Tonic states of burnout. Symptoms of Burnout

Emotional burnout syndrome (CMEA) - a negative reaction of the body to prolonged stress associated with the performance of professional duties. It often occurs among managers or employees in senior positions, but not only they are at risk. CMEA can also develop in a person, by virtue of professional duties, dealing with the troubles of other people (doctors, social services, etc.). The point here is not so much in specialization, but in a pathologically conscientious attitude to their work. People who are constantly striving to do everything “best of all”, exaggerating their own responsibility for the work of the whole team, not being able to distract from production problems, sooner or later become a victim of burnout.

Constant feeling of tiredness

One of the main properties of a recognized workaholic is the inability to distract from work. After a hard day, he continues to scroll through the working moments in his mind, think over them, and look for ways to solve the problems that have arisen. As a result of a good rest, it does not work out even when a person seems to be observing a sleep and wakefulness regime. Every day he feels more and more tired, work efficiency decreases, which, with his responsible attitude to his duties, only intensifies stress.

The solution to the problem in this case is the same: you need to learn how to switch the brain and forget about the service for a while. In the most severe cases, patients require the help of a psychologist, but something each person is able to do himself:

  1. Outside of work, it is necessary to completely exclude the influence of any factors that can return thoughts to the professional sphere (do not communicate with colleagues, turn off the phone, do not go to the office email page, etc.).
  2. To engage in outdoor activities related to sports or tourism (working in the country is also suitable).
  3. Try to find a hobby attractive enough to distract from your duties. In this sense, needlework is the best option. Let us explain what was said. Professional activity of the majority modern people is collective. In ordinary life, we are practically devoid of unusually strong positive emotions that cause the creative process itself and the creation of an object with our own hands. The choice of the type of needlework is a purely individual matter. There are many training courses, workshops, literature that can facilitate the search for hobbies and prevent the novice master from getting confused in the abundance of techniques and materials.



A person suffering from CMEA is afraid to do something wrong, to lose control over the situation. He is constantly in tension, which provokes a headache. Unpleasant sensations usually occur at the end of the working day and cannot be eliminated with the help of painkillers. Headache reduces the quality of night sleep and enhances the feeling of fatigue.

Respiratory exercises can help solve the problem. The choice of a specific methodology and the development of an individual training regimen is best entrusted to the doctor: insufficient patient awareness in such matters can lead to the fact that breathing practice does not bring the desired relief.


Back and chest pains

Constant stress negatively affects the state of muscles. Burnout syndrome is often manifested by spasms of the muscles of the back and chest. There is an obsessive pain that reduces the quality of life.

In this case, special complexes are recommended to get rid of unpleasant sensations. breathing exercises and long walks in the fresh air, allowing you to relax and reduce the oppressive sense of responsibility. Substantial relief is brought by sessions of psychotherapy.


The appearance of excess weight

The desire to be an eternal excellent student creates constant tension and a negative emotional background. Many find a way out in the "seizing" of unpleasant sensations, which leads to a set excess weight. Body mass during CMEA can increase without overeating. The cause is a metabolic disorder provoked by prolonged stress.

Trying to limit food intake and choose a diet in this case is useless. It is important to understand that the problem is psychological in nature and to deal with it.


Search for distractions

With emotional burnout, a person tries to find an occupation that distracts from painful thoughts. In some cases, they prefer shopping, while others begin to abuse alcohol, smoke or are addicted to gambling.

Means of this kind, as a rule, do not bring relief. People with CMEA have a high sense of responsibility, and bad habits make them feel guilty. If a person ceases to enjoy even from such a relatively harmless occupation as shopping, this is an alarming symptom. It is necessary to consult a psychologist.


Problems with doing things

Emotional burnout leads to reduced working capacity and the emergence of problems with the performance of familiar duties. A person ceases to strive to receive new information, produce creative ideas, and becomes insufficiently flexible. For people in leadership positions, such changes are fraught with a decline in professional and social status. Consciousness that he began to work worse brings a lot of suffering to the perfectionist.

In such a situation, the help of a psychologist is necessary in order to change the patient’s value system. It is important to learn not to compare yourself with others, try to relax and stop taking on responsibility for what you can’t do.


Loss of interest in life

With emotional burnout, a person experiences a sense of hopelessness and helplessness. The triggering of the mechanism of psychological defense makes him more indifferent to his work. As a result, he loses interest not only in professional activities, but also in other aspects of life. In this condition, the patient may refuse the most attractive methods of discharge: interesting tourist trips, going to the theater or to exhibitions, and even talking with loved ones.

If a person ceases to be interested in news (including in the professional field), entertainment, becomes harsh with family - he needs immediate help.

The state when there is no strength and already, it would seem, is not happy, is familiar to almost every modern person today. However, do not get depressed, because psychologists know how to deal with such a syndrome.

The extent of such an emotional problem in modern society today is quite widespread among the adult population. And not surprisingly, after all, patterned signs of burnout can be found in many people around you or yourself. The modern pace of life and the age of exploitation of everything and everyone inevitably leads to the rapid depletion of the body physically and psychologically.

If you notice that your activity at work and in public life has decreased significantly, then you should understand the reasons for this condition. The way out of this situation depends on the level of stresses that suppress you and their quantity. You should also pay attention to the prevention of emotional burnout and those who feel positively tuned in and continue to live with enviable activity so as not to lose joy in life.

The concept of burnout

The very definition of psychological "burnout" (burnout) (English burnout) was introduced by the American psychotherapist G. Freidenberg quite recently (1974). In psychology, such a syndrome is usually accepted as a manifestation of prolonged depression and stress caused by overstrain or as a period of a professional crisis. Any negative emotions must receive their expression and discharge, and if this does not happen, then personal emotions and human energy are depleted.

Later, professors at the University of California Psychology developed a scientific method for studying this problem, which involves a three-level grouping:

  1. Psychological exhaustion. Sensory oversaturation, a decrease in positive reactions to what is happening or complete indifference.
  2. Deformation of personality. Deterioration of relations with others in society, decrease in independence and independence, manifestation of negative and cynical emotions towards people.
  3. Decrease in personal achievements. Negative self-esteem, limitation of opportunities, success, achievements and responsibilities.

Causes of Burnout

Modern psychology allows us to identify several basic stressogens that are saturated in our daily lives and which lead to the onset of the syndrome:

  1. The need for constant intensive communication with society. Often arising problems and workdays cause us to face many people daily, different in emotional state. If you are modest and reserved, then excessive concentration on your own and others' problems will lead to accumulation of stress and emotional discomfort.
  2. The need to work in conditions of increased efficiency. Every day requires from us composure, punctuality, self-organization, courtesy and constant self-control. The publicity and excessive openness of our life makes us and others tightly control ourselves, which leads to internal instability and emotional irritation.
  3. Constant tension of the surrounding atmosphere. The accelerated rhythm of our time and the control of actions at work, as well as excessive workload and a catastrophic lack of free time to relax, exhaust our body. Stress is a natural consequence of excessive demands and a lack of external and personal energy resources.

Diagnosis of emotional burnout

To adequately assess your psychological state of health, it is customary to group all the characteristic symptoms and signs of exhaustion as follows:

  • psychological;
  • social behavior;
  • physiological.

Physical symptoms of burnout

The physiological aspects of burnout should include:

  • insomnia or a violation of the regime of the day, a complete lack of sleep until the early morning or a sharp fall asleep, inability to fall asleep again in the middle of the night, severe awakening;
  • respiratory failure and shortness of breath with any load;
  • reduced reaction to environmental changes, a complete lack of joy and curiosity or a sense of fear in case of danger;
  • constant physical fatigue, when the feeling of powerlessness does not go away even in the morning after a normal full sleep;
  • constant desire to sleep, drowsiness, lethargy;
  • persistent headaches for no reason;
  • a sharp change in weight indicators (decrease, increase);
  • decreased vision, smell, touch, hearing, loss of tactile sensations;
  • chronic disorders of the digestive system and metabolic processes (constipation, diarrhea);
  • chronic feeling of weakness, decreased energy reserves, decreased immunity, biochemical indicators in blood and hormonal levels;
  • feeling of physical and psychological exhaustion.

Psychological signs of burnout

The psychological aspects of burnout are usually attributed to:

  • groundless nervous breakdowns, isolation, flashes of aggression and anger, removal from others;
  • negative attitude towards the future and professional growth;
  • increased irritability, aggression and violent reaction to events;
  • constant excessive experience and a feeling of causeless anxiety, shame, guilt, resentment, shyness and suspicion;
  • a sharp decrease in self-esteem and dissatisfaction with oneself;
  • stress, depression, passivity, boredom, apathy, decreased emotional reactions, a feeling of depression;
  • a chronic and inexplicable feeling of fear and a premonition of a negative outcome and failure;
  • excessive feeling of anxiety and incorrect position and situations.

Social aspects of burnout syndrome

Social and behavioral burnout reactions include:

  • abuse of alcohol and cigarettes, overeating or a complete lack of appetite, concentration, increase and appearance of harmful addictions and habits;
  • change in day and sleep;
  • inadequate criticism of others, estrangement from loved ones;
  • the impossibility of fulfilling the main tasks due to fixation on small problems, the waste of useful time and energy on non-priority matters;
  • postponement of plans for the next day and failure to fulfill them as a result;
  • a feeling of overwhelming habitual work and a catastrophic lack of energy resources;
  • sense of own worthlessness, decreased interest and incentive, indifference and indifference to the result;
  • increased irritability, unjustified anger and aggression, resentment, tantrums.

Burnout levels

Psychological exhaustion or burnout can occur imperceptibly, and a person is practically unable to independently determine the onset of burnout. Diagnosis of the level of emotional burnout is often carried out by psychologists in the form of testing and allows you to identify the symptoms of the syndrome as early as possible for its effective treatment.

The first stage of emotional burnout

At the first stage, emotions are simply muffled, which manifests itself in a slight indifference and insensitivity to what is happening and to people around. There is also an increased dissatisfaction with oneself, life and sharp outbreaks of reaction in relations in society. At the physical level, a person often experiences unreasonable headaches, back cramps and cramps of limbs, he is disturbed by insomnia and frequent colds.

The second stage of emotional burnout

At the next stage, the syndrome of emotional burnout begins to manifest itself more noticeably from the emotional side. Just like a mirror image, you begin to reflect your discontent and internal discomfort in the external manifestations of irritation, anger and aggression in relations with people with whom you need to communicate throughout the day. In order to avoid sharp unreasonable aggression, a person can detach from others, lock himself in and perform the minimum necessary work and not be active in order to as little as possible contact with people in society.

The third stage of emotional burnout

Irritation cannot last forever, so the third stage of burnout occurs - emotional and physical exhaustion. A person no longer has the strength either to work, or to fulfill his daily duties, or to rest and communicate with loved ones. This stage is characterized by manifestations of sharp bitterness, resentment, rudeness, isolation and complete detachment from society, sometimes there is a fear of communication and inexplicable excitement when leaving the familiar comfort zone, and the body is also prone to serious diseases (dermatitis, asthma, ulcers, hypertension, cancer).

Emotional burnout

Psychologists have identified several professions that fall into the first group of the risk zone for burnout syndrome:

  1. Medical workers.
  2. Social workers.
  3. Teachers.
  4. Senior managers and executives.
  5. Workers of power structures.
  6. Workers in the field of management.
  7. Professions related to permanent business trips.
  8. Service workers who are in constant contact with people.
  9. Working in hazardous conditions (noise, vibration, air pollution).
  10. Working on a shift schedule, without a specific mode of rest and food.

In addition to professional affiliation, any person may suffer psychological burnout, whose work is constantly undergoing organizational changes and conflicts. Much depends on personal qualities, for example, extroverts are burned out less often than introverts. People with high ideals and high personal requirements, as well as those who are not used to distinguishing between work and personal life, fall into the risk zone.

People who are stressed, prone to empathy, daydreaming, psychologically unstable and idealizing events, and society are more prone to such burnout. In addition, each person has periods of professional crisis (usually the experience is from 10 to 15 years of work), during which the person either develops further, or the work ceases to interest and delight him. Impossibility of career growth, lack of incentive and constant vocational training is one of the most important factors that leads to psychological apathy of a person.

Prevention of burnout

Less risk psychological burnout susceptible to people with the following qualities:

  • adequate self-esteem of abilities and confidence in personal capabilities;
  • good health;
  • regular care for physical condition (healthy lifestyle, sports).

Also, people with experience of positive overcoming problems and capable of quick adaptation to changes in environmental conditions are less susceptible to burnout syndrome. Such people are distinguished by independence, a positive mood, a desire to communicate and make acquaintances, an irrepressible desire to learn and travel. An important characteristic of people who are not subject to stress is an optimistic mood in relation to themselves, others and what is happening.

So, the prevention of burnout syndrome consists in the following means:

  1. Sport. Physical activity is not only a good prevention of diseases and excess weight, but also a panacea for all psychological trauma. Another thing is that yoga and meditation are suitable for someone, hardening, morning jogging or morning exercises are different, and for others, group exercises in the gym or in dance sections are ideal.
  2. Recreation. Efficiency of work directly depends on full relaxation. On vacation, as well as on work, it is necessary to spend some time to return to duties with a new portion of energy. It can be a change of scenery in connection with the trip, and new positive impressions from meeting with friends, or even getting a shot of adrenaline for extreme lovers.
  3. Mode. An ordered and planned day will help to concentrate on work in a timely manner and to accustom the body to the proper rest in a timely manner.
  4. Psychological defense. The ability to put an imaginary barrier between yourself and an unpleasant person will allow you to control your emotions and not react to possible emotional provocations of others, which will save your nerve cells and protect you from unnecessary stress.
  5. Harmony. Keep inner calm and peace of mind, do not mix work and personal life, and conduct conversations on common abstract topics. Do not waste personal energy resources to discuss personal life and problems, both your own and your colleagues. Keep personal problems only for very close people and do not waste on explanations or empathy with friends and colleagues.

Video about burnout

An accessible video about the psychological burnout syndrome will help in the fight against the problem:

Emotional and professional burnout, leading to general exhaustion, become the main cause of diseases from the heart, to the thyroid gland and oncology. Using even a few of the techniques described below - you will learn how to significantly improve your well-being.

At some point, I caught myself thinking that I’m leading a slightly different lifestyle that I would like. Constant fatigue and light burnout - imperceptibly became my constant companions. There are several promising projects, but with such labor productivity that I have now - I will not pull them. This means that sooner or later it will lead to problems with money.

Moreover, I did not have enough strength and time to communicate with my wife and children, and how fast they grow. It turns out a shoemaker without boots. Every evening, a child came several times and asked - dad, have you already finished work? Will you play with me? Are you reading me a fairy tale? And I'm tired, and I'm not up to it.

But I would like to run skiing in the winter, on skates, in the summer on skates and a bicycle, and much more. I kind of regularly did yoga in the mornings, sometimes on weekends I went for a run. Periodically, the whole family skated and skied. Was this really not enough?

It all started, as usual, I wanted the best — I began to process it 1-2 hours a day, and then I didn’t have the strength to go for a run on the street, go skiing or ice skating, and there was no strength to meditate in the evening either. After a week of processing, I began to fade. Another week or two of such a lifestyle will be exhaustion.

What is CMEA? Burnout Syndrome is ...

This is when there is a feeling of intense fatigue, not only physically, but also emotionally (mentally), which does not go away for weeks. It’s hard to wake up in the morning. At work, it’s hard to focus and do important things. Performance is low, deadlines are violated. The bosses or clients are not happy with you, but there is no strength to work better, even if you try.

In this case, a state of apathy is felt - I do not want to do anything. This is a deep exhaustion of the body due to burnout. It is very difficult to focus on your responsibilities. Relationships at work and at home with loved ones spoil. Children painfully endure such a state of parents and take part of fatigue and stress on themselves.

People do not immediately understand what is happening to them and why this happened. A simple weekend break doesn't help. Disappointment with life and discontent appears. Self-pity is intensifying, resentment is almost at all and for everything. Someone's remarks and their minor failures annoy, more than ever, strengthen the state. At the end of the day, no matter what you did during the day, you feel squeezed like a lemon, not only physically, but also mentally.

Your position at work or in your personal life seems hopeless and hopeless. And the challenges seem insurmountable. Burnout and similar exhaustion cannot be eliminated by standard methods - a trip on vacation, plenty of sleep, rest, as before. Often accompanied by insomnia with general constant fatigue.

Can break through the zhor and swim weight. Or vice versa, the appetite disappears and the weight drops critically.

Why do we get tired and burn out emotionally?

No forces? Projects can’t be done, dreams can’t be realized, you won’t be able to communicate with children for a long time, and life doesn’t work out the way you wanted to. Or maybe you already spat on all this? Do you work to feed yourself and your family? Or still I would like to swipe at something more? Live a joyful life, be content with your life, any dreams, but still realize?

Let's first find out - why do we burn out?

  1. Sedentary work for 8 hours a day - require a minimum of 1 hour per day of activity with legs, preferably with parasympathy included. The legs are the weakest part of the body. Are you moving a little? Wait for burnout, and then exhaustion.
  2. Constantly staying indoors is very tiring. It is necessary to go out for at least 1-2 hours / day - to saturate the body with oxygen and give physical activity. If you are not on the street, further tips on eliminating fatigue will be useless to you.
  3. Sleep, insomnia. Daytime stress starts so that then the body and consciousness for a long time can not calm down and relax. In a partially wound state, it is impossible to fall asleep on time and sleep well. By itself, this condition does not go away - it needs to be released.
  4. A less mobile way of life - means that the body is full of energy in the evening, while mental fatigue is felt. So it turns out that it's hard to fall asleep, being tired.
  5. Too much stress during the day. We were taught theorems and integrals at school, even the theory of relativity was told a little. But we were not taught to get along with each other, just as stress was let go. Working with people means a lot of stress - whatever it is.
  6. Lack of harmonious communication with loved ones: family, children. Lack of one’s own hobbies, small pleasures, periodic change of scenery, travel. Life, turned into a continuous work, emotionally and mentally tires, depletes, burns out. Living only for the sake of work does not bring satisfaction and joy.
  7. Frequent criticism, especially undeserved. It doesn’t matter where it takes place at home or at work.
  8. Low wage. Which creates a feeling of uselessness, underestimation, not demand.

a. Burn out at work or burnout.

Burnout and exhaustion is increasingly occurring due to work. In Japan, authorities are forced to impose administrative and even criminal penalties for death from processing. Even in China, they began to pay attention to it and punish it.

In Europe, processing more than 220 hours per year at a work rate of 1800 hours per year is prohibited by law and punishable by fines - this is monitored by labor protection services and trade unions.

  • tight deadlines
  • penalties
  • big risks or responsibilities
  • routine work
  • small or falling demand / sales,
  • getting or reading a lot of negative news
  • conflicts of intrigue among colleagues
  • removal of discontent with each other and especially from the authorities
  • frequent inspections, legislative changes
  • disrespectful attitude towards you, outright rudeness
  • difficult working conditions with people

Some statistics on burnout.

In Europe, professional burnout is the cause of 50-60% of lost work days.

In Australia, to handle stress:

  • 61% of people drink alcohol,
  • 41% gambles
  • 31% use drugs.

In Russia, a total of up to 70% of the population are at risk and, according to statistics, are depressed.

As you can see, the statistics are depressing. And she has a tendency to increase.

b. Family causes of burnout.

Burnout can happen for family reasons. In mothers after birth, due to insomnia. Even housewives can happen. The causes of burnout are about the same as at work, but coming from the family. Do not appreciate, do not respect. Overloaded with household chores. The difficult financial situation in the family. Debts psychologically pressing on the psyche.

Lack of proper attention, love, recognition, support from the spouse. Intervention of other people in family affairs. Unreasonable criticism. Lack of regular sex, which helps relieve stress a bit and promotes better sleep.

According to the Pareto rule, 80% of cases require 20% of energy. And the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bof cases require 80% of energy. In other words, if the wife only watches the young children, and at night gets up and does the housework herself: cook, wash, clean, then she has serious chances to burn out. But if the husband or one of the parents even helps and takes care of up to 20% of the affairs of the family in order to give his wife a little sleep, then they thereby save her 80% of her strength.

c. Age crises

All people have age-related crises, for which our education does not prepare at all. Moreover, our culture slightly condemns the open recognition and discussion of its crises. In youth, a lot of energy and little experience - this energy is spent extremely unproductive and often to the detriment of oneself.

Frankly, I felt my first crisis as early as 18-19 years, when I had to face life one on one first time. Alas, they do not prepare independent life in schools and universities. But the state does not care about this. At that time, the Soviet Union had just collapsed and shock therapy in the economy began. I tried myself in several directions, but I especially did not succeed in succeeding in my business.

The second time I faced a crisis of 25-27 years.

By that time, I had learned to make good money, but I had to work incredibly hard. There was not enough time for hobbies and personal life. And there was no experience in building relationships. A slight discontent began to overcome me. And brought to sciatica in 28 years.

After nine months of torment with radiculitis, I felt like an old man: neither you bent, and you had to dress very warmly due to the constant feeling of cold on the lower back. They managed to cure sciatica in 3 days, at yoga courses. Why don't doctors know about this?

The next crisis arose at about 33 years old - it was already a classic midlife crisis. But I spent 8-16 hours a day in work. And all his free time he was meditating, looking for a solution.

Blood pressure dropped to 82/75 and I wanted to sleep constantly. Only kicks of the bosses dragged me to work. At one point, he nearly died of it. But knowledgeable people helped - the pressure equalized in 1 evening, it became like in book 126/90.

I felt the next crisis when I turned 40.

Something happens to us at this age - we need to seriously change our lifestyle in order to cope with everything. Most men burn out and cannot overcome this milestone fully. Sluggish downshifting begins: beer, fishing, football, the Internet, simple work, detachment from household chores.

Each of the crises is an emotional burnout and should not be underestimated. For example, in the English-speaking world there is a “club 27” - these are celebrities who died at the age of 27. In other words, celebrities who could not cope with this age crisis.

d. Reasons from childhood.

By and large, the cause of age-related crises is the lack of preparation for adulthood. We are not taught this at school. And parents often instead of passing on their experience to their children pour their displeasure on them. Many people had a difficult childhood for one reason or another.

Let's be honest - just as you were not taught to raise children, so were your parents, no one taught this either. And most would not hurt to learn. Parenting is still not an easy task. The process of socialization through which each of us goes through childhood is rather painful.

e. External causes

The last 25 years there has been a continuous crisis in the country, and throughout the world. Somewhere it feels stronger, somewhere less. It would be dishonest of me to say that an external factor does not affect your life at all.

We live in a world too fast changing and too competitive, at the crossroads of several crises: economic, cultural, interethnic, demographic and others. All this exerts some psychological pressure.

Doctors and teachers, although they are budget workers, have a rather complicated job, and there are continuous “reforms” in medicine and education, when they seem to want in words the best and promise support, but in fact everything is done exactly the opposite.

From such a dissonance, doctors and teachers feel cheated, unnecessary and burn out. And while the state’s policy does not change, they will be at risk. And what about businessmen and people employed by companies?

Burnout and your responsibility for what is happening.

All these reasons and factors complicate your life up to emotional burnout, but you need to take responsibility for your life. You are responsible for what happens to you and no one else. Want to change your life for better? Take full responsibility for your life.

If for every difficult situation you have those to blame, then your life will never improve.

1. Professional burnout syndrome - and character traits.

Some people are disposed to professional burnout, emotional exhaustionchronic fatigue. These are people prone to the following character traits:

  • Perfectionists, idealists - people who are constantly trying to do everything as best as possible, ideally
  • prone to guilt, take on too much responsibility, sacrifice your interests
  • touchy people, as well as those who have high expectations in relation to others, to themselves
  • people with "pink glasses" who usually break "face on the asphalt of reality."
  • The desire to please everyone, usually at their own expense.

The most difficult thing is that you can stay in these states for decades, even be proud of these traits and not notice how much they harm your life and health. Yes, I myself was touchy, and did not notice that I was offended by every little thing. At the same time, he considered himself to be unobtrusive, a good guy.

Only burnout made me pay attention to my resentment, to perfectionism. Moreover, it was so deep inside me that if someone paid my attention to this, I would not have believed them.

One way or another, these patterns of behavior need to be tracked in themselves and get rid of them. Something can be changed in oneself by willpower, and something may require attending a special training. Why not?

People living for others are very touchy. Due to the fact that they sacrifice themselves for the sake of loved ones and therefore are full of expectations of the same victims in return, even if they believe that they do not need anything. But the subconscious cannot be fooled. Expectations are an unconscious process. Many do not understand that living for themselves is normal.

Burnout syndrome and profession.

Most often, burnout occurs in those who work with other people and have an increased responsibility. As well as creative people.

And it doesn’t matter if your work really involves great responsibility, risks, or if you yourself have thought up and screwed everything up.

At risk are especially:

  • Doctors, medical workers, especially those working in ambulance. And even ambulance drivers, as shown in the movie “Raising the Dead” with Nicholas Cage.
  • Teachers at universities and especially in schools. Less at kindergarten teachers.
  • Attendants, especially with a large flow of people, not very polite behavior: bars, service centers, call centers
  • Sales managers, marketers, managers at various levels, company owner, entrepreneurs, businessmen.
  • Creative workers: designers, artists, actors, directors.

Multiple daily encounters with negative mood, discontent, rudeness, in other people. With a general lack of preparedness for such situations and management support. It practically guarantees the occurrence of stress, which accumulates over time like a snowball and intensifies, turning first into burnout, and then into exhaustion.

All cases have common symptoms - loss of interest in work, fatigue. Working with people is very, very difficult, even in the most favorable conditions there will be stress. All people need to be prepared for real life: to train to release stress, which, unfortunately, we do not have in the education system. You either learn yourself, or life forces you to learn, but undermine your health.

Professional burnout and business.

More and more efforts are needed to attract customers and sales. Customer orders are declining. Payment bills, liabilities and debts are getting bigger. Lack of a long term perspective. Uncertainty.

There is less and less room for error. Possible consequences from errors more and more. Loss of work or business becomes very likely events - even companies that have worked for 50-150 years are ruined. This greatly complicates the moral climate in business and creates psychological stress.

The emotional load at work increases. The amount of time to rest is the same or less. The situation makes you give all your best and even work harder. Projects require more perfection in execution, that is, more psychic powers.

Moreover, in conditions when victories are difficult to obtain - the joy of another victory can be the cause of burnout. In general, from positive emotions, burnout is 5 times stronger than from negative ones. There are simply more negative emotions, and fewer strong positive emotions and this is not so noticeable.

2. 10 signs of burnout or exhaustion.

Not all people and do not immediately understand what is really happening to them and why. Often, many perceive what is happening at their own expense or blame others for this - this is the main danger of emotional exhaustion and burnout.

In society, an erroneous understanding of the norm. For example, some say, “ if after 40 years it hurts somewhere, then you're still alive". In other words, perceive body pain as normal, after 40.I assure you this is far from the case. If you monitor your health, you will live 100–120 years, and even in 80–90 you will still be in pretty good health.

Age is not a cause for disease. According to Norbekov - only senility comes with age, and illnesses come from a lack of concern for your body. Pay attention to the following symptoms - many have them. Just do not assume that this is normal with age.

  • Early gray hair loss
  • Heart problems, diseases, decreased immunity
  • Constant experience, fears, irritation, discontent
  • Loss of memory, teeth, visual impairment
  • Wrinkles, bruises under the eyes, aged appearance
  • Heart attack, stroke, grouchy, insanity
  • Drowsiness, insomnia, constant fatigue even after sleep
  • Lack of joy, depression, apathy, hopelessness
  • Unwillingness to have sex
  • Craving for alcohol, overeating, malnutrition

All these external signs of burnout are not the age norm.

Many diseases can be easily dealt with or avoided without medication. Any disease is not the norm. Each of the above traits can be moved back a dozen other years. It is enough to regularly perform just a few simple exercises.

Most people cannot be an indicator of the norm - because most of them are initially mistaken. An indicator of the norm is some individuals who look great and feel good at 70-80-90 years and even older.

The protagonist from the Shaman Laughter trilogy is about 120 years old. At about the age of 100, he looked 50-60 years old and seemed to be stronger than the author of the book at the age of 47. Moreover, in 105-110 years, he entered into a civil marriage, not bad, right? There are thousands of such examples. I personally met many people aged 50-60 looking 40 with health for 25 years.

Simple, uncomplicated exercises can get rid of 95-99% of diseases. And the remaining ones, with the help of doctors, will be much easier to eliminate if you generally monitor your health.

Just start taking care of yourself and your health.

  1. Five stages of emotional syndrome professional burnout

The progress of emotional and professional burnout and exhaustion can be conditionally divided into 5 stages. Moreover, there may be different reasons for their occurrence, but the stages and causes are approximately the same.

  • At the first stage, it still looks good in appearance, but some fatigue is already felt.
  • The first external signs: insomnia against a background of fatigue, a decrease in concentration on duties, some apathy
  • Difficulties with concentration at work, frequent distractions - processing while reducing the actual time of work.
  • The first signals from the body: health deteriorates, immunity decreases, colds out of the blue, old sores remind of oneself. Discontent, irritation, pickiness - become a constant state.
  • Fatigue has become chronic and goes into exhaustion, health signals a lot, bursts of anger, self-pity, resentment, guilt.

4. Symptoms of burnout

I don’t even know if it’s worth talking about the symptoms of the appearance of emotional burnout, if most people are in chronic burnout. It is believed that emotional burnout has a rather long latent, latent period. And to be honest, I do not quite agree with the scientific explanation of the symptoms.

Officially, it is believed that at first the enthusiasm for fulfilling one's duties is reduced. I want to quickly get rid of work, but it turns out the opposite - quite slowly. The desire to concentrate on what is already uninteresting disappears. There is a feeling of fatigue from work in general and irritability to everyone a little bit.

But the fact of the matter is that burnout is emotional. And it may happen that there is interest in the work, but a lot of people are criticized, external factors very much interfere - and burnout occurs.

Symptoms of burnout can be divided into 3 groups:

Physical symptoms of burnout

  • Chronic, constant fatigue;
  • muscle weakness and lethargy;
  • headaches
  • decreased immunity;
  • insomnia;
  • eye fatigue, decreased vision;
  • joint and lower back pain

Weight changes due to the fact that usually stress "wants" to seize. There is also loss of appetite - for example, after a divorce or dismissal. Which leads to a noticeable change in weight and appearance

Socio-behavioral symptoms:

  • The desire to escape from everyone or resentment at all, as a result of the desire for isolation, a minimum of communication with others
  • evasion of liability, failure to fulfill obligations, laziness
  • blaming others for their own troubles, resentment, irritation
  • envy, complaints that someone is lucky in life
  • complaints about my life and the fact that I have to work hard;
  • pessimism, negativity is seen in everything

Whenever possible, many will flee from reality or dayshifting. Cravings for sweets, alcohol, or even drugs may appear.

Psycho-emotional symptoms:

  • indifference to one’s life and events taking place around them;
  • self-doubt, decreased self-esteem
  • disappointment in others
  • loss of professional motivation;
  • irascibility, irritation and dissatisfaction with other people
  • constant depression bad moodlife failed

Burnout syndrome is clinically similar to depression. There is an experience of semi far-fetched suffering from artificially created loneliness elevated to a degree of doom. In this state, it is difficult to concentrate or concentrate. Nevertheless, burnout is much easier to overcome than it might seem at first glance.

5. Implicit symptoms of professional emotional burnout.

You can deceive your consciousness or yourself. But it is impossible to deceive your subconscious or something deep in your soul. If you are tired and overworked, then you will rest. Of course, you can emit violent activity, sit on social networks, read the news, but in essence, it will be a psychological rest.

You can even truly believe that you are working. But if the body is tired - then it is tired - and it will rest, whether you want it or not. The body or consciousness will begin to turn off, you will sleep on the go, the concentration of attention will decrease, attentiveness will decrease, thoughts will begin to get confused. Possible errors in the work.

Productivity comes to naught - which means that you will be engaged in small unimportant things, fluidity. But you won’t be able to rest normally either - this is precisely the biggest danger. The next day you will come to work in the same or almost the same condition, which again will tell you about your productivity.

Continuing to work in this mode long time - sooner or later you will face a decline in income. And when the question of money is added to your fatigue, emotional burnout and professional exhaustion are guaranteed.

If you are tired - go to rest! Get out of this corkscrew.

6. Where does professional burnout and emotional exhaustion come from.

I remember in the mid-90s, the guys and I went to a neighboring city for 170 km. The car was 17 years old, "Kopek", she just went through the engine - replaced the pistons, rings. After such a major overhaul, the engine had to withstand 100 thousand kilometers, if you drive carefully, at a speed of 90-110 km / h maximum.

But we were young and hot, we had fun, so we went by pressing the gas pedal to the floor, which was 130 km / h. It would seem that the difference in speed is only 20% larger, and they drove some 400-450 km. But that was enough to burn the engine. It turns out that we burned the engine, using only 0.4% of the resource, i.e. 200 times faster.

Approximately the same way you are affected by emotional exhaustion, professional burnout, working only 20% harder than your maximum resources will reduce the rest of your life 20-200 times. Is it worth it? And don't ask me how to go to bed at 9 pm.

Do not ask - maybe you do not need to run 3 times a week and train your heart? Therefore, when at work you feel that you are tired and not working - go home, relax, restore your strength - you may be able to work the next day. The working day should be a maximum of 8 hours - because this is the maximum time for work.

Of course, you can work an hour or two more, as doctors, businessmen, and managers often do - but you need to remember that the next day you will have to pay a double price for this. If today you reworked 2 hours, tomorrow you will be idle for 4 hours.

7. The consequences of burnout

And if you are constantly in a state of burnout, emotional exhaustion, physical or mental fatigue - your “ship of life” simply does not have fuel, energy to move forward.

If youth knew
if old age could.

In youth, you burn out from the lack of life experience. In adulthood, from the inability to recover. One way or another, burnout and fatigue accumulate over the years, and after 40 years turn into chronic fatigue or exhaustion.

And all because we are not taught to release stress gradually. So we collect it all on ourselves, and all the stress of life settles on our body with a thick layer of tense muscles, scientifically called the "shell of tension".

If you do not eliminate the burnout, then over time there is a sense of hopelessness of your life situation. Depression appears. It can develop into alcoholism. Constant feeling of hopelessness, disappointment in one’s own life, disappointment in oneself. Feeling of injustice. Feeling of cheating.

These are very strong destructive emotions. I would say that they are not compatible with life. You have seen them many times in older people. Usually people die quickly after that. Often, such people are seriously ill with difficult to treat diseases.

As Faina Ranevskaya cynically remarked: if the patient wants to live, then the doctors are powerless.Doctors themselves often notice that if a patient does NOT want to live, then doctors are powerless. Hopelessness and disappointment with life - this is the unwillingness to live.

Many people are used to the fact that they live hard, get tired, get sick, and such a way of life seems normal to them. This is an unconscious pattern of thinking, imposed from nowhere. But this is not so - life can and should bring joy, pleasure, despite external circumstances. The crisis will not soon end - what now does not live? Do not enjoy life?

8. Emotional burnout and exhaustion - accumulate in the body for years.

There is such an anecdote: Comrade General, stop the train. In response, the general ordered - Train, wait! One, two.

Emotional burnout and exhaustion is also a kind of “train” - do not be fooled that you can stop them or control them “one, two”.

According to William Reich: Emotional fatigue, burnout, exhaustion, create muscle tension in the body, which becomes chronic, even more inhibits the free movement of energy flows and blood flow in the body. Sooner or later, this tension leads to the formation of a “muscle carapace of tension”, which creates favorable conditions for the development of neurosis.

Spending every day, for years, from childhood in such a corset, a person becomes more and more tense and heavy. This stiffness of muscles throughout the body arises from the load of emotions that you carry on yourself. Naturally, these constantly tense muscles terribly tire and exhaust your strength. As a result, a person ceases to notice his stiffness and tension, loses his natural interest in life.

You are so used to constant muscle tension that you don’t notice this shell. But, if you pay attention to the tension in the shoulders, neck, face, back of the hips, near the knees - you will see that many of these muscles are constantly tense.

9. Official scientific methods for releasing burnout do not work.

The most interesting thing is that 80-100 years have passed, but until now, scientists have not proposed a complete methodology for releasing this accumulated tension in the muscles of the body. Either they don’t know, or they don’t want to offer. Therefore, I do not believe that official professors and doctors of psychological sciences will be able to offer you something really effective from burnout.

I affirm that any method of releasing fatigue, burnout, emotional exhaustion is nothing if it cannot release the tense muscles of the "shell of tension".If someone tells me about another super-technique for letting go of burnout and fatigue, I ask 1 question: does the “shell of tension” let go?

If the answer is “no,” and the answer has always been negative, so far — I don’t even want to look further — the whole technique for a dead poultice. And it can be used in addition to something, but not as the main technique.

If you really want to let go of psychological fatigue, emotional exhaustion and professional burnout, then you should do exercises that release the shell of tension too. Otherwise, it is an attempt to stop the train “by the power of thought” “one, two”.

10. Learn to relax - or how to deal with burnout.

You need to know how to relax. This skill alone will not appear. Money is not resolving this issue. I know many people who are 10 times richer than me - but worse get enough sleep, rest, and are less full of strength, especially mental. Why? They do not know how to relax.

The complexity of the rest is that you need to consider that we have not only the body, but also the consciousness. And they can get tired both one and the other. Biorhythms may not coincide when the body wants to sleep, but consciousness is not and then it is difficult to fall asleep. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to prepare the body and consciousness for sleep. 2-3 hours before bedtime, stop watching TV, turn off the computer, and smartphone.

One of the main reasons why you can’t rest normally is a sedentary lifestyle. Working with the mind and reacting emotionally - it turns out that psychologically you are tired. But they physically moved little, that is, they were full of strength. Go to bed and begin to "count the sheep", you can’t fall asleep, being tired.

Here are a few principles on how you should relax and get enough sleep:

  • You need to be in the fresh air every day for at least 1 hour. Better yet, 2 hours a day. For example, Russian nobles almost without fail walked 2 hours a day. If you violate this paragraph - then everything else is useless.
  • Go to bed earlier. To fall asleep earlier, tune your body to sleep in a few hours. One hour of sleep in the evening - equals several hours of sleep in the morning. Is it because you sleep in the morning, you sleep, but when you wake up feeling like a hangover? And even the head can ache from too long sleep in the morning.
  • Drink water as you wake up, before meals and every hour. Water is needed for the 3 main systems in our body: for the brain, immunity and digestion. What people call thirst is more like some dehydration. We do not have an exact feeling of thirst. Therefore, water must be drunk consciously, according to the regimen, and not when one wants to drink.
  • 8 hours of sedentary work should be offset by 1 hour of physical activity. The activity that gives you pleasure is desirable. And you also need to remember that activity should be directed only to health, and not to the ego, like bodybuilders or fitness lovers, where some parts of the body or joints are overloaded.
  • Eat properly with enough protein, enzymes, spices, fiber, vegetables and fruits. If you have no fruits and fiber in your diet, then you are almost guaranteed to have mild or even severe constipation. Similarly, vegetables are needed. The main source of fiber is bread, so our ancestors ate everything with bread.

Food should be tasty and pleasant, easy to chew. Sweet limit. If you need to lose weight, then learn to chew food more thoroughly and lose weight at a maximum of 50-100 grams per week.

How to fall asleep faster and better sleep enough to be full of energy in the morning?

On Monday, set a record for skiing: 7.7 km in 53 minutes.

The weather was great for skiing. And the track was very slippery.

The result exceeded all my expectations: almost 2 times faster than the day before. Almost not tired. The legs on the second day almost did not hurt. A week later, the record was broken for 3-4 minutes. And this despite the fact that I was already running 2 laps, i.e. 15.4 km. And on average, ran 30-45 km per week.
(By the way, this is very small, the last world record in skiing is 50 km in 1 hour and 46 minutes.)

Why all this? Why run several times a week? Yes, because of a sedentary lifestyle and burnout - probably the most deaths occur every year. About 31.4% die each year from heart disease alone. You need to move MUCH more.

If you read the series of books “Laughter of the Shaman” by Vladimir Serkin, then in the third book the author asks him: How long will you still be able to maintain life in your body? The "Shaman" answered - yes, for a long time. How many people over the age of 120 could you hear?

I am sure that 99% of people could live up to 100-120 years.

If you were moving like this "shaman". Well, they would let go of stress, disappointment, and other negative emotions.

As a run, there can be everything that is comparable: skiing, skating, rollerblading, actively cycling, swimming, jogging. You need to run for at least 30 minutes, and preferably 1–2 hours per lesson, 2–4 times a week. Once a week DOES NOT ENOUGH to maintain a healthy heart, and to sleep normally.

You must run with pleasure and at a low pulse. Running fast, on a high pulse, is strictly contraindicated.Running with pleasure is also obligatory - this is how parasympathetic is turned on, that is, you gain energy.

Running without pleasure, that is, in sympathy, means with loss of energy, loads joints, knees - jogging is extremely harmful for knees and joints. Look at the professional illnesses of athletes who, in pursuit of records, overload their bodies. Do not rush to run a lot and quickly. You need health, not records.

You are running so that you can drive blood through your body, your heart can be invigorated, and you can sleep well at night. And not for the records. I have, for example, that skiing, jogging - very poor results, at the moment. I don’t need it anymore. My friends can run 1.5–2 times faster, but their knees hurt after such runs.

An example of physical activity from my life.

Although I set a personal record, everyone again overtook me. This time overtook - not only the elderly and grandmothers, but also a couple of children aged 9–11 :-). It seemed that they were moving at least 1.5–2 times faster than me. I wonder what speed they have?

It seems that I still have enormous potential for growth in results. I still hold the balance of skiing weakly, fell 1 time, when I fell on clean ice from a hill. On cross-country skiing - it is difficult to maintain balance, and even at speed.

The skating style this time - 4.5 km turned out to run. Tired less than the previous time when I was able to run 1.5 km in the skate style. Another interesting thing is that despite the fact that he moved almost 2 times faster than calories burned, the tracker shows less by 27%. How does he count them?

Yesterday I didn’t run - I was resting. Today I’ll go for a run again for an hour.

That's about how I go jogging in the winter. In the summer I run for 1-2 hours, about 8-10km per hour. It's pretty slow, but I don't need speed.

Perhaps someday the results will be many times better, but maybe they will not. For me, the main indicator is a pleasant feeling, from jogging, as I sleep, and that my knees do not hurt. Many times I found myself thinking that I did not want to run, because today I can’t repeat my best result. That's what the pursuit of results means.

Do you know how difficult it is to work actively for 8 hours a day and still set records on jogging. Then I remind myself that I am running for health, and not for the result - and I am going to run as it will.

Good sleep is a must to eliminate fatigue and burnout.

And you can’t sleep normally without walking in the fresh air and without minimum runs every other day. Someone will say that he is engaged in gym, fitness, yoga or swinging. Or dancing an hour a day. Believe it or not, but this is not enough for the heart and health.

Yes, it's better than nothing. The heart, except for jogging, does not train anything normally. Even monks in Buddhist monasteries and yoga run for hours. You can swing and ride in the hall as much as you like, but you need to run, in the fresh air anyway.

If you do not train the heart, do not help it to drive blood through the body - it means that your heart and other organs work with stress and even overloads. So you burn out. You may not believe me, but a sedentary lifestyle is the most energy-intensive for the body.

The processes in the body are interconnected - muscles help move blood and fluids through the body, supply oxygen to the cells, cleanse the body, move food through the digestive tract. If you move a little, it means that each organ individually works with a load. Something like this…

11. The first rule of spy or moral exhaustion.

We were not prepared at school or at universities for real life. We are prepared for life, which "should have been," in a good way. Between these two "lives" there is a huge gap. With such an upbringing, the first age crisis arises as early as 18–20 years, when people face reality for the first time one on one and “suddenly” it turns out that everything is a little more complicated.

In reality, it turns out that everyone is for himself. And the setups, deception, stiffness, are not only in the movies, but also on their own skin and they are not at all as fun as in the movies. And either you cope with the tasks, or you are replaced with another and continue to live as you want, wherever you want.

To fulfill your dreams, you need to plow and plow. And that is not the fact that it will turn out. This is disheartening. By and large, burnout comes from unpreparedness for life, when skills to cope with situations are sorely lacking. And the pressure in the form of claims and claims from all sides continues to only increase.

In life, the law of the jungle operates, only in the city are they tougher. The first spy rule is don't get caught. Well, if you get caught - "he is a fool."

On the other hand, one can learn to cope with burnout, stress, and exhaustion quite quickly. And keeping yourself healthy is pretty easy. Only you need to understand that 85% of success in society is possible, thanks to a developed social skill. And only 15% due to technical education and knowledge.

I recommend that you develop the following skills in order to live easier and do not have to strain.

  • Change. The world is constantly changing - you need to change with it. The ability to change is a skill. Even your body is changing. At different ages you have different hobbies, regimen and diet. Observe your habits - remember that at some point they will become obsolete and you will need to change them to others.
  • Study. Life is constantly getting complicated - that means you need to constantly learn. Yogis say that life is all about learning. When I entered the university in 1991, some of the disciplines related to IT were so new that even the teachers did not know them and studied them together with students. When I graduated in 1996, this knowledge was hopelessly outdated. And it was necessary to learn something new, different. And now everything is changing even faster. Read, learn something, develop.
  • Communication. The ability to communicate is a skill. He does not fall from the sky. People are social beings and this means communication. You need to be able to communicate with people. From the right communication for you with people of interest to you, you can get tremendous pleasure, inspiration and satisfaction. And that means mental powers of the highest quality.
  • Building relationships. To learn how to build relationships with the opposite sex and at work, I read a couple dozen books and went through more than a dozen trainings on each topic.

And voila - I learned how to build and maintain relationships with women, friends, and at work.

When I got married, I took this whole bunch of books, training records and gave it to my wife.

With words, if you want a long and normal relationship - you need to know all this. Read them as quickly as possible. And she read them. All. No questions.

  • Health. This is a skill, not a matter of course. Hope for the doctor, but don’t be bad. 95–99% of diseases can be eliminated - a healthy lifestyle. In the remaining cases, let the doctors help you. But no more than that.
    Abroad, the queue for an operation can be up to one year, money cannot be accelerated. IN ambulance it’s better not to get there - already how many articles have been written about this. Therefore, 20% of the population goes in for sports there. And in Russia (CIS) - only 2%. Hard? As it is, this is life. Do you do your health? And what are you waiting for: a kick in the ass in the form of a severe illness?
  • Sales-purchases. We live in a world where everything is for money - sold or bought. But at the same time we are not taught at all - to buy and sell. I know a bunch of acquaintances - who earn more than me 2-3 times more, but who live in worse conditions.

They cannot buy and sell - a lot of money is stupidly lost anywhere, every month. And they cannot stop. They bought the wrong car. The apartment was not bought there and needs to be changed. And so several times. At home, a bunch of unnecessary trash, in the absence of the right things. Clothing, products, home accessories - from the cannon budget on sparrows.
Moreover: sales, negotiations, persuasion, the ability to negotiate, shopping - in fact, one and the same skill, based on general principles.

Do you consider yourself more brilliant than Vincent Van Gogh and Nikola Tesla?

They could not make a living with their talents - do you think you can, if you do not learn how to sell, buy, bargain and negotiate with people?

  • Honesty. It’s also a skill, like the ability to tell the truth. If you decide to tell the truth in the forehead, then you will be called a truth-maker, or maybe even a sassy and rude. And they can also bang on the head. Yes, and you will also do it if someone is arguing with you with such honesty.
  • Kindness. Oddly enough, also a skill. Kindness should be in moderation and in place. There is nothing to feed pigs with oranges - forgive me for this harsh but vital statement. If you are too kind, then others will use you. But at the same time, it is obvious to be angry and unhappy, absenteeism. Although this is exactly what many choose, unfortunately.
  • Thanks. Probably one of the most neglected skills. People most of all nowadays lack just gratitude, appreciation. Start to give thanks and give appreciation to others, and you will be surprised how much better they will begin to treat you. It will never work to pay for everything with money - one must learn to be thankful not in money, but in a different way.
  • Performance. It is necessary not only to work, but to work profitably. Labor productivity is especially relevant for office workers. And even if you have not thought about it until now, now you should think about it. The competition is so high that you either have great productivity or you no longer need your services.

Having these skills will make your life a lot easier. One way or another, you need to develop them. But their absence will cost many gray hair and health, a waste of energy. Well, then emotional exhaustion, burnout, psychological fatigue ...

12. Sympathetic and parasympathetic body regulation systems

In order to have a good rest you need a physical load on the body. But the fact is that not every load is suitable. Most sports, to put it mildly, are unhealthy because they act on the body one-sided. Even running - almost indispensable for heart training - is very harmful to the knees and joints. It turns out that sports something cures, something cripples. Where is the way out?

And the thing is that we have 2 nervous systems of regulation of the body: sympathetic and parasympathetic. But only parasympathetic supports homeostasisthe desire of the system to reproduce itself, restore lost equilibrium, overcome the resistance of the external environment. Yes, and the internal environment, too.

Therefore, you should engage in parasympathetic system, which has a powerful restorative and healing property.

Doing sports with fitness or something else without parasympathetics turned on is an inadmissible luxury - because the sympathetic nervous system does not acquire, but is wasting your energy. That is, you need more strength to recover, and the recovery processes will be weaker.

Included parasympathetic is an eternal elixir of youth - if you know how to use it. Naturally, you need to learn how to work with the included parasympathetic, and stay in it as much time as possible during the day. Then there will be sea health, work will bring joy, and there will be no stress and fatigue from it. But this, of course, aerobatics.

It is worth trying to learn it.

13. Ways to get out of emotional exhaustion, professional burnout and psychological fatigue.

The general answer to this question is to change the way of life. If you have the opportunity to change jobs that emotionally deplete you, then you should change them. If you have relationships, friends, or loved ones that squeeze your strength and health out of you, then you should at least review them. Vampires should refuse to communicate with people - you cannot help them - only “life” can help them. But they will strengthen your health so that it doesn’t seem enough.

Next, you should review your daily routine and make any necessary changes. If you continue the same lifestyle that you still have, then it is useless to fight exhaustion and recovery. Yes, I understand that not everything depends on you, but you can change a lot.

Recovery plan in one weekend.

Ask your family and friends not to interfere or even help - to take on part of your responsibilities. And spend the weekend on this scenario:

  • Go to bed early from the evening. Give yourself a good night's sleep.
  • Drink some water.
  • Morning exercise or yoga - stretching. Some kind of harmonious yoga complex. Perform with included parasympathetic.
  • You can have breakfast. Walk for 2 hours in the fresh air.
  • Walking can be combined with jogging - Jogging / skiing / or swimming - 1 hour (minimum) at the slowest pace, at a low heart rate.
  • Take a nap for lunch. No TV, movies, internet, smartphone. Better chat with children, friends, parents.
  • Meditation on relaxation - 15-30 minutes.
  • Go to bed early at 21-22 hours. Have sex before bedtime! (Why not?)
  • Repeat the next day.

The result will be even better if all exercises are completed. More precisely, with the complete absence of gadgets and electric light and being in the fresh air. Well, or at least in the country.

Light and harmonious stretching morning complex.

For 10 years I have been doing the simplest harmonious yoga complex Suryanamaskar of 33 movements. (Not to be confused with Suryanamaskar of 12 movements).

You need to perform at least 3 times a day. Each approach takes about 5-7 minutes and 1-2 minutes of a break between them. At my trainings I tell in detail how to breathe correctly during the complex. how

The benefits of this complex can be described for hours. Deeply cleanses the body from the inside, gives energy, boosts immunity, eliminates back pain, eliminates cellulite in 2-3 days, and cures a lot of diseases. I talk in more detail at my trainings. Well, or look at my site. I’ll lay out my hands.

Relaxation meditations.

  1. The simplest and most relaxing is the rotation of the microcosmic orbit - from 15-20 minutes.
  2. The next one is quite similar - yoga nidra, when you "roll" in turn energy balls with different sensations of heat, tingling, cold. And different color balls.
  3. Deconcentration of attention - has more than 5 varieties.
  4. Well, the most effective meditation is a memory, during it you recall your day in the reverse order and release all day stresses.

Different meditations are suitable for different occasions. There are still options for recollections performed with a partner for especially difficult emotional situations from the past, but it can only be taught in live trainings.

This should be enough for you to regain your strength over the weekend. Next, you need to lead an energy-efficient lifestyle and release the causes of emotional fatigue, as described in the following paragraphs.

Remember that the best and fastest way to relax is do not get tired that is, lead an energy-efficient lifestyle with elements of restoration of strength every day. Tire less, and have a good rest every day, otherwise fatigue will accumulate.

14. Prevention of emotional stress and professional burnout.

Health needs to be monitored every day, and not when "the cock in the ass pecked." They also say: “Gogi is late to drink Borjomi if there are no more kidneys.” It’s better not to bring it to this.

To do this, you need to create your daily routine in such a way that it includes, all the necessary elements of an economical waste of your health and recovery of energy, every day.

  • Morning yoga - every working day. You can take a break at the weekend.
  • Drink enough water in the morning, before meals, and every hour at work.
  • Work in blocks - remember to stand up and stretch every hour.
  • To be in the fresh air every day for at least 1-2 hours.
  • 1 hour minimum physical activity 3 times a week. Ideally, 2-3 times a week for 2 hours.
  • After lunch, when you are drawn to sleep, meditate for 15-30 minutes. Well, or you can even take a nap.
  • Meditate before bedtime and day to regain strength for 15-30 minutes.
  • Release the emotional clamps and stuff ... (in the next paragraph.)

Regarding morning yoga

Many will say that they get up early, do not get enough sleep and go to work, so they can not do yoga in the morning. I would say that this is self-deception and excuses. Get up half an hour earlier and do yoga every morning. And no matter how early you have to get up. Lie down half an hour earlier for this.

I have familiar builders who started work at 5 in the morning and left home at 4.30. To have time to do yoga - according to my recommendation, they got up at 3 in the morning, and went to bed 19–20 hours. Here is such an unusual daily routine - but they like their work, which is why they adapted to it.

30 minutes of yoga in the morning is equivalent to 1-2 hours of sleep, plus the elimination of back pain, the support of the immune system and the whole body are in order, which leads to the elimination of 95–99% of diseases.

Is it possible to do without running?

Only a short-term replacement like skis, skates, rollers, swimming and nothing more. But still, alas, you can’t do without running completely. For a long time I was looking for a replacement, but I did not find anything. For a sedentary lifestyle, physical activity should go through the legs, and for the heart. It is the legs that we have the weakest element in the body, and not the breath. When you start running, you will feel that your legs are weakest and your breathing will quickly get used to it.

You need to run ONLY at a low pulse - meditative running with parasympathy turned on. Run slowly, but run. Starting to run correctly, you will quickly begin to receive incredible pleasure from him.

15. Constant stress is the cause of emotional exhaustion.

Resting in stress is almost impossible to get enough sleep. And guaranteed is the accumulation of fatigue, which sooner or later will lead to emotional exhaustion and burnout. It is stress that creates the tension that builds up in the form of a "shell of tension."

Letting go of stress - you need to learn additionally. It would be great if we were taught this from childhood, but alas, as it is. Few people really understand why and how stress occurs, where and how it is postponed, why it arises, how to release stress. In our time, this knowledge is vitally necessary already.

To get started, start a notebook that will become your diary, where you will write all your thoughts.

Stress arises from accumulated grievances, discontent, expectations, guilt, fear of shame, anger, anger, jealousy, envy, self-pity.

Yes, it is they who create you emotional burnout and exhaustion. It is these emotions that create mental pain, especially self-pity.

  • Write in a diary all such situations that you can remember.
  • Start with the easiest and start letting go. Learning to let go is not easy. Next, move on to more complex ones.
  • You will not confuse the moment of release with anything. You need to feel it. It feels like a very deep release, a relief, as if some burden had been removed from the shoulders.
  • Letting go of grievances, expectations, etc. is a skill that needs to be developed.
  • At first, letting go of 1 difficult situation can take you several hours or even days, but then it will take 1 second. It took me 3 days for the first offense, but I immediately started to let go of a large one - do not make my mistake.
  • In the evening before going to bed - mentally remember the day in reverse order and release all emotional situations. You will see that there are more of them than you could notice the backside. But they are small.
  • As soon as all situations from the list are over - write the following set of similar situations. Repeat practice until you release EVERYTHING.
  • Set aside 0.5–1 hours per day for this practice.

It is up to you, and not others, to let go of such situations. You let go of resentment for yourself, not for someone. You will be surprised how much health and strength eat your grievances. And how much better you will feel. I guarantee that you will have less gray hair, wrinkles and other age-related signs with regular exercise.

After letting go of emotional stresses, you will sleep like a baby! If correctly released. I will discuss this in more detail in a separate article. And at my trainings I teach this and give a step-by-step plan.

16. Meditation or how to get rid of deep chronic fatigue, professional burnout, emotional exhaustion.

What accumulated over the years cannot be let go by practitioners at the level of consciousness. Need meditation practices different kind. And also, “not getting caught during the day,” that is, not getting tired, not getting stressed during the day, is impossible without meditation. And also in order not to get tired during the day, you need to release stress, which is deep in the subconscious.

In your body there are at least 3 “reactors” of “bioatomic” energy that could feed you endlessly if they were turned on correctly. One of them you already know is the parasympathetic system.

There are 5 meditations, and 3 of them have up to 5 different ways of performing for letting go of different tiredness, burnout, stress in different situations. To restore mental strength.

Meditation is an eternal or infinite source of strength and health.

Because it brings strength back from your past. It was there that your forces “lost”, starting right from childhood. This meditation will also teach you how not to strain during the day.

Another meditation temporarily turns off the shell of tension, which gives a powerful healing effect to the whole body and relieves fatigue.

I cannot teach you all the intricacies of meditation through an article. I can’t also describe to you in detail all plans for letting go of various tiredness, stress, burnout. About the release of stress, I will write a separate article, but this will also not be enough to release the underlying stress accumulated from childhood. Everything is too individual.

For such situations, individual adjustment and direction are required, which can be given only at the training. That’s why I made a detailed training for the quick elimination of fatigue, stress, burnout, exhaustion - for different stages of neglect.

There are 2 participation packages - the simplest one - it costs a penny and is affordable for everyone. However, the most expensive is also available to everyone, with a strong desire.

How to quickly increase the amount of energy at times and return the joy of life.

After completing this training, you will increase strength and productivity at times, and with it increase income.

I am sure that even with medicines you will save many times more than the most expensive training package.

Save your time and money. Choose the right package and let's go through it all together. If in doubt about which training package to choose, choose the simplest one. And then, if you like, pay extra, and take the next one.

If you have not read the trilogy “Laughter of the Shaman”, Vladimir Serkin, be sure to read it. I presented 20 of these books and, at my recommendation, 300 people bought or downloaded them on the Internet. Each time I heard only positive reviews and thanks in response to this book.

In order to quickly regain my strength, build an energy-efficient regime and double my labor productivity, I recommend to undergo my training -

There are several participation packages - the simplest 5 lessons. Average - 5 weeks. Complete grafting of skills, reaching a new level of strength, health, productivity - 12 months \u003d 1 year. Follow the link and register now. Prices are symbolic and will rise after the first stream.

In the modern world, with its speed and demand for each individual, emotional burnout is a syndrome that is becoming more common. Moral and mental exhaustion reaches such a point that it is difficult to calmly continue to engage in one’s activity, communicate with people around and even adequately assess the surrounding reality.

Many people notice signs of this problem at home, try to understand what it is and how to deal with emotional burnout in order to improve the quality of their life. To do this, you need to understand the features. mental disorder, be able to detect the stage of development of the syndrome and consult a specialist in time if your own actions and work on yourself do not give the desired result. Although it is better to prevent the development of the problem by taking preventive measures.

What is burnout syndrome

The concept of “emotional burnout” was proposed and described more than 40 years ago by the American psychiatrist Herbert Freidenberg. Initially, the term described the state of people who, in their professional activities, are forced to constantly communicate with others, wasting all their energy for this. The emotional burnout of a person was associated with constant stress at work, a sense of internal tension and an inability to properly perform their duties.

However, today this term from psychology includes a wider range of definitions. For example, family burnout is considered separately, especially for postpartum women who lead household and deal with children. The daily routine of repetitive affairs, the lack of free time for oneself and a complete concentration on the interests of the family lead to the fact that a woman ceases to feel joy from her family status, from communicating with relatives, from any actions performed.

Thus, burnout syndrome (CMEA) is a state of apathy and depression associated with brain overload and nervous system, which leads to the depletion of personality. Some people live like this for years, without changing anything, and not paying attention to the fact that their effectiveness is much lower than that which could be. Although the problem can and should be fought.

Causes and triggering factors of CMEA

To understand how to deal with emotional burnout and improve the quality of your life, you should understand what factors provoke this condition. The reasons for it lie not only in increased workload or constant stress. There are other prerequisites that can trigger a complete emotional burnout. Among them:

  • repetitive work, repeated day after day;
  • insufficient encouragement for work, both moral and material;
  • constant criticism and disapproval from colleagues or the leader;
  • the inability to see the results of their work;
  • lack of clarity of the work performed, constantly changing requirements and conditions.

By themselves, these factors can negatively affect the mood and self-awareness of any person. But they exert even greater influence if his character is inclined to maximalism, if he is a person with an increased sense of responsibility and willingness to sacrifice himself for the sake of the interests of other people. Then he will be in a state of constant stress and overstrain.

Burnout syndrome (burnout syndrome) is a state of emotional, mental exhaustion, physical fatigue that occurs as a result of chronic stress at work. The development of this syndrome is characteristic primarily for professions of the "man-man" system, where assistance to people (doctors, nurses, teachers, social workers) dominates. Burnout syndrome is considered as the result of unfavorable resolution of stress at the workplace and corresponds to the third stage of the general adaptation syndrome (G. Selye) - stage of exhaustion.


The main symptoms of burnout syndrome are emotional, mental exhaustion, personal detachment, a feeling of loss of effectiveness.

Emotional, mental exhaustion - a feeling of overstrain and exhaustion of emotional and physical resources, a feeling of fatigue that does not pass after a night's sleep. The following complaints are frequent: “I feel like a squeezed lemon,” “Work sucks all my strength out of me,” “I feel like I'm burning out at work.” After a period of rest (weekends, holidays), these manifestations decrease, but upon returning to the previous working situation they resume. A person feels extremely tired of overworking work, puts great efforts into its thorough execution. Exhaustion is a major component of burnout syndrome.

There are signs of mental dysfunction: loss of clarity of thinking, difficulty concentrating (“small” but important things are constantly forgotten or lost), deterioration of short-term memory, constant delays, despite the tremendous effort to be on time, increase the number of errors and reservations, increase misunderstandings at work and at home, accidents and situations close to them.

Personal detachment is an interpersonal aspect of burnout syndrome, it can be described as a negative, soulless or excessively distant response to various aspects of work. People cease to sympathize, empathize with those with whom they work (students, patients, etc.), they become formal, indifferent in contacts. With the syndrome of emotional burnout, an equal attitude to all subjects of activity is violated, the principle "I want or do not want, consider it necessary, will be in the mood - I will pay attention to this partner." A person with a burnout syndrome has a need for self-justification: “This is not the case to worry,” “Such people do not deserve a good relationship,” “Such people should not be sympathetic,” “Why should I worry about everyone?”.

A feeling of loss of effectiveness (achievements), or a feeling of incompetence can be considered as a reduced self-esteem in the framework of burnout syndrome. People do not see prospects for their professional activities, job satisfaction decreases, faith in their professional capabilities is lost. There is a diminution of one's own needs and desires, coupled with a feeling of lack of competence.

Stages of emotional burnout syndrome

The development of burnout syndrome is a staged one. At first, significant energy costs are observed (often as a result of an extremely positive attitude toward the implementation of professional activities). As the syndrome develops, a feeling of fatigue appears, which is gradually replaced by disappointment, a decrease in interest in one's work.

Burnout syndrome develops according to certain phases (Burish, 1994):

1. Warning phase:

a) excessive participation (excessive activity, a sense of indispensability, rejection of non-work needs, crowding out failures and disappointments, limiting social contacts);

b) exhaustion (feeling tired, insomnia, threat of accidents).

2. Decrease in the level of own participation:

a) in relation to employees, students, patients, etc. (loss of a positive perception of colleagues, the transition from help to supervision and control, attributing guilt for own failures to other people, manifestations of an inhumane approach to people);

b) in relation to other people around (lack of empathy, indifference, cynical assessments);

c) in relation to professional activities (reluctance to fulfill one’s duties, artificially prolonging work breaks, being late, leaving work ahead of time, emphasis on the material aspect while being dissatisfied with work);

d) an increase in requirements (loss of a life ideal, concentration on one’s own needs, a feeling that other people use you, envy).

3. Emotional reactions:

a) depressive mood (constant guilt, decreased self-esteem, mood lability, apathy);

b) aggression (defenses, blaming others, ignoring their participation in failures, lack of tolerance and ability to compromise, suspiciousness, conflicts with others).

4. The phase of destructive behavior:

a) the sphere of intelligence (reduced concentration, lack of ability to perform complex tasks, rigidity of thinking, lack of imagination);

b) the motivational sphere (lack of one's own initiative, decrease in the effectiveness of activities, fulfillment of tasks strictly according to instructions);

c) the emotional and social sphere (indifference, avoiding informal contacts, lack of participation in other people's lives or excessive attachment to a particular person, avoiding work-related topics, loneliness, refusal from a hobby).

5. Psychosomatic reactions: decreased immunity, inability to relax in free time, insomnia, sexual disorders, increased blood pressure, tachycardia, headaches, digestive disorders, dependence on nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, drugs.

6. Disappointment: a negative attitude, a sense of helplessness and meaninglessness of life, existential despair, hopelessness.

The consequences of burnout

The negative effect of “burnout” on somatic health is proven. The risk of developing coronary heart disease is increased.

The social consequences of burnout syndrome are as follows: the quality of the work is deteriorating, the creative approach to solving problems is being lost, the number of conflicts at work and at home is increasing, frequent absenteeism, there is a transition to another job, a change in profession. The number of professional errors is growing. It should be noted that people who are burned out have a negative impact on their colleagues, as they contribute to a greater number of interpersonal conflicts, as well as disrupt work tasks. Thus, burnout can be “contagious” and spread through informal interactions at work.

Burnout syndrome also has a negative effect on people's personal lives. This may occur due to the fact that after an emotionally charged day spent with clients or patients, a person feels the need to leave all people for a while, and this desire for loneliness is usually realized at the expense of family and friends.

Burnout syndrome can be complicated by depressive, anxiety disorder, addiction to psychoactive substances, psychosomatic diseases, suicide.


Preventive and therapeutic measures for burnout syndrome are largely similar: what protects against the development of this syndrome can also be used in the treatment of already developed burnout. In the treatment and prevention of burnout syndrome, various approaches can be used: personality-oriented methods aimed at improving the ability of a person to withstand stress through a change in their behavior, attitude; measures aimed at changing the working environment (prevention of adverse circumstances).

First of all, it is necessary to ensure patient awareness of the problem and adequate responsibility for themselves for their work, their professional results, for their decisions, actions, behavior changes. Active participation of the patient in the process of therapy and cooperation with the doctor are necessary.

Patients must be provided with complete information about burnout syndrome: basic clinical manifestations, patterns of the course, predisposing factors; about the stressful process and its stages in accordance with the teachings of G. Selye about the general adaptation syndrome (1 - anxiety reactions, 2 - resistance stage, 3 - exhaustion stage); about the physical symptoms that are observed in this case, and about stress management measures.

On the initial stages syndrome is necessary to ensure a good, good rest with complete isolation from work. The help of a psychotherapist, psychologist is needed.

1. Regular rest, balance “work - leisure”. “Burnout” intensifies whenever the boundaries between work and home begin to blur and work takes most of life. You must have free evenings and weekends (do not take work home).

2. Regular exercise (at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes). The patient needs to explain the need for physical exercise as a way out of the energy that accumulates as a result of stress. It is necessary to look for types of activity that the patient will like (walking, running, dancing, cycling, gardening, in the summer cottage, etc.), otherwise they will be perceived as routine and avoided.

3. Adequate sleep as the most important factor reducing stress. Patients need to find out how much they usually sleep and how much they need to wake up rested (from 5 to 10 hours, on average - 7-8 hours). If there is insufficient sleep, you can recommend going to bed 30-60 minutes earlier and monitoring the result after a few days. Sleep is considered good when people wake up rested, feel energetic during the day, and easily wake up in the morning when the alarm rings.

4. It is necessary to create and maintain a “healthy working environment” when planning the sequence, urgency of doing things, managing your time, etc. Organization of your work: frequent short breaks in work (for example, 5 minutes every hour) that are more effective, than rare and long lasting. At work, it is better to cook a light breakfast than to starve all day and overeat in the evenings. A little exercise is good for computer users. A few deep breaths with a slow exhalation can counteract an immediate stress response or panic attack. It is advisable to reduce the consumption of caffeine (coffee, tea, chocolate, cola), since caffeine is a stimulant that contributes to the development of a stress response. About three weeks after a gradual decrease in caffeine intake, most patients report a decrease in anxiety and anxiety, heartburn, and muscle pain.

5. Clarification of the need to delegate responsibility (share responsibility for the result of activities with clients, students, patients). Developing the ability to say no. Those people who adhere to the position “that something was done well, you need to do it yourself”, go directly to “burnout”.

6. The presence of a hobby (sport, culture, nature). The patient needs to clarify the need for the presence of interests outside of work, allowing to relieve stress arising at work. It is advisable that the hobby makes it possible to relax and rest (for example, painting, not car racing).

7. An active professional position, taking responsibility for one’s own work, one’s professional result, for one’s decisions, actions, behavior change. Actions to change the stressful situation.

In working with patients with individual or group therapy, you can adhere to the following areas:

Communication skills training. Learning skills for effective interpersonal communication. Identification and expansion of interpersonal relationships significant for the patient (family, friends, colleagues).

A positive outlook on things. The patient needs help to realize that there are many options for interpreting a particular situation. The answer to the question “Is the glass half empty or half full?” depends on a view of things: among optimists, the glass is full, although half, among pessimists - it is empty. Together with the patient, you can review the stressful situation and find positive points. This will not change the situation, but will allow you to look at things differently (rational-emotive therapy).

Frustration prevention (reduction of false expectations). If the expectations are realistic, the situation is more predictable and better manageable. Conscious choice of a profession, knowledge of the difficulties associated with it, a real assessment of their own capabilities can help to avoid “burnout” or significantly stop its development.

Self-confidence training. People exposed to burnout syndrome often have low self-esteem, timid, anxious, insecure. You can use the "magic store" technique. The patient is invited to imagine that he is in a magical store where he can acquire any personality trait that he lacks: try it on himself, take it on himself.

Training in relaxation techniques. The following techniques are possible:

- progressive muscle relaxation (Jacobson method). Exercises are easily mastered in groups or independently. The main goal of the method is to achieve voluntary relaxation of striated muscles at rest. Sessions take up to 30 minutes;

- transcendental meditation. By meditation, we understand an artificially created situation in which a person is specially engaged in self-improvement of his mental processes or some mental featuresreflecting on the artificial circumstances created by him;

- autogenous training (Schulz method) - self-hypnosis in a state of relaxation or hypnotic trance;

- Arbitrary self-hypnosis (Coue method) allows you to suppress painful, harmful in its consequences, and replace them with useful and beneficial ones. It can be used to reduce stress before important meetings.

Debriefing (discussion) after a critical event. Discussion involves the opportunity to express your thoughts, feelings, associations, caused by any serious incident. This method is widely used abroad in law enforcement. After discussing after traumatic effects (chases, shooting, death), professionals get rid of a prolonged guilt, inadequate and ineffective reactions and can continue to work (for example, on duty).

Religiosity is also considered by a number of researchers as a preventive factor that impedes the development of burnout syndrome. Religiosity is associated with longevity and is negatively associated with drug addiction, alcoholism, suicidal thoughts, depression, and divorce.

Carrying out special programs among risk groups (for example, Balint groups for teachers, doctors). Balint groups were first organized in London in the mid-50s. 20 century Michael Balint as training seminars for doctors general practice. In contrast to the traditional clinical analysis or consultation, the emphasis in the work of the Balint group is not on the clinical analysis of the management of this patient, but on the various features of the doctor’s relationship with the patient, on the reactions, difficulties, failures that the doctors themselves bring to the discussion (a group of teachers may be similar , nurses, etc.).

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