More and more people with disabilities are seeking employment. More and more people with disabilities are seeking employment in the region

There is such a concept as socially unprotected strata of the population, which includes people with disabilities of various disability groups. This category of citizens is no different from the rest and has equal rights, in particular, the right to work.

Can disabled people work?

Disability is not a sentence and people who have disabilities should not be limited in their rights. This also applies to the right to work, which is enshrined in the Constitution. Modern development production technologies and advances in the field of progress have made possible the emergence of new jobs of a qualitatively different plan, where significant physical efforts are not required, which makes it possible for people with disabilities to work at such jobs in the absence of serious contraindications.

Thanks to the opportunity, people who have disabilities work, cease to feel defective and become full-fledged participants in society. At the same time, it plays a very important role in the regulation of the work of disabled people.

Legislative acts regulating the work of disabled people

On the territory of the Russian Federation, there are two main documents that clearly regulate the possibilities of disabled people to engage in work - these are the Labor Code and Law No. 181 "On social protection disabled people. "

According to the norms of Article 64 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, no organization has the right to restrict the rights of people with disabilities, to try to create direct or indirect advantages for other persons in the process of signing an employment contract, relying on circumstances not directly related to the business characteristics of a person who is disabled. According to the letter of the law, neither nationality, nor race, nor skin color, nor status, nor age, nor gender can be the reasons why a disabled person can be infringed on his rights when applying for a job.

To comply with the requirements of the Labor Code and control the absence of prohibitions on the work of disabled people in organizations, the Law "On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation" was developed, according to which there is a distribution of zones responsible for state structures in the field of implementation and compliance with the requirement:

  • executive authorities in accordance with this Federal Law are obliged to develop quotas for each organization to determine the minimum number of jobs for this category, subject to employment;
  • public authorities are responsible for enacting legislation that determines a specific percentage of the quota. At the same time, there are a number of organizations that are exempt from the compulsory employment of such workers. These include labor associations of persons with disabilities or companies in whose share of the authorized capital there is a part of the means of association of persons with disabilities.

Is it obligatory to hire people with disabilities?

Article 21 of Law No. 181 sets out clear requirements for the number of people with disabilities who are subject to employment in a particular organization. The number of people with disabilities in an organization is based on the headcount of the entire company. The larger the production, the higher the percentage of people with limitations must be recruited.

  • 100 people. In organizations where the total number of people is more than one hundred people, the employer is obliged to hire disabled people in the amount of 2 to 4% of the average annual payroll;
  • 35. In smaller companies, where the number starts from 35 people but does not exceed 100, the quota for the reception of disabled people is set at 3%;

The duties of the territorial employment centers include constant monitoring of the situation on the labor market, including the creation of a database of vacancies that fall under the quotas, providing people with disabilities who are looking for work with directions in the organization. Also among the duties of the labor employment authorities is to monitor the implementation of the quota program. In addition, in the field of activity of employment centers lies assistance in the professional retraining of disabled people.

The procedure for hiring

To confirm disability, a person must have two documents on hand:

  1. A certificate issued by a medical and social examination, which contains information about the assigned disability group and the level of restriction on the work performed;
  2. An individual rehabilitation program, where the mechanism for implementing the rehabilitation of a disabled person must be described in detail.

When applying for a job, a person does not have to present the listed documents, unless there are special requirements for the employee's health at the potential place of work.

The main documents that are presented when applying for a job are:

A disabled person has the right to independently apply to an employer when applying for a job, or is sent by a current vacancy to a territorial employment center. When the employer decides on the possibility of hiring this person for work, a corresponding order is issued, an employment contract is signed. On the part of the employee, when applying for a job, it is imperative to familiarize himself with his own job or production instructions, documents that relate to the organization's regulations.

Regardless of the disability group specified in the MSEC expert opinion, the employer must provide workplaceand labor restrictions must be taken into account. Disability group in exercise labor activity will determine the working conditions. In the presence of groups 1 and 2, the working week in accordance with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation cannot be more than 35 hours, for employees of group 3 such restrictions are not established.

An important point is the fact that the wages of people with groups 1 and 2 are in no way tied to a shortened week. The attraction of persons with disabilities to work on holidays or weekends takes place on a general basis, provided there is no ban in the individual rehabilitation program.

People of groups 1 or 2, as well as those who are disabled since childhood, have the right to a tax deduction in the amount of 500 rubles, which is provided by the employer separately from the deductions in the presence of minor children. The tax is not charged on the funds spent by the organization for the purchase of means of rehabilitation or prevention of disabled people. Also, material assistance is not subject to this tax in amounts not exceeding 4000 rubles. To be exempted from paying tax, the employer must prepare documents confirming the amount of actual expenses at the enterprise.

People with disabilities when applying for a job, a probationary period is not assigned, while they have the right, on their own initiative, to terminate fixed-term contracts in the event of a worsening of health or the impossibility of further performance of work in accordance with those specified in job description responsibilities.

The nuances of ensuring normal working conditions for disabled people

When applying for a job for a disabled person, the employer will need to implement additional measures, the purpose of which will be to adapt the existing one. This includes the development of technical support for the place, planning the use of devices that are aimed at facilitating the work of a disabled person and performing his labor functions.

At the same time, the state encourages the employer to hold such events. For jobs that are fully equipped for the work of disabled people, the state pays organizations an increased pay. Such a workplace must necessarily comply with the requirements of sanitary and hygienic standards, it is not located in the basement, it must have an air conditioning system and have the required area.

Benefit to the employer from hiring a disabled person

To stimulate the recruitment of people with disabilities, the state applies measures to provide tax benefits or insurance premiums. These privileges apply exclusively to obtaining a discount in the payment of land and property tax with one caveat. An organization where the share of disabled people exceeds 50% of the total number of people with disabilities or where the authorized capital contains a means of a public organization of disabled people can use the right to receive benefits.

Another decrease in payments from the employer is the reduced rate on contributions to the Social Insurance Fund. The reduced rate applies only to payments for places where disabled people of 1 or 2 groups work.

In modern society, a lot of attention is paid to the problem of people with disabilities, namely the problem of their employment. The state is actively involved in the development of appropriate regulations aimed at social protection of this segment of the population. But in relation to the employer most of the measures are of a restrictive-compulsory nature, so many organizations are in no hurry to hire people with labor restrictions.

In contact with

Scientific communications

Employment of people with disabilities: socio-economic aspect

V.N. Kozlova

The loss or decrease in working capacity, the onset of disability radically changes the social status of a person and the attitude of those around him, disrupts his health, worsens his well-being, and lowers self-esteem. All this affects the social activity of a person, which is closely related to a person's attitude to work and manifests itself in his behavior and work activity.

The attitude to work is determined by subjective and objective factors. Objective factors include the content and nature of work, which determine the professional and sociocultural development of the employee, as well as working conditions (socio-economic, socio-hygienic, socio-psychological) that directly affect the attitude towards work1. It should be noted that it is under the influence of the socio-economic conditions of work (the possibility of raising qualifications and wages) that workers develop positive and negative value orientations towards work. By creating a sense of the prospects for work, socio-economic conditions contribute to an increase in labor productivity.

Subjective factors are a system of orientations and motives of labor activity. The attitude to work includes three levels: attitude to work as a value; attitude to the profession as to a certain type of labor; attitude to work as a specific type of labor activity in specific conditions. The motivational sphere of the subject involved in the activity is a system of motives based on human needs2. Material (physiological, need for housing, etc.), spiritual (cognitive), social (needs for self-realization, recognition, etc.) needs are the basis of motivation professional activity each person.

For the current period in society, the most characteristic type of motivation is instrumental, orientation towards material needs3.

1 Akhmadinurov R.M., Ispulova S.N. Social and labor relations in the regional labor market // Human capital. 2008. No. 1. P.164-168.

2 Cheremoshkina L.V. Contemporary problems labor motivation // Scientific notes of the RSSU. 2005. No. 2. C. 14-24.

3 Akhmadinurov R.M., Ispulova S.N. Decree. op. S. 164-168.

People with disabilities are not an exception, but rather a confirmation of this rule.

In Russia, a rather paradoxical situation is taking shape when, against the background of the growth in the amount of funds received by the country as a result of high energy prices, the situation of disabled people in the country is systematically deteriorating. At present, this is primarily due to the state policy in relation to persons with disabilities. It should be noted that in the 90s. last century, Russia tried to move from the medical model of disability to a more progressive social model. Recall that in the medical model, the emphasis is on the dependence of a disabled person on the people around him, all attention is focused on health disorders, while within the social model, actions to improve the quality of life of disabled people are aimed at eliminating barriers that hinder the inclusion of disabled people in society. Unfortunately, already at the beginning of the XXI century. in fact, even those insignificant positive changes that were achieved in the 90s were eliminated. last century.

These changes began with the adoption of the new Tax Code and the elimination of all benefits for enterprises employing people with disabilities, and these benefits were in fact the only real mechanism for solving the problems of employment of people with disabilities.

The second most important factor negatively affecting the position of disabled people was the adoption and practical implementation of the Federal Law of August 22, 2004 No. 122-FZ, which provides for a comprehensive change in the social security system for various segments of the population. So, according to the updated Art. 21 as amended by Law No. 122, quotas are established for organizations with more than 100 employees4. According to statistics, in the Altai Territory, there were only 1,149 organizations with 100 or more employees.

The third factor creating obstacles for disabled people to exercise their right to work on an equal basis with other people is changes in the technology of examination of disabled people in the bureau of medical and sanitary expertise. Until the mid-1990s. in Russia there was a system of medical and labor expert commissions5. In accordance with the 1995 Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation”, VTEK were reorganized into the ITU Bureau. The legislation determined a radical change in the functions of these bodies, and, most importantly, established practically equal grounds for determining the disability group for almost all types of disabilities that a disabled person has. Recently, the Government and, accordingly, the Ministry of Health and Social Development have made another turn and return to the old one. In the first place among the six types of limitation of life established by law again

4 Federal Law of the Russian Federation of August 22, 2004 No. 122-FZ "On Amendments to the Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and the Recognition of Invalidation of Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Adoption of Federal Laws" On Amendments and Additions to the Federal Law "On general principles organization of legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation "and" On general principles of organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation "".


a restriction on the ability to work was put forward, and all ITU bureaus returned to the functions inherent in the earlier VTEK, especially since the amount of payments received by disabled people was associated with this. Despite the fact that the ITU bureaus for this technology determine only a hypothetical employment opportunity, not in any way related to real opportunity employment, disabled people en masse strive to get the 1st group of disability, which allows them to receive a higher pension, but completely excludes their employment. That is, instead of stimulating disabled people to work, the opposite result was obtained.

In addition to the moral and ethical grounds for the state's concern for the integration of disabled people into society, there are also strong economic grounds for this. On the one hand, effective labor activity, the need for which, according to research conducted in the city of Barnaul, Altai Territory, has 98.5% of disabled people, allows them to significantly improve their living standards, achieve some economic independence (42.8% of respondents) , integrate into society (27% of respondents) 6. On the other hand, the employment of disabled people allows increasing tax revenues to the budget, compensating for the labor shortage in the labor market. However, all this is still completely ignored in the formation of state policy in relation to persons with disabilities.

Studies conducted by the St. Petersburg Institute for ITU Problems and Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons have shown that vocational rehabilitation disabled people are in critical condition. If in the early 1990s. In the country, 86% of disabled people of the 3rd group and 25% of disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups worked in the country, which in general is over 55% of all disabled people, but now, according to various sources, no more than 12-15% are employed. At the same time, 29.1% (over 4.3 million) of disabled people need vocational guidance, 9.6% (over 1.4 million) need training, 13.9% (over 2.0 million) need vocational training and retraining. , in labor adaptation - 25% (over 3.7 million) 7. At the same time, about 80% of disabled people of working age can and, most importantly, want to work, but they are unable to exercise their right to work, since the state has actually withdrawn itself from solving this problem. Only in the Altai Territory 51% of unemployed respondents apply for jobs.

The peculiarities of a particular region leave an imprint on the social and labor rehabilitation of this category of the population. Thus, according to the SWOT analysis of the Altai Territory economy, Altai is a large agro-industrial region with its own base of the construction industry8. Therefore, when developing rehabilitation programs for able-bodied disabled people, it is necessary to take into account that in the region the main number of jobs is concentrated in the agricultural sector of production, which requires physical endurance and a certain level of theoretical training from the employee. But, unfortunately, we could not find information

6 Kozlova V.N. Organization of social and labor rehabilitation of disabled people at the municipal level (based on the results of a study in the city of Barnaul). Sociology of Social Work: Social Qualimetry. Sociology of social health. Yearbook. Issue 3.M., 2008.S. 192-196.


8 Strategy of socio-economic development of the Altai Territory for the period up to 2025.

about how many people with disabilities receive higher and secondary specialized education to work in the agricultural production sector.

The weaknesses of the regional economy in the SWOT analysis include:

Technological lag of industrial enterprises in certain types of economic activity;

Crisis condition of agricultural engineering enterprises;

Low level of agricultural development.

All this affects the quantity and quality of jobs for workers with varying degrees of disability.

In the course of an empirical study conducted by us in the city of Barnaul together with the Altai regional public organization of wheelchair users "Overcoming-Altai" of the second stage (2007-2008), it turned out that only 43.2% of working people with disabilities are completely satisfied with their workplace, more than half of the jobs are more or less inconvenient for the respondents9. Among the parameters of dissatisfaction with their workplace by working people with disabilities are: inconvenience (12.5%), large physical exercise (8.0%), daytime (6.8%), lighting, unpleasant odors, inconvenience of technical equipment (5.7% each), noise, low air temperature (4.0% each), the presence of vibration (3.2%).

Among the features of the region, one more, very important characteristic should be noted: one third of the population of the region lives in rural areas, which, accordingly, affects the level of employment. The percentage of registered unemployed people with disabilities living in rural areas has remained stably high over the past five years and in the Altai Territory is more than 55% 10.

Another trend characteristic not only for the Altai Territory, but for everything modern world, can be called the development of the service sector. A society focused on the service sector imposes requirements not only on the qualifications and level of education of the employee, but also requires the employee to be mobility and the opportunity to improve their skills in the process of work and obtaining new qualifications. The presence of a disability in one way or another limits a person's mobility, which affects his ability to receive education and additional qualifications. The professions of a hairdresser, cook, 1T-specialist, etc. do not accept restrictions at work.

Thus, the growing requirements for hired personnel further reduce the chances of people with disabilities to get a job, they have to be content with low-skilled work, which further reduces the opportunities for economically active people with disabilities to realize themselves in society. The basis for resolving these contradictions can be regular studies that allow us to understand the motivation of the behavior of people with disabilities and take into account the characteristics of a particular region. Also, the research can be used as one of the substantiations of the strategy of adequate management of regional executive authorities, public organizations involved in promoting the employment of disabled people.

9 Kozlova V.N. Decree. op.


If necessary, forgive the medical expert labor commission, the question may arise: how to fill out the production characteristics for disability? The characteristic will be taken into account if it is necessary to assign a disability group.

A special form will need to indicate:

  • employee personal data;
  • description of work activity (pay special attention to the timing of work with increased danger or in difficult working conditions);
  • description of working conditions (work schedule, job description);
  • production rates, the need for business trips;
  • data on the position to which the employee can be transferred in case of assignment of a disability group.

The document must be signed by the heads of the personnel department and the legal department and certified by the seal.

Employment of people with disabilities

In many spheres of life, people with disabilities have disabilities, but if a person is not recognized as incapable of work, he has the right to get a job that matches his qualifications and physical capabilities. Employment is regulated by the state and, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Art. 64), employers have no right to deny a person a job because of his physical condition, and dismissal due to disability is possible only under certain circumstances.

Reality is making its own adjustments and employers who want to avoid problems associated with the specifics of registration of jobs for people with disabilities simply refuse to hire people with disabilities, most often without explaining the reasons. People with disabilities rarely apply to the labor inspectorate, and if this happens, employers will still be able to avoid a fine - it is enough for them to prove that the applicant lacked knowledge and experience in something in order to take the proposed position.

According to statistics, 80% of disabled people are employed in China, 40% in Britain, about 30% in the United States, and only 10% in Russia. At the same time, the government of China or the United States does not consider it necessary to set quotas for jobs for people with disabilities, but invests decent funds in the adaptation and employment of people with disabilities. According to their calculations, this is cheaper than supporting disabled people at the expense of state benefits.

In Russia, entrepreneurs are more likely to pay a fine than spend time and money on setting up a special workplace and household rooms. In addition, the fines are not too large: officials will have to pay up to 5 thousand rubles; individuals - from 1 to 5 thousand rubles; legal entities - from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.

The greatest difficulties most often arise precisely because of the need to equip special jobs for disabled workers. According to the Sanitary Rules approved by the state, special requirements are imposed on equipment, the main workplace, working conditions, honey. service and sanitary facilities for workers. So, for example, wheelchair users need to equip special ramps, the building must have an elevator, access to the workplace should not be limited by anything, the wheelchair should move freely around the office.

Benefits and requirements

Benefits are provided by Law No. 191-FZ and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on the basis of a certificate of disability. Features of employment of disabled people relate to the following:

  1. Extended paid leave: standard leave is 28 calendar days, and a disabled person must be granted at least 30 days.
  2. Unpaid leave is provided without fail: disabled employees under Art. 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to allocate at least 60 days of unpaid leave annually. The organization may refuse such rest to ordinary employees, but not to a disabled person.
  3. Overtime work is possible only by agreement of the disabled person, it is impossible to oblige him. This applies to work at night, on weekends and holidays. However, for this, the employee must provide an individual rehabilitation program.
  4. Fewer working hours: Working hours should be no more than 35 hours per week, while wages remain the same.
  5. Compensation sick leave employees with disabilities pass as usual, but no more than five months a year and no more than four consecutive months.

If a person is disabled due to injury or illness, the hospital benefit is paid for the entire period of incapacity for work (until recovery or disability).

Job quotas

Quotas for jobs for disabled people are regulated by Art. 20 No. 181 of the Federal Law "On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in Russian Federation". According to the law, an employer is obliged to employ a certain number of people with disabilities. The larger the organization, the more jobs should be provided for people with disabilities.

So, if the company has from 35 to 100 employees, the quota is 3% of the average headcount. If the company employs more than 100 people, the quota is from 2 to 4%. It should be noted that until 2013, only large enterprises were supposed to enter into employment contracts with disabled people - the government believed that quotas for medium-sized businesses would complicate the activities of organizations.

According to the law, companies must submit the following reports to the employment service on a monthly basis:

  • whether the quota of jobs for people with disabilities has been met;
  • local regulations with information on whether the corresponding workplaces are equipped;
  • data on allocated or created jobs.

In some regions (for example, in the Tula, Belgorod, Amur regions) local authorities approach quota requirements in different ways. It is allowed to rent special jobs - most often contracts are concluded with specialized enterprises or with public organizations, associations of people with disabilities. It turns out that people with disabilities work in an organization that meets sanitary standards, and wages are received from the tenant company.

Dismissal due to disability

In the event that a change in health condition occurred during the term of the employment contract, this may serve as a reason for dismissal. The basis can be a certificate of disability and an individual rehabilitation program. The IPR is usually a recommendation, and the person has the right to refuse the implementation of this program. For work, he can only provide a certificate of disability, which helps to get the benefits provided by the code.

It is worth noting that with a reduction in staff, disabled persons have preferential rights to preserve their jobs if:

  • qualifications and labor productivity are not inferior to other workers;
  • the injury that caused the disability was sustained in this workplace;
  • a disabled person is a WWII veteran or a war veteran.

An employment contract with a disabled person can be terminated if the employee is disabled and this fact is confirmed by a medical report. So, according to paragraph 5 of part 1 of Art. 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if a person can no longer perform work in accordance with the position held, the employer has no reason to continue cooperation with him.

As a rule, the restriction of work activity of the first degree allows work in the same conditions, but it is necessary to reduce the volume and severity of work. Restriction of the second degree allows you to perform labor activities in specially created working conditions, and with restriction of the third degree, a person is considered disabled. The dismissal of a disabled person of group 3, as a rule, is rarely allowed - restrictions on an individual rehabilitation program are usually insignificant.

If necessary, the terms of the employment contract can be changed - it is allowed to transfer the employee to another position that will correspond to the individual rehabilitation program. This requires the consent of the employee and a formal agreement on the transfer, it is impossible to simply dismiss a disabled person of group 2.

If the organization does not have suitable conditions for continuing to work or the employee refused to transfer, the dismissal will be carried out in accordance with paragraph 8 of Part 1 of Art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. A person must be warned about dismissal in advance, before the expiration of the employment contract, he can be removed from work. Wage during this time will not be charged.

An order to terminate the employment contract will be issued based on a medical opinion.

In summary, the dismissal of a disabled person is possible in the following cases:

  • in the absence of vacancies suitable for the disability group, vacancies with easier working conditions;
  • by on their own;
  • if the state of health does not allow to continue to perform work duties;
  • upon refusal to transfer to another position.

Kazan and Sochi are the most convenient cities for disabled people today. But in other cities, work is in full swing to create the necessary infrastructure - for example, in the Crimea and Sevastopol, special beaches for people with disabilities will soon appear. The Minister of Labor and Social Protection Maxim Topilin told RG about what will change in the life of disabled people in the near future.

Maxim Anatolyevich, why did Kazan and Sochi become exemplary in terms of accessibility?

Maxim Topilin:Kazan can rightfully be proud of its metro equipment and other transport infrastructure facilities. Of course, Sochi is a leader in terms of the scale and quality of the work done. Everything that was built in Sochi from scratch or re-equipped on the eve of the Olympic and Paralympic Games - transport, roads, sports facilities, hotels, catering facilities, etc., was created taking into account the needs of people with disabilities.

This year, Crimea and Sevastopol joined the Accessible Environment State Program. By the next summer season, some recreation areas will be equipped on the peninsula, including beaches suitable for disabled people with disabilities of the musculoskeletal system. And here we are talking not only about ramps, but also, for example, special wheelchairs, in which disabled people can safely swim in the sea.

A huge law has just been adopted that will allow us to take real steps to implement the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. What are the most fundamental changes in the legislation?

Maxim Topilin: The law contains many novels that will help ensure the rights of persons with disabilities in real life... For example, for the first time, the conditions for the accessibility of the environment will be determined not for disabled people in general, but for specific groups, depending on the impaired functions of the body. For example, for the visually impaired, text messages will be duplicated by voice messages. Braille characters will be provided where necessary. Specially trained staff will assist wheelchair users. This is especially true in transport.

People's complaints cause results medical and social expertise (ITU). This is largely due to the fact that there are no specific and understandable indicators for assessing violations of body functions. Therefore, the law provides for the reform of this system. New ITU classifications and criteria will be introduced. They provide a quantitative assessment of the degree of dysfunction in a person. This will make it possible to eliminate the subjectivity of experts during the examination.

In terms of legislation, have we already done everything that is necessary for the implementation of the Convention or will the documents be developed yet?

Maxim Topilin: There will be. And most of the ministries. Agencies should develop and begin to implement their own sets of measures during the transition period to increase the accessibility of facilities and services for disabled people in the sphere of established powers, for example, the Ministry of Transport - in the field of transport, the Ministry of Culture - in the field of culture, and so on. That is, these are a kind of "road maps" for creating a barrier-free environment, as well as helping people with disabilities in the provision of services. Draft regulations of departments will be coordinated in the Ministry of Labor.

In addition, one of the key instruments for the implementation of the Convention is the “Accessible Environment” program. We are currently working on extending it until 2020.

Obviously, it is impossible to create a ubiquitous environment in a few years. What has been done under the Accessible Environment program today?

Maxim Topilin: Indeed, it is impossible to make the environment accessible everywhere in a short time, especially since until 2011, before the start of the program, practically no one dealt with this problem. But there are changes: let me remind you that at the start, in 2011, the program began with three pilot regions. This year, the geography of the program covers 75 regions, including the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol. Social facilities are being retrofitted: clinics, hospitals, pharmacies, schools, theaters, and so on. Let me remind you that the lists of socially significant objects are determined taking into account the opinion of public organizations of disabled people - this is a prerequisite. We expect that by the end of this year, more than 11 thousand priority facilities will be equipped for the needs of disabled people. In total, 3.16 billion rubles were allocated from the federal budget to co-finance the regional programs "Accessible Environment" this year. Plus, the regions have invested about 3.6 billion of their own funds. Of course, this is just the beginning. Along with programmatic methods, it is necessary to use other opportunities to create conditions for accessibility, including those laid down by the law that I mentioned.

In addition, the issue of organizing the production of assistive and auxiliary devices that ensure accessibility - tactile tiles, lifts, handrails and others, as well as technical means for the rehabilitation of disabled people - is relevant. Such projects have already been implemented in certain areas, but we have to solve this issue systematically. We can already say that in some areas it will be necessary to attract foreign partners, mainly for technically complex products.

The state is constantly expanding the employment opportunities for people with disabilities. The notice board of employment services is replete with notes: "vacancy for the disabled." Are the disabled themselves ready to work?

Maxim Topilin:We see that more and more people with disabilities are striving for vocational training, employment, and starting their own business. This is influenced by the increase in the level of infrastructure accessibility within the framework of the state program "Accessible Environment", as well as the expansion of measures to promote the employment of people with disabilities. Over the past three years, the employment rate of persons with disabilities has increased from 35 to 42 percent of the number of persons with disabilities who applied to the employment service. In 2011–2013, over 1.7 thousand people with disabilities were additionally employed as part of the “Accessible Environment” implementation. There is a mechanism for quoting jobs for people with disabilities: about 76 percent of the quota jobs are currently occupied - these are 380 thousand jobs.

Since 2009, the federal budget has allocated funds to equip workplaces for disabled people. In 2013-2015, at least 14.2 thousand jobs should be created in this area annually. Today, on average, the federal budget expenditures for the creation of one workplace are 100 thousand rubles, whereas in 2009 we started with compensation in the amount of 30 thousand rubles. It is important that jobs are created mainly not at the enterprises of public organizations of disabled people, but at the open labor market.

However, the employment rate of people with disabilities remains low: only 28.2 percent of the total number of people with disabilities of working age are employed, which is almost 1.8 times lower than in developed countries. To solve this problem, it is necessary to understand on the part of business that an employee with a disability can work as efficiently as an employee without a disability, on the part of people with disabilities - that there is where to turn for help in finding a job, there are real vacancies, that the employer is not ready to pay a disabled person at all minimum wage.

Of course, here it is necessary to address the issue of education for disabled people. The Ministry of Education and Science is implementing measures to increase the availability of vocational education for disabled people.

And what is the salary for disabled people today?

Maxim Topilin:I will give data on the vacancies announced to the employment services for the employment of people with disabilities. 37.2 percent are vacancies with wages ranging from 10 to 15 thousand rubles, 25.6 percent of vacancies - with a salary of 15-20 thousand, 12.8 percent of vacancies - with a salary of over 20 thousand rubles. A relatively high level of the average salary offered to people with disabilities at quota jobs, compared with the average salary in the region - about 80 percent - is noted in Ivanovo, Oryol, Ryazan, Tambov, Tver, Penza regions, the Republic of Adygea and a number of other regions.

The state spends a lot of money to create jobs for people with disabilities. As a result, one workplace sometimes costs 200-300 thousand rubles. Many experts believe that this is a disproportionate cost and looks more like a “fish” for the organizers of such jobs, rather than a “fishing rod” for the disabled. What do you think of it?

Maxim Topilin: We sent a signal to employers that a disabled person can work on an equal basis with workers without a disability. Yes, at first we attract employers financially, over time this process will take place without the participation of the state. There are prerequisites for this. It is not uncommon for an employer to invest much more than the state in creating a workplace for a disabled person. For example, a braille printer for a visually impaired person costs about 150 thousand rubles: the state gives 100 thousand, the rest is paid by the organization. This means that she understands that such an employee will still bring him profit.

The fact that employers are gradually changing their attitude to people with disabilities is also evidenced by the numbers. According to the employment service, out of 23.9 thousand disabled people employed in 2012-2013, at the beginning of 2014, 20.19 thousand of them continued to work, that is, 84.5 percent. This means that the disabled are in demand from employers.

We also conduct annual surveys among people with disabilities: do they notice a change in attitudes towards them? Our measurements show that yes, the number of people who are disability-friendly is growing from year to year. And, as it seems to me, there is a contribution to this, including social advertising. We are currently funding placement of advertising materials and production of subtitles under the Accessible Environment program. For subtitling, special equipment was purchased and transferred to TV channels (Channel One, Russia-1, Russia-K, NTV, Karusel, TV Center-Moscow). I believe that in the future this practice should become generally accepted - for all TV channels and film distributors, up to the establishment of a special quota for the use of the image of a disabled person in television programs and films.

Not every person with a disability can compete with healthy people in the open labor market. Some people think that this is not possible at all. For those who, due to health reasons, are not hired for an ordinary enterprise, special jobs are created within the framework of programs funded by the state. What to do for those who are ready to take risks and try their hand in a world where competition dictates its own rules?

"Keep the bar" and not hide disability

We asked experts for some advice for people with disabilities looking to find work in the open labor market. The result is a list of recommendations.

1. Disability should not be hidden from the employer, especially if it is already visible.

2. During the interview, you do not need to focus on the topic "how bad I am, how unhappy I am." It is better to put the question differently: "I can work as such and such a specialist and solve such and such a problem."

TV presenter Evgenia Voskoboinikova. Photo from the site

“You need to appreciate yourself in any way, not beg for at least some job, but represent yourself as a specialist high leveleven if this is not entirely true. You can give yourself a few points, but not make yourself a poor victim, which will be a priori a burden, ”the TV presenter believes. Evgeniya Voskoboinikovawho has lost the ability to walk after an accident.

3. Self-education and professionalism are always the keys to success. Yes, people with disabilities are initially at a disadvantage: from childhood they study in specialized schools, at home, remotely. Therefore, they have to constantly work on themselves and engage in self-education.

"We, disabled people, should do everything ten times better than an ordinary person, then we are competitive," - said the chairman of the Moscow City Club of Disabled People, Contacts-1. Ekaterina Kim.

Ekaterina Kim, chairman of the Moscow City Club of Disabled People Contacts-1. Photo from the site

If a person got a disability in adulthood and work in his specialty is impossible for him, it is better for him to master another profession, says Evgenia Voskoboinikova.

“Become a makeup artist or manicurist, copywriter or IT specialist,” she explained.

4. It must be remembered that the employer chooses not only a specialist, but also a person who will work in a team. He fears that the disabled person will not fit well into the already existing team, and his doubts will have to be dispelled.

5. No need to settle for any job. “When I agree to everything, it means nothing in particular,” he believes Yulia Evsyukova, representative of the ROOI "Perspektiva" in St. Petersburg.

6. In no case should you overestimate your capabilities. “There was such a case. The guy called every day and said: I want to work, you have to find me a job. He has one leg does not move, one hand is missing, diction is bad, there is no education, there are practically no skills at all.

I can’t offer him manual labor, I can’t go somewhere by courier either, because of diction and the phone doesn’t fit. But I found an option for him - video surveillance, monitoring. He confirmed: yes, according to the IPRA I can do all this. He worked for a week, and then he says: how could you offer me this, I'm an invalid, I'm tired, ”said Yulia Evsyukova.

Yulia Evsyukova (center), representative of the ROOI "Perspektiva" in St. Petersburg, with the participants of the seminar on the formation of leadership qualities in people with disabilities Photo:

7. It is better to immediately give up high expectations. Nobody will pay a high salary to a person without work experience. But one should not limit oneself to looking for a vacancy for "six thousand" either, experts say.

"They work better"

An experienced employer will have no fear of hiring someone with a disability. “We have a lot of successful examples of working with such people,” said the head of the project. Alexander Kayuchkin... - Such a person has great motivation. He internally realizes that he is not an ordinary employee. I know several concrete exampleswhen these people work better. "

What do the experts advise employers who decide to hire an employee with a disability?

First of all, you need to pay attention to his education, skills, experience. And, of course, stress resistance. People with disabilities really don't always cope with the standard workload. It is important to find such an employee responsibilities that he can perform effectively.

So, people who cannot hear can be excellent programmers, but it is better not to hire a person with speech impairments for a job that requires communication, said Alexander Kayuchkin.

Yulia Evsyukova gave the example of a young accountant with cerebral palsy who was hired by a large company. “He did not have time 100 percent of what was required of him, but he did it 80 percent in such a way that at the end of the probationary period, the employer said: he treats his work so carefully, does everything so well, he has such a good character that we will leave him. "

Ekaterina Kim spoke about a successful project to create jobs for people with disabilities in public catering.

“People with developmental delays, tough guys, worked as loaders. People with muscle problems, cerebral palsy, say, weak arms, or speech retardation, they were cashiers. Were selected for different forms of disability different types work, ”she explained.

“Yes, there is an opinion that a person with a disability will work poorly and constantly refer to their health. This is a myth, by my own example and by the example of my friends I can prove the opposite - people with disabilities hold on to their place of work much more than others, strive to do so that no one can reproach them, and never, unlike other workers, do not complain about health status!" - said Evgenia Voskoboinikova.

As for the tax incentives for employing people with disabilities, these are, unfortunately, "small amounts that hardly motivate employers financially," said Alexander Kayuchkin.

Moreover, as a rule, employers prefer to pay a fine for violating the law on job quotas for people with disabilities than to solve problems related to their employment, Ekaterina Kim emphasized.

Disservice or Social Security?

Many companies are discouraged by the legal requirements for working conditions for people with disabilities. “For example, not all employers have ramps,” said Alexander Kayuchkin.

According to IPRA, disabled people are often recommended part-time employment, which in the current economic conditions few are ready to provide. In addition, a person with disabilities of I and II groups is entitled to a shorter working week and an increased vacation.

“My working day should be one hour shorter than the rest, and the average annual leave is 5 days longer. But I do not use these preferences of my own free will, I work like everyone else. But I know that the employer will always meet me halfway on any issue, ”said Evgenia Voskoboinikova.

“There are times when the employer does not want to hire a person with a disability in the state, so that later there would be no problems with his dismissal. By labor code a disabled person is not easy to fire. But a person with a disability can work on a contractual basis, ”she added.

"You shouldn't feel uncomfortable"

The employment of a person with a disability is often hindered by psychological problems - on both sides.

Employers and colleagues do not know how to communicate with a new employee if they have a disability. RPOI "Perspektiva" even conducts special trainings on understanding disability, telling how to create the necessary environment for a person with disabilities and how to make communication comfortable for everyone.

What difficulties arise, Yulia Evsyukova explained on the example of employment of a deaf girl. At first, the girl's colleagues called Perspektiva and asked questions.

“They told me: we are going to dinner, talking, but she does not hear, and we do not even understand how to behave in such a situation.

She seems to be sitting, smiling. I answer: everything is fine, she understands that she will not hear you anyway, you should not feel discomfort from this. It is important for her that you just take her with you, and do not go away to talk to the side, ”said Evsyukova.

For their part, people with disabilities are also sometimes not ready to join the team and experience work-related stresses. “First of all, they expect earnings and communication, and only then they realize that they should contribute to the development of the enterprise or the team into which they are integrated. They are not ready for the fact that their life will become immeasurably more difficult when they find a job, ”said Ekaterina Kim.

People with disabilities can be unsettled by the inappropriateness of their colleagues. For example, “there was a case when a girl herself found a job, but she heard somewhere that they said not a very correct word about her disability. In our organization, it is customary to say "a person with a disability" and not just "a disabled person." To say “blind” or “deaf” is also incorrect, it would be better to say that a person “does not hear” or “does not see,” explained Yulia Evsyukova.

Unavailable environment

The most obvious obstacle to employment for a person with a disability is an inaccessible environment. So, according to Evsyukova, the historical center of St. Petersburg, where the offices of many companies are located, are ready, in principle, to hire people with disabilities, is completely inaccessible to wheelchair users.

The development of technology, unfortunately, also deprives some categories of disabled people of the opportunity to find a suitable job. So, for example, those types of work that were previously performed by people with mental disabilities are now automated.

Packaging, assembly, packaging - this was a niche that disabled people have occupied for years. However, new technologies of these types of production do not always meet the safety requirements for workplaces with disabilities.

And my grandmother was waiting in the street ...

The lack of an accessible environment raises the question of accompanying people with disabilities who have got a job. However, Yulia Yevsyukova believes that escorts should be discarded whenever possible.

“We had a case when a girl with a third group of disabilities was undergoing practical training for two months, and at that time her seventy-year-old grandmother was waiting for her on the street and constantly called her: I was cold, let's go home,” she said. This situation causes confusion among other employees, they get the impression that the new colleague needs a nanny, she said.

According to Ekaterina Kim, escort is a must. She cited as an example the experience of Sweden, where disabled people are helped by personal assistants.

Who needs special jobs

Most of the people with disabilities are still not ready to enter the open labor market, they need special projects, specially created jobs. The easiest way is to organize an accessible environment and support for people with disabilities at a specialized enterprise, says Ekaterina Kim.

In an ordinary organization, creating special conditions for people with disabilities is not profitable, at least at the current level of socio-economic development, she said. “Conventionally, if there are 50 people working there, and one of them is in a wheelchair, then the whole environment must be altered to fit one, both at the enterprise itself and on the approaches to it. It is difficult for an entrepreneur, ”she explained.

At the end of June, the Ministry of Labor announced the allocation of 167 million rubles for programs of assistance in the employment of disabled people. Eight public organizations will receive federal support, such as the All-Russian Society of the Blind, the All-Russian Society of Disabled People, the Perspektiva Regional Public Education and Research Institute, and others. The matter concerns both the creation of special jobs for people with disabilities and their employment in ordinary enterprises. These programs are expected to help 715 people with disabilities find jobs in 2016.

According to the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons,” all organizations must establish quotas for hiring people with disabilities. For example, if a business employs more than 100 people, the minimum number of employees with disabilities should be 2 to 4 percent.
Working conditions of disabled persons must correspond to their individual programs rehabilitation and habilitation (IPRA). Disabled persons of groups I and II are entitled to annual leave of at least 30 calendar days and working hours of no more than 35 hours per week with full pay.
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