Self-training for depression: simple tips for women to relax and manage emotions. Self-training - self-therapy for depression Autogenic training can help with depression

Panic attack- this is an outbreak of unreasonable fears and experiences, which is accompanied by all sorts of bodily and mental indicators. They are manifested in mental and behavioral activity.

Although it is believed that a panic attack is a consequence of dysfunction nervous systemdo not be afraid. In such a situation, it may be completely healthy man... The reason may be a certain life situation or increased mental and mental work. People don't know how to relax and calm down in a stressful situation. Many doctors recommend using auto-training for panic attacksoh.

Signs of a panic attack

To generate correct treatment it is necessary to determine how severe the panic disorder is. Such an attack may occur due to a real danger to human life. Sometimes an invented reason arises, which is formed on a subconscious level.

Important! If you do not seek help from specialists in time, such a disorder can develop into a chronic form, or lead to mental illness.

When the right treatment is selected, there is an opportunity to completely recover. To reduce or completely remove the signs of an attack, it is necessary to help the person resume control of their own psyche.

Symptoms for this ailment are similar to those that appear during a heart attack. But this does not mean that the patient has heart problems. Often the consequence of a panic attack is a malfunction of the nervous system and the brain.

A characteristic feature of such a disease is an outbreak of causeless fear, which can manifest itself in the form of such bodily signs:

  • Tachycardia (increased heart rate);
  • Increased sweating;
  • Tremors in muscles, cold sensations;
  • A short-term feeling of heat;
  • Physical or dystonic tremors;
  • Difficulty breathing, feeling of lack of air;
  • Choking attacks;
  • Pain in the abdomen with irradiation in the left half of the sternum;
  • Stool disorders;
  • Attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • Frequent urination
  • Feeling of the presence of a "lump" in the throat;
  • Numbness and tingling in the hands and feet;
  • Disturbed gait;
  • Hearing and vision impairment;
  • Dizziness, conditions close to fainting;
  • High blood pressure.

In some cases, this ailment is accompanied by behavioral disorders, which are manifested by the following signs:

  • Feeling of loss of reality;
  • Detachment from personal mental functions;
  • Inability to think clearly;
  • Fear of losing control over their own actions;
  • Fear of dying;
  • Sleep dysfunction.

Attention! If you experience the above symptoms, it is better to seek medical help. Depending on the severity of the disorder, it will be prescribed drug treatment or simply using auto-training when a panic attack occurs.

The origin of auto-training

Such treatment of some disorders in the work of the nervous system, as auto-training, appeared in the thirties of the twentieth century. The author of this technique is a well-known psychologist and psychotherapist from Germany, Johann Schultz. He suggested a way as a treatment psychological disorders in 1932. Later, on the basis of his methods, various methods were developed to improve the qualities of the human psyche and physical functions.

What is treated with auto-training?

For a fairly long period of use different types auto-training from attacks turned out to determine that this method of treatment does not give positive effects, and in some cases can lead to negative results in diseases such as: hysteria, psychasthenia, hypochondriasis syndrome, obsessive-compulsive malaise.

While a positive effect can be observed in the treatment of panic attacks by auto-training in patients with such diseases as: neurasthenia, psychosomatic illness, depression, emotional stress.

With the help of auto-training, nervous disorders are treated, but only in the absence of a crisis. For example, when a patient has a panic attack, then doing auto-training will help to get away from it. With an exacerbation, the patient should sit quietly and try not to think about anything.

Also, auto-training for fear with a positive effect is used to treat disorders such as:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • the initial stage of hypertension;
  • dyspnea;
  • angina pectoris and tachycardia;
  • a small positive result can be seen in the treatment of stomach ulcers.

Attention! Mainly, with the help of auto-training, psychosomatic disorders are still treated. VSD treatment this method must be performed all the time, except for the moments of manifestation of crises.

It is worth noting that before embarking on auto-training treatment, it is necessary to understand the real reason for the appearance of a panic attack. For example, if you mean severe depression, then this method is unlikely to help. For the treatment to give positive effect, the patient should not be in strong irritation, he needs to relax and be interested in what he hears from the doctor, and not argue with him.

If you are confident that you are capable of this, then you have autogenous depression in mild form... In this case, the auto-training technique will really help. People who actually suffer from such disorders simply do not know how to relax and listen to a specialist, so auto-training will not help them.

Important! You should not apply trainings for fears associated with a violation of your own health. If a person has got it into his head that he is sick, for example, oncological disease or AIDS, it is difficult to convince him otherwise. As a result, the use of auto-training for such a panic attack is completely meaningless.

Is auto-training necessary for a panic attack?

Anxiety disorders are not abnormal. Sometimes our psyche is not ready for overstrain. In this case, emotions, thoughts, feelings are blocked in the brain, and everything accumulated is manifested as signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia. You can call this condition a panic attack. With a similar deviation in the functioning of the nervous system human body overextended all the time. Muscles are toned, the brain is actively functioning, adrenaline goes beyond the normal range.

A person is looking for a way out of this situation, and first of all he takes sedatives (which corresponds to the recommendations of specialists). However, panic attacks are returning.

After some time, the patient still finds out that there is autogenous training (in other words, auto-training) and that it can be used in the treatment of panic attack. When using auto-training, the patient learns to control his own nervous system and feelings, which is important for knowing his inner state, and as a result, to protect against panic attacks.

Auto-training action

When the panic attack has passed, auto-training helps to calm down due to the effects of the relaxing effect and self-hypnosis. You learn relaxation and tranquility at home and then use these skills as needed. However, just relaxing is not enough. You must learn to command your own brain to calm down.

However, if feelings go beyond the norm, such commands get into the subconscious with difficulty, as an agitated brain tries to find a method to deal with a contrived danger. In other words, you are giving the brain a command to calm down, and this does not work, because subconsciously you believe that you are in danger. Especially when you have had repeated panic attacks, and fighting phobias and managing your own condition have become an integral part of life.

When performing some specialized auto-training tasks for neuroses, it is possible to remove the unconscious defense that prevents the cure from panic attack outbreaks. The patient falls into a mild or moderate trance state, due to which such positive attitudes as “I'm fine,” “nothing bothers me,” etc. the opportunity is given to reach out to the subconscious.

Once you master the skills of auto-training for panic attacks, you will be able to:

  • Relieve nervous tension;
  • Get approaches to mental potentials;
  • Be psychologically prepared for likely stressful situations;
  • Control your own feelings (even with panic attacks);
  • Engage in self-hypnosis of what is required to bring the state back to normal.

The trance state is beneficial. Every 1.5-2 hours a person has an involuntary trance, at this moment in the brain all the information received, so to speak, is "laid out" on the shelves. This effect can be observed when you think about it and do not notice that a lot of time has passed. A feeling of lightness comes, as if a stone fell from the soul. It is in the trance state that the influence of command words on the subconscious is carried out. Only in this case will the command to calm down work.


If you periodically engage in auto-training for panic disorders, over time, the block is removed from psychological dead ends in the subconscious.

With due attention, the human consciousness is able to heal itself on its own:

  • The use of relaxation will help reduce the signals of the receptive nervous system;
  • You get access to your own capabilities, which will give you strength;
  • Thanks to commands and attitudes, behavioral characteristics change.

Having once experienced the effects of auto-training, you will get an important, memorable skill. In the future, this experience lives on at the level of reflexes.

How often can training be applied?

Self-training can be used at any time and countless times. If you approach this treatment with persistence, you will develop the skill to control your feelings, behavior, and mood. The more often you practice, the more experience. During the crescent, you will notice a decrease in anxiety. This is a big plus in problem solving.

When adding insomnia to panic attacks, use auto-training at night. Also do auto-training during your lunch break to recuperate.

Exercise is best done while lying down. If this is not possible, use a chair. Sit down more comfortably, tilt your head and put your arms, stretch your legs forward. You can close your eyes.

When you relax your muscles, you concentrate on certain feelings. This leads, in a way, to hypnosis. At this point, you are giving the subconscious a command aimed at calming and certainty. This is the basis of auto-training. A special text is read to calm the nervous system.

In this regard, the following stages of auto-training under stress are distinguished:

  1. Relaxation.
  2. Self-hypnosis.
  3. Coming out of the trance state.

You can download various video tutorials that will allow you to master the basics of auto-training. You can add manual energy recharge breathing exercise to your activities.


Not only people with a disease of the nervous system are susceptible to panic attacks, but also those who simply find themselves in a difficult life situation. A psychiatrist or psychotherapist can help in teaching the use of such a method as auto-training in the treatment of panic attacks.

This treatment has many advantages: you can control your own subconscious mind in stressful situations and learn to manage your feelings when needed. Self-training for relieving anxiety and stress is recommended by psychotherapists, since it is harmless and has good results.

The world itself is neutral. Each person chooses colors in order to color it. How can one learn to choose the colors of the sun, joy, life? How to recolor the already established picture of the world in dark colors? The latter is called depression.


Auto-training comes to the rescue - the process of drawing your own picture of life through self-hypnosis.

Self-training in scientific circles is called psychic self-regulation - psycho-coding of a person. The process of auto-training or autogenic training takes place by immersion in a special state close to trance, due to which a change in the state of consciousness occurs. Against the background of mental changes in consciousness, the necessary settings are introduced. The process of autogenous training is comparable to this everyday picture: fresh asphalt was laid in your yard. He, in essence, should be solid (normal state of consciousness), but while he is in a mushy state, since he is put in a hot state, that is, changed (altered state of consciousness). At this moment, you can leave footprints on the asphalt, lay out a pattern of pebbles (the process of entering the necessary psychological formulas), when the asphalt hardens, it will keep both the trace and the pattern unchanged (the result of auto-training). Thanks to this analogy, you can better understand the process of action of auto-training.

Two stages of self-hypnosis.

In auto-training for depression, two stages can be distinguished: muscle relaxation and the introduction of the necessary settings.

First step:

Muscle relaxation should begin by relaxing the toes, going up to the head. Pay special attention to the neck and facial muscles. It is in these parts that the clamping takes place. Suggest to yourself that your body is getting heavy, getting warm. For example: “My right hand is getting heavy. My left arm is getting heavy. My arms are heavy and relaxed. I feel warmth in my right hand ... "and so on. It is clear that the first time you will not be able to relax as much as possible, but with constant training you will achieve significant results.

Second phase:

After achieving muscle relaxation, you can start suggestions. When pronouncing verbal formulas, use words without the "not" particle (replace "I am not sick" with "I am healthy"). Speak positive attitudes slowly, in a calm, confident voice. In case of depression, use the following formulas: “I am attuning myself to cheerful, creative energy”, “I am filled with joy, self-confidence”, “I have a desire and opportunity to achieve my goals.”

Self-training for depression, according to many doctors, can significantly improve the condition.

Self-training is a psychotherapeutic technique that you can practice on your own. This method of treatment is effective for different forms depression, in which there is a decrease in the emotional background, depression, sadness, a tendency to suicidal thinking. Self-training for depression, in combination with other methods of treatment, can significantly reduce the manifestations of psychosomatic disorders and instill a positive attitude in a person. Before proceeding with the auto-training exercises, you should consult a specialist who will acquaint you with the main nuances of the method and, after the examination, will be able to assess the feasibility of using such therapy.

Specificity of treatment

With the development of depression in the human body, neurochemical reactions occur, caused by a loss of mental balance. The main task of auto-training is normalization mental state, as a result of which it will be possible not only to stop the processes of destabilization, but also to reverse them.

Self-training for depression has an effect on the brain, similar to hypnosis. The only difference is that hypnosis requires help. qualified specialist, and the auto-training is performed by the patient himself and with his active participation.

The principle of such hypnotic treatment is based on the repeated pronunciation of certain phrases - a psychological attitude, which will subsequently be subject to the formed thought processes.

Auto-training rules

An effective treatment result is possible only on condition of complete immersion in a trance, in which verbal constructions take the form of an order for the person. If the auto-training exercises are performed correctly, then the patient undergoes personal changes, he acquires positive emotions and begins to perceive life with a positive attitude.

The classic Schultz technique

Auto-training according to the Schultz method includes 2 stages:

  1. Relaxation.
  2. Going into a trance state.

To achieve relaxation, a person suffering from depression needs to relax all muscles, feel the heaviness of the body and the spreading heat, establish control over the rhythm of the heartbeat and breathing. To achieve complete relaxation, you should take a comfortable position, sitting or lying.

At the first stage, it is required to pronounce mental formulas that contribute to complete relaxation. After the heaviness in the body and the spreading heat begin to be felt, you need to start vocalizing mental commands aimed at eliminating depressive manifestations thinking. All spoken phrases must carry a firm conviction of complete well-being. Words can be chosen independently, the main thing is that they had a positive meaning and they contributed to an increase in self-confidence.

Self-training for depression helps to get rid of the signs of disorder for everyone, without exception. Everyone is able to choose for themselves an effective option for self-hypnosis. Success depends primarily on the persistence of the patient and the regularity of the exercise. It is recommended to conduct auto-training every day, in the evening or lunchtime.

There is an opinion that depression is one of the diseases that there is no way to get out of depression on your own. But, fortunately, this opinion is just a delusion, the conclusions of insufficiently educated people. Currently, with the right treatment, and even independently, you can get out of a state of depression.

How to get rid of depression? How to deal with depression? How to get out of depression on your own? These and many other questions concern relatives and loved ones, and themselves suffering from depression. Let's figure out what can be done for this.

Research carried out by specialists in the field of social psychology shows that if we are mostly surrounded by pessimistic people, then the likelihood that we will become pessimists is quite high.

When you feel sad and dull, you want to communicate with the same sad people. But you need to overcome this feeling and try to surround yourself with optimistic people who quickly restore mental strength, so that you yourself have a desire to recover and return to normal life. To achieve this, you need to meet and communicate with people who make your life better and happier at least once a week. It will be difficult at first, but it is necessary. It is worth remembering that emotions have the function of "contagion", and it is useful to experience positive emotions.

Depression has the property of hobbies and activities that were previously enjoyable. In order to overcome this, it is necessary to continue to do what brought joy. At first, the hobby may not bring satisfaction, but you need to try to imitate the joy and pleasure, and soon the joy of what you love will be true.

Step 2: autogenous training

These include:

There are also foods to skip for depression. These include alcohol and excess caffeine consumption, which dramatically increase glucose levels, which in turn can lead to mood swings.

The most important step

And finally, the most important step in the treatment of depression, which has no number, since it is the most important one - psychotherapy and.

In order for the treatment of depression to be effective enough, individually, depending on the needs of the patient, he selects various methods of psychotherapy - these include behavioral psychotherapy, cognitive psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, etc.

In the treatment of depression, interpersonal therapy is also considered to be the most effective psychotherapeutic methods, since they are capable of reducing the risk of relapse for a sufficiently long period of time and can be used both on an outpatient basis and in a hospital.

These psychotherapeutic methods are aimed at finding solutions and mobilizing the resources of the person suffering from depression, and not at finding the causes and conflicts. Thoughts, feelings, actions of a person have a close connection and have a definite effect on the activity of organs and body.

For example, negative thoughts further increase the depressed mood. Any deviations in social contacts caused by bad feeling, further exacerbate painful thoughts. This, in turn, causes stress, which further exacerbates the situation. Treatment with psychotherapy can break this vicious circle.

Please note: All of the above steps must be combined with depression treatment! Self-treatment a disease as complex as depression can be dangerous. Be sure to seek help from a psychotherapist!

Depression can also be treated with medication, i.e. a psychotherapist or psychiatrist, if necessary, can prescribe antidepressants, the choice of which will depend on the patient's symptoms. We hope we have given a comprehensive answer to the question of how to get out of depression on your own.

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