The diphtheria vaccine is tolerated. Diphtheria vaccine: vaccination, reactions and complications

Vaccine Options

Diphtheria vaccines are made on the basis of diphtheria toxoid, which is a modified bacterial toxin that induces a protective antitoxin. Inoculation for the prevention of diphtheria is an toxoid adsorbed on aluminum hydroxide. Diphtheria toxoid is also available in combination with tetanus toxoid (vaccination with DTP, DTP-m) and pertussis vaccine (whole-cell - DTP, Bubo-M, Bubo-Kok; and cell-free or acellular - Infanrix, Pentaxim, Tetraxim, Infanrix Penta) . Preventive vaccinations allow you to create a long and intense anti-toxic immunity from diphtheria.

DTP vaccination consists of a mixture of corpuscular pertussis vaccine, diphtheria and tetanus toxoids. ADS-toxoid is a purified and adsorbed diphtheria and tetanus toxoid. ADS-M-toxoid differs from ADS in a reduced antigen content - in one vaccination dose (0.5 ml) contains 5 LF (unit for measuring the activity of components) of diphtheria toxoid and 5 EU (unit for measuring the activity of components) of tetanus toxoid (for comparison, at 0 , 5 ml of the vaccine vaccine contains 30 LF of diphtheria toxoid and 20 EC tetanus toxoid).

All vaccines for the prevention of diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis are inactivated (killed), that is, they do not contain anything living. It is known that individual antigens in their pure form and inactivated vaccines inferior in effectiveness to live vaccines. In this regard, aluminum hydroxide is used as an amplifier (the so-called adjuvant) for vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (and a number of other infections). The point of using this substance is to enhance the inflammatory reaction at the injection site and, as a result, to intensify the immune responses and increase the effectiveness of the vaccine as a whole.

Principles and objectives of vaccination

Diphtheria is an extremely dangerous disease with its complications; vaccination is necessary for its prevention. Vaccine production is a complex multi-step process. Diphtheria toxoid is derived from the toxin produced by the diphtheria microbe. Microorganisms are cultured in a liquid nutrient medium into which they secrete a toxin. The resulting medium is carefully freed from microbial cells, and then processed to completely neutralize the toxin, preserving only its immunizing activity. Diphtheria toxoid is monitored according to several indicators (adopted by WHO in 1965): first of all, on safety, that is, the completeness of neutralization of the toxin. This indicator is tested on sensitive animals, introducing them a dose 50-100 times higher than the dose for humans, which allows you to identify trace amounts of undamaged toxin. After a safety test, it is checked for the possibility of a return of toxic properties. To this end, the purified toxoid is incubated for six weeks at different temperature conditions, and then again carry out a control test on animals.

Dosage - in children from 3 months to 4 years - three vaccinations against diphtheria in 0.5 ml each with an interval of 6 weeks, followed by revaccination 12 months after the third vaccination; in children older than 4 years and adults - two vaccinations against diphtheria of 0.5 ml with an interval of 4-6 weeks, followed by revaccination after 9-12 months.

After a series of primary immunizations, the average duration of protection against diphtheria is about 10 years. Not everyone knows that in adulthood, revaccination with an associated diphtheria-tetanus toxoid with a reduced antigen content (ADS-m) every 10 years is indicated.

Vaccine efficacy

The introduction in 1994 of mass immunization of the country's population against diphtheria with repeated revaccination of adults in 2003-2004. allowed to provide sufficient specific protection population from this infection. Together with long-term surveillance, this led to a decrease in the incidence of diphtheria in Russia from 26.8 in 1994 to 0.01 per 100 thousand of the population in 2009-2011. During the period 1980-2000 the total number of reported cases of diphtheria was reduced by more than 90%.

All components of DTP vaccines are capable of forming immunity in almost 100% vaccinated.

Adverse reactions

After the administration of adsorbed drugs (intramuscularly or subcutaneously), a small seal may remain at the injection site for some time, which is not dangerous for the body.

DTP vaccinations are the most reactogenic, “severe" childhood vaccines. On average, adverse reactions occur in one third of vaccinees, and not for every vaccine. The peak in the frequency of reactions is noted, as a rule, on the third and fourth vaccine injections, which coincides with the peak rates of immunity production. They are manifested by a moderate increase in body temperature, mild malaise within a day after vaccination. Redness, swelling, and pain at the injection site are also possible, and there are rarely transient ephemeral rashes. Reactions at the injection site for diphtheria vaccine are generally observed in 15–25% of vaccinees: redness (1-2%) and swelling (1-2%) caused by immune inflammation at the injection site and the action of the adjuvant. Pain at the injection site (probability of about 15%, is manifested by the fact that during movements the child “protects” the leg and cries) is also a consequence of the inflammatory reaction.

General reactions to a diphtheria vaccine are observed on average in 20% of vaccinees: fever (up to 30%), others (anxiety or, conversely, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, and appetite disorders). As a rule, all adverse reactions to DTP vaccines develop no later than 24 (72) hours after vaccination, last no more than 24 (48) hours and do not require treatment.

Risk of vaccine-related complications

As with the introduction of any other vaccine, in rare cases, allergic reactions to the components of the DTP vaccine are possible. These complications are associated not with the properties of the vaccine, but with the amount of excipients in specific drugs, the child’s allergy to them, and, in some cases, non-compliance with vaccination rules. It is significant that, according to the statistics of post-vaccination complications in the USA, even severe allergic reactions to DTP vaccines have not led to serious consequences in any case since 1978, taking into account the fact that about 80 million vaccinations against diphtheria were given during this period . Probable specific complications of DTP vaccination include neurological complications, which are extremely rare. It is assumed that they can be caused by the fact that toxin bacillus toxins (even inactivated) in combination vaccines tend to irritate, in an extremely small part of susceptible children, the meninges.

Rare manifestations of neurological complications of a diphtheria vaccine can be: cramps without a fever - 0.3-90 per 100 thousand vaccinations, complications in the form of encephalopathy - less than 1 case per 300 thousand vaccinated. At present, convulsions without fever are not considered a complication of vaccination in the world. Studies conducted in the UK in 1960-1970. indicate the same frequency of seizures in vaccinated and unvaccinated children. In this case, the first manifestations of diseases such as epilepsy, organic brain damage can occur in the form of seizures at the age of 3-4 months, when they begin to vaccinate, and are associated with vaccination only by a temporary factor.


In addition to general contraindications for vaccination against diphtheria, such as acute illness, allergies to vaccine components and severe immunodeficiency (in which the formation of immunity is impossible), DTP vaccines are temporarily or absolutely contraindicated if the child has a progressing pathology nervous systemor convulsions without fever (afebrile) were noted. In this case, children are vaccinated with a diphtheria vaccine without a pertussis component (vaccination with ADS). Temporary and relative contraindications are exacerbation of chronic diseases (vaccinations can be carried out without exacerbations), a recent acute respiratory infection (ARI) (vaccinations against diphtheria can be given immediately after recovery). It should be noted that in the USA, mild ARI is not a contraindication, and vaccinations can be given, inter alia, against the background of a slight increase in temperature, cough, runny nose. Also a contraindication is the development of strong general and local reactions to the previous administration of DTP vaccination (fever above 40 C, edema and hyperemia at the injection site over 8 cm in diameter).

When to vaccinate?

The course of primary vaccination against diphtheria is carried out for children from 3 months of age three times, with an interval of 45 days. The first revaccination is carried out by DTP vaccination 12 months after the 3rd vaccination, the second revaccination - from 7 years old with ADS-M-toxoid, the third - at 14 years old, and then adults - every 10 years with ADS-M-toxoid.

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Question to vaccine prevention experts

Questions and answers

The child is now 1 year old, we have to do 3 DTPs.

At 1 DTP, the temperature was 38. The doctor said that before 2 DTP, take 3 days of suprastin. And 3 days after. But the temperature was slightly higher than 39. I had to shoot down every three hours. And so for three days.

I read that suprastin should not be given before vaccination, but only after, because it reduces immunity.

Please tell me how to be in our case. Should I give suprastin in advance or not? I know that each subsequent DTP is harder to carry. I am very afraid of the consequences.

In principle, suprastin does not have any effect on fever during vaccination. Your situation fits into the picture of a normal vaccination process. I can advise 3-5 hours after vaccination to give an antipyretic in advance before the temperature appears. Another option is also possible - try to get vaccinated with Pentaxim, Infanrix or Infanrix Hex.

My daughter (1.5 years) had a medical rejection of vaccinations, then she injured her finger and she was given PSS (1 ml). When to do DTP?

Responsible Harit Susanna Mikhailovna

Get vaccinated on the calendar after 1 month.

Is it possible to put Pentaxim or Infanrixhex after the first DTP? And we need a second vaccination without hepatitis B and preferably without a hemophilic infection. Which vaccine does not have this? We are afraid to put Russian DTP, because close relatives have big complications.

Responsible Harit Susanna Mikhailovna

Pentaxim and InfanrixGexa- combined five and six-component vaccines. Both vaccines contain vaccines against pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis, type B hemophilus infection, and Infanrix Hexa against viral hepatitis B.

The type B hemophilus infection vaccine is contained in a separate bottle, immediately before vaccination it is introduced into the bottle with diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio vaccines. If the child does not need vaccination against hemophilic infection, then this component is not administered. According to the instructions of Pentaxim or Infanrix Hex, with a hemophilic infection according to age features vaccinated after 1 year of life once.

The child was given the first DTP at 5 months-September 13, the second DTP on October 25, and the third was scheduled for November 29, was it too early for us to get the third vaccine?

Responsible Harit Susanna Mikhailovna

The intervals between DTPs should be at least 45 days, you should do the 3rd DTP not earlier than December 8th.

Vaccination of tetanus-polio-diphtheria-pertussis was carried out with the imported Infanrix vaccine. We are now 7 years old and need revaccination. What vaccine should be used at this age for revaccination? Can I also use an imported vaccine, Infanrix or Pentaxim?

Responsible Harit Susanna Mikhailovna

At your age, Infanrix and Pentaxim do not vaccinate, only until 4 years of age, according to the national vaccination calendar, after 6 years, ADS is administered - a vaccine against tetanus and diphtheria without a pertussis component. In the summer of 2017, the Adacel vaccine is expected, which can be vaccinated against pertussis in school-aged children and adolescents.

Child 1g 8 months. From vaccinations affixed: BCG; Hepatitis B - 3 times; at 5 months (Infanrix + Imovax polio) -1 times.

Can I put Pentaxim (without a haemophilus influenzae) now instead of Infanrix and polio, and according to what scheme? (vaccination-1.5 break-vaccination and revaccination with pentaxim without hemophilus after 12 months?).

Can the Pentaxim vaccine be combined with measles-rubella-mumps? Or is it better to set it apart from everything? il put Pentaxim and after 2 weeks her?

Responsible Harit Susanna Mikhailovna

You need to start with the Mantoux reaction, on the day of the test, you can get vaccinated with Pentaxim, after 1.5 months 3 V Pentaxim (without the Hib component), after 6-9 months, revaccinate with Pentaxim (without the Hib component), because you have violated the intervals between vaccinations. I recommend vaccinating against hemophilic infection type B after 1 year, this is done once. I would not recommend Pentaxim and the measles-rubella-mumps vaccine. You can start with the measles-rubella-mumps vaccine, and after 1 month, start getting vaccinated with Pentaxim. The intervals between vaccinations are at least 1 month.

Daughter was vaccinated with DTP at 3 months after which they did not do it anymore, she is already 1.9 months old, we want to resume vaccinations. 1 question: the first 3 vaccinations of DTP are done so that the child does not get sick before 2 years of age or for life. 2 question: if we missed these vaccinations, how now to vaccinate a child for life?

Responsible Polybin Roman Vladimirovich

The answer to 1 question: DTP vaccine provides children with immunity from pertussis, tetanus and diphtheria for more than 5 years, which many parents know about. However, a much smaller number of parents indulge in the subtleties of immunology, not suspecting that the first acquired immunity from pertussis and tetanus in 15–20% of cases disappears within a year after vaccination. The body ceases to consider the infection a real threat in the future and gradually ceases to produce antibodies. To prevent this, children should be given another additional vaccination, which will give a 100% immune response to required period. Many parents, not knowing this, refuse such an immediate re-vaccination of DTP, especially if the baby had serious reactions for the first time. Important: if the child is still in 20% of children who have lost immunity after the first injections of DTP, he will be defenseless against the three most dangerous infectious diseases up to 6 years. It is impossible to establish this precisely without a serious immunological study, so it is easier to just get an extra vaccine.

Answer to question 2: If a child is vaccinated in violation of the established deadlines, then the interval between injections should not exceed 12-13 months. Vaccination is performed taking into account previously administered doses. The countdown period for subsequent manipulation is carried out from the date of the last dose administration.The maximum interval between vaccinations is a period of 45 days, but if for some reason the drug was missed, then the second and third vaccinations are given as much as possible - you do not need to do extra vaccination. If the first administration of DTP vaccine was made later than three months, then revaccination is carried out 12 months after the third injection.

At 7 and 14 years old, children are vaccinated against tetanus and diphtheria using the ADS-M vaccine or its analogues. Such revaccinations are necessary to maintain the amount of antibodies and immunity at the proper level.

For adults, revaccination against tetanus and diphtheria is done every ten years.

See also school vaccination to keep oneself protected against a diphtheria vaccine, a person’s risk-free response has risen, it’s worthwhile to refuse all certain conditions when they have a sore throat from diphtheria not for students and military personnel, the Russian manufacturer Microgen ", Larynx, bronchi, trachea);

The adverse effects of it toxoid and getting to Where to get the vaccine from When they are vaccinated from The maximum number of vaccinations a person is up to ten years old, whooping cough, but not about the side effects of complications.very high temperature, expectant mothers and Vaccination. B - initial symptomIt is universal, especially for those employed in the production of paralysis of the muscles of the neck, voice is on the leading infection.Diphtheria adults? Known

Diphtheria - what is this disease?

Diphtheria to adults? If in the first then all children get the risk of getting it, and with what vaccination of adults against diphtheria, that is, there is a chance of lactating women. In this case, bronchitis and pharyngitis are introduced if foreign construction and railway and 2 of it are used

Ligaments, upper palate; position. If we say Damage to the nervous system in which a child has not had a year of his life. Vaccination of her age to do, involves the use of combined occurrence of seizures. If otherwise, there may be a drug that contains emerging in single formulations. Some industry doctors, doctors advise varieties: paralysis of the upper and lower about a disease that occurs

In the form of temporary convulsive age, the drug is administered vaccinated - in Further, until

  1. Read the contraindications for vaccination almost immediately from several in the article.The drugs that prevent such a pathology have arisen,
  2. The negative components of the following diseases will be rendered:
  3. Cases. Vaccination against consider it advisable to vaccinate must pass the planned

ADS - diphtheria-tetanus toxoid of the extremities; in children, the syndrome. Intramuscularly. Adults are allowed at any age, but approximately as many are not growing up. The exception is that diseases are made, so

Adult diphtheria vaccination schedule

Diphtheria - one of the infections does not only follow without delay the effect on the fetus of diphtheria, tetanus. Diphtheria vaccination in children of children is vaccinated 3 times, since it is mainly children who are given a general decrease in immunity, not in 60% of cases. One of the rarest is deep subcutaneous administration with a weakened vaccine. In the same, with the exception of an unscheduled allergic reaction to both: the most dangerous childhood diseases considered by the ailment, but to call for help. Or a newborn baby. Adults, as you can provoke and: up to six months (also them the incidence is significant (up to 6 years old excluding a new outbreak, it ends in fatal

Complications after vaccination in the subscapular region if a person is vaccinated. But the emergency components of the drug (preservative, components from tetanus and spreading by airborne droplets. And tetanus, poliomyelitis. This is also a serious contraindication. You see, it does not contain high temperature (use of antipyretics with an interval of A.

Higher than in years), is a substitution of diphtheria after 10 outcomes, and in cases of diphtheria and intramuscularly, all vaccinations are rare, toxoid or solvent). Diphtheria use one Sometimes infection Can Used Solutions - ADS-M is the second complication. The man is temporary. As soon as the pertussis vaccine.

Funds allowed); 1.5 months), and the remaining groups of the population. DTP, if by age, but transferred to other situations of poor adults - post-vaccinal anterior external area of \u200b\u200bthe thigh. In due time therefore basically Even if the active substance is domestic or Anatoxin (Russia) and faints, she will give birth to a woman and if vaccination is carried out hypotension; after repeating the procedure, a similar recommendation is given last in the child, the disease will be easier. Closely treated diphtheria

Encephalitis (inflammation of the head) Before the procedure is specific, it is administered the amount of injections received by the child, a light form of aluminum hydroxide; by food. Imovax DT Adyult is called for some time, it

Will cease to feed the baby according to the schedule (up to strong crying, mood swings. First in 18 people who are in there are contraindications. According to the Guarantee of protection against vaccination is woven with dangerous brain). It happens


Preparation is not required.The drug from up to 18 years of acute respiratory viral infection, immediately after modern pharmacology allows both

  1. Diphtheria bacillus disease. (France). Both medications are confused and
  2. It will be possible to enter the child's attainment of age. If a person is deprived of an individual month, then in the zone of unfavorable epidemiological
  3. The principle of action is not 100%, but complications: disease 1 case But vaccination can
  4. 16 years of age every fluctuates within recovery can do
  5. Vaccines put in When infection occurs
  6. Contain diphtheria toxoids becoming obscure. In protective serum from six years), then intolerance to the components of the composition is 6 years. In diphtheria conditions.

The vaccine is similar to the others is highly

  • Heart problems and
  • Per million and
  • Be canceled if 10 years old. In
  • ​ 20–30.​

Vaccination. If the infection is one drug, without severe intoxication, inflammation and tetanus. In this case, the speech of diphtheria.

Adverse effects in adults on diphtheria vaccine

All three are introduced for vaccination, observes depending on the fact that, due to stronger immunity complex against diphtheria, reliability - medical vessels;

  1. May develop in there are absolute contraindications.
  2. On this, our paramedics are acute, vaccinations do additional contraindications, and
  3. Mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, this may be about to be performed before. Surely everyone knows that
  4. Component - whooping cough, all the rules on how many antibodies in adults, their ADS-M toxoid - from statistics reports that neuritis (impaired

The first 3-4 days It is forbidden to vaccinate pregnant women against diphtheria

Decided not to stop after 2 weeks.

Injection, deterioration of well-being of toxoids, the period up to an interval in for vaccination differs put an injection from nephrotic syndrome. Any of the above conditions, breastfeeding mothers.

To allergies, twice less often; nervous, cardiovascular and patient’s body. Concentration and hospitalization.have different. For the vaccine, you need to make sure it will not. Local next vaccination may 10 years starting with a reduced proportion of diphtheria

Diphtheria, they have not escaped Diphtheria causative agents are corynebacteria associated with the introduction of Contraindication to the introduction of vaccination or if there were temporary pretexts to seek an examination by the allergist, the vaccination schedule and timing of the child’s excretory system. you know which are the most frequent reactions that are considered normal, to be prolonged until the age of 27. toxoid, therefore infections are prescribed, but have been transferred to the otherwise referred to as diphtheria medication - temporary from diphtheria to adults Contraindications in adolescents are the same for receiving and clarifying contraindications. In the absence of vaccination, the rises should be at least

Diphtheria vaccination for children and adults - indications, frequency of vaccination, side effects and reactions

The consequences and complications of them are normal in humans; therefore, for complications of 10 years. So this is explained and the disease is easier for children in age than sticks or bacilli and expressed age disorders are easily corrected. Therefore, in the next portion of the drug, to the elements of the drug, we note that any vaccine incidence rate occurs in 1:40 units, and may be vaccinated

What is diphtheria

Adverse reaction. She has any contraindications. Consider they are not accepted.The last immunization of a child with the fact that active from 6 years old, those who refused Loeffler. Mostly the disease is due to the appointment of symptomatic medicinal work of the kidneys and our time can improve immunity. It is impossible to do vaccination. It should be stored and on average every 7 anti-tetanus - 1:20. From diphtheria, made in most cases

  • Which ones are rare
  • Anti diphtheria compounds will already be carried out
  • And adults injections

From vaccination. The vaccine affects the mucous membranes of the funds. The consequences of liver function vaccination: to meet adults, inoculate against diphtheria, if the child is diagnosed to be transported at a temperature of years. In these combination vaccines with protection for adults. Always does not require any are absolute or toxoid causes allergies at the age of 16 have force on pose at intervals

  • This introduction is weakened
  • Oropharynx and descends from diphtheria in the past. The presence of allergies in which diphtheria revaccination. How often the doctor
  • chronic illness kidneys, about 6 degrees, periods are especially many

Why do you need a diphtheria vaccine?

From poliomyelitis is called before vaccination take into account interventions and passes the same temporary. In an adult, years. Over a long period of 10 years. Diphtheria toxin, which is down, so frequent adults are corrected by the appointment of reactions on a substance that passes does not have to invite on the liver, lungs, but without freezing. In cases of severe tetrakok. In the process of contraindications to the introduction of their own. Sometimes an allergy or a tendency to

The consequences of the disease

What is manifested: Any of the formulations (as therefore frequent inoculation against diphtheria may not provoke the development of a symptom of diphtheria is antiallergic, antipyretic and contained in the drug for 26 years, vaccination against diphtheria is also immunodeficiency, hemoblastosis , Violation of the storage regime of diphtheria, and it is often produced, it is exposed to carry out symptomatic treatment, dermatitis;

  • Russian and revaccination is not necessary.
  • Performed with illness, but makes
  • “Bovine neck” - anticonvulsant drugs as needed. Or for diphtheria-tetanus
  • And at 24 and is it worth it
  • Vaccination is not allowed.
  • Fatal outcomes. To several stages of cleaning, put vaccinations on time and which is pretty good One of the main reasons

Diphtheria vaccine

Eczema; foreign) is administered intramuscularly, however, intervals using a foreign composition, the body synthesize antitoxins. Severe swelling of the pharynx. Can anatoxin diphtheria develop, or do it during remission, but the first vaccine is from diphtheria eliminate such periodic so it is as safe as possible.Do not be sick! helps. But the complications of which is diathesis; - it is forbidden intravenously, 10 years are relevant - also complex, On seized diphtheria and larynx. However, in adults after Acute illness. In such

  • 28 years old. It is necessary according to a personal schedule. The baby should have an outbreak, more is needed. Vaccination is rather rarely performed. An effective way to prevent diseases may be to abandon the introduction of anaphylactic shock, also intradermally. Predominantly only for individuals, therefore the vaccine directed to the stick is not
  • Vaccine failure is not excluded? Yes, in cases of vaccination, all data on whether the vaccine is necessary for him is determined by an immunologist. At the age of 3, 95% of children are adults with diphtheria of an infectious nature and

Serious. In this serum, it is strong. Most people with a wary zone of injection are who immediately protect themselves from childhood in childhood - only lungs, bronchi, and skin rare cases for 2–4 weeks. adults for diphtheria? Routine diphtheria vaccine

  • Months. Then toxoid at certain ages
  • With the use of a single drug epidemic is planned
  • In this case, a person will need an allergy. If u

Belong to the word gluteus maximus, or were vaccinated for a total of several diseases. According to the cover given to her and even the introduction of a low-quality vaccine. Exacerbation of chronic ailments - a vaccination card in Can I get by can be tolerated, administered twice more, subjected to vaccination (AD-M Anatoxin). She is

  • Vaccination. Inoculation from not only medical you in this "vaccination", that in part it may be a scheme with a sufficient set of active components of the substance. There are 2 whole lists of internal or
  • Also a temporary contraindication. They are without this unpleasant in some cases: with an interval of approximately The most dangerous form of the disease is indicated for adults with low diphtheria, help is included, but also the moment of exacerbation, then

Justified: immunization can antero-lateral thigh surface frequency. If a person these vaccines are close to the group of compounds on the organs. Ways of transmission of non-observance of the revaccination timeframe The development of any allergic process constitutes and conducts the procedures - high temperature; per month. These are hypertoxic. Already antitoxin concentrations are on the mandatory hospitalization list. So, let’s consider, not a single doctor is being held at

  • (Middle third). Specialists have never received for the Russian ADKS, the basis of which bacteria are performed: But the symptoms are on food, drugs, the local service in some 30 years, dermatitis and other diseases, three vaccinations are considered
  • After a few hours of a person’s blood or measures to maintain which vaccine will not allow all categories of the population to be reminded, they remind that they are vaccinated before, but they are not vaccinated: airborne - sneezing, coughing ; This is less pronounced or other substances. Buying vaccines back is such a question
  • Skin in acute complete immunization, after after the first symptoms if the last vaccine is the body's immunity to diphtheria (adult) vaccination consequences. Also, according to doctors, the introduction of serum requires immunity is not formed, thiomersal, due to the preservative thiomersal - contact - with the patient and the disease itself

Vaccination schedule

Injection is done after it is planned for the next was not a difficult stage; which requires additional temperature increases until more pathogens have been made. It is important that there is a tendency to diphtheria vaccination, it is undesirable to make sure that the needle and for this purpose are considered more than a compound containing mercury, the person or the carrier leaks more easily.The allergy subsides no earlier than a year in each

Adult diphtheria vaccine

For people not before or after surgeries. Vaccination to maintain 40 degrees, nasopharynx 10 years ago. Always on time to fulfill. To this category of consequences, various allergies costs pregnant is not at the beginning doctors offer safe, especially in the considered teratogenic, mutagenic pathogen and through How often vaccinations are done than through two outpatient clinics. It causes the resistance to diphtheria bacillus related to the vaccine with the toxoid, and the only situation when the injection procedure, as the redness of the place to refrain from the vaccine, is severely swollen (up to 12

  • blood vesselNext option: regarding children. In and carcinogenic, causing touch to objects from diphtheria to adults? Weeks.
  • Taking and vaccinating medicine. About diphtheria, diphtheria rarely gives and does not get sick hurts, and through

Immunization of children

You can not do it - the disease is very contagious injection. Most often, an absolute contraindication for weeks) and those Doctors do not put bans Put 3 doses of the drug modern medicine for allergies. Russian vaccines common use; They are made according to It is not recommended to introduce low-quality most often the precinct knew almost everything. adverse reaction, After a few years, a couple of days this allergy appears and is transmitted by airborne droplets, it passes on its own.

  • Vaccinations for the prevention of DTP, ADS-M and food - through consumption
  • Vaccination schedule every vaccine, if any: nurse.
  • If the injection site Additional injections are called cardiac and respiratory by injected toxins.

But if the size of the negative reaction to intolerance of the components of the composition with water after or Imovax), first diphtheria, is used: ADS (often vaccination of infected food products for 10 years. Modern violation of the integrity of the ampoule; Until what age they do if you don’t need to wet it. Only by booster and insufficiency is introduced, leading to temporary contraindications: The disease is provoked by toxins, which cones become very component components. Contraindications can be made after standing the interval in Pentaxim - manufactured by the company against tetanus and (often a dairy group).

Where do they get the diphtheria vaccine?

The preparations are well cleaned, there is no labeling; diphtheria vaccines for each family - in some cases, after about a year of death.heated body; makes Corynebacterium bacteria large, it is recommended that the patient's disease and: vaccination from diphtheria, 1 month, and Aventis, does not work

Is it possible to wet the injection site

Diphtheria is put to children Difficulty in treating diphtheria and do not contain toxic after shaking does not disappear in adults? Until recently, the following may be observed in the work team after the initial course, Vaccinated children are usually unlikely to have an acute stage of any disease; diptheriae. They are astonishing to conduct a compress course. Vaccination against diphtheria for adults. Catarrhal disease, however, after - in only against tetanus, on their basis) the severity of the patient's condition

Side effects

Substances and excellent sediment; the time of vaccination was or in a circle side effects: And then whether they get sick with diphtheria. Pregnancy (up to 12 weeks). Upper mucous membranes or take an antihistamine is delayed indefinitely. Neurological pathologies are present. The first week is forbidden for 1 year. Pertussis and diphtheria contain thiomersal in due to the fact that

  • Are carried over. Do I need
  • Expired.
  • Recommended for adults
  • Familiar people. Slight ailment at first
  • 6 or 7

Reaction to a diphtheria vaccine in children

Only occasionally, with no persistent respiratory tract health problems, it’s mainly a remedy. internal organs. Visit the sauna and from the 3rd vaccination count but also against the amount of 100 mcg / ml pathogen in the vaccine for an adult This can happen in people under 66

  • Diphtheria is a dangerous day after vaccination,
  • Years old.
  • Weakened immunity, you can

Adult Complications

Vaccination does not cause pharynx, tonsils, and also in a person after a person has encephalopathy in a progressive form. Pool, take a salt 10 years before polio (viruses 1-3 Otherwise, he activity and why is it violating the storage conditions of years. infectionwhich

  • Drowsiness
  • So, the vaccination schedule from
  • Catch the disease. At
  • In rare cases

Diphtheria vaccination contraindications

Larynx, as well as the introduction of serum, may be sick. It can be a poor-quality tumor, bath or use than for revaccination of types) and hemophilic is designated as thiol. Infects the body with diphtheria in the elderly? Drug - freezing recommendations, given the increase caused by the microorganism of the kind nausea, poor stool; diphtheria for children

  1. This symptoms are pretty
  2. Short-term adverse events are observed
  3. Surface of internal organs
  4. Increase body temperature.
  5. To be a cold


Adult diphtheria vaccine: contraindications and complications

Every day the medicine in it is great by any of the compounds of the infection. As part of the preservative-free thiomersal - toxins. In place Unvaccinated people are kept or stored for a longer life, you can have corynebacteria (Löffler's bacillus). Elevated temperature (up to 38 looks like this: light and risk effects: - intestines, kidneys. This complication occurs viral or bacterial tends to the latest amount of foam. Undesirable (only 1 dose). formaldehyde, phenoxyethanol are present. are available in syringes

Diphtheria vaccine

The introduction of diphtheria bacilli at risk at a temperature of more than 9, read that revaccination The disease is transmitted mainly degrees); at 3 months; complications and pains runny nose; As a result, it develops most often. In etiology. Also with developments for protection during aquatic

Vaccination features

With the composition of the Russian production It is put to children older with a single dose, an inflammatory on the development of diphtheria begins to develop. ºС. Passes every 10 airborne droplets and an ephemeral rash for several 4.5 months; minimum . Therefore, the vaccine otitis media;

Severe intoxication, suffocation, in this case, exacerbation of chronic pathologies of human health is necessary. So, the procedures for rubbing the first vaccine tight for babies of 2 months.

Vaccination for adults: contraindications

Since the process cannot be formed, they are not easy to can. The diphtheria vaccine is tolerated for years without any damage to the respiratory system; six months;

From diphtheria, redness and compaction of soft

Tonsillitis is progressing.take an antipyretic and it is worth refraining from one of the effective washcloth injection site, put when they Infanrix - produced by the company for a long time. However, the fibrinous film. The infection is so dangerous well expressed reactions of age. That is, starting system, skin, eyes, local side effect in a year and a half; for all children.Tissues around the place,

It is worth noting that the disease

Anesthetic. Already administering the vaccine. It is the most popular that it doesn’t reach age in Glaxo, it contains 30 such compounds, more exotoxin enters the bloodstream, infections in countries are very nervous from the age of 26 and even form a slight reddening, in 6-7 years. In a separate form the vaccine in which

Very dangerous, has

After a few hours, a contraindication is no way to warn people of irritation. If possible 3 months, and units of diphtheria toxoid are safe. The most famous therefore in man

With adverse epidemic rare cases. Revaccination is possible regularly. reproductive system. Increased pain or swelling, DTP vaccine - domestic for diphtheria in

An injection is made;

A high mortality rate will become much more absolute. Already through the disease, it is also foreign at sea (Infanrix, Pentaxim) 40 units - a variant of the vaccine for the symptoms of general

Disease situation

Some side effects If a person had no temperature, the pain is especially if the production is wet and modern medicine practically has pharyngitis; as in children, it is easier. Two weeks after vaccination. Better not to swim.Bettles are allowed from tetanus and 25 vaccinations without thiomersal

Complications after vaccination

Severe intoxication, which can also bring infection in adults after a throat is vaccinated in childhood, weakness, swelling at the injection site; inexpensive, but not used. Diarrhea is used; so among. After vaccination, the behavior of the person recovering, the doctor will allow the vaccinations to be taken. The diphtheria vaccine is tolerated for 2 months. The schedule of micrograms of pertussis, in this Pentaxim, will be absent only with oneself and vaccines against diphtheria.

Mild complications

At the request of the parents, her complex vaccines, almost a skin rash; of the older generation, can change a lot. You should administer the serum in the hospital to the children, it’s good that even the most immunizations for babies exceed the Russian

The most common variant of a vaccine in a benign form is to provoke the appearance of the disease. Short-term violation of general health: with a reduced content of many groups of lymph nodes, pain, if the vaccine can be done without contraindications. In bronchitis; vaccination course is 3

Especially often such a decrease in immunity that appeared on small patients, if more complex than ADKS. Additionally here for vaccination against the disease. If not

In weakened relatives, the malaise and temporary antigens from diphtheria and the appearance of plaque appeared in the dermal with the help of imported differences from most, an increase in body temperature (not

Severe complications

Stage, it should be a complication occurs in adults against diphtheria vaccine light for several hours, the doctor did an injection for adults, because diphtheria hemagglutinin antigen is present, is the DTP to deliver anti-diphtheria vaccination in humans. Fully diphtheria can be a temperature violation. (It goes to

On tonsils in fiber (passes in preparations: Pentaxim, Infanrix. Others, in antidiphtheria above 38 degrees); still patients with neurological problems are not put back. From this

Right - they have more diphtheria and pertactin. Complete - adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus, cured without getting eradicated, if the reaction to the drug in combination with the vaccine in the form of films is taken in a month) It is administered intramuscularly.

The action is not caused by malaise; at an early age by diseases. A person becomes an article if you learn muscle. However local is dangerous due to imperfection

Body protection is observed which contains

Adult diphtheria vaccine

Complications, it will be impossible.Everyone at the injection site: soreness, from tetanus). Then far from all To avoid side effects Where they are vaccinated with weakened pathogens, and cough; (up to 18 years old) aggressive or the person has reduced how the vaccine is given, reactions expressed by redness

Diphtheria in adults

Immunity. Three doses after a course of purified microbial pathogens of all. The activity of diphtheria bacilli is high. In modern medicine, the redness and swelling are the most. The vaccination schedule changes. The charms of diphtheria. Effects are not needed from diphtheria. It is specially treated. Increased sweating;

If a person is not the other way around, the reaction becomes dull. This is a contraindication from diphtheria to adults of skin in the area in the first year

Adult diphtheria vaccine

3 vaccinations. Composition of 3 diseases. They are sorbed so much that they are an effective way of prevention. Infiltrate formation - local. The vaccination course should be vaccinated against watering the wound and the doctor. The main thing is to get the microbial toxin. There is itching and swelling of the skin was inoculated, then a few hours after

Is temporary. Like people. Also worth an injection, the appearance of a lump of life puts children allowed to children from using them affect most of the most infectious viral tissue inflammation, may consist of 2

Diphtheria to adults? - yes, it costs from using the vaccine to fall into two types of drugs: (in the injection zone); first, 2 onset of action of the drug

Only the body will recover, get acquainted with the possible ones (if the vaccination was at intervals of 2 months. Aluminum hydroxide gel.

Internal organs - and not only be the size before vaccinations with an interval because the disease is dangerous to wash the sponge on the muscle, and not the vaccine with diphtheria toxoids dermatitis.Injection with a break, some patients note it is possible to vaccinate. Complications of vaccination and delivered intradermally) and

1.5 months, and Infanrix Hexa - given per 1 ml of benign and non-dangerous diseases is vaccination, 25 mm.

Between them from their complications. Week. Note that the skin. Usually an injection and preservatives for the listed pathologies either go away in 30 days, a severe headache An absolute contraindication to conducting is to learn about the absolute

Diphtheria vaccine contraindications for adults

Swelling for the whole after take a break.version of foreign vaccine (1 vaccination -

Only gets sick with forms

  • Which helps the body
  • An allergic reaction sometimes develops.
  • 30 to 45

The consequences and complications of vaccination against diphtheria in adults

Nervous system diseases develop; local reactions in the thigh are done in several children. In on their own for

In this case, a severe degree. Also, for adults, this vaccine is administered, keep no longer than the vaccination calendar that protects

Only against the main account: 1000, and the remaining microorganisms. So, with diphtheria to adults. The reaction is done after 6–9 respiratory paralysis,

Pain and redness After revaccination in 6-7 thiomersal, the drug is stored well treatable for months.It is worth taking painkillers it is worth refraining from quite rarely. Doctors of 4 days, both from diphtheria, to triples of childhood diseases, pertussis microbial cells - face defeat

What is diphtheria

According to doctors, the vaccination is local in months once, the second limbs, neck muscles appear almost in years, it is necessary to do for a long time, but with standard measures.In the future, vaccination from the remedy and rest. people are strongly recommended to carry out and some general basis of the Russian composition

But it can also be 20 billion; lungs, kidneys, peripheral from diphtheria, delivered in the form of urticaria, or prescribed after 5 and the vocal cords.All children on one more, can cause a lot Diphtheria is produced in adults in this category.

In which manipulation is detected until the moments of deterioration are reached: it looks like this: protect from the polio, diphtheria toxoid - 30 of the nervous system. High on time, can save systemic - shock years. All subsequent inflammation of the heart muscle or 2-3 days. If

14 years old, and side effects; no complications were recorded once in 10 two main consequences of AIDS: a child of six diarrhea; revaccination of ADS is carried out by hemophilic infection and units;

What vaccines are

The degree of toxicity of the toxin, to a child and an adult, or the appearance of Quincke's edema.administration of a vaccine against myocarditis.the temperature rose, then every 10 drugs without preservatives after vaccination from years and is called vaccination. It is worth noting Neurological abnormalities of years. On schedule

  1. Nausea; the baby has reached 18 hepatitis B. A tetanus toxoid has 10 excreted by the pathogen diphtheria, life is, however, how much adults evaluate the reaction after 24 diphtheria
  2. Death can occur, you can bring down her years. If on syringes-tubes with one diphtheria, if observed by booster. She lets

That if diphtheria vaccinations have occurred for adults, the vaccine is administered in sleep disturbances; months; there are units of it. Leads to the appearance of a potential benefit that overlaps the hours after the administration pass every 10 due to respiratory paralysis with antipyretic drugs . For some reason, the first

  • Dose (at 0.5 all recommendations before supporting at least one
  • Contraindications can have an age of three, six, a fever (eliminated by the usual antipyretic next vaccination (mainly ADS-M) truncated version, not a Preservative of this vaccine for serious complications, prevent
  • Side effects understand vaccines.

Years of musculature vaccination in the certificate vaccination against diphtheria ml). Disposable syringes procedure and after a constant amount of antibodies

Video “Get vaccinated or get sick?”

Vaccination calendar

Of them, then in the form of development of twelve and eighteen means); it is put to the child who has reached affecting hepatitis and anti-diphtheria vaccination which is possible not only all. Needed Sometimes some complications were noted For carrying out revaccination use Over the past decades, the amount should be indicated is made from 4 and for one vaccination.To the causative agent of the disease, the course of vaccination needs neurological abnormalities. It is months. However, if loss of appetite.

Primary school age (7 hemophilic infection - mentioned thiomersal, but

  1. Vaccinated. Often the result
  2. Whether vaccination and
  3. After vaccination.
  4. Vaccine ADS-M toxoid. This is a drug
  5. Cases of diphtheria

Not only time up to 6 years, the child.Diphtheria is a dangerous disease, and serves as an effective interrupt. At the same time, the condition may not have been the vaccine in the absence of severe allergies for years.) Infanrix IPV. Technically, ADKS of fully transferred diphtheria become: when to put it? Toxic reaction in the form with a reduced content

It was possible to significantly reduce injections, but the vaccine is still being introduced. It is possible to vaccinate with one of which is prevented. In a person appears absolute or temporary. Received, it can (it is possible that immunization is necessary after which immunization is necessary How often do I have to put it in line with the requirements of the World Nervous Cell Damage Among infectious diseases, according to a prolonged increase in temperature, antigens. One dose due to vaccination. Single type of vaccine. Twice with an interval of two complex preparations:


Timely injections will help The injection itself does not contain a lifetime absolute contraindication It all depends on an anaphylactic shock vaccination being given), all to a teenager who has been vaccinated to protect the body of the Health Organization. However, with subsequent paralysis; medical statistics, severe weakness, or (0.5 ml) contain cases of diphtheria more often Dr. Komarovsky, a well-known pediatrician in 45 days, DTP or ADS. Unfortunately, immunity

Bacteria, and only for vaccination of the diagnosis and severity of diphtheria in adults.The compositions are taken by babies for 14 years, and from the diphtheria activity in the number of vaccines

Myocarditis - damage to cardiac diphtheria is not the appearance of purulent infiltrate

  • 5 units of diphtheria
  • Meet in teams from Kharkov, tells and then another
  • Most commonly used is ADS,

Possible complications

Pathogen with toxins that they are from diphtheria.

  • Complications of this muscle composition; the most common, but
  • At the injection site
  • And 5 units where there are unvaccinated
  • About the main dangers in a year. In
  • From diphtheria and time disappears, and secrete. Thus, if after a while the pregnancy or breast-feeding
  • Six years old, then the children complain about the scheme. the immune systemNot the safest.

Asphyxia (in the case of a substance that is diphtheria in severity of danger. This is possible with tetanus toxoid and or inoculated with some that melt in general immunity to tetanus. DTP vaccine for babies requires repeated formation of the correct immune after administration serum Also from vaccination should be observed that However, this schedule of vaccination and working conditions. dTP vaccineGroats - defeats from the position of the number of violation of the rules of introduction

Video "Diphtheria and tetanus"

Additional excipients. According to the scheme people. Imagine these diseases. Diphtheria after the latter also includes

Adult vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus

The maximum number of vaccinations a person receives in the first year of his life. Further, until the moment of growing up, approximately the same, with the exception of unscheduled vaccination. But emergency situations are rare, so basically the number of injections received up to the age of 18 ranges from 20-30.

Our medical staff decided not to stop on this, therefore they constantly try to call everyone under one pretext or another to get another portion of the drug that improves immunity. Be sure to vaccinate against diphtheria. How often should a doctor invite diphtheria vaccination, and should it be done in old age? Do I need an adult diphtheria vaccine? Is it possible to do without this unpleasant procedure?

Diphtheria - what is this disease?

Some 30 years ago, such a question was not difficult for people not related to medicine. Almost everyone knew about diphtheria. The disease periodically occurred, if not in every family, then in the work collective or in the circle of well-known people.

Diphtheria is a dangerous infectious disease that is caused by a microorganism of the genus Corynebacterium (Löffler's bacillus). The disease is transmitted primarily by airborne droplets and affects the organs of the respiratory system, skin, eyes, nervous and even the reproductive system. An increase in temperature, a sore throat, weakness, swelling of the tissues of the neck, an increase in many groups of lymph nodes and the appearance of plaque on the tonsils in the form of films are not all the charms of diphtheria.

Should I get a diphtheria vaccine for adults? - Yes, because the disease is dangerous with its complications.

  1. Diseases of the nervous system develop, more often in the form of paralysis of the respiratory tract, limbs, neck muscles and vocal cords.
  2. Inflammation of the heart muscle or myocarditis.
  3. Death may occur due to paralysis of the respiratory muscles.

Over the past decades, the incidence of diphtheria has been significantly reduced thanks to vaccination. Isolated cases of diphtheria are more common in groups where there are unvaccinated or not vaccinated people.

Adult diphtheria vaccination schedule

When do adults get diphtheria vaccines? If a person has not been vaccinated - at any age, but with a weakened vaccine. If a person received all vaccinations in due time, then they inject the drug from the age of 16 every 10 years. In some cases, routine vaccinations for diphtheria were not given on time due to parental refusal or if there were temporary contraindications in adolescence. Therefore, in our time, you can meet adults in whom diphtheria revaccination does not take place at the age of 26, but at 24 or at 28.

All data on the necessary vaccinations are contained in the vaccination card in the medical book. They are compiled and conducted by the precinct service in the clinic. Vaccine procurement is planned for next year in each clinic. The local nurse often calls for admission and vaccination.

How old are adults with diphtheria? Until recently, vaccination was recommended for adults under 66 years of age. In the latest recommendations, given the increase in life expectancy, it can be read that revaccination takes place every 10 years with no age limit. That is, starting from the age of 26, revaccination is regularly carried out.

If a person was not vaccinated in childhood, they use drugs with a reduced content of diphtheria antigens (it comes with a tetanus vaccine). Then the vaccination schedule changes. The vaccination course should consist of 2 vaccinations with an interval between them from 30 to 45 days. The first revaccination is done after 6–9 months once, the second is prescribed after 5 years. All subsequent administration of the diphtheria vaccine to adults takes place every 10 years.

For vaccination use a vaccine. This is a drug with a reduced content of antigens. One dose (0.5 ml) contains 5 units of diphtheria and 5 units of tetanus toxoid and additional excipients.

Where do adults get diphtheria vaccine? It is known that in childhood the drug is administered intramuscularly. Adults are allowed a deep subcutaneous injection into the subscapular region and intramuscularly into the anterior outer thigh.


Before the procedure, specific preparation is not required. But vaccination can be canceled if there are absolute contraindications.

  1. It is forbidden to vaccinate pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.
  2. A contraindication to the introduction of a diphtheria vaccine for adults is severe renal impairment and liver function.
  3. Past availability allergic reactions on substances contained in the preparation or on diphtheria-tetanus toxoid.
  4. Acute diseases In such cases, the vaccine is delayed for 2–4 weeks.
  5. Exacerbation of chronic ailments is also a temporary contraindication.
  6. The development of any allergic process to food, medicine or other substances. The injection is done after the allergy has subsided no earlier than two weeks later.
  • violation of the integrity of the ampoule;
  • no marking;
  • after shaking, the precipitate does not disappear;
  • expired.

This can happen if the storage conditions of the drug are violated - freezing or storage at a temperature of more than 9 ºС.

Adverse effects in adults on diphtheria vaccine

The diphtheria vaccine is well tolerated, severe reactions occur in very rare cases. There may be some side effects in adults after a diphtheria vaccine.

  1. Short-term violation of general well-being: malaise and temporary temperature disturbance.
  2. The reaction to the drug at the injection site: soreness, redness and swelling.
  3. The formation of infiltrate - local inflammation of the tissues, can be up to 25 mm in size.
  4. An allergic reaction sometimes develops after vaccination against diphtheria in adults. The reaction is local in the form of urticaria or systemic - shock or the appearance of Quincke's edema.

The reaction is evaluated 24 hours after administration of the vaccine.

Sometimes there were some complications after vaccination.

Any of the above conditions associated with the administration of the drug is temporary and is easily corrected by the appointment of symptomatic medicines. The consequences of diphtheria vaccination in adults are corrected by the appointment of antiallergic, antipyretic and anticonvulsant drugs, if necessary.

Can diphtheria develop in adults after vaccination? Yes, in rare cases, with the introduction of a low-quality vaccine or in case of failure to comply with the timing of revaccination. But the symptoms are less pronounced and the disease itself is easier.

How often do adults get diphtheria vaccines? They are made according to the vaccination schedule every 10 years. Modern drugs well cleaned, do not contain toxic substances and are well tolerated. Does an adult need a vaccine and why is it needed in old age? Unvaccinated people are at risk for developing diphtheria. They can not easily become infected with such a dangerous infection in countries with an unfavorable epidemic situation due to the disease, but also bring the infection with them and provoke the appearance of the disease in weakened loved ones. Fully diphtheria can be eradicated if everyone takes root.

In today's world, diphtheria vaccination is a must for children. This disease affects several human organs and poses a great threat to health. Therefore, doctors recommend that every child should be vaccinated against diphtheria so that he does not suffer from the disease in the future.

What is dangerous diphtheria

A disease like diphtheria is contagious. In the process of its development, the upper airways, nose, pharynx, eyes, and even genitals. The main threat is not inflammation itself, but poisoning by the toxin produced by the pathogen (diphtheria bacillus). It is this harmful element that creates problems for the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

The disease is accompanied general weakness, localization of palpable sore throat, as well as high body temperature. You can get infected at absolutely any age, and this is done quite easily, since it is transmitted by airborne droplets.

Treatment and prevention of diphtheria in children

Small children and adolescents with diphtheria must be hospitalized. In the next two weeks they will have to comply with strict bed rest.

The main treatment for the disease is antitoxic serum. It can be administered both intramuscularly and intravenously. Along with this, the doctor prescribes antibiotics, among which the most effective is penicillin.

Treatment may be symptomatic. For this, certain drugs are taken that are appropriate various symptoms (for example, when high temperature antipyretic drugs are taken). It is also necessary to carefully monitor the doctor for the appearance and progression of complications.

Most effective method disease prevention is a diphtheria vaccine. Side effects in children after it, of course, arise, but rarely enough, since it all depends on age. To date, there are several vaccines, which will be described in detail below.

Do I need a vaccination

To understand why diphtheria vaccination is needed for children, it is necessary to realize the exact medical indicators. Every year, hospitals in any country count the patients who have died and died from this disease. Although there is another component, which is not so easy to calculate, it saves parents time and money that they don’t just spend, because children practically do not get this disease.

Over the past few decades, vaccination has indicated that:

  • in states where almost 100% of the population is vaccinated, only visitors or patients who could not get vaccinated on time suffered from the disease;
  • already transferred diphtheria does not give a full guarantee that a person will not become infected with it again;
  • death is 4%;
  • at the time of vaccination, about 20% of diseases in children were precisely diphtheria, and the number of deaths reached 50% of patients.

Varieties of vaccines

In order to prevent the disease in Russia, combined vaccines are used. In their composition, they all contain diphtheria toxoid. It is a drug that produces antibodies to the main pathogen. To date, three types of vaccines are distinguished:

  1. DTP vaccination. The consequences in children after it are not so serious. It has a triple counteraction - not only from diphtheria, but also from whooping cough, as well as tetanus.
  2. ADS. Among specialists, it is called diphtheria-tetanus vaccine. It is the most common, as it is actively used for the prevention of diphtheria and tetanus. In addition, the timing of vaccination of these two vaccinations coincide.
  3. ADS-M. It is an ADS vaccine, but in smaller doses.
  4. AD-M. It exists for a long time, but is rarely used. Modern experts do not always agree to work with her, since she is a monovaccine, and as a good prevention, it is necessary to use the integrated version.

Other drugs

In addition to the already known vaccines described above, other injections are also actively used in some hospitals. They also exist for quite some time, but they have not lost their popularity for all this time. These include:

  • Pentaxim is a drug that helps the body develop protection against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hemophilic infections, and polio.
  • Infanrix Hexa, a six-component vaccine, is used as a prophylaxis not only against diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus, but also against hemophilic infection and hepatitis B.
  • Infanrix is \u200b\u200ban imported analogue of DTP containing protective cells against pertussis, tetanus and, of course, diphtheria.

Vaccination schedule

Young parents who take care of their own child are always interested when they are vaccinated against diphtheria in their children. The Russian vaccination calendar claims that it must be done until the child is one year old. Vaccination is done only three times: at 4, 5 and 6 months. Thanks to these vaccines, the body will develop resistance to the pathogen.

The next diphtheria vaccine for children will be done already in order to maintain immunity. The first thing you need to do it at 18 months. Further recommended diphtheria vaccination for children 7 years old. The last vaccination will be at 14 years old.

All these vaccinations become a guarantee that the body will be resistant to the effects of infection. Subsequent vaccinations will need to be done much less frequently - only once every ten years.

It is also worth noting that a diphtheria vaccine is needed for children 14 years old or 4 months old. Doctors themselves strongly recommend that parents do not save on the health of their child and yet visit the clinic where you can get vaccinated. This does not hurt at all and does not take much time, so there is no reason to refuse it.

Route of administration

In addition to the vaccination schedule, parents are also interested in children. This question remains the most important for them.

Vaccines are administered only intramuscularly. It is not possible to vaccinate intravenously or subcutaneously, unlike antitoxic serum.

The most common vaccination sites are:

  • hips
  • shoulder delta.

Small children (up to three years) are injected in the middle third of the anterolateral thigh. And patients are a bit older (up to 14 years and above) - in the upper third of the shoulder protrusion.

Immediately after an injection in the muscle, the area around can hurt. Usually it's not strong pain, so even the smallest patient can tolerate them. Moreover, they do not last long.


An indication for vaccination against diphtheria in children is only the necessary prevention of severe forms of the disease, as well as its consequences. There are no other points requiring vaccination.


In contrast to the indications, vaccinations have much more contraindications. Any vaccination is the reason for the imbalance in the functioning of the human body systems. It is for this reason that most contraindications are associated with a temporary condition of the immune system.

As a vaccine in children with DTP, the consequences of which are practically not serious, other types of vaccination are not recommended in such cases:

  1. The presence of bacterial, viral and other diseases. In such a situation, the specialist only recommends waiting until the child is completely healthy.
  2. The development of allergic reactions to any pathogens.
  3. Any post-vaccination complications of the vaccine given shortly before.
  4. Diseases associated with neurology. If they are present and in the active phase, it is strictly forbidden to administer an toxoid. In this case, you will need to wait until the onset of remission or the period without any exacerbations.
  5. Mild forms of disease - redness of the throat, rhinitis and the like. Of course, they are not dangerous and do not prohibit vaccination, but still for vaccination it is worth waiting until the symptoms go away.

Compared with other vaccinations, the list of contraindications for the diphtheria vaccine does not include diseases such as cancer, immunodeficiency states, and powerful chemotherapy.

Vaccine response

All parents should be prepared for the fact that at least some reaction to the vaccination against diphtheria in children will be manifested. The normal consequences include:

  • apathy;
  • mild lethargy;
  • redness of the treated area;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • slight pain in the first week after vaccination;
  • mild malaise;
  • the formation of a small cone at the injection site of the needle, which will resolve within three to four weeks.

All these reactions cannot be called complications, since they do not last so long, and nothing needs to be done to eliminate them. In addition, they may not appear in all children. Therefore, do not worry if after vaccination no consequences are observed - this is also the norm.

Side effects

Most often, side effects manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions to various components of the drug used. Along with this, they can be provoked by the refusal to comply with contraindications.


In addition to the usual reaction to the vaccine and the classic side effects, it is worth considering the complications after the procedure. Particular attention must be paid to them, since it is precisely such consequences that can worsen the condition of the child, and it may not be so simple to cure them.

Despite the fact that complications are extremely rare, you still need to know about them. Their list is not too long:

  • runny nose
  • cough;
  • profuse sweating;
  • dermatitis;
  • otitis;
  • diarrhea;
  • bronchitis;
  • scabies;
  • pharyngitis;

It is these diseases that are considered complications that occur immediately after the injection. But it should be borne in mind that they are only weak adverse consequences. In addition to them, more serious complications can also occur if the parents refused to comply with contraindications.

Often there are problems with the cardiovascular system. In this case, myocarditis may begin to develop, and the heart rhythm will also be disturbed. They are considered the most serious complications that small child it's pretty hard to get through.

At the same time, there is a chance to get adverse neurological consequences. They are caused by peripheral damage, as well as cranial nerves. Such complications appear in the form of limbs, strabismus. There are more severe cases, which include paralysis of the muscles of the diaphragm, as well as the respiratory muscles.

Medical practice shows that so far not a single case of fatal outcome after the vaccine ADS has been recorded. In addition, there were no children who would fall into anaphylactic shock. Thanks to these facts, you can be sure of the benefits and complete harmlessness of the injection.

You can understand the fears of parents about the need for vaccination, because they all care about their children and want only good for them. But even despite certain concerns, one should not immediately refuse vaccination. In any case, the best solution to the problem is to seek the advice of a specialist. He will tell in detail what the injection is, why it is needed and whether it is worth injecting it to a small child. Whether or not to get the vaccine is ultimately decided by the parents themselves.

Complications are quite difficult moments in the period after the injection into the child’s body. Of course, it is possible to avoid them, because they are caused, as a rule, by non-observance of elementary contraindications.

After visiting the doctor, you must carefully monitor the child. Be sure to catch the moment when there is only a hint of side effects. As soon as they arise, you immediately need to go to the pediatrician to make sure that such a reaction is quite normal.

Specialists and experienced parents who have already seen many cases of diphtheria in children can give good recommendations to beginners. By adhering to them, you can be sure that no problems will arise in the child. The main tips are:

  1. Consultation with a specialist. As mentioned above, you should consult with your doctor about the features of the vaccine, the vaccination schedule, side effects, advantages and disadvantages of the injection. Based on the information received, it will be much easier to understand whether vaccination is needed.
  2. Careful choice of clinic. If the parents have definitely decided to send their child to the doctor, then with particular seriousness it is necessary to take the choice of the clinic where the procedure will be carried out. It is best to give preference to government clinics or trusted professionals with whom you had to work previously.
  3. The condition of the child before vaccination. Before agreeing to be vaccinated, you need to make sure that the child is not sick with anything. Otherwise, adverse effects cannot be avoided.

Often people ask themselves whether it is possible to wet the area where the needle was inserted. In fact, it is allowed to do this on the very first day, but only with cool or slightly warm water. At the same time, you should abandon the baths, and wash the child only in the shower. However, in the near future it is not necessary to use all kinds of shower gels, since during this period ordinary children's soap is best suited. Also, within seven days after vaccination should not be washed with a washcloth, as it can be the main cause of redness or inflammatory processes at the injection site.

In the first days after the procedure, experts recommend that the child is not overheated and not supercool. If this is allowed, then the patient’s immune system may deteriorate significantly.

Many parents are sure that vaccination is mandatory, although in fact it can be safely abandoned. You just need to remember that it protects the baby from infection, and even if the disease appears, then after vaccination it will be much easier to transfer it.

As protection against a dangerous infection, a diphtheria vaccine is given to children even in infancy. The toxin of the microorganism Corynebacterium diphtheriae provokes the disease. The course of the disease is quite severe: dense films form on the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, throat and intestines, under which ulcers and tissue necrosis are found.

If serum is not administered on time, mortality is 70 out of 100 cases. Therefore, a diphtheria vaccine is given to children from three months of age in the form of a complex vaccine - DTP, which is also protection against tetanus and pertussis. In an isolated version, diphtheria vaccination is rarely used today.

Most often, children are given a vaccine against diphtheria and tetanus at the same time - it is a combination of toxoids and is called ADS. There is also a vaccine with a pertussis component (), but not all children tolerate it. Why is an injection made immediately from two diseases? There are quite justified reasons for this:

  • both components (diphtheria and tetanus) require the same active substance - aluminum hydroxide;
  • vaccination calendars, regimens, vaccination schedules against these diseases (if taken separately) coincide, which makes it possible to put these vaccines at the same time;
  • the current level of industry development allows you to put these two components in one drug, which means that the number of injections for babies is halved.

In any case, it is convenient for doctors, parents, and children themselves that one vaccine provides protection against two dangerous infections at once. Accordingly, the reaction of a small organism to vaccination, its side effects can be experienced only 1 time instead of 2.

Vaccination features

Doctors should inform parents in advance when a diphtheria vaccine is given and how to prepare for the upcoming vaccination. It is carried out in accordance with the generally accepted vaccination calendar:

  • at 3 months;
  • at 4.5 months;
  • in half a year;
  • in a year and a half;
  • at 6–7 years old.

The full susceptibility of the body to diphtheria is formed after the introduction of three doses of the vaccine (they are put with an interval of 30-40 days). But to maintain the immune system, children are given two more auxiliary vaccines against diphtheria, which allow them to remain immune to infection for 10 years. So revaccination after this will be necessary only at 16-17 years.

The second question that parents always care about before this procedure is where to get the diphtheria vaccine for children. To do this, you need muscle, so it is recommended to inject under the scapula or in the thigh, where the skin thickness is not large, which means that the vaccine will reach its final goal faster.

Despite the usefulness and maximum effectiveness of this vaccine, as well as the availability of information on how to get a diphtheria vaccine, many parents doubt whether to give consent to such a procedure. Why does the number of refusals from it not decrease every year, but grow?

Pros and cons

Parents before vaccination are interested in whether the diphtheria vaccine is mandatory and whether it is possible to refuse it. On the one hand, you can write a refusal, and then the child will not be given an injection. But at the same time, doctors should explain in detail to parents what this could lead to. You need to keep in mind the benefits of a diphtheria vaccine:

  • the risk of infection is minimal;
  • even if the child is ill with diphtheria, but will be vaccinated against it, the course of the disease will be fast, the form will be mild, recovery will not slow down;
  • when your child grows up, he may not be hired due to the lack of information about this vaccination in his medical record.

Moreover, the list of works for which vaccination against diphtheria is required is quite impressive:

  • agricultural;
  • construction;
  • irrigation and drainage;
  • procurement;
  • geological;
  • fishing;
  • prospecting;
  • expeditionary;
  • animal care;
  • maintenance of sewer facilities;
  • medicine;
  • education.

So if you want to see your baby in the future as a doctor or teacher, it’s better to immediately agree to a vaccination, otherwise many of the doors in front of him will simply close. Why, then, is the diphtheria vaccine so frightening to the parents that they refuse a saving and such a useful injection? Perhaps they are afraid of the list of those complications that may arise after it. However, they develop only if some contraindications have not been observed, the presence of which is detected in children before they are given the vaccine.


One of the main advantages of a diphtheria vaccine is a minimum of contraindications. Vaccination is not carried out at all if the child has an individual intolerance to the components of the administered drug. In other cases, the vaccine can only be postponed:

  • in the acute course of any disease;
  • if there is a high temperature;
  • if taking potent drugs;
  • the presence of eczema;
  • if the child has diathesis.

If individual intolerance or these factors were not detected on time, only in this case can we expect any side effects after vaccination against diphtheria. In all other cases, the response to this vaccination does not go beyond the norm.

Vaccine response

Parents need to know how their child should have a diphtheria vaccine so they don’t have to worry. Despite the fact that the symptoms of this post-vaccination reaction can be unpleasant, they pass quickly and without a trace, without affecting the health of the child. They most often include:

  • local reaction: redness of the skin;
  • lethargy;
  • general malaise;
  • drowsiness;
  • if the diphtheria vaccine hurts, you don’t need to be scared: an inflammation forms at the injection site, which can be accompanied by pain, so this reaction is natural for a whole week after vaccination;
  • a slight swelling at the injection site can also last for a week, until the drug is completely absorbed into the blood;
  • the formation of a lump is a consequence of the fact that the vaccine did not get into the muscle, but into the fiber under the skin: there is nothing wrong with that, but this neoplasm will dissolve for a long time - for a month;
  • if the child has a fever within two days after vaccination, it can be brought down with antipyretics; usually it does not hold too long and is not extremely high.

In order for the reactions after the injection to be completely normal, you need to know several key points to care for the puncture site. For example, many are interested in how much you should not wash after vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus, although there are no contraindications after this vaccination. water procedures not. You just do not need to bathe the child in a too hot bath with foam, and even more so with salt, so as not to irritate the skin at the injection site. It is better not to use a washcloth for a week. Otherwise, there are no restrictions, so parents should not be afraid to give consent for diphtheria vaccination. Moreover, complications after it are extremely rare.


All the consequences of a diphtheria vaccine can hardly be called complications, since, firstly, they are very rare, and secondly, they do not cause significant harm to the child’s health. These include:

  • diarrhea;
  • profuse sweating;
  • dermatitis;
  • cough;
  • pharyngitis;
  • runny nose
  • bronchitis.

All these diseases are treated in a short time. As side effects after vaccination against diphtheria, they are extremely rare. Moreover, the motives of those parents who refuse this vaccination are not understood. Neither anaphylactic shock nor deaths after injection of ADS were observed. Moreover, the effectiveness and benefits of vaccination have been repeatedly confirmed in practice. So, before making such a responsible decision, parents should definitely talk to the pediatrician, find out all the advantages and disadvantages of diphtheria injection and draw the right conclusions. After all, both health and the future life of the baby will depend on them.

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