Sleep to buy an apartment is old. What dream of buying an apartment

Undoubtedly, a person's sleep takes about a third of life. And sometimes a person will shoot very plausible dreams. Special causes the interest of dreams about new apartments. How to find an interpretation of such dreams, what dreams of a new apartment will answer special dreams.

Esoteric dream book - what new apartments dream

This modern dream book Sleep a dream about a new apartment, perhaps, in full. Such a dream means that soon all your intended plans are made. And the dimensions of the apartment will be donewiled, the more widely there will be a circle of life positions in which you can apply all of your talent and practical skills.

New apartment in the dream of Freud

In such a dream room, a dream about acquiring a new apartment means big changes in life. And, most likely, in the near future you will go on a trip.

But if you dreamed a new one, but not at all a cozy apartment, then the plans you have conceived will never come true. If a dream has dreamed about how to enter a new apartment, the troubles and various difficulties are provided to you.

New apartment in a dream - Dream Miller

If you dreamed that you bought a new apartment and move it urgently, it means that in the near future you will get some news from your relatives. Do not be afraid, news will be good. But sleep about the apartment in an abandoned house does not foreshadow anything good. The received news will not bring any joy to the house.

What dreams new apartment is a modern dream book

Buying new housing in a dream in a young girl means unforeseen circumstances that will carry a real danger. If such a dream is dreaming of a woman in age or a man, then conceived will be fulfilled in the shortest possible time, you can not even doubt!

Sleeping about moving to a new apartment dreams of small issues in life stage. It is worth paying attention not only to family relationships, but also relations with colleagues at work.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti and New Apartment

If you have only positive emotions in a dream, then such a dream foreshadows only success and well-being. And if, on the contrary, they are unresolved problems in life. A very large and luxurious apartment will dream of decline in financial plan, right up to bankruptcy and poverty.

Dreams, of course, should not be perceived literally. A special interpretation of dreams depends not only on the true interpretation in some dream book, but in the day of the week, in which this dream was dreamed. Try to always remember your dream in all the details so as not to confuse anything and do not miss.

Dream interpretation to buy an apartment

Did you have bought a new apartment? Most likely, you are waiting for change in life. Details of sleep will help determine what they will be bad or good.

Large purchase

For the right interpretation, it is important how the apartment looked in a dream. If you managed to remember your impressions, then the dream book offers such a decoding of a dream.

Moving may have a negative interpretation as a transition from the world of living in the world of the dead. No wonder the coffin is called home, the last man's house. Such a terrible prediction is usually accompanied by other gloomy ignition and sleep details.


Of great importance is what feelings you have experienced in a dream by buying an apartment. The feeling of joy or concern to further actions for the improvement of new housing.

Return to old housing

  • Bought a new apartment, and do not feel joy and satisfaction - come across misunderstanding and stubbornness. Being confident in its rightness, you will not be able to convince others.
  • In a dream, you are confused and concerned, because you can't remember the address of the apartment, which they bought - in reality the choice between two close people.
  • In a dream, returning to your old apartment - you are nostalgious by your past, which is time to let go and focus on the present.


As one of the main elements of sleep, the move to a new dwelling was cut into the memory. I remember that you leave your home and go to a new place of residence.

Other interpretations

How do you interpret dreams related to new housing, popular dreams? Mostly close in meaning, but differently with a loaf into small details of sleep.

Psychological dream book

The apartment is a human living space, update and repair it means that you have to change your lifestyle.

Esoteric dream book

In a dream, your dwelling is well-groomed and is decently furnished - the appearance of things will go uphill.

Dream Rommel

He dreamed that the apartment had a lot and unusually changed - after all, contrary to all the obstructions, you could change our destiny.

Dream Miller

It dreams that they bought a large, comfortable apartment - you will smile good luck and large changes will happen in life.

Dream Vangu

He dreamed that after buying an apartment, the repair was started in it - they themselves initiate the cardinal changes in their lives.

To see his apartment foreshadows money revenues.

Menten your apartment to another means treason in love.

A strange apartment suggests that the person with whom you are in intimate relationships changes or intends to change you with your nearest girlfriend.

If in a dream you remove the apartment in Vince, in reality it foreshadows the wedding.

Do not have apartments - interest a dangerous thing, seduced by a big profit.

If someone is arrested in your apartment - it is to surprises and pleasant surprises.

Take a tenant on the apartment - a sign that you will be dedicated to the Donjan list of your fan.

If the tenant will eat from the apartment, without paying with you, - you are waiting for trouble with men on the basis of financial calculations.

To be in the hallway of someone else's apartment in anticipation, while the owner does not deign to come to you, - in reality to be humiliated.

See yourself in someone else's bedroom - to the jealousy of her husband or lover.

To see in a dream rich and tastefully furnished apartment with the office and a big library - such a dream foreshadows that your desire to live is better realized.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream alphabet

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Dream Interpretation - Buy

The dream in which you make a large selection of purchases, and in the calculation it turns out that you have no money with you, this is the foresight of both great expenses and considerable profit. Pay in a dream for purchases - it means to free yourself from oppressive alarms for the condition of loved ones.

If you are buying goods in the corporate store, department store or supermarket and purchase all the best and expensive - it means that, in reality, your affairs will quickly go uploaded thanks to the essential support of friends who have extensive experience in business and long-standing in the business world. If you dream that you make purchases on the market or in small shops and shops, at the same time, at the same time, at the same time, in every thing, some small amount, - I will lose more than save, shook at the cheapness.

Buy in a dream car, - a sign that we will return the lost position, significantly exceeding the new field. If you buy oranges and other fruits of hot countries - it means difficulties and obstacles on your way will be easily overcome, and with a considerable benefit for you.

If in a dream you buy underwear - it promises the disease from overvoltage. Purchased tickets to the theater or for some other idea - to shameless deception and extortion. Banks with any content means the unsubstitialness of your success and heavy disappointment in the event of a complete failure. The boob bought by you foreshadows the profit, if fresh, and losses - if worried.

Buy in the dream of the country - to get a rich inheritance, boards - prosecute sadness and cardiac experiences, firewood - to gossip at your address.

If you buy jewelry in a dream - it foreshadows success in the business sector.

To buy perfumes yourself - this is to disappointment in your loved one, if even the spirits do not buy anyone else, as he himself and it is for you - it means that you will have a happy life and well-being in everything.

Sleep, in which you buy pictures, foreshadows unsuccessful entrepreneurship; carpets - to get big profits; Lace - there will be no feather from fans, so you will be in front of a difficult choice, who to give preference.

If you buy some kind of medicine in the pharmacy in a pharmacy, it foreshadows the disorder of cases, and if the laxative - fees are coming to the long road.

Buy ribbons - it means that there will be empty expenditures.

Buy a shovel - you can lose your place, a horse - spend your vacation on the lap of nature, perfectly resting and taking new impressions.

Buying the oil - you will live in full pleasure, milk - you are inflounted and insidiously deceived, meat - a sign of a bloody business or a severe illness.

The dream in which you acquire weapons means that you will cause a negative attitude of the person with whom we will refuse to enter into an intimate connection. If the weapon is a bow with an arrow or a different children's toy, which is not able to seriously hit, means that there will be forced to rebel to the services of a lawyer in protecting their interests. Buy shoes - to small troubles and inconsistencies.

If you buy gloves in a dream - I will show economy and thrift, but this will not avoid extra expenses due to unforeseen circumstances. Buying a new belt in a dream means married loyalty, and for a young girl - chaste and virgin modesty to marriage.

If in a dream you went to buy a fabric to a wedding dress - it began to be soon pleased with the relatives, declaring your decision to marry a worthy and well-known person, preferring to his former fan.

If you buy a beautiful inlaid or carved box - learn the mystery by reading someone else's letter. Buying a fashionable hat - to the change of image, if not all lifestyle. Buy an antique closet - will achieve a well-being of hard work, modern furniture - will achieve the same without much effort.

Interpretation of dreams

Have you ever had to see a new apartment or a house in a dream? Does this always mean the acquisition of the reservoir housing? What can the dream book tell about this? New apartment, moving, repair in a dream What can mean? Talk about this and talk in our article.

See new housing

If you watch a bright and spacious apartment in your night vision, this suggests that success and happiness are waiting for you in the near future. Especially good when you feel the joy from the fact that all this "beauty" is fully at your disposal.

Inversely interpreted the dream in which you look at a small, dark and dark apartment. Very bad sign is the feeling (the room seems to prescribe on you). This can only mean serious health problems.

What else will tell the dream book? The new apartment can also mean the condition of your aura, energy. Room light and spacious? So, it is not worried about what. And what if the apartment has a gloomy and depressing look? It speaks of danger that is waiting for you.

No less bad sign is to observe how in a dream you let someone in your apartment. It can only mean the invasion of someone or something in your energy spray. If you feel a disgust or hatred of non-crude guests, it is also very bad sign. Try not to let these creatures, otherwise troubles do not avoid.

Manipulation with apartment

What manipulations with housing can celebrate the dream book? The new apartment you purchased a fraudulent way (stolen or kicked out real tenants), means that in the near future you are waiting for an unsuccessful acquisition. Be careful and resort to help only proven people.

If in a dream you buy a luxurious apartment, then know: dreams and desires are not destined to come true. Everything is the reason that you do not know how to pay attention to the details. It may also mean your inactivity towards one or another situation.

If you thought that, after purchasing a new apartment, it was immediately selected, then you should not hope for a profitable purchase. In this situation, you can deceive you.

What else can we tell the dream book? A new home, an apartment that the dreams is trying to immediately pass, mean that there was a lot of problems that he could not resolve himself. In this case, you should resort to the help of loved ones and relatives. Do not refuse the services of the relevant companies.

What if the newly acquired apartment you unexpectedly wanted to change to another? This means that you promised a lot of your second half. Unfortunately, this is not destined to come true. Since in the near future you will meet a person in which they suddenly really fall in love.

This dream can be interpreted in a different way. Menent new apartment to another - get big profit or inheritance.

If in your dream you moved from your new apartment and took another other, then this means an ambulance wedding.

How else does a similar vision can interpret the dream book? A new apartment that is already furnished with beautiful and expensive furniture, with the office and a large library, means your desire to improve life.

If in the night vision you are watching how the apartment is purchased, then in the near future you have a successful investment of money in a profitable business.

Do you observe how the sale of the apartment is happening? Expect a large amount of money.

What if you got an inheritance apartment? Wedding awaits you.


If your new apartment is on high floors, this means that you constantly strive to climb up. Is your home located on low floors? This suggests that everything suits you in life.

If you have acquired new house Away from the city, then this means your fatigue from the bustle and urban ordness.

Your home or apartment is located in the heart of the city, where is a huge number of people and cars? This suggests that your life looks like the theater. Everyone strives to give you advice or recommendations. You should be a bit hard.


What does move to a new apartment? Dream interpretation interprets this vision as a change for the better.

If you have many different things when moving with you, then soon you are waiting for an unexpected luck.

Have you moved to a small, dark, dilapidated apartment? Your goals and plans will never be implemented. It is necessary to interpret the dream in which you settled in a beautiful and spacious apartment.

If in a dream you move to that means you can't decide on the choice of your second half.

Repair and decor

What can tell about this vision dream book? If you move to such a dwelling, you started to furnish with its furniture, then in the near future you are waiting for disagreements in the family.

If you repair a new apartment, this suggests that you will need a lot of time and effort to establish your life and relationships. Also such a dream can mean unexpected and not always pleasant events.

Do you observe the fact that employees repair your new dwelling? This means that someone will play a fateful role in your life.

How else may dream can interpret dream book? New apartment, repair in which in a dream was carried out by your relatives or friends, means that it is they will make a lot of effort to establish your life.

Do you watch how they yourself make repair in someone else's apartment? This means that a close friend will really need your services.

Alien apartment

If your new apartment turned out to be housing your friend or friend, it means that important changes will soon occur, which will be associated with your friend or familiar. Good or bad - depends on the state of the apartment.

Did you change your new housing for someone else's apartment? This means that your chosen one or chosen changes (or will change it in the near future) to you with a friend or friend.

If you moved to new housing and stand on the threshold, waiting that the previous owner should go to you and give permission to enter, then this suggests that in a short time you will know humiliation.

In a different way, a dream is interpreted in which you ended up in the master bedroom. This means jealousy from the spouse or spouse.

Actions in new housing

What about actions in a new dwelling can a dream book? New big flatin which you saw the animal, unexpectedly turned into a person, means an attempt close man How much to harm you.

Have you seen how in the apartment someone arrested? Wait for pleasant surprises and surprises.

If you could not get out of the apartment in your night vision, then the nearest joyful event will be overshadowed by bad news.

Will you call in your new housing of the apartment? This means that in the list of your blessed (faithful) is not one (one).

If you are watching how smoke appears in your apartment, it says about false fears and experiences.

Clean the apartment - to the establishment of cases.

What else can you tell us a dream book? The new Bardak apartment in just acquired housing is to bring order in their affairs.

Digested apartment for women and girls

If a girl moved to the apartment in a dream, she will soon receive a profitable offer.

In a dream, the girl saw her kicked out of the apartment? This means an unexpected expensive gift.

If the girl saw himself in someone else's apartment, then she would soon be married.

Successful dreams!

You can see in a dream not only some events that occurred during the day, or those about which a person constantly thinks. Often, dreams come in place during rest, in which a person is in a new place for himself - it may be an apartment or a house. Often, after that, the question arises, what dreams of a new apartment.

Often, during the rest, dreams come in, in which a person is in a new place for himself

A new apartment that has dreamed of a person - a sign, as many of the authors of dreams are approved, good. It is important to know that he promises some changes, meaningful events to which should be prepared in advance. In the case of such a dream, it is not enough to consider only the placement directly - the details and sensations experienced by man in the process of sleep are important.

Some of the interpretations are:

  • Apartment (room as a whole) gloomy - collapse of plans, dreams will not come true;
  • If the apartment (gloomy) dreamed of a girl - the likelihood of dangers is great, care must be taken;
  • Moving to a new apartment - the troubles in reality (they will be pleasant or not, depends on sensations);
  • See the apartment is the beginning of a new life cycle, stage, important events and change.

Some dreams interpret seen in a negative light, a pre-trial transition to a qualitatively different state - death. It is unambiguous to perceive such a dream as a bad sign, you should not, since the details and nuances are important.

Room size have great importance For proper interpretation of sleep. For example, a compact new apartment promises a quick fulfillment of desires, and large - change for the better (if they are clean and light). Such a dream also means that in the future, a person will have a good health, physically and emotionally all will be positively, he will be able to find good work And he will find a stable financial situation, which is undoubtedly a positive sign.

Changes reports Miller's dream book. It is important here not only that, bright housing or not, but also what sensations are experiencing during a dream man:

  • Anxiety and fear are negative changes, diseases, losses;
  • Positive emotions - the changes will bring joy and positive.

Apartment in Dream Interpretation (video)

Buying a new apartment in a dream: what to expect in reality

Buying an apartment is an event that can deliver joy not only in reality, but in a dream. If such an event has dreamed, then a person will surely be interested to know the interpretation seen.

Buying an apartment - an event that can deliver joy not only in reality, but in a dream

Here it is also impossible to express definitely, as a good or bad sign - you need to consider the nuances:

  • Premises;
  • Bright apartment or gloomy;
  • Location in height above the ground.

The place where the apartment is located, it is important to recognize that he wants to convey to a person the subconscious.

It is equally important to know for whom the apartment was purchased in a dream:

  • For friends / relatives - they need help;
  • For personal use - ahead is a big change.

In the event that the apartment is located on the upper floors or just high above the ground, then sleep warns that very soon a person will be able to understand the essence of the events taking place with him, as many facts will become more than understandable for him. If, in a dream, it was lucky to buy a large house / apartment - this is to get a profit, a big inheritance.

What dreams new apartment with furniture: interpretation seen

If you have dreamed of furniture apartment:

  • A person will solve his problems independently, without whose help;
  • There may be misunderstanding with friends or colleagues for work;
  • Changes for the better;
  • Dismissal (if there were negative sensations during sleep);
  • Emergency financial spending.

A person will solve his problems independently, without any help

In general, such a dream is positive, the main thing is not to miss the details.

See in a dream shift of the place of residence: what to expect in reality

Change of residence, whether it is a new home, apartment or city, a country is a sign of speedy and significant changes in a person's life. The likelihood is great that the person will have to choose a new home in reality, as circumstances will make it make a similar step. In addition, move - means to go to a new state for yourself at the energy level - to solve problems, find inspiration.

Change of residence, whether it is a new home, apartment or city, a country - a sign of imminent and significant changes in a person's life

There is an interpretation, which indicates that moving to a new apartment means the literal receipt of new housing.

Choose in a dream accommodation: Waiting from what

Buy, choose a new housing - a good sign. There are many interpretations of this sleep, in particular:

  • For a young girl - the possibility of a quick marriage;
  • Choose luxury accommodation - to financial estates, poverty;
  • Choose housing - success (positive emotions).

Buy, choose new housing - a bad sign

In general, this dream also needs to be repelled from the nuances that accompanied sleep. It is important to take into account what will be the selected housing, who offers the acquisition where it is located and on what floor.

Get in a dream Home: Interpretation

It is absolutely not necessary to buy a home or apartment in a dream, it can be obtained as a gift or inheritance.

Interpretation seen will be as follows:

  • Get a new home - to arrange your own life, establish cases;
  • Inspect the received house - to build plans for the future in real life;
  • See the received house from the side - to experience some difficulties and problems;
  • Get a home in the property - experiences are in vain, all problems will soon go into the past;
  • Repairs in the resulting house - unexpected difficulties and problems, to solve which a person will have a lot to worry.

If the house is on the elevation, then the dream foreshadows fast changes for the better, the ambulance profit is very likely, both emotional and material. In the event that the house received will have to wash off a person in reality it is necessary to correct a number of errors made by him to avoid problems and disagreements with friends and relatives.

What dreams of a house, housing (video)

Thus, a dream about a house or apartment is generally interpreted by dreambooks as positive sign, giving a person the hope that everything will be fine in the near future. The importance of events taking place in the dream of events and their own sensations from what has seen is high, as it helps to recognize that I wanted to tell a person the subconscious and from what problems will warn.

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