Types of mental retardation in children. The reasons for the onset of ZDI can be divided into two large groups. Lagging behind in psychological development

The diagnosis of mental retardation is made mainly in preschool or school age, when the child is faced with learning difficulties. With timely correction and medical care it is possible to completely overcome developmental problems, but early diagnosis pathology is rather difficult.

What is mental retardation?

Delayed mental development, abbreviated as ZPR, is a developmental lag behind the norms adopted for a certain age. With CRD, individual cognitive functions are affected - thinking, memory, attention, and the emotional sphere.

Reasons for developmental delays

CRA may occur due to various reasons, conditionally they can be divided into biological and social.

Biological reasons include:

  • lesions of the central nervous system during intrauterine development: injuries and infections during pregnancy, bad habits mothers, fetal hypoxia;
  • prematurity, symptoms of jaundice;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • malformations and neoplasms of the brain;
  • epilepsy;
  • congenital endocrine pathologies;
  • hereditary diseases - phenylketonuria, homocystinuria, histidinemia, Down syndrome;
  • severe infectious diseases (meningitis, meningoencephalitis, sepsis);
  • diseases of the heart, kidneys;
  • rickets;
  • violation of sensory functions (vision, hearing).

Social reasons include:

  • restriction of the baby's life;
  • unfavorable conditions of upbringing, pedagogical neglect;
  • frequent psychotrauma in a child's life.

Symptoms and signs of developmental delays

Signs of CRD can be suspected by paying attention to the features of mental functions:

  1. Perception: slow, imprecise, inability to form a holistic image. Children with mental retardation are better at perceiving information visually than by ear.
  2. Attention: superficial, unstable, short-term. Any external stimuli contribute to switching attention.
  3. Memory: visual-figurative memory prevails, mosaic memorization of information, low mental activity when reproducing information.
  4. Thinking: violation of figurative thinking, abstract and logical thinking only with the help of a teacher or parent. Children with mental retardation cannot draw conclusions from what has been said, summarize information, draw conclusions.
  5. Speech: distorted articulation of sounds, limiting vocabulary, difficulties in constructing utterances, impaired auditory differentiation, delayed speech development, dyslalia, dyslexia, dysgraphia.

Psychology of children with mental retardation

  1. Interpersonal communication: children without developmental disabilities rarely communicate with lagging babies, do not take them into games. In a peer group, a child with CRD practically does not interact with others. Many kids prefer to play separately. In the classroom, children with DPD work alone, cooperation is rare, communication with others is limited. Lagging children in most cases communicate with children younger than themselves, who accept them better. Some kids completely avoid contact with the team.
  2. Emotional sphere: children with CRD are emotionally unstable, labile, suggestible and dependent. They are often in a state of anxiety, restlessness, passion. They are characterized by frequent mood swings and contrast in the expression of emotions. There may be inadequate cheerfulness and mood elevation. Children with CRD are unable to describe their emotional condition, find it difficult to identify the emotions of others, are often aggressive. Such children are characterized by low self-esteem, insecurity, attachment to one of their peers.

As a result of problems in the emotional sphere and the sphere of interpersonal relations, children with CRD often prefer loneliness, they are self-confident.

Types of ZPR

According to the classification of K. S. Lebedinskaya according to the etiopathogenetic principle of ZPR, there are the following types:

  1. Delayed development of constitutional etiology is uncomplicated psychophysical infantilism, in which the cognitive and emotional spheres are at an early stage of development.
  2. ZPR of somatogenic etiology - occurs as a result of severe diseases suffered during early childhood.
  3. ZPR of psychogenic etiology - is the result of not favorable conditions upbringing (overprotection, impulsivity, lability, authoritarianism on the part of the parents).
  4. ZPR of cerebral-organic etiology.

Complications and consequences of CRA

The consequences of ZPR are more reflected in the psychological health of the individual. If the problem is not corrected, the kid continues to move away from the team, his self-esteem decreases. In the future, social adaptation of such children is difficult. Along with the progression of ZPR, writing and speech deteriorate.

Diagnostics of ZPR

Early diagnosis of CRI is difficult. This is due to the fact that a comparative analysis of the child's mental development with age norms is required to confirm the diagnosis.

The degree and nature of developmental delays is determined collectively by a physician, psychotherapist, psychologist, speech therapist, and defectologist.

Mental development includes an assessment of the following criteria:

  • speech and pre-speech development;
  • memory and thinking;
  • perception (knowledge of objects and body parts, colors, shapes, orientation in space);
  • attention;
  • play and visual activity;
  • self-service skill level;
  • sociability and self-awareness;
  • school skills.

For the survey, the Denver test, the Bailey scale, the IQ test and others are used.

Additionally, the following instrumental studies can be shown:

  • CT and MRI of the brain.

How to cure dementia

The main help for children with mental retardation is long-term psychological and pedagogical correction, which is aimed at improving the emotional, communicative and cognitive spheres. Its essence lies in conducting classes with a psychologist, speech therapist, defectologist, psychiatrist.

If psychocorrection is not enough, it is reinforced drug treatment from nootropic drugs at the core.

The main drugs for medical correction:

  • Piracetam, Encephabol, Aminalon, Phenibut, Cerebrolysin, Actovegin;
  • Glycine;
  • homeopathic remedies - Cerebrum compositum;
  • vitamins and vitamin-like agents - vitamin B, Neuromultivit, Magne B6;
  • antioxidants and antihypoxants - Mexidol, Cytoflavin;
  • general tonic drugs - Kogitum, Lecithin, Elkar.

Prevention of developmental problems

To avoid CRA, you need to adhere to simple rules:

  • create favorable conditions for the course of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • create a friendly environment in the family;
  • closely monitor the condition of the child from the first days of life;
  • timely treat any kind of disease in a baby;
  • deal with the child and develop it with early age.

An important role in the prevention of malnutrition is given to the bodily-emotional contact of the mother and the baby. Hugs, kisses, touches help the child feel calm and confident, navigate in a new environment, and adequately perceive the world around him.

The doctor pays attention

  1. There are 2 dangerous extremes that many parents of children with CRD go to - overprotection and indifference. In both the first and second variants, the development of the personality is inhibited. Overprotection does not allow the baby to develop, since everything is done for him by the parents, they treat the student as a little one. Indifference on the part of adults takes away the child's incentive and desire to develop and learn something new.
  2. There are special schools for children with mental retardation or separate classes in general education schools based on a correctional and developmental teaching model. In special classes, optimal conditions have been created for teaching special children - low occupancy, individual sessionsthat allow not to miss the psychological characteristics of the child, useful for his development.

The sooner parents pay attention to the mental retardation or stop denying it, the higher the likelihood of full compensation for the deficiencies in the emotional and cognitive spheres. Timely correction will prevent future psychological trauma associated with the awareness of one's own failure and helplessness in the flow of general learning.

Video to the article

Topic: ZPR. Definition, main reasons, their brief description.



1. Determination of ZPR

2. Reasons for ZPR and their characteristics.

3.Classification of children with mental retardation.



A significant number of children study in the mass school, who already in the elementary grades cannot cope with the curriculum and have difficulties in communication. This problem is especially acute for children with mental retardation. The problem of learning difficulties for these children is one of the most pressing psychological and pedagogical problems.

Children with mental retardation entering school have a number of specific features. In general, they have not formed the skills, skills and knowledge necessary for mastering the program material, which normally developing children usually master in the preschool period. In this regard, children are unable (without special help) to master counting, reading and writing. It is difficult for them to comply with the accepted norms of behavior at school. They experience difficulties in the arbitrary organization of activity: they do not know how to consistently follow the teacher's instructions, switch from one task to another at his direction. The difficulties they experience are aggravated by the weakening of their nervous system: students quickly get tired, their performance decreases, and sometimes they simply stop performing the activity they started.

The task of the psychologist is to establish the level of development of the child, to determine whether it corresponds or does not correspond to age norms, as well as to identify pathological features of development. A psychologist, on the one hand, can give useful diagnostic material to the attending physician, and on the other hand, he can choose methods of correction, give recommendations regarding the child.

Deviations in the mental development of primary school children are usually associated with the concept of "school failure". To determine deviations in the mental development of unsuccessful schoolchildren who do not have mental retardation, deep violations sensory systems, lesions of the nervous system, but at the same time lag behind in learning from their peers, most often we use the term "mental retardation"

1. Determination of ZPR

Retardation of mental development (PDD) is a concept that speaks not of persistent and irreversible mental underdevelopment, but of a slowdown in its rate, which is more often found when entering school and is expressed in a lack of general stock of knowledge, limited ideas, immaturity of thinking, low intellectual purposefulness, predominance of gaming interests, rapid supersaturation in intellectual activity. In contrast to children suffering from oligophrenia, these children are quite quick-witted within the limits of available knowledge, and are much more productive in using help. Moreover, in some cases, the delay in the development of the emotional sphere will come to the fore ( different kinds infantilism), and violations in the intellectual sphere will not be expressed sharply. In other cases, on the contrary, the slowdown in the development of the intellectual sphere will prevail.

Delayed mental development (abbr. ZPR) is a violation of the normal pace of mental development, when individual mental functions (memory, attention, thinking, emotional-volitional sphere) lag behind in their development the accepted psychological norms for a given age. PDA as a psychological and pedagogical diagnosis is made only in preschool and primary school age, if by the end of this period there are signs of underdevelopment of mental functions, then we are talking about constitutional infantilism or mental retardation.

These children had the potential for learning and development, but for various reasons it was not realized, and this led to the emergence of new problems in learning, behavior, health. Range definitions of RR quite broad: from “specific learning disabilities”, “learning disabilities” to “borderline intellectual disabilities”. In this regard, one of the tasks of a psychological examination is to distinguish between CRA and pedagogical neglect and intellectual disability (mental retardation) .

Pedagogical neglect - This is a state in the development of a child, which is characterized by a lack of knowledge and skills due to a lack of intellectual information. Pedagogical neglect is not a pathological phenomenon. It is not associated with a failure of the nervous system, but with defects in upbringing.

Mental retardation - These are qualitative changes in the entire psyche, the entire personality as a whole, resulting from the suffered organic damage to the central nervous system. Not only intelligence suffers, but also emotions, will, behavior, physical development.

Developmental anomaly, defined as PD, occurs much more often than other, more severe disorders of mental development. According to various sources, up to 30% of children in the population have MRI to one degree or another, and their number is increasing. There is also reason to believe that this percentage is higher, especially recently.

With PD, the child's mental development is characterized by uneven disorders of various mental functions. At the same time, logical thinking can be more preserved in comparison with memory, attention, and mental performance. In addition, unlike mental retardation, children with CRD lack that inertia. mental processes, which is observed with mental retardation. Children with CRD are able not only to accept and use help, but also to transfer the learned skills of mental activity to other situations. With the help of an adult, they can perform the intellectual tasks offered to them at a level close to the norm.

2. Reasons for ZPR and their characteristics.

The reasons for mental retardation can be severe infectious diseases of the mother during pregnancy, toxicosis of pregnancy, chronic fetal hypoxia due to placental insufficiency, trauma during pregnancy and childbirth, genetic factors, asphyxia, neuroinfections, severe diseases, especially at an early age, nutritional deficiencies and chronic somatic diseases, as well as brain injury in early period the child's life, the initial low level of functional capabilities as an individual feature of the child's development ("cerebrasthenic infantilism" - according to V.V. Kovalev), severe emotional disorders of a neurotic nature, associated, as a rule, with extremely unfavorable conditions early development... As a result of the adverse effect of these factors on the central nervous system of the child, there is a kind of suspension or distorted development of certain structures of the cerebral cortex. The disadvantages of the social environment in which the baby is brought up are very important and sometimes decisive. Here, in the first place are the lack of maternal affection, human attention, lack of care for the baby. It is for these reasons that mental retardation is so common in children who are brought up in orphanages, round-the-clock nurseries. Children who are left to themselves, who are brought up in families where parents abuse alcohol and lead a hectic lifestyle, find themselves in the same difficult situation.

According to the American Association for the Study of Brain Injury, up to 50% of children with learning disabilities are children who sustain a head injury between birth and 3-4 years of age.

It is known how often young children fall; this often happens when there are no adults nearby, and sometimes the adults present do not attach much importance to such falls. But recent studies by the American Association for the Study of Brain Injury have shown that this seemingly small traumatic brain injury in early childhood can even lead to irreversible consequences... This happens in cases where the brainstem is compressed or stretched nerve fibers, which can manifest itself in more pronounced cases throughout life.

3.Classification of children with mental retardation.

Let us dwell on the classification of children with mental retardation. Our clinicians distinguish four groups among them (classification by K.S. Lebedinskaya).

The first group is a mental retardation of constitutional origin. This is a harmonious mental and psychophysical infantilism. Such children are already outwardly different. They are more slender, often their height is less than average and their face retains the features of an earlier age, even when they are already schoolchildren. In these children, the lag in the development of the emotional sphere is especially pronounced. They are, as it were, more early stage development versus chronological age. They have a great severity of emotional manifestations, the brightness of emotions and at the same time their instability and lability, they are very characteristic of easy transitions from laughter to tears and vice versa. The children of this group have very pronounced play interests, which prevail even at school age.

Harmonious infantilism is a uniform manifestation of infantilism in all spheres. Emotions lag behind in development, speech development is delayed, and the development of the intellectual and volitional sphere. In some cases, the physical lag may not be expressed - only mental lag is observed, and sometimes there is also a psychophysical lag in general. All these forms are combined into one group. Psychophysical infantilism sometimes has a hereditary nature. In some families, it is noted that parents in childhood had the corresponding traits.

The second group is mental retardation of somatogenic origin, which is associated with long-term severe somatic diseases at an early age. These can be severe allergic diseases ( bronchial asthma, for example), diseases digestive system... Prolonged dyspepsia during the first year of life inevitably leads to developmental delays. Cardiovascular insufficiency, chronic inflammation lungs, kidney disease are often found in the history of children with mental retardation of somatogenic origin.

Sometimes students find it difficult to learn and educate, and the main reason for this is the special, in contrast to the norm, state of mental development of the personality, which is called in defectology "mental retardation" (MAD). Every second chronically unsuccessful child has CRA.

The essence of the disease

AT general view this state is characterized by a delayed development of thinking, memory, perception, attention, speech, and the emotional-volitional aspect. Due to the limitation in mental and cognitive opportunities the child is not able to successfully fulfill the tasks and requirements of society. For the first time, these limitations are clearly manifested and noticed by adults when a child comes to school. He cannot conduct stable purposeful activity, play interests and play motivation prevail in him, while there are pronounced difficulties in the distribution and switching of attention. Such a child is unable to exert mental effort and strain when completing serious tasks, which quickly leads to school failure in one or many subjects.

The study of students with mental retardation showed that the basis of school difficulties is not intellectual disability, but impaired mental performance. This manifests itself in the difficulties of long-term concentration on cognitive tasks, in low productivity of activity during the period of study, in excessive fussiness or lethargy, in disturbances in switching attention. Children with CRD have a qualitatively different structure of the defect, in contrast to children, in their violation there is no totality in the underdevelopment of mental functions. Children with mental retardation better accept the help of adults and are able to carry out the transfer of the shown mental techniques to a new, similar task. Such children need to provide comprehensive assistance from psychologists and teachers, which includes an individual approach to learning, classes with a deaf teacher, a psychologist, along with drug therapy.

Developmental delay has a form that is determined by heredity. For children with this type of DPD, harmonious immaturity of the physique and at the same time of the psyche is characteristic, which indicates the presence of harmonious psychophysical infantilism. The mood of such a child is predominantly positive, he quickly forgets offenses. At the same time, because of the immature emotional-volitional sphere, the formation of educational motivation does not work. Children quickly learn at school, but do not accept the new rules of behavior: they are late for lessons, they play in lessons and involve their neighbors in the games, turn letters in notebooks into flowers. Such a child does not distinguish between "good" and "bad" grades, he is happy to have them in the notebook.

From the very beginning, the child turns into a staunchly unsuccessful student, for which there are reasons. Due to the immature emotional-volitional sphere, he performs only what is related to his interests. And because of immaturity intellectual development children of this age have insufficiently formed mental operations, memory, speech, they have a small stock of ideas about the world and knowledge.

For a constitutional ZPR forecast will be favorable with purposeful pedagogical influence in an accessible game form. Development work and an individual approach will remove the above problems. If it is necessary to leave the children for the second year of study, it does not hurt them, they will easily accept the new team and painlessly get used to the new teacher.

Children of this type of disease give birth healthy parents... Developmental delay occurs due to previous diseases that affect brain function: chronic infections, allergies, dystrophy, persistent asthenia, dysentery. Initially, the child's intellect was not impaired, but due to his absent-mindedness, he becomes unproductive in the learning process.

At school, children of this type of CRA experience serious difficulties in adaptation, they cannot get used to a new team for a long time, they get bored and often cry. They are passive, inactive and lack of initiative. They are always polite with adults, adequately perceive situations, but if they are not provided with a leading influence, they will be disorganized and helpless. Such children at school have great learning difficulties arising from low motivation for achievement, there is no interest in the proposed tasks, there is an inability and unwillingness to overcome difficulties in their implementation. In a state of fatigue, the child's answers are thoughtless and absurd, affective inhibition often occurs: children are afraid to answer incorrectly and prefer to be silent. Also, with severe fatigue, it increases headache, appetite decreases, pains occur near the heart, which children use as an excuse to refuse to work when difficulties arise.

Children with somatogenic cerebrovascular accidents need systematic medical and pedagogical assistance. It is best to place them in sanatorium-type schools or create a medicament-pedagogical regime in ordinary classes.

Children of this type of DPD are distinguished by normal physical development, they are somatically healthy. Research has shown that many children have brain dysfunction. The reason for their mental infantilism is a socio-psychological factor - unfavorable conditions of upbringing: monotonous contacts and living environment, emotional deprivation (lack of maternal warmth, emotional relationships), deprivation, poor individual motivation. As a result, the child's intellectual motivation decreases, the superficiality of emotions, lack of independence in behavior, and infantilism in relationships are observed.

This childhood anomaly often occurs in dysfunctional families. In an asocial-permissive family, the child is not properly supervised; there is emotional rejection along with permissiveness. Due to the lifestyle of the parents, the baby develops impulsive reactions, involuntary behavior, and his intellectual activity is extinguished. This state often becomes a fertile ground for the emergence of stable asocial attitudes, the child is pedagogically neglected. In an authoritarian-conflict family, the atmosphere of a child is saturated with conflicts between adults. Parents influence the baby through suppression and punishment, systematically traumatizing the child's psyche. He becomes passive, dependent, downtrodden, feels increased anxiety.

are not interested in productive activities, have unstable attention. Their behavior shows bias, individualism, or excessive obedience and fitness.

The teacher must show an interest in such a child, in addition, an individual approach and intensive training are required. Then children can easily fill in the knowledge gaps in a regular boarding school.

In a broad sense, mental retardation in children is immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere in children... With timely therapy, this pathology can be completely or partially cured.

The key factors are the degree of progression of the disease and the reasons for its manifestation. Treatment of the disease includes taking certain medications, classes with specialized specialists and special medical procedures... We will talk about the symptoms and treatment of mental retardation in children in the article.

Concept and characteristics

AT medical practice the term ZPR denotes tempo development of mental processes lagging The child has.

The violations occurring are reversible. For such children, play preferences predominate for a long time, thinking is characterized by specific immaturity and lack of basic knowledge.

Compared to their peers, children with mental retardation will differ in limited ideas and low level of intellectual activity.

What causes it?

The causes of CRD include numerous factors that threaten the emotional and volitional development of the child. Such a danger may arise against the background of heredity, complications during gestation, difficult childbirth and individual characteristics of the child's body.

External factors can provoke mental retardation in a child only if there are internal prerequisites.

The impact of the environment in this case becomes the cause of the progression of the pathology and the intensification of the intensity of its symptoms.

Causes of delayed neuropsychic development in a child the following factors can become:

Classification and types

The classification of mental retardation in children is carried out depending on the reasons that provoked this pathology. In pediatrics, four types of disease are most common.

Each of its forms has its own characteristic features and is a key factor in determining the complex of therapeutic actions. Predictions for different forms of RPD differ.

In most cases, violations are reversible, but an exception may be a pathology that has arisen against the background of genetic prerequisites.

The main classification of CRD in children:

ZPRR with elements of autism

Delayed psycho-speech development in children may be accompanied by elements of autism. This combination of pathologies is a complication of CRD and implies special treatment methods.

In this case, development becomes the danger of ZPRR. In medical practice effective ways there is no therapy for this pathology. There is no cure for autism.

The following points indicate the risk of developing autism additional symptoms with ZPRR:

  • scant facial expressions;
  • lack of interest in the outside world;
  • constant performance of actions that have no semantic load;
  • partial or complete absence of speech;
  • abnormal speech.

ABOUT reasons development of ZPR and ways out of the situation in this video:

Complications and consequences

With CRD, there is a risk of impaired speech development in the child.

The consequences of a combination of such pathologies can be dysgraphiaor dyslexia.

The progression of these conditions can result in a critically low level of school performance.

Adapt in society children with mental retardation are extremely difficult. Attempts by peers to find an approach to them will provoke not only the child's isolation, but also bouts of aggression.

ComplicationsCRA can become the following conditions:

  • the development of complex mental disorders;
  • significant violation of elementary skills;
  • serious problems with social adaptation;
  • development of concomitant diseases (ZPRR, ZRR, etc.).

How to identify?

The symptoms of mental retardation in a child are clearly manifested by five or six years.

Such children differ significantly from their peers in terms of their skills and some behaviors.

For instance, elementary actions are difficult for them (tying shoelaces, dressing by yourself, eating, etc.). The clinical picture is supplemented with psycho-emotional disorders.

SymptomsCRA in most cases are the following factors:

Characteristic qualities

With mental retardation, intelligence in children is practically not impaired, but serious deviationsin the process of perceiving certain information.

It is difficult for a child with such a diagnosis to memorize educational material and analyze it. Perception in such children is carried out in fragments.

Children with CRD are characterized by the following qualities:

Diagnostic methods

CRD can be diagnosed in children who have reached the age of four. In most cases, the identification of this pathology is carried out in preschoolers.

An alarming signal is the child's poor performance at school and difficulties in mastering the educational material.

The diagnosis is confirmed by a comprehensive examination of children and the conclusion of a special commission (PMPC).

Diagnosticscarried out by the following methods:

  • examination by specialized specialists (speech therapist, child psychologist, neurologist, pediatrician, psychiatrist, etc.);
  • neuropsychological testing;
  • research of intellectual processes;
  • MRI of the brain;
  • CT and EEG;
  • obligatory differential diagnosis with autism and oligophrenia.

Treatment and correction

Methods for the treatment of CRD are always prescribed in accordance with individual clinical picture the health status of the child.

Children with such a diagnosis should be helped not only by psychologists and teachers, but also by their parents.

Medication is used only in the absence of results other techniques or a delayed tendency to recover.

Microcurrent reflexology

The use of microcurrent reflexology in the treatment of CRD in children shows good results and accelerating the trend towards recovery. The essence of this procedure is to affect certain parts of the brain ultra-low electrical impulses.

With the timely application of this technique, the damaged functions of the central nervous system are restored. The procedure is allowed for children from the age of six months.

Classes with a speech pathologist and speech therapist

Conducting classes with a speech therapist and a speech pathologist are among the mandatory methods of treating mental retardation in children. Exercises and teaching material are tailored to each child individually.

Speech therapists can additionally use the technique acupressure (on the tip of the nose, between the eyes, in the center of the chin, in the corners of the lips and under auricles there is a slight effect of massage movements).

In most cases, the need for training with such specialists arises when the child reaches the age of five.

goalspeech therapy and defectological classes:

  • development of the child's memory;
  • improved motor skills;
  • normalization of articulation;
  • improvement of adaptive qualities;
  • elimination;
  • improved thinking.

Drug therapy

Determine the need for use drug therapy with ZPR can only neurologist or neuropathologist.

Are applied medications primarily to restore certain functions of the child's brain and nervous system.

In no case should you take such medications on your own.... For drug therapy there must be certain grounds, identified by a comprehensive examination of the baby and carrying out special procedures for examining his central nervous system and parts of the brain.

With mental retardation in children, the following drugs can be used:

  • nootropics (Piracetam, Cortexin);
  • vitamin complexes corresponding to the age of the child.

Family atmosphere plays a key role in the treatment of malnutrition The child has. Children with this diagnosis require a special approach.

The tendency towards recovery and the effectiveness of the methods of correction largely depend on the behavior of the parents. Adults need to remember that they will have to constantly deal with the child (even during games and communication).

When raising children with CRD, it is important to consider the following recommendation:

  1. The process of treating a child can be accelerated dolphin therapy and hippotherapy (Horses and dolphins are believed to help children to significantly normalize their mental state).
  2. You always need a child to praisefor success and encouragement (parental support will give him self-confidence and help develop adaptive skills).
  3. If it is difficult for a baby to perform elementary actions (for example, tying shoelaces, buttoning up buttons, etc.), in no case you can not criticize him, punish him or ignored (training should be carried out gradually).
  4. Quarrels between family members, nervous breakdowns on the child and other negative factors should be excluded.
  5. With a child it is necessary as much as possible communicate more (you should try to discuss everything that surrounds him with the baby).
  6. During games or walks, the child should be presented important information in a playful way (description of flora, fauna, surrounding objects, why they are needed, etc.).
  7. Not worth it set challenging tasks for the child (parents should take into account that the reason for the lack of certain skills in the child is not laziness, but the existing pathology).

Where to treat in Russia?

In the presence of complications, lack of treatment results or certain medical indications, the child may be prescribed specialized treatment for mental retardation.

In medical practice in last years became widely used surgical techniques correction of the disease. In Russia, clinics offering a range of procedures for the elimination of cerebrovascular accidents are mainly in Moscow.

Examples of clinics in the capital dealing with treatment of malnutrition in children:

  • Clinic for Reconstructive Neurology;
  • Medicor plus;
  • Alexandria.


With timely and correct treatment mental retardation in children to a large extent reduces its intensity.

If the pathology is accompanied by complications, then it becomes necessary to assign the child to a specialized school or correctional classes. The general curriculum will be too difficult for him.

In addition, you should not stop exercising even if you have tendencies to improve your health. The disease has a high risk of regression.

When correct and timely treatment there is a possibility of the following factors:

  • the child adapts well among peers;
  • the functions of the brain and nervous system are largely restored;
  • certain talents develop (musical, choreographic, etc.);
  • the diagnosis does not interfere with obtaining higher education and achieve success in professional activities.

Can the disease be prevented?

It is recommended to engage in the prevention of malfunctioning at the planning stage of pregnancy. If the parents have pathologies that increase the risk of mental retardation in the child, then first of all it is necessary to minimize their manifestation.

Doctors note that mental formation decreases in children by the age of eight. If the disease is not diagnosed before this period, then the risk of its development is minimal.

Measures to prevent malignant development include the following recommendation:

  • attentive attitude of parents to the planning stage of the child;
  • prevention of exposure to the fetus of any adverse factors;
  • prevention and timely treatment of somatic and infectious diseases in children from an early age;
  • if a child is suspected of having malfunctioning, it is necessary to undergo an examination as soon as possible;
  • providing favorable conditions for raising a child.

If the child has any symptoms of mental retardation, it is necessary as soon as possible to carry out his examinationin a medical facility.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, then the initiation of therapy should be carried out immediately. Early detection of pathology and the correct approach to its treatment increase the chances of a favorable trend and good prognosis.

Emotional sphere of a child with CRD. All what parents need to know in this video:

We kindly ask you not to self-medicate. Make an appointment with a doctor!

KS Lebedinskaya in 1980 proposed a classification of the ZPR. This classification is based on etiopathogenetic systematics. There are 4 main types of ZPR:

♦ constitutional;

♦ somatogenic character;

♦ psychogenic nature;

♦ cerebral-organic character.

All 4 types have their own characteristics. A distinctive feature of these types is their emotional immaturity and impaired cognitive activity. In addition, complications can often occur in the somatic and neurological spheres, but the main difference is in particular and the nature of the relationship between two important components of this developmental anomaly: the structure of infantilism and the developmental characteristics of all mental functions.

Zpr of constitutional origin

With this type of mental retardation, the emotional-volitional sphere of the child is at an earlier stage of physical and mental formation. There is a predominance of game motivation of behavior, superficiality of ideas, easy suggestibility. Such children, even when studying in a general education school, retain the priority of playing interests. With this form of mental retardation, harmonious infantilism can be considered the main form of mental infantilism, in which the underdevelopment in the emotional-volitional sphere is most pronounced. Scientists note that harmonious infantilism can often be found in twins, this may indicate a connection between this pathology and the development of multiple pregnancy. Education of children with this type of DPD should take place in a special correctional school.

Zpr of somatogenic origin

The reasons for this type of mental retardation are various chronic diseases, infections, childhood neuroses, congenital and acquired malformations of the somatic system. With this form of RPD, children may have a persistent asthenic manifestation, which reduces not only the physical status, but also the psychological balance of the child. Fearfulness, shyness, and self-doubt are inherent in children. Children of this category of DPD communicate little with their peers because of the guardianship of their parents, who are trying to protect their children from what they think is too much communication, therefore they have an underestimated threshold of interpersonal ties.

With this type of RPD, children need treatment in special sanatoriums. Further development and education of these children depends on their state of health.

Zpr of psychogenic nature

The central core of this form of mental retardation is family trouble (a happy or incomplete family, various types of mental trauma). If from an early age on the child's psyche there was a traumatic effect of unfavorable social conditions, then this can lead to a serious disruption in the child's neuropsychic activity and, as a result, to shifts vegetative functions, and then mental. In this case, we can talk about anomalies in personality development. This form of mental retardation needs to be correctly differentiated from pedagogical neglect, which is not characterized by a pathological state, but arises against the background of a lack of knowledge, skills and intellectual underdevelopment.

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