CCA vaccination. Encephalitis Cultural Cultural Clean Peeled Concentrated Inactivated Dry

Tick-borne encephalitis - disease that are infected annually both children and adults. The peculiarity is that the central nervous system suffers in infection.

Could lead to deposits, a tick bite can lead to meningitis, paralysis or even to death. Encephalitis vaccination is usually carried out in spring time.

To date, several types of vaccines are used, the difference of which is the country-producer. There is a domestic manufacturer, German and Austrian. Next, we consider what the features of the drugs are more detailed.

Moscow Vaccine

There are two types of vaccine from Moscow manufacturers, consider their specificity:

  1. Vaccine tick-borne encephalitis Cultural purified concentrated inactivated dry. The vaccine is a suspension of tick-borne encephalitis virus. The main function of the vaccine is to develop immunity to the tick-borne encephalitis virus. Adults and children since three years old are subject to preventive vaccination. One vaccination rate is 1 dose, that is, 0.5 mg suspension per person, re-vaccination is possible in two weeks.
  2. Etsevir - Vaccine can also be used to children from three years, introduce it into the shoulder, the main thing is that a specialist practiced, because if you get into the vessel, vaccination can cause serious consequences for human health, up to shock. The primary dose of the vaccine is also 0.5 ml, re-administration is allowed after 1-2 months.

Austrian vaccine

Austrian vaccine from Encephalitis:

  • FSME IMMUN INJEKT - Vaccine from the Austrian manufacturer, which passes an effective cleaning system. It is used only for vaccination of adults, children can enter a vaccine since sixteen years. Enter suspension only intramuscularly for better suction. Originally used it on the day of treatment, and re-use is permissible in a month, the maximum allowable period is three months later. In the presence of viral diseases, the drug is strictly prohibited. There is also no possibility of using women during lactation.
  • FSME IMMUN INJEKT JUNIOR - permissible to use children aged one year. After three-sighted vaccination, the effect retains for three years. Vaccination should be carried out in the absence of viral disease, in extreme cases after two weeks after recovery, and only after the pediatrician conclusion.

German vaccine

German vaccine from Encephalitis:

  • Enceptur adult - Used to vaccinate adults, as well as children who have reached the twelve-year-old age. One single dose is injected in the case of the patient's primary circulation in 0.5 ml dosage. Contraindicated in allergic reactions after the previous vaccination, ORZ, ORVI, flu. The vaccine is not intended to treat the already infected person, its main orientation is the development of immunity to the virus tolerable ticks.
  • Enceptur Children - Pediatrician vaccine recommend applying for children aged from year to twelve years. In case of emergency vaccination, first introduced the primary dose of the drug, and the re-dose is permissible to enter within two weeks. The second vaccine can be introduced between one to three months. Vaccine is permissible to introduce intramuscularly, and in some cases subcutaneously.

What is the best vaccine?

Among the population, there is an opinion that the foreign production vaccine is much better protecting from tick-borne encephalitis than its russian analogue. This opinion is erroneously, since their composition is based on the same, while the procedure for using the drug depends solely on the age category.

Since 2015, in connection with the introduction of sanctions, most often in practice russian drugsBut this does not mean that the vaccination will have a less significant effect.

Indications for vaccination

Most often, prevention is appointed in the following cases:

  • Settlements where the tick population is sufficiently developed.
  • People who arrived on such territories for the purpose of making a logging on the implementation of agricultural work, on commercial and geological work.
  • Vaccination is also appointed to persons who arrive on the territory with frequent outbreaks of tick-borne encephalitis, for the purpose of rest and tourism, or those that in these territories are country sites.

Instructions for use

It is preferable to introduce the vaccine intramuscularly into the middle third of the left shoulder. Little children introduce vaccination permissible into the middle part of the thigh, in the absence of contraindications it is possible intramuscularly, the side does not matter.

But in no case cannot be allowed so that the vaccine is administered intravenously, it can lead to anaphylactic shock.

Before use, the suspension must be warm to room temperature, and immediately before administration, the ampule needs to shake so that the suspension becomes homogeneous. Before filling the Syringe, the ampoules is treated with alcoholic solution.

For each introduction, only one disposable syringe must be used. The dosage should strictly correspond to the age category.

Features of vaccination in children

Features of vaccination in children:

  1. Parents should know that when choosing a vaccine, it is necessary to take into account that the drugs of Russian production are permissible for children since four years old, as for foreign manufacturers, then restrictions begin with a one-year-old age.
  2. If there is a selection of vaccine, it all depends on the degree of purification of the drug. When vaccinating a child, it is possible to better not save and choose the greatest degree of purification, which refers to the preparations of Austrian and German production.
  3. Some parents, absolutely not delight in the specifics of the vaccination, often refuse her. However, it is worthwhile that if an infected insect bit the graft baby, then the infection will not happen rather, and will be held in very light form.
  4. Children sometimes better adults carry vaccination, very rare cases of allergic reactions.
  5. In summer, you can stay calm if the child is often in nature.

Vaccination schemes from tick-borne encephalitis

There is a scheme that, in principle, suitable for both both children and adults, however, may be their own characteristics that are connected exclusively with the type of vaccine.

However, no one canceled the existing rules that doctors adhere to:

  • The first vaccination is made in the clinic on the day of circulation or a day appointed by the doctor.
  • The second procedure is carried out between 1 to 3 months after the first vaccination;
  • And the last vaccination must be made in 9-12 months.

True, there are exceptional cases in which the second vaccine must be introduced two weeks after the first, but this case is an exception, it is not necessary to navigate.

Contraindications for vaccination

Before conducting the vaccination procedure, each must be examined by a specialist for the presence of viral diseases, as it is categorically contraindicated in the presence of a virus in the body.

There is also a number of diseases that do not allow the doctor to assign vaccination:

  • Disease associated with improper work of the kidneys or liver.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Allergic reaction to chicken meat.
  • Immunodeficiency, both congenital and acquired.
  • Increased temperature.
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  • Chronic diseases (any).

Side effects

Some reactions that can manifest after vaccination are quite natural:

  1. Muscle pain in the injection site.
  2. Pulse increase.
  3. It is possible to increase lymph nodes.
  4. Sleep impairment, as well as appetite.
  5. Violations associated with the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. During the day, it is possible to observe an increase in body temperature, accompanied by headaches.
  7. Before any vaccination, and also after it is always recommended to take antihistamines, because they are not excluded allergic reactions In the form of cough, rash, runny nose. In the event that the symptoms continue for several days, it is worth consulting a doctor, as this may be the individual intolerance of the body are not the components of the drug.
  8. Often there is swelling and redness, which passes independently after a population, the main thing is to eliminate the external impact.

Complications after vaccination

Complications may occur in any type of vaccination, so it is worth understanding that it is impossible to conduct a procedure if:

  • A person has a pathology of the joints.
  • Wrong work of the cardiovascular system.
  • The intolerance to the components of the vaccine, in this case there may be a swelling of quinque.

Where can I buy a vaccine?

Vaccine can be purchased at the pharmacy or monitor online stores and order a drug through the site.


The cost of one dose of the domestic production vaccine varies from 400 to 500 rubles, and if we take into account the vaccines of the production of Austria and Germany, then the prices are much higher - from 1000 to 1500 rubles per dose.

It should be taken into account, when applying various vaccination schemes, 2-3 doses will be required to carry out complete prevention, based on this can be calculated at how much vaccination can do.

One of the heavy and difficult neuroinfection diseases - tick-borne encephalitis. The risk group includes the population of any age and sexuality. Urban residents can easily become infected, as insects in the period of activity are distributed on lawns, trees on the alleys. And if you like to walk through the forest or you plan to spend your vacation at the river, it will be difficult to protect yourself. Tick-borne encephalitis vaccination is considered effective method Prevention and protection. But it is necessary to make it according to a specific scheme. More information about Encephalitis vaccination, when to put injection and much more, discuss with our readers.

Prevention of tick-borne disease

In the blood, viruses fall from the bloodstream insect - tick. He is just a variance of the virus, the infection does not affect the vital activity of the insect. The effects of the disease in 80% of cases lead to disabilities, 10% of death and only 10% tolerate infection without consequences. Until 2010, encephalute ticks in Russia met only in the forest belt and fields.

At the end of 2015, 85% of the infected lived in the urban area and did not go to nature. Each 10th tick is a patronage of the disease.

To determine which insect bitten the patient can only after the analysis, which is performed for a fee and costs from 500 p. Results will be ready after 3 days, during this time Encephalitis will have time to move from the initial form to a persistent disease.

There are several ways to prevent:

  • Light - protection with tight clothing and repellents (sprays, ointments, tonic). They are processed by all open parts of the body before walk;
  • Special protection measure - grafting from tick-borne encephalitis. It is mandatory for people living in regions with high risk or traveling there on a business trip or leave.

Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is the most reliable and effective method of protecting and preventing people. Processing and special wear can only be protected for a while and will not help in the bite of an insect. Therefore, people with the most modern protective equipment need to be putting a vaccine.

Efficiency of vaccination

Insects more active in the end of June, but it is necessary to make vaccination before. The virus, falling into the blood, does not immediately manifest itself aggressively. It is necessary that time passed. Incubation period may leak up to two weeks.

When infected with the patient, the following signs may be observed:

  • redness of the skin face, neck;
  • headaches of acute character;
  • elevated temperature (38-40 °);
  • nausea;
  • chills or on the contrary, sudden hot bouts;
  • drawing muscular pain in the shoulder, cervical and chest departments;
  • muslim pains and muscles in the upper and lower limbs.

Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is performed inactive form of the virus. Side effects at the vaccine is minimal, so it is safe. Contraindications may be chronic diseases Hearts, Lungs, Oncology, Heavy Form sugar diabetespregnancy.

After prevention, a person can become infected, but antibodies are already present in the body, therefore the disease proceeds almost imperceptibly without complications. Putting the vaccination at any age according to the scheme, which is approved by the Ministry of Education. In regions with increased risk, injection is included in the vaccination calendar.

From tick-borne encephalitis in our clinics, children and adults make domestic and imported vaccines. In connection with the sanctions at the end of 2015 to buy an imported vaccine more difficult. The action of domestic and imported vaccines is not much different. Just our population is subject to the opinion that imported drugs are more secure. The regional Ministry of Health proposes to make the procedure available to vaccines.

The most popular drugs for children and adults and their side effects, present in the form of a table:

Tick-borne encephalitis vaccination Manufacturer Development of immunity,% Side effects
Inactivated purified dry cultural Russia "Pipweh them. MP Chumakov RAMN " 80 Children from 3 years old. Temperature, temporary inflammation lymph nodes, Head pain, contraindicated in chronic diseases and pregnancy.
Etsevir Russia FSUE NPO "Microgen" 90 It is possible to apply adults from 18 years. Malaise, headache, Allergies, pulling muscle pain.
FSME-immun injection - junior Australia 98–100 You can apply children from 6 months to 6 years. Iridocyclitis and sclerosis.
Enceptur Germany 99 Children from 1 year. Side effects were not observed.

Before the vaccination, the doctor should take analyzes for individual intolerance to the patient. Only after the results, you can put the vaccination. An instruction is attached to each of the drugs, where the scheme when it is necessary to make an injection clearly described.

Tick \u200b\u200bEncephalitis Vaccination Scheme

When putting the vaccine depends on the selected scheme. You can make vaccination from the encephalitite tick in two schemes:

  • standard;
  • accelerated scheme.

Consider a standard application scheme various vaccinesWhen you can put the drug at no rush:

  • Purified dry hollow encephalitis vaccine - 1 injection at any time, 2 in 6-7 months.
  • Etsevir is the first on any day, the second is put in 5-6 months.
  • Enceptur is the first at any time, the second one after 4-8 weeks.
  • FSME-immun injection - junior is the first on any day, 2 in 4-12 weeks.

The accelerated application of vaccinations when putting the injection is needed quickly. The first progress of the scheme differs little from the traditional. The second vaccination can be made with a shorter period of time:

  • Purified dry - the second in 2 months.
  • Entsevir - the second in 2 weeks.
  • Enceptur - the second one after 1 week, the third is put in 21 days.
  • FSME-immun injection - junior - 2 weeks.

The first vaccination from encephalitis in Russia is placed in winter or spring, the second according to the scheme. After 12 months, you can make revaccination. Then to be vaccinated once every 3 years. If in December - January, the vaccination from encephalitis was not made, then the accelerated scheme is selected, when the gap between the first and second groove is small. If one revaccination is missed, then make the vaccination will have to first.

More information about the disease and vaccination against it, you can learn on the video:

In the clinics of Russia, inexpensive domestic drugs are mainly represented. You need to buy an import vaccine yourself. And when to put the vaccination depends on your desire.

Vaccusion from Phase: Is there a danger in refusing vaccination?

The causative agent of the hardest neuroinfection pathology - tick-borne encephalitis - a virus from the genus Flavivirus. It penetrates the bloodstream of a person with saliva infected ticks. According to statistics, victims of the attacks of these spoofers annually become from 12,000 to 40,000 adults and children. But only 10% of the total of victims is recovering, 10% dies, and 80% of people remain disabled.

In addition to this sad information, one more disappointing fact must be taken: the infection can not happen somewhere in the grove or in the field, but in urban park areas, because Magnifiers of the virus are now often found there.

Therefore, the vaccination from tick-borne encephalitis is an unusually relevant topic, especially with the approach of spring. Immunity should form in advance: after all, the greatest activity of insects is celebrated from May and continues until the end of June, so you need to have time to prepare.

Indications for vaccination

  • employees of laboratories where biomaterials containing live cultures of the pathogen of this pathology are being investigated;
  • persons performing in zones enzootic on CE, such types of work, such as procurement, hydro-elevative, geological, construction, agricultural, derativational;
  • citizens attending the regions with high infection rates of tick-borne encephalitis;
  • tourists who are going to the forest for hunting or camping;
  • residents of regions with a wet climate.

In immunization with antieracephalute serums, both people for whom there are risk of eating infected meat or milk and contact with animals, bite ticks.


It is forbidden to make vaccinations from tick-borne encephalitis:

  • during pregnancy / breastfeeding;
  • babies up to 1 year;
  • patients with exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • if somatic or infectious pathologies, neoplasms, the acute states of any etiology are diagnosed;
  • in the presence of rheumatism, red lupus, congenital / acquired immunodeficiency;
  • if strong allergic reactions to products or medicines are noted, as well as in the intolerance of the vaccine components;
  • people, on the eve of immunization.

Features of popular anticlece vaccines

Domestic and foreign pharmacology offers grafting from tick-borne encephalitis, which are weakened living or inactivated virus antigens of this infection. All vaccines meet high international standards of modern medicines.

The most effective among them:

Moscow Vaccine ("PIPIVE them. M.P. Chumakov RAMN", Russia)

Produced in the form of lyophilized porous hygroscopic mass white color, packaged in ampoules.
Divorce into a solvent, turning into a homogeneous suspension, which, when defending, forms two layers: an amorphous precipitate and a colorless liquid. The vaccine has no formaldehyde, antibiotics, preservatives.
The active substance produced by vaccinated - antigen of the causative agent of tick-borne encephalitis strain "Sofyin".
One-time vaccination dose - 0.5 ml.

Forms immunological memory in 90% of graft. It is used as the prevention of KE kili from 3 years.

Why it is so necessary:

  1. protects not only from all subtypes of tick-borne encephalitis - it builds an immune barrier against the Omsk hemorogic fever virus;
  2. indispensable under emergency vaccination;
  3. almost no side effects manifest;
  4. it has a relatively low cost.

"" (NPO FSUE "Microgen", Russia)

It is produced as a homogeneous sorbed suspension of white in ampoules.
The development of immunity from the intrated vaccinous encephalitis vaccinations is stimulated by the current beginning of the vaccination - inactivated strain No. 205, which has been used since 1983. The three-stage control system guarantees the full safety of viral MIBP.
Disposable vaccination dose - 0.5 ml. Introduced intramuscularly - from 18 years.
Etsevir is designed for selective vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis; For unlimited use in the risk of KE lesion; To provide emergency care.
Forms a persistent immune response with remote one-time revaccinations every 3 years.

Distinctive features:

  1. reliably protects against the CE virus, including extremely dangerous Far Eastern strains;
  2. easily tolerated;
  3. it has an affordable cost.


It is a sorbed whitish opaque suspension in 0.5 ml ampoules (FSME-Immun Inject - for all) and 0.25 ml (FSME Immun Junior - for children). Does not contain preservatives.

The drug is based on an inactivated CE virus (neudörfl strain).

One-time dose for persons from 16 years - 0.5 ml (INJECT); For children from 8 months to 16 years - 0.25 ml (Junior). If the danger of the occurrence of tick-borne encephalitis is 6 months old, then the immunization of kids at this age of the Austrian serum is allowed. The introduction of "FSME-IMMUN" is carried out only intramuscularly. Intravenous administration May cause shock.

The pharmaceutic is used as a prophylactic agent until the tick activity season occurs. Application is allowed in summer, as well as for vaccinations by emergency scheme.

It contributes:

  1. causes the production of antibodies in the body for a period of 3 years;
  2. gives a small percentage of side effects;
  3. combined with simultaneous injections of other vaccines, excluding anti-library and.

"Enceptur" (Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics GmbH & Co. KG., Germany)

Dosage form: suspension with adjuvant; It has a homogeneous structure without foreign inclusions.
Packaging: Sterile glass syringes of 0.5 ml (for adolescents from 12 years) and 0.25 ml (for children from 1 year to 12 years).
Active component - strain K23.
Designed for intramuscular injections. If necessary, it is allowed to introduce an injection under skin covering. The direct hit "Enceptur" in the bloodstream can lead to anaphylaxis.
Serum is used to immunize the inhabitants of endemic regions.

Distinctive features:

  1. does not give undesirable phenomena, so when it is used there is no contraindications even for suffering allergies to chicken protein;
  2. the maximum reliability of the formed immunity is noted in 99% of the graft;
  3. immunization can be held year-round.

What kind of drug is better?

The majority of the population of our country shares the earliest opinion that only the foreign vaccine from tick-borne encephalitis may be truly productive.

However, this is an erroneous conclusion: after all, the main active substance Domestic and foreign MIBP are world-studied strains, and the same components are included in any drugs.

Therefore, it is not necessary to worry about the fact that sanctions imposed on Russia in 2015 do not allow the use of import funds. Russian pharmaceuticals for the prevention of tick-borne encephalitis are characterized by excellent portability and provide long-term protection against all the most common subtypes of KE.

Instructions for use

On the day of immunization (vaccination), a medical examination / survey of the insertion faces is carried out and the body temperature is measured. The vaccination is recorded in special accounting forms. Indicated:

  1. date, dose;
  2. number series, suitability;
  3. the names of the vaccination and manufacturer;
  4. information on vaccination reactions.

Before applying, the ampule is kept for 2 hours at T ° Min + 20 ° C.

The suspension is gaining a broad needle (to prevent foam formation).
Immediately before vaccination, the syringe with content is repeatedly shaken.
Store open ampoule is prohibited.

Injections should be done in the deltoid muscle. But if it becomes necessary to put the injection subcutaneously (for example, patients with hemorrhagic diathesis), then this is not prohibited by the rules.

Features of vaccination of children

CE vaccinations are not included in National calendar RF. But if parents understand that tick-borne encephalitis at the child proceeds very hard and causes more serious consequences compared to adults, then they will undoubtedly take the right decision.

For parents, very sedative is the fact that kids often tolerate vaccination is much easier than parents.

An important question is the choice of MIBP. And it is better not to save, but to buy a means with a high degree of cleaning, so that it is used even to vaccinate babies at the age of 1 year.

Preventive injection will allow no longer worried about the health of the baby. Indeed, even after the bite of infected blood circulation, the ticky encephalitis from the child may not develop either accept light shape And quickly goes.

Vaccination schemes

The vaccination standard course for children and adults consists of three injections: 0th day; after 1-3 months; After 9-12 months (after the 2nd injection). Dates of vaccination The doctor presses individually, according to the results of the medical examination.

Revaccination is prescribed after 3 years, because The antibody's protective titer is reduced by this time. Subsequent preventive actions - every 5 years.

Fast (emergency) Immunization is built by such a schedule: 0th day; in 7 days; After 21 days.

Under conditions of urgent prevention, the area of \u200b\u200bthe suspension first make patients previously unvaccuated or admitted with suspected encephalitis.

Side effects

  • Pain, edema, crimson bloom of injection.
  • Insomnia, headache.
  • The increase in the pulse, an increase in body temperature.
  • Increased lymph nodes.
  • Violations of w / c / t, loss of appetite.

To mitigate the symptoms of the disease, antihistamine vaccinations must be taken before the vaccination procedure.

Where to buy a vaccine?

By vaccination of immunobiological action by purchasing:

  • on the official website of the manufacturer / distributor;
  • in the online store;
  • in the urban pharmacy.

MIBP should be in the original packaging with the registration code, which certifies the authenticity of the pharmaceutical.

The human vaccination picked by encephalitis is required in a compulsory clinic. In the first case of the disease, it is necessary to put the vaccination that the body began to fight. But at first you need to make sure that the tick is completely extracted.


The price of Russian pharmacological producers is available: 400-500 rubles per 1 ampoule (dose). The cost of vaccination by vaccinations of German and Austrian production is much higher: from 1000 to 1500 rubles.

Considering that the preventive course of vaccinations from tick-borne encephalitis consists of 3 injections, you can easily calculate the total consumption of finance for upcoming immunization.

Spring time as no other, brings people exciting joy. All try to get into the forest or stroll in the park. Insects come to life and the greatest danger of which are pincers. Of course, not all of them are infectious. But the risk of bite by infected tick is high, and can not be determined in advance, whether the tick is infected. Infection can be submitted as residents of countryside and townspeople. According to statistics, 80% of infectious people make up city inhabitants dumart sites Or in the park, where the ticks live.

The immunoprophylaxis of encephalitis in Russia is carried out by epidemic testimony. One of the vaccines for the prevention of the population from the tick-borne encephalitis is "tick-e-wak". The drug is not included in the Russian vaccination calendar. Consider what kind of vaccine and how it is used for children and adults.

What is dangerous ticky encephalitis

The pathogen of encephalitis is in ticks that live in the forest and the taiga of many countries. According to statistics, most cases of Encephalitis infection occur in Russia, namely in Western and Eastern Siberia, in the Urals, central, as well as the North-West areas. In the spring ticks are activated and scented with people and animals to get drunk with blood.

The main part of the busted people make up the townspeople who came to the endemic area. Collection of berries, mushrooms and cones from urban residents, non-obstant precautions in the forest, sometimes end with infection. Increased temperature and nausea after tick bite are signs of encephalitis. Corollary further development diseases - paralysis, loss of consciousness, coma, death is possible.

Description of the vaccine

The "tick-e-wak" is a vaccine from tick-borne encephalitis. After two-time vaccination in the blood, protective antibodies are formed to all types of encephalitis virus in 90% of vaccinated persons. Manufacturer "Klechk-E-VAK" Russian enterprise FSUE "PIPVE them. MP Chumakov. " The vaccine is created by reproduction on chicken embryos. The drug is used in Russia since 2012, the tick-e-vaccine vaccine against tick-borne encephalitis is produced in ampoules of 0.5 and 0.25 ml for adults and children, respectively.

The vaccination is shown for the immunoprophylaxis of children from one year old age and adults according to the planned or emergency vaccination scheme. Seasonal prevention is needed to all residents of the endemic region and coming. Emergency vaccination "tick-e-vacc" is carried out after the bite insect or to go to the endemic area.

Method and scheme of application "Tick-E-WAK"

With planned and emergency immunization, the "tick-e-vaccine" vaccine for children from 1 year to 16 years to be administered at a dose of 0.25 ml, and adults are 0.5 ml. The vaccine of the "tick-e-vacc" baby and adult make intramuscularly in the external side surface of the shoulder.

The vaccinations of the "tick-e-wak" from tick-borne encephalitis put in two vaccination schemes.

  1. Seasonal immunization is carried out by two injections with a break of 1-7 months.
  2. The accelerated immunoprophylaxis consists of two injections with a two-week break.

Revaccination is required after a year after any vaccination scheme in doses by age. To maintain immunity, further revaccination is needed 1 time in three years in doses corresponding to age. We can make the prevention of the mite-e-vaccine vaccine and in the summer. The grafting of the "tick-e-vacc" can be combined with other calendar vaccines, except for anti-library.

When to vaccinate the tick-borne encephalitis

The planned immunoprophylaxis of "tick-e-wak" begin in March or April. When planning a trip to the endemic region, immunization according to the planned scheme starts three months before arrival. It is recommended to come to the endemic area 2 weeks after the coup-e-vaccine vaccination course.

Accelerated immunoprophylaxis is used by epidemic testimony. According to this scheme, the grafting of the "tick-e-vacc" make twice with a break in 2 weeks with an adult 0.5 ml, a child older than a year - 0.25 ml. The epidemic region is recommended to leave 2 weeks after the injection course. If there is no possibility to make the vaccination "tick-e-vacc", you can apply immunoglobulin.

The drug "tick-e-wak" is used to obtain immunoglobulin in donor people after vaccination. Vaccinations donors are made in two schemes. Vaccination according to 1 scheme is carried out twice 0.5 ml with a break of 5-7 months. According to the second scheme, 3 injections are made with intervals of 3-5 weeks between injections. After 6-12 months, revaccination is carried out. The best immunity induces a double grafting "Tick-E-WAK".

Who shows the vaccine vaccine vaccine-e-vaccine

Prevention is carried out to protect against encephalitis of adults and children from year to 16 years. Vaccinations also make donors to obtain immunoglobulin. Encephalitis vaccination is carried out to all residents of endemic regions, as well as visit people there. Mandatory vaccinations "Tick-e-Vak" put faces arriving for the fulfillment of various types of work in the forest zone:

For people traveling in abroad, you should know that Karelia, Austria and the Czech Republic are unfavorable for encephalitis. In Russia, endemic areas - Ural, Far East, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Volga region and Khabarovsk region.

What are the consequences of vaccinations

After vaccination, side effects are possible. In adults, according to the instructions, after the "tick-e-vaccine" vaccine, such general manifestations are observed:

  • malaise and headache;
  • hyperthermia is often up to 38.5 ° C.

Rarely after vaccination, the temperature rises above 38.5 ° C. For a local reaction from vaccination is characterized by hyperemia and infiltration at the injection site. In children, the side reaction after the "tick-e-vacc" manifests itself in a slight redness after the injection, which takes place in 2-3 days. The body temperature can increase to 38.5 ° C, there is a unwitting weakness. Side effects continue no longer than 3 days. For the most part, the reaction is developing only after the first injection of the tick-e-vaccine. After immunization, an allergic reaction is rarely.

What are there any contraindications

Acute and aggravation of chronic diseases is a temporary contraindication for the "tick-e-vaccine" vaccine, as well as for any other. Basic contraindications for immunization:

When conducting donor vaccination, there are special contraindications for them.

After the suffering disease with high temperatures The vaccination is postponed for a month. People, passing viral hepatitis or meningococcal infection, vaccinating permissible to do in six months after clinical and laboratory recovery. During pregnancy, the vaccination can not be done. If an immunoglobulin was introduced to the bite with a tick, the vaccine "tick-e-vacc" put only a month later. The vaccination may be ineffective in individuals suffering from immunodeficient diseases, including HIV-infected people.

Similar vaccines

The Russian Clean-E-Vac vaccine has a similar composition with foreign analogues. It can replace them at any stage of the immunoprophylaxis.

The "tick-e-vacc" has analogues:

  • An Adult Enceptor - German adult vaccine;
  • "Children's Enceptur" - introduce kids from 12 months of age;
  • "FSME IMUNU" Austrian release is used for adults;
  • "FSME-IMUNUN JUNIOR" is used in children from 12 months of age.

What vaccine from tick-borne encephalitis is better? All imported vaccines are interchangeable with "tick-e-wak". They contain identical antigens, but differ in the degree of cleaning. Imported vaccines are more purified and therefore give less side Effects and better tolerated. The Enceptur vaccine for children and adults is convenient because it has the shortest emergency vaccination: 0-1-7-21 day. Imported children's vaccines can be made by kids in a year old.

In conclusion, we emphasize the features of the "Tick-E-Vak" vaccine. The drug does not contain antibiotics and preservatives, has high immunogenic properties and minimal side effects. The "tick-e-vak" vaccine produces immunity to all types of Encephalitis virus. Vaccination interchangeable with imported vaccines. The "tick-e-vaccine" vaccine is used with the planned and emergency prevention of encephalitis.

One dose contains:

active substance - a specific, inactivated antigen of the tick-borne encephalitis virus (CE) - 1: 128,

auxiliary substances: human albumin, sucrose, gelatin, sodium chloride, tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane.

One solvent ampoule contains:

active substance - aluminum hydroxide gel 0.27 - 0.53 mg / dose,

an auxiliary substance is leading for injections.


Porous weight of white color, hygroscopic.

Restored in a vaccine solvent - homogeneous opaque

white suspension, when defending, divided into colorless transparent liquid and loose sediment of white. When shaking flakes, conglomerates and extraneous particles must be absent.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Anti-monette vaccines, tick-borne encephalitis virus - inactivated solid virus

ATH code J07BA01.

Pharmacological properties"Type \u003d" Checkbox "\u003e

Pharmacological properties

The vaccine is a lyophilized cleaned concentrated suspension of the tick-borne encephalitis (CE) virus (CE) strain "Sofin", obtained by reproduction in the primary culture of cells of chickens and inactivated formalin.

The drug does not contain formaldehyde, antibiotics and preservatives.

The vaccine stimulates the production of cellular and humoral immunity to the tick-borne encephalitis virus. After two injections of the drug (vaccination rate), the virus substralizing antibodies are detected by no less than 90% of the grafts.

Indications for use

Specific prevention of tick-borne encephalitis in children older than 3 years and adults

Immunization of donors in order to obtain a specific immunoglobulin

Contingents to be specific to specific prevention:

1. The population living on enzyotic tick-borne encephalitis territories.

2. A person who arrived on these territories performing the following works:

agricultural, hydro-elevative, construction, exhaust and movement of soil, procurement, commercial, geological, exploration, expeditionary, deratization and disinsectional;

on logging, clearing and landscaping of the forest, zones of recovery and recreation of the population.

3. Persons visiting the endemic territories of the territory with the goal of rest, tourism, work in the country and garden sites.

4. Persons working with alive cultures of the causative agent of tick-borne encephalitis.

Method of application and dose

Preventive vaccination

The vaccination rate consists of 2 intramuscular injections of 1 dose (0.5 ml) with an interval of 1-7 months.

Vaccinations can be carried out throughout the year (vaccination time does not depend on the season of the year), including in the epidemiological season. A visit to the CE focus to the epidseason is allowed not earlier than 2 weeks after the second injection.

The most optimal interval between 1 and 2 injections is 5-7 months. (Autumn - Spring). Revaccination is carried out once in a dose of 0.5 ml after 1 year after the course of vaccination is completed. Subsequent remote revaccinations are carried out every 3 years once.

vaccinations are carried out with strict compliance with the rules of asepsis and antiseptics. The vaccine is dissolved in the attached solvent at the rate of 0.5 ml per dose. The ampoule with the solvent is intensively shaken, the cervixes of the ampoules are treated with alcohol, open, the solvent is gaining into the syringe and bring it into an ampoule with a dry vaccine. The contents of the ampoule with the vaccine are intensely stirred for 3 minutes to the complete dissolution of the vaccine, gaining it several times in the syringe without foaming.

Vaccine 3 minutes after dissolution is a homogeneous suspension. Before injection, the contents of the ampoule are stirred, the vaccine is carried out immediately after the set in the syringe.

The storage dissolved vaccine in the ampoule is not subject.

The drug is not suitable in ampoules with impaired integrity, labeling, when discovering foreign inclusions, when changing physical properties (Strong deformation of the tablet - the porous weight of the white color becomes translucent and flashing in shape, the color change, the presence of large undeveloped conglomerates in the solvent after shaking it), with an expired expiration date, with a violation of the temperature regime of storage or transportation.

The drug is injected intramuscularly into the deltoid muscle of the shoulder.

The vaccinations are recorded in the established accounting forms, indicating the name of the drug, the dates of vaccinations, doses, the number of the series, the reaction to vaccination.

Immunization of donors

Vaccination course - two intramuscular injections 0.5 ml with an interval of 5-7 months. or three injections in 0.5 ml doses for the first and 1.0 ml for the second and third with an interval of 3-5 weeks between injections. The first scheme provides the best immunization effect. Revaccination - once a dose of 0.5 ml after 6-12 months, after the last injection of the vaccine. The first blood pressure for donors should be carried out after 14-30 days after the vaccination course.

Side effects

After the introduction of vaccine in some cases, local and general reactions.

When evaluating adverse Reactions The drug was based on the following frequency data: Very often\u003e 10%, often from 1 to 10%, from the case of the case from 0.1 to 1%, rarely from 0.01 to 0.1%, very rarely< 0,01 %, включая единичные случаи.

Local reactions:

Redness, swelling, pain in the place of administration


Development of infiltrate

A slight increase in regional lymph nodes.

The duration of local reactions does not exceed 3 days.

General reactions


- general malaise



Increase temperature of more than 37.5 ° C


- vomiting, diarrhea

In isolated cases, vaccinations may be accompanied by the development of the allergic reactions of the immediate type (anaphylactic shock, the swelling of quinque, generalized rash and TP.), In this connection, the vaccinated should be under medical supervision within 30 minutes after vaccination. Vacation venues must be provided with anti-shock therapy.


Hypersensitivity to vaccine components

Acute infectious I. non-infectious diseases, Chronic diseases in the aggravation stage (remission)

Heavy allergic reactions in history, bronchial asthma, autoimmune diseases

Heavy reaction (temperature increases above 40 0s; at the injection site of the vaccine - swelling, hyperemia more than 8 cm in diameter) or complications for the previous introduction of the vaccine


With donor vaccination, contraindications related to the selection of donors should also be taken into account.

Medicinal interactions"Type \u003d" Checkbox "\u003e

Medicinal interactions

Upon epidemic indications, simultaneous administration of the vaccine (one day) against tick-borne encephalitis and the introduction of other inactivated vaccines (except anti-execution) separate syringes in different parts of the body are allowed. In other cases, vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is carried out no earlier than 1 month after vaccination against another infectious disease.

special instructions"Type \u003d" Checkbox "\u003e

special instructions

Vaccination of children and adults, having chronic diseases, in the aggravation stage is carried out no earlier than 1 month after recovery (remission). In each case, the disease not contained in the present list of contraindications, vaccination is carried out by permission from the doctor, based on the health status of the vaccinated and risk of infection with tick-borne encephalitis. In order to identify contraindications, the doctor (Feldsher) spends the survey on the day and inspection of the mandatory thermometry.

Period lactation

Clinical studies of the safety of the use of tick-borne encephalitis vaccine for nursing women were not conducted. Vaccination of women during lactation can be carried out to permit a doctor, based on the health status of a woman and the risk of possible infection with the CE virus.

Features of influence drug On the ability to control the vehicle or potentially hazardous mechanisms

Pronounced general reactions to the introduction of vaccine (a significant increase in temperature, severe headache) are contraindications for control vehicles and mechanisms.

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