The best Cuban cigars. How do your favorite cigars Fidel Castro Favorite Cigars Fidel

Interview with Fidel Castro.
Author: How important are cigars for the Cubesoki economy? Castro: Cigars are very important for us, it is one of the largest export sources of profit. We have a solid currency from the sale of cigars. Cigars are one of the five most important sources of income we have. Sugar, nickel, fish, tourism ... and cigars.

Castro: In many respects, the cigars made our country famous.

Castro: You are right. What to become a master should go through a big school. I will tell you the truth is a very difficult job. It lies not only in the twist of cigars, but also in cultivation, landing, further processing and training directly to the twist of the right leaves. The result and evaluation of the work of the wizard will be high quality tobacco for cigars. All this is real art. And the creation itself is really a very beautiful process. The history of the cigars is inextricably linked with the stories of Cuba and its struggle for independence. In the entire history of the country, a lot of people migrated to the island, some of them worked at the cigar factories, it was these workers who became a driving force in our struggle for independence during the colonization period. Author: For many years, the world saw you on the photos smoking cigars. (Castro is moving with the right hand of Cohiba Esplendido.) Noboleya ten years ago you threw smoking. You do not whip on cigars? Castro: I will tell you. I'm used to smoking still in youth. My father was a cigar smokers, he was a true connoisseur of beautiful cigar. He was a peasant and migrated to Cuba from Spain. I was 15 years old, I was then studying at high school, in the morning for breakfast my father first introduced me to Cigare. And later I taught me to drink and understand the fault.

Castro: He had a habit of smoking cigars and drink Spanish wine. He handed me both habits. We loved drinking Spanish wines Rioja. I always smoked cigars and, in very rare cases of cigarettes. I smoked cigars from 15 to 59 years. This is 44 years. Not enough. Double in life I had to quit smoking. For the first time it was in the years of revolution. Then there was a big movement against the cigars due to the wild operation of workers in factories and peasants on the plantations. At that time, the production of tobacco decreased strongly. In Cuba, the anti-cigar spirit just vital. I was agreed with my people. But soon the mood on the island has changed, and the production of cigars resumed in former sizes. Later I did not smoke because of health. Many people in our country began to fight for healthy image Life. I could not go against the desire of the people and joined this national movement.

Castro: I do not remember exactly. Perhaps 84 or 85 years. No, I remembered, it was August 26, 1985. A national campaign against smoking began. At first I assumed not to smoke only in humans, publicly. But I had a habit of keeping a cigar in my mouth all the time. With a cigar, I met with foreigners, and then my photo appeared in the newspapers, I gave an interview for television with Cigare, and then everyone watched the transfer at home. People might think that I do not support this action. And then I decided that I should be an example and threw my long-standing habit. I had a good reason and certain obligations, maybe that's why this step was easy to me. But for a long time, people asked me, did I smoke cigars at home when I stay alone? They could not believe that after so many years I quit smoking.

Castro: In order for me to continue smoking, I had to have accomplices who would buy me cigars. It is necessary to hide ashes and cigarette. I am unpleasant for the idea that I deceive the hopes of my people.

Castro: None ... Recently, I was at a meeting in a large Spanish company. It was a tobacco giant. They offered to test, try different kinds Cigars. I did not try any one, although it could bring a huge benefit to our economic relations. But before today's day I remember what a good cigar should have. This is not big, but not a small cigar. At the similarity of Cohiba Esplendido. (These cigars were specially created for Fidel Castro.) They should burn very evenly. Even if you light them in one corner, the fire should soon align your oversight. Bad cigars are not even evenly and smoke from them, like a locomotive. Usually I smoked Cohiba, this brand was very developed in the last 23 years. It is so much I smoked after the victory of the revolution.

Castro: I smoked mostly size slightly smaller than Cohiba Churchill. But I will tell you about the brand of Cohiba cigars. This brand did not exist at Cuba for a long time. I worked as a bodyguard one person. Usually I saw him smoking very fragrant cigars. As I asked him what brand of cigars he smokes. He told me that this cigar had no brand. That these cigars send him a friend, he does them himself. I asked to find this person. I tried these cigars and they really liked me. We have contracted with this person and founded El Laguito Factory. He told, what a tobacco mixture he used and from which plantations. We picked up a group of cigar manufacturers, provided them with everything necessary. So a new brand was founded. Now Cohiba is known all over the world. It was more than 30 years ago. When I was a student, before the revolution, I had the habit of smoking various brands. Sometimes I smoked Romeo Y Julieta Churchill, H. Upmann, Bauza, Partagas, but since Cohiba appeared. I smoked only these cigars, they were so soft and pleasant. They were easy to smoke. Author: This brand is called today by many lovers of the best in the cigar market. Castro: (Holds Cohiba Esplendidido in hand) This cigar is too dense in my opinion. Cohiba should be easy to smoke. Must% E.

11 Nov 2013.

Fidel Castro was born in the family of Spanish emigrants in the city of Biran in Cuba. His father passed all the way from a simple peasant to the landowner, while always remained open to fellow villagers. He built schools for low-income families and opened the post office in Birane. When Fidel was born, his father was already a successful landowner and young Castro did not know. Fadel Father paid special attention to the formation of the Son, which he gave first to the best school, and after - at the University of Havana, where Fidel Castro received a legal education. What happened next, you probably know themselves ...

Cigars. Cuba. The revolution.

Fidel has always been respectful to Cigar and never hidden the fact that the export of Cuban cigar occupies one of the most important provisions in the economy of Cuba. Moreover, he often spoke that thanks to Cigar, about such a small country as Cuba, learned the whole world. After all, real Cuban cigars are known for their exceptional quality. Fidel Castro compared the cigars with the Cuban revolution, often identifying them. He is always happy to tell about how little tobacco seedlock fights for life, grows and becomes as a result of the best Cuban cigar, which enjoys respect all over the world. It compares this process with the formation of Cuba, when a small and independent country is reborn after the revolution, struggling with unfavorable external factors, and becomes an independent player on the global political scene. Fidel compared people working on tobacco factories, with Cuban cigar revolutionaries. Talking about military events, Fidel Castro said that in the mountains somehow was badly evolved with the supply of cigars. There is one cigar and it is unknown when they will bring again and will bring at all. Castro said that such "single" cigars he smoked with the arrival of news. If the news was good - the cigar could be celebrated. If not - the cigar helped smooth the bad news.

Favorite Cigar Fidel Castro

Many of us are interesting to know what kind of cigars preferred Fidel Castro, the most famous Cuban in the world? Of course, like all of us, he probably did not smoke some kind of type of cigar all the time, but Fidel's beloved brand was a cigar, of course, Cohiba - it is these cigars more often than others in the hand of Fidel Castro in many photos. Even throwing smoking, Castro often appeared on people with Coyhiba Esplendidos cigar in her hands, not even recking it. Reading and listening to various interviews that Fidel Castro, you can get an idea of \u200b\u200bits attitude to cigars and what cigars smoked Fidel Castro.

I used to the aroma of good cigars from an early age. - Fidel Castro told in one of the interviews. "My father smoked cigars, he knew that in them." I was about fifteen years old when my father gave me my first cigar and introduced me to this amazing world of good tobacco. For which I am very grateful to him. After that moment I smoked cigars about 45 years.

Once I was always and everywhere with a cigar. I smoked cigars at meetings, on speeches on radio and television, at meetings with foreign guests. And then all these national campaigns to combat smoking began, age-related health problems joined them, and I had to abandon the cigars. Although, if my will - I would settle in Vuelo Abajo or Pinar del Rio.

Favorite brand of Cuban cigars Fidel Castro

Once, the representatives of the Spanish company Tabacalera arrived at Cuba and we visited the cigar factory, inspecting the release of cigars. Many then ironically asked: "Don't you even try to make a cigar to appreciate their quality?", But I can easily smoke a cigar to understand - it's bad or good. I see cigars through.

This case has occurred after I had to abandon the smoking of the cigars, but when I smoked Cigars - I smoked, the same Cuban cigars are terminated. Twenty-three years, who have passed since the victory of the Cuban Revolution, I smoked Cuban Cohiba Cigars.

Favorite Fidel Castro Filia Format

Very often, I appear in a frame with large cigars, like Cohiba Esplendidos, but, to be honest, I like smaller cigars - Corona Especial and so, but also brand Cohiba. Before the revolution, I smoked Cigars Romeo Y Julieta Churchill, H. Upmann, Bauza, Partagas, but when I discovered Cohiba Cigars, I could no longer go away from them. Want to tell someone about this brand? I had a bodyguard, who also smoked cigars all the time and they had such an excellent fragrance that one day I could not stand and asked what kind of cigar he smokes? He treated me with one cigar, and it was really delightful. My guard said that these cigars twist his friend, we found it, organized production at the factory El Laguito, and now Cuban CygiBa cigars know the whole world. Cigars Cohiba, probably, now the most Cuban, if you can say so, despite the fact we gave them the "American" name. So the Indians called cigars.

Very many interviews who gave Fidel Castro, as a result, were reduced to the discussion of Cuban cigars. Fidel a lot and with great passion can tell about Cuban tobacco. It seems that he can talk about it forever. And, most importantly, listening to him insanely interesting. It seems that he knows everything about the cultivation of tobacco, about the composition of soils and the production of Cuban cigars, rightfully considered the best in the world. Fidel Castro remained enthusiastic connoisseur of good cigars, even after refused to smoke.

Cool smoke!

For reference:

Cyhiba Esplendidos Cigar: Julieta NO Format 2.
Cigar Cohiba Corona Especial: Laguito NO format. 2.

You can find out the size of the sizes of these formats from our article. "

Cigars What cigars loved smoking Cuban Fidel Castro 01-03-2019

Fidel Castro is one of the most colorful and legendary rulers in world history. He is known as an ardent revolutionary, who fought side by side with Che Guevara against the dictatorial regime by Batystist, the great Comante Kuba. And he was one of the most avid and sophisticated cigar connoisseurs. The cigar was his unchanged satellite always and everywhere, even on official receptions. It is not surprising that in each interviews necessarily the question sounded which cigars smoked Fidel Castro.

The fate of the Cuban leader is interesting and full of unexpected turns. He was born in the family of the landowner. Mother was a cook. The father began with a simple peasant, but over time he became enough prosperous and put every effort to give his son a good education. Fidel studied in a good school. Teachers noted the extraordinary mind and the striking memory of the student. Later he learned to a lawyer at the University of Havana. It was during the years of student that an inquisitive young man read the works of K. Marx, other communist leaders and penetrating the revolutionary idea.

Some were his fans and perceived the commandant as a great fighter with American imperialism. Others were jar opponents and argued that Castro and himself was a terrible Tiran. Obviously one - there was no indifferent to this extraordinary personality. We will not delve into the biography, political career Fidel Castro, leave historians the right to evaluate its activities. We are interested in the attitude of politics for smoking cigars, what role this habit played in his life.

Cigars who smoked Fidel Castro: who was one of the most famous smokers of the last century?

He possessed an amazing speech talent, his speeches could keep the publication of the public several hours in a row. By the way, it was thanks to oratorical art that he fell into the Guinness Book of Records for the Speech, which lasted more than 7 hours.

Another commander record is the number of attempted his life. No ruler in the world passed through such a number of attempts to poison, shoot, eliminate any ways as the Cuban leader. According to biographers, the number of attempted it reaches 630 times.

If we talk about the unique abilities of Castro, then all his gift is known to determine the quality of the cigar, even without trying her taste. Fidel himself said that he "sees cigars through" (as, read more in the previous article).

It all started when the future command was 15 years old. His father was also a big connoisseur and a fan of a good tobacco. Once he gave his son to a cigar and taught to enjoy her fragrant smoke. Fidel from this first cigar rated the real taste of smoking and continued to smoke almost throughout his life.

About big love Comanthand to Cuban Cigar ...

Later, already becoming a participant in the revolutionary movement, Castro holds a parallel between cigars and a revolution in Cuba. He described how a small sprout of tobacco stubbornly strives for life, as passing a lot of obstacles, he finally becomes a delightful aromatic cigar, which is valued all over the world (tobacco products from Cuba are known for their impeccable quality). Similarly, the Little Republic of Cuba step by step towers his right for independence, blooms and reborn, conquers its place in the world community.

The leader of the island state has attached great importance to the development of cigar production in Cuba and considered it strategically important for the country's economic development. At the same time, he belonged to the craft, as an art based on traditions, great mastery. Castro compared the creation of Cuban cigars with writing music, where you need not only to own the instrument, but also to have inspiration.

How much did Fidel Castro smoke? Interesting stories about the commandant as a favorite to smoke a good cigar

Legends went to cuban leaders to cigars. In one of the interviews, Fidel told how the cigar helped him survive heavy moments during military events. Then the supplies were serious problems, therefore, when only one cigar remained, the coast of her shore before receiving the news. If good news came, he reapged a cigar in a triumph sign. The fragrant smoke helped support the morale when they were bad.

Fidel Castro did not release cigars from hand for 44 years. Therefore, it is not possible that with the habit of the ruler there were a lot of interesting, funny and fictional stories. One of these stories refers to the time of government in the USSR Leonid Brezhnev. About the habits of the Secretary General to kiss his colleagues in the lips of their colleagues on official receptions all over the world. To turn away from the leader of another country meant publicly offend him. Many believe that Castro deliberately at meetings with Brezhnev did not release the cigar from his mouth. So he avoided unpleasant greetings, not insulting the diplomatic partner.

What did I smoke Fidel Castro? Favorite cigars of the famous Cuban Comandante

Comanthand lived long life. He died at 90 years old. In many photos, posters it is captured with Coyhiba Churchill cigar. This is how Fidel Castro Fidel Castro is preserved in history. But there are two inaccuracies in the current picture.

  1. Because of the serious Castro disease, since 1985 did not smoke at all.
  2. Favorite Cigars Fidel Castro were not so large. Comanthand Kuril Romeo Y Julieta Churchill, Partagas, H. Upmann and others, but most often in his hand was a small cohiba esplendidos. Even when the head of Cuba was forced to abandon his addiction, he could just keep her in his hands without recking.

Interestingly, Cohiba Cigars were little known and popular. During the revolution, Fidel Castro was a bodyguard, who was also a fan of cigars. When he smoked, the Cuban leader admired the aroma of smoke from his cigars. Once he asked the bodyguard who produces such excellent tobacco products. And after the first tasting of Cohiba, he could no longer refuse them until he finally did not quit smoking.

By the 90th anniversary of the Commander, the famous master of cigar fishery José Castelaar made a huge cigar of 90 meters long from the best snuffy tobacco. She weighed 80 kg, and on her creation took 10 days of hard work. This product helped the master to get into the Guinness Book of Records for the sixth time, as it exceeded the previously installed Castello record (81.8 meters long cigar).

True connoisseurs cigars Accustomed to rely on the opinion of experts. Who can you trust more in the question of choosing high-class tobacco products, as not the most famous Cuban Fidel Castro? What products did the most "Comandante" liked? I would like to tell about it in our material.

What did Fidel speak about his own preferences?

Castro has repeatedly noted in communicating with the press, which is accustomed to an unforgettable flavor of cigars from early childhood. The father of the future revolutionary knew a sense in good tobacco. Fidel first tried a cigar at the age of 15, receiving the appropriate presentation from the head of the family. The guy was happy to confidence from the father. After that, Castro's addiction to this Cuban cigar lasted for half of the years.

Fidel told the following story:

  • "In my youth, I always kept a cigar in my teeth, wherever was not. I smoked, discussing the affairs of state importance, did not part with the habit during speeches on television and radio. In the same form met foreign guests. Only with age had to temper their appetites. Wine from the national program to combat smoking. Health problems joined here. If everything depended on my will, I would gladly settled in a secluded place nearby the best tobacco plantations. "

Favorite Cigars Fidel Castro

At one time, the famous revolutionary tried tobacco products of the most numerous brands. However, the Kohiba brand products have always remained favorite cigars. It is them that most often can be seen in the hands of Castro in documentary newsreels, as well as on photographs. Even officially swaying with a detrimental habit because of the disease, Fidel often went to the public with an unemployed Coyhiba Esplendidos cigar.

"Commandand" repeatedly recognized that in a peaceful setting prefers to smoke compact format cigars. Replacing a large Esplendidos, often served by Corona Escecial of the same Cohiba brand.

In the pre-revolutionary times of Castro, it was not possible to buy expensive products. Therefore, trusted the cigars of the budget category. Among those can be noted: Bauza, Romeo Y Julieta, Churchill, Partagas, H. Upmann.

As for Cohiba's cigars, they originally used their personal security guard Fidel. The amazing aroma was so imposed on the soul "Cuba Head", which soon he learned about this magnificent product.

Favorite Cigars Fidel

Those who smoke "Cohiba" will never die from cancer,

but those who do not smoke will die from envy.

Cuban folk wisdom

The popular Cohiba cigars are a mansion in the line of magnificent Cuban cigar brands. Many legends are associated with this name, and so far it is impossible to definitely tell at least the official date of birth of the Great Brand.

Everyone without exception is already known that tobacco came to the old light from Central America during Columbus. At the same time, if the appearance of the word "tobacco" can be explained by the existence of the island of Tobago or Tabasco District in Mexico, then with the origin of the word "cigar" there are certain difficulties - the closest analogues of the Spanish word "Cigarro" are the noun "Stitar", or "tobacco" and The verb "Sikar", which can be translated as "smoking". Treosos tribe Indians - indigenous people of Cuba Island, where cigar smoking was particularly popular in Decolumbov's era - called the "Cohiba" or "Cojoba" twisted from tobacco leaves. It is possible that the one who called the new brand name "Cohiba", thereby only restored historical justice.

If the title is increasingly or less understandable, then the brand date is confused. At one time, when Cohiba cigars caused the most real boom in the environment of true connoisseurs, authoritative editions called the year of birth of the 1961 brand. At the beginning of 1997, the 30th anniversary of the Cohiba brand was officially celebrated at the beginning of 1997, and four years later, in early 2001, during the next cigar festival (Festival Del Habano), already the 35th anniversary of Cohiba was celebrated. The most common version is 1966 - then Fidel Castro allegedly decided to open the factory "El Laguito" for the production of "the best cigar in the world", and at the same time try to train Cuban women to the cigars who forgotten this craft for the difficult years of revolution. According to another version, it is based on the majority of early sources, this factory, on which the scruittsies were prostitutes who lost their job after the revolution, Fidel discovered back in 1962. At the same time, the recipe of the cigars produced was known in advance - the buddy of one of the Castro's bodyguards, Eduardo Rivera, was Torsedor and twisted cigars for his friends. One of these cigars fell into the hands of Fidel's flame revolutionary, I really liked it, and after some time he gave an order about the organization of a new factory, which was performed by these cigars. There is also a legend that the romantic hero of Ernesto Che Guevara, who occupied the post of Minister of Industry Cuba, and beat Fidel to the creation of a new cigar brand in his time. However, in favor of this version there are almost no facts, so it is most likely not worth it to create "Cohiba".

Be that as it may, officially the brand was registered in 1969, but for a long time "Cohiba" was an elite brand, inaccessible to simple mortals, - it was produced in very limited quantities only for Fidel Castro and his environments. In addition, COHIBA was used as a gift from the leader of the Cuban revolution, crowned, presidents or prime ministers who visited Cuba with an official or informal visit.

The output "Cohiba" is in the light (and this is already completely accurate information) took place only in 1982. Entering ordinary connoisseurs of cigars, "Cohiba" became the most expensive among the Cuban cigars, for which there were their reasons. Firstly, the mysterious history of the origin of the cigar caused a lot of rumors and speculations, and secondly, it was still the first socialist cigar, which appeared on the post-revolutionary Cuba. Of course, by the beginning of the 80s, the cigar industry of Cuba as a whole was restored and the export of Cuban cigars was pretty high levelHowever, the new brand could not help but cause increased interest. It also turned out to be the time of the output of the brand to the market - the next cigar boom began in the world.

Quality "Cohiba" leaves no doubt about price equity - after all, a tobacco intended for Cohiba is grown only on the best plantations of the world-famous area of \u200b\u200bVuelta Abago Pinar del Rio Province, and then he passes three fermentation (while for others Cuban cigars - only two), and the full cycle of tobacco preparation from planting seeds to twisting cigar is required at least three years. Yes, and the masters engaged in twisting cigars always have only the highest qualifications, while at some factories producing Cohiba, it is used by the rare technique of the Entubar twist technique, which requires more time on the manufacture of cigars.

At first, "Cohiba" was produced in three formats - Lancero, Corona Especial and Panetela, and after some time Esplendido, Robusto and Exquisito were added to them, which together formed the so-called "classic line" together. By a common classification, these cigars are in the range between medium (moderately strong) and Full (strong). By the 500th anniversary of the opening of America, Columba was released by the anniversary "Cohiba", and each box and each bow on the cigar of this edition was numbered. A total of 500 Humidors from the cherry tree were released. In addition, a new line "Cohiba Siglo - Linea 1492" was released to the anniversary - the cigars of this series were produced in five formats - by the number of centuries that have passed from the Great Event. And in 2002, in honor of the decade of this line, the Cubans released the sixth version - "Cohiba Siglo VI".

"Cohiba" received recognition not only in the general public, but also among experts. In many ratings, Mark has honored the highest marks, leaving behind all competitors, and Cigars from the Jubilee Humidor, released in 1992, received an absolute maximum - 100 points in the "Cigar Aficionado" rating (the most authoritative magazine about cigars).

We will not be able to remember that due to the confusing situation with the rights to Cuban cigar brands, many of them are produced both in Cuba and in other countries. Did not avoid this fate and Cohiba. The most famous of Nekuban "Koib" is the American version from General Cigar Company, which in 1978 registered a trademark "Cohiba" in the United States, where Cuban cigars did not come in connection with the economic embargo. True, then the American "Cohiba" did not gain great popularity, but in 1992 the company managed to establish the supply of "their" cohiba "from the Dominican Republic, which caused an extremely negative reaction from the Cuban tobaccprom. As a result, the dispute between the two Cohiba decided only in court - on March 30, 2004, the New York Court recognized the use of the Cohiba brand by General Cigar and forbade it to produce and implement Dominican cigars under this brand.

At the same time, there are "Cohiba", produced by licenses. These include in particular "Mini Cohiba", produced in France under the slogan "Small Size, Full Flavor" ( small size, full taste) - The tobacco mixture used in it is as close as possible to the original brand recipe. Well, finally, Cuban production cigarettes are exist, which can now be found on Russian tobacco counters. But that is another story.

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