Senade tablets instructions for use. Senade: instructions for use, analogues and reviews, prices in pharmacies in Russia

This article will introduce you to the rules of how to take Senade, one of the most common laxatives.

- this is a decrease in the frequency of stool cleansing under the influence of various reasons (illness, errors in nutrition, stress, physical inactivity, side effects of medications). Constipation is talked about when bowel movements occur less frequently than three times a week.

Senade is a medicinal product with natural ingredients, taken to correct the disturbed rhythm of emptying digestive tract.

Dosage form, composition and packaging

The tool is produced in tablet form.

Rounded, brown with splashes and beveled edges, the tablets contain the active substance sennosides A and B from the extract of leaves of Senna acutifolia, 13.5 mg each and additional components:

  • carbohydrate starch;
  • lactose;
  • cellulose;
  • talc;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • cellulose gum;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate.

Country of origin - India.

Pharmacological properties

The cleansing effect of Senade is due to the effect on the mechanoreceptors of the large intestine, which are located in the mucous layer. As a result of their mechanical excitation, the impulse is transmitted to the smooth muscle elements of the colon wall, which leads to increased peristaltic activity.

Strength, amplitude and duration of bowel wall movements increase. Due to the contractions of the muscle structure, the intestines are emptied. Senade does not affect the consistency of feces, bowel cleansing occurs unchanged, shaped stool.

Senade does not affect the process of digestion and assimilation of nutrients from food. You can stop taking the drug at any time without the risk of addiction and without recurrence of constipation.

It should be noted that Senade does not have a diuretic effect, as many people think, using it for weight loss.

After taking the Senade tablet, the effect occurs after 8 hours. It is during this time that Senade is transported through the digestive tract, in the large intestine Senade activates sensitive mechanoreceptors, which ultimately promotes the movement of feces through the intestines until the urge to defecate.


Senade is practically not absorbed through the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, its bioavailability is 5%.

When Senade enters the lumen of the colon, under the influence of enzymes of the beneficial intestinal microflora, its active components (sennosides) are hydrolyzed into free anthraquinones. The main part is excreted in the feces and a small amount through the kidneys.

Indications for use

Senade is a laxative drug that enhances the motor activity of the intestines, therefore, indications for its appointment are atonic stool disorders in the following situations:

Contraindications for use

Contraindications to the use of Senade take place in situations in which it is impossible to stimulate the motor activity of the intestine:

Instructions for use

For adults and adolescents over 12 years old, you need to start drinking Senade with 1 tablet before bedtime or 30 minutes before eating, be sure to drink at least 1/2 glass of liquid.

Take daily for three days.

If, within three days of using Senade, bowel movements did not take place, you should add half a tablet also for three days.

According to this scheme, in the absence of stool, you can increase the dose of Senade to three tablets per day at a time, but no more.

If constipation persists after taking the maximum dose, it is recommended to consult a doctor for examination. It is not recommended to take Senade for two weeks in a row and is no longer advised due to possible side reactions.

Reception during pregnancy and lactation, in children

Due to the spastic contraction of the intestinal wall under the influence of Senade, its intake is undesirable for the movement of feces during pregnancy.

Due to the increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity, active movements of the intestinal wall, this can lead to miscarriage or premature termination of pregnancy.

If, nevertheless, you are prescribed Senade, then the pill should be washed down with an abundant amount of liquid to soften the feces, so that you have to push less.

In this case, the duration of constipation should not persist for more than 2 days. During the lactation period, it is necessary to refrain from Senade due to the fact that anthraquinone is excreted in breast milk and can cause profuse diarrhea in infants.

From the age of six, Senade is allowed. The initial dose is ½ tablet, preferably in the evening before going to bed, while drinking a glass of water. If during the day the effect does not come, you can add another half dose at night.

The maximum allowable dosage is two tablets per day. If there was no laxative result at this dose, you should contact your pediatrician. For children from the age of twelve, the Senade prescription scheme follows the instructions of adults.

Admission in old age

In patients age category often the root cause of constipation is functional disorders due to low physical activity, insufficient intake of fluid and fiber. The tone of the intestinal wall decreases, it becomes atonic.

As a result, Senade becomes the drug of choice to solve this problem, since it enhances contractions and restores the tone of the smooth muscle component of the intestine.

Given that Senade is practically not absorbed into the bloodstream, dose adjustment in the elderly is not required.

Reception of Senade in case of impaired renal and liver function

In this category of patients, when taking Senade, due to the risk of developing electrolyte-water disorders, it is necessary to be careful and control the level of potassium, creatinine, urea, sodium, ALT, AST in the blood.

Side effects

Usually unwanted effects develop only with long-term use of Senade in large doses and, as a rule, disappear after discontinuation of the drug without symptomatic treatment:

  • Colic pain in all parts of the abdomen.
  • , vomiting,.
  • , muscle weakness, rhythm disturbances due to a decrease in sodium and potassium.
  • The appearance of protein and blood in the urine, discoloration of the urine.
  • Muscle twitching, loss of strength, slight disturbances in consciousness.
  • A rash may appear on the skin.
  • Hypotension - decrease blood pressure.
  • Melanin deposition in the intestinal wall.


If you drink Senade more than three tablets per day, you may experience abdominal pain and symptoms of dehydration (indomitable diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, convulsions, drop in blood pressure, loss of strength, fainting).

You should immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance.

Start drinking yourself mineral water... The treatment shows the restoration of the volume of the circulating bed and the electrolyte balance.

Interaction with other medicinal products and with alcohol

When taking Senade with antiarrhythmic drugs (Verapamil, Digoxin, Strofantin, Egilok, Concor, Betalok ZOK, Carvedilol, Anaprilin), it is necessary to control electrocardiographic parameters due to a possible decrease in the level of potassium in the blood and, as a result, an increase in the action of antiarrhythmics.

People taking long-acting drugs should take into account the decrease in this property when taken together with Senade.

Senade prolongs the action of thiazide diuretics, glucocorticosteroids, which requires monitoring of blood potassium levels and electrocardiographic parameters.

During Senade's treatment from taking alcoholic beverages should be abandoned due to increased dehydration, in the case of prolonged treatment of constipation.

The absorption of tetracyclines slows down when taken together with Senade.

Benefits of taking Senade

List of positive properties from taking the drug:

  • ridding the body of harmful, toxic substances;
  • restoration of bowel tone in case of "lazy" constipation;
  • establishing the rhythm of defecation;
  • weight loss (according to reviews, about two kilograms);
  • relief from diseases of the rectal ampoule (proctitis, hemorrhoids);
  • preparation of the lower colon for diagnostic manipulations.

Harm from Senade

Harm from taking Senade can only be expected as a result of taking more than two weeks or with self-administration without examining the digestive tract and finding out the reason for the difficulty in emptying:

  • loss of beneficial electrolytes: calcium, chlorine, potassium, magnesium and sodium.
  • loss of water supplies;
  • with prolonged use, addiction may develop;
  • pain in the abdomen increased gassing, vomiting, nausea, albuminuria, hematuria, pressure drop in the bloodstream, different types impaired consciousness, skin rashes, seizures, muscle weakness.

special instructions

Senade does not reduce the ability to drive vehicles, so it is allowed for drivers and persons whose activities require increased attention, work with moving machinery. But you should take into account the possible individual intolerance.

Side effects can be expected when Senade is taken for more than fourteen days.

With inflammation internal organs abdominal cavity (for example, gastritis, pancreatitis), you should stop taking Senade.

If, as a result of taking the maximum allowed daily dose, Senade, this applies to both adults and childhood, the laxative effect did not come, it is necessary to stop taking Senade and discuss further tactics with the doctor, probably other reasons are the basis of constipation.

While taking Senade, urine may turn yellow-brown.

Reception Senade for weight loss

People often use laxatives to lose weight, thinking that they are helping to eliminate the food they have consumed.

It should be understood that absorption processes take place in another part of the intestine (in the thin part).

Laxatives work in the thick section, where only water and various toxins remain of the substances obtained from food, and fats, carbohydrates and proteins are absorbed much earlier.

As for Senade, this drug is recommended by nutritionists in order to reduce weight, you should take no more than 1-2 tablets 2 times a week.

You need to understand that Senade does not help burn fat, but only cleanses the human body of fecal impurities and toxins.

Therefore, with prolonged - more than two days in a row, and frequent use of Senade, you can get dehydration and disruption of the homeostasis system.

Pros and cons of losing weight with Senade

"FOR" taking Senade to reduce excess weight:

  • cleansing the intestinal tube at the beginning of the weight loss course;
  • combine the reception of Senade with regular physical activity, diet;
  • weight loss of about 2-3 kilograms after a single dose;
  • using Senade 1-2 times in 7 days, not more often, and also after overeating;
  • establishing the rhythm of defecation.

"AGAINST" the use of Senade for weight loss:

  • daily intake is impossible due to the risk of negative consequences;
  • loss of beneficial electrolytes: calcium, chlorine, potassium, magnesium and sodium. Their deficiency can cause serious harm to the body (arrhythmias, seizures, nervous exhaustion, renal failure).
  • loss of water supplies, which can lead to symptoms of dehydration;
  • taking more than two weeks does not lead to weight loss, but only harms the body and is addictive;
  • self-administration is undesirable without taking into account the existing contraindications and without the supervision of a nutritionist, gastroenterologist.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Senade tablets can be purchased in the pharmacy network without a doctor's prescription.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Senade is stored subject to temperature conditions up to 25 0 С. Necessarily in an inaccessible place for children without moisture.

The storage time is 3 years.

Senade cost

The average cost of the medication Senade in Russian pharmacies for a package of 40 pieces - 50 rubles .


On the pharmaceutical market, you can find several analogues in terms of pharmacological action (reflex irritation of the muscular structure of the intestine), the drug Senade, both Russian and imported:

  • in the form of candles and tablets. Production Russia. It is not a herbal, but a synthetic drug that has more side effects. Price 23 rubles. Its counterpart Dulcolax has a cost 230 rubles .
  • Isafenin - an unnatural drug, the effect occurs later (after 10-12 hours), in the form of a powder with the smell of acetic acid, due to the lack of an evidence base, it is rarely prescribed. Price 20 rubles.
  • Phenolphthalein known as Purgen is not assigned to medical practice due to the mass of side effects (on the kidneys, pro-carcinogenic effect).
  • Guttalax drops are a synthetic preparation based on sodium picosulfate. Manufacturer Germany. The cost 200 rubles. Not recommended for daily use. Its analogues:
    • (manufacturer Ukraine, cost 200 rubles );
    • (manufacturer Russia, cost 120 rubles );
    • Laxigal (manufacturer Czech Republic, cost 150 rubles );
    • Weak-up (manufacturer Russia, cost 40 rubles ).
  • - candles Glycerin, Glycelax. With prolonged use, they cause irritation, itching, and also inhibit the physiological process of emptying. The cost 120 rubles ... Manufacturer Russia.
  • Agiolax a preparation based on senna and plantain fruits, contains sucrose, which should be taken into account by persons with diabetes mellitus... Manufacturer Germany. The cost 1500 rubles.
  • Phytolax tablets - biologically active additive based on senna, plantain, dill, dried apricots. Contraindicated in pregnancy. Price 200-100 rubles. Manufacturing company Evalar.
  • powder - phytopreparation based on plantain seeds. The active substance swells under the influence of liquid in the lumen of the intestine and irritates it. Manufacturer Germany, cost 600 rubles.
  • Fiberlex based on plantain seeds. Manufacturer Pakistan, cost 600 rubles.

There are also drugs that are identical in composition (contain senna leaves) to Senade tablets, that is, they are "synonyms":

Before deciding whether or not to take it for bowel cleansing and for weight loss, you should consult your doctor.

Read the instructions for the drug, with its contraindications and possible side effects.

In our article, we talked about laxatives that act by the mechanism of irritation of the intestinal tube. There are other drugs - osmotic (absorb water, toxins and swell). They work differently, they have their own indications and contraindications.

It should be remembered that all laxatives do not treat the cause, but only relieve the patient from a difficult bowel movement (constipation).

Their effect is temporary, since as a result of the termination of the drug often the problem recurs if the underlying cause of the difficult bowel cleansing is not addressed.

Senade is an effective laxative that contains only herbal ingredients. It relieves constipation well in children and adults. It is also used for stool regulation and various pathologies. Instructions for using the drug Senade are listed below.

Senade tablets are manufactured by the Indian pharmaceutical corporation "DR REDDY'S LABORATORIS LTD" ("CIPLA LTD").

Release form and composition

To speed up the process, you can drink 2-3 glasses of salted warm water. With this action, emptying will begin about 6-8 hours.

Side effects

Senade drug can cause side effects from different systems... All active ingredients act on receptors located in the mucous membranes of all organs.


Less often any side effects expressed in symptoms. Symptoms side effects appear after taking pills long time and in large doses.


The drug Senade, like most laxatives, has both positive sides, and not negative. Contraindications are associated with different conditions of the body of the gastrointestinal tract. There are relative and absolute contraindications for the use of tablets. In case of absolute contraindications, pills should not be taken in any case. With relative contraindications, pills should be taken with some caution.

Dosage and overdose

The drug is intended for oral administration.

  1. Adults take one tablet a day before bedtime with water.
  2. Dosage for children over 12 years old - 1 tablet per day. If there are no contraindications, the dose can be increased to two or three tablets.
  3. Children from 6 to 12 years old - half a tablet per day. With the severity of symptoms, the dose is increased to two tablets.

When treating, you need to take one dose for several days and increase the dose gradually. If, with such changes, no reaction occurs and there is no result, you should consult a doctor.

The main indicator of an overdose of the drug Senade is indomitable diarrhea.

After it, the body is severely dehydrated. To replenish the lack of fluid in the body, you should drink plenty of water, at least three liters.

Interaction with other drugs

When using the drug Senade with other drugs, it enhances the effect of the latter.

Especially when taken together with cardiac glycosides and antiarrhythmics.

If you mix Senade and the last type of drugs, it is possible to remove potassium from the body, with the development of its deficiency.

The development of potassium is facilitated by taking drugs such as Senade and diuretics, glucocorticosteroid and licorice root.

The drug in combination with other medicines will reduce their effect, especially if they have a prolonged effect and are slowly absorbed.

Senade drug only provokes and accelerates the movement of feces, but does not affect the state of bowel movements, so the sensations with it can be the most unpleasant. This is due to the fact that the feces are in the intestinal lumen for a long time and water is sucked out of them, and the feces become dry and hard.

Such dry and hard feces begin to move towards the anal outlet under the influence of the drug. Since such progress and the exit itself is very difficult and painful, it greatly contracts the intestines, which can cause spastic pain in a woman during pregnancy.

Such pains are very dangerous and unpleasant. They can provoke strong muscle contractions. abdominal wallthat can be compared to pushing.

It is understood that such contractions can lead to premature birth or miscarriage. The drug is also not recommended for the entire pregnancy, and in the early stages. Senade is allowed to take if constipation lasts no more than 2 days. But in this case, in addition to the tablets, you need to drink a large amount of water so that the feces will soften and facilitate their exit.

If the constipation is prolonged, then it is better not to use this drug.

For prophylaxis, Senade can be taken, preferably in the evening, so that the stool returns to normal in the morning.

For pregnant women, the dose is one or two tablets per day, depending on the severity.

Storage conditions

The shelf life of the drug is 3 years. You need to store it out of the reach of children. Storage temperature is not higher than 25 degrees Celsius.



Analogs of the drug Senade include the following funds:

  • Phenolphthalein - tablets;
  • Fiberlex - powder for suspension preparation;
  • - drops;
  • Weak-up - drops;
  • - drops;
  • Naturolax - powder for suspension preparation;
  • Mucofalk - granules for suspension preparation;
  • - capsules and whole oil for oral administration;
  • Isaphenie - pills;
  • Dulkolas - rectal suppositories and tablets;
  • Guttalax - drops;
  • - rectal suppositories and tablets;
  • Agiolax - granules.

Senade is herbal preparation, which has a mild laxative effect. Stimulates peristalsis by acting as an irritant on nerve fibers intestines.

It is effectively used to eliminate constipation and regulate stool in case of inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, formation of cracks on its surface, hemorrhoids, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as postoperative and postpartum conditions.

It is often used in preparatory measures for an x-ray study.

Clinical and pharmacological group

A laxative drug that stimulates intestinal peristalsis.

Conditions of sale from pharmacies

Can be purchased without a doctor's prescription.


How much does Senade cost in pharmacies? average price is at the level of 600 rubles.

Composition and form of release

Dosage form Senade - tablets: flat, round, from dark brown to brown interspersed, with beveled edges, the name of the manufacturer "CIPLA" is squeezed out on one side, on the other - a fracture line (in blisters of 20 pcs., 2, 3 or 25 blisters in a cardboard box).

Composition of 1 tablet:

  • active ingredient: senna leaf extract - 93.33 mg [sennoside B (as the sum of calcium salts of sennosides A and B) - 13.5 mg];
  • additional components: starch - 43.56 mg, lactose - 23.07 mg, microcrystalline cellulose - 15 mg, talc - 11.13 mg, sodium carmellose - 2 mg, magnesium stearate - 0.93 mg, sodium lauryl sulfate - 0.93 mg, methyl parahydroxybenzoate - 0.04 mg.

pharmachologic effect

Senade - instructions for its use indicate a laxative effect that occurs approximately 8-10 hours after ingestion. This effect is due to exposure active substances the drug on the receptors of the large intestine, which enhance the peristalsis of the tract. Herbal raw materials - anthraglycosides from the leaves of senna (cassia) acute and narrow-leaved, reflexively enhance the work of the mucous membrane, restore the normal functioning of the intestine.

According to reviews, the drug vegetable origin not addictive, does not affect digestion. Against the background of its intake, the state of the stool does not change - bowel emptying takes place in a normal, shaped stool without diarrhea. The tablets selectively target the colon, which plays an important role in the bowel movement. Cancellation of the medicine does not lead to severe constipation.

Indications for use

In addition, the drug is indicated if you have hemorrhoids, anal fissures or you need to adjust the stool during proctitis.


Before taking Senade tablets, you should read the contraindications for use. The drug should not be drunk when:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • pain in the abdomen of unknown etiology;
  • cystitis;
  • sharp inflammatory diseases organs of the abdominal cavity;
  • peritonitis;
  • strangulated hernia;
  • spastic constipation;
  • violations of water and electrolyte metabolism;
  • uterine and gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • age up to 6 years;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Senade is prescribed with caution in cases of the following diseases / conditions (relative contraindications):

  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • period after abdominal operations;
  • pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding.

Appointment during pregnancy and lactation

Senade enhances the peristalsis of the large intestine, provoking its active contractions and accelerating the movement of feces to the anus. Unfortunately, the pills do not affect the state of the stool in any way, so defecation can be quite unpleasant. This is due to the fact that the long stay of feces in the intestinal lumen leads to the suction of water from them, making the feces hard and dry. Such hard and dry feces, under the influence of Senade, simply begin to move faster towards the anus. But the passage of dense and dry feces out through the anal sphincter is very difficult and even painful. To remove feces outside, the intestines are intensely contracted, which can cause cramping abdominal pains, which are extremely unpleasant and dangerous during pregnancy.

In such a situation, intense bowel movements and severe pain in the belly of a pregnant woman, they can provoke strong muscle contractions of the abdominal wall, reminiscent of those during pushing. It is quite understandable that tension in the abdominal wall and abdominal pain can result in premature birth or the threat of miscarriage. The threat of miscarriage at short stages of pregnancy while taking Senade is also explained by the fact that the pills increase the tone of the smooth muscles of the uterus.

That is why manufacturers do not recommend that pregnant women take Senade without examination and medical advice. Pregnant women can take the drug if constipation does not last long - a maximum of 2 days. However, in this case, it is better to drink more water with the Senade tablet so that it softens the stool a little, making it easier for them to pass through the anal sphincter. If a pregnant woman has constipation for more than three days, then Senade should be discarded, since the drug will cause strong contractions of the intestinal muscles, severe spastic pain and a significant increase in uterine tone. Prophylactically, Senade can be used during pregnancy, for example, in the evening before going to bed, after a long and hard day, so that a bowel movement is guaranteed the next morning. The dosage of Senade for pregnant women is 1 - 2 tablets per day, which are best taken at night, before bedtime.

Dosage and method of administration

As indicated in the instructions for use, Senade is prescribed orally, as a rule, 1 time / day in the evening before bedtime, washed down with water or any drink.

  • Adults and children over 12 years old - 1 tab. 1 time / day In the absence of effect, the dose can be increased to 2-3 tab.
  • Children aged 6-12 years are prescribed 1/2 tab. 1 time / day and, if necessary, increase the dose to 1-2 tab.

In the selection process, the same dose should be taken over several days and gradually increased by 1/2 tab. If, after reaching the maximum dose, there is no bowel movement within 3 days, a doctor should be consulted.

How many hours does Senade last?

The effect of the drug appears 8-10 hours after ingestion, therefore it is recommended for taking at night.

Side effect

During therapy, flatulence and colicky abdominal pain may develop.

With long-term use, especially in high doses, disorders may occur from some body systems:

  1. Central nervous system: fatigue, convulsions, confusion;
  2. Digestive system: vomiting, nausea, melanin deposition in the intestinal mucosa, diarrhea;
  3. Urinary system: hematuria, albuminuria, discoloration of urine;
  4. Cardiovascular system: vascular collapse;
  5. Metabolism: disorders of water and electrolyte metabolism;
  6. Dermatological reactions: skin rash.


With a significant excess of the recommended therapeutic dose Senade tablets develop severe diarrhea, leading to dehydration of the body. In this case, pathogenetic therapy is used in a hospital setting, aimed at restoring the body's water-electrolyte balance.

special instructions

Before you start using the drug, read the special instructions:

  1. It is not recommended to use Senade for more than 2 weeks.
  2. The drug is used in children aged 6 years and older.
  3. After taking the drug, urine may acquire a yellow-brown or red-lilac color.

Interaction with other drugs

With simultaneous use with thiazide diuretics, corticosteroids, licorice root preparations, the risk of hypokalemia increases.

When long-term use Senade in high doses may enhance the action of cardiac glycosides and influence the action of antiarrhythmic drugs due to the possibility of hypokalemia.

Senade is a natural laxative that helps to empty the bowels without pain or difficulty.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Senade tablets belong to a group of drugs that enhance weak intestinal peristalsis.

Composition and form of release

Senade constipation remover can be bought in pharmacies in the form of flat round brown tablets. The main active ingredient of the drug is senna leaf extract, the content of which in one tablet reaches 93.33 mg. Excipients are calcium salts of sennosides A and B, lactose, microcrystalline cellulose, starch, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, magnesium stearate, sodium carmellose, talc.

The tablets are sold in packs of 20.

pharmachologic effect

The natural components of Senade tablets interact with the microflora of the mucous membrane of the large intestine and provoke irritation of the nerve endings. This leads to the activation of intestinal peristalsis and the rapid evacuation of its contents. Defecation occurs 8-10 hours after taking the drug, while the feces come out gently and painlessly.

Though pharmachologic effect Senade is aimed at intestinal tissues and receptors, the use of the drug does not violate the microflora and does not cause addiction. Patient reviews indicate the safe treatment of constipation with Senade.

Indications for use

According to the instructions for use, Senade is indicated for eliminating constipation caused by weakness of the intestinal muscles, hypotension and lethargy of peristalsis. In addition, tablets are prescribed to soften stools and regulate bowel movements in patients with constipation or proctitis. The drug helps to normalize the stool, make it regular and painless.

Dosage and duration of treatment

The dosage of Senade depends on the age of the patient.

  1. Adult patients and children over 12 years of age are prescribed 1 tablet once a day.
  2. Children from 6 to 12 years old - half a tablet once a day.

If necessary, or no effect, the doctor may prescribe an increased amount of the drug, but the maximum daily dose should not exceed 3 tablets for adults and 2 tablets for children. The duration of treatment cannot be more than two weeks, if during this period there is no effect of the treatment, consultation with a doctor and adjustment of prescribed medications are required.

Mode of application

It is better to take Senade tablets at night with enough water to get the expected effect in the morning.

Pregnancy and lactation

The use of Senade during pregnancy and lactation can only be prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision. Taking pills is acceptable if the expected effect of treatment significantly outweighs the possible risks.

special instructions

It is important to strictly follow the instructions for Senade tablets in terms of the permitted dosages in order to prevent an overdose of the body. Otherwise, a violation of the water-electrolyte balance may occur.

Application medicinal product does not affect the patient's ability to drive.

If you take Senade for several days, you may notice a darkening of the urine color to a yellow-brown color, which is normal.


The effect of Senade on the tissues of the large intestine determines the presence of several serious contraindications, when the intake of the drug is strictly prohibited. The tablets should not be drunk in such cases:

  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • spastic constipation;
  • violation of water and electrolyte metabolism in the body;
  • cystitis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • inflammatory processes or acute diseases in the abdominal cavity;
  • severe dehydration;
  • the patient's age up to 6 years;
  • intolerance or hypersensitivity to the components that make up the drug.

Attempts to self-medicate or taking Senade in the presence of contraindications can provoke a worsening of the situation and the occurrence of negative side effects.

Side effects

During the period of treatment of constipation, the drug Senade can worsen well-being and have a slight negative effect on the patient's body. Often these side effects occur:

  • nausea, increased flatulence;
  • in case of violation of the indicated dosages - diarrhea;
  • violation of water and electrolyte metabolism;
  • allergic reactions in the form of a skin rash or itching, especially when hypersensitivity to the substances that make up the tablets.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Senade is approved for sale as an over-the-counter drug.

Storage conditions and periods

Store the drug in a dry place out of the reach of children, at a temperature of 20-30 degrees. Shelf life 3 years.

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