Pediculose: how to treat - overview of funds from lice. The best folk remedies for the treatment of pediculose at home and general rules for the fight against parasites Pediculosis prevention and treatment

The head of the lice in color can vary from whitish to gray-brown, and in size adults are achieving size with sesame seed. They cannot fly, jump or swim and spread through direct contact by touching the infected head to the head of another person or through infected items, such as combs, towels, etc.

Headworships live only on human hair and are not transmitted to animals, because animals cannot be their carriers.

Itching during pediculose

However, not every person has allergies on the heads, so you or your child may not even suspect that they suffer from pediculosis.

Even if a person has an allergy to lice, itching may not immediately. Sometimes itching occurs three months after infection.

In some cases, rash may appear on the back of the neck - this is the reaction of the body on the litter of lice.

Life cycle of head lice

The female of the head of the chief puts off eggs (nits) by sticking them to the hair (often close to the root), where they are warm due to the skin of the head. Eggs are very small in connection with which they are very difficult to see.

After 7 - 10 days, they begin to hatch the lush, and empty egg shells remain glued on the spot. Nicky have white color And due to the constant growth of hair, they become more noticeable with time.

Headworships contact the scalp and feed on blood. From birth runs about 10 days before a young person will reach maturity. We are usually adult individuals from the head on the head, and the female of the head of the lice can begin to postpone the eggs nine days after it hatched. Therefore, to break the vicious circle and stop their distribution, they must be removed within nine days from the moment of hatching.

Headwash - Photo

How to discover wedge

Use of garbage with small teeth

The search for loushes with the help of the calculation can be carried out on dry or wet hair, but the removal of wet hair makes it possible to more accurately determine the presence or absence of lice on the human head, since the wrench remains in a wet state.

To search for loushes, you need to use a special oscillation with small teeth, which you can buy in a local pharmacy. The comb has an interval between the teeth of 0.2-0.3 mm, which makes it possible to compose even the smallest lice.

The combination combination comes is not suitable for detecting lice, because the teeth are too close to each other. The lice can fall into the trap between the teeth and stay unnoticed.

How to detect lice on a wet head

To detect lice on a wet head you need to perform the following steps:

  • Wash your hair using an ordinary shampoo and apply a lot of hair conditioner. Use a comb with wide teeth to straighten and unravel your hair.
  • After the ridge began combing hair freely, start using a comb to detect the lice. Make sure that the spaces between the teeth make the hair roots of the hair slightly touching the skin of the head.
  • Cut the crest down to the ends of the hair every time, after which check the comb for the presence of lice.
  • Remove the lice with a combs using a napkin or riding it under the crane.
  • Methodically tailor all the scope.
  • Rinse the air conditioner and repeat the combination of wet hair.

How to detect lice on dry head

To detect lice on dry head, you need to perform the following steps:

  • Use a conventional comb to straighten and unravel your hair.
  • After the comb is freely moving through the hair, start using a comb to detect the lice. Drop your hair from the scalp to the hair tips, combing absolutely all parts of the hair three or four times before proceeding to the next step.
  • Inspect the comb for the presence of lice after each swinging and remove the individuals from the teeth.
  • Continue combing the hair site behind the site until you read the whole head.

If you find live in the hair, it means there is a contamination and a person suffers from pediculosis.

If you find lice in your hair's hair, you need to check the rest of your family and warn close friends.

You should take care only after live individuals were found on the head. Do not treat "just in case." However, as soon as it is confirmed that someone from your family has sews on the head, take urgent measures to combat them.

Head Wrench and School


Normal itching on the head does not have to mean that you have a lice. The diagnosis can be confirmed only if you have found live in your hair.

Itching may continue for several days or weeks, even after all the sews have been successfully removed from the surface of the head. In some cases, it is starting only a few months after infection.

Treatment of pediculosis

The complete removal of the head lice is the task of a rather laborious due to the fact that it takes a lot of time, requires regularity and clear execution of procedures, and the risk of re-infection is very high.

In the past, traditional insecticides were used in the past for the treatment of invasion, but the headwash often develops resistance to these drugs. Concerning, this species treatment was almost completely replaced by silicone and oil based funds, which are physical, not chemical action on lice.

After the head lich was found on the skin of the head, you can treat pediculosis at home by combing wet hair with a special comb or using a lotion or spray to destroy lice (see below).

However, none of the ways are able to protect against re-infection if the head comes to the head with someone suffering from pediculose during the entire treatment period.

Wet combing

The ridge teeth must be located apart from each other at a distance of 0.2-0.3 mm. If you use a comb for combing the GDID, then the lice that fell into it can be broken or trapped between the teeth, and you can not notice them, since the gap between the teeth is 0.19 mm.

You can buy a special comb for combing lice in a local pharmacy or you can order online.

Lotions or sprays should not be used in wet combing. However, so that this method of launching is effective, wet combing must be carried out regularly and carefully. Here are the phased steps that you need to take:

  • Wash your hair using a plain shampoo, then apply a large amount of air conditioner for hair on your hair. Then without flushing the air conditioner, spread your hair with a wide teeth to straighten and unravel them.
  • After the ridge began to move freely on your hair, you need to start using a comb to remove lice. Combining must be carried out ranging from the roots of the hair slightly touching the scalp and ending with their tips.
  • After each part of the hair comb, you need to check it for the presence of lice.
  • Remove the lice every time you see them on the ridge with a napkin or a jet of water.
  • Combine the methodically, every centimeter of the hair until the entire surface of the head is sample.
  • Rinse the air conditioner and repeat the combination procedure.
  • Repeat this procedure on the 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th and 15th days - it will make it possible to eliminate young lice, without giving them the opportunity to achieve maturity.

The duration of the dismissal method of combing depends primarily from the length of your child's hair and their type. For example, short, straight hair can be quickly free to make the comb from lice within a few minutes. Longer, curly hair require more time, patience and labor.

The combing of head lice on wet gives you the opportunity to treat pediculosis

Lotions or sprays

The use of lotion or spray is an alternative method of treating pediculosis. However, in order to get the effect of this type of treatment, they must be used correctly. Your doctor will be able to recommend a special lotion or spray from lice and inform you how to use it correctly.

Spray from lice when pediculose

Lotion or spray should be used only when you find live in hair (moving) headwash. Creams rinsing and shampoos from lice are not effective and therefore not recommended.

During the application, follow the instructions that go with lotion or spray from lice. In the dependence of the product you use, the length of the time to which it will be necessary to leave the remedy for the lice on the head can vary from 10 minutes to 8 hours. It is recommended to repeat the treatment seven days after the first processing. Some funds are also sold complete with a row to remove the dead lice and noms.

Some funds from lice can be able to destroy their eggs in addition to lice, although there is no confidence in this. After 3-5 days after processing, check the head for the presence of the hatched lice, and again check your head 10-12 days after that.

If the lice appear after all the processed head treatments, consult advice to your school nurse, a charter sister, a pharmacist or a doctor.


Before applying a drug, always read the instructions on the package, especially when it comes to the following groups of people:

  • breast babies (under the age of six months)
  • pregnant women
  • people suffering from asthma or allergies

If you are still not sure how to properly use the remedy for lice, consult with the attending physician before using the product.

Head Wrench and Clothes

Healthy headwoods random can fall from heads on clothes, bed linen or soft toys. Their lifespan is about three weeks, and when they fall from the head they die and cannot multiply, so there is no need to handle things with hot steam or water.

Head Wrench on Comb

Check the brushes and combs that are used during the treatment and removal of lice. If you do not drink human blood for 1-2 days, it dies.

It is quite difficult to prevent the infection of the lsham, since the heads are spread from a person to a person with direct contact.

Regular search for loushes with combing, for example, weekly basis is the best way Detection of infection.

Lotions and sprays do not prevent the development of pediculosis and should be used only when your child's head or head has been discovered.

We found out scientists and physicians, which is more effective against lice. Here you will learn how to recognize the presence of lice on early stagewhich shampoos work, and which are absolutely useless, how to comb your hair right and is it possible to cure from lice using mayonnaise? We will tell about the whole path of treatment and give useful tips.

And at the end we prepared for you Top-4 best shampoos and comb, seven useful Soviets On the treatment of hair shampoo and seven rules, how to propose egg eggs, but let's go about everything in order: Let's start with the symptoms.

Pediculosis: What is it and how does it manifest?

Infection of lice can always be seen before it comes to the "full head of the lice." This will help common sense, attentive attitude towards head hygiene and home hygiene. So, what "artifacts" should alert?

Eggs of lice (nits). If a pair of small lice can hardly be lost in a thick shower of hair, then it is possible to notice the ninom. Especially if you are scrupulous on hair care. The females of the lice attach the GDID at about a distance of 5-6 mm from the base of the hair, and they look like small white grains. Gids, which are attached higher than 6 mm, are almost always dead or hatched. To the touch, they like the grain of the roots of the hair that you can feel when washing the head. But, in contrast to some kind of garbage or dandruff, they can not be removed with his fingers.

Larvae and adult lice. Yes, they are sometimes not easy to see because little size (larvae less adults), but adults are actively running in her hair. They are especially active at night, so the inspection of your head (or the head of the child) is better to produce at night. Do it at the first opportunity if the child came from the summer camp! Use a thin comb and a magnifying glass and view all the scalp hair, separating the hair to different probes. Special attention - the occipital part of the head and the area behind the ears is the favorite places of the lice.

Feces. Like all other bloodsows, the lice can be inconspicuous, but their excrement has not yet learned to hide. Pay attention to the dark spots on the scalp - these are signs of live adults. Also look for them on clothes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe neck and shoulders, as well as on pillowcases.

What kind of simphoms need to pay attention to?

Usually, the symptoms of pediculosis are very bright and clearly indicated. This is especially true of the infected children under 12, which have more sensitive to the bites of the head of the head of the head than in adults. In the latter, by the way, in rare cases there may be a complete lack of sensitivity to bite, but it is still a rarity. Usually, when pediculose, the following symptoms are observed:

  • strong irritation and itching of the scalp.When a person skeins the skin of a person with its jaws, it bumps saliva with a hormone-histamine. He causes irritation and itching, and in the worst case can provoke allergic reaction. By the way, all bloodsowing insects come in the same way, therefore, the reaction to any insect bites can be allergic.
  • scratches on the head, neck and over your ears.Symptom arising from the first. It is especially common in children who do not immediately understand that it is necessary to tell adults about such a strong itching - they are just constantly itching. Because of the scratch, the secondary infection is possible (due to bacteria on the skin of the head).

  • touching sensations / sensation of movement in her hair.It is created because the lice is quite quickly crawling.
  • problems with night bed.Like the bedclothes, the lice is especially active at night - and they bite more at night.
  • common irritability against the background of all unpleasant symptoms.It is unlikely that such unpleasant symptoms can go unnoticed - but we hope that thanks to our advice, you can notice them at the very initial stage.

How to bring lice? What way is more effective: medicines + combing or folk methods?

In this section, we will tell about all the well-known methods of treating pediculosis. Main approved by scientists of methods only two: treatment of chemical pediculsis and mechanical method - combing hair.

What is the most effectively and reliable? Use of Pediculcides + combing combBecause in the aggregate, they eliminate all lice: pediculocides - adults and larvae, and combing the eggs of lice. The action of pediculcides is proven by scientists and doctors - unlike natural funds, which often do not work or sometimes have a placebo effect. Yes, many believe in natural means. But we do not recommend that you experiment.

Anyway, we are obliged to tell about all possible treatments - choose the most suitable anyway only to you.

How do pediculicide shampoos work, gels, sprays?

The main type of pediculocide is the healing shampoo that needs to kill adults in and at this stage to eliminate further reproduction. Some of these shampoos have an Ovicidal effect, those. May kill and GDID. But mostly there is no such effect or it is weak, so the shampoo is reused after 7-10 days to achieve new lice, which before that were eggs.

Scientists believe that chemical insecticides, which are used against certain types of insects for too long - dozens of years can partially lose their murderous effect. This is explained by the fact that insects acquire resistance to these chemicals and transmit it to subsequent generations. Most of the equipment from lice, including shampoos, contain widespread insecticides - permethrin or pyrethrin. They are considered effective, but, according to scientists, some of the populations of lice can also purchase resistance to the effects of perfect means (pyrethrine-less).

Know: Permethrin and Pyotrin act on adult lice, but do not have an Ovicidal effect. Do not kill eggs. Adults should die for 30 minutes (Pyrerin) up to several hours (permethrin) after treating therapeutic shampoo. If you find the living lice after the specified deadlines (up to 8 hours), it means that the sectors are resistant to any of these insecticides. In this case, stop using this product and purchase another shampoo (if used with perfect-buy with a pyrethrine and vice versa). Re-wash the head of the pediculicide shampoo after 7-10 days.

Allergies, use Pyrethrin with caution! It is also not recommended to apply it for the treatment of children under 2 years old. Permethrin is more sparing - it can be used even to children from 2 months.

  • Lindane - yes, but toxic

    In the past, insecticide insecticide as part were also popular. But, as doctors explain, Lindane is very toxic and its application is associated with unpleasant by-reactions Like those who have undergone treatment and in those who conducted processing. He also pollutes water and has many restrictions on use: it is impossible to treat them for pregnant women, elderly, babies, a number of people with different diseases and persons with weight of less than 50 kg.

  • Enzymes - no

    Nowadays, there are so-called enzyme shampoos and gels with the content of non-toxic enzymes specifically for attacks on lice. They promise to interrupt the reproduction cycle of lice, dissolving the exoskeleton of adults and glue, which keeps the GDID on the hair. Allegedly after using such a shampoo or gel, the incomes actually roll with hair - i.e. Do not bother with combing hair.

    But it turns out that it is not true and has not yet been proven that they are effective. Enzyme-based gels can be used after an insecticidal shampoo - just to facilitate hair combing.

  • Olive, coconut oil, tea tree oil - no, but there is a scaretching effect

    What if you do not want to use chemicals for head processing? Scientists are still arguing about oil efficiency. Some claim that oils absolutely do not work, others will try to try coconut or olive oils for killing lice. But to see the effect, you will need to wash your head with such a shampoo 3 times with a break of 4 days. But the "wow effect" may not be, because no one gives guarantees - therefore it is better to immediately go to specialized shampoos. But the use of oils can give the scare effect - as a preventive measure, it is possible to use equipment based on tea tree oil.

  • "Homeopathic pediculocides": salts (including ordinary cooking), minerals, plants, animal substances - no

    Homeopathic shampoos or gels are a waste of time and money. Homeopathy does not work: you just run the pediculosis even more while you will wait that such a shampoo will work. Gels, although they promise, like products with enzymes, dissolve the glue of eggs, will not cope with the task. But they can simply be used simply to facilitate hair combing comb.

  • Output: Do not believe empty advertising! Versh is a problem that does not tolerate delay. Better use verified shampoos with permethrine or pyrethrine as the most efficient.

    2 best funds from lice: shampoo & rinsing cream

    Do not be surprised that in our top there are only 2 products. We want to recommend what exactly works and approved by a variety of foreign scientists. Immediately you warn you that there are homeopathic shampoos that are very popular, but homeopathy in the opinion of scientists does not work against lice. Use only checked shampoos!

    NIX Permethrin Lice Treatment Family Pack 2x2 Ounch Bottles

    In the NIX set for ~ $ 15, a special cream-rinser based on 1% permeter is possessed. Permetrin is considered to be more gentle insecticide than Pyotrine - you can use a permalicine cream-rinser even for the treatment of children from 2 months and older. For convenience in the set, except for 2 Pediculcide bottles, there are also 2 crests for combing eggs, which is especially important if you need to simultaneously treat one, but two of the sick.

    Attention! The manufacturer indicates that the NIX product will kill adult lice and eggs. But, as we said above, the eggs of the lice cannot be killed by pediculsis, they can only be complained - for this and need a comb in a set! Do not blindly rely on one single tool! The elimination of lice must include 2 ways: handling head shampoo (or a special rinse) and combing!

    RID Complete Lice Elimination 3 Item Kit

    Shampoo from this set from the famous Bayer manufacturer for ~$17 You can use for children older than 2 years. Active ingredient - Pyrender.

    In addition to shampoo, the kit contains more 3 products to remove lice - gel, comb and spray for home. Comprehensive system:

    • Step 1 - Washing head shampoo with Pyrethrin (adults will die).
    • Step 2. - use of gel and combing (egg removal)
    • Step 3. - The use of a spray for a house based perforp (cleaning at home).
    • Do not use a combination of shampoo & air conditioning or simply air conditioning before using a shampoo from lice.
    • When processing your head, use gloves and wash your head, throwing it back. It is important that the insecticide does not hit the eyes, mouth, nose, body and mucous me, do not use it as an ordinary shampoo in the shower!
    • For such a procedure, use cool or cold water. Hot water opens the pores in scalp and Too many chemicals can be in the skin.
    • Be sequential! It is necessary not just to wash your head and calm down, but make sure that the living individuals fucked and re-process the shampoo 7-10 days after the first. It is necessary in order to finish those larvae of the lice, which survived against the shampoo, being eggs.
    • If you have asthma, allergic, or you are pregnant, consult your doctor before using a particularly healing shampoo.
    • If a whole group of people are subject to processing, then the shampoo needs to be used simultaneously for all - within 24 hours - to avoid re-transferring to each other.
    • After using the healing shampoo, re-wash your head or visit the pool only after 2 days. Otherwise, the effect of treatment may decrease.

    Attention! Recall that the most effective method Treatment from lice is a combination "shampoo + combing hair." After you killed adult lice and shampoo larvae, the second mandatory step is the combing of hair larvae.

    What crest choose and how to use?

    Combs are the only effective means for removing the GDID. The method is long, painstaking, but 100% productive. The main thing is to be attentive and be sure to make all the eggs of the lice, otherwise the lice will multiply and torment you at night. But do not strive immediately at home searches for the ridge: that it does not fit.

    Comb from lice: plastic or metal?

    Only metallic with long teeth. To make the entertainment from the head, ordinary plastic crests will not fit. They are useless, because they are well bent and the teeth are keen separately from each other. Therefore, the larvae and adults are simply not captured by such a row. Any crests with short teeth will not fit. You may like not only conventional metal, but also modern electronic ridges that combine the functions of the ridge and vacuum cleaner. With such a device found, the GDID will not need to be removed manually, they will be in the container inside the instrument.

    How to choose a metal comb?

    All metal ridges are very similar: long steel teeth, tightly pressed to each other and comfortable handle. But there is one best-selling comb, which has long and firmly conquered respect for thousands of buyers.

    Nit Free Terminator Lice Comb, Professional Stainless Steel Louse and Nit Comb for Head Lice Treatment, Removes Nits

    It costs ~ $ 11 and made of stainless steel. Handle is corrugated to be more convenient to hold in his hand and to prevent comb from slip from hands when combing very thick hair. The comb is great even for la thin and brush hair. The manufacturer is so confident in his product, which gives a lifelong warranty on him. We could not find any complaints about the device breakdown, but found several tips. For example, users recommend combing GNID from wet hair, and not dry.

    Unlike other ridges, it is possible to purchase sets of 2, 6, 10, 12, 24 and even 100 pieces to treat mass pediculosis. Starting from packages of 6 pieces - a very favorable price of ~ $ 7 per piece and below.

    The best electronic comb from lice

    Electronic ridges are ambiguous gadgets. On the one hand, they are more convenient in the process of removing the GDID and will be removed from the infection of other people, because "Finds" do not need to touch hands and shake on the fabric. All because some models of such devices work like vacuum cleaners - all the eggs of the lice are assembled into the container inside the instrument, which is then easy to clean in the toilet. But on the other hand, they may seem like some people expensive and much more demanding in use than ordinary ridges anyway - the choice is yours, and we will only tell about one of the most popular models.

    V-COMB - Head Lice Comb - FDA Registered - Pesticide and Chemical Free - Natural Lice Treatment for Head Lice - Out Performs Other Head Lice Combs and Lice Shampoo - Removes Lice and Eggs

    This is a combination of a ridge and a mini vacuum cleaner for ~$60 - And for this price you will get the most delicate and safe combing! During this process, all the eggs found would not need to be removed by their hands, thanks to the vacuum cleaner, they will go to special disposable bags.

    Attention! Not all electronic ridges are equally good. Manufacturer LiceGuard Robicomb Electronic Lice Comb per ~$21 Promises that his product will kill the lice and their eggs current! But do not believe empty promises - scientists from the United States tested this comb and found out that he was useless - not to kill the lice on any stage! So do not waste money for such experiments!

    Now let's go directly to the procedure itself. We denoted the main composure on the combination of GDID:

    1. After the head was washed with the healing shampoo and before being prepared, dry the hair slightly, it should not drip off. If you use an electronic comb, dry your hair completely.
    2. Apply some oils (olive / tea tree olive) on hair roots to facilitate the process or gel / air conditioning for hair. You can use conventional gels or air conditioners or special, for example, with rosemary extract, which not only facilitate the sliding of the ridge, but also additionally scare the lice.
    3. Prepare all conditions: Make sure that there is a good light in the room, type water in a bowl to clean the comb or prepare a dense transparent package .. Also undress a bright fabric under the hair, for example, red - it will be the same good, white or (brown) eggs will be visible. GDID and gray-white adults.
    4. It is necessary to clean all the hair, starting from the top of the head and up to the tips as close as possible to the skin of the head and in all directions .. perhaps it will be more convenient for you if your hair is pre-separated on small flagellas throughout the head. Carefully inspect the comb on the piece of eggs and the living lice, wash it in a bowl with water or clean the comb in the package. The procedure may take an hour or more, especially if the hair is very thick, long and bright.
    5. If individual nits are too tightly sitting on separate hair, cut these hair with small manicure scissors.
    6. Periodically drain the water from the bowl in the toilet and fill the new one.
    7. After having gotten the whole head, wash your head with ordinary shampoo to wash off the oil. Clean the ridge - and better boil if it is simple metal, for 15 minutes .. After that, it can be used for another diseased.
    1. During the procedure, do not touch your head with your hands, otherwise you can get infected. Remove your hair in the tail, braid or make another hairstyle. You can tie a handkerchief on the head.
    2. During the procedure, remove all the decorations from the hands: bracelets, rings.
    3. Wear short gloves so as not to touch our hands.
    4. To protect the clothes, put on the garbage bag, so that he does not throw movements, but covered the front of the body. After-to remove it (naturally, through the legs, not the head).
    5. After completing the gloves, the package in the plastic bag and take into the trash can. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

    Natural methods of treatment from lice - useless waste of money and time

    As mentioned above, the most effective means from lice is pediculicides with active substances - Pyotrin or Permeter. Natural methods of treatment of lice show more weak results, if not useless at all. These include various bioenzy shampoos, homeopathic remedies, the use of products based on oils - tea tree, olive, coconut, equilibrium, etc.

    Some scientists believe that oils are completely useless to kill lice and can only scare them. Others argue that oils can kill, but for this you will need to wash our heads with shampoo based on oils with an interval of 4 days, i.e. We will have to wait about 2 weeks "to recovery".

    Are you ready to observe how for 2 weeks your child and continues to hide from lice? But in the end, the oil may not affect - no guarantees! What if the child is allergic to oil? Is it worth experimenting? In our opinion, it is better to handle the hair with proven Pediculsis RID or NIX (following instructions) and guaranteed to recover than stretching the torment for 2 or more weeks, without any guarantees.

    Homemade funds from lice: mayonnaise, vinegar, Vaseline - effective or deadly?

    Remember: The worst can only be the use of all kinds of home instruments for head processing from lice! Most often, parents are resorted to them who want to save on the treatment of children and look for ways of treating on the Internet. Such funds are not enough that ineffective, but can be very dangerous!

    Kerosene, gasoline, vinegar, mayonnaise, vaseline, alcohol, etc. - unwanted or even dangerous (gasoline and kerosene) treatment methods. In some cases, such methods may be deadly. So, a horrible case is known when the 1-year-old child infected with the lice decided to treat Mayonnaise: they smeared the head, put the package from above and left for several hours. The package came to the child on the face, and he suffered. Therefore, doctors against the use of any home remedies - in a scientific environment they are considered purely ineffective and dangerous!

    P Singleze is a disease that arises due to the appearance of lice on the human skin, covered with hair. The diagnosis of this disease is perceived with condemnation in modern society, so most people resort to the treatment of pediculosis at home.

    In our time, it is possible to get a pediculosis and being very clean. It is only worth touching the head of an infected person in the subway with its head or hair, use a towel or a sick-haired or simply trying on his cap.

    Feeding by the blood of a man, the lice begin to multiply intensively, and this leads to the fact that the head often itches, lymph nodes are increasing, red spots from bites appear.

    It does not matter, decide you to purchase special Shampoo in the pharmacy or will be treated illness using folk remediesInherited by your grandmother, the result will be only in the case of the main rules of behavior and treatment:

    • deciding with the way of treatment from pediculose, check its safety and lack of negative consequences specifically in your case;
    • use the drug strictly according to the instructions and be prepared to repeat the procedure during the first week after the initial use;
    • given the fact that all the dead insects and their larvae (shorteries) need to be combed, find a comb with small and densely arranged teeth, be prepared for the fact that some eggs will need to choose.

    It is important to wash off very well medicinal products. Do not be lazy to slip curls several times, you can choose a solution from vinegar to facilitate the task.

    be careful

    Among women: Pain and inflammation of ovaries. Fibre, Mioma, develop fibrozno-cystic mastopathy, inflammation of adrenal glands, bladder and kidneys. As well as heartfelt and cancer.

    Treatment of pediculosis by folk remedies

    When pediculose, act very quickly, since these, harmless at first glance, bugs can be carriers serious diseases. It saves the fact that in our time it is not so difficult to save your body from their presence. In pharmacies you can find a huge number of diverse well-active insecticides, which will quickly help you solve the task. But they are also not a panacea. Last time there were increasing cases where the choice of people falls on the treatment with folk remedies, which are more frequent much more accessible and not so harmful to the body. Our grandparents and grandparents used these means, and the result of their impact does not cause doubt the effectiveness of these methods.

    Dusty or Degtyar Soap

    Who would have thought that it was so affordable to anyone soap can help without much effort to lose already adults of the lousy for just one application. Yes, and there is nothing complicated in its use: you need to very thoroughly clean your hair along the entire length and leave under the cellophane cap for 30-60 minutes (than long hair, the longer you need to keep it on the hair). At the end, it is very important to wash the head of the shampoo well, preferably for dry and damaged hair, and for rinsing, you can even use a rugged decoction. Do not forget that after bath procedures, hair needs to be pretty well and get already dead insects.


    The use of kerosene in the fight against lies is very effective, although applicable not for all method. Children and women in position are strongly recommended to use this way. Also, it is impossible to stop if the skin is damaged.

    For maximum security, it is recommended to connect kerosene with vegetable oil. The optimal proportion is one to twelve. The resulting liquid need to lubricate all the hair and go to sleep with her. It is necessary to wear a cellophane hat and insulate the head with a towel or handkerchief. From the morning, we all wash and comb more wet hair.

    Reperic or Nather

    One of the safest methods of salvation from pediculosis for many years a decoction of nine and young shoots of reurenik is considered for many years. This recipe is transmitted from generation to generation, and always in preparation is used both the root of nine and the leaves of this plant. So that the decoction was ready to use, the grass must be pouring the graduate boiling water and leave for one and a half - two hours.

    All future and current moms can be calm and stop looking for more safe money. This "miraculous potion" you can wash not only small children's heads, but also the hair of pregnant women, regardless of the trimester.

    Beneficial features Ninexils are in substances that are in its root and rhizome.

    Chemern water

    This tool is considered one of the best among drugs that help in the fight against lies. It is not enough that it instantly neutralizes adult insects, so also significantly softens capsules with nits.

    To carry out the procedure, you will need to purchase checker and rubber gloves in the pharmacy to protect your hands. Also need a cellophane hat and towel.

    Apply to the hair evenly apply a liquid and, put on the hat, leave half an hour. The skin of the face must be protected from drug entering. To do this, twist the towel and wrap it around the head as a bandage. Do not forget to wear gloves. After the required time, wash the drug.


    Acid, which is in the juice of cranberries, adversely acts on the GDID. Freshly squeezed cranberry juice must be very good at the root of the hair itself and then distribute along the entire length of strands. You can also add a little honey to juice. It is advisable to leave the blurred hair under a cellophane cap for three to four hours, after which it is thoroughly washed your head. I think that one is no longer worth reminding that it is still wet, the hair needs to be very good to make a comb. If there is a desire, cranberry juice can be replaced with a pomegranate juice. This fruit has a similar effect on harmful insects and their larvae.


    Vinegar wonderfully copes with the murder of lice. It is often used, mixing with other ingredients, although some people prefer to use it as a full-fledged agent and without impurities.

    From whom:

    The last few years felt very bad. Constant fatigue, insomnia, some apathy, laziness, frequent headaches. With digestion, too, there were problems in the morning nasty smell from mouth.

    And here is my story

    All this began to accumulate and I realized that I was moving in some kind of direction. Stassed news healthy image Life, to eat right, but it did not affect my well-being. Doctors also could not say anything. It seems like everything is normal, but I feel that my body is not healthy.

    After a couple of weeks I came across one article on the Internet. Literally changed my life. I did everything as it is written and after a few days, I felt significant improvements in my body. It began to raise much faster, the energy that was in youth appeared. The head no longer hurts, clarity appeared in consciousness, the brain began to work much better. The digestion has improved, despite the fact that I eat now as it fell. I passed the tests and made sure that no one lives in me!


    Vodka is a very affordable and easy to prepare and apply a way to deal with lice. However, it is important to understand that this method can lead to serious burns skin cover And often quite spoils the hair. That is why it is not recommended to use it for the treatment of young children under five years.

    As mentioned above, this method is very simple. It is necessary to abundantly moisten the hair from the root to the tips or vodka, or a diluted up to 40 degrees alcohol (alcohol is divorced by water). Holding the hair under the cellophane cap a quarter of an hour, you need to make hair and wash everything.

    Hydrogen peroxide

    This is another very effective method From the list of folk agents to combat pediculosis, but forbidden to use for the treatment of this problem in children. So after applying the peroxide you did not bother burns on the skin, it is necessary to breed it in half with water. It is also worth not to forget that after this procedure your hair can become a little lighter.

    Apply the liquid to 10 tool completely on all hair, after which you diligently wash your head using shampoo. Hydrogen peroxide is good because it completely corrosive and adults, and their larvae, and also neutralizes the glue that holds her hair and crides.

    Masks, ointment

    Folk medicine is rich in all sorts of recipes of ointments and masks cooked in home conditions.

    1. For this ointment, it is necessary to take the leaves of the Bolotnaya Range, the root of the chebermen and turn them into powder, and then pour the melted smalle. In order to avoid consequences, you need to adhere to the following proportion: one part of the suit, one part of the richness and three parts of the smaller. The resulting mixture is 12 hours left in the warm oven. Finished ointment we are on your head overnight, we dress a cellophane hat, and in the morning mine, using shampoo.
    2. In the preparation of this fund, we need to need the root of the cheer. We add to it in the same amount of the seeds of the anise and invert until the powder is obtained. The next step will be mixed by powder from plants with swine smalts in proportion one to two. The method of applying this ointment similar to the previous one.
    3. Garlic can also help to help with pediculosis. Well-overwhelmed garlic cloves are applied to the head of the head with circular movements three times a day for four days in a row. At the end of the cycle of the procedure, it is important to wash the hair very well, using shampoo, after which in no case to forget about the combing of the dead lice from your head.

    Preventive means

    It's no secret that the prevention of the disease is always much better than its treatment. If you do not want to become a happy owner of "harmful neighbors" at his head, try to stick to the basic rules:

    1. Do not be lazy to constantly check the heads of your children and pay attention to your own state.
    2. If the disease was confirmed, immediately proceed to therapeutic manipulations.
    3. We will be necessary and processing of things of a person who fell ill. Very diligently comprehend bed linen (pay special attention to pillowcases), clothes, hats.
    4. If possible, get rid of towels that were in your use.

    Always give preference only to your personal items (calculations, rubber bands, hairpins) and, if possible, collect loose hair in public transport.

    Important to remember

    Considering the fact that folk remedies are famous for their availability and ease of preparation, you should always remember existing contraindications and possible complications. To all pregnant women and children in no case can be used by drugs that have alcohol and toxic substances. In the event of allergies, it is necessary to immediately stop the use of the tool and the need to take antihistamine drugs. Be very careful, applying alcohol, peroxide and vinegar. Never forget that they can cause burns and only harm if you have obvious damage to the scalp. And always remember that the therapy appointed by a specialist is always much safer and more efficient than any self-medication.

    These small insects feed on the blood of a man, gluing their eggs (incoming) to the hairproof.

    If this disease is detected, many shame it and try to treat pediculosis at home.

    Causes of the appearance of lice and symptoms of the disease

    It is believed that the stuffiness is a disease of poverty, dirt and uncleanness. But sometimes even the most careful and daily hygienic care and children can not guarantee the absence of insects.

    Infection can occur from close contact with a sick person:

    • contact "Head to Head";
    • use of other people's personal objects of hygiene (comb, towel, hairpin);
    • fitting of other people's headgear.

    The main cause of the pubic lice is indiscriminate sexual bonds.

    Having appeared in the hair, the lice immediately begin to actively maintain their livelihoods at the expense of human blood. Putting from the nape and ears all over his head, they are firmly justified in 7 days.

    Injecting its substance into the human skin, the lice cause strong irritation. And besides, they are a dangerous carrier of various diseases.

    Vershi may appear in adults and children regardless of age and social status. Of course, the child is more prone to infection, because He actively visits the places of a large cluster of people: kindergarten, school, mugs.

    Upon manifestation of the first signs of stitching, immediately take measures to eliminate the "source". Moreover, treatment is recommended for the whole family, in order to avoid re-infection and complications, because mass and wounds on the head are able to provoke a bacterial infection.

    Treatment of pediculosis at home

    The presence of lice is not a critical disease requiring immediate medical intervention. Currently there are a lot of ways to treat yourself.

    Pharmacy preparations and means folk Medicine Quickly help you to cope with the problem: they will remove the symptoms and will neutralize the lice with the nines.

    The first to the perception of this disease are the children. Therefore, priority treatment should begin with them.

    The method of getting rid of insects can be different (preparative or folk remedies), but stages of rehabilitation are the same for all:

    Funds of traditional medicine

    Medical preparations from lice do not always have houses in stock, and the problem requires an immediate solution.

    Recipes of traditional medicine are as effective as pharmacy drugs, providing their ability over the years.

    But when choosing all sorts of means, it should be noted that the treatment of pediculosis in children at home is different from adult procedures. Better of all available recipes, choose children most acceptable to them.

    Treatment of pediculosis by folk remedies: kerosene, dichlofos, vinegar, cheeky water, cranberries

    The most pressing and well-known way to combat lice is washing the head kerosene. In order to avoid burns before use, kerosene is divorced by vegetable oil in proportion 1 to 10.

    It is plenty to hunt your head and hair from this solution, wrapped them with a paper towel, and then warm the head well.

    The duration of the procedure is the whole night, after which rinse your head several times. This method of combating insect has side effects: Heavy smell, burning skin, deterioration of hair.

    Treatment of kerosene pediculosis is a radical method of combating lice, which is strictly forbidden to apply on small children and pregnant women.

    Dusty or Degtyar Soap

    A traditional way to combat crides and lsami - DDT - a household soap with a special content of insecticide (lying soap). Along with the arable soap, it is the easiest and easiest method, which is reduced to the usual man's wash with the help of these drugs.

    Long I. thick hairAnd also a large number of insects require the active impact of soap. To do this, it is enough to hold the broken head under the towel 1-2 hours.

    Additional result from application degtyar soap - Healing damaged skin sections. It is worth noting that only adult individuals die from this soap, but not nits.

    Treatment of pediculosis by folk remedies with the help of braveraged horse rags or nine is the most harmless.

    Without bright contraindications, herbal decoctions can be used to rinse the head in children of any age and at all time of pregnancy.

    For this, the root of nine or the shoots of the buried, together with the leaves, brew cool boiling water for 1-1.5 hours.

    Chemern water

    The treatment of infected sections of checker water has a focused action on lice. The 30-minute use of the solution destroys adults of insects and contributes to the softening of the shells of the GDID.


    Cranberry berries along with cheerful water are useful for the struggle not only the head, but also pubic. It is enough to launch in the affected places juice from the handustrian berries mixed with 1 tsp of honey.


    Treatment of pediculosis by vinegar is widely used in practice as an independent medicine and in combination with various ingredients.

    2 tbsp. Spoons of vinegar dilute in a glass of water. The solution applied on his head qualitatively eliminates the GDID, because Well breaks the glue, with which they hold onto the hair.

    In 1 cup of wine vinegar dilute 1 t. Spoon of alcohol and dissolve 45 gr salt. In this solution, wet the gauze and make compresses on the head. The duration of the procedure is a whole day with a constant wetting of gauze.


    Easy application and availability of this means allow you to harm insects harmlessly. Well-dipped vodka wet the hair throughout the entire length. After 15 minutes, go through the hair with a special comb from the GNID.

    Hydrogen peroxide

    This substance at direct contact with the insect has a degenerate effect on it, feeding the shell and inside. It also, like vinegar with vodka, is well dissolved with glue, which fastens the nide and hair.

    But so as not to cause head burns, in the treatment of hydrogen peroxide, it should be dissolved with water 1 to 1.

    The resulting solution to process the entire surface of the head and hair from the roots to the tips. After 8-10 minutes, the solution must be flushed.

    It is easier to prevent pediculosis than then to fight him. Simple rules And the recommendations will not give lice a single chance.

    Additional measures are required to avoid pubic pediculosis. It is necessary to be broken when choosing a sexual partner.

    Show special caution When visiting the pools, saunas, solarium, because it is especially high here a high risk to pick up the lice.

    And to reduce the likelihood of infection to a minimum and in the future and not to carry out an unpleasant treatment of pubic pediculosis, you can make mechanical prevention - cosmetic or complete haircut of bikini zones and armpits.

    Important to remember

    The simplicity and availability of folk remedies makes them very popular. A variety of recipes allows you to choose acceptable and comfortable options for yourself.

    But when choosing tools for treatment, you should always be extremely attentive and careful:

    Frequent inspection of the head in children, fulfillment of personal hygiene rules and hold preventive events will be a reliable guarantee and protection against pediculosis.

    • in public places;
    • when wearing someone else's cap;
    • when using other people's comb, rubber bands, hairpins;
    • use a stranger towel.

    Therefore, children need to teach personal hygiene from the smallest age and tell them.


    The insect settled on the hair first does not give itself anything. It is tightly held on the hair, and the irritation from is written off on the usual tick. After it began to bite a lot and often, elevated itching in the scalp can sign about the disease.

    After the blood flows blood, it becomes reddish (fresh blood) or drone (blood began to digest).

    If the treatment of pediculosis is not carried out, purulent papulas appear due to the secondary infection. After their opening, the pus goes out and glues the hair. Lymph nodes increase.

    Methods of treatment

    Treatment of pediculosis in children and adults does not differ in principle. At all young children, pediculose is trying to treat with non-drugs so that the child does not receive an allergic reaction.

    On a note!

    Treatment of pediculosis in a child younger than two years can be quickly spent using a hair cutting machine. In this parents will help common superstition that if the baby has a head, then the hair will grow better. The explanation will be exhaustive and cannot be explained to anyone.

    Than children older than, the more difficult it will shave them. Especially if the girls are found in the girl. Here the proposal to handle the head can meet a fierce story. But also to tell the curious neighbors that your children have, too, do not want anyone. Therefore, parents often conduct pediculosis treatment at home:

    • You can remove the lice not only cutting hair, but also with drug addicts and folk remedies. How to treat pediculosis in children, parents or doctor decide. It depends on the age of the child, the presence of a tendency to allergic and intolerance of pharmaceutical drugs against lice.
    • Treatment from lice and GDID in a child under 5 years of age is better to carry out non-drugs. Medical preparationssold in pharmacies too toxic for radiant organism. Often in annotations worth a warning from what age is allowed to use this medication.
    • In the treatment of folk remedies, it is necessary to remember that the acid-containing fluid can pinch the scalp if there are damage. The liquid can get into the eyes if the child is spinning. Therefore, it is necessary to apply lemon or cranberry juice very carefully.

    Maximum efficiency in the case of small children will give a simple. If, after combing, wash the hair with decoction of herbs, scaring insects (Pijm, wormwood), then you can get a good therapeutic effect.


    For young children, the tool is selected particularly carefully:

    • Of the drugs for small children, over 6 months is suitable only. He is quite expensive - its cost is about 700 rubles.
    • From 1 year, use is allowed.
    • For children from 2 years, it is possible to apply NOC shampoos, Pedilin, Sumitrine ,.
    • With 3 years old shampoo pairs ,.

    On older children, but under 12 years old, not only folk remedies can be applied, but also some pharmacy preparations for the treatment of pediculosis:

    Treatment of pediculosis in adults and adolescents can be carried out more dangerous to health, but very:

    • Medifox means contains a potent insecticide permethrin and is not recommended for children.
    • If the lice turned out to be resistant to permethrine, it is possible to derive them to the drug of medilis super, containing in 24% of Fency.
    • Another well-known and popular remedy -, very well triggered against the lice, but not killing shorts. Therefore, the harsh water is treated several times.

    Chemer water is poisonous and you need to beware of it in the stomach. This is the reason for which it cannot be recommended for use on small children.

    Among pharmacy drugs are most popular:

    Nowadays, it is rare today, because for the development of this type of pediculosis, it is necessary to change clothes for a long time. Example: months in the trenches in the war with a bad job of the san mines. Children and adults can infect when contacting clothes with infected things.

    On a note!

    A sudden manifestation on the body of itchy rash with possible small guns is a sign of a wrapping pediculosis.

    The photo shows how they look on the human body. Clothes, when wearing a rash appeared, should be carefully examined on the seams. When detecting in seams of small gray or brown insects, you need to proceed to the processing of clothing.

    The question of how to treat pediculosis, caused, is not even worth it, since the main emphasis on the disinfection of things in the house and.

    How to get rid of wrapping lice

    The easiest and most effective way:

    1. Soak infected and located nearby things in an insecticide solution used to destroy flea in animals.
    2. After soaking things you can rinse, but you can immediately dry. Such drugs like butoxy or non-massan after drying become harmless to mammals, but scared insects.
    3. Processing must be repeated after 2 weeks.

    On a note!

    The body must be washed with shampoo against lice or. After washing, irritable places can be treated with oil or ointment.

    If there is no confidence that there is no GDID on the body, you can use the ointment of Phenylbenzoate. If the body is covered too developed vegetation, hair is better to shave. Although hardwashing lice Do not live on the human body, they can sometimes put eggs on the gun hair. If there are alive inclination on them, after 10 days larvae will appear, and the pediculosis will soon return.

    The pubic lice in children are extremely rare. This is not at all children's pediculosis at all, since the child is limited to the habitat of the bodes. Area for aircraft: a groin area, crotch and axillary depressions provided that there are hair in these places as well.

    On a note!

    Requirements modern men To her women, so that brilliate pubis and armpits, made rare the appearance of the blisters not only in children, but also in women.

    Today in most developed countries pubic pediculosis - disease is predominantly men. Symptoms and treatment of this type of pediculosis are very similar to the treatment of the paid.

    Treatment of pubic pediculosis

    If a man started to scat in a scatter region too often, you need to look at, whether there are no hemorrhagic stains and insects with a circular body. Cure pediculosis in the groin area is the easiest. It is enough to take a razor - no, you do not need to cut anything, you just need to shave the hair into the groin and the armpits. If the hair on the body is increased, it is better to shave both the body or use the removal agent.

    Winged underwear must be disinfected and desirable to be boiled.

    On a note!

    Among pharmacy preparations for the treatment of pubic pediculosis are suitable:

    • compliance with personal hygiene;
    • systematic change of clothing;
    • the absence of sex contacts with unclean partners.

    The greatest danger, especially for children, is a head pediculosis. If parents know about the possibility of infection with this type of lice, the weekly hair check in children will be quite reliable measure to stop pediculose at the very beginning.

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