The kitten rushes boo on the floor. Cat scratch ass on carpet: worms, inflammation or irritation? The cat goes on the pope because pieces of feces stick to wool

A fairly common problem with which the owners of fluffy pets turn to the veterinarian is a sudden change in the behavior of the animal. If the cat suddenly begins to scratch the seat under the tail, trying to wipe the anus about the carpet or somehow it is anxious, it should be carefully inspecting the affected area.

Long-haired cats may experience discomfort after defecation. If feces remained in wool under the tail, clean animals will try to get rid of them with all their might. Usually it is manifested in the fact that the cat scratches the ass on the carpet after the trip to the toilet. This phenomenon is absolutely normal, in the wild feline use the grass for these purposes and fallast leaves.

Nevertheless, the problem must be struggling, as the cat can get carpets, bed linen or floor. The owners of long-haired animals have two outputs - either wash the cat's ass after the toilet, or squeak the long wool under the tail. The first option is difficult to implement, since it is not always possible to catch the moment of the departure of the natural need of a domestic pet. The optimal output from the current situation will be neat cutting the wool in such a way that there are no pieces of feces in it and the sand from the cat tray does not fall.

Helmintes from cats

With such a problem, it is most often facing or very young kittens, or animals on natural feeding. Insufficiently processed meat and fish preserve the eggs of worms, so the favorite infection can occur even if the cat does not happen on the street.

Treatment is to take drugs against worms. Such drugs are toxic and can cause animal poisoning, so they must be selected by the veterinarian.

You must take a pet to the doctor and pass the analysis of the feces, according to the results of which the veterinarian will select optimal drug For treatment.

In some cases, simultaneous non-heel climbing therapy may be required for all family members and other animals living in the house, since worms' eggs easily penetrate the body when contacting an infected animal.

Inflammation of paraanal glands

Paramanal glands are located on both sides of the rear passage and serve to develop a special sharply smelling secret, which is necessary for contacts for contact with relatives. For a number of reasons, these glands can be blocked and inflamed, which causes an animal strong discomfort. To suspect the blockage of the glands in the following symptoms:

  • cat scratches the ass on the carpet;
  • animal nibbles its own tail;
  • homemade favorite often scratches and licks anus;
  • there is an unpleasant odor.

Chesing anus about the carpet in this case is nothing but an attempt to free the glands from the accumulated secret. The blockage of paraanal glands with subsequent inflammation develops against the background of frequent constipation and reduce muscle tone. Most often with such a problem, owners of adult cats are facing, over 3-4 years.

Inflammatory process It is dangerous by the development of abscesses of para -anal glands. At the opening of the abscess, the purulent masses in the overall blood flow can be hit, which will lead to the development of sepsis. In particularly severe cases, the blockage of paraanal glands may result in death.

Principle of treatment

Push the problem with paraanal glands is simply simply on the specific smell emanating from the cat, and the release of thick liquid when pressed to the area around the anus. Most effective method Treatment is a mechanical cleaning of the glands. An inexperienced person is advised to refer to the vet to carry out such a procedure. The doctor presses the large and index finger on the zones around the anus, as a result, a thick sharply smelling secret is distinguished. Such a procedure is repeated several times before the fullegestion of the glands. It is enough to see the course of the procedure once to make the next time to cope with the gland cleansing of the glands.

With a strong blockage, when the outer effect failed to achieve complete liberation of the ducts, the introduction of a finger into the anal hole of the cat followed by pressing the glands from the inside to remove the accumulated secretion. On the initial stage development, the inflammatory process can be stopped using drugs - anti-inflammatory candles with ichthiol or leftomycetin in the composition.

Cats with long wool causes that she rides the floor - feces left under the tail. If there are problems with the emptying of the intestine in the cat's defecation process, the animal rises on the tail and tries to squeeze out the remains of the detergents from the intestine, clean the anal hole. This can happen if the feces are too thick.

In addition, it can get confused in thick animal wool and create discomfort. Then the cat can not get rid of Cala. She will try to do it, and travels on the priest along the rough surface. The cat goes boo around the carpet, because the carpet in this case is the most suitable option.

Too liquid stool is also the reason that the cat travels and wipes the ass on the floor. The diarrhea causes irritation of the very anus and skin near him in short-haired rocks. Paw cat can not get this place. To get rid of the painful feeling of the ferrous, she is possible, only sitting on the ass, and, rearrange the front paws, ride the floor.

Disorders in the diet, because of which the cat has constipation or liquid stools, corrected by a corresponding diet and sufficient water. For long-haired beauties, it is recommended to cut wool from the rear pass so that the feces do not remain in wool. In diarrhea, the cat introduces rectal candles, relieving inflammation in the rectum.

Health problems

A more serious reason why the animal goes on the pope is health.

Diseases of cats driving on the pope:

  • psychological trauma;
  • posttramatic stress;
  • worms;
  • inflammation of the anal glands.

Mental disorder due to severe stress is expressed in a strange cat behavior. It can become aggressive, unavigible, losing appetite, ride on the tail on the floor, regardless of the toilet. Identify the inadequacy of the animal and to offer treatment should a specialist in veterinary clinic.

Phantom pain after suffering the injury of the hind limbs or the fracture of the hip joint is forced the cat to find a way to make them painless. The cat rides on the pope, trying to get rid of himself from painful syndrome, preserved in his brain. To facilitate the state of the cat because of the painful post-traumatic pain, she is given by sedative soft tools, to designate which should veterinarian.

Molds and ribbon worms live in a colon. Molds lay eggs at the entrance to the anal hole. For this purpose, they crawl out of the intestines, while creating a sense of strong itching. From the unpleasant sensations in the back pass, the cat is distracted by what goes on the Pope on the floor.

Strong infection with tape worms causes a feeling of cutting in the intestines. An animal tries to get rid of feces. Instinctively cat stimulates anal hole and drives half to cause an act of defecation. With melted infection, animals are given anthelmintic drugs orally or in the form of an external agent (droplets on the withers).

The blockage of the anal glands may be dangerous. Anal glands are muscular bags, of which the secreter, which gives a peculiar smell of cat calm and urine. Thanks to this smell, the cat marks its territory, finds the place where he was recovered. These glands are located next to the rear pass. The glands of the glands have a form of two small points.

Feline secret is normal - this is a thick, odoring substance. Glands produce a secret all the time. The incomplete emptying causes the interpretation of the bag, irritation of ferrous ducts. Anal glands swell and become noticeable under the tail at the cat. Circulation violation may result in the formation of a fistula and a breakthrough of content in abdominal cavity.

In addition to direct signs of the disease of the anal glands, in which the cat wipes the ass on the floor, there are also dermatological deviations. On the neck, along the ridge with inflammation of the excretory glands appear sores (small seals). Near the tail, along the spine, the wool falls out, forming propellars.

Factors affecting the occurrence of pathology in the cat, at which it goes on the Pope:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • obesity;
  • caloric food.

With the weight of the cat over the norm, in combination with incompleteness, the muscle tissue is replaced by a fatley. There is squeezing of tissues with a violation of the circulation of anal ducts. Excess calories affect work internal organs Cats, which is expressed in a liquid chair. In diarrhea, odorous sections are not mixed with the feces, remain on the skin, causing it irritation and itching. The cat travels on the floor on the tail to reduce the unpleasant sensation.

When the cat's metabolism is broken, the selection may be too thick and clog the ducts, or abundant, and irritate the skin. It causes inflammation, swelling and itching anus. If you do not pay attention to it in a timely manner, then the cat will ride on the floor along the floor until the skin has the skin from the anal hole to the blood. Infection of the wound will cause its inflammation.

Stagnation in ducts and glands is dangerous by their bacterial contamination. On the mucous membranes there are ulcers. The inflammatory process without treatment will spread to the abdominal cavity. An animal will be increasingly concerned, not finding out of place, ride on the pope. With a weakened immunite, sepsis can develop. The cat travels on the floor on the floor to squeeze the accumulated secret from the ducts.

How to clean paramanal glands

The blockage of the anal glands is treated in a veterinary clinic. Some cat breeds such a procedure are required once or two per month. Veterinarian cleans the ducts. In the case when infection has fallen in the wounds, inflammation and suppuration has occurred, the cat is prescribed a course of antibiotics, a special diet, candles.

In the running stage (necrosis of mucous tissues) required surgical intervention (excision of affected shells). Treatment of disease is long: from 2 months to six months. Relations are possible, the cat must be under the supervision of the veterinarian.

You can do the purification of para -anal glands at home. The regular procedure is to extrude the secret. Because of the unpleasant smell, it is necessary to carry out manipulation in special clothes, rubber gloves, have gauze napkins at hand. Cat must be fixed, it is best to root, leaving a free tail. Then it is cut on the back and to the side, freeing the anal hole.

Two fingers need to be squeezed out the skin on both sides just below the anus using a gauze napkin. Footprints will be visible on the napkin. Squeezing is made to complete cleansing pieces of contents. With a tough condition, the secret is not deleted by an outdoor method. In this case, an index finger in the rubber glove is introduced into the rear pass. With a thumb outside and index from the inside are squeezed alternately anal bags up to their complete release.

This way of the cat is causing. Facilitate the separation of the secret if the swelling of the anal bags has already occurred, you can use rectal candles (for example, with hytol) or lubricating an anal hole with anti-inflammatory ointment.

Age peculiarities

The kitten goes on the pope after the toilet, if he is inappropriately swallowed not a digestible item. This happens during the change of dairy teeth in cats, when they gnaw everything from unbearable itching in the jaws.

Sliding a piece of plastic, a tangle of woolen threads that do not go completely from the intestines, the cat travels on the floor along the floor, trying to extract the object from the rectum.

In the stomach, the cat can get a plastic film that causes the intestinal blockage, as it does not go out with the feces. In the event of such situations, when the cat travels on the floor without visible reasonsThe veterinarian intervention is required, including surgery.

Healing a pet from the desire to ride on the floor on the floor - it means to help him get rid of an indous sensation.

Complication of generic activity

Cat-original, without having experience behavior when the kitten gets stuck in the birth paths at bills, sit on the tail and go on the floor, trying to help, as when defecated. Experienced cats contribute to the kitten to be born, massaging his belly by the language. Without the help of the owner or veterinarian, the birth of an inexperienced cat will end with the death of not only a kitten, but also its own.

A veterinarian consultation is required. Information only for familiarization. Administration

In our article we will reply to the concern of many of the question: why does the dog go on the floor? The reasons for this phenomenon are a lot. We will consider them, we will also tell me what to do in one situation or another.

Many people who have four-legged pets, do not fully understand all the responsibility that falls on their shoulders. This is not surprising, because the dogs, unfortunately, will not be able to say that they are concerned. Therefore, often people do not know how to help their pets with a particular problem.

Problem with a dog

Why does the dog go on the floor on the pope? An animal photo in such a posture looks very comic, but such a pet can mean not at all funny diseases. So, what do these actions mean?

Before you begin to think about the treatment of a dog, you should correctly define the disease itself. It is almost impossible to do this at home, especially if the problem is much more serious than it seems at first glance. To determine accurate diagnosis, it is recommended to immediately refer to specialists who can unmistakably designate the type of problem. Moreover, only experienced veterinarians are able to assign a course of treatment, suitable for a particular dog.

Scored paramanial glands

However, it is not always possible to show your pet an experienced specialist. Therefore, the owners decide on independent treatment Animal. So why and why the dog goes on the floor on the pope? The most common cause is the accumulation of secrets in the bags of para-analysis glands.

You can remove excess in two ways:

  1. Outdoor. In this case, it is necessary to squeeze the anal area on both sides. At the same time, it is best to put a napkin to the pope so that the secret does not blur the floor. This method of cleansing is quite simple. However, it is not always enough.
  2. Internal. When the secret in the glands thickened, then with the help of the first way it is quite difficult to completely clean the bags. Therefore, you have to show a little more patience and skill.

To completely clean paramanal glands, you will need to put a glove on the arm of rubber. Next, you should lubricate an index finger with a petroleum and introduce it into the anus of the pet. After that, iron is squeezed with an index finger from the inside and large - outside. Such manipulations will allow fully cleaning the bags from the secret and deliver four-legged friend from uncomfortable sensations.

It may be that after careful cleaning the dog still experiences itching in the area of \u200b\u200bthe anal hole and continues to ride the boot. In this case, we can conclude that a certain amount of the secret still remains in bags. Then you should repeat the procedure again, trying to clean the bags more carefully.


You should not neglect these actions and wait until the dog starts riding the floor on the floor. It is better to regularly repeat this procedure so that the pet is always in good mood and well-being. In the opposite case, more serious health problems may arise from the appearance of abscesses. Such consequences will be unpleasant for both the animal and for its owners. The dog will already experience not ordinary discomfort, but the very real pain until the scope breaks down. People will have to remove the surface of the floor or furniture from an unpleasant felting secret, which has been rotten in para anal gland. Also with abscess may occur if it is formed inside an anal pass. He can be upset for a long time without giving a pet pet. In this case, the owners are recommended, without thinking, contact the doctor, without tormenting their animal.

In general, bringing a dog to the house, a person should be ready for this problem, a little bit of every PSA. It is better to read the appropriate literature in advance to perform this procedure yourself. Especially since it is recommended to clean paramanal glands with early age animals.

Inflammation of mucous

So why does the dog go on the floor on the pope? It is possible that the PSA inflamed the mucous membrane. Such a disease cannot be revealed independently. Therefore, it is worth sending a pet to the veterinarian immediately. In the first case, a microbatic or infection can be caused in the shell. Also recent injury can cause inflammation.

Therefore, if there was something, you should not try to cure the animal yourself. Already in the clinic, the dog will have all required helpAnd also make a smear whose result will help confirm or refute the diagnosis.


Now it is clear why the dog goes on the floor on the pope. The blockage of the anal and paramanal glands is less common, but can also cause the dog's discomfort. As a result, she will ride the floor on the pope. It is very difficult to cope with such a disease independently, if a person has no definite skills in this area. So, the animal will require regular mechanical washing, a course of certain antibiotics and much more. The course of treatment is determined depending on the degree of the disease. For example, in some cases it may be necessary or washing the sinus with the help of antiseptics and so on. Naturally, in such problems, an inexperienced person will not be able to determine the real threat and appoint a course of treatment.


Now it is clear why the dog goes on the floor on the pope. Possible reasons we listed.

As you can see, there are a lot of them. Therefore, you need to take care of your dog and observe it regularly. After all, it is in this way that it is possible to find unreasoning in its initial form, which means to eliminate it without special complications.

Dogs and cats lick under their tail and around him, as well as "drive" on the Pope on the floor for various reasons. Most often found:

Paramanal gloa diseases. Dogs and cats have two cities, one on each side of the anal hole. They can hurt much, as well as infection can be penetrated. If this happens, the animal loses the area of \u200b\u200bthe anal glands to reduce the pressure in them. Some animals also "go" on their pope on the floor, if they have any problems with anal glands.

The substance highlighted by paraanal glands, thick and with a very unpleasant smell. Most animals can release these glands purposefully for marking by the smell or in self-defense like Skuns. Some cats largely lost the ability to control the emptying of these bags alone. Normally, this happens, for example, with normal defecation. If the glands are overwhelmed, they increase, inflamed, interfere with defecation and even walking.

Immediately check the paraanal glands, especially if earlier this animal had problems with them. If you are overflowing, you can try one of two ways to empty them:

Outdoor method - the napkin is pressed against the rear pass, and both sides of the anal area are squeezed. If the secret is very viscous (pasty), this method may be insufficient for complete release of bags;

The internal method is to wear a rubber glove, the index finger is lubricated with vaseline and is introduced into anus. Now it is possible to climb the gland between the thumb outside and index from the inside, which allows you to completely get rid of the viscous secret.

If Paramanal glands are well cleaned, itching under the tail passes, and in a day - two cats are no longer trying to ride. What can happen if the glands are not cleaned? It can form an abscess that breaks down through the skin. It is painful, and all the surrounding will necessarily be fan of a foul secret of the inflamed paramanal gland. It is worth noting that this is found quite often, but mistakenly diagnosed as rectal bleeding. If your animal has an abscess of paraanal glands, only a doctor will help.

And what if itching is continuing under the tail, like "riding" on the boost? If one-time cleaning of the glands did not help, after a few days the procedure is repeated. Some animals have to return to the cleaning of the glands several times in a row, while it is possible to achieve a persistent pure state of their state. If the procedures are regular, paraanal glands are steadily clean, but the troubles are continuing, it is worth consulting a doctor. Most likely the cat is worried because allergic reaction, flat worms, and possibly due to low lumbar pains.

Diseases and selection of genital organs. Females often lick the vulva region when they have a flow. They can act in such a way if they have the infection of the uterus. Some females may develop vaginite, which is the cause of strong itching. The fourth cause of the lick of the female of the vulva region is the beginning of childbirth. Since you have another little kitten, this reason can be discarded.

If you have noticed that the animal pays this part of the body increased attention, it is likely that there is some kind of medical problem, and you should consult with the veterinarian.


A pretty funny and funny sight is a dog striking on its fifth point with raised legs. But in fact it is not very funny, because such behavior is a serious problem. Therefore, it is necessary to understand why there is a desire to go on the ground, about which diseases it says and that in this case it is necessary to take.

The desire for purity

The simplest and harmless reason is the desire to clean the anal hole and wool around it. The dog is a creature quite clean, therefore, the wool does not want to lick its contaminated wastewater.

Nature is intended so that this area of \u200b\u200bthe body usually remains clean. But with the appearance of breeds with increased woolness, it does not always happen. In addition, often the pet has a liquid chair, which does not contribute to the purity of woolen cover.

Did you know? Each dog has an imprint of the nose individual, like fingerprints in humans.

In this case, it is necessary to do as follows:

  1. Revise the diet of the animal and show it to the veterinarian to eliminate the diarrhea.
  2. Spend .

If the wool is clean and there is no problem with the chair, you should look for another reason for the problem.

Problems with anal glands (itching)

One more possible reason This behavior is itching in the area of \u200b\u200bthe anus. In these places in dogs there are special glands, called anal bags or paramanal glands. They produce a special secret to which animals will make the territory (that is why at the meeting they sniff each other under the tail).

In a healthy pet, these bags throw away the secret in the process of defecation or urination. But with diseases, supercooling, various pathologies of development, violation of metabolism, improper feeding, the secret changes its structure and over time clogs the vessels.

In this case, there will be no normal emptying of bags, but the secretion of the secret will not stop. An animal will begin to test the pressure on the walls near the anal hole and a heavy itch.

Thus, grazing on the floor, the animal facilitates itching and eliminates the blockage of sinus tunnels. The veterinarian is cleaning, physically removing the blocking plugs. But such a measure is temporary, therefore it is necessary to find the root cause of the problem and eliminate it first.

Important! Particularly susceptible to the problem of blockage sinuses of dog dwarf rocks.

If this symptom is ignored, then you can get serious consequences - damage to tissues, infection with infections, inflammation, up to peritonitis.

So I ignore the like "fun" a pet is not worth it anyway. It is better to rebuild and show it to the veterinarian.


Infection with helminths is the second most popular reason for the crawling of dogs.

In this case, this behavior of the animal speaks of extremely high infection with worms, when they are no longer placed in remote intestinal departments.

You can fight here from helminths.

Important! Any dog \u200b\u200bliving in a dwelling should receive preparations for the prevention of infection with gloves at least 2 times a year.

Intestinal diseases

Call itching and pain in the rear pass of the animal, in which the dog begins to crawl on the pope, there may be bowel diseases, such as colitis, obstruction, inflammation of the mucous membrane, damage to the intestine by fragments of bones.

In this case, the dog needs to show the veterinarian to establish the reasons. And it is better not to postpone such a visit - sometimes the pet may depend on it.

Rectal prolapse

Crawn the pet can also at the initial stage of the gut. It will not last long because of pain. This is a rather dangerous phenomenon, but very noticeable. If during the inspection becomes noticeable any bloody or bulge - immediately lead the pet to the veterinarian.


Long-haired dog breeds may experience discomfort when hitting the wool in sensitive places under the tail and begin to be hung on the floor or interior items.

After examining the pet, you can make sure that the reason is exactly the case, after which it is a haircut and remove all woolen lumps.

Did you know? In the empire, the Aztecs were grown by dogs of the Chihuahua breed as food for predators in captivity.

Funny, the behavior of a pet can signal at all of the non-symptoms with health, ranging from the blockage of the anal glands and ending with the intestinal loss. Noticing such behavior, the dog should show a doctor immediately. This in any case will be worth it, even if the alarm is false.

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