Viral rhinotracheitis in cats. Treatment. We treat a pet for rhinotracheitis Drops in the nose for cats from rhinotracheitis

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Evgenia Mikhailova 03.11.2018

At the onset of the slushy season veterinary clinics faced with an influx of sick cats. The animals have a runny nose, depressed appearance and refusal to eat. This is how infectious rhinotracheitis in cats manifests itself.

A disease with this name is present in different types animals. However, a cow cannot infect a cat, and a cat cannot infect a dog. Each type of virus is species-specific.

Rhinotracheitis is a viral disease of cats, often with an acute course and a high risk of developing side effects, high mortality in elderly, debilitated animals and in kittens. It is caused by the FHV-1 herpes virus.

The eyes and respiratory organs are affected, and the animal after recovery acquires immunity. Sometimes the virus becomes chronic, then we should talk about carriage.

The virus persists in the environment and carries high temperatures. In the conditions of an apartment or street, it can live up to 2 months. The same lifespan of the virus in the respiratory tract of a cat after the end of all symptoms of the disease.

The cause of infection is contact with sick animals, infected air and objects with which sick animals have come into contact. The route of infection is airborne and airborne. Weak animals get sick easily. At the same time, in a shelter where animals live crowded, individuals may not get sick.

Symptoms of rhinotracheitis in cats at the beginning are similar to the manifestation of other diseases. The animal's temperature rises, he tries to sleep, does not play, does not eat well or does not fit the bowl. Such an animal should immediately be shown to the veterinarian. A sick cat with a temperature should be observed and given vitamins, immunomodulators and droppers. It will support the body's defenses against development viral infection.

When the incubation period has passed, which can last from several days to weeks, the animal will notice:

  • complete oppression;
  • heat;
  • dry cough, reminiscent of the urge to vomit;
  • frequent repeated sneezing;
  • nasal discharge that is clear, white, yellow, or green;
  • salivation;
  • manifestation of the third century;
  • crusts on the eyes, inflammation of the conjunctiva;
  • cloudy look;
  • hyperemia of the mucous membranes.

Rhinotracheitis in cats is treated at home. It is possible to place a sick animal in a hospital in a clinic if there is a separate infectious block. The neighborhood of a cat with a herpes virus and a kitten with injuries is dangerous, and even fatal for the latter.

Rhinotracheitis in cats, the treatment of which is started in a timely manner, disappears in 7-10 days. The owner needs to provide warmth, liquid food and give medicines prescribed by the doctor. A cat with the virus may not smell or have an appetite. This will cause you to stop eating. Pasty pastes can be prepared and poured by force through a syringe. If there is no diarrhea, there are no restrictions on food. How long the right treatment is started will depend on how long the disease lasts.

Not all folk remedies are good for cats. For example, aloe juice is toxic to our pets, and a person is successfully treated with it. Safe folk remedy there will be chamomile. She can wash her eyes, removing crusts, treat the area around the nose, and even drink. The herb has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.

There is a critical misconception that a viral infection can be treated with vodka with an egg. Alcohol is contraindicated for cats, especially in a sick state. After a portion of vodka for some time, the animal may look almost healthy: alcohol expanded the blood vessels, making it easier for the cat to breathe, slightly invigorated the nervous system, which caused a revival. However, toxins that enter the bloodstream can worsen the condition over time.

The veterinarian will prescribe drugs to eliminate the common cold, treat the eyes, suppress the virus, eliminate its consequences, support the animal with vitamins and infusion solutions. This set is relevant for any viral disease. But depending on its severity, the weight of the animal, age and time elapsed from the onset of the first symptoms, the drugs may vary.

At the beginning of the disease, when sneezing occurs, Maksidin is effective. It is an antiviral drug that eliminates the virus on the mucous membranes of the nose and is able to prevent its replication. With the same name, eye drops are also produced, which differ from intranasal in the concentration of active substances.

As vitamins, combilipen (vitamins of group B) or other injection complexes can be used. At the onset of the disease and with a mild condition, it is enough for the owner to carry out subcutaneous infusions of Ringer's solution and glucose. Volumes are selected by the veterinarian depending on the weight, age of the animal, and also taking into account the appetite. In severe cases, the veterinarian will put an intravenous catheter - all the droppers, part of the drugs, the owner will apply through it.

Not everyone knows that antibiotics are useless for a viral infection. The virus is suppressed with antiviral drugs. Then the question arises - why does a veterinarian, even with an established viral disease, prescribe antibiotics? Each viral attack is accompanied by the death of a significant number of cells. Dead cells are the basis for the development of a bacterial infection, and antibiotics are effective here.

A massive bacterial infection leads to the development of chronic diseases, malnutrition, dehydration and other symptoms that the cat can hardly tolerate. Timely connection of drugs from the group of antibiotics neutralizes the consequences of the presence of the virus in the body.

It is not worth prescribing medications on your own. Moreover, you can not be guided by advice from the Internet. Even if your animal has the same symptoms and the same diagnosis. Bacteria develop a certain resistance to antibiotics. And here, in fact, drugs become useless. To choose the right medication, consult a doctor who, based on the diagnosis, the severity of the condition, age, past illnesses and the drugs used, will select the right antibiotic.

Herpesvirus infections are dangerous because they can persist in the body of an animal for decades without manifesting themselves. The most common route of infection is aerogenic, as well as through direct contact with secretions from the nose, eyes or mouth of a sick animal. In severe cases of the disease, complications are possible - meningoencephalitis, keratitis, hepatitis, pancreatitis. Ulceration of the mucous membranes leads to the occurrence of gingivitis, stomatitis and necrotic tissue damage. As a result of dehydration and the addition of a secondary infection, a fatal outcome is possible.

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    Brief description of the disease

    The source of the herpes virus are sick cats or carriers of the virus. The FHV-1 virus in such cats persists for a long time in the ganglia and neurons, and in the respiratory tract it is detected within 50 days after recovery. In stressful situations, with hypothermia, a decrease in the overall resistance of the body (including during pregnancy, after sterilization or castration), the pathogen is activated and begins to multiply in lymphocytes. Appear lung symptoms respiratory disease that lasts up to 2 weeks, in rare cases they become chronic.

    The disease is widespread worldwide, occurs in 50-75% of cats of all breeds and ages, but kittens and young cats under the age of 1 year are more likely to become infected. The virus is isolated from animals aged 6-12 months in 60% of cases, from 1 to 5 years - in 20%. The prevalence of rhinotracheitis virus is seasonal, peaking in spring and autumn. The incubation phase of herpes disease lasts up to 10 days. Recovery can occur in 10-14 days.

    The chronic course of the disease is complicated by intestinal atony, constipation, bronchitis, pneumonia, inflammation of the cornea, which leads to visual impairment, damage nervous system. Most animals that have had acute rhinotracheitis become carriers of the virus. Cats can still shed the virus in milk, urine and feces for a long time - for a year and a half.

    With ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa and pneumonia, fatal outcomes are possible. Among adult animals, the mortality rate is low. Most often, small kittens and animals with a weakened immune system die, with dehydration and the addition of a secondary infection. The immunity acquired as a result of the disease in a cat is short - up to 3 months. In 36% of cases of respiratory diseases, viral rhinotracheitis occurs together with calcivirosis.

    In pregnant cats with rhinotracheitis, spontaneous abortions occur. Newborn kittens can acquire weak immunity along with mother's milk. The offspring of a sick cat is often born dead or sick (congenital deformities, kittens without hair).

    The disease is characteristic only for representatives of the cat family and is not dangerous for dogs and people.

    Symptoms of rhinotracheitis

    Getting on the mucous tissues of the nose and mouth, the herpes virus penetrates the cells, multiplies and causes their death. Inflammation begins, small areas of necrosis appear, which grow over time. By attaching to the surface of white blood cells, the viruses enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body, causing general deterioration and fever. In pregnant animals, the viral pathogen infects the uterus, penetrates through the placenta into the brain of the fetus, causing congenital pathologies.

    Symptoms of infectious rhinotracheitis are very similar to colds.

    specific feature are abundant discharge from the nose and eyes, which should alert the owner of the cat, as this may indicate developing rhinotracheitis. Cats show the following signs of the disease:

    • difficult and rapid breathing;
    • hoarseness and whistling during breathing and sneezing;
    • cough;
    • paroxysmal sneezing, runny nose;
    • clear, mucous or purulent discharge from the nasal cavity, eyes and vagina; these secretions heavily soiled the hairline on the muzzle and dewlap;
    • accumulation of pus in the throat;
    • high body temperature (up to 40 degrees);
    • feverish state;
    • a sharp decrease in appetite for several days;
    • salivation;
    • drowsiness and lethargy;
    • an increase in the pharyngeal and submandibular lymph nodes;
    • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes and eyelids;
    • swelling of mucous membranes;
    • white coating on the nose;
    • difficulty swallowing water and food;
    • ulcers on the cornea of ​​the eyes, tongue, nasal mucosa, lips and skin.

    The virus affects animals in different ways, some of the above symptoms may be absent. In older cats, rhinotracheitis is milder, mostly only rhinitis is observed.

    Clinical symptoms also depend on the degree of the disease - acute, subacute or chronic. The most frequently detected acute form of rhinotracheitis.

    In the acute course of the disease in the first days, the temperature rises in cats, then conjunctivitis and rhinitis appear. Discharge from the nose and eyes - at first clear and liquid, then mucous, purulent, sometimes mixed with blood.

    When pressing in the larynx or trachea, severe pain is observed. In some cases, damage occurs digestive tract animal, vomiting and diarrhea begin. There are involuntary contractions of the muscles of the eyes, leading to the closure of the eyelids. There is a narrowing of the palpebral fissure, the eyelids stick together with gray pus.


    To clarify the diagnosis and differential diagnosis rhinotracheitis with other diseases that have similar symptoms (calcivirosis, chlamydia, infection with picornaviruses, reoviruses, mycoplasmas), swabs are taken from the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose and eyes for immunofluorescence analysis and PCR studies, which reveal antigens to the herpes virus or its DNA . Blood tests for rhinotracheitis are uninformative.

    Microscopic examination of scrapings reveals accumulations of cell elements with impurities of blood and lymph, punctate necrosis, and intracellular inclusions.

    Calcivirus infection is characterized in that cats have less rhinitis and eye inflammation (no ulceration), but stomatitis and pneumonia are often present. Chlamydia is accompanied more often by unilateral conjunctivitis.

    An examination of the animal also reveals inflammation of the trachea, tonsils and bronchi, and in some cases, the lungs.

    Treatment of rhinotracheitis in cats at home

    There are no specific antiviral drugs to fight herpes. The causative agent of rhinotracheitis in cats is inactivated when elevated temperature, therefore, animals need to provide a warm place at home and avoid hypothermia. You need to drink them with warm water. Temperatures up to 39.5 degrees do not need to be brought down.

    Sick cats must be isolated from healthy ones. Periodically, it is necessary to treat the premises and care items (litters, bowls, etc.) with detergents and disinfectants.

    Positive results are obtained only by a comprehensive treatment regimen aimed at relieving symptoms, supporting the animal's immunity and strength, controlling food and water intake, and preventing secondary infections.

    If the animal refuses to eat for 3 days, you need to force-feed it, as long fasting leads to liver lipidosis (accumulation of fat in it). If possible, it is necessary to provide the cat with high-calorie feed and vitamin preparations (Gamavit). Preference should be given to sparing food - liquid, boiled food from fish and meat, warm milk, cereals.

    Prevention of dehydration is carried out using dehydration solutions of 0.9% sodium chloride and 5% glucose; Ringer and Ringer-Locke, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. If the cat completely refuses to drink, use a mixture of glucose and sodium chloride solution, 1 part of each component, at a daily dosage of 80-130 ml.

    Immunomodulators and antiviral drugs

    The effectiveness of the treatment of herpesvirus infection depends on the state of the general immunity of the cat. Medicines in the form of injections are more effective, but there are also drugs for administration through the oral cavity of the animal. To stimulate the antiviral immune response, immunomodulators and immunostimulants are used:

    • Imunofan, intramuscular, subcutaneous injection, 1 ml every other day, 4-5 injections in total.
    • Fosprenil, 0.5 ml / kg intramuscularly, once a day, 10 days.
    • Roncoleukin, subcutaneously, intravenously, 1 injection per day, 10,000-20,000 IU per 1 kg of weight, general course - 3 injections.
    • Salmosan, intramuscularly, subcutaneously or through the oral cavity, 0.5 ml for kittens, 1 ml for adult animals.
    • Feliferon, intramuscularly, 400,000 IU, injection is carried out once a day, the general course is 5-7 injections.
    • Cycloferon, intramuscularly, subcutaneously or intravenously, the dosage for animals weighing 2-5 kg ​​is 0.2 ml / kg.
    • Comedon, intramuscularly, once a day, dosage for animals under the age of one year - 0.16 ml / kg, older than a year - 0.12 ml / kg. Full course - 5-7 days.
    • 0.4% Maxidin solution, intramuscularly, 0.5 ml in the morning and evening, the duration of the course is 3-5 days.
    • Anandin, intramuscularly, 20 mg/kg once a day, duration of treatment 3-6 days.
    • Forvet, subcutaneously, intravenously, 1 ml for every 5 kg of body weight; the injection is done once a day, the total duration of therapy is a week. In severe cases - a double course of 5 days with a weekly interval.
    • Immunoglobulin Vitafel, once, subcutaneously, dosage for cats weighing up to 10 kg - 1 ml, more than 10 kg - 2 ampoules of 1 ml with an interval per day.
    • Gamavitforte. If it is not possible to do intramuscular injections, then this drug can be a replacement for the previous one in home treatment. It contains a double set nutrients compared to Gamavit. The dosage of the drug is 0.5 ml per kilogram of the cat's weight, morning and evening. The total duration of admission is 10 days.

    As a component complex therapy use antiviral drugs of systemic action:

    • Acyclovir, 3 mg / kg, three times a day, the course of treatment is a week. The drug has an immunostimulating effect, but it also has an undesirable side effect - toxicity to the body of cats.
    • Famciclovir at a dosage of 40-90 mg per kilogram of body weight, orally, taken every 8 hours.
    • Lysine, orally, 500 mg twice a day.
    • Gamapren, orally, dosage for cats weighing up to 2 kg - 0.5 ml, over 2 kg - 1 ml, the course of administration is 5-10 days, in case of severe rhinotracheitis, the course is repeated, but not less than two weeks later.

    Antibacterial therapy

    Antibiotics do not affect viruses, but with rhinotracheitis, secondary bacterial infections often join, so it is necessary to carry out treatment antibacterial drugs general spectrum of action:

    • Flemoxin, inside, 12-22 mg / kg, two doses per day, course duration 7-10 days.
    • Sumamed (azithromycin), orally, 5-15 mg/kg of cat weight, twice a day after 12 hours, a course of 5 days. The drug should be given one hour before meals or 2 hours after it. In severe cases, treatment is extended up to 2 weeks. The advantage of the drug is its low toxicity, as well as the introduction through the oral cavity of the animal.
    • Cefalosporin antibiotics - Cefazolin (intramuscularly, intravenously, 5-10 mg / kg, course 5-14 days), Ceftriaxone (intramuscularly, for cats weighing up to 2 kg - 0.5 ml, more than 2 kg - 1 ml, once a day, full course 1-2 weeks), Cefotaxime (intramuscularly, 20 mg / kg, two doses per day, full course 7-10 days).
    • Semi-synthetic penicillins - Sinulox (tablets - orally, solution - intramuscularly and subcutaneously, 12.5 mg / kg, twice a day, for 1 week), Amoxicillin (the dosage is the same).
    • Tylosin, intramuscularly, 0.1-0.2 ml/kg, once a day, the duration of treatment is 3 days.

    Since antibiotics may be accompanied by allergic reactions, then it is recommended to give the animal antihistamines: Claritin, Loratadin, Tsetrin. The tablet must be divided into 6-8 parts, crushed, mixed with water and drunk from a spoon or injected into the mouth through a syringe without a needle.

    Local and symptomatic therapy

    Every day you need to carry out hygiene procedures for cleaning the nose and eyes with special antiseptics.

    Ocular antimicrobial ointments and drops containing corticosteroids should not be used as they predispose to ulceration.

    Eye treatment is carried out with drugs:

    • Tobrex, two drops in the affected eye every 4 hours.
    • Anandin, 2-4 drops for the lower eyelid, 2 times a day.
    • One percent tetracycline ophthalmic ointment should be applied to the cat's lower eyelid 3-5 times a day. A 3% ointment is applied to the eyelids or applied as a bandage.
    • Vitafel-immunoglobulin, 1-2 drops in the eyes, 3 times a day.
    • Levomycetin drops - 2 drops in each eye, 3-4 times a day.
    • Eye drops Kerecid, Idurvan based on the chemotherapy drug 5-iodo-2-deoxyuridine are used to treat ulcerative lesions. They are instilled 2-4 drops, 4-6 times a day.
    • 0.5% ophthalmic ointment Acyclovir is placed in the damaged eye at least 5 times a day.

    The treatment of the oral and nasal cavities is carried out as follows:

    • In the presence of ulcers, the surface oral cavity lubricated for disinfection with Iodinol, Chlorhexidine, for healing - gels Actovegin, Solcoseryl.
    • Nasal and eye drops Anandin, 2-4 drops in the nasal passages, 3-5 times a day. Anandin ointment is used to treat ulcerative skin lesions.
    • Vitafel-immunoglobulin - 3 drops in both nostrils, 3 times a day.
    • The dissolution of thick mucous secretions can be done using inhalation with an ultrasonic nebulizer by adding Fluimucil in liquid form to the saline solution.

    If the animal's body temperature is more than 39.5 degrees, then antipyretic drugs are used: Ketofen in tablets, Loxicom in the form of a suspension.

    Paracetamol should not be given due to its high toxicity to animals.

    Rhinotracheitis in cats is an acute, highly contagious disease characterized by inflammation of the eyes and respiratory organs. The general prevention of rhinotracheitis in cats consists of compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards for keeping animals, a complete fortified diet, regular deworming, avoiding contact with stray animals and introducing sera to develop specific immunity.

Rhinotracheitis is manifested in adult cats and small kittens with rhinitis, tracheitis, bronchitis and pneumonia.

Basically, it's a virus. infectious disease that affects the organs of the respiratory system.

Rhinotracheitis of cats is also called animal herpes.


Most often, small kittens suffer from rhinotracheitis, there are quite a few cases with a fatal outcome.
  • The virus is transmitted very quickly and is especially dangerous where several cats live.
  • By airborne droplets, it passes from one individual to another.
  • Adult cats are less susceptible to this disease, but they can also get rhinotracheitis if they are kept in a cold room or exposed to hypothermia, and are poorly fed or cared for.

The causative agent of rhinotracheitis is the feline herpes virus type I.

  • Veterinarians register it everywhere, in all ages and breeds of cats.
  • But the disease itself manifests itself only in 50% of cases.
  • That is, if you keep a cat properly, you can avoid the risk of damage to the respiratory system by rhinotracheitis.
  • As a rule, this disease is seasonal. Scientists note that the peak of rhinotracheitis in cats is observed in the cold season.
  • At this time, virus-carrying cats and already ill individuals are dangerous neighbors for healthy animals, since even the chronic course of the disease is exacerbated at this time.
  • Virus carrying can be manifested for two or more years.
  • In addition, the herpes virus is so viable that it can withstand the effects of the external environment and not die even at a temperature of +20 degrees.
  • It can exist in this way, outside the body of the animal, up to two months.

Healthy individuals are at risk of contracting the herpes virus just by sniffing the feces of a sick animal.

Immediately after infection with the herpes virus, the cat quickly begins to get sick, the incubation period is only 3-7 days.

  • The integumentary layers of tissue and organs of the animal, its respiratory system are immediately affected.
  • The upper epithelium on the mucous membranes suffers: in the nose, in the mouth, on the lips, on the pharynx, the cat's upper respiratory tract becomes inflamed.
  • The virus can also infect the mucous membrane of the eye, with conjunctivitis of varying severity occurring.

What does feline herpes look like?

Acute course of the disease

In the acute course of the disease in cats, the temperature rises greatly - up to 40 degrees, the animals are in a fever.

Anorexia is also a symptom in this case.

A few days later, an obvious rapid sneezing begins, the cat constantly drools, serous, and later purulent conjunctivitis appears.

In the worst cases, the intestines suffer, constipation begins.

Discharge from the nose becomes yellow or even grayish and viscous, and at first it may be the usual clear and liquid.

The bronchi suffer: the cat begins to cough, sometimes to expectoration of sputum, often accompanied by vomiting.

The nose becomes completely stuffed up, it is difficult for the cat to breathe.

Acute rhinotracheitis lasts about two weeks.

Sores may appear in the mouth and on the nose. In this state, the cat refuses to drink, as a result of which she may develop dehydration.

At proper treatment the cat recovers after a week.

And when the treatment is delayed, rhinotracheitis becomes chronic.

Symptoms of calcivirosis in cats ->

Chronic course of the disease

Sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes - has your pet caught the flu or a cold? Quite possible. And it is possible that the name of this cold is herpes. Yes, such familiar to us disease did not pass and cats.

Herpes cats, he rhinotracheitis, or FVR(feline viral rhinotracheitis) - acute infection top respiratory tract caused by a virus from the Herpesviridae family, the disease is widespread and highly contagious. And hypervirus-1 (FHV-1) is the most popular type of feline herpes virus.

As usual, let's get to know the enemy better.

The hypervirus affects the epithelial layer of the organs, "settling" on the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, pharynx and causing inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Incubation period is up to 7-10 days. After the onset of symptoms, the active phase of the disease usually lasts 6 to 20 days. And all this time the cat is a distributor of infection.

Infection with herpes (rhinotracheitis) is promoted by:

· direct contact with an infected animal (airborne: the virus is contained in the saliva, secretions from the nose and eyes of a sick cat, in its feces. It can be "inhaled")

· mechanical transmission of the virus - through contaminated household items: dishes, tray, toys

· crowded keeping of cats (shelter, cattery), poor-quality food, insufficient ventilation of the room, non-compliance with hygiene standards, etc.

· stress, hypothermia, other illness

The impact of the virus directly depends on the immunity of the animal. Therefore, as always, kittens, young, elderly, unvaccinated and homeless cats, animals with chronic diseases.

Rhinotracheitis is characterized by a seasonal nature, its peak occurs in the wet and cold season. The risk of getting sick also increases when visiting exhibitions, mating, traveling, etc.

Why is herpesvirus so dangerous?

Symptoms of herpes in cats and cats:

  • sneezing
  • rhinitis - discharge from the nose (at first light, with time thick and greenish-gray)
  • eye damage (lacrimation, conjunctivitis, corneal ulceration)
  • temperature increase
  • loss of appetite
  • apathy

The defeat of the mucous membranes often "opens the door" to other viruses and bacteria, so the disease is dangerous with the possibility of developing a secondary infection.

True, it is very similar to the symptoms of another infection -? Indeed, both herpesvirus and calcivirus are the cause of acute respiratory diseases in cats. But if ulcers in the oral cavity are characteristic of calcivirosis, then with herpes, the eyes mainly appear.

In a sick cat, the eyes become red and swollen, with frequent lacrimation - these are the consequences of conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyelids, third eyelid). The appearance of pus in the eye indicates the addition of a secondary infection of a bacterial nature. In the future, ulcers on the cornea and other serious complications are possible.

If inflammatory process reaches the bronchi, the cat begins to cough, fever and swelling of the throat are possible. Due to nasal congestion, the animal is forced to breathe through the mouth, which leads to an increase in salivation and the appearance of sores in the oral cavity. Because of the loss of smell and pain in the mouth, the cat stops eating, dehydration begins.

This is especially dangerous for small kittens, in which, due to unformed immunity, the disease can take sharp shape leading to complications in the form of pneumonia and secondary infections. Mortality from rhinotracheitis in babies reaches 30%.

In adult cats with good immunity, the disease may be latent, manifested only by minor nasal discharge and sneezing. After a few days, herpes often becomes chronic. With proper treatment, the mortality rate is less than 10%.

In pregnant cats, FVR can cause miscarriages, and if kittens are born, they will be infected with the virus.

Possible complications of herpes:

· pneumonia

· scarring of the tissues of the eye, which can lead to clouding of the cornea, blockage of the nasolacrimal duct - the cause of constant tearing

· "dry eye syndrome" due to virus damage to the lacrimal gland

· eosinophilic keratitis as a result of a malfunctioning immune system

· corneal sequestration - necrosis of the cornea with discoloration.

All these complications require careful treatment, and corneal sequestration surgical intervention.

The peculiarity of the herpesvirus is that once it enters the body of a cat, it remains in the nerve cells throughout the life of the animal. Treatment can only relieve the symptoms of the disease, but cannot permanently eradicate the virus.

The first outbreak is usually the most severe. Once the immune system of a healthy cat is restored, it usually manages to keep the virus in check. But some kind of stress, another illness, or the use of corticosteroids can trigger a new recurrence of herpes. And then the animal becomes contagious again.

Diagnosis of rhinotracheitis

The symptoms of rhinotracheitis are similar to the external manifestations of other diseases, from which it should be distinguished.

FVR is diagnosed based on:

  • anamnesis (information about the development of the disease - the owner's story)
  • examination (the presence of ulcers on the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes is especially indicative)
  • blood tests
  • PCR (polymerase chain reaction) to identify herpes virus DNA
  • growing the virus from samples of secretions from the nose, eyes and throat of a cat
  • immunofluorescent antibody test

Unfortunately, with a hidden form (when there is no clinical signs) diagnosis of herpes is ineffective.

Herpes treatment

Since herpes is incurable, the goal of treatment is to eliminate its symptoms and reduce recurrences.

Treatment is individualized depending on the severity of the disease and may include: antibiotics (to prevent secondary infections), antiviral agents, preparations for the treatment of eyes and nose, intravenous nutritional drips (if the cat is not eating).

Particular attention is paid to the eyes. Correct aggressive treatment of conjunctivitis, keratitis, corneal ulcers is very important to avoid serious complications.

During the treatment period, the food offered to the pet should be as attractive, soft and warm as possible.

In case of a severe course of the disease (severe dehydration, the development of pneumonia), especially for small kittens, a hospital is recommended.

The diseased animal must be isolated from healthy animals (at least three weeks).

Prevention of herpes

How to avoid infection? Everything is standard: good conditions maintenance, quality nutrition, cleanliness, sufficient ventilation, protection from drafts and hypothermia, lack of contact with sick animals, reduction stressful situations, caution when visiting exhibitions.

But the most effective measure, as always, is vaccination. Strains of the rhinotracheitis virus are included in any complex vaccine for cats. Since a strong immunity to this disease is not developed, there will be no 100% guarantee of protection. BUT!

If during the treatment of a cold in a cat with antibiotics, the symptoms appear again and again and the owner does not understand why the cat often sneezes and coughs, then the pet may have rhinotracheitis. This disease has symptoms similar to colds, but the viral nature of infectious rhinotracheitis suggests a more complex treatment regimen. As you know, viral diseases are difficult to cure - antibiotics have an effect only in the short term and temporarily eliminate the symptoms. Repeated courses of treatment are also not effective - due to the prescription of drugs of the same group, cats develop addiction and resistance to antibiotics.

However, feline rhinotracheitis virus can be successfully treated with a combination of the right therapies. Therefore, pet owners, if there are suspicions that a cat has been infected with an upper respiratory tract virus, should seek help from a veterinarian and start treatment as soon as possible. You can read about the drug.

Viral rhinotracheitis in cats, the symptoms and treatment of which will be covered in this review is contagious disease, which often affects pets with access to open areas and homeless animals. The disease is not fatal and is serious threat for young kittens, older cats and pets with chronic diseases - the immune system of such animals is weakened, and the body can not resist the attacks of viruses and bacteria.

At the same time, owners of healthy adult cats are also not immune from the fact that their pet can become infected with the disease. In order to diagnose a disease early stages and minimize the risk of complications, it is necessary to know the symptoms.

The symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • the cat does not eat anything;
  • lethargy and apathy appear;
  • there is inflammation of the sinuses and mucous membranes of the eyes;
  • the presence of uncharacteristic discharge from the nose;
  • for a long period of time the cat coughs and sneezes;
  • the pet's eyes take on an unhealthy appearance, ulcers may appear on the cornea;
  • the cat is breathing with difficulty;
  • also, the pet may experience increased salivation and drowsiness.

The development of symptoms of the disease in pets infected with the virus appears within two days after infection. However, in some cases, the symptoms of the disease do not appear at all, and the owner may not suspect that the pet needs complex treatment rhinotracheitis in cats, the scheme of which is selected by the veterinarian individually. Symptoms may vary in severity. The age of the cat and the general health of the animal affect the features of their manifestation.

The danger of the virus to humans

When a pet owner notices that a cat has one or two eyes watering, she is breathing heavily and coughing, the first thing he thinks about is the safety of his family members and his own. The owner can take various measures to avoid getting infected from the cat. But you should not panic - after all, the statement that rhinotracheitis in cats is dangerous for humans is not reliable. The disease can be transmitted from pet to pet, so if a cat sneezes and watery eyes, it is better to isolate it from other individuals.

Diagnosis of rhinotracheitis

When contacting the clinic, the veterinarian will prescribe a series of tests, the purpose of which is to determine the presence of bacterial strains. Samples for research are taken through nasal or oral swabs. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the veterinarian will prescribe medication for treatment. bacterial infections. If a cat sneezes than to treat at home, the veterinarian will also tell you.

Apart from traditional treatment, the veterinarian will tell the owner about the special conditions for keeping sick animals that need additional care for a quick recovery.

Once rhinotracheitis has been diagnosed in cats, home treatment should include the following:

  1. keeping the cat warm (cold and drafts can cause complications);
  2. restriction of access to the animal to the street and other cats;
  3. frequent washing of food and water bowls;
  4. disinfection of the cat's habitat with special disinfecting solutions.

In order to prevent rhinotracheitis, it is worth using vaccination. Your veterinarian can recommend several vaccine options to protect cats from viruses and bacteria. Despite the high effectiveness of vaccination, vaccinated animals still have a chance of getting sick, so owners should still remain vigilant and pay attention to anxiety symptoms and general health of the cat.

Treatment of rhinotracheitis in cats

If domestic cat sneezes and watery eyes what to do in such cases only professional "cat lovers" know. The remaining categories of pet owners look at the pet in bewilderment and cannot understand why the cat is coughing and what causes her teary eyes and nasal congestion. Therefore, about self-treatment pet medicines are out of the question.

If rhinotracheitis is diagnosed in cats, treatment involves the use of a wide range action to fight infection. The pet may be prescribed antibiotics, intensive supportive care, blood transfusion, infusion therapy. Force-feeding may be required, as a weakened cat will not eat or drink and may die from severe malnutrition or dehydration.

Overview of veterinary drugs

In veterinary practice, various drugs are used to treat rhinotracheitis - antiviral agents, antibiotics, drops to reduce nasal discharge, drugs to treat eye infections. The purpose of the drug is made taking into account the characteristics of the course of the disease in the animal, general condition his health, and the presence clinical symptoms. Dosage and regimen of drug use is also individual.


Baytril antimicrobial for cats is a fast-acting and effective antibiotic. It is produced in Germany, so the drug meets European quality standards and has a rather high cost. Veterinarians may advise replacing Baytril with cheaper analogues, active substance in which enrofloxacin acts. The drug has a strong effect and a number of contraindications, so its use should be taken very responsibly and carefully.


Rhinotracheitis can affect the organs of vision and the only way to keep the eyes healthy in a cat is to prescribe special drops.

This can be Anandin for cats, the price of which is low and available to a wide range of consumers. It is about 150-200 rubles. With nasal discharge, Anandin for cats can also be prescribed nose drops to be instilled in the pet in accordance with the instructions for the drug.


Maksidin eye drops for cats are prescribed to pets as an immunomodulatory agent. The drug can be used at home, because if the instructions are followed, its use will not cause side effects. The drug Maksidin for cats, the price of which is about 350-400 rubles per pack, is prescribed for rhinitis, conjunctivitis and keratoconjunctivitis.


Veterinary drug Roncoleukin for cats is a broad-spectrum immunomodulator. It is not recommended to use it without the recommendation of a veterinarian, because if the dosage is incorrect, the drug will aggravate the condition of the pet. Roncoleukin is prescribed for the diagnosis of other eye diseases, as well as respiratory diseases. Also, the drug can be prescribed after the main treatment of rhinotracheitis - it will help the cat gain strength and restore immunity after taking potent drugs.


The drug Gamapren for cats, the price of which is 400-500 rubles per 5 mg, is used to treat infectious rhinotracheitis in combination with other veterinary drugs. Pharmacological properties veterinary drug are represented by antiviral action. The average course of treatment of rhinotracheitis with the drug is about ten days. Repeated use is prescribed no earlier than two weeks later.


The veterinary drug Tylosin for cats is an antibiotic that is used for injection. During viral diseases, secondary infections are treated with Tylosin. It is also used to treat mastitis, pneumonia, bronchitis and dysentery. The dosage of the drug depends on the body weight of the animal, and its therapeutic effect persists throughout the day. The drug should be carefully used for animals with individual sensitivity to tylosin.

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