How to treat with herbs. Secrets of the right treatments

Hello everyone!

Recently, I often have to deal with information that everything can be cured by medicinal.

What they are much effective tabletAnd that modern medicine does not understand anything.

What to seek salvation from various diseases needed in the recipes of folk healers, in old books folk medicinewhere herbs are one of the main components of any means.

Many really believe that the treatment of herbs is simple and very helpful.

I do not quite agree with such a philistine statement and therefore decided to write this post on how to be treated with herbs right and safely.

From this article you will learn:

How to be treated with herbs right and safely - the secrets of phyto-therapy

I graduated from Medical University, Pharmaceutical Faculty.

And one of the most important and complex items that we studied on the course was a pharmospognosium- science of medicinal plants.

We studied this item for five years, and pass the exam on it or get a credit, it was more difficult than at any chemistry or pharmacology.

As we taught these herbs, only one who studied there knows.

We not only memorized the names of the plants and the area of \u200b\u200btheir use, but also worked with a microscope, made chemical reactions, determining chemical composition Raw materials and its structure, considered roots and leaves in the context, all this was drawn, remembered and zublila.

In the spring we went to the preparation of medicinal raw materials, analyzed his analysis using modern methods Research and, of course, studied its full use.

I still remember a huge table, made by Petri dishes with dry medicinal raw materials, somewhere solid, somewhere crushed.

From this abundance it was necessary to choose what you will be called and prove that this is exactly the fee or that plant, physical and chemical methods.

Therefore, I can with great confidence to refute the false statement that medicinal plants is a lot of knowledge of grandmothers-grass or folk healers. Official medicine knows no less, but even more about how to be treated and how to do it correctly.

It is even difficult for me to imagine how many new research are held annually for medicinal plants, this science never stands still.

In the conditions of modern ecology, the plants change their composition, which means that their field of application may change or new contraindications appear, and the newest technologies allow you to open new medicinal properties famous or unfamiliar plants.

Therefore, it is not worth it to object to the old folk hospitals, and it is best to buy a modern reference book of medicinal plants, where their chemical composition will be indicated, drug properties and methods of application, as well as contraindications, and be sure to use them correctly.

Medicinal Treatment - Important Terms and Tips

To begin with, I would like to voice a few features of medicinal herbs that few people pay attention to:

  • Well, in-premiss, I immediately want to say that medicinal herbs do not create miracles, and to cure them all existing diseases - Impossible!

If you hear anywhere in the story of how a person fully cured himself with the infusion of oats or chamomile flowers from cancer in the fourth stage, consider that he just happened a miracle of healing, for the most part, thanks to his faith in himself, in God, in God Life in this medicinal plant, or maybe he did something else, what you do not know.

Try to cure Muscular Dystrophy herbs, bass, multiple sclerosis, meningitis ...

  • Medicinal treatment is not so safe what many consider it.

Drug raw materials can cause strongest allergies, poisoning, launch pathological processes in the body, negatively affect the development of the fetus in pregnant women, for potency in men, and much more.

Therefore, before drinking any "harmless" herb, be sure to read the possible side effectswhich it can give and its contraindications to use.

Especially dangerous illiterately composed drug fees, herbs collected in an environmentally polluted area, as well as taking herbs at the same time with drugs.

Always remember, at what time we live, and plants, like people, absorb all of the environment.

  • A number of medicinal herbs has a strictly defined safety dose.

Roughly speaking, there are herbs, which are in excellent dosage, turn into poison.

  • In the medicinal herbs there are "harmful chemistry"

Well, I have already thrown about it in paragraph 2, in addition to useful trace elements, there are harmful (salts of heavy metals) in medicinal raw materials. Especially by them are replete with those who were going along the car and railway roads and in other environmentally unfavorable places.

  • Medicinal herbs can not be used long and constantly

Some herbs are addictive, others, with long-term use, inhibit the nervous system, cause an overdose, which is accompanied by negative consequences, therefore, the course of treating herbs is individual.

For example, mint tea, with constant use, heavily lowers the pressure, "safe" chamomile, with long-term use, disrupts the absorption of iron, wormwood can provoke a violation nervous system, Crow convulsions and fainting.

Therefore, "healing" herbs from one disease, you can easily purchase another.

How is it right and safe to be treated with herbs?

So, remember the basic rules - how to be treated with herbs:

  • In order for grass to save all useful components in itself, it is very important to collect it in all the rules.

Given the gathering place, the collection time, as well as the conditions for its workpiece and drying. How to do it correctly, you can read in any good reference book of medicinal plants.

It is best to collect herbs yourself, observing all the rules of workpiece, drying and storage.

Or buy medicinal herbs from tested by the manufacturers, and in specialized pharmacies where you will provide all product quality certificates, including documents for its radiological control.

I do not advise anyone to buy herbs in the markets from unknown people, no one knows exactly what they can be where they were collected!

  • It is necessary to brew in a glass dish in a water bath.

This rule is important to observe because the plants are able to interact with various chemical components and accumulate them in themselves, so boiling in a metal, plastic dishes can be dangerous.

  • To prepare an effective drug from medicinal herbs, you need to comply with certain rules.

Lek.Syrier is usually used in the form of aquatic infusions and decoctions or alcohol tinctures.

Infusion is prepared from soft vegetable raw materials (flowers, leaves, herbs), ragners of hard vegetable raw materials (roots, bark, dry fruits)

Usually infusions and decoctions are prepared in the ratio of 1:10

  • How to cook medicinal infusion?

Preparing raw materials, take 1 tablespoon of dry crushed grass. Fill with glass hot water and boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then remove from the fire and cooled 45 minutes. Focus.

  • How to cook a decoction of herbs?

Preparing raw materials, 1 tbsp. L per 1 cup of water, pour hot water and boil in a water bath for 30 minutes. Remove from fire and cool 10 minutes. Fix hot.

The exception is only that prepare according to the special rules.

You do not need to increase or decrease boiling time and instead.

This is the optimal ratio in which active substances It is out of medicinal raw materials in infusion or decoction, do not change, are not inactivated, but act with optimal benefit for the body.

The effects of infusion or decoction brought to 100 ml water and accept in the specified dosage.

The shelf life of water infuses and decoctions is no more than three days in the refrigerator

Drug crushed raw materials poured 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:10, 30 days insisted in a dark cool place, hermetically closed, then fastened and stored in a cool dark place up to 6 months.

  • Take the infusions and decoctions must necessarily observe the specified dosage.
  • When treating herbs, they should not be used simultaneously with medical preparations, alcohol, fat and acute food.

Are the grass in bags?

I had a two-way attitude.

On the one hand, it is convenient, but on the other, the technology of preparation of infusions and decoctions is absolutely broken.

And if we take into account what tea is done like tea in bags (low-quality raw materials after sifting), then it is better for the treatment to buy wild herbs.

Well, and also, I would like to voice such a moment, how to be treated with herbs correctly.

When you meet any recommendation for treating grass or a recipe for herbal collection, before you start using it, open a good reference book of medicinal plants (where the full chemical composition, structure, properties, etc. are indicated) and read:

  • composition and contraindications of this medicinal raw materials,
  • pay attention to its dosage,
  • compatibility compatibility
  • methods of application.

And only after that, make a decision, use this fee or not.

Some herbs today are attributed to such incredible effects that the diva is given !!!

Therefore, before believing in the next myth, that some sort of grass or collecting, can cure, for example, alcoholism, read official research, see its chemical composition that there is such a thing in this grass that it can really help solve this problem and make your own conclusions.

Well, finally, I love medicinal very much, I collect them myself and braid.

I always have a house, a chamber, mint, oregano and many others.

I am convinced that when proper useFor certain diseases, they can have an effective therapeutic and cosmetology effect, restore strength and energy.

Therefore, be sure to use medicinal herbs, but do it right, and then, phytotherapy will bring you and your body real favor.


Oncology is an urgent topic today. There are many theories about the emergence of malignant formations in the human body.

Theorists put forward the versions that reduced non-specific immunity or a modified process of self-regulation system leads to the development of cancer.

Causes of cancer

The causes of malignant neoplasms can be many factors, including heredity, unfavorable ecology and harmful production. A person who has cancer is discovered should try to experience as few negative emotions as possible. It is not necessary to put up with the disease, since the refusal of the struggle significantly reduces the body's resistance.

In our time, medicine makes decisive steps in the treatment of oncology, every year an increasing number of people receive a chance for a long-term quality life. Is it possible to carry out treatment using grasses against cancer? Only after consultation with a specialist.

Folk methods counter oncological diseases Includes treatment with herbs with antitumor, painkillers, anti-inflammatory and soothing effects. There are many combination and recipes against the tumor process. Especially popular ways are used on recent stages Diseases when medicine is powerless, and the forecast is not the most pleasant. Treatment of herbs may include a variety of infusions, decoctions, chases against the pathological processes of various organs.

Naturally, it is impossible to cure oncology, using only these products. But the use of them in the form of add-on to therapeutic treatment is recommended by doctors to mobilize all the reserve forces of the body to combat the disease.

Treatment of oncology herbs

Before starting the treatment of malignant neoplasms with herbs and plants, it is necessary to understand that this treatment is auxiliary and can be carried out in a complex with medication.

Clinical therapy is the basis of treatment, and in front of any reception of herbal infusions or decoctions requires a consultation with an oncologist.

Cancer treatment must begin with main therapy from a complex herbal collection. And later, after passing the basic treatment, plants with antitumor activity should be used: ordinary peonies, cleanliness, calendula, birch mushroom.

The collection should consist of grassy plants, their action is directed to the regulation of organisms, a decrease in depressive states and a decrease in the feeling of fear. In addition, plants are able to improve the work of the stomach, intestines, kidneys and hearts. A complex herbal collection for oncology is not only a drug, but also food for a weakened organism, since they are largely the content of useful elements.

For example, ordinary cleanliness and boligins are able to reduce the effects of toxins. They are contained in appointed antitumor drugs. In herbal compositions that are aimed at combating malignant neoplasms, there may be beneficial plants: a leaf of birch, hawthorn, aloe, melissa, nettle, etc.

It is worth understanding that the use of herbal fees cannot cure cancer on their own, it can only help in medical treatment, prevent the growth of cancer cells, improve the body's resistance and contribute to improving the condition of the patient.

To avoid getting used to the body to the same collection and for the effectiveness of the action, it is necessary to take fees, alternating for months. For example, one month take a decoction of peony, the other - Chaga, the third infusion of Cepurela, and the like. Cancer treatment by the people's way is carried out simultaneously with the passage of radiation and chemotherapy under the control of the attending physician. Fitotherapy should be carried out only under the control of the therapist.

For cancer, such compositions of plants and herbs are used:

  • With the cancer of the liver taking, chicory fees, ivy-shaped, chaga and chernobyl buds are used.
  • With malignant oncology, larynx is picked up the throat with the use of mint, pre-boiled in apple vinegarAlso touched sorrel, loving, plantain or diluted in the water in the water of Khrena in proportions 1:10.
  • For cancer tumor The chest can apply compresses consisting of iris, cleanliness and forest violet. An excellent effect gives infusion from heel, honey and viburnum juice.
  • For malignant neoplasm The intestines can effectively help the enema on the basis of cleanliness, carrot juice, Valerian, wormwood and oak bark.
  • When skin cancer for treatment, garlic, hop juice, elm, clearing, horsery, lingonberries and a tattar can be used for treatment.
  • With the oncology of the stomach, fees should be taken from drying, plantain, chicory, chaga, gold bars, wormwoods, calendula and hunter.
  • With radiation sickness good result auxiliary treatment Can give in small receptions of aloe, nettle and cabbage.
  • An integrated syrup can be used for lung cancer therapy, which includes: rowan, rosehip, sea buckthorn, carrots, hunter, viburnum, soul, mint, currant leaves, donel and echinacea.

Causes of herbal treatment

Quite often patients oncology make a choice in favor folk methods Treatment. This is justified by several reasons:

  • Availability. Everyone knows that the treatment of oncological neoplasms is not cheap, besides, it is not always justified by waiting. At the last stages, some drug treatment methods do not give results, but still apply. The right of each patient is the refusal of treatment and application people's methods. Anticancer herbs can be found in almost all regions or buy in a pharmacy. Herbs from cancer have an antitumor effect, but you should carefully choose all medicinal plants in order not to cause harm to the body. Many of herbs are poisonous, and it is very important to know the correct dosage, otherwise you can seriously suffer from self-medication.
  • Last chance. As stated, malignant processes in the last stages when the metastasis processes are launched, traditional treatment. And the last thing remains a patient - the testing of all sorts of options proposed by nature.
  • Strengthening effect. With some combinations of drug and operational treatmentThere is a possibility to increase the effectiveness of treatment and improving the forecast.

Herbs and plants for the treatment of cancer tumors

Treatment of oncological diseases with the help of herbs can be started only after resolving the attending physician.

  • Celandine. This plant contains more than twenty alkaloids. In addition, the composition has a huge amount of vitamins A, C and many other beneficial substances. Medications, in the composition of which there is cleanly, are able to restrain the growth of the neoplasm, soothe the nervous and vegetative system. It also cleaner well reduces pain syndrome in cancer. It is used cleanly as follows: four tablespoons are poured with boiling water in the amount of one liter, then the composition is insisted for twelve hours. The ready-made infusion is recommended to drink either one tablespoon before eating three times a day, or apply infusion in the form of a margin on the site of the neoplasm.
  • Chaga (birch mushroom). From a long time, malignant formations were treated with the presentation of this plant. Chaga can improve general state Patient, render antitumor action and reduce the growth of neoplasms. Infusion is prepared as follows: Chaga is poured with water and the contents must be left for four hours. Next, the mushroom is overwhelmed through a meat grinder, the resulting consistency is poured by five tablespoons of warm water. Everything should be forced for two days, and after farting. It is recommended to use ten milliliters three times a day. In our time, you can purchase a drug based drug based on this plant, called "Befungin". This drug is divorced: one teaspoon "Befungin" in 100 ml of water, take to meals on one tablespoon three times a day.
  • Ordinary peony. The infusion of the plant is recommended for the treatment of diseases of the liver, nervous disorders and therapy of uterine tumors. PION has a strong impact against bacteria. Infusion is preparing like this: one teaspoon of the dried peony root is poured in three glasses of water and is not more than three hours. It is accepted inside, before meals, three times a day on one tablespoon.
  • Aloe. This plant contains many biogenic stimulants contributing to an increase in immunity that improves appetite, healing ulcers. In addition, biogenic stimulants can normalize the number of erythrocytes in the blood and the level of hemoglobin. In the treatment of radiation sickness and tumors of various etiologists, iron and aloe syrup should be taken: one teaspoon before meals, three times a day.
  • Calendula. The medicinal plant can remove inflammation, disinfect and reduce the growth of the neoplasm. It also helps to reduce the blood pressure and reassuring the nervous system. In order to prepare infusion from the calendula, you need to pour one tablespoon of flowers with a liter of water, and insist for one night. Apply one hundred milliliters before meals, three times a day.
  • Chernobyl. Plant can stimulate immune system and lower inflammatory process. Usually applied for therapy of neoplasms in the stomach and female genital organs. One tablespoon of the Chernobyl can be brewed on the floor of the water of water, and it insists during the day. It is necessary to use one hundred milliliters of the received trial three times a day before meals.
  • Boligols.. The effectiveness of this plant against cancer is satisfied with great. On the basis of Boligol, there are many drugs used in the last stages of cancer. They are able to improve psychological and mental condition Patient, with a prolonged course of treatment. In practice, there were cases when Boligols helped to completely get rid of oncology. But this is definitely not proven, and is irrational to rely on one Boligols. Medicine It is prepared only from fresh, only torn, flowers of this plant. Then the flowers flooded with alcohols and insist in a dark place for several weeks. The finished medicine is taken twenty drops from the first day, with a daily increase in one drop. Rapid dose is necessary to forty drops, after which it is necessary to reduce it in the reverse order. After you can repeat the course.

There are often cases of poisoning by the Boligol, so in the process of its application should be followed by the state of health and any changes in it. Signs of poisoning can manifest itself in the form of: strong headaches, loss of consciousness, impaired thinking and coordination, skin palls and seizures.

Listed herbs for preventive Mer And the treatment of cancer can indeed increase the chances of recovery, as well as improving the patient's well-being. But the main thing is observance of precautions and regular observation of the oncologist.

Family disease to eat
- Is it effective for the treatment of gout herbs?
Evgeny Voronyuk, 65 years old, Gomel region
- The disease should be performed in the first place with the help of a diet. It is necessary to exclude from its diet products containing purines: it is smoked, chocolate and others. Herbs can also be used to facilitate the state, but necessarily under the control of the doctor and preferably with laboratory studies. Herbs help reduce the pain and body temperature during the period of exacerbation. I recommend such a collection: Dandelion medicinal - 6 parts, strawberries Forest - 6 h. Veronica is drugs - 3.5 hours, cultural grapes - 3 hours, dried dryers, grass - 4 hours, birch ., Sorozhnaya large, leaf - 2.5 hours, calendula medicinal, flowers - 2.5 hours, seed of dill - 1 hour, the fruits of the hawthorn barrel - 5 h., Oats sowing unpotted - 5 parts. But this fee should be applied only after consulting with the attending physician! It is useless to treat one disease, you need to influence the body in the complex.
Do not believe seen!
- torments pressure, sometimes rises to 170/100. And usually by night, and the peak reaches the morning. I suffer arrhythmia.
Sergey Kononovich, 73 years
- Arterial hypertension Must treat the doctor. You can buy in the pharmacy the tincture "Doppel Herz" is a Vitalotonik and a homeopathic preparation from the herbs Cardioika. They help with arrhythmias. And check out the condition breast Department spine. If there are problems, a neuropathologist can assign massage with elements of manual therapy.
- I want to consult about the recommendation, which heard in the program "Malakhov +".
- This is not a program for helping patients, but just a television show. I recommend recommendations, which gives her a lead, would not take on faith and did not experiment on his health. In general, treat the advice of nonprofessionals with great care. After all, instead of treatment, you can achieve the opposite.
- Is it possible to drink juice from carrots and beets, honey and vodka in my condition?
- You can, only without vodka! And also use soothing fees from plants such as mother-in-law, valerian, calendula, peony and hawthorn.

Is there any salvation from noise in the head?
- Mom's pressure is growing, it drops sharply. Noise in the head. How to help her? I read that it is possible in such cases to brew a kouron rowan, prepared infusion. However, when mom drank him, the pressure jumped, and it was extremely difficult to knock him down.
Olga Bronislavovna, Tolocin
- Rowan berries increase blood clotting, and bark - arterial pressure. Although the whole bark is a good tonic. Your mom should drink coffee from dandelion roots: in the morning and evening with milk or cream. And in the spring, prepare her salad of dandelion leaves with a plantain, calendula and nasturtium, as well as a juice from a dandelion. He will remove constipation, and cholesterol will reduce, help the liver, and the noise in the head will become less obsessive. On high blood pressure, apply with dill water, which you need to take 1-2 times a week, as well as brewing the mother of Barwin, Fennel, the dosage gangguard, dried drying. These plants remove vessel spasms.
- I hypertensive. I want to know, cinnamon with kefir lowers pressure? I have it 220/100.
Tatyana Knutkovskaya, Tolocin
- Cinnamon is annoying the intestines and in some cases increases blood pressure. You need to drink diuretic, as well as soothing herbs, seed of dill, for example. But every day it is impossible to take this infusion! Do it once a week. And try not to reduce the pressure sharply.
- I have increased pressure. I accept Echinacea. I want to know what Laconos is used.
Valentina Achinovich, Klichiv
- Echinacea increases blood pressure, so you better forget about it. The roots of Laconos are some used in the form of a broth with burns, anemia, fractures. But as a phytotherapist, I would not recommend using this plant, since it is not yet well studied. The trouble is that our people are very light. They read the accumulating editions and blindly fulfill the recommendations published in them. But for such "tips" no one answers. Some hurt themselves, inflicting irreparable damage to health. And cases of such a lot. Pressure other than the herbs that I have already called, you can treat with the help of azure blue. But, I warn you, arterial pressure is impossible to treat yourself, because the pressure rises because of many problems in the human body.
Make friends with dandelion
- In one of the newspapers I read a note about how to treat your eyes if they are watered. Offer a oak bark to pour boiling water and use for washing the eyes.
Joseph Antanovich, 63 years old, Vilesky district
- In no case! I would recommend you check cervical Spine, as well as drink coffee from dandelion roots. Be sure to ask, what is your blood cholesterol level! Dandelion reduces elevated cholesterol to normal. In general, I would advise you to make friends with this plant for life, because it is very useful.

Caution, Valerian root!

What herbs can be brewed when ischemic Disease Hearts? From the left side, I like bakes, rapid heartbeat, and also increased pressure.
Alexandra Kononovich, 70 years
- Try drinking dill water 1-2 weeks. Insist 2-3 teaspoons of dill seeds on a glass of boiling water for an hour. Drink 1/2 cup overnight and in the morning as much. You can also brew herbs that remove vessel spasms: calendula, daisy pharmacy, mother-in-law, peony helps with such states.
- Is it possible to use valerian root?
- Only if you do not have gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, because Valerian's root sharpens these diseases. It contains powerful essential substances, irritating the gastrointestinal tract.
(To be continued.)

How to treat hands and heal patients? This is how the healers do!

The main healing tool is the energy of the hands. These ancient healing practices used still Assyrian priests.

What do you need to carry out treatment with your hands?

In order to develop the healing skill, the following exercises perform.

1. ride the energy between the palms, from time to time they clap the energy along the palms (sharply reduce and dilute the palms without physical contact).

2. Conduct the palm of one hand over the surface of another, from the shoulder to the palm and back. At the same time, the palm of the leading hand is driving a warm energy inside the slave; From time to time, they bring the lead palm behind the palm of the slave hand, pulling the energy from the body through the palm of the slave hand (much is not necessary, the fact itself is important). Then change your hands.

3. When p.2 is worked out before immaculate, perform it without a leading hand - moving the energy of the power of the will and the concentration of attention.

How to develop the sensitivity of the hands?

The sensitivity of the hands is the necessary skill in healing work. The main working areas are the center of the palms and fingertips.

To develop sensitivity¹, you need:

  • learn to distinguish various materials (for starters - metal, stone, wood);
  • learning to distinguish with palms various organs. It is important to remember the feelings on your hands from healthy organs.

Hand treatment. Verified method

For the treatment of the patient, it is necessary to grope with palm of the sick energy, fingers to shit it in a lump and pull out. After that, the lump of sick energy should be shaken on the ground (it is important that this energy does not hit anyone). Sick energy can not be taken over! Then the energy from the hands should be pouring a hole from the lump.

The same method is well suited to heal damage after energy attacks.

How to treat energy. Method No. 2.

To return to a sick person health, you can also drive up, down, along the body, as if massaging the body surface. If you connect between palms, then this connection, as a searchlight, will shine the body, providing a volumetric massage.

However, it is not necessary to work on your head (head will overtake, this energy is hard for it).

3 way to treat hands

This method levels the energy and pumped the body with energy. From the fingers you need to release the rays, which, when driving, however, the human energy field is dissected. This method provides dissection of congestion.

How to increase pressure?

In order to increase the pressure, you need to perform a breast massage, rotating hand clockwise.

How to downgrade pressure?

In order to reduce the pressure, you need to perform a breast massage, rotating hand to a clockwise.

What you need to know the healer?

The main thing for someone who wants to heal the other is the desire to help the patient to cope with the disease, if there is no desire - it is better not to start. It should be borne in mind that the body of a person himself struggles with a parable, and the healer only helps him.

It is possible to significantly accelerate the recovery with the help of the patient's consciousness.

Reprogramming of consciousness - another effective way of healing

This method is suitable for the treatment of the head. Its essence is as follows: the healer must capture the energy of the object of exposure to its consciousness, feel at the level of sensations of its information parameters. At the Intuition level² to realize the entire process of changing the information component. After that, the intention to make the necessary changes in the captured energy should be made.

Notes and thematic articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ learn more about how to develop the sensitivity of the hands, you can

² intuition - direct comprehension of truth without a logical analysis, based on imagination, empathy and preceding experience, "Alto", insight (

Phytotherapy is currently in fashion. All pharmacies are clogged with medicinal herbs, they are ordered by mail, they buy on the market, they are collected independently or grown. At the same time, we somehow forget that herbalism is the same area of \u200b\u200bmedicine as any other. Who will come to mind to make himself a difficult operation or run to the market for antibiotics? So the herbs in inexperienced hands may instead of the use of irreparable harm. How to avoid this? On the questions answers the nature of therapist, the head. Department medical center A.S. Zalmanova V. N. May.

- Valentina Nikolaevna, why today, in the age of high medical technologies, many people try again to be treated with herbs? Does the herbalism not outdated?

- W. modern medicine and problems are modern: diseases that were not previously, caustic allergies, stress, catastrophic growth of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, drug stability of bacteria and viruses, side effects of drugs, etc. So it's not by chance that people are increasingly turning to natural treatment methods, Including phytotherapy. And do not think that herbalism is something archaic. Of course, it is based on rational grains, transmitted from generation to generation in folk medicine. But today herbs require a strict scientific approach and theoretical justification. Our herbalists learn from courses, read scientific works, implement only what has been tested by practice.

- Is it possible to be treated with herbs yourself?

- There are, of course, herbal means, tested by centuries: if the stomach hurts, you can drink chamomile or mint, if the nerves are not in order - Valerian. There are "copyright" fees, they are sold in pharmacies, anyone can buy them. But in fact, the nature of therapist adhere to the principle to select herbs only individually. By making a recipe for a patient, it is important to take into account its age, gender, illness, well-being, even the state of metabolism. Alone to collect medicinal herbs is difficult, but it often increases therapeutic effect. When collecting, the time of day, and the Phases of the Moon are taken into account, not to mention that drying and harvesting herbs should also be skill. And it is advisable to take them in accordance with your biorhythms.

- Many people constantly drink herbs instead of tea. Is it dangerous?

- Grass is not a treat, but a medicine that has its own contraindications. Therefore, take herbs - not as simple as it seems at first glance. You can not engage in self-medication. Often I forbid the patient to use some grass. Even such well-known herbs like mint, chamomile and St. John's wort are not harmless. For example, chamomile has an abortive effect and is contraindicated by pregnant women. And the Zvemya under improper use leads to poisoning. I am no longer talking about such poisonous plants as Boligols or Cellular, which are now used in the treatment of cancer. Poison even in small doses requires great caution. And in general, the treatment of herbs is art.

- Why do you need fees from a mixture of different herbs, if each grass has its own special action?

- Our fees, mainly consist of several herbal components. Indeed, the grass is a whole complex of biologically active substances: flavonoids, essential oils etc., so you have to consider how one grass interacts on the other, they strengthen or weaken each other's action. The more grasses in the fees - the more responsibility, but also success more, if the herbs themselves are correct, their proportions and therapeutic doses. The fact is that the disease is never alone. Each patient has a whole complex of diseases, therefore, it is necessary to use the whole complex of herbs. For example, with hypertension, we include in collecting mistletoe, drying, valerian, hawthorn, slightly diuretic - calendula, dill, corn stiggers. But if now winter - how not to add a rose hips to this collection to support the vitamin balance? So it turns out 7-8 components. Or another example - licorice. In the autumn-winter period, it is simply necessary as an active biostimulator, but spoils the taste of collecting, so it falls the share of licorice assembly to reduce that the taste is pleasant, is very important. I repeat once again that the fees are art.

- Allergies often react to flowering herbs and trees. Can we be treated with such people?

- There is no allergies to some grass. Allergies arises under the action of a set of many factors. Sometimes allergic helps precisely the herbal collection, which includes herbal, as if causing an allergic reaction. What is allergic? This is a signal of disadvantaged, about failure in the immune system and the introduction into the body of some kind of allergen - either with food, or with inhalation of flower pollen or something else. Allergy is not a disease, but a signal to action. We must first strengthen the immunity, to identify an allergen and limit its access to the body. And then carry out the purification of systems and organs responsible for the work of the whole organism.

- How do you spend cleansing?

- There is no tablet or some kind of fast and radical agent. It is important to explore the work of each excretory body and put it in such conditions so that it is forced to work not sluggish, somehow, but in full force. For example, make several liver tubes. The main thing in the tubaz is a moderately hot heater for which you need to lie right side. All other components are a decoction of rosehip, oil, lemon juice - only enhance the procedure. You can use sorbitol, Mineral Water "Borjomi", various herbal fees (labar, donon, etc.). But uncontrolled application is unacceptable. Even the hamberry decoction is a medicine, so I do not recommend drinking it constantly instead of tea, especially with high acidity, high thickness of blood. An auxiliary tool for the tubing to each patient is selected.

The next excretory body is leather. Here our salvation is a bath with additives. If the skin damage, say, eczema, still allow the patient to sit in the turpentine bath - this is for allergic salvation, because when making turpentine baths, there is a powerful workout of the capillary system and the problem of skin cleansing is solved. If, with turpentine baths, there are unpleasant sensations, such as a preparatory stage can be used, for example, baths with starch, bran, hany pipe. Hayer Truch is a miracle at all, it has a stunning medicinal effect under skin diseases.

The kidneys purify using inside herbal fees. These are corn storks, dill, dear, half a bed, tolkin, leaf lingonberry. But even a simple cranberry or brushing juice is also an excellent means of cleansing and maintaining the kidneys (of course, in certain doses and courses).

- How can you protect yourself from the flu epidemic with the help of the phytitbit?

- We must prepare yourself to ensure that the virus passes by you. This requires a lot of work on stimulating your immune system. Hardening, healing baths, any water treatments Play a major role here. Take for the rule the water procedures in the morning and in the evening. In the evening, water should be warmer, soothing, relaxing. Better, if it is a bath, where the sea salt is added, or mint decoction with chamomile, or coniferous extract. And in the morning water will be much colder so that the procedure becomes toning. Water temperature drop gradually, day after day. This is an excellent hardening method. And still - no one has come up with better remedy Prevention of viral infections than garlic. Hang it on the thread under the clothes, fool them the nostrils before going to the crowded transport: His evaporation - phytoncides, absorbed by your skin, will protect you from infection. And, of course, eat it daily.

Excellent immunostimulants in the winter - rose robber and linden flowers, and if there is a leaf of currant and a bit of mint in the welding, it turns out a divine drink that is fully solving the problem. And be sure to pour. Strong healthy sleep gives the body a strongest protection against infections. Find a dream with the same herbs or baths. You can try the collection, which includes mint, valerian, hop cones, hawthorn flowers. Add a spoonful of honey - here you have a beautiful sleeping pill.

- How do you feel about the blood purification technique with grapefruit juices, lemon?

- Citrus - a wonderful food product, but I can not say that this is a radical and only method of blood purification. It would be better to call as universal method Cleansing vegetable source. And this is seasonal treatment - in August-September, when juices can be obtained from fresh harvest vegetables. And it is better if it is a cocktail of several vegetables - the root of celery, carrots, beets, cabbage ... should be delicious - orient to their own sensations. The body itself selects what he needs. In the fall, you can not make any other treatment, except for the half of the freshly prepared juice daily. But after the New Year in the winter period, you can just cytrus - to vitaminize the body and restoration of immunity.

- Are there any diseases that are treated only by herbs?

- Yes. For example, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, in which there is always a lack of calcium in the body. People take various calcium preparations, and how this calcium behaves in the body, how quickly it is displayed, whether it is absorbed at all and where it is postponed in the body, still not fully found out. But the problem of lack of calcium can be easily solved with herbs - for example, a saber of a marsh. It treats osteoporosis, because not only itself contains calcium, but also prevents its removal from the body, and also has anti-inflammatory and painkillers. However, the method of application of the saber and the dose is selected strictly individually, especially since the grass is this poisonous.

Special caution is needed when using herbs with anti-cancer activity - Boligol, acronite, a red brush, cleanly. All of them are poisonous, but an experienced specialist will help the patient to send their body in the direction of cure or at least improve the quality of life.

- Is the use of herbs effectively against seasonal exacerbations of diseases such as sinusitis?

- Here are effectively plant antibiotics - for example, icelandic Moss. (It is sold in pharmacies), sage, burdock root with anti-inflammatory action. But before this it is necessary to wash the nasal sinuses with a salt of sea salt. We restore the normal outflow of the mucus without any puncture with leeches. But before this, the contents of the sinuses must be lost - we take a hot boiled chicken egg and rolling it over the surface of the nasal sinuses.

- What can you wish people to be generally healthy?

- Before rushing to any newfink, listen to yourself. We have not yet fully lost an intuitive search. medical agents In nature. If, when making someone, someone wants to drink chaga, or infusion of chamomile, or lip busters, lime color, or try a bath with a certain temperature and filler - do it. Listen to yourself, protect yourself, help yourself, and we will always help us.

Alexander Volt talked

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