What does this dream mean by day. What days do the prophetic dreams

The interpretation of dreams can not always be unambiguous depending on the images seen. Often the same dream seen on different days of the week and month can have miscellaneous and chances of execution, and in the case of high chances of prediction come true in different times. How to interpret the dreams in the numbers of the month - numerologists solved this problem and found the answer to this question.

  • Are dreams come true in this or that day of the month?
  • How soon can come true prophetic dreams?
  • Will the day of the week affect the "sales" of predictions from dreams?

Let's deal with when the "speaking" dreams are shot and how soon they can be fulfilled.

From the first to thirty first

There are dates when dreams will be rest and warn they will be good. In other dates, the Dreams value will also be literally, but negative. And in certain numbers, we will simply starve "funny pictures".

1 - Good dreams come true, the negative calls to pay attention to the family atmosphere.

2 - The "empty" visions are shot, unpleasant dreams are not negative.

3 - can be seen prophetic visionThe execution of them will be or very fast, or very long.

4 - may be effective warnings about the coming troubles.

5 - A clear sleep will be important and fast "sales".

6 - pleasant visions come true quickly, negative - long, you can have time to adjust the events.

7 - Usually the vision of "bending" is usually shot.

8 - A good sleep promises pleasant events, bad sleep says it's time to work.

9 - only colorful visions are important, they should be interpreted in the career plan, executed quickly.

10 - prompts about obstacles in affairs, their implementation period is 10-14 days.

11 - sleep can only come true for three days.

12 - The vision is "fantasy", the performance does not threaten them.

13 - Dreams of love and travel, high probability of their execution.

14 - Positive dreams - almost prophets, can come true with accuracy, negative - will prompt about everything except love.

15 - Night "empty" dreams.

16 - tips on the state of health, are executed quickly.

17 - prophetic dreams about success in work or public life, their "shelf life" - 20 days.

18 - pleasant visions are implemented in terms of money and property.

19 - Tips, what problems pay attention to the family circle, the term of execution is big, there is time for the "maneuver".

20 - sleep comes true, but only if it does not speak anyone about him.

21 - Visions are fulfilled on achieving the desired results.

22 - It is worth paying attention to only favorable signs for the professional sphere.


24 - only favorable dreams come true - within 10-14 days.

25 - Sleeping this night often foreshadow deception, but it is very difficult to understand where it will be.

26 - the visions about small joys of life come true.

27 - bodily dreams or dustmakers at all.

28 - Visions of this night are not prophetic, but they speak of your mental state.

29 - Vision-rams.

30 - Only visions about achievements can come true, the rest is empty.

31 - You can see the prompts how to improve the financial situation.

Algorithm execution

It is clear that the shown calendar for the "sales" of dreams is not truth in the last instance, but it can be discarded with it most visions that do not require a relapse. "Talking" sleep may come in "Empty" day, but it will depend on your personal features. And you probably, relying on intuition, do not miss a vision having for you great importance.

But you can understand what dates worth paying attention to if these days you were remembered for something memorable. Often we do not remember dreams - so our brain "filters" information so that its oversupportment does not interfere with its normal operation. But when we are shot by the prophetic dreams, they can not come true immediately.

When, what days can the vision, which you should pay special attention to? If you summarize under the foregoing, it can be noted that the nights of the 1st, 6th, 8th, 20th, 30th and 31st days of the month can bring dreams that spell on well-being, a possible increase in welfare or luck. Very often, these dreams come true for a short time.

Sleeping in the night at the 2nd, 5th, 9th, 15th, 18th, 22th or 24th days of the month, the favor of the fortune in the event that the dreams will have patience and keep the tongue . It is absolutely not necessary to share signs about your luck, and in this case it is possible to rejoice at the near future.

When you are filmed fantastic dreams in the 3rd, 10th, 13th, 17th, 19th, 26th, 27th or 28th of the month, do not rush to believe that they are prophetic. There may be no content for the beautiful wrapper of the night dreams for real incarnation. Consider that you watched free colorful cinema.

But on the dreams of the 14th, 25th and 29th, it is worth paying special attention. They warn about the difficulties that may arise in the financial sphere. And, as a rule, they do not have a bit of incarnation, so you can have time to take action on leveling problems.

Happiness and good luck, as a rule, promise dreams, which are shot in the night at the 4th, 7th, 11th, 12th and 23 days of the month. When can such promise visions come true? As a rule, it takes enough long time.

Over the next thirty days, predictions from dreams who came in the night on the 16th or 21st days of the month can be realized. But only if the images in your Gresses were bright, colorful and memorable.

Calendar mesh

It is also important how the dreams are distributed on weeks. If you combine the dream data, the "dream calendar" and the days of the week, you can say, the prophetic dreams will be filmed or not.

In dreams talk about psychological and emotional state . The stronger the intensity of the day life, the more strange and confusing will be night visions. Even if these dreams come true, they will be fulfilled basically some small details, these dreams are not worth it to be very important.

The dreams reflect mainly the creative possibilities of sleeping. The dreams are very bright and emotional, they should be carefully analyzed: pleasant visions say that it can be taken for new beginnings, negative emotions after sleeping signalize that with new projects it is better to postpone. They saw himself in the night gold winner - for 10 days you will be able to win and in reality at an important direction for you, but later the execution of the omen expectlessly.

In, as a rule, we are shifted to very active visions, in the plot interlacing of which it is very easy to get confused. Practically zero is the likelihood that all signs from the dream will be carried out, but some part of them, some kind of plot piece has a chance for incarnation.

As the interpretation of dreams says by day of the week, significant images and plots are seen. On this night, you can find a solution to the problem during the rest, answer key questions. Especially significant prompts relating to money and relationships.

"" For the most part, addressed to whom personal experiences are more expensive career. For dreams - both good and bad - the high probability to come true with great accuracy.

A dream can be embodied if it has been positive emotions. As a rule, this night promises events not only for the sleeper itself, but also for its closest environment.

- "dreams to noon", in the sense that their period of incarnation is very short. More often on Sundays good dreams come true. Posted by: Olga Inozemeseva

Incredible facts

Humanity has been interested in the future by the future, coming in a dream. Many of us learned to understand and correctly interpret their dreams, thereby getting the necessary prompts.

But why happens so that some dnah come true at once, others - with time, and others never come true? It turns out that the day of the week in which we see sleep, also plays an important role.

Before you proceed to the interpretation of each day of the week, it is important to note that the highest probability of prophetic dreams appears in a period of time between Merry Christmas and the baptism of the Lord. This time, shints, surrounded by numerous signs and signs.

It is said that it was during this period among the living people who souls of the dead, and together with them and different other otherworldly creatures, evil spirits and angels. All these guests come with the aim of telling a person about the future, and in a dream too.

All the dreams during the sick week of prophets, and every night of the week, beginning after Christmas, carries its sleepy prophecies. For example, the night from 7 on January 8 can show you a dream about the plans of competitors or rivals. On the night of the 10th, the dreams are dreaming, telling about the family and the fate of native people.

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Next night will tell you about moral well-being and health. On the night of 11 to 12 dreams, you will show you the possible prospects for the development of your business or promotion in your career. Before lying down to bed the 14th, make any question, should come in a dream.

Sleep on the night of the 15th day can show you the right way to build relationships with a competitor or rival. And from 15 to 16, do not make anything, while sleeping on the night of January 17 will tell you about the difficulties that will have to face in the coming year.

Seen on the eve of January 18 sleep carries a message about love relationship, On the likelihood of marriage and generally about family and children.

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It is important to add that if you are guessing on the shield, then do not forget to repent, because in an attempt to predict the fate of the person or uniloves, it includes the work of different evil spirits and the strength of darkness. And these creatures will definitely be asked to pay for their services.

Also, things often have dreams, dreamed right on the eve of any church holiday, and their peculiarity is a rapid embodiment. It is said that on the night of the 3th day of any month, a person can see a prophetic dream, but the dreams on the night for the 25th number are always empty and unavailable.

When the prophetic dreams are shot

So, we turn to the interpretation of the day of the week.

© Kseniia Perminova.

This is a day to which the moon is patronized, managing the sensual and emotional life of a person. Therefore, everything that dreams of this night is in one way or another associated with experiences and emotions.

Dreams on Monday night reflect inner human dooms and dreams. They are not prophetic, and expect that what he saw repeatedly does not stand, because the moon is very cunning and change.

However, this night is allowed to guess what to dream to man. The moon can help solve important and complex issues that revealed to fall asleep. But still, if seen in a dream is recalling with great difficulty, then sleep is empty.

If, throughout the sleep, the same characters appeared, then it is necessary to decipher them to get important informationwhich can warn about trouble or about the problem.

There is another aspect of dreams on Monday night. The harder the psychological state of a person, the more conflicts with his other people and with himself, the harder and confusing will be his dreams. These dreams do not bring anything important, and if they can predict something, then only minor homemade troubles.

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This day of the week is under the influence of Mars and is managed by courage and power. Mars is a planet of aspirations and ambitions, therefore, that would not foretell the dream book, it will be associated with your spirit. All favorable should come true within 10 days if you show the character, dedication and willpower.

If the dream book tells you about unpleasant events in the future, then you need to intensify all your power to avoid them. If after 10 days nothing comes true, it will never come true.

Also, the dreams on Tuesday reflect the creative potential of a person, they are bright and futuristic. If the dream was bad, then you should not begin a new thing, and on the contrary, if the dream is pleasant and positive, then you must act strongly. Pay attention to the dreams in which you defeat, such dreams in some ways may be prophetic, especially if you dreamed at night for 3 minutes.

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The patron saint of Mercury, it is light, air, calm and changeable. He should not be trusted. On this night, people usually dream of dreams with colorful plot lines, but, as a rule, they are controversial and the opposite meaning. These dreams are just fantasy, hint, there are practically no truth in them, and it is very unlikely that sleep ever come true.

But if the dream book promises a lot of happiness, then be sure to believe in it to attract the desired one. Dreams on the night on Wednesday are almost always positive.

Feathered dreams and days of the week

© Leung Cho Pan

This day of the week is under the control of Jupiter, who manages everything related to activity, affairs and actions. Dreams on this day show possible prospects, the position of affairs, and they often come true.

In the interpretation of dreams on the night of Thursday, it is worth remembering that this day is associated with activities, so even if the dream book prophesies to you romance, love and feelings (which is extremely rarely rare in Jupiter's night), then think twice and translate the interpretation to the business aspect.

In dreams, symbols or predictions of promotion are often coming, and also refers to your role in the team. Also, dreams can show ways to solve disputes, conflicts and important problems. Moreover, the dream on Thursday night can offer a way to solve your financial problems in a short time.

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Mistress Friday - Venus, Sensual and Loving Planet.

It is well known that on the night of Thursday on Friday, people see the prophetic dreams, especially if they concern love issues. Often dreaming events are repeated very precisely in reality.

If the interpretation indicates you for something related to work or finances, then know that it will come true, but will be in a certain way associated with love affairs.

These dreams are of particular importance, including because on the night of Thursday, Jesus was crucified on Friday. It is said that it is better not to plan on this day the beginning of important affairs, because in most cases a person will wait for failure and failure.

Positive emotions and feelings that you experiencing in a dream foreshadow you have a new period in life, full of victories.

However, Friday is also considered a mystical day that activates secret human strength. For example, intuition. The strong energy is carried by Fridays, who predeter some church holidays. Dreams in these Fridays are able to predict fate and other important events.

List of Great Fridays:

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In the first week of the Great Post

Eve of Annunciation

Day of the Verbal Resurrection

Eve of the Ascension of the Lord

Before Trinity

Before Christmas, John the Forerunner

Eve of the Day of the Prophet

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

In front of the day Arkhangel Mikhail

Damian and Mosnamy Day

Before baptism

© Gpoint Studio.

Patron Saturday - Saturn, who is associated with rock, trials and fate. Saturn establishes rules and laws, often through signs and characters warns a person. Therefore, on this night, frightening dreams can dream, and something very scary and disturbing. Be sure to take note of the information from the dream, if it gives you a warning.

It is important to note that the dreams on Saturday's night often carry the symbols not only for the one who sees them, but also for people close to him.

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Sunday is in the power of the Sun. This star gives life, strength, energy and joy. Sunday dreams are wonderful in all respects, because they create a planet of life, happiness and love. Dreams on this day quickly come true, most often on the same day.

These dreams have one interesting feature: if you dreamed something good and positive, then it will certainly come true, and negative dreams can be safely canceled in the case of Sunday night. Dreams on Sunday are not just carrying the truth, they are also very happy and do not stive anything bad.

What to do to make the prophetic dream exactly?

Surprisingly, but for now we sleep, we are clear everything. We are not surprised in the most incredible reincarnations, actions and conversations. And only waking up understand all illogic and absurdity.

For this reason, it is not always possible to describe in detail or tell you and not everyone. In most cases, only fragments are remembered. But it is important to know that only those dreams that deposited in memory come true.

If you are faced with the task of remembering a dream, you can take advantage of the old people's methods:

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Put a small pebble under the pillow;

Try to fall asleep on the right side, not on the stomach;

After waking, do not look out the window and do not look at the flame;

In the morning bite the angle of the pillow.

Most an important rule It is to not tell anyone for three days about what you dreamed. And it is better not to tell at all.

How to protect yourself from fixed trouble?

Here you need to behave on the contrary, that is, as much as possible people to notify that you have dreamed. And do it until noon. In order to forget sleep, look at any source of flame.

Some advise three times to knock on the window. And if after a bad dream you woke up at night and there is still time until the morning, then simply remove the pillowcase and turn the pillow to the other side.

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In some villages, the custom has long lived in front of the house in the entrance. People considered him a thunder from various misfortunes and troubles. For example, it was believed that a person with bad intentions could not get into the house guarded by a stone. The stone also saved from epidemics and different diseases.

Self scary dreams Stone also told a stone with the purpose of protecting a person from a bad prophecy. If such a stone did not turn out, the dream was retended by the usual stone. To drive a bad dream from the house, you need to handle the entrance door, put the left foot for the threshold and order all bad visions leave the home.

Among the ways that guarantee the disposal of bad signs is common and efficient conspiracy into water. It is necessary to approach the water source, open the crane and ask the water to carry all the troubles and sorrow.

To protect yourself from incarnation bad dreams And increase the likelihood of implementing good omen, you can make a dream trap. This is a ring from a curved junk twist, along which the threads are wound.

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Ancient Indians who believed such a trap, who believed that spider was not confused in them. But the network helps catch extraction and protect against the ailments. It is said that such a trap will help protect the good dreams, and the bad will go through the holes on the network.

Salmoning your dreams, people give great importance to symbols, but it is also important to pay attention to the time period in which you dreamed of sleep. It is believed that only nightly dreams can be things, and the daytime does not carry any information. In addition, the day is important, so we suggest you to explore a simple, but truthful dream book on the days of the week.

Each day of the week is patronized by a certain planet. Depending on its astrological characteristic, you can understand a lot and donned at this dream at this time.


This day is under the auspices of the Moon, which manages emotions and feelings, is responsible for intuition, but at the same time is considered deceptive and non-permanent. Dreams, dreaming on Monday night, should not be taken seriously. On this day, it is not accepted at all through predictions and long-term forecasts.


This day of the week is influenced by Mars, which is a symbol of the courage and strength of the Spirit. Such dreams can serve as tips in making volitional solutions that can change fate.


The third day of the week is managed by Mercury - a planet of calm and peace. The alarming dreams these days are calling for control over emotions, and calm emphasizes the correctness of the actions.


This day is under the patronage of Jupiter responsible for business activity. Anyone seen dreams on the night of Thursday can be associated with their professional activities, and look for tips in them, how it is better to deal with a controversial issue.


The fifth day of the week is influenced by Venus, the planets of love and sensuality. The dreams, dreamed of this night, are directly related to the romantic experiences of a person, but they are not so much leadership to action, how much does the mental state of the person displays. If they are unfavorable, then a person does not see happiness in his love relationship, even if she is good and safe.


On this day, Saturn is particularly active, associated with the fatal turns of fate and testing. Saturday dreams can warn which changes from life to expect in the near future.


Sunday dreams are considered the most favorable, because this day is under the influence of the sun. This star gives us the energy of light, joy and strength. If the dream turned out to be alarming, it is worth perceiving this as a warning from unwanted actions that a person can harm himself.

Dream Interpretary by Days of the week

In this video, there is all the necessary information to interpret dreams by day of the week.

The likelihood of dreaming is influenced by many different factors. Interpretation of dreams is very closely connected on the day of the week when he dreamed. And all because every day of the week influences the movement of certain celestial bodies and planets. Compared to each day the specific planet of the solar system began in Eastern culture. For example, in India, the names of the week's days are absolutely consonant with the names of specific planets. There are similar compliance in other cultures, so in english language Sunday is sunday, which even with minimal knowledge of languages \u200b\u200bis obviously translated as the "Sun Day".

In addition, to determine the significance of the SPONS specific for the week, direct conclusions made in practice during long-term analysis were used. The foundation for such an analysis is the psychology rather than esoteric. This approach is due to the fact that on different days of the week, the person's subconscious concentrates on various topics. So, for example, Monday's dreams are brain attempts to analyze the events of last week and plan what is to be done on the future.

The dreams of the medium and Thursday are complex, because they fall on the middle of the week, which in some way is considered the peak of tension and fatigue for a person. Whereas are dreams last days Weeks, as a rule, are associated with something detached from life and innermost for a dream. It should be borne in mind that those people whose way of life are far from the concept of a working week, a weekend or ration cannot be fully confident that with the above approach, they will be able to find an answer to the question of whether it is important Sleep or not.

Interpretation of dreams by day of week

Sleep - mystery, with which a person does not engage in one century. It is believed that dreams carry information capable of answering many questions and predict the near future. However, not all dreams come true equally. The embodiment of some is happening the next day of sleep, others - after many years. Some dreams do not come true at all, forcing us to consider them meaningless. The fact is that the accuracy of sleep depends on the day of the week, in which we saw it.

Dreams from Sunday for Monday

Planet Monday -. Dreams from Sunday for Monday carry the psychological and emotional characteristics of sleeping. Through pictures, which appeared during sleep, you can analyze the degree of workload, sharp experiences and condition nervous system. The stronger the load on the psyche in life, the strange and the dreams are not clear. As a rule, they do not come true in reality. However, if this happens, the incident will not be fateful. It was recommended not to pay considerable attention to dreams that appeared at the beginning of the work week.

Dreams from Monday to Tuesday

Planet Tuesday -. Sleep day from Monday to Tuesday expresses creative dream potential. As a rule, he is bright and emotional. Here it is already worth paying attention to the omen, which the dream wanted to convey. If the night caused you a lot of pleasant impressions, then today you can safely begin to implement new ideas into life, actively take care. Or you woke up with an unpleasant sediment in the soul, then it is undesirable to be taken for new beginnings. Seeing the victory in a dream on this night is considered a proper omen. The implementation of such plots is happening over the next ten days. If longer has passed, then you should not wait for the incarnation.

Dreams from Tuesday on Wednesday

Planet Wednesday -. Sleep from Tuesday on Wednesday is overflowing with activity and abundance of a variety of plots. It is almost unrealistic to find the only correct semantic thread in this chaos. Such dreams do not come true in reality. However, there is a small probability of carrying out some individual parts of dreams that never contain anything bad.

Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday

Planet Thursday -. Appeared dreams from Wednesday to Thursday are of great importance. The probability is that this night will help to find a solution for a long task, answer important questions. The vision is able to have a truly fateful meaning, showing methods of exiting the financial crisis or ways to solve conflicts.

Dreams from Thursday to Friday

Planet Friday -. Next night is important for those who are interested in personal life more than work. Sleep from Thursday on Friday prophetic. The fact is that during this period, intuition occurs, which demonstrates the results by means of dreams. All the plots that you will be able to remember by the morning will find a place in real life. The value of the emotional backdrop of Friday night demonstrates future good or bad events. If you dreamed something pleasant, then in life it is worth waiting for good luck.

Dreams from Friday on Saturday

Planet Saturday -. Sleep from Friday on Saturday can also find a use in reality. The abundance of happy events and pleasant impressions donated by Moraphem, talks about getting a mass of positive emotions in the coming days. Often, the visions on this night characterize the events of the nearest future not only for the very dream, but also for his close friends or family members.

Dreams on Saturdays on Sunday

Planet Sunday -. Watching a dream from Saturday to Sunday comes true on the same day. The events that he foreshadow depends on the mood of the dream. If you see something good, it is certainly worth waiting for incarnation. In the case of negative color of the vision, it can not express itself in real life.

Very dreams by day of week

If you analyze what you saw at night, you can learn about the upcoming events.

  1. Monday - Dreams tell about situations that will occur for a long time.
  2. Tuesday - seen shows thoughts and experiences, dreams are often executed within 10 days.
  3. Wednesday - Night at the peak of psychological activity brings information about what will be tomorrow.
  4. Thursday - the dreams are ordinary, can come true within a few days.
  5. Friday - on this night they will definitely come true in the near future.
  6. Saturday - After a difficult week, the brain rests, dreams rarely foreshadow something unusual.
  7. Sunday - day festive, information obtained at night will come true in the morning.

Also, in no case, it is impossible to forget that in itself the ratio of the day of the week, in which the dream happened is not key, because the calendar date of dreams and the lunar days for which the dream came, they have much more influenced on its execution . Thus, the material describing the value of dreams depending on the day of the week, presented on this page, is the result of the harmonious synthesis of the experience of past years and conclusions made by psychologists of modernity. Such an approach to the question allows the most fully and relevant to establish the significance of a sleep, without refusing any view.

Ploy to the future and find out your fate - these questions are interested in every person. On a couple of week, you can make a prophetic dream, which will open the secrets of fate and prompts the right direction in life. There are also special rituals to riddling the item. However, the prophetic dreams may come without rituals. When is the remand dreams of the day of the week? Consider this issue.

Does the prophetic dreams always come true and how to determine the character of sleep? It is believed that during the night recreation, the soul could fly to the otherworldly, and after waking up to return. It is in these moments that the man sees dreams. If the soul flew out of the body near the body, the usual pursues associated with day problems are shot. If the soul flew away, the prophetic dream comes.

Scientists cannot confirm nor refute this statement. Psychologists are engaged in dreams, but research results are more similar to guesses. Esoterics do not engage in guesses, but simply interpret what they saw the plots according to the images that came in a dream.

True and false visions

The prophetic dreams are true and false. True dream is always filled with a special meaning, the paintings come bright and memorable. Such a vision is not forgotten for many years and is performed as accuracy. It is characteristic that the true prophetic vision is impossible to "merge into the water" or somehow prevent: the dream will come true.

False visions are always intricate, deprived of meaning and concrete. Usually these dreams scare, so after waking up, it is necessary to simply tell about the current water seen. The ritual is easy to perform: you need to open a crane in the bathroom and tell about all the jet of water, after asking water to carry the words with you.

When the prophetic dreams come

Often such visions happen on Skatnaya WeekWhen the border between the worlds becomes thin. These days, dead relatives may come to sleep to predict events in life.

Prophetic sleep can dare on any church holiday. By people beliefs, "Festive Dreams" always come true until noon. The prophetic dreams come and on the third day of any month. Also prophetic are dreams on Friday night - They come true.


Dreams on Friday night are noted by a special meaning. There are 12 Great Fridays in a year who bring dreams from heaven:

  1. in the first week of the Great Post;
  2. before the gloaching;
  3. on the eve of Palm Sunday;
  4. on the eve of the ascension;
  5. on the eve of the Troitskaya week;
  6. before Christmas, John the Baptist;
  7. on the eve of the Ilya of the Prophet;
  8. before the audit of the Virgin;
  9. before Archangel Mikhail;
  10. before the day of the goat and demiana;
  11. on Christmas Eve;
  12. before the Epiphany.

Each of these nominal Friday bears a special grace. Dreams these days come from heaven.

Days of the week and time of day

Also, prophetic dreams can appear on certain days of the week - it was noticed by our old ancestors.

  1. on Monday, the dream is empty;
  2. on Tuesday, empty dreams come;
  3. on Wednesday, dreams can come true;
  4. on Thursday, empty dreams come;
  5. on Friday, the prophetic dreams are shot;
  6. on Saturday - dreams do not come true;
  7. on Sunday - can come true until noon.

Monday is under the control of the moonwhose influence is deceptive and illusory. These dreams should not be perceived seriously. However, it is on Monday that you can spend a special rite for a prophetic dream, asking the question of interest.

Tuesday is under Mars. On this day, you can get a prompt to change your destiny.

The medium is managed by Mercury. At this time, disturbing dreams may come, which call for the control of the emotional sphere: this is exactly what you lack in life.

Thursday manages Jupiter. At this time, you can attach importance to snaps related to professional activities. The remaining dreams are considered empty.

Friday controls Venus. At this time, there are prophetic dreams about fate and personal relationships. On Friday night you can see the prediction of a wedding or a loved one.

Saturday manages Saturn. This harsh planet is associated with the fatal signs of fate. Dreams do not come true, but can give a tip, what to expect in the future, bad or good?

Sunday manages the Sun.. If at this time there is a disturbing plot, perceive it as a warning from unwanted actions.

Times of Day

It is important to the time of day, which dreams dream. Usually daily dreams Nothing designate: they reflect the dust of the mind and household worries.

Evening Son., like a midnight, is also empty. At this time, the soul did not have time to get to the otherworldly worlds.

It is true sleep dreamed in the morning. It is at this time that we see the prophetic dreams.

How to distinguish a prophetic dream from ordinary

This question is disturbing many dreams. How, for what signs can I do this? It is important to understand that the prophetic dream can come on any day of the week on the eve of a fateful event. These are dreams, which do not depend on the time of day and day of the week. Distinguish this vision from simple dreams can:

  • sleep will be bright and memorable, will cause strong emotions;
  • the picture of the vision will have a clear storyline with the beginning and end;
  • sleep will bring specific information in the form of numbers written or said words;
  • sleep will be short, not tedious endless.

The dream will be so bright and memorable that you will not be able to forget it for a long time.

How to express a prophetic dream

Images from the things can correspond to images from the interpretation of dreams. For example, rat will mark the enemy, and the bat and spider - the unkind prediction.

If you did not find an explanation in the interpreted person to see the plot, rely on intuition. Determining in decoding sleep will be your inner sensation: as a rule, it does not fail.

Another criterion of true vision will be the correspondence of the seen reality. If you run away from an unknown monster in a dream, while you suddenly grow wings with a tail, boldly consider a dream to fantasy. In prophetic visions come real, and not fictional images.

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