Horoscope Cancer for February male.

We will tell you what the horoscope for Cancer for the month of February 2018 will be. All the details of the existence of the sign of the Zodiac Cancer in February - on Horoscope.guru!

Horoscope for Cancer for the month of February - month of change

Cancer in the middle of February is waiting for a pleasant discovery! He will be able to make a breakthrough in work! But this is only a couple of weeks after the start of the month, and in early February it will not be clear what and how to do at all. The desire to change jobs and go to another city should be abandoned. It is better to get additional education, since you really want at least something new. If you go on a trip, then Cancer is waiting for new contacts, moreover, with spiritually close people. So it’s best to hit the road with them!

Horoscope for Cancer for the month of February - favorable days

Auspicious days will be the seventh of February, the tenth, twelfth, seventeenth to eighteenth, and also the twenty-sixth. Unfavorable - the fourth, eighth, ninth, eleventh, fourteenth (so what, the fourth sign in a row with negative energies on Valentine's Day!), February twenty-second and twenty-third.

In personal life there may be complications that no one expected. Whatever Cancer planned, his beloved person had definitely planned something completely different, and therefore disappointments could not be avoided. But do not let emotions take hold of you! Already in March, everything will be fixed. So, if the partner asks you for something, agree. The relationship is worth it! And, whatever you think, they must be protected. And a partner too. You need him, and you need him, sometimes things just distract him.

It makes sense to take up household chores - those that are put off all the time. Free yourself from old things and grievances, for example. Restore communication with people whom you have not seen for a long time. There may be problems with children who will try to manipulate the Cancer - pay attention to the bad habits that have appeared in the child, and do not give in to his efforts! And at the end of February there is a chance to find love, moreover, quite big and serious! .. The main thing is to be ready to work on relationships. She is always needed!

In February 2019, the transit Mars will have a huge impact on all zodiac signs. But most successfully, the aggressive energy of the red planet will affect Cancer. Venus and Saturn will play a decisive role. Mostly they will bring harmony to sexual separation. In February, women will be engaged in purely female work, and men will concentrate on global tasks, as nature intended for them.

This balance will clarify the relationship between the stronger and weaker sexes. And being freed from unnecessary problems, each Cancer will have the opportunity to focus its forces on specific and more characteristic tasks. And as a consequence, to achieve greater success in them.

However, not everything depends only on Cancer. According to the horoscope, no matter what Cancer does, he will not be able to improve his financial situation in February. Moreover, there is a risk of even losing honestly earned money. The combination of planets will hit on creative abilities and reduce the ability to fantasize, so creativity will temporarily cease to be a lifesaver.

In general, the month will be positive and fruitful. And to get the most out of it, you will need to periodically restore strength. Cheer up and get rid of the blues will help regular exercise and relaxing salon procedures. Cancer male is suitable for football or hockey, Cancer woman does not interfere with massages and body wraps.

Love Horoscope for February 2019 Cancer man and Cancer woman

The held couples in February will only strengthen. During this period, even the most sensitive and vulnerable Cancers, passion and romance will go by the wayside, and understanding, care and support will come to the forefront. A strict delineation of responsibilities will save partners from reasons for mutual reproaches. The house will become a strong and reliable fortress, a refuge from any external troubles and conflicts.

The craving for free Crayfish for novels will decline in early February, because only those ties that formed in the first decade of the month will have a chance for development. To ensure that the relationship does not fall apart, partners will have to demonstrate sincerity and mutual respect, as well as provide evidence of serious intentions.

Anyone who does not have time to meet the second half at this time will spend the rest of the month alone and meditating. The horoscope recommends using this opportunity to the fullest. Think about what you really want, what you expect from life, what kind of future family you see. Accept that ideal couples do not exist. In any relationship, from time to time you have to give in to each other, put up with the shortcomings of the chosen one, and adapt to his mood.

Horoscope for February 2019 Cancer woman

According to the horoscope for 2019, in February, a woman-Cancer will receive many pleasant surprises from the stars. First of all, space will give you peace of mind, but it is worth a lot. Anxiety about work and all sorts of everyday problems will cease to be important for you; you will completely devote yourself to housekeeping and creating comfort. To make everything conceived into reality, at the beginning of the month, draw up a clear plan of action, and then only follow it.

February is a great time when you can feel like a real woman: soft, kind, affectionate, calm. A woman who is beautiful both from the outside and from the inside, and who sows beauty wherever she appears. The Cancer woman will have a firmly established habit of caring for herself, buying new clothes and bright accessories. A visit to beauty salons will become not only a component of the style, but also a way of relaxation, emotional discharge.

At work, the priority will be not so much productivity as cleaning up everything: from cleanliness in the workplace to correcting errors in colleagues' reports. Maintain equanimity and goodwill, do not get involved in quarrels, keep neutrality. And if the situation in the service becomes too tense, take a couple of days off or write a vacation application.

Horoscope for February 2019 Cancer man.

A male cancer in February can truly be proud of itself. Mars will give him strength, masculinity, perseverance and self-confidence. At work, you will become an energetic and indispensable employee, able to find an unexpected solution in the most difficult situation and thereby save the whole team. Your performance and optimism can only be envied.

The energy of the Cancer man is enough for household chores. Repair a faucet, repair a door, buy a bag of potatoes, make repairs in the bathroom? - Not a problem! Just do not ask him to hang clothes or do dishes. Women's affairs lead the Cancer man to an alarming state, causing emotional imbalance.

Perhaps the only thing the Cancer man will lack in February is courage. Sometimes you are too dependent on criticism from others, and this prevents you from fully revealing, showing your talents 100%. Stop focusing on the opinions of others, believe in yourself and more often say to yourself, “Yes, I can!”

As for personal relationships, February is absolutely not suitable for finding a lover. Free representatives of the sign will not be able to achieve spiritual kinship with any chosen one. The same Cancer men who have a serious relationship, but continue to have fun on the side, in February will cease to enjoy the “left” novels, faced with internal conflicts.

Horoscope for Cancer for February 2019 - work and business

Career growth is foreseen primarily in male Cancers. They will enlist the support of their superiors and the respect of colleagues, will work with a twinkle and will be able to take the most expensive and responsible orders. To strengthen the position in the company, one should more often participate in intersectoral exhibitions and conferences, attend corporate events, and agree to business trips. The most ambitious Cancers may even have to change their place of residence in order to head a branch in another city.

But if the present work does not imply opportunities for growth, it makes sense to begin the search for a new one. You don’t need to hurry with dismissal from the old place, because February is not very suitable for employment. However, sending out a resume and asking friends about suitable vacancies would be useful.

In February, female cancers will be very difficult to climb the career ladder. The pressure of the planets seeks to send the beautiful ladies to a calmer course: to do painstaking work, to lead the house. Optimal female professions during this period are secretary, accountant, and customer service manager. Restless careerists will have to make a lot of efforts to overcome the influence of space and move male colleagues to the side.

Financially, there is little that will change for both the Male Crayfish and the Female Crayfish. Get rich is unlikely to succeed. Horoscope predicts profit growth in February only for representatives wholesale trade and managers of large non-profit organizations. For the remaining Crayfish, the salary will remain at the same level, in some cases even a reduction in payments is possible. Therefore, just in case, Cancer is better not to be bound by credit obligations and, if possible, not to lend money.

February is a transitional month for Cancer. Until February 11, 2018, the planet of love Venus is located in the house of transformation, so that everything seems to speak in favor of the privacy of personal life. For example, quiet evenings alone with a lover will bring more pleasure than noisy companies.

In addition, the Sun and Mercury are in the house of the transformation of your sign until February 19, 2018. You strive for change and are ready to step into the unknown. However, the desire to break down barriers should not be accompanied by risks. It is important to wield your strength and act prudently. There will be many temptations and many opportunities for love and romance, but it may also be that expectations will be exaggerated. Try not to lose your head.

Joint cultural and spiritual interests, learning something new will bring much benefit to strengthening your union. All this will make the relationship more multifaceted, bring you and your soulmate even closer.

The solar eclipse on February 15, 2018 will be held in the eighth house of the transformation of Cancer, which in astrology is traditionally associated with love passion and money. You will be more interested in the deep, mysterious side of love. Perhaps you will discover a secret. Good time to analyze emotions, both your own and your loved one. The relationship of love and money is another topic of eclipse. Having clearly defined joint financial plans, you will feel more confident in love relationship and marriage.

Cancer Career Horoscope for February 2018

During this period, one can expect high results in labor, because the energetic Mars is located in the work sector. Mars makes you hardworking and persistent, but also impulsive and impatient. Before you take the decisive step, evaluate possible consequences. Stars advise you to restrain the desire to do all things at once, it is better to perform work tasks one at a time.

The position of Mars is supported by Uranus, which still remains in the career sector. This favorable combination of planetary energies portends success in the professional field. Uranus favors innovation and change, so you should not hold on to the old. The time has come to pave the way for the new and to realize bold ideas. For the start of new business projects, the time is quite suitable.

Studying is also among your priorities. Many will think about continuing education, enroll in training courses or study independently. new item. All this will contribute to career growth.

Cancer Financial Horoscope for February 2018

With regard to finance, there are good opportunities to improve their financial situation. The Sun and Mercury until February 19, 2018 are in one of the financial houses of Cancer, which portends the growth of income and profits through partners. Collaboration and interaction with others is profitable for you in terms of money. If there are no such people with whom you could make money together, you can find them.

The last days of the month promise to be successful, as a harmonious aspect of Jupiter is formed with the planets in the house of shared finance. Although caution is in the nature of Cancer, at this time you can afford to take a little risk.


A month can be troubling as Mars passes through your health home. Representatives of your sign love peace and comfort, but now the emotional balance may be upset. If, due to stress, a tendency to overeat appears, it is recommended to limit yourself by reducing the consumption of fatty and sweet foods.

Express your feelings in creativity: draw, dance, sing! The creative component will make your life brighter.

Cancer does not even have time to thoroughly comprehend everything predicted, calculate his actions, and at least somehow prepare for the upcoming changes. Well, it's okay, flexible and resourceful Cancer will be guided directly in the process itself. Moreover, in severe extreme conditions, slow Cancer solves its problems much faster.

It is very difficult to get Cancer out of the shadows. He is used to playing the role of the "gray cardinal." But this month, in addition to your desire, you will find yourself in the spotlight. Cancer should not really worry about this. Neither his feelings nor his worries really nobody will notice.

For February to go well, use the following happy talismans and factors:

A rock: chrysolite

Number: 8

Colour: Gray

Animal: lynx

Mascot: star of David

Name: Arseny, Ilona

Symbol: Ratiborets

Plant: Aloe

Love and family

From the Cancer horoscope for February 2018, it is clearly visible that some misunderstanding may arise in his family. Accumulated grievances will make themselves felt, heated debate will arise. Stars advise - in no case do not escalate the situation, listen carefully to your interlocutors and try to understand for themselves the essence of their claims. If you show patience and prudence, and your loved ones will undoubtedly follow your example, then all problems will be quickly resolved. You love your family, your relatives reciprocate and by and large you have nothing to share!

In February, to develop a serious romantic relationship, Raku will need a reliable material base. If available, you can make the transition to a new level of your relationship. For some time, Cancer will feel a certain inconvenience, but, in the end, adaptation to the current situation will come.

The horoscope for singles is ambiguous. Gentle, affectionate and sentimental Cancer, born in the first decade of the month, will find its ideal, but not immediately. Passionate and energetic Cancer, born in the second decade, will be more successful in the search for love. But representatives of the third decade aspiring to self-giving this month are at risk of being left with nothing, but much will depend not only on the position of the stars, but also on the behavior of the Crayfish themselves.

Worker and financial horoscope

As astrologers predict, February 2018 is a favorable month for business development. At this time, you can take risks, make responsible decisions and actively develop your business. Do not listen to advisors who express some doubts about your plans. If you are sure of the correctness of your calculations, feel free to move forward!

According to the position of the stars, luck and patronage of those in power are on your side. True, it’s too early to relax, luck loves initiative, hardworking and persistent.

As for the Cancer finances for February 2018, then everything is in order. In addition to the main income, you will receive money from side sources. In addition, sponsorship may be appropriate at the right time.

Wellness in February

The February horoscope of health warns that emotional Cancer, with its volatile mood, will be subject to extreme stresses. This fact will affect his health not in the best way. In addition, all the bad habits available to Cancer will also adversely affect health.

If Cancer with an improper diet does not attempt to normalize it, then he will have serious problems with being overweight. As a result, shortness of breath appears, chronic fatiguesore joints. So that your ailments do not cling to one after another, go to healthy way of life. Give up bad habits, start the morning with an easy warm-up, take walks in the fresh air, observe the daily routine, adhere to a balanced diet.

Favorable days in February: 3, 5, 11, 20, 24

Cancer in February 2018 will be one of the few signs for which the current period will become fundamental in the full sense of the word. Thanks to the exceptionally successful position of Mars, the red planet from the worst enemy (after all, it is usually responsible for the fall of your sign) will turn into a reliable and loyal ally. But the Moon, the planet-ruler of Cancer, by contrast, will remain on the sidelines. In total with all-star combinations, this gives us the following characterization of the period. A choice awaits you, and not an isolated one, and much will depend on this choice, but in the future, and not right now. And this is the main difficulty, because at this stage you simply will not be able to assess how correctly or incorrectly you acted. Understanding will come over time and with new circumstances, but this does not mean that you need to constantly rack your brains, worry, think about how well you behaved in a particular situation, how thoughtful your plans turned out to be. Stars recommend recalling the old adage: patience and labor will grind everything. So now you need to adhere to the chosen direction and not worry again. Many moments can really literally drive you crazy, especially regarding the sphere of personal relationships. In no case do not react as you are used to - vividly, emotionally. This time should pass under the sign of calm, only this way you will achieve what you want.

Dwelling in more detail on the field of finance, it is worth saying that in this sense, February 2018 for Cancer may not be so bright. That is, to a greater extent, the attention of stars and specifically your heavenly patrons will be concentrated on the field of personal relationships, and there you will have to use some feints and original solutions. In the workplace, if you have your own business, nothing unusual will happen. Just move in the direction that you yourself have set in the previous stages. You are provided with a progressive vector that you can easily maintain for the whole month, just be careful and do not break. For those Cancers who have no business, the stars are advised to change something in the environment. Yes, these may be the most dramatic changes - as you decide. February is likely to be the perfect time to change jobs. On the other hand, without your own desire and determination there will be no guarantees, so first decide exactly what you want, and then act. At this stage, as for most signs, time will play on your side, and this is an exceptional plus, which, among other things, makes it possible to prepare for the situation. That is, do not react immediately, even if they provoke you (and this is likely), you will have enough opportunities for an answer later.

The “Love Front” for Cancer, as already noted, in February 2018 will be of particular importance. Loners may well determine their fate right now. Although this statement is true for family Cancers, but in a different way. Here, as in the work direction, you should clearly not be in a hurry, but some situations will definitely not allow you to delay, you yourself will understand this. Do not reprimand anyone, do not weave intrigues behind your back, even if we are talking about your worst enemy. Keep your dignity, it is necessary in any situation. Now it is especially important not to give vent to emotions. Even if a real fire flares up around you, be careful and if there is an objective opportunity not to intervene during the circumstances, do not do this. If you can’t do without you, proceed carefully, in no case do not go forward blindly, even if, as they say, time is running out. The decisions made at this stage are much more important than you might imagine. And one more advice from Mars - do not rush to take everything at your own expense. Now you may be overly sensitive, and although the “power method” of solving the problem may be most effective, save it until the very last moment. So you will show yourself on the good side, but at the same time - unpleasantly surprise your rivals. And now it’s not at all necessary to fall in love or find a person who will understand you in everything. This is likely, but you do not need to wind up the situation artificially.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for February 2018 for the zodiac sign Cancer, we can determine the main directions of our activity in this period. The horoscope is compiled on the basis of data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main rod around which the energy pattern of our fate weaves. However, such an astrological forecast is generalized and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the zodiac sign Cancer. More accurate horoscope You can find out by compiling one of the personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the sign Cancer: Personal horoscopes for the sign Cancer:

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