Appendicitis right or left side. Which side of appendicitis

Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix - this is the name of the small appendage of the cecum, which can lead to serious health problems. That is why many people have a question - where is appendicitis in humans and how does it hurt? Appendicitis is one of the most common abdominal pathologies that can occur in any person, regardless of age and gender. Inflammation of the appendix can manifest itself in different ways, depending on the shape and stage inflammatory process.

The disease is an inflammatory process, affecting a small appendage of the cecum, which is called the appendix. This pathology requires immediate treatment, since the lack of urgent therapeutic measures can lead to the most sad consequences, up to the death of a person.

The appendix is small in size, worm-shaped process, the length of which is 7-9 cm, which is an appendage of the cecum. The appendix is \u200b\u200blocated directly in the beginning of the large intestine and performs extremely important functions:

  • Takes an active part in the production of intestinal juice, which is necessary for the complete digestion of food.
  • An equally important function of the appendix is \u200b\u200bthe synthesis of lymphoid cells, which are "responsible" for the level of activity immune system.
  • Promotes the restoration of normal intestinal microflora after infectious diseases.

Inflammation of the appendix can lead to serious consequences for the body, therefore, in no case should treatment be postponed.

Where exactly is appendicitis located - on the left or on the right, a photo of this appendix can help diagnose appendicitis? Appendicitis in all people can manifest itself in completely different ways - it depends on its size, as well as the specific location. The normal anatomical position of the appendix is \u200b\u200bin the iliac region on the right side... Accordingly, with appendicitis, painful sensations are also localized on the right side of the abdomen.

In some cases, the process can be located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe right hypochondrium or the lower lobe of the pelvis... In addition, there are cases of detection of an appendix in the left iliac region - the cause of this pathology is the so-called "mirror" location internal organs left or right photo.

In such cases, the diagnosis of the disease is often difficult, since many patients perceive pelvic pain as symptoms of disease genitourinary system or other internal organs.

To date, the final causes of the development of appendicitis have not been identified. But installed a number of factors that can trigger inflammation of this body:

  1. Improper diet that leads to stool disorders.
  2. Hemorrhoids, fissures or polyps of the rectum, other diseases of the proctological sphere.
  3. Infectious diseases of internal organs and systems - respiratory, genitourinary.
  4. Colitis, enteritis, and other inflammatory pathologies.
  5. Poor patency of the cecum as a result of its obstruction by feces.
  6. Genetic factor.

The symptoms of inflammation can vary slightly depending on the cause of the disease and the size of the appendix. It has been established that the development of appendicitis is most often affected by people whose appendix is \u200b\u200blarge.

First signs appendicitis are usually within 24-72 hours after the onset of the inflammatory process... At the same time, painful sensations arise already in the first minutes of the disease. The symptoms of the disease may differ slightly, but the first and main sign of inflammation appendix the appearance of sharp pain in the right hypochondrium is considered. Painful spasms are the most important symptoms in women and men, which indicate an inflammatory process.

Often an attack of appendicitis begins with a dull pain in the navel - at the same time, the duration of the pain attack may continue from 3 to 12 hours... Painful symptoms in women and men gradually move from the umbilical ring to the area of \u200b\u200bthe right hypochondrium. Gradually, the nature of the pain changes - it becomes sharper and more intense. The pain increases significantly when a person is in a standing position.

How does appendicitis hurt in case of inflammation? Characteristic feature inflammation is considered that pain attack disappears if a person takes the so-called "embryo" pose - Lies on its side, bends the knees and pulls to the body.

Also, with inflammation of the appendix, other signs of the disease may occur:

  • Attacks of nausea, which can often be accompanied by vomiting. At the same time, vomiting does not bring the long-awaited relief.
  • Bloating, flatulence.
  • Inflammation of the appendix can be accompanied by stool disorders such as constipation or diarrhea.
  • Increased urination.
  • A slight increase in body temperature.

In the absence of proper treatment, the disease can be accompanied by the manifestation of a dense brown plaque on the surface of the tongue. As a rule, this most often occurs on the third day from the moment the appendix hurts.

How does appendicitis hurt in pregnant women?

The greatest danger provides appendicitis for expectant mothers - without appropriate and timely treatment, inflammation of the appendix can lead to the development of severe disorders in the development of the fetus, and even to its death. Therefore, it is very important to know how appendicitis hurts in pregnant women.

On the initial stage painful spasms are localized in the lower right part of the abdomen, but can be localized in any other area. It is very difficult to determine the specific location of the appendix in pregnant women, since the appendix can change its position under the pressure of a growing child.

In most women, appendicitis is accompanied by the appearance of a dull pain in the right hypochondrium, which after a while becomes more intense and acute. Often, inflammation of the appendix is \u200b\u200baccompanied by vomiting, nausea, back pain or pelvic pain. Every expectant mother definitely needs to know exactly how appendicitis hurts in pregnant women in order to protect herself and her baby from unpleasant consequences.

Signs of appendicitis in children

Inflammation of the appendix is \u200b\u200bmost often the most acute and difficult for children. This is due to the fact that the child cannot properly explain what kind of pain bothers him and in which area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen it is located. This provokes serious problems with the diagnosis of the disease.

Parents may notice that baby's behavior is changing... With appendicitis the child is often worried weakness, lethargy, increased sleepiness, the body temperature rises quite often. These are characteristic signs of appendicitis in children. The kid completely refuses food, he may experience constipation, painful attacks, which may be accompanied by vomiting or flatulence.

But not all parents know where appendicitis is. Babies are worried painful cramps in the abdomen, which can be fixed in the navel or right hypochondrium. At the initial stages of inflammation, the pain has a dull, aching character, but quickly becomes acute and intense. When parents try to touch the belly, the baby begins to cry or even scream. it essential signs appendicitis in children.

For any suspicion of appendicitis in a child, it is imperative to immediately call an ambulance.

If a person has an inflammation of the appendix, you must immediately call an ambulance medical assistance - any delay can be fatal for the patient.

What in any case does not build to do before the ambulance arrives?

  • Consume drinks or food of any kind.
  • Use analgesics or any antispasmodic medications.
  • Press or massage the abdomen.
  • Apply a warm heating pad to the place of painful sensations.
  • It is also strictly forbidden to use any coolants.

Most often, acute inflammation of appendicitis is treated with an emergency operation. Symptoms can differ in their intensity and severity, as well as in the specific location where the appendicitis is located. But, as a rule, today the method of laparoscopic surgery is most often used to treat inflammation of the appendix. Many experts believe given view surgical intervention is the most optimal and effective.

Surgery is called appendectomy and is performed using general anesthesia. To remove appendicitis, the most commonly used method today is laparoscopy, during which the inflamed process is removed through several thin punctures on the abdominal wall.

At the moment, laparoscopy is considered one of the most preferred and optimal methods of treating acute inflammation of appendicitis. In no case should you try to cope with the disease on your own, as this can lead to the most sad consequences for the human body.

Where is the appendicitis scar

The location of the scar depends on where the appendix is \u200b\u200blocated. Many people are interested in the question - where is the scar from appendicitis and what size does it have? Most often, the scar is located in the right hypochondrium or near the navel. Scar sizes can range from a few millimeters to 10 cm.

The answer to the question of where the scar from appendicitis is located depends on what kind of operation was performed. With a standard abdominal operation, noticeable scars of 8-10 cm remain, with laparoscopy - small traces in the puncture sites, the length of which does not exceed 2-3 mm.

It is very important to know where a person's appendicitis is and how it hurts, because this pathology requires immediate treatment. Lack of medical assistance can lead to the most sad consequences for a person.

The mortality rate because of it seems to be low: only 0.2-0.3%, but behind such insignificant numbers there are about 3,000 human lives that doctors cannot save. And in the summer, when many people are at their dachas and far from doctors, it is especially important to be able to distinguish appendicitis from ordinary abdominal pain in order to see a doctor in time.

Blind but dangerous

The appendix is \u200b\u200ba short and thin blind appendix 7-10 cm long, located at the end of the cecum (the initial section of the large intestine). Like any part of the intestine, the appendix produces intestinal juice, but so little that it does not play a special role in digestion. Therefore, for a long time it was considered a "mistake of nature" and was removed to patients at the earliest opportunity. But recently, scientists have discovered lymphoid cells in the blind process, the same as in the human tonsils. And since these cells have properties to protect the body from infections, it was suggested that the appendix is \u200b\u200bpart of the immune system.

However, the number of protective cells in it, as it turned out, is very insignificant and cannot have a strong effect on immunity. So most experts are still convinced that there is no benefit from the appendix, but the harm in case of inflammation can be significant: acute appendicitis not diagnosed in time can cost not only health, but also life.

Are the teeth to blame?

Experts do not agree on the exact causes of appendicitis. However, risk groups have been identified.

For example, people suffering from diseases such as chronic tonsillitis, pneumonia, lingering colds, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, caries. As a result of these diseases, infections enter the appendix through the bloodstream and provoke an inflammatory process there. So that healthy teeth - pledge of health for appendicitis.

There is also a stress theory. It is based on the fact that as a result of excitement in a person, a sharp narrowing occurs blood vessels and this leads to a sudden exsanguination of the appendix and the development of its inflammation.

But most often the occurrence of appendicitis is explained by the blockage of the junction of the colon and the appendix, which often happens with constipation and chronic colitis.

How to identify him?

In most people, the appendix is \u200b\u200blocated about halfway between the navel and the right ilium. In this place with appendicitis, the maximum pain is felt. But if the appendix is \u200b\u200braised to the right hypochondrium, closer to the liver, pain will manifest itself in this area. And if the appendix is \u200b\u200blowered into lower part pelvis, then in women appendicitis is easily confused with inflammation of the appendages, in men - bladder.

When the process is located behind the cecum, when it is wrapped to the kidney and ureter, pain in the lower back occurs, it radiates to the groin, to the leg, to the pelvic region. If the process is directed inside the abdomen, then pains appear closer to the navel, in the middle abdomen and even under the spoon.

Pains arise suddenly, for no apparent reason... They are not very strong at first - they can still be tolerated. And sometimes from the very first minutes of the attack acute appendicitis they become unbearable and colic-like.

The pain will torment a person as long as the nerve endings of the appendix are alive. When its necrosis occurs, the nerve cells will die and the pain will weaken. But this is no reason to calm down. Appendicitis will not "resolve"... On the contrary, the retreat of pain is a reason for immediate hospitalization. Acute appendicitis is accompanied by other symptoms. At the beginning of the disease, general malaise, weakness appears, and appetite worsens. Soon there may be nausea, sometimes vomiting, but only once. A typical temperature is in the range of 37.2-37.7 degrees, sometimes accompanied by chills. A white or yellowish coating appears on the tongue.

Simple techniques can help you recognize appendicitis. But, keep in mind, self-diagnosis must be done very carefully.

1 ... Tap lightly with the pad of your bent index finger in the area of \u200b\u200bthe right iliac bone - it always hurts with appendicitis.

2 ... For comparison, also tap on the left iliac region, which in case of inflammation of the appendix will not cause pain. Attention: palpation (palpation of the abdomen with your hands) is impossible, there is a danger of rupture of the appendix, which usually leads to peritonitis.

3. Try to cough loudly: increased pain in the right iliac region will tell you that you are starting to have appendicitis.

4 ... Press lightly with the palm of your hand where it hurts the most. Hold your hand here for 5-10 seconds. This will ease the pain slightly. Now remove your hand. If pain appears at this moment, this is a sign of acute appendicitis.

5 ... Take the pose of an embryo, that is, lie on your right side and bring your legs to your torso. With appendicitis, abdominal pain will ease. If you turn onto your left side and straighten your legs, it will intensify. This is also a sign of acute appendicitis.

But this self-diagnosis should be limited. Do not hesitate to see a doctor, as the appendicitis itself and all diseases under which it can be masked (renal colic, exacerbation of pancreatitis or cholecystitis, gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, acute inflammation bladder, kidney, female organs), require hospitalization!

How to treat

If a diagnosis of acute appendicitis is made, the first-line treatment is emergency surgery. Currently, there is a gentle laparoscopic method in which the appendix can be removed without a large incision. Unfortunately, in our country this type of surgery is not yet widespread due to poor technical equipment of hospitals.

The main task of the postoperative period is to avoid complications, for example, suppuration. postoperative wound... In their occurrence, most often there is no fault of the surgeon. And whether or not this complication occurs depends on the state of the appendix at the time of the operation - the greater the degree of inflammation, the higher the danger of suppuration.

If the operation is successful, the stitches are removed and discharged from the hospital for young patients already on the 6-7th day. But for elderly people, as well as with chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, hypertension, heart ischemia, etc.), the sutures are removed 2-3 days later. After that, it is advisable to fasten the wound with an adhesive plaster.

For about a month, do not take a bath or go to a bathhouse: water and temperature loads on fragile scar tissue make the seam coarser, wider and ugly. At least three months, and the elderly should not lift weights for six months. Avoid sports activities that strain your abdominal muscles. Try not to catch cold: it is dangerous for you to cough.

Hard case

If you try to "endure" appendicitis, you may experience peritonitis - inflammation of the abdominal cavity. Its symptoms:

growing pain throughout the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, in severe cases - drowsiness, lethargy, bluish tint of the face;

pulse up to 120-140 beats per minute, temperature up to 39-40 C;

the tongue is coated with a white coating, then it becomes dry, like a crust, the lips dry out and crack;

the stomach is swollen, it hurts in all its areas, but especially on the right.

Peritonitis is treated only by surgery. Moreover, the operation is very complex and lengthy. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to save the patient. That is why, if you experience any pain in the abdomen, in no case should you delay the visit to the doctor. As they say, we do not want to frighten anyone, but everyone should remember how dangerous appendicitis is.

Appendicitis is a common disease that is - a small appendix. The detected disease is treated surgically and, as a rule, has no relapses. This inflammation can occur in every person, at almost any age, so it is important to know about the symptoms of the disease, or at least have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhere appendicitis hurts, so that you can seek medical help on time.

Appendix: its role in the body

The appendix is \u200b\u200ba small, 7-10 cm long, appendix located at the end of the cecum. Although he produces intestinal juice, but in such a small amount that it remains invisible for digestion. For a long time, the appendix was considered a mistake in human evolution, and if possible, it was removed, but after a while it was found that it contains lymphoid cells that play the role of protection of the body - such are found in the human tonsils. Following from this, it was believed that the appendix is \u200b\u200bpart of the body's defense system.

Later it was proved that the number of lymphoid cells in it is small, and they do not provide much assistance to the immune system. To this day, it is believed that the harm from the appendix is \u200b\u200bgreater than the benefit - in the case of its inflammation, with untimely assistance to the human body, significant damage can be caused. Late diagnosed appendicitis can cost a patient his life, so everyone should know how appendicitis hurts, because he can be a potential patient.

How does the stomach hurt with appendicitis?

In most cases, the appendix is \u200b\u200blocalized between the right and the navel, in the middle, and this is where the most painful sensation occurs. However, depending on physiology, the appendix can be raised to the right hypochondrium or lowered to the lower part of the pelvis. In the first case, the pain syndrome will occur closer to the liver, in the second case, the manifestation of the disease in men can be confused with inflammation of the bladder, and in women - the appendages.

When the appendix is \u200b\u200blocated behind the one wrapped to the ureter and kidney, the pain manifests itself in the groin, pelvic region and gives to the leg, therefore, when the doctor asks about where it hurts, appendicitis can be detected almost immediately, which means that treatment will not take long. Pain sensations in case of illness, they arise suddenly, and with every hour their intensity increases. When acute attack appendicitis, there is a sharp and unbearable pain, like colic.

The patient's pain syndrome will continue until the nerve endings die, when this happens, the pain will subside, but this is not a reason to postpone the visit to the doctor, just like that the appendicitis will not go away - the patient should be hospitalized immediately.

Causes of the disease

It may seem to patients that the disease arose spontaneously, since appendicitis hurts almost suddenly, but the development of the disease can be triggered by the following factors:

  • Past injuries in
  • Inflammatory processes in the digestive tract.
  • Food infectious processes.
  • Blocked lumen of the appendix by undigested food particles or feces, constipation.
  • Excessive mobility of the appendix, often seen in children.

Only a doctor will be able to most accurately determine why appendicitis hurts, and timely cope with the disease.

Disease development process

The development of the inflammatory process takes place gradually - within a few hours the process swells, after which pus begins to accumulate in it. In case of a sudden occurrence in the abdominal cavity, even if the patient does not know how the appendicitis hurts, one should contact ambulance... If you do not act for 2-3 days, you can get a rupture of the appendix, followed by the outpouring of a purulent mass into abdominal cavity, subsequently peritonitis may form, and the risk of death of the patient is high.

Other symptoms of the disease

Does it hurt in the appendicitis area? It's time to see a doctor, besides, the disease can be identified by other signs.

An exacerbated condition is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • General malaise.
  • Feeling weak.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Nausea.
  • In some cases, vomiting.
  • Temperature 37.2-37.8.
  • Chills.
  • Yellowish or white bloom in the language.

You can recognize the disease yourself by several in simple ways, however, check should be done with extreme caution!

  1. Press lightly with the pad of your finger in the iliac region - usually where the appendicitis hurts. To be sure, compare the sensations when tapping the left and right sides - there should be no pain on the left side. Be careful! Do not intensively palpate the abdomen, otherwise you can provoke a rupture of the appendix and subsequently the development of peritonitis.
  2. During illness, with a loud cough, pain in the right iliac region usually increases.
  3. Determine the focus of pain and lightly press with the palm of your hand in this place, do not withdraw your hand for 7-10 seconds, while the pain will ease slightly. If at the time of hand abduction it resumes, this may be a symptom of an acute condition of appendicitis.
  4. If lying on your stomach weakens, if you turn to the opposite side and straighten your legs, the pain will intensify - this can also serve as a sign of acute appendicitis.

It is strongly discouraged to engage in intensive self-diagnosis and even more so self-medication. In any case, call an ambulance, as appendicitis hurts in different ways, and it can disguise itself as other ailments: inflammation of the female organs, kidneys, bladder, renal colic, peptic ulcer and much more.

During appendicitis, other signs may appear, they occur less often, but if you find them, then it's time to go to the hospital.

  • Temperature does not drop at 38 ° C or high - 40 ° C.
  • Chill condition.
  • Constipation accompanied by frequent vomiting - a reason to see a specialist as soon as possible.
  • Nausea.
  • Shiver.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Painful, false urge to defecate.

First actions when a disease is detected

As a rule, within a couple of hours, the soreness of the abdomen increases, but no matter how much the appendicitis hurts, you should consult a doctor immediately, at least to confirm or deny the presence of inflammatory processes in the body.

Actions that should not be taken before the arrival of the doctor:

  • Try to stay free of pain relievers until your doctor arrives, as this can complicate the diagnosis.
  • Avoid food and liquids.
  • Eliminate the attachment of warm objects to the stomach, this can only aggravate the situation. You can use a cold compress to relieve pain.

If the severe pain has subsided, this may indicate the transition of the disease to a more serious condition, so do not relax, and do not let everything take its course.

Treatment and recovery from illness

With established acute appendicitis, treatment is carried out by emergency surgery. Modern medicine allows for surgical intervention in a more gentle way - laparoscopic surgery, during which the inflamed process is removed, bypassing a large incision in the external tissues. Equally important in treatment is, if all the doctor's recommendations are followed, subsequent complications can be avoided. As a rule, the recovery period is influenced by the state of the appendix immediately at the time of the operation - the more it was inflamed, the higher the possibility of renewal of the inflammatory process in the abdominal cavity.

If the operation is successful, the stitches are removed after about a week and discharged from the hospital, more often it concerns young people. Elderly people, diabetics, hypertensive patients and patients with other chronic diseases are sutured several days later, depending on the patient's condition.

Prevention measures

About a month after the operation, it is not allowed to take a bath or go to the bathhouse - temperature loads interfere with wound healing - they negatively affect the seam, it becomes wide and rough in shape. IN postoperative period to avoid complications and to recover faster, you should get plenty of rest.

People suffering from certain ailments may not pay special attention to the symptoms of the disease, since appendicitis manifests itself exactly in that place, from which side it hurts constantly. Therefore, a disguised disease is much more dangerous for those people who have:

  • Oncological diseases or a course of chemotherapy.
  • Diabetes.
  • Obesity.
  • There was an organ transplant.
  • Pregnancy, especially in the 3rd trimester.

Appendicitis is also dangerous for young children and the elderly.

How to recognize appendicitis in children?

If you suspect appendicitis on which side it hurts, all parents should know in order to be prepared. Pain in the inflammatory process is localized in the right side of the abdomen. At the nursery age, sick children experience a decrease in appetite, refusal of even the most favorite foods and restless sleep.

The entire cause may be appendicular colic - acute cramps in the abdomen caused by contractions or spasms of the appendix. The pain can go on long enough long time, alternately disappearing and reappearing. It is quite difficult to diagnose appendicular colic, so they can cause the development of acute appendicitis.

Postoperative pain

Removal of the appendix is \u200b\u200ba fairly common procedure, in most cases without complications. However, if appendicitis hurts after surgery, it may indicate possible complications.

  • A slight dehiscence of the inner seams due to overexertion can cause cutting pain.
  • Adhesions, which can subsequently affect the work of other organs, form a pulling pain.
  • Too sharp pains may indicate that the intestines are compressed, which means that medical intervention is required.
  • Unpleasant sensations and pain after removal of the appendix may occur due to improper nutrition.

In the postoperative period, it is very important to follow all the doctor's recommendations regarding lifestyle, care of the suture and the necessary diet, then you will have a better chance of not going back to the operating table. Be healthy!

If your appendix has not been excised, this does not mean that you can completely forget about it, and not know what to do in cases of severe pain in the area of \u200b\u200bits location. Do not panic, it is better to carefully study this issue, because in case of inflammation of the appendix, serious complications can arise. By the way, many people confuse the definitions "appendicitis" and "appendix". Let's find out in more detail why the names should not be confused, the appendix is \u200b\u200bon the left or right, and another useful information on this topic.

In the last century, it was specially removed from children in order to avoid inflammation in the future, and only recently it was found out that the organ plays an important role in the human immune system.

Appendix or appendicitis?

The appendix is \u200b\u200ba process, it reaches one cm in thickness and seven to nine cm long. Lymphoid tissue protects this part of the intestine. And appendicitis is an inflammation of the process described above. Appendicitis is located behind the cecum, on the lower right side, under the liver. Doctors speak and advise patients to speak correctly too. Yet these are somewhat different things.


Let's analyze the symptoms of appendicitis. Doctors subdivide them into: acute, in which it is necessary to carry out an operation soon to remove it, and chronic, when it is in a vulnerable position, but continues to perform its functions. It is not uncommon for doctors to be asked which side it is on. Of course, they are convinced that this organ is only on the right side and nothing else. On the left, it cannot be in any way, the appendix is \u200b\u200blocated only in the lower right part of the cecum.

The first signs with an inflamed appendix:

  • Severe pain on palpation. The pain is concentrated in the middle of the abdomen, and in the right side, about two hours after the pain on the right began to be felt.
  • Nausea, occasionally vomiting, frequent urge to use the toilet. Children are more susceptible to such stomach disorders.
  • The patient may experience a sharp, causeless rise in temperature.

To temporarily relieve the patient's condition, before the arrival of an ambulance, you need to lie on your back. If there is even the slightest suspicion of acute appendicitis, you should immediately call the hospital, otherwise, the risk of rupture of the inflamed appendicitis increases.

The reasons

Appendix pretty important body in human body, it protects the intestines from various bacteria and harmful microorganisms. It is worth noting that what is contained in the intestines does not get into it. Many call it an incubator, where appendicitis is located, beneficial microorganisms live and change. But when there are cases that this organ is very emaciated, then the protection is reduced, the infection penetrates the appendage, and inflammation begins.


Let's start with first aid:

  1. Of course, you need to call an ambulance;
  2. While we are waiting for the arrival of an ambulance, you need to put something cold under the right side, where the appendicitis is located, the main thing is not warm.

Do not eat, drink, or take any pain relievers / laxatives.

Treatment of acute appendicitis is operative. In order to avoid serious consequences, doctors do not waste time, but rather perform an operation. The operation is called appendectomy. The operation is performed under general anesthesia... Doctors have begun to use this type of surgery more often in practice, such as endoscopic surgery. After the operation, the patient is assigned to bed rest, it is forbidden to do any physical exercise.

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When abdominal pain occurs, most of us immediately begin to suspect that an inflammation of the appendix has occurred. What is this disease and from which side does appendicitis manifest itself? The presence of such knowledge saves from making a false diagnosis, because pain in the abdomen can occur not only due to appendicitis, but also in response to a digestive disorder or due to the development of an infectious disease.

The appendix is \u200b\u200ba appendix of the cecum that is part of the immune system because it contains immune cells. Everyone should know which side of the appendicitis is in order not to miss the acute stage of the development of the disease.

So which side of the appendix is \u200b\u200bin the abdomen? The appendix is \u200b\u200blocated closer to the right side of the lower abdomen, in the iliac region, smoothly descending to the small pelvis. In some cases, it can be located behind the cecum and reach the liver with its upper part. The length of the appendix can vary from 0.5 to 23 cm.The standard value is 7-8 cm.The width, as a rule, does not exceed 1 cm.

Inflammation in this area develops due to a number of factors:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • infectious processes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe digestive system;
  • blockage by undigested food particles or stool;
  • strong mobility of the appendix (most often observed in children).

Experts cannot give a definite answer about what exactly leads to inflammation of the appendix. Among the most striking hypotheses, one should single out such predisposing factors as disturbance of the intestinal microflora, overeating or eating a large amount of protein foods. Doctors believe that appendicitis can also become inflamed due to an inactive or sedentary lifestyle.


With inflammation, the pain syndrome develops from the side in which side the appendicitis is localized. When the following clinical picture appears, you should immediately call an ambulance.

  1. The key symptomatology is that pain appears on the side from which side appendicitis develops in a person, that is, on the right, below the peritoneum. Discomfort is clearly felt when pressing on the abdomen, especially on the side where the inflammation is located. The belly becomes firm to the touch and swollen. It becomes difficult for the patient to walk and stand. He only feels relief when lying down, pulling his legs up to his stomach.
  2. Additional signs. Symptoms such as fever up to 38 degrees, recurrent vomiting and constipation, nausea and back pain can also join the pain in the abdomen. The appearance of diarrhea and painful urge to empty the bowels, which are often false, are possible.

It is not enough to know just which side of the person has appendicitis. It is also important to remember additional symptoms, which allows you to see a doctor on time, excluding the likelihood of complications.

It should be noted that a characteristic feature of appendicitis is a sharp pain when the pressure on the abdomen is weakened. The patient has a white coating on the tongue.

In adults

Men often confuse inflammation of the appendix with inflammation of the bladder or kidney problems. Women take the resulting symptoms for inflammation of the appendages.

Appendicitis is a serious risk to people with medical conditions such as diabetes, obesity, cancer. Pregnant women can also have serious consequences. In order to avoid complications, it is recommended to see a doctor as early as possible.

In children

IN childhood the symptoms of appendicitis differ from the manifestations of the inflammatory process in adults. This is due to the fact that in the child's body, the lymphoid tissue of the appendix is \u200b\u200bpoorly developed.

In young children, the area of \u200b\u200blocalization of the appendix is \u200b\u200bretrocercal (behind the rectum) or subhepatic. This is also the reason for the difference in symptoms from the manifestations of the disease in an adult.

In which side does appendicitis hurt in a child? Also on the right side of the lower abdomen. TO this feature joins a number of characteristic child's body signs:

  • an increase in subfebrile temperature indicators;
  • violation of the processes of urination and vomiting;
  • bloating, diarrhea, or constipation;
  • tachycardia (increased heart rate);
  • signs of severe anxiety (sleep disturbance, refusal to eat, crying).

In childhood, the development of the inflammatory process in the area of \u200b\u200bthe appendix occurs rapidly. First, there is pain in the epigastric region. Discomfort gradually descends to a characteristic location.

If the appendix is \u200b\u200bin an atypical area, then the pain will be localized in the liver, in the lower abdomen above the pubis or in the lower back, radiating to the groin. In some cases, discomfort may radiate to the back, perineum, or groin. In this case, difficulties may arise in the diagnosis process; only an experienced doctor should recognize the disease.

Spanish scientists have found that in 40% of cases of acute appendicitis, children under the age of 14 had consumed chips or sunflower seeds the day before.

Differentiating appendicitis from other conditions

Each person should know in which side appendicitis hurts, since there are a number of diseases in which the symptoms are similar to the inflammatory process in the area of \u200b\u200bthe appendix.

It is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, as well as discomfort in the iliac region. The difference is that with appendicitis there is a reflex tension of muscle structures in the peritoneal region.

With inflammation, pain in the epigastric region is present only at the beginning (Kocher's symptom).

Symptoms of acute gastritis occur, as a rule, in response to a violation of the diet.

Gastrointestinal toxicoinfections (caused by staphylococcus)

They develop mainly when eating poor-quality food. They are accompanied by an exacerbation of enteritis or gastritis. Patients have vomiting, pain in the pancreas or other parts of the abdomen. Distinctive features - defeat of all family members at the same time. With appendicitis, there is no repeated painful vomiting, and there are signs of irritation of the peritoneum.

Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum

In the preparative state, symptoms appear that are similar to appendicitis. In the upper region of the peritoneum, persistent pain occurs, after which nausea appears, accompanied by vomiting.

The upper abdomen becomes painful and may irritate the peritoneum. The pain syndrome has an aching character in both cases, which complicates the diagnosis.

Distinctive features - with an ulcer, pain is localized in the upper abdomen, with appendicitis - in the iliac region.


Both diseases have a sudden onset - pain appears. The body temperature rises, signs of irritation of the peritoneum appear. Differential diagnosis based on the difference in the nature of the pain syndrome. With cholecystitis, discomfort is localized in the area of \u200b\u200bthe right hypochondrium and gives to right shoulder or a scapula. With appendicitis, pain is concentrated only in the lower abdomen on the right.


Has tangled clinical picture, therefore, specialists often make mistakes in recognition. In terms of features, it is similar to various diseases internal organs that are located in the peritoneal region.

It begins with sudden abdominal pain and may be accompanied by persistent vomiting. The blood picture in this case is also changeable.

As a rule, the abdomen is painful at the top, and with appendicitis at the bottom.

Diagnostic and treatment methods

When pain in the abdomen appears, a person can try to make sure that there is appendicitis. To do this, you should use one of the following methods.

  1. Obraztsov's symptom - the patient lies down horizontally and straightens his legs. Next, you need to raise your unbent right leg up. With appendicitis, the pain syndrome will increase at the moment. In advanced cases, the patient will not be able to perform this action.
  2. Rovzing test - when palpating the abdomen, you need to press the area on which the appendix is \u200b\u200blocated. Movements should be jerky. When pressed, the patient does not experience discomfort. The pain appears when the hand is released.
  3. Sitkovsky test - the patient lies on the right side, then on the left. On the right side, the pain subsides or stops completely. When turning to the left side, the discomfort increases and is concentrated in the area of \u200b\u200blocalization of the appendix.

If you suspect appendicitis, you need to call an ambulance. Before the arrival of the doctor, you must not give the sick person food and drink, as well as pain relievers. It is unacceptable to use a hot water bottle or press on the stomach.

Appendicitis is treated only with surgery. The sooner treatment measures are taken, the less likely complications will develop.

Possible complications

If you do not call an ambulance for the primary symptoms of appendicitis, then the development of such consequences as abscess, peritonitis, the formation of abscesses and pylephlebitis is possible.

Only a surgeon can diagnose complications after palpation and examination of the peritoneum. Usually, during the operation, all negative consequences are eliminated, however, the development of some complications during the rehabilitation period cannot be ruled out.


Everyone should know which side the appendicitis hurts in order to recognize the primary symptoms in time and take action. This disease can cause severe consequences. In no case should you hesitate to see a doctor. Time spent surgery reduces the risk of complications.

Appendicitis is sick only once in a lifetime, but, despite this, you should not be negligent about such a condition. According to experts, the development of the inflammatory process can be avoided by observing preventive measures.

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