Spinolamic path lateral. Spinolamic path lateral lateral spinatelamic pathway

Spin-thorough path side)

the projection path of pain and temperature sensitivity, which passes in the lateral rope of the spinal cord, rising through and ending with the opposite side of the thalamus nuclei.

1. Small medical encyclopedia. - M.: Medical encyclopedia. 1991-96 2. First health care. - M.: Large Russian Encyclopedia. 1994 3. encyclopedic Dictionary medical terms. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. - 1982-1984.

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    - (TRACTUS Spinothalamicus Lateralis, PNA; Sin. Spinobugor Path side) Projection afferent path of pain and temperature sensitivity, passing in the lateral rope of the spinal cord, rising through the brain barrel and ending ... ... Great Medical Dictionary

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(TRACTUS Spinothalamicus Lateralis, PNA; Sin. Spinobugan Path side)

the projection afferent path of pain and temperature sensitivity, which passes in the lateral rope of the spinal cord, rising through the brain barrel and ending in the vents of the thalamus vents of the opposite side.

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  • - projection afferent path of tactile sensitivity, passing in the front rope of the spinal cord, rising through the brain barrel and ending in the vents of the Talamus venelateral nuclei of the opposite ...

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Spinal thalamic conductive path The axons of the second order neurons, located in the rear horns of the rear horns of the spinal cord, which ends in the nuclei of the contralateral thalamus. Neurons of their own nucleus form exciting and brake synapses with neurons of the gelatinous (student) substance. These synapses carry out a regulatory function when transmitting sensitive pulses.

A axes of neurons of their own nucleus within the rear horns of the spinal cord crosses the middle line in the field of anterior spike throughout the spinal cord. On the opposite side, they rise up in the front of the spinal cord in a certain somatotopic order: the fibers from the lower segments of the spinal cord are located for the forset and lancer, and the fibers from the overlying segments are the Kepenta and MEDIAL. Sensitive fibers are suitable for spinal thalias trigeny nerve, innervating the head of the head, after which they, together with the fibers of the medial loop, rise to the ventral back of the Talamus, sitting behind it. The axons of the sensitive neurons of the third order rise from the Talamus to the somatosensory cortex of the brain (the fields of Brodman 3, 1 and 2).

Ware, vents - ventral rear agent and ventral rearbed thalamus kernels.

Video lesson conducting pain and temperature sensitivity

Video lesson conducting a tactile sensitivity path

but) Functions. The "functions" of the spinal thalax path can be demonstrated using chordotomy. This surgical surgery It was often performed in the past to facilitate chronic pain, and it was one or two-way intersection of the spinal thalamic conduction path. For percutaneous chordotomy, the patient under the action of sedative therapy is introduced by a needle between the first and second cervical vertebrae into the subarachnoid space. Under X-ray control, the needle is promoted to the opposite region of the spinal cord. Then the electrode is carried out through the needle. If the needle position corresponds to the spinal thalamic conductive path, the soft current causes paresthesia (tingling) on \u200b\u200bthe opposite side of the body.

Then the spinal conduction path is completely destroyed. After performing this operation, the patient becomes immune to pain and temperature stimuli on the opposite side of the body, while the tactile sensitivity decreases. Due to the oblique direction of spinal thalamic fibers in the front spike area, the loss of sensitivity occurs into several segments below the level of operation.

Chordotomy was sometimes spent patients with terminal stage. This operation does not apply if available benign formationsSince the analgesic (anesthetic) effect disappears in about a year. Such a restoration of the function can be the result of the transmission of nociceptive pulses within the unbigging fibers of the spinigorological system or by collaterals, which are C-fibers, which depart from some axons of lateral fibers in the junction zone of the rear root fiber in the spinal cord.

The spinctalamic conductive path, first of all, is responsible for the localization and intensity of pain, temperature and tactile sensations. In this regard, it is sometimes called non-neopin-thalamic conductive path. Other indirect conductive pathways (for example, a paleospin-thalamic conductive path, the fibers of which are sent to other thalamus kernels) provide other characteristic reactions to pain - excitation, as well as affective, motor and vegetative reactions. As a group, these conductive pathways do not have a clear somatotopic organization: they form less discrete bunches of fibers and often form synapses among themselves, and also give collateral to reticular formation Brain, limbic, hypothalamic and vegetative centers. These conductive paths pass in the same spinal cord department and together constitute an oppositely conductive path.

Rare, but a classical disease in which dissociated sensitivity disorders is observed, demonstrated below.

Analgesia zone (highlighted in red) after left-sided chordotomy at the level of segments of the C1-C2 spinal cord.

b). Siringomyelia is a disease of unknown etiology, characterized by the formation of cavities (spinal vido-shaped cyst) in the central part of the spinal cord or behind it. Most often cavities are formed in the neck segments. Initially, symptoms arise due to the obliteration of spinal thalamic fibers, which are crossed at the level of the front white spike.

The early manifestations of the disease are dissociated by the sensitivity impaired (OLS syndrome "Disconnecting") loss of pain and temperature sensitivity with preserved tactile sensitivity and proprioceptation (since the backstolby medial lemnisk conductive path is not involved in the pathological process). The loss of sensitivity usually occurs by the type of "jacket", which reflects typical analgesia zones.

As the cavity grows, there is no lesion of sacral fibers, which is associated with features morphological structure The spinal thalamic conductive path: fibers from the neck and hand area are located more medially than fibers, innervating torso and legs. As a rule, patients have ulcers on the fingers after cuts and burns that they did not feel. Deformation or even dislocation of the elbow joints, wrist joints and brushes are also possible as a result of the loss of perception of pain impulses with excessive stretching of the joint capsule. The progressive expansion of the cavity can disrupt the conductivity in the long-rising and descending paths of the spinal cord.

Siringomyelia. Reds are marked with a lack of pain sensitivity.

  • Sensibility (Sensibilitas) - the ability of the body to perceive various irritations emanating from the outer and internal environment and respond to them. At the heart of C. Launch the processes of reception, the biological significance of which is the perception of the organizing ...
  • Kernel (s) 1 Ts.S. (Nucleus, PNA) - the accumulation of the gray substance in a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe Ts.N.S., ensuring the implementation of certain functions. Basal kernels (N. Basales, PNA; SIN: Ganglia Basal - Convents., Ya. Podkokovaya) & ...

News about the spinatelamic path lateral

Talk Spinolamic path lateral

  • Dear Doctors! Back pain. I think this is osteochondrosis. It happens almost every year. Usually in a couple of weeks passes, but this time the back pain almost passed and the pain in his left leg appeared. I can stand, walk and lie only on your back and on the stomach. If I sit on a chair after 2 minutes
  • I have worried at night strong pain In the back in the area of \u200b\u200bthe belt and the spine. All this lasts about a year. Happy pain almost completely passes. Particularly strong pains are felt when I lie on my side, and the pain decreases on my back. Some nights spin hurts stronger, and sometimes almost does not hurt.

The axons of the T cells located in the rear horns of the spinal cord by turning on its opposite side as part of the anterior spike of the spinal cord, form several afferent conducting paths, are the main ones of the upstream cereal routes that ensure pain impulses. One of them in the process of phylogenesis develops earlier, the other later, the first in connection with this is called a paleospinotalamic, the second - non-reinolation. Neospinotalamic Path (it includes a non-dealersinctalamic path consisting of a part of axons of core cells spinal Path Triple nerve) is a monosinaptic, consisting of relatively thick myelin fibers that have a certain somatotopic organization. In the side rope of the spinal cord, it occupies a lateral position and is a quick transmission of phasic discriminatory information about the beginning of the action of a painful stimulus, about the exact place of its impact, about its character, intensity and duration. This information that is rapidly transmitted by the non-neospinallamic path to the lateral thalamus kernels and further into the somatosensory zone of the cortex, provides the possibility of an instant motor reaction to the impact of pain stimulus, directed to the termination of further damaging effect on the tissue. Nervous structures that participate in the conduct of pain impulses in the non-neospino-thalamic path, as well as the impulsation, which goes on the rear cores of the spin brain and the medial loop to the thalamus lateral kernels and further to the soma-tosenger cortex, are the so-called sensory-discriminatory system. The pulses that have fallen into the thalamus on non-snotlamic paths, posses of switching here on the neurons of cells constituting the ventral rear-lateral and rearbed thalamus kernels reach the projection zone common species Sensitivity - post-central winding. Here, as well as in the adjacent associative zones of the bark of the parietal share, the formation of simple and complex sensations, adequate to the factors acting on the peripheral receptor, in the hour of pain peripherals, adequate and intensity of irritation of peripherals pain receptors. The crust occurs a detailed analysis of the spatial-time and complex characteristics of information, which has been step-up in its projection zone that performs (by Pavlov I.P.) The role of the cortical end of the analyzer of general sensitivity. The paleospinotalamic path is polysinapotic, extralems-top. In the spinal cord, it is the medial of the non-nearlalamic path. It makes up the spinorhetic, spinosezencephalotic and three-hemino-hydroenezenacephalic conducting ways consisting of thin nerve fibers, relatively slowly conductive pulses; At the same time, they do not have a somatotopic principle of organizing beams of nerve fibers. The spinoromethacular part of the paleospinotlamic path is finished in the cores of the reticular formation of the caudal born of the brain. The axons of neurons in these nuclei form a reticulothalamic path that reaches intralaminar thalamus nuclei (Middle Center, Para-Rateral and Fascicular Nuclear), as well as hypothalamus and limbic structures. The fibers of the spoosenacephalic part of the palaeospinotalamic path are reached the roofs of the midbrain (the plates of quadcency), as well as the central gray substance, where the nerve of the nerve pulses is shifted to the next neurons. The axons of these neurons end in the medolon nuclei of the Talamus and in the hypothalamus nuclei. The pulses that came to the brain on a polysinapotic paleospinotala-MICTER way to the medial and intralaminar kernels of Talamus are further affected by the axons of neurons whose bodies are located in these nuclei, to the limbic structures of large hemispheres and to some nuclei (parachanine-tricular, media, prevention. ) Rear hypothalamus departments. Under the influence of these pulses, a stubborn, painful, fuzzy locale and differentiable feeling of pain arises, as well as the emotional manifestations, vegetative and motivational reactions associated with it in nature. Affective reactions arising in such cases may be to some extent they can provoke the activation of the antinocirtable SIS-topic. The links of the palaeospinotalamic path with the limbico-reticular computers provide motivational and affective reactions to nociceptive impulses incoming on it. The communication of the somatosensory cortex zone with the bark of temporal fractions and the Almond-like body play a significant role in the formation of sensory memory, which ensures evaluation painful feeling, comparing it with previously acquired life experience. It is believed that in addition to non-sindlame and paleospynotamic paths in conducting pain impulses, propropinational and properoretical structures are involved, constituting numerous chains of short-chains inserts neurons. On the path to the cells of the reticular formation of the brain stem, they are adjacent to the gray substance of the spinal cord. Pro-walking pulses reach the cells of the reticular formation of the trunk and cause a feeling difficult to localized stupid pain, and also participate in the formation of the resultant pain of vegetative, endocrine and affective reactions.

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