So that the dream does not come true, it must be told. What to do to prevent the dream from coming true

Full description: how to make bad dream did not come true - is it possible to tell if prayer and conspiracy will help? and answers to major concerns.

"Can you please tell me how to make the dream not come true?"

“And my soul is breaking now. And I understand it was just a dream. But he was so real! How not to go crazy until morning! "

“From 23 to 24 I had a dream about how I broke my arms and legs, what is it for?!?! Thanks in advance ... and will the dream come true?!?! "
(From comments)

I greet you, my friend, on the pages of the site about the phenomenon of sleep. In today's article, I propose to talk about what to do so that a bad dream does not come true.

Rituals, conspiracies, ceremonies, prayers were used by our forefathers, and many have come down to us in their original pagan form. The order of words in conspiracies and prayers cannot be changed:

a certain combination of sounds affects a person at the subconscious level, coding him for a positive perception of the dreamed plot, no matter how frightening it may be.

You need to understand that not a single conspiracy or ritual will save you from adverse events if you do not believe in them. Therefore, if you decide to turn to the methods of our great-great-grandmothers, believe unconditionally in their power! Don't swap words and actions. Only in this case will they work. And also follow the basic rules: you can not interpret and tell anyone a bad dream.


Waking up after a bad dream, without getting out of bed, without speaking to anyone, say one of the phrases and cross yourself three times:

"Good dream, resurrect, bad in half (or in half) crack";

“Whoever has a dream come true, but it doesn't concern me. The Lord is with me, the bad dream is not mine. Amen"; "What I saw in a dream, I will not see in reality."

Looking at the rising sun or at the place where it should rise, say three times before washing: "Where the night has gone, go and sleep there."

When you wake up, say the phrase three times:

“I dreamed a dream, from the servant of God (name) rolled away into the far distant, into the boundless distance. Where the night is, there is sleep "or" Where the night is, there is sleep. "

The short version of this conspiracy is easy to remember. It can be said in the middle of the night when you have a nightmare. Pronounce and thereby block the negative from bad dream.

Looking out the window, say:

"All good things stay, all bad things leave" or

"Samson-Samson, where night is, there is sleep."

At dawn, after waking up, say:

“I will clothe myself in the holy robe, stand on the domes. Just as the shadow does not drop its shadow, the hand does not eat the hand, does not curse its tongue, so the bad dream passes away, does not come true. Lord Jesus Christ, protect me! Amen! Amen! Amen!".

After awakening from a heavy sleep, repeat 9 times:

“What arrived in a dream, disappeared without a trace at sunset! Amen! Amen! Amen!".

Half an hour after you wake up, sprinkle water (cold) on your face and say three times:

“What I dreamed of was forgotten. And what was forgotten did not come true! Amen!".

Wash yourself with cold water, and preferably a saint, with the words (repeat three times):

"Where the water flows, there the dream goes."


Many rituals seem incomprehensible and naive, nevertheless, they work. Main conditions: not tell anyone and do it right after a bad dream.

Touch a piece of wood, stone, or iron and say:

“Where the night is, there is a dream. Just as a felled tree will not stand on a stump, so that a dream does not become true ”.

Drain not pleasant dream water. To do this, you need to open a tap with water, retell the plot of the dream, say the words:

"Water, take away all my troubles, all my sorrows", "Where the water is, there is a dream."

Make a dream catcher.

This powerful amulet was presented modern people ancient Indians. A dream catcher has a twofold power: it neutralizes bad dreams, and embodies good dreams in reality. Be sure to make a charm with your own hands, putting good thoughts.

If after a bad dream you experience confusion, fear, despondency, apply the following measures.

You need to stand facing the sunset, bow your head low to your chest, without bending the body itself. Say the words on your chest three times:

“In the name of our Lord! Saviors to me, to me, Baptists! Turn to your soul, stand up for it! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

You can neutralize frightening, unpleasant thoughts after a frightened dream with a simple ritual:

put your hands on your head, close your eyes and imagine a waterfall. Speak three times and imagine how your words are carried away by a stream of fast water: “My dream is out of place, go to the waterfall, from the waterfall go to hell. Amen".

In the morning, getting out of bed, say:

“Where the night has gone, there the dream has taken. I let go, I didn't leave a penny. " After that, with the word: "Paid!" throw a small coin out the window.

Has a strange dream instilled fear and anxiety?

Arm yourself with a piece of paper and write down your unpleasant dream. Burn the paper, uttering a conspiracy: “Go away, alarm, from the servant of God (name). Amen". Bury the ashes or lower them into running water, repeating the same words.

You can also burn a note describing the nightmare above a white candle and say the words: "The smoke swirls, the smoke flows, turning into a fable, closes everything with a key, wherever he goes - there and sleep" or "Smoke, smoke, how you eat your eyes, eat evil sleep! ".

In the morning after a negative sleep, fill a glass with plain water and throw a little salt into it, say:

"As this salt has melted, so my dream will disappear, it will not do any harm."

If disturbing, unpleasant dreams are not uncommon for you, the following ritual may help:

for the night at the head of the bed, place an open vessel filled with holy water. Water will absorb the negative from bad dreams... Pour the water down the toilet in the morning.

You can neutralize negative sleep with a simple action - turning the bedding inside out.

A bad dream seen during the day will not come true if you starve until the next morning. If you had a nightmare at night, you should refrain from food until noon.

If you woke up from a terrible sleep in the middle of the night, repeat three times:

“Wherever it is night, there is a dream. Amen". In this case, you need to be baptized. We can say this conspiracy through an open window. Drink some water. Go to bed again, on the other side and with the bed linen turned inside out.

Nightmare Ritual

We need dry verbena herb, it has a miraculous power to scare away dark forces... Fill small linen bags (4 pcs) with grass, hang or spread out in the bedroom. Before going to bed, pronounce the conspiracy:

“I will go into a wide field, into a deep sea, to the other side of a living dream.

There is a golden stone, there is a golden church on it, the Lady of Dreams sits on it, fanning and fanning with a sleepy fan, conjuring up different dreams and naps: night, evening, daytime and morning, midday and midnight, light and deep. I will come close, bow low and say:

“Goy thou art, Lady of dreams! Brush me off with your wonderful fan

from my eyes, a clear face, from the brow, liver, tongue, sublingual nightmares, demonic and demonic, succubus and incubus spells, thought, guessed, seen, heard. "

You can set fire to a twig of dry verbena and go around all rooms and bedrooms before going to bed. By lighting a home, you will rid it of accumulated negative energy.

Prayers for a bad dream not to come true

Prayer to Cyprian the Martyr.

“O holy saint of God, holy martyr Cyprian, an early helper and prayer for all who come running to you. Receive from us unworthy our praise and ask the Lord God for us strength in weaknesses, healing in sickness, consolation in sorrows, and all that is useful in our life. Raise up your beneficent prayer to the Lord, may he protect us from the falls of our sinful ones, may he teach us true repentance, may he deliver us from the captivity of the devil and any action of unclean spirits, and may deliver us from those who offend us.

Be a strong defender of our enemies, visible and invisible, in temptation give us patience and at the hour of our death show us intercession from the torturers in our air ordeals, so that, led by you, we will reach the Mountainous Jerusalem and be vouchsafed in the Heavenly Kingdom with all the saints to glorify and sing the All-Holy Name Father and Son and Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer for protection from black magical activity to Saint Cyprian and Saint Ustinia:

“Lord All-Holy! In humility and goodness I fall at Your feet. Rejoice and rejoice, Most Pure Cherubim, for I consecrate my Soul through You - to the Lord... Glorify Cyprian, for you are pious, glorify Ustinia, for she is worthy of the most pure grace from the forces of light. And by their deeds, let the Protective Cover be created over the earthly ones, who have called to the Bright Name of Cyprian and Ustinia. Amen".

“Lord, if this terrible dream is a warning from You, then help me understand what I must do next. Save and save from all evil the one about whom I had a dream. If this dream is from the devil in order to frighten and confuse me - forbid the evil one to touch my soul, help me to forget all the experiences that were caused by this dream.

This prayer serves as a petition to the Creator about the situation and about the people who dreamed, and also helps to repel the attacks of evil forces (in case the dream was sent by them) and to maintain peace of mind.

Rituals and conspiracies do not help, fear remained after sleep. What to do?

If, despite the measures taken, anxiety and fear persist after what he saw in a dream, it is worth resorting to the following measures.

Go to church, put one candle "About your health" by the icon of the Mother of God, put the second candle "About the health" of your enemies. At the same time, wish only good things to your enemies (ill-wishers), what you yourself lack. Put the third candle about your health to "All Saints." This action should be done three times with a break of several days.

This ritual can be used not only in connection with bad dreams, but also if a black streak has begun in life.

It is undesirable to tell terrible dreams aloud and interpret, so as not to transfer the events of a dream into reality, because thoughts (especially voiced ones) come true, and negative emotions

To prevent a bad dream from coming true, use rituals and conspiracies (drain, burn, pray) - all measures are good if they help maintain mental balance, the ability to think sensibly, without panic and fear.

But most importantly,

treat your dreams as part of yourself. Do not take them as foreign. In this original way, your subconscious mind (the Power that created you) communicates with you - your closest friend, who knows about you even what you yourself do not know about yourself.

Therefore, do not be afraid of bad dreams, treat them as tips for what aspect in life to pay attention to, where to spread straws to avoid trouble.

Elena Valve for the Sleepy Cantata project.

  • what to do to make a good dream come true.
  • Why dream of a tree in a dream, its crown, roots, branches. What does it mean to plant, cut down, talking, flowering or dead plant, oak, willow, birch and many other options

In the captivity of Morpheus (the god of dreams), when we have a good dream, we do not want to wake up, it is so wonderful to bask in a warm bed, holding the images. Everyone would like the good from a dream to pass into life, and the nightmare disappeared forever.

Today I want to talk to you about bad dreams. You always have to be confident and sincerely believe in what you want, and everything will be exactly like that. If you constantly have the same negative dream, do not be afraid of it, crave to get rid of it and forget it as soon as possible. It is much more important to understand it; for this, be sure to write it down in the Notebook of Dreams. Then analyze it, it is always better to know about the upcoming problems, but think about how to spare yourself the trouble in real life. Let's take a look at simple recommendations that will save you from nightmares and fear of dream fulfillment.

How to get rid of a bad dream so that it doesn't come true?

Washing your face can help you forget a nightmare

When you had a bad dream, do not be alarmed how you woke up, immediately say: "Where is the night, there is a dream." At the open window, repeat the same phrase. Then, without speaking, go to the bathroom, wash your face 3 times with cool running water. To consolidate the result, in order to finally calm down, hold your palms under the current stream from the tap, saying: "Where the night has gone, the dream has gone, as the water has gone, so the trouble has gone." This way will help you do so, This is what what needs to be done to prevent a bad dream from coming true.

So that the nightmare in a dream does not come true, salt will help

Throw in 1 tsp. salt in a glass of water. Stirring with a spoon, say: "As the salt dissolves, so let this dream dissolve." Then through left shoulder pour all the water into the sink.

Prayer for a bad dream not to come true

To a believing person so that a bad dream does not come true, we recommend that you immediately read the prayer, you can in any form, the main thing is that the words come from the very heart. Ask to protect you, get rid of all misfortunes. Cross yourself three times.

Keep your dreams secret

You should never tell a dream. The only person can be a loved one whom you completely trust, who can help you to correctly reveal the meaning of your dream. Who will tell you how to prevent future troubles.

There is an opposite theory that a negative dream needs to be retelled to three confidants, then the dream will surely lose its power and cannot be fulfilled.

By the way, do not forget that all fears and phobias expressed in words are attracted into our lives. If a person is constantly upset, always dissatisfied with his life, often complains, etc., these negative emotions begin to materialize after a while, when we no longer expect them or began to forget.

Church water from nightmares

When you have nightmares, put a container of church water at your head of bed for the whole night. This is a reliable protection against bad dreams, and water tends to absorb information, in this case it will absorb some of the negative energy. Do not forget to pour out the "negative" water in the morning, and cook fresh water at night.

Change the course of the dream script

If you are familiar with dream management, then it will be easy for you to deal with the nightmare. When you understand what frightened you, is dangerous, try to change the course of events, remove the frightened appearance of a person or animal, change it.

For example, I dreamed dirty cat resinous color, when you realized that this is a big problem, do not be afraid, as if the director would make "amendments" to this script. Try to make friends if the cat is angry and scratches. Then feed him, bathe in white paint, let him, after bathing, turn light with a white breast. You can tie a beautiful bow on the cat's neck, put on a dress, let it become tender, soft, etc. This will mean that even in real life you can easily cope with any situation, and turn obstacles in your direction, win a victory when no one expects this from you.

Falling in a dream means fearfulness

If you dreamed about flying into the abyss, this is a sign of trouble or failure. In flight, try to imagine how your wings miraculously appear, and you no longer fall, but soar, like a bird, lightly and freely over this canyon, gorge ... real life you will not only cope with an unpleasant situation or a serious problem, but will see it from a completely different side, help will come to you unexpectedly, like an illumination from heaven.

How to remove a threat in a dream

There is another technique: when you realize that a sign can bring trouble or something frightened, try to destroy it in any way. Feel it vividly, blow it up, let it crumble into small pieces, throw this symbol, the beast, etc. into the abyss. Your task is to remove it before you wake up, bring this terrible image to the last frame.

If you had a disease in a dream

Seeing in a dream the illness of loved ones or your illness, at a time when you are not yet fully awake, try to brightly feel a relative (yourself) absolutely healthy, happy, and vigorous. Also work with any negative dreams.

It is very important to forget a bad dream

When you wake up, do not look for any coincidences with sleep, do not allow fear - this will bring negativity closer, create all the conditions for it to come true. Do not remember the negative, it can enter your life. Try to step back and forget about him as if he never existed.

What you need to do to make a good dream come true

To fulfill a happy dream, try to remember it more often, in vivid details and colors.

No one needs to retell a dream, so that they do not "frighten off" luck with their doubts and envy.

In the morning say: "What I saw in a dream, I took everything for myself." Imagine in your mind an alluring image with all the feelings from the dream, what you want to experience in the near future. A controversial question, should it be interpreted or not so that dreams surely come true?

Sometimes a great dream that gave us so many pleasant emotions, for example, a long sweet kiss with a loved one, in life can mean opposite situations. A kiss, basically, dreams of scandal, separation. How to make a good dream come true - write it down on paper and make a wish.

If you understand with a sixth sense that it is better not to seek the interpretation of a dream, experienced vivid feelings experienced in a dream, that this may well happen in your life, listen to yourself. You need to trust yourself more, your intuition, believe your receptivity. You need to think more often and tune yourself only to positive emotions and feelings, and then the troubles themselves will gradually leave your life forever.

The world of dreams is full of secrets, but interesting and attractive. Sleep has been studied for many years - this is the science of oneirology. All are able to dream, but not many are able to remember it. Negative dreams don't always mean trouble. But suddenly something frightened you in a dream, remember my advice, over time, they will become a habit. You will cease to be afraid and learn to manage dreams: correct and forget the bad ones, and believe and bring them closer to the happy ones.

Peaceful and happy dreams!

There are no deadlocks or issues that cannot be resolved. As a psychologist with my own practice, I can give advice on how to fix the situation. I perform rituals to change the situation.

Thank you for the excellent communication, for the clear explanation of the situation! This man

ek will answer the call for help at any time and tell you what to do. Thank. - Alena, 24 years old to read ...

The Orthodox Church encourages us to pray every morning and every evening, but in our time, rarely does anyone resort to such a way to contact the Almighty. However, praying for bad sleep will surely help you get rid of bad dreams and nightmares. Despite the fact that in the morning, it is quite difficult for a modern person to find time for prayer - you can still find 5 minutes.

Strong prayer for a bad dream so that it does not come true. What prayer to read if you had a bad dream?

Strong prayers for a calm and good sleep

Things are better with this in the evening. Evening prayer will help you get ready for bed, thank all the saints for the past day and ask for a strong healthy sleep... I think there is not a single person who, at least once in his life, did not have a nightmare, after which he would jump up in the middle of the night in cold sweat and with a crazy heartbeat. Try to pray and you will certainly feel better!

Want to find the Prayer you need? Use search ...

Prayer text for bad dreams

The person who often sees terrible dreams or who often sees the same horrifying scenario for him begins to constantly worry and worry.

In order not to enter yourself into such a state, after every bad dream you have, you need to wake up in the morning and talk to yourself with the understanding that this is just a dream that does not matter. And he could only dream because the nervous system was exhausted.

Lord, our God!

If I have sinned today by deed or thinking, as a good lover of mankind, forgive me.

Grant me a serene and peaceful sleep.

Send me your guardian angel, so that he will cover and keep me from all evil.

As you are the Keeper of our souls and bodies, and we send you glory,

Father and Son and Holy Spirit now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Praying to the Lord for a good sleep

In order to cope with anxiety after waking up and stop winding yourself up, it is enough to read a prayer, it will help relieve tension and calm you mentally.

Lord, may Thy Name be holy.

May Thy throne be adorned with human kindness.

Accept the repentant prayer of my soul.

As a rose opens its petals at dawn, so my soul opens up from the touch of Your Divine grace.

God, help to go through the earthly path, bypassing the mud of entanglements.

Help my soul not to drown in ignorance.

Without Your help, I am nothing on this Earth.

Grant peace to my soul and calm the worries that come from the worries of this world.

Grant love and free me from the enemies that have entangled my soul and fill it

By the Light of Your Love.

A simple prayer for nightmares in a dream

For people who are superstitious and who try to decipher every dream with the help of a dream book, a nightmare brings particular concern and, in their opinion, danger. This short but powerful prayer will help you get rid of bad dreams and nightmares!

Lord God bless! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.

I go to sleep, I have a cross seal on me, guardian angels on my sides,

Guardians, Guardians, keep my soul from evening to midnight, from midnight to morning.

Why does a person have bad dreams?

What to do if you had a bad dream? Read the prayer!

The moment when a person does not know the reasons why he has nightmares can become quite unpleasant. Because of this, fear takes root, some generally try to delay the moment of falling asleep as long as possible, so as not to face a recurring bad dream every night. Some feel completely overwhelmed and irritated upon waking up.

  • The first and foremost reason is a person's lifestyle. Those people whose lives are filled with worries, anxieties, stresses and problems most often suffer from nightmares at night.
  • Every creepy dream shows a man his emotional condition... A bad dream, which increasingly began to bother you, is a signal that it is time to restore your mental balance and bring nervous system in order.

How does prayer help with bad dreams?

  • If you pray before bedtime, then at least you can calm yourself mentally. Prayer helps cleanse the head, soul, and calm the nervous system.
  • By praying we get in touch with the Almighty, and the understanding that he hears us always calms us down. But the main thing is to open your soul during prayer. Cut off the flow of strangers and thoughts and focus on dialogue with the Lord or the saint.
  • Prayer may not solve your everyday problems, which you face every day, but what can cleanse you internally and pacify you a little is a fact.
  • Evening prayer is a must in order to safely go and enjoy your night's rest.

Video "Prayer from a Nightmare"

If you have any questions or need help in the current life situation, you can consult with our experts.

So that a terrible dream does not come true

Sometimes a person has terrible dreams, and sometimes just terrible ones. One of my readers wrote to me about how she had a terrible, nightmare several years ago. As if she sees from the shore how her children are drowning, and she is far from them and, moreover, does not know how to swim. Waking up, she told her husband about her dream, but he dismissed her, saying, you never know what dreams do not happen. A day later, they received a call from another city where their children and their neighbors lived and said that they had died while rafting down the river. There were twelve people in the boat and it capsized. The children of my reader were extreme lovers. My reader still suffers at the thought that she did not read the prayer that saved her from the terrible that morning, prophetic dream... In her letter, she asks:

“Dear Natalya Ivanovna, write in your books more safe amulets, as well as prayers and conspiracies from terrible dreams. So that later other mothers do not suffer like me. "

After having a terrible dream, bite yourself on the index finger of your left hand and say:

How the devils run away

From the cross and God's work,

So my dream go away,

Do not destroy my soul, my body.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now, everlastingly, forever and ever.


Next chapter\u003e

What to do if you had a bad dream and you can't forget about the negative emotions you have experienced? We share proven guidelines that will help you stop worrying about a nightmare.

The easiest way not to worry about a bad dream is to forget about it as soon as you lift your head from the pillow. But what if it is not so easy to get rid of negative emotions? We share the proven "recipes" of our wise ancestors.

Folk ways to forget about a bad dream:

  1. Don't tell anyone about your dream. There is a sign: if you share the plot of a nightmare with a friend or someone else, problems cannot be avoided. The dream will either come true, or you bring on another misfortune.
  2. When you wake up, go straight to the bathroom. Turn on the water and speak to the tap: "Where is the water, there is sleep!" This simple conspiracy must be pronounced three times. Then breathe and go to your usual morning routines.
  3. If you have not yet got up, then, without lifting your head from the pillow, look through the window glass and repeat three times: "Where the night goes, there is a dream, after the moon he left, with the rising of the sun he died."
  4. If the previous manipulations did not help and painful emotions continue to haunt you, a ritual with water and salt will help. Salt the water, say a conspiracy over it: "The salt has dissolved like a dream, gone into oblivion." Pour the trapped liquid into the ground, out a window, or flush down the toilet.
  5. If time permits, take a pen and paper, describe the dream in all details. Tell about your negative emotions, throw them all out without a trace. Then burn the paper - the fire will destroy all bad memories.
  6. If nightmares torment you quite often, place a large, heavy stone next to the bed. If a bad dream overtook again, in the morning take a cobblestone in your hand and say: "So that the nightmare hit this stone."

Most importantly, control your thoughts. As soon as you feel that the memories of the experienced nightmare are again covered, with an effort of will, change them to positive affirmations. Try to remember something good and joyful.

Gradually, you will learn to be careful not to allow thoughts of nightmares into your subconscious mind. Then the dreams will only be light and pleasant.

Why do I have nightmares?

The above methods, like a medicine, eliminate only the symptom. If you don't solve the cause of the problem - nightmares, they will come back again and again. Try to determine why horrors are happening to you in the kingdom of Morpheus.

The reasons for bad dreams can be the following:

  • In real life, you are covered with a series of serious problems and troubles. The subconscious mind in a dream releases negative emotions: anxiety, anxiety, fear and fatigue, transforming them into images that disturb the mind. As soon as you solve all the difficulties, the terrible dreams will immediately stop.
  • You are ill, or some kind of chronic illness has worsened. As soon as you recover, the cause will disappear, and your dreams will become pleasant, calm.
  • You are sick, but you do not know about it yet. With the help of dreams, the subconscious sends an alarm signal. Try to remember where the discomfort after nightmares is concentrated in your body. Most likely, the diseased organ is located there.
  • Sometimes you have nightmares if you ate a large meal before bed. The same effect can occur after alcohol, drug use, or strong medications.

Once you eliminate the cause, the nightmares will stop.

When do bad dreams lead to illness?

Even Freud, studying dreams, discovered that they can be a harbinger of disease. The subconscious mind in this way seems to warn a person: there is a problem with health, you need to pay attention.

You should be wary in the following cases:

  1. If in a dream you are running away from some kind of monster, serial killer, maniac, or trying to escape any other threat, you need to check your heart. Such a dream speaks of cardiovascular diseases.
  2. If in a dream you are suffocated, you cannot breathe, or suffer from carbon monoxide poisoning, check your lungs - not everything is okay with them.
  3. If in a dream you see a swamp, rotting corpses of people or animals, you feel a stench and unpleasant odors, this may indicate liver problems.
  4. Dreams in which there is fire: for example, you are trying to escape from a fire, they talk about diseases of the digestive tract.
  5. If in a dream you are lost on dark streets or are looking for a way out of the maze, then in real life you are one step away from depression. Such a dream speaks of deep psychological problems.

Watch a video on what to do if you have a bad dream:

When a bad dream means nothing?

Not all dreams need to be given meaning. Therefore, study the information below to understand when you shouldn't worry about the dreamed horrors.

When a bad dream means absolutely nothing:

  • Dreamed of a waning moon. During this period, lunar energy is aimed at expelling everything superfluous, unpleasant, unnecessary from a person's life. In a dream, your subconscious mind is only freed from the accumulated negative. Be glad that this is not happening in real life, and forget about the nightmare.
  • Sometimes there are nightmares on a full moon. There is no need to attach importance to such dreams either - they are just games of the subconscious, the release of your inner fears, complexes and problems.
  • A dream on the 29th lunar day is empty, it will never come true, although it can be very unpleasant. On a night like this bad dreams visit almost every person, but not everyone remembers them.

Remember the days when your night visions resonate with lunar energy, and try to forget about the nightmare as soon as you wake up. The only thing to worry about is when terrible dreams are repeated over and over again.

Dreams that have been tested by many people and collected from very ancient times. Everything that we see in a dream is the symbols with which the other world communicates with us. The section will be replenished as information accumulates, check back often.

Sleep is not just a movie. This is an astral projection of possible future events. The future is ambiguous. We can choose the option that suits us best. If we saw a warning dream, we can change its events so that this astral projection corresponds to our perception. Replay the situation. In dreams, we are taught to work with thought. Sometimes it can be information from past eras that requires understanding and processing.

Signs for dreams by day of the week

From Sunday to Monday, all sorts of dreams are dreamed, prophetic dreams can be dreamed, and maybe empty ones. From Sunday to Monday they make a dream.

From Monday to Tuesday - empty dreams.

From Tuesday to Wednesday - dreams come true.

From Wednesday to Thursday - empty dreams.

From Thursday to Friday - dreams come true (as a rule, within three years, but they can come true even earlier).

From Friday to Saturday - empty dreams.

From Saturday to Sunday - the dream can come true before lunchtime.

Actions to keep the dream from coming true

The bad dream must be forgotten as soon as possible. To quickly forget the dream, you need:

Take yourself by the crown;

Look out the window;

Look at the "live" fire (stove, bonfire, matches, lighter, etc.);

Knock on the window three times;

In order not to have a bad dream come true, it is necessary to turn the pillow, turn the linen and pillowcase inside out;

A bad dream must be told to as many people as possible, then it will not come true.

Had a bad dream - sit on a bench across the floorboards, and do not forget to grab a tree or iron with the words: “Where the night is, there is a dream. How will a felled tree not stand on a stump, so that a dream does not become true ”;

Open the tap with cold water and say: "Water, take away all my troubles, all my sorrows." Or: "Where there is water, there is a dream."

Charms before bedtime

1. Prayer before bed.

2. Dream Catcher . It must be hung at the head of the bed. The fluffier the thread, the better it will entangle dreams. The dream trap makes good dreams and keeps bad ones in it. The dream trap should be burned after a year of use and a new one should be made. Our dream catchers are perfectly made by our Craftswoman Ruslana.

3. There should be no mirror in the bedroom where you sleep. Because a mirror is a portal to another world. During sleep, the soul leaves the body and travels to other worlds. Through the mirror, it can fall into the dark nav. Hence, there may be states of sleepiness and "squeezed lemon" after sleep.

4. Protection by Reiki techniques for those who are initiated into this practice.

Fortune telling for unmarried girls to sleep

1. On the bed, make a well out of four or eight matches, put a thimble of water in it, put your pillow on top (the well should be under the pillow) and say: "The bridegroom-mummer, come to give the horse a drink."

2. Put a mirror under the pillow and ask: "The betrothed-mummer, come see me and show yourself."

3. Before going to bed, comb and make sure that there is hair left on the comb. Put a comb with hair under the pillow and say: "The bridegroom-mummer, come and scratch the braid."

How to sleep properly

Sleeping position. You need to put something soft and elastic under your feet,so that when you sleep, your heels are on your back,when on the stomach - fingers should also not touch the mattress of the bed.It is also necessary to put it under the back so that the priest is, as it were, in a depression.A small pillow under the head and make a seal under the neck. If these simple rules are followed, we can say that sleep is healthy, the body is rested and has accumulated energy.

Dear friends, I want to say that the interpretation of dreams depends on many factors: on the position of the moon (traditional lunar days of empty dreams, useless for interpretation: 2, 9, 13, 20, 29. Days when the channel of communication between consciousness and subconsciousness is strong - 1, 4 , 7, 12, 14, 16, 18, 22 days of the moon), from sensations in a dream and much more from what. There are dreams and prophetic ones. This is me so that, having seen a wedding in a dream, you do not rush to read the interpretation here and think that this is to death. Here are the basic archetypes. There can be several interpretations and they can be individual. So please exercise your sanity.

Interpretation of symbols in a dream


Stork - present; to pregnancy.

Watermelon - There are watermelons in a dream - to pregnancy. Stealing watermelons means pregnancy.


Butterfly - bye.

White horse, horse - one of the interpretations is deception. It makes sense to consider only in combination with other features.

Beans (beans), peas - to tears. BUT: there are beans or peas in a dream - for a woman for pregnancy, for a man for prosperity, profit.

Underwear - To wash clothes - to illness, especially bloody.

Pancakes - memorial food. For the commemoration. Perhaps the deceased is asking for a funeral feast on him.


Bucket, buckets - A woman with buckets - to profit, especially if the buckets are full, but with empty buckets - good.

Wind, whirlwind - to unpleasant news, tears.

Water. Water is a problem. It is bad to swim across the river. Swimming in dirty water is a disease.

Wolf - to an intimate friend, husband. A pack of wolves - for the wedding. If a girl ate a wolf, and she goes with him and is not afraid, she will soon marry, and if she is afraid, then the marriage will be unwanted. If a guy dreams of a wolf, and he is not afraid of her, then he will marry soon.

Hair - Hair cutting, hair loss, hair shorter than it actually is, baldness (if in fact it is not) - to illness, loss, trouble (on the contrary, long thick hair dream of profit). Long thick hair, combing hair in a dream portends a profit.

Lice - wealth.

Choice - If in a dream there is a choice, to go to the right or to the left, and a person chooses the latter, then troubles and temptations await him.


Naked man - to illness (rarely - to death), to parting. It is bad to undress in a dream.

Peas - to tears.

Buckwheat in a dream to see (sort out cereals, buy, cook, eat) - good, to wealth.

Mushrooms - you will mushroom. That is, mushrooms dream of illness, feeling unwell, sleep can mean aging, just a bad state, for example, you will look bad.

Thunderstorm, thunder - to the guests.

Garden beds , making ridges, digging the ground, planting something, collecting, digging potatoes - to death. BUT: If you dream that you are collecting something in a hem, especially cucumbers - to an obsessive boyfriend (someone will harass).

Pear - to tears.

Geeseto trouble.


Two faces, mirror - if one person dreams at the same time in two persons, then such a dream portends a sharp bad change in the state of this person: death, serious illness, evil eye, slander, love spell, family breakup, unwanted move against will, prison, etc. It is also bad to consider your own photographs - any duality in a dream is dangerous, because at this time the soul is divided.

Door, open doors - for the wedding.

Money - Copper, silver, gold money - to tears. Counting small metal money is a loss. It is small metal money that dreams of tears. Paper - to profit.

Wood - to pregnancy. Heralds pregnancy, transplanting a tree in a dream or growing it, especially from a closed volume.

Children - To see a boy in a dream - to profit, a girl - to an unexpected event. Small children are good news.

Rain - Heavy rain in a dream - good, to prosperity.

House , a freshly cut hut, a felled log, a fresh blockhouse turned to the dreamer - a harbinger of death, and the death of the dreamer.

Road - for the wedding.

Woodpecker - especially the black, hollowing corner of the house, - to the deceased in this house.

Jewelry, ornaments, gold - to tears.

Fight if they beat you in a dream, someone will "beat you" to an intimate friend.

Smoke - warning, danger.


Christmas tree. Dreaming is not so much about death as it denotes the path in general and the path to the next world. Spruce is a tree in itself in itself a symbol of the Navi world.


Toad - a good move, profit.

Pearl - to tears.


Sunset , the setting sun - to the deceased.

Hare, especially white, - to the deceased (for men). BUT: if a pregnant woman catches a hare in a dream, then she will give birth to a boy, if a hare, then a girl.

Stars - fulfillment of desires.

Snake - to her husband, to love. A snake bite - to pregnancy.

Teethfalling out teeth. With blood - to the death of blood relatives.


Icons - to suffering, humility.

Excreta - Human feces dream of money.


Cemetery , graves, grave crosses, memorial candles, memorial food, etc. can directly predict someone's death.

Key, lock, open the lock with a key - 1 - to an intimate friend. 2 - way out of the situation.

Goat, bull, calf - to an intimate friend, husband.

Well to see in a dream - to the deceased.

Cow - to swearing, quarrel, tears.

Cat - to treason, betrayal. BUT: if a cat lives in your house, and you dreamed about it, this dream means nothing, unless, of course, it is accompanied by other signs.

The bed is empty - to the deceased.

Blood - To see blood in a dream - to a meeting with blood relatives.

Rats, mice - dream of a loss.

A hen - One chicken dreams of a pregnant woman for the birth of a girl. A lot of chickens - to tears, losses.


Forest - another world. Walking through the forest is a transition to the world of Navi.

Fly in a dream - to spiritual growth.

Linen dreams of tears, if linen and in general any piece of fabric - then to the road.

Stairs - upward ascent - spiritual growth; rise in the career. Down - a stop in development, degradation, losses.

Horse - lies, deception. White horse - to the dead.

Onion - to tears.

Frog - Toad, frog - a good move, profit.


Oil - vegetable oil - for a sick person - for recovery.

Honey - to trouble.

Month - if a girl dreams of a month, especially a young one, then she will soon have a “man for a couple”.

Bear - to marriage, an intimate friend.

Milk - to profit.

Monks, priests - to trouble. If a priest is dreaming, then this evil can take on his appearance.

Flies, bees, swarm of bees ... If a bee stings in a dream - to the deceased.

Mouse - to pregnancy.

Meat, especially raw, beaten cattle - to disease.


Manure, carry manure - to the deceased. BUT: it can also dream of profit, wealth (a dream must be judged by the combination of signs and the dreamer's feeling). Human feces always dream of profit.

Threadwinding on a ball - to the disease.

Nails - cut nails in a dream -to loss, illness, trouble. Long nails -to profit.


Shoes, boots, shoes (in pair) - to meet your pair. Losing your shoes means divorce.

Sheeps - a flock of sheep - to the guests.

White loose clothing - a harbinger of death or illness.

Dress in a dream - good, health, profit.

Nuts - to tears. BUT: there are nuts in a dream - a woman for pregnancy, a man for prosperity.


Moving to new house - to change the dimensionality of bodies usually.

Sing, dance in your sleep - to tears.

Sand , yellow or white. Especially viscous, on which it is difficult to walk - to the deceased.

Oven dreams of sadness.

Basement - look for the reasons for the events in the past.

Sweep and, especially, to wash the floors - to the deceased. Here you need to pay attention to who and where washes the floors.

Deceased - if a person is taken away (taken away, taken away with him) by the deceased. Dreaming of the death of the one who is being taken away.

Field with ears - wealth, prosperity, fulfillment of desires.

Get something in a dream - to profit, fulfillment of desire.

Tomatoes - there are tomatoes in a dream, watermelons - for pregnancy. Stealing watermelons means pregnancy.

Dishes for kneading dough, especially wooden - to wealth.

Losing anything ... Loss of a body part - often dreams of a loss. But not always.

The funeral - for the wedding.

Fall into a hole, underground ... The underground is a symbol of Navi's peace. If this happened to the dreamer himself, then it is possible - to illness, loss.

Bird - to the birth of a girl. The chirping of a bird is good news.


Destruction parts of the house, walls, ceiling, stoves - to a change in the dimensionality of bodies.

River - the border between the worlds. But: it can still be the river of Life.

Childbirth - If in a dream the animal gives birth - to profit, to a woman - to pregnancy, childbirth. To give birth to a boy is a matter, an enterprise. Girl - to receive a gift, surprise.

Chop wood, firewood, sawing, cutting boards, building a wooden house, timber rafting, felling, wood shavings, etc. - any work with wood, any tree felled by a person - to the deceased.

A fish, especially dead, sleepy, fish meat - may dream of illness, eating fish meat - to pregnancy, live fish may dream of pregnancy. There is fish - for pregnancy. Fishing in clean water is a sign of pregnancy. If in a dream you eat loach, perch, bream, then a boy will be born, if a pike, salmon, etc., then a girl.


Plane - love.

Wedding , wedding train, wedding (symbolic: "To marry damp earth") - usually older women dream about death or the deceased. Very rarely valid for girls.

Sow - If a girl sees herself sowing, she will soon marry, and the guy will marry. And the family will be big.

Hay - bye.

Death of manto his longevity, health, perhaps - to the wedding. If a sick person dies in a dream, he will recover.

Dog - to an intimate friend, especially a redhead.

Collect anything in the hem, especially cucumbers - to the obsessive boyfriend.

The sun rises - well. To success, luck, profit.

Salt - to trouble, loss, quarrels.

Quarrel in a dream - a love meeting or good news.

Handbags - burden, difficulties, trials.


Grass, especially viscous, braiding the legs - the journey of the soul in a dream across the other world; to the deceased. Green grass, green meadow (can simply serve as a sign that the dreamer's soul enters the other world). To mow the grass - to her husband, an intimate friend.


Coal - at a loss, especially coal heaps.

Dead - if the dead are dreaming, most often this means that you need to conduct the correct funeral rite on them. The correct rite is when the deceased is taken to another world, and the living were able to let him go and everyone is happy, and relatives are not grief-stricken.

Duck - to the birth of a girl (a lot of birds - at a loss).

Human care ... If you call a person, but he does not hear, you search, and you cannot find - to his death. If a person goes on a boat (ship) the same thing.


Beans - to tears


Grain fields, many ears, reaping - to profit, prosperity. Rye bread - to a loss, a heavy share. White bread - to profit, prosperity. These dream symbols can only be correctly interpreted in combination with other signs, in the context of the entire dream.

Hill, mountain ... If a person leaves the dreamer uphill or downhill - to his death.


Flowers, especially white ones - a girl can also dream of her betrothed. If a girl dreams that she is picking flowers, then this is good, portends a love meeting.

Kiss, hug - to say goodbye to those with whom they did it in a dream.

Church, icons, cross - to suffering, patience, prison. This is for those who are baptized. Christian paraphernalia in a dream is, in general, a symbol of suffering, because such is the vibration of this religion. Those who are not baptized, as a rule, do not have such dreams. If a person is in prison, then such dreams portend the will. However, if there is a dream-fading, when the dreamer's soul visits the other world, then the church may just be a sign of the sacred space. If the icon in a dream talks to the dreamer, then this is a dream-vision that does not portend anything except what the icon said. If in a dream the icon cries or exudes myrrh, oil, blood, but does not say anything, then this portends suffering and serves as a blessing for longsuffering or repentance.

Gypsies - to deception, loss.


Man in white, black clothes - to his death (possibly illness). If the person is unfamiliar, then it may be a vision of a saint, an angel, an unclean person, death.


Apples - to tears.

Berries... Especially black ones (blueberries, black currants, etc.) - to tears. But even red ones (lingonberries, cranberries, strawberries, etc.) are not good.

Eggs - there will be a kind guest (someone will appear). BUT: crushed, broken, spoiled eggs portend troubles and losses in a dream. Broken, crushed eggs - at a loss.

Pit - to fall into a hole, under the floor - to illness; worries from the past.

So that the dream does not come true, according to the signs, you need to tell as many people as possible about it before dinner, in order to clear all memories of it. Of course, in this case, you should try not to harm those who will listen to these stories, and first ask the person if he is not too impressionable for such a conversation.

In the event that there is no desire or opportunity to tell friends, for example, if there are too personal experiences in a dream, then you can tell it to fire, water or write on paper. You can tell a bad dream right under the morning shower, while being firmly convinced that the water carries away all the words and the threat that the dream carried. It is more difficult to tell the fire and burn the dream in this way in an urban setting, but you can try to do it using a candle. If these methods do not bring the desired relief, you can write the entire dream in detail on paper, and then burn the sheet or tear it into small pieces and flush it in the toilet. This technique is recommended by many, and it is suitable not only for bad dreams, but for almost any experience that comes to mind too often. Sometimes this procedure has to be repeated several times, but more than three is not recommended, as this indicates that the procedure is generally ineffective and it is better to try something else than to waste time on it.

There is that in order to get rid of a terrible dream and the threat that this dream is prophetic, you need to immediately take off the bed linen after waking up and send it to the wash, and ventilate the mattress, blanket and pillows outside, preferably in the sun. This should also be done before lunch.

You can hang dreams over the bed, made according to all the rules. There are conflicting opinions about the work of this amulet - some Indian tribes believed that bad dreams got stuck in it, and good dreams would be removed at this time, while others argued that the opposite was true - the catcher leaves good dreams for himself in order to show the owner, and the bad ones fly by.

The cause of bad dreams and its elimination

Bad dreams come to a person when his subconscious mind wants to tell him about something. If a nightmare repeats over and over again, it is worth analyzing it, working with your fears and, if possible, eliminating them. If the life situation does not allow this, you need to remember a few things for yourself. Dreams caused by negative events in life will not come true if there is a chance to change life for the better.

Being afraid of such dreams and feeling bad after them is a completely natural reaction. You need to believe in the best and at the same time use any of the above manipulations, without thinking that it is not serious if they help. The confident who knows how to quickly forget his nightmare will see them less often. It is impossible to treat constant nightmares lightly - they can cause serious nervous diseases if you do not learn to deal with their consequences.

Dreams are the experience of the events that happened during the day. These are worries obsessive thoughtsmaterializing as nightmares. If you want to see a pleasant dream again and again, then nightmares cause genuine fear even after waking up. At such moments, dream books come to the rescue, but even they are not able to give an answer, how to help bring good visions to life and what to do so that the dream does not come true.

It is not uncommon for people to have a similar nightmare. There is something frightening and ominous about him trying to harm a person. Attempts to escape do not lead to results, the legs seem to be filled with lead. The voice seems to have disappeared, and all efforts to wake up end in failure.

Here are the main methods that can reduce and prevent the effects of nightmares on a person:

  • Panic only increases fear and the urge to think appropriately. Therefore, the main rule of getting rid of his remnants is to stop panicking. Worry about a nightmare pushes a person to desire a large number of people. It is extremely bad thoughtAs the masters of esoteric teachings say: "What is spoken aloud gains strength and returns to a person in the form of events." Hence the conclusion: in order not to increase the nightmare, it should be kept secret. To completely remove anxiety will help people's council after waking up, whisper the words: "Where the night is - there is sleep." They are recited three times. The same words are spoken through the ajar window. Washing will help to consolidate the result (3 times). Water will completely wash away the remnants of a bad dream.
  • Salt is not only a seasoning in the kitchen of any housewife, but also a powerful tool that can cleanse and protect a person. It is usually used in magical rituals. She will also help in the fight against nightmares. For this, a small amount of salt is stirred in a glass of water. At the same time, words are spoken mentally, for example: "How quickly salt dissolves in water, bad sleep is also quickly forgotten." The words may be different. Then the liquid is poured into the sink over the left shoulder.
  • Prayer can help banish nightmares. True believers resort to reading Our Father, then they are baptized three times. For someone who does not remember prayers by heart, the usual whispering with a request for help is suitable. The order of the spoken words is arbitrary. It is important to remember that everything said must come from the heart.
  • Few dispute the power of charged water. Believers take it to church, others give water the power of intention on their own. Both options are effective. Before going to bed, charged water is poured into a container (if possible in a glass one) and placed at the head of the bed. This method will save a person from the influence of a nightmare, because water perfectly absorbs energy, in this case - negative. In the morning, the liquid is poured, preferably away from home. This method can be used daily if necessary.

For those who do not believe in the existence of God, there is a way. For him, water is also used, only running. If a nightmare made me jump up in the middle of the night you just need to wash your face with cool water... It is not worth wiping off excess liquid from hands and face, let the water dry on its own.

Action control

This term is commonly used by masters and is called mindfulness. In other words, when going to visit Morpheus, a person is fully aware of himself in a dream. This practice helps everyone to travel the world of dreams, create images of interest to a person and prevent nightmares.

What should be done to prevent the dream from coming true, and how does it work? The next time you see a terrible nightmare, you should try to become its director. For example, a person in a dream was surrounded by a flock of predatory animals ready to tear him apart; instead of playing a victim, he takes on the role of a brave hero. The scenarios for the development of further events may be different, the main thing is not to drive yourself into the framework of a nightmare. It takes years to develop the ability to be aware of yourself in a dream, but if you start now, it will be easier to control them.

Remains of bad sleep will be chased away by the fire ritual.

For this you need:

  • Immediately after waking up, write down the dream on paper in all details.
  • Then burn the leaf.
  • Dispel the ashes, together with it thoughts of a nightmare will leave the head.

The method helps to bring the heartbeat back to normal, eliminating the dreamed horror.

There is another ritual, its purpose is to clear the room of negativity before diving into the kingdom of Morpheus. To do this, use the flame of a white candle. With her, the owner walks the room clockwise, paying special attention to the corners, mirrors (if any), the doorway and the head of the bed. When conducting a ritual, one should concentrate on its purpose. It is possible and necessary to pronounce words of protection during the ritual. Upon completion, the candle should burn out completely.

Amulets and rituals

At present, amulets called dream catchers are gaining popularity. Such attributes were made by the Indians of North America. Willow twigs were taken, from which the base was made in the form of a circle. The middle of the circle was woven from reindeer veins and resembled a spider's web, it was she, according to the shamans, who delayed bad dreams. After the amulet was decorated with beads made of wood, stone, and feathers. It is believed that if you hang such a talisman at the head of a sleeping person, it will catch nightmares like a spider web, giving its owner a restful sleep.

A nightmare can be neutralized by turning the bedding inside out on awakening. This method will prevent sleep from returning.

A ritual with a mirror will help prevent the nightmare. Every day before going to bed, you need to create a kind of protective magic circle around the bed. A small mirror is used for this. In advance, you should take the time to write a conspiracy. This can be any poetic message to higher powers with a request for protection and strengthening of the ritual.

If the poems do not fit on paper, you can get by with words in prose, not forgetting to put the power of your intention into them. A conspiracy is read at the head of the bed, while the person conducting the ceremony revolves around himself three times clockwise. You need to look exactly in the mirror, in which, as you rotate, all the walls of the room should be visible. After completing the ritual, you can safely go to bed.

Knowledgeable people use herbal preparations for nightmares. For example, dried St. John's wort will protect you from bad dreams if you put it under your mattress. Dried verbena is designed to deter evil spirits... Usually it is laid out in bags and hung indoors. ... Before diving into the kingdom of Morpheus, words of protection are pronounced, as if activating the power of vervain. Another way is to set fire to the grass by going around the entire room. Fumigation will help get rid of negativity. However, this method is best used in private homes so that the dream does not come true.

Correcting the world of Morpheus

This method is similar to control. To master it fully, you need to train. The difference is that dream control over time completely deprives a person of nightmares. And the adjustment helps rewrite the nightmare scenario. For example, there are people who are afraid of a black cat that has crossed the road, you can change this by imagining yourself as an artist painting a cat in white color... This will allow you to neutralize the bad omen and not worry that it will come true.

Fear also causes falling from a height, however, imagining wings behind his back, a person will avoid falling. In real life, such a vision speaks of avoiding many problems. Events, images that frighten a person must be ruthlessly destroyed. It is enough to imagine yourself as the master of the situation, to change the negative outcome to a positive one.

The most common method is drink before going to bed, a glass of warm milk with honey... This mixture allows you to fall asleep faster, has a calming effect and, as a result, prevents nightmares.

For those who do not like this combination, tea made from chamomile, lemon balm, mint will help. In extreme cases, you can drink valerian.

Good sleep performance

You will need to remember a good dream more often in all the smallest details. It's not worth telling it, luck is a capricious lady, you can frighten her off. But you can write down a good dream; this is done to enhance positive emotions from what you see. Plus, don't underestimate visualization. The power of thought and the law of attraction are always on the side of people.

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