Patients with hobl. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: causes, symptoms, forms

When it is difficult to move processed food through the intestines and unpleasant symptoms occur, then this is due to the disease digestive system. Frequent treatment at intestinal obstruction is the operation. The mechanism and types of the disease affect the conduct of therapeutic measures. Intervention is indicated for complications of this condition.

Indications for surgery for intestinal obstruction

They seek help when the main symptoms in adults of the disease are observed.

In addition, the following conditions are considered indications for the operation:

  • growths on the intestinal walls;
  • obturation of the intestinal lumen with stones;
  • adhesive disease of the intestines and from torsion;

The cause of the appearance of the disease is associated with a nervous disorder. In this case, the treatment is bypassed with drug therapy. If complications arise, then an operation is performed.

When medications are prescribed, prevention is considered the main goal of therapy. further development obstruction. The drugs help to soften, restore organ peristalsis and remove an obstacle in the lumen.

Prolonged inability to push through digested foods activates the putrefaction process. Therefore, sometimes a patient is diagnosed with a trauma of blood vessels and nerves in the area of \u200b\u200bthe small or large intestine. Because of this, the process of epithelial necrosis occurs. This becomes the main reason for surgical treatment when medications are not able to help.

Preparing the patient and the surgeon for the intervention

When the doctor knows the reason for the development of intestinal obstruction, then several methods of performing the operation are distinguished for the patient:

  • emergency intervention;
  • planned operation.

There is preparation before any surgical procedure. If the intervention is planned, then the patient starts it at home. The preparatory phase continues at the hospital. If urgent treatment is required, the patient is prepared in a hospital.

In both cases, the patient is advised to adhere. Moreover, he needs to drink plenty of water. The consumption of bread products, vegetables and fruits is excluded from the diet. In addition to a diet for the intestines, laxative medicines are prescribed. In case of a planned operation, Fortrans or a solution of magnesia is recommended to be taken every day until the moment of surgery.

In addition to food and medicine, the patient is doing, or he is doing on his own, bowel cleansing with an enema. In addition to laxative medicines, drugs are prescribed to eliminate antispasmodic activity. The patient is recommended to drink Drotaverin or Baralgin to normalize intestinal peristalsis, and solutions are injected to maintain electrolytes and body fluids in good shape.

In addition to going to surgery for the treatment of obstruction, it is necessary to visit other doctors before the operation if there are signs of other diseases.

In order not to overdo it with fluid intake, you need to calculate the optimal amount. To do this, you need to know the daily urine output. Under normal conditions, healthy person there is a loss of one and a half liters of liquid. This indicator is individual and varies depending on the weight and state of the heart and organs associated with urine output.

How is the surgery going

An operation to eliminate intestinal obstruction is intended to eliminate obstacles in the movement of feces. Sometimes surgery can help clear up other complications that may cause complications. After the operation, the patient is provided rehabilitation period... This is required so that the patient's body can recover and not have unpleasant consequences due to non-compliance with the doctor's prescriptions.

Step-by-step actions of the surgeon

When the operation for intestinal obstruction begins, the patient is given anesthesia. The surgeon needs access to the injury for treatment. Therefore, a median laparotomy is often used. Then the doctor begins the examination abdominal cavity and finding the obstacle. This is seen as a swelling of the colon or small intestine above the lesion.

In addition, the following signs of intestinal blockage are distinguished:

  • purple color at the location of the loop;
  • the other part of the intestine (below the blockage) does not change in color.

The surgeon examines the entire peritoneum and especially the colon. If before the start of treatment of intestinal obstruction it was not possible to cleanse the intestines, then the surgeon is doing it at the moment. Decompression is performed with the removal of processed foods through an esophageal tube. Otherwise, cleansing is done through a small incision in the intestine during the operation.

After this, adhesions are eliminated. For this, the surgeon is able to apply several techniques. It depends on the type of disease and the reasons for the stagnation of feces.

Therefore, the following are distinguished:

  • enterotomy - resection of the intestinal wall and removal of an obstacle in the lumen, followed by suturing the wound;
  • reduction of loops, if the cause was infringement of a hernia;
  • removal of a section of the intestine with a tumor or the development of epithelial death;
  • anastomosis if the obstruction is difficult to remove by enterotomy.

If necessary, the doctor is able to place a colostomy into the damaged part of the intestine. The mechanism can be temporary or remain permanent. This often occurs with left-sided hemicolectomy. After applying one of the method of removing the obstruction, the surgeon assesses the condition of the intestine.

What you need to know about bowel obstruction surgery

When the patient shows signs of epithelial death in the area of \u200b\u200bintestinal lesion, then resection is made to the area with healthy tissue. In this case, the surgeon has a rule for making an incision 50 cm above the necrotic area and 15 cm below. When the small intestine is resected, an anastomosis is formed.

If there is a problem in the cecum, then the doctor does right-sided hemicolectomy... In this case, the surgeon applies an ileotransverse anastomosis to the resected site. The same is done for problems in the colon.

With mechanical obstruction or with the location of growths in the lumen, several operations are performed with a time interval. Therefore, a colostomy is applied to the site. After a while, the surgeon performs an operation to remove this device and an anastomosis is created.

With the development of a purulent form of the disease, the doctor performs operations in 2 approaches. In this case, not only the elimination of the obstacle occurs, but also the washing of the abdominal cavity and its drainage. In this case, the intervention is divided into 3 stages.

First, a discharge stoma is placed on the patient. After this, the affected intestine is cut. After that, the anastomosis is applied and the stoma is removed. Then the effusion from the abdominal cavity is removed. For this, an aspiration probe is used. When the obstruction is over, the abdominal cavity is drained. At the very last moment, suturing of the wound begins. The duration of the operation depends on the severity of the disease.

When the emergency treatment is over, the patient begins the postoperative phase. The attending physician prescribes a therapeutic diet and drugs to restore bowel function. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed from medicines. In addition, appointed intravenous administration solutions to maintain electrolyte balance, allowing you to remove toxins from the body after decay processes due to obstruction.

To prevent the formation of adhesions after surgery, physiotherapy is recommended. Such procedures are prohibited if the patient has a tumor in the abdominal cavity. To maintain muscle tone, therapeutic exercises are required.

From complex therapy during this period, a diet is required. Products that cause fermentation and swelling are prohibited. Therefore, you can not use:

  • milk products;
  • legumes;
  • soda.

It is limited in taking meals with a lot of fats and carbohydrates. At the same time, the menu should be balanced with proteins and vitamins. In the postoperative period, it is allowed to take fermented milk products containing beneficial bacteria. This is necessary to restore the intestinal microflora. Solid foods need to be wiped or chopped before eating or cooking.

The increase in the menu is carried out 60-90 days after the operation. Any changes in the diet are discussed with the treating doctor.

The occurrence of complications after the intervention

If the patient does not follow the doctor's recommendations, then there are unpleasant consequences after the operation with intestinal obstruction. Therefore, one should beware of the appearance of ruptures of the walls of the small intestine, if it was resected. This process can be multiple or single. After the operation, peritonitis may develop, when the peritoneal wall becomes inflamed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe sutures.

Sometimes tissue necrosis continues if a small area of \u200b\u200bdead epithelium is not removed. If the diet is not followed, stitches can rupture. When symptoms of complications arise, you need to seek help from your doctor.

Intestinal obstruction appears in young people, adults, etc. The main treatment is medication. When medications have not worked for the patient, an emergency or elective surgical procedure is performed. Depending on the type of intestinal obstruction, the operation can take several stages and days. In the postoperative period, the patient is prescribed complex therapy... Otherwise, unpleasant consequences arise.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate! Be sure to contact a specialist!

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Appoints diagnosis and treatment. Study Team Expert inflammatory diseases... Author of over 300 scientific papers.

The intestine is a mobile and complex element of digestion. It is much larger than others, its length is about 4 meters. Consists of two main sections - thick and small intestine... Further, they are split into smaller nodes that differ in tasks. Peristalsis ensures the pushing of food, and a strong blood supply to the areas and the release of enzymes provokes stable digestion and absorption of nutrients into the blood.

The small intestine includes the duodenum, ileum, and jejunum. It is here that all the breakdowns, processing of products and further assimilation, as well as the production of immune bodies, are performed. Another section unites the blind, rectum, sigmoid and colon. It is responsible for the absorption of water, salts, the formation of vitamins due to microflora, the formation of feces and its excretion from the body.

- a state when all, or any one of the listed functions are violated. Metabolic processes are blocked in the organ, the balance of water and salts is not stable, and toxins are not eliminated. It is difficult to accurately predict the consequences of not receiving treatment, but they are unlikely to be beneficial to humans.

IN clinical form the disease manifests itself through a very specific symptoms:

  • Pain in abdominal (similar to contractions);
  • Bloating of the intestines;
  • Vomiting / nausea;
  • Gas blockage;
  • Long absence of a chair;
  • General painful condition of the body.

The disease can be acute, when all these symptoms are manifested to the maximum, and chronic, when the obstruction is expressed in the form of attacks and does not lead to a sharp deterioration in the condition.

All signs can appear as on early stageand after surgery to resolve obstruction due to recurrence of diseases of the abdominal organs.

Important! If one or all of the listed symptoms appear at once, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor. It is also better not to resort to laxatives without consulting a doctor, since they, if volvulus, intussusception or other forms of the disease are found, will only aggravate the process.


If an acute hilar (movement disorder) is detected, the person is immediately sent to the hospital. In such a situation, an urgent diagnosis is prescribed that can confirm the disease. Abdominal x-rays and ultrasound are used. The goal is to determine the horizontal levels of fluid in the intestine, to study the "Kloyber cups" obtained due to the accumulation of gases in the upper sections of the intestinal loops.

In the express form, an ECG is prescribed, a series of analyzes for quickly obtaining the data necessary for surgical intervention.

With chronic obstruction and the formation of congestion, occurring regularly and often, the patient is sent for a comprehensive examination of the abdominal organs.

Contrast is required first x-ray with barium enema (irrigoscopy). It helps to determine the narrowing of the passage, defects in the formation of feces, adhesions. Then the procedure for preparing for a colonoscopy begins (cleansing the intestines followed by the introduction of a probe with a camera, lamp and magnifier).

Fibrocolonoscopy helps to find inflammation, polyps and formations. Biopsy and histological examination are performed. Based on the results of the analyzes and the final diagnosis, a method of therapy is prescribed.

The small intestine is a hard-to-reach place for these diagnostic methods, there are too many bends in it. IN medical institutions with innovative software, capsule endoscopy is used.

The capsule with a special device is swallowed. It gradually passes through the intestinal cavities and scans all its compartments, transmitting data to the screen. The capsule exits outward through the anus. This technique does not injure the intestines, has no contraindications, and provides more information.

It may happen that for the patient, irrigoscopy and colonoscopy will be too difficult (due to heart failure, hypertension, etc.). Then a digital tomographic study is assigned - a virtual colonoscopy. It is as comfortable as possible, is carried out quickly, and is well tolerated by the body.

After the introduction of the liquid solution, an examination is carried out using a tomographic scanner, a three-dimensional picture is transmitted to the screen, and pictures are taken.


After installing the obstruction, the doctor will most likely require surgical intervention. According to statistics, only 5% of cases do without surgical care... Everything is supported by the terminal (near-death state) stage of the development of the disease or, conversely, by the initial symptoms, as well as by the diagnosis after examination and opening.

Anesthesia is required before the operation. Moreover, the doctor chooses the method that is best suited for a favorable outcome of the event. Anesthesia is divided into several types:

  • Local or general;
  • Spinal.

Each has its own pros and cons. The specialist chooses the method individually for a particular case, based on the patient's condition.

Types of operations

Surgery to treat intestinal obstruction is different. The doctor chooses the method based on the indications:

  • individual patient indicators;
  • features of the course of the disease;
  • anesthesia scheme.

For example, when the obstruction developed due to gallstone disease, then health care expressed in carrying out a laparotomy. This is an operation, the essence of which is to open the abdominal cavity, through which interfering stones are removed. If the process is accompanied by inflammation in the area of \u200b\u200bobstruction, then bowel perforation is needed.

In cases where the congestion has happened due to the adhesions in the abdominal region, the purpose of the intervention is to sever the adhesions.

Often the development of the disease is caused by intussusception, that is, the process of passage of the small part of the intestine to the colon (or in the opposite order), which is very often found in children. The problem can be solved only when the organ is expanded.

This can be done in several ways - manually by making an incision, or by pumping air into the abdominal cavity. The second method is used when the intussusception is not too severe. If, due to some indication, it is not possible to straighten the intestine, then it is necessary to completely remove the affected part of the organ. Such an intervention involves the use of enteroanastomosis or enterocoloanastomosis.


The recovery period after the removal of part of the intestine is especially difficult. If complications were avoided, then gradually health and digestive functions are restored.

Diaphragmatic hernia - one of the pathogens that can lead to intestinal congestion. Operations in such a situation are aimed at completely removing the cause of the formation of blockage and ailment. But, according to statistics, this form is very rarely diagnosed.

In the case of some forms of bowel disorder or obstruction, the situation can be stabilized only by installing a special probe. Its task is to unload the intestines as much as possible.

Unfortunately, it is far from always possible to easily eliminate the cause of the development of the disease, for example, when the situation is caused by oncology or other serious illness. Here, doctors most often install a special device to unload the intestines immediately after the end of the operation.

This is a small external fistula - stoma... It can be applied temporarily or for life. In the first situation, the stoma is removed as a result of a second operation, after getting rid of the cause of the blockage and normalizing patency.

In the hospital, before the operation with intestinal obstruction, the following measures are taken:

  • A catheter is inserted into the central vein to monitor central venous pressure and control parenteral infusions;
  • The catheter is inserted and into bladder (diuresis control);
  • A nasogastric tube is inserted.

The cost

Surgery to treat intestinal obstruction belongs to the category urgent assistance... It is carried out free of charge in any of the nearby surgical hospitals.

Paid treatment is not excluded, but you need to inquire in advance about clinics that can carry out an early intervention. In such a situation, the cost will depend on the amount of work. The minimum price for such operations is from 50 thousand rubles. The rest is payment for postoperative examinations and treatment.

The price for a laparoscopic operation for adhesive intestinal obstruction starts from 40 thousand rubles.

Recovery after surgery

The first time, usually a week, after the operation, the patient must be in a hospital environment so that doctors can monitor his condition. The main recommendations at this stage:

  • Fasting for medicinal purposes (several days);
  • Compliance with the dietary diet;
  • Taking medications to stabilize the intestines;
  • Anti-inflammatory treatment;
  • Intravenous administration of medications to stabilize the balance of fluid and minerals, utilize toxic substances;
  • Physiotherapy - to prevent the formation of adhesions;
  • Attending exercise therapy course.

The consequences of the intervention to eliminate the obstruction of the organ are found in rare cases, when the patient was delivered in a too neglected position, which is why medical assistance was directed to excision of the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe intestine. Also as a result of repeated surgical intervention aimed at removing adhesions. The main side effect a relapse of obstruction is considered.


A very important role is given to a gentle form of nutrition after surgery. Basic rules for building a recovery diet:

  • A large amount of food, which helps to increase peristalsis;
  • Spicy and fatty foods and foods that lead to increased gas formation are prohibited;
  • Absorption of food in small portions every 3 hours, a time-based diet;
  • Control fats and carbohydrates (limit), while the absorption of proteins and vitamins needs to be increased.

Strict diet and nutritional control are required for at least 3-4 months after carrying out a surgical measure to eliminate obstruction. You can remove bans or expand the range of products only on the advice of a doctor.

Patients are advised to consume fermented milk products, which contain bifido and lactobacilli to restore the internal flora of the intestine. You can also use fruit puree and juices, soups.

An operation for intestinal obstruction, the consequences of which depend on the timeliness of the therapeutic procedures, should be carried out as quickly as possible. With early treatment, the risk of side effects is very small. More often than not, serious problems are predicted only if the problem is detected late or if the patient - old man, and also if inoperable formations are found in him. With an abundance of adhesions in the abdominal cavity, the likelihood of a repeat of the diagnosis is high.

The adult patient tolerates the operation well. Deaths are possible with severe forms of the disorder, old age, and the presence of other serious diseases.

The recovery of a person after an operation to eliminate obstruction depends to a large extent on the patient himself. If he fully complies with the prescriptions and recommendations of the doctor, he will be able to get rid of relapse and consequences.

Intestinal obstruction leads to a partial or complete cessation of the movement of food and feces along the small and large intestine.

In medicine, two types of disease are distinguished: mechanical (associated with obstacles) and dynamic (accompanied by impaired motor activity of a certain part of the intestine).

Therapeutic measures directly depend on the course of the disease. If complications arise that threaten the patient's life, an urgent surgical procedure is prescribed.

Danger of intestinal obstruction

What will be the consequences if the intestinal tract is blocked depends on the cause and the degree of narrowing of the passage.

It is customary to refer to mechanical blockage of the intestine:

Acute intestinal obstruction may occur as a result of intussusceptions from one section of the intestine to another.

In adults, the disease develops during education. Such a process is often observed after surgery in the abdomen, with the breakthrough of ulcers, diseases of the reproductive system in the female half of the population.

All these anomalies are considered dangerous because they lead to serious complications.

Serious complications of intestinal obstruction include:

  • loss of fluid, disruption of the normal content of salts and acids in the body;
  • poisoning with metabolic products;
  • the development of nausea and repeated vomiting;
  • interruptions in the feeding of organs and tissue structures;
  • activation of the processes of decay and reproduction of bacterial agents;
  • atrophy of intestinal tissues;
  • tearing of the walls with the penetration of the contents into the peritoneum and the occurrence of a purulent inflammatory process.

If a purulent infection spreads throughout the body, it can be fatal. There is a sharp interruption in the cleansing function, which leads to irreversible damage internal organs and systems.

Indications for surgical procedures

If symptoms of intestinal obstruction occur, you need to seek help from a specialist. The doctor will assess the patient's condition and tell you if surgery is needed for the bowel.

The main indications for surgical manipulations are:

  • tumor-like formations;
  • blocking the intestinal lumen with stones;
  • twisting the loops of the large and small intestine with the formation of nodes;

If the disease has arisen against the background of a movement disorder or interruptions in nervous system, then the pathology is eliminated with the help of medicines.

The key goal of the treatment course is to eliminate the factors of the development of pathology and resume the normal passage of feces.

If there is injury to blood vessels and nerves, then there is necrosis of tissue structures. Then the operation is performed without fail.

Preparatory manipulations

Operations for intestinal obstruction can be planned or urgent. It all depends on the cause, diagnosis and general condition sick.

Before this, preparatory manipulations are performed. If the procedure is planned, then the preparation can be carried out at home, and then continue in the hospital.

The preparatory stage for chronic and acute intestinal obstruction consists in the following actions:

  1. Compliance with a special diet. Vegetable and fruit crops, milk and bread are excluded from the menu. The emphasis is on drinking plenty of fluids.
  2. Drugs with a laxative effect are prescribed. These means include Fortrans, a solution based on magnesia, liquid paraffin, Duphalac.
  3. Perform cleansing enemas every night before bed.
  4. Taking medication to reduce spasms. This group includes Drotaverin, No-Shpa, Spazmalgon.
  5. Administration of the solution through a vein. This will help to normalize electrolyte levels, fluid volume in the body, water-salt and energy metabolism.
  6. Visit doctors of narrow specialties to identify concomitant diseases.

Fluid adjustment depends on the age and weight of the patient, condition of cardio-vascular system and kidneys.

Execution stages

Surgery for intestinal obstruction in adults and depends on the symptoms manifested, the age of the patient and the location of the obstacle. Often, doctors make an incision in the midline of the abdomen - this ensures full access to the peritoneal organs.

If intestinal obstruction has been diagnosed, the operation is performed in several stages:

  1. An incision is made first to allow access to the organs.
  2. All inflamed tissue structures and fluids are removed.
  3. Additionally, an anesthetic is injected into the mesenteric region of the large and small intestine.
  4. The surgeon examines all organs and tissues. Reveals the place of localization of pathology, and blocks the passage of the intestine.
  5. A probe is inserted through the nasal passages. This is necessary to suck out the contents in the digestive tract.
  6. The pathological focus is removed, as well as all non-viable tissues. Then the walls of the alimentary canal and its passage are restored.
  7. The wound is sutured and treated with antiseptic agents.

In acute intestinal obstruction, the operation is carried out urgently. The surgical procedure can be tailored individually.

There are some features of the surgical plan, depending on factors:

  1. With a hernia, the affected loop is removed. Viable sites are returned back to the abdominal cavity. The hernial sac is sutured.
  2. With the adhesive process, the resulting scars are dissected.
  3. If tumors have formed, they are removed.
  4. When the intestine is folded, tissues with defects are straightened. If the tissues are not viable, then they are removed.
  5. If with intestinal obstruction it is not possible to restore the functioning of the intestines, then it is excreted.

How long does gastrointestinal surgery take and how quickly will recovery take place? The duration of the procedure depends on the symptoms that appear and the number of affected areas. The work is painstaking, costly and traumatic. Patients are difficult to tolerate.

To reduce the burden, surgical intervention is performed in several stages. First, the affected tissue structures and the cause of the pathology are removed. Then a colostomy is formed. And after a while, the integrity of the digestive tract is restored. This can take several months.

Rehabilitation period

Eliminated bowel obstruction after surgery must be maintained special treatment, which consists in:

  • controlling and resuming the normal functionality of internal organs;
  • effective pain relief;
  • cleansing the stomach and intestines;
  • resumption of motor functionality;
  • processing the surface of the wound.

In case of intestinal obstruction, surgery, consequences, special attention should be paid to nutrition. The emphasis is on liquid meals. Products must be subjected to gentle mechanical and thermal processes. You need to eat a little, but often.

Adverse consequences

There are many cases known to surgery when people have intestinal obstruction. If the patient turns to a specialist on time, has survived the operation and follows all the doctor's recommendations, then the likelihood of developing serious complications is minimal.

In rare situations, the following consequences may occur:

  • single or multiple ruptures of the walls of the small intestine;
  • peritonitis - inflammation of the abdominal cavity;
  • necrosis of tissue structures of the intestinal canal;
  • divergence of internal seams;
  • disruption of the anus of an artificial type.

If symptoms of complications appear, then it is necessary to urgently call ambulance and go to the hospital.

This disease is considered common and occurs equally in adults and children. To avoid complications and death, you need to be attentive to your health, listen to the symptoms and consult a doctor in a timely manner.


The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. A specialist consultation is required!

Bowel obstruction Is a complex of symptoms characterized by congestion of the gastrointestinal tract chyme ( semi-digested food masses).

Intestinal obstruction reasons

All causes of this syndrome are divided into two categories: mechanical and functional.

Mechanical reasons:
  • Violation of the structure of the peritoneum, internal organs of the abdominal cavity
  • Congenital peritoneal strands
  • Formation disorder intestines
  • Volvulus of one of the intestinal sections
  • Decreased bowel lumen due to neoplasm, endometriosis, vascular disease
  • Neoplasms
  • Inflammation
  • Entering the intestines of foreign elements
  • Bowel obturation
  • Hematoma ( more dangerous when using drugs that prevent blood clotting and hemophilia)
  • Meconium
  • Fecal, gallstones, bezoars
  • Accumulation of worms
Factors contributing to the development of mechanical obstruction:
  • movable cecum
  • the presence of pockets of the peritoneum
  • abdominal adhesions
  • increase in the length of the sigmoid colon ( typical for people of advanced age).
Functional reasons:
  • Spasms
  • Paralytic phenomena
  • Bowel pseudo-obstruction
  • Hirschsprung's disease.
Factors contributing to the development of functional obstruction:
  • Sharp increase in the proportion of fresh fruits and vegetables in season
  • Overeating after a long fast
  • Transfer of infants under one year of age to adapted milk formulas.

Adhesive bowel obstruction

A fairly common form of the disease, observed in a third of cases of obstruction. This form of intestinal obstruction develops if adhesions form in the abdominal cavity that pinch the intestines ( obturation form), as well as if the intestinal mesentery is compressed by adhesions ( strangulation form).
The presence of adhesions often leads to volvulus. This type of obstruction often recurs: as soon as the amount of food consumed exceeds the norm, the patient begins to feel pain. The intestinal walls are stretched, the musculature stops contracting in full, the chyme does not advance.

Treatment is usually conservative, but sometimes you have to resort to surgery.

Partial bowel obstruction

According to the nature of the movement of food masses, obstruction is divided into complete and partial.

Small bowel obstruction

The reasons:
  • The ingestion of foreign objects into the intestines
  • Intestinal torsion, hernia, volvulus
  • Malignant neoplasm ( lymphosarcoma, adenocarcinoma).
  • Aversion to food
  • Anxiety
  • Epigastric pain
  • Vomiting
  • Dehydration.

What to do?
Visit a doctor and find out the cause of the ailment.

Colon obstruction

The reasons:
  • Organic colon diseases
  • Spasms, atony, coprostasis.
  • No defecation occurs
  • Acute paroxysmal pain
  • Aversion to food
  • Flatulence
What to do?
  • Take a laxative
  • Make an enema
  • Visit a doctor's consultation.

Bowel obstruction symptoms

  • Cramping pain, appears suddenly, the duration of one episode is about 10 minutes. May not pass ( if the muscles of the intestines are exhausted, if the pain is of strangulation etiology). Most often, after 2 - 3 days, the pain disappears, but this does not indicate recovery, but a complete "shutdown" of the intestinal motor function.
  • Not excretion of gases and feces.
  • The stomach is "skewed", swollen.
  • Vomiting can be repeated. Appears faster if the jam is high.
In addition to the above symptoms, there are still a large number of specific symptoms that only a specialist can detect. For example, a doctor, when listening to the abdominal cavity, may hear characteristic gurgling sounds or their complete absence, feel for special intestinal distention.

Diagnosis of intestinal obstruction

Diagnostic methods used for intestinal obstruction:
  • Examination, listening and palpating the patient's abdomen
  • Patient interview
  • X-ray of the abdomen ( sometimes using barium contrast agent)
  • Irrigoscopy ( with obstruction of the colon)
  • Ultrasound examination

Intestinal obstruction treatment

In case of acute mechanical intestinal obstruction, treatment is carried out only in the hospital.
If the patient develops peritonitis, surgery is prescribed. Otherwise, conservative methods of treatment are used: enemas, gastric tube, drugs that relieve pain, droppers to remove toxins from the blood.

If the patient begins to excrete gases and feces, pain is relieved, an x-ray with a contrast agent is prescribed, showing positive changes.
If the improvement does not occur within 12 hours, an operation is prescribed.

Bowel obstruction surgery

During the operation, the following actions are carried out:
1. An obstacle preventing the chyme from advancing is removed. If the small intestine is operated on, a resection is usually done to completely restore patency. In some cases, you have to do a series of two or three interventions.
2. All segments of the intestine with dead tissue must be removed completely. In this case, it is better to remove a little excess than to leave the affected areas of the intestine.
3. Before the intervention, the patient is prepared with broad-spectrum antibiotics, which is infused into the vein half an hour before the intervention.

In some diseases, for example, Crohn's disease in the acute stage or carcinomatosis of the peritoneum, patency is restored using a special type of probe ( to unload the intestines), as well as the use of medicines.
In babies with intestinal intussusception ( a special form of obstruction, characteristic of young children) barium enemas are also effective.

Bowel obstruction in newborns

This is a very serious and dangerous condition for a newborn.
The reasons:
  • Mechanical ( congenital and acquired)
  • Neurohumoral.
Congenital intestinal obstruction in children can make itself felt immediately after the baby is born or a little later. Disorders of intestinal development are laid in the first month of intrauterine development.

Malformations leading to intestinal obstruction of newborns:
1. Insulated midgut volvulus
2. Squeeze duodenum cecum
3. Ledd's syndrome.

The obstruction can also be explained by the congestion of meconium ( original feces) with cystic fibrosis.
Congenital obstruction can be acute, chronic, or recurrent.

1. Vomiting from the first day of life with an admixture of bile, after eating
2. Greater weight loss due to fluid ( up to 300 grams per day)
3. Bloating at the top of the abdomen
4. At first, the baby is quite calm, gradually becomes more and more capricious, twists his legs, does not eat
5. The skin becomes grayish.

Diet for intestinal obstruction

The most important condition for maintaining the patient's well-being is a well-composed diet. If the patient often suffers from constipation, food should be introduced into the diet that improves bowel motility ( foods in abundance containing plant fiber). In the same case, if this does not help, you should try using mild laxatives ( e.g. epsom salt, senna leaf). You should eat at the same time. You should not allow too long intervals between meals. Also, you should not eat too much food at one time.

Products recommended for regular consumption in case of obstruction: beets, seaweed, vegetable oils, carrot.
It is advisable to exclude from the diet food that provokes active gas formation ( cabbage,

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