Mildronat or phenotropyl is better. Meldonium: True Energy

This medicine The form is nootropic. Those. Its main purpose is to improve the brain efficiency and everything is connected with these. According to the testimony, it can also be applied for several other purposes. Next, we will analyze the instructions for its use, and give a description of all information on how to use it.

Indications for the use of phenotropyl

The main purpose here is the improvement of all psychomotor functions. Those. The reception is suitable in memory violations, prevention after the treatment of diseases of the Central nervous system (recovery rate), to improve blood flow, with frequent depressive states of the body ( panic attacks) etc. Instructions for use indicate that the main body of the medication is the human brain.


On systematization of doctors, there is only a single contraindication - the tool should not be taken if the body does not tolerate any component from the drug preparation. During pregnancy, it is also completely banned for receiving.

Composition of tablets

The tablet consists of phenyl shares, carbamoyl, methyl and pyrrolidone. These substances are valid on the human brain.

Phenotropyl: Instructions for use

The testimony of doctors (including neurologists) converge in the fact that the phenotropyl, like many other analogs, is preferably taken after eating. The duration of the entire course of therapy is denoted only by the attending physician, but on average this period does not exceed the 1st month. The instructions for use also indicate that the adoption time can be increased, but only if no effect is observed in the first month.

The remedy should be taken 2 times a day according to the instructions or in accordance with the appointments of doctors. The maximum allowable rate cannot exceed 750 mg per day - i.e. No more than 3 tablets.

Children phenotropyl can not give a doctor without appointments!

For slimming phenotropyl How to take?

If there is a good weight loss, it is advisable to try to find another way, because The phenotropyl is intended only for cases of alimentary-constitutional obesity. It usually occurs as a result of a violation of the current metabolism. Regarding weight loss is better to try other analogs.

Indications for use in sports

Any physical impact on the body does not have a described drug. Those. From the point of view of physics, it is absolutely useless. But brain activity is as important in sports, which means that the tool can be applied to the doses specified in the instructions.


The most popular analogues are piracetam. These analogues are also used to normalize the total brain activity.

  • Fenotropyl or phenibut, what is better?

According to the reviews of doctors, the fenotropyl is more effective, because It has less side effects. And in terms of prices is more affordable than the specified analog. (Read the instructions for the use of Phoenibut)

  • Mildronat and phenotropyl are compatible?

Completely compatible, because Both drugs belong to different medical groups. The first has a basic substance - Meldonium, which does not have any relation to the brain.

  • Piracetam or phenotropyl, what is better?

Both means are identical, so it should take into account the opinion of a specialist and availability financially.

Side effects

Most frequent side effects - This is a slight redness of the skin, but only in the first few days of use. Something more serious is usually not observed.

Alcohol compatible drug phenotropyl?

At the time of therapy, alcohol intake is completely excluded. Otherwise, no effect will be achieved, but can manifest side effects.


you can buy a drug phenotropyl in a pharmacy for approximately 480 rubles.

Dear friends, hello!

Today we will make the last jerk and complete the topic.

But first we will analyze drugs that are prescribed with violations of the cerebral circulation and at the same time do not relate to nootropic drugs.


How do Meldonium apply?

With cardiovascular diseases, Mildronat is used as part of complex therapy, and its use is not sharply necessary.

With IHD, brainwater disorders of 500 mg - 1 g per day in 1 or 2 reception. Course 4-6 weeks.

With a reduced operation of 500 mg 2 times a day 10-14 days. After 2-3 weeks you can repeat.

Athletes of 500 mg - 1 g 2 times a day before training 14-21 days.

In severe cases begin with intravenous or intramuscular administration, And after 10 days, go to oral administration.

Side Effects Meldonia

  • Allergic reactions.
  • Disps disappointments.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Reduced or enhance arterial.
  • Increased excitability.

Medicinal interactions

  • Strengthens the effect of funds, especially alpha adrenoblockers and nifedipine.
  • Enhances the action of cardiac glycosides.
  • With co-use with nitroglycerin, tachycardia and arterial hypotension are possible.

Synonymous replacement

Cardionate, Idrinol, Meldonium.

MNH Mexidol - ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate.

This terrible name at closer looks means hybrid of succinic acid and substance that increases cell survival in adverse conditions.

How does mexidol act?

  • Binds free radicals that are formed in our body constantly as a result of internal damage, inflammation, intoxication and external influences (sun, ecology, etc.).
  • Stabilizes cell membranes so that they miss what they are supposed to and missed what should not get into the cage.
  • Improves the binding of the neurotransmitters of the GABA and dopamine with their receptors, so you can expect that the drug will remove the alarm, anxiety, improve the mood.
  • Improves blood supply to the brain, blood flow.
  • Due to this, it affects the memory and learning processes. So that nootropic action He has, although it is positioned as an antioxidant.
  • It has antitoxic effect with an abstineent syndrome.

When is Mexidol shown?

  • Stage after stroke.
  • The consequences of the cranial injuries.
  • Encephalopathy.
  • Light memory violations, attention.
  • Alarm disorders.
  • Abstineent syndrome.
  • Asthenium, stress.

When is mexidol contraindicated?

  • Acute renal or liver failure.
  • Childhood.
  • Pregnancy, lactation.

How do mexidol take?

1-2 tab. 3 times a day 2-6 weeks.

With an abstineent syndrome, the course of treatment is 5-7 days.

Its parenterally administered 2-5 ml intramuscularly or intravenously depending on the disease and acuteness of the process.

For intravenous administration It is bred before in Piz. solution.

Medicinal interaction

Strengthens the effect of anti-high, anticonvulsant and anti-parkinsonic drugs.

In most cases, mexidol is used in a complex with other drugs.

So, as you can see, Mildonat is more often used in heart disease, and mexidol - for diseases of the brain.

Synonymous replacement

  • Mexiciprim is a solution for parenteral administration, tablets.
  • Mexipidence is only a solution.
  • Cerekard is only a solution.

This is an angioprotector, i.e. Defender of vessels, based on the plant, called Ginkgo Biloba.

How does it act?

  • Improves blood flow.
  • Reduces blood viscosity.
  • Prevents the formation of free radicals.
  • Acts on release reverse grip and binding with norepinectorine neurotransmitters receptors, acetylcholine, dopamine, serotonin.

When applied?

  • Disorders of memory, attention.
  • Violations on the background of vascular problems.
  • Hearing, noise in ears, dizziness, coordination disorders.
  • Chronic binding diseases of the arteries (obliterated endarteritic).

His big plus, which is released without a recipe, so suggest it if you ask something from noise in the ears, dizziness. Or something "Natural" for memory.


  • Age up to 18 years.
  • Yazin-erosive diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in the aggravation stage.
  • Stroke, sharp period.
  • Acute myocardial infarction.
  • Reduced blood clotting.

Side effects

Allergic reactions, dyspeptic disorders, dizziness, bleeding with long usebecause Reduces blood clotting.

How is it taken?

1 tons. 3 times a day during eating at least 3 months.

To whom it is difficult to swallow pills, offer a suspension: 1 ml 3 times a day during meals, pre-dilute in ½ cup of water.

Medicinal interactions

Not compatible with acetylsalicylic acid and others. Anticoagulants.

be careful When selling tanakan and analogs, because Older often accept aspirin.

Synonymous replacement

Bilobil - contains the same amount of active substance as the tanakan.

Bilobil forte contains 2 times more than the active substance, it is accepted a little less.

Bilobil Intensis 120. Contains 3 times more than the active substance than the tanakan and bilobil. Accepted only 1 time per day.

There are other analogs: Memoplant, Gincoome, etc.


Just do not replace the drug Bad. This is incorrect, even if the content of the active substance is the same as in the preparation.

As always, you ask, what's better?

Tanakan - original preparation, although the KRKA is the manufacturer of Bilobil - I gently love from the time of work as a physician-consultant pharmacy.

Now go to the remaining nootrops.

The active ingredient is cyticoline.

All cell membranes include phospholipids. One of the main phospholipids is phosphatidylcholine. And cycleoline is his predecessor.

Consequently, cyticoline is a building material for cell shell and, first of all, for CNS cells.

What makes Ceurson?

  1. Protects nervous cells from destruction, because "Cement" bars formed in a cellular shell as a result of various influences.
  2. Prevents the redundant formation of free radicals.
  3. Increases the formation of acetylcholine, because In the body of cyticoline decomposes to choline, from which the neurotiator of acetylcholine is formed. And he, as you remember, is extremely important for memory.
  4. Improves brain circulation.

When is Ceurson applied?

  • Acute period of ischemic stroke.
  • Recovery period after stroke.
  • Card and brain injury.
  • Disorders of memory, attention.

When is contraindicated Cerakson?

  • Childhood.
  • Pregnancy, lactation.

Side effects

Allergic reactions, headache, dizziness, feeling of heat, tremor, nausea, vomiting, hallucinations, swelling, shortness of breath, insomnia, excitation, decreased appetite, changes of a / d.

How is it used?

It is produced only in liquid form: for intake and parenteral administration.

Inside it takes 5-10 ml 1-2 times a day, depending on the disease of at least 6 weeks.

In the acute period of stroke, it is usually prescribed intravenously.

Medicinal interaction

Enhances the effect of Levodopa.

Synonymous replacement


To this drug, I advise you to look closely.

First, he is one of the few nootrops released without a recipe. Therefore, it can be recommended to adults when you hear:

"Something with my memory has become"

"Head is tightly thinking"

"What can you advise to improve memory to prepare for exams?"

Secondly, it is convenient to take it.

Thirdly, the release form is only alone, so it is impossible to get confused when which suggest.

Fourth, it gives a minimum side.

Fifth, stumbled upon such information: in 2002, RAM was proven that noopept is 1000 times more effective than Pirachetam!

How does Novopept work?

It consists of amino acids that are safely passing through the hematorencephalic barrier. And there they:

  1. Enhance the binding of an important acetylcholine neurotiator with receptors.
  2. Increase the stability of brain cells to damage (hypoxia, toxins, etc.).
  3. Weaken the degree of damage to neurons.
  4. Bind free radicals.
  5. Improve blood flow.
  6. Reduce the amount of ischemia during stroke.
  7. Normalize activities: reduce headaches, tachycardia.

When is it shown noopept?

  • Disorders of memory, attention.
  • The consequences of the cranial injury.
  • Asthenia.
  • Reducing intellectual productivity.

When is contraindicated Noopept?

  • Pregnancy, lactation.
  • Children under 18.
  • Pronounced violations of the liver and kidney function.

How do no opopept?

Inside after meals, 1 tons. 2 times a day in the morning and during the day (no later than 18 hours). If the effect is insufficient, the dose increases to 3 tab. in a day.

Course 1.5-3 months. A month later, you can repeat.

Side effects

Medicinal interaction

Not noted.

How does encefabol act?

  • Improves brain supply with oxygen and glucose.
  • He contributes to the release of acetylcholine in synapses.
  • Prevents formation of free radicals.
  • Reduces blood viscosity and improves brain blood flow.

As a result of all this, memory is improved, attention, thinking.

When is encephabol shown?

  • Dementia.
  • Disorders of memory, concentration of attention, thinking.
  • Disorders of cerebral circulation.
  • Nervous mental violations in children and adolescents.

Suspension for reception inside is given from birth, tablets from 7 years.

The rate is at least 8 weeks. The effect can only be seen weekly after 3-4.


  • Rheumatoid.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Violations of the liver function, kidneys.
  • Pronounced changes in blood pattern.

Side effects

There are a lot of them, including changes from the blood, liver, up to hepatitis, dyspeptic disorders, sleep disorders, excitability, etc.

How do encephibol take?

Adults at 2 tons 3 times a day during or after meals.

It is given to children in age dosages: under 7 years old suspension, from 7 years old - pills.

Medicinal interactions

Strengthens adverse reactions Gold preparations, sulfasalazine, levamizol.

Semax is a unique nootrop obtained from the adrenocorticotropic hormone pituitary.

This "piece" of a hormone, consisting of 7 amino acids, which in this form completely lost the functions of the hormone, but brilliantly improve the work of the brain. Of these, 4 amino acids have a nootropic effect, and 3 slow down their decay, i.e. Extend the effect of the drug.

What is its uniqueness?

  • It is introduced intranasally.
  • Works in minimal doses.
  • This is the fastest nootrop. The effect can be expected in 5 minutes.
  • The action lasts more than 20 hours.
  • It practically does not give side.

Initially, it was created for people of certain professions: air traffic controllers and operators of nuclear power plants, mining and rescue services, MES rescuers, pilots to quickly concentrate and restore mental performance.

What does seax make?

  1. It activates the production of such mediators as dopamine (responsible for motivation and satisfaction from work), serotonin (general well-being), acetylcholine (memory, attention, muscular feeling).
  2. Activates brain receptors responsible for memory and training.
  3. Increases the production of protein responsible for the formation of new neurons, neural connections, extension of the life of old neurons and neural connections.

As a result:

The memory is improved, the concentration of attention, the adaptation of the body to hypoxia, ischemia, anesthesia, and others. Damaging factors.

And the drug contributes to the formation of long-term memory.

When do SMAKS assign?

Semax is available in two forms: 0.1% and 1% drop nasal.

1% drops have only one indication: a sharp period of ischemic stroke. If they are used in the first hours and day of the disease, the forecast is improved, the survival of patients increases, the restoration of movements and speech is accelerated.

0.1% of drops have much more reading:

  • The state after the cranial injury, neurosurgical operations and anesthesia.
  • Restoration after stroke.
  • Improving human adaptation in extreme conditions.
  • Prevention of reduced performance in situations requiring concentration of attention.
  • Disorders of memory, attention.
  • Atrophy, neurrites the optic nerve.
  • In pediatrics from 7 years with a deficit syndrome and hyperreactivity.


  • In ophthalmologic and neurosurgical practice - children under 18.
  • In other cases, children under 7 years old.
  • Pregnancy, lactation.
  • Sharp mental states, anxiety, a history of anamnesis.

Side effects

As with the use of any intranasal agents, irritation of the nasal mucosa is possible.

How to apply?

Dosage depends on the disease. Medium dosage 2-3 drops in each nasal stroke 2-4 times a day 10-14 days.

Medicinal interaction


When selling, do not forget to warn the buyer that it is necessary to store the drug in the refrigerator (the temperature is not higher than + 10 °).

On this parsing of nootropic funds, we will complete.

Some of you still asked about the means of "Huato Bolus" - they say where it was gone?

No information, unfortunately, did not find about this.

I can only assume: it has 10 plant components. Perhaps it was a lot of allergic reactions.

It is inconvenient in use, given the form of release, and not one and not two packages were required for the course.

Friends, if you want to add something along the nootrops, comment, ask, write in the comments window below.

If you read this article in the first half of 2016, you should know about the drug - Meldoni in the past few months. It is actively applied by professional athletes and apparently, is really effective, since since 2016, he began to be considered a doping tool. The number of disqualified, only for the first 3 months it looks quite impressive. But how does it work, at the expense of what he gained such popularity and who can it be useful?

Meldonium appeared in 1970 in Latvia for the treatment of heart disease. But acquired the greatest popularity in the CIS countries, and the popularity currently growing rapidly.

How Meldonium works

In general, this drug has one main mechanism of action from which a variety of properties flow. Further quote from the instruction: "Inhibits the enzyme gamma-butyrochetainin hydroxylase, reduces the synthesis of carnitine and the transport of long chain fatty acids through cell membranes, prevents accumulation in cells activated form non-oxidized fatty acids (including acyl, blocking the delivery of ATP to organhallam cells). "

Now we will translate:

- Inhibition means obstructing, prohibiting actions. Sleep is a inhibitor of the state of cheerfulness, and vodka is an adequacy inhibitor.

- Carnitine. Famous sports additive, positioning as a fat burner. Works through transport (movement) of fatty acids inside the cell for converting into energy. Meaning: Fatty acids in a certain ratio are not postponed somewhere on the stomach, but move and split to accumulate energy inside the cells. The additive is very useful for those on a diet and / or has a high calorie consumption during the day (does not sit in the chair for 8-12 hours).

- The enzyme gamma-butyrochetaine hydroxylase is the substance that it launches the creation of carnitine from gamma-butyrobetain.

We combine : Meldonium prevents the creation of carnitine, prevents the use of fat as an energy source.

Why then Meldonium is effective

We remember about the object of treatment with today's drug - The cardiovascular system. Muscular heart cells produce energy by 60-80% of fatty acids and 20-40% of glucose. Meldonium allows rebuilding on the production of energy, mainly through glucose. In this process, more oxygen begins to be required.

Thus, Meldonium rebuilds cell metabolism, improves energy supply, first of all - heart cells.

Course Meldonia

Basic contraindication for use - High pressure. Naturally, it is better not to experiment with any tablets in childhood, pregnant and lactating women.

Side - excitation, tachycardia and other signs of high performance.

There are several states of this substance, we will focus on capsules. The exact duration of reception is not installed. Reception in the first half of the day or 5 hours before sleep, because the half-life of Meldonia is 4-5 hours. The course consists of 250 mg tablets, 2-4 times a day.

Meldonia effects

- In addition to appointing doctors, the drug can be useful for athletes with an emphasis on muscle stamina.

- Interesting and to improve intellectual abilities, because the brain likes to consume energy. And if it becomes more, then the work will pass more productively.

- reduces fatigue.

- improves glucose and oxygen transport.

- anti-asthenic effect.

- Helps people with a large body weight or heart disease.

With which combine

The question is complex. Meldonium changes the power consumption towards glucose, so if you practice various keto diets or any other "carved", the effect is likely to be ambiguous. With Meldonioma, carbohydrates and oxygen are put forward to the fore. That is why it is so popular in sports for long-term load: running, gymnastics, biathlon, tennis, football, etc.

Intellectual activity also requires a large amount of glucose - the drug is useful.

Based on this, it can be said that Meldonium is perfectly combined with high mental or physical exertion and high carbohydrate consumption.

Carnitine or L-carnitine or acetyl-L-carnitin is the opposite. The reception of these additives becomes may even be dangerous. I did not find such studies, however, carnitine enhances the absorption of fatty acids to transform into energy, and meldonium limits this action and enhances the effect on glucose and oxygen. And the joint reception of such additives looks very strange.

The drug should help other substances that improve the formation of energy in the Krebs cycle, that is, mexideol, succinic acid, coenzyme Q10,

Ban Meldonia

In the world, finance and power are fulfilled in great influence, and Meldonium was forbidden, most likely due to the benefits of third parties. It is not so dangerous, judging by the mechanism of action. In addition, even over the past 5 years, history knows many examples of the outline of truly working substances, especially this is noticeable in the markets. sports nutrition and pharmacology that operate with huge money.

Citation of the scientist of Meldonia:

"I think it is a lobby of carnitine manufacturers. This drug is common food additivewho enjoy athletes, bodybuilders. Our group, which in due time developed Meldonium, stated that carnitine is not a harmless tool, it can affect the development of atherosclerosis. "


- In addition to direct destination by a doctor, Meldonium is useful to people engaged in severe mental or physical labor, as well as athletes.

- Works through the reconfiguration of cell metabolism towards greater consumption of glucose and oxygen and smaller fat. Full opposite of carnitine.

- The main effect is an increase in labor productivity.

- The capsules take 500-1000 mg per day, the duration is individual.

Productive work to you, to the soon!

Modern life is difficult to imagine without stress. Every day, millions of people face circumstances and situations that are capable not only to spoil the mood for the whole day and task plans, but also to cause health problems. Ischemia, angina, various kinds of nervas - all this and not only can become a consequence of everyday physical and mental overloads.

With high and too tense rhythm of life, the normal supply of heart and brain with oxygen and nutrient substancesnecessary for their normal operation. Usually in such cases advised to spend more time in the fresh air, do physical exercises, fully feed. However, not everyone has such an opportunity, especially in big cities. In this case, various medical preparationsdesigned to increase the stability of the body to loads and stress.

Mildronat: Description of the drug

Mildronate is metabolite, active substance in which stands Meldonium. He normalizes exchange processes In the cells of the heart, reducing the likelihood of formation of free radicals. As a result, the supply of cells and oxygen is improved, which allows the heart better to carry the load.

Often the doctors prescribe Mildronat together with others drugs For physical and psycho-emotional regeneration after intensive loads. It is also effective as preventing damage to the heart muscle and brain hypoxia.

Indications for use:

  • Acute heart attack and post-infarction period.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Angina, chronic ischemic disease.
  • Cardiomyopathy and myocardiodystrophy ..
  • Heart failure.
  • Thumping syndrome in chronic alcoholism.
  • Violation of the cuts of the heart muscle.
  • To increase endurance in conditions of high loads.

Dosing and the duration of the course of treatment directly depends on the goals set. For the treatment of heart disease, Mildronat is prescribed along with other drugs.

So, with angina, heart failure, as well as myocardial infarction, Mildronat is taken in the form of tablets in the dosage from 500 to 1000 mg 1-2 times a day for 4-6 weeks.

With post-thessic states accompanied by violations of the brain-end, the Mildrontate is prescribed in the form of a solution for injections, and at the end of the course they are taken in tablets 500-1000 mg On the day of the course from 4 to 6 weeks.

For the treatment of alcohol abstinence, the Mildronate course is appointed together with alcoholism therapy for 500 mg 4 times On day by 7-10 days.

With elevated mental and physical Loads The drug is taken separately by 500 mg 2 times a day from 10 days to 2 weeks. After 2-3 weeks, it can be repeated if necessary.

Phenotropyl - drug Treatmentbelonging to the group of nootropics. It helps to improve the blood supply to the brain, intensifying memory and attention. A psychostimulating effect allows you to increase endurance in stress conditions, the phenotropyl helps to cope with high intelligent loads and frequent mood drops. The phenotropyl is used as an aid in the fight against depression, also with neurosis, asthenia, abstinence, apathy in schizophrenia. Healthy people take a phenotropyl to increase stress resistance, memory improvement and disability.

Indications for use:

  • Restoration after concussions and other cranial injuries.
  • Reduced mental abilities due to cerebrovascular failure.
  • Asthenic syndrome.
  • Neurosis.
  • The states of lethargy, exhalation, reduced attention, worsening memory.
  • Depression.
  • Apathy during schizophrenia.
  • Cramps.
  • In chronic drug addiction and alcoholism in the composition complex therapy For regeneration of mental abilities and memory, as well as to relieve depressive states and asthenia.
  • Prevention of oxygen starvation in brain tissues.
  • Increased stress resistance.

Phenotropyl is able make a lot of appetiteTherefore, the reception of this drug on the hungry stomach is contraindicated. The duration of the reception rate ranges from 2 to 13 weeks and, as well as the dosage, is selected in terms of the situation and based on the patient's condition. The maximum allowed dose of phenotropyl per day is 750 mg. To increase the performance and improvement, the drug is recommended to take 1-2 tablets once a day for 2 weeks.

Both drugs have an exciting effect on the CNS, so they are recommended to be taken in the first half of the day, otherwise there may be difficulties with falling asleep. Both Mildronate and phenotropyl can be used as independent means to increase the capacity of the body at elevated loads. And although these drugs relate to different groups, their overall mechanism of action is based on improving blood flow and increasing the rate of transmission of nerve impulses.

Differences of Mildronate and Phenotropyl

Despite the similar mechanism of action, these drugs have many differences. First of all it is - active substance (Meldonia dihydrate for mildronate and the same name for phenotropyl). These drugs significantly differ indications for use. Mildronate has an impact primarily on the heart muscle and contributes to its strengthening and restoration. The phenotropyl is prescribed with violations of the brain functions (such as the ability to learn, memory, attention, concentration), as well as to improve its work healthy people. Most often, the phenotropyl is used precisely as a nootrop, but also effective in comprehensive therapy during rehabilitation and treatment.

What to choose?

Reception of this or that drug depends on the diagnosis and the goals set. If we consider them both from the point of view of improving the performance and endurance of the body, then you can give several recommendations.

With intensive physical exertion, mainly providing stressful impact on the heart, the most effective will be the use of mildronate. If the goal is to increase the efficiency of the brain, improving concentration, attention, learning ability and memorization (for example, when preparing for exams or intensive mental loads), the reception of phenotropyl will be appropriate.

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