Why a child in the evening shook cheeks. Red cheeks at the kid: Causes of appearance

Each mother looks short to his child and watching various incomprehensible symptoms of course worried and tries to eliminate them. Does the baby have red cheeks? Not always the cheeks are blushing with frost or joy, sometimes it can be completely different diagnoses.

Why the child has red cheeks

The reasons are actually the mass, and it is worth highlighting the most commonly encountered, with which it is difficult not to encounter in everyday life with the baby. So, what are the reasons for redness of the cheek in a child:
Allergic reaction. Carefully trace not only for the nutrition of the child, but also for your power, if you are breastfeeding. Discard from aggressive allergens: citruses, greens, chicken, strawberry, eggs, chocolate, condensed milk, etc.
Do not forget that the dishes of the child should be thoroughly rinsed and boiled, bathe only with hypoallergenic means, and if there is an allergy to animals, unfortunately it is worth attention.

Overheat . Do not dress too tightly even on the coldest day. After all, it can cause sweating and irritation of the skin, and besides, overheating is often the cause of colds.

Cold or other disease. If you have noticed that the baby has red cheeks, he is unfair, shouting, crying and sleeps badly, you should immediately contact the doctor. First, it may be constipation, diarrhea, atopic dermatitis, infectiousness, gastritis, pancreatitis, angina, lung inflammation (pneumonia). Do not wait from the sea weather, and contact the doctor and pass the tests.

Linen. Yes, underwear on which the newborn sleeps, plays big role And it is worth paying attention to it. Silk, hawk, satin, wool or artificial bedspreads cause allergies (not saying that everyone, but 50%). Better only cotton and lightweight material. In a blanket, preferably a new tynsulete, which does not cause allergies and does not prescribe a baby when shelting.

Try not to run the baby and pay attention to redness in any region of the Taurus.

Small children are prone to various diseases in view of what they are the immune system Just begins to form. The task of parents is to protect, take care of the diet, to promptly respond to changes in the behavior and the well-being of the baby. For example, one of frequent problems in childhood is allergy. Symptoms immediately pronounced: rash, itching, peeling skin Pokrov And red cheeks in a child.

The reasons for such manifestations are not always associated with the above-mentioned fewers. Some moms mistakenly believe that a blush is a sign of health, and there is nothing terrible in this state. It is necessary to understand that in an empty place peeling, bright capillary streaks and pimples do not arise. Pediatricians do not recommend letting the situation on samonek, especially if there is a temperature and rough to the child.

Causes of occurrence

Allergic reaction is the most common factor causing unpleasant and varied manifestations. She is subject to mainly infants and children under 3 years old. Parents notice the child's red rough cheeks in the child, the swelling, tearing, cough, spindlers, dryness and pallor of the skin are added to this.

In order to avoid the appearance of diathesis, which occurs on the background of allergies, it is required to identify the true cause and eliminate it. Consider the most frequent factors provoking the reaction:

  • Food diathesis causes red cheeks in a child. Komarovsky (Doctor) argues that parents themselves are often the perpetrators, throwing Chado. Eliminate phenomenon will help activated carbon And warm drink.
  • Medical allergies (synthetic additives, antibiotics).
  • Reaction to the vaccine.
  • Contact dermatitis (clothing, household chemicals, cosmetics, animal wool).
  • (contaminated environment).

Faced with a similar pathological problem, parents must send a kid to the examination. Diagnostics will help identify hypereaction, subsequently the doctor will regite competent therapy. Remember that this is a chronic state that cannot be cured can be maintained in latent form (remission).


You need to know that most viruses provoke characteristic symptoms. Diseases such as rubella, scarletin, erythema and cortex contribute to the fact that red cheeks appear in the child. Komarovsky reports that such diseases are observed in children from 3 to 10 years.

According to the doctor, it should not be pushing antibacterial agents without appointing a specialist. It is required to create the most comfortable conditions so that the body struggles independently with viruses: do not force to eat, provide abundant drink and clean air with 60% humidity. It is forbidden to steer legs, wrap, load fatty food.

lupus erythematosus

Why the child has a red cheek, weakness and heat Up to 40 o s? This may be a sign of a dangerous disease, such as a lupus, i.e., a violation of its own tissue leading to the defeat internal organs. It begins acutely, redness is marked on the cheeks and the nose.

The rashes on other parts of the body are not excluded, resembling small scaly spots. Emergency medical care and comprehensive treatment. In the absence of adequate therapy, hazardous complications arise (heart disease, joints, lymphatic system, kidney).

Roseola, or three-day fever

Incubation period 5-15 days. It is characterized by increasing temperatures up to 39 o C, convulsions, with no cough, nor the cold is observed. A few days later, bright pink stains appear throughout the body. As you understood, do not always testify to strong health red cheeks in a child. The causes of the ailment are Herpes Viruses of the 6th and 7th View.

Nepical redness and rash

It is impossible to briefly list all stimuli and diseases, causing a similar reaction from the child's body. It can be adapted milk mixtures, a disorder of heat exchange, genetic pathologies. Sensible moms will immediately visit the pediatrician, especially if the child is 5 months old. Red cheeks with a rough crust is not a norm.

This may be suspicion of heart disease or liver failure. Urgently need to do ultrasound, x-ray and make blood fence. Painful states that are accompanied by such clinical manifestations, not count: meningococcal meningitis, viral hepatitis, pneumonia, bacterial sepsis, violation of the activities of the GCT, eczema.

What to do?

First of all, it is necessary to define an allergen. Without diagnostic events, it will not be possible to solve this problem and eliminate symptoms. The longer to postpone the visit to the doctor, the deeper the disease letters "roots". You should alert constantly red cheeks in a child. The reasons should be asked immediately and not to rush to use antiviral and antiallergic medicines.

When itching and peeling can be used folk remedies: Tea welding, vegetable chambers, soothing children's lotions. It is advisable to exclude harmful products from the diet (flour, sweet, smoked). If the kid is fed breast milkMom should analyze the menu. Provide maximum cleanliness in the room, more often make wet cleaning and vacuum.

So we found out why the child has a red cheek and what causes such a phenomenon. Let your children pour a blush only from walking and laughter - be healthy!

Redness of the cheeks - the complaint is so frequent that this problem can be safely put on one of the first places among the problems of the first year of the child's life. Evgeny Komarovsky advises to consider several the main causes of this skin.


Most frequent cause Red cheeks in a child lies not in an allergic reaction to a particular product, as Moms and grandmothers think. Redness is the reaction of the organism on the stubble. Komarovsky claims that this is an external manifestation of that internal process that flows inside at the kid when it gives food more than he is able to digest.

Enzymes B. children's body There is not much accumulated, and therefore the remaining non-digestible food is simply rotting in the intestine and comes out with the cartoons. In the process of rotting through the intestinal wall in the blood, decay products fall, which paint the toddler cheeks in red.

The most susceptible to the crop of children-artificials. While their peers that feed on maternal milk diligently suck their dinner from the chest, they naturally appear a feeling of satiety. A child who eats from a bottle does not attach so much effort to suck the mixture, and therefore eats faster. The saturation sense will come only in 10-15 minutes after the end of the meal, as a result, the child always creates an extra quantity that will not be able to digest.

Komarovsky's outlet sees in order to buy a nipple with a very small hole for a bottle of nipples with a very small hole, then the baby will have to work hard before it will eat the amount of mixture.


If the cheeks are blushing with enviable regularity and track the food product, the "obedient" in this misfortune fails, Evgeny Komarovsky recommends considering the contact allergy option. Naturally, not independently, but in a friendly tandem with an allergist. With such an unpleasant phenomenon, the cheek can not only blush, but also to be covered with a rash or crust. In this situation, the worst enemy mothers and crumbs - chlorine. You need to go through the whole supply of household chemicals and, without a doubt, throw away everything that is at least the slightest hint of chlorine.

Details about Allergies will tell Dr. Komarovsky in the video below.

Remember that water in the crane is also chlorized for disinfection, and therefore a child prone to contact allergies should be bought in boiled water. All washing powders, including adults, need to be replaced with hypoallergenic tools for washing baby linen. They should be washed with children to bed linen of parents. Always keep the galact of their natural fabric, beckoned by the children's powder, which you need to ask for everyone who wants to take the baby on your hands (because it is unknown than the grandmother erases or your girlfriend at home your things!).

After washing, all things must be ringed in advanced tap water. It should be carefully looking at all the toys, and a merciless hand get rid of those who have a specific chemical smell, large soft toys, or accumulate a lot of dust. You need to leave only high-quality toys that are easy and simply can be wiped with water with baby soap and dry.


The effect of food on red cheeks should not be underestimated, says Komarovsky. So often the allergies to the cow protein appears.In mixtures, especially adapted, manufacturers "neutralized" it. But pasteurized milk, which children begin to give sometimes after half a year, may well be the cause of an inadequate reaction of the body. The protein that is initially alien to the immunity of the child is called a protein antigen. He is not just not digested, the body begins to produce antibodies on it, the result of which red cheeks become.

Milk cow and Komarovsky's goat advises in this situation to replace for children's milk mixtures by age (No. 1 to 6 months, No. 2 - from six months), with a strong redness - you can give a child sorbents ("enterosgel", "Polysorb" and so on .).


Respiratory allergies are most often manifested by a runny nose or allergic conjunctivitis, however, sometimes it is accompanied by redness of the cheeks and chin. In this case, it is necessary to eliminate the source of allergies as soon as possible and consult a doctor for clarifying further actions. As a rule, according to Evgenia Komarovsky, it is enough to simply eliminate Allergen.

Atopic dermatitis

If the cheeks are blushing, and other parts of the body are blushing beyond them, and it happens often, then you can suspect atopic dermatitis, which in the people is mistakenly called diathesis. He, as a rule, manifests itself as a result of exposure and internal, and external factors. In other words, the antigen protein acts from the inside, and some irritant factors (such as chlorine in water) - outside.

To correct the situation, it is necessary to consult a doctor, as well as to exclude external stimuli (in the above methods) and correct the power. In some cases it may be necessary symptomatic treatment Antihistamine, hormonal drugs.

According to Yevgeny Komarovsky, diathesis passes with age at the overwhelming number of small patients. As I formalize immunity, as "debugging" digestive system and metabolic systems.

  • Do not overflow.Let it eat less, it is better learned.
  • Eliminate contact with chlorine and "adults" with detergents and washing powders.
  • Use drugs at contact allergies should only be prescribed by a doctor to not harm the child even more. If the red cheeks are not very worried, it is better not to use drugs at all. If they are strong and the child is constantly scratching, you can use "phenyatil" or undergo a course of treatment with hormones, if an allergologist after classical samples, will consider it appropriate.
  • Do not give a cow and goat milk.
  • A child with such a problem is not necessary to buy bright masses, hats and pants.Textile dyes quite often cause contact allergies from particularly sensitive children. The best choice In this situation - white shirts and pants.
  • You need to create optimal conditions for a child in the house. Air temperature - 18-20 degrees, air humidity - 50-70%. It is necessary to escape the room more often, make a wet cleaning. Do not allow the child overheated and sweat. Sometimes some of these measures are quite enough for the cheeks to stop blushing.
  • Children, prone to react to redness of the cheek, do not give many drugs. Antibiotics, antiviral drugs, drops from a cold and cough syrups - all this can provoke medicinal allergies. Therefore, medicines are given to such babies only in exceptional cases, strictly on the reasonable appointment of the doctor.
  • If the child is blushing with cheeks, and all of the above reasons were not confirmed, it could only mean that the allergen could not be found. Pay attention to this: Food for fish, aerosols, perfumes Moms and dads, insects, pets and dogs, dust, Plants, especially blooming, nuts, raisins, furniture coating in the apartment.
  • It is necessary to follow the emptying of the intestine.A child with a tendency to flushing the cheeks should not be constipation. The empty intestine greatly facilitates the state with any form of allergic reactions. If the constipation happens (children who are on

Does the child constantly blush cheeks? This phenomenon requires close attention, as it can signal an allergic reaction to food or hygiene products. What other reasons cause redness of the cheeks? What can parents help the baby? Do you need a doctor's advice?

When is the Reds on the cheeks in the child safe?

Red cheeks for a long time were considered a sign of good child health. If there is no Rumyanta on the cheeks, and the baby is pale, it was believed that he was undernourished or sick. Today, stereotypes have changed - constantly red-haired cheeks of the child are a sign of malaise, availability dangerous diseasesAfter all, the skin is an indicator of health.

Do not cause the fears of redness should in the following cases:

  • Cheeks blush after active , Outdoor walks in the autumn-winter period. This beautiful blush is pink, and it quickly passes after half an hour after returning home.
  • With the psychological reaction of the child to some events in life . Shame, anger, natural shyness can also cause a tide of blood to cheeks. Such red disappears without a trace, as soon as the child calms down.
  • If the child stayed for too long in the sun.
  • Kids 12-24 months of red may appear after eating especially if they are trying to eat themselves. Food residues fall on the skin and cause easy irritation.

In other cases, the child should alert parents.

What are the reasons for redness of the cheek in a child, and what to do with it?

Caution! There are other reasons when red is a reason for immediate appeal to the doctor. Among them are serious diseases Like erythema, hepatitis, sepsis and systemic lupus. Establish the correct diagnosis in these cases can only qualified specialist after full examination Child.

Additional protection measures from redness of cheeks in a child

Install whether flushing is temporary or permanent. If the cheeks blush with enviable constancy without consulting the doctor you can not do.

In case the child is on breastfeeding, and his cheeks blushed, to revise the diet must first of all nursing mother. A child on artificial feeding is allergic to the mixture.

Before consulting with the doctor, it is impossible to give a child medication against allergies. He picks them up only by the doctor.

Attention! Enter childbirth children? It's time to start the food diary and record all new products there, which fall in the Child menu. Do not forget about the main rule - a new product can be given no more than once a week!

What products can cause red chick's cheeks:

  1. Any vegetables and fruits of red, orange . This is not only allergen familiar to us like strawberries and citrus fruits, but also tomatoes, persimmon, peppers, carrots.
  2. Seafood, crab sticks.
  3. Whole milk (cow), including condensed milk.
  4. Spice.
  5. Products and dishes with eggs or eggs in pure form.
  6. Honey.
  7. Nuts.
  8. Confectionery with chocolate.
  9. Products with palm oil, preservatives and emulsifiers.

In case the baby dietez in most cases needs special creams that remove irritation and skin protecting. Only a doctor can pick up such a tool. In many cases, it needs to be manufactured individually in special pharmacies, where there is a prescription department.

Bat the baby in baths with herbs that make irritation. This is a chamomile, nettle, a series and dandelion.

Follow the child to wash and soap hands - simple rules Hygiene helps to avoid many infections and keep skin clean.

It is clear that if the reason for the redness of the cheek is serious, you can get rid of the disease only by eliminating the main source of the problem. But sometimes getting rid of red cheeks helps a complete change in nutrition and day mode. More walk, eliminate sweets, play with children in active games. ATTENTION from parents, saturated with events day become sometimes the best medicines!


When we present healthy babyThe first thing that arises in our consciousness is chubby pink cheeks on a smiling children's face. Often, the cause of the Rumian is not so harmless, as it may seem at first glance.Red spots on the cheeks in the child may be a sign of internal failures in a small organism or symptom of dangerous diseases.

Causes of red cheeks in a child

Factors affecting redness can be divided into uncomfortable health and pathological threats. Not representing threats do not need treatment and pass after eliminating the reasons that provoked this condition. These include a blush caused by:

  • long-term motor activity;
  • teething;
  • irritation of the skin of the face with mechanical stimuli;
  • overheating;
  • the impact of wind, dry air or cold.

Hyperemia can be a sign of a number pathological conditions. Among them:

The delay in the intestinal emptying can be the cause of red cheeks in the child.This is due to the absorption of the intestinal walls of toxins, which will allocate with the rotation of food residues. More often, these problems arise from kids who are on artificial feeding, but children who are breastfeeding can also suffer to challenges. If the constipation happens regularly, it is worth seeking advice to the pediatrician to solve this problem as quickly as possible.

Facial hyperemia can be a symptom arterial hypertension. Hypertension in children is rare. It develops with acute renal failure and pathologies of adrenal glands, diseases of the heart, abnormal development of the brain, endocrine disorders. In the case of arterial hypertension, children have increased fatigue, sleep disorders, headaches, muscle weakness. If these symptoms are detected, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor for conducting a survey with the subsequent treatment of the disease.

One of the most common causes of hyperemia is an allergy.It happens:

  • Alimentary (Food);
  • respiratory (when inhaling particles of pollen, animal wool, dust);
  • contact (when exposed to allergen on the skin);
  • drug.

Alimentary allergies are the intolerance to certain types of products. Allergen (substance provoking the development of a pathological reaction) are components of a kid or a nursing mother. In this role there are products like eggs, chocolate, citrus, honey, milk. An allergic reaction can provoke a product from the diet of a nursing mother or fit.

In children at the age of half a year, when milk is introduced into the luch, it is often encountered by casein intolerance (cow's protein or goat milk). Casein, being a protein-antigen, causes the body to produce antibodies, thereby causing the reaction. If the milk colites cheeks into red, it is recommended to replace with adapted milk mixtures by age.

Respiratory allergy is manifested by rhinitis (nasal congestion, runny nose, tear) or allergic conjunctivitis (eye inflammation), but can be accompanied by redness of the cheeks and chin. Allergen can be perfume, flowers, household chemicals, dust. For the treatment of respiratory allergies, it is necessary to eliminate the source as soon as possible (this may be), as well as seek help to an allergic doctor.

Contact allergies occurs after entering the chlorine's skin contained in running water, washing powders, not intended for baby clothes, contact with poor-quality children's toys. To prevent allergic reactions, it is recommended to boil water for bathing the baby, use special detergents for washing children's clothing, not to give toys with a specific chemical smell.

The cause of drug allergies can serve as antibiotics, droplets from a cold, antiviral drugs, cough syrups. Children, prone to any of the types of allergies, medications It is necessary to give with caution and strictly by appointing a doctor. If a child has red cheeks after applying a new drug, the medication should be canceled.

If there are redness not only on the cheeks, but also on other parts of the body, and they appear often, it can be assumed that the baby has atopic dermatitis. This is chronic allergic disease Skin, which occurs due to the effects on the body of several types of stimuli, for example, alimentary allergies from the inside and contact - outside.

Red cheeks in children can be the first sign infectious disease and are criterion for their differential diagnosis. Hyperemia is characteristic of such diseases:

  • meningococcal infection
  • pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs),
  • scarlatina (infectious disease caused by streptococcus),
  • bacterial sepsis (saming the organism by pathogenic microbes),
  • rubella,
  • measles
  • infectious erythema (infectious viral disease manifested by small-populous rash),
  • Children's Roseola (infectious disease caused by a human herpes virus).

Almost all infectious and viral diseases occur with increasing temperature.When flushing flushing and fever is detected, you must urgently apply for medical help. A timely diagnosed diagnosis and correct assigned therapy will be able to facilitate the symptoms of the disease, speed up the process of recovery and reduce complications as much as possible.

In infants

Baby's red cheeks is one of the signs of the overgrown.Often, the kids that are on artificial feeding are suffering from this. The persistence comes because such children do not make efforts to suck milk. Breasting, squealing chest, worries hard and manage to get tired by the end of meals. Children on artificial feeding, apply less effort, and saturation occurs only 10-15 minutes after eating and the baby almost always eats more than the norm.

The red cheeks in the infants on artificial feeding are becoming because enzymes in a small body produced a little more, they are enough for a complete digestion of a certain amount of food. Excessive food is delayed in the intestine, and toxins secreted during its rotting are absorbed and fall into the blood. In order to prevent persignity, it is necessary to clearly follow the recommendations on the nutrition for the child.

Often become red cheeks in a child, when teeth rubber. This is due to the enhancement of blood circulation in the tissues around the tooth. Hyperemia does not deliver special discomfort and passes after the teething of the tooth. Another reason for reddening the cheeks during teething can be characteristic of this period a small raising of temperature.

Red spots on the cheeks can cause overheating. It occurs due to excessive shutting of the baby or non-compliance with the temperature regime. Normalize the indoor microclimate will help ventilation, humidifier and regular cleaning. The red rough cheeks in the infants are due to the sinking skin, food residues, contact with mechanical stimuli (bristles, pillowcase made of rigid tissue, etc.). To prevent hyperemia, it is necessary to comply with the rules of the baby hygiene and eliminate contact with gross surfaces.

Child in the evening the cheeks are blushing

Red cheeks in the evening may be a symptom of a starting infectious disease. If the body temperature is higher than the norm, urgently contact the doctor. In addition to infectious diseases, hyperemia can cause:

  • Failure to comply with temperature regime and relative humidity standards.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Teething.

Red cheeks and chin

If the temperature is within the normal range, and the cheeks and chin flush - the baby is allergic. Consultation pediatrician, allergist, child diet analysis, and in case breastfeeding And moms will allow you to correctly define an allergen. If the exclusion of the stimulus is not enough, the doctor will prescribe systemic antihistamine (anti-allergic) therapy.

Painhed one cheek

Hyperemia of one cheek in a child may be due to various reasons. Among them:

  • Pneumonia. In addition to reddening one cheek, there is an increase in temperature, cough, nasolabial triangle bias, high sweating.
  • A bite of an insect.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Reaction to an external mechanical stimulus.
  • Teething.

After a walk

Increased motor activity is the reason for redness of the cheek in children.The physical activity improves blood circulation, contributes to the appearance of the Rumyanta. In winter, redness of the skin may be associated with a temperature drop when returning from frost into a warm room. In order to prevent frostbite and temptation in winter, before going to walk, the open areas of the body must be abundantly lubricated with protective cream. In summer for warning sun burns It is recommended to use creams with UV protection.

Burn cheeks, no temperatures

Often redness of the cheek in a child without increasing the temperature is associated with factors that do not pose a threat to health. After eliminating these stimuli, the skin becomes natural. If for several hours hyperemia does not pass, then this means that the body signals internal problems. Body temperature control, monitoring common stateThe identification of additional symptoms will be allowed to establish the cause of hyperemia on time and proceed to the treatment of a starting disease.

What to do if the baby has blushed cheeks

Red cheeks in a child - a signal for parents. Hyperemia not passing for a long time Or constantly repeating serves as a reason to seek advice to the pediatrician. A specialist will conduct a thorough examination of a small patient, establish the cause and prescribes treatment. Depending on the cause of the symptom and the identified diagnosis, therapy is assigned.

In confirming the infectious disease, the child is assigned appropriate treatment at home or in the hospital. Depending on the causative agent of the disease, antibiotics are prescribed or antiviral drugs, immunomodulators and common therapy. The duration and intensity of treatment depends on the disease and the severity of the symptoms.

A complex of anthelmintic therapy is assigned to the treatment of melted invasions, which includes chemical or vegetable preparations, antihistamine (anti-allergic) agents and special hygienic regime. With proper adherence to the appointment and recommendations of the doctor, the forecast is favorable, and, subject to the rules of personal hygiene, you can avoid recurrence of infection.

Treatment with atopic dermatitis towards adjusting the diet, excluding external stimuli and removal of symptoms. If redness on the cheek in a child is caused atopic dermatitisThe doctor appoints a diet. In addition to the product causing allergic reactionFrom the diet you should eliminate sharp and oily food, eggs, chocolate, citrus fruits, limit salt use.

In accordance with the age of the child, therapy is appointed system antihistamine drugs (Loratadine, Supratine). To remove the symptoms of intoxication, the use of enterosorbents is shown - means that purify the intestine from allergens (polysorb, attoxyl). Remove the external manifestations of allergies will help the processing of irritated areas with corticosteroid ointments (hydrocortisone, eloc), and to prevent secondary infection - ointments with antibiotic content (levomexol, levosin).


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