Season from watermelon juice 6 letters. Watermelon Juice

Watermelon juice.
Watermelon Many people call fruit-berry culture, although nerds say that this is a muddy culture, and the fruit is correctly called

Simply such multifestyle fruits are relatives of berries, here are people and confused, but the usefulness and taste of watermelons do not suffer from this: watermelons are not only delicious, sweet and refreshing - these are the fruits high, and even perfectly clean the body from accumulated dirt - and we are fine Today we get a lot, given the ecology, food, lifestyle and bad habits.
Unfortunately, most people buying watermelons think that it is just a sweet delicacy, but about his healing properties Forget or do not even know, and eat it wrong - for example, for dessert after a dense lunch or dinner.
Properties of watermelon juice.
The juice of the watermelon drinking is also not very, it is accepted, and meanwhile, it helps maintain a wonderful form, keep health and get rid of many chronic diseases - all valuables contained in the watermelon itself are preserved. In hot summer days, when you want to drink so much, you should not absorb coca-cola, sprite or lemonade with dyes: drink a glass of fragrant, clean and fresh watermelon juice - do not be lazy to cook it yourself.
The composition of the watermelon juice.
Watermelon juice contains a small amount of protein and fat, carbohydrates - including many sugars, and food fibers; organic acids And a lot of pure natural water. Vitamins - beta - carotene, RR, A, group B, C, E; Minerals - potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron.
All these substances in watermelon are in such a form that, falling into the body, have a very beneficial effect on all organs and systems, improve well-being and facilitate the course of many diseases.
Treatment with watermelon juice.
Like the flesh of watermelons, their juice is useful to all people - at any age: it takes toxins and slags, leads to the norm of digestion, improves metabolism, quenching thirst and strengthens immunity; It facilitates the state of intestinal atony, hypertension, renal and cardiovascular diseases.
With any origin of any origin, watermelon juice is indispensable - it displays an excess fluid from the body, but it provides it with an easy-friendly fructose, glucose and sucrose, and also neutralizes excess acids and contributes to the removal of excess cholesterol.
In atherosclerosis, diseases of the joints and sugar diabetes Watermelon juice, along with tomato, is considered one of the best dietary juices.
With stones in the kidneys, it is recommended to drink up to 2, 5 l per day; It is especially prescribed in disabilities of water-salt metabolism, an excess of uric acid, oxalates, urates and calcium salts. The acidity of urine under the action of substances rich in watermelon juice is reduced, and many salts become soluble, and the pronounced diuretic effect of the juice helps the body faster from these salts to get rid of these salts. Some experts recommend patients with kidney diseases to drink watermelon juice throughout the day, after certain intervals, and at night, too, as the urine concentrates in the kidneys.
Watermelon juice is useful when gallgamed disease and anemia; Since there are more than 80% of very pure distilled natural water, it perfectly helps to treat liver disease, and toxins wash everything: like those that fall into the body from the outside and those that are formed inside.
Antioxidant Licopene, which is even more in the juice of watermelon than in tomatoes, protects our DNA from damage, and prevents the occurrence of cancer.
The other substance is the amino acid citrullin, also contained in the juice of watermelon in large quantities, turns into an organism in arginine, thanks to which our muscle tissue is better supplied with blood, oxygen, hormones and nutrient substances - So the juice of watermelon is needed athletes and people engaged in active physical labor. To get more citrulline, it is necessary to take not only the red fleshing of the watermelon, but also the white, which is near the crust itself, cutting it as much as possible.
After operations and suffered severe diseases, the juice of watermelon helps to recover; With constipation and disorders of the digestion, it is necessary to start a day from a glass of freshly squeezed watermelon juice; When obesity, you can drink it to 1, 5 liters per day.
In the event that drinking juice of watermelon regularly, then irritability and insomnia goes out, the sleep is normalized and the mood is improved; Men persists and increases healthy sexual activity. During pregnancy and during menstruation, watermelon juice removes the bloating of the belly, removes an extra liquid and eliminates women from pain and discomfort.
In many medical diet, watermelon juice is used with the flesh; In unloading diets, it also used a long time and with great success.
With a cold and ORVI, when the fever happens, patients well give fresh juice of ripe watermelon - it is not only quenching thirst, but also literally flushes an infection; An even greater effect can be obtained if you mix it with a green apple juice.
With pharyngitis, the sore throat is 4 times a day, rinse the throat with watermelon juice - 1/4 cup on one rinse; Continue rinsing for 4 days.
For iron deficiency anemia 3-4 times a day eaten 600 g of red watermelon pulp, or drink 200 ml of watermelon juice.
With a bricken disease, the juice of watermelon drink 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals, 2/3 cups.
When sowing salts, arthritis, atherosclerosis and gout are recommended 300 g of watermelon meat, or drink 150 ml of juice.
After chemotherapy, operations with the use of anesthesia, hepatitis and intoxications 3-4 times a day, 30 minutes before meals, drink a glass of watermelon juice; If the heartburn is tormented, it is enough to drink a glass of juice so that it goes.
For ischemic Disease Every day it is recommended to drink 2 cups of a mixture of watermelon and apple juice.
Watermelon juice in cosmetology.
Watermelon pulp and juice are used in cosmetology: they make home masks, tonic, lotions, baths, use for cosmetic and refreshing baths - such baths are helped with allergies and have wound-healing properties.
In order to prevent diseases, the juice of watermelon usually drink half an hour before meals, or in an hour after it, small sips.
How to prepare watermelon juice.
Watermelon juice to cook at home is easy. Watermelon must choose a good - ripe and juicy, and be sure to wash it as it should, and then cut, clean the flesh from the peel, cut into pieces and squeeze the juice with the help of a normal, but better screw juicer: such a juicer allows you to squeeze juice from any fruit completely - cake remains almost dry. Only if you use a conventional juicer, you can squeeze the juice again: the remaining squeezes are crushed in a mixer, and squeeze the juice through a four layer of gauze. You can add other freshly squeezed juices to the obtained juice: apple, cranberry, currant; You need to drink all juice during the day - you do not need to leave it "for tomorrow" even in the refrigerator.
Watermelon juice can be preserved, like other fruit juices - then you can drink it in winter. Of course, the beneficial substances will remain small, but it will still have diuretic properties, it will still be, and at the same time will remain tasty and refreshing. The watermelon flesh should be thoroughly crushed, add sugar, citric acid, and cook 4-5 minutes, then pour into steriline clean banks to sterilized dry and roll up with sterilized lids. In order to obtain 5 liters of watermelon juice, 8-9 kg of watermelon meat, 300 g of sugar and 10 g of citric acid will be required. Watermelon juice can be mixed with cranberry, currant, apple or plum puree.

Watermelon is 92% consisting of juice. The juice contains all the beneficial substances, excluding the fiber, which is separated during filtration. therefore fresh Juice Often even more useful than the flesh of the watermelon. When ticking, white mass is taken near the crust, and it has a special composition. Therefore, in the juice, all those present in the meakty elements are more concentrated. The benefits of watermelon juice are due to a strong cleansing effect. Use juice in prophylactic, medical and cosmetics purposes.

The benefits of watermelon juice

Watermelon recognized dietary product and its benefits have long been known. Juice, this is a wonderful form of using watermelon in a comfortable packaging. So, in order to take a vitamin cocktail with you to the gym, it is better to pack it into a bottle than to carry a slice of watermelon. The use of fresh juices reduces the load on digestive systemSince the juice has no dietary fiber. The beneficial effects of juice has on all organs:

  1. The kidneys and the bladder receive an alkaline feeding. Thereby decreases the acidity, stones and sand begin to decrease, dissolving. Due to the potash salts, the concentration of uric acid is reduced.

The diuretic effects of the juice make it possible to remove excess fluid from the body. A person loses weight, wash out of the kidneys of the pois and slag. This is beneficial to work renal cleaning. However, the simultaneous use of juice and salty products, on the contrary, will lead to antenature. Sodium delays water in cells, and therefore from watermelon water in the body will be added.

  1. The painful diseases, such as arthritis, gout, retreat before the cleansing effect of juice. Present vitamins of group B and the strongest antioxidant ascorbic acid help reduce deposits causes. Folic acid has special properties, which has a beneficial effect on all human bodies. She participates in the formation of hemoglobin and improves the work of the spleen.

All minerals represented by salts are transferred to juice:

  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • gland;
  • phosphorus;
  • copper;
  • potassium.

The use of watermelon juice is beneficial for the liver, but only if there is no pancreatitis. An 80% juice consists of distilled water and toxins are transferred to the solution that holds the liver. The juice present is a prophylactic agent of neoplasms.

Watermelon juice relieves irritability and aggressive condition. With a reduced immunity, the drink gradually strengthens health. In short, fresh juice not only completely replaces fresh, but also use it is much more convenient. At the same time, it is necessary to know that the healing is only fresh juice. It quickly popsies and is not stored in the refrigerator.

To use this product, it needs to be preserved. Industry Watermelon juice does not release, as it works at concentrates. Watermelon concentrate is still economically unprofitable. Therefore, the canning of juice at home is the only way to stock the healing product for the winter.

How to make watermelon juice?

Fresh juice is prepared on the juicer or pressure method through the gauze layers. Sliced \u200b\u200bon slices, purified watermelon is subjected to cold anneal. Such juice must be used immediately.

In one glass of watermelon juice, almost daily need for minerals for humans.

There is a recipe for watermelon juice when the pressed product can be stored after a short temperature processing. So, juice, pressed out of 9 kg of watermelon meat, with the addition of 300 g of sugar and 10 g of citric acid boil for 5 minutes and rolled into sterilized jars for winter use.

Juice can be preserved without adding chemistry: 0.7 kg of juice and 300 g of sugar are adjusted to a boil, add 5 g of lemon juice and rolled into prepared banks. But steady watermelon juice uses the special love of local residents of the watermelon edge.

Preparation of watermelon honey or nurse is a long process of multiple evaporation of juice and filtering it after another reduction in volume. As a result, it turns out the light brown, viscous, like a young honey, mass. This product is used as medicine or in cooking. In winter, all products prepared from watermelon juice are sources of useful elements.

Who is the watermelon juice contraindicated?

With all the benefits of watermelon juice and harm in some cases is noted. So, you can not drink juice for those who in bile bubble And large stones are marked in the kidneys. They can start moving, which is dangerous and causes painful pain.

Watermelon juice is contraindicated in diseases:

  1. Colitis, intestinal spikes.
  2. Pancreatitis.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Urinary incontinence.

With caution, it should be drinking nursing mothers, kid can develop intestinal colic.

Preparing watermelon honey - video

One of the most beloved at the end of summer and in the fall for many is the largest berry - watermelon. Watermelon is not only pleasant to taste, but it is very useful and we can eat it with pleasure. What about the watermelon juice? Do you drink watermelon juice? But this is one of the most useful juices that can bring tremendous benefits for our body.

Watermelon refers to the pumpkin family. His nearest melon relatives, pumpkin, zucchini and other melting plants. Watermelon is more than 90 percent it consists of water. It contains watermelon and a number of vitamins and minerals, useful for the body, which are fully stored in the juice of watermelon.

The watermelon has a whole range of group vitamins in needed for the normal development and operation of the body systems.

Vitamin B1 or thiamine, is necessary for the growth and maintenance of muscle tissue and nervous system. One spike watermelon contains 6 percent of daily norm This vitamin.

Riboflavin or Vitamin B2 contributes to the growth and restoration of tissues, and also participates in cell division function. It in one suspension of watermelon contains 4 percent of the required daily rate.

Niacin or vitamin B3 is involved in the function of the nervous system.

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine is necessary for the normal formation of red blood cells, and also takes part in the formation of nervous and immune systems.

Vitamin B9 or folic acid participates in the formation of new cells, the main vitamin for pregnant women.

Pantothenic acid or vitamin B5 is involved in carbohydrate exchange.

In addition to the vitamins of the group B, contains vitamin A watermelon, vitamin C is one of the main antioxidants.

Potassium, zinc, phosphorus, selenium, copper, magnesium, manganese, antioxidants, phytonutrients, amino acids - Watermelon is rich in all this. All this makes watermelon and watermelon juice very useful for human health.

In addition, it should be noted that this sweet berry will satisfy the needs of sweet bowls forced to follow their figure. Its sweet part consists mainly of sorbitol - natural sugar substitute.

Watermelon juice will help to satisfy not only thirst, but also clean the glasses and the liver, deriving slags and toxins from the body.

Watermelon crusts that we usually discard, also contain useful vitamins and minerals. But besides, they are still rich in chlorophyll. Therefore, when cooking watermelon juice, use them. Especially if the watermelon was raised and confident in his quality.

The benefits of watermelon juice

Watermelons purify the body. It has diuretic facilities, contributing to the purification of the kidneys, liver and bladder. In addition, food fibers stimulate the intestines, eliminating constipation.

All useful substances contained in watermelon juice are completely absorbed and digested by the body.

The sheltering effect maintains an acid-alkaline balance in the body, neutralizing toxic compounds that are formed in the body as a result of excessive consumption of acid-forming products.

Antioxidants and amino acids also have a huge benefit of the human body.

For heart health, skin, cancer prevention

Watermelon contains powerful liquid antioxidant. It is he who provides the red color of the watermelon. As studies have shown, people who use a sufficient amount of products containing lycopene, are less at risk of heart disease.

But this is not the only benefit of this substance. Licopene also protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation, which contributes to the aging of the skin, the appearance of wrinkles, and there is a risk oncological diseases Skin.

A glass of watermelon juice, drunk before leaving in the summer outside, can give additional protection against ultraviolet radiation.

Many studies also show that liquobin can be prevention and other cancers: intestines, stomach, prostate, pancreas, lungs.

Improving blood circulation

Another unique substance that is contained in watermelon is citrulline. This amino acid in large quantities is contained in watermelon juice.

What is the uniqueness of citrulline? This amino acid in the human body is converted to indispensable amino acid Arginine, which improves blood circulation and improves vessels.

Arginine enters many additives for athletes. It helps muscle relaxation and reduce pain after training.

Some studies suggest that citrulline, or rather arginine, can be like a natural natural product that increases the potency.

Weight loss

The same amino acid citrulline, as some studies suggest, may interfere with the accumulation of fat in the body. In any case, a glass of watermelon juice contains very little calories, which can already be useful for weight loss. But at the same time, a lot of useful substances to feed the body.

Reduces inflammatory processes

Watermelon is rich in flavonoids, caratinoids (than the redest pulp, the more they are) and other compounds, including lycopene, cytrullin, which have anti-inflammatory properties.

In addition, vitamins and minerals contribute to ensuring strong immunity. By adding crushed seeds of watermelon into juice, it is possible to give its body an additional portion of iron and zinc.

What other benefits can be the watermelon juice for our health? Many sign is one of the most common renal method at this time with the help of watermelon juice. Watermelon juice will help clean the kidneys from urinary acid compounds and crush and output some types of renal stones.

The presence of powerful antioxidants in the juice of watermelon can help reduce the number of asthma attacks.

Beta carotene and vitamin C reduces arthritis pains, rheumatoid arthritis, ostearthritis.

Possessing diuretic properties, watermelon juice has a healing effect on the urinary system, relieves the inflammation of the bladder.

Uregeneous properties and potassium, which is present in the watermelon, will help bring extra liquid from the body. It's not only good prevention Eleks, but also prevention of high blood pressure. In addition, watermelon juice will be useful and pregnant women who often suffer from feet and hand swells, high pressureespecially in the last trimester.

There are no fat in the watermelon, which means that cholesterol also does not. Watermelon juice serves as good prevention of cholesterol plaques and cleans the vessels from cholesterol, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

A glass of watermelon juice is good prophylaxis from constipation, stimulates the intestines to empty.

Combination folic acid And other elements plays an important role in reducing the risk of heart attacks, strokes and colon cancer.

Since watermelon juice cleans the body from toxins and slags, it is respectively the itching of the body associated with the "tornness" of the organism.

Watermelon juice will benefit and for our beauty. Ice cube from watermelon juice or rubbing the face juice will improve the complexion and reduce the age spots.

How to make watermelon juice

The fastest and easiest way to make watermelon juice at home, use the juicer. Before pressing the juice from the watermelon, it needs to be well to wash, possibly with a brush, so that there are no traces of soil and chemicals that are possible from above the watermelon. Prepare juice immediately before use, as it is not stored for a long time even in the refrigerator. Cut the watermelon with Speakers and clean the seeds. Although you can make juice and seeds. But there are varieties of watermelons who have a lot of seeds. Extra still better remove not to spoil juice.

If you are confident as a watermelon, add to the juicer with the flesh and watermelon crust. Not sure, it is better to throw it away. After all, it is in it the maximum amount of harmful substances accumulates.

If there is no juicer or do not want to lose the healing pulp in the form of waste, grind at first pulp in the blender. Then straighten through the shallow or gauze. All, enjoy a useful delicious drink of watermelon juice!

Adults during the day you can drink up to three liters of juice. Little children watermelon juice will also be useful. Breast children begin to give it during the dust with a few drops, gradually increasing the amount. Make sure the baby does not appear allergies. It is better to start giving juice to children separate from other new products.

Watermelon juice for the winter

Watermelon juice for the winter is a useful billet, which still has few people do. Poverty for the winter juice of watermelon is very simple and does not take much time.

There are several ways to prepare watermelon juice for the winter. The easiest - to freeze the juice in the freezer. But it requires a large freezer, which many have no.

Canned watermelon juice for winter

Puffed watermelon - 8-9 kg

Sugar Sand - 0.3 kg

Lemon Acid - 10 grams

The second method is canning juice. To do this, the flesh of the watermelon is cleaned from the bones and cut into cubes. Purry in a blender. Stretch your puree in a saucepan and put on the stove. Then add sugar and citric acid.

Put juice on the stove and heat slowly. Peel for 5 minutes and pour into clean prepared banks. To hermetically seal with covers. Store, like all billets for the winter in a cool place.

Watermelon Juice in Sokovarka

In the hollow, boiling juice is not required, so it is obtained by steam. Banks need to be well flushed and dry in the oven or sterilize and dry.

Puffed the watermelon to cut into pieces and folded into a snob. Pour water according to the instructions.

You can add a little sugar to the flesh, but the juice is sweeter.

Put a coil on the stove and heat. As soon as the jar is filled with juice, immediately roll it up and turn down the lid.

Harm of watermelon juice

Watermelon juice is contraindicated in those who have stones in the kidneys, especially large size.

The use of a large amount of juice is contraindicated with diabetes mellitus. Although a significant part of sugars in watermelon makes sorbitol, but there are other sugars. What the number of safe use of watermelon juice may be discussed, such people need to be consulted by a doctor.

The watermelon juice is contraindicated in the presence of adhesions in the intestine, as it stimulates the intestines.

It is impossible to use watermelon juice with pancreatitis, urinary incontinence.

It should be particularly careful about the use of women who are breastfeeding. Young children can cause colic.

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