Outcasting from cervical osteochondrosis. Panic attacks at cervical osteochondrosis: treatment and communication

Osteochondrosis and VDC ... On many media resources, these two concepts are often found together. Sometimes you can even find allegations that it is almost one disease, or one pathology is the cause of another. What is the truth and matters to the diagnosis, treatment and human health? This will be discussed in our article.

1. What is osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is degenerative (i.e. leading to deterioration, degeneration) processes in vertebrate joints (or other human joints), leading to a significant decrease in the height of intervertebral discs and sclerotic (substitution of parenchymal tissue with connecting) changes in their surfaces, with the appearance and exploration pathological growths (osteophytes).

If you say easier, there is a disk cartilage into a bone tissue, as a result of which the disk decreases in the amount, loses its elasticity, ceases to perform a depreciation function, and squeezes the nerve roots, causing a feeling of pain, as well as the fragmentation of joints (reminds arthritis), numbness and legs.

Osteochondrosis can occur in any body joints, but in relation to hardships it is necessary to consider precisely osteochondrosis of the vertebral joints.

Classified osteochondrosis of the spine to localize the occurrence of pathology:

  • Lumbar osteochondrosis (most common appearance, up to 50%, because the maximum load falls on the lumbar spine).
  • Neck osteochondrosis (second place, in prevalence, up to 25%).
  • Breast osteochondrosis.
  • Comable osteochondrosis (pathology affects various spinal deposits: lumbosacious, cervical, and so-called).

Completed the course of osteochondrosis may form:

  • protrusions (disk protrusion (prolapse), while maintaining a fibrous ring);
  • intervertebral hernia (the same disk prolapse, accompanied by a gap of a fibrous ring with the output of the kernel content beyond the disk).

2. What is common between osteochondrosis and vegetual-vascular dystonia

If we consider the main manifestations of cervical and cervical osteochondrosis, then it is possible to detect similar symptoms. So, for the cervical osteochondrosis, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • manifestation (headache),
  • restriction of mobility and soreness of the neck,
  • the occurrence of pain in shoulders and hands.

But headacheMigraines are satellites and VD.

With complicated current forms, disorders also occur sympathetic departmentManifesting:

1. Pressure drops.
2. Coordination violations, fatigue.
3. Anemia (pallor) of the skin.
4. The syndrome of the vertebral artery consisting of a complex of symptoms (the reason is the artery spasm as a result of irritation of a sympathetic plexus caused by osteochondrosis):

  • Flashing before the eyes of multicolored spots.
  • Noise phenomena in ears and head.
  • Dizziness.

Practically each of the described manifestations is typical for different types of vegetual-vascular dystonia.

With cervical osteochondrosis, the above symptoms can be joined:

  • manifestations of interrochemical neuralgia (, in the region of the lumbar, blades and clavicle);
  • difficult breathing, manifestation of pain and unpleasant sensations from other internal organs.

In addition, both of these violations may be accompanied by other neurological manifestations (numbness, tingling and decrease in the temperature of the limbs).

As can be seen, the symptomatics is very similar to, or more correctly - on the somatoform dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system.

3. And yet: ITR or osteochondrosis?

As we repeatedly wrote earlier, ITRs are neurosis, i.e. Disorder having psychogenic roots. It turns out, cervical osteochondrosis and vegetative dysfunctionAs they say in Odessa, these are two big differences.

Accordingly, complexes of therapeutic measures in the first and in the second case differ. Under osteochondrosis, it is necessary to treat the spine (for example, manual therapy, massages, leafing), and with a nervous system, i.e. It is necessary, first of all, the assistance of a psychotherapist or a psychologist, specializing in the correction of anxious and phobic disorders, especially in the crisis of the flow.

However, the situation is complicated when a person still has osteochondrosis. (And this is easy to do: when radiography and MRI, expressed degenerative changes spine). But immediately the question arises: symptoms of dizziness, headache, heartbeat, etc., are the symptoms caused by osteochondrosis? Or osteochondrosis is not at what, and in all the vegetual vascular dystonia is to blame?

The question has a complete basis, because Many people have osteochondrosis, but proceeds without pronounced disorders from the vegetative nervous system (characteristic of NCD), manifesting themselves more in the form of pain (when the problem areas are tested - neck, back, etc.), as well as restrictions of motor functions. And we are often watching a picture that the patient who actually needs the help of a psychotherapist is hard and unsuccessfully treating from osteochondrosis, and cannot understand why instead of improved symptoms, they are already manifested by one, but a whole complex, in the form of attacks .

Thus, the correct understanding of the nature of the symptoms will avoid empty spending of money, time and mental energy. Let's look at how to determine where IT, and where is the cervical osteochondrosis, so to speak, in "home conditions". Let's try to separate the flies from the kitlet. 🙂

4. Differences in the symptoms of the VDC and the cervical osteochondrosis

So, in order to choose the correct treatment regimen, you need to at least approximately know what they differ, at first glance, similar symptoms of osteochondrosis and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

  1. For IT, there are clearly pronounced disorders of the nervous system: attacks of panic, fears, increased anxiety about health, etc. The data of manifestations are typical for hypochondria, as well as a panic disorder, manifested in the form of panic attacks and accompanied by various phobias, for example, agoraphobia.

If the symptoms described in paragraph 2 are accompanied by fear, anxiety, especially if you notice that as a result of these fears, there is only an unpleasant feeling, it means that the effect of the psychological component is very large here. No matter, there is osteochondrosis or not, it is necessary to pay special attention to the diagnosis and therapy of vegetative dysfunction.

  1. It is very important to understand Under what conditions the first attack of dizziness, visual effects, pressure jumps and other disturbing symptoms occurred. One of the key causes of the development of neurocirculatory dystonia is stressful for a certain period of time. Sverders at work, weddings, funeral, divorce, childbirth, change of work or position - all this refers to strong stressors. The basic reasons for the development of osteochondrosis include: spinal injuries, heavy physical exertion, long-lasting spiderman in one position (in voltage state).

The presence of several stressors preceding the emergence of the first acute manifestation of symptoms from paragraph 2, signals that it is necessary to treat the nervous system and NCD, and not osteochondrosis.

  1. Further development of the disease. If you notice that the frequency of discomfort peaks increases over time, and you know that the so-called "triggers" are stably influenced by the so-called "triggers" - the specific conditions under which the previous (especially first) crisis occurred. Such triggers can be attributed to cold, heat, stuffy room, a large cluster of people, etc.

Ratchee logically: what does the relation to osteochondrosis and its symptoms, which by definition depend on the problems of the spine, has a fluid place or fluctuation of temperature? That's right, very remote. Consequently, we again need to concentrate the main efforts on psychology.

  1. What are treated? In addition to (or even instead) treatment of osteochondrosis, do you take sedatives, tranquilizers? And they even bring a small effect? Well, let's not deceive yourself - the problem is psychogenic.

You must give yourself an honest answer: the use of antidepressants, sedatives and similar means cannot affect the problems with the spine, while they affect the nervous system. Therefore, the very fact of receiving such funds suggests that internally, subconsciously, you know the cause of the disease, and it is clearly rooted in psychology.


The sheino-chest osteochondrosis and VDR, in essence, these are two different pathologies that can occur and manifest themselves completely independently of each other. Although this does not exclude and their simultaneous manifestation. At the same time, one will be exacerbated by the other.

A visual example of their simultaneous manifestation can serve as a case with one patient. She had a diagnosis of shaven-thoracic osteochondrosis, but, in addition, there were signs of agoraphobia (fear of going out of the house without accompanying because of fear, which would be bad), expressed in concerning the emergence of a panic attack during a trip to transport, as well as In large supermarkets in peak hours.

As a result of treatment (therapeutic gymnastics, spinal correction, etc.), there was an explicit improvement in relation to pain, but the manifestations of neurosis, in the form of attacks, not only did not decrease, but on the contrary, they became more frequent. The reason for what is happening was that the doctor did not carry out the treatment of the accompanying osteochondrosis of the panic disorder with agoraphobia. The latter developed and progressed.

What this value is for diagnosis

The presence of similar symptoms indicates what is required differential diagnosis These pathologies. To confirm the diagnosis of osteochondrosis: X-ray, cT scan and MRI.

The diagnosis of FMR is described in detail in, so we will not be repeated.

Meaning for treatment

  • Of course, the main role in the treatment is played by the correct and timely diagnosis. After all, if you have a VDR, and the treatment of a non-existent osteochondrosis will be carried out, then the course of the disease can be aggravated without receiving timely assistance.
  • During treatment, the doctor must take into account the presence of concomitant neurosis. When they are detected, treatment must be carried out in comprehensive, relevant specialists.
  • If in the treatment of osteochondrosis with severe nervous manifestations to limit only traditional methods (manual therapy, therapeutic gymnastics, etc.), the manifestations of neurosis will not be removed, since violations of the nervous system can occur very quickly and not to be removed even after eliminating the cause. Needed a complex approach And the help of a psychotherapist.
  • With the help of methods of psychotherapy, you can significantly accelerate the treatment of osteochondrosis, even without neurological signs (for example, by the method used to treat psychosomatic disorders, improving immunity and many other diseases).


Any disease, accompanied by violations in the work of the nervous system, is very difficult to treat, if not taken into account when diagnosing and subsequent therapeutic procedures. This option is possible when the main disease is cured, and the accompanying neuroses remain, and often begin to progress. It is of particular importance in the treatment of vegetative dystonia in the presence of osteochondrosis of the cervical or seine-breast departments, because Their symptoms are largely intersect. This may result in the development of a completely different, serious psychogenic pathology.

If timely, the plan of psychotherapy will be developed, and after a short period of time the first results will appear, life will gain paint.

Call pathological changes of vertebrals and intervertebral discs that are degenerative dystrophic character.

The cervical osteochondrosis flows for a long time with the periods of exacerbation of the process and remission. The aggravation of the disease can cause sharp movements, physical work, hypothermia.

In patients cervical osteochondrosis The following symptoms are observed:

  • crunch and clicks for circular movements neck;
  • pain in the neck of the pulsating or still character, which arise after sharp turns head, laughter, sneezing, hypothermia. Also pain can be given in the head, eyes, ears and shoulder belt;
  • morning stiffness of the neck;
  • tingling, burning, numbness numbers, reduced muscle strength, difficulty movements with upper limbs;
  • numbness and tingling of the language;
  • , darkening in the eyes, fainting with sharp turns of the head;
  • noise in ears;
  • worsening hearing and vision;
  • pain in the field of heart unchanged on the ECG and the inefficiency of nitrates;
  • the formation of "withers" on the cervical spine.

If the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis has begun indefinitely, the process is tirelessly progresses, leading to dangerous complications. Therefore, when the first signs of illness are found, contact the neuropathologist's neuropathologist to a careful examination and treatment during a diagnosis.

Together with a neurologist doctor, treatment with cervical osteochondrosis conducts such specialists as a physiotherapist physiotherapist, a manual therapist, physiotherapist, a reflexology, physiotherapist, osteopath, an orthopedic doctor, a vertebrologist and others.

Unfortunately, even at a timely started therapy, cervical osteochondrosis cannot be heard. You can quench pain, remove muscular spasmod and pinching nerves, prevent the development of complications, which will significantly improve the condition and quality of life of the patient.

The principles of the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

Important! Only timely and comprehensive treatment of the cervical osteochondrosis will retain your health and will save from disablement.

Medicase treatment with cervical osteochondrosis

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory means Not only remove inflammatory processBut and effectively quench pain. Diclofenac and indomethacin based drugs are widely used in the form of tablets, capsules, creams, gels, ointments, injection solutions, patches. Besides positive effects, anti-inflammatory drugs have a ulcerogenic effect (cause erosion and ulcers of the gastric mucosa and duodenal gut), Therefore, their reception is combined with proton pump inhibitors - omeprazole, Rabeprazole, Pantoprazole and others.
  • Chondroprotectors - These are drugs containing the components of the cartilage tissue, which in the neck osteochondrosis protect the vertebral cartilage and intervertebral discs from destruction and restore them. Chondroprotectors, of course, not a panacea, but they are able to stop the degenerative-dystrophic processes in the vertebrae and intervertebral disks. The most effective representatives of this group of drugs are alflutop, arthrone, teraflex, chondroxide, structum.
  • Hormonal anti-inflammatory means, such as dexamethasone and prednisone, perfectly eliminate the manifestations of the root syndrome, remove the swelling of the nerves.
  • Anesthetics. The most popular representatives of this group of drugs are novocaine and lidocaine, which are used for paravertebral blockades. Thus, drugs directly affect the affected nerve roots, which allows for some time to get rid of pain. Novocaine and Lidocaine can be administered intraderially, subcutaneously, intramuscularly, perinonerative and in the root of spinal nerves. To remove the edema of paravertebral tissues and nerves, the painkillers are combined with hormonal drug Hydrocortisone, which makes it possible to achieve a long anesthetic effect. Also used "Pharmacopuncture" - the introduction of drugs into the paravertebral points.
  • Diuretic drugs Apply to the purpose of removing swelling of spinal nerves and paravertebral fabrics (Laziks, Veroshpiron).
  • Miorolaxanta - Preparations that relax the muscular corset of the spine, thereby removing painfulness. Middokals and biotropen are often used.
  • Local annoying meanswhich improve local blood circulation, microcirculation, accelerate exchange processes, by irritating the skin and distracting action. In this case, such ointments were perfectly showed itself as a fast gel, Dauben gel, Dip Relief Cream, Finalgon, Diclozan, as well as ant alcohol, terrent oil, Mentholic balm "Star".
  • Circulation tools in the neck area. For this appointed A nicotinic acid, Trental, Aktovegin, Kuraltil.
  • Vitaminotherapy - An integral part of the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis. Vitamins group B (B1, B6, B12), D3, Ascorbic acid, Retinol, tocopherol improves the conductivity of nerves, reduce vestibular and visual disorders, normalize the nutrition of the brain neurons.
  • Calcium preparations. An excellent drug that combines vitamin D3 and calcium - calcium-D3 Nicomed.

For initial manifestations The cervical osteochondrosis, if there is no complications you can engage in ordinary gymnastics.

On more late stages Diseases perform specially designed complex gymnastic exercises.

All exercises should be performed slowly, smoothly, gradually increasing the load.

Properly selected exercises are removed by pain syndrome, improving the mobility of the cervical spine.

Exercise number 1 "Lower on your back, under the head lay a pillow with a height of 10 cm and press the back of the head into it, then flip over the stomach and press it into the pillow.

Exercise number 2. - Lower the stomach, and the head and the neck of the coarse bed and hold it in this position 10-15 seconds, then turn on the right side - hold your head again 10-15 seconds, then repeat the same action on the left side and on your back.

Exercise number 3. - Sit on a chair, legs on the width of the shoulders, hands relax and lower. Slowly tighten your head forward to the chest, after which you trap it back. This exercise repeat 5-6 times. In the same position, do circular motions Shoulders, turns of the head to the right and left, lifting the hands up to the ear through the head, the slopes of the head to the right and left, 5-7 repetitions.

Exercise number 4. - go on the back without a pillow, put your hands along the body, keep your head straight and move eyeballs Right, left, up, down, as well as circular movements, do all 4 repetitions. In the same position, turn your head to the right, left, back and forth, also for 4 approaches. Raise the head and try to get your chest chin, then raise it up.

Exercise number 5. - Look on the back, raise deeply belly, keep your hands on your chest. Repeat 5-6 times.

Exercise number 6. - Continuing to lie on the back, spread the legs bent in the knees to the sides, and turn the housing to the right and left at 5-6 approaches.

Important! If during classes medical gymnastics Or physical education, you have such reactions such as headache, dizziness, nausea, then exercises should be done slower and with a smaller amplitude.

Physiotherapy with cervical osteochondrosis - This is a highly efficient method of treating disease.

The following physiotherapy methods are widely used:

  • irradiation with ultraviolet rays The rear surface of the neck, inter-opacculent zone, the outer surface of the shoulder and the plug-in area. Ultraviolet increases the production of vitamin D3 and has anti-inflammatory, anesthetic and bactericidal effects. This method is contraindicated with malignant tumors organs and blood, as well as in the treatment of drugs whose action is induced by ultraviolet;
  • vibration therapy - This is the impact of mechanical oscillations on the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe spine, due to which the pain decreases. Vibration therapy is carried out on a tape vibrator massager. Vibration massage can be common, local and point. Vibration therapy is not carried out by persons with vibration disease, dermatitis, merged diseases of the skin, oncopathology and mental disorders;
  • treatment of helium neon laserswhich improve nervous conductivity. Also, helium neon lasers accelerate tissue regeneration, relieve pain and inflammation. The procedure is to irradiating the roots of spinal nerves, the paravertebral points of the cervical;
  • electrotherapy - It is the treatment of a cervical osteochondrosis using an electric current that improves microcirculation in the tissues of the neck, quenches the pain and speeds up the offensive remission. The method is strictly prohibited to apply in individuals with a pacemaker or other metal devices in the body;
  • shock-wave therapy It implies the use of acoustic waves, which are directed to the affected section of the neck. Acoustic waves have an anesthetic effect, activate the metabolism and improve the microcirculation of tissues;
  • interferencing - This is the rhythmic use of electric current. The procedure perfectly relieves pain and inflammation;
  • diad dartimatherapy - This is an impact on the patient area of \u200b\u200bdouble-wave or continuous current, with a gradual increase in force. This method is carried out for the thickening of pain, normalizing the tone of the neck muscles, the elimination of the root syndrome and improving the mobility of the cervical spine;
  • deternal therapy - This is a soft long stretching of the spine. The method allows you to remove muscle spasm, normalize their tone, restore the mobility of the cervical spine.

Treatment of the cervical osteochondrosis of manual therapy

Manual therapy - This is a local dosage effect on the spinal items in order to improve and / or restore mobility in the cervical spine.

Important! Trust your spine only to an experienced doctor manual therapist, in order to avoid complications and injuries.

Surgical methods for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

Operational treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is used in such cases:

  • pronounced pain syndrome, which is not removed by medication;
  • with impaired muscle tone of the upper limbs;
  • in the presence of spinal cord compression.

For operational treatment The degenerative-dystrophic changes of the vertebrae and the intervertebral disk are removed by osteophytes and disk hernia with the formation of the front spondylodesis.

The pillow must be a small rectangular or square form, 10-12 cm high, medium stiffness shape. For this, orthopedic pillows are ideal. With circulatory disorders in the brain vessels, it is better to take a high pillow (15-20 cm).

The mattress must be orthopedic medium hardness or tough. For the cervical osteochondrosis, sleep is perfectly suitable for side. It is not recommended to sleep on the stomach.

Cervical osteochondrosis - This is a long-term disease, which, unfortunately, is completely impossible. Therefore, engage in the prevention of the disease, and at the first signs of the cervical osteochondrosis, go straight to a neuropathologist to not start the process. Live with osteochondrosis full life, Only you need to strictly adhere to the recommendations of the doctor.

In order to understand what osteochondrosis is and how osteochondrosis is treated, briefly consider the structure of our spine. By analogy with plants, our spine can be compared with a tree trunk. As a tree trunk that keeps the crown and is a conductor nutrients For the plant and our spine - performs the function of support for organs and limbs and is a conductor for supplying them to everyone necessary for life. As the branch begins to fade on a damaged tree trunk, our limbs suffer from damage to the joints. But if the main trunk is damaged, the whole crown suffers.

In a person, of course, everything is arranged much more difficult. Our spine consists of 5 departments: cervical - 7 vertebrae, breast - 12 vertebrae, explanatory - 5, sacral - 5 (in the sacrats, they grow into one bone - crescents), smoking - 3-4 vertebra. The vertebrae is interconnected by cartilage and ligaments that serve to prevent bone tissue From abrasion, for elasticity, allowing us to bend and blending and mitigated - when running and walking.

The bone proceeds are departed from the body of each vertebra. Through the holes in the arcs of vertebrae from the spinal cord nerve fiberswho are sent to all organs and parts of the body of the body. Changes in intervertebral discs leads to a disease that is often given by the name - sharply, radiculitis, salt deposition, acute hondrosis. Genuine name of the disease - osteochondrosis.

A number of degenerative-dystrophic disorders in the cartilage of the joints. May develop in any joint, but the intervertebral discs are most often affected. Depending on which the intervertebral discs are amazed in which the spine is amazed, osteochondrosis is cervical, chest and lumbar.

Since the main load falls on the lumbar spine, it is most often a protrusion and as a result of their complications - the hernia of intervertebral discs.

Protrusion of the intervertebral disc - The pathological process in the spine with the protrusion of the intervertebral disk in the spinal channel without breaking the fibrous ring. As a result, the disc is gradually dehydrated, the elasticity of the disk decreases, its height decreases and cracks appear in the fibrous ring. The protrusion of intervertebral disks should hernia.

The hernia of the intervertebral disc - Displacement of the pulp nucleus of the intervertebral disc with a breakdown of a fibrous ring. Touching back and to the side, hernia presses on the root of the nerve at the place of its exit from the spinal channel and causes inflammation, which is accompanied by an edema. As a result, the blood supply to the inflamed zone is disturbed, which causes oxygen fasting spinal cord root. because of strong pain Muscle tension increases, which enhances the degenerative process in the field of lesion.

Each spine segment is responsible for the work of a particular organ in the body. Squeezing the nerve roots in the damaged segment of the spine, leads to a violation of the work of the body for which it is responsible. The hernia, directed toward the spinal cord, can lead to damage and consequences can be very serious. Most often, hernia is localized in the lumbosacral spine, much less often - in the cervical spine, and very rare - in breast.

Causes of osteochondrosis

The reasons for causing changes in intervertebral disks are not fully studied. Presumably, the main reason is "strain". A person may not feel pathological changes in the spine until the pain appears. Previously, people began to suffer from osteochondrosis after 40 years. BUT B. last years More and more young people complain of back pain. The reasons for the early manifestation of the disease is a lot of: a sedentary lifestyle, weak physical training, disrupting the posture and curvature of the spine, flatfoot and excessive weight.

The harmful effect on the spine is wearing uncomfortable shoes, high-heeled shoes, the habit of sleeping on soft pillows and mattresses. Development and exacerbation of the disease promote various injuries of the back, physical overload and stress. The development of the disease affects genetic predisposition to the disease as well age-related changes In cartilage tissues.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis

Specific symptoms of osteochondrosis depend on localization and the degree of changes in the disk.

When localizing pathological changes in lumbar Department Spine:

  • pain in a chronic waist;
  • stiffness and soreness in the lower back;
  • pain, numbness or tingling in the fingers of the feet:
  • muscular weakness, goosebumps or tingling in the legs, heads of feet;
  • violation of the potency and the function of urination (in rare cases).

When localizing pathological changes in the thoracic spine:

  • pain, numbness or tingling in the abdomen, chest;
  • pain in the middle or inside the back;
  • pain in the intercostal area;
  • muscle weakness;
  • stiffness or soreness in the back.

When localizing pathological changes in the cervical spine:

  • chronic, local pains in the neck, are possible pain with a feeling of burning in the neck and between the blades;
  • headaches, dizziness, blood pressure;
  • increased fatigue;
  • muscular weakness, numbness and tingling in the shoulder or hand;
  • crunch in the neck when turning or tilt the head;
  • pain with irradiation along the hand or in the shoulder;
  • also, the cervical osteochondrosis may be the cause of the violation of the heart and lungs, the numbers of the language and the difficulties of swallowing, the bones in the eyes, worsening hearing and vision.

The symptoms of many diseases of the spine are similar, but since the methods of treating diseases of the spine are different, it is important to establish the correct diagnosis. The exact cause of the spinal damage and the localization of the pathological process can be determined using MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).

Treatment of osteochondrosis

Hernia relatively rarely require surgical intervention. In most cases, intervertebral hernia self-ejectives for six - twelve weeks after the appearance of symptoms. Surgery intervertebral herroji It is considered only as an extreme measure, and only if as a result of conservative treatment failed to cope with pain syndrome.

Currently, there are many ways to treat osteochondrosis. Comprehensive conservative treatment Includes therapeutic physical culture, massage, physiotherapy, manual therapy, reflexology, spinal exposure, medical therapy. Unfortunately, medications It is quite expensive and, moreover, poorly affect the stomach and liver. Carefully read the instructions before taking drugs that the doctor wrote down.

The main goal in the treatment of complications of osteochondrosis is the elimination of pain symptom. The result of the elimination of pain is the reduction of muscle tension, a decrease in mechanical squeezing of the nervous root, which contributes to the fastest elimination of the edema and inflammation. Therefore, as it sounds neither trite, with exacerbation of osteochondrosis, it is necessary (the complete exception of loads on the spine), heat and analgesics. In the future, treatment is aimed at restoring metabolism in the body. I would like to note an indispensable role in the treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis of therapeutic physical education.

Therapeutic physical culture is the main and most effective method conservative treatment of osteochondrosis. Thanks to physical exercises, a muscular corset is formed and the load on the spine decreases. Systematic exercise improves blood circulation, normalizes the metabolism and power of intervertebral disks.

As a rule, conservative treatment gives good effect. But in order to stop possible further exacerbations, prevention is needed. I would like to notice if you want to defeat the disease, do not wear only on pills. The fight against the disease is work. Labor is not easy, stubborn, but giving striking results. Be sure to perform physical exercises. But do not forget that with pathological changes in the spine, physical exertion should be directed to the muscles, but not on the spine. Therefore, most exercises are doing sitting or lying.

Prevention osteochondrosis

For the prevention of osteochondrosis and exclude its exacerbations, it is desirable to comply with several rules that will reduce the load on the spine:

  • always keep your back smoothly;
  • systematically perform exercise (charging);
  • are swimming;
  • fit correctly;
  • watch for your weight;
  • try not to lift heavy items if you raise - do it right (cropped, and without leaning);
  • move more;
  • do not overcoat;
  • vedi healthy image life (do not smoke);
  • try to avoid stress.

And finally, I would like to notice. Pathological changes in the spine not only cause pain, but also adversely affect the work of various organs of our body. That is why it is so important since childhood to follow the posture of the child, to teach it to physical Loads, strengthen the muscles of the back and abdominal press, as well as to pass the child to eat. However, at any age, you can, remembering your health, significantly improve its condition. And although it is impossible to stop the age-related changes in vertebrates, compliance with simple principles of prevention will help preserve the high quality of life and minimize the risk of complications associated with osteochondrosis.

A modern man lives in a state of constant stress, in a stunning flow of information. Emotional loads are increasingly, and physical forces are not added, especially if you are sick. At some point, the pain begins to manage your behavior. Therefore, to liberate emotionally, relieve painful stiffness is half of the success in the fight against the disease.

First of all, you need to remember that the main goal of the exercises of psychosorgulation or autogenic workout is to increase the stability of the psyche to extreme conditions (maximum loads), in reducing emotional stress.

In our case, in case of osteochondrosis of the spine, is the struggle with pain, stiffness and other unpleasant symptoms. To achieve this goal, you need to learn to actively change the rhythm of breathing, redistribute the muscular tone, to study the techniques of self-sustaining and be able to use the survey skills.

Exercise does not require any special conditions. In order for the results to be more significant, from the very beginning you need to learn how to train in any atmosphere, despite the noise, light and other stimuli. Time spent on independent classes usually does not exceed 7-8 minutes, but in no case should not be hurried to strengthen the occupation!

Education to autogenic training can be divided into several stages.

First stage. You must learn to switch to a new respiratory rhythm and withstand its set time. At the same time, it is necessary to pay special attention to the posture: lying on the back, the corps straight, the head is slightly lowered forward, the hands are freely located along the body, the eyes are closed. Then an active deep breath and free without voltage exhale. Having finished exhale, delay the breath to the need to breathe, counting about himself, how many seconds do not work without effort. Then follows another deep breath, etc.

When inhaling you need to get your body with a look in series in the bottom upward direction; Exhausted, translate a mental look in the opposite direction and stop it on the fingers of the stop.

On the classes within 4-6 minutes there are 7-10 cycles (inhale - exhalation - delay). Breathing manages to detain for 30-45 accounts (seconds) and more.

Starting an occupation, you need to distract from foreign sounds and thoughts. Take the starting position.

Quick breath - breathing delay. Not breathe. Count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ...

Active breath (view from the bottom up) - exhalation (omitting a view of the footsteps) - breathing delay. Consider...

At the end of the lesson, it is necessary to breathe deeply without delay, exhale and go to the usual rhythm of breathing.

Repeat the exercise should be 2-3 times a day.

The described respiratory rhythm serves as a background to the subsequent stages of training, when self-pressure formulas will be included. Therefore, it is very important to master the ability to clearly and quickly change the rhythm of breathing. After 2-3 days, it is usually possible to master the first step in control by its condition.

Second phase. It should be learn to relax the muscles of the whole body and face, as well as cause a feeling of heat. Before occupation, you need to take a comfortable position (sitting or lying), make a smooth breath, and then slow and calm exhale. Close eyes. Try to feel the tension of the muscles of the body, then gradually relax them.

If this fails arbitrarily, you can use auxiliary techniques. First reception: Take the starting position lying on the back. Hands slightly bent in the elbow joints, put along the body palms down. Take the legs somewhat from each other and reject the socks of the bed. Focus on sensations coming from the muscles of the right hand (left-handed left). Vigorously squeeze your fingers into the fist and strain your hand, and then, relaxing your hands, try to "catch" and remember the feeling that appears when relaxing: a pleasant feeling of gravity. If this feeling you perceive not very clearly, repeat the exercise by another 2-3 times.

Often, the first exercises are accompanied by a feeling of heat, which is a signal of the expansion of blood vessels. Similar exercises Perform for another hand, and then for legs.

Second reception: lie down in the bath, filled with warm water. Remove the plug so that the water slowly goes out. Take a comfortable position and stretch your hands forward along the body, without turning them out of the water. With a decrease of water, you will experience a distinct feeling of gravity in your hands, and then legs. Remember this feeling.

So, you learned to be freed from muscle tension. Now go to self-sufficiency. Repeat to yourself in a low voice:

"I feel comfortable and good, I rest. The whole body rests. I do not feel any tension. Lear (I sit) calmly. All the muscles of the body begin to relax. I rest. Relaxing the muscles of the right (left) hands. Relaxing the muscles of the forearm. Muscles are relaxing right (left) brushes and fingers. Breathing is smooth, deep. The heart works smoothly, calmly.

The whole hand is relaxed. She lies motionless, pleasantly hard, I can't raise her. A wave of pleasant warmth passes on the right (left) hand. Heat comes to fingers. Heat pulsates in the tips of the fingertips right (left) hands. Pleasant warmth in the right (left) hand is enhanced.

Relaxed muscles with the right (left) legs. Muscles hips are relaxed. Relaxed leg muscles. The feet lie freely and relaxed. Feet relaxed. They are stationary and heavy. I feel heavily in the legs. I can not raise them. Pleasant warmth rushes. The whole body is pleasantly relaxed. The muscles of the back relaxed. I feel the release of the lower back. Muscles of the lower back are relaxed, free. Pleasant warm waves caresses the lower back. A pleasant feeling of warmth fills all the lower back. Heat penetrates the stomach. Relaxed abdominal muscles. I feel pleasant warmth in all body. The head is freely omitted. The muscles of the face are relaxing.

The muscles of the face are relaxed. Eyelids omitted and gently closed. Muscles of the mouth are relaxed. Muscles of jaws are relaxed. I feel a pleasant coolness in the forehead area. The whole face is calm, without tension.

I continue to relax. I feel easy and free. It breathes easily. I breathe freely. I am pleased to. I rest. The heart calms down more and more. I do not feel his beat. The heart is calm and smoothly. My nervous system More and more calm. I calm down. I am completely calm. Full peace covered all my body. I rest. All my body is resting. I do not feel any fatigue. I breathe completely free and calmly. "

At the end of the exercise, it is necessary for about 1 minute to feel peace and rest, and then go to the next self-sufficiency.

"I rested well. The whole body got strength. The feeling of relaxation is from all my muscles. Muscles become easy and elastic. Pleasant coolness covers all my face. I'm all cheerful and cheer. Mood is good. I am full of energy and strength. My head has a rested And clear. In the whole body, cheerfulness and freshness. I am ready to operate. I open my eyes. I get up. "

At the same time, a quick deep breath should be made, and then slow, calm exhalation; Repeat several times.

Remember that the training of the elements of the second stage will become much easier if each self-adhesive formula will enjoy the associative-shaped formula.

So, for example, when you say the formula: "All my body is resting," - it should arise by the association a sense of pleasant rest and relaxation, as if your body lies in a warm bath; Expression: "I feel a pleasant severity in his right hand," it can contact the shape of the hand, as a vessel, which is slowly filled with warm water.

Attention! Best results Associated in the case when each formula for approval is pronounced by exhale.

Third stage. After learning the rules of general self-regulation (emotional-physical relaxation and tonic), your attention switches to a specific object - lower back (in case of exacerbation of the osteochondrosis of the cervical department - on the neck, breast Department - on the back).

If you are tired, I felt the signs of inconvenience, discomfort in the zone area, highlight for yourself 10-15 minutes of time, take a comfortable position lying. Try to completely disconnect from the environment. For a few moments, focus your glance at one point and hold your breath. Make a deep smooth breath, and then slow calm exhalation. Close your eyes.

Try to feel the tension of the muscles and light movements, relax them with your feeling and will. Breathe free and calmly. Repeat to yourself or in a low voice:

"I'm completely calm. Nothing worries me. I feel comfortable and good ... I rest ... All my body is resting ... All the muscles of the body relax ... relaxes the muscles of the right and left hand ... Relaxing shoulders and forearm ... Muscles of the hands are increasingly relaxing ... Breathing is even and calm ... The heart works smoothly and calmly ... the muscles of the hands are relaxed. They lie motionless, I feel pleasant weight in them ... relaxed the muscles of the right and left legs. The muscles of the thighs are relaxed. The muscles of the legs are relaxed ... The feet lie freely and relaxed ... Feet relaxed ... I feel a pleasant severity in my feet. Pleasant warmth rushes on your feet ... The whole body is relaxed. Relaxed back muscles ... Muscles Relaxed. I feel pleasant gravity in the back. Blood vessels In the hands and legs expand. Muscles of the lower back warm ... The severity in the lower back passes ... I feel ease and warmth in the lower back. Pleasant warm light in the lower back. Muscles of the lower back warm ... A pleasant feeling of warm waves caresses the lower back ... The loin is filled with warmth. Heat bottled throughout the back. The muscles of the back relaxed. All unpleasant sensations disappear. The pain disappears. The loin becomes easier. I feel only pleasant, light warm. Heat caresses the whole back. Muscles are relaxed. Heat penetrates the stomach. Abdominal muscles are relaxed ... pleasant heat in sunny plexus. The head is freely omitted ... Muscles of the face are increasingly relaxing. Eyelids omitted and relaxed. Feeling refreshing coolness in the forehead area. The whole face is calm. Nothing worries me. My nervous system is increasingly calming. I calm down. All unpleasant feelings disappear ... Full peace covered my body. I breathe completely free and calmly. "

After repeatedly several times the exercises need to feel peace and rest, try to fall asleep.

In the morning after awakening, without getting out of bed, lying on the back with eyes closed, for 3-5 minutes to carry out an extra exercise:

"I'm completely calm ... My right (left) Hand is very heavy ... Pleasant severity is bottled around my body ... All my body has become pleasant heavy, relaxed ... A pleasant feeling of warmth in the lower back appears. Heat spreads throughout Body. "

"I'm completely calm. Breathing is free, smooth, deep. Freshness and vigor fill me. I'm assembled, self-confident, in my abilities. Mood is excellent. Muscles strained. Raise from bed. Get up!"

After that, it is necessary to start a morning charging, one of the elements of which should be the training of the ability to move from voltage to relaxation and back.

B. Samoilenko

"Autogenic workout receptions in the treatment of osteochondrosis" and other articles from the section

Some make up the erroneous impression that the panic attacks in the neck osteochondrosis are often found quite often, it is the cervical osteochondrosis and causes these panic attacks. The phrase turns out some kind of confused, so we will demonstrate reflections so.

I see how many people with panic attacks write that they have no bodily deviations, and there is only osteochondrosis.

I have osteochondrosis and panic attacks.

There are still small deviations in health, but they do not affect.

Once panic attacks arise in the body, it means that they are caused by some kind of bodily problem.

my problem with panic attacks arises due to osteochondrosis.

Hooray! Logical chain is passed! Solution Found!

What is the surprise of a person when his condition is gradually improving from comprehensive treatment cervical osteochondrosis, and then again returns to the previous direction. And again anxiety, panic attacks (now without cervical osteochondrosis), sticky fear and misunderstanding of what is happening ...

To get the logical chain the right resultWe need to be clearly confident in every link.

What is osteochondrosis (and, in particular, cervical)

Osteochondrosis is a deterioration (sometimes severe deterioration) of cartilage and bone tissues located nearby. Why the nerve endings are squeezed, pain, the feeling of numbness, muscle spasm, the noise in the head, dizziness in combination with the headache, and other unpleasant symptoms.

What are panic attacks

Panic attack is a sharp attack of strong fear. During the attack, pain symptoms may occur, and a feeling of squeezing (spasm), and dizziness, and headache and a lot of other sensations. Notice, the picture is very similar to the painting of osteochondrosis, however, there is one most important difference - fear.

The most important difference between the panic attack from the cervical and other osteochondrosis is frightening anxious thoughts for their physical and mental health, the attitude of those surrounding to the attack and the fear of the loss of control.

It is anxious thoughts that cause a panic attack, which can occur in people with osteochondrosis, and without it. Just in the presence of osteochondrosis you can be frightened by the symptoms associated with it, which will later lead to a panic.

The chain is:

A man with osteochondrosis (OSE) - the thoughts that the symptoms experienced are dangerous - panic attack.

Without osteochondrosis, a person will find other symptoms and situations and simply be afraid of them, as a result, having experienced a panic attack.

Therefore, it does not matter whether there were any symptoms in the body to panic attacks or not, the symptoms can be caused simply excessive emotions.

What to do?

Of course, the cervical and any other osteochondrosis is an unpleasant and harmful thing and it is necessary to cope with it. Therefore, if you have diagnosed with cervical osteochondrosis, then it is very important to treat it and very preferably in profile specialists. You can also use special exercises, self-massage, massage, bath, work on posture, swimming pool, etc.

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