Demonstrative verbs. The meanings of the tense forms of the verb

The verb is perhaps the most commonly used unit of our native language. It is found in texts written in artistic, scientific, journalistic style, in colloquial and literary genres.

In this article you will find answers to the questions: "How is the verb characterized?", "What does it mean?"


It is an independent representative of our beautiful language. It serves two main purposes:

  1. Speaks about the action performed by an object, person, phenomenon. For example: he ran, jumped, peers, stands, is, eats.
  2. Characterizes the state, property, feature, attitude of the object. Consider an example: I get sick, blush, envy.

You can find out a verb in a sentence by asking the question "what to do?" or one of its forms ("what am I doing?", "what did I do?", etc.).

Verb forms

All verbs are conventionally divided into four categories:

  1. Initial, it is infinitive. Formed from the base of the word by suffixing with "t", "ti", "ch". This form does not change by person, gender and number. Lets you know what action is taking place. Able to appear in a proposal in any role. Has features of transition and recurrence. It can be characterized as a perfect or imperfect verb. Examples: to be discouraged, sad, digging, learning, viewing, loving.
  2. Conjugated forms. This group includes any variable that has constant and unstable signs.
  3. The participle is a special form of the verb in modern Russian grammar. The task of this part of speech is to characterize the feature of an object by action.
  4. German participle - according to one of the versions, an unchangeable verb form. Some linguists distinguish it as a separate one. In a sentence, it denotes an additional, clarifying action.

Kind of verb

Consider the first constant characterizing a verb. What does the word "species" mean in relation to this part of speech?

All verbs can be divided into two large groups: perfect type (SV) and imperfect (НСВ).

You can find out what type a word belongs to by asking a question to its infinitive. If the verb answers the question "what to do?" Is the perfect view. If the question "what to do?" - imperfect.

Verbs related to the perfect form characterize an action that has reached its logical conclusion. Words from the imperfect group denote a process that is still ongoing.

The perfect form of the verb in most cases is achieved using the prefix method.

Verb tense

In our native language, the verbs of the past tense, future and present are distinguished. Any of them is easily recognized in context with knowledge of the theoretical material.

Past tense verbs describe an action that ends at the start of speaking. It should be borne in mind that the time in which the narration takes place is not always expressed in the present. You may be faced with an option where the future or the past tense will meet. For example: "I told my mother that I went to the movies" - or: "He will say that he successfully completed the task."

Words belonging to the past tense change by gender, number. They are created by attaching "l" to the base of the initial shape.

The present tense of the verb is found only in words related to the imperfect form. It is expressed with a personal ending. Describes the action that occurs at the time of speaking. It is also capable of performing the following roles:

  1. Describes an action that is repeated constantly. For example: "The mouth of a river flows into the sea."
  2. Describes an action that occurs regularly. For example: "Every Friday at six o'clock she goes to the dance."
  3. Describes an event that could potentially happen: "Some guys are rude."

The future form of the verb tells about an event that will happen only after the moment of speech comes to the end. It can be represented by both perfect and imperfect verbs.

There are two forms of the future tense: simple and composite. The first is formed using a verb. The second is by adding the forms of the lexeme “to be” to the main word (I will, you will, will be, etc.).

Certain verbs from one tense can be used in the meaning of another. For example, it can have the meaning of the present in the context: “She’s always like this: she saw nothing, heard nothing”.

Time is referred to as a fickle sign.

Inclination of the verb

Inflection is another fickle feature of the verb. It expresses the relationship of a given part of speech to reality. It is divided into three types: indicative, subjunctive, imperative. Each of them has a number of characteristic features.

The indicative verbs represent a real action taking place in the past, present or future tense. This is hallmark... Words belonging to other moods cannot be expressed at any time.

Imperative verbs are able to convey a request, order, wish, advice. They are formed in two ways: using the suffix "and" or by means of a zero suffix. In the plural, the ending "te" appears. Words do not change from time to time.

Subjunctive verbs describe an action that could be realized under a certain set of circumstances. This mood is formed by adding the particle "would" to the word in the past tense.

Verb: what does the word "conjugation" mean in relation to it?

Conjugation is a constant feature. Its essence lies in changing the verb by person and number. There are only two types of conjugation, which are usually denoted by Roman numerals I and II.

Finding out to which conjugation a word can be attributed is quite simple if you remember the simple facts:

  1. If the end of the verb is stressed, then the conjugation of the word is determined by this form. If it is in an unstressed position - by the infinitive.
  2. Verbs that can be assigned to the group of the first conjugation are characterized by the endings "eat", "ete", "et", "eat", "ut", "ut". Those related to the second conjugation are "ish", "it", "im", "ite", "at" or "yat".
  3. There is a group of forms which, when changed, have part of the endings of one group, part of the other. These are the verbs "to want" and "to run."

In this article, we looked at the verb (what this part of speech stands for). We got acquainted with some of its permanent and impermanent signs, gave examples. In the future, it will not be difficult for you to identify the verb in the text and give it a brief description, if necessary.

Any action, process, attitude or state of an animated or inanimate object in Russian is expressed through a verb. In turn, this part of speech is presented various forms... This article describes in detail what questions the verb answers, indicates its features and examples.

What is a verb in Russian

In russian language verb is an independent part of speech, denoting process, attitude, action or state of a person, object or phenomenon.

The grammatical meaning of the verb is expressed: by the categories of type, conjugation, recurrence, transitivity, mood, voice, number, person, gender and tense. The verb as part of speech is represented by several classes of forms:

  • Conjugated forms (read, going);
  • Infinitive (search);
  • Communions (written, sparkling);
  • Gerunds (drawing).

What questions does the verb answer

The verb answers the questions "What to do?"(imperfect form), "What to do?"(perfect form). In the composition of sentences, verbs most often act as predicates, however, in Russian, constructions are used in which verbal forms are used as a subject, definition, circumstance or addition.

Examples of verbs in a sentence:

In the morning we watched an interesting film.

In the center of the city there is a monument to the great poet, about whom the guide told us.

The teacher will ask this text in the next lesson.

Verbs are underlined with a green line.


The grammatical categories of voice, type, conjugation, reflexivity and transitivity are inherent in all verbs and verbal forms, while other categories depend on the speech situation in which the verb is used:

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  • Mood- inherent exclusively in conjugated verbs;
  • Number- not typical of the infinitive and gerunds;
  • Genus- inherent in the forms of the subjunctive mood, past tense verbs and participles;
  • Time- characteristic of the forms of the indicative mood;
  • Face- inherent in conjugated verbal forms of the indicative mood of the present and future tense, as well as in the forms of the imperative mood.

Verb- a part of speech that denotes an action or state of an object and answers the questions of what to do? what to do?

Verbs are imperfect and perfect.

Verbs are divided into transitive and intransitive.

Verbs change in mood.

The verb has an initial form, which is called the indefinite form of the verb (or infinitive). It shows neither time, nor number, nor face, nor gender.

Verbs in a sentence are predicates.

The indefinite form of the verb can be part of a compound predicate, it can be a subject, an addition, a definition, a circumstance.

Indefinite verb form (or infinitive)

Verbs in the indefinite form (in the infinitive) answer the questions what to do? or what to do?

Verbs in an indefinite form have a form, transitivity and intransitivity, conjugation. Verbs in an indefinite form have the endings -ty, -ty, or zero.

Kinds of the verb

Imperfective verbs answer the question what to do ?, and perfective verbs - what to do?

Imperfective verbs do not indicate the completeness of the action, its end or the result. Perfective verbs indicate the completion of an action, its end or result.

A verb of one kind can correspond to a verb of another kind with the same lexical meaning.

When forming verbs of one kind from verbs of another kind, prefixes are used.

The formation of verb species can be accompanied by an alternation of vowels and consonants in the root.

Transitive and intransitive verbs

Verbs that combine or can combine with a noun or pronoun in the accusative case without a preposition are called transitive.

Transitive verbs denote an action that goes to another subject.

A noun or pronoun in a transitive verb can be in the genitive case.

Verbs are intransitive if the action does not directly transition to another subject.

Intransitives include verbs with the suffix - sya (-s ).

Reflexive verbs

Verbs with the suffix - sya (-s) are called returnable.

Some verbs can be reflexive and non-reflexive; others are only reflexive (without the suffix - Xia they are not used).

Inclination of the verb

The indicative verbs denote actions that actually occur or will occur.

The indicative verbs change in tenses. In the present and future tense, the vowel of the end of the stem of the indefinite form is sometimes omitted.

In the indicative mood, imperfective verbs have three tenses: present, past and future, and perfective verbs have two tenses: past and future simple.

Conditional verbs denote actions that are desired or possible under certain conditions.

The conditional mood of the verb is formed from the base of the indefinite form of the verb using the suffix - l- and particles would (b) ... This particle can stand after the verb and in front of it, it can be separated from the verb in other words.

Verbs in the conditional mood change in numbers and in the singular - in gender.

Verbs in the imperative mood express an urge to action, an order, a request.

Imperative verbs are usually used in the 2nd person form.

Imperative verbs do not change tensely.

Forms of the imperative mood are formed from the base of the present or future simple tense using the suffix - and - or zero suffix. The verbs in the imperative mood in the singular have a zero ending, and in the plural - - those .

Sometimes a particle is added to imperative verbs - ka , which somewhat softens the order.

Verb tense

Present time

Present tense verbs indicate that the action takes place at the moment of speech.

Present tense verbs can denote actions that are performed constantly, always.




1. Present actual (localized)

2. Present irrelevant (non-localized)

3. Present constant time

expresses the action that occurs at the time of speech

not tied to the moment of speech, denotes repetitive, routine actions (combined with words always, often, usually, every day)

denotes an action or state as a permanent property of an object

Lilacs are blooming outside the window.

Lilac blooms in May.

The earth rotates on its axis.

4. Future tense

1) denotes a single, concrete action;

2) an ordinary, repetitive action (extended future);

3) generalized future

We will take the exam tomorrow.

He will come here every day.

Everything of the present will seem angular and heavy ... (Ch.).

5. Past tense of imperfective verbs

1) a specific action that took place in the past at a specific time;

2) the action is repetitive, usual (extended past)

I was in Egypt last summer.

Every day at 6:30 he went to work.

6. Past tense of perfective verbs

1) action as a fact in the past;

2) an action that took place in the past, but its result is evident at the time of speech

She passed the exam.

Here is the book you were looking for. I found her.

Special forms of the past tense

1. Forms of the past tense with multiple value denote an irregular repetition of an action in the distant past ( knew, saw, sat). These verbs are formed from imperfective verbs using suffixes –A-, -va-, -iva- (to be - to be, to take - to take, to speak - to say). The meaning of an irregularly repeated action in the long past is also expressed by combinations of verbs of the present, future or past tense with a particle used to (Sometimes she sits and looks at Irina.)

! In sentences like I was gone, but I stopped also used particle"It was".

2. Forms of the past tense with sudden-instant meaning Are forms like bam, bryk, plop, lo and behold, derg, jingle, zyrk, cap, somersault, ah, oh, splash, skok, creak, knock. These verb forms correspond to the past tense forms of singular verbs with the suffix -н- (Compare: knock - knock - knock). However, in comparison with the verbs banged, jumped, jumped shape knock, jump, jump more expressive, denote a sudden, swift, instantaneous action of the subject.

A. M. Peshkovsky called them "the ultra-instantaneous kind of the Russian verb." According to V.V. Vinogradov, such forms "can be called verbal-interjection forms of sudden-instantaneous action."

Forms type jump, jump, yurk have the signs of a verb: they express the meaning of the perfect form, the past tense, the indicative mood; but they do not have the form of number and gender. In a sentence, they act as a predicate.

3. Forms of the past tense instant and arbitrary action.

In colloquial speech, expressive verb forms of the perfect form are used, coinciding in form with imperative singular verbs ( Stood, stood, andgo fetch water to the well.). However, these verbs do not express the meaning of the imperative mood, but denote a sudden voluntary action carried out in the past. The intonation of the command is not characteristic of them, they do not matter the gender and number.

The coincidence of the past tense forms with the imperative mood is purely external. Forms of the imperative mood express the meaning of the 2nd person singular, can be combined with the pronoun "you". Forms of instantaneous arbitrary action are combined only with pronouns of the 1st and 3rd person or with a noun in Him. item in the function of the subject:

I don't know how to joke and jump on his neck (Ershov).

He suddenly take and invite me to his place for the evening (Turg.).

Akim (Turg.) Will fall in love with this Dunyasha.

The use of forms of time in speech

In speech, the forms of time can acquire a figurative meaning. So, when used figuratively, the forms of the present tense can express the meaning of the future and the past. In this case, the forms of the present tense in the function of the future denote the speaker's confidence in the implementation of the action ( We're performing tonight).

The forms of the present tense in the meaning of the past are used for the colorful transfer of events of the past (the so-called present historical time): I was sitting at home last night, and suddenly - a call.

The forms of the past tense, when used figuratively, can express the meaning of the present and future tense:

Send help. Otherwise, we are lost.

Well, Nikisha, in the soldiers! Got up in the morning, cleaned the horse ...

Future tense forms can convey the meaning of the past and present tense:

As soon as the train stops, people pour out of the cars and hurry to the plant.

VERB - part of speech, which includes words denoting an action or state of an object or living being: go, sleep, be.

In Russian, as in many others, transitive and intransitive verbs are distinguished. Transitive verbs control the direct object in the accusative case without a preposition: read a book, to cut bread... The accusative case can be replaced by the genitive

a) if the action is directed not at the whole object, but at its part: cut off the bread;

b) in case of negation: haven't read this book... Intransitive verbs cannot have a direct object with them.

The grammatical categories of the type, voice, tense, mood are inherent in the Russian verb; verbs change according to persons and numbers (and in the past tense - according to numbers and gender) and refer to one or another type of conjugation.

Verbs differ in form - perfect and imperfect.

A perfect view shows that the action has been pushed to the limit, cannot be continued: do, Mark, to read, pour out, to collect... The perfect form means that the action lasts or is repeated many times: make, note, read, pour out, collect.

Verb forms that differ only in the meaning of the species form a species pair: do - do, mark - mark... Some verbs do not have specific pairs: they are used either only in perfect form: sink, wake up, to rush etc. , or only in imperfect: stay, be, have, depend, expect etc.

In form, the verbs of the perfect and imperfect form differ from each other by the presence / absence of suffixes and prefixes: dress - ode-wah -be, see - see-yva -be, jump-Well -t - jump-a -be, with -do - do, on -write - write... Mena suffix can be followed by alternating the root vowel with another vowel or with a zero: zap e ret - zap and host, collect - sob and host... Some verbs have different root (supplementary) species pairs: take - take, to speak - to say, catch - catch.

For some verbs, the forms of the perfect and imperfect form are the same. Such verbs are called two-species. For example: marry, to execute, use, mobilize, electrify and the like. Wed : Weightlifter already used two attempts(perfect view). - I AM used this device for two years(imperfect species).

The lexical and grammatical compatibility of the verb forms of the perfect and imperfect form with other words in the sentence is very peculiar and complex. So, when using forms of the verb form within one utterance, it is impossible to combine contradictory meanings - for example, the meaning of the beginning or continuation of an action with the meaning of completeness or singularity. Therefore, verbs such as begin, continue, to be(in the future tense), become and the like cannot be combined with the verb forms of owls. of a kind: cannot be said * started to tell, * keep writing, * I will do, * I will not refuse.

In combinations of verbs with circumstances that have the meaning of repetition or duration of action, the verb, as a rule, should be in the form of nes. kind: going for a long time, walked in the evenings, I usually get up at seven, constantly complains(you can't say: * got ready for a long time, * walked in the evenings, * usually got up at seven, * complained constantly). However, adverbs such as gradually, slowly, characterizing the stretch of action in time, are combined with forms like nesses. , and owls. kind: I gradually got used to it - I gradually got used to it, gets up slowly(fits, is reading)- got up slowly(came up, read).

Verbs containing the formant should be distinguished from the verbal forms of the passive voice - Xia, which designate an action directed at the subject of this action: wash, bathe, ride, comb your hair and under. These are reflexive verbs. They have an independent lexical meaning in comparison with the corresponding verbs without - Xia and are not opposed to these verbs by the implicit meanings of reality - passivity. Type verbs wash, ride, bathe- single-collateral, they always express the meaning of the active voice: the action is performed by the subject, which is expressed by a noun (or pronoun) in the nominative case: Boy ice skating; We swam in the pond.

Some reflexive verbs have no correspondences without a formant - Xia: afraid, hope, laugh etc. (forms like * fear, * hope, * laugh does not exist). In cases where a reflexive verb is correlative with a verb without - Xia (wash - wash), there may be a homonymy of the passive voice form formed from the transitive verb and the reflexive verb; Wed : Boy washing in the bath- reflexive verb (action is directed at the subject of this action). - The floor is washed once a week- the form of the passive voice of the verb wash(the subject is the object to which the action is directed, expressed by the verb wash).

Verb forms, opposed to each other in terms of the voice, form active and passive constructions that are correlative in meaning. Wed : Commission examines workers' complaints. - Complaints of workers are considered by a commission; The driver stopped the train. - The train was stopped by the driver; Everybody loved her. - She was loved by everyone... Similar pairs of sentences describe the same extra-linguistic situation. However, each of the sentences has its own logical emphasis, and therefore they are not entirely equal. Wed : Workers building a house(it is reported that the construction object is a house, and not something else). - The house is being built by workers(and not by someone else); Postman delivered fresh newspapers and magazines(attention is drawn to what exactly the postman delivered). - Fresh newspapers and magazines delivered by postman(it is underlined who delivered the mail).

Present tense denotes an action that coincides with the moment of speech: go, read; past - an action that was performed before the moment of speech: walked, was reading; the future is an action that will take place after the moment of speech: I will go, I will read.

In the past tense, verbs change in gender and number: the boy walked - the girl walked - the herd walked - the children walked.

Present tense can denote action as a permanent property of an object ( When heated, bodies expand, and when cooled, they shrink) - or characterize the capabilities or abilities of a living creature ( He runs a hundred meters in eleven seconds- that is, ‘can run’; The elephant eats about a hundred kilograms of food per day - i.e. ‘can eat, usually eats’); such use of the present tense form is called the present potential.

In the present and future tense, verbs have face forms, which show who the action is performed by: the speaker (and) - this corresponds to the forms of the 1st person singular. and pl. numbers ( read, read, read, read), interlocutor (or interlocutors) - this corresponds to the forms of the 2nd person unit. and pl. numbers ( read, read, read, read) or by third parties - this corresponds to the forms of the 3rd person unit. and pl. numbers ( is reading, read, will read, read). The collection of all personal forms of a verb is called its conjugation.

Inclination forms show how the speaker imagines the action or state indicated by the verb in relation to reality.

If he considers this action a fact (in relation to the present, past or future), then he uses the form of the indicative mood: He sends(sent, will send) letter to grandmother.

If the speaker evaluates the action as conjectural or desirable, he uses the form of the subjunctive mood: Would you send a letter to grandma.

If the speaker prompts another person to do something or asks him for something, he uses the form of the imperative mood: Send a letter to grandma!

The subjunctive mood is formed by adding a particle would to the past tense form: would take - would take, read - read.

The imperative mood is formed from the base of the present tense of the verb by adding the suffix - and: take-y - take-and or without such an addition - in this case, at the end of the imperative mood it is written - th: chita-yu - chita-th or soft sign: vy-y - take out, dir-atcut). Some verbs with singular in the 1st person. the so-called plug-in numbers - l(make up - composition-l-NS, cook - ready-l-NS), in the form of an imperative mood, end in a soft consonant of the root (in writing, a soft sign is put after the consonant): put, get ready. Plural the imperative mood is formed by adding the formant - those to the form unit. numbers: take-those, read-those, take out-those, cut-those, make up-those, get ready-those.

The main role of a verb in a sentence is to be predicate; the predicate also embodies the main grammatical categories of the verb - mood, tense, face. The verb infinitive can also be used in the subject function ( To smoke - harm health) and in the complement function ( They were ordered advance ).

Verbal categories of voice, type, tense, mood, person have certain semantic and stylistic features in their speech expression. Let us indicate the most typical of them. So, the forms of the passive voice are more often used in official business and scientific speech: The right to work is protected by law; These phenomena are considered by the author in the third chapter.... For other styles of speech, and especially for its oral-colloquial variety, the forms of the passive voice are not characteristic.

Forms of the form - perfect and imperfect - are used in all types of speech, but some styles differ in the predominant use of forms of any one type. So, in the scientific style, the imperfect form is more common, since with the help of forms of this type it is possible to describe various properties and patterns: is burning, expand, melts etc. On the other hand, perfective verbs, denoting the singularity or instantaneousness of an action and containing suffixes in their structure - Well, -anu, typical for colloquial speech and vernacular: move, push etc.

Prefixed motion verbs at- in an imperfect form, they cannot be used in the form of the present tense, denoting an action that coincides with the moment of speech, - such forms have the meaning of a repetitive, regular action: The train arrives at eight o'clock; Doves fly to my window in the morning(you can't say: *Look, here comes the train; * See, pigeons arrive). Other verbs do not have this limitation in use; Wed : Look, the hole freezes right before our eyes; The goalkeeper runs and kicks the ball into the field.

The forms of time are most diversely represented in colloquial and artistic speech. Here, the actual present is used, coinciding with the moment of speech, the present historical ( I'm leaving yesterday, I look - Ivanov is coming. I tell him ...), the present in the meaning of the future ( Means, I'm going tomorrow), the future in the meaning of the present ( How a beast she will howl, She will cry, like a child), the future denoting events in the past ( The forest will not make noise, no fish splashes) - such a future, in addition, in colloquial speech is used to denote the suddenness of an action: How she screams, how it will run! The form of the future tense in the meaning of the present is used in some genres of the scientific style of speech (in lectures, textbooks), in journalism; Wed : Multiply both sides of the equation by two; Imagine the result of this political action... However, in general, these styles are characterized by the use of tense verb forms (mainly the present tense) in their own meanings.

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