Cognitive and cognitive behavioral psychotherapy. What is cognitive behavioral psychotherapy? Cognitive behavior

Cognitive behavior and associated learning unites higher forms of mental activities inherent in greater degree adult animals with highly developed nervous system and based on its property to form a holistic environment of the environment. With cognitive forms of learning, an assessment of the situation in which the highest mental processes participate; At the same time, both past experience and analysis of available capabilities are used, and as a result, an optimal solution is formed.

The cognitive capabilities of animals are determined by their intelligence under which the "highest form of mental activity of animals (monkeys and a number of other higher vertebrates), which is distinguished by the mapping of not only the subject components of the medium, but also their relationship and relationships (situations), as well as a non-sketting solution, complex tasks in various ways with transfer and use different operations learned as a result of preceding individual experience. I. g. It is manifested in the processes of thinking, which always has a specific sensitly motor character in animals, is subject to the subject and expressed in the practical analysis and synthesis of established links between phenomena (and subjects) directly perceived in a clearly overview of the situation "(" Brief Psychological Dictionary " Under common. Ed. A.V. Petrovsky and M.G. Yaroshevsky Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 1998).

Intelligent animal behavior is usually studied using the following approaches: 1) techniques associated with tightening the bait tied to one of the many nearby ribbon, the twine, to establish the possibility of capturing the animals and relationships between different objects; 2) the use of animals as primitive guns of various items, building a pyramid to implement their needs, which cannot be directly satisfied; 3) bypass challenges with rigid and variable labyrinths, on the path to the target, which is not always within the limits of constant visibility for the animal, for this purpose, obstacles are located on the path; 4) delayed reactions of active selection, requiring hold in the memory of traces from the stimulus in the form of an image or representation as elements of complex mental processes; 5) the choice of sample (method of paired presentation) to study the identity, generality, discrimination of signals, their shape, outlines, sizes, etc.; 6) Problem situations in various labyrinths, cells, etc. - Analysis of Insight; 7) Reflexes for transferring experience in new conditions as a methodology for reflection of elementary forms of generalization; 8) extrapolation of the direction of movement of the stimulus, the ability to operate the empirical dimension of figures; 9) training launch labels (sign language, signs, folding from multi-colored plastic chips of different form phrases and expression of new proposals, etc., sound communications; 10) study of group behavior, public cooperation; 11) EEG studies of complex forms of behavior and mathematical modeling.

In connection with the methods used, it is customary to allocate the following forms of cognitive behavior: elementary rational activity (by L.V. Krushshi), latent learning, the production of psychomotor skills (psycho-learning for I.S. Beritashvili), insight and probabilistic prediction.

According to L.V. Krushinsky (Krushinsky L.V. Biological basis of rational activity. Moscow State University, 1986), ORGETS (INTELLECTUAL) Activities are different from any forms of behavior and learning. This form of adaptive behavior can be carried out at the first meeting of the animal with an unusual situation. In the fact that the animal, immediately without special training, can take the right decision and is a unique feature of the incident.

Thinking as something psychophysiological is not coming down to simple associations. The function of generalization in animals is based on the experience, comparison processes, the allocation of essential signs in a number of objects, their associations, which contributes to the formation of associations and the ability to capture the correctness of events, forecasting future consequences. A simple use of previous experience, mechanical reproduction of conditional and reflector bonds cannot provide rapid adaptation in the ever-changing environment of habitat, to be flexibly responsible for non-standard situations, program behavior.

Real relationships of objects and phenomena at the stage of intelligence can be captured from the first presentation of the situation. However, reasonable cognitive activity not only does not exclude previous experience, but also uses it, although it is not reduced to practice, which is significantly different from the conditional reflex. Normally, the rapid solutions of all increasing tasks are possible only with gradual complications. It is natural, for to empirically catch any pattern, we need a number of phenomena.

The psycho-physiological interpretation of intelligence is likely to be based on the fact that there is a comparison, allocation, distraction and generalization of information delivered to the sensory systems in the brain.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CCT) is engaged in adjusting thoughts and feelings that define actions and actions affect the lifestyle of a person. It is based on the principle that the external impact (situation) causes a certain thought that is experiencing and finds its embodiment in specific actions, that is, thoughts and feelings form the behavior of the person.

And therefore to change your negative behavior, often leading to serious life problems, you must first change your stereotype of thinking.

For example, a person is represented by the open space (agoraphobia), at the sight of the crowd, fear is experiencing, it seems to him that something does not happen to him. He inadequately reacts to what is happening, gives people who do not inherent in their qualities. Itself becomes closed, avoids communication. This leads to the breakdown of the psyche, depression develops.

In this case, methods and techniques of cognitive behavioral psychotherapywho will teach to overcome the panic fear of the great accumulation of people. In other words, if you can not change the situation, you can also change your attitude to it.

The CCT came out of the bowels of cognitive and behavioral psychotherapy, combines all the main provisions of these techniques and puts themselves specific goals that need to be solved in the treatment process.

These include:

  • Relieving symptoms of psyche disorder;
  • Persistent remission after the course of therapy;
  • Low probability of repeated manifestation (relapse) of the disease;
  • Effectiveness of medicines;
  • Correction of erroneous cognitive (mental) and behavioral installations;
  • The resolution of personal problems that caused the mental illness.
Based on these purposes, the psychotherapist doctor helps the patient to solve the following tasks during treatment:
  1. Find out how his thinking affects emotions and behavior;
  2. Critically perceive and be able to analyze their negative thoughts and feelings;
  3. Learn to replace negative beliefs and installations on positive;
  4. Based on the developed new thinking, adjust its behavior;
  5. Solve the problem of its social adaptation.
This practical method of psychotherapy has been widely used in the treatment of some species. mental disordersWhen it is necessary to help the patient reconsider its views and behavioral attitudes that make irreparable harm to the health that destroy the family and causing suffering close.

Especially effective, in particular, when treating alcoholism and drug addiction, if, after medication therapy, the body is purified from toxic poisoning. During the rehabilitation course, occupying 3-4 months, patients learn to cope with their destructive thinking and adjust their behavioral installations.

It's important to know! Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy will be effective only when the patient himself wants this and establishes confidence in the psychotherapist.

Basic methods of cognitive behavioral therapy

Methods of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy proceed from theoretical problems of cognitive and behavioral (bicheological) therapy. The psychologist does not put the goal to get to the roots of the problems that have arisen. Through the developed techniques, applying specific techniques, he teaches positive thinking so that the patient's behavior has changed for the better. During the psychotherapeutic sessions, some teaching techniques and psychological counseling are also used.

The most significant techniques of the CCT are:

  • Cognitive therapy. If a person is insecure and perceives his life as a lane of failures, you need to consolidate positive thoughts about yourself in his consciousness, who should return to him confidence in their power and hope that everything will definitely succeed.
  • Rational-emotive therapy. Aims to awareness of the patient of the fact that his thoughts and acts need to be coordinated with real life, and not to turn in their dreams. It will protect from inevitable stresses and teach the right solutions in various life situations.
  • Reciprocal inhibition. Inhibitors call substances that slow down the course of various processes, in our case we are talking about psychophysical reactions in the human body. Fear, for example, can be depressed by anger. During the session, the patient may submit that he can suppress his alarm, let's say full relaxation. This leads to the extinction of the pathological phobia. This is based on many special techniques of this method.
  • Autogenous training and relaxation. Used as an auxiliary reception when conducting CCT sessions.
  • Self Control. Based on the operator's method. It is understood that the desired behavior in certain conditions should be fixed. Relevant with difficulties in life situations, let's say, study or work when different kinds of dependence or neurosis arise. Help lift self-esteem, control unmotivated flashes of rage, quenching neurotic manifestations.
  • Introspection. Maintaining a diary of behavior, one of the "stop" methods for interrupting obsessive thoughts.
  • Self interaction. The patient must ask himself as a task that needs to be adhered to a positive solution to their problems.
  • Stop Crane method or Self Control Triad. Inner "Stop!" Negative thoughts, relaxation, positive idea, mental fixing it.
  • Evaluation of feelings. Produced "scaling" of feelings on a 10-point or other system. This allows the patient to determine, let's say, the level of its anxiety or, on the contrary, confidence where they are on the "scale of feelings". Helps objectively evaluate its emotions and take steps to reduce (increase) their presence on a mental and sensitive level.
  • Study of threatening consequences or "what if". Promotes the expansion of a limited outlook. When question "And if something terrible will happen?" The patient should not overestimate the role of this "terrible", which leads to pessimism, and find an optimistic answer.
  • Advantages and disadvantages. The patient with the help of a psychologist disassembles the advantages and disadvantages of their mental attitudes and finds the paths of balanced perception, it allows you to solve the problem.
  • Paradoxical intention. The technique was developed by the Austrian psychiatrist Viktor Frankl. Its essence is that if a person is very afraid of something, it is necessary that he returned to this situation in his feelings. For example, a person suffers in fear of insomnia, he needs to advise him so that he does not try to fall asleep, and as long as possible he was awake. And this is the desire to "not fall asleep" causes, in the end, sleep.
  • Training control alarm. Used in the event that a person in stressful situations cannot cope with him, quickly make a decision.

Techniques of cognitive behavioral therapy in the treatment of neurosis

Cognitive techniques behavioral therapy Include the spectrum of a wide variety of specific exercises by which the patient must solve its problems. Here are just some:
  1. Reframing (eng. - Frame). With the help of special questions, a psychologist forces the client to change the negative "framework" of their thinking and behavior, replace them with positive.
  2. Diary of Thoughts. The patient records his thoughts to understand that he worries and affects his thoughts and well-being during the day.
  3. Empirical check. Includes several ways to help find the right solution and forget negative thoughts and arguments.
  4. Examples of fiction. Intelligibly explain the choice of positive judgment.
  5. Positive imagination. Helps get rid of negative views.
  6. Changing roles. The patient presents that it consotes his comrade, in his position. That's what he could advise him in this case?
  7. Flood, implosion, paradoxical intention caused by anger. Apply when working with children's phobias.
This also includes identification alternative reasons Conduct, as well as some other techniques.

Treatment of depression by methods of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy

Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy of depression is widely used now. The basis is the method of cognitive therapy of the American psychiatrist Aaron Beck. According to him, "depression is characterized by a globally pessimistic attitude of a person to his own person, the outside world and its future."

It is hardly affected by the psyche, it suffers not only to the patient himself, but also his loved ones. Nowadays, more than 20% of the population in developed countries are subject to depression. It reduces ability to work at times, and the likelihood of suicidal outcome is high.

The symptoms of the depressive state are many, they manifest themselves on mental (gloomy thoughts, there is no concentration of attention, difficulty decision making, etc.), emotional (longing, oppressed mood, anxiety), physiological (sleep disorder, loss of appetite, reduced sexuality) and behavioral ( Passivity, avoidance of contacts, alcoholism or drug addiction as temporary relief) level.

If such symptoms are observed at least 2 weeks, it is safe to talk about the development of depression. At some disease proceeds imperceptibly, others acquire chronic character and stretches for years. In severe cases, the patient is placed in the hospital, where antidepressants treatment is undergoing. After medication therapy, psychotherapist's assistance is needed, techniques of psychodunovic, trance, existential psychotherapy are used.

Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy of depression has positively proven. All the symptoms of the depressive state are being studied, and with the help of special exercises, the patient can get rid of them. One of the effective METODS KPT is cognitive reconstruction.

The patient with the help of a psychotherapist works with his negative thoughts, which are reflected in the behavior, pronounces them out loud, analyzes and as necessary changes its attitude to the said. Thus, he certifies the truth of its value installations.

The technique includes a number of techniques, the most common are the following exercises:

  • Inoculation (grafting) stress. The patient is taught the skills (coping-skills) that should help in the fight against stress. First you need to realize the situation, then develop certain skills to combat it, then you should consolidate them through certain exercises. The "vaccination" obtained in this way helps the patient to cope with strong experiences and disturbing events of his life.
  • Suspend thinking. A man is focused on his irrational thoughts, they interfere with adequately to perceive reality, serve as a consequence of anxiety, as a result, a stressful situation arises. The psychotherapist offers a patient to reproduce them in his inner monologue, then utters loudly: "Stop!" Such a verbal barrier sharply breaks the process of negative judgments. This technique, repeatedly repeated during therapeutic sessions, develops a conditional reflex to "incorrect" representations, the old stereotype of thinking is adjusted, new installations appear on the rational type of judgment.

It's important to know! There is no such method of treating depression, which is equally suitable for everyone. What is suitable for one may not work at all with another. To find an acceptable technique for yourself, it is not necessary to dwell on one only on the grounds that it helped someone from loved ones or acquaintances.

How to treat depression by cognitive behavioral therapy - Look at the video:

Cognitive behavioral therapy (psychotherapy) has proven its effectiveness in the treatment of various neurosis. If a person feels in the soul, associated with a negative assessment of himself, you need to contact a specialist who will help change the attitude (thoughts and behavior) to itself and the surrounding reality. After all, there is no wonder: "Stay, if you want to be healthy!" Such a "quenching" from various neurosis, including depression, are methods and techniques very popular in our days of the CCT.

Cognitive psychotherapy. The beginning of cognitive therapy is associated with George Kelly's activities. In the 20s J. Kelly used psychoanalytic interpretations in his clinical work. It was amazed, with what ease patients took Freudi concepts, which J. Celly himself found absurd. As an experiment, J. Celly began to vary the interpretations that he gave patients within various psychodynamic schools.

It turned out that patients equally accept the principles offered to them and are full of desire to change their lives in harmony with them. J. Celly came to the conclusion that neither the Freud analysis of children's conflicts, nor even the study of the past, as such, do not have a decisive value. According to J. Celly, Freud's interpretation was effective because they loomed the familiar method of thinking and provided them with the opportunity to think and understand in a new way.

The successes of clinical practice with a wide variety of theoretical approaches, according to J. Celly, are explained by the fact that in the process of therapy there is a change in how people interpret their experience and how they look at the future. People become depressive or disturbing, because they fall into the west of rigid, inadequate categories own thinking. For example, some people believe that authoritative figures are always right, so any criticism on the part of an authoritative figure acts depressingly. Any technique leading to a change in this belief, whether it is based on the theory that binds such convictions with the Oedipal complex, with the fear of the loss of parental love or with the need for a spiritual leader, will be effective. J. Celly decided to create techniques for direct correction of inadequate thinking methods.

He offered to patients to realize his beliefs and check them. For example, anxious, depressive patient was convinced that the discrepancy with the opinion of her husband would cause strong anger and aggression in it. J. Celly insisted that she tried her own opinion to make her husband. By completing the task, the patient was convinced that it was not dangerous. Such homework became ordinary in practice J. Celly. He also used role-playing games, offered to patients to play new personality. He came to the conclusion that neurosis core is unadaptive thinking. Neurotic problems lie in these ways of thinking, and not in the past. The task of the therapist includes clarification of unconscious categories of thinking, which lead to suffering, and teaching new ways of thinking.

Kelly was one of the first psychotherapists who tried to directly change the patient thinking. This goal is the basis of many therapeutic approaches that are combined with the concept of cognitive psychotherapy.

Cognitive psychotherapy - represents the development of a behavioral approach in psychotherapy, considering mental disorders as mediated by cognitive structures and relevant cognitive processes acquired in the past, that is, a thought is introduced as an intermediate variable between the stimulus and the reaction.

Representatives of cognitive psychotherapy are: A. Beck, A. Ellis, etc.

According to Aaron Beck, three leading schools: traditional psychiatry, psychoanalysis and behavioral therapy, argue that the source of the patient's disorder lies outside of his consciousness. They pay little attention to conscious concepts, concrete thoughts and fantasies, that is, the cognition. New approach - cognitive therapy "It makes it necessary to come to emotional disorders by another way: the key to understanding and solving psychological problems is in the minds of patients.

Cognitive therapy suggests that the individual problems flow mainly from certain distortion of reality based on erroneous prerequisites and assumptions. These incorrect ideas arise as a result of improper learning in the process of personality development. From here it can be easily removed by the treatment formula: the therapist helps the patient to find distortions in thinking and learn how to alternative, more realistic ways of formulating their experience.

The cognitive approach to emotional disorders changes the look at itself and its problems. Rebuilding the ideas about themselves as a helpless generation of biochemical reactions, blind pulses or automatic reflexes, a person gets the opportunity to see the creature, inclined to give birth to erroneous ideas, but also able to learn from them and fix them.

The main concept of cognitive therapy is that the decisive factor for the survival of the body is the processing of information.

With various psychopathological conditions (anxiety, depression, mania, paranoid state, etc.), the processing of information is influenced by systematic prejudice. This prejudice is specific to various psychopathological disorders. In other words, the thinking of patients is trendy. So, a depressive patient from the information provided by the environment, selectively synthesizes the themes of losses or lesions. And the alarming patient has a shift in terms of the danger.

These cognitive shifts can be submitted by analogy as a computer program. The program dictates the type of information entered, determines the method of processing information and resulting behavior. With alarming disorders, for example, the "survival program" is activated. The resulting behavior will be that it will overly react to relatively minor incentives as a strong threat.

Strategies and tactics of cognitive therapy are intended to deactivate such disadvantage programs to shift the processing of information (cognitive apparatus) to a more neutral position.

Accordingly, the work of the psychotherapist consists of several stages. The important task of the initial stage is to combine problems (identifying problems that are based on the same causes, their grouping). The next stage is awareness, verbalization of non-adaptive cognitions, distorting the perception of reality; Objective consideration of non-adaptive cognitions (distance). The next stage was called the stage of changing the rules of the regulation of behavior. Change of attitude to the rules of self-regulation, training to see in thoughts of the hypothesis, and not facts, checking their truth, replacing them with new, more flexible rules - the following stages of cognitive psychotherapy.

Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy

In experimental work in the field of cognitive psychology, in particular in research, J. Piage, have been formulated by clear scientific principles that could be applied in practice. Even the study of animal behavior showed that their cognitive opportunities should be taken into account to understand how they are being learning.

In addition, an understanding of the fact that behavioral therapists, without being suspected, use the cognitive capabilities of their patients. Desensitization, for example, uses the readiness and ability of the patient to imagination. The use of imagination, new thinking methods and the application of strategies includes cognitive processes.

In behavioral and cognitive therapists, a number of common features are found.:

  1. Those and others are not interested in the causes of disorders or past patients, but deal with this: behavioral therapists focus on relevant behavior, and cognitive - on what a person thinks about himself and about the world in the present.
  2. Those and others look at therapy as the process of learning. Behavioral therapists teach new ways of behavior, and cognitive - new ways of thinking.
  3. Those and others give their patients homework.
  4. Those and others have preference to practical, devoid of absurdity (meaning psychoanalysis) approach, not burdened with complex personality theories.

The clinical area, nearby cognitive and behavioral approaches, was a neurotic depression. A. Bek (1967), observing patients with neurotic depression, drew attention to the fact that the topics of lesions, hopelessness and inadequacy were constantly sounded in their experiences. Under the influence of the ideas of J. Piage, A.Bek conceptualized the problems of the depressive patient: the events are assimilated in the absolutist cognitive structure, the result of which is to care from reality and social life. Piaget also taught that the activities and its consequences have the power to change the cognitive structure. This led the Beck for the preparation of a therapeutic program that used some of the tools developed by behavioral therapists (self-control, role-playing game, modeling).

Another example is rational-emotive therapy Albert Ellis. Ellis comes soon from the phenomenological position that anxiety, a sense of guilt, depression and other psychological problems are caused by non-psychotrauming situations as such, but how people perceive these events that they think about them. Ellis says, for example, that you are discouraged not because you failed on the exam, but because you think that the failure is misfortune that points to your inability. Ellis's therapy seeks primarily identifying similar identity damage and causes Thoughts that the patient acquired as a result of improper learning, and then help the patient replace these low-adaptive stereotypes of thinking to more realistic, using modeling, promotion, logic. As in the cognitive therapy, A.Bek, in the rational-emotive therapy of Ellis, much attention is paid to behavioral techniques, homework.

So, the new stage in the development of behavioral therapy marks the transformation of its classical model based on the principles of classical and operant due to the cognitive behavioral model. The target of the behavioral therapist is to change behavior; The target of the cognitive therapist is a change in the perception of oneself and the surrounding reality. Cognitive behavioral therapists also recognize both: knowledge of itself and the world affect the behavior, and the behavior and its consequences affect the ideas about themselves and the world.

Basic provisions Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy is as follows:

  1. Many behavioral problems are a consequence of gaps in training and upbringing.
  2. There are reciprocal relationship between behavior and medium.
  3. From the point of view of the theory of learning, random experience leaves a more significant trace in personality than the traditional model "incentive reaction".
  4. Modeling behavior is simultaneously a training and psychotherapeutic process. The cognitive aspect is decisive in the course of learning. Dezadapive behavior can be changed by personal self-learning techniques that activate cognitive structures.

Cognitive learning includes self-control, self-surveillance, contracting, work in the patient's rule system.

A person reacts to the external stress in a certain way and, at the same time, a certain model of behavior is inherent exclusively to this person and the reaction is usually familiar only for it, which is far from always correct. " Wrong»Model of behavior or" incorrect "reaction and cause symptoms of disorder. However, it is necessary to clearly understand that this model can be changed, and from the developed habitual reaction can be reappected, and the main thing to learn " right", Useful and constructive, which will help to cope with difficulties, without replacing new stress and fears.

Cognitiveness in psychology - the ability of a person to mentally perceive and recycle external information based on its depth beliefs, installations and automatic (unconscious) thoughts. Such thinking processes Call called " mental state man. "

Cognition is stereotypical, "automatic", sometimes instantaneous thoughts that arise in humans and are a reaction to a certain situation. The cognition is psychologically injured by a person and lead it to panic attacks, fears, depressions and other nervous disorders. Such catastrophic assessments and negative attitudes cause a person to respond to what is happening with offend, fear, wine, angrily or even hopelessness. A psychologist works with this.

Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy can be expressed as a cognitive formula:

Negative human experiences is not the result of this situation, and the ability of a person hitting a certain situation to develop his own opinion to her and it is after this to decide how he belongs to this situation who he sees himself in it and what emotions it causes him .

In other words, for a person, it is not so important that it happens to him, how much is what he thinks about it, what thoughts lie at the core of his experiences and how on he will act . That's exactly these thoughts leading to negative experiences ( panic fear, phobias and other nervous disorders) and there are unconscious "themselves intelligible" and therefore are poorly recognized by a person.

The main task of the PTT psychologist is work with thoughts, with attitude to this situation, with a correction of distortion and mistakes of thinking, which ultimately leads to the formation of more adaptive, positive, constructive and life-affirming stereotypes of further behavior.

Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy consists of several stages. At the consultations at the psychologist, the client step-by-step "step by step" learns to change their thinking, which leads him to the attacks of panic, it gradually opens vicious circle, consisting of fear that causes this panic, and also studies technicians aimed at reducing the level of anxiety. As a result, the client overcomes frightening situations and changes its life qualitatively.

The main advantage of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy is that the result received from consultation with a psychologist persistent and is held sufficiently for a long time. This is due to the fact that after the CCT, the client becomes a psychologist himself, since during consultation he masters the methodology and technique of self-control, self-diagnosis and self-treatment.

The main provisions of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy:

  1. Your negative experiences are not the result of the situation, and your personal assessment of this situation, your thoughts about her, and who you can see yourself and people who surround you in this situation.
  2. It is possible to fundamentally change your assessment to a specific situation and change the course of thoughts about it with a negative on a positive one.
  3. Your negative beliefs in your opinion, though it looks plausible, but it does not mean that they are true. It is from such false "plausible" thoughts to you and getting worse and worse.
  4. Your negative experiences are directly related to the schemes of typical thinking, which you are used to, as well as with erroneous processing of the information you received. You can change the scheme of your thinking and check errors.
  • identify negative thoughts that cause PA, fears, depression and other nervous disorders;
  • revise the lifestyle and normalize it (for example, avoid chronic overloads, revise the poor organizedness of labor and recreation, eliminate all provoking factors, etc.);
  • for a long time to maintain the results obtained and not lose the following skills in the future (not to avoid, but to confront future negative situations, be able to cope with depressions and anxieties, etc.);
  • overcome the shame for anxiety, stop hiding your available problems from loved ones, enjoy support and with gratitude to accept assistance.

Cognitive techniques (techniques) Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy:

At consultations, the CCT psychologist, depending on the problem, apply various cognitive techniques (techniques), which help to analyze and recognize the negative perception of the situation in order to change it to positive.

Very often, a man is frightened that he focused himself and, in anticipation of this moment, he starts panic. He is already ready for danger on the subconscious level, long before it happens. As a result, the person is in advance fatally frightened and trying to avoid this situation in all possible ways.

Cognitive techniques will help lead control over negative emotions and will allow changing negative thinking, thereby reducing premature fear that develops into panic attacks. Using these techniques, a person changes its fatal perception of panic (which is characteristic of its negative thinking) and thereby shortens the duration of the attack itself, and also significantly reduces its impact on the overall emotional state.

At consultations, a psychologist creates an individual task system for his client. (From the active participation of the client and performing homework, it depends on how positive will be the result of the course of therapy). This technique is better to be called "learning". The psychologist teaches the client to control his negative thoughts and resist them in the future.

Such homework includes the introduction of a special diary, execution step-by-step instructions, training internal optimistic dialogue, the use of relaxation (relaxing) exercises, performing certain breathing exercises and much more. In each case, various cognitive techniques are selected.

What is cognitive behavioral psychotherapy? Objectives and basic principles

Have you noticed that often people behave in the same situation in different ways. But in some cases the surrounding can equally respond to any irritating factors. This suggests that their perception situation coincides. Behavior will depend on the perception of the situation, and the views on life are formed during the life of a person.

Determination of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy

Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy or cognitive-bihevoral psychotherapy is one of the directions of science, it is based on the assumption that the causes of mental disorders are dysfunctional attacks and beliefs.

So it is possible to say about the useful habit of getting ready for tomorrow's day to get together and not be late to school, to work. It is worth not to do this once and an unpleasant experience of a late arrival will arise, for example, to a meeting. As a result of the acquisition of negative experience in the subconscious of a person, it is memorizing him. When repetition such a situation, the brain gives a signal or guide to action to get away from trouble. Or, on the contrary, do nothing. That is why some people, having received the first time a refusal of any sentence, the next time they try not to do it anymore. We always manage our thoughts, we are under the influence of our own images. How to be a person who had many negative contacts during his life, and under their influence a certain worldview was formed. It prevents moving on, conquer new vertices. There is an exit. Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy is called.

This method is one of the modern directions in therapy. mental diseases. The basis of treatment is the study of the origin of human complexes and its psychological problems. The creator of this method of therapy is the American psychiatrist Aaron Beck. Currently, Cognitive Psychotherapy of Beck is one of effective ways Treatment of depressions, inclinations for suicidal attempts. In psychotherapy, the principle of changing the patient's behavior and the detection of thoughts that cause the disease is used.

The goal of therapy

The main goals of cognitive therapy are:

  1. Elimination of symptoms of the disease.
  2. Reducing the frequency of recurrences after treatment.
  3. Increases the efficiency of the use of drugs.
  4. The solution of many patient's social problems.
  5. Elimination of the reasons that can cause this condition, a change in human behavior, adapting it to various life situations.

Basic principles of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy

This technique allows you to eliminate negative thoughts, create new ways of thinking and analyzing this problem. Psychoanalysis includes:

  • The emergence of new stereotypes of thinking.
  • The study of unwanted or desirable thoughts, and what causes them.
  • Visualization that the new behavior stereotype can lead to emotional well-being.
  • How to apply new conclusions in your life, new situations.

The main thought of cognitive psychotherapy is that all patient problems come from his thinking. The man himself forms his attitude towards everything that is happening. Thus, he has appropriate feelings - fear, joy, anger, excitement. The person who inadequately estimates the surrounding things, people and events around him, can endorse them with such qualities that they are not inherent.

Help doctor

First of all, the psychiatrist in the treatment of such patients is trying to identify how those think, which leads to neurosis and suffering. And how to try to replace these categories of feelings on positive. People are taught again new thinking methods that will lead to a more adequate assessment of any life situation. But the main condition of treatment is the desire of the patient himself to cure. If a person is not aware of his disease, he experiences some resistance, the treatment may be ineffective. Attempting to change negative thoughts and stimulation to change is quite complex, because a person does not want to change his behavior, thinking. Many do not understand why they must change something in their lives, if they are so good. Conducting cognitive behavioral psychotherapy will independently be ineffective. A specialist should be treated with diagnosis and evaluation of the degree of violations.

Varieties of therapy

Like other treatments, cognitive psychotherapy has a variety of techniques. Here are some of the most popular of them:

  • Treatment by modeling. Man represents possible development Situations as a consequence of his behavior. An analysis of his actions is carried out and how to cope with it. Various relaxation techniques are used, which will allow to get rid of anxiety and remove possible provoking factors leading to stress. The method has proven itself in the treatment of insecurity and different fears.
  • Cognitive therapy. It is based on the adoption of the fact that emotional disorders Patient he has obviously arise thoughts about failure. A person immediately thinks that he does not work out, while the self-esteem is understated, the slightest hint of failure is perceived as the end of the world. In the treatment, the reason for the appearance of such thoughts is studied. Various situations are asked to get a positive life experience. The more successful events in life, the more confident in itself the patient, the faster it creates a positive opinion about himself. Over time, a person from the loser turns into a successful and confident.
  • Training control alarm. The doctor teaches the patient to apply a feeling of anxiety as relaxant. During a session, a psychiatrist is working on possible situations for preparing a patient to frequent events. This technique is used for those people who in stressful situations can not own themselves and cannot make a decision quickly.
  • Fight with stress. As a result of the use of this technique against stress, the patient learns relaxation with the help of a psychotherapist. Man specially gets stress. It helps to gain experience in applying a relaxation technique, which can be useful in the future.
  • Rational and emotive therapy. There are people who consider themselves the best. These thoughts often lead to inconsistency real life To dreams. What can lead to constant stress, the divergence of dreams and reality is perceived as a terrible event. Treatment is to motivate a person to real, and not a fictional life. Over time, the ability to make the right decisions will be fence from extra stress, the patient will cease to be dependent on their dreams.

That the patient will receive as a result of treatment:

  • The ability to identify negative thoughts.
  • It is realistic to evaluate thoughts, change to more constructive, which do not cause anxiety and depression.
  • Normalize and maintain lifestyle, eliminate provoking factors for stress.
  • Use the surveyed skills to fight alarm.
  • Overcome anxiety, do not hide problems from loved ones, consult with them and enjoy their support.

Anxious joy and sadness

We will proceed to present the main provisions of the article "Modeling user behavior when searching on the Internet and cognitive styles." In the works of Higerzer (1996), Heslton et al. (2005) it is argued that the content and direction of cognitive distortions can be monitored.

The concept of "cognitive processes" was often used to such processes as memory, attention, perception, action, decision-making and imagination. The above division is now considered in many ways artificial, studies studying the cognitive component of emotions. Along with this, often personal abilities for "awareness" of strategies and methods of cognitiveness, known as "meticientity". A huge success of a cognitive approach can be explained, above all, its prevailing as fundamental in modern psychology.

How strong a person's conscious intervention is required to perform a cognitive process? What impact does the individuality affect the cognitive process? If so, then what is this connection? A simple explanation for this is that living beings seek to preserve their attention to anything, trying to avoid interrupting and distractions at each of the levels of perception.

Cognitive development

In a different way, all this complex of sustainable characteristics of how individual individuals think are looking for, perceive and remember information, prefer to solve problems, is called cognitive style. Do you know how these well-established behavior stereotypes affect how your potential customers are looking for marketing information and make a choice of offper?

To begin with, they passed a special test (Riding's Cognitive Style Analysis Test) to determine their personal cognitive behavioral model. There is an intermediate type that combines characteristics and cholobi, and analysts.

Cognitive ontology

These people write texts well and work remarkably with visual, spatial and graphic information. A similar approach helps a lot to visitors who are looking for a particular product: the more search terms in the request, the faster and easier are the desired.

Unresolved problems of cognitive theory

The frequency of using the word in search queries does not necessarily mean that this is the best possible "keyword" specifically for your specific lending. Of course, the study, which we told in this post, did not make a final clarity in the description of the model of cognitive behavior of Internet users.

Adjust your content under various cognitive user behavior models. Examine cognitive styles inherent in your target audience. It uses both past experience and analysis of available opportunities, resulting in an optimal solution. The cognitive capabilities of animals are determined by their intelligence, under which the highest form of mental activity of animals (monkeys and a number of other higher vertebrates) are implied.

According to L. V. Krushinsky, ORGETS (INTELLECTUAL) Activities are different from any forms of behavior and learning. This form of adaptive behavior can be carried out at the first meeting of the animal with an unusual situation. In the fact that the animal is immediately, without special training, can take the right decision, and is a unique feature of the incident.

However, reasonable cognitive activity not only does not exclude previous experience, but also uses it, although it is not reduced to practice, which is significantly different from the conditional reflex. The task of the psychotherapist is to voice and verbalize this formula.

Cognitive (cognitive) approach, possessing the features of the "behavioral", reflects the essence of rational-emotional psychotherapy. Imperfect thinking is found in the fact that people speak themselves; Such a "self-expression" affects behavior.

People tend to create their own "subjective social reality", depending on their perception and this subjective reality can determine their behavior in society. Thus, cognitive distortions can lead to inaccuracies of judgments, illogical interpretations, or to irrationality in behavior in the broad sense of the word. Tver and Kaneman explained these discrepancies in judgments and decision-making in the categories of Heuristics.

In practice, investors act, relying on all sorts of cognitive distortions (prejudices, stereotypes of heuristics, emotional effects, etc.)

Heselton and other researchers also mention about the influence of stereotypes in decision-making. There are both cognitive distortions characteristic of social groups (such as the psychological phenomenon of polarization of groups (English) of Russian) and manifested on the individual level. Some cognitive distortions affect decision-making where the desirability of solutions is important (for example, a misconception about non-return costs).

Emotions are traditionally not related to cognitive processes. The concept of correction of cognitive distortion (eng.) Russian. There is a group of cognitive distortion associated with the peculiarities of the brain to perceive, remember and draw conclusions. Kaneman and Tver (1996) also argue that the study of cognitive distortions has great practical importance, in particular, in the medical sphere. In addition, some cognitive distortion allow faster to make decisions in situations when the rate of decision is more important than its accuracy.

Cognitivism is a modern direction in psychology.

In psychology, such a concept is often found as "Cognitivism".

What is it? What does this term mean?

Simple words about the theory of cognitive dissonance here.

Decoding the term

Cognitivism is a direction in psychology, according to which individuals do not simply react to events from outside or internal factors, but use for this reason.

His theoretical approach is to understand how thinking is arranged, as there is a decoding of incoming information and how it is organized to make decisions or perform everyday tasks.

Studies are associated with the cognitive activity of a person, and at the heart of Cognitivism costs mental activity, not behavioral reactions.

Cognitiveness - what is it simple words? Cognitiveness is a term denoting human ability to mental perception and recycling of external information.

Cognition concept

The main concept in cognitivism is the cognition that represents himself cognitive process or a set of mental processes in which perception is included, thinking, attention, memory, speech, awareness, etc.

That is, such processes that are associated with the processing of information in the structures of the brain and its subsequent processing.

What does cognitive mean?

When they characterize something as "cognitive" - \u200b\u200bwhat do they mean? Which one?

Cognitive - this means that it means in one way or another to know, thinking, the consciousness and functions of the brain, ensuring the acquisition of introductory knowledge and information, the formation of concepts and operating them.

For a better understanding, we will consider several more definitions directly related to cognitivism.

Several definitions for example

What does the word "cognitive" mean?

Under cognitive style understand relatively sustainable individual characteristics How different people have a process of thinking and understanding, as they perceive, process information and remember it, as well as a way to solve problems or problems that the individual chooses.

In this video, cognitive styles are sacrificed:

What is cognitive behavior?

Cognitive human behavior is thoughts and presentation inherent in a large extent of this individual.

These are behavioral reactions arising from a certain situation after processing and ordering information.

The cognitive component is a combination of various installations in relation to yourself. It includes the following elements:

  • idea of \u200b\u200boneself;
  • self-esteem, that is, the evaluation of this presentation, which can have a different emotional color;
  • potential behavioral reaction, that is, possible behavior based on the submission of itself and self-esteem.

Under the cognitive model, the theoretical model is understood, which describes the structure of knowledge, the relationship between concepts, indicators, factors, observations, and also reflects both information is stored and used.

In other words, this is an abstraction of a psychological process, which is reproducing key points in the opinion of this researcher, for its research.

A classic cognitive model is clearly demonstrated in the video:

Cognitive perception is an intermediary between the event that happened and your perception of it.

Such perception is called one of the most effective ways to combat psychological stress. That is, this is your evaluation of the event, the brain reaction to it and the formation of a meaningful behavioral reaction.

The phenomenon at which the possibility of an individual is limited to absorb and comprehend originating from the external environment is called cognitive deprivation. It includes a shortage of information, its variability or chaoticism, no ordering.

Because of it, obstacles arise for productive behavioral reactions in the surrounding world.

So, B. professional activity Cognitive deprivation can lead to errors and prevents the adoption of effective solutions. And in everyday life, it can be the result of false conclusions regarding surrounding individuals or events.

Empathy is the ability to empathize a person, understand the feelings, thoughts, goals and aspirations of another individual.

It is divided into emotional and cognitive.

And if the first is based on emotions, the second is based on intellectual processes, mind.

The most complex types of learning include cognitive.

Due to it, the functional structure of the medium is formed, that is, the relationship between its components is retrieved, after which the results obtained are transferred to real validity.

Cognitive learning includes observation, rational and neutral activity.

Under the cognitive apparatus, the internal resources of knowledge are understood, due to which intellectual structures are formed, the construction of thinking.

Cognitive flexibility is the ability of the brain to smoothly move from one thought to another, as well as to think about several things at once at the same time.

Also include the ability to adapt behavioral reactions to new or unexpected situations. Cognitive flexibility has great importance when learning and solving complex tasks.

It allows you to receive information from the environment, monitor its variability and adjust the behavior in accordance with the new requirements of the situation.

The cognitive component is usually closely related to "I" -concept.

This is a presentation of an individual about yourself and a set of some characteristics, which, in his opinion, is possessed.

These beliefs may have different significance and change over time. The cognitive component can be based on both objective knowledge and on any subjective opinion.

Under the cognitive properties, such properties that characterize the abilities available from the individual, as well as the activity of cognitive processes.

Cognitive factors have an important role for our mental state.

These include the ability to analyze their own state and external environmental factors, to evaluate the past experience and make forecasts for the future, determine the ratio of available needs and the level of their satisfaction, control the current state and the situation.

Violation of cognitive functions - what is it? Find out about this from our article.

What is "I-Concept"? Clinical psychologist will explain in this video:

Cognitive assessment is an element of an emotional process, which includes the interpretation of the event, as well as its own and someone's behavior on the basis of attitudes towards values, interests, needs.

In the cognitive theory of emotions, it is noted that a cognitive assessment determines the quality of experienced emotions and their strength.

Cognitive features are specific characteristics Cognitive style associated with the age of an individual, its floor, place of residence, social status and the environment.

Cognitive experiences understand mental structures that ensure the perception of information, its storage and ordering. They allow the psyche to further reproduce sustainable aspects of the environment and in accordance with this to respond quickly to them.

Cognitive rigidity refer to the inability of the individual to change their own perception of the environment and the idea of \u200b\u200bit upon receipt of additional, sometimes contradictory, information and the emergence of new situational requirements.

Cognitive knowledge is engaged in searching for methods and ways to increase the efficiency, improvement of human mental activity.

With it, it becomes possible to form a multifaceted, successful, thinking personality. Thus, cognitive knowledge is a tool for the formation of the informative abilities of the individual.

To one of the hell common sense Believe cognitive prejudices. Individuals often argue about anything or make decisions that are suitable in some cases, but misleading in others.

They are the preferences of the individual, the bias displacements in the assessment, the tendency to unjust conclusions as a result of insufficient information or unwillingness to take note of it.

Thus, Cognitivism comprehensively considers human mental activity, explores thinking in various changeable situations. This term is closely related to cognitive activities and its effectiveness.

About how to cope with cognitive prejudices, you can learn from this video:

Cognitive behavior

General psychology: Glossary. R. Comer.

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