Dreams by day and date of the month. When prophetic dreams are made by day of the week

What days do dreams come true? This question is asked by many dreamers. Which dreams are considered prophetic and which are empty? Which dreams carry important information, and which are the echo of daytime experiences? Can i trust lunar calendar when interpreting dreams? Let's deal with these questions in detail.

Depending on what day of the week the dream was dreamed, it carries a predictive load. It should be borne in mind that a person sees all dreams in the morning... That is, if you went to bed on Friday night, you will have a dream on Saturday.

  • - dreams are empty, they should not be given importance;
  • - dreams have a direct interpretation: get exactly what you saw;
  • - dreams are empty, reflect daytime experiences;
  • - prophetic dreams, but they can come true in a few years;
  • - empty dreams, empty information;
  • - quick dreams, will come true in the morning;
  • - dreams of the subconscious, reflect our emotional condition.

Interpretation by the clock

If a i had a dream in the afternoon, the information in it has no semantic meaning. During the day, the information field of the earth is overloaded with information and it is impossible to get images of the subtle plane. Daytime dreams usually reflect the dreamer's psychological state, or the subconscious mind processes the impressions received.

Evening dreams can come true. In the evening, the subconscious mind can receive information from a subtle plane. However, the most accurate in terms of the reliability of the information received are morning (predawn) dreams.

Dreaming on church holidays

By popular belief prophetic dreams dream on the night from the second to the third day of each month. It is believed that on the eve of church holidays, things are also dreamed. During this period, the dreamer can receive a hint from higher powers through the images of the dream. These days:

  • Christmas night.
  • Christmas holidays.
  • Epiphany night.
  • The first night of Great Lent.
  • Ascension Night.
  • Night before Trinity.
  • The night before Ilya (August 2).
  • The night before the Assumption of the Virgin (August 28).
  • Night before Archangel Michael (September 19).

Interpretation by days of the lunar calendar

The lunar month contains 30 days, but the duration of one lunar day can last from several minutes to several hours. The shortest is the thirtieth lunar day, and the 29th lunar day lasts more than twenty-four hours.

Important! To understand in what lunar laziness the dream had a dream, it is necessary to correlate the approximate time of the dream with the lunar calendar.

  • 3 lunar days - dreams come true in a short period;
  • 6 lunar day - the dream will come true if you keep your peace of mind and do not worry;
  • 7 lunar day - dreams bear a prophetic prediction, you cannot tell others about them;
  • 8 lunar day - dreams fulfill innermost desires;
  • 9 lunar day - nightmares may occur;
  • 10 lunar day - all the bad things seen in a dream come true;
  • 12 lunar days - dreams carry important hint information;
  • 22 lunar days - prophetic dreams about the future;
  • 23 lunar days - a bad omen comes true;
  • 27 lunar days - dreams reveal the secrets of loved ones;
  • 28 lunar day - dreams of obstacles, which can be bought off only by the loss of a sum of money;
  • 30 lunar days - dreams come true.

It is worth emphasizing separately the meaning of dreams on 9 lunar day, which in esoteric teachings is considered satanic. A dream on this day reveals a person's inner experiences and fears, obsessions and fears. therefore you don't need to pay attention to nightmarish visions... Everything that has to be experienced in a dream is not realized in life.

Council. How to get rid of bad omens? Immediately after waking up, look out the window and say: "Where the night is, there is a dream."

Interpretation of the lunar phases

If you do not have a lunar calendar by day at hand, use the value of the moon phase.

Dreams on the waning moon predict getting rid of unpleasant moments in life. At this time, there is a cleansing of everything unnecessary in life. A waning disc carries with it all problems and obstacles. To consolidate this meaning, after waking up, say: "The moon is waning in the sky, all the bad takes away." However, a good dream will also not come true on the waning moon: the good will also disappear.

What do they mean dreams on the growing moon? This is the time of the birth of the new, the construction of a model of the future. Dreams can suggest what you need to change in your life, make adjustments. If you saw an unwanted plot in a dream, in reality you can fix everything - the growing moon (the thinnest sickle in the sky) allows you to do this.

Full moon dreams show an excess of emotions. If you saw any plot these days, it means that you attach too much importance to this event. This causes a waste of energy, and does not help the cause. The dream prompts: calm down, relax, disconnect from experiences.

Solar calendar interpretation

If it is not possible to accurately determine the time according to the lunar calendar, use the interpretation of dreams according to the usual household calendar:

  • The first number - dreams foreshadow troubles in the personal sphere.
  • The second number - everything seen in a dream will come true.
  • The third number does not always come true.
  • Fifth number - the dream can come true on the same day.
  • The tenth - dreams portend problems, come true quickly.
  • Thirteenth - come true in 14 days.
  • The fourteenth day - everything seen during the month comes true.
  • Sixteenth - dreams come true quickly.
  • The seventeenth - will be fulfilled in a year.
  • The nineteenth - will be fulfilled in 3 years.
  • The twenty-third number - everything will come true exactly.
  • The twenty-fourth number - all good will come true.
  • The twenty-fifth is a quick fulfillment of what he saw.

Dreams on other days do not carry important information and are considered empty... Either they reflect the inner experiences of the dreamer, or are an echo of daytime events. For example, if you bought fish from a store, the dream about fish means nothing.

Dreams and days of the week

Monday. It will be fulfilled exactly if you were born on this day. For the rest, a high degree of what will come true.

Tuesday. Comes true within 10 days. If it is not fulfilled on the tenth day, it will never happen.

Wednesday. If a dream is recorded before the beginning of a new day, it will come true, in the period from the beginning of a new day to awakening, it will be partially fulfilled.

Thursday. Almost any dream comes true!

Friday. Love dreams come true exactly.

Saturday. Morning dreams come true completely.

Sunday. Dreams related to rest, entertainment, positive actions are fulfilled, the rest are partially fulfilled.

Connection of dreams with lunar days

Of course, giving the characteristics of lunar days and talking about how they are related to dreams, we outline only general trends, that is, we offer rather approximate information, a kind of average statistical data. The lunar energy disposes precisely to such dreams on every lunar day, but in each case, depending on the individual characteristics of a person, everything can be completely different! Therefore, referring to this information, nevertheless, first of all, trust yourself and your intuition. If the dream seemed interesting, vivid to you, if it was remembered and made a strong impression, pay attention to this dream, even if it is written that it is empty. What if this is not the case in your case? There are no rules without exceptions!

What else, in addition to the characteristics of the lunar day, you need to know in order to determine whether you had a prophetic dream or little meaning. There are still some regularities that allow us to answer this question.

It must be borne in mind that the prophetic and others meaningful dreams we often dream on the growing moon and the closer to the full moon, the more likely it is to see just such a dream. Also, pay attention to what time of night you had the dream. As a rule, the closer to morning, the more important sleep is. In addition, keep in mind: the brighter, the more memorable the dream you had, the more chances that it will turn out to be prophetic. Such dreams, dreamed after 3 a.m., come true very quickly, usually during the day. Dreams, dreamed from 0 to 3 hours, come true on average within three months, and dreams, dreamed before midnight, either do not come true at all, or come true after a very long time. If you have a habit of sleeping during the day, remember that daytime dreams usually mean nothing at all.

So, get creative with this information, don't take it as dogma, that is, too literal. After all, the interpretation of dreams is a creative business, akin to art!

Dreams and lunar days (when dreams come true according to the lunar calendar)

1st lunar day: a dream, as a rule, does not come true if something unpleasant is dreaming. Good dreams can come true.

2nd lunar day: dreams are empty, not serious, meaningless.

3rd lunar day: Dreams are special, they come true quickly.

4 lunar day: The dream is significant, it carries warnings. Often deals with karmic questions - about cause and effect in our life.

5th lunar day: dreams of this day often show a state of health. A good sign, if you cry in a dream, this indicates cleansing and recovery.

6th lunar day: dreams come true, but only if on this day you were calm and balanced, did not lose your temper, did not get irritated and did not swear. In this case, dreams will provide important information.

7th lunar day: be careful, the dreams of this day are prophetic, important and prophetic. Come true very soon. Most often, they are favorable. But you can't tell anyone about them.

8th lunar day: prophetic dreams. Often associated with a cherished desire, or indicate a true purpose, so be attentive to such dreams.

9th lunar day: dreams that portend success come true. But often there are heavy dreams, nightmares, you should not believe them, the bad will not come true.

10th lunar day: the exact opposite of the previous day. Negative dreams come true, but positive dreams do not.

11th lunar day: dreams do not come true.

12th lunar day: important - dreams - with a high degree of probability come true and offer help. Take advantage of this dream.

13th lunar day: significant dreams. Can show important new information about long-standing problems.

14th lunar day: dreams are heavy, all sorts of misfortunes occur in them. But most often they do not come true, so do not get upset.

15th lunar day: prophetic dreams, especially on the growing and fast moon and indicating something positive. They talk about what needs to be addressed first. You need to be able to solve them.

16th lunar day: dreams are often healing, bringing relief from tension. Often irrelevant.

17th lunar day: meaningful sleep. Shows the current state of affairs. If good - everything is fine, no - will show our dissatisfaction, lack of inner freedom.

18th lunar day: Dreams often show a problem that worries us and how to solve it, or be cured if there is a disease.

19th lunar day: dreams are frightening, but they have little meaning. Don't pay too much attention to them.

20th lunar day: special dreams. You can see a dream by order. Before falling asleep, ask a question and tune in to see the answer in a dream. If the question is serious, it is highly likely that the answer will come to you in a dream. The dreams of this day come true quickly.

21st lunar day: dreams are often pleasant, but they have little to do with reality, as a rule, they do not come true.

22nd lunar day: dreams come true. 22 lunar day - the day of wisdom, intuition, tips. In dreams, you can see the future or insights. Very useful information can be dreamed of.

23rd lunar day: confused, chaotic dreams come true on the contrary.

24th lunar day: dreams are often pleasant, joyful and prophetic. Show how realized we are. If you dream bad dream - it means that we are not happy with our achievements and, especially, sexual realization.

25th lunar day: dreams do not come true, although it is possible that in the near future they will try to deceive you. If you had a bad dream, pray in the morning and say 3 times: "Where is the night, there is a dream." Before noon, turn on the tap with cold water, tell her your dream and imagine how he goes with the water into the drain, the water will carry him away.

26th lunar day: Dreams tell us who we really are, or rather, how we see ourselves. Therefore, it is worth listening to them and drawing conclusions. Dreams on this day are unusual. They often improve mood.

27th lunar day: dreams come true. They are often confused and confused. But they carry within themselves intuitive insights, open true essence people and situations.

28th lunar day: prophetic dreams and clues. They portend obstacles, difficulties in business. It is believed that they can be “canceled” by losing money, thus making a sacrifice as compensation.

29th lunar day: dreams do not come true, they are heavy, joyless, frightening.

30th lunar day: dreams of the 30th lunar prophetic. Fantastic, but inherently truthful, they have a rational meaning.

If on lunar days, promising a high fulfillment of dreams, the Moon is in the signs of the water element (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces), the probability of realizing a prophetic dream will increase even more.

Dream fulfillment by date of the month

1. Performed with absolute precision.

2. Empty and meaningless dreams, but if this is a hint, a warning dream, it will come true.

3. Rapidly executed dreams (within three days).

4. Will come true within seven months.

5. Self-fulfilling dreams of positive meaning.

6. The second half of the dream will come true.

7. This dream is never told to anyone, then it will come true; if you tell, you will bring trouble on yourself.

8. If it is not a warning dream, a hint dream, a prophetic dream - it will not come true!

9. Only the middle part of the dream will come true.

10. Come true within 12 days.

11. Only the beginning of a dream comes true.

12. As a rule, happy dreams come true in accordance with the "Dream Interpretation".

13. One, the most unpleasant episode will come true.

14. It will come true in accordance with this "Dream Interpretation".

15. Only the happy meanings of the dream come true.

16. Come true in accordance with this "Dream Interpretation".

17. Come true within 20 days.

18. Only good things will come true.

19. It will be accomplished in accordance with this "Dream Book".

20. Fast execution of the plot seen.

21. Fulfilled if the dream is in the first half of the night.

22. It will come true if a dream is dreamed before the beginning of a new day.

23. Events will soon come true, especially if the dream is seen in the morning.

24. Only joyful stories will come true.

25. Will come true in strict accordance with this "Dream Interpretation".

26. Dream in hand - everything will come true.

27. If the dream is not prophetic, it will not come true.

28. Executed within a month.

29. Never fulfilled.

30. Come true one hundred percent if you had an intimate date the day before.

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Information is provided on the interpretation of dreams by day of the week and by day of the month. On what day the dream had a dream, this or that meaning carries with it. It is important to pay attention to the interpretation of the days. Sleep can be empty, or it can warn of dangers or troubles.

Interpretation of dreams by day of the week and by day of the month is an ancient and mysterious art that came to us from the distant past. On this page, you can familiarize yourself with another type of dream clues, just pay attention at what time, what day your dream had. Using the information provided, you can more accurately interpret. The dream that you dreamed in the morning is of great importance and more important than the dream that you dreamed at night. Usually dreams come true that you dream more than two times. Dreams usually come true between the next day and nine months. The dreams that you have during the day are usually empty and do not matter.

We recommend that you first read general rules interpretation of dreams by days of the week and days of the month, and then you can free download Dream books of Miller, Nostradamus, Freud's erotic dream book and other esoteric literature

Interpretation of dreams by day of the week

I want to present the first section of the interpretation dream book for free - these are the days of the week. There are seven days here, you just need to choose the appropriate one and read the values.

Monday - this day in the dream book is interpreted as hard in itself after the weekend and dreams on Monday prepare you for hard working days and say what to expect this week. You can see in this dream your working day for the whole week. Your difficulties, problems or successful completion of business.

Tuesday - dreams are usually interpreted. There are no changes in interpretation.

Wednesday - dreams are usually empty, in rare cases (if the dream is not the first time) it can mean something. If you nevertheless decide to interpret the dream you had on Wednesday, interpret only the important details that remain in your memory.

Thursday - dreams that dreamed on Thursday are always fulfilled and usually always for the best. This is a great day for your wishes come true. And if you dreamed about some new business or some kind of trip, feel free to go to meet your fate.

Friday - ordinary dreams, completely coincide with the dream book.

Saturday - the most important dreams of the week are dreams on Saturday night. Carefully interpret and remember important details of the dream. Everything you see will soon come true. These dreams are considered prophetic.

Sunday - dreams are usually good, sometimes empty. Therefore, if something has not come true, do not worry, then it must be so.

Look in the dream book for interpretations for free - if you dreamed about a calendar or days of the week.

Interpretation of dreams by day of the month

I want to devote this small section in the interpretation dream book for free - to the days of the month. The scheme is simple, you just look at what day you had a dream and find the values \u200b\u200bin the information provided below. By comparing it to the top diagram. This way you can more accurately interpret dreams.

1 - the first day of the month is the beginning of a new life. Dreams performed accurately and usually to good.

2 - dreams on this day are empty and do not matter.

3 - this number is very happy and dreams come true quickly on this day.

4 - dreams may come true, not soon. But they are usually simple and do not always carry any important information with them.

5 - on this day of the month - always a good meaning of dreams.

6 - dreams do not come true soon. Maybe you need to wait a month. But if a dream has predicted something bad for you, then the dream may come true in two weeks.

7 is the magic number of the month, even magic. On this day, your wish or dream may come true. If you do not tell anyone the dream, then he will be happy. The main thing is to realize the importance of what you saw and wait for the fulfillment.

8 - on this day of the month there is also a great chance that your dream will lead to the fulfillment of desires.

9 - this number is not at all bad, but for some reason on this day dreams come true for trouble. The troubles will not be big and not significant.

10 - dreams do not have any meaning on this day.

11 - the magic of this number is that dreams usually come true within 11 days.

12 - dreams are favorable and quickly fulfilled.

13 - this number has always been considered that it carried a curse or trouble. Dreams also warn you of troubles that may occur at any time.

14 - dreams are unsuccessful, and even if you dreamed of something good, then this good simply neutralizes everything bad.

15 - come true almost immediately and are always good. There were cases when dreams came true in a couple of hours.

16 - dreams are empty, don't matter.

17 - dreams say that success awaits you soon and will be fulfilled within 20 days.

18 - profit, and necessary and useful purchases. Remember where good news or profit came from in a dream. This will help you not to miss your chance.

19 - on this day of the month, a dream is usually dreamed, as if warning of family troubles.

20 - dreams come true soon.

21 - lead to wealth, but are not fulfilled for a long time. You can expect months.

22 - dreams warn of trouble.

23 - dreams in this number are fulfilled quickly.

24 - dreams lead to joyful events and are fulfilled during the week.

25 - false and deceiving dreams. You can't believe them, even if you dreamed of something good and pleasant.

26 - on this day of the month, dreams talk about travel and entertainment.

27 - dreams do not have any meaning.

28 - difficulties in life and are fulfilled within a month. Usually these are petty quarrels, troubles or conflicts.

29 - dreams are unsuccessful, they can mean losses and conflicts.

30 - on this day they are not performed and do not matter.

31 - come true within 15 days, and lead to love, family well-being.

Interpretation of dreams by time of day

The site of the Mystery of the Unknown invites you to interpret dreams by the time of day according to this scheme. Dreams are dreamed in different time days. In the afternoon, in the morning, in the evening ... Each time of the day or night has its own interpretation scheme. Now you can find the time at which you had a dream and more accurately unravel and understand the meanings of the dream. It is important to correctly understand the interpretation of the dream book, and then it will be easier for you to find the solution that the dream offers you or maybe it protects (warns) you from danger.

Dreams that you have in the morning are of great importance compared to the night. He tells you about the importance and the need to accept everything that the dream has brought you. Usually these dreams come true quickly. And they carry important information.

Dreams that come off during the day have no meaning. They are usually empty. Day dreams are your life worries. Your problems and concerns. Our subconscious mind messes up everything during the daytime and tries to find solutions to problems.

Dreams from eight in the evening until twelve in the morning - do not come true soon.

Dreams from midnight to three - come true within a month or three. It all depends on the circumstances of the dream.

Dreams from three in the morning until dawn - come true very soon. But they carry prophetic meanings, it is true that they are not always fulfilled. Perhaps you just decided all your affairs before fulfilling the dream.

Often, girls dream of young people. They ask the interpreters to explain the dream in which the guy had a dream (on days of the week). It turns out that such a vision symbolizes a meeting with one's destiny, but on different days of the week the meaning of sleep can acquire completely different meanings.

Dreams in which girls dream of guys, as a rule, portend meetings and new acquaintances. However, before interpreting the dream, you need to think about what day of the week he dreamed about. This is often of great importance and has an impact on explaining the meaning of the vision. If a dream is dreamed from Sunday to Monday, then its interpretation can take on a very interesting shade. It is known that this day of the week is under the influence of the Moon. This only means that the person at this time is in a state of heightened emotional arousal. Dreams that are dreamed from Sunday to Monday reflect the emotional state of the sleeper. They often bring to the surface all the thoughts that a person has hidden deep in his subconscious. If at this time a girl is dreaming of a guy, then perhaps she has been thinking too much about relationships with the opposite sex lately and something in these relationships clearly does not suit her. A vision can herald a change in personal life and new acquaintances that will help change your life for the better. Tuesday is influenced by Mars. The visions that come on this day have incredibly strong energy. If a guy dreamed from Monday to Tuesday, the girl has unusually strong feelings for him.

Often very young girls dream of a guy in their dreams. On days of the week, interpreting this vision is most correct, since on different days a person is influenced by different planets, which can affect the outcome of the interpretation. If this is not taken into account, the meaning of sleep can be misunderstood.

A dream from Monday to Tuesday can be taken as a guide to action. If a girl dreams of a guy, in reality she should be active in relation to him. The dream symbolizes the fact that all attempts to win the attention of the object of your love will be crowned with success. A dream seen on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, as a rule, does not carry a global semantic load. This vision can only reflect the feelings of the sleeping one. If a girl sees a cheerful, positive dream in which a guy is present, this suggests that in real life their relationship is really bright, dynamically developing. Most likely, they will remain so. If the vision was rather plain and badly remembered, then in real life with this guy, only boredom and longing awaits. If the girl has not yet decided whether to enter into a relationship with him, then it is better for her to abandon them, since nothing good will come of this union. A dream from Wednesday to Thursday symbolizes good luck in all endeavors. If a girl dreams of a guy whose location she is not seeking, then she should more actively show her sympathy. The object of love will surely reciprocate. Most likely, he experiences reciprocal feelings, but is afraid to take the first step, as he is afraid of being misunderstood.

Dreams come true from Thursday. That is why it is important for a girl who sees a guy in her dream to remember all the details of the vision. If a guy made a marriage proposal in a dream, in reality he will most likely really be ripe for marriage and inform his chosen one about it. Bad sign a dream is considered in which a guy talks about the need to leave. In real life, such a vision portends quarrels, betrayal, parting. If a dream in which a guy is present is dreamed from Friday to Saturday, then it serves as a kind of clue to solving any problems. You should listen to this dream as to the advice of an older friend. If the vision was dark, sad, negative, then the relationship with the guy will not bring anything good. It is better to part with such a person, especially if in reality the girl was already thinking about parting and still could not decide on this step. If a guy dreams from Saturday to Sunday and the vision was bright and positive, then in reality the girl will have an early wedding with this young man. Moreover, their life will be serene and happy. Sunday symbolizes the holiday. If a man dreams from Sunday to Monday, then life with him will be a real holiday. With such a guy, you can safely connect your fate and not be afraid to be disappointed in him and his relationship to your beloved woman.

Dreams reflect the inner state of a person. If a girl has a bad dream, then don't worry too much. You need to analyze your behavior and understand how correct all actions were. Perhaps such a dream can serve as a signal that it is time to change something in your life and in yourself.

Girls admit that they often have a dream in which a guy had a dream. On the days of the week, this vision can be interpreted in completely different ways. It is known that such visions often come true, only to correctly explain their meaning, you need to try to remember the dream in the smallest detail.

If a guy dreams from Monday to Tuesday: interpretation of a dream

It is believed that the interpretation of dreams largely depends on the days in which they come. For example, if a guy is dreaming, on the days of the week there will be different interpretations for each of the dreams, that is, its own for each of the days. Let's say dreams on the night from Monday to Tuesday are referred to as last day... Therefore, they need to be interpreted with reference to it.

Interpretation for women

If a guy is dreaming from Monday to Tuesday, and a beloved one, then the girl will meet with him in the near future. However, if a young man comes to a lady in a dream, and she already has a lover, this dream portends long and happy relationship... When one sees stately and handsome man, in reality the girl will have a lot of joy, as well as new opportunities. In such dreams, the main thing is to try to remember the young man as best as possible, as well as your emotions at the sight of him. Every little thing is essential for correct interpretation.

If a guy dreams of an unmarried lady from Monday to Tuesday, then in reality she will have a happy marriage in the near future. Such dreams can also come to money. When a young man in a dream does not correspond to the ideal of a lady, this is an unfavorable dream. If he is also ugly (hunched over, scary, etc.), then the sleeping person will face various troubles and difficulties in personal relationships and affairs. However, this dream has another interpretation. If a guy is dreaming from Monday to Tuesday who scares a girl, then in reality she will have various experiences. Someone from relatives, friends or acquaintances will bring confusion and nervous tension into the dreaming life.

When a lady dreams of a guy with whom she has not communicated for a very long time and has not seen (a classmate, a forgotten acquaintance, a former lover), such a dream portends a quick meeting with him. It is also possible that the sleeping person will not see him personally, but will receive some news about him or from him.

When a young girl who is already in a relationship dreams that she is flirting with a nice and very interesting guy, then in reality this means that she is subconsciously or consciously unhappy with her choice and personal life. However, this dream can also be a warning against adventures and adventures of a dubious nature. They do not bode well for the dreamer.

Interpretation for men

If a guy dreams of a man from Monday to Tuesday, then in reality some profit awaits him. When he says in a dream to a male person that he wants a new relationship, this dream is a warning. The new lady can give him a lot of trouble. If you dream of a person who is very annoying in real life, then in reality you should pay more attention to health. This dream can warn of illness.

If you dream guy from Wednesday to Thursday

Such dreams are almost always fulfilled. For girls, this dream promises to receive news from a person with whom long time connection was lost. This could be a guy from a past relationship, a distant relative, or just a forgotten friend. This dream, as a rule, does not carry anything bad in itself.

If a person is dreaming, it can mean a lot.

Nowadays, great attention is paid to the sciences that study dreams, since dreams are a rather complex process, and while science is only trying to explain the reasons for their appearance.

When a person is asleep, he can dream. A dream is a short film based on images that arise in the mind of a sleeping person. Sometimes he carries with him some fragments from life that he remembered well. But often a dream is incomprehensible to a person, so he turns to many dream books that explain what the appearance of certain objects or personalities in a dream can mean. If a person is dreaming, then it can mean a lot. There are many different guesses and hypotheses about the appearance of a person in a dream. Therefore, we will consider some of them.

In numerous dream books, assumptions about the appearance of a person in dreams are very contradictory. Some predictors believe that if you dream of a person, it means absolutely nothing. And if he appears in your dream many times in a row, then you should think about why he is so chained to your subconscious. Some dream books believe that the appearance of the same person during several dreams indicates that you either harbored a grudge against him and cannot forgive, or you still have feelings for him and you cannot part with them.

There is one very popular version, which is based on the fact that a person dreamed of a film hero. Everything here is absolutely clear and you shouldn't think too much. While watching a film, each person subconsciously develops anxiety about this hero, and if this character of the film does not succeed or does not succeed, then you recall those cases when you also did not succeed. And if in your consciousness you cannot add it, then your subconscious mind can quite do it.

Also no less interesting is the case when a man dreamed who was already dead. It is to this case that many experts and predictors are riveted, since the final answer to the question of why dead people come in a dream has not yet been given. But now there are several theories about this phenomenon. Some dream books write that this is a sign that soon you will have sad news about your relatives and that you need to be very careful. If a person dreams of lying in a coffin, then failures will haunt you. In addition, if in a dream you put coins on the eyes of the deceased, then you will suffer from the actions of enemies who will take advantage of your kindness. If a deceased person appears in a young woman's dream, then this will be a harbinger of trouble because of her gullibility. There is also a theory that if a deceased person is dreaming, then something keeps him on the ground and it is necessary that you visit his grave and light a candle for the repose of his soul.

Now let's just talk about those people who can appear in dreams and what their appearance means. If a person is dreaming who has only one eye, then this means that someone is very jealous of you and violently gossips about your well-being. If a happy person appears in a dream, then this is a sign that you will have good news, and luck will accompany you in life. If a person dreams that they have no teeth, then this means that you should take care of your work, as you may lose it. If your enemy appears in a dream, then a short-term illness awaits you. If you defeat the enemy in a dream, then in reality nothing threatens you, since you have enough opportunities to withstand all troubles.

Of course, predicting your future from dreams is interesting, but you shouldn't trust them too much. Sometimes dreams are just snapshots of moments that you accidentally remember, but did not pay attention to.

Dream interpretation Day of the week

Why dream of Day of the week in a dream according to a dream book?

To see a dream, the events of which take place on a certain day of the week, is a waking danger that is possible on this particular day. You should be careful and more careful.

Why is a Man dreaming, a Man's dream book to see in a dream what does it mean?

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Man, what does sleep mean:

Seeing a Man in a dream - Nostradamus interpreted dreams about a man as follows: If you dreamed of a man sitting on a high rock, in the distant future a grandiose event will happen to you that will radically change your life. They saw in a dream an evil, despotic person - to change jobs. If you dreamed about a beggar, then in the future you will be in big trouble, as a result of which you will lose your fortune, shelter and faithful friend. A dream about a rich man is a good omen. Is waiting for you comfortable life in the circle of people close to you. If in a dream you saw a wounded person, then some of the people close to you will face a serious test.

Why is the Hairless Man dreaming? Seeing yourself hairless in a dream is ruin; to see children without hair is to shame; to see your mother hairless is to destruction.

Dream Interpretation Legless person chasing you - great difficulties and difficulties, which are very important to overcome for your future.

Dreamed / dreamed of Noseless (to see yourself) - This is a dream-harbinger of some kind of venereal disease.

Lucky - If you saw yourself as a darling of fate, a very favorable prospect will open before you. This dream promises you fulfillment cherished desires and pleasant duties. If you are discouraged, then after such a dream you will regain hope and faith in yourself. All of these will help you bring your business to prosperity.

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Why is a Man dreaming in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Personal traits: pure yellow - intelligence; benevolence, cheerfulness, self-confidence, optimism; golden yellow - wisdom, energy; lemon yellow - active mind, ingenuity. Possible physical abnormalities: digestive disorders, insomnia, nervous tension, constipation.

A persona is a person who is portrayed by external means, usually through clothing or leather. Personality in dreams is very rarely personified, since this is what is expressed by external means (for example, clothing), and not what it is internally. This is usually the main motive, not the dream figure. This is a dream in which something happens to our clothes, or we are naked, or partially naked, or dressed in an inappropriate way. When the hero of the dream is personified, he always appears to be a being of the same sex.

"I" is the highest, most spiritual aspect of the sleeper; the inner core of the common soul. In relation to women, "I" can be represented as a wise old woman, priestess, fairy, mother, queen, or princess. For men, "I" can act as a king, priest, wise old man, guru, soothsayer or philosopher.

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Why does a Man dream in a dream?

To see a Man in a dream means - Lucky. To be lucky in a dream is to great luck, the fulfillment of cherished desires, this is how the dream book interprets the dream that you had.

Autumn dream book

Why see a Man in a dream?

Why is Noseless dreaming (to see yourself) - you will make the long-awaited plastic surgery to correct the nose.

Blond man - If you dream of a blond man trying to look after you beautifully, this is a deception.

Pensive person - Seeing someone pensive in a dream - in reality you often think about the meaning of life.

Intelligent - To see a very intelligent and helpful person in a dream is to run into a boor.

Emaciated person - Seeing an extremely emaciated person in a dream is a sign of dystrophy.

Stocky Man - A stocky man dreams of trouble.

Invisible - To see an invisible man in a dream is to fear.

Stooped Person - A stooped person dreams of hard work.

A frail person - To a surge of strength.

The Man in Black - The Man in Black dreams of a hard, hopeless life.

Black-haired man - To the falsehood and hypocrisy that you will soon encounter.

Broad-shouldered person - You are naive, times have changed, do not wait for help, rely on your strength.

Chipped man - There will be an inveterate villain near you.

Chipped Man - A stupid flawed man will take advantage of your generosity and make trouble.

Yakut - Disrespectful among subordinates.

Spring dream book

Why see a Man in a dream?

According to the dream book, Man, what does it mean in a dream - Noseless to see yourself. Get into your own business and you will regret it very much.

Why is the Earless Man dreaming? Seeing an earless friend or family member - to new gossip. Seeing yourself without ears means divorce through gossip.

Dream Interpretation Bezuhy - to gossip, rumors.

Why is the tongueless man dreaming? Seeing a person without a tongue is for patience from your children; to see yourself without a language - to songs, to a feast.

Dreamed / dreamed of a Blond man (blonde, hair). - If in a dream you see yourself very beautiful, with blond hair, this is a disease.

Blond man. To see such a person is to alarm.

An intelligent person - to see an intelligent person in a dream is an insult to your dignity.

An exhausted person - to see an exhausted person in a dream - to learn about someone's emotional experiences; to sympathy.

Stocky person - to see a stocky person in a dream means that you will have to compete with a big stubborn person.

A shaggy person - to a mess in the house.

Invisible. To dream that someone is talking to you, but is not visible, is a secret enemy.

A stooped person - to see a stooped person - to care, litigation.

A frail person - if you see a frail person - this is to the child's ill health and weakness.

Man in black. To destruction - if not the body, then the soul.

Dark-haired person - a dark-skinned (dark-haired) person dreams of mistrust and spying on someone.

A broad-shouldered person - you will gain strength and gradually cope with all the troubles.

A chipped person - a chipped person dreams of a blatant lie.

Yakuts - to the misunderstanding that you will meet on the part of people.

Summer dream book

Why see a Man in a dream?

Dream interpretation: Pensive person - Seeing someone pensive in a dream is a sign of sadness.

Intelligent - Talking in a dream with a truly intelligent person is to be part of the beautiful.

Emaciated person - To see an extremely emaciated child in a dream is a long-term and untreatable illness.

Stocky person - Stocky person - you have problems with your figure.

Invisible - To see an invisible man in a dream is a secret.

Stooped person - A person without conscience and honor will seek an approach to you for his own benefit.

A frail person - To lack of money.

Man in black - Seeing a man in black - get power and wealth without happiness.

Dark-haired person - If you dream of a dark-haired person, you have to experience humiliation from an unfamiliar person.

Broad-shouldered man - Don't dismiss your friend, you will need him soon.

Yakut - To see a Yakut is to make a vain attempt to explain your innocence to a person who does not want to understand you.

What does a dream mean? I have been dreaming for 2 days the guy I love.



If a guy is dreaming:
From Mon. on Tue - respects you.
From Tue. on Wed - thinks about you.
From Wed. on th. - you dream of him.
From Thu. on Fri. - loves you (likes you).
From Fri. on Sat. - jealous of you.
Sat. on sun. - takes offense at you.
From Sun. on Mon. - waiting for a meeting.

----- ONIKS -----

this does not mean that you will have a relationship with him., think about him a lot.

queen elena

you think about him a lot, so you dream about him

Roza Svetlova

he thinks about you

Elena LUNA

You just think a lot about him or he about you

andrey shustov

something wrong
When a guy dreams:
Mon. - will be on the other
Tue - respects you
Wed - sadness and tears
Wed - kiss
Fri. - trouble with him
Sat. - madly in love
Sun. - he is your destiny

The interpretation of dreams with the help of a dream book by day of the week is largely related to which planet controls the current day. In other words, on which day the dream will come true, and on which not, largely depends on the astrological characteristics of the patron planet of a particular day of the week.

Will a dream come true from Sunday to Monday?

If you had a dream from Sunday to Monday, most likely it is prophetic. The probability that it will come true is high if you were born on this day of the week.

Other people should not focus too much on dreams sent by the patronizing Moon on Monday. Their dreams from Sunday to Monday do not predict anything concrete, but only portend the usual household chores, useless fuss and housework.

Will your dream come true from Monday to Tuesday?

A dream from Monday to Tuesday should come true within about 7-10 days. Often, dreams on this night under the sign of Mars are associated with clashes, quarrels, and unpleasant situations.

A bright and rich dream from Monday to Tuesday foreshadows a safe start to any business, and a calm one means that you have already found a suitable occupation. If the dream seemed unpleasant to you, you should not take on a new business.

Will a dream come true from Tuesday to Wednesday?

You need to pay special attention to dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday - they usually come true. Such prophetic dreams ruled by Mercury, in most cases they are associated with others.

Tiny, vivid, eventful dreams show your sociability. But boring, colorless and gray, on the contrary, indicate that your social circle is very narrow. You may not even have someone to ask for help in a difficult situation.

Will the dream come true from Wednesday to Thursday?

Dreams, which from Wednesday to Thursday, come true quite rarely. But those few dreams that come true are sent by the planet-ruler Jupiter. They are associated with professional activities, careers and work environment.

If you dreamed of a career-related event where you are among many people, this is good signindicating future professional success. But in the absence of a large number of people in a dream and any active actions, special changes in their career growth are not expected.

Will a dream come true from Thursday to Friday?

If you had a dream from Thursday to Friday, try to remember it in all the details and details, since it will most likely come true. Usually, dreams from Thursday to Friday, sent by Venus, are associated with desires, emotions, personal feelings.

If the dream is pleasant and vivid, and you buy or get what you want, this means that your wish will come true. If you don't get something, you lose something, or, even worse, your dream is black and white, take heart: difficult times await you ahead.

Will a dream come true from Friday to Saturday?

Dreams from Friday to Saturday come true in about 50% of cases. However, in any case, these dreams need to be given attention, since Saturn can warn of possible trials that you will face when achieving your goal.

Such tests can be shown in a dream and in the form of physical obstacles - high mountains, fences, impregnable walls, which are unrealistic for you to climb. If you have not encountered anything like that, this means that you will be able to successfully complete the work you have begun to the end.

Will a dream come true from Saturday to Sunday?

It is believed that a dream that was dreamed on the night from Saturday to Sunday should in no case be told to anyone. This is due to the fact that dreams on Sunday under the sign of the Sun often come true. They can also show you your hidden creativity and talents.

In addition, on this night you can see dreams about those on whom your thoughts are most concentrated - beloved ones, loved ones, friends. If you had a gray and gloomy dream, it does not portend anything bright in your personal life. However, remember that everything is in your hands! Do not focus on problems and difficulties, trust that you will succeed. And then the dark stripe will definitely be replaced by the light one.

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