How do pills make. Materials Make Powder Powder Tablets

In the conditions of a permanent crisis and the ubiquitous increase in prices for household chemicals, we have to think about the issue of savings, as well as about the restriction of harm to health. After all, it is chemicals that are in various means to maintain the purity and guidance of order, carry the indelible damage to our well-being.

Because of all this, many begin to think about making tablets for dishwashers with their own hands. Feedback from people who have already tried them in the case are almost always positive. Make a pill can anyone - there are practically breeding materials in every home. And the budget saving is significant, while quality is not inferior to copies purchased in the store.

If you are the owner of the dishwasher, you are familiar with prices for pills for them. It seems that the composition is used gold powder or precious metals. So, tired of constant (and not very small) costs, let's try to make tablets at home using those ingredients that are in any apartment.

What made factory facilities for washing dishes made?

Any powder and liquid substance for dishes are manufactured using special substances (surfactant) necessary for good foaming. Also add acid, feeding fats, water softeners. In addition, bleaching, means to eliminate corrosion, fermented substances, clarifiers, thickeners and many other chemistry, not always useful for the human body.

Each manufacturer competes with another, adding completely unnecessary substances - special gels with alleged protection for glasses and coatings, providing slow dissolution with a phased recycle of detergent, etc. For all these additives we pay with you, nothing as a result, except Allergic reactions.

Of course, the composition is indicated on the packaging of the product, but which of us gets acquainted with it before buying? Nobody, focus only on advertising and acquier reviews.

And here are the simplest means for foaming (surfactant) with the addition of enzymes, salts, phosphates, soda and fragrances.

Each manufacturer repeatedly focuses on the fact that this chemistry is harmless. But every person, at least once in his life, came across such an unpleasant problem as an allergy. This is due to the fact that when connected to each other, all harmless substances begin to respond to others and thereby allocate the harmful components.

The most dangerous component is the one that is produced with chlorine content further goes formaldehyde and phosphate compounds, as well as containing hydrochloric acid. In the composition of the dishwasher, they always include a multiple rinse can not get rid of them.

Staying on the surface of the dishes (notice, perfectly washed), together with food will fall inside the body. Accumulating, they bring great harm to health. This significantly reduces the immune forces, leads to aging of the skin, manifestation of allergies, etc.

The phosphates capable of carrying a harmful substance into the blood flow and deliver them to an important organs to organic themselves are very dangerous. And there are additives included in the powder and tablets that are absolutely not needed. This, for example, sodium silicate, "saving" pot of dishwasher (already created from stainless steel) from rust.

So, having familiarized with the usual means, we conclude - it is best to make pills for dishwashers with your own hands. Practically any of the substances except soda are contained in the powder for washing clothes. And the goal is persecuted by the same. Thus, it is worth spending some time and prepare detergent itself.

The use of chemicals in the home "industry"

This recipe, the first on our list, is suitable for almost everyone - the use of surfactants will be minimal and cannot seriously influence the well-being of allergies. This means is very effective and simple. Composite parts for it are sold in pharmacies and shops household chemicalsAnd there is a third ingredient in any house.

For work is necessary:

  • Neonol (surfactant) - 30 g. This is an oily liquid substance, colorless or with a yellowish tinge. Often used in economic needs, in the woodworking industry, on weaving factories. The substance is quite aggressive, be sure to use protective agents with it - gloves and glasses.
  • Sulfanol - 30 g. Basic synthetic detergent. Almost all global household chemical production uses it. It is granules - white, yellow or brown having a light kerosene smell. There is a pasty sulfanol, as well as a solution. The most important feature is that it is capable of combining various substances into a homogeneous mass. It is an emulsifying property of valuable in the production of tablets for dishwashers with their own hands with soda. Reviews are ambiguous here - someone categorically against such funds due to the use of neonola. Others consider much safe dishes much safe.
  • Food Soda - 900 g.

As it is clear from the quantitative ratio, the basis here is a powder of soda.

Everything is thoroughly mixed in a suitable container and is laid in pre-prepared forms for drying.

Do not forget about gloves and glasses - hit chemical substances On the skin and mucous membranes can cause serious health problems.

Vinegar as an ingredient for the production of detergent pills

Also at home maybe cooking perfectly safe tools For dishes. Burst for production:

  • Magnesia (if it is difficult to buy, then a simple cook salt is suitable) - 250 g. It is good to mitigate water.
  • Soda - 80 g. Removes fat from surfaces.
  • Bura - 100 g. Sale in a pharmacy, shops for gardeners. Capably disinfecting bacteria and microbes.
  • Citric acid, and better vinegar - for connecting and fastening dry components.

If you wish, add 15 drops essential oil Orange or lemon. Wash quality will not change, but the smell will be wonderful.

First, very thoroughly mix all powders, and then add liquid dropwise. Diligently mix and peat the resulting mixture, waiting for the completion of the reaction between soda and vinegar. We laure out the molds and dry in the dark about 1.5 days.

Store ready-made tablets are needed in hermetic dishes. That's so simple - use with pleasure.

Tablets for dishwasher do it yourself with soda

In people who deal with independent preparation of detergents, opinions converge in the fact that the optimal solution is citric acid, mixed with soda.

For the preparation of a trial batch of tablets for the dishwasher, do with your own hands:

  • 1 cup with food soda;
  • 0.5 glasses of water;
  • 0.5 cup of salt;
  • 0.25 lemon acid glasses.

First, half of the glass of soda powder must be pulled in the oven - 30 minutes, heating up to 200 degrees. Be sure to mix, otherwise the soda can merge.

After time, this powder takes out and mix with the second half of soda, citric acid and salt. After careful mistress, add some liquid, the composition will give foam. After it is falling, the water and blend. Such manipulations are carried out in several techniques.

We need to be finished very quickly to decompose according to the molds, measuring 1 dessert spoon. For drying, it is enough to 1 hour, then everything is placed in a dry jar and tightly closed.

Tablets for dishwasher do it yourself in shape for ice

Next recipe also does not apply any hard-to-reach substances. It is only necessary to take on one teaspoon of soda soda and hydrogen peroxide, mixed with each other - and that's it. Of course, to clean the burnt frying pan and strong contaminants, this means is useless, but the plates, spoons and other small dishes are perfect.

Another option includes a washing powder and a calcined soda in a 7: 1 ratio. As a link, simple water is perfectly suitable here. After stirring, everything is unfolded by molds.

An excellent tool in the manufacture of tablets for dishwashers with their own hands with calcined soda will be a mold for the preparation of ice. Dimensions of finished tablets are perfectly suitable for the reservoir of the dishwasher.

Quality of work

With their own hands created from the subwoofers, do not possess superconductances. This is understandable, because there are no aggressive chemistry in their composition. But in the course of home testing it is proved that they are practically not inferior to simple means of factory production.

Naturally, the capsule will provide much better wash - it is much more efficient and stronger. But when comparing prices for finished funds and manufactured houses wins, of course, homemade!

Positive and negative sides of home

The degree of cleanliness of the dishes, as well as the wellness of the dishwasher, depends on the quality of the main detergent that is part of the tablets, but not only. Various components also have an important effect - salts use to give water softness, descomation and plaque. Rinsers fix the effect of washing. Degreasers do not grab the fat layer on the walls of the tank. Deodorizing substances give a pleasant smell, etc.

In order to make tablets for dishwashers with their own hands, similar components do not apply. Everything is limited to undergraduate tools purchased for home.

Factory capsules "give out" certain funds at the right time, starting work at the required time. "Home" means do not know how to do so.

But, in turn, they are made from substances completely harmless, adjusting the quantitative ratio of each ingredient and adapting to their taste.

It is just necessary to know well how this or that matter acts:

  • Excess dishwashing fluid will lead to excessive formation of foam, and this is very harmful to the car.
  • An excess of soda will not dissolve the pills to the end and you will get a raid on the dishes.
  • Excess lemon acid will damage plastic machine parts.

Shopping tablets have a well-balanced composition, carefully related to the dishes, and to the dishwasher.

Another minus will be the inesthetics of pills for dishwashers, with their own hands made, the appearance of them is far from being perfect.

If you still decide that homemade tools are more suitable for you, listen to the advice who will make your work facilitate:

  1. Before you choose the form, read the size of the tablet compartment. Very large just do not fit into it.
  2. Some mistresses do not want to bind to mixing and forming tablets. Of course, you can skip this stage and pour into the car directly powder. But remember that it is sprayed on all surfaces of the machine and is not completely washed away.
  3. Do not forget about gloves and masks to protect the skin and mucous membranes. Even soda can sometimes cause damage to organs.
  4. Do not add too much soda - this can lead to poor dissolution of tablets and, as a result, breakage of the dishwasher due to the accumulation of powder in nozzles.

The use of homemade detergent is perfect for daily washing dishes.

Their composition is absolutely safe for the human body and the state of technology. Do not neglect the departure for your dishwasher. At least once in 1-1.5 months spend its cleaning with special means

About what is put in tablets and why need auxiliary substances

All modern drugs are multicomponent and contain existing and excipients. The active ingredient reduces the symptoms of the disease or fully treats it, being the basis of the drug. Auxiliary substances do not have therapeutic effect on the body, but play an important role, defining the taste, color, size (tablets), solubility and many other properties.


Auxiliary substances have proven security, do not harm health and usually do not cause side effects. The exceptions are people having supersensitivity in relation to a particular excipient (lactose, walnut oil, some types of sugars). As a rule, manufacturers of original drugs and generics (analogs) use the same additional components.

Filler substance

The simplest example of the auxiliary can serve as a substance-filler. It is used in the manufacture of tablets with a very small content of the active substance. The filler gives medicine hardness, maintains mechanical stability so that the tablet does not crumble even in the package.


In order for the drug faster to act, disintegrants add to it. These substances provide a quick decay of solid dosage forms when in contact with water. Channels are formed, destroying strong connections between particles: the tablet swells and crumbles, dissolving in the liquid. One of the latest developments is disintegrants and binders based on microcrystalline cellulose. The new component one performs two functions at once: binds particles, helping to form a tablet, and contributes to disintegration - decay after entering the body.

Bainders (binders)

Purpose of binders - firmly bind the small and unstable particles of powders, granules or tablets to ensure sufficient mechanical strength of the drug.


Lubricants (usually magnesium stearate) have water-repellent properties. They are used at the stage of pressing and forming tablets so that the powder or granules do not remain on the factory forms, there was no loss of the active substance at the production stage.


The shape of the finished tablet is maintained by glydants, substances necessary for the dense contact of the particles of the drug substance. Previously, Talc was used for this purpose, today is a colloidal form of silicon oxide. The concentration of auxiliary substances of this type usually does not exceed 0.2%.

Solvents or solvents

Water is the best solvent for medicinal preparations. It has excellent physiological compatibility with a person's organism, high solvent ability. But sometimes these properties can lead to the instability of the drug, in addition, water is a favorable substrate for the growth of bacteria. The same properties have sorbitol and dextrose, which are also used as solvents and sweeteners. These unpleasant properties are devoid of co-solvents - propylene glycol, glycerol, ethyl alcohol. Co-solvents provide antimicrobial properties, improve taste, so they are added to preparations intended for resorption. Also, these substances allow you to reduce the dose of the drug, better dissolving the medicine.

Medicines for children

Special safety and external characteristics are presented to medicines for children. Of course, they must have a good taste and a pleasant color. It is taken into account that not all children can swallow solid drugs, so for many drugs it is necessary to develop liquid or other forms (for example, in the form of chewing rubber). One-time dose should be small, and the accuracy of the dosage is high. Special requirements are also presented to the size of the injection needle and the volume of the drug input. Children are often afraid of one type of syringe.

Oleg Kucheryavenko - a doctor, head of the European Branch of the International Working Group on Evidences Medicine, Magistrand (MPH) of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Preparing the medicine yourself, you need to remember that all plants should be clean, without defeat pests, dry.

To obtain drugs in liquid form, firstly, it is necessary to pour raw water, secondly, while cooking is constantly monitored, so that there is no violent boiling, infusions are recommended to be prepared in a water bath. It should be remembered that in some recipes contains alcohol, which sometimes heated slightly.

Polling ready-made preparations (infusions and decoctions) are recommended through a clean gauze, folded several times, or you can use clean linen fabric. All components are taken in a strictly defined quantity.

It is required to know that in a tablespoon with a top contains 20 g of chopped dry vegetable raw materials, in a tablespoon without top - 15 g, in a dessert spoon - 10 g, in a teaspoon - 5 g.

When choosing dishes for cooking medicines follow the following rules. First, it is necessary to store vegetable raw materials in porcelain, glass or clay dishes. Secondly, it is necessary to prepare medicinal preparations from plants in an enameled saucepan, as copper, aluminum, iron when heated is reacted with biologically active substances And destroy them. Thirdly, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the dishes after its use.

Everyone knows that from the crushed plant is easier and in greater concentrations can be removed medicinal substances. To grind plants, a sharp knife, scissors are usually used; Some parts of the plants are grinding in a coffee grinder, passed through the meat grinder, ticks in a step.

It should be remembered that the drug from medicinal plants is better to cook in small quantities for 2 days. It is recommended to keep the finished medicine in a dark cool place so that there is no direct sunlight.

The course of treatment is carried out more often within 1-1.5 months, since therapeutic effect It is achieved only by long use medicinal plants. Then when chronic diseases It is required to interrupt treatment for several days or weeks and make a smooth transition to a different medication with similar properties.

Usually from vegetable raw materials are prepared in domestic conditions of teas, decoctions, infusions, tincture, extracts, juices, ointments, powders. When preparing liquid drugs, it is more often taken to 1 tbsp. l. vegetable raw materials 1 cup of water, i.e., in a ratio of 1: 1.

Infusions and decoctions. In porcelain, enamelled, glass dishes need to put the required amount of plant raw materials, pour its water temperature water, put in a boiling water bath, constantly stirred. Hold an infusion on a water bath for 15 minutes. For cooking, vegetable raw materials are poured with water and boiled on low heat for 30 minutes. After that, the finished remedy should be removed from the fire, cool to an acceptable temperature, strain with gauze folded in several layers. Prepare decoctions and infusions for several days; In this case, they are stored in the refrigerator. And you should know that it is not necessary to warm up infusions and decoctions, they only need to be diluted with warm water.

Tincture. In dark glass dishes you need to put vegetable raw materials, better crushed, pour alcohol either by vodka, the ratio of plant raw materials and liquid can be different - 1: 10; 2: 10; 3: 10. Then close the plug tightly, put in a dry dark place without access of direct sunlight, insist 3 to 21 days depending on the drug raw materials; Also, the tincture must be intermitted periodically, shabby. After the remedy is imagining, it should be filtered using a clean gauze folded in several layers. Then pour the tincture into dark glass dishes. With proper preparation, such a tincture is able to be stored from 1 year to 3 years.

It is necessary to remember that in the pure form of tinctures it is impossible - only in diluted (water or sometimes milk). Water should be damped.

Mazi.. Basically, vaseline is used for their preparation as a basic part. Ointments apply only externally stored in the refrigerator.

Powders. For cooking powders, it does not spend a lot of time: it is necessary to finely chop well-dried raw materials.

Medicines, medicines, medical preparations, medical preparations, medicines ... All this names of one product group, without which today does not cost almost no one on Earth. Starting from birth, as soon as a person comes to this world, and throughout his life from time to time (someone more often, someone less) comprehend various negative factors provoking certain ailments. Microbes, viruses, bacteria, etc., etc. Do not quietly live until the moment the correct medicines come to the aid. What is it, from what raw material is made and how it comes into contact with chemistry, let's understand.

Medicines It is referred to as a whole list of materials and their aggregate of natural or artificial etymology involved in certain other dosage forms (Tableted, capsulated, Maze, in the form of a solution, etc.) for the purpose of preventive and diagnostic measures, as well as for the treatment of all ailments. Before getting into medical records, each such drug must pass clinical and laboratory research and get permission to use.

How it all began?

Save your lives with the help of various kinds of natural medicines, people tried from a long time. Mostly in this role protruded from plants. But often for medical care used meat-based funds, made medicines from yeast, offal, etc. Due to the fact that a number of drug components in plants and animals are characterized by easily accessible, pharmacy at all times has successfully used drugs of natural etymology.

IN ancient Egypt knew O. healing properties, For example, kegin and opium. Also, censes for therapeutic purposes were used by Lily Square, Digitalis, Gorizet Spring and many, many other plants. Does not do without them and modern medicine: not only folk, but also official.

Not immediately, but, though, humanity came to the most important conclusion, namely, that the therapeutic effects of such sources is based on the electoral action on human body Those who are present in their composition Chem. connections. A significant stage was the beginning of obtaining these compounds in laboratory conditions during the synthesis.

As the technique developed, scientific studies were conducted, the products were emerged, which were previously not in the form or in the layout with other components. Hundreds of compounds S. therapeutic effect They appeared on a hearing and became available to humanity. Of course, this process is infinite. Studies, research, discoveries, testing and other in this direction continues, from time to time issuing new medical preparations to get rid of all kinds of diseases.

How do you classize medicines?

Drug classifications are different, depending on what is found in their foundation. So, by chemical. By the structure, they are derived from Furfural, glyoxaline, miazin and other things, by source - natural, chemical and mineral. One of the most common separations - according to pharmacology, in other words, on how the medical preparation affects a person. In addition, there are classification of medicines for nosology (on the rows to which one or another product is sent) and the complex anatomy-therapeutic-chemical (separation, taking into account pharmacology, Him. Nature and nosological aspects of the disease).

Raw materials for the pharmaceutical industry

To date, the raw material base for creating medicines is very wide and diverse. All sources can be divided into several groups:

- materials of plant origin (various parts of plants: green and floral mass, fruits, seed material, root system, bark) and products of their processing (oil, juices, resins);

- animal products (fats, glands, liver cod ...);

- organic fossils (oil, petroleum products, etc.);

- fossil inorganic etymology (all kinds of minerals, plus the products of the chimprome and the metallurgical industry obtained during their processing);

- Various organ. Compounds (materials, in an immense diversity produced by chemical enterprises).

That is, the raw materials for pharmaceuticals is a whole complex of natural and synthetic substances, plant extracts, animal materials, minerals, etc., intended for production medical preparations. These are all sorts of pharmaceutical substances, from the quality of which the effectiveness of drugs directly depends. Some are used as the existing components, the second as auxiliary substances, the third, depending on the situation, can perform either the other task.

To navigate a little, what we suggest to consider some raw materials for the pharmaceutical industry, which today are used very often, in more detail.

Sorbic acid . White crystalline weakness, not having smell. It is contained in rowan juice and is synthesized by Chem. way. Used in the role of a preservative and plasticizer.

Salicylic acid . Crystalline powder or alcohol-based solution. The product common in the natural environment and the extracted chemical. method. Active substance in a number of outdoor medications. Performs keratolytic, anti-naisual, ceratery effects and opposes inflammation. It softens well and pecks the buried epithelium.

Sorbate potassium . White / beige powdered mass or bitterly acidic granules that have no odor. It is possible to extract the product from bones and mining Chem. way. This is for pharmacy a active substance with a large antibacterial effect.

Butanol. . Colorless homogeneous liquid substance obtained in industry in different ways. It has the smell of a seawous oil. Provided in the manufacture of many pharmaceuticals. It can serve as an antiseptic and solvent.

Ethyl acetate . Colorless volatile liquid having a pleasant fruit smell. Popular solvent in pharmacology. It can act as a reagent and reaction medium in the manufacture of pharmaceutical agents, in particular metoxazole, hydrocortisone, rifampicin, etc.

Chemistry and pharmacy

Science Chemistry and Chem. The industry has a huge impact on all kinds of life aspects. This influence has not been an exception and in terms of pharmacy. Even imagine the optimal progress of the current pharmaceuticals without today's chemistry is unrealistic. In general, chemistry, nor a drop is not exaggerating, you can call the pramateria of pharmacy.

Even in the Middle Ages, Alchemists have repeatedly performed attempts to interfere in medical issues. It was often that one person was a chemist, and a doctor. However, alchemical practice often did not carry the practical value to medical discovers, since there was no experience, but bias and erroneous assumptions, which were mostly led to misses in the activities of chemists-doctors. Yet random successful results and not discarding to the side folk experience In some extent, they contributed to the physicians and pharmacists, and the support of their contacts with chemists was not suspended under any pretexts.

From historical events, discoveries, processes that belong to scientists and are of great importance for pharmaceuticals, it is worth noting at least a few to realize the depth of the issue. This is the creation of antidote alchemists, and the study of the Paracelssels of HG and AS compounds, the possibility of their application for therapeutic purposes. These are the fundamental finds of Lomonosov, Mendeleev and a considerable number of other scientists, invention microscope Levwenguk in the XVII century. It is also the evolution of cell theory and science of bacteria. All together as much asked chemistry and pharmacy that new ideas began not only to appear, but also successfully implemented in life.

It is chemists worth a thanks to the creation of a disinfection method. After all, it was they found a substance that could exterminate microorganisms (invisible to the eye under the usual conditions of the body's enemies), provoking the suppuration of wound sections, the general infection of blood, the appearance of various infectious sings, etc. And these substances acted not selectively, but carried out a disinfectant influence on all microbes. Based on this, hygienic basics were also gradually formed - the focus in which chemistry and medicine were connected to a huge proc.

If we talk about the chemistry of modern (taking into account the achievements of the twentieth century), about its influence on pharmacy, then it is worth mentioning the possibility of chemists at the beginning of the last century to redo the molecules of organic compounds, to produce not easy molecules according to the established formulas and other things like. Chemists, and not by someone else, the drug-derivatives of phenolic k-you were developed (acetylsalicyl k-ta, sodium Salicylovokist ...) and pyrazolone (pyramidone, antipirine, sodium metamizole, butadion).

Vitamins . These substances are needed by a person like air or water. Without them, the normal functioning of the body is impossible. And the initial information about their existence, as you can guess, belong to the doctors in relationship with chemists. In 1880, Dr. Lunin confirmed and substantiated that there is a certain set of substances that are not a standard component of food, and at the same time very significant for us with you. Studies in this direction continued the biochemist of functions in 1912 to denote the data of the components, the concept of "vitamins" was introduced. After some 11 years, Bessonov was open ascorbic acid - nothing but vitamin C and effective material for the treatment of cings, as well as an increase in the body's resistance to a glance. Today it is also known that this vitamin simplifies the transport of hydrogen atoms from nutrients To oxygen, thereby contributes to the improvement of cellular respiration.

Among other vitamins who became known to the world, thanks to the scientist:

vitamin A . It is extremely important for the perception of light radiation by the eye retina, the preservation of cell membranes and the protection of the body from colds, inflammation, skin ailments;

- V. Group of vitamins, promoting the development of intricate compounds, the movement of the isolated sets of atoms between molecules, the formation of hemoglobin, etc. Vitamin B12. For example, needed for hematopoietic processes and helps in the treatment of malignant anemia. Vitamin B1. (contains nitrogen and sulfur), due to the lack of which the heart and nervous system Working with violations is contained in a number of enzymes accelerating biochemical. reactions and regulating complex multi-stage oxidation of nutritional components;

vitamin D. . Harves on the optimal state of bone fabrics;

- R. intensifies the effect of ascorbic to-you, strengthens and makes more elastic walls of veins and arteries;

vitamin E. . Beneficially affects the muscles, restrains the formation of aggregate, which are hazardous for cells in the form of free radicals.

A close vitamin-enzyme bond says that using vitamins, for the opening of which, not least, it is worth saying thanks to chemists, pharmacists and doctors contribute to the restoration of that Him. Balance, which is harmonized with the proper functioning of the human body.

Also, thanks to the study of vitamins, biologic chemists were able to comprehend the mechanism based on drugs. In addition, there has been a significant assistance to chemotherapy successes.

All mentioned above and many other substances carry out a large spectrum of impacts, valuable not just for pharmaceuticals, and for life and health us with you. If it were not for chemistry, would the pharmacy succeed to achieve the level that was reached at the moment?

The value of chemistry for pharmacy

Summing up the foregoing, it can be said that chemistry belongs to one of the leading places in the list of preconditions for the successful development of pharmacy. If there were no achievements in such a scientific direction, as chemistry, the creation of drugs would be very poorly. Why there, probably, it would not work out a single medication. And the connection between these two directions of human activity has very deep roots.

Pharmacology for a long time uses the assembled medicinal plants, mineral sources and other things. From the beginning of the twentieth century, organic chemistry and chemical. Synthesis reached such a degree of development that chemists were able to redo the organs of the organ. connections and not only. The medicine is actively involved in the means of different action, the study of which stretches from chemistry. We need no less than air to man products, namely vitamins, studied biochemists, which made it possible to understand the mechanism of the work of medicinal components and led to significant success in chemotherapy.

To date, chemistry and pharmacy keep up with each other. And only the famous tandem of the two of these sciences can bring positive results in the future, helping to create new drugs that will be able to cope even with incurable days at our days.

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  • The answer to the question
1. You can compress any powder, it is important to choose technology and press. The solution in each case lies in the compromise between the need to finalize the pill mass or the purchase of a more powerful and expensive press. I recommend starting as follows. Decide the size, shape and thickness of the tablets that intend to press. Prepare your powder to the finish stage, i.e. Mix all the necessary powders into a single composition of the tablet mass. Spend your test with your hand, start your hand to the powder, scream your powder into the fist and squeeze as stronger as possible. Open your palm if the powder remained in the form of an impression and a minor amount in the form of a powder crumble, it means you can buy the smallest press. If the powder collapsed into several large fragments, and the percentage of fine powder on the palm visually no more than 50%, then your powder must be pressed with the press with the maximum force, among those you can find. And the last option, if the powder after the destruction of the fingers remained in the initial state of the bulk powder, then you need to start working for the houses in the composition of binders, gluing additives. Then again spend the test hand.

2. Some customers are easier, but more expensive to buy the most powerful press model. Other customers want to save money on equipment and are engaged in technological preparation of powder. In any case, my recommendations are pre-checking the powder and subsequent (if necessary) preparation. The maximum load on pressing force should not exceed 70% of the specified in specifications indicator. Powder additives Improved pressing are indicated in the articles on this site.

3. Next problem, which usually occurs when the tablet presses occurs - poor powder fluidity. If your powder has a small fraction, such as flour, and visually in this powder a lot of air, then such powder will simply hang in the tablet press bunker. Thus, preventing uniform doses in the matrix. There are two solutions - additive in fine powder additives in the form of larger crystals, which will ensure the movement of the powder in the bunker, the second solution is the granulation of your powder, the choice of the method is dry or wet you determine the composition of your powder. Working with granular powder gives more uniform on the weight and quality of the tablet.

4. Powder sticking to punch and inner walls of matrices. This unpleasant tendency stops many tablets production. The solution may be as follows - drying powder (check the level of humidity of your granules or the feedstock). If necessary, dried. It can also affect this factor and humidity in the room. The most excellent way to fight punching on the punches are powders of calcium stearate and magnesium stearate. When they add to any powder, the problem with sticking leaves. You need to add gradually from the minimum dose until the effect of the effect. In some, it turns out 0.5% of the mass. There are cases and applications of 5% of the stelerate. In any case, the mixing of the powder needs to be understood that some kind of determined powder will give the effect of sticking and at the stage of preparation of the mixture it takes into account. Plunx polishing also helps.

5. Some powders have high abrasive properties, also provide aggressive destructive actions. Conventional model of tablet presses go with standard molds. I recommend to all process all parts in contact with powder by hardening compositions. There are various electrical chemical methods of hardening steels. This will increase the resource of the tablet press several times.

Questions about Tablet

On all questions Issues related to the production of tablets You will find answers on the pages of the WWW.Site resource

  • How to mix powders?Mixing powders, especially in unequal proportions, the process is very complex. Determine visually the quality of the mixing of the powder is impossible. Buying any mixer powder you should know some secrets of mixing powders from our site.
  • How to cover the pill with a shell?Tablet rugs - coating the surface of the tablet with a protective or decorative shell. We choose the material of the shell, we study the technology of routing the tablets and the principles of the operation of the devil boilers.
  • How to remove dust from tablets?In the process of pressing the tablets on them, as well as on the working surface of the press, a layer of powder is formed. In the future, if this layer of dust is not removed from the tablets, it leads to improper operation of counting and packaging machines, the dusty tablet makes it difficult to apply an appropriate shell. What means to remove dust, we dill with pills we share with you ..
  • How to distinguish pills from briquettes?Square tablets, oval tablets, round pills, salt tablets, coal tablets, tablets with logo, tablets for washing machines - that of them are pills, and what is already a briquette. Dimensions and shapes of tablets.
  • How to pack a blister tablets?The most popular type of packing of tablets is a blister contour cellular packaging. Blister packaging of tablets is a PVC film and a layer of thermo-welded aluminum foil. Temperature formed cells necessary form, after filling them, the aluminum foil is sealing from above ..
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