary diagnosis - a sharp respiratory disease.

Symptoms and treatment of adenoviral infection in kids in Komarovsky implies the use of funds for the relief of signs of illness, as well as normalization of the toddler's day, careful monitoring of its condition.

Causes of disease

This disease is a consequence of an adenovirus entering the body, which has high resistance to environmental impact. The sowing of the pathogen into the room involves it in the air over the next 4 weeks, the first two of which are most dangerous.

The hardest pathology proceeds from the kids to the three-year-old age, but any age groups of children can affect.

There are predisposing factors that increase the risk of crumbs to get sick. Among them can be noted:

  • general, local supercooling;
  • decrease in immunity;
  • passive smoking;
  • imbalance of vitamins and minerals in food;
  • artificial feeding;
  • other infectious diseases in acute and chronic form.

Of course, the most likely child will pick up adenovirus in the group of peers, among which the baby has already been present. At the same time, the chance that the non-fastened body independently cope with imbuming infection is only 10-15%.

Transmitted as any respiratory infection, with the help of an air-drip path. Less often occurs the fecal-oral and contact-household path of transmitting adenoviral disease.

Clinic Disease

Symptoms of the disease directly depends on what stage it proceeds. Easy, medium severity and severe form of adenoviral infection. On average, the incubation period is from 1 to 7 days. At this stage, it is still possible to observe any signs of the disease, but the child can already infect others.

Symptoms of adenovirus in the body:

  • significant and sharp increase in body temperature up to 39-40 degrees;
  • sore throat when talking or swallowing;
  • cough;
  • headache;
  • breathing through the mouth, runny nose;
  • flasiness, drowsiness, lethargy - as signs of general intoxication;
  • stomach disorder, while diarrhea should not be accompanied by an admixture of pus or blood;
  • in infants a high temperature can provoke cramps.

At home, it is almost impossible to determine adenoviral infection in the child, since this symptoms may indicate other pathologies in the body. To find out the root health of bad well-being from Chad, parents are obliged to contact the specialists.


To put the correct diagnosis of a child with similar symptomatics, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician. It will conduct a survey and careful inspection, appoint additional methods of diagnosis.

This is necessary in order to differentiate viral infection from other pathologies.

What surveys are held:

  • Interview

At this stage, parents must provide the doctor with complete information about the history of the disease in their Chad
. It should be told about where the child could catch the virus when it happened, as the disease manifests itself and how many days is symptoms.

  • Inspection

During the inspection, the doctor notes lethargy and apathy at the kid, drowsiness. Skin Pale Covers may present sticky sweat from fever. The disease is accompanied by abundant discharge from the nose that have a transparent or whitish color. The throat is hyperemic, extinguished. On the almonds there is gray raids. The phonenadoscope helps listen to dry wheels in the first stages of the disease and wet during recovery.

  • Laboratory diagnostics

Analyzes of biological fluids should be studied in order to eliminate complications of the disease. It will be necessary to pass blood, urine for laboratory research. Results will be standard for any type of ARVI. Finding in the body of viruses can be diagnosed to increase the number of lymphocytes and monocytes, leukocytes can be slightly reduced from the norm. It is also washed with the nasopharynx area to detect secondary infections.


The main advice of Dr. Komarovsky on the treatment of adenoviral infection is to ensure suitable conditions for the sick baby. To facilitate well-being, you can use symptomatic drugs, but only after inspection by a specialist.

Parents should pay attention to the fact that most drugs are allowed for use in 2-3 years. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully read the instructions before using medicines.

Treatment of adenovirus infection:

  • Elimination runny nose

At this stage, it is possible to use washing or instillation, depending on what the child transfers better. From the thoracic age, it is allowed to use drops containing seaside salt in its composition. For example, Aquamaris, Akwalor. Some of them have a vasoconductive effect and in a short time they stop runny nose, for example, sinup (applied no earlier than bilateral age). This group of drugs should be used for no more than a few days, as local dysbacteriosis and addictive developing.

  • Eliminating the corresponding symptoms

Temperature should be shot down if it rises more than 38.5 degrees for 3 days. If the improvements do not occur for this period and the child continues to fever, it is necessary to re-turn to the doctor. Most often, paracetamol or nourofen is used for children. These substances besides the antipyretic, possess an anesthetic effect. These drugs can be found on pharmacy counters in the form of sweet emulsions, so it will not arise with the admission of medication.

  • Additional measures

The children's room needs to be aircraft at least 3 times a day, it is also necessary to carry out wet cleaning. Besides, you should provide a child with a large number of warm drink, try to comply with bed. If baby is sick, mom should provide uninterrupted access to breast milk.


Regarding the prevention of adenoviral infection, Komarovsky also gives quite a single recommendation. To avoid penetration into the body of the virus, it is necessary to avoid visiting those institutions in which there is a large cluster of people. Especially in the offseason. Other measures are secondary.

Parents must handle the child's immunity in every way, balance its nutrition. A huge contribution to the health of the baby makes a mother, providing him with breastfeeding at least in the first year of life.

When fulfilling all rules, the infection can also fall into the body, without leaving no serious health effects.

Dr. Komarovsky about the treatment of herpetic angina in children

According to the approval of Dr. Yevgeny Olegovich Komarovsky, herpetic angina is an infectious process in acute stagewho amazes respiratory organs Children at any age.

  • Dr. Komarovsky about the treatment of herpetic angina in children
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If you do not receive effective treatment in a timely manner, you can get difficult complications, against the background of high temperature and the occurrence of ulcers in the mouth.

What does say about the symptoms and treatment of angina in Komarovsky children? Features of the course of the disease, the causes of the occurrence of violations and methods of prevention. How to avoid serious complications?

Clinical picture of herpetic angina

Dr. Komarovsky declares that it is later a later appeal to a specialist to clarify the causes of poor child well-being leading to the complication of the symptoms of the violation.

Appeal to the profile doctor should be immediate if the baby:

  • high temperature that on a short time It is knocked down by antipyretic means, keeps about 2-3 days;
  • chills, fever;
  • the pain in the throat, the child can not eat food and even liquid;
  • the cervical lymph nodes, almonds are increased in size;
  • there is a rash in the language;
  • swells the throat;
  • the total weakness of the body.

An additional signs of such a violation should include the disorder of the chair, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, vomit.

How to treat herpetic angina treatment?

About the treatment of herpetic angina in children, Dr. Komarovsky says the following: "If you diagnosed with herpetic angina and prescribed medicines from herpes - urgently look for a new doctor, there is nothing in common between these concepts!"

During the progression of the disease, it is important to prevent dehydration of the body, the child should drink anything, in any quantity, the liquid must be room temperature, plus the antipyretic agents.

With such a disease, improvement is observed on 7-9 days after infection. Additional medicines should appoint only the attending physician, according to the severity of the patient's clinical picture.

What should I do?

  1. Taking antivirus and antipyretic drugs.
  2. Imprigize immunity with a vitaminized complex.
  3. Mine almond with antiseptic solutions.
  4. Observe abundant drinking mode (easy meal).
  5. Conduct additional physiciderations.

IMPORTANT: To achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary to comply with bed regime, regularly air the room, make a wet cleaning.

Dr. Komarovsky claims that the reception of antibiotics should be held in a strict dosage that the attending physician will be appointed, it is impossible to stop the use of drugs after facilitating the patient's condition.

For moisturizing the throat, absorbing lollipops must be taken, which will be able to eliminate the nose, make it easier for breathing and will improve well-being, for this purpose you need to rinse the throat as an auxiliary element in the treatment of herpetic angina.

ATTENTION: This disease occurs in children very often, and therefore it is important to turn to a specialist in a timely manner, start to stop the disease on initial stage, Only it is possible to avoid all sorts of violations and faster to improve the kid's body.

Features of the treatment on Komarovsky

Famous pediatrician warns that steam inhalations are prohibited in herpetic threshing, warming up chest, Hot baths and so on, in order not to distribute infection throughout the body.

Children who can not rinse their mouths independently, you need to wipe the mucous membranes with a cotton swab, having inamped it in medicinal solution. It is recommended to drink a lot of liquid, drink vegetable broths, puree soup, nitamined low calorie compounds, herbal decoction and fruit compotes.

Prevention of the disease

To avoid relapse, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system with various methods, lead healthy image life, to eat right, play sports, take pharmacy and folk remedies To improve the protective properties of the body.

And most importantly, do not self-medicate - it is fraught with serious consequences!

Adenovirus infection is one of the varieties. The pathogens are DNA-containing viruses. Most often the disease is diagnosed in children and adolescents. Flashing disease is most often fixed in the cold season. The infectious agent affects the mucous membranes of the respiratory system and intestines. Often, lymphoid fabric is involved in the process. One of the rather characteristic symptoms is the defeat of the eye conjunctiva, so the "Faringokonuncual fever" is also called this pathology.

Important: The disease is characterized by seasonality, but individual cases are fixed year-round.

Adenovirus most often applies to air-droplet. Contact and alimentary transmission of the pathogen is also possible. Clinical signs of the disease are diverse, but most often marked, runny nose and temperature increase, i.e., symptomatics, characteristic of ARVI. The disease can proceed quite hard, especially little child (up to 3 years) with a weak immune system.

When the child appears acute symptoms It is necessary to refer to the pediatrician. By self-medication, you can only damage the patient. In adenovirus infection, quite serious complications are not excluded.

Note: Do not be surprised if the child has diagnosed ARVI several times during one autumn-winter season. This does not mean that he does not produce immunity. The diseases from the ARVI group can be called the most diverse pathogens, and the acquisition of immunity to one of the influenza virus strains does not exclude adenovirus infection.

Etiology and pathogenesis of the disease

The causative agent of adenoviral infection is characterized by a very significant degree of sustainability in the external environment, which causes high contagiousness of the disease. In this regard, the outbreaks are not uncommon in children's preschool institutions. At room temperature, adenoviruses can maintain viability up to two weeks. The virus is able to withstand half-hour heating and repeated freezing; It dies only when boiling and when processing the room with an ultraviolet lamp.

The source of the pathogen is an infected person. The virus is highlighted with the secret of the nasopharynx and the feces. The patient is a danger to others during the three to four weeks from the moment of infection. Most often, the transmission takes place by air-droplet. It is also possible an alimentary infection (fecal-oral transmission with an insufficient level of personal hygiene) and the spread of the virus with a contact-household. The pathogen may be present in open reservoirs and fall into the body with a random ingestion of water.

The duration of the incubation period in various cases ranges from 1-2 to 12 days. An infected child may still have no characteristic symptomsBut the selection of the pathogen into the environment is already happening.

Note: The probability of infection infections is relatively small, since the baby reliably protect the antibodies present in the mother's organism and obtained with breast milk.

After transferred adenoviral infection, the children are produced by immunity, which is preserved 5-8 years. It should be noted that immunity is characterized by type-specificity, and the types of adenovirus have already been identified more than 50. In this regard, the suffering disease does not insure a different variety of virus of this group from infected.

"Entrance gate" for adenovirus become mucous membranes of respiratory and digestive systemas well as eye conjunctiva. Penetrating into the epithelium, the virus actively multiplies, killing cells for several hours. A characteristic feature of the disease is the high probability of damage to the causative agent of lymphoid tissue cells.

Symptoms of adenovirus infection

All clinical manifestations can be combined into two syndrome:

  1. Respiratory - characteristic of all ORVI, but with a particularly high probability of "imposition" of a secondary bacterial infection;
  2. fabryngokonykuyvali fever syndrome.

Adenoviral infection in children is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • overflow, sadness and sore throat (enhanced during swallowing);
  • pronounced hood of nasal breathing;
  • raising total temperature bodies (from 37.5 ° C to 39 ° C);
  • the defeat of the conjunctiva (accompanied by a tearing, eyelids, a sharp of the eyes and the presence of purulent discharge);
  • deterioration of appetite;
  • sleep disorders;
  • general weakness;
  • pallor;
  • dyspnea;
  • increased irritability;
  • abundant discharge from the nose (at the beginning of the disease, the secret is watery and transparent, and then - thick green);
  • cough (at first dry, and on 3-4 days wet with the discharge of sputum);
  • pain in the abdominal area (in the navel area);
  • vomiting (not always);
  • diarrhea (up to 5 times a day, without mucus, blood, etc.);
  • bloating;
  • eveniness and hyperemia almonds;
  • mucus on the rear wall of the throat;
  • point purulent raid on almonds;

Lymph nodes albeit in size, but are not fast with surrounding tissues. Their palpation during the survey does not cause pain.

For a particularly severe flow of adenovirus infection, it is characterized by such a symptom as hepatosplegegaly, i.e., the increase in liver and spleen

Important: In children younger age group (especially - in breast kids) cramps at the peak of a fevering reaction can develop. For younger age, the violation of the chair and the bloating of the abdomen due to inflammation of the mesenterical (mesenteric) lymph nodes.

The severity of conjunctivitis in adenovirus infection is different. His symptoms are manifested at different stages of the disease (both at the very beginning and for 3-5 days). One eye is affected first, and soon (as a rule, after 1-2 days), the inflammatory process affects the second. Eyelids in the child's child, and in the morning the patient is difficult to open their eyes, since the purulent discharge gluits eyelashes.

Depending on the shape of adenovirus conjunctivitis (film or follicular), one of the 2 standard treatment diagrams can be used:

Complications of adenoviral infection in children

The average duration of the disease in children is 1 week under the condition of uncomplicated flow. With a protracted flow, symptoms are noted for 2-3 weeks. Clinical manifestations The defeats of the conjunctiva pointed earlier, and the inflammation in the nasopharynk and the upper respiratory tract can persist for 3 weeks.

In some cases, the "wave-like" course of the process is noted when, on the background of explicit improvement, some characteristic symptoms appear again.

Complications developing on the background of adenovirus infection are usually due to active reproduction Pathogenic microflora due to the general weakening of the body. Bacterial infection affects a predominantly respiratory system, as a result of which bronchitis and inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia of bacterial origin) are often developing.

If the virus is striking located in abdominal cavity The lymph nodes of the peritoneum (mesenter) are not excluded the development of appendicitis, which requires urgent surgical intervention.

Other possible complications -, and aggravation of chronic diseases.

In infants, the likelihood of such a complication as inflammation of the middle ear () is great. In addition, the kids are possible. "Generalization" of the pathological process. The causative agent with blood flow can fall into various organs. In particular, the development of viral (hemorrhagic) pneumonia is not excluded. In this case, the infectious agent affects the blood vessels of pulmonary alveoli (bubbles). As a result of blood stagnation, gas exchange is disturbed, and respiratory failure is rapidly increasing.


Very characteristic symptoms in most cases allows you to make an accurate diagnosis on the basis of patient complaints and clinical manifestations.

It is also important to properly differentiate adenoviral infection from others, for example, from rinovius:

Atypical adenovirus infection may require differential diagnosis diseases with such pathology as infectious mononucleosis. A laboratory test of the patient's blood is carried out to detect antibodies.

During the epidemic, the virological method of diagnostics is used to accurately establish adenovirus. The material for the study is washed from the patient's nasophack mucosa.

For laboratory study Peripheral blood is noted common to viral diseases change - lymphocytosis, leukopenia and a slight increase in the rate of sedimentation of red blood cells. General analyzes Blood and urine with a given disease are low-informative.

Treatment of adenovirus infection in children

In most cases, the treatment of adenoviral infection in children is carried out outpatient, i.e. at home. The premises of the child in the hospital may be required in case of severe course of the disease or the development of serious complications, in particular, during the generalization of the process.

Specific therapy techniques are not developed, and standard antiviral drugs are ineffective.

In this regard, only symptomatic therapy is carried out. Bed regime requires a child until fever goes. Indications for the purpose of antipirectrics (antipyretic drugs) is the rise of the body temperature over 38.5 ° C. With less values, these tools are used if the likelihood of seizures is high on the background of a feverity reaction (for example, young children).

In addition to pharmacological agents to reduce the temperature in the treatment of adenoviral infection, physical methods can be used, such as cold wiping and applying ice heating in the projection of large blood vessels. To accelerate the removal of toxins from the body, the patient is shown abundant warm drinking.

Mitigate dry adsatory cough helps milk with a small amount of drinking soda and alkaline mineral water. Anti-faceted means to apply inexpedient! To reduce the inflammation of the mucosa of the respiratory tract, the child is shown with a drug with a lazolvan, as well as with a physiological solution of sodium chloride. To disperse the bronchial secret (sputum), it is recommended to give the means of bromgexin and the ADC. To improve the dishellment of sputum wet cough Mulitic and expectorant means are shown (ambroxol, mucaltin). Remember that only the attending physician may appoint optimally appropriate drugs.

The inflammation of the conjunctiva requires regular washing of the eyes. For the procedure, you can apply a weak (pale pink) solution of manganese, or furaticiline. The natural agents are also effective - decoction of daisy flowers pharmacy and weak tea brew. Of the drugs for the treatment of conjunctivitis with adenovirus infection, ophthalmferon drops are also shown (even with one-sided inflammation should be buried in both eyes) and oxoline ointment (laid for the lower eyelids).

If nasal is running vaconishing drops Nasivin or Galazoline (in the "Children's" concentration). It is possible to use these funds 3-4 times a day and preferably not more than 3-5 days in a row to avoid the development of drug addiction.

For rinsing of the inflamed throat, the means with an antiseptic effect is a solution of furaciline and chamomile decoction.

The presence of complications due to the attachment of a bacterial infection is an indication of treatment with course system antibiotic therapy.

With adenovirus infection, a child with an inflamed throat is difficult to eat ordinary food, so in its diet should be the rubbed and semi-liquid dishes. To strengthen the immunity, vitamins are needed that the baby should receive both fresh vegetables and fruits (or juices) and in the form of complex drugs.

In the room where the sick child is, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning twice a day. The room should be used more often. Before the element of symptoms of conjunctivitis, it is important to ensure muted lighting.

Walking in the fresh air is allowed only as symptoms disappeared with normal overall health.


Specific vaccine is currently not developed.

During seasonal outbreaks, it should be less likely to attend the place of mass accumulation of people with a child (including public transport). The baby requires the overall strengthening of the body, which implies hardening and full nutrition.

A good prophylactic agent is leiccitarian interferon (divorced with water and burst into nasal moves).

To get more information about the treatment of infectious diseases in children, in particular, about the treatment of adenoviral infection, we recommend viewing this video review - the parents' tips gives Dr. Komarovsky:

Chumachenko Olga, pediatrician

It is important for patients to know that it is adenovirus, as it enters the body, the symptoms of its manifestation, methods of treatment, how many infectious damage. Pathology is capable of leaking enough, sometimes hospitalization is required. Also, the disease can be complicated and lead to some violations. Therefore, it is necessary to know its clinical picture, treatment methods and prevention.

The reason for the appearance of this disease is to enter the organism of viruses from the family of adenovirides. There are a large number of representatives of this group of microorganisms. People have pathogenic types 1-5, 7, 14 and 21.

Infection occurs from a sick person or asymptomatic carrier with air-drip, alimentary and contact path. The clinical picture is capable of varying, but despite this, it has common features that enable the doctor to properly determine the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Signs of adenovirus infection

This disease has certain clinical signs. Children suffer from adenoviral infection more often. As for adults, they have this pathology is more often fixed in middle-aged people.

Many of this group of patients have severe concomitant diseases that significantly weaken a person and make it susceptible to many pathogenic microorganisms.

Incubation period

The duration of the incubation period of adenoviral infection can be different in each patient. The indicator depends on the overall condition of the body, the presence of related pathologies.

On average, the disease is developing after 5-8 days from the moment of the virus. But it is important to remember that the duration is able to vary within 2-14 days.

Symptoms in children

Pathology begins suddenly, with the appearance of symptoms of intoxication. In patients there is an increase in temperature, complaints about weakness, apathy, headaches and dizziness, lack of appetite.

Very small children begin to capricious, sleep well.

A feature of the disease in small patients is that with high-digits of body temperature, they can occur seizures.

Complaints appear on a runny nose ,. The discharge of the nasal cavity is mainly mucous, in rare situations - purulent. When examining the throat, hyperemia of mucous membranes is observed, sometimes there is a white plaque on almonds.

For adenoviral infection, it is characterized by a leakage with a low-productive and exhausting cough. Also arises hyperemia conjunctivations with tearing and pain in the eyes, which are enhanced when exposed to such stimuli, as bright light.

Sometimes patients marked the appearance of a liquid chair, abdominal pain, feeling of nausea. In some situations, an increase in the size of the liver and spleen is diagnosed, which come to normal size after a while after recovery. Often the inflammatory process goes to the surrounding lymphatic nodes that increase in size and become somewhat painful during palpation.

Photo of children suffering from this disease, they suggest that such patients have a characteristic appearance - the swelling and the pallor of the skin on the face, hyperemia of conjunctiva, open mouth due to the impairment of the nasal respiration.

Symptoms in adults

It is important to know that adenoviral infection in children and adults proceeds at the same scheme. But despite this, there are some differences, the most important thing is that pathology in small patients is diagnosed much more often.

Children are more susceptible to the emergence of various complications of adenovirus, including the emergence of laryngospasm and pneumonia.

It is important to noteThat adults have almost no rash occurrence. A similar phenomenon is almost always fixed in children.


Complications of adenoviral infection are that the inflammatory process is able to spread into the cavity of the ear and the frontal sinus, thereby causing. In childhood patients, due to a more developed lymphoid system in this area there may be a blockage of Evstarchy Pipe.

Also, adenoviral infection is able to cause the appearance of the edema of the throat, which leads to the spasm of voice ligaments. In particularly severe cases, the pathogen may cause inflammatory kidney damage ,. This is observed with a significant oppression of the protective properties of the body.

Methods of treatment

At the initial stages of the disease, it is necessary to determine how and how to treat adenoviral infection. Tactics depends on the age of the patient, the general condition, the presence or lack of complications.

It is important to note that patients need to go to the doctor, because independent therapy can only aggravate the situation.

It should also be known that the treatment of adenoviral infection is symptomatic, since there are no specific preparations.

Therapy is aimed at eliminating the clinical appearances of the disease, stimulating the protective mechanisms that contribute to the elimination of the causative agent from the body.

In adults

Treatment of adults symptomatic, using various groups of drugs, which are described in more detail below. In these patients, pathology is less complicated, more often the use of funds that reduce the body temperature, antitussive drugs and general measures to strengthen the body.

In children

Symptoms and treatment of adenovirus infection in children are also related. Kids need to follow the bedding. An important point is the next - children are categorically forbidden to drink medicines containing acetylsalicylic acid.

Failure to comply with this rule can lead to serious complications, up to death.


To eliminate the symptoms of adenoviral infection, a large amount of drugs are used. They look like this:

In addition to these methods, an abundant warm drink, bedding in the high temperature period, regular room cleaning, gentle mode.

Food should be taken by small portions, preferably in a witch form. Irritating products are excluded from the diet for the treatment.


Antibiotics with adenovirus infection are rare enough and only with certain indications. This group of drugs does not affect the virus particles, they are necessary in the presence of secondary bacterial complications (for example, pneumonia).

Antibiotics are used at high risk of attachment of related pathologies. Such is available in the presence of immunodeficiency states, foci of chronically occurring bacterial infections in the body.

Dr. Komarovsky adheres to the next point of view - it believes that use drugs for therapy for respiratory viral infections only in case of acute necessity.

This implies the difficult condition of the patient, the appearance of complications.

In other cases, there is a rich warm drink, regular ventilation of the room in which the patient is found, wearing suitable clothing.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, such conditions contribute to the death of viral particles, the body begins to cope with the signs of the disease independently, the recovery in such situations occurs much faster.


Patients are important to know signs of adenoviral infection. This will help as quickly as possible to determine the reason for the appearance of certain pathological signs, to consult a doctor in time.

A specialist will conduct diagnostic events, a diagnosis and appoints effective treatment. It is important for patients to know that adenoviral infection is capable of leaking long and complications, so it is not recommended independent treatment.

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