Self-masrade collar. Self-collar zone samomassage

On the state of the muscles of the neck influences the posture. Keep your chin horizontally (the look is aimed at the second-third floor level), and the stomach slightly draw. Such a pose will be the norm after 2-3 weeks of training.

Self-massage neck, shoulders and breast Department The spine can be done daily before bedtime.

Self-massage is running sitting or standing.


First - the back of the neck. Movements are heading from above from the hairproof down to the back and to the shoulder joint.

  1. Stroking tightly pressed palms of one or both hands.
  2. Squeezing: palm edge on the same side of the neck or hill thumb On the opposite.
  3. Kneading pads of four fingers of the same hand. Press the muscles to the bitch lodge and simultaneously disappear towards the mother's maiden. Start from the occipital bone down to the shovels 4-5 times on one side and 4-5 times on the other. Then 3-4 strokes and repeat the kneading. Next - stroking the adapter (trapezium) from the ear towards the shoulder joint, 3-4 times. Then squeezing 3-4 times and press-shaped kneading: capturing the muscle with the pads of all fingers with the displacement towards the mother's (right hand on the left side of the neck and vice versa).
  4. Rubbing circular movements by four fingers from one ear to another along the bottom of the occipital bone, i.e. in the fields of attachment of the muscles of the neck; You can do the same with two hands, shifting them towards each other. Rubbing is carried out and along the cervical vertebrae from the hairproof to the back.

    Types of rubbing: Cup-shaped - four-finger pads; dotted - from the spinal column to the parties (both options are performed by the opposite hand); Cup-shaped - pillows of fingertips of both hands at the same time; Dotted - each hand for its part: the fingers of both hands are installed along the spinal column and simultaneously shifted the skin over the vertebrae in different directions - up and down - about one centimeter.

At the end, you can make an eye over the ends of relaxed fingers on the head, neck and twisters. Complete self-massage rear neck strokes.

After that, go to the breast-curable-bed-like muscle, using a circular kneading pads of four fingers: from the ear of the ear, from where the muscle begins, down the front surface of the neck to the sternum. Rubbing is done around this muscle behind the ear circular - one, two, etc., fingers; 3-4 times, alternating with stroking and kneading.

Front of the neck

Massage front of the neck is good to a tool Prevention of angina and exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis. It must be done before entering the street in frost weather and after the use of cold drinks, ice cream.

  1. Melting. The brush tightly captures the front surface of the neck so that the throat is located between the thumb and the three others (except for the little finger). Circular motions are performed first with one hand, then another with simultaneous progress along the throat to the chest.
  2. Circular rubbing with four fingers - towards the mother's right hand on the left side of the neck and vice versa.
  3. Cup-shaped trituration pads of large and index fingers from the edge of the jaw down along the breast-curable-cottage muscles to the chest.
  4. Curgy rubbing the base of the palm and the thumb with a thumb under the jaw; Each hand massages for his part. After each rubbing, there are 2-4 swallowing movements with a head tilt forward to a chest chin.

Collar zone

These muscles (trapezium) are massaged after a thorough massage of the shoulder joint. A varieve hand supported under the elbow by the other hand is recovered for the neck. The thigh may serve as a support for the supporting hand, if the massiferous sits, putting his leg on the leg, or the back of the chair, if it is worth it.

Self-massage of the neck helps to eliminate signs of osteochondrosis - migraines, numbness of the limbs, deterioration in performance, pain when turning the head. This disease occurs after the neck injuries and during sedentary work. There is a defeat of muscles, vessels, ligaments, nerves, inflammation and pain begins. When the pains do not stop, then you can make a massage of the cerhest-collar zone on their own at home.

How to make a neck massage right? Each massage is divided into 3 stages:

  1. Preparatory. Heat the muscular fabric of the neck. This is done using the strokes of the back area of \u200b\u200bthe neck, then the palms move to the front zone. We return the palm to the back surface of the neck and moving back to the front zone. These manipulations are held several times. Intensively stroke the muscles so that they warm up.
  2. The main stage consists of massaging the clavicle and the trapezoid muscles. The top of the back and muscles of the neck are also massaged.
  3. Massage ends with the movements of the soothing muscles.

All manipulations are divided into manual actions and actions using different items. Another kind of movement is a point exposure, both hands and other items.

Self-masrade technique

How to make a massage yourself at home? The collar zone massage itself begins with strokes, while palms are sent along the side surfaces of the neck.

The movements are made from top to bottom, lateral movements, passing along the edge of the trapezoid muscles.

  • I stroke the muscles with palms in the direction from the spinal column to the shoulders and armpits. Pressure palms is enhanced, and stroking becomes rubbing movements. Rubbing are carried out by phalanges, while the fingers are compressed into a fist. So, the impact on the muscles and tissues of this zone increases. Movements are performed on the helix.
  • We knew the neck and the collar zone, covering the muscle with the palm. At the same time, the fingers at the same way: the thumbnails are stacked on the one hand, with the other remaining fingers, and the skin fold remains between them. The main emphasis is made on the trapezoid muscles, massage them on both sides. When performing the kneading, painful sensations are possible, especially if the muscles are inflamed and tense. If it is too painful, then the pressure of the muscles is slightly weakened. Purpose: Maximize the muscles of this zone as much as possible.
  • The sam massage of the neck should not affect the spine, it should not have any pressure. All movements are performed on the current limf, that is, from the head to the lower back.
  • Not only the collar zone is massaged, but also shoulders. To do this, rubbing and kneading a small intensity in the field of shoulder joints. Then we rub the neck from the nape towards the shoulders.
  • Bend the fingers of the palm in the "boats" and slightly tear the rear surface of the neck.
  • The massage of this area is completed with vibration movements performed by the pads of the fingers. Movements resemble a print on the keyboard or the game on the piano.

During self-massage, skin covers blush, their blood supply is improving. Due to the increase in skin temperature, vessels are expanded. Skin food is improving. Skin Covers become elastic and elastic. The tissue is removed, and the heart activity is restored, due to improved blood flow.

Manual massage with their own hands

After drying the muscles, each exercise is done for 3 minutes, strictly adhering to the sequence.

  • Circular movements are performed on both sides of the neck with high intensity. "We" clarify "tendons and muscles near the seventh vertebra.
  • We carry out the "sawing" ribs of the hands along the neck. In the collar area, these movements alternate with the tapping tips of the fingers or Röber Palm.
  • We carry out your scratching fingers ahead, behind the neck. You can conduct them on the side surface of the neck. Made "scratch" with pressure. The same movements are made in the collar zone, moving from the neck to the shoulders.
  • We pinch the zone from the neck, to the clavicle moving strictly bottom, changing the amount of skin captured by fingers. It turns into the pinching and light palm with rubbing and lungs.

Using Massage Devices

Massage is recommended using bamboo sticks, tapping the necks and spins and different intensity, speed and frequency. Alternatively, rolling from jade, which is carried out along the spinal column. One of the assistants in the massage will be Su Jock (ball with spikes). They are performed almost any manipulation.

The massaging of the vibrating massager will help strengthen the bloodstream in the tissues of the neck, and the terry towel is used for the root of the neck.


This technique is based on manipulating active points of the massable zone. It should be performed, both fingers and wood chopsticks. Pressure for each point lasts no more than 4-5 seconds, and the number of clicks should be about 15. If at some point he hurts much, then there are circular massage movements about it.

Another embodiment of the point exposure will be a Kuznetsov-needle-needle-needle.

Feelings after a session

After him, the patient will certainly feel pain. Doctors explain the reason for these sensations like this: a person in life rarely use these muscles, and the massage has the same influence that a fitness occupation. Over time, the body gets used and the pain after a session leaves, but if the unpleasant feelings are enhanced, then the expert advice should be asked.

When can I do a self-massage?

Massage is shown for the treatment of osteochondrosis and scoliosis. But the massage, made even a professional not a panacea for the treatment of these diseases. It is only one of the elements of complex therapy.

When you can't make a massage?

There is no massage oncological patient, people with heart disease, kidney or liver. To refuse these manipulations will have to people with blood pathologies, especially in violation of the hemostasis function. Thrombosis will be the contraindication for massage, high blood pressure patient.

  • It is interesting:

Labor day in many cases is associated with a long seat at the computer. In the evening, the load does not weaken and, as a result, stiffness of the muscles of the neck, stress, painful spasms. This, in turn, can lead to more serious consequences: disruption of metabolism, oxygen starvation, permanent headaches. Do not hide from the problem. At the first signs, perform the samasazha neck. For it, you can always carve time during the working day, in the morning or evening.

Effect of procedure

Regularly making self-making neck, you can achieve the elimination of unpleasant symptoms and improve overall well-being:

  • restored;
  • it comes to normal blood circulation, the brain receives a sufficient amount of oxygen;
  • at the cellular level, the processes of rejuvenation in connecting tissues are launched as a result of the energy exchange;
  • the correct impact on the back of the neck contributes to the right of the joints;
  • depending on the techniques, you can achieve a relaxing or exciting effect;
  • levels of blood pressure levels;
  • head pains pass.

Stages of execution

Like any other type of massage, the action in the neck includes three consecutive steps: preparatory, main and final. Each of them uses different types and speed of movements. Self-massage must consist of all three components. This will make the maximum effect.

For the warm-up, 4-5 times perform movement, 6-8 repetitions are recommended, and it is enough to 2-3 times. It will take massage in the morning and in the evening. In the first case, the muscles are starting from the collar zone to the base of the skull. With evening exercises, the opposite direction is set. Do not forget about the access of fresh air to the room for classes.


Her task Heat the muscles of the neck and the collar zone. For this, the rear surface is trimmed with light movements directed from top. You can perform two hands at the same time or in turn. Gradually moves palms to side and front parts. So repeat several times, gradually increasing the intensity. In conclusion, muscles in the region of the clavicle are massaged.


Exposure is based on top Back and neck with a set of special exercises. Self-massage of the neck includes such techniques:

  • smoothing with palms, tightly pressed to the skin;
  • rubbing with finger pads in a circle;
  • pinching muscles with a shift toward four fingers;
  • patches with finger tips.


His goal is soothing movements on the problem area. They are performed by light palm paton, folded by a boat. It is more convenient to act on the right side and vice versa. At the end make strokes.


In the case of a sharp pain in the neck of the massage, it is worth refrained. No need to try to straighten with her hands. This can lead to unpleasant consequences: pinching nerve endings and dislocation. The rest of the method is shown to perform how preventive measure And to facilitate the symptoms of the cervical osteochondrosis. Also should also refrain from self-massage if available:

  • injuries of cervical vertebrae;
  • skin diseases or other lesions of the skin in the field of massage;
  • malignant tumor of any localization;
  • any disease in the acute stage;
  • inflammatory process, high temperature;
  • heart violations:
  • strong bleeding;
  • infectious diseases;
  • high blood pressure;
  • sclerosis of the head vessels.

Express method

If there are problems, but there is a constant shortage of time, then you should pay attention to the rapid self-massage cervical osteochondrosis. Having spent a few minutes, you can relax muscles, gain vigor. It is more convenient to perform a set of exercises sitting at the table. This will give support for hands. Requirements for the original position: Sit, bend the legs at the knees at an angle of 90 °, strain straightened.

  • Start with strokes with hands from the bottom line of hair growth to the shoulders.
  • Then, moving through the same sites, press the muscles with the edge of the palm.
  • Circular movements of finger tips. Perform rubbing the entire surface.
  • Capture the pads alternately neck muscles, pull a little bit and move away from the thumb. For the left side, use your right hand and vice versa. Do not forget about the collar zone.
  • In conclusion, perform lungs relaxing strokes with two hands from the middle of the nape to the upper corners of the blades.

You can strengthen the result if you make the development of muscles directed to the shoulder joints according to this scheme.

Point exposure

A good effect will give a massage of high voltage points. These are not some specific points, but intense zones individually every person. They resemble nodules. Carefully perform grace movements on this zone. Exposure time 5 seconds. Repeat for each point 12-15 times. Do not act vigorously, it can cause pain. After some time, the muscles relax, and the stressful points will disappear. This effect can be obtained if you use the Kuznetsov Applicator.

Auxiliary means

In addition to the action of hands, special devices can be used for the neck massage:

  • bamboo sticks. Changing speed and intensity, tapping the neck and back;
  • massager from jade. It must be promoted along the spine.;
  • ball with spikes. They act on the collar zone;
  • vibration device. The result of exposure is the strengthening of blood flow in the muscles;
  • terry fabric. Due to the presence of a large number of villi is used to rub the neck and shoulder area.


Simultaneously with the massage, special gymnastics helps well. All exercises are performed smoothly. 5 repetitions are enough. If the action causes strong pain, it is better to give up from him and consult with the attending physician.

  • The hand is placed on the forehead and tightly pressed for 5-10 seconds. At this time, the muscles of the neck strain.
  • Now the palm is placed on the head and repeat the actions of the previous exercise.
  • Further affect in a similar way alternately on the temporal area on the left and right.
  • Slowly lowered the head, trying to touch the ear shoulder.
  • Perform turns of the head in different directions. The back should be straight, and the shoulders are stripped.
  • The head is lowered forward, touching the chin of the neck. In this position, turns to the left and right.

The whole complex will not take much time. It can be applied by making a short break during the working day. At home it is worth adding the circular movements of the shoulders and hands.

Regularly conducting the procedure for the recovery of the collar zone and neck as a whole, after a week of classes, it will be guaranteed to make a relief. The continuous execution of the exercise complex will allow you to forget about pain and limitations in motion.

How often do you feel discomfort in the neck area? Unfortunately, for many of us, this is a familiar phenomenon. Get rid of unpleasant sensations in the neck and back, which arose due to stress, hard work or after an intensive fitness training, you will help you by self-collar zone. Several simple techniques allow you to significantly improve well-being. Our recommendations are in this article.

Self-making neck is done in a sitting or standing position.

The neck massage begins From the strokes of her back side by one or both hands, which, tightly pressing his palms to the massable part, move from the border of the hair cover in the direction of the back and the shoulder joint.

Then there is a queue circular rubbingat which four fingers circular movements Move through the level of the occipital bone from one ear in the direction of the other, the similar rubbing can be performed by both hands moving towards each other.

Then follows non-shaped kneadingIn which the neck muscles are captured by the pillows of the fingers, are warm up and simultaneously shifted in the direction of four fingers. As a rule, when kneading the right hand processes left and vice versa.

At the end of the self-massage of the back of the neck stroke.

Massage of trapezoid muscles (collar zone) Also produced in the sitting position, while the massaging hand with the support of the second hand is closed for the neck for the massage, and the supporting hand at that time rests on the thigh.

Massage begins with 3-4 strokes From the border of the hairpiece to the area of \u200b\u200bthe shoulder joint.

Then done squeezing Using the pillow of a thumb or edge of the palm from the scalp to the end of the shoulder.

Then crops The area behind the ear and kneading with the help of four-finger pads.

If the discomfort and neck pain and your back are bothering you for a long time, we recommend that you contact a professional massage driver!

According to the magazine "Fitness Digest"

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