First aid when suppressing food. Priority actions for food poisoning

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With poisoning by any poisons, it is very important to provide first help in a timely manner. Each poisoning substance has its own mechanism of action, so prefigure help May differ significantly.

In any case, when poisoning, you need to call ambulance!

If you are not sure what caused poisoning, act according to the following general scheme.

  1. Interrupt contact with poison.
  2. If the substance fell into the stomach - drink salted water and provoke vomiting, after which enterosorbents.
  3. Call an ambulance. Even if hospitalization is not required, you will help to evaluate the status of the victim and will give the necessary recommendations.

Important! Watch out for breathing and pulse. With strong poisoning, a heart stop or stopping breathing is possible. In this case, you need.

In the event that the type of poisoning substance is known to you, then before the doctor's arrival is coming to the appropriate instruction below.

First aid for poisoning to poisonous gases

The most common type is the poisoning of household gas. In second place are poisoning in case of accidents in production.

First assistance in food poisoning

First aid in case of poisoning by pesticides

In poisoning with the chemical industry (except alkalis and acids), agricultural poisons - insecticides, herbicides and other, if they are in the stomach, you need to do the following.

  1. Call vomiting, rinse the stomach with a weak-pink solution of manganese (8-10 glasses).
  2. To drink salt laxative (Glauberova Salt, Magnesia). Attention! Oil preparations cannot be used as a laxative ( castor oil And so on), since many of the kernels of this group are well soluble in fats.
  3. Call an ambulance and be sure to say the name of the poison and active substance (indicated on the package).
  4. Abundant drink.

First aid for poisoning with acids and alkalis

The poisoning of concentrated acids and alkalis is accompanied by burns of the mucous membrane and strong pools in the esophagus and stomach.

First Aid in Poisoning Medicinal Products

Most drugs have their own antidots, so when accessing a doctor, it is advisable to inform the name of the medicine and the dose that the victim accepted. Reception of enterosorbents in acute poisoning:

  • "Enterosgel" - 2 tablespoons;
  • "Polysorb MP" - 3 tablespoons;
  • Polyfepan - 2 tablespoons;
  • "Smekt" - 2 bags;
  • activated coal - 1-2 tablets per 10 kg of body weight.

First aid for alcohol poisoning

Important! With alcohol poisoning, paracetamol and drugs on it cannot be taken ("cititramon" and others), it is better to drink aspirin.

First aid in case of poisons for skin

First aid in case of acids or alkalis on the skin

  1. If the chemical fell on clothes - immediately remove it.
  2. Rinse the place of damage under the running water jets for at least 10 minutes. Water should be warm.
  3. If an acid is hit - rinse the damaged area with a solution of weak alkali: 2% of soda, lime water.
  4. In case of alkali, rinse with 2% a solution of weak acid - boric, lemon, ascorbic, vinegar.
  5. In severe damage, impose a sterile bandage and consult a doctor.
  6. If you get into the mucous membranes of the eyes - wash with water 20-30 minutes, stop the anti-inflammatory eye drops (sulfacyl sodium). If the poison of an irritant action is to impose a bandage and turn to the oculist.

First aid in the oppression of breathing and (or) cardiac activity

Restoring posture: the victim is put on the right side, turn head to the side. Right hand bend in the elbow and put under the head. Left leg bent in the knee.

First aid in charge of carbon monoxide

Poisoning carbon monoxide (carbon dioxide) is more likely due to fires or when the exhaust gases are accumulated in a closed space.

  1. Remove the injured from the gas action zone, ensure the influx of oxygen.
  2. Ensure that clothes do not interfere with breathing.
  3. Attach cold on the head and chest.
  4. If the loss of consciousness occurred, give a sniffing alcohol.
  5. Monitor breathing, in the case of its stop to hold artificial respiration.
  6. If the victim is in consciousness - give abundant drink, better tea or coffee.

First aid for poisoning mushrooms

First Aid for Botulism

Toxin Botulin is a very potent poison. Therefore, with suspected poisoning canned food and long-term storage products immediately apply for medical help! While the urgent is driving, take the following measures.

  1. To drink a large amount of water with food soda (2 tablespoons per liter), cause vomiting. Repeat several times.
  2. Take a salt laxative (Magnesia - 1 ampoule on half liters of water, Glauberov salt).
  3. After 30 minutes, if the ambulance team did not arrive, to give the victim any enterosorbent.
  4. When you stop the heart and / or respiration before restoring functions or before the arrival of ambulance.

When first aid is important, it is important to first protect yourself and affected by the effect of poison, then evaluate the patient's condition and only after that proceeding to the measures to render prefigure aid.

The first aid for poisoning in most cases depends on the cause of the occurrence and reaction of the body to poisoning. Note that there are many species of poisoning, and depending on the characteristics of each species, a method of providing medical care is determined. Consider more specifically all possible situations and determine how the method of providing honey help in one way or another.

Food poisoning

Or, in other words, food toxicoinfection. There are due to eating infected products. Product infection may be caused as external factors (non-compliance with storage conditions, storage near poisonous substances) and internal (non-compliance with the expirational terms). Note that toxicoinfection occurs only due to the use of animal products.

With poisoning food products:

  • with suspicion of toxicoinfection, it is necessary to cause vomiting and the patient;
  • next - to call an ambulance.

Insofar as this species The poisoning is accompanied by a severe state, it is strictly forbidden to leave a person of one person, provoke the appearance of vomiting if the patient is unconscious, and also if it poisoned by any acids or alkalis.

What do we have to do:

  • it is necessary to call an ambulance. Before the doctors arrive, try to determine how long the poisoning happened, and also find out exactly how. If possible, it is necessary to preserve the remains of food, which was poisoned by the patient - in the future it will help doctors to determine the specific pathogen;
  • the further algorithm of actions completely repeats the standard resuscitation measures, which are used for first aid - it is necessary to ensure the influx of oxygen to a person, in the absence of consciousness from him - to determine the pulse and, in the absence of such, to begin to carry out artificial respiration and make a heart massage;
  • vomiting must be caused by stimulating the back of the throat, before this it is necessary to force the patient to drink about 1 liter of slightly salted water;
  • to prevent the intensive propagation of toxins in the body, it is necessary to give a patient activated carbon, based on the calculation of body weight. Read more:.

Medicinal preparations

In case the poisoning occurred as a result of high doses of antipyretic drugs and analgesics, explicit signs of intoxication are disturbed processes of excitation nervous system, reinforced heat transfer body, as well as the expansion of capillaries and small vessels. Symptomatics is characterized by the appearance of drowsiness and weakness, which as a result can go to an unconscious state or very deep sleep, reinforced by sweating and strong chills.

First prefigible assistance for drugs:

  • it is necessary to call an ambulance or independently deliver the victim to the nearest hospital;
  • determine what medicine (medication) has taken a person, and also find out the dosage of the drug. It is necessary to preserve the drug or its packaging;
  • the next step must be caused by vomiting, to force the victim to drink as much water as possible and give activated coal (or its medication analogues);
  • it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the respiration and the human pulse, in the event of their stop, it is necessary to take resuscitation measures.

Sleeping preparations

One of the subtypes of poisoning medical means is the resulting overdose of sedatives. Rendering honey initial stages is carried out in the same way as in the poisoning of ordinary drugs, however, in the late stages first help with damage to poisoning substances should look like this:

  • when finding a patient in consciousness, it is necessary to cause vomiting and rinse the stomach with an abundant amount of liquid;
  • when in the unconscious state and impaired respiratory processes, artificial respiration must be carried out.

Narcotic drugs

First prefigible assistance in drug poisoning should be carried out very quickly. Note that when defeated by poisoning substances narcotic drugs It is necessary to try to find out which specifically the drug or drug was used by the victim. This is a necessity due to the fact that each remedy has a different principle of operation on the human body - some drugs can have a sedative effect, some cause the excitation of the CNS, some suppress the respiratory function, etc.

Signs of overdose from the use of narcotic drugs are pronounced cyanosis, paralysis (muscular, respiratory center, nervous, vasomotor center), general disorders digestive system, pallor, etc. Symptomatics in this case is individual. Algorithm of actions with the defeat of drug-poisoning substances:

  • it is necessary to immediately cause an ambulance;
  • in the absence of signs of vital activity, it is necessary to carry out general resuscitation activities.


Ethyl alcohol is one of the most severe toxins, which in large volumes is able to cause human death. Mortal dose is 8 g / 1 kg of body weight. The algorithm of exposure to alcohol does not need a detailed description. We only note that in acute poisoning, a person falls asleep, after which it can go to the unconscious state. In such a state, involuntary saliva and urinary, vomiting, breathing is shot down and becomes arrhythmical. Due to severe poisoning, paralysis of the respiratory center and the subsequent fatal outcome is possible.

With sharp alcohol poisoning, you need:

  • it is necessary to ensure free access of oxygen - for this person you need to or take to the street, or open the windows, free the body from clothes;
  • small rinsing need to cause vomiting. Before that, it is necessary to gently turn the person on the side so that in the case of the release of the vomit, he does not choke;
  • in the absence of signs of life, it is necessary to conduct resuscitation activities;
  • often independent honey help with alcohol poisoning can be ineffective, therefore in the case of acute forms It is necessary to call an ambulance with the nearest hospital.

Carnant gas

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cause (place of carbon monoxide), after which it is to provide the victim free access of oxygen. The symptoms are pronounced - there are all the same signs as in most other cases. It should be noted that with the defeat of the poisoning substances of this type, the person gradually fastens his breath, after that convulsions appear, and after that death comes.

Independent honey assistance with such a situation is shown only in timely verification of the state of the victim and ensure timely honey help from doctors.

Fish and meat products

As a rule, they arise due to the use of infected or poor-quality meat or fish. Signs are frequent vomit, Spasmodic pain in the abdomen, a significant increase in temperature, a frequent liquid chair, the overall wealth of the body, the pallor of the skin.

In this state, honey assistance should be provided in a timely manner, since when the poisoning substances of this type of type, the victim begins to quickly manifest the cardiovascular insufficiency, further - spasmodic reductions in the inner muscles, collapse and, ultimately, death. Note that with such an acute poisoning, it is forbidden to eat any products during the first two days after.

With similar defeat by poisoning substances:

  • it is necessary to cause abundant vomiting and to carry out it until that time, as long as clear water will not leave;
  • after that, it is necessary to drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid and give the victim to carbolne and any laxative;
  • the patient must be warm and give sulfonamides for faster recovery;
  • correct.

The main tasks in providing first aid:

  • stop or at least limit the flow and distribution of poison;
  • if there is an opportunity, to output, as quickly as possible, which fell into the organism of the poison;
  • lead a person in consciousness and, if necessary, conduct indirect heart massage and artificial respiration;
  • quickly deliver the victim to the medical institution.

Help can provide a stranger, and the victim himself, because the life of a person often depends precisely from the speed of initial manipulations. About 98% of poisoning are household, and only 2% - produced in production.


- alcoholic and narcotic intoxication;

- accidents;

- Specially undertaken (suicide).

- vomiting, nausea, liquid chair;

- chills, cold sweat, convulsions;

- inexplicable lethargy, drowsiness, inhibition of breathing, disturbances;

- dizziness or pain in the head;

- tear and saliva;

- traces of chemical burns on lips, tongue, skin;

- Unusual behavior manner.

What needs to be done primarily when poison hits (that is, with poisoning mushrooms, poisonous plants, alcohol or products):

- give a lot of water, a mortar of manganese or soda (if a person is conscious); Call vomiting by pressing the root of the language (over 6 years old). These actions produce to clean water.

- After washing, give the affected activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight, smect, or any other adsorbents. You can also give a drink white clay or laxative salt;

- to put the patient on the side so that it does not choke from the vomit's masses, warm with the help of the height, give as much warm drink as possible (water, tea);

- Call an ambulance for immediate hospitalization, it is advisable to transfer the doctor a substance that was the cause of the problem.

When poisoning with alkalis and acids, it is impossible to wash the stomach.

First aid when entering the poison through the lungs (that is, carbon monoxide, nitrogen compounds, chlorine, bromine couples, sulfur gas, etc.)

Most often, the poisoning is taken by carbon monoxide, which is formed during the burning of various materials (wood, petroleum products, household gas, etc.). In this case, it is necessary:

- bring to the fresh air victim, put it, weaken all the constraintful knots and clips in clothes;

- as far as possible to lose the body, and then wrap, putting warm heating pads to the legs, wave in front of the robe moistened in the ammonia alcohol, give to rinse the mouth and throat with a soda solution (if a person has not lost consciousness);

- if necessary, make an indirect heart massage and artificial respiration;

- So that in the future there were no problems with the nervous and respiratory system, regardless of the state of the victim at the moment, will send it to a medical institution.

- when such a substance appears on the skin, immediately remove it with a cotton or gauze tampon, just a clean cloth, without smearing the skin;

- rinse a place with warm water with soap or soda solution;

- to process the affected area of \u200b\u200b5 - 10% P-ROM of the Nakhwar;

- when the wound appears, burns clean, and better sterile bandage;

- rinse the stomach 2% r-rum drinking soda;

- drink half a glass of such a solution with activated carbon or laxative salt;

- drink strong tea;

- Call an ambulance.

When entering poison

- rinse immediately with running water, opening the eyelids (not less than 20 - 30 minutes, since even a small amount of poison can lead to irreversible processes);

- impose a sterile dry bandage;

- urgently turn to the eyepiece.

What you can not do:

- to cause vomiting in humans unconscious;

- cause vomiting in a pregnant woman;

- cause vomiting in people suffering from heart diseases, or during convulsion;

- to give laxative preparations in poisoning products of oil refining, alkali or acids;

- giving carbonated water;

- Do not try to react neutralization.

Poisoning is systemic intoxication of the body, which occurs under the influence of toxins, poisons and decay products. There are several ways to penetrate the poisoning substances, and each of them represents serious threat For the health and life of the victim. First aid for poisoning is an important stage preceding treatment. From how quickly the necessary actions will be performed correctly, the success of subsequent therapy will depend.

Views and classifications

Depending on the type of poisoning and the method of penetration into the human body, several types of intoxication are distinguished.

Poisoning substances come to person 3 ways:

  1. Through the gastrointestinal tract (taking poisons inside);
  2. Through respiratory organs (inhalation);
  3. Through the skin.

Specificity emergency care The poisoning depends on the type of toxins, which fell into the body. There are many species classifications, but they are all based on 2 types of poisoning substances: endogenous and exogenous.

Incication of exogenous substances occurs under the influence of poisons of plants and animals, toxins that produce spoiled products. Often intoxication is not the poisoning substance itself, but its products of its decay.

Endogenous poisons are produced in the process when the tissues are damaged. Radiation lesions, inflammation and education processes malignant tumors Also provoke the appearance of endogenous poisons.


Due to excess hormones, thyrotoxicosis develops. So called the disease, as a result of which internal intoxication occurs.

Both types of poisoning combines the duration of the effects of toxins on the body.

Symptoms and prefiguration assistance in acute poisoning depends on what caused intoxication. In this connection, such groups of poisoning substances are distinguished:

  • Incorrectly cooked or;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Alcohol in exceeded doses and surrogate drinks based on alcohol;
  • Gas and couples toxic substances.

Any poisoning substance has a toxic effect on digestive tract, respiratory and nervous system. Moreover, everything is subject to intoxicing "strike" important organsTherefore, the lack of or untimely emergency assistance in acute poisoning will lead to disabilities or death poisoned.


First aid for poisoning consists in a consistent implementation of actions that include 4 stages:

  1. Eliminate the further effect of a poisonous substance on the human body;
  2. Reduce the effect of already absorbed toxins into the skin, esophagus or respiratory organs;
  3. Apply techniques to restore damaged organs;
  4. If necessary, spend.

Consider how the first medical care is due to damage to different location.


Toxic substances not only quickly amaze skin CoversBut also have the ability to penetrate them. Therefore, first of all needs to be eliminated by their impact.

Actions are performed in such a sequence:

  • Help must use individual means protection (gloves, masks, bathrobes);
  • Break the victim;
  • Toxins wash off with plenty of cool water;
  • If skin covers are not damaged, the washing is carried out using soap.


It is forbidden to carry out the techniques of chemical neutralization of toxins, since the heat allocated during the reaction contributes to a deeper penetration of poisons under the skin.

The victim is necessarily hospitalized.


Due to the special sensitivity of the cornea, the effects of poisoning substances may threaten the victim blindness. Therefore, you need to act quickly.

  • The injured person is put on the back;
  • With the help of any flexible hose, each eye is washed alternately clean water from the water pipe or saline.


For washing each eye, it is necessary to use no less than 1 liter of water.

When eye damage to acids or alkalis, it is necessary to determine the pH level pH on the mucous membrane.

It is important!

It is forbidden to bury any drops in the eyes, except the analgesics! Substances contained in eye drops, Even the mucous membranes and cornea will damage.

With severe damage, the victim immediately is hospitalized.

Respiratory system

I can choose carbon monoxide or pairs of other poisonous volatile substances. At the same time, exclusively respiratory organs are damaged. The victim feels that it can lead to loss of consciousness and death.

Patients with such a state immediately endure gas exposure zone and hospitalized.

Poisoning of volatile substances are dangerous for those who assist, so the rescuer is important to use personal protective equipment.


This form of intoxication is the most common. At the same time, prefigible assistance in poisoning of this type is of paramount importance. If it is rendered correctly and timely, you can do without hospitalization.

Poisoning, drug preparations and other substances that hit the gastrointestinal tract requires immediate cleaning of the stomach and intestine of the patient poisoning.

Consider in detail how these events.

Stomach washing

The release of the stomach from its content is carried out in 2 ways:

  1. Artificially caused by vomit;
  2. Sensing method.

First aid for acute poisoning is carried out solely by the first way, since the use of the probe requires special skills, as well as the availability drug addicts.

Stretching a vomit reflex can 3 ways:

  1. By pressing a finger or auxiliary subject to the root of the tongue (reflex method);
  2. Consumption of a large amount of liquid (water, solutions with manganese, soda or salt);
  3. Combined method.

Artificially induced the vomit reflex is prohibited in the following cases:

  • If the patient is unconscious;
  • Have a well-being convulsion;
  • Patient fell into a comatose state;
  • Kid whose age has not reached 5 years;
  • The person was poisoned by substances that hypothetically can call the status described above;
  • With intoxication, which is caused by alkali and acids.

For the procedure, it is necessary to prepare clean water or its solution in the amount of 1-2 liters. For the preparation of the solution, 1 tablespoon of soda or salts per 1 liter of water are used. Magnantages are used with caution, adding only 1-2 crystalline into a solution so that the water acquires a slightly pink color.

It is important!

It is impossible to use a manganese for washing the stomach during chemical poisoning! It can cause an even greater burning of the esophagus.

If, after drilled liquid, the vomit reflex does not occur, you need to use the first reflex technique.

Purification of the stomach with a probe method carried out in the clinic. This procedure is more complicated, but its effectiveness is significantly higher even after more than 2 hours passed since the start of intoxication.

The probe method is used in such cases:

  • In order to remove the toxins that fell into the stomach;
  • Reduce the concentrated content of chemical liquids in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • When entering the poison through intravenous administration.

The use of the gastric probe cleaning is prohibited:


Patient, poisoned with acids, the stomach is washed with a probe method no later than 6 hours after poisoning. When inxicing alkalis - no later than 2 hours.

At the time of the procedure it is important to monitor the ratio of the injected and exhausted liquid. If it is delayed in the stomach, it will begin its stagnation, which will lead to a new type of intoxication - water poisoning. Especially bright this symptom manifests itself in children.

Cleaning the intestines

First aid for household poisoning necessarily provides for cleaning the intestines to avoid stagnation of toxins in the body.

Intestinal cleaning is carried out in 2 ways:

  • With the help of laxative drugs;
  • With the use of cleansing enema.

All doctors-toxicologists are unanimous in the fact that the laxatives need to use with acute poisoning. The exceptions are the states in which the patient has diarrhea or in a dynamic form.

Cleansing using enema is not as efficient as the reception of laxatives. This is due to the fact that the toxins that are in upper departments The gastrointestinal tract cannot be removed in this way. Therefore, the enemas at the stage emergency ineffective. In the conditions of the hospital, they are used at the restorative stage, and use exclusively with siphon fixtures.

Using the enema is prohibited in 2 cases:

  • The patient recorded tumor processes in the rectum;
  • The presence of bleeding from nodes with hemorrhoids.


Sorbents are used to reduce the percentage of absorption of toxins from the stomach and intestines. They are actively "collecting" the remaining after cleaning the organs of the poisons and bring them together with the carte masses.

There are many adsorbing drugs, but activated carbon is recognized as the most popular and effective medicine. It is taken inward or introduced into the probe fluid. It is known that even toxins, which have already fallen into the bloodstand, are removed during the re-dosage of the drug.


Activated carbon poorly derives salts of heavy metals, ethanol, acid and alkali, so it is replaced by other drugs with these poisoning.

It is forbidden to use activated carbon to patients with a violation of the functioning of intestinal peristals.

Despite the high efficacy of the drug, the following complications are possible when using large dosages:

  • Intestinal obstruction;
  • Constipation;
  • Excessive stomach stretching.

Antidote therapy

The provision of first medical care in poisoning involves the use of antidotes that can neutralize a certain type of poison. However, on modern stage The development of medicine is known a few of the specific antidotes. Each of them has its own mechanism of action.

It should be emphasized that many antidots cause serious side effectsTherefore, when they are appointed, the risk and benefit for the patient are always correlated. Moreover, the temporary effect of the antidote is always less than the inxicing effect of poisons.

Important moments

If the signs of intocication of the body in the form of drowsiness, vomiting or nausea manifests itself in a child, it is necessary to determine as soon as possible the cause of poisoning. Perhaps the baby ate the pills of the drug or drank the tool household chemicals. Remember that I used to eat baby, which dishes could cause poisoning. From the type of toxic substances that caused intoxication, your further actions depend.

First aid is the same as an adult person. However, it is necessary to remember that it is impossible to cause vomiting to 5 years. As a cleansing method, the reception of boiled water, which the baby should drink small portions. From drug drugs, you can only use activated carbon. All other appointments are made by doctors.

With any form of poisoning, children need to call ambulance!

Food poisoning is a common problem that occurs when using low-quality products.

The causes of food poisonings can be the use of inedible products (poisonous mushrooms), poor-quality, overdue food or food, which contains a large number of dangerous, poisoning bacterial organism.

Food poisoning can also be obtained as a result of non-compliance with the rules of hygiene, and in case of violation of the storage and cooking mode.

Food intoxication is not the only problem that may arise from a person who poisoned food. Reception of poor-quality foods can end in infection with intestinal infection.

Symptoms and signs of food poisoning

If the food contained certain malicious bacteria, they can provoke the development of unpleasant and requiring long medical treatment diseases in the hospital.

To the most common diseases obtained as a result of poisoning and requiring stationary treatmentinclude:

  • Dysentery - acute infectionwhose development provokes Bacteria Shigella. It is characterized by severe intoxication of the entire body and inflammation of the intestine. In the people, the disease is known for the name "Bloody diarrhea". In cases of complications of dysentery, the intestinal rupture is dangerous. Requires medication treatment.
  • Botulism - A complex infectious disease, which is accompanied by severe intoxication. Botulism sticks most often multiply in incorrectly canned food, fish, sausages. With the slightest suspicions for the possibility of infection with botulism, the doctor's appeal is necessary. In cases of untimely treatment, the disease is dangerous irreversible lesions of the nervous system and can lead to a fatal outcome.
  • Escherichozinfectious diseasewhich affects the gastrointestinal organs. Eschherichoz poisoning is accompanied by the development of sharp enterocolites and enteritis. Infection can occur in the absence of hygiene, through water and food, often observed in small children. Be sure to require medical intervention and medication treatment.
  • Salmonelles - view intestinal infectionwhich is accompanied by severe intoxication, affects the gastrointestinal tract. In case of late treatment, development can provoke renal failure. Requires compulsory appeal to the medical institution.

The first symptoms of food poisoning in adults and children can manifest themselves as 2-4 hours after meals and a day. Food inxications activate the body's protective reactions, which begins to reject harmful substances that have fallen into it. Often one of the first symptoms indicating the poisoning of food in humans is nausea and vomiting. The victim can feel sudden lethargy, weakness, not provoked by strong fatigue.

In addition, food poisoning, which requires help and treatment, can manifest themselves with the following symptoms:

  • diarrhea;
  • a slight increase in temperature;
  • abdominal pain;
  • severe thirst;
  • increased sweating, chills, pallor of lip and skin of the face.

If a person suspects that he recently ate doubtful quality and he has similar symptoms of food poisoning, you should not ignore them. Provided that vomiting and the urge to the toilet are infrequent, and the pain in the stomach moderate, you can treat and provide first aid with food poisoning At home independently.

First Help at home in food poisoning

Measures taken at the first signs of poisoning are aimed at maximum elimination of toxins and dehydration warnings.

These measures are usually enough to cope with the manifestations of food poisoning. At the same time, you should be exactly known exactly what caused the attack. It is very important to remember that with many toxins it is impossible to cope on their own at home.

  • the body temperature rose to 39 ° C and higher;
  • the poisoned complain of very strong cuts or permanent spasms in the stomach;
  • the stomach became hard or swollen strongly;
  • skin rash appeared on the body;
  • the main signs of food poisoning were supplemented with inflammation and pains in the joints;
  • breathing disorders have become noticeable, it is observed in swallowing;
  • in the chair or vomiting the patient is noticeable blood.

If the first assistance in food poisoning was provided, but strong vomiting and diarrhea do not pass over the next two or three hours, it is worth calling an ambulance.

Treatment of food poisoning at home can have negative consequences in cases where the patient requires more serious qualified help than simply receiving a sorbent. With poisoning mushrooms in ambulance, it is necessary to call it immediately.

For example, the poison of pale refunds in a short time is capable of destroying liver cells. Exoto-toxic sticks of butulism that have fallen into the body with food products, when not only the first medical care, cause not only poisoning, but also affect the human nervous system.

Do not hide with a challenge soon, so that a person has been rendered qualified first aid if the symptoms of food poisoning are amplified.

Regardless of where the treatment and first aid for food poisoning (at home or in the hospital), for a faster recovery of the body, you need to take some preventive measures. First of all, this is a long reception of probiotics that will restore the disturbed flora and will help to cope with dysbacteriosis, which often appears after a long diarrhea.

Even after complete recovery, it is worth a diet for some time - not to use oily, acute, roasted and alcohol. After transferred intoxication, the body is always weakened, and it should not be loaded heavy for the tract of the tract.

Food poisoning can be caught by surprise anywhere. The incubation period of pathogenic organisms, its causing, very short. Therefore, after 2-6 hours after the admission of poor-quality food, symptoms begin to manifest: turns the stomach, nausea is noted and diarrhea. The phenomenon is frequent, because to know what to take and do in poisoning must be each.

How to define poisoning

To start providing assistance to the victim at home, you need to know what features to determine food poisoning. These include:

  • Frequent diarrhea may be occurring 3-4 times in one hour.
  • Nausea, urge to vomiting, but vomiting itself is rare.
  • Total weakness.
  • An unpleasant feeling in the stomach.
  • Increase temperature, minor.
  • Speakers cold sweat on the skin.

The patient's condition is not critical, but very unpleasant. If the symptoms are significantly esgraded, the reason may be in salmonellosis in which you need to contact the doctor.

The most dangerous of food poisoning disease is botulism. It is caused by botulinical toxin produced in home canned food prepared by improper technology. This toxin causes violations in the functioning of the nervous system. Vision distortions may be noted, difficulty of speech. In rare cases there are visual hallucinations. The greatest danger is a weakening in the muscles throughout the body: it begins with muscles of the respiratory system, patients may experience problems with breathing, frankly choking.

When the symptoms of poisoning are exacerbated, accompanied by painful sensations in the field of liver or kidney, impaired nervous system or difficult breathing, it is necessary to call in ambulance, and not try to do something on their own.

What to do when poisoning food? With strong intoxication, it is necessary first of all to cause ambulance. During the time that doctors will go, it is important to help poisoning to alleviate the symptoms and avoid deterioration of the state. First medical care It is necessary to provide during non-renewable poisoning when it is not necessary to cause doctors.

The patient needs to provide bed and complete peace. It is better to lie on the side, since with the development of nausea and vomiting you can choose by vomit masses. Next, it is necessary to wash the stomach, for this patient you need to drink a lot of fluid (water or soda solution, a solution of mangartee) until only water is a mandatory stage of eliminating a strong intoxication syndrome.

For washing the stomach, the heat transfer solution is prepared so - in warm boiled water heated to the room temperature and slightly above -25-40 degrees, a solution of manganese will be sued until the solution becomes dark pink - for adults, the pale pink solution is used for children. colors. Drink 2-3 liters of mortar, then cause vomiting, pressing the tongue root.

With the signs of food poisoning, the victim must be needed first aid. It includes a very unpleasant, but the necessary procedure is washing the stomach at home. To do this, drink a large amount of boiled water and cause vomiting. The stomach is washed until the water is starting to go transparent. For stimulation of vomit reflexes, several crystals of manganese or food soda can be used.

After washing the patient, it is recommended to take preparations sorbents that slow down the suction of harmful toxins into the intestine. They are accepted throughout the first hour every 15 minutes, drove to a small amount of boiled water. Cool compresses on the forehead can be made at a temperature or supplying patient with graces during the chills.

You can take a liver preparations, because it suffers most. But the main thing is how you can help the patient - ensuring peace and the provision of plenty of drinking. The body loses a large amount of fluid that comes out with a liquid chair and vomiting. You can fill the liquid, drinking a lot (often and small sips) mineral water, herbal teas or compotes. You can make salt solutions and alternate drinking with them.

It is recommended to comply with a diet, make light dishes without acute, flour or sweet. Food poisoning passes quickly, symptoms are manifested only 1-2 days, after 3-4, the body is completely restored. But in severe cases it may be necessary to hospitalize the victim.

There are only a few groups of drugs that can be taken in food poisoning. These include:

  • Enterosorbents.
  • Multivitamin complexes.
  • Hepatoprotective agents.

It is impossible to take antibiotics, as well as medicines aimed at combating nausea and diarrhea. You can take some medications only on the recommendation of the doctor, in other cases the body is better not to overturn.

The doctor can be assigned drugs to restore the balance of electrolytes in the body. This includes the recider, as part of which the complex of the necessary organisms of mineral salts and substances. Antibacterial drugs can be assigned in cases of strong poisoning. But only experts can make the appointment and install dosage. It is impossible to engage in drug self-treatment: all the components of the drugs are removed by the liver, and in poisoning it suffers.

Taking enterosorbents in poisoning it is necessary that toxins as far as possible were absorbed into the intestinal walls. The elimination of sad toxins will take more time from the body. Sorbents are accepted at home immediately after washing the stomach. The most effective sorbents are:

  • Activated carbon.
  • Smacks.
  • Enterosgel.

Coal is accepted by 2-3 tablets at a time. It takes to drink every 15 minutes for an hour, boiled or filtered water. Maximum dose activated coal - 30 grams of pure substance. After receiving, the carte masses will be painted black, it is not scary.

The sweaters are dissolved in water, the solution is accepted immediately after washing the stomach. It can be used to treat poisoning in small children. In rare cases, after use, constipation arise.

Enterosgel is produced in the form of a paste, is an analogue of the smect. One and a half tablespoons of the substance dissolve in water, taken after washing the stomach. Drinking the solution is needed three times a day to strengthen the effect. There were no overdose cases of overdose.

Most of the work on the elimination of toxins from the body should have liver. It accounts for a huge load, therefore it is recommended to use hepatoprotectors during the treatment of poisoning at home. These include:

  • Esssential Forte N.
  • Heptral.

Essentialy take three times a day. While eating, to use two capsules inside, put it with sufficient liquid. This drug is not prescribed to 12 years old. Reception during pregnancy and period of lactation is possible.

Heptral has not only hepatoprotective effect, but also refers to antidepressants. During pregnancy, during lactation, also with bipolar affective disorder Appointed with caution. Not appointed with children and adolescents under 18.

Polyvitamin complexes serve excellent support for the body during the treatment of poisoning at home. Consumes can both children and adults. These complexes contain vitamins and minerals that are needed for normal exchange processes. The body in food poisoning is weakened, it needs support. Detoxication mechanisms can be helped by taking such supporting vitamins. Common Complexes:

  • Vitrum.
  • Alphabet.
  • Doppelgers.

Vitamins Vitrum contains a complex of vitamins required for the daily nutrition of the body. Produced in the USA. Another complex is the alphabet, also contains everything required vitamins and minerals, but produced in Russia and cost will be cheaper. A series of Polyvitamins Dopelgerz offers different complexes for supporting the body, you can choose a common "from A to zinc" aimed at strengthening the body.

Any medications and polyvitamin complexes It is recommended to coordinate with the doctor, despite the fast incubation period pathogenic organisms. If at home the symptoms are held for a long time, it will be necessary to sign up for a doctor or cause ambulance.

Despite the effectiveness of drugs, not always need to be taken. It is possible to eliminate the symptoms of intoxication by folk remedies at home, although the usual sweep helps many. The smect is inexpensive and sold in each pharmacy.

Starting treatment at home is necessary only after cleansing the intestines, otherwise efficiency folk remedies It will be low.

To cure poisoning yourself can be:

  1. Cinnamon tincture. There is a 2-liter cinnamon with 2 liters of boiling water and drink in 1 hour.
  2. Infusion Altea. Leaves or altea flowers to brew both tea and drink at least 3 times a day.
  3. Infusion of dill with honey. The seed of dill needs to pour 1.5 liters of boiling water and insist 2 hours in the thermos. Add a spoonful of honey and drink 1 cup every 2 hours.
  4. Lemon juice sick of lemon to the glass, dilute with warm water and drink volley.
  5. Sucking sauerkraut. Single juice from cabbage and dilute it with water in proportions 1: 1. Drink 2 glasses for 2 days.

For full recovery, it is necessary to observe abundant drinking mode and diet nutrition Minimum 3 days. If symptoms of intoxication do not disappear the next 5 days and improvements is not observed, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor.

What to do after poisoning? When the symptoms of intoxication have already passed, it is important to restore the health of the body. First of all, it is necessary to restore the intestinal microflora than to do - drugs of Linex, Bifidumbacterin.

The nutrition is important, a properly compiled diet. Fat and fried dishes, sharp dishes, canned food, marinades, fast food, coffee, carbonated drinks and alcohol should be excluded from the menu. Preferences must be given to low-fat broths, porridge and croups, vegetables and fruits, vegetables can be hung, bake. It is allowed to eat meat and fish of low-fat varieties. Equal gun products will help restore the intestinal microflora.

It is necessary to observe the drinking regime, drink a sufficient amount of clean water, you can also use decoctions, kisins, frozen.

The next stage of recovery is the improvement of the condition of the whole organism, during this period it is recommended to raise immunity, to use a lot of vitamins, perform physical exercises. Sport improves blood circulation throughout the body, including in the gastrointestinal organs, it increases the quality of the digestive function.

To prevent food poisoning, prevention is very important:

Be sure to comply with personal hygiene (with soap, at least a couple of minutes in a row before meals, wash your hands; especially after visiting the toilet room, communicating with any animals, returning from walking, contact with any frequently used objects - computer, consoles, etc.)

Use for each type of products. Different cutting boards (meat, slave, vegetables)

Wash your hands before cooking, rinse food well using soda;

If there are scratches on the hands, wounds to use rubber gloves;

Regularly change the sponges that are used for washing dishes;

It is advisable to use disposable kitchen towels;

When cooking by-products from meat, birds, fish observe a certain temperature;

Control the temperature at which the products are stored in the refrigerator and the freezer (they should be stored in the food containers with covers)

Any frozen foods never re-freeze after thawing;

The shelf life of products should be monitored when purchasing and before the preparation and use of products;

Waste and garbage storing in closed containers and outside children's reach.

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