Online school-to enter means to earn! Free content ACCEL.

Many areas of life are moving to the Internet. You will not surprise anyone remote work and online learning, which is convenient for everyone, as it saves time and resources. And most importantly, online education aims a person to achieve a practical result while studying. At the same time, it is not necessary to be in a specific place in order to conduct classes or acquire the necessary knowledge.

    • What myths get in the way
    • How to open an online school
    • Advertising
    • Training program
    • Partnership
    • Tariffs
    • Warranty
    • Conclusion

If you are interested in this area of \u200b\u200bbusiness, we suggest figuring out how to launch your online school and earn on it from 500,000 rubles a month. At first you will have one online school, but if you automate the process, then you can run several of them. First, let's dispel the myths.

What myths get in the way

Myth 1. It won't be long

The most popular myth is that online schools are a passing trend and the hype will soon pass.

First, the global market online education is constantly developing and will almost double by 2023. Also, the Russian one will grow 2 times, because people more and more prefer to study online, no one wants to go to office events. In addition, in the age of new technologies, this is easy to do.

For example, there are 2,000 online schools on the get course platform, and 500 thousand visitors come to them every day. Their total income amounted to 2.5 billion rubles per year, and this data is only growing from year to year.

Online learning as a direction for a startup is now the most promising. The main rule of a startup is to launch it into a niche or market that is developing. Even if this market grows slowly, you will still grow with it.

If you really want to know how much to earnthen look niche online learning... And the niche will grow, and new technologies will appear, everyone will earn. The number of online schools is predicted to double.

Myth 2. Everything is busy, there are a lot of competitors.

The second myth is that all niches are occupied, the competition is huge, you need to look for a new topic.

If you are starting a new business and there is a competitor there, this is a big plus. If you go into a niche and there is an online school that has been around for many years, then it makes money. This means that if you go there, you can also earn money, this is the first big plus.

The second plus is that you have the opportunity to understand where and what mistakes competitors are making. Knowing this will make you better.

Don't be afraid of competition, the market is huge.

Myth 3. You yourself need to be an expert in the chosen field

One of the most common myths to start an online school is to be an expert in your chosen field.

The question is, what role did you choose for yourself - an expert or a producer. You do a course, teach people, compose lessons, give homework, or you promote this course, do advertising, do packaging. It is very difficult to be both that and that in one person.

Usually, an expert takes a producer for himself, either in the form of an employee for a salary, who promotes him and deals with his advertising, or takes a producer for a percentage.

The second option, if you are a producer, you can take authors for a fee, paying them once, or an author for a percentage, and pay them a percentage.

Myth 4. The course leader must be a teacher

Another myth is that the leader of the course must necessarily be from the field of teaching or information business.

What is info business is a sale useful information in the form of books, instructions, courses, seminars, video and audio lessons to people interested in it. Who better than you can tell about this information that you yourself have developed? In this case, you yourself become both a teacher and an information businessman.

Myth 5. You need to teach people yourself

The next myth is that you need to constantly train a large number of people yourself.

When a lot of people subscribe to your course, you have questions about how to automate this. This can be done with the help of video tutorials, assignments, and proper alignment of work with a curator. First, you need to start everything correctly, so that then you can take minimal participation. In the end, everything works automatically and brings you profit.

We have sorted out the myths, let's move on to creating our own online school.

How to open an online school

You will have to work hard to make your online school profitable. The online school uses 2 sales models:

1) Launch or launch.

In this format, you prepare for a long time, make a big launch, put in a lot of effort and then make a big profit. What are the disadvantages:

  1. Very long preparation. To launch, you need to write videos, prepare texts, webinars, etc.
  2. Great nervous tension. Can you imagine how many nerves you will spend on some trivial things like assembling a sales department so that it calls up all this massive stream of requests?
  3. Instability of cash flows. You never know how much you will earn tomorrow. You can earn 100 thousand rubles per day, or 10 thousand rubles. ...
  4. The high cost of a mistake. No one is immune to failures. Even if you did everything correctly, the site may stop working. Even 30 minutes of downtime robs you of your earnings.

2) Automated funnel

This is the most efficient option, it is best to work with it. All the disadvantages of the previous version turn into big advantages here:

  1. You will make an auto funnel once, and it generates income all the time.
  2. No nervous tension. The funnel works, and it is through it that payments go every day.
  3. Approximately the same income every month. You can plan your income and you know how much you will earn next month, how much money will be returned for each ruble invested in advertising.
  4. Even if you are wrong, you will still receive money. It will be enough to slightly fix the funnel so that it continues to bring you money. The cost of an error in this case is minimal, since the error is eliminated at the very beginning.
  5. You make traffic that should pay off. You make traffic to the auto funnel, and it works and brings real people to your course.
  6. The sales department calls customers, helps them pay, or customers handle the payment themselves.
  7. The training is fully automated with the help of one curator.
  8. The technical support department solves the issues of the site and the funnel.

The auto funnel consists of the following steps:

  1. The client saw the ad and got to the landing page.
  2. A series of emails is sent to him before the webinar. Typically, a letter arrives immediately after signing up, 3 hours before the webinar, an hour and 15 minutes.
  3. He came to the webinar and left a request.
  4. The manager calls back for clarification.
  5. The client makes the payment.
  6. He gets access to the course.


The first rule of online schools is always invest in advertising, but do it right. The money must work out and return in greater volume.

For example, on a project you earned 23 million rubles, of which 6.9 you spent on advertising. You divided the remaining money equally with the expert. Invest in advertising after each course to keep your profits stable.

Training program

If you don't know where to start, contact the production center. He will teach you how to sell online learning courses through the funnel.

Our Naked Business production center offers you a working tutorial on how to set up your online school. Now we are recruiting the last stream in this unique training, which we will tell you about in detail at our webinar.

This is truly a unique learning experience because we have key things:

  1. We do a full production cycle, and therefore we know how to make auto funnels. We now have 20 online schools, the monthly turnover is 30 million rubles.
  2. Our advantage is traffic. Without traffic, any auto funnel is a waste of money. We not only create auto funnels, but also attract traffic and make a system out of it.

With us, you take a full course from zero to the producer of your own online school.

An 18-step program for starting an online school:

  1. Training:
  • Analysis of successful cases in the niche of interest;
  • Choosing a model of online schools;
  • Closing a legal entity questions of launching an online school.
  1. Niche selection:
  • Analysis of competitors;
  • Market size assessment according to the chosen niche;
  • Description of the target audience;
  • Drawing up a client's avatar.
  1. Search for a coach or producer:
  • Determination of the main roles;
  • Choosing a model of work;
  • Conclusion of partnership agreements;
  • Signing a contract.
  1. Online course design:
  • Offer development;
  • Formation of the structure of the online course;
  • Online course packaging;
  • Creation of a selling course page.
  1. Preparing a selling webinar:
  • Choice of theme;
  • Formation of the structure of the webinar;
  • Introduction of triggers selling chips;
  • Preparation of a sales presentation.

  1. Basic online school setup:
  • Choosing an educational platform;
  • Account setup;
  • Website creation and customization;
  • Setting up payment acceptance.
  1. Webinar subscription page:
  • Prototype preparation;
  • Create a catchy headline;
  • Copywriting, text development;
  • Decoration, design.
  1. Auto funnel development:
  • Structure planning and sequence;
  • Webinar subscription page;
  • Accept page;
  • ThankYou page;
  • Webinar recording page;
  • Bonus page;
  • Series of letters.
  1. Webinar recording:
  • Preparation of technical equipment;
  • Software customization;
  • Broadcasting;
  1. Auto funnel assembly:
  • We create a business process on an educational platform that combines all previously developed elements.
  1. Funnel test:
  • Creating a visual funnel;
  • Quickly launch traffic to get the first 300 subscribers;
  1. Traffic launch:
  • We launch a traffic flow from the most effective and relevant channels for a particular case.
  1. Online course creation:
  • Methodology development;
  • Preparation of the training system;
  • Location selection and technical training;
  • Recording video files;
  • Creation of lessons and assignments on the educational platform.
  1. Business model analytics:
  • Analytics of a working model;
  • Business process revision;
  • Product spin-off.
  1. Team gathering:
  • Determination of roles in the team;
  • Drawing up job descriptions;
  • Recruiting;
  • Motivation and teamwork.

  1. Scaling:
  • Working with partners;
  • Attracting new trainers;
  • Expansion of the product matrix.
  1. Personal brand boost:
  • Creation and building of a personal brand;
  • Promotion and development;
  • Strengthening external expertise.
  1. Customer service:
  • Reputation work;
  • Highlighting bottlenecks in working with clients;
  • Setting up a feedback system;
  • System of guarantees and returns.

As a result, these 18 modules will lead you to a result of 500 thousand rubles. per month. The entire course lasts 3 months, during which time we go through 18 modules.

Together with you, we will launch an online school, test it, get traffic and record a course.

The main task is to earn 500 thousand rubles in 3 months, after which we will receive this money every month.


You can come to us as a partner if you are, for example, a trainer, expert or producer. Explore what is affiliate marketing... We can create online schools together and make money on it. We will consider these issues in detail in our webinar.

We conclude an agreement with a new partner, which specifies a plan for the comprehensive development of the school, the timing and content of work, a guarantee of financial results, a guarantee of customers.

You will have a personal mentor, consultations with experts, access to the entire training course and a private club of school owners, where we will meet with you live and online.


There are 4 tariffs in our production center “Naked Business”:

  • Step by step training
  • Personal escort
  • Joint launch
  • Partnership, production

You can find out the cost of tariffs at the webinar, by following the link.

Step by step training - the most affordable tariff for you. You will go through detailed training and learn how to create and run a profitable online school. Once a week there will be an online Q&A session with an expert.

Personal accompaniment. Here you get a personal mentor, you have access to experts who make us traffic, technical setup, etc.

Together with you, we will launch traffic in test mode.

Joint launch. In this case, we take care of solving most of the technical issues and creating a selling webinar or video for the auto funnel. Together with you, we create an auto funnel and launch it with test traffic. We participate in the creation of online courses to make them interesting and useful. Most We do the most difficult questions about launching an online school ourselves or together with you.

Partnership and production... Everything is included in this option. We do everything for you: we launch the project and manage it. You will have only the most pleasant thing - to deal with the product if you are an experienced expert, and we want to attract such experts. We pay them 50% of the profits.


We provide a 14-day warranty. You pay, get access to the first modules, go 2 weeks at your own pace. If after 2 weeks you realize that it is too difficult for you or you have not found yourself in this business, you let us know and we are guaranteed to return your money back without any problems. We have few people returning their money, because after such a course they earn 200-500 thousand rubles. per month.

In the webinar, you will discover the top 10 profitable niches for an online school. Hurry up sign up for a webinar.


Opening an online school and earning hundreds of thousands of rubles a month with it is real. You do not need to be afraid of competitors, on the contrary, this is a good opportunity for you to show that you are better than others.

In our age of information technology, when people are sorely lacking in time, many prefer online education to live learning. The global online education market is constantly growing, and according to experts, by 2023 it will almost double.

  • Myth 1. Online school is a hype
  • Myth 2. It is impossible to enter a niche due to high competition
  • Myth 3. You must be an expert in your chosen field or have a competent partner
  • Myth 4. The coach must have experience in teaching
  • Myth 5. Constant participation in the learning process is necessary
  • Step one: preparation
  • Step two. Niche selection
  • Step three: choosing a coach or producer
  • Step four: designing an online course
  • Step five: preparing a marketing webinar
  • Step six: setting up an online school
  • Step seven: creating and configuring the auto funnel
  • Conclusion

The Russian market, although lagging behind in development, also has great potential. New online schools appear on the Runet, and live events and trainings are becoming a thing of the past. People want to learn from the comfort of their homes, and modern technology makes it possible.

Online education is an opportunity to save time and money by gaining the same knowledge as in offline learning. Therefore, the demand for online schools is growing. So why not try your hand at this niche? Think that you do not have for this special education, knowledge? It is not important! Almost everyone can enter a niche. Confirmation of this is the fact that the youngest entrepreneur in Russia provides services in this particular market. So why not try selling knowledge?

Online education: five myths about online school

Today there are many myths about creating an online school. We propose to understand this issue.

Myth 1. Online school is a hype

Online schools have been around for years. There are more and more of them, and people make good money on it. At the international conference “New school ”Experts who have their own schools with a monthly turnover of $ 1 billion speak annually. For example, in 2000 schools of Sergei Mikhailov, which are on the get course platform (an online school delivery system), the total income was 2.5 billion rubles a year. These schools receive 500,000 visitors every day.

Online learning is one of the most promising directions for startups, as the main rule of any startup is:

"Launch a startup into a growing niche and grow with it."

In this sense, online education is a great opportunity to make good money. New technologies that do not stand still will make it possible for everyone to receive a good income in this niche.

Myth 2. It is impossible to enter a niche due to high competition

Competition when starting a business is a big plus. It means that such services are needed, and the business works. This means there is an opportunity to advance in a niche. If, for example, a restaurant has been popular for many years, then its owner earns good money. It's the same here. If an online school has been around for a long time, then those who started it have a good income, and you have a chance to build a similar business.

Competition is also an opportunity to spy on mistakes made by entrepreneurs working in the same niche with you and offer clients better conditions... For example, the online school of English “Genius English” had its own specialty: it was launched according to the method of guided learning by Hermann Ebbinghaus. The idea of \u200b\u200bthis technique is that a person can be trained effectively for no more than 20 minutes a day, and, thanks to correct repetition, master the material perfectly.

The school works through a funnel and brings in 17 million rubles a year. The training is automated: visitors visit the site, study a lesson, write tests. The school has only a handful of tutors who work online answering client questions. A big plus of such a school is that it does not require large expenses at the start. To launch it, all that was needed was investment in course development and advertising.

Myth 3. You must be an expert in your chosen field or have a competent partner

First of all, define for yourself who you are: an expert or a producer. If you are an expert, you need to train people. If you are a producer, you will be in charge of advertising and packaging the course. Usually people see the author of the course, the speaker, the one who carries knowledge, sells and conducts his courses, but no one sees the producer who is in the shadows, organizes the whole process.

The second option is very convenient if you want to open an online school without being in the know. Then you can hire experts to work for a fee or percentage of sales. A third option is also possible, when your school will work automatically, like “Genius English”. That is, you only need a course developer.

Myth 4. The coach must have experience in teaching

With a developed course, almost any expert can handle teaching. Moreover, in an automated school, you can do without a coach.

Myth 5. Constant participation in the learning process is necessary

In fact, you don't have to be constantly in the process. For example, there is such a trading school by Ivan Koval-Zaitsev. It is fully automated. The whole process is controlled by a curator, and the expert himself communicates with visitors no more than twice a month.

What is info-business: organizing an online school

It was not in vain that we talked about the fact that anyone can come to online education. An online school is primarily a business. And here the same laws apply as for any business, the purpose of which is to make a profit. In our case - from the sale of information, knowledge. That's what info business is.

What does it take to start it?

Find your chip

Do what interests you. If you are interested english language, yoga or self-development, attract students to this niche. Look for your chips that will help you advance and beat the competition.

Don't be afraid of competition

If you think you can turn around in an unoccupied niche, then you are wrong. If people do not go into a niche, therefore, services in this area are not in demand. Such topics, for example, include live sales in the hall, in person, etc. What needs to be done "live" will not be rolled out in the info business. Although, perhaps, there are people who can refute this.

Believe in yourself

If you believe in yourself, then you will succeed. If you “burn” when starting any business, then sooner or later success will come to you. Nothing happens right away. Perhaps starting a business will give you a lot of big shots. But no new case is complete without mistakes. However, if you have certain knowledge, then you will minimize the risks. Right now you have the opportunity to knowhow to start your online school .

How to make a lot? Basic rule of the online school

Before starting a school, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the basic rule of online schools:« Invest in ads so they come back. "

For example, the Koval-Zaitsev school brought in 23 million rubles in 9 months. Of this money, 9.2 million rubles. made up expenses. Basically - for advertising. The remaining 14 million were divided in half by the project's expert and producer.

Advertising should go 30-40% of earnings. There is no need to spend your funds. Let it be sales money. It is necessary that you, having created your sales funnel, invest a ruble and receive three rubles. This strategyyou can learn here.

Online Courses: Sales Models

Many people think that it takes a lot of time and effort to gather people for online training. In fact, it looks very different. The secret is simple: you need a system that will sell your online courses.

Two sales models can be considered:

  • “Launch”;
  • Automated school.

- an interesting format that allows you to run various marathons and earn big money at the same time. But its disadvantage is that launch:

  • takes a lot of preparation time;
  • suggests a lot of nervous tension;
  • loses in receiving stable cash flows.

In addition, the cost of making a launch error is high. The site may not work well, the newsletter gets into spam, etc.

Automated online school or auto funnel - more reliable in all respects. Its advantages are that it:

  • created once;
  • does not require nervous tension;
  • allows you to have several online schools;
  • brings constant monthly income;

There is an added benefit. If the funnel doesn't work or is generating little revenue, it can be easily remodeled in a short time. It is worth "twisting" it a little, and the profit will increase significantly. You need to create traffic that will pay off and bring orders. To do this, you can use the sales department, or you can do without it.

The auto funnel model assumes either fully automated training, or the participation of a curator and technical support department.

How does an auto funnel work? The client sees the ad, visits the resource and gets to the landing page. There he subscribes, receives letters before the webinar and leaves an application for training. Then the manager calls, the client makes the payment and gets access to the course.

Important to remember! It is necessary not only to create an auto funnel, but also to attract traffic, because car funnel without traffic - money wasted.

Own online school: problems to overcome

There are many beliefs that prevent people from earning a good income when starting their online school. So, many believe that: you need to contact the production center only when creating a startup .

But if you already have your own online courses, a production center, for example, can help you sell them. Namely, create an auto funnel that will significantly increase your income.

When organizing their online school, people have to face such a problemas a lack of knowledge and experience. Indeed, all the intricacies are difficult to understand yourself. Therefore, you need to constantly learn and train people who work in schools: managers, curators.

The world around us is constantly changing, as is the technology itself. If you really want to be on the cutting edge, you need to know all the advanced technologies and be able to use them.

For example, messengers are most often used lately. Today these are the most advanced technologies. Sales through the chat bot with the help of Facebook and VK messengers are very profitable. Modern technologies not only greatly simplify the work of the school, but also allow reaching a new level of income.

How to open an automated online school: 7 steps to start a business

What steps do you need to take to open your own online school?

Step one: preparation

At this stage, it is best to consider several cases, choose a school model and solve all legal issues.

Step two. Niche selection

Choosing a niche is a very serious step. You will need to not only correctly assess the competitors and their potential, but also analyze the target audience, think over how to establish a dialogue with the client.

Step three: choosing a coach or producer

Here it is necessary to assign roles in advance and choose a model of work so that there are no problems during the course.

Step four: designing an online course

At this stage, it is necessary to develop an offer and form an online course, package it correctly and create a selling page for clients.

Step five: preparing a marketing webinar

At this stage, you will need to not only think over the topic and structure of the webinar, but also find chips to sell.

Step six: setting up an online school

Here you need to decide on the choice of an educational platform, as well as create and configure the site itself and the webinar subscription page.

Step seven: creating and configuring the auto funnel

One of the steps on which your earnings will depend in the future. Therefore, you need to think carefully about the structure of the funnel and test it.

There are many more significant and serious points that determine whether your project will generate income, or will remain a dream. In particular, will you be able to assemble a good team, scale your business, and establish work with clients. For more information, participate infree webinar to launch really profitable online schools.


Online school is a modern and interesting business, thanks to which you can do what you love, get a good income and travel the world. The future belongs to online education. That is why it is worth thinking about starting your own info business right now.

If you believe in yourself, are not afraid of competition, think strategically, are ready to constantly improve and master new technologies, your own online school is what you need. Take the first seven steps and start your business! Good luck to you!

Hello everyone, friends. This is Alexander Borisov.

In 2015, I set a goal. Earn online in 2 years - 30,000,000 rubles. The average salary in the country is 25,000 rubles, or 300,000 pe per year. I started counting. Divide 30,000,000 by 300,000 and get 100 years of life. That is, I will earn this money only in 100 years. I did not like it.

As a result, I opened 3 online schools on the Internet, which in 2 years gave exactly the same cherished 30,000,000 rubles. These schools are:

Having received a lot of experience and a bunch of requests from my students to teach them to launch their own schools, I decided to conduct 1-1.5 month training in the form of an online game where I will:

1. Train people to start their online schools with great profits
2. Create a new school directly at the training and bring it to 100,000 - 200,000 rubles a month.

This training is a live webinar program with my feedback and personal support. I will help the participants to get income from the creation of their own online school or information production in the hundreds of thousands of rubles a month.

I am creating a new school. You repeat after me and in 1-3 months you come out with the same results. I am sure that 3-5 people from the training will make a million.

The best, in my opinion, the student of the training will receive a brand new iPhone 📱


There will be approximately 7-10 webinars in total. They will take place at 20:00 Moscow time on certain days. If, according to the results of the survey, the participants choose a different time, then for God's sake. We will do it when it suits you.

In general, I'm a psycho agree? Well, still, such applications. Together with my students, I will create an online school. I will tell you what I am doing, as I think. Analyze specific cases, etc. Tin \u003d) + Another 100 people to train. Yes, I'm crazy, but I'm ready. And I will say more. I'm sure everyone will be chicky bunches.

I am not a theorist, but a practitioner and I have a lot of student results on other projects. The same school of bloggers. ...

These are the amounts that online schools can give:

And here is the profitability of the online school Chess with Zhorik for the 3rd month of operation:

And yet it IS SPEAKED that January is not a profitable month.

Now it is important for you to hear this:

At the training there will be no dry theory, blah blah blakanyah and all the like. It will be a powerful practice + I will tell such things that will open your skull.

I will fight for your result and I NEED IT, MAYBE EVEN MORE THAN YOU. I am ready to plow from morning to evening, day and night, to change your life for the better. I have already warned the family. February - March Sasha's dad is not at home. \u003d)))

You will leave the training as a completely different person. Because you will know everything:

Who is this training for:

For the third category I would like to say the following separately. There are many schools and cool experts on the Internet, but the income of their CAT CRYING. Why? Because even the coolest expert will be buried among the NON-EXPERTS if he does not have good marketing and sales skills.

And this is no joke.))) We will patch holes in your entire long-suffering information business system and take you to a new level. In general, so. Bomb training. Come out of it with a notebook of 48 sheets, all covered with rubbish, with a bunch of cool chips and insights \u003d) I promise.

I am preparing for the training very seriously, because this is the most important training of this year. Almost all niches in the info business will be occupied by 2020. If you don't want to waste this moment, then you are welcome.

What will the best training participant get?

In my opinion, the best training participant who will create the coolest online school will receive a brand new Apple iPhone 7. Why 7, not 8 or 10? Because I believe that the 7th iPhone is the most worthy so far of all that is now.

Also with this participant, I will conduct a personal consultation on the further promotion of his particular school.

When does the training start?

The training starts on February 13. BUT! Before I start, I will host a free webinar where I will give you all the basics and answer all your questions. The free webinar will take place on February 8, Thursday at 20:00 Moscow time.

How much will paid training cost?

There will be several options for participation:

Option number 1 - I listen and learn myself.

That is, you will come to live webinars, study, communicate, ask me questions, etc. But after the webinar, you do everything yourself without my help and without my checks.

Cost - 9990 rubles (until February 10, after February 10 14990 rubles).
For students of the school of bloggers at the rate "I SAM" - free.


Option number 2 - Learning with feedback.

Everything is the same as in the first version. You study at webinars, communicate, ask me questions. BUT! At the end of the webinars, I give homework. You fulfill them and send them to me for verification by mail. I suggest what and how, where is better, etc. That is, full-fledged feedback via mail.

Cost - 29,990 rubles (until February 10, after February 10th 39,990 rubles).
For students of the school of bloggers who are studying at the full rate now, the training is FREE.


Option number 3 - Learning with feedback + online school script and payment script

Everything is the same as in the second option, only here you get more for organizing an online school, which our specialists put you on a turnkey basis specifically for your needs. You also get an OrderBro script for organizing payment acceptance on the site. Well, there are still a lot of different bonuses, I will tell you more about them at the webinar on the 8th.

All technical moments are customized for you on a turnkey basis. You just have to add materials to the school and set up the letters you need. The rest will be done for you. The whole team will work. Constant technical support and improvements if something goes wrong.

Cost - 99,990 rubles (before February 10, after February 10 149,990 rubles).
Who of the students of the blogging school decides to study at this rate, those will need to pay extra.


If you are a student of SB, then you just need to pay extra. Link to payment in the school's LC.

How to win an iPhone 7 with ONE repost?

  1. Go through registration.
  2. There is an affiliate link in the referral section
  3. Give it to your readers in the article, subscribers or readers, friends and earn.


If you are already registered, then enter the partner's account.

In honor of the launch of this training, I want to announce a cool partner competition.

1st place - 20,000 rubles
2nd place - 10,000 rubles
3rd place - 5000 rubles

Well, that's probably all. See you at the training. We will anneal. I myself am looking forward to it. We will work as a team, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder. I will put all my strength and soul into him and I want the same from you.


I perfectly understand the state of many people. What scares them to take the first step, what scares them to take action and everything in that spirit. What scares them is the fear of the unknown. There is a bridge in front of you, and there is fog around. And that's what's behind the bridge ah? You can't see anything, can you? Fearfully? Yes!

It's the same with the launch of your online school. The fear of the unknown scares you. Can I? How to make a website? How to make traffic. But as? But as? How? .. I've never done this before. BUT! When you all find out what's what, DO IT ONCE, then with a smile on your face you will say, “Fir-trees of a stick, everything was so simple, and what was I so afraid of” ...

And it is this feeling that separates the rich from the poor. The poor will let everyone go ahead and wait. The rich take risks. Then everyone else looks at their pictures in the insta ... Stop waiting, fear and doubt.

You have a little time left. By 2020, all NICHES WILL be occupied. Don't know what to teach others? So there are a lot of experts around. I don't want to take it. What are the problems?

Decide now. Or you act, start your online school and change your life for the better, start earning more, help your family, relatives, parents, travel, do charity work ... Or are you just waiting ...

Dear friend, I greet you. My name is Alexander Berezhnov, I am an entrepreneur and founder of the site "PAPA HELP".

I wrote this article specifically for schoolchildren who want to make money and become more independent from their parents.

Perhaps you, dear reader - parent of a student, then your job is to guide him and show him legal and profitable ways to get money for ice cream, movies and other delights of teenage life.

Once I was a schoolboy myself and earned money in different ways. Now their number has grown significantly thanks to Internet technologies.

Here I have described 20 ways earnings for schoolchildren: 10 of them relate to real life, and 10 more will help a young man or girl make money on the Internet. Indeed, in the age of online projects, the opportunities for earning income are increasing significantly.

Already interested? Then fasten your seat belts and go!

In the article, we will consider working ways to make money on the Internet and in real life, as well as get acquainted in absentia with schoolchildren and schoolgirls who already receive money for their skills

Is it realistic to make money for a schoolchild between the ages of 10 and 17 - examples of children who have reached an income of 8,000 rubles to 50,000 rubles per month

I'll start with examples in my hometown of Stavropol.

The first "heroine", Victoria X, is a ninth-grade student, is engaged in various circles and, in her free time from school, writes texts to order via the Internet. This is called copywriting.

Site owners place such texts on their resources to attract more visitors to them. Vicki's path began with running a school newspaper where she acquired the skills of a journalist. The girl knows how to beautifully present her soaps and earns from 4,000 to 12,000 rubles a month. In my opinion, excellent, considering that the average salary in our city is 20-25 thousand rubles.

I know my friend, boyfriend Yura Z., while still at school, created original gifts - handmade leather goods and wrist watches with a designer dial. Also Yura was engaged in repairs mobile phones and computers. I found my first customers among my friends and their parents. In general, I never sat idle.

This activity brought the young craftsman from 10,000 rubles "clean" per month. In especially profitable months, Yura managed to earn 30,000 or more, which is very good for the province.

I still have a gift from Yura - an original watch with the logo of the HeatherBober project, of which I am a co-founder. The watch also has a leather strap and a metal case.

Here is a photo of this watch:

By the way, from each sale of such a watch, Yura earns 1,000 rubles or more ...

Continue ... And again the girl. Her name is Nastya K. and she is in the 10th grade. Nastya is engaged in the manufacture of handmade soap and earns up to 15,000 rubles a month selling it.

She received several thousand to start her "business" from her dad, he believed in his daughter and was not mistaken. Moreover, Nastya makes soap very beautiful, in the form of flowers, animals and even a set of herrings and other men's accessories. This original gift is well bought by women by February 23 to their men.

How to make money for a school student - 10 ways to get a good income without investments in real life

"Classic" methods will help you at all times. Suitable for most students.

Method 1. Find a part-time job from friends

I am sure that your parents have many acquaintances who can be helped in some way: take a walk with the dog, clean up the house or take simple technical work at home. Adults do not want to bother and do routine work. If you take it upon yourself, they will pay you for such help.

I have a friend, when she was 16 years old, she worked part-time by cleaning the entrances in her and the neighboring multi-storey building. Yes, the work is not very easy and pleasant, but the girl always had money earned by honest labor.

At the same time, she studied perfectly well and managed to participate in the social life of the school.

Do not be afraid of work, it is fashionable to be independent now!

So, as a one-time job, adults may ask you to:

  • free the balcony or garage from old things;
  • buy products from the list;
  • take a walk with your pet;
  • to clean the apartment or in the country;
  • transfer heavy things from one place to another;
  • take out household or construction waste.

At the age of 15-17, I myself worked part-time on such "covens", found them through friends and acquaintances:

  • washed windows in car dealerships;
  • unloaded building materials;
  • collected furniture (wardrobes and kitchens);
  • washed the porches in his house;
  • provided computer assistance to elderly people and taught them to work with the graphics program Adobe Photoshop (I have been working in it since the age of 13).

These were mainly summer part-time jobs, but also during school year managed to get some pocket money.

Method 2. Make and sell hand-made (crafts)

I already wrote above about the schoolgirl Nastya, who creates “soapy” masterpieces with her own hands. It doesn't matter if you are a guy or a girl, there are ideas for making things with your own hands for everyone.

If you're a guy, you can create:

  • wooden and leather products: butterflies, wallets, watches;
  • accessories for interiors in the Loft and Hi-tech style;
  • volumetric paintings from different materials.

An example of a wooden butterfly and handmade leather wallet

If you're a girl, here are some cool hand-made ideas for you:

  • bouquets of sweets and toys;
  • original handmade dolls;
  • figures and crafts made of polymer clay;
  • trees made of beads, coffee beans and other materials (topiary).

Bouquets of sweets, toys and other items are in fashion now, only a flight of imagination can limit you ...

Method 3. Post ads

In the age of the Internet, there are fewer companies and entrepreneurs advertising their services through advertisements on porches, poles and special boards.

But until now, in cities and towns, paper ads remain an integral part of the advertising campaign.

You can earn from posting ads from 100 before 500 rubles a day, giving it 1-2 hours. This is not much, but if you engage in posting several days a week, you will get from 2 000 before 10,000 rubles per month .

For one ad you will be paid from 2 before 5 rubles ... It turns out if you stick 100 ads, for example 4 rubles apiece, you will earn 400 rubles .

The faster you move from house to house, from stop to stop or from board to board, the more you earn.

The Internet will help you find a job on pasting. Type in Yandex the phrase "job posting ads" + YOUR city. You will immediately see many offers from employers.

You can find any job in the same way. Internet to help you

Method 4. Earn money as a promoter

Distributing flyers is another way to make money for a student. Every company or store periodically conducts promotions, where it involves young guys and girls as promoters. You have probably seen them near large shops, subways, in crowded places.

This way you can earn from 100 rubles at one o'clock . You can get a job as a promoter if you have a pleasant appearance, are not afraid to communicate with people, are active and positive in life.

Promoters are often involved not only in distributing flyers, but also in other activities that stimulate the sale of the company's goods and services.

You can work as promoters already in high school

It can be:

  1. Product tastings. You have probably seen how friendly young people in the form of a certain company offer you to try such and such sweets, drink juice or eat a piece of sausage in large stores. This is called product tasting.
  2. Test drives. Now it's not about cars. Bicycles, gyro scooters are taken for test drives. Even irons and vacuum cleaners can be taken for a test drive at some companies.
  3. Doors open days.Another type of promotion. Open days are periodically held by all large companies: educational institutions, factories, creative studios. Your role is to distribute leaflets, brochures, meet and register guests, escort them to the right place (hall, office).
  4. Exhibitions and presentations. Usually an exhibition is an indoor pavilion (business center) or an open space (in good weather). Here representatives of various companies "stand up" with their own stall or promotional stand. The exhibition is actively advertised in advance, attracting a large number of potential clients and partners who come to the venue. Your task is to attract as many people to it as possible to the "stall" (promotional stand) of a certain company that hires you: distribute the same flyers, business cards and take contacts of potential customers.

Method 5. Earn money as a courier

Delivery of parcels or mail, documents or goods is a good option for a part-time job if you are a high school student.

Of course, students are more preferred in such work, but if you show your best side in a conversation with a potential employer, then be sure to get a job as a courier. You can also find job vacancies on the Internet.

Method 6. Earn money as a counselor or animator

Summer camps, playgrounds, shopping centers require animators and counselors all year round.

As a rule, in such work, you need to organize the leisure of children, help adult counselors and educators, carrying out their one-time assignments.

Do you like kids and fun, contests and loud fur? You have a direct road to animators!

An example from my life

My family and I periodically go on vacation to various hotels by the sea, and there are obligatory animators there - young guys and girls who dress up in funny outfits and entertain children: they hold contests with them, show theatrical shows, play, dance.

More adult animators (students) organize leisure activities for adults: they hold discos and competitions, play sports games with vacationers.

Ask your parents and they will help you find a job as an animator.

Method 7. Work at a car wash

You can work part-time at a car wash on weekends or provide car wash services to neighbors and friends. If you are not intimidated by such "dirty and wet" work, then you are a great fellow. You need to start small to understand the value of money and then learn to make more.

Most jobs require people over the age of 18 and car washers are no exception. But you can work officially even from the age of 16. Sometimes this requires the written consent of the parents, and most importantly, the employer's desire to hire a minor.

Method 8. Work as a waiter

To work as a waiter, you have to be friendly and helpful and look good. The job is suitable for both a guy and a girl. Schoolchildren can earn up to 2,000 rubles per day for tipsif it is a popular cafe (restaurant) with wealthy customers.

This is one of the most lucrative jobs available to students and youth.

But it's not just about making money. If you are good at it, then cheap McDonald's will not be your lot.

Over time, as an adult, you can pursue a career in this area by becoming an administrator and then a restaurant manager. Later, if you want, you can open your own business - the same restaurant or cafe.

Method 9. Teach adults (retirees) to work on a computer

Teaching others is fun and rewarding. Some adults are still not friendly with modern devices. Computers and smartphones for them are a dark forest, I know this from my mother, who is 63 years old.

Now there are many courses for adults, they are especially popular for retirees. You can train them to work on a computer, in office programs and the Internet. Learning to create websites, layout, programming, work with audio-video and graphic editors is an excellent opportunity for high school students to earn money.

Granddaughter, how can I create a folder?

First, you can work as a teacher with pay per hour at an educational institution, and then, gaining experience, open private courses.

Method 10. Provide computer assistance

Now everyone has a computer, in some families there are several, including laptops, tablets and other gadgets.

From time to time they break or programs stop working. However, not many people have knowledge at the level of system administrators or programmers. This is where you come to the rescue.

You can start with a regular ad on Avito and other bulletin boards that are popular in your city.

Set the prices yourself.

Do not neglect paper ads, they are read by those who are not friendly with the Internet.

For example, grandmothers and elderly people whose children are far away, but have a computer. These are your potential customers.

By selling computer assistance services, you can offer others - computer training (idea of \u200b\u200bthe previous paragraph).

How to make money for a student on the Internet - 10 ways to make a profit using a computer or smartphone

I am sure that any student at least once thought about making money on the Internet. Most likely, dear friend, you are one of them too. Below I have given the actual ways of earning money for young people 10-17 years old.

Method 1. Become a video blogger

Popular YouTube bloggers like IVANGAYA make money on their videos tens and hundreds of thousands of rubles per month ... Especially advanced guys “cut” several million.

If you are drawn to speaking on camera, you have charisma and creative ideas - open your own YouTube channel. By the way, according to my observations, video blogging is very popular among schoolchildren.

Streams and replays of computer games are one of the most popular topics among teenagers aged 12-17.

The popular video blogger IVANGAI makes its viewers laugh again ...

You can start shooting videos right from your computer screen or to your phone.

After practicing for a month or two, you will get better and better. The finished videos need to be posted on your YouTube channel.

The promoted channels also attract direct advertisers.

By the same principle, you can create your own text blog - a separate site on which you will write articles, notes, your thoughts and make money on this using the same advertising.

Payment can be accepted by electronic money: WebMoney, Yandex.Money, Qiwi.

Do you want to create your own profitable blog and do this profession professionally? Then take the course "SMM and Blogging" at Foxford Online School.

It will help you successfully develop your own blog or public. On the course, you will get acquainted with the success stories of young bloggers and gain systemic technical knowledge for effective work. The course will also help you sell your services dearly over the Internet by helping others to promote SMM and create their blogs.

Method 2. Make money on streams and computer games

Online game streaming with commentary is a fashion trend where you can earn money. Schoolchildren and young people without exceptions surf the Internet and play Tanchiki, Dota, WOW and other popular online games.

Telling how to pass this or that level, find the desired artifact or defeat the enemy, you will earn money from the "donations" of your viewers.

Do you like to play? Then make money on this, do not waste your time!

If you play really cool, you can make a good income out of your hobby. Now in Russia, the CIS and around the world, tournaments on popular computer games with prize funds of millions of rubles are being held. This is called esports.

In Russia, specialists in the field of esports are officially trained. Russian state the University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism trains such specialists.

Esports are especially popular in Korea and China. There, hundreds of millions of young people play computer games and “get sick” at championships in virtual “choppers” with entire stadiums.

Some schoolchildren make money by playing for money with other participants or by selling virtual game artifacts for real rubles or dollars.

Method 3. Create websites to order

All companies (businesses) need websites. Also, a lot of people work for themselves: apartment decorators, furniture makers, taxi drivers, lawyers and attorneys, accountants, designers, hairdressers. The list goes on.

It doesn't matter that you are young and in school, the main thing is what you can do and how well. Now in just a couple of weeks thanks to YouTube videos, FREE courses and articles, you can learn how to make websites. This activity allows you to earn from 5,000 rubles a month ad infinitum.

You can start working alone, and then create a creative team of a designer, photographer, videographer and programmer. So in the future, you can open a whole digital agency or marketing services center that can be provided remotely.

That is, you work in Izhevsk, and your customer may be from Moscow or another country.

You can learn how to create websites and other and popular Internet projects on the course “ Web developer from scratch"Famous online school" Netology ".

Method 4. Edit videos

Video editing is a great opportunity for a part-time job on the Internet. Customers will send you the "raw" material and their wishes for the design of the future video, and you will bring their ideas to life, of course complementing them with your creative vision.

The cost of his work 1000 rubles for 1 second of video. That is, a 30-second video for a client costs 30,000 rubles and there is no end to the customers. Since he makes a very high quality video product.

You can start by exploring the computer programs Adobe After Effects or Adobe Premiere Pro.

By the way, the modern direction "Motion Design" is now gaining popularity in video animation.

You will also be taught to learn this art and find dear clients at the online university "Netology" on the course " Motion design for beginners».

Method 5. Make ad layouts

This way of earning money for schoolchildren belongs to the "designer". If you own such graphic programs as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Corel Draw, then you can make good money.

These are the business cards that schoolchildren create in computer programs and earn from 300 rubles a day! Why are you worse?

Every company, public organization, even the school where you study, needs to design advertising and presentation materials.

You can develop layouts for business cards, brochures, banners, and all this without leaving your home at the computer. Customers can be found among familiar adults, as well as by creating your own group on popular social networks.

It is convenient to make all layouts in leasing programs, the most popular of which is Photoshop.

To learn how to work in it from scratch and create excellent layouts and graphics, I recommend that you take training in working in Adobe Photoshop by Zinaida Lukyanova. She is a master in this area and has been teaching the art of creating graphics for children and adults for several years.

Method 6. Perform tasks on sites for money

There are a number of sites and job exchanges on the Internet where you can put "likes" for money, write comments, and add to certain groups.

For example, on the Otzovik website, you can register and earn a few rubles for the left comment. Reviews will have to write about household appliances, banking services, cellular operators.

I must say right away that this is not a very profitable way, but the first 100-200 rubles you will be able to get without problems and believe in online earnings for schoolchildren by "feeling" the first online profit.

First profit you can earn WITHOUT investments on the VKTarget website. There you need to carry out simple buildings to promote VKontakte pages (put likes, join groups) and get paid for this.

Method 7. Write texts on copywriting exchanges

I already wrote Above about the girl Victoria, who started earning in the 9th grade before 12,000 rubles a month for writing texts via the Internet for various sites. The writing activity is called copywriting.

Learn to quickly type on the keyboard and express thoughts beautifully through text, then you will become an excellent and rich copywriter

To take the first steps in copywriting and start writing paid texts to order will help the course “ The basics of copywriting»Online university" Netology ".

You can find clients on copywriting exchanges. The exchange is a site where customers meet - those who need texts and authors - those who write them.

By the way, it is not necessary to write to order on the instructions of the employer. You can write text first on any topic and then just put it up for sale. The interested site owner will buy it.

  • Contentmonster is one of the most famous copywriting exchanges. Here you will find thousands of customers for your texts. Excellent conditions for authors, high prices for texts and the reliability of this site have been tested over the years.
  • is the largest copywriting exchange. It is also convenient to check the text for uniqueness here. This function is mainly required by customers of articles so that an unscrupulous author does not sell him stolen text from another site.
  • - this year the exchange celebrated its 10th anniversary. Not only authors of articles will find orders here. Translators and photographers also find clients on The site has its own sections for them. A lot of schoolchildren and young people make good money here. For example, authors with experience receive more than 100 rubles for 1000 characters of the written text.

The main skills in this type of earnings are the ability to express thoughts beautifully in writing and quickly type on the keyboard.

Good copywriters earn up to 5,000 rubles in a day.

Method 8. Perform one-time tasks on the Workzilla website

Workzilla is a popular site where employers post small jobs:

  • type text;
  • edit the photo;
  • make a simple site and so on.

Several schoolchildren I know work on this freelance exchange, earn from 2,000 to 13,000 rubles a month!

Even without having extensive experience in any "computer" field, schoolchildren make money here.

For example, there are tasks like “ transcriptions»Audio file.

The better your keyboard skills are, the more you will earn from transcriptions.

Method 9. Promote people's pages on social networks

A great way to generate good income. The trick is that you can charge your customers a monthly fee, that is, a fixed amount per month for the services of promoting their pages on social networks.

For example, a perfectly adequate payment of 2,000-5,000 rubles per client per month. If there are three such clients, then your monthly earnings will be from 6 000 before 15,000 rubles .

You will need to join groups, like and so on.

In social networks, you can promote not only the pages of people, but also groups of companies and entrepreneurs

To do this, you must at least have a little knowledge of the principles of page promotion, be able to write small texts and edit pictures at a basic level.

You will be able to learn how to promote people's pages on social networks and make money on the Internet thanks to getting a demanded profession on FREE OF CHARGE online training by Dmitry Chevychalov " The profession of internet marketer».

Method 10. Create a public and make money on advertising

Earlier it was quite easy to make money on public pages, schoolchildren, students and adults did it. Now, with increased competition, this is more difficult to do, but it can still be done.

Public (public page) - a type of page with publicly available materials in social network with an author or a group of authors that is available to a wide range of readers (users).

Anyone can make money on public, although this takes time, because it must first be created, and then filled with interesting materials, and only after a few months you will receive the first money.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Question 1. I am a 9th grade student, have heard about cryptocurrencies, mining and crypto trading, is it worth doing this to make money and how much should I invest first? Nikolay, 15 years old, Murmansk

Nikolai, the topic of cryptocurrencies and trade is really popular on the Internet now, but I will immediately warn you that you should not take this business seriously at such a young age.

  • First, a solid initial capital is needed here - several thousand dollars.
  • Secondly, you will most likely lose this money due to inexperience.

I have a boyfriend I know, although he is already older than you, who earns hundreds of thousands of rubles a month on crypto trading. He told me that the first year or two while he was understanding this topic, he was losing money. I have not yet met schoolchildren who make a profit on cryptocurrency, although I am sure that they also exist.

Question 2. How to make money for a 12-year-old student if I am not particularly good at anything? Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod

Vladimir, to be honest, you can try to help familiar adults for money. You are of a wonderful age and it is best to do your studies now, but you will still have time to earn.

I recommend that you pay attention to Internet technologies, because they are the future and earnings are quite high here. Especially if you are good at something: computer hardware, programs, games, and so on.

Schoolchildren like you walk and relax in the summer. Ask your parents to enroll you in computer literacy courses or study special programs during the holidays.

Question 3. I have small savings - 20,000 rubles, where should I invest them in order to receive a stable income of at least 3,000 rubles a month? Arkady, 16 years old, Krasnodar

Arkady, 3000 rubles per month - too much for 20,000 rubles investment. It is unlikely that you will be able to invest them somewhere without risks, not to lose and constantly receive such income.

It is best to buy a thing with them that will help you make money. For example, a computer if you are doing programming or design, a camera if you are a photographer, a video camera if you are a video blogger, and so on.

I bought a new laptop, now I'm ready to earn more!

Question 4. My name is Maria, 39 years old. My son is eager to work, I want to know how to make money for a 14-year-old schoolboy, he is fond of computer games like many of his age, what would you advise?

Maria, first, study the popular ways of making money on the Internet yourself, think about what it would be interesting for you to do if you were a student. It is clear that most teenagers at your son's age are addicted to computer games.

Find out what kind of games he is fond of, perhaps you are growing a future rich streamer (a person who broadcasts his game on video to other players) or an esports player (a professional computer player who makes money on games).

Be sympathetic to his hobby. If the child plays professionally and is good at it, try to hint to him about the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking money on your hobby, and then you will get your bearings.

Question 5. I have poor parents, and I want to help them now, tell me how to make money for a 13-year-old student, am I in grade 8? Maxim, Rostov

Maxim, first of all, you need to understand what is closer to you, what you can do now or are ready to learn in the near future. All earnings for a student are divided into two global areas:

  1. Real life (waiter, animator, promoter).
  2. Internet (online environment): computer games, website development, YouTube channel.

What is better for a student: making money in real life or on the Internet (comparison in the table below):

What do we compare Earnings on the Internet Earnings in real life
Fast income generation Quickly, find a client for a simple order (+-) Quickly if you find a job (+-)
Earnings Limited by your skills (+-) Limited by your skills (+-)
Interesting thing Creative work (+) As a rule, the work is not interesting (-)
Parents can help Not always, because parents do not really understand modern technologies (-) In most cases, parents can help (+)

Depending on what you want to prove yourself and it is worth looking for options for earning. Study this article again, ask your parents to help you figure out a certain way of earning income and financial results will come after a certain time.

Question 6. How to make money for an 11-year-old student, or rather, I am a schoolgirl and I want to do something in order to buy different things for myself, you need at least 5000-7000 rubles a month, what can I do? Maria, Moscow

Masha, you are still very young to work. It is commendable that you have such a desire, but to be honest, I would advise a schoolgirl at the age of 11 to go to school, and return to the topic of earnings at least 3-4 years later, when you are 14 or 15 years old.

Think about how you can make money on what you are passionate about, but this is not now, but several years later. I believe in your success!

Question 7. I am the father of a boy, I want him to gradually learn financial literacy and be able to provide for himself in the future, tell me how to make money for a 10-year-old student, is he interested in design, is he good at drawing? Andrey Fedorovich, 46 years old, Tomsk

Andrey Fedorovich, thanks for the question. It is very commendable that you are concerned about this topic, not all parents are so wise. I am a father myself.

In the professional development of your son, I recommend that you study the work of freelance exchanges, for example,, in order to further help your child put his design portfolio on the Internet and find the first customers.

It's great if he is interested in web design, this is a well-paid profession, I know from my own experience, since I have been studying design since the age of 13. I myself was a 7-8 grade schoolboy when I began to get involved in this.

In terms of financial literacy, I recommend studying books Roberta Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Series and then unobtrusively plant the sound ideas from these books into your son's head. Also Robert Kiyosaki has game "Cash flow" for school children, specially designed for children (desktop version). If possible, get one and play with your son regularly.

Appearance boxes of the board game "Cash Flow for Children" by Robert Kiyosaki

The main universal rule - the more developed the parent himself, the smarter and more successful his children... Take time own development and you will become a rare example of a great father. This is exactly what I do.

Question 8. I am 14 years old, I am in 8th grade, I plan to earn money every summer. I would like to know how to make money for a student in the summer? Arkady, Sochi

Arkady, you have a wonderful city. The easiest way for you to make money in the summer is on tourists (vacationers at sea).

Here are some proven ideas:

  • buy cheap or make marine-themed souvenirs and sell them;
  • selling food on the beach: pies, corn, drinks;
  • together with adults, to develop an excursion route and carry tourists along it.


Now it is much easier for a student to make money than before.

The Internet appeared and now you, as a young guy or a girl, can work from the comfort of your home and receive from 1,000 rubles a month before 100,000 rubles (if you are a real cool professional in your field).

remember, that appraisals - not important !

For example, my parents' generation often said that you need to do well at school, then successfully graduate from college and then you can get a stable job.

Greetings! My name is Vlad Klinkov and I am the author of the blog. I decided to open my own School of Earning Online on the Internet and start helping you create income from the network.

I think that I can afford it, since I have enough experience in this area, I have been making money on the Internet for more than 7 years, and I started when this all was born, when many said “this is impossible, go learn something standing ". But now I completely support myself on the money received from the network.

School of Earning aims to teach people to competently perform actions that will ultimately lead to results, all under the guidance of people with experience.

I have created a special test that will determine the inclination of your interests in the direction of earning, this is done because I do not want to force you to do what you do not like. Understand that if you do actions that are not related to your interests, you can quickly give up, but you can never give up!

This test is very simple and will help you take the first steps in the School of Earning, also this the test is absolutely free, like the first lesson under my guidance!

There are a lot of scammers selling various earning courses that have been “walking” the network for a long time, or there is nothing at all and do not carry useful information. This needs to be stopped, and in general I think that only a practitioner can teach people, preferably one who has his own blog.

In general, a blog is a very useful "visiting card", since by what and how a person writes, one can understand the level of his knowledge, so I invite you to read the articles of my blog and make sure that the level of my knowledge in this area is at a high mark.

Therefore, before learning from someone, it is better to ask for the address of his blog, or at least proof of his success in the field you want to learn.

What will I get at the School?

Earning Online School carries a teaching goal, to teach you how to generate income from what you are good at, or teach what you would like to learn.

Besides step by step guide I will give you advice, examples from life that will completely turn your view of making money on the Internet, or will slightly open this curtain for you. I will also provide data on my sources of income for you, if the directions, of course, are the same and at the same time say what pitfalls I met on the way and how to get around them.

This will allow you to go ahead and the shortest way, straight to the money!

How is the training going?

After you have passed the test, you will receive a link to contact me, and the information that you need to indicate in the message.

After you have written a message, I will contact you and give you the first lesson, depending on which type of communication you have chosen (skype / vkontakte / mail).

After completing the first lesson, you will receive your homework to complete. Then you decide to extend your studies and get more information, develop in this direction and earn your living or stop studying, no one obliges you to anything after the first lesson.

Then you pay for the subsequent lessons and we go together, along the path of green bills 🙂

How much is it?

Let me remind you that the test to start studying at the School is absolutely free, as well as the first lesson... Further, each lesson will be paid and you will need to pay for each lesson separately or purchase a package of lessons (which will be cheaper).

Training via mail / Vkontakte:

Since the concept of "lesson" in correspondence is difficult to describe, we will assume that one lesson is one big message from me, which will describe all the tasks at the moment that need to be completed, what to look for, all specifically with links, recommendations, tips Whoever wrote to me asking for help by mail will understand what I'm talking about. Although you will understand everything anyway if you choose the type of communication via mail / Vkontakte, since the first message is free.

Price per message: 7 $
Package (3 posts): $ 18
Package (5 messages): $ 30
Package (10 messages): $ 60

Skype training:

Price per lesson: 10 $
Package (3 lessons): $ 25
Package (5 lessons): $ 40
Package (10 lessons): 80 $
1 lesson \u003d 15-30 minutes.

If you have just started to develop in this area, then I advise you to buy a package with a large number of lessons, but if you are an advanced user on the Internet and have already had practice in earning money through the worldwide network more than once, then you can take 3-5 lessons.

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