Floating crane project 907 to the dimensions of the boom. Design features and characteristics of floating cranes

1. Introduction

2. Initial data for design

3. The performance of the crane and the mode of operation of its mechanisms

lifting mechanism

Boom system and luffing mechanism

Slewing device and turning mechanism

Crane stability

Crane control




The floating crane can be installed on a pontoon or on a ship. On the pontoon of the crane, a rotary part with a swinging boom is mounted. In longitudinal section, the pontoon has a rectangular shape with undercuts at the lower end of the bow and stern parts. At the extremities (in the diametrical plane) of the crane pontoon with a lifting capacity of 5 tons (prototype KPL5-30) there are fairleads for installing pile piercings.

The metal hull of the pontoon is divided into watertight compartments by longitudinal and transverse bulkheads. The compartments house the engine room, where the main and auxiliary diesel generators are located; drainage, fire, sanitary and other systems; service and residential (for the crew) premises. Anchor and mooring mechanisms are installed on the deck of the pontoon, as well as a rack for laying the boom along the stowed position.

Floating transshipment cranes are fully revolving, equipped with clamshell lifting mechanisms, they can operate regardless of the availability of power sources on the shore for transshipment of almost all dry cargo at non-equipped berths. The lifting capacity at all boom outreaches is usually constant, which makes it possible, especially when working in clamshell mode, to continuously load ships.

Designs of floating cranes, even with the same lifting capacity and maximum outreach, may differ in the types of slewing device. (on a column or support circle) and a boom system (an articulated boom with a flexible or rigid guy, a straight boom with an equalizing chain hoist). For floating cranes with a lifting capacity of up to 16 tons, the boom is lowered onto the pontoon rack by means of a departure mechanism without disconnecting the boom rods, which reduces the labor intensity of the work and reduces the time spent on laying the boom along the stowed one.

Electricity is supplied to the mechanisms of the rotary part from a diesel generator located in the engine room of the pontoon, through the inner hole of the central pin and a current collector attached to it. It is also possible to connect the crane to the shore power supply.

The crane is attached to the berth or vessel with mooring ropes wound on drums of mooring winches or capstans, or with two pile stabs lowered into the ground through hawses at the end of the pontoon. Piles are lifted from the ground by means of mooring winches and a chain hoist.


Develop a project for a floating crane based on the KPL-5-30 prototype. With technical specifications provided in table 1.

Technical characteristics of the designed crane

Table 1

Speeds: lifting luffing m/min m/min

Estimated lift height: above rail head to rail head m m


The cargo reloading technology for the wagon-ship operation is schematically shown in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1 Scheme of the warehouse-ship crane operation. hp - lifting height, hp=7 m; hop - height of lowering the load, hop=12 m; - angle of rotation of the crane, = 180o; R1 - minimum outreach, R1=8 m; R2 - maximum outreach, R2=27 m.

Productivity is nothing more than the mass of cargo reloaded for 1 hour of work.

where is the weight of the load;

The number of cycles per hour.

cargo weight:

Determine the number of cycles per hour:

where is a coefficient that takes into account the combination of cycle operations, taken 0.8;

Load slinging time:

Time of lifting the load to a height:


Turning time of the crane with the load and back;

Boom departure time;

Lowering time:

Time to sling from the load:

Capture setup time:

The average duration of the inclusion of crane mechanisms:

lifting mechanism

turning mechanism

departure mechanism


The load lifting mechanism is designed to lift, hold, regulate, lower loads, as well as actuate grabs.

The hook crane lifting mechanism consists of a hook, cargo ropes, guide blocks, identical single-drum winches. Each winch is equipped with an electric motor, a clutch, a two-shoe brake, a gearbox, a clutch for connecting the gearbox to the drum. One of the winches is called closing, the other - supporting. The ropes wound on the drums of these winches have the corresponding names - closing and supporting.

The hook crane has 2 lifting mechanisms. A prerequisite for the design of the lifting mechanism is a speed control device. The lifting mechanism is equipped with a set of devices that ensure safe operation, such as: load limiter (OGP), limit switches for lifting height and lowering depth.

Rope calculation

The calculation of the lifting mechanism begins with the selection of a cargo rope.

The steel rope of the cargo winch is selected according to GOST, taking into account the breaking force

where is the maximum force in the rope branch;

Rope utilization factor;

For clamshell cranes.

Let us determine the maximum force in the rope branch:

where is the free fall acceleration;

The number of ropes descending from the end blocks;

Taking into account the found breaking force, a double lay steel rope of the LK-R type 6x19 wires with one organic core with a diameter of 24 mm, GOST 2688-80, is suitable for the designed crane.

Block calculation

Blocks are calculated and selected taking into account the ropes passing through them.

According to the GOST rules, the block diameter is determined:

Let's depict the cable block according to the calculations for the designed crane fig. 2.

Rice. 2 Rope block

Drum calculation

1. - cutting step;

Drum groove depth:

Groove Radius:

Rice. 3 Rope groove profile for single layer winding

Drum diameter:

Drum section thickness:

Drum length:

where is the length of the drum cutting;

Determine the length of the uncut part of the drum

A- the length of the uncut part of the drum.

The total number of threads;

where - working coils;

H1=23 m=23000 mm;

H2=15 m=15000 mm;

Spare coils;

fastening coils;

Determine the length of the drum cutting

Determine the length of the drum

Fig. 5 Fastening the rope on the drum with overlays

Calculation of the electric motor of the lifting mechanism

Determine the required power of the crane:

where is the overall efficiency of the mechanism;

Since the designed crane is with a hook mode of operation, two electric motors are used with a power of:

Based on the above calculations, we select an MTN 711-10 engine with a power of N 80 kW and 580 rpm.

Reducer calculation

To select a gearbox, we need to know the gear ratio of the gearbox:

where is the frequency of rotation of the drum;

Taking into account the gear ratio found, we select the RM-850 gearbox, which has a high-speed shaft speed of 600 rpm, power at duty cycle = 40% - 69 kW, at duty cycle = 100% - 27.9 kW.

Brake calculation

The calculation and selection of the brake begins with finding the value of the braking torque:

where is the braking coefficient;


where is the number of winches;

Taking into account the braking torque, we select a shoe brake driven by an electro-hydraulic pusher of the TKG-400M type with a brake pulley diameter of 400 mm and a braking torque of 1500 Nm.


The mechanism for changing the reach of an arrow with a boom device is designed to change the radius of the serviced area. With a variable outreach, the distance from the load to the center of rotation of the crane changes and the crane serves the area between two circles with radii equal to the maximum (Rmax=30m) and minimum (Rmin=8m) boom outreach.

In the crane we are designing, an articulated boom system is used, consisting of an arrow, a trunk and a guy line. The brace is flexible, in the form of a rope. The geometric dimensions of the boom, trunk and braces must be such as to ensure the possibility of moving the load to a given height and a given maximum and minimum boom reach. A flexible guy is hinged on the trunk with a constant shoulder, i.e. a constant distance from this hinge to the point of connection of the boom with the trunk. The trunk, connected to the boom pivotally, can move relative to the boom in its plane. In order to reduce the power consumption by the mechanism for changing the reach, the boom systems are balanced by a movable counterweight with a variable reach.

Luffing Mechanism on the projected crane is a sector-crank.

In a sector - crank mechanism, the gear sector is driven by a gear. The sector rigidly attached to the balance beam has an axis of rotation common with the beam, which rests on the supports. When the gear rotates, the gear sector rotates together with the rocker arm, and the boom swing is carried out by the force of the boom rod, which is pivotally connected to the rocker arm and the boom. The kinematic diagram of the mechanism for changing the boom departure is shown in Fig.5.

Kinematic diagram fig.


The slewing device and the rotation mechanism are used in all cranes, which provide for the rotation of part of their structure around a vertical axis. All of them belong to full-slewing and non-slewing cranes.

There are two main types of full swivel devices: on a platform (for our crane), on a column.

At a crane on a turntable, the turntable rests on wheels or rollers that move along a circular rail (rail ring) attached to the support drum. The turning mechanism on the turntable consists of an electric motor, an elastic coupling with a brake pulley, a two-shoe brake, a gearbox with a vertical shaft, at the end of which a cylindrical gear is mounted on a key. During rotation, this gear is repelled from a stationary gear wheel (rigidly attached to the support drum) and runs around it, providing the turntable with rotation around the vertical axis at a certain frequency.

To protect the shafts and gears from overload, a friction gear is installed in the gearbox, consisting of driving friction discs, driven lower and upper pressure discs of the friction clutch, and a spiral / pressure spring.

The following devices are used in the slewing device and in the rotation mechanism for safe operation:

blocking the brake of the rotation mechanism;

built-in limit torque clutch, which slips in cases of a sharp start or sharp braking of the rotation mechanism, as well as in case of jamming of the rotary part.

The rotation mechanism has to overcome resistances:

friction forces (in the mechanism itself);

inertial forces (during acceleration, braking and when changing speed in general);

wind loads.

Calculation of the load acting on the brace of the trunk.


Stability- this is the ability of a pontoon with a turning part to return to its original position after the termination of the action of external forces that cause it to tilt.

Due to the unbalance of the boom system, taking a load on a hook or in a grab, the center of gravity of the turning part almost always does not coincide with the vertical axis, so a heeling moment appears, tilting the pontoon at a certain angle. Under the action of the heeling moment, the pontoon with the turning part is out of balance. The shape of the underwater part of the pontoon will change when it is tilted, and the center of gravity of the submerged part of the pontoon will move to another point, resulting in a moment that counteracts the tilt. This moment is called recovery. After the end of the heeling moment, the pontoon with the turning part must return to its original position under the action of the restoring moment.

When creating and operating river floating cranes, the concept of static stability is used. The restoring moment is a measure of static stability. Permissible value of the static angle of heel according to the Rules of the River Register should not exceed 3030//. The dynamic angle of heel that occurs when a load breaks or a heavy wind should be no more than 60.


The control devices are made and installed in such a way that the control is convenient and does not impede the observation of the load gripping device and the load.

The direction of the handles and levers corresponds to the direction of movement of the mechanisms. Symbols of the directions of the called movements must be indicated on the devices and will remain during their service life. The individual positions of the handles are fixed; the locking force in the zero position is greater than in any other.

Push-button devices designed for reverse start of the mechanism have an electrical interlock, which excludes the supply of voltage to the reversing devices when both buttons are pressed simultaneously.

Crane control cabins comply with the State Standard Rules and other regulatory documents.

The control cabin and control panel are located so that the crane operator can monitor the load gripping device and the load during the full cycle of the crane. The control cabin is located in such a way that during normal operation of the crane with a minimum reach of the boom, the possibility of a load or load gripping device hitting the cabin is excluded.

The crane cab is equipped with: an indicator of the change of the boom radius, an anemometer, signaling devices and a free view and access to them is provided.

The cabin glazing is made in such a way that it is possible to clean the windows both from the inside and outside. The bottom panes, on which the crane operator can stand with his feet, are protected by gratings that can support his weight. The cabin has sun shields.

The floor in the cabin has a flooring made of non-metallic materials that exclude slipping and is covered with a dielectric mat.

The door to enter the cabin is sliding and equipped with a lock on the inside. The area in front of the entrance to the cabin is fenced. The crane is equipped with a device for locking the door from the outside when the crane operator leaves the crane. Entry into the cabin through the hatch is not allowed.

The cabin is equipped with a stationary seat for the crane operator, arranged so that it is possible to sit down to operate the apparatus and monitor the load. The seat is adjustable in height and in the horizontal plane for ease of operation and maintenance of control devices.

The crane cabin is made and equipped in such a way that it provides the proper temperature and air exchange in accordance with regulatory documents.


The design of the crane as a hoisting and transport machine and a floating structure must provide: the necessary margin of buoyancy, stability, unsinkability and strength of the pontoon hull; reduction of yaw during crane operation; high-performance reliable operation when handling bulk and piece cargoes; autonomy of work for a certain time at various berths, regardless of coastal sources of supply of electricity, fuel, lubricants, etc.; minimum costs of manual labor; safety of work during maintenance, repair and reloading operations; ease of assembling units during manufacture, installation and dismantling with the least number of fitting work; convenient access to places of lubrication and inspection of critical units; remote control of the mechanisms of the rotary part, the main and auxiliary power plants or their automation; the smallest mass of the pontoon with a rotary part (so that the crane can be lifted onto the slipway for inspection and repair of the rotary part of the hull); the possibility of towing under bridges, power lines and through locks for I and III classes of inland waterways; safety Vehicle and cargo during reloading operations.

You also need to remember about the living and working conditions of the crew of the floating crane; When designing a floating crane, it is necessary to take into account that the crew members work and rest on board the floating crane for a long time. Therefore, living conditions on board require a good ventilation system, made with the latest technology; water supply system; heating system; for living - spacious and comfortable cabins; for active recreation - equipped gym; equipped rooms for cooking and eating.

There is currently a lot of attention environmental problem; therefore, I believe that the floating crane should be equipped with tanks for collecting bottom water, fan water, and household waste; because the crane can work autonomously for a long time in remote areas of the river basin.

When designing a crane, it is necessary to equip it with fire safety control systems and modern fire extinguishing systems.


floating crane mechanism stability

1. V.V. Avvakumov Transport hubs and terminals. Tutorial. - Omsk. NGAVT, 2001 - 90 p.

2. V.D. Burenok Guidelines for the implementation of the course project in the discipline Port lifting and transport machines. - Novosibirsk. NIIVT, 1985 - 31 p.

V.D. Burenok Guidelines for implementation control work in the discipline Port handling equipment "Calculation of a clamshell - conveyor reloader" . - Novosibirsk. NIIVT, 1992 - 32 p.

I.A. Ivanov Guidelines for implementation laboratory work discipline "Transport terminals and handling equipment". - Novosibirsk. NGAVT, 2001 - 22 p.

N.P. Garanin Port handling equipment. Textbook for water institutes. trasp. - M.: Transport, 1985 - 311 p.

Z.P. Sherle, G.G. Karakulin, A.P. Kazakov, Yu.I. Vasin Operator's Handbook river port. - M.: Transport, 1967 - 416 p.

The floating crane can be installed on a pontoon or on a ship. On the pontoon of the crane, a rotary part with a swinging boom is mounted. In longitudinal section, the pontoon has a rectangular shape with undercuts at the lower end of the bow and stern parts. At the extremities (in the diametrical plane) of the crane pontoon with a lifting capacity of 5 tons (prototype KPL5-30) there are fairleads for installing pile piercings.

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The metal hull of the pontoon is divided into watertight compartments by longitudinal and transverse bulkheads. The compartments house the engine room, where the main and auxiliary diesel generators are located; drainage, fire, sanitary and other systems; service and residential (for the crew) premises. Anchor and mooring mechanisms are installed on the deck of the pontoon, as well as a stand for laying the boom along the stowed position.

Floating transshipment cranes are fully revolving, equipped with clamshell lifting mechanisms, they can operate regardless of the availability of power sources on the shore for transshipment of almost all dry cargo at non-equipped berths. The lifting capacity at all boom outreaches is usually constant, which makes it possible, especially when working in clamshell mode, to continuously load ships.

Designs of floating cranes, even with the same lifting capacity and maximum outreach, may differ in the types of slewing device. (on a column or support circle) and a boom system (an articulated boom with a flexible or rigid guy, a straight boom with an equalizing chain hoist). For floating cranes with a lifting capacity of up to 16 tons, the boom is lowered onto the pontoon rack by means of a departure mechanism without disconnecting the boom rods, which reduces the labor intensity of the work and reduces the time spent on laying the boom along the stowed one.

Electricity is supplied to the mechanisms of the rotary part from a diesel generator located in the engine room of the pontoon, through the inner hole of the central pin and a current collector attached to it. It is also possible to connect the crane to the shore power supply.

The crane is attached to the berth or vessel with mooring ropes wound on drums of mooring winches or capstans, or with two pile stabs lowered into the ground through the hawse at the end of the pontoon. Piles are lifted from the ground by means of mooring winches and a chain hoist.

Develop a project for a floating crane based on the KPL-5-30 prototype. With technical specifications provided in table 1.

Technical characteristics of the designed crane

Table 1






load capacity


boom luffing

Crane speed

Arrow reach:



Estimated lift height:

overhead rail

up to the rail head

Transshipment cargo

Container (5 tons)

Working mode

Design features and characteristics of floating cranes

1. Cranes for river construction

For the construction of ports and bridges on inland waterways, universal floating cranes with a lifting capacity of 10 to 60 tons, collapsible cranes with a lifting capacity of 30-100 tons, pile cranes with a lifting capacity of 25-30 tons and combined land cranes installed on floating facilities are used.

Universal taps

Crane "Kirovets" type Kpl G / K 10-30 with a lifting capacity of 10 tons for all boom departures was produced by the plant. Kirov in Leningrad in clamshell and hook performance.

The crane is full-revolving, the boom of a lattice structure with a jib is pivotally connected to a movable counterweight for balancing. When changing the reach, the gooseneck moves in the opposite direction with respect to the boom (it lowers when the boom is raised), so that when the reach changes, the load remains at the same height.

The rotary part of the crane with the boom fixed on it and all lifting and turning mechanisms is located on rollers moving along the lower crown, located on a beam cage 2.1 m high from the deck.

AC crane motors with a voltage of 220-380 V, with a total capacity of 267 kw. Power is supplied by a diesel generator set located in the pontoon hull or on the shore. Crane control is electromechanical.

The crane is not self-propelled and moves with the help of mooring lines and winches.

To bring the crane into the transport position, the boom is lowered; after dismantling the mechanism for changing the reach of the boom, the height of the crane is reduced to 10 m.

The crane is designed for loading and unloading operations and therefore has high speeds of all operations. Due to insufficient carrying capacity, a crane is not recommended for installation work, but it can be used as an auxiliary crane at a concrete plant for supplying aggregates and cement from water, for unloading timber and other goods. With a small weight of the mounted elements, the crane can also be used for construction work.

Rice. 1. Scheme of a universal floating crane type Kpl G / K 10-30: 1-rocker and boom counterweight; 2-thrust for changing the reach of the boom; 3- engine room with control cabin; 4 - rotary mechanism

Crane company "Valmet" (Finland) built in 1958 with a lifting capacity of 10 tons (Fig. 2) full-revolving, equipped with a hook and grab.

Lattice crane boom 28 m long with a rack and pinion device for changing the reach. Cranes of this company are also produced with an arrow having a jib at the end.

The turntable of the crane with hoisting mechanisms located on it, the control cabin and the boom is installed on balancing carts moving along the rail rim laid on the beam pedestal on the pontoon deck. The movable part of the crane is attached to the fixed base by means of a hollow axial pin with bearings.

AC crane motors (380 V), independent for each movement. Crane control is electromechanical. The power plant consists of two diesel engines with a capacity of 180 hp each. With. with alternators of 150 kVA.

In the pontoon of the crane there are living quarters, and on the deck there is a dining room, a galley, a shower room, a pantry and other auxiliary rooms. The crane team consists of 11 people. during double shift work. The crane is not self-propelled and during operation it moves at the mooring ends.

The lowering of the crane boom on the pontoon for the transport position is not provided, therefore its height from the water in the unassembled state is 25 m, due to which the crane cannot pass under the bridges. When dismantling the boom, the height of the crane is reduced to 16 m, and when dismantling the lever device of the boom counterweight - up to 12 m. In this position, the crane becomes transportable on inland waterways.

Rice. Fig. 2. Scheme of the universal floating crane of the company "Valmet": 1 - lever device with a boom counterweight; 2-rack mechanism for changing the reach of the boom; 3- control cabin; 4 - diesel generator set; 5 - engine room

The crane is intended mainly for loading and unloading operations. At the construction of port and bridge structures, the crane can be used as an auxiliary crane for transshipment operations with bulk cargo and for the construction of berths from wooden and metal sheet piles and light types of reinforced concrete sheet piles and piles.

The Kpl 15-30 type crane (Fig. 3) is produced by the Teplokhod plant (USSR).

Full-revolving crane with one hook with a lifting capacity of 15 tons at all departures. The hook can be replaced with a grapple. The crane boom is pivotally connected to a movable counterweight, which greatly facilitates the change in reach.

The rotary part of the crane with all the lifting mechanisms and the boom rests on rollers rolling along the vein, mounted on a beam cage over the pontoon deck.

Three-phase crane electric motors 220/380 V are driven by a diesel generator set with a capacity of 375 kVA, located in the ship's hull (diesel type 84-23/30, generator MS 375-750). Pneumatic crane control. The team consists of 10 people. during double shift work.

Rice. 3. Scheme of a universal floating crane type Kpl 15-30: 1 - control cabin; 2 - lever device with a hydraulic drive for changing the boom; 3 - boom counterweight; 4 - machine room; 5 - rack for laying the boom in the transport position

The crane is not self-propelled and moves during operation with the help of electric capstans, and is towed over long distances. In the transport position, the boom is placed along the pontoon on a stand.

The crane is designed for river navigation conditions and is intended for processing loose and bulk cargoes. However, due to its characteristics, it can be successfully used for the construction of river berths from prismatic and tee reinforced concrete sheet piles. Thanks to its long reach, it can drive anchor piles, install anchor plates and install anchor rods. The large hook height allows them to load piles up to 20 m long. The crane can be used in combination with a crane with a large lifting capacity (50-100 tons), but with a smaller outreach and lifting height (for example, to install a vibration dampener for hollow concrete shells).

concrete walls of an angled profile during their construction "into the water". For the installation of sea berths and bridge work, the crane can only be used as an auxiliary crane if there is a crane with a larger lifting capacity.

Valmet cranes and type Kpl G/K 10-30 are available in small quantities and therefore their use is limited to the ports of registry. Bleichert cranes and type Kpl 15-30 have found wider application and are recommended for performing river hydrotechnical works.

In addition to the described cranes, a number of universal floating cranes with a lifting capacity of 30-60 tons are used in river hydrotechnical construction, which are mainly intended for offshore construction and are discussed below.

Collapsible cranes

Crane type PRK-30/40, designed by Lengiprotransmost, non-rotary, is assembled on a pontoons of 12 pontoons. The lifting capacity of the crane with a normal boom length of 32.5 m and an outreach of 2 m from the end (transom) of the ram is 40 tons, with a zero outreach - 45 tons. When installing a shortened boom with a length of 26.3 m, the lifting capacity at zero reach increases to 47.5 tons Auxiliary hook lifting capacity 10 t on all outreaches.

All crane structures are welded; the maximum weight of the element is 4 tons. The crane boom consists of two branches in the lower part, which then combine into one. The crane boom is connected by braces to a swinging A-shaped tubular strut 3. The change in reach is made by a chain hoist at a speed of 0.85 m/min. A pile driver with a telescopic strut can be attached to the upper part of the boom for driving piles weighing up to 12 tons with an 8-ton hammer. under the plashout and from the plashout. The crane is mounted on a frame consisting of I-beams and channels at bolted joints, laid on top of the pontoons and fastened to them.

Crane mechanisms consist of drive jib and cargo winches 1type UL-5 with a lifting capacity of 5 tons and a power plant type ZhES-60. Management of all mechanisms is concentrated in the cockpit. The crane is equipped with automatic load and boom limit switches. For anchoring and mooring operations, four drive winches of the UL-3 type with a lifting capacity of 3 tons, manual sleds for lifting anchors at the corners of the boat, bollards and bale straps are installed. The pontoon is surrounded by a fender and railing. To trim the crane, 40 tons of water (ballast) are poured into the aft pontoons. The movement of the crane is carried out by two motor pontoons, which are part of the scaffold. The permanent crane team consists of 5 people. in shift.

Rice. 4. Scheme of a floating crane type PRK-30/40: 1 boom; 2 boom brace; 3- swinging strut; 4 - boom chain hoist; 5 - boom winch; 6 - power plant ZhES-60; 7 - cargo winches; 8 - beam cage (frame) of the crane; 9- anchor katbalki; 10- water ballast; 11- telescopic strut of the pile boom; 12 - copra hanging boom; 13 - mooring winches; 14 - control cabin

The crane is designed for river conditions with the navigation area "P" (large rivers). Freeboard height during operation 0.19 m.

The height of the crane with the lowered boom is about 14 m, and with the lowered boom strut about 6 m.

Mounting and dismantling of the crane is carried out by truck cranes of types K-52 and K-104. To transport the crane, 12 MAZ-200 and four ZIL-150 vehicles are required.

The PRK-30/40 crane is easy to manufacture and assemble and is intended mainly for the construction of temporary bridges (including the installation of superstructures). It can also be used in the construction of supports for permanent bridges and river hydraulic structures.

The main disadvantages of the crane are the lack of rotation of the boom and the low speed of lifting the load and the boom, which sharply reduces its performance compared to universal full-slewing floating cranes.

The PRK-100 type crane is manufactured by the factories of the Ministry of Transport Construction according to the project of Lengiprotransmost. The crane is assembled on a pontoon of 24 pontoons of the KS-3 type (main assembly). The load capacity on the main hook is 100 tons. With this load capacity, the crane works as a fixed crane. On the auxiliary hook with a lifting capacity of 30 tons, the crane operates with a rotation of 90 ° in both directions from the longitudinal axis. The crane can also be assembled on 16 pontoons (lightweight assembly); at the same time, it works as a fixed one with a maximum load capacity of 70 tons.

The crane boom is two-branch welded, consists of four elements 8-11.5 m long, assembled on bolts. The boom is fixed on the hinge of the turntable and is held by a link brace, which transmits force to the strut 9 and the stretched counterweight strut. The change of departures is carried out by a boom chain hoist.

The upper swing frame consists of bolted I-beams. All cargo, boom and rotary winches, power plant and control panel are installed on the frame. The swivel frame moves on four balancing carts of two rollers each along a 12 m diameter rail mounted on a distribution frame. The rotary part is fixed to the lower distribution frame by a central pin with bearings.

The crane is equipped with load and roll limiters and limit switches for load, boom and slew. Wedging devices are installed on the distribution frame, which ensure turning off when the crane is operating with a load of more than 30 tons and during “lightweight assembly”. The crane mechanisms consist of UL-8A traction winches for the main and auxiliary hooks. The turn is carried out by a winch with a pulling force of 20 tons. The diesel generator set is represented by diesel engine 1-D-150AD with a capacity of 150 liters With. and a PS-93-4 generator with a power of 75 kW of alternating current, a voltage of 230 V.

At the same time, the cycles of auxiliary lifting and turning or lifting of the boom, lifting of the boom and turning, mooring operations and turning or lifting of the boom, or auxiliary lifting can be combined.

Rice. 5. Scheme of a floating crane type PRK-100 (main assembly): 1- boom; 2-link boom guy; 3- boom chain hoist; 4 - rack; 5 - counterweight; 6 - windlass anchors; 7 - distribution frame; 8 - upper swivel frame; 9 - brace; 10 - control panel; 11 - power plant; 12 - 15 - winches, respectively, cargo, rotary, boom and mooring; 16 - ballast pontoons

Four mooring winches of the UL-5 type with a pulling force of 5 tons and a cable speed of 5 m/min are installed on the platform. The pontoon at the corners is equipped with guides in the form of rollers and bollards, catbales for lifting anchors, two Hall anchors weighing 400 and 300 kg, lifted by a windlass, a fender and a railing. Two pontoons of the pontoon 16 are filled with water to trim the crane. Residential and household premises on the crane are not provided.

While moving with a load, the crane is towed by a vessel with a capacity of at least 600 hp. With. The crane can operate with a wave of no more than 1 point, since the deck rises above the water by only 0.3 m. Considering that the height of the crane, even with a horizontally lowered boom, is 16 m, it must be partially or completely disassembled during transportation.

CranPPK-100 is designed for immersion of shells, installation of prefabricated supports and suspended installation of reinforced concrete superstructures, as well as for the construction of river port facilities. The disadvantages of the crane are a decrease in carrying capacity of up to 30 tons when turning and low speeds of all movements (two times slower than universal floating cranes). Installation of reinforced concrete structures weighing over 30 tons, which requires high aiming accuracy, in the absence of rotation, must be carried out by mooring winches, which is very difficult. Therefore, the use of this crane should be considered as temporary until the creation of universal floating cranes with a lifting capacity of 50 - 100 tons for river conditions.

2. Cranes for offshore construction

For the construction of breakwaters, moorings and fortification of sea coasts in the USSR, universal floating cranes with a lifting capacity of 30 to 100 tons are mainly used. In some cases (for example, when building foundations for oil rigs in the Caspian Sea), a 250-ton floating crane is used. Abroad, in the construction of massive piers, floating cranes with a lifting capacity of 200-400 tons are used.

Rice. 6. Crane load curves PRK-U0: 1 - main hook; 2- auxiliary hook; 3- main hook for light assembly

Universal cranes with a lifting capacity of 30-60 tons

Crane firm "Tournay" (USA) release 1940-1945. full-revolving with two hooks 30 and 8 tons (Fig. 7). The small hook can be replaced by a grapple. Lattice boom; the change in the reach of the arrow is made by the chain hoist. The engine room with cargo winches, boom, engine and control cabin rotates on rollers along a crown mounted on a beam cage over the pontoon deck.

Rice. 7. Scheme of a floating 30-ton. crane "Tournay": 1 - engine and diesel rooms; 2- jib for fastening the fixed block of the chain hoist of the boom; 3 - control cabin; 4 - rotary roller device; 5 - stand for laying the arrow in the stowed position

The crane is not self-propelled and its movement during operation is carried out at the mooring ends by electric capstans. The power of the main diesel engine of the installation is 150 l. e., auxiliary - 80 l. With.

In the pontoon of the crane there are residential and office premises and a fuel tank. The crane is serviced by a team of 19 people. during three-shift work.

Due to the relatively low carrying capacity and the lack of own power, the crane in sea port construction is used as an auxiliary crane in combination with a crane of a larger carrying capacity and in a water area closed from waves. It is also suitable for the construction of river port facilities - it is convenient for them to load tee and rectangular reinforced concrete sheet piles and shells with a diameter of 1.6 m, up to 16 m long. 1 km in Ust-Donetsk port.

In addition, the crane can be used in bridge construction for dipping shells, installing frames and mounting supports within its load characteristics.

The disadvantage of the crane is its high height in the transport position - 18 m from the water horizon. However, it can be reduced to 12 m by dismantling the fixing structure of the fixed boom blocks.

Self-propelled 50-ton crane "Bleichert" (GDR) has been widely used in seaports USSR for loading and unloading and construction work.

The crane is full-revolving, equipped with three independent lifting hooks: the main one with a lifting capacity of 50 tons, the auxiliary one - 10 tons, which can be replaced by a grab, and the second auxiliary one - 5 tons, moved on a trolley along the bottom of the boom ("cat").

Hooks of various capacities give the crane versatility and economy, as small loads are processed by light capacity hooks without wasting power for idle operation of the main cargo winches.

Lattice crane boom with chain hoist for changing outreaches. The engine room with lifting mechanisms, control panel, boom and permanent counterweight is located on a turntable, which rotates around the axial pivot pin on rollers connected by a cage. The rollers roll along the crown, mounted on a beam cage, over the deck of the pontoon.

The total power of electric motors for cargo operations and turning is 300 kW; DC voltage 220 V. The ship's hull is equipped with three diesel engines (one in reserve) with a capacity of 150 hp each. With. each, which work on DC generators and propeller shafts.

Crane work is allowed at a temperature not lower than -25 °. The team consists of 22 people. during double shift work.

According to its characteristics, the crane can be used in the construction of sea and river berths from prefabricated unified reinforced concrete elements. In bridge construction, the crane is suitable for immersion of shells, installation of block supports and installation of elements of prefabricated reinforced concrete superstructures.

The excessive bulkiness of the crane (weight 543 tons, width of the pontoon 20 m, height of the crane in the transport position 15 m) limits its passage through inland waterways only of the 1st class and then in low water.

Rice. 8. Scheme of a self-propelled floating 50-ton crane "Bleichert": 1 - grab (or hook); 2 - "cat"; 3 - boom chain hoist; 4 - emphasis of the minimum overhang limiter; 5 - pu; y>t control; c - assembly crane; 7- machine room; 8 - counterweight; 9 - rotary roll device; 10 - stand for laying the boom

Full slewing floating crane 50t domestic production, like the Bleichert crane described above, it is equipped with three independent lifting hooks: the main lifting capacity is 50 tons, the auxiliary - Yuti hook on the "cat" - 5 tons.

The engine room of the crane with the boom, counterweights and control panel is located on a roller turning circle, placed on a stand 5.4 m high from the pontoon deck. Thus, a significant under-boom dimension was created, which is necessary for the production of cargo and shipbuilding works, for which purpose the crane was designed.

A feature of the crane is a very rational design of the boom and the metal structures of the crane. The boom in the form of a triangular diagonal truss is held by a boom chain hoist and a 40-ton double-acting movable counterweight, which on large

departures creates a force on the boom that is the opposite of the load moment, and thereby lightens the load on the boom winch. At low overhangs, the counterweight force corresponds to the load moment, due to which the boom is kept from tipping over towards the counterweight, which is especially important in rough seas and no load on the hooks. The metal structures of the crane are made of separate large sections, taking into account the requirements for quick installation and dismantling.

Rice. 9. Scheme of a full-revolving floating 50-ton crane: 1-rope chain hoist for changing the boom; 2 - control panel; 3- counterweight; 4-stand; 5 - stand for laying the boom

In the transport position, the crane boom descends along the pontoon onto the rack, however, due to the high location of the engine room and the fastening of the boom fixed blocks, the height of the crane is about 26 m from the water horizon. When dismantling the mechanism for changing the reach of the boom, the height is reduced to 17 m.

The crane is self-propelled two-screw. The power plant consists of two ZD-6 diesel engines and DC generators with a capacity of 100 kVA each. In addition to them, there is a backup engine. For all movements and propellers, independent electric motors are installed. The power plant is located in the pontoon hull, where there are also rooms for the crew, domestic and service needs. The crane is equipped with automatic outreach and load capacity indicators. Crane weight 422 t.

A full swing crane can be successfully used in the construction of offshore hydraulic structures.

Floating 60-ton crane of the company "Dravo" (USA) manufactured in 1941 - 1945. full-revolving non-self-propelled with an arrow in the form of a three-dimensional truss with a triangular lattice. Change of departures of an arrow is made by a polyspast. Two hooks with a lifting capacity of 60 and 15 tons are installed on the boom. The latter can be replaced by a grab.

The engine room of the crane with a boom fixed on top, a control cabin and a counterweight rotates on a roller turntable resting on the pontoon deck. The Atlas diesel engine with a capacity of 275 hp is used as the prime mover. With. On many cranes, these diesel engines have been replaced by domestic ones. Pneumatic crane control. The movement of the crane during operation is carried out by electric spikes installed at the corners of the pontoon. The welded hull is divided by a network of watertight bulkheads. Auxiliary, residential and household premises are located inside the pontoon.

Rice. 10. Scheme of a floating 60-ton crane "Dravo": 1 - jib pulley block; 2 - crane operator's cabin; 3 swivel roller crown; 4 - rack for laying the boom

In the stowed position, the crane boom is lowered along the pontoon onto the stand. However, due to the high location of the attachment of the fixed blocks of the boom, the transport height of the crane from the water is about 22 m. After partial disassembly, the height of the crane can be reduced to 16 m.

Cranes of this type are very simple in design, easy to operate and can be successfully used in offshore construction in water areas closed from waves.

The disadvantages of the crane include a large transport height and a large width of the pontoon (18.8 m), which limits its use in river construction (passage through inland waterways only of the 1st class, and then with partial disassembly of the upper structure).

Floating full-slewing 60-ton crane (domestic project) has two hooks: the main hook with a lifting capacity of 50-60 tons and the auxiliary one - 15 tons, which can be replaced by a grab.

The crane boom (Fig. 11) of the shape of a trihedral pyramid consists of three solid section belts connected by ties. The change 110 of the boom departure is made by a cable pulley block. The boom has a movable counterweight. The lower swivel joint of the boom is located at a height of 14 m above the water level, which provides a large under-boom clearance required for loading cargo on high-sided vessels. The engine room of the crane with lifting mechanisms, movable and fixed counterweights, boom and control panel is located in the stern of the vessel and rotates on the column (on vertical and horizontal bearings). As an energy source, two DGR-300/500 diesel generators with a capacity of 300 kW each, alternating current with a voltage of 380 V, are installed in the ship's hull.

Rice. 11. Scheme of a full-revolving floating 60-ton crane (domestic project): 1 - boom tackle; 2 - support bearing of the central column; 3- crane control panel; 4- wheelhouse of the vessel; 5 - boom stand; 6 - wing-shaped engines; 7 - machine room of the crane; 8 - movable boom counterweight

The crane is designed for sea working conditions with waves up to 2-3 points and wind up to 6 points. The crane vessel has ship contours and moves at a speed of up to 11 km/h, with high maneuverability.

In the transport position, the crane boom is lowered onto the stand and located along the deck. In this position, the height of the crane from the water level is about 21 m. With partial dismantling of the structure for fastening the fixed blocks of the boom and lowering the boom itself, the transport height can be reduced to 14.5 m. and wind up to 5 points. Crane towing without dismantling can be carried out with waves not exceeding 5 points and wind 6 points.

The displacement of the crane in the transport position is 1080 tons. The crane team consists of 14 people. for double shift work. The crew quarters, located in the ship's hull, are equipped with an air conditioning system and are finished with plastic. The crane vessel is equipped with mooring and anchor devices, fire-fighting and rescue equipment in accordance with the norms of the USSR Maritime Register.

According to their characteristics, universal floating cranes with a lifting capacity of 30-60 tons are widely used in the practice of sea port construction.

Universal cranes with lifting capacity 90 - 100 t

Floating crane from Dravo (USA) with a lifting capacity of 90 tons (Fig. 12) on the main hook and 20 tons on the auxiliary hook. The diesel-electric crane is non-self-propelled and is similar in design to the 60-ton crane of the same company described above, but has somewhat larger dimensions. The power plant is represented by two diesel generators of 125 kW each.

Rice. 12. Floating 100-ton crane of the company "Dravo": 1 - pontoon; 2-control panel; 3- arrow; 4 - main 90-t hook; 5 - auxiliary hook; b - a stand for laying an arrow; 7 - jib for fastening fixed blocks of the boom

The height of the crane in the transport position is about 22 m, which makes it difficult to use it on inland waterways and limits its use only to the construction of marine hydraulic structures.

Floating crane "Hans" built in 1949 (plant named after Georgiu-Dezh, Hungary) with a lifting capacity of 100 tons on the main hook and 35 tons on the auxiliary hook at all boom departures.

The boom of the crane with a length of 35 m of a through design is reinforced on! hinge at a height of 13 m from the pontoon deck. Departure change! The boom is made with the help of two propellers driven by electric motors. The use of a grapple is not provided.

Rice. 13. Scheme of a floating 100-ton crane "Hans" built in 1949: 1 - boom; 2 - control cabin; 3- support roller bearing; 4 - central column; 5 - counterweight; 6 - screws for changing the reach of the boom

The rotary part of the crane is located in the form of a dome on a pyramidal column 8.5 m high from the deck, on which, as it were, the entire rotating part of the crane is put on. At the bottom of the column at deck level, a turntable is fixed, and on the rotating part of the crane there are gears for turning.

The crane engine room, counterweight, boom and control panel are located on the rotating part of the crane.

In the all-welded hull of the vessel (pontoon), two diesel engines of 100 liters each are installed. With. with DC generators and auxiliary diesel 24 hp. With. with a generator for parking. In the pontoon there are living and amenity premises for the team, as well as tanks for fuel, fresh water, etc. The crane is self-propelled and has two propellers. For mooring operations, four electric capstans are installed at the corners of the pontoon. The crane boom does not descend onto the pontoon and in the transport position is inclined at an angle of 25° to the horizon.

The main purpose of the crane is the completion of ships and the loading of heavy cargo, in connection with which a high jib clearance is provided. Due to the low speed of operations, the crane is inefficient when assembling prefabricated structures and can be more successfully used when reloading reinforced concrete elements and arrays at factories and landfills onto floating facilities. It is also advisable to use the crane in cases where it is necessary to deal with particularly long, but relatively light structures, since the lifting height above the water for a 35-ton hook is 40 m. Due to its bulkiness, the crane cannot be used for river construction purposes, as well as in the field of bridge building.

The floating crane "Hans", built in 1956 by the same factory as the previous crane, has a lifting capacity of 100 tons on the main hook and 25 tons on the auxiliary one. The boom of the articulated type crane with a lattice structure has a jib moving in the opposite direction of the boom, due to which the load hooks are almost at the same height at all departures. The change in the outreach of the boom is made by a screw system with partial balancing by a moving counterweight.

Rice. 14. Scheme of a floating 100-ton crane "Hans" built in 1956: 1 - screw mechanism for changing the boom; 2 – movable counterweight 124 t; 3- machine room; 4 - support column; 5 - control panel

The rotary part of the crane is made similar to the 1949 type crane described above. The all-welded crane pontoon is divided into 15 compartments by watertight bulkheads, which ensures the unsinkability of the crane even when two compartments are filled with water. Two diesel engines of 160 liters each installed inside the pontoon serve as an energy source. With. with DC generators and two auxiliary diesel generators of 24 liters each. With. every. The crane has two screws driven by electric motors with a capacity of 100 kW each. Movement over short distances is carried out with the help of electric spikes.

In the transport position, the crane boom does not fit, so the windage and surface dimensions of the crane are very large.

According to its characteristics, the Hans 100-ton crane (1956), in comparison with other described 100-ton cranes, is the main one for the construction of sea berths, breakwaters and bank protection structures, although in its design it is more suitable for shipbuilding and loading and unloading operations .

At the same time, the “Hans” crane has an insufficient height of the outlet of the main and auxiliary hooks, which at working departures, taking into account the roll, is about 25 m, which is not enough for inserting shells 24 m long into the guides, which are widely used in the practice of hydraulic engineering construction. The relatively low power of the engines and the large windage of the crane require the use of 400-500 hp tugs for its movement even in closed port waters. That is, which dramatically increases the cost of a machine-shift crane. The impossibility of moving a crane along inland waterways from one sea basin to another and working on rivers and reservoirs also belongs to its disadvantages. The absence of a grab does not allow the crane to carry out underwater digging of soil, which is necessary for the construction of bank protection structures in open water areas and in a number of other cases.

The crane is serviced (due to the lack of remote control) by a team of 22 people. during double shift work.

Unique floating cranes

Unique are universal cranes, which are distinguished by a significant lifting capacity, reaching 250 - 350 tons. Such, for example, are the cranes of the Krasnoye Sormovo plant and the Demag company.

The lifting capacity of the main hook is 250 tons, the auxiliary hook is 140 tons. In addition, a “cat” with a hook with a lifting capacity of 10 tons moves along the crane boom.

The crane is full-revolving under all loads. The crane boom, 72 m long, consists of three powerful belts with a triangular lattice and transverse links along the lower belt. The change in the reach of the boom is carried out by two 16-thread chain hoists. The boom has a movable counterweight that prevents it from swinging when rolling. The boom is fixed at a height of 24.5 m from the deck, which provides a large under-boom dimension and a large lifting height of the hooks.

The upper structure of the crane with the engine room, counterweight, boom and control panel can be rotated on a column fixed in the ship's hull.

Two crane ships are connected by a catamaran-type bridge for greater stability, since the crane is designed to work on the high seas, while its own weight reaches 2080 tons.

The crane is located on the left vessel; on the right vessel there are two power diesel-electric units with a capacity of 4400 /se/l, serving the ship's movement mechanisms, and one 1500 kW - for crane mechanisms. There are also cargo holds, water and fuel supplies. The paired system of ships allows to have a large cargo deck area necessary for the transportation of spatial structures of oil rigs, etc., and also provides high seaworthiness compared to single pontoons of floating cranes. Due to the great stability, crane operation is allowed with waves up to 4-5 points (wave height up to 3 m) and wind force 6 points, and movement - with waves up to 6 points (wave height up to 6 m) and wind up to 8 points.

Rice. 15. Scheme of a floating self-propelled 250-ton crane on twin ships: a - working positions; b - transport position; 1 - chain hoist boom; 2 - movable boom counterweight; 3 - machine room of the crane; 4-central column; 5 - running ship cabin; 6 - crane control panel; 7 - support bearing; 8 - stand for an arrow

Propellers located at the stern and bow of each vessel provide high maneuverability for the crane, which is necessary for precise installation at work stations. During transitions, a crane is operated from the wheelhouse, located at a height of 13 m from the deck. In the stowed position, the crane boom is lowered and positioned at an angle to the longitudinal axis of the vessel, fixing it on a stand on the bow of the starboard vessel. For docking, the ships are separated and independently brought to the dock. The crane is equipped with a warning alarm and protective devices against overloads exceeding the calculated ones. Remote and automatic systems are used in crane control.

Crew cabins and service rooms located in the ship's hull are supplied with air-conditioned, hot and cold water and other amenities.

Floating self-propelled 350 Demag crane was built in Germany in 1938-1940. With its lifting capacity, size and engine power, this crane is also one of the largest floating cranes in the world.

The lifting system consists of two 175-ton main lifting hooks connected by a traverse, two 30-ton auxiliary lifting hooks moving on a trolley along the boom beam (jib), and a 10-ton cat hook moving along the boom.

The crane is full-revolving under all loads. The crane boom, about 80 m long, of an articulated structure, has two enclosing rocker arms and a movable counterweight weighing 200 tons. The boom outreach is changed by a screw mechanism. The rotating part of the crane is planted in the form of a bell on a pyramidal column fixed in the pontoon body. The supporting roller bearing on the head of the column, on which rotation takes place, has a diameter of 2.5 m and can withstand a load of 2100 tons.

The three-story crane engine room with a permanent 400-ton counterweight, boom and control panel is located on the rotating part of the crane. The ship's hull - a pontoon - is divided by waterproof partitions into 35 compartments. On the deck there is a platform for cargoes measuring 20 × 26 m. For the movement and maneuverability of the crane, three water propellers of the Voith-Schneider system are installed - two at the stern and one at the bow of the vessel. Electric capstans are provided for mooring operations at the corners of the pontoon.

Rice. 16. Floating self-propelled 350-ton crane of the company "Demag": 1 - nock of the boom; 2 - boom rockers; and a movable 200 counterweight; 4 - screw mechanism for changing the boom reach; 5 - three-story engine room with a 400-ton counterweight; 6 - rotary mechanism; 7 pyramidal support column; 8 - control panel

The central power plant, located inside the pontoon, consists of three diesel generators with a capacity of 800 kW each and an auxiliary diesel generator of 225 kW alternating current. There are also cabins for 23 people. teams, storage and utility rooms and a workshop.

The total weight of the crane is 5,000 tons, the height from the water horizon with a raised boom is about 115 m, and the load moment is 10,500 tm.

The main purpose of the crane is shipbuilding and ship lifting. It can also be used for construction purposes.

In total, several cranes of this type were built, one of which is operated in the USSR on the Baltic Sea.

Floating cranes abroad

In foreign practice last years a number of very advanced floating cranes were built, designed both for the purposes of offshore hydraulic engineering construction and for transport operations.

A floating crane manufactured by Hokodate Doc (Japan) with a lifting capacity of 50 tons was built in 1962 for the construction of ports.

The boom of a flat-type crane consists of two branches connected by ties. In addition to the main hook, the boom has a second hook with a smaller capacity. Change of a departure of an arrow is made poly-spasty. In the transport position, the boom is laid along the pontoon and on the stand located at the stern.

Rice. Fig. 16. Scheme of a floating crane from Hokodate Doc with a lifting capacity of 50 tons: 1 stand for laying the boom; 2 - room for diesel generators; 3 - mooring winches; 4 - room for lifting mechanisms; 5 - control panel

The engine room with lifting winches, control panel, counterweights and boom rotates on paired balancing rollers moving along a crown mounted on the pontoon deck.

Self-propelled diesel-electric crane with two diesel engines of 180 hp each. With. each located in the deck superstructure. There are also crew quarters, a galley and a shower room. The pontoon hull is equipped with electric winches and mooring arrangements for crane movement over short distances.

The same company built a non-self-propelled floating crane of a similar design, but somewhat smaller and with a lifting capacity of 30 tons.

The Samson floating maneuverable crane with a lifting capacity of 60 tons was built by Forged Sheldon and Co. in Carlyle (England).

Diesel-electric full-revolving crane with a screw mechanism and a moving counterweight to change the reach of the boom, with independent engines for each mechanism.

The body of the crane is all-welded with ship contours, divided into nine watertight compartments. In the aft part, the deck is reinforced to receive cargo with a total weight of 200 tons.

The crane is equipped with a high-speed auxiliary winch and a second hook with a lifting capacity of 20 tons, respectively, with a larger radius of action than that of the main lifting hook. The electrical control, made according to the Ward-Leonard system, allows you to increase the speed of the main lift of the crane for handling loads less than the maximum weight.

Rice. 17. Floating maneuverable crane "Samson" with a lifting capacity of 60 tons: 1 - auxiliary 20-ton lift; 2- main 60-t lifting; 3 - screws for changing the boom reach; 4- boom mobile 81 - t counterweight; 5 - engine room with a fixed 128 t counterweight; 5 - control panel

A design feature of the Samson is a maneuvering device in the bow, consisting of a large centrifugal pump that sucks water from under the hull and throws it to any side, depending on the direction of rotation. Together with two 10.4 m parallel stern propellers and two streamlined rudders, this device provides the crane with maximum maneuverability even at low speeds and allows it to stop precisely at the berths and move without a tow.

The upper structure of the crane is mounted on a swivel frame, on which the supporting elements of the boom, lifting mechanisms and a 128-ton counterweight are also located. The boom is lifted by two belt-threaded augers that work in sync. The lifting screws are completely covered with steel sliding covers to protect them from rain and dirt. The boom does not lower to the deck and therefore the smallest transport height of the crane is 40 m.

The main and propulsion engines consist of two diesel engines of 900 hp each. With. each connected to the main and additional DC generator. The power of additional generators is designed to ensure the operation of the entire crane, even with some margin.

Due to its high navigable qualities, the crane is convenient for working in open water areas during the construction of piers, breakwaters and bank protection structures.

Rice. 18. Scheme of a floating 100-ton crane from the Ornstein Koppel company: 1 - boom; 2 - control panel; 3 - wheelhouse; 4 - rotary mechanism; 5 - engine room with fixed counterweight; 6 - mobile counterweight; 7 - thrust bearing

A floating 100-/I crane from Ornstein Koppel (Germany) is equipped with two main hooks with a lifting capacity of 50 tons each (Fig. 62). Both hooks are connected by a common traverse. Hook lifting mechanisms work synchronously. In addition to the main ones, there is an auxiliary \b-t hook with an independent lifting winch.

The jib of the lattice crane is 42 m long. The jib boom is changed by two propellers driven by an electric motor. The weight of the boom is significantly balanced by a 40-ton movable counterweight pivotally connected to it. Half of the tipping moment from the working load is balanced by a 164-ton counterweight located behind the engine room.

The upper rotary part of the crane in the form of a dome is supported by a roller bearing on a support column fixed in the ship's hull. Attached to the bottom of the column is a slewing ring with a gear that rotates the top of the crane 360°.

In the all-welded hull of the vessel there are two diesel engines with a capacity of 200 liters each. With. at 750 rpm. The diesel shafts are connected at one end to three-phase current generators with a power of 130 kw, synchronously operating on lifting mechanisms, and at the other end - to propeller shafts. For work in the parking lot there is an additional diesel generator set 90 kW. The crane is equipped with devices for indicating the weight of the load, the reach and the height of the load hook.

In the transport position, the boom is lowered to a horizontal position and fixed on a support post, while the windage and height of the crane are sharply reduced, so that it can be transported without dismantling in tow by sea even in heavy seas, which was confirmed when the crane moved to its destination, from Hamburg to the Iraqi port of Basra.

According to its characteristics, the crane is very convenient for servicing offshore hydraulic engineering construction.

Floating crane from Krupp (Germany) with a lifting capacity of 150 tons on the main hook and 30 tons on the auxiliary hook.

The boom of the articulated crane is made in the form of a metal structure with solid walls, which gives the crane a modern appearance.

The slewing structure and load balancing system are the same as those of the Ornstein Koppel 100-gauge crane above. To move over long distances, the crane boom is lowered to a horizontal position with a special screw device. Vessel hull (pontoon) is all-welded. The power plant consists of two main 500 hp. With. and two auxiliary diesel engines of 156 liters each. e., associated with generators of current. The crane ship is propelled by two diagonal propellers of the Voith-Schneider system. The pontoon deck provides for the possibility of loading cargo on it with a total weight of up to 300 tons.

The crane is intended mainly for loading and unloading operations in ports and for the needs of shipbuilding. It can be used in marine hydrotechnical construction, but only in ports with closed water areas, since the significant height of the crane in the transport position (about 30 m) creates a large windage and makes it difficult to maneuver the crane in wind and waves.

Rice. 19. Floating 150-ton crane company "Krupp"

A floating 250-ton crane from Ornstein Koppel (Germany) was built for the port of Buenos Aires (Brazil) in 1956-1958.

The crane has two main hooks with a lifting capacity of 125 tons each, united by a traverse for lifting loads with a total weight of up to 250 tons, and two auxiliary hooks with a lifting capacity of 40 and 10 tons. The latter moves along the boom on a "cat".

Rice. 20. Floating 250-ton crane from Ornstein Koppel

The crane operates as a full-revolving crane with a load of up to 150 tons, while changing the outreach of the boom with the load is allowed. With a load of 150 to 250 tons, it is possible to turn the crane only 22 ° 30 'in both directions from the longitudinal axis without changing the outreach of the boom with the load. The largest load moment of the crane is 5125 m.

The superstructure of the crane with boom, machine room with lifting winches, counterweights and control panel rotates on a powerful axial roller bearing running in an oil bath. The bearing is mounted on a pyramidal column fixed in the pontoon. Horizontal forces from the upper structure of the crane are transferred to a horizontal bearing, consisting of a ring with a diameter of 5.7 m and eight rollers combined in pairs. Such a device greatly facilitates turning, but increases the dimensions of the crane and is used, as a rule, in German cranes with a lifting capacity of over 100 tons.

The boom of a lattice crane is riveted. Change of a departure of an arrow is carried out by two polyspasts. The boom is partially balanced by a counterweight.

The crane is not self-propelled and for its movement there are four drive capstans with a force of 6 tons and a cable hauling speed of 12 m/min. Due to the lack of its own power, the power plant of the crane consists of only two diesel engines with a capacity of 185 and 260 hp. With. and three DC generators 2 × 110 + 60 kW with a voltage of 230 V. For own needs in the parking lot there is an auxiliary diesel generator with a capacity of 22.5 liters. With. All nine crane motors are of the same type with a capacity of 44 kw each at 750 rpm.

The crane is controlled from a central console located at a height of 14 m from the deck. Automatic devices are provided to prevent crane overload, and electric interlock in case of incorrect actions of the crane operator.

The crane pontoon is welded, divided by waterproof partitions into 18 compartments. On the deck of the pontoon, a platform 9.5 × 9.5 is provided for receiving cargoes up to 10 t/m2. Inside the pontoon are diesel generators, living cabins for 12 people. crew, household and storage rooms and a workshop.

In the transport position, the crane boom is lowered to the deck with its own chain hoists and fixed, and the upper structure is wedged with hydraulic jacks, which unloads the axial bearing. In this form, the crane can be towed by sea at a speed of 5-7 knots (up to 13 km/h). The height of the crane in the transport position is about 32 m above the water level.

This crane is intended for transport work, but can also be successfully used for the construction of piers, piers and piers from large elements and heavy arrays.

3. Floating head cranes

As cranes for hydraulic engineering and bridge construction, floating headframes with inclined booms can be used, the departure of which overboard the pontoon can be in the range from 3 to 9 m with a corresponding carrying capacity of 30 and 10 tons. therefore, head cranes are usually fixed.

In this area, the most common impact drivers with swinging arrows, for example, the impact driver of the SSCM-680 type from the Nillens company, etc.

The SSSM-680 headframe mounted on a pontoon can be used as a floating crane when the boom is located along the pontoon at outreaches up to 9 m from the end of the pontoon. Koper is not self-propelled. The energy source is a steam boiler with a heating surface of 50 m2 at a steam pressure of 6-8 kg/cm2. Lifting mechanisms - steam winches.

Mooring operations are carried out with hand winches. Inside the pontoon there are residential and utility rooms for 10 people. copra teams.

In the transport position, the boom is rotated and placed along the pontoon on a stand.

Floating pile driver of the company "Nillens" (Belgium) is not self-propelled. The boom is located in the bow of the pontoon on a platform that rotates 180°. Crane work and pile driving are allowed only when the boom is located along the pontoon. In this case, the maximum reach of the boom from the end will be 6.5 m.

Rice. Fig. 21. Scheme of installation of the Nillens copra: a - for the operation of the copra; b-for crane operation; 1-farm with an arrow; 2-drum winch; 3- steam boiler; 4 - pontoon; 5 - steam hammer; 6 - stand for laying an arrow; 7-ballast water tanks

All copra mechanisms are steam and are provided with steam from a boiler with a pressure of 8 kg!cm2. The boiler is located on a turntable and is at the same time a counterweight to the boom with a hammer. To bring the copra to the stowed position, the turntable with the boom and the boiler is rotated 180 ° and the boom is lowered by means of a special mast and chain hoist onto a stand located at the stern of the pontoon. The pontoon has ballast compartments, fresh water tanks and storage facilities. Cabins for the crew are located on the deck. During operation, the pile driver moves at the mooring ends with the help of winches and bollards.

The floating pile driver of the Jübigau plant (GDR) is the most modern. The swinging boom of a copra together with a steam boiler (heating surface 34 m2 and pressure up to 10 kPcm) is located on a turntable rotating through 360° (in the bow of the pontoon). The copra boom can take a forward inclination of 1/10 when located across the pontoon and 1/3 - along the pontoon.

Steam provides only the work of the hammer when immersing piles, the rest of the mechanisms have an electric drive from a diesel generator with a capacity of 57 kw. In addition, there is an auxiliary diesel generator 12 kW for own needs when parking.

Koper is not self-propelled. In the transport position, the boom is rotated by 180° and lowered by a special mast along the pontoon to the stand.

The copra pontoon houses fresh water tanks, ballast compartments, a fuel bunker and storage facilities. The pontoon is equipped with mooring devices and crew quarters.

TO Category: - Cranes for bridge construction

Floating cranes of KPL and KNG modifications belong to the category of "river vessels of the technical fleet" and are designed to operate outside the port waters, the main function of which is loading and unloading operations, the extraction of common minerals (sand, gravel, etc.), dredging and bottom cleaning work in conditions of remoteness from settlements and other hard-to-reach places in the water areas of rivers and lakes.

In some publications, as well as in some internal documents of organizations, in modifications of floating cranes, instead of the abbreviation KPL, the abbreviation KNG is used (The abbreviations KPL and KNG are equivalent and can be indicated depending on the modification of the floating crane). The number after the abbreviation indicates the modification of the floating crane, specifications which are determined by the technical documentation of a particular floating crane.

Below are some (but not all) modifications of floating cranes:

  • KPL-1 is a full-revolving non-self-propelled floating crane with a lifting capacity of 5 tons and a hook height of 16 m.
  • KPL-2 is a full-revolving non-self-propelled floating crane with a lifting capacity of 16 tons and a hook height of 18.3 m.
  • KPL-3 is a full-revolving non-self-propelled floating crane with a lifting capacity of 5 tons and a hook height of 24 m.
  • KPL-5 is a full-revolving non-self-propelled floating crane with a lifting capacity of 5 tons and a hook height of 18.3 m.
  • KPL-5-30 is a full-revolving non-self-propelled floating crane with a lifting capacity of 5 tons and a hook height of 18.3 m.
  • KPL-16 is a full-revolving non-self-propelled floating crane with a lifting capacity of 16 tons and a hook height of 22 m.
  • KPL-25 is a full-revolving non-self-propelled floating crane with a lifting capacity of 25 tons and a hook height of 16 m.
  • KPL-351 - self-propelled floating crane with a lifting capacity of 350 tons with a hook height of 36 m.
  • KNG-19, KNG-20, KNG-22, KNG-25 - full-revolving non-self-propelled floating crane with a lifting capacity of 5 tons with a hook height of 18.3 m.
  • KNG-37, KNG-38 - full-revolving non-self-propelled floating crane with a lifting capacity of 5 tons with a hook height of 18.3 m.
  • KNG-62 is a full-revolving non-self-propelled floating crane with a lifting capacity of 16 tons and a hook height of 25 m.
  • KNG-65 is a full-revolving non-self-propelled floating crane with a lifting capacity of 16 tons and a hook height of 25 m.
  • KNG-81, KNG-82 - full-revolving non-self-propelled floating crane with a lifting capacity of 25 tons with a hook height of 25 m.

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An excerpt characterizing the KPL (floating crane)

Having said everything that he was ordered, Balashev said that Emperor Alexander wanted peace, but would not start negotiations except on the condition that ... Here Balashev hesitated: he remembered those words that Emperor Alexander did not write in a letter, but which he certainly ordered Saltykov to insert them into the rescript and which he ordered Balashev to hand over to Napoleon. Balashev remembered these words: “until not a single armed enemy remains on Russian soil,” but some kind of complex feeling held him back. He couldn't say those words even though he wanted to. He hesitated and said: on the condition that the French troops retreat beyond the Neman.
Napoleon noticed Balashev's embarrassment when uttering his last words; his face trembled, the left calf of his leg began to tremble measuredly. Without moving from his seat, he began to speak in a voice higher and more hasty than before. During the subsequent speech, Balashev, more than once lowering his eyes, involuntarily observed the trembling of the calf in Napoleon's left leg, which intensified the more he raised his voice.
“I wish peace no less than Emperor Alexander,” he began. “Haven't I been doing everything for eighteen months to get it? I've been waiting eighteen months for an explanation. But in order to start negotiations, what is required of me? he said, frowning and making an energetic questioning gesture with his small white and plump hand.
- The retreat of the troops for the Neman, sovereign, - said Balashev.
- For the Neman? repeated Napoleon. - So now you want to retreat behind the Neman - only for the Neman? repeated Napoleon, looking directly at Balashev.
Balashev bowed his head respectfully.
Instead of demanding four months ago to retreat from Numberania, now they demanded to retreat only beyond the Neman. Napoleon quickly turned and began to pace the room.
- You say that I am required to retreat beyond the Neman to start negotiations; but two months ago they demanded of me to retreat across the Oder and the Vistula in exactly the same way, and in spite of this, you agree to negotiate.
He silently walked from one corner of the room to the other and again stopped in front of Balashev. His face seemed to be petrified in its stern expression, and his left leg trembled even faster than before. Napoleon knew this trembling of his left calf. La vibration de mon mollet gauche est un grand signe chez moi, [The trembling of my left calf is a great sign,] he later said.
“Such proposals as to clear the Oder and the Vistula can be made to the Prince of Baden, and not to me,” Napoleon almost cried out quite unexpectedly. - If you gave me Petersburg and Moscow, I would not accept these conditions. Are you saying I started a war? And who came to the army first? - Emperor Alexander, not me. And you offer me negotiations when I have spent millions, while you are in alliance with England and when your position is bad - you offer me negotiations! And what is the purpose of your alliance with England? What did she give you? he said hastily, obviously already directing his speech not to express the benefits of concluding peace and discuss its possibility, but only to prove both his rightness and his strength, and to prove the wrongness and mistakes of Alexander.
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