Dreams of faith in the novel what to do. Dreams of Vera Pavlovna

This "plug-in" utopia is in fact, as we said, such is not standing out of the general narration and, more, it becomes a vertex, because after it the action of the novel is completed, returns from America Lopukhov under the guise of the American engineer and the manufacturer of Biamont And in the utopian finals there is a figure of the book liberated from the prison. For in the dream, Vera Pavlovna shows, for which all this diverse, difficult and dangerous struggle is being conducted, for which he collected the democratic forces around him, published and wrote proclamation, called the people to the topor and revolution, got into the caasemate of the Petropavlovsk fortress, where the book was written.

In this dream, the story of the "new woman" is completed, the representative of which is Vera Pavlovna. In full accordance with the Utopia genre, the great Democrat-Utopist Chernyshevsky creates a picture of a democratic paradise, the golden century, which will arise on earth, when the revolution will win, which he prepares and the propaganda of which is dedicated to "?". He shows this paradise through the history of the liberation of women and love, which inevitably leads to the liberation of all mankind. After all, it is a female sleep, erotic. This paradise begins with reading Stychs Schiller and Goethe and Poet's speeches at the palace of liberated people. He sings about the famous women of antiquity, antiquity, mid-centuries, their beauty and mind, but says they did not have the main freedom. The future of Chernyshevsky sees as the kingdom of equal, free love men and women.

This golden age, which in the novel is theoretically talking Lopukhov and is embodied in a giant crystal palace-garden, standing among rich fat and gardens, the kingdom of eternal spring, summer and joy. Such enormous houses in a checkered manner covered by the Earth transformed by the liberated labor - planet "new people." Here are all together happy people of the ideal future. They work together with songs, having dinner together, having fun. And Chernyshevsky tells the mouth of the goddess of free love about the bright future, opening his faith of Pavlovna and at the same time with all its countless readers: "It is light, it is fine. Speak to all: that's what in the future, the future is light and fine. Love him, strive for him, work for him, bring it out, transfers from it to the present, as you can transfer. "

These words are repeated twice as. This is what Vera Pavlovna seeks, a shouse workshop, enlightening girls and studying medicine. Her family life, its equal relationship with Lopukhov and Kirsanov, is devoted to the ministry of liberated love. At the end of the novel, their new families are shown and it is said that these are "happy marriages," where the desperic ideals of new love and family are already embodied in the fourth-sleep.

  1. Dream function in Roman N.G. Chernyshevsky "What to do?".

Dreams in the Chernyshevsky novel play a very important role, they carry a certain functional load. The first three sleep faiths Pavlovna play a plot-forming role.

In the first night she sees how it comes out of the basement, as he is heal from paralysis. Thus, the author pursues the reader to the idea that the life of the windows in the house of the mother is equivalent to life in the basement and illness, which is paralysis. But then the girl comes out of the basement and recovering that he also pushes the reader to the idea that he would soon break out from under the care of the mother, namely married.

In the second dream of Vera Pavlovna, the author's thought is traced that people are divided into two categories on the criterion of anger. There are people who are truly evil and nothing will change them, they are evil from nature. But there is a second type of people, such as, Marya Alekseevna - the mother of the windows. Such people circumstances are forced to be evil, and under other circumstances of life, such people would not be evil, and would be kind and carried the joy in the world. This dream also performs a plug-in function. It is through the "second dream of Vera Pavlovna" the reader learns about the disputes in the Lopukhov circle about the natural scientific works of the German chemist of liberal, about philosophical discussions, the real and fantastic desires of people, about the laws of historical progress and civil War in America. In the home youth "University", having learned the idea that "Life has the main element of work," Vera Pavlovna decided to organize the labor partnership of a new type.

The third dream of faith Pavlovna also performs a plot-forming role. In this dream, and the Receives the reader to the fact that the Veroy is in love with Alexander Kirsanova and this fact should somehow influence her fate.

The fourth dream of Pavlovna faith is somewhat different in its semantic load, because it carries not a plot-forming role, but is filled with ideological-philosophical content, which reflects the views of Chernyshevsky himself. Thus, Chernyshevsky chose a comfortable form to tell about the social composition of the Russian society, which is sharply divided into rich and poor. Such a comparison is obtained: good soil ("real dirt") is healthy life Labor people ("... Life has the main element of labor, and therefore the main element of reality is labor, and the most faithful sign of reality - a matter).
As on good soil ("dirt") under the appropriate conditions (warm, sun, irrigation), a good steel of wheat can grow, and the working life conditions provide a solid basis for the normal development of society and the high moral and psychological qualities of a person. And vice versa, the lack of work in the life of people - the phenomenon of unhealthy, unnatural, fantastic.

Socio-political, philosophical and publicistic nature of the novel, the embodiment of the principles of aesthetics in it.

Roman "What to do?" In many respects there is a realization of the socio-political and literary and aesthetic principles of Chernyshevsky. The problems of the novel clearly and consistently reflects the program requirements of revolutionary democrats; Call to the revolution and confidence in her victory, the propaganda of the ideas of materialism and socialism, the struggle for the emancipation of women (in the novel, it was clearly shown that only in public labor was the path to the equality of women), upbringing 9! new people "based on the principles of collective labor and new Morally "The topic of" new people "is solved with the help of their contrast opposition to people of the old world (images of Maryia Alekseevna, Michel Storshnikova, etc.). Analyzing the images of "new people" (Lopukhov, Kirsanov, Faith Pavlovna), should be given the characteristics of their worldview, aesthetic principles, public ideals and specific activities.

The problem of a positive hero should be understood on the example of the image of the revolutionary leader - Rakhmetov (his "extraordination" is not in the specific psychological properties of "nature", but that he is a professional revolutionary). Rakhmetov is the first image of a professional revolutionary in Russian literature.

The novel prevails a rationalistic, logical beginning, only a few embellished "entertaining" plot, composed of banal situations and the fabulous moves of romantic literature. The purpose of the novel is journalistic and propaganda tasks. The novel was supposed to prove the need for a revolution, which resulted in socialist transformations. The author who demanded from writers of the truthful image and almost copies of reality, did not follow these principles in the novel and admitted that from the beginning to the end removed his work out of the head. There was no workshop of the faith of Pavlovna, nor any likeness of heroes, nor even the relationship between them. From here there is an impression of the fiction of an articulated ideal, illusory and utopian.

Philosophical and publicist and socio-political novel N.G. Chernyshevsky "What to do?" Light in 1863. This work had a great influence on the young minds of that time and made a significant contribution to the development of Russian literature "Proletarian" period.

In his novel, embodied scientific, political, spiritual ideas of the 1960s of the XIX century, the author in artistic form destroys the old, gradually going into the past world - "basement" as the ethical and aesthetic dogmas who taught his ethical and aesthetic dogmas. As opposed to this, Chernyshevsky depicts "ordinary decent people of a new generation," the people of the "new" morality - the heroes, beyond which he recognized the future of Russia.

Theory of rational egoism, her substantiation. Relationship in the love triangle of the novel in the light of the theory of rational egoism.

Difficult to understand is the theory of "reasonable egoism". Developing materialistic understanding Ethics, Chernyshevsky in the work "Anthropological principle in philosophy" substantiated the main idea of \u200b\u200bthis theory. It lies in the fact that the actions of people should always be agreed with their internal motives. And B. real life A person is guided by the first glance incentives of narrow egoism, the desire for the maximum benefit and the maximum pleasure "of the" essence "of a person, according to Chernyshevsky, is strictly due to the laws of nature. And in egoism there is a reasonable basis; The greatest benefit and the greatest pleasure can be achieved by following the principle of equal good for all other people, since "lonely happiness" can not be. All "natural", "egoistic" desires are not only personal, individual and autonomous, but at the same time "natural", "universal." Such an understanding of the "ethics of happiness" in practice meant a gap with the traditional morality of the old society; You can approve your desire for happiness only through the struggle with the / which prevents this happiness and helps the happiness of the other. The complex dialectic of egoism and altruism permeates the actions, the actions of the heroes "What to do?".

It should be especially highlighted on the genres of the originality of the novel, combining the trends of the journalistic, philosophical, educational and "family" novel, the philosophical generalization of historical processes, leading people to the victory of the revolution in all areas of life, is combined with the analytical consideration of the psychology of the behavior of "new people", claiming Everyday life new principles of morality (detailed calculations of the "benefits" of collective labor are interspersed with meticulous-eye spores with the "insightful reader"). In the light of the socialist ideal, Chernyshevsky makes sentence to the old world.

Roman "What to do?" For many years, there was a "textbook of life" for thousands of advanced people in Russia. Pisarev highly appreciated the impact of the novel on the revolutionary youth of the second half of the XIX century: "He looked deep me deeply ... This is a thing that gives a charge for the whole life"

Love triangle.

The main heroine of Roman Veroch, subsequently Vera Pavlovna, began to struggle for his right to love, still being in the village of enemies, see you with "new people." Mother wanted to marry her for a rich, but worthless man. Faith made a brave act when there was a wave of mother. The first allied girl in this struggle was the frivolous French Julie. This image is interesting because the author does not condemn the fallen woman, but shows that it is freer and in many ways decent to the venerable ladies. I imagine how Chernyshevsky contemporaries were shocked in that it was in the selling woman's customs that he put a flammable call: "Melci, but do not let the kiss without love!" Juli's herself can no longer love and considers themselves unworthy love. But it does not prevent her from understanding the value of a true feeling.

The acquaintance of the windows with Lopukhov became swivel in her fate. In a notprofitful student, she found the first like-minded person and a faithful friend. He became her Savior, helped her break out of a gloomy basement on a bright sunlight. In his first dream, the liberated faith produces on the will of other girls and first meets the so-called "bride of all grooms". Who she actually becomes clear only in the fourth dream. The Veroch could not love Lopukhov and was very happy when he married him. The author describes in detail us, what orders set in the "new" family. Lopukhov praised his wife for what the old husbands could not imagine, - for independence: "So, so, the Verochka! Everyone let protects his independence by all means from any, no matter how loved him, no matter how believing him." Chernyshevsky defends the revolutionary idea that a woman is no worse than a man and should have equal rights with him in everything.

For several years faith and Lopukhov live in complete agreement. But gradually in the soul, our heroin appears a vague feeling that she is missing for something. In the third dream the reason for this anxiety opens. That feeling that she is experiencing to "cute" is not love at all, but the wrong gratitude is wrong. Moreover, she truly loves her husband's best friend. And Kirsanov loves faith Pavlovna for many years. It seems to me that in the novel "What to do?" It is love that subjures the verification of the faithfulness of the heroes of the ideals of the "new" life. And Lopukhov, and Kirsanov, and the Verochka pass this test. In his torment, they appear not with heroes, but just good, decent people. The resolution of this love triangle is very original. The "permeable reader" is simply impossible to believe in the existence of such a decision. But the author does not care the opinion of the average man.

The "special person" of Rakhmetov is also inspected by feeling. "I don't have to love," he says and makes himself an iron warrior, but love penetrates his armor and makes exclaim with pain: "... and I also do not distract the idea, but a person who would like to live. Well, nothing, nothing Will passed. " He, of course, heroic personality, but it's sorry for me, because a person who chosen love becomes an insensible car. Subsequently, he can only argue about feelings, but he should not believe in these matters. Rakhmetov says the violence of Jealousy: "In a developed person, it should not be her. This is a distorted feeling ... This is the consequence of a look at a person like my belonging, as a thing." The words are correct, but what can know about this harsh warrior? Only one who loves and defeats the insulting jealousy for another jealousy.

My favorite hero in the novel is Kirsanov. Unlike Rakhmetov, when Kirsanov realizes that he loves his friend's wife, he struggles not with feeling, but with himself. He suffers, but does not disturb the calm of the windows. The jealousy and desire of personal happiness for friendship.

In the fourth dream of Vera Pavlovna N. G. Chernyshevsky unfolds the picture of the ideal future before readers. Love is in it a big place. Before us is the whole history of mankind from the point of view of the evolution of love. Veroral finally recognizes the name of his guide star, "sisters of all sisters" and "the bride of all the grooms": "... this word is equality ... from him, from equality, and freedom in me, without which there is no me." It seems to me that the author wanted to say that without independent preference and equality, genuine love will not live.

In the final chapter of the work of Vera Pavlovna, Kirsanov, Lopukhov, and his newly made girlfriend of life Katya whole and completely happy in love. The writer is incredibly happy for his own heroes: "... few have been tested that the charming that love gives everything is not at all ... to be a fleeting phenomenon in a person's life." The happiness of love will become immortal, only "need to have a clean heart for this and honest soul and the current concept of human rights, respect for the freedom of who you live with."

2. Russian utopian socialism. Workshops faith Pavlovna. Fourth Son V.P.

Huge conquering power of Roman N.G. Chernyshevsky was that he was convinced of the truth, the beauty and greatness of the new, advanced in life, convinced that a bright socialist future was possible and undoubtedly. He answered the most important and vibrant question of the era: What to do people who hate the old, who do not want to live in an old, seeking to bring the wonderful historical historic tomorrow and all mankind?

Much in "What to do?" Amazed his surprise. Unusual was his plot. Under the feather Chernyshevsky everyday life, it would seem that the history of the liberation from his daughter's daughter's daughter, a stormy St. Petersburg official turned into a stormy, tense story of the struggle of the Russian woman for the freedom of his personality, for civil equality. Vera Pavlovna is truly not heard and not seen before the way reaches material independence. She heads the sewing workshop and here, in difficult work, develops an active, purposeful, initiative. This storyline is intertwined on the other showing the implementation. new woman Even more significant life goals - the achievements of spiritual, moral and social independence. In relations with Lopukhov and Kirsanov, the heroine acquires love and happiness in their truly human high sense.

Russian Utopic Socialism spoke from French utopian socialism, whose representatives were Charles Fourier and Claude Henri de Saint-Simon. Their goal was to create well-being to all people, and the reform should be carried out so that the blood is not spilled. They refused the idea of \u200b\u200bequality and fraternity and believed that society should be based on the principle of mutual gratefulness, arguing the need for a hierarchy. But who will share people on more and less gifted? Why gratitude is the best? Because the one who is downstairs should be grateful to others for being down. The problem of a full-fledged personal life was solved. Bourgeois marriage (enclosed in the church) they considered a woman's legal trade, as a woman cannot provide themselves to well-being and sold; In the perfect society, it will be free. So, the head of everything should stand the principle of mutual thanks.

Chernyshevsky in his novel "What to do?" Special emphasis makes reasonable egoism (benefit calculation). If gratitude is outside of people, then reasonable egoism lies in the "I" of a person. Everyone is secret or openly considers himself the center of the Universe. Why then the selfishness is reasonable? And because in the novel "What to do?" first considered " new approach To the problem, "" New people "Chernyshevsky create a" new "atmosphere, according to Chernyshevsky," new people "see their" benefits "in the desire to benefit others, their morality - deny and destroy the official morality. Their morality frees the creative possibilities of the human person. "New people" less painfully allow the conflict of a family, love nature. In the theory of rational egoism there are indisputable attractiveness and rational grain. "New people" consider labor with an absolutely necessary condition for human life, they do not sin and do not die, their mind is in the most complete harmony with feeling, because neither mind nor the feelings are not distorted by chronic hostility against the rest of the people.

You can trace the course of the internal development of faith Pavlovna: at first at home she acquires internal freedom, then the need for public ministry, and then full of personal life, the need to work independently of personal will and public arbitrariness.

N. G. Chernyshevsky creates an individual, but the type. For a person "Not new", all the "new" people per face, the problem of a special person arises. Such a person - Rakhmetov, which differs from others, especially the fact that he is a revolutionary, the only individualized character. The reader is given his features in the form of questions: why did he come so? What for? These questions and create an individual type. He is a "new" man in his formation. All new people - as from the moon fell, and the only one who is connected with this era - Rakhmetov. Refraction from ourselves from "Calculation of Benefits"! Here Chernyshevsky acts not as a utopian. And at the same time, there are dreams of the faith of Pavlovna as an indication of the perfect society to which the author seeks. Chernyshevsky resorts to fantastic techniques: the belief of Pavlovna in a dream are sisters-beauties, the eldest of them revolution - the renewal condition. In this chapter, it is necessary to put a lot of points explaining the voluntary pass of the text that the censorship does not miss and in which the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel would be exposed. Along with this, there is the image of the youngest sister-beauties - the bride, meaning love-equalness, which turns out to be goddess not only love, but also enjoy labor, art, rest: "Somewhere in the south of Russia, in a deserted place, rich fields, meadow spread , gardens; There is a huge Palace of Aluminum and Crystal, with mirrors, carpets, with wonderful furniture. Everywhere can be seen how people work, sing songs, rest. " There was no ideal human relationship between people, traces of happiness and contentment, which were impossible to dream before and dreaming.

Vera Pavlovna is delighted with everything that sees. Of course, in this picture there are many utopian elements, socialist dreams in the spirit of Fourier and Owen. No wonder in the novel, they are repeatedly hinting, not calling straight. The novel shows only rural labor and the people say "generally", very generalized. But this utopia in his main thought is very realistic: Chernyshevsky emphasizes that labor should be collective, free, the assignment of fruits cannot be private, all the results of labor should go to the satisfaction of the requests of members of the team. This new work should rely on high scientific and technical achievements, on scientists and strong cars, allowing a person to transform the earth and all his life. The role of the working class is not highlighted. Chernyshevsky knew that the transition from the patriarchal peasant community to socialism should be revolutionary. For now it was important to consolidate the reader's dream of the best future. This Chernyshevsky himself tells the mouth of the "older sister", contacting the faith of Pavlovna with the words: "Do you know the future? It is light and fine. Love it, strive for him, work for him, bring it out, carry it out of it at present how much can you transfer. "


Sewing workshop at Chernyshevsky is completely invented. "There is a trait in the story, invented by me: This is a workshop. In fact, Vera Pavlovna has worried about the device is not a workshop; and such workshops I described, I did not know: they are not in our kind of homeland. In fact, she has worried about then sort of Sunday school or - closer to genuine truth - like daily free school Not for children, but for adults. "Does this mean that we are dealing with a bare utopia? Why does such a beautiful project do not care? And being implementing if he cannot stop existence for the same reasons as phalanges in Western Europe? Did any attempt to create anything human, anthropocentric on the basis of capitalist relations mixed in alienation, mechanistic, - any such attempt will be ridiculous? Is it worth rejecting "sewing workshops" as radicalism, vain frills?

Not! On the contrary, to win, parallel associations should be much more radical. There is already a few, "accounting and control" is clearly not enough. More significant aspirations are needed, wider horizon and more ambitious goals.

Sewing workshop in the novel "What to do?" Created by one goal: improve the disgusting conditions for wage labor. It succeeds, but only in the imagination of the author. Yes, and he himself, however, is inclined to consider the "enterprise of a new type" as a temporary impunity for the part of society, which is most susceptible to temptations and falls. The workshop at the same time is not taken into account as something fundamentally different from the world, excellent on its own deep essence. There are not for justice, but for convenience. The dealers arrived from America: "And we have such enough." Work in the workshop on the same model as in all other enterprises. The sewing workshop of faith Pavlovna is included in the overall competition and differs from the rest of the factory only one: working conditions there is easier and the attitude from the owners is more human. Despite the fact that all workers are formally owned by the owners, in fact there are strict centralization in the workshop. Such a commune is not even a cooperative or artel, it is rather a small enterprise with the enlightened owners.

The partisan detachment is only like its external form like a sewing workshop of the faith of Pavlovna. But in essence they are completely different. The partisan detachment exists not to improve the working conditions (although it may be to improve them), but to provide other labor issues, labor on the vocation. This work in today's world is unthinkable. Possessing the conditions for its collateral, the detachment will forever give people to themselves. They will never be able to return to Cloak of cash totalitarianism and again put on the chains of a meaningless loan and endlessly circles from the crisis to the crisis, from bankruptcy to bankruptcy, from an error for an error.

Fourth Son Faith Pavlovna

The key place in the novel occupies the "Fourth Son Faith Pavlovna", in which Chernyshevsky deploys the picture of the "bright future". He draws a society in which everyone's interests are organically combined with the interests of all. This society, where a person learned to reasonably manage the forces of nature, where the dramatic separation between mental and physical labor disappeared and the person gained a harmonious completion and completeness lost in the centuries. However, it was in the "fourth dream of the faith of Pavlovna" weaknesses are found typical of utopists of all times and peoples. They concluded in excessive "regulatory details", which caused disagreement even in the circle of like-minded Chernyshevsky.

The key place in the novel occupies the "Fourth Son Faith Pavlovna", in which Chernyshevsky deploys the picture of the "bright future". He draws a society in which everyone's interests are organically combined with the interests of all. This society, where a person learned to reasonably manage the forces of nature, where the dramatic separation between mental and physical labor disappeared and the person gained a harmonious completion and completeness lost in the centuries. However, it was in the "fourth dream of the faith of Pavlovna" weaknesses are found typical of utopists of all times and peoples. They concluded in excessive "regulatory details", which caused disagreement even in the circle of like-minded Chernyshevsky. Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote: "Reading Roman Chernyshevsky" What to do? ", I came to the conclusion that it was the mistake of him exactly that he was too defined by practical ideals. Who knows whether it will be so! And is it possible to call the indicated in the novel? Forms of life are final? After all, Fourier had a great thinker, and the whole applied part of his theory turns out to be (* 154) more or less untenabulance, and only non-first general provisions remain. "

Roman "Prolog". After the publication of the novel "What to do?" Pages of legal publications closed for Chernyshevsky forever. Following the civil execution, the long and painful years of the Siberian reference were reached. However, and there, Chernyshevsky continued his stubborn fictional work. He conceived a trilogy consisting of the novels "Starina", "Prolog" and "Utopia". The novel "Starina" was secretly shipped to St. Petersburg, but the cousin of the writer A. N. Pypin was forced to destroy him in 1866, when after the shot of Karakozov in Alexander II, searches and arrests went to St. Petersburg. The Roman "Utopia" Chernyshevsky did not write, the intention of the trilogy of the goas at the incomplete novel "Prolog". The action of the "Prolog" begins with 1857 and opens with a description of the St. Petersburg spring. This is an image of a metaphorical, clearly hinting at the "spring" of public awakening, for the period of great expectations and hopes. But bitter irony immediately destroys the illusion: "Admiring the spring, he (Petersburg. - Yu. L.) continued to live in the winter, for double frames. And he was right: the Ladoga ice has not yet passed." This sensation of the impending "Ladoga Ice" was not in the novel "What to do?". He ended up the optimistic chapter of the "change of decorations", in which Chernyshevsky hoped to wait for the revolutionary coup very soon ... But he did not wait for him. The bitter consciousness of the lost illusions permeated the pages of the novel "Prolog".

Two camps are opposed to each other two camps, revolutionaries-Democrats - Volgin, Levitsky, Nivelzine, Sokolovsky - and Liberals - Ryazantsev and Savelov. The first part of the prologue prologue concerns the privacy of these people. Before us is history love relationship Nivelzina and Savelova, similar to the history of Lopukhov, Kirsanov and the faith of Pavlovna. Volgin and Nivelzin, new people, try to save the heroine from "family slavery." But from this attempt does not come out. The heroine is not able to surrender to "reasonable" arguments of "free love." Nivelzina she loves, but "she has such a brilliant career with her husband." It turns out that the most reasonable concepts are powerless in the face of difficult reality, which does not want to fit into the procrusteo bed of clear and clear logic schemes. So on a private example, new people begin to realize, (* 155) that it is extremely difficult to shift the life of one high concepts and reasonable calculations. In the domestic episode, as in a drop of water, the drama of the public struggle of the sixties revolutionaries is reflected, which, according to V. I. Lenin, "remained singles and suffered, apparently, complete defeat." If Paphos "What to do?" - Optimistic statement of dreams, then Pafos "Prolog" - a clash of dreams with a harsh life reality.

Together with the general tonality of the novel, his heroes change: where Rakhmetov was, Volgin appears now. This is a typical intellectual, strange, short-sighted, scattered. He all the time Irronizes, bitterly rushes over myself. Volgin - a man of "a changeless, timid character", the principle of his life - "wait and wait as long as possible as you can wait for something quiet." What caused such a strange position for the revolutionary? Liberals invite Volgina to make a radical speech at the collection of provincial nobles, so that they, scared by it, they signed the most liberal project of the preparing peasant reform. The position of Volgin at this meeting is ambiguous and comical. And so, standing aside by the window, he flows into deep thoughtfulness. "He was remembered, as it happened, walking down the streets of his hometown of the crowd of drunk burles: noise, cry, removed songs, robbing songs. Alien would have thought:" The city is in danger, - that's how to rob the shops and at home, will be separated by everything Slobel ". A little bit dissolves the door of the booth, from where a stayed senile face is being encountered, with gray, half-thinned mustache, a toothless mouth is revealed and not shouting, nothing moans with a staring wheezing:" Skotes, what kind of brews? Here I am! "The remote Vataga swears, the front behind the rear is bursting, - still such a shock, and the remote wellms would have been felt, the magnitude of themselves" not the thieves, not robbing, the walls of razin by workers ", which promise that as they" smear waving ", That and "Moscow is shaken," they would eat where the eyes look ...

"Flag nation, a pity! Nation of slaves, - from the bottom to the top, everything is completely slaves ..." - he thought and frowned his eyebrows. "How to be a revolutionary, if in Nikitushki, he does not see the granger of that revolutionism about which he dreamed during the period Works on the novel "What to do?". The question for which the answer was already given is now put in a new way. "Wait," - Volgoria answers. The most active in the novel "Prolog" are liberals. They have actions - (* 156) There is a "awesome business", but they are perceived as emptiness: "Pushes:" Let's free the peasants. " Where is the forces on such a thing? There is no strength. It is ridiculous to be worked out when there is no strength on it. And see what goes: will be released. What will come out? You yourself judge that it turns out when you do for a deal that you can not do. It is natural that you will spoil the case, the abuse will be released "- this is as evidenced by the situation of Volgin. The reproach of the people in slavery for the lack of revolutionism in him, Volgin in disputes with Levitsky suddenly finds doubts about the feasibility of revolutionary ways to change the world at all:" Than more and calmer the course of improvements, those it is better. This is the General Law of Nature: This amount of force produces the greatest amount of movement when it acts exactly and constantly; Action with shocks and jumps less economical. Political economy revealed that this truth is just as immutable and in public life. It should be desired so that everything cost us quietly, peacefully. The more quer than the better. "Obviously, Volgin himself is in a state of painful doubt. Partly, therefore, he holds back the young gusts of his friend Levitsky.

But the call of Volgin "wait" cannot satisfy the young romance. Levitsky seems to be that now, when the people are silent, and it is necessary to work on improving the fate of the man, to clarify the society of the tragedy of his position. But the society, according to Volgin, "does not want to think about anything, except for trivia." And in such conditions will have to adapt to his views, by exchange great ideas on small trifles. One warrior in the field is not ruining, why get into exaltation. What to do? On this question in the "Prolog" there is no clear answer. The novel breaks on a dramatic note of the unfinished dispute between the heroes and goes into the description of Lytitsky's love hobbies, which, in turn, are interrupted on a half-word.

This is the result of the artistic creativity of Chernyshevsky, by no means reduced the significance of the heritage of the writer. Pushkin somehow said: "One stupid does not change, because the time does not bring him development, and there are no experiences for him." At Katorga, persecuted and pursued, Chernyshevsky found courage directly and hard to look into the eyes of the truth about which he told himself and the world in the novel "Prolog". This courage is also a civilian feat of Chernyshevsky - writer and thinker. Only in August 1883, Chernyshevsky "gracious" (* 157) was allowed to return from Siberia, but not to Petersburg, but in Astrakhan, under the supervision of the police. He met Russia, covered by the government response after the murder of the People's Republic of Alexander II. After seventeen years of separation, he met with the aged Olga Socratic (only once, in 1866, she visited him for five days in Siberia), with adults, completely unfamiliar sons ... In Astrakhan Chernyshevsky lived lonely. The whole Russian life changed, which he hardly understood and enter which he could no longer. After a long trouble, he was allowed to move home in Saratov. But soon after arriving here, 17 (29) October 1889, Chernyshevsky died.

And dream of a dream. It dreams that it is locked in cheese, dark basement. And suddenly the door was dissolved, and the drill was found in the field, running, sports and thinks: "How could I die in the basement? This is because I did not see the field; If I saw him, I would die in the basement, "and runs again, sports. It dreams that she is broken by paralysis, and she thinks: "How can I be broken by paralysis? These are broken old men, old women, and young girls are not there. " "There are often happening," says someone's unfamiliar voice, "and you will now be healthy, just I touched your hand," you see, you're healthy, get up. " - Who says that? - And how it became easy! - The whole disease passed, - and the Verochka got up, goes, runs, and again on the field, and again it is coming up, runs, and again thinks: "How could I carry Palsy? This is because I was born in paralysis, I did not know how to go and run; And if I knew, I would not transfer, "and runs, sports. But goes on the field Girl, - how strange! - and face and gait, everything changes, constantly changing in it; Here it is Englishwoman, Frenchwoman, here she is already a German, Polyashka; It became both Russian, again the Englishwoman, again German, again Russian - how is it all one face? After all, the Englishwoman is not like the Frenchwoman, the German to the Russian, and her face is changing, and all one face - what a strange! And the expression of the face is constantly changing: what kind of meek! What angry! Here is sad, here is fun, - everything changes! And all the good, - How is it, and when is it angry, all kinds? But only what kind of beauty is! No matter how the face is changing, everything is better with each change, it's better. Suitable for the violence. "Who are you?" "He had once called me: Vera Pavlovna, and now calls: my friend." - "And so this is the hero point that I loved?" - "Yes, I love you very much. Only who are you? " - "I am the bride of your groom." - "What groom?" - "I dont know. I do not know my grooms. They know me, but I can not know them: I have a lot of them. You choose some of them in the groom, only of them, from my grooms. " - "I chose ..." - "I don't need a name, I don't know them. But only choose from them from my grooms. I want my sisters and grooms chose only each other. Have you been locked in the basement? Was broken by paralysis? " - "Was". - "Now got rid of?" - "Yes". - "I have released you, I cured you. Remember that many more unpleasant, many unbearable. Release, treat. Will you? " - "Will. Just what is your name? I so want to know. " - "I have a lot of names. I have different names. To whom it is necessary to call me, I told such a name. You call me love for people. This is my real name. My little is so called. And you call so. " - And the drill goes around the city: here's a basement, - in the basement the girls are locked. The Veroch was touched on the castle - the castle flew: "Go" - they come out. Here is a room, - in the room there are girls broken by paralysis: "get up" - they get up, go, and they all again on the field, run, frolic, - Oh, how fun! With them together much more fun than one! Oh, how fun!
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