Nebulizer therapy. Views of nebulizers: What to choose for home use? What does the nebulizer compressor

Previously, when medicine was not developed so much, the disease was mainly treated by folk remedies. When headaches drank herbal decoction, and when coughing - breathed ferry from potatoes in a saucepan. Now these methods remained in the past, and new drugs and devices for the treatment of diseases came to replace the people's methods. For example, a nebulizer is an inhaler that turns medication to the "fog" for inhalation therapy.

Nebulizer is used in the treatment of dry cough, runny nose and other diseases. Such devices are divided by types that differ in functionality, the principle of action, ease of use and cost. Each type of nebulizer has a number of advantages and disadvantages, as well as indications and contraindications. In addition, some companies produce nebulizers for children who resemble entertainment toys. Consider views, instructions, advantages and disadvantages of nebulizers, as well as the remaining factors that concern them.

Types of nebulizers

Nebulaizers differ from each other worth, type, as well as a complete set of masks, mouthpieces, sprayers and nozzles. On the principle of operation, devices are divided into ultrasound and compressor. Consider each of them in more detail.

Such a type of nebulizer with the help of ultrasound oscillations "shakes" a medical drug, turning medication into an aerosol. This type of inhalers is as efficient as possible. The benefits of an ultrasound nebulizer include silent operation and compact dimensions.

In a box with an ultrasonic nebulizer there will be batteries that allow you to use the device on the road. This type of inhalers is suitable for children, as it is easy to use and safe.

Ultrasound inhalers have disadvantages. Antibiotics, hormones and expectorant drugs cannot be used in such nebulizers, since ultrasound destroys the active ingredient drug.

With the help of such a device, it is allowed to perform inhalations with braverains of herbs, essential oils, mineral soda and alkaline preparations. However, it is worth considering that not all ultrasound inhalers allow the use of essential oils and herbal decoctions, in many models it is prohibited. Therefore, before using the inhaler, carefully read the instructions, as each device individually according to its own technology.

To use this type of inhalers, you have to use other additional accessories, for example, gels or containers for medical preparations, which also relates to disadvantages.

Based on the specified features, the ultrasonic nebulizer cannot be called a universal device. But parents are positively responding about this form of the inhaler. The fact is that the silent operation of the inhaler allows the use of a nebulizer during a child's sleep or in a game form.

The average duration of the inhalation procedure by such a type of nebulizer is 15 minutes, for which aerosol microparticles are sprayed at the inflamed area of \u200b\u200bthe respiratory tract. The drug consumption is 1 ml per minute when it contains 0.5 ml of medication.

Such a device is often called inkjet. Compressor nebulizer is similar to ultrasound competitors for performance. From ultrasound models is distinguished by large sizes and weight, moreover, more shift in operation, since the basis is the compressor that creates the air flow.

But this type of inhalers does not require the use of additional accessories for conducting procedures, convenient to use at home, reliable. However, the replacement of sprayers and other components after several years of operation is required.

The advantages of the compressor nebulizer are the relatively democratic price and the possibility of using various types of preparations that do not lose their own properties during inhalation.

Such a inhaler easily turns almost all types of drugs into an aerosol without disrupting the structure of the drug. Of all types of nebulizers, compression models are optimal for use in children. Doctors allow the use of such a device for kids to one year almost without restrictions.

How is a compression nebulizer? It creates an aerosol that is able to penetrate the remote respiratory tract and bronchi departments. Depending on the speed of the inhalation, the rate of formation of "Fog" is enhanced. This allows you to activate a compression inhaler using inhale.

Inhalation using a compression nebulizer is prescribed when the bouts of the bronchial asthma, the allergic cough and the treatment of inflammation of the bronchopulmonary system. Popular models of compression inhalers include Dolphin and Omron.

Instructions for use

Before using an adult or children inhaler, examine the instructions in detail to avoid errors that will lead to a device breakdown or a decrease in performance efficiency. Methods for using different models and types of nebulizers are different, but there are general features.

The device should be pouring into the device, which is pre-dissolved in physical. To perform one procedure, 3-6 milliliters are required. It is important to remember that for diluting the drug it is worth using exclusively to saline, and not boiled or distilled water. It is impossible to use a pre-exhausted tablet mixed with saline. The nebulizer uses exclusively solutions that are sold in pharmacies in the finished form.

After that, the nebulizer closes, and a mask or mouthpiece is connected to the outlet valve. The device is then turned on, and the process of inhalation is carried out for 5-20 minutes, until the filled medicine ceases to turn into an aerosol. Breathing during the procedure should be calm, so as not to provoke a cough attack with a strengthened breath.

Upon completion of the procedure, the device is turned off, disconnect from the compressor. Accessories that were in contact with the preparation and oral cavity should be thoroughly rinsed in hot water using a disinfectant solution. After washing, the details are carefully rinsed and dried with a cloth, a towel or a hairdryer.

Note: After inhalation in the nebulizer there will always be 1 milliliter not recycled medicinal solution.

Indications and contraindications

It is common that in nebulizers is allowed to use almost all medicines that are intended for the treatment of inflammation and allergies. Theoretically, it is so, however, specific restrictions are allocated in practice.

This is due to the fact that not all drugs can fully penetrate the respiratory tract. The mucous membrane of the bronchi and Alveol is rich in capillaries through which the fine aerosol penetrates into the blood.

By the way, this factor says that one should not intentionally turn the medicine into a fine aerosol, because In this case, it does not get to the walls of the bronchi, and falls into the blood through the alveoli, which is why the effectiveness of the drug-aerosol is reduced to zero.

In nebulizers, it is allowed to use herbs, but, according to reviews, strong may occur allergic reaction. After all, you should not forget that herbs, including healing, is a strong allergen. Therefore, when using herbal preparations, it should be careful not to harm the patient's body.

Also in the instructions write that in nebulizers is allowed to apply essential oils. Such a type of drug will be effective in routine for the treatment of nasopharynx. However, with the disease of the lungs, it will hurt Alveola and will not bring any benefit.

  • "DIMEDROL", "EUFILLIN", "PLASTIFILLIN", "PAPAVERIN", because the local effect does not show;
  • solutions with essential oils that spoil the membrane of mesh nebulizers and are useful only for the treatment of nasopharynx diseases;
  • herbal tinctures, decoctions and infancy - due to the risk of overdose and clogs of the nebulizer moves;
  • hormones "hydrocortisone", "prednisone", "dexacon" that do not have sufficient local action.

In addition to the prohibited drugs, there is a list of those drugs that are permissible for inhalations with a nebulizer. For example, in such devices, the use of saline and pre-heated and degassed mineral water type "Borjomi", Essentuki, Narzan is recommended.

Ready-made drugs for inhalation are sold in pharmacies and are called nebula. The following medicines include drugs for the nebulizer:

  • antiseptics - "Dioxidin", "Furacilin";
  • anesthetics - "Lidokain";
  • antibiotics - "Gentamicin", "Fluimucil", "Tobramycin";
  • broncholitics - "Atrovant", "Astalin", "Berothek", "Ventoline", "Magnesium sulfate", "Salbutamol", "Salgim", "Salamol", "Fenoterol";
  • hormonal medicines - "Pulmikort", "Budesonid", "Cromogexal";
  • immunomodulatory agents - "Interferon leukocytarian dry";
  • mukolithic - "Ambroxol", "Ambrohexal", "Lazolyvan", "Pulmbim", "Acetylcistein", "Fluimucil",
  • hypertensive solution; Fitotherapy - "Rotokan";
  • combined drugs - "Fenoterol", "Berodual" for inhalations.

This list of recommended drugs is enough for medicinal therapyTo effectively overcome the disease. But do not forget that self-medication harms health. Only the doctor defines a suitable course of therapy. It is impossible to experiment with the choice of drugs.

How to choose

Before buying a nebulizer, it is worth identifying those tasks whose solution is planned to be assigned to the device, as well as take into account the intensity of use. Before buying the inhaler, it is recommended to consult with the attending physician who will give specific instructions and denotes the nuances to which it is worth paying attention when choosing a device.

The main characteristics of the inhaler, which is worth paying attention to:

  1. Particle size sprayed aerosol - The parameter denoting how small or major particles will be "fog".
  • 8-10 microns - the oral cavity;
  • 5-8 microns - upper respiratory tract: nasopharynk, larynx;
  • 3-5 microns - trachea and bronchi;
  • 1-3 microns - bronchioles;
  • 0.5-2 μm - Alveola.
  1. Time of inhalation procedure - That segment of time for which the liquid is recycled into the aerosol and reaches the lungs of the patient.
  2. Consumption - Normally, this is about 0.3-0.5 ml of medication for 30 seconds.
  3. The volume of the reservoir for the drug - The number of milliliters of the medicine, which is capable of recycling nebulizer in one procedure. On average, this value is 5-7 ml.

When buying, also pay attention to the device's package. If the nebulizer is purchased for a child, check the presence of a mask in the kit. If the frequent use of the device is envisaged, pay attention to the duration and durability of the nebulizer design.

Sometimes, striving to get rid of or using medicines faster, we completely forget that there are other at least effective methods Treatment. For example, such a procedure as in some cases will help faster than any cough medicine or a nose drop.

In addition, many doctors themselves recommend their patients with , , As well as when using inhalation for treating and facilitating symptoms of these diseases at home. It is worth noting that now there are several species on sale. inhalerators , including ultrasound nebulaizers New generation, which are convenient to use and effective.

What is inhalation?

In the literal translation from Latin, the name of this procedure sounds like "inhale". In principle, in one word, the whole sense laid inhalation which is a method for introducing medication into a human body based on inhalation of medical vapor.

The main advantage of this procedure can be considered the efficiency of drugs in the respiratory tract, which contributes to the onset of the rapid therapeutic effect. In addition, inhalation, the risk of developing allergic reactions is reduced, since medical drugs reach their goal, bypassing digestive system man.

Interesting that inhalation is not only artificial, i.e. The one at which specialized devices (inhalers) are used, but also natural.

During the time, when there were no inhalers people left for seaside resorts or spent more time in the forest to saturate their body with useful compounds present in the air.

The advantage of this treatment is that during inhalation, the time of absorption of drugs is significantly reduced. As a result, the patient faster feels relief, since the local effect of using the inhaler comes almost instantly.

Indications K. Inhalation are:

  • ARVI complicated by such conditions like pharyngitis or rhinitis , as well as complications in the form and;
  • pneumonia ;
  • the aggravation of chronic shapes tonsillitis, Sinusita and rinita ;
  • aggravation of chronic or acute phase of this disease;
  • bronchiectatic lung disease ;
  • fungal infection lower and upper respiratory tract;
  • mukobovysidosis .

In addition, inhalations are used in prevention postoperative complications, as well as in the treatment of patients with during the respiratory stage of the disease.

Among the main contraindications of this procedure can be allocated:

  • cardic insufficiency ;
  • lonantic bleeding ;
  • individual intolerance solutions for inhalation;
  • pneumothorax (spontaneous, traumatic );
  • bullous pulmonary emphysema .

It is worth noting that in some cases it is extremely undesirable to use inhalation as a treatment method, since it can greatly aggravate the patient's condition. We are talking, for example, about , frontite Or, as well as about otitis in children.

Often and when pneumonia Doctors do not advise the use of inhalers. In addition, it is not recommended to resort to this method at elevated body temperatures.

There are several types of procedures:

  • wet inhalation, at which the temperature of the drug in the form of a solution is kept constantly at the level of 30 C;
  • steam inhalation;
  • thermallagal inhalation, at which the drug temperature cannot be higher than 40s.

It is important to remember that the infants can be made exclusively wet inhalation and only with the permission of the attending pediatrician. The steam procedure is dangerous for children, since there is a high probability of burning the upper respiratory tract.

Agencies from year to treat a child can be used radial inhalations, but also only after preliminary medical advice. In principle, any television of parents aimed at treating children must be coordinated with a specialist.

Inhalation, like a cough medicine and a cold, helps:

  • improve the blood circulation of the mucous membranes of the larynx, as well as the nasal sinuses;
  • ignite the secret, which in the disease is formed in the throat, larynx, as well as in the nasal stroke;
  • the removal of the secret from the nasal sinuses, which ultimately helps to significantly alleviate the patient's condition because it passes;
  • moisten the inflamed mucosa nose and throat.

Otherwise, when using medicinal solutions for inhalations, such a procedure has expectant , antibacterial , bronchorant , antino , as well as anti-inflammatory effect . At the moment there are two main ways to conduct inhalation.

The first is well familiar to many people, since it does not require any specialized devices. We think every second did at least once a steam inhalation with a container with hot water or above the pots with just welded potatoes.

For the second method, special devices will be required - inhaler or nebulizer . A little later we will discuss that a better nebulizer or a inhaler, as well as what kind of varieties of these instrument can be bought and how they correctly use it.

And now let's talk about what solutions for inhalations from a cold and cough can be used at home? How to make a solution yourself and how to use it when coughing or cold? It is important to emphasize that before using any medicinal product, including mixtures for inhalations should be consulted with a doctor.

In addition, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the instructions for the use of a mixture for inhalations. It is actually very important, since any medicine can, how to cure, so harm if it is wrong to use.

For ruthfully and nasal congestion, as well as gaymorite.

  • with eucalyptus, for the procedure use alcohol tincture of plants leaves;
  • with saline;
  • sO alcohol tincture propolis;
  • with alcohol tincture;
  • with 0.024% aqueous solution;
  • with alcohol tincture;
  • with homeopathic preparation;
  • c or with 0.4% injection mortar Dexamethazone .

It is worth noting that inhalations with dexamethasone for children, as well as with a bulvikort, are permissible only in the event of a real need, these drugs refer to glucocorticoids And they contain hormonal connections.

From cough and pain in the throat as well as asthma and Bronchitis Inhalation will be effective:

  • from mukolithics (drugs that dilute sputum and help to withdraw it from the lungs, according to Wikipedia), for example, , , , , ;
  • with bronchoranty drugs to which cholinolitis (Trovlenol , Trument. , ), adrenomimetics (Terbutalin , , , , ), methylxantins ( , Retaphyl , Durofillin , Eufilong , ), combined broncholitik ;
  • with combined bronchievous and expectorant preparations, for example, or;
  • from antibiotics (Fluimucil );
  • with antitussive agents ( , 2% solution);
  • with anti-inflammatory drugs ( ).

Perhaps the easiest and most affordable solution that can be independently prepared at home and use when dripping and when coughing is fisrators . For inhalations you can use the prepared physiological solution bought in the pharmacy sodium chloride , the price of which is very democratic in comparison with other drugs used to carry out this procedure.

And you can prepare the medicine yourself, since the composition of the saline on the actually consists of two main components - water and salt. At first glance, it's amazing, however, the sea, and later, and the table of millennia is used in medicine.

Saline - This is an indispensable medical device that is used for therapy, for example, as a dropper with dehydration or as a blood replacement in emergency cases, because it is a mixture of salt and distilled water close to the composition of the blood plasma.

In addition, saline is considered an effective antimicrobial agent, they also dilute drugs to the desired concentration and are used for washing contact lenses.

What is noteworthy, in the cold, it is possible not only to breathe physically through the inhaler, but also use it for washing the nasal sinuses.

There are several options for the composition of the physiological solution (or rather the proportions of water and salt), each of which is best suited for a particular purpose. However, according to doctors, any embodiment of the drug can be used when conducting inhalation conditions for the nose.

Although it is still desirable for this procedure to use 0.9% solution sodium chloride . As we talked above, the physiosor is ideal for washing the nose with ruthfully at home, it is used for inhalations when pain in the throat , P. Farriage , P. obstructive bronchitis , P. Tracheyite. and laringhotrachetite. , as well as with inflammatory processes in the lungs and bronchops in the acute and chronic stage.

The saline can be used both independently and in combination with other drugs. For example, inhalation with saline and , , , , , , , and other musolithic preparations will contribute to the discharge of the secrecy of the secret respiratory tract, as well as its rapid branch and removal from the body.

What ultimately facilitates breathing, reduce the cough intensity and stops the inflammatory process. When coughing, it can be mixed with saline exclamation , antino and antiseptic means natural origin as honey, calendula and propolis tincture, pharmaceutical chamomile decractions, licorice roots or hormour, Melissa essential oils, eucalyptus, mint and others.

If you are tormented by a runny nose and nasal congestion, then the physiological solution of inhalations can be added sea buckthorn oil, calanchoe juice or aloe (if there is no allergy), tea tree oil, eucalyptus or geranium, propolis tincture, as well as drugs such as , , , and .

Similar impact impact may have Rizosin , Aqua Rosol , , , as well as alkaline or non-carbonated mineral waterFor example, Borjomi.

Inhalation with saline for children

It is possible to use physical for inhalation for children, since the composition of this agent includes safe components - salt and water. However, do not forget about the constituted dosages for children. In addition, it is important to understand that the effect of the saline solution depends on the type of inhaler.

With steam inhalation, the drug is able to influence only the upper respiratory tract, and the lower respiratory system departments can be cured using the nebulizer. About how to spend and how many times a day you can make a procedure, as well as how many saline to pour into the inhaler for a child, it is better to ask a pediatrician's doctor.

After all, only a specialist can prescribe competent treatment depending on the type of disease. Inhalation with saline is not prohibited from doing even to infants, but it must be remembered that the temperature of the solution for children up to three years should not be more than 30 s, from three to four years - no more than 40 s, for a child aged four years and older - 52 S.

It is believed that the physiological solution for inhalations from cough for children can be used up to two times a day when conducting a child's procedure under the age of two years; Up to three times a day, if the baby is two to six years old and up to four times, if your child is over six years old. Moreover, the duration of inhalation in the first two cases should not exceed the maximum of three minutes, and from the sixth year old, the child can breathe with a breathtaking up to ten minutes.

Inhalation with soda

Soda mortar - This is another type of laugant and really effective mixtures For inhalation. It is noteworthy that when it is used, it turns out to be a direct impact on the mucous membranes of the nasopharynk. Steam warms up and moisturizes the mucous membranes, and also kills the malware microbes causeing the disease.

Soda, divorced in water (sometimes a marine or cook salt is added) will give a positive result if a person has observed wet or dry cough , bronchitis , runny as well as laryngitis .

The food soda has a flucolytic effect, which helps to voice the secret and take it out of the respiratory tract.

Already after several inhalations with soda, a person will notice positive effectHe will become really easier to breathe, because the drug solution improves the permeability of the bronchi and helps reduce cough intensity.

Inhalation solution with Ambroben It is considered one of the most effective funds that has a minimum of contraindications and maximum useful properties. This is a democratic price of the Mukolithic agent can be used both independently and in combination with other drugs, for example, with saline .

Amboben will be an indispensable tool when tonsillite , bronchitis , as well as with strong Ruthfully or Cough for costood . The preparation ambroxol hydrochloride Helps the removal of sputtering from the respiratory tract, thus facilitating cough. This drug is recommended for inhalations, since this method of its use reduces the risk side Effects.

The drug passes the digestive system and with the help of the inhaler immediately "transported" into bronchi. Drug Effect from Ambroben It will be noticeable after one procedure. Correctly choose the dosage of the drug will help the attending physician, without prior consultation with which it is not necessary to carry out inhalation to avoid such side effects as vomiting, abundant salivation, an allergic reaction in the form of rashes and difficulty breathing, and nausea.

To all, Ambroben has the following contraindications:

  • included in the medication components;

What inhaler is better?

What to do inhalation we talked and discussed the most popular solutions for the procedure. Now let's talk about what the inhalers are and how to choose the most suitable device for inhalation. And also: how to make an inhaler at home, if there was no special device at hand.

Inhaler - This is a specialized device that is intended to be introduced into the human body of medicines using such a procedure as inhalation. Allocate the following types of devices:

  • a steam inhaler is a device for steam inhalations in which therapeutic effect achieved due to evaporation of the drug and inhalation of it with steam;
  • compressor inhaler is a device equipped with a compressor that forms an aerosol cloud from a drug solution;
  • ultrasonic inhaler or nebulizer is a device that can also spray a drug for inhalation in the form of an aerosol, but not due to the built-in compressor, but with the help of a special ultrasonic emitter;
  • the salt inhaler is a device when exposed to which particles fall into the lower and upper respiratory travel pathways salt solution based on sea salt;
  • the MASH-inhaler is an electron-net device that forms an aerosol cloud from a medical device due to its passage through the vibrating membrane.

Steam inhalers

These are the simplest and most widespread inhalation devices. It is noteworthy that it is precisely this type of device that can be replaced without any problems at home to a container with hot water and get a similar therapeutic effect.

What else important steam models are much cheaper than other types of inhalers, besides whether they are easy to operate. As they say, even a child can cope with them.

It is important to emphasize that for inhalations with a steam inhaler, you do not need to buy special medicines in the pharmacy, such as for a nebulizer. For the procedure, you can use various braveraging and infusions from medicinal herbs, of course, if there is no allergies on them.

Another important advantage of this species can be considered that the nasal sinuses are heated during steam inhalation. However, this device has a number of minuses, for example, a steam inhaler for children is not always suitable.

Often parents ask the question of whether inhalations can be made at temperatures to children. So the elevated body temperature is a contraindication to the use of a steam inhaler, you should also use the device in the presence of vascular diseases.

Another important negative point can be considered the impossibility of using in steam inhalations of many specialized medicinal solutions, without which it is impossible to do in the treatment of a number of serious diseases of the body's respiratory system. The principle of the steam inhaler is very simple.

As we said above, it can be replaced using a container with hot water, which add a drug solution and inhale steam, closing the head with a towel. So in the main compartment of the steam inhaler, a solution for inhalation is poured. The mixture is heated to a certain temperature, evaporated, the steam rises through the tube and the person inhales it through the oral cavity.

The simplest inhaler models do not intend to regulate the temperature of the solution, which eliminates the possibility of their use for the treatment of young children. However, in more advanced models, you can choose the heating temperature of the mixture for inhalation and such steam inhalers from cough for children are allowed to use.

Help answer the question of what inhaler better reviews People who have already tested those or other models of the device. Perhaps the most popular can be considered a steam inhaler chamomile, which produces Berdy Electromechanical Plant (RF). We think that this device is familiar to many from early childhood.

Currently, you can purchase a steam inhaler Chamomile-3. This device is already the third generation for many has become an indispensable assistant, and not only in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The steam inhaler is suitable for use in home cosmetology.

In accordance with the application instructions, this steam device can be used:

  • for the treatment of colds with inhalation using decoction and informants of healing herbs;
  • for the improvement of the skin of the face and neck;
  • for aromatherapy;
  • for indoor humidification.

For steam inhaler, the following solutions for inhalation are suitable:

  • salt (mixture of cook or sea salt and water);
  • soda (a mixture of soda and water, you can add salt);
  • saline;
  • celebrate Herbs Based on Pharmacy Calendula, Chamomile, Salt, Salodok, Plantain and Others;
  • essential oils.

It is important to emphasize that which children's inhaler is better, it is advisable to be interested in a pediatrician's doctor. Not all types of steam inhalers are suitable for children. As we mentioned above, for each age it is worth selecting the appropriate type of inhalation (steam, wet, thermallagin) and, accordingly, the device for this procedure.

Let's talk about how much inhaler costs. The price will depend on the manufacturer, as well as the functionality of the device. For example, the steam inhaler WN -18 "Miracle Couples" from B. Well (United Kingdom) will cost an average of 3,000 rubles, and the domestic "chamomile" is twice as cheaper.

Inhalation nebulizer

Nebulizer - This is a specialized inhalation device based on the use of a dispersed supermarital spraying of highly active medicinal substanceswhich through the mouthpiece (respiratory tube) or a mask fall into the respiratory tract of the patient. This type of inhaletors is considered more progressive and efficient.

It's all about the work of the device. Since the device forms an aerosol cloud from a nebulizer inhalation drugs, its pairs penetrate all the departments of respiratory bodies, which makes it possible using a procedure to treat a wide range of diseases. All other medical drugs for the nebulizer are quickly absorbed and falling precisely in target, i.e. In the upper or lower respiratory tract, not "lost" along the road in the nasal cavity.

What nebulizer is better?

Before you give an answer to the assigned question, it is worth dealing with what apparatus are, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. So, the following types of nebulizers distinguish:

  • Convection is the most common type of device, when working continuously, the formation of an aerosol cloud is continuously. Medicinal products They enter the human body when inhaling, and on the exhalation an aerosol enters the external environment. As a result, about 70% of the generated vapors of drugs occur.
  • Venturi nebulizers are devices that are activated when inhaling, i.e. The aerosol is constantly formed, as well as when working a convection nebulizer, but it is released only when a person does inhale. The main advantage of this species can be considered a decrease in the loss of a patient with a patient of a drug solution for inhalation, which contributes to an increase in the effectiveness of therapy with the help of a neurizer and reducing the operation time of the device.
  • Synchronized with breathing nebulizers are dosimetric devices that form an aerosol cloud only during the inhalation, which makes it possible to significantly save the drug for inhalation.
  • Inkjet or compressor are devices that convert drugs in consistency in a fine-dispersed cloud of aerosols with oxygen or air. Such instruments from the compressor, which serves as an aerosol cloud and sprayer generator. The compressing type of inhalers differs from other devices not only by technical characteristics (the presence of a compressor generating an aerosol cloud from a drug solution for inhalations), but also features of application. Many wonder what medicines can be used with a compressor inhaler. Indeed, for a steam device, in principle, some specialized medical devices are provided for inhalation. In the case of the compressor device, everything is much easier. For this universal inhaler, there are simply no prohibitions. This means that using it for inhalation you can safely apply as traditional Herbal fees , saline or soda mortar and drugs possessing mukolithic , bronchievous , antitussive , anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It is important to emphasize that in the case of correctly selected drugs, it is compressor inhalers with bronchial asthma , P. tracheyite. , P. tuberculosis , P. chronic obstructive lung disease (hereinafter) and with many other respiratory diseases can give a stable and fast therapeutic effect. This type of inhalers is safe for children of any age. True, not all compressor inhalers are suitable for the use of oil based drugs and essential oils. It's all about the design features of the instruments. However, there are universal devices that are "not scary" drugs of any composition.
  • Ultrasonic nebulizers are devices that are used to convert a mixture to inhalation into pairs to use ultrasound, namely the energy of high-frequency oscillations of piezocrystals. In comparison with the compressor device, ultrasonic wins due to silent work, portability, as well as constancy and homogeneity of the aerosol cloud particles. However, these models have a number of significant flaws. For example, during the operation of the ultrasonic nebulizer, the chemical structure of the drug used for inhalation may occur due to temperature increase. As a result, therapy in such a modified medical means may be ineffective. It is important to note that not all solutions for the nebulizer are suitable for use in an ultrasound device, for example, viscous oil drugs or suspensions.

So, it is advisable to conclude, about which nebulizer is better and according to the reviews of people who tested themselves different kinds devices, and given the above information about specificationsas well as about the main disadvantages and pluses of devices.

Think about what is the better compression, ultrasonic or ordinary convection nebulizer, and also choose such a home-based device, taking into account it average price and manufacturer. How much does nebulizer cost?

The price of the device depends on its type, as well as the country of the manufacturer. On average, the nebulizer with a standard set of functions will cost 2500-3000 rubles, there are more budget models for 1500-2000 rubles, produced not as well-known firms. The cost of specialized or children's models in the form of animals, for example, can start from 3500-4000 rubles.

Inhalation solutions for nebulizer

Before using any device, including nebulizer should be carefully familiar with the instructions for its use. To conduct inhalation, it is necessary to not only know how to use the device, but what can be poured into a nebulizer from medicines to get the expected therapeutic effect.

Let's talk in more detail about what medications are suitable for use as solutions for non-ulisher inhalers during coughing and other respiratory diseases. They will answer the question of how to breathe in a cold through a nebulizer.

Medications for inhalation from cough and cold

As we repeatedly repeated above, inhalations with ritin effectively help how to remove the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, and to cure the cause of the disease itself. Experts believe that the use of inhaler with special solutions in the cold solves several important problems.

The device moisturizes the mucous membranes of the nose, makes the secretion of the secret with a less abundant and viscous, which helps its removal from the body, eliminates itching in nasal strokes, reduces the swelling and softens his crusts that often interfere with sleeping calmly and eat young children.

There is enough inhalation recipes with a nebulizer with a cold, for which both drugs and traditional medicine are used.

Perhaps the most common recipe for a cold for children and adults is inhalation with mineral water, saline, with salt or soda.

Mineral water or saline is the same weak alkaline or saline solution (sodium chloride), but only already cooked in the desired proportion suitable for inhalation.

Soda solution, which often add more seaside salt, also perfectly cope with a runny nose. They can rinse the nasal sinuses or use through a nebulizer. It is worth noting that in modern pharmacies there is already a ready-made solution for inhalation of sodium hydrocarbonate or "soda buffer", the dosage of soda in which is adjusted to a milligram.

However, this solution must still be diluted with saline, otherwise the medicine cannot be used in a nebulizer. Drug herbs (chamomile, sage, eucalyptus leaves, plantain, bay leaf, mint, trousement) and essential oils are added to strengthen the therapeutic effect in the soda solution. Inhalation with a chamomile or eucalyptus oil helps not only with a cold, but also with other respiratory diseases.

During a cold, you can use immunostimulating drugs containing. For example, well suited for inhalations with nebulizer. Antibacterial, as well as antiseptic drugs ( Fluimucil , , , , ) will be effective when ruthfully and for gaymorite. .

Also in the nebulizer you can use such Anti-inflammatory drugs as or Malavit. As indicated in the instructions for the use of Rotokan and Malavita, the composition of drugs includes predominantly plant components, such as calendula extract, chamomile, yarrow, Siberian cedar resin, oak bark and others.

Therefore, it is possible to apply these drugs only if a person has no allergies. In addition, ruthfully Inhalation with propolis (tincture) and with eucalyptus (extract), which also possess anti-inflammatory properties will effectively help.

Some hormonal drugs, eg, , or Kromgexal is also permissible to use in a nebulizer when ranty .

About what kind of inhalations to do during the cold we talked, now we will understand how to breathe through the nebulizer when dry cough , P. Angina or for bronchitis . Let's start with the fact that rinit, cough or pain in the throat Effective weakly alkaline and salt solutions that are easy to prepare and are available to the majority.

In order to prepare such a mixture for inhalation, you need to have water at hand (preferably distilled), sea or table salt or food soda. The physiological solution or mineral water can be considered ready-made analogues. For inhalation, you can use ready-made chest fees sold in a pharmacy.

However, with them, as with other drugs on a vegetable basis, you need to be extremely careful. It is not necessary to resort to the help of insicuations or decoctions of medicinal herbs, if a person has an allergy. With a strong suffocating cough, inhalations will help Lazolyvan , whose dosage will help you choose the attending doctor, with a dry cough - Berodali. , , , which belong to the preparations expanding bronchi.

If the cough is dry and barking, then inhalation in the nebulizer with , , , , as well as. Propolis and calendula effectively stop the inflammatory process, which accompanies a dry cough. With a wet cough in the nebulizer use, , , Furacilin .

In addition, inhalations are effective with, as well as with weakly alkaline and salt solutions.

Studies show that with this ailment, it is better to resort to the help of nebulausers and specialized medicinal solutions for them. So, what kind of drugs are worth choosing for inhalation during laryngitis:

  • diluted sputum - saline, soda, salt or slightly alkaline solution (mineral water);
  • antiseptics - , , Miramistin;
  • anti-inflammatory - Tonsilgon , Chlorophyllipt , .

In some cases, Larygite Therapy is justified using preparations containing hormones or adrenaline. Inhalation S. Hydrocortisone , Pulmikort , , Prednisolone or such adrenergic means as Epinephrine They will help in facilitating the state of the patient, but they can be carried out only with the permission of the doctor.

With this disease in children Berodal many pediatricians write out. What is noteworthy, the instructions for this drug says that it is effective when larygite. . Drug use using asthma , Cobl , emphysema lungs or for Bronchitis .

Therefore, the appointment of the child of this drug, given that it can only be used in stationary conditions Doubtful. Laringospazma all the same different from bronchospasm in which effective Berodal , therefore, for larygite. apply drugs, content in its composition , eufilin , sodium bicarbonate or .

Inhalation Ply larygite. It should be done after an hour or two after meals. For a half hour after the procedure, it is better to refrain about conversations, and you should not smoke, drink or eat. For larygite. During inhalation it is worth inhaling through the mouth, and exhale, on the contrary, through the nose.

If several drugs are assigned, they should be used in the following sequence:

  • first - bronchievous means ;
  • in 15 minutes - exclamation ;
  • in custody - anti-inflammatory or antiseptic Preparations.

Inhalation with bronchitis

Depending on the type of disease, the doctor prescribes some kind of drugs. Inhalation with bronchitis at home can only be done after consulting with a specialist.

For the procedure, such drugs are usually prescribed as:

  • Miramistin , Dioxidin and Chlorhexidine butntiseptic remedies designed to deal with the viral nature of the disease;
  • Ambroxol , Lazolyvan, Amboben - Mulcolics that help the removal and wet wet;
  • Derinat - immunomodulator;
  • , tea tree extracts, fir, sage, calendula, eucalyptus oil - natural anti-inflammatory agents;
  • Tobramycin , Gentamicin , , ACS. - antibiotics killing malicious bacteria;
  • Ventolin , Berotek or Berodal - broncholics, preparations, expanding bronchi;
  • Xylometazoline , Naphtycin , Oxymetazolin (drops for the nose) - the thorough remedies are used with a pronounced edema of the mucous respiratory tract;
  • hormonal agents.

Effective drugs for inhalation when bronchitis Children can appoint only a pediatrician. However, it is impossible to bypass the parties and such safe methods of treating bronchitis at home as inhalation with saline, salt, soda and weakly alkaline solution.

Procedures with the above-mentioned means will help to moisten the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, which will reduce painful sensations. In addition, they effectively dilute and remove sputum.

Inhalation with pharyngitis

Pharyngitis - This is a disease that affects lymphoid tissue and mucous membranes of the pharynx. The cause of the disease can be both inhalation of contaminated or too cold air and the pathogenic effect on the body of malicious microorganisms. Depending on the causative agent, the doctor selects drugs for treatment Farriagita .

Antibiotics With pharyngitis in adults or children are prescribed if the development of the disease provoked the bacteria of staphylococcus, streptococcus or pneumococcus. Antiviral drugs and immunomodulating agents are effective if the pharyngitis flows on the background influenza or other species ARVI .

Not only medication methods are used to treat the disease. For farriage effective rinsing, as well as inhalation. At home, it is possible to use simple fixtures for steam inhalations (containers with inhalation and hot water solution) or specialized instruments.

Inhalation solutions with pharyngitis:

  • soda or saline;
  • saline;
  • infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs (calendula, St. John's wort, chamomile);
  • essential oils and extracts (sage, oak, eucalyptus, pine, mint, juniper);
  • vegetable preparations (, Malavit , Tonsilgon );
  • antiseptic preparations ( Fluimucil , Miramistin , Dioxidin ).

In this article, we will introduce you to the types of nebulizers, we note their pros and cons - this will allow you to get rid of errors when choosing one or another device for you.

The name of this medical device comes from the Latin word Nebula, i.e. "fog." Despite the fact that nebulizers for the first time appeared at our houses relatively recently, the device was created at the end of the XIX century. It was a glass vessel with tubes, in which steam was formed due to the heating of the solution. Only in 1938 the first balloon manual inhaler appeared, resembling a perfume sprayer. Next, the nebulizer models were improved, and for the possibility of their use of the house, individual dosing inhalers were invented.

Modern tactics are aimed at maximizing the use of inhalation techniques for administering medicines. Nebulizers make it possible to deliver various pharmacological preparations directly into the lungs of the patient. They convert a liquid drug into an aerosol and at the same time fully retain its properties. This fine cloud is delivered to the respiratory tract almost without losses and almost immediately has the therapeutic effect - the patient immediately after inhalation of the medication feels relief.

What are nebulizers for home use?

In order not to make a mistake and correctly choose a nebulizer for home use, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of these devices and explore their differences and specifications. Do not purchase such a device on the recommendation of acquaintances, since each person is individual.

Today consumers are offered three types of models:

  • compressor nebulizers - create a cloud of aerosol using a compressor that supplies a powerful air flow through a narrow hole of the chamber with therapeutic solution, are the most common and can spray almost all drugs;
  • ultrasound nebulizers - create an aerosol cloud by exposure to high-frequency ultrasonic flow to drug solution, but they can destroy some drugs (muscolics, hormonal agents, antibiotics) and are suitable for spraying only some healing solutions;
  • electron-mesh (or mesh) nebulizers - create an aerosol cloud using a vibrating membrane (plate) with multiple smallest holes through which the drug solution is passed, the structure of substances is not violated and there is no restrictions on the use.

Pros and disadvantages of various types of nebulizers

Compression nebulizer is an effective and affordable device.

Compressor nebulizers Can break the medicinal substances for the smallest particles (up to 0.5 microns) and deliver them to the most remote and hard-to-reach respiratory departments, making treatment as efficient as possible. They can be used to spray any healing solutions and are suitable for patients suffering from frequent, bronchitis, bronchiectatic disease, bronchial asthma. These devices are easy to use and without difficulty can be used at home.
The minuses of compressor nebulizers can be attributed: large sizes and high level Noise During the operation of the device, the ability to perform inhalation only in a vertical position.

Ultrasound nebulizers Have a good therapeutic effect in coldic diseases and may occur during a session (10-15 minutes) to process the entire surface of the respiratory system. The devices can be used at different body position. They are easy to use, there are models on travel batteries, they do not create strong noise and can be used to perform inhalations and children, and adults.

The most significant minus ultrasound nebulizers - ultrasound is able to destroy many medicinal substances and make them ineffective. For inhalations, saline solutions, heralds of medicinal herbs or essential oils can be used, but the use of antibiotic solutions, mercolytic and hormonal means Completely excluded. Also for these devices it is necessary to buy special cups for drugs, which creates additional costs.

Electron-Mesh Nebulizers combined everything top Qualities Two above-described types of devices. They can be used to spray any healing solutions without restrictions, absolutely silent and are suitable for inhalations in any position of the body (even in a dream). Inhalation can be performed at any angle of inclination of the nebulizer camera, which makes these devices indispensable for the treatment of infants and lying patients. Special nozzles for them allow to apply the device to perform inhalations and a child, and an adult. Mesh nebulizers are recommended by most doctors and are considered universal and most effective.

The only minus electron-net nebulizer is its relatively high price.

Tank capacity for medicinal solutions

In all models of nebulizers there is a special reservoir for the drug solution. It must have the maximum volume and place the amount of solution that is necessary for performing one inhalation, since its interrupt is not only inconvenient, but also can reduce the effectiveness of the procedure. When buying a nebulizer, it is important to pay attention to this instrument parameter.

In ultrasound and compressor nebulizers, after the completion of the procedure, the so-called residual volume remains (the residue of the drug solution that does not turn into an aerosol). For a more complete receipt of the dose of the drug, it is recommended to bring the volume of the physiological solution to the maximum so that most of the medication is transformed into an aerosol cloud and had therapeutic effects. The residual volume is not formed in electron-mesh nebulizers - that is why the choice of such models is most appropriate.

When buying a nebulizer model, you must pay attention to this parameter as "aerosol performance. The higher this parameter, the less time it will be necessary to spend on inhalation. It is especially important to take into account this indicator of the device when buying a nebulizer for a child, since the difference in the duration of the procedure (10 or 20 minutes) is very significant for them.

How to choose a nebulizer for an infant?

Inhalation with a nebulizer is painless and effective, therefore this species Treatment is widespread in pediatric practice.

Before buying a nebulizer for a child, it is necessary to consult your pediatrician. Despite the fact that today there is a fairly wide range of inhalers for children breast-age And these devices are safe and easy to operate, the consultation of the doctor who is familiar with the individual characteristics of the child will not be excess.

Indications for the use of nebulizer for children:

  • prevention or treatment of bronchitis, tracheite, tuberculosis;
  • elimination of symptoms - dry painful cough, dry throat, sputum removal;
  • activation of blood flow for faster recovery;
  • nervous diseases - asthenia, depression, insomnia, etc.;
  • endocrine diseases - obesity, diabetes mellitus.

In a nebulizer kit for baby Such additional devices include:

  • special ;
  • breathing mask;
  • mouthpiece.

The complete set of ultrasound and compression devices includes nozzles for the whole family. Choosing a nebulizer model for a breast child, be sure to make sure that the tip for the nose and the respiratory mask are made of soft materials.

To facilitate the application, nebulizers are produced in the form of toys that are capable of making a healing process exciting and interesting for the child. Funny game (for example, with a train inhaler or cow) will be perfect therapy for children with some species allergic diseases, bronchitis or bronchial asthma.

The most good reviews among nebulizers for children have deserved completely silent electron-net models in ordinary design. They can be used even during a child's sleep (for example, if he does not want to carry out inhalation).

What should be remembered when buying a nebulizer?

Before buying a nebulizer should be remembered:

  1. To warm the respiratory tract, it is necessary to acquire a steam ultrasonic inhaler.
  2. Nebulizers are necessary to deliver the drug to certain areas of the respiratory system. Before buying them, you need to decide which part of the respiratory system must be treated. For the treatment of the most remote areas, nebulizers are needed, which are able to split the drug solution into the smallest particles (for example, ultrasound or mesh).
  3. The easiest to use is a compressor nebulizer.
  4. The most universal - electron-mesh nebulisar.
  5. Standard inhalation time should be about 15 minutes. When buying an instrument, it is necessary to take into account the capacity of the drug solution - it should be sufficient so that there is no need to interrupt the procedure for re-filling it.
  6. When choosing a nebulizer for use while traveling, you must select a model on batteries.
  7. Each device must be accompanied by a document on its certification and testing on European nebulizer therapy standards (PREN13544-1).

Our article will help you not be confused among the wide range of nebulizers and choose the instrument that is suitable for you and your family. Effective inhalation will be loyal assistants in a rapid fight with many diseases of the respiratory system and will speed up recovery.

Pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky talks about how to choose the inhaler correctly:

The specialist tells how to choose and correctly use the nebulizer:

- One of the most effective methods for the treatment of respiratory diseases. It allows you to deliver the medicinal substance directly to the location of the disease - in the broncho-tracheal tree to get a practically instantaneous effect.

Inhalation is actively used to treat tracheitis, and other inflammatory respiratory processes, and special devices are used for treatment.

Inhaler and nebulizer - difference and action in the treatment

Relatively recently, a new device has appeared on the shelves of the stores -, which is essentially a type of familiar inhaler. It is necessary to figure out what between these devices and differences:

  • The inhaler is a device for maintaining a drug into the respiratory tract by the method. Since the substance is in a vapor state, it without problems reaches a problem zone and has a healing effect on the inflamed area. The word "inhaler" has a Latin origin, his primary source is the word inhalo - "inhale".
  • - Device capable of converting a liquid drug substance into an aerosol. Small particles are inhaled by a person and reach the desired cut of the respiratory tract.

Thus, both instruments have the same appointment - they must deliver the drug in the aerosol or vapor form to a certain portion of the respiratory channel. However, the nebulizer can be called a more modern and effective solution: it is capable of providing a point effect on the respiratory tract, delivering a medicinal substance strictly to a certain area.

It depends on the size of the drug particles: for example, a steam inhaler cannot be attributed to nebulizers.

However, in general, the differences between these devices are not so much: most of the manufacturers use the dual name - a nebulizer inhaler, which confirms their identical device and functions. In this case, there are several varieties of each type of instruments.

Types of inhalers and their features

Previously, inhalation was performed using a simple inhalation of the vapor substance from the capacity: everyone remembers the babushkin method of treating a cold inhalation of steam over hot potatoes. Modern technologies have significantly expanded the range of medical procedures: there are complex devices delivering dosage pairs to the location of the disease.

On the principle of action, all inhalers are customary to divide into several basic types of inhalers:

  • Steam (for example, the chamomile inhaler). The most common devices allowing to inhale the drugs of the medicinal substance: it may be marine water, tinkers and much more. The main advantage of such an inhaler is the simplicity of use and versatility, they are usually inexpensive. They allow us to use various healing substances, including oil-based compositions. However, they have and minus: they do not allow to influence the lower respiratory tract.
  • Compressor inhalers. These are special devices delivering the medicinal substance to the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe respiratory tract under pressure due to the built-in compressor. The advantage - ample opportunities for treatment, disadvantage - significant noise during operation, use them conveniently not always.
  • Ultrasonic devices. They split the medicinal substance into separate particles and turn it into an aerosol with ultrasound. The main advantage is completely silent work, besides, they have very small sizes. Minus - not all substances can be divided by an ultrasonic wave, it limits the possibility of applying the device.
  • Mess-inhalers with a mounted vibrating device. The substance turns into an aerosol due to vibration, it is possible to use such an instrument with any drugs regardless of their composition.

It is difficult to determine the ideal solution, each type of inhalers has its advantages. Modern devices have compact dimensions, and they can be used not only at home.

Nebulizers: Features and varieties

Nebulizer - effective device for the treatment of respiratory disease

Anyone is a universal device for repeatedly filling the drug, and children and adults can use it. Inhalers can be disposal: it is, for example, the cans who use people with asthma.

Nebulizer is only a reusable, it is designed for long use. With the help of such an appliance, you can treat a wide range of respiratory diseases, with proper use, it gives a practically instant therapeutic effect.

The main advantage of the nebulizer, in contrast to the classic steam inhaler, is the ability to share a substance on particles of a certain size for delivery to a separate portion of the respiratory tract.

Each size corresponds to its group of diseases:

  • 8-10 microns. With this particle size, the oral cavity is irrigated. It is convenient for the treatment of stomatitis and other inflammatory processes in oral cavityInhalation can be carried out with various drugs.
  • 5-8 microns. Particles of this size easily penetrate into the upper respiratory tract: they apply to the nasopharynx, fall into the throat and in the larynx. This is the optimal option for treatment, and other inflammatory processes in colds.
  • 3-5 microns. The medicinal substance penetrates bronchi and trachea. This allows you to treat bronchitis in acute and chronic form, tracheitis and others. Inhalation becomes effective tool From dry or, various medicinal substances contribute to separation and removal from the respiratory tract.
  • 1-3 microns and smaller. So small particles can penetrate the alveoli and bronchi, providing the therapeutic effect with serious lung diseases. Inhalation is often part of complex therapyallowing you to seek a good effect.

The use of inhalers and nebulizers

Inhaler and nebulizer - action, appointment and contraindications in inhalation

Inhalers and nebulizers are able to solve a number of tasks in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system in adults and children:

  1. They remove the spasm of the bronchi, eliminate the swelling of the mucous. This makes it possible to prevent the narrowing of the lumen of the respiratory tract, which can lead to the most serious consequences. - this is ambulance With exacerbation of the disease, and in some cases it is even able to save a person life.
  2. Fighting inflammatory processes. Drugs delivered to the localization department of inflammation allow you to deal with the causative agents of the disease in place. At the same time, the patient does not have to take potent, providing a negative impact on the body.
  3. Toning immune system. Inhalation not only helps to fight the disease, but also awakens the protective forces of the body, which helps to avoid further. Various compositions for inhalations have a general tonic effect on the body and improve overall well-being.
  4. Normalization of the operation of the mucous membrane. Improving blood microcirculation in capillaries helps the respiratory system to cope better with their work.

Useful video - nebulizer - description and use.

There can be no definite answer to the question: what is better - inhaler or nebulizer. In fact, the nebulizer is an inhaler in a more modern performance. It performs the same functions and works on the same principle, therefore the result will not be very different. The only advantage of a modern nebulizer in front of a classic inexpensive inhaler is a wider functionality, which allows more accurate and essential to influence a certain portion of respiratory tract.

Imported nebulizer with a beautiful name will cost more, while not always the high price of the device means its higher efficiency. It is not so much to choose the brand and the name of the inhaler, how much of its characteristics and the principle of action.

There is no ideal solution, each species has its advantages and features.

If you doubt the choice, it is better to consult a doctor - since different types of nebulizers are focused on combating various diseases, when choosing, it is necessary to take into account the patient's health status.This is especially important when selecting an inhaler for children: it should be reliable, convenient to use and safe. The choice offered by manufacturers is constantly expanding, and you can choose a completely appropriate solution at a reasonable price.

Nebulizer - This is a special device for inhalation, that is, to enter medicinal substances to bronchi and lungs. Any substance introduced into the respiratory tract is absorbed much faster than the adopted, for example, in tablets. Therefore, inhale medicines - more efficiently than taking pills. Especially if the medicine is intended for the respiratory tract.

To make the medicine easier to penetrate into the respiratory tract, it should be turned into an aerosol - a slightest of small particles in the air. Therapeutic aerosol is created at the expense of certain forces. Such forces can be air flow (compressor nebulizers) or ultrasonic membrane oscillations (Ultrasonic nebulizers).

The word nebulizer comes from the Latin word "nebula" (fog, cloud).

In our clinic, there are highly qualified professionals on the latest equipment.

Nebulizer therapy - this is modern and safe

In the treatment of respiratory diseases, inhalation therapy is in the treatment of respiratory tract. Inhalation of drugs through the nebulizer is one of the most reliable and simple methods of treatment.

To make the medicine easier to penetrate the respiratory tract, it should be converted to spray can.

Nebulizer - This is a camera in which the drug solution is sprayed to the aerosol and feeding it into the patient's respiratory tract.

Now inhalation therapy has become available for patients of all ages (from thoracic to deep old age). It can be carried out in periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases (first of all - bronchial asthma), in situations where the patient has significantly reduced the speed of inhalation (children of early age, postoperative patients, patients with severe somatic diseases) both at home and in the clinic.

Nebulizer therapy has advantages over other types of inhalations:

  • It can be used any age, Since the patient does not need to adjust its breathing to the operation of the device and at the same time perform any actions, for example, press the can be held inhaler, etc., which is especially important in children of younger.
  • No need to perform a strong breath allows you to use nebulizer therapy in cases heavy attack Bronchial asthma, as well as patients in old age.
  • Nebulizer therapy allows the use of medicines in effective doses in the absence of side effects.
  • This therapy provides a continuous and fast feed of the medication using the compressor.
  • It is the safest method of inhalation therapy, as it is not used in it, in contrast to dosing aerosol inhalers, prophets (solvents or carriers).
  • This is a modern and comfortable method of treating bronchopulmonary diseases in children and adults.

What diseases can be treated with a nebulizer?

The drug sprayed inhaler, begins to act almost immediately, which allows the use of nebulizers, primarily for the treatment of diseases requiring urgent intervention - asthma, allergies.

Another group of diseases in which inhalation is simply necessary - chronic inflammatory processes respiratory tract, such as chronic rhinitis, chronical bronchitis, bronchial asthma, chronic broncho-prestructive pulmonary disease, fibrosis, etc.

But this scope of their use is not limited. They are good for treatment Orz, laryngitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, fungal lesions of the upper respiratory tract, immune system.

Inhalers are helping with professional diseases of singers, teachers, miners, chemists.

In what cases are needed Nebulizer at home:

  • In the family where a child is growing susceptible to frequent colds, bronchitis, for complex treatment of cough with difficult-separated sputter, treatment of stenosis.
  • Families having patients with chronic or often recurrent bronchopile diseases.

What medicines can be used in a nebulizer?

For nebulizer therapy there are special solutions of drugs that are available in bottles or plastic containers - nebulh.

The volume of the drug together with the solvent for one inhalation is 2-5 ml.

The calculation of the required amount of medication depends on the age of the patient. First, 2 ml of physiological solution is poured into the nebulizer, then the required amount of drug droplets is added. Distilled water should not be used as a solvent, as it can provoke bronchospasm, which will result in a procedure for coughing and difficulty breathing.

Pharmacy packaging with medicines is stored in the refrigerator (if there are no other instructions) in a closed form. After the pharmacy packaging was opened, the drug must be used for two weeks. Preferably on the bottle to record the date of commencement of the drug.

Before use, the medicine must be heated to room temperature.

For nebulizer therapy can be used:

  1. mukolithics and muggulators (Preparations for wetting and improving expectoration): Ambrohexal, Lazolyvan, Ambroben, Fluimucil;
  2. bronnutators (Preparations, expanding bronchi): Berodal, Ventoline, Berotek, Salamol;
  3. glucocorticoids (Hormonal preparations with a multilateral action, primarily anti-inflammatory and anti-ethnicate): Pulmikort (suspension for nebulizers);
  4. kromonons (anti-allergic drugs, membrane membrane stabilizers): Kromegexal Nebules;
  5. antibiotics: Fluimucil antibiotic;
  6. alkaline and salt solutions: 0.9% saline, Mineral water "Borjomi"

Assign a drug and tell about the rules of its use should your attending physician. It must also monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

all solutions containing oils;

suspensions and solutions containing suspended particles, including braverains and grasses;

as well as the solutions of the euphilline, papaverine, platifillin, diphroll and them similar means, as not having no points of the application on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

WHAT KIND SIDE EFFECTS Possible when conducting nebulizer therapy?

With deep breathing, symptoms may appear hyperventilation (dizziness, nausea, cough). It is necessary to stop inhalation, risk the nose and calm down. After the disappearance of symptoms of hyperventilation, inhalation through the nebulizer can be continued

During inhalation, as a reaction to the introduction of a sprayed solution, cough may appear. In this case, it is also recommended to stop inhalation for several minutes.

Inhalation technique With the help of a nebulizer.

  • Before working with the inhaler, it is necessary (always) to thoroughly wash your hands with soap, because The skin can be pathogenic microbes.
  • Collect all parts of the nebulizer in accordance with the instructions. You need to pour the amount of medicinal substance into a glass of nebulizer, preheated it to room temperature.
  • Close the nebulizer and attach the facial mask, mouthpiece or nasal cannula.
  • Connect the nebulizer and compressor using the hose.
  • Turn on the compressor and inhalation for 7-10 minutes or until the solution is completely spent.
  • Turn off the compressor, disconnect the nebulizer and disassemble it.
  • Rinse all parts of the nebulizer with hot water or 15% solution of drinking soda. You should not apply brushes and rams.
  • Sterilize the nebulizer in a disassembled form in any device for sterilization with a steam, for example, the thermodezinfector (steam sterilizer) intended for processing children's bottles. It is also possible to sterilize with boiling at least 10 minutes. Disinfection must be carried out once a week.
  • Carefully peeled and dried nebulizer should be stored in a clean napkin or towel.

Basic rules for conducting inhalations

  • Inhalation is carried out no earlier than 1-1.5 hours after meals or significant physical exertion.
  • During the course of inhalation treatment, doctors prohibit smoking. In exceptional cases, before and after inhalation, it is recommended to abandon smoking within an hour.
  • Inhalation should be taken in a calm state without being distracted by reading and conversations.
  • Clothes should not be sneaking the neck and make it difficult to breathe.
  • In case of diseases of the nasal ways, inhale and exhale must be done through the nose (nasal inhalation), breathe calmly, without tension.
  • With diseases of the larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs are recommended to inhale aerosol through the mouth (oral inhalation), it is necessary to breathe deeply and smoothly. After a deep breath, his mouth should be delayed by 2 s., And then make a complete exhalation through the nose; In this case, the spline from the oral cavity is then falling into a throat, larynx and further in the deeper respiratory tract departments.
  • Frequent deep breathing can cause dizziness, so it is periodically necessary to interrupt inhalation for a short time.
  • Before the procedure, it is not necessary to take an expectorant means, rinse the mouth with solutions of antiseptic means (potassium permanganate, periguous hydrogen, boric acid).
  • After any inhalation, and especially after the inhalation of the hormonal drug, it is necessary to rinse the mouth with boiled water of room temperature (you can give a drink and food), in the case of using a mask - rinse your eyes and face with water.
  • The duration of one inhalation should not exceed 7-10 minutes. Course treatment with aerosol inhalations - from 6-8 to 15 procedures.

What are there Types of nebulizers?

Currently, three main types of inhalers are used in medical practice: steam, ultrasound and compressor.

Act steam Inhalers are based on the effect of evaporation of the medicinal substance. It is clear that only volatile solutions (essential oils) can be used in them. The biggest drawback of steam inhalers low concentration Inhaled substance, as a rule, less than the threshold of therapeutic effects, as well as the impossibility at home accurately dispense the drug.

Ultrasound and compressor The term "nebulaizers" is united (from the Latin word "nebula" - fog, cloud), they generate not a pair, but an aerosol cloud consisting of micro-masted solutions. Nebulizer allows you to enter into all the respiratory organs (nose, bronchi, light) drugs in pure form, without any impurities. The magnitude of the aerosol particles created by most nebulizers ranges from 0.5 to 10 microns. The particles with a diameter of 8-10 μm are settled in the oral cavity and the trachea, with a diameter of 5 to 8 μm - in the trachea and upper respiratory tract, from 3 to 5 μm - in the lower respiratory tract, from 1 to 3 microns - in bronchioles, from 0, 5 to 2 μm - in alveoli. Particles of less than 5 microns are called the "Respoice fraction" and have a maximum healing effect.

Ultrasound nebulizers Spray the solution with high-frequency (ultrasonic) oscillations of the membrane. They are compact, silent, do not require replacement of nebulization chambers. The percentage of aerosol falling on the mucousness of the respiratory tract exceeds 90%, and the average size of aerosol particles is 4-5 microns. Due to this, the required drug in the form of an aerosol in high concentration reaches small bronchi and bronchiol.

Choice ultrasound nebulizers It is more preferable in cases where the drug exposure zone is small bronchi, and the drug has the shape of a saline solution. However, a number of drugs, such as antibiotics, hormonal drugs, musolitic (diluting sputum) can be destroyed by ultrasound. These drugs are not recommended to be used in ultrasound nebulizers.

Compressor nebulizers Form an aerosol cloud by piercing through a narrow hole in a chamber containing a healing solution, a powerful air flow injected by the compressor. The principle of using compressed air in compressor nebulizers is the "gold standard" of inhalation therapy. Mainly dignity compressor nebulizers - their versatility and relative cheapness, they are more accessible and can spray practically any solutions intended for inhalation.

Compressor nebulizers Have several types of cameras:

· Convection chambers with constant aerosol exit;

· Chambers activated by inhale;

· Cameras activated by inhale, with valve stream interrupter.

When inhalation of medicinal substances through the nebulizer, some features must be taken into account:

· The optimal volume of filling the chamber of the nebulizer is at least 5 ml;

· To reduce the loss of the drug at the end of the inhalation into the chamber, you can add 1 ml of physiological solution, after which, changing the nebulizer chamber, continue inhalation;

· Using low-cost and affordable drugs, all types of nebulizers can be used, but when using more expensive drugs, nebulizers activated by inhalation of the patient and the valve flow in the outflow phase are provided with the greatest inhalation therapy. These devices are particularly effective in the treatment of broncho-pulmonary diseases.

How to choose a nebulizer?

When treating with a nebulizer, drug delivery to the respiratory tract is made. It is this treatment that is intended for those who have a disease hit the respiratory tract (rhinitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, etc.). In addition, sometimes respiratory mucosa is used to introduce drugs into the human body. The surface of the bronchial trees is very large, and many drugs are actively absorbed through it, for example, insulin.

The choice of the inhaler depends on the disease you are going to treat from your financial opportunities.

In Russia, manufacturers of nebulizers of Germany, Japan, Italy are represented in the market of medical equipment. Unfortunately, domestic manufacturers of compressor nebulizers are not yet. Detailed information on the technical specifications of certain types of nebulizers can be obtained in Russian companies engaged in selling them. When choosing a nebulizer, the requirements for the sprayer and compressor are taken into account. For the compressor, the size, weight, noise when working, ease of use are important. In all these parameters, they differ slightly. But it should be noted that Pari GmbH nebulizers (Germany) distinguishes traditionally high German quality, exceptional efficiency and long service life. They provide maximum precipitation of medicines in respiratory tract due to the optimal aerosol dispersion.

Perhaps the focus must be given to the appetizer. Nebulizers, equipped direct-flow spray It makes sense to use in children younger, as they have insufficient inhalation force, which would allow to be activated by the valves (and this is saved by the medicine). For inhalation of children up to 3 years old, it is advisable to use a children's mask. Adults can also use this type of sprayer, because It is originally completed with mouthpiece.

Sprayers, respiratory control Inhale activated, have valves inhale and exhalation, which alternately activate throughout the respiratory act. When using them, less aerosol is formed on the exhalation, there is significant drug savings.

There are also nebulizers who have a sprayer equipped with tube-tee (Aerosol flow breaker), which allows you to adjust the formation of aerosol only on the breath by overlapping the side opening of the tee.

The sprayer uses various types of nozzles: mouthpieces, nasal cannulas (tubes), adult masks and children's sizes.

  • Municipal (adults and children) are optimal for the supply of drugs deep into lungs, used in inhalations by adult patients, as well as children from 5 years.
  • Masks Convenient for the treatment of upper respiratory tract and allow all the departments of the nasal cavity, pharynx, as well as the larynx and the trachea. When using a mask, most aerosols settles in the upper respiratory tract. Masks are needed when using nebulizer therapy in children under 3 years old, as it is impossible to carry out inhalations in such patients through the mouthpiece - the children breathe mainly through the nose (this is due to anatomy children's body). It is necessary to use the appropriate mask. Using a tightly adjacent mask reduces aerosol loss in young children. If a child over 5 years old, it is better to use the mouthpiece than a mask.
  • Nasal cannulas (tubes) We need to deliver the drug aerosol into the nasal cavity. They can be used in complex treatment sharp i. chronic rhinitis and rhinosinusitis.

Kartashova N.K.

Patient manual. What kind of nebulizer is, what diseases can be treated with it, how to properly carry out inhalation, how to choose a nebulizer this and much more about the modern method of inhalation therapy you can learn from this article.

In our clinic, nebulizer therapy is carried out on modern equipment under the supervision of experienced doctors.

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