Duovit tab. Duovit multivitamin complex - tangible medical assistance for a variety of pathologies

P N013432 / 01 of 08/14/2007

Tradename drug: Duovit ®

Dosage form:

jelly beans


1 dragee of red color (vitamins) contains:

Active substances:
Retinol palmitate (Vitamin A) 2.94 mg concentrate, synthetic, oil form (1.7 mioME / r)
Colecalciferol (Vitamin D 3) 0.20 mg concentrate, oil form (1 mioME / r)
Vitamin C (Vitamin C) 60.00 mg
Thiamine Mononitrate (Vitamin B 1) 1.00 mg
Riboflavin (Vitamin B 2) 1.20 mg
Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B 6) 2.00 mg
Cyanocobalamin 0.1% in mannitol 3.00 mg (corresponding to 3 μg of vitamin B 12)
Nicotinamide (Vitamin PP) 13.00 mg
Folic Acid 0.40 mg
Calcium pantothenate (Vitamin B 5) 5.00 mg
α - tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) 10.00 mg

Excipients:lactose monohydrate, orange oil 05073, polysorbate 80, glycerol, castor oil, purified, sorbitol, dextrose (glucose) liquid, (dry substance), antifoam 1510, magnesium stearate, Opalux dye AS-F-2833 G (Ponceau crimson dye 4R E124 + sunset yellow dye E110), emulsion wax, sucrose.

1 dragee of blue color (minerals) contains:

Active substances:
Calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate 64.50 mg
(which corresponds to calcium Ca 2+ 15 mg and phosphorus P 5+ 12 mg)
Iron fumarate. 30.30 mg
(which corresponds to iron Fe 2+ 10 mg)
Copper sulfate pentahydrate 4.00 mg
(which corresponds to copper Cu 2+ 1 mg)
Zinc sulfate heptahydrate 13.30 mg
(which corresponds to zinc Zn 2+ 3 mg)
Magnesium Lactate Dihydrate 200.00 mg
(which corresponds to magnesium Mg 2+ 20 mg)
Manganese sulfate monohydrate 3.10 mg
(which corresponds to manganese Mn 2+ 1 mg)
Sodium Molybdate Dithydrate 0.22 mg
(which corresponds to Mo 6+ molybdate 0.1 mg)

Excipients:lactose monohydrate, orange oil 05073, polysorbate 80, glycerol, castor oil, refined, sorbitol, dextrose (glucose) liquid (dry substance), antifoam 1510, magnesium stearate, liquid paraffin, povidone, indigo carmine AS-20912 Blue (El32), emulsion wax, sucrose.

Red coated tablets (vitamins): round, biconvex dragees, coated with a red shell.
Blue coated tablets (minerals): round, biconvex dragees, coated with a blue shell.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

multivitamin agent + multimineral.

ATX code A11AA04

Pharmacological properties
A combined preparation containing a complex of 11 vitamins and 8 minerals, which are important factors in metabolic processes. One red and blue dragee contains vitamins and minerals in quantities that satisfy the daily needs of the body. For better assimilation of the vitamin-mineral complex and preservation of the activity of the main components, vitamins and minerals are separated in dragees of different colors. Vitamins are in dragees of red color, minerals are in dragees of blue color.
Vitamin A is involved in the synthesis of various substances (proteins, lipids, mucopolysaccharides) and ensures the normal function of the skin, mucous membranes, as well as the organ of vision.
Vitamin D3 plays an important role in maintaining the balance of calcium and phosphorus in the body. With its lack in inert tissue, the calcium content decreases (osteoporosis).
Vitamin B1 normalizes the activity of the heart and promotes normal functioning nervous system.
Vitamin B2 promotes tissue regeneration processes, including skin cells.
Vitamin B6 helps maintain the structure and function of bones, teeth, gums; affects erythropoiesis, contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system.
Vitamin B12 is involved in erythropoiesis, contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system. B vitamins are involved in the formation of various enzymes that regulate different types metabolism in the body.
Folic acid stimulates erythropoiesis.
Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant. It prevents increased blood coagulation and has a beneficial effect on peripheral blood circulation. Participates in the synthesis of proteins and hemoglobin, in the process of cell growth, the function of skeletal muscles, heart and blood vessels, and gonads.
Vitamin C is involved in the oxidation of a number of biologically active substances, the regulation of metabolism in connective tissue, carbohydrate metabolism, blood coagulation and tissue regeneration, stimulates the formation of steroid hormones, normalizes the permeability of capillaries. Vitamin C increases the body's resistance to infections, reduces inflammatory reactions.
Calcium is involved in the formation of bone tissueblood coagulation, transmission of nerve impulses, reduction of skeletal and smooth musclenormal heart function. It also promotes iron absorption.
Magnesium is involved in the formation of muscle and bone tissue, and also takes part in protein synthesis.
Iron is part of the hemoglobin molecule, participates in the transfer of oxygen in the body and prevents the development of anemia.
Phosphorus, along with calcium, is involved in the formation of bones and teeth, and is also involved in the processes of energy metabolism.
Manganese promotes bone mineralization.
Copper is necessary for the normal function of red blood cells and iron metabolism.
Zinc is necessary for tissue regeneration, is part of some hormones, including insulin.

Indications for use:

As a prophylactic in conditions accompanied by an increased need for vitamins and minerals:
- increased exercise stress, including during active sports;
- period of pregnancy and lactation;
- with an irregular, malnutrition or a uniform diet.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and lactation:
During pregnancy and lactation, the drug can be used as directed by a doctor.

Dosage and administration:

The drug is recommended to be taken orally after breakfast. Adults and children over 10 years old: 1 dragee of red color and 1 dragee of blue color per day. Dragee should be swallowed whole, washed down with a small amount of water. The course of taking the drug is 20 days. The course of taking the drug can be repeated after a break (1-3 months) or on the recommendation of a doctor.

Side effect:

Are possible allergic reactions, including hypersensitivity reactions with an asthmatic component.


There have been no cases of overdose when taking the drug in recommended doses. With a significant excess of the recommended doses, cases of hypervitaminosis A and D are possible, headache, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (vomiting, diarrhea).

Interaction with other drugs:

The drug contains iron and calcium and therefore delays the absorption in the intestines of antibiotics from the tetracycline group, as well as antimicrobial agents - derivatives of fluoroquinolones. Vitamin C enhances the action and side effects antimicrobial agents from the sulfonamides group (including the appearance of crystals in the urine). Antacids containing aluminum, magnesium, calcium, as well as cholesterol reduce iron absorption. Therefore, if necessary, the joint appointment of Duovit and antacid drugs, it is necessary to maintain the interval between doses of at least 3 hours. With the simultaneous appointment of diuretics from the group of thiazides, the likelihood of hypercalcemia increases. It is not recommended to take Duovit in conjunction with other drugs containing vitamins and minerals.

Special instructions:

Perhaps staining urine in yellow - completely harmless and due to the presence of riboflavin in the preparation.
Patients sick diabetes, you need to know that each tablet contains - 0.8 g of sugar, and the daily dose of the drug contains 1.6 g of sugar.
Red and blue duovit tablets contain 331 mg of lactose, 1083 mg of sucrose, 270 mg of glucose, 237 mg of sorbitol, therefore it is not recommended for patients with congenital intolerance to glucose and fructose, with glucose / galactose malabsorption syndromes and sucrose / isomaltose deficiency.
The drug contains glycerol, with an overdose are possible - headache and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, vomiting). Azo dyes E 124 and E 110 can cause hypersensitivity reactions with the asthmatic component. Hypersensitivity reactions to the drug are possible in patients with hypersensitivity to acetylsalicylic acid.
Red dragees contain a polyol (mannitol), which in large doses can cause diarrhea.
Do not exceed the recommended daily dose; if you accidentally take high doses, consult a doctor immediately.

Release form
10 tablets in a blister (in 1 blister 5 tablets with vitamins - red and 5 tablets with minerals - blue). 4 blisters in a cardboard bundle along with instructions for use.

Storage conditions
In a dry place, at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C, in a dark place. Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life:

3 years.
Do not use after expiration date.

Pharmacy leave conditions:

Over the counter.


Krka, dd, Novo mesto, Šmarješka cesta 6, 8501 Novo mesto, Slovenia

For all questions, contact the address of the Representative Office in the Russian Federation:
123022, Moscow, ul. 2-ya Zvenigorodskaya, d. 13, p. 41

When packaging and / or packaging at a Russian enterprise, it is indicated:
LLC KRKA-RUS, 143500, Russia, Moscow Region, Istra, ul. Moscow, D. 50
CJSC "VECTOR-MEDICA", 630559 Russia, n. Koltsovo, Novosibirsk Region,

International Nonproprietary Name

Dosage form


One dragee of red color contains

active substances :

Retinol palmitate (Vitamin A) concentrate (synthetic, oil form) 1.7 million ME / g

(equivalent to vitamin A)

Cholecalciferol Concentrate (oil form)

1 million IU / g (equivalent to vitamin D3)

Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)

Thiamine Nitrate (Vitamin B1)

Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)

Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B6)

Cyanocobalamin 0.1% in mannitol (Vitamin B12)

Nicotinamide (Vitamin PP)

Folic Acid (Vitamin B9)

Calcium Pantothenate (Vitamin B5)

Alpha Tocopherol Acetate (Vitamin E)

excipients: lactose monohydrate, orange oil 05073,

polysorbate 80, glycerin, castor oil (cold pressed), sorbitol,

liquid glucose (dry matter), anti-foam substance 1510, magnesium stearate, * Opalux AS-F-2833 G (E 124 + E 110), capol 600 pharma, sucrose.

One dragee blue contains

active substances:

Calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate

(equivalent to calcium)

(equivalent to phosphorus)

(15.00 mg) (12.00 mg)

Iron Fumarate

(equivalent to iron)

30.30 mg (10.00 mg)

Copper sulfate pentahydrate

(equivalent to copper)

Zinc sulfate heptahydrate

(equivalent to zinc)

Magnesium Lactate Dihydrate

(equivalent to magnesium)

Manganese Sulfate Monohydrate

(equivalent to manganese)

Sodium Molybdate Dihydrate

(equivalent to molybdenum)

excipients: lactose monohydrate, orange oil 05073, polysorbate 80, glycerin, castor oil (cold pressed), sorbitol, liquid glucose (dry substance), antifoam 1510, magnesium stearate, liquid paraffin, povidone, ** Opalux AS-20912 blue (E 132), capol 600 pharma, sucrose.

* Shell composition Opalux AS-F-2833 G (E 124 + E 110): sucrose, purified water, ponceau 4R lake, titanium dioxide, Fd & C yellow # 6 / sunset yellow FCF aluminum lake, povidone, sodium benzoate

** Composition of the shell Opalux AS-20912 blue (E 132): sucrose, titanium dioxide, purified water, Fd & C blue # 2 / indigo carmine aluminum lake, povidone, sodium benzoate.


Solid smooth dragees coated with a red shell with a sweet and sour taste (vitamins) and solid smooth dragees coated with a blue shell (minerals)

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Multivitamins in combination with other drugs. Multivitamins with other minerals.

ATX code A11AA03

Pharmacological properties


Data for Duovit®, tablets, are not available. However, the absorption, distribution and elimination of individual vitamins and minerals is well known and described in the literature.

Water-soluble vitamins (B vitamins, vitamin C and biotin) are very well absorbed within daily requirements. The amount of excessive tissue saturation is excreted in the urine, in some cases with feces. Vitamins in the body are in limiting quantities, so they must be consumed regularly to maintain their concentration in the tissues.

Fat-soluble vitamins A and D, after oral administration, are well absorbed in small intestine in the presence of fat. Absorption of vitamin E is relatively small (from 25 to 85% of the dose). These vitamins are found in large quantities in the body in the liver, so they are more toxic compared to water-soluble vitamins.

The action of the drug Duovit® is the combined effect of its components, therefore, kinetic observations are not possible; collectively, components cannot be traced using markers or bioassays.


Duovit® contains vitamins and minerals. Vitamins and minerals are closely related by their activity and additive effectiveness. Often vitamins and minerals cannot be in the same composition, and therefore they are divided in Duovit®: red dragee contains vitamins and blue dragee contains minerals. Duovit® dragee fills the body's need for vitamins and minerals and prevents their deficiency.

Vitaminsare biologically active substances that take part in many biochemical processes of the body.

B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, pantothenic acid and nicotinamide) are involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, as well as in the activity of the nervous system. Vitamin A is necessary for the development of epithelial cells and the synthesis of visual pigment. Vitamin D regulates the utilization of calcium and promotes the mineralization of bones and teeth. Vitamin C enhances iron absorption and is involved in many redox processes in the body. Vitamin E is a physiological antioxidant that protects the walls of membranes from damage and preserves their functional activity.

Minerals and oligoelements extremely important for the body. They are included as constituents of supporting tissues or as activators and components of enzymes and hormones. Calcium and phosphorus play a key role in the mineralization of bones and teeth. Calcium ions activate numerous enzymes, take part in regulating the tone of the heart muscle, transmitting nerve impulses, and regulate the permeability of cell membranes. B vitamins, iron and copper are the most important elements for the formation of red blood cells. Magnesium, manganese, zinc and molybdenum, as components of enzymes, are involved in important reactions for the body.

Indications for use

Duovit® is used as a prophylactic in conditions accompanied by an increased need for vitamins and minerals:

Increased physical and psychological stress

Active sports

Pregnancy and lactation

Irregular, malnutrition or monotonous diet

Inadequate food conversion (in elderly, smokers and alcohol abusers)

Improper diet (mainly fast food,

dry, when eating in public canteens)

Limited diet (weight loss, diabetes, etc.)

In times of shortage of fresh fruits and vegetables

The recovery period after illness

Chemotherapy (as part of complex therapy)

With increased loss of minerals (vomiting, diarrhea, intense

menstruation, sweating)

Dosage and administration

Dragee should be swallowed whole, washed down with a small amount of water.

The course of treatment is up to 1 month. Subsequent treatment is possible after a break (from 1 to 3 months) or on the recommendation of a doctor.

Side effects



- Rarely (≥1 / 10,000 to<1/1,000):

Violations of the gastrointestinal tract, if dragee

taken on an empty stomach


Hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug

Hypervitaminosis A and D

Renal failure

Children and adolescents under 18 years.

Drug interactions

The drug is not recommended to be taken simultaneously with tetracycline antibiotics antacids. The absorption of minerals and tetracyclines is reduced due to their simultaneous intake. Some antacids reduce the absorption of minerals. If the treatment involves the simultaneous use of such drugs, it is necessary to maintain the interval between taking Duovit® and tetracycline antibiotics / antacids for at least 3 months.

special instructions

Duovit® must be taken after a meal in order to avoid unpleasant sensations in the stomach.

Patients with diabetes can take Duovit®, but it must be remembered that the daily dose contains 1.6 g of sugar. Each dragee contains about 0.8 g of sugar.

It is necessary to consult a doctor or pharmacist regarding the simultaneous administration with other vitamins, vitamin-mineral and / or mineral complexes.

Special instructions and precautions regarding excipients

Duovit® contains lactose, sorbitol, glucose and sucrose. The drug is not recommended for patients with hereditary diseases of glucose or galactose intolerance, Lapp-lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption or sucrose-isomaltase deficiency. Dyes E124 and E110 can cause an allergic reaction.

Features of influence on the ability to drive a vehicle or potentially dangerous machinery.

The drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and other mechanisms.


Symptoms weakness, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, fever and cramps (symptoms of hypervitaminosis A, which are likely with prolonged use of very large doses), headache, dizziness, sleep disturbance, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, photophobia and convulsions (symptoms hypervitaminosis D, which are likely with prolonged use of very large doses)

Treatment: activated carbon, gastric lavage; if necessary, carry out symptomatic therapy.

Release form and packaging

10 tablets (5 tablets with red vitamins and 5 tablets with blue minerals) are placed in a blister strip packaging of a film of polyvinyl chloride / polyvinyl dichloride and aluminum foil.

4 contour cell packs together with instructions for medical use in the state and Russian languages \u200b\u200bare placed in a pack of cardboard.

Storage conditions

Store in the original packaging at a temperature not exceeding 25 ºС, in a dry, dark place.

Shelf life

Do not use after expiration date.

Pharmacy Vacation Terms

Over the counter


Krka, dd, Novo Mesto, Slovenia

Name and country of registration certificate holder

Krka, dd, Novo Mesto, Slovenia

Address of the organization accepting claims from consumers on the quality of products (goods) in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Representative office of KRKA, tovarna zdravil, d.d., Novo mesto in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Which are full of pharmacy windows, are effective means to combat the manifestations of vitamin deficiency.

One of them is the drug Duovit, which is a chemical compound devoid of imperfections.

The composition of the drug includes a fairly large number of vitamins and minerals.

Therefore, this complex:boosts immunity; slows down aging; protects the body, tones and strengthens it; stimulates metabolic processes.

Instructions for use

Indications for use

The red dragee includes:

  • Vitamin A , ensuring the normal functioning of the mucous membranes and organs of vision, stimulating the process of cell regeneration.
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine), which relieves fatigue and protects the body from nervous disorders in stressful situations.
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), accelerating wound healing, normalizing blood sugar.
  • Vitamin B5increasing life expectancy.
  • Vitamin B6activating brain activity and improving the condition of women on critical days.
  • Vitamin B12 - a biologically active substance that is indispensable in the treatment of anemia (anemia) and cobalt diseases of the nervous system.
  • Vitamin E - a physiological antioxidant that normalizes blood circulation, improves performance, slows down the aging process.
  • Vitamin D3necessary for the mineralization of bone tissue and teeth, contributing to the effective absorption of calcium, preventing muscle weakening and reducing the risk of colorectal cancer.
  • Vitamin C ( vitamin C), strengthens the immune system.
  • Vitamin PPwhich improves protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism, stimulates the pancreas, liver and blood-forming organs, converts sugar and fats into the body into usable energy, which is involved in the formation of hormones.
  • Folic acid - a vitamin necessary for the normal functioning of the circulatory system and increase immunity.

Blue dragees contain:

  • Calcium - trace element necessary for bone tissue and teeth.
  • Sodium. It supports the water-salt balance in the body, improves digestion, and ensures the flow of glucose into the cells.
  • Phosphorus - ensures the correct formation of the structure of bone tissue, increases its strength, is an energy supplier at the cellular level.
  • Zinc - The most important trace element that provides color vision, supports physical fitness, increases stamina. It contributes to better absorption of vitamin A, increases potency in men and normalizes the functioning of internal secretion organs.
  • Copper. It regulates the endocrine system, participates in the formation of female hormones and hemoglobin, supplies oxygen to cells, and helps to renew the epithelium, connective and bone tissue.
  • Magnesium. It is also called the "trace element of life." Its positive ions regulate potassium-sodium balance. It acts as an anti-anaphylactic and antitoxic factor in inflammatory processes, stress and allergies. Indispensable for maintaining normal cardiac activity.
  • Manganese. It affects tissue respiration, the immune system and blood formation, skeleton development, brain activity, and the health of the female genital glands.
  • Iron - The main trace element for the formation of hemoglobin and myoglobin. It has a detoxifying effect. Affects the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

The composition of red dragees includes formative and taste-improving substances, as well as dyes.


It is contraindicated in a number of diseases, including:

  • Disturbed metabolism of iron and copper;
  • Transferred sarcoidosis;
  • The increased content of red blood cells in the blood;
  • Heart failure;
  • Acute form of tuberculosis;
  • Gout;
  • Chronic glomerular jade;
  • Stomach / intestinal ulcer;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Renal stone disease and other disorders of the kidneys
  • Fructose intolerance.

The vitamin complex is not prescribed for hypersensitivity to one of its constituent components.

Drug Interactions

Taking the vitamin complex Duovit, it should be borne in mind that the components included in its composition have a negative effect on certain types of drugs. In particular:

  • The intestines slow down the absorption of antibacterial drugs from the tetracycline group.
  • The absorption of antimicrobial agents from the fluoroquinol family is deteriorating.
  • Side effects occur during treatment with antibiotics and sulfonamides.
  • Medicines with a high content of calcium and magnesium ions reduce the digestibility of the iron contained in the vitamin complex.
  • Diuretics from the thiazide group contribute to the development of hypercalcemia.

To avoid this, there should be a gap of at least three hours between taking the vitamin and the drug.

Side effects

Vitamins Duovit when observing the recommended dosage are absolutely safe.

Their components are completely absorbed by the body.

Side effects most often occur with an overdose of the drug (in particular vitamin i) or hypersensitivity to its ingredients.

They are manifested by the following symptoms:

  • With an overdose of vitamin A: dizziness, increased irritability, sleep disturbance, headaches, decreased light sensitivity threshold; arrhythmia.
  • With an increase in the concentration of vitamin D: belching, pain in the stomach, accompanied by vomiting and nausea, diarrhea, dyspepsia; the appearance of weakness and fever;
  • With hypersensitivity: itchy rashes on the skin, excessive dryness of the skin and the appearance of cracks, urticaria; allergic reactions in the form of Quincke's edema, bronchospasm, anaphylaxis; an increase in temperature.

If side effects occur, the drug should be stopped immediately. To eliminate the reaction, it is necessary to rinse the stomach and drink one or two tablets of activated charcoal.

Duovit and pregnancy

During pregnancy, Duovit is prescribed for toxicosis, severe anemia, vitamin deficiency. It can also be prescribed during breastfeeding, to support the body's immune system, weakened by heavy labor.

In the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth, taking Duovit is not recommended.

Video: Description of Vitamin A

Shelf life

Subject to the storage conditions specified in the instructions, the shelf life of the drug is 3 years from the date of manufacture. Date of manufacture stamped on the packaging.

) - 1 mg;

  • () - 200 mcg;
  • calcium pantothenate (vitamin B5) - 5 mg;
  • folic acid - 400 mcg;
  • riboflavin () - 1.2 mg;
  • pyridoxine hydrochloride () - 2 mg;
  • (vitamin PP) - 13 mg.
  • The composition of one dragee blue includes:

    • calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate - 64.5 mg (this corresponds to 15 mg calcium and 12 mg phosphorus );
    • magnesium lactate dihydrate - 200 mg (this corresponds to 20 mg magnesium );
    • iron fumarate - 30.3 mg (this corresponds to 10 mg gland );
    • copper sulfate pentahydrate - 4 mg (this corresponds to 1 mg copper );
    • heptahydrate - 13.3 mg (this corresponds to 3 mg zinc );
    • manganese sulfate monohydrate - 3.1 mg (this corresponds to 1 mg manganese );
    • sodium molybdate dihydrate - 220 mcg (this corresponds to 100 mcg molybdenum ).

    Excipients: lactose monohydrate, polysorbate 80, orange butter , castor oil, liquid povidone defoamer 1510, sorbitol, magnesium stearate, liquid paraffin, dyes (Opalux, indigo carmine Blue and sunset yellow), emulsion wax, sucrose.

    Release form

    It is available in the form of a dragee, 10 pieces (5 red dragees and 5 blue dragees) in a blister, four such blisters in paper packaging.

    pharmachologic effect

    Replenishment of deficiency of trace elements and vitamins.

    Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


    Vitamins of the group IN Involved in the processes of metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, indispensable for the proper functioning of the nervous system. indispensable for the development of epithelial cells and for the production of visual pigment. responsible for suction calcium and bone mineralization. responsible for suction gland and is a necessary component of redox reactions in the body. - a powerful antioxidant and membrane protector.

    Oligoelements and minerals are also extremely important. Jonah calcium participate in the regulation of cardiac muscle tone and in the processes of the emergence of nerve impulses. AND phosphorus and calcium necessary elements of bones and teeth. Copper and iron structural components of red blood cells. Magnesium, Zinc, Manganese and molybdenum - constituents of a number of important enzymes.


    Water soluble vitamins (groups B , vitamin C and biotin ) are perfectly absorbed within the daily requirement. The remaining amount is excreted in urine and feces.

    After taking lipophilic vitamins A and D absorbed in the presence of fats in the small intestine. Absorption alpha tocopherol from 25% to 80% of the dose taken. These vitamins in a significant amount accumulate in the liver, because of this being potentially toxic.

    Indications for use

    • outdoor activities and sports;
    • mental and physical overload;
    • malnutrition (elderly people, smokers suffering from alcoholism);
    • unbalanced diet (dry food, fast food);
    • diet for weight loss;
    • seasonal lack of fruits and vegetables in the diet;
    • severe loss of minerals (excessive menstruation, vomiting, excessive sweating).


    • to the components of the drug, hypervitaminosis A, E or D renal failure.
    • Nephrolithiasis, hyperuricemia, , erythrocytosis, erythremia, fructose intolerance, thromboembolism , glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome, exchange violation copper or gland chronic, history hypercalciuria, hypercalcemia, the stomach or Duodenal ulcer in active form.
    • Age less than 10 years.

    Side effects

    • From the side of immunity:, including, bronchospasm .
    • From the side of metabolism: hypercalcemia .
    • From the side of the nervous system:,.
    • From the point of view: visual disturbances.
    • From the digestive system: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, increased acidity.
    • From the skin: rash, hyperemia skin.
    • From the excretory system: hypercalciuria.
    • Common violations: hyperthermia , .

    With long-term use in large doses, the following occur: hyperuricemia, hyperglycemia, irritation of the digestive tract, dry hands and feet, seborrheic rash kidney damage, temporary increase in concentration LDH, AST, alkaline phosphatase .

    Instructions for use Duovita

    This section indicates how to take Duovit correctly. If you take vitamins, as prescribed below, they do not cause unwanted effects.

    For children from 10 years old and adults - 1 red dragee and 1 blue dragee per day. The course of therapy is 20 days (can be repeated on the recommendation of the attending physician).


    Symptoms: headache, hypervitaminosis D and AND vomiting.

    There have been no reports of an overdose when using the drug in the recommended amounts.


    Do not use Duovit concomitantly with tetracyclines and antacids , since a decrease in absorption and minerals is possible. If therapy requires the combined use of these drugs, then the time interval between doses should be at least three hours.

    Due to possible occurrence hypervitaminosis A the simultaneous use of Duovit with products containing is not recommended.

    Use by oral users should be avoided. anticoagulants , as the likelihood of bleeding increases.

    During treatment sulfonamides to prevent the development of crystalluria, it is recommended to avoid excessive amounts.

    Persons with need to know that about 800 mg are included in one tablet sahara.

    In a dragee of blue and red color contains 1084 mg sucrose 330 mg lactose 238 mg sorbitol 270 mg glucose therefore Duovit is not recommended for persons with fructose congenital intolerance or glucose , from glucose syndrome or galactose malabsorption and isomaltase deficiency or sucrose .

    Azo dyes E110 and E124 able to cause with

    Dragee - 1 dragee:

    • Active substances: retinol palmitate (Vit. A) 2.94 mg, α-tocopherol acetate (Vit. E) 10 mg, colecalciferol (Vit. D3) 200 μg, ascorbic acid (Vit. C) 60 mg, thiamine mononitrate (Vit. B1 ) 1 mg, riboflavin (vit. B2) 1.2 mg, calcium pantothenate (vit. B5) 5 mg, pyridoxine hydrochloride (vit. B6) 2 mg, folic acid (vit. Bc) 400 mcg, cyanocobalamin * (vit. B12) 3 mcg, nicotinamide (Vit. PP) 13 mg.
    • Excipients: lactose monohydrate, orange oil 05073, polysorbate 80, glycerol, refined castor oil, sorbitol, liquid dextrose, antifoam 1510, magnesium stearate, Opalux dye AS-F-2833G (Ponceau 4R dye yellow (E124 yellow), (E110)), emulsion wax, sucrose.

    * cyanocobalamin 0.1% in mannitol (3 mg)

    Dragee - 1 dragee:

    • Active substances: calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate 64.5 mg, which corresponds to the calcium content (Ca2 +) 15 mg, which corresponds to the phosphorus content (P5 +) 12 mg, magnesium lactate dihydrate 200 mg, which corresponds to the magnesium content (Mg2 +) 20 mg, iron fumarate 30.3 mg, which corresponds to the content of iron (Fe2 +) 10 mg, copper sulfate pentahydrate 4 mg, which corresponds to the content of copper (Cu2 +) 1 mg, zinc sulfate heptahydrate 13.3 mg, which corresponds to the content of zinc (Zn2 +) 3 mg, manganese sulfate monohydrate 3.1 mg, which corresponds to the manganese content (Mn2 +) 1 mg, sodium molybdate dihydrate 220 μg, which corresponds to the content of molybdenum (Mo6 +) 100 μg.
    • Excipients: lactose monohydrate, orange oil 05073, polysorbate 80, glycerol, refined castor oil, sorbitol, liquid dextrose, antifoam 1510, magnesium stearate, liquid paraffin, povidone, indigo carmine dye AS-20912 Blue (E132), emulsion wax.

    10 pieces. (5 pcs. Dragees of red color and 5 pcs. Dragees of blue color) - blisters (4) - packs of cardboard.

    Description of the dosage form

    Red dragee (vitamins) (20 pcs. In a pack). Dragee blue (minerals) (20 pcs. In a pack).

    pharmachologic effect

    A combined preparation containing a complex of 11 vitamins and 8 minerals, which are important factors in metabolic processes. One red and blue dragee contains vitamins and minerals in quantities that satisfy the daily needs of the body. For better assimilation of the vitamin-mineral complex and preservation of the activity of the main components, vitamins and minerals are separated in dragees of different colors. Vitamins are in dragees of red color, minerals are in dragees of blue color.

    Vitamin A is involved in the synthesis of various substances (proteins, lipids, mucopolysaccharides) and ensures the normal function of the skin, mucous membranes, as well as the organ of vision.

    Vitamin D3 plays an important role in maintaining the balance of calcium and phosphorus in the body. With its lack in bone tissue, the calcium content decreases (osteoporosis).

    Vitamin B1 normalizes the activity of the heart and contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system.

    Vitamin B2 promotes tissue regeneration processes, including skin cells.

    Vitamin B6 helps maintain the structure and function of bones, teeth, gums; affects erythropoiesis, contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system.

    Vitamin B12 is involved in erythropoiesis, contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system. B vitamins are involved in the formation of various enzymes that regulate different types of metabolism in the body.

    Folic acid stimulates erythropoiesis.

    Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant. It prevents increased blood coagulation and has a beneficial effect on peripheral blood circulation. Participates in the synthesis of proteins and hemoglobin, in the process of cell growth, the function of skeletal muscles, heart and blood vessels, and gonads.

    Vitamin C is involved in the oxidation of a number of biologically active substances, the regulation of metabolism in connective tissue, carbohydrate metabolism, blood coagulation and tissue regeneration, stimulates the formation of steroid hormones, and normalizes the permeability of capillaries. Vitamin C increases the body's resistance to infections, reduces inflammatory reactions.

    Calcium is involved in the formation of bone tissue, blood coagulation, the transmission of nerve impulses, the reduction of skeletal and smooth muscles, and the normal functioning of the heart. It also promotes iron absorption.

    Magnesium is involved in the formation of muscle and bone tissue, and also takes part in protein synthesis.

    Iron is part of the hemoglobin molecule, participates in the transfer of oxygen in the body and prevents the development of anemia.

    Phosphorus, along with calcium, is involved in the formation of bones and teeth, and is also involved in the processes of energy metabolism.

    Manganese promotes bone mineralization.

    Copper is necessary for the normal function of red blood cells and iron metabolism.

    Zinc is necessary for tissue regeneration, is part of some hormones, including insulin.

    Clinical Pharmacology


    Indications Duovit

    As a prophylactic in conditions accompanied by an increased need for vitamins and minerals:

    • increased physical activity, including during active sports;
    • period of pregnancy and lactation;
    • with an irregular, malnutrition or a uniform diet.

    Contraindications Duovit

    Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

    Duovit Use in pregnancy and children

    During pregnancy and lactation, the drug can be used as directed by a doctor.

    Duovit Side Effects

    Perhaps: allergic reactions, including hypersensitivity reactions with an asthmatic component.

    Drug interaction

    The drug contains iron and calcium and therefore delays the absorption in the intestines of antibiotics from the group of tetracyclines, as well as antimicrobial agents - derivatives of fluoroquinolones. Vitamin C enhances the effect and side effects of antimicrobial agents from the sulfonamides group (including the appearance of crystals in the urine). Antacids containing aluminum, magnesium, calcium, as well as cholesterol reduce iron absorption. Therefore, if necessary, the joint appointment of Duovit and antacid drugs, it is necessary to maintain the interval between doses of at least 3 hours. With the simultaneous appointment of diuretics from the group of thiazides, the likelihood of hypercalcemia increases. It is not recommended to take Duovit in conjunction with other drugs containing vitamins and minerals.

    Dosage Duovit

    Inside, after breakfast. Dragee should be swallowed whole, washed down with a small amount of water.

    Adults and children over 10 years old - 1 tablet of red color and 1 tablet of blue color per day. The course of taking the drug is 20 days. The course of taking the drug can be repeated after a break (1-3 months) or on the recommendation of a doctor.


    Perhaps staining urine in yellow is completely harmless and is explained by the presence of riboflavin in the preparation.

    Patients with diabetes need to know that each tablet contains - 0.8 g of sugar, and the daily dose of the drug contains 1.6 g of sugar.

    Red and blue duovit tablets contain 331 mg of lactose, 1083 mg of sucrose, 270 mg of glucose, 237 mg of sorbitol, therefore it is not recommended for patients with congenital intolerance to glucose and fructose, with glucose / galactose malabsorption syndromes and sucrose / isomaltose deficiency.

    The drug contains glycerol, with an overdose are possible - headache and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, vomiting). Azo dyes E 124 and E 110 can cause hypersensitivity reactions with the asthmatic component. Hypersensitivity reactions to the drug are possible in patients with hypersensitivity to acetylsalicylic acid.

    Red dragees contain a polyol (mannitol), which in large doses can cause diarrhea.

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