Treatment with antidepressants when depressed. The use of antidepressants in the treatment of WDR many people drink antidepressants

Antidepressants are drugs with activity in relation to depressive states. Depression is a mental disorder, characterized by a decrease in mood, weakening motor activities, intellectual scarcity, an erroneous assessment of its "I" in the surrounding reality, somateventive violations.

The most likely cause of depression is the biochemical theory, according to which there is a decrease in the level of neurotransmitters - biogenic substances in the brain, as well as the reduced sensitivity of receptors to these substances.

All drugs of this group are divided into several classes, but now - about history.

History of opening antidepressants

Since ancient times, humanity approached the issue of treating depression with various theories and hypotheses. Ancient Rome It was famous for his ancient Greek Stamar, named Searan Efesse, who offered for the treatment of mental disorders, and depression, including salts of lithium.

In the course of scientific and medical progress, some scientists resorted to a number of substances that applied against war with depression - ranging from cannabis, opium and barbiturates ending with amphetamine. The last one, however, was used in the treatment of apathetic and sluggish depressions, which were accompanied by a stupor and food failure.

The first antidepressant was synthesized in the laboratories of GEIGY in 1948. This preparation has become. After that, spent clinical researchesBut did not let it be released until 1954, when it was obtained. Since then, there are many antidepressants, about the classification of which we will talk further.

Magic pills - their groups

All antidepressants are divided into 2 large groups:

  1. Timetrics - Preparations with stimulating effects that are used to treat depressive states with signs of depression and oppression.
  2. Timoleptics - Preparations with sedative properties. Treatment of depression with mainly excitatory processes.

Indiscriminate action:


  • block seizure serotonin - Fluunisan, sertraline;
  • block the capture of norepinephrine - Maprotelin, Rebesis.

Monoaminoxidase inhibitors:

  • indiscriminate (inhibit monoamino oxidase A and B) - transamine;
  • elective (Inhibit monoamino oxidase A) - Autorix.

Antidepressants others pharmacological groups - Coaxil, Myrtazapine.

Mechanism of action of antidepressants

If briefly, the antidepressants can adjust some processes occurring in the brain. Human brain It consists of a colossal number of nerve cells called neurons. Neuron consists of body (soma) and processes - axons and dendrites. The connection of neurons is carried out with each other through these processes.

It should be clarified that among themselves they are communicated to the synaps (synaptic gap), which is between them. Information from one neuron is transmitted to another using a biochemical substance - the mediator. At the moment, about 30 different mediators are known, but the following triad is associated with depression: serotonin, norepinerenaline, dopamine. Adjusting their concentration, antidepressants adjust the impaired brain work due to depression.

The mechanism of action differs depending on the group of antidepressants:

  1. Inhibitors of neuronal capture (indiscriminate action) block the reverse seizure of mediators - serotonin and norepinephrine.
  2. Serotonin Neuronal Capture Inhibitors: Inhibit serotonin capture process, increasing its concentration in the synaptic slit. Distinctive feature This group is the absence of M-cholinobloking activity. Only insignificant effect on α-adrenoreceptors. For this reason, such antidepressants almost without side effects.
  3. Inhibitors of the neuronal capture of norepinephrine: prevent the reverse seizure of norepinephrine.
  4. Monoaminoxidase inhibitors: Monoaminoxidaz is an enzyme that destroys the structure of neurotransmitters, as a result of which their inactivation occurs. Monoaminoxidase exists in two forms: Mao-A and Mao-B. Mao-A acts on serotonin and noraderenlin, Mao-B - Dopamine. Mao inhibitors block the effect of this enzyme, due to which the concentration of mediators increases. As preparations of choice in the treatment of depression, more often stop on Mao-A inhibitors.

Modern classification of antidepressants

Tricyclic antidepressants

Both knowledge is known effective reception Antidepressants as auxiliary pharmacotherapy with early ejaculation, and tobacco.

Side effects

Since these antidepressants have a variety of chemical structure and mechanism of action, then side effects may differ. But all antidepressants are inherent in the following general signs With their admission: hallucinations, excitement, insomnia, the development of manic syndrome.

Timoleptics cause psychomotor inhibition, drowsiness and lethargy, decrease in the concentration of attention. Timetics can lead to psycho-productive symptoms (psychosis) and an increase.

The most frequent side effects include:

  • constipation;
  • midship;
  • urine delay;
  • intestine atony;
  • violation of swallowing act;
  • tachycardia;
  • violation of cognitive functions (violation of memory and learning processes).

Elderly patients may have -, disorientation, anxiety, visual hallucinations. In addition, the risk of increasing body weight, the development of orthostatic hypotension, is increasing neurological violations ( , ).

With long-term intake - cardiotoxic effect (heart rate impairment, arrhythmias, ischemic disorders), a decrease in libido.

When receiving selective inhibitors of the neuronal seizure of serotonin, the following reactions are possible: gastroenterological - dyspeptic syndrome: abdominal pain, dyspepsia, constipation, vomiting and nausea. Increased anxiety, insomnia, increased fatigue, tremor, libido violation, loss of motivation and emotional dulling.

Selective inhibitors reverse grip Noraderenlin causes such side effects as: insomnia, dry mouth, dizziness, constipation, atony bladder, irritability and aggressiveness.

Tranquilizers and antidepressants: What is the difference?

From here, you can make a conclusion that tranquilizers and antidepressants have different mechanisms of action and differ significantly from each other. Tranquilizers are not able to treat depressive disorders, so their purpose and reception is irrational.

Power "Magic Tablets"

Depending on the severity of the disease and the effect of application, several groups of drugs can be distinguished.

Strong antidepressants - effectively apply in the treatment of severe depression:

  1. - It has pronounced antidepressive and sedative properties. The onset of therapeutic effect is observed in 2-3 weeks. Side effect: Tachycardia, constipation, urination impairment and dry mouth.
  2. Maprotilin, - Similar imipramine.
  3. Parksetin - High antidepressant activity and anxiolytic effect. Accepted once a day. Therapeutic effect Developed within 1-4 weeks after the start of reception.

Easy antidepressants are prescribed in cases of moderate and easy depression:

  1. Docepin - improves mood, eliminates apathy and depression. The positive effect of therapy is observed after 2-3 weeks of receiving the drug.
  2. - It has antidepressive, sedative and sleeping pyline properties.
  3. Tianeptin - Keeps motor inhibition, improves mood, increases the total body tone. Leads to the disappearance of somatic complaints caused by anxiety. Due to the presence of a balanced action, is shown in disturbing and inhibited depressions.

Plant Natural Antidepressants:

  1. Hunther - The composition has hetericin with antidepressant property.
  2. New Passitis - It consists of Valerian, Hop, St. John's wort, hawthorn, Melissa. Promotes disappearance, and.
  3. Persen. - also in its composition collecting herbs peppermint, Melissa, Valerians. It has a sedative effect.
    Hawthorn, rosehip - have a sedative property.

Our top 30: The best antidepressants

We analyzed almost all antidepressants who are available on sale at the end of 2016, studied reviews and compiled a list of 30 the best preparationswho practically do not have side effects, but at the same time very effective and well fulfill their tasks (each one):

  1. Agomelatin - It is used in episodes of large depression of various genesis. The effect comes after 2 weeks.
  2. - provokes the oppression of serotonin capture, are used in depressive episodes, the action occurs after 7-14 days.
  3. Azapane - Applied with depressed episodes. Therapeutic rate is at least 1.5 months.
  4. Azona - Increases the content of serotonin, is included in the group of strong antidepressants.
  5. AEVAL. - Prevention and treatment of depressive states of various etiology.
  6. Amizol - prescribe with and excitement, disorders of behavior, depressive episodes.
  7. - Stimulation of catecholamiergic transmission. It has an adrenoblocking and cholin-blocking effect. Scope of application - depressive episodes ,.
  8. Astentra - Specific seeding inhibitor serotonin. Shown when treating depressions.
  9. Aurorix.mao-A inhibitor. It is used for depression and phobias.
  10. Brintellix - Serotonin receptor antagonist 3, 7, 1D, SEROTONINA receptor agonist 1A, correction and depressive states.
  11. Valdoxan - Stimulator of melatonin receptors, to a small degree of a subgroup of serotonin receptors. Therapy.
  12. Velaxin - Antidepressant of another chemical group, enhances neurotransmitter activity.
  13. - Applied with non-severe depressions.
  14. Velanxor - The most powerful inhibitor of serotonin reverse capture. Weak β-blocker. Therapy of depressive states and disturbing disorders.
  15. Heptor - In addition to antidepressant activity, it has an antioxidant and hepatoprotective effect. It is fine.
  16. Herbion Hipperikum - The preparation based on herbs, is included in the group Natural antidepressants. Assigns with easy depressions and.
  17. Deckrex - Antidepressant has an antihistamine action, is used in treatment.
  18. Derefolt - Serotonin capture inhibitor, has a weak effect on dopamine and norepinephrine. There is no stimulating and sedative effect. The effect is developing 2 weeks after the reception.
  19. - Antidepressive and sedative action occurs due to the presence of the extract of the Grass of the Hypericum. Allowed application for children therapy.
  20. Docepin - Blocator H1 of serotonin receptors. The action is developing 10-14 days after the start of reception. Indications -
  21. MIANSAN - adrenergic transmission stimulator in the brain. Appointed with and depression of various origins.
  22. Miracitol - Enhances the action of serotonin, increases its content in synapse. In combination with monoaminoxidase inhibitors, pronounced side reactions have pronounced.
  23. Negrustine - Antidepressant of plant origin. Effective with light depressive disorders.
  24. New Levelong - Inhibitor of the inverse seizure of serotonin and norepinephrine.
  25. PROF - selectively blocks the seizure of serotonin, increasing its concentration. It does not cause a decrease in the activity of β-adrenoreceptors. Effective in depressive states.
  26. Cytalon - high-precision serotonin capture blocker, minimally acts on the concentration of dopamine and norepinephrine.

Everyone there is something on the pocket

Antidepressants most often are not suiced, we have compiled a list of the most inexpensive prices of price increases, at the beginning of which the cheapest drugs are located, and at the end more expensive:

True, beyond the theory always

To understand the whole essence about modern, even the best antidepressants, understand what their benefits and harm must also study the reviews of people who had to take them. As can be seen, there is nothing good in their reception.

I tried to fight depression with antidepressants. Throwing, because the result depressing. I was looking for a bunch of information about them, I read many sites. Everywhere contradictory information, but wherever I would not read, they write that there is nothing good in them. He herself tested the shaking, breaking, extended pupils. I was afraid, I decided that they were not needed to me.

Three years ago, depression began, while he ran into the clinics to doctors, it became worse. There was no appetite, lost interest in life, there was no sleep, the memory worsened. Visited Psychiatrist, he wrote to me in Catimulaton. The effect felt on 3 months of reception, stopped thinking about the disease. Saw for about 10 months. I helped me.

Karina, 27.

It is important to remember that antidepressants are not harmless and before applying them, you should consult with your doctor. He will be able to choose the desired drug and its dosage.

It remains very carefully to watch your mental health and in a timely manner to contact specialized institutions, in order not to exacerbate the situation, and get rid of the ailment on time.

On the Internet, in traditional books and any means mass media You can find a variety of information about the rules for receiving antidepressants, their effects. Forums are filled with opinions and advice. The topic is not nov. Why right reception Antidepressants remain a stumbling block in the treatment of depression?

What is antidepressants?

Let's first figure it out with the concept of antidepressants.

Antidepressants are such substances that are used in the treatment of depression. The doctor can appoint them to others mental disordersin combination with drugs different groups. On the body, antidepressants may not only have antidepressive effect.

Properties and effects of antidepressants.

All antidepressants, depending on the effect, can be divided into three groups:

  1. Antidepressants of sedative action. In addition to direct impact on depressive syndrome, it is capable of helping with anxiety, anxiety, bad sleep. The most famous representative: amitriptyline. The drug is a hundred years for lunch, but he is not going to pass its position on the strength of antidepressive effect. Of the more modern I can call Mianserin and Buspiron. The doxyepin has proven very well in my practice.
  2. Stimulating action antidepressants. Used in cases of the predominance of lethargy, passivity, depressions and frustration. Here everything is clear, I think. I would like to note one fact. Stimulating action occurs significantly before antidepressive. It is not always good. I appoint drugs of this group usually together with sedative (reassuring) means in small doses. The brightest representative is escitalopram.
  3. Antidepressants having a balanced action. Imagined the properties of the first and second group. Representatives of Pyrazidol and Sertraulin.

Rules for receiving antidepressants.

Now you can talk about the rules for receiving antidepressants.

Assigning any drug doctor will definitely tell the patient how to accept it, but will be answered by such questions: "What?", "When?", "How much?", "How often?".

Anyone who receives antidepressants himself, or looks at the host must remember and follow the following rules in the strictest order:

  • Taking antidepressants regularly. Usually, modern drugs, drink 1-2 times a day. It is better to drive a reception schedule and drink a medicine daily at the same time. If one reception was missed - the next tablet is accepted in the last time. The reception schedule does not shift, doses do not independently increase.
  • Having a weekly reserve of medication at home can avoid many troubles. There is no need to buy 5-10-100 packs of the drug.
  • Put antidepressants need simple water. It is categorically contraindicated by the use of alcoholic beverages during treatment with antidepressants.
  • Only a doctor knows when to finish the course of treatment with antidepressants. He will tell how to reduce doses without harm to health.
  • Antidepressants may have side effects, like others. medicinal productsEven vegetable origin. It is unnecessary to hurry to refuse treatment when the side effects appear. Most of them will be held in the first week of treatment. If the patient is experiencing significant discomfort, malaise is a reason to consult a doctor before the designated term.
  • The choice of antidepressant, the selection of dosage and the duration of treatment is very difficult process. Anticipate the same positive effect From treatment in two different patients is impossible. It is possible that during the treatment process will have to repeatedly change the dose or antidepressants. It is necessary to promote a doctor in every way. Mark positive and negative changes in their condition.
  • The average depression treatment is about 3-6 months. You need to be ready for long-term reception of drugs.

Receiving antidepressants and major patient errors.

As you might notice - everything is quite simple. But. Errors in the reception of antidepressants are found hourly.

But, in fact, the main reasons for the incorrect reception of antidepressants:

  1. Fear to become different, change. Patients are often afraid to take psychotropic drugs. They believe that these drugs can "somehow change my me." I convince. Psychotropic drugs used in medicinal purposes do not change personality. A person will remain as he was. Unless to illness.
  2. The difficulties of comply with the recommendations of the doctor because of the symptoms of depression. With moderate and severe depression, patients are really difficult to comply with the rules for receiving antidepressants. Dear relatives! Be vigilant and show care and attention! Do not leave everything on Samotek.
  3. Influence of others. The pretty person is looking for help from loved ones and relatives. Unfortunately, due to the prevailing stereotypes, surrounding can harm their misunderstanding problems. And the hands are descended to do anything ... If I come across such a problem with my patients - please come to reception with my relatives.
  4. "And Baba Masha from the 34th apartment said ...". She could say a lot. She could say that "antidepressants turn people into vegetables" (this is my favorite phrase, especially if you understand it literally), I could say: "You will get used to sit on this poison until the end of your days." MEDIUM DETERMS OF TAKE OF ANTIPOSTPRESSANTS REMEMBERED? 3-6 months ... Forced, for the truthful picture, make one remark. Heavy depressive disorders can really require a very long-term reception of drugs, but this is an exceptional need. In this case, you can draw a parallel with diabetes. Insulin is a vital substance. For suffering from severe depression - antidepressants are vital and allow to live fully. Not everything is so gloomy. Depression is not a sentence.
  5. Early cancellation due to complications. Something somewhere is swollen, and the antidepressants are sick and the whole wine. And Baba Masha and here could leave his mark ... Most often complications are observed in the first week of treatment. Is there a reason to accuse the antidepressant? Previously, before depression, not Kolo? Or maybe earlier Kolol, but due to depression you did not pay attention? Visit to the doctor will help to figure it out.
  6. Refusal to receive with positive dynamics. Almost half of all patients, even those who have repeatedly suffered from depressive disorders, refuse to receive antidepressants when they begin to feel better. This is the biggest mistake. You are great, well done doctor. Properly selected treatment, the right reception, positive dynamics ... It is impossible to throw the drug even with excellent well-being. It is necessary to finish the course of reception. Most antidepressants require a gradual reduction in dose. Too early refusal to receive antidepressants and improperly cancellation of the drug repeatedly increase the risk of resumption of depression.

Dear readers. Antidepressants are designed to help, and not cripple. Patients trusting the doctor and complying with the recommendations come out of depression earlier. With any difficulties in receiving drugs, only a doctor is able to assess the patient's condition and give a good advice.

All the best.

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Antidepressants are often prescribed with EMD to reduce its unpleasant manifestations, mainly depressive mood, anxiety and irritability.

These drugs are characterized by high efficiency and not less than a set of side effects, especially common in violation of the recommended dosage or unauthorized assignment of the drug.

How to act antidepressants

The effect of antidepressants on the human body is the result of the multifaceted effects of active substances, it is expressed in the following:

  • an increase in the concentration of serotonin in the blood and the slowdown in its decay processes;
  • an increase in the number of such neurotransmitters as dopamine and norepinephrine responsible for the positive mood of the person;
  • reducing the manifestations of anxiety;
  • stimulation of psyche (in the presence of inhibition or apathy)

Several groups of antidepressants are distinguished:

  1. Tricyclic (amitriptyline, imipramine, Mianserin).
  2. Monoaminoxidazic inhibitors (Niiamid, Porlindol, McLockmeid).
  3. Selective inhibitors responsible for the reverse seizure of serotonin (fluoxetine, paroxetine, sertraline).
  4. Selective inhibitors producing reverse grip of norepreenage (maprotilin).
  5. Other species (myrtazapine, adhemethionine).

In addition to the classification, the above, antidepressants are separated according to the types of impact rendered:

  • soothing (amitriptyline, pipophhesin);
  • giving a balanced effect (pyrazidol, paroxetine);
  • stimulating (Maccoveoid, imipramine).

Purpose of antidepressant

Each type of similar drugs is responsible for performing a certain task, whether it is the function of the reverse seizure of norepinephrine or serotonin, their purpose differs according to the species features.


This is the first generation of antidepressants who have proven its effectiveness in the treatment of medium and severe depression degrees. Achievement of visible effect can be seen after 14-21 days of drug admission:

  • remove sleep disorders;
  • reassure;
  • reduce the manifestations of depression;
  • reduce excitation;
  • eliminate the likelihood of attempts to suicide.

The harm of antidepressants of this species lies in the emergence of such risks:

  • arrhythmias;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • sudden stopping of cardiac activity;
  • lowering blood pressure indicators;
  • the appearance of dryness of mucous oily cavity;
  • the emergence of problems with vision.

Preparations of this group have a stimulating effect on the nervous system, at the same time eliminating a person from the depressed mood and excessive inhibition.

The results of receiving antidepressants can be:

  • lowering digits of blood pressure;
  • toxic effects on the liver;
  • insomnia;
  • increasing anxiety.

During the admission of inhibitors of this group, the use of bananas, wine, chocolate, cheeses and smoked apcrations is prohibited. Otherwise, the likelihood of obtaining a persistent increase in blood pressure indicators.

Selective inhibitors on the reverse seizure of serotonin

The means of this groups have the ability to block the reverse seizure of serotonin hormone, without having sedative effects on the body. These drugs are transferred somewhat easier, mainly due to the absence of cardiotoxicity.

The side effects of the antidepressants of this group are the emergence of such reactions:

  • violation of sexual activity;
  • digestion disorders;
  • decline in appetite;
  • sleep disorders.

Antidepressants of this group are not appointed together with MAO inhibitors, which is fraught with pressure, convulsions and coma onset.

Selective inhibitors on the reverse seizure of norepinephrine

The antidepressive effect of these drugs is not lower than that of the tricyclic group. However, there is no pronounced oppressive effect and cardiotoxicity.

Other types of antidepressants

The influence of antidepressants on the human body has absolutely all groups of these medicinal preparations. The remaining types of funds block the adrenoreceptors and increase the degree of serotonin falling into the blood.

Antidepressants of this group are shown in the presence of depressive states occurring in a light or moderate degree. These drugs are fairly easily transferred, without informing the body of meaningful harm.

Effect of antidepressants

Taking antidepressants, the benefits of which will appear if you comply with the necessary conditions for their use, you should remember the possibility of adding to such drugs.

Antidepressants help in the therapy of such pathologies:

  • depressive states of varying degrees of severity;
  • disturbing disorders;
  • reduce-compulsive disorders;
  • chronic pains and phantom species;
  • exacerbations of existing neurosis;
  • elimination of hallucinations arising against the background of alcohol intoxication;
  • preventing suicidal sentiment in patients in a state of severe oppression.

Antidepressants or Timoanleptic, take for a long time. The minimum therapeutic course is 14 days.

If the patient throws a medication reception, which, in his opinion, did not have the effect, without waiting for the appearance of positive dynamics, the likelihood of development adverse Reactions from the body and, even exacerbation of an existing state with the emergence of depressive disorder high degree severity.

Antidepressants have direct impact on the CNS, normalizing the concentration of monoamines, which are contained in neurons. This action is strong enough, so the accuracy of the dosage is very important in the appointment of antidepressants.

Possible overdose of the active substance Timoyanlets is capable of causeing the patient's death.

Children, even if they have symptomsAntidepressants are practically not prescribed. The immaturity of the CNS may suffer from the concentration of these substances, which will cause the development of mental disorders in the future.

During pregnancy and lactation, antidepressants are prohibited for use. They easily penetrate both through the placental barrier and in breast milk, negatively affecting the development nervous system The fetus and state of the psyche of the baby.

The main task of antidepressants is to create and maintain the balance of some chemical elements contained in the human brain.

A wide variety of similar preparations has an impact on certain elements. Not always the medicine prescribed by the doctor gives the expected effect. In this case, the patient has to try other means until the optimal active substance is selected.

As a rule, there can be significant changes in their condition a person already after 14 days of receiving the drug, in other cases it takes at least two months of its use. If during this period of visible changes in the state does not occur, you should contact a specialist for the replacement of the drug.

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Antidepressants in Russia

There are several trading brands of antidepressants most common in Russia. The effectiveness of treatment with these drugs depends on the accuracy of the selected treatment and the individual reaction of each person to the active ingredient.

  1. PROZAK (fluoxetine) is made by the Cardiology Scientific and Education Complex of Russia. This drug refers to the group of inhibitors on the inverse seizure of serotonin. He relieves depressive mood, has a stimulating effect on the CNS, improves the mood, eliminates increased alarm Both tensions, malicious fear. It does not have a sedative effect for the body, not toxic for the heart and blood vessels.
  2. Amitriptin, produced by Alca Pharma CJSC. It refers to a number of tricyclic antidepressants, has a sedative and sleeping reaction on the patient, relieves anxiety.
  3. Paroxetine (Paksil) is produced in France. It is characterized by a pronounced antitle effect, refers to the group of inhibitors on the reverse seizure of serotonin.

In addition, these drugs are often prescribed in Russia:

  • Fevarin (Production of the Netherlands);
  • Sertraline (production of Italy);
  • Coaxil (production France);
  • Anafranil (Switzerland production);
  • Azapane (production Russia);
  • Pyrazidol (Ukraine).

Antidepressants are dangerous

According to the latest Research by Canadian scientists, the widespread appointment of antidepressants to the population (even for therapy of individual states of vegetative-vascular dystonia) is not scientifically justified.

Too large risks of the occurrence of adverse reactions, addiction to the body active substancescontained in such means, which is why they bring more harm than good.

Decide on the possibility of treating antidepressants, only a psychiatrist with sufficient qualifications can only. Naturally, unauthorized decision on the appointment of such funds is irresponsible.

On our own initiative, you can take only vitamin complexes or placebo funds, antidepressants are able to cause serious damage to the nervous system.

The most secure from the point of view of American scientists is recognized by means of the synthesis of serotonin in the brain, they do not have a destructive impact for neurons and contribute to the development of a minimum of adverse reactions.

Canadian scientists confirmed the fact that the reception of antidepressants increases the risks of the occurrence of a heart attack or a stroke by 14%. Moreover, even in people who did not have previously somatic diseases by the cardiovascular system.

Prevention of depression

Depression, condition, often developing in the presence of vegeto vascular dystonia, is characterized by such symptoms:

  • depression;
  • bad mood;
  • lack of interest in life;
  • guilt;
  • hopelessness;
  • drowsiness;
  • loss of forces;
  • scattered;
  • lowering libido;
  • deterioration of appetite;
  • arrhythmia;
  • reduced performance.

Depending on the type of depressive disorder, such characteristic symptoms Depressed:

  1. Assembly disorder: over-use, constant hysteria, exposing negative emotions.
  2. ADINAMIC: Full loss of forces to life, mood decay, drowsiness, no will.
  3. Distance: constant grumbling, the appearance of fear of human society, irritability, unfortunate angry.
  4. Postpartum: Reducing self-esteem, increasing imperidity, increase in tear and sensitivity, pity in relation to itself.

A person who is in a state of depression is stronger than the development of phobias and fears that have no foundations that are uncontrolled aggressive outbreaks and very heavy psychosis undermining the nervous system.

From the occurrence of depression it is impossible to insure, she can come to each person. However, reduce the likelihood of such a state forces to everyone, it is important for this to adhere to the following rules.

Prevention of depression offensive:

  • drawing and maintaining a reasonable mode of the day, in which the load will be distributed extremely correctly, not allowing a person to tire physically or experience serious stress. If a person poses a plan that he will adhere to, it is easier for him to evaluate his own strength, avoid overwork;
  • daily fully rest. Very important night sleep, during which serotonin is working responsible for good mood. A sleepy person is better than the opposite stressful situations and stimuli;
  • receive regularly physical exercise. Sport classes make it possible to increase self-esteem, in addition, adrenaline is allocated during training, which increases the body's tone;
  • pour it right, with the inclusion in the daily diet of all necessary vitamins and elements. For this purpose, it should be more likely to use fresh fruits and vegetables, seafood, cereal, greens and legumes. In addition to health benefits, proper nutrition avoids obesity, which negatively affects general self-esteem and can lead to the development of depressive mood;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle in which there is no place smoking, narcotic substances and excessive use alcohol;
  • receive positive emotions during communication with loved ones, joint games in the fresh air with children and domestic animals.

If a person holds the rules healthy image Life, then depression can well be bypassing him. Otherwise, if ICC is exacerbated by a depressive disorder, you should seek help to a psychotherapist, which will appoint a reception of antidepressants.

Starting self-treatment using such funds is not allowed not to cause serious harm to their own body.

Depression is hard mental illnesswhich requires compulsory treatment. Do without medical therapy You can only on initial stage pathology. In other cases, the psychotherapist appoints medicines that are released from pharmacies only by prescription. Treatment of depression is long - from 3 months. The first improvements will appear not earlier than 2 weeks of regular use of drugs. Tablets from depression are chosen individually, their choice depends on the general clinical picture Diseases.

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    The basis of the treatment of depression different species Make up antidepressants. These drugs regulate the concentration of neurotransmitters - serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine - and restore the biochemical background in the brain. Antidepressants help improve mood and activate psychomotor. Thanks to their use is a feeling constant fatigue, anxiety, fear, apathy and anxiety. Antidepressants are divided into the following groups:

    • Tricyclic.
    • Monoaminoxidase inhibitors (IMAO).
    • Serotonin selective absorption inhibitors (SSIRS).
    • Inhibitors of the inverse seizure of serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine.

    Antidepressant treatment is undesirable for diseases of the heart, kidneys and liver. In extreme cases, the doctor selects the most secure medication with minimal amount. side effects. With severe depressions, auxiliary drugs may be required to enhance the work of antidepressants.

    If, after using pills, side effects appeared, it is necessary to inform the attending physician. Stopping antidepressants is sharply prohibited, as this may aggravate depression. The duration of the course of treatment is established by a doctor individually.


    Are the most inexpensive and common. These are the first antidepressants that were synthesized in the 50s of the last century. Their action lies in the seizure of serotonin neurons and norepinephrine. They have a stimulating and sedative effects. Preparations of this group have a powerful action and are applied in depressions. different stages. Triced antidepressants include:

    • Amitriptyline.
    • Azapane.
    • Coaxil.
    • Imipramine.
    • Docepine.
    • Clomipramine.

    The disadvantage of these drugs is a large number of side effects. Often they cause dry mouth, constipation, urine delay and tachycardia. In the elderly, they can cause confusion of consciousness, visual hallucinations and an increased sense of anxiety. With long-term reception, tricyclic antidepressants reduce libido and can lead to cardiotoxic effects.


    The action of the enzyme monoaminoxidase is blocked, which destroys serotonin and norepinephrine, which leads to an increase in these substances in the blood. Preparations are prescribed with the ineffectiveness of tricyclic antidepressants, atypical depression and distortium. The most common medicines:

    • Melipramine.
    • Pyrazidol.
    • Befol.
    • Tetrindol.
    • Metraldol.
    • Synophen.
    • Moklobmeid.

    Monoaminoxidase inhibitors begin to act only a few weeks from the start of use. They can lead to fluctuations in pressure, edema extremities, dizziness and weight increase. These drugs are appointed quite rare due to the need to comply with a special diet and refusal from products containing Tiramine.


    Antidepressants of the modern class, the action of which is based on the blocking of the reverse absorption of serotonin. This group of drugs affects this substance exclusively, which makes them less aggressive to human organism. They have a small number of side effects. Sereotonin reverse capture inhibitors include:

    • Sertalin.
    • Fluoksetin.
    • Paroxetine.
    • Prog.
    • Fluvoxamine.
    • Citalopram.

    These antidepressants are used in depressions accompanied by obsessive thoughts, disturbing I. panic states. Their use makes a person balanced and adequate. With severe forms of depression, there may be ineffective.

    Inhibitors of the reverse seizure of serotonin and norepinephrine

    Preparations last generationthat have an action on 3 types of receptors - norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin. In efficiency, it is not inferior to tricyclic, but have a minimum number of contraindications and side effects. Treatments of this group include:

    • Agomelatin.
    • Melitor.
    • Velaxin.
    • Alventu.

    These antidepressants regulate human biological rhythms. With their help, one week you can normalize sleep and daylight. They help with severe depressive states and for a short time Remove the feeling of anxiety, decline of forces and nervous overvoltage.


    When depressed, accompanied by anxiety, fusibility, a sense of fear and insomnia, a tranquilizers can be included in the treatment regimen. Therapy with these means is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor, as they can cause addiction and drug addiction.

    When prescribing tranquilizers, the dose increases gradually - from minimal to optimal to achieve the therapeutic effect. The course of treatment should be small and not exceed 2-3 weeks. The strongest and efficient tranquilizers include:

    • Chlordiazepoxide.
    • Elnyium.
    • Diazepam.
    • Sedukesen.
    • Lorazepam.
    • Bromazepam.
    • Penazepam.

    Reception of tranquilizers affects the speed of psychomotor reactions and the concentration of attention. TO by-effects You can attribute drowsiness, muscle weakness, tremor, constipation, urinary incontinence and weakening libido. During treatment with these medicines, it is forbidden to take alcohol.


    They have a pronounced antipsychotic effect and oppressively act on the entire nervous system. Their use is relevant with pronounced excitation, hallucinations, delusions and apathy. These drugs have an impact on all organs and systems and should be accepted only with pronounced changes in human behavior. The list of top neuroleptics includes:

    • Aminazine.
    • Tisercine.
    • Leponex.
    • Trucasal.
    • Haloperidol.
    • Fluuhanxol.
    • Seldox.

    Neuroleptics lead to a decrease in dopamine level, which can cause muscle stiffness, tremor, hypersalization. They can also cause increased drowsiness, reduce the concentration of attention and deterioration of mental abilities. The safest neuroleptics with a soft effect are Rispolept, Clozapine, Olapzapine.


    These medical preparations Normalize brain circulation and improve mental abilities. Unlike the remaining drugs used in the treatment of depression, nootropics are not addictive, they do not slow down the human activity and do not have a negative impact on the brain.

    Their appointment is relevant with reducing the level of life and mental abilities, violation of the adaptive function of the body. These drugs contribute to the stabilization of mood and can be used at diligence, hot spirits and impulsivity. Nootrops should be included in the treatment scheme of depression, accompanied by mania.

    Preparations are prescribed during astheno-depressive states and as an aid with neuroleptic therapy to eliminate lethargy and drowsiness. They can be used in preventive purposes healthy peopleoften abiding in a state of stress. The cheapest and most common nootrops are:

    • Piracetam.
    • Nicercoline.
    • Nootropyl.
    • Phenotropyl.
    • Mildronat.

    In most cases, nootropics are moved well. Sometimes they can cause headaches, excitement, sweating, dry mouth, tachycardia and euphoria. In the event of side effects and individual intolerance from the use of drugs, it is necessary to refuse.

    Treatment of depression during lactation and pregnancy

    During pregnancy, receiving tablets from depression is particularly relevant. If the future mother is in an depressed state, then does not only be dangerous, but also a child. Nervous system disorder can provoke postpartum depressionThis condition requires treatment under the supervision of a qualified specialist.

    Especially attentive need to be when choosing medicines in the first trimester to avoid congenital anomalies fetal. Often, doctors prescribe to future mothers selective serotonin inhibitors that are most secure for the patient's body. These include:

    • Fluxen.
    • Sertalin.
    • Paroxetine.

    A few weeks before delivery, it is necessary to abandon the use of antidepressants so that the child does not inherit addiction. During the entire course of treatment, the patient's condition should control the doctor. When depressed initial stage, doctors recommend to refrain from receiving serious prescription drugs. They can be replaced with herbal medicines, which includes St. John's wort, the latter, Valerian, a chamber.

    For breastfeeding (GW) Antidepressants and other psychotropic drugs can also have a negative impact on the child. The list of pills that are allowed during pregnancy includes:

    • Valerian preparations.
    • Motherwort.
    • Notta.
    • Glycine.
    • New Passitis.
    • Pans.

    If a vegetable preparations During lactation, did not have a proper effect and the nursing mother had a severe form of depression, the doctor appoints antidepressants, and the newborn is transferred to artificial nutrition. During the HB in therapy, the following drugs are most often included:

    • CHOROFT. The most secure antidepressant for mothers during lactation. Has pronounced therapeutic effect And in a short time it helps to cope with the feeling of anxiety and apathy.
    • Amitriptyline. The concentration of medication in milk is low, but the antidepressant itself has a large number of side effects and can cause individual intolerance. Refers to the first drug preparations and sold only by the doctor's prescription.
    • Fluvoxamine. Effective toolBut during his reception, it is necessary to stop lactation. This medication is not sufficiently investigated.

    During pregnancy and GW, the reception of tranquilizers and neuroleptics is prohibited, the course of treatment with antidepressants should be at least 6 months. The choice of dosage and the drug is carried out by a doctor.

    Preparations for children

    When depressed a lightly in children, treatment is carried out with the help of psychotherapy and natural drugs. Doctors recommend to drink the following safe medicines:

    • St. John's wort
    • Fish fat.
    • New Passitis.

    With depressive disorders of the middle and heavy stage, psychotherapist appoints antidepressants. At the age of 12 years, the most safe and effective drug is fluoxetine. After 12, the list of medicines increases and includes:

    • Cipralex.
    • Lexapro.
    • Escitopraals.
    • Tisercine.
    • Amitriptyline.

    The difficulties of treating children's depression are that in 50% cases the patient's body is immune to antidepressants. It is possible to notice this from the second week of using a medication when the positive effect of therapy is completely absent. In such cases, the doctor replaces the antidepressant. Also, drugs of this group have a negative impact on the liver and increase the risk of its toxic lesion.

    During the treatment with antidepressants, it is necessary to carefully monitor the child and discuss with it its condition. The effect of treatment occurs after 4-7 weeks, and the course has a duration of 6 months. It is not worth stopping medication yourself - before that you need to consult with a psychotherapist, which will help properly reduce the dosage and reduce the concentration of antidepressant in the blood to a minimum.

    Depression treatment should be carried out under the control of the doctor. All psychotropic drugs are prescribed in an individual dosage, pick up effective scheme independently impossible.

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