Zodiacal horoscope for cancer man and women. Zodiacal horoscope for cancer man and women accurate horoscope for crayfish on

The most closed sign of the horoscope, although in the soul all raks are very sensitive. But they show their own character only when I feel support. Always care about loved ones, thinly feel the slightest changes in the mood of the interlocutor and ready to come to the rescue unfamiliar manif he causes their confidence.

Despite the seemingly indifference, cancers are very grab and decisive. If they are taken for any case, then surely bring it to a logical end. At the same time, the cancers immediately begin to act, and then they can start the undertaking on samothek.

The moon, which manages this sign, endowed cancer patience and wisdom, are excellent parents who share their child's aspirations and are ready to help him in everything.

Cracks emotional and conservative. They respect the traditions of their people, love to meet all the holidays, "as it should" and are rarely able to experiment. Reveal only before those who sincerely trust and do not forgive betrayal.

quite ambiguous. Year promises to be unstableCancers will feel insecurity, and to avoid this, this sign will hold the 2016 in the work. This will help to compensate for a sense of constant anxiety, although this year the crayfish will look for protection from patrons or friends. But they will only be able to find the inner harmony themselves.

In any situation, it is necessary to fully disassemble the situation and understand what worries so. Otherwise, no progress can be. The year will be held on the motto to "improve the material condition". Cracks will be so obsessed with this idea that they can even destroy their family and crouch with beloved. Tip - Ten times weigh all the consequences before making any steps. The year is complex, some cancers will have to change place of residence or work, and this decision will be made difficult. The likelihood of nervous stress is great until hitting the hospital bed.

By the middle of the summer, cancers get bored to hide in the shell and they will want to make bold actions. In 2016 you need to be very attentive on the roadBecause they foreshadow the danger.

Love Cancer Horoscope for 2016

Excellent prospects for the development of family relations, and for single representatives of this sign - to find their destiny. This year, the feelings will flourish with new colors and achieved an unprecedented depth. All this will very positively affect the inner world of cancers, which will literally swim in the waves of happiness and peace.

It is not worth only to present their second half overestimated requirements, try to show more attention and patience. It should also be carefully controlled by your speeches - sometimes carelessly said the word is able to hurt your partner deep and for a long time. However, any shortcoming and disagreement will be very short-term and truce will come quickly.

Year favorable for making any decisions relating to families or love relationship , Whether it is buying real estate or solutions to have a child.

Stars advise this year to rest only with family or a loved one, it will breathe a new jet into your relationship and allow cancer to restore the inner harmony. The time when the reassessment of family values \u200b\u200band the relationship will only be fixed.

Lonely crayfish are waiting for bright meetings and unforgettable love adventures. The most successful year for marriage and marriage. But even if the matter does not end the wedding, the stormy novels are provided. The Red Monkey, the symbol of the year, on the love sky of the crayfish will not allow any cloud, not a single tuchka.

Cash horoscope for 2016 cancer

To achieve at least the slightest stability in the financial plan, the cancer in 2016 will have to work much and hard. Money will not be made easily, and it is necessary to tune in from the very beginning of the year for a permanent job. As soon as the cancers stop, the money stream will immediately run out. It is a rush, for for large cash flows In 2016, the cancer do not have to count on.

In 2016, it will be necessary to thoroughly analyze, and whether you manage correctly? Perhaps they need to be invest in securities or put in interest in the bank. Even the smallest amount to work, do not hide everything into the cube.

For Rakov 2016 year unfavorable in terms of spending. No large shopping is planned more expensive than the TV or vacuum cleaner. Is that by the end of the year your financial condition will slightly improve, and you can afford to yourself.

Year when your money can be inserted into a small business, they will not ruin. Money crayfish should work, however, as the representatives of this sign themselves. Not expected to increase salary or any additional interesting projects that could enable the opportunity to earn.

But read your love horoscope - If there is no cloud in the sky, but the forecast of financial weather for the whole year is overcast and gloomy. Only the fact that no serious shocks - losses, ruin, risks will not be for cancers.

Career Horoscope for 2016 for Cancer

Calm year and in terms of career, and professional growth. It is hardly a cancer will receive any favorable offers for work, everything will continue smoothly and calmly. The bosses simply will not notice you, and in this, in fact, there is nothing wrong. Ordinary routine work without much shocks, which will fully arrange many representatives of this sign. Perhaps, because of this, stretched calm some crayfish will be nervous that the world stopped and life stopped. We advise you to treat this philosophically, listen to opinions of friends about this and our colleagues.

If cancers want change, you should not refuse them - the year is favorable for changing the sphere of activity and to open your case, but only necessarily with partners. And it should be attentive - if the cancers do not inspire this type of activity, there is no positive results to wait. There is a risk because of this, enter the conflict with others and slightly remake your authority.

Tolerate and copy the strength at the end of the year. Only under the prominent of 2016 will appear the prospect of new projects and career growth, which will be implemented only in 2017. But the soil for this can be prepared at the end of the year of the monkey.

A great time when you can devote yourself to self-improvement in the profession, it is recommended to visit training courses, pass training seminars and trainings. Read smart books on how to achieve a career top - this knowledge will be useful to you very soon.

Cancer health horoscope for 2016

The beginning of the year promises to be calm - the health of the crayfish will be strong. True, the likelihood of getting a sudden injury, so it should be careful. Also, stars advise to be aware of the throat, do not drink cold drinks.

Closer to the summer crayfish will feel emotional fatigue, which will affect both general health - the likelihood of insomnia and chronic fatigue. It is at this time that the crayfish will hardly work, and the time to rest practically will not remain. The output is one - a clear schedule, where there must be enough time to relaxation. Even at the workplace, try for 10-15 minutes completely disconnect and give yourself a small rest. Excellent if the crayfish will find a little time for day sleep.

Do not neglect the rest, Otherwise you can fall into depression. And then you will have to take medicines. A vicious circle may occur: the decline of power-medication-problems with the stomach. And at the end of the year, it will be necessary to give more attention to his well-being. The likelihood of the loss of appetite, general weakness Against the background of emotional tension. Stars recommend paying attention to thyroid gland And check the body to hormones. If you independently can overcome the general decline of forks, it is better to contact the doctors.

In women, women are great, the likelihood of problems in the line of gynecology, and, right up to surgical intervention. Do not delay, it is better to start treated right away.

The more rest, the better the well-being is the motto for crayfish for 2016. Walk more often, read, go hiking and drive an active lifestyle.

Famous people who born under the sign of Cancer:

Ernest Hemingway, Pierre Cardin, Harrison Ford, George Bush, Sylvester Stallone, Anna Akhmatova, Lia Ahacedzhakova, Tom Cruise, Princess Diana, Patrice Lumumba, Evgeny Evtushenko ....

Article Cracks Horoscope for 2016 Monkey

2016 - the year of this type, which is very well suited for cancer. This is the period when you can fully show your charm and make sure that people around you are exactly those who you most need!

Family and friends will be in the foreground and show themselves well, although perhaps some difficulties and experiences will still be.

Romance is also a strong sphere for crayfish in 2016. Your pairs want to listen to you and make you happy. Allow them to put you in your priority.

The world will pleasantly surprise you with many opportunities for developing and moving forward. Keep your eyes wide open and get a few new allies on your favorite classes. This will help the spring period be more exciting and interesting.

The planets favor you this year. Spend your time to build a solid foundation for everyday life you want.

Solar eclipse in March on a short time It can create a very emotional environment, but you will handle it. Do not overvolt, respect your health and enjoy the charming year!

The horoscope of relations for couples

2016 for cancer is filled with passion and excitement, so take these emotions! Family members can constantly take your time, but you have more than enough energy and concentration, in order to make yourself getting ready for each of them, including yourself.

At the beginning of the year there is a complete mutual understanding between you, try to stick to this and on. In the spring of someone from you at work is possible a storm, but it will not break the family life.

The lunar eclipse in March is a uniting opportunity to please you both.

If at the end of the summer there will be a lot of expenses or an important acquisition, you will come to an agreement as reasonable and necessary.

You both will want to sacrifice each other, materially and emotionally. This includes and a large number of Symbolic good deeds. The time spent in the arms will be sweet and passionate, especially in autumn.

If you have common dreams (or fantasy) about the expansion of the family, then keep in mind that in the late autumn patronage of planets especially in favor. Take care of each other.

Horoscope relations for those who are in their own

Dear cancer, in 2016 love will always be close to your home, so you should expect much attention to yourself. You say that you have in the soul, and let the fans do everything possible to please you. You deserve it.

In winter and in the spring you can have a lot of dating and dates, some of them will be disposable, but this is normal.

A truly exciting meeting is likely in spring, but do not lead yourself to reckless. Be prudent and having fun.

The special position of the planets in late June will make a very likely acquaintance for you with a seriously configured and at the same time with a strong energy person. However, still, it is not necessary to be a relationship for life, unless you want it yourself.

Smooth and calm summer will end with an explosion of emotions and extravagance in September. Allow yourself to be the one whom you whistle and after a while you will appreciate your feelings.

The characteristic position of the planets at the end of the year can be for cancers the cause of confusion in messages and missed dates, but you should not worry about this expense. Your mental state will be good all year.

Horoscope Finance and Career Development Horoscope

Cracks, 2016 can be a prosperous year in terms of prestige accumulation and, of course, money. Keep the quality of your thoughts and your efforts on high level, Be reasonable in expectations and see how the situation will develop.

Additional portion of your charm will attract the possibility and improve the working links. People appreciate you and want to work with you. Business relationships will be transparent and mutually beneficial. Install several new links in the first few months and allow them to become more and more stronger while you will go to success.

Perhaps in February and March will need more expenses, which is scheduled, but you can keep them within reasonable limits. Profit obtained in August and September will post these spending.

Be the most financially careful at the time when the year will approach the end and you can confidently overcome everything possible problems On the eve of 2017.

All 2016, representatives of the cancer sign will be accompanied by luck. The year of the fiery monkey will be marked for this sign with bright pleasant events that will deliver a lot of pleasure. Cancers will seem to seem that everything around the fairy tale, and their life is not bad. But the realities are such that in addition to pleasant moments there will be also unresolved problems. Therefore, cancers need to appreciate every moment, live here and now.

In 2016, the life of the cancer born under the sign expects a cardinal change. This is especially true of those who can enjoy every little thing and do not attach the values \u200b\u200bof trivia. This year will reveal excellent prospects before cancers. The main thing is not to lose vigilance and have time to use them in your favor.

The work at work will sharply go up, the bosses will be pretty more than ever. All the initiatives of the representatives of this sign will be wondering, and creative ideas will be embodied. But it is not necessary to relax greatly and let everything go. It is important to competently use every chance and not scattered with the gifts of fate.

All year the cancel will live in absolute harmony with themselves and the outside world. They will overfill positive emotions and feeling of peace. The year of the fiery monkey will give cancer to sigh with full breasts and feel the true taste of life. This year will become the most suitable period for self-improvement and self-realization.

In April-May, there will be a great opportunity to make a favorite thing that will not only take pleasure, but also bring a stable income.

All 2016 promises cancer new acquaintances, which in the future will bring them a lot of benefit. There is an opportunity to solve all financial problems, find a highly paid job or take a good position. You should not make rapid decisions of the sorry. This can be fraught with bad consequences. All solutions must be carefully suspended and deliberate.

In the middle of the year, cancer will be able to reveal their creative potential and open new talents. Minds will help to realize all ideas and plans for reality, which can be a push to open their business. Representatives of this sign must be enlisted by the support group and armed with their persistence and ambitions for the prosperous achievement of their goals.

The year of the fiery monkey will be too favorable for cancer, so they should be in front of them huge goals, and not spraying on trifles. With each new achievement, it is necessary to go forward stubbornly, without stopping, otherwise everything that has previously been done is canceled. Continue in every way to develop, try your forces in new affairs. It is very likely that in one of them you will find yourself.

Full forces and energy cancer need to lead an active lifestyle, take part in all events and meetings. It will give the opportunity to saturate your life with bright colors, interesting events and new acquaintances.

The beginning of the year cancer will be in anticipation of something inexplicable and unknown. It will fill them with the feeling of euphoria and the holiday. Good luck will accompany not only financial and creative terms, but also in the matters of heart. Family relationships will come to a new level, will become even more trembling and strong. Single cancer in the second half of the year is waiting for a fateful meeting, which will give them strong love.

Despite the fact that fate with milosta cancers in 2016, it is important to keep the situation under control, remove all emotions to the background and think positively. Change your wardrobe, get rid of old things, make repairs in the apartment. And soon you will see how positive changes will begin in your life!

Shared cattle horoscope: what awaits them in 2016

Find out what the crayfish is waiting in 2016 - what months will be most favorable, in which areas will be lucky, where it will be smooth, and what should be done in order to work successful in all respects. You can also ask the shared horoscope for 2016 and find out what it will be for all the signs of the zodiac on the link :.

The next year, according to the Chinese horoscope, will pass under the rule of the deft and the intelligible red monkey. What can she promise prudent and unhurried cancer in 2016?

The fiery monkey calls for cancers to become more decisive and harder, stopped finally all the time and learn how to stand on his own - this will certainly help achieve incredible success! Conscious and targeted cancers 2016 will succeed good luck, stable financial situation and warm relationship with others.

What will be 2016 for cancer: horoscope for months

Changes that are waiting for cancers in 2016, as if confirming the proverb " new Year - new life"Will be noticeable with january. This month will show cancer, who is a true friend to them, and whom it is better to leave a cap of the cap and not too much to let her personal life. People born under the sign of Cancer, in 2016 should not be indulge in the temptation to thwart until the spring, infinitely and recklessly noting the numerous winter holidays, because it was in January that it may be a chance to move significantly through the career staircase. Be alert and try not to miss it! This may be an increase in the current place of work or a favorable offer from another company - one way or another, changes will only for the better.

February 2016 - time to give debts. Not only cash, although they are, if any, should be returned first. Perhaps the native and close to the long time it is time to pay for their care and attention, or in something to help friends in need of a strong shoulder. February will be for cancer the month of spirituality and dedication, will help them to disclose as a person and demonstrate to the whole width of their big soul. However, this responsibility and reliability will not remain unnoticed, because all kind cases are rewarded to dignity.

And make sure that the crayfish will be able to martaWhen it comes to reap the fruits. Everything in the world is interrelated, and your kindness and generosity will return to you, bringing the stock edge. This month, everything will be easily obtained easily and, as it should, in cases, will be pursued by luck, and harmony and calm will reign in personal life. Perhaps, just in March, the leadership suddenly trust the cancer promising promising project or send a business trip to an interesting business trip.

IN april 2016 Craki will be able to state that significantly increased in a professional plan. There was a disappeared concern, fears were gone, and the leadership qualities were strengthened and received use. Confidence adds a solid salary, which canceli deserved in full.

And here may Comes under the sign of creativity and romance. Those crayfish, which for a long time considered themselves alone, finally look out that they are interested in very pretty person. And the crayfish that have long dreamed of letting go to their abilities will get the opportunity to implement themselves and create. Poetry, painting, music or dancing - allow yourself to do what I have long wanted. Everything will work out! In addition, the month is favorable for a big travel or exotic holiday. In family relations, stability and love reigns.

June 2016 will bring with him the desire to make the house more cozy, and those who still have no family nest, want to reject it. A favorable time to buy real estate, for global repairs and just good general cleaning with getting rid of the whole old and unnecessary. Throwing out of myself, do not forget that they will rather replace new, much more stylish and attractive. If suddenly, the cancers had an insurmountable need to change something in the interior and do it on their own, it is worth a gusty - during this period, their design talents are on the rise, and the decline will be changed for a long time to delight the eyes and admire their home.

BUT july According to the forecast, the month of planning and making desires will become a month. The ideal option - at the beginning of the month, clearly and clearly formulate for yourself, which I would like to achieve what to acquire or see. Stars say that the dreams who crayled for a long time will finally start come true. The main thing is to know exactly what you want at the moment. The second half of the month is favorable for study - you can sign up for courses foreign languages Or Photoshop, start to learn Waltz or Tango, or even try the game on the guitar. All new things will easily enter the life of cancers and will certainly come in handy in the future.

IN august The rest will be completed - the work will again require complete dedication and great concentration. However, in the free minute of cancers not burdened with marriage, it will be possible to twist a passionate novel. The main thing is to behave fit and justify the expectations of the partner.

Autumn, namely september and October., again gives the opportunity to see the world. At work, everything is stable, the process has been established, subordinates in good faith work, and the highest bosses are not against providing a small rest. You should not neglect this offer - boldly go on vacation and gain impressions and new forces. In addition, it will help improve health and restore the nervous system.

November For cancers will be quiet and calm. The only thing that is worth intensifying is spontaneous and rapid waste. Before making a large purchase, it is better to weigh everything several times and advise with the family, so that I didn't have to regret in vain spent money.

But B. december Cancers will finally be able to become a smaller and dedicate to the family, to analyze their achievements, draw up exemplary plans for the future. The end of the year will be mental and will pass under the sign of love and attention from loved ones.

Horoscope for Cancer Men for 2016

Men born under the sign of cancer, the fiery monkey in 2016 will help in full to satisfy the thirst for adventure. It is likely that it will be a trip to her native hot countries, where Cancer can relax and strengthen their health.

Also, 2016 will provide the opportunity to show at work organizers and non-free mind. The management will notice the hardworking cancer and will appreciate it. There will be a chance to learn a lot of interesting things or master the new scope of knowledge. The main thing is not to forget to take the initiative and do not go into the shadow.

However, in parallel, it is worth remembering about the family - give them a precious clock and a minute of attention, indulge with a joint pastime. Cracks that have not yet found their love, they will plunge into a stormy novel. It may not be long, but definitely pleasantly diversifying your life.

Horoscope for a woman of cancer for 2016

Most likely, for women-cancer, the year of the monkey will be shifted, but it will be pleasant care and activity, charging energy. They will be in demand and in the family, and at work, and in the circle of friends - just and have time to distribute advice and give everyone with your attention. In addition, the beautiful half of the cancers are waiting for an innumerable amount of additional earnings. Be sure that the Red Monkey will bring financial well-being in your home and good luck.

Love horoscope for lonely women crayfish for 2016 promises every chance to meet their soul mate. However, you should not spray any meaningful resort novels - fate prepares you so much more. Family raks will enjoy harmony and mutual love.

But in the fall of 2016, a woman with cancer should pay the time to her health - after all, it also needs your care. An excellent solution will be the entry in the gym or pool.

Love horoscope: romance and cancer relationship in 2016

The kind roller monkey will do everything so that in 2016 the crayfish could get a maximum of saturated personal life. They are waiting for pleasant family travels, cozy evenings and joyful minutes with their favorite people. Even in those months when work will take away all the time and strength, they will feel the powerful support of their second half and will be able to withstand any complexity.

And in order to achieve complete harmony and consent, throughout the year it is worth remembering that household difficulties are passing. It is not worth finding out and all the more spoil the relationship because of everyday things, take care and appreciate each other!

Unmarried and unmarried cancers in 2016 expect new acquaintances, romantic dates and insolent relationships. However, it is important to listen to my intuition here - it will tell you with cancer, which novel is crowned with a wedding, and which one should not even strover because of his hopelessness. And, of course, you do not need to wait until the fate itself knocks on the door. In their free time, we must walk on exhibitions, cinemas, parties and to be in other interesting things. in public places - People see, show yourself. And the monkey will make sure that one day you found that the same person.

Financial Horoscope: Money and Career Cancer in 2016

Red monkey generous hand squeezing money cancer, success and luck on a working field. However, only those who are ready at first should work hard, and only then with a calm conscience to rest on the laurels.

In 2016, the crayfish in 2016 could climb the career ladder, their main qualities should be a diligence, determination and purposefulness. Work, after the sleeves, and get a reward for this will not work out - you have to choose something one. But if you put the task of achieving certain heights and to go to its solution, in spite of everything, the monkey will in every way contribute to the implementation of the dream.

Cancers should not be afraid to take for complex projects and labor-intensive tasks - more confidence! Everything will go like in oil, and the authorities will certainly notice your hardworking by increasing salary and other pleasant bonuses.

However, in the first half of the year, you should not take large amounts in the debt and, especially, to put on credit - it is better to adhere to the principle of saying "stretch the legs" and try to live by means. Money taken loan at the beginning of the year of the monkey will not bring anything good to cancer, besides, it can happen that the debt will be difficult to pay. Perhaps for a while you will have to tighten the belt, but the stars claim that in the spring, all financial problems will be solved.

Horoscope health for crayfish for 2016

The main thing is to remember the cancer in the year of the monkey - this is that all diseases appear on the nervous soil. Therefore, whatever raised around the life storms must first take care of their own peace. And then all the year with health will not be any serious problems. But constant stress and experiences are able to deliver many annoying troubles.
A good solution can be various spiritual practices - yoga, meditation, qigong, oriental martial arts. If you like the soul, do not spare time and money and sign up to the appropriate studio in your interests. This will help to look at the temporary difficulties of philosophically and not to miss all the problems through ourselves, and also teach not to panic and concentrate on good.
In addition, during the whole 2016, cancers have a risk of frequently in tenacious arms cold illnessSo it is always to dress on the weather and do not abuse ice drinks.
According to the Cancer Horoscope for 2016, the first half of the year of the monkey is very favorable for cosmetology procedures. Cleaning, peelings, massages will give the maximum effect and bring unraded to pleasure. And if the cancer decided to make plastic surgery, it does not find more suitable time.

Forecast for crayfish for 2016 on the Chinese calendar (year)

Cancer - rat

The fire monkey can arrange a fiery monkey and a little smoking rats. These lessons will teach cancers born in the year of the rat, to be tolerant and kinder to people, even when those, in their opinion, do not deserve. Remember - as few scandals, conflicts, proceedings and quarrels! And it is not necessary to be shy to ask for forgiveness if you were wrong. For this, the tricky monkey will reward cancer-rat in 2016 by harmony with himself and the world around the world, gives the condition of bliss and financial success.

Cancer - Tiger

The powerful and royal tigers are playing red monkey make yourself feel like young playful kittens. Justice and energy, activity and cheerfulness - these qualities will be with you all 2016. They will help cancer that appeared in the year of the tiger, easy to achieve their goals, win love and respect for others. However, acting into the whirlwind of fun and entertainment, do not forget that the case is time, and the fun hour. As if by the unrestrained dances and songs, they do not lose what was worked out hard work.

Cancer - Dragon

The monkey promises self-sufficient and smart dragons the fulfillment of all desires - such crayfish will be on the crest of the waves and will be able to achieve a serious improvement in their material well-being. The work will be more rich and less boring, you will be attended by excellent ideas and will not leave inspiration. But under one condition: Dragon's cancer in 2016 should not forget about the family, because it was the relatives for him to support and support for a long time. Now it has come an hour to thank them for it.

Cancer - horse

Hardworking horses Fair fiery monkey will give a wonderful year, promising and joyful. In the wallet of crayfish, born in the year of the horse, large bills will not be translated and the opportunity to improve their living conditions will appear. And here you need to be particularly attentive: the temptation is great to take a real estate or car that you are not affordable, as a result, to get into debts in order to make a purchase. But this monkey does not advise this: a horse raki in 2016 should count solely on their strength.

Cancer - Monkey

The Red Monkey promises the abundance of such cancer - they will have everything in excess, there is even a rather chance to replenish in the family. Singles will finally acquire their pair. The whole year of the crayfish, which was born in the year of the monkey, will wait for change, but they all definitely for the better. Even if at first glance it will seem to you that everything goes the battlement, in fact it is not. Later, the monkeys will understand that such a chain of events led them to something amazing and grandiose in 2016.

Cancer - Dog

Cancers born in the year of the dog, a monkey will proper love and great happiness. It was the sincere and bright feeling that will inspire you and make feats. Friends, children, parents and the second half do not get tired of admiring such crayfish and thank for the attention rendered, for travel and gifts, during the time spent together. All 2016 will be held for dog crayfish under the sign of kindness and affection. The relationship will consent and mutual understanding.

Cancer - Bull

The fiery monkey strongly recommends cancer born in the year of the bull, leave the cargo of the problems and the attitude of the relationship in the outgoing year. The coming year is better to meet the updated and, like an empty vessel, be ready at any time to fill with happiness and joy. The monkey will give you a chance to start everything from a clean sheet and promises its powerful support and patronage. Thanks to her in 2016, many vertices are conjugated by bull cancer.

Cancer - Rabbit (cat)

Cancer, which born in the year of the rabbit, the Red Monkey promises life saturated with rich events, interesting situations and cardinal changes. Maybe even you will have a chance to get acquainted with the mythical bird of happiness - the main thing is to be alert, emit optimism and not be afraid of a new one. Rabbit racks in 2016 will need their entire natural speed and jumping - just thanks to these qualities they will be able to score the rest and take possession of the first prize.

Cancer - Snake

The monkey will bring the snakes the opportunity to warm up in the rays of glory. Their experience, wisdom, thoughtfulness and prudence will finally be assessed. The surrounding shaft is sick to cancer born in the year of the snake, for advice, recommendation, and even just for a kind word. In parallel with this, the snake cancer in 2016 will be able to get acquainted with interesting people, meet new friends and a couple of steps to climb the career stairs.

Cancer - Goat (Sheep)

The fiery monkey will lead to crayfish, which appeared on the light of the goat, a little magic. All year you will be accompanied by fantastic luck and pleasant surprises, even a lottery gain is possible. In addition, raks will feel a reliable rear in the face of relatives and loved ones, and the mountains will be able to minimize such support! Successful 2016 year for cancer-goat in a career plan, and everything will be stable everything in family life.

Cancer - Rooster

Maximets-roosters, the Red Monkey advises to imagine the dust and act with a loaf on others. Do not, forgetting about everything, sweep colleagues on the path to the career and to pull people into dirt - it will not end with nothing good. It is necessary to move confidently, but at the same time not to leave behind the chain of offended victims - then everything will be obtained, and the efforts of cancer-cocks in 2016 will not remain unnoticed.

Cancer - Kaban (Pig)

Such crayts fall into the year of the fiery monkey on all pairs - to start acting, they will not need time for the star. And the monkey will in every way encourages such a course of events. It is not necessary to draw in front of the difficulties, slow down and wonderfully look around - work decisively and cleverly, and then all year fortune will smile all year. Put in front of you the most bold goals and confidently go to their achievement, your efforts will be rewarded.

Dates of birth: 22.06 - 22.07

Managing planet of cancer: Moon.

Element of cancer: Water.

Symbols of cancer: Cancer, crab, heart.

Happy cancer days: Monday Thursday.

Unsuccessful days of cancer: Tuesday, Saturday.

Metal cancer: Silver.

Precious stones of cancer: Pearls, Emerald, Ruby.

Cancer plant: Overt.

Cancer Numerology: Figure 2.

The most inspiring color of cancer: Purple.

Opposite cancer sign: Capricorn.

The year of the fiery monkey will bring an incredible tide of energy, but at the same time representatives of the sign will have to feel such unpleasant emotions as: a sense of fear and instability, uncertainty. They will try to hide all these sensations, will actively engage in work, achieve financial stability. Cancers, like children, sometimes do the most reckless actions, show excessive ill-witness to others. However, the time will come when the sign representatives will be tested to experience fear and insecurity, they will attempt to find protection, but it will be necessary to count on their own strength. Cracks will have to get together with thoughts and try to understand the current situation, thoroughly think about what could be the reason for the emergence of all negative emotions and sensations. A simple and calm analysis will make it possible to deal with everything, draw conclusions and cope with inner concern.

In 2016, cancers will take care of not material well-being, and its own health and personal relationship. Serious disagreements are not excluded with their favorite people, some are waiting for a divorce. However, the signs of the sign, this fact is not very grieved, because they are preparing to start a new stage in life. Stars advise in this period not to take any serious steps in their professional activity, hasty will be superfluous, you must first make sure that all solutions that will be taken are correct. Some crayfish will decide to change place of residence, place of work, these steps will depend largely on their own and their actions. Complex moments at this stage of life can lead to the fact that the cancers will violate a psycho-emotional state, some will even be forced to resort to treatment.

The middle of the year will become the period when the canceli will prefer to hide from everyone, but this time will not be too long, the desire will appear to feel the smell of freedom and decide on something extraordinary. The signs of the sign will acquire confidence in their own power, a sharp sense of self-esteem will appear, people will begin to reach them, ask for advice. In general, mid-2016 will be lighter, raki will be able to find that golden middle between themselves and the world around. However, with such a prosperous coincidence, it is still not worth relaxing, it is especially careful about trips, the drivers should be more attentive on the roads.

Cracks will be disclosed gradually, will look for new interlocutors, being in the search necessary information. The perseverance of the representatives of this house of the horoscope will allow to return to the normal vital bed, feel updated.

At the end of the year, cancers think about personal change, it is likely that many will want to buy new house or apartment, more comfortable and comfortable. A wonderful mood and life rise will be desired by new emotions, higher feelings, and for this it will need a place where it will be comfortable and good. It will also want to pay more attention to their loved ones, raks will surround them with care, gifts, their touching attitude.

Work for cancer in 2016

Miscellaneous 2016 Hostess Fire Monkey did not prepare representatives of the zodiac constellation any special unpleasant surprises in the professional sphere. This period will be held without any concerns about the scope of activity. Everything will go relatively calmly and smooth. However, no matter how sweet and smoothly, there will be such moments that are more related to change. Stars advise cancer to relate positively to all changes that would have happened this year. Only good mood And the smile on the face will allow representatives of the sign to cope with all emerging troubles and exciting situations. It is desirable at such moments not to hide the head in the sand, but to actively come to contact with the surrounding people, listen to what colleagues or business partners say. Thanks to communicating and the attention of the cancellations, they will perceive the information, they will be able to hold on their feet in professional activities.

For those representatives of the sign that for any reason does not suit their field of activity, it is worth finding a lesson in the soul, to begin the case that will deliver material well-being and moral satisfaction. This approach to the case will give more confidence, so it will be much easier to achieve the desired goals. If you force cancers to do what they do not have a soul, then the failure does not avoid. You should not attempt to create conflict situations to avoid trouble, it can end that cancers will simply stop respect.

Listening to the fact that the stars say, raki will be able to reach successful career growth by the end of the year, proceed to the implementation of new projects. The representatives of the sign must be more confident in their abilities, not to retreat before difficulties, not be afraid, but to hold, then their undertakings will be successful.

Financial Horoscope Cancer 2016 Year

The coming year will take place for cancers not the most successful way in terms of what the money concerns. Only by attaching a large number of strength, experience, knowledge, raks will be able to ensure that their financial situation is stabilized. To begin, representatives of the star sign advise to a thoroughly reviewing all their principles and positions, distribute the existing funds to correctly and send them to the track that you need. Craki must minimize all expenses, not allow themselves to spend money on knowingly unnecessary things and goals. All energy should be aimed at improving its financial position. If the task is solved successfully, by the end of the year the raki will be able to see what they were able to do with their own energy and will, positive results will not make long wait. The financial situation of the sign of the sign will be able to improve at times. However, it is not necessary to stop on the achieved and relax, it is necessary to make sure that money worked, and precisely in the direction in which they will bring good dividends. Only under such conditions it will be possible to talk about a stable material position.

Love Horoscope Cancer 2016 Year

The coming year will be interesting for in the sphere of love relationship. Single representatives of the sign with a large share of probability will meet their soul mate, the hostess of the year will be in every way favored. For seed cancers 2016 will be at least favorable periodThe spouses will reign mutual understanding and harmony. Favorite I. loving people Will be able to open the enormous potential of feelings and emotions in their second half, which gets the impression that they just met. Such sensations will contribute to the strengthening of marriages, intimate Life, make sex more diverse.

Despite the fact that most of the signs of the sign will live in the feeling of Euphoria and happiness, the stars are not recommended to relax. It is possible that the situation will begin to develop along a completely opposite scenario, if the cancers become too demanding to their loved ones, will cease to pay attention, they will bother with useless and groundless claims. It is necessary to try to have the relationship to be gentle, to show more attention and care towards your second half, follow the words, because they can hurt much. However, even the most prosperous and stable relationships may be collapsed if the cancers will sow doubts, distrust and misunderstanding in the soul of their loved ones.

It is necessary to make personal life to present only the most tender and sweet moments. Do not waste time on quarrels and conflicts, because 2016 will be good time To strengthen relationships.

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