Retinal dystrophy is there a chance to see. Causes of retinal degeneration and its types

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The inner lining of the eye is called the retina. It regulates the interaction between the central nervous system and organs of vision. It is she who is responsible for translating the light signals perceived by the organs of vision into the corresponding nerve impulses directed to the brain.

A number of visual impairments, which are characterized by changes in the retina and have an irreversible destructive nature, are called dystrophy. The pathology of changes in retinal tissue always leads to a stable deterioration in vision. To prevent its loss and disease progression, it is necessary to treat retinal degeneration.


Symptoms depend on the type of disorder, but they also have general deviations from the norm. The most common symptoms of the disease are:

  • drop in vision;
  • distortion of images;
  • the patient has a feeling of dark spots before the eyes;
  • objects without clarity;
  • twilight lighting dramatically impairs perception;
  • drop in peripheral vision (and even its complete loss).

Causes of the disease

The impetus for the development of retinal dystrophy (acquired), a disease dangerous to the health of the eyes, can be many reasons of a different nature:

  • any kind of eye injury;
  • toxic effects on the body of any origin;
  • other diseases of the organs of vision, for example, myopia, inflammation, etc .;
  • complication after surgical intervention;
  • infectious diseases;
  • systemic health problems (high blood pressure, kidney disease, diabetes, etc.).

All of these listed reasons can contribute to the development of the disease, but they are just risk factors. With a hereditary predisposition, the threat of the disease can be considered extremely high. Note! Even stress, pregnancy, excess weight, direct solar radiation.


For effective treatment disease requires competent timely diagnosis and examination by an ophthalmologist. Among the studies, the following can be recommended:

  • retina;
  • light perception;
  • fundus;
  • eye structures;
  • determination of the boundaries of peripheral vision;
  • test of visual acuity;
  • electrophysiological examination, which gives a picture of the state of the retina itself and nerve cells;
  • fluorescence angiography for the study of blood vessels in the eyes.

Varieties of retinal dystrophy

The disease is divided into types, which is associated with its origin and the place of the inconsequential pathological process of the retina. Distinguish between hereditary and acquired forms of the disease.

Hereditary. This is a hereditary dystrophy, it includes several types. But the most common are point-white and pigmented.

  • Dot white. This pathology is congenital. Development occurs from early childhood, which leads to a deterioration in visual perception even before school.
  • Pigmented. It is a genetic eye disease. Dystrophy of this type is characterized by a disruption in the work of photoreceptors, which are important for a person's twilight vision.

The disease has a slow course with a stable worsening, despite the alternation of periods of remission after exacerbations. Most often, the disease manifests itself during school. By the age of 20, the disease is already clearly manifested and a diagnosis is made. With age, the condition worsens so much that it can lead to complete loss of vision.

Acquired dystrophy

This type of disease is typical for the elderly. It can manifest itself in combination with other diseases of the visual organs associated with age-related changes. It is impossible to cure it completely conservatively. Depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion, there are:

  • Generalized (with this type of dystrophy, damage to the retina affects all its parts).
  • Central (macular).
  • Peripheral.

Central dystrophy. Macular is named for its localization in that region of the retina (macula), which is responsible for the area of \u200b\u200bthe clearest vision. Varieties of macular degeneration:

Depending on the pathology and damage to the retina, the following types are distinguished:

  • serous choriopathy;
  • age (wet or dry);
  • colloidal;
  • cone (congenital);
  • best's disease;
  • franceschetti's disease;
  • stargardt's disease.

Important! With a central form of dystrophy without affecting peripheral areas, the development of the disease does not lead to blindness.

Patients experience discomfort, complain to the ophthalmologist about the following manifestations:

  • doubling of objects;
  • the image of objects is distorted.

Age-related dystrophy. Macular degeneration of the retina, treatment is appropriate depending on clinical form (dry or wet) and the degree of pathology. Both forms of the disease are characteristic age category from 60 years old. The central part of the retina is damaged due to age changes... It is the macula that is responsible for the eye's ability to distinguish between small objects. But even in the case of a severe course of the disease, the peripheral parts of the retina continue to perform their functions and blindness occurs very rarely.

The peculiarity of the wet form is the penetration of fluid and blood into the retina. The drop in vision occurs extremely quickly, up to several days. The treatment of such a condition is complex and prompt.

The most common is the dry form, in which deterioration occurs gradually. The disease is characterized by the accumulation of cellular debris between the retina and the vascular membrane.

Peripheral. This type of retinal lesion is characterized by a violation of only the peripheral region without affecting the macular region. Of the manifestations of the disease, a person can only notice the appearance of "flies" before his eyes.

A feature of peripheral dystrophy is its difficult diagnosis. When an ophthalmologist examines a patient's fundus, the peripheral areas are almost invisible. Pathology can only be diagnosed using special equipment. Peripheral dystrophy classification:

  • pigmented;
  • fine-grained;
  • frost-like;
  • lattice.

Often, against the background of myopia, retinal detachment is possible. In this case, the patient complains of the sensation of a veil before the eyes, but without surgery, vision can no longer be restored.

Treatment methods

Dystrophy is a serious medical condition that can lead to complete blindness. Already lost sight at the onset of the disease and exacerbations cannot be restored. For the most part, treatment is assumed to be symptomatic, since, in addition to secondary, any types of degeneration have a hereditary predisposition. Treatment is directed for the most part to such actions:

  • state stabilization;
  • prolongation of periods of remission;
  • strengthening the muscles of the eyes and blood vessels;
  • improving the course of metabolic processes in the organs of vision.

Disease treatment methods:

  • medication;
  • physiotherapy;
  • surgery;
  • laser coagulation.

In some cases, eyes are treated folk remedies, which can be used in combination with other treatment methods, but always under the supervision of the attending physician.

Laser coagulation

This method of treatment is designed to prevent a serious complication of dystrophy - retinal detachment and to prevent loss of vision. The laser allows you to have a point effect without damaging healthy tissue. During the manipulation, the damaged areas are burned to the desired areas of the eye to the specified depth.


Whether it is possible to do without surgical intervention is determined by the doctor after a comprehensive examination of the patient. Retinal dystrophy treatment is surgical most often in cases when the disease was diagnosed late and when it no longer makes sense to hope that eye injections will help.

To improve metabolic processes and normalize blood supply, patients undergo vasoreconstructive surgery. With a diagnosed wet form, the treatment of macular degeneration of the retina is aimed at preventing the accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the retina. To prevent the destruction of the retina, the following surgical methods are used:

  • Vasoreconstruction, which is based on the use of transplants;
  • Ravascularization, the result is an increase in the lumen of functioning vessels.


With retinal dystrophy, physiotherapy is prescribed in the initial stages of the disease to strengthen the muscles of the eyes and the retina itself. Several methods of physiotherapy exist and are used:

  • ultrasound therapy;
  • phonophoresis;
  • electrophoresis;
  • microwave therapy;
  • laser blood irradiation (intravenous).

Drug treatment

Retinal dystrophy can be treated with drugs only on the most early stages the development of the disease. In other situations, the positive effect of this only conservative treatment impossible. Of medical supplies patients are shown:

  • vitamins E and A;
  • angioprotectors;
  • corticosteroids;
  • products with lutein;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • local action vasodilator drugs;
  • antioxidants;
  • general action of vasodilators.


As preventive measures those who are at risk for eye diseases are advised to:

  • spend less time under the sun;
  • perform eye gymnastics;
  • lead healthy image life;
  • take vitamin complexes;
  • give your eyes the opportunity to rest;
  • good lighting of the workplace;
  • lack of heavy physical exertion;
  • periodic medical examination by an ophthalmologist.

Treatment with folk recipes

As an additional therapy and an integrated approach to the treatment of dystrophy, treatment with folk remedies can be used.

Coniferous broth. For cooking you will need:

  • 1 l. water;
  • 4 tsp each chopped rose hips and onion husks;
  • 10 tsp pine needles.


  • Connect all components.
  • Cover with warm water.
  • Cook for 10 minutes over low heat.
  • Cool down.
  • Strain.
  • Take throughout the day, spreading evenly.

The course is 30 days.

Garlic drops

For cooking you will need:

  • 1 l. vodka;
  • 1 kg of garlic.


  • Pour vodka over the garlic in a jar.
  • Close the container tightly with the lid.
  • Place in a warm place.
  • Insist for 2 weeks, stirring the contents periodically.
  • Strain.
  • Take before meals three times a day for 13 k.

The course of treatment is 60 days, then a break for 1.5 weeks.

Serum drops

For cooking you will need: 2 tsp. water and the same amount of fresh goat's milk whey.

Preparation: mix the ingredients.

Application: 1 to. Drip into the eyes. Cover your eyes with a cloth. Lie down for 30 minutes. without moving your eyes.

The course is 7 days.

Home treatment should be performed after consultation with an ophthalmologist.


At the moment, there is no remedy that would give a painless cure for retinal degeneration. Therefore, it is so important to undergo medical examinations with an ophthalmologist on time, monitor your health, and, if necessary, undergo treatment prescribed by an ophthalmologist.

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Retinal dystrophy is a degenerative change in the tissue of the retina. Depending on the localization, the central and peripheral forms of the disease are distinguished. In this article, we will look at central (macular) degeneration.

There are two types of retinal macular degeneration - wet and dry forms, let's look at them.

Retinal macular degeneration - "dry form"

Age-related macular degeneration(AMD) or involutional central dystrophy, senile macular degeneration. This is the name of a degenerative disease of our retina, which leads to a decrease in central vision.

The main cause of the disease is the irreversible aging process of the entire human body, including its eye organs. Also, retinal dystrophy can be a consequence of trauma, postponed inflammatory or infectious diseases, developed myopia, and sometimes this way the negative influence of heredity affects.

Smoking, heart disease vascular system, radiation can provoke the development of the disease.

The first symptoms that determine retinal dystrophy:

  • Curving contours and blurring objects.
  • Difficulty reading due to noticeable "breaking" of letters.
  • The brightness of the images decreases.
  • At later stages, a transparent spot appears in the central part of the visual field.

When such changes are detected, it is extremely important not to hesitate to contact an ophthalmologist in order to diagnose the disease on time and correctly. The initial stages of the disease respond to treatment much more effectively than advanced retinal degeneration.

In the early stages, in cases of the "dry" form of this disease, doctors to improve functional state and retinal nutrition is usually applied with drug treatment.

Depending on the type of disease, retinal degeneration undergoes laser correction or surgery. Laser procedures are painless and only special ones are used as anesthesia. eye drops... As a result of such an operation, the accumulated slags are removed from the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe retina. Usually one procedure is sufficient, but in special cases the doctor may prescribe it again.

Surgical treatment is often aimed at preserving visual functions in patients with dystrophic processes in the fundus. Modern method of surgical correction of hemodynamics (separately or together with a conservative course of treatment) consists in the use of special drugs introduced into vitreous eyes and thereby reduce edema in the central part of the retina. Such an operation is also performed using local anesthesia.

Retinal dystrophy treatment and operation

Collagen implant(width - 6 mm, length - 20 mm) is impregnated with an antioxidant or vasodilator drug and inserted through an incision in the conjunctiva into the subtenon space (inferior nasal or inferior temporal quadrant, 8 mm from the limbus) without suturing. For 10 postoperative days, instillation is carried out against inflammation.

Collagen sponge "Xenoplast" is introduced into the sub-Tenon space to dilate blood vessels due to developing aseptic inflammation in the surrounding tissues of the microvasculature. This stimulates the growth of connective tissue with newly formed vessels.

After 1-2 months from the day of the operation, granulation tissue is formed at the injection site of the sponge. After 2-3 months, the sponge completely resolves, and the degree of vascularization of the newly formed episcleral tissues remains quite high.

Improving blood flow in the choroid, which is involved in the blood supply to the retina and disc optic nerve is a factor that leads to an increase in acuity by 61.4%, and also to an expansion of 75.3%, of the field of view.

The operation, during which the retinal dystrophy is corrected, can be performed repeatedly, but not more often than after 2 months from the date of the previous one.


Correction of visual acuity up to 0.4 D:

  1. In the presence of retinal pigment abiotrophy
  2. In the presence of a dry form of chorioretinal central dystrophy retina

Not all patients with a diagnosis of retinal dystrophy may be recommended surgical intervention. Therefore, it is necessary to know in advance about the existing contraindications:

  1. Age over 75
  2. Vision with acuity below 0.02 D
  3. Severe uncompensated somatic diseases (collagenoses, grade III hypertension, oncological, etc.)
  4. Diabetes

Also, retinal dystrophy is not treated during a period when any inflammatory processes, including those concerning eye diseases.

Macular degeneration "wet form"

Now one of the most effective methods macular degeneration treatment "Wet" forms are considered to be the introduction of lucentis (inhibitor of the growth of newly formed vessels) into the vitreous body. This leads to a slowdown in the progression of a decrease in central vision, as well as to restoration (partial) of visual acuity in about 25-40% of patients who have applied, stabilizing it in 95%. 0.05 ml (0.5 mg).

Retinal dystrophy is corrected in several stages: the first three injections with a frequency of 1 r / month are performed sequentially for three months. After that, treatment with Lucentis stops, the stabilization phase begins, and visual acuity is checked at least 1 r / month. An interval of 1 month is required between two doses of the administered drug. Treatment with Lucentis of the disease "Retinal dystrophy" should be carried out only by an ophthalmologist, observing aseptic conditions.

Photodynamic therapy

Another most effective therapeutic technique used to treat central dystrophy of the "wet" retina in the formation of a neovascular subretinal membrane. The treatment is carried out as follows: the photosensitizer Vizudin (a special substance that accumulates under the retina in the neovascular pathological membrane) is injected into the patient's vein. After that, the central area of \u200b\u200bthe retina absorbed by this photosensitizer is irradiated with a laser (by a specialist with a specified wavelength). The neovascular pathological membrane is destroyed under the retina, as a result of which the retinal degeneration disease is partially cured. For a stable effect, 3 sessions of photodynamic therapy are required, the interval between which is 2-3 months.

Barrage of the macular area

Such an operation is performed with the aim of treating certain forms of central dystrophy of the "wet" retina. In a circle around the central zone of the retina, laser coagulates are applied to it. Retinal edema usually resolves after this procedure, with partial or full recovery visual functions.

Like any disease, retinal degeneration is more easily prevented than treated. Therefore, adherence to simple preventive measures helps to reduce the likelihood of developing the disease. Namely: a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, with essential trace elements and vitamins, the obligatory presence of moderate physical activity, a systematic visit to an ophthalmologist (one or two times a year is enough, in the absence of complaints) and obligatory treatment of chronic diseases.

The eyes are one of the most important organs feelings of a person, and it is very important to control visual acuity in time. In a neglected state, the development of diseases leading to complete blindness is possible. Retinal dystrophy is one of the most dangerous and common diseases, which manifests itself as a result of age-related changes in the body in relation to the functioning of the visual organs.

Faced with this diagnosis for the first time, people are looking for an answer to the question, retinal dystrophy, what it is. The disease is characterized by damage to the eye tissues, leading to their complete death. The reason may be as a violation of the exchange nutrients in the body, and the lack of nutrients and vitamins. The advanced stage of the disease leads to a complete loss of vision, without the possibility of its restoration. It is very important to diagnose the disease in a timely manner and immediately start treating it. You can confirm this diagnosis by contacting an ophthalmologist. The risk group for retinal dystrophy includes not only adults, but also children.

Retinal dystrophy is a rather dangerous ailment that manifests itself with age-related changes in the body to the functionality of the eyeballs.

Retinal dystrophy is an irreversible degenerative disease.

Classification of the disease

According to the statistical data obtained as a result of the study of the disease, it was revealed that the disease “gets younger” every year. Today, the group at risk includes not only the elderly, but also those who have a hereditary predisposition to eye diseases, as well as people leading an unhealthy lifestyle. Ecology is another important factor in the development of diseases associated with the sense organs.
Retinal dystrophy has several typologies.

Central retinal dystrophy

Central dystrophy, a process that originates in the molecular zone of the eyeball, developing due to irreversible aging of the body. The disease is dangerous with complete, irreversible loss of vision. The treatment process is rather complicated, as it affects central part eyes. The diagnosis is divided into dry and wet retinal degeneration.

Peripheral retinal dystrophy

Changes in the eyeball can be caused by trauma to the visual organs, as well as complications from the treatment of other diseases. Myopia and myopia at different stages can often precede the disease. Today, with timely referral to specialists, the disease is successfully treated by surgery.

Causes of occurrence

To identify the disease at an early stage, only the beginning of a long journey that lies ahead. It is very important to determine the causes of retinal dystrophy and what led to its development. Ophthalmologists identify the following reasons that can play a decisive role:

  • complications after surgery;
  • improper diet and bad habits;
  • imbalance of nutrients in the body;
  • dysfunction of the vascular system of the eyeball;
  • diabetes mellitus, infectious and viral diseases.

With dystrophy, the retinal tissue is destroyed, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in visual acuity.


Symptoms of retinal dystrophy manifest themselves gradually and cause a lot of life difficulties. The early stage of the disease occurs without visible symptoms, but the disease can progress rapidly. A person experiences discomfort when blinking, which can be expressed in a burning sensation of the eyeball, there is a sharp landing of vision, loss of sharpness and various opacities. However, these symptoms can also indicate other possible problems in the body. It is very important that the final diagnosis is established after a complete examination and all necessary procedures. Symptoms:

  • deterioration of vision in the evening;
  • a veil before the eyes;
  • sharp narrowing and distortion of the picture;
  • flashes, "flies" before the eyes;
  • distorted perception of shape, size and color.

Diagnosis of the disease

Dystrophic changes in the retina - require a competent specialist approach and a complete examination of the eye structure. An integrated approach is more appropriate here, during which a complete collection of anamnesis will be prepared. The following activities are required during the diagnosis:

  • perimetry - study of peripheral vision in order to determine its boundaries;
  • ophthalmoscopy - study of the fundus of the eyeball;
  • biomicroscopy - analysis of the structure of the eyeball;
  • adaptometry - study of light perception;
  • measurement of pressure in the visual organs;
  • retinal examination;
  • Ultrasound of the eyeball;
  • visometry - one of the ways to test for visual acuity is to work with four types of tables.

This disease is the most common cause of visual impairment in old age.

Also possible instrumental research the bottom of the eyeball. These include:

  1. Fluorescence angiography - one of the methods for examining the vessels of the eyeball, when an organic pigment is injected intravenously.
  2. Electrophysiological research - it is necessary to measure the state of the retina and nerve cells.

Retinal dystrophy treatment

Treatment of retinal dystrophy is determined during a diagnostic study. Most specialists give their preference to the following methods:

  • laser intervention;
  • medications;
  • vitreoretinal surgery.

The choice of the method according to which the treatment will be carried out is chosen by the ophthalmologist, based on the information obtained during the diagnosis.

Medication treatment

Medication-based treatment is primarily used in the early stages of the disease. Also, this method is used during the patient's rehabilitation after surgery. There are a number of medicines that have a positive effect on visual acuity, boost the immune system and enrich the body with vitamins. These medicines can be divided into the following pharmacological groups: angioprotectors, polypeptides, antiplatelet agents, biogenic stimulants, combined vitamins, as well as drugs that increase the stimulation of blood circulation.


Physiotherapy is an auxiliary method of combating the disease, which will strengthen the muscle system of the eyeball. Usually, the prescribed procedures are performed in a specialized center or clinic.

  1. Electrophoresis - impact on the body through the supply of low-amplitude current.
  2. Photostimulation - exposure to the retina with bright flashes of light.
  3. Magnetotherapy - impact on the body with magnetic field, with the aim of changing the biological fluid in the body.

The complex of procedures can be supplemented with laser radiation in order to stimulate the retina of the eyeball. This method is extremely effective in trying to stop the development of dystrophy. The essence of the method lies in the fact that with the help of a laser, the doctor draws a certain line between healthy and diseased tissues. Under the influence of the beam, the diseased vessels are "sealed", and the liquid inside the eyeball ceases to flow to them.

Thanks to this procedure, the disease is taken under complete control, and the patient avoids such dire consequences as retinal degeneration. The procedure for laser exposure is quick and simple, but at the same time it requires full compliance with the requirements of the ophthalmologist during the rehabilitation period.

Very often dystrophic changes in the retina accompany moderate and high myopia.

Surgical intervention

Carrying out surgical operation usually required when the disease is diagnosed at a later stage of development, and is the only way to avoid such unpleasant consequences as destruction of the retina. There are two main types of surgical intervention:

  1. Ravascularizing procedure - is a process of occlusion of the affected tissues of the eyeball, followed by an increase in the lumen in the efficient vessels.
  2. Vasoreconstructive surgery - is carried out using special grafts designed to stabilize the microvascular bed of the eyeball.

Retinal degeneration: causes and treatment

Degeneration of the retina is the irreversible destruction of tissues that leads to complete blindness. The disease occurs mainly among the elderly. Degeneration of eye tissue is rarely diagnosed in children and adolescents.

To date, medicine is unable to answer the question of what causes the degenerative process. It has been scientifically proven that this ailment can be hereditary, but it manifests itself only closer to old age... The phenomenon itself can also be associated with a large amount of metabolic substances in the eyeballs.
The answer to the question of how to treat retinal dystrophy is rather complicated, because the problem itself is not always solvable. Unfortunately, it is impossible to stop the progression of this disease with a therapeutic effect.

For many patients, experts recommend considering options for laser therapy, since with such a complex diagnosis, this is the only method that can give tangible results. Besides, alternative way fight against retinal degeneration, can become photodynamic therapy.

Retinal dystrophy at first may be asymptomatic

The essence of this method is to affect only newly formed vessels, in which the photoreceptors are not yet damaged. This technique can be combined with other methods of exposure.

Preventive standards

For the prevention of eye diseases, there are several recommendations that should be used by people at risk. It is necessary to periodically exercise eye gymnastics by performing special exercises. You should beware of harmful radiation, and also spend less time in the sun.

If you have a predisposition to dystrophy of the visual organs, you should take vitamin supplements and dietary supplements. Also, keep in mind that your eyes need rest, which means you need to add time to your schedule when you can relax.

In contact with

The retina is an important structure human body... Its function is based on the correct perception of the surrounding picture. In simple terms, the retina is the mediator between the eye and the higher visual structures of the brain.

Dystrophy is a pathological process associated with a change in the structure of the eye retina, which occurs due to a violation of metabolic processes in the eye. The progression of the dystrophic process does not allow the visual apparatus to perform its function in full.

In degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the retina, the photoreceptors that carry out color and visual analysis are primarily affected. This pathology is typical for people of advanced age, when age-related malnutrition of eye tissues occurs. The risk group for morbidity includes people suffering from pathologies of the visual apparatus, as well as those who have previously suffered eye injuries.

The danger of this condition is that as it progresses, a person begins to gradually lose sight, up to blindness. For a long time, the disease can be asymptomatic and is detected only when a person has lost a significant percentage of vision.

Types of retinal dystrophy

The concept of "retinal dystrophy" combines several different types diseases of the visual apparatus. Each disease has its own differences and characteristics.

Dystrophy of the central type

This type of degenerative changes in the retina is the most common and accounts for about 85% of all cases. Central retinal dystrophy is characterized by dysfunction of central vision, with preservation of peripheral vision.

With central chorioretinal dystrophy of the retina, there is no ability to read, write, manage normally vehicle and draw. An important feature is that chorioretinal dystrophy of the retina has a chronic course.

Peripheral type of dystrophy

In terms of occurrence, this pathology is inferior to the previous type of retinal dystrophy. The diagnosis of this disease causes a lot of difficulties, since the pathology is characterized by an asymptomatic course.

The most common form of the peripheral type of pathology is lattice retinal degeneration. With this type of dystrophy, there is a deterioration in peripheral vision, and the person ceases to normally perceive the surrounding picture. The risk group includes people suffering. The cause of degenerative-dystrophic changes is a violation of the blood supply to the tissues of the eye.

Age type of dystrophy

This disease is typical for elderly people. People over 65 are at risk. The cause of the pathology is age-related changes in the structure of the visual apparatus. Constant companions age-related dystrophy become hypertonic disease, cataracts and diabetes mellitus.

With age-related dystrophy, complete blindness very rarely develops, but it is not possible to stop the progression of the disease.

Pigmented type of dystrophy

This is the most rare view degenerative changes in the retina. It is customary to refer to it as a congenital pathology that is caused by a genetic predisposition. Pigmented dystrophy the retina is characterized by damage to the photoreceptors responsible for vision at dusk.

The disease is asymptomatic and difficult to treat.

Point type of dystrophy

This disease is characterized by a normal perception of the surrounding picture, however, a person can observe visual abnormalities in the form of white dots or flies in front of the eyes. Some people with dystrophy complain of blurred vision.

This disease usually develops from an early age and can be the result of congenital abnormalities.

Each of the listed types of dystrophy needs timely diagnosis and correct treatment... Otherwise, the person may lose sight.

Causes of dystrophy

The following factors can cause retinal dystrophy:

  • Failure in work immune system, which leads to the formation of degenerative changes in the structure of the retina.
  • Pathological changes in the vascular apparatus of the eye. As a result of such changes, scarring of the retina occurs from the center to the periphery.
  • The use of alcohol and tobacco smoking has a negative effect on metabolic processes in the structure of the eye. Ethanol and nicotine contribute to the narrowing of the eye vessels, as a result of which the blood supply to the structures of the visual apparatus is disrupted.
  • Another aggravating factor is an unbalanced diet. Violation of the food intake, as well as the use of dubious foods, contributes to the development of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the structure of the eye.
  • Previous surgical interventions on the organs of vision.
  • Disruption of metabolic processes in the body, leading to excessive weight gain.
  • Previously transferred infectious diseases. It should be noted that we are talking about those diseases for which timely medical assistance was not provided.
  • Pathology internal organs and systems. Such diseases include hypertension, diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, diabetes and kidney disease.
  • Excessive emotional and physical overload. This includes sports related to weight lifting.

Often, retinal degeneration occurs during pregnancy, against the background of general changes in the body.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Dystrophic changes in the retina can occur without any characteristic symptoms. A person may not be aware of this ailment for many years.

The main symptoms of retinal dystrophy are:

  1. Decreased visual acuity. This symptom is an indicator of abnormalities in the work of the visual apparatus. When the first signs of visual impairment appear, a person needs to contact a specialist for an examination. Each type of dystrophy is characterized by a decrease in visual function at a different rate.
  2. Distortion of color perception. Some types of dystrophy are characterized by a decrease or distortion in color perception. With the development of this symptom, a person is not always able to distinguish colors and shades.
  3. Fragments of the surrounding picture fall out of the field of view, as well as distortion of contours and lines. These symptoms are rare. People with these symptoms are unable to fully write, read, drive or paint.
  4. Decreased visual acuity at dusk. A very common symptom that occurs in people with pigmented dystrophy. For many people, this symptom does not cause significant discomfort.
  5. Light flashes. This symptom is typical for people suffering from peripheral dystrophy. Its feature is its rapid appearance and disappearance on its own.
  6. Sensation of flies before the eyes. This symptom is the most common, occurs most often with central retinal degeneration in humans. The patient complains of recurring visual anomalies in the form of flies in front of the eyes. A bright light or direct sunlight can provoke a visual anomaly.
  7. Distortion and clouding of the surrounding picture. It is one of the most common manifestations of dystrophy. A person may complain of a sudden cloudiness in front of the eyes, which disappears over time without additional intervention.


For an accurate diagnosis, a study of color perception, visual fields, visual acuity, as well as an examination of the fundus is required. The most informative method is considered to be visualization of the retina by means of coherent optical tomography.

To confirm a preliminary diagnosis, the following techniques can be used:

  • ultrasound examination of the eye;
  • laboratory diagnostic methods (information about the state of metabolism in the body);
  • fundus examination using a Goldman three-mirror lens;
  • visometry and perimetry;
  • assessment of the functional state of the optic nerve and retinal neurons (electrophysiological study);
  • fluorescent angiography.

In some cases, a person may need to conduct the entire list of the mentioned studies.

Retinal dystrophy treatment

Treatment of dystrophic changes is a long and difficult process, which does not always give the desired result. The main task of medical specialists is to inhibit pathological changes in the retina in order to prevent the progression of the disease.

Self-medication in this matter is categorically contraindicated, as it can result in complete or partial loss of vision for a person. People who experience a decrease in visual acuity are advised to consult an ophthalmologist.

Drug therapy

The use of drugs is effective only in the initial stages of the disease. For therapeutic purposes, angioprotectors, vasodilating drops for retinal degeneration, diuretics, corticosteroids, antioxidants and biogenic stimulants are used. Stimulants of metabolic processes (Emoxipin, Taufon) are also effective.

In order to slow down degenerative changes in retinal dystrophy, an injection into the eye of drugs that inhibit the scarring process (anti-VEGF) is performed.

To improve retinal nutrition are used multivitamin complexes for eyes containing lutein. These substances help to cope with increased eye strain and prevent the development of degenerative changes.


Physiotherapeutic effect contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes in the retina, and also has a general strengthening effect on the eye muscles. For therapeutic purposes, ultrasonic exposure, electrophoresis, phonophoresis, laser irradiation and microwave therapy are used.

Operative treatment

In order to prevent the accumulation of excess fluid in the retinal area, in some cases, vasoreconstructive operations can be performed by ligating the branch of the superficial temporal artery.

Laser coagulation method

This technique is the most modern and effective. Its use prevents retinal detachment that occurs against the background of the progression of the disease. During a coagulation session, the problem areas in the retina are cauterized with a laser.

This technique is low-traumatic and bloodless. Laser coagulation is performed for people of different ages.

Specialists in the field of ophthalmology strongly recommend taking seriously the issue of preventing retinal dystrophy. This disease is prone to rapid progression. In order to prevent the disease, it is recommended to treat comorbidities in a timely manner, as well as visit an ophthalmologist at least 1 time per year.

Useful video about retinal dystrophy

The human eye has a complex structure and each part of it fulfills one or another important functional significance. One of the most important elements of the visual apparatus is the retina, which ensures the correct perception of light impulses. As a result of insufficient tissue nutrition, retinal dystrophy may develop - a degenerative process, as a result of which irreversible destruction of the tissues of the eyeball occurs, leading to.

Retinal dystrophy is a whole group of ophthalmic diseases characterized by the death of eye tissues. This degenerative process is irreversible and provokes a rapid loss of vision. In the process of tissue destruction, the activity of the vascular system of the eye is disrupted, as a result of which the photoreceptors are affected, providing visibility into the distance and the perception of deep colors. Dystrophy develops gradually, therefore, timely treatment started to avoid complete loss of vision.

Causes of occurrence

The main cause of dystrophy of eye tissues is their insufficient nutrition, impaired material metabolism, due to which the retina ceases to function normally. The reasons for this pathological process can be very diverse. Most often, the degenerative process is a consequence of such diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • blood cancer;
  • renal failure;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • myopia;
  • dysfunction of the adrenal glands;
  • myopia;
  • congenital heart defects;
  • endocrine pathologies.

Other reasons for the development of retinal dystrophy include the following conditions:

  • eye injuries;
  • failure of the immune system;
  • viral infectious diseases;
  • obesity;
  • surgical intervention on the organs of vision;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • intoxication of the body.

The following factors can provoke the appearance of a pathological process:

  • improper, unbalanced diet;
  • active smoking;
  • living in an area with unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • excessive alcohol consumption;
  • age factor (after 40 years);
  • gender (more common in women).

One of the important factors provoking retinal dystrophy is genetic predisposition... If at least one parent has such a problem, then the risk of having a child with a similar disease is extremely high. It is impossible to avoid hereditary gene mutations, but pathology can be diagnosed in a timely manner. To do this, the baby must be observed by an ophthalmologist from birth. Sometimes the disease occurs during pregnancy.

It was found that retinal dystrophy is more susceptible to people with blue or light gray eyes and a light shade of skin and hair. This is due to the fact that the visual system contains a small number of pigment cells, and their death under the influence of sunlight can become critical.


The initial stage of development of retinal degeneration is often asymptomatic, accompanied by a progressive decrease in visual acuity. The first symptoms usually appear after a serious deterioration in the blood supply to the organs of vision and look like this:

  • narrowing of the field of peripheral (lateral) vision;
  • loss of some fields of vision;
  • flashes of light, lightning before the eyes;
  • shroud, flashing of flies before the eyes;
  • violation of color perception;
  • indistinctness of side objects;
  • distortion of visible outlines;
  • blurred image;
  • increased sensitivity to light;

A person with retinal dystrophy is not able to read or write in poor light, often has difficulty in determining the static from the dynamics (for example, he cannot understand a car driving or is standing still). Clinical picture may differ depending on the type of disease and the degree of its neglect. Some forms appear only in the presence of complications.

Regardless of the type of degenerative process, the pathology is accompanied by a progressive decrease in the quality of vision.


Taking into account the nature of the origin, the following classification of retinal dystrophy is distinguished.


Is hereditary, most often due to unknown genetic diseases... The following types of congenital retinal dystrophy can occur:

  1. Pigmented. The photoreceptors that provide normal vision in the dark are destroyed. Symptoms can appear at any age, but most often first appear at 18-20 years of age. This condition is rarely diagnosed.
  2. Dot white. The pathological process occurs in early childhood and is characterized by a slow course that can be observed throughout a person's life. It is accompanied by the appearance of dark spots before the eyes, "night blindness".


The degenerative process is caused by age-related changes or other factors that affect the human visual system throughout life. There are such forms of acquired retinal dystrophy:

  1. Age-related dystrophy. It occurs as a result of age-related changes in the eyeball, develops mainly after 50 years. Degenerative processes are accompanied by atrophy of the epithelium and are often accompanied. It is completely impossible to cure lattice dystrophy of the eyes.
  2. . Appears against the background of a running diabetes mellitus as a result of damage to the vascular system of the retina. It is possible to prevent the appearance of diabetic retinopathy if the blood sugar level is controlled and the underlying pathology is properly treated.

By localization

Depending on which part of the eyeball is affected, retinal degeneration can also be divided into 2 types:

  1. Peripheral. Dying off of the eye tissues located in the peripheral part of the retina, as a result of which peripheral vision is impaired. Such a pathological process is asymptomatic for a long time, most often it is the result of eye trauma, myopia, myopia or inflammation of the organs of vision.
  2. Central. Degenerative changes occur in the central part of the eyeball (macular region), provoking a violation of central vision. Most often, it is a type of pathology diagnosed mainly in men over 20 years of age and characterized by the formation of foci of retinal detachment.

Central retinal dystrophy can be dry (metabolic products accumulate in the mesh and choroid) or wet (fluid flows out of the walls of blood vessels, rapidly reducing vision).

Diagnostic methods

The initial stages of development of retinal dystrophy are often asymptomatic, which complicates the timely diagnosis of the problem. In order to detect pathology in time and prevent the appearance of complications, it is necessary to contact an ophthalmologist immediately when primary signs of visual impairment appear. To make the correct diagnosis and select an adequate treatment, the doctor conducts a detailed survey and examination of the patient, after which he prescribes a number of studies.

It is possible to determine the death of the tissues of the eyeball using the following diagnostic methods:

  • ophthalmoscopy;
  • biomicroscopy;
  • tonometry;
  • visometry;
  • perimetry;
  • electrophysiological examination (assessment of the state of nerve cells);
  • refractometry;
  • optical coherence tomography (three-dimensional image of the retina);
  • fluorescent angiography;
  • Ultrasound of the eyes.

In this case, the Goldman lens is used to determine the state of the fundus.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to pass laboratory tests, the results of which make it possible to evaluate general state organism. If there is a suspicion of peripheral retinal dystrophy, then the examination is carried out after dilating the pupil with the help of special drops.

Treatment methods

Treatment of retinal degeneration of the eyes suspends the pathological process and prevents the appearance of complications, but does not restore lost vision. The method of therapy depends on the stage and form of the disease. The initial degree of the degenerative process is treated with drug therapy, which includes the following drugs:

  • angioprotectors: Askorutin, Complamin;
  • antiplatelet agents: Ticlodipine, Acetylsalicylic acid;
  • drugs to lower cholesterol: Simvastatin, Atoris;
  • polypeptides: Retinolamine;
  • eye drops: Taufon, Emoxipin;
  • vitamin complexes: Kombilipen, Milgamma.

Also good remedy when the tissues of the retina of the eye die off, Lucentis appears. Correctly selected medicines expand and strengthen blood vessels, improve microcirculation, improve material metabolism and promote faster tissue regeneration. For achievement better result in addition to medications various physiotherapy procedures are prescribed:

  • magnetotherapy;
  • electrophoresis with No-Shpa;
  • photostimulation;
  • ultrasound;
  • electrical stimulation;
  • laser stimulation.

In difficult cases, the most effective method treatment of retinal dystrophy is laser coagulation. This is a minimally invasive method of surgical intervention, which is aimed at strengthening the retina and coagulating damaged tissues, providing a point effect. In addition to laser coagulation, vitrectomy or vasoreconstruction can be performed, restoring normal blood supply to the retina. The cost of the operation today depends on many factors and can range from 3-5 thousand to several tens of thousands of rubles.

Some clinics provide stem cell treatment for retinal dystrophy.

Treatment with folk remedies

At the initial stages of the development of the degenerative process, along with drug therapy, treatment with folk remedies is often prescribed. The following recipes will help to cope with retinal degeneration:

  1. Mix 50 ml of warm boiled water and goat milk, drip a couple of drops of the resulting mixture into the sore eye and place a dark cloth on top of the affected organ of vision for 30 minutes. Repeat this procedure every day for a week.
  2. Take 1 tablespoon of dried lily of the valley leaves and 5 tablespoons of nettle leaves, combine and pour 250 ml of boiled warm water. Let it brew for 9 hours, then add 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda and apply the resulting infusion for lotions on the sore eye.
  3. Combine a glass of boiling water and 1 tablespoon of cumin in a small saucepan, boil and boil the broth for 5 minutes. Add a tablespoon of cornflower flowers to the resulting infusion, mix, cover and let it brew a little. Strain the cooled broth, instill 2 drops in each eye twice a day.
  4. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of celandine flowers, put on fire and boil for 5 minutes, then let the broth cool, strain and use 3 drops for instilling eyes three times a day for 1 month.

Another effective remedy for dystrophy for treatment at home, there is a herbal collection, which includes ginger, cinnamon, dandelion and bay leaf.

Alternative medicine can strengthen blood vessels, prevent retinal detachment and cope with many eye diseases. However, before starting such treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Proper nutrition for dystrophy

An important part of the treatment of retinal dystrophy of the organs of vision is the normalization of nutrient metabolism. For this, the patient needs to revise his diet. It is recommended to consume as much fresh vegetables and fruits, seafood as possible. Honey and cinnamon have a beneficial effect on the visual apparatus.

A diet for degenerative processes in the eyeball implies the rejection of such foods:

  • alcohol;
  • flour products, which include a baking powder;
  • sausages;
  • canned food;
  • semi-finished products;
  • fast food.

If you have vision problems, do not eat too salty, fatty or sweet foods. Instead, you should eat low-fat dairy products, fish, various cereals. Meals should be fractional.

You can improve the condition of the visual apparatus if you regularly add spices such as cumin, coriander and cumin to your dishes.

Retinal dystrophy

Retinal dystrophy in children is a common occurrence, which in most cases is congenital. The most frequent reasons development of pathology in childhood are genetic mutations, intrauterine growth disorders. Degenerative processes of the eyes are more susceptible to children born ahead of time or under difficult conditions. In babies, a pigmented or point-white form of the disease is most often found. Vitreochorioretinal dystrophy is sometimes diagnosed. Various methods can be used for treatment.

Retinal dystrophy during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the body weakens significantly and becomes more susceptible to various diseases, including ophthalmic. Retinal dystrophy in pregnant women is a common occurrence that can lead to serious complications. In advanced cases peripheral dystrophy the retina during pregnancy may be an indication for a caesarean section.

In the first or second trimester, laser coagulation is possible.

Possible complications

If the treatment of retinal degeneration was not started on time, then there is a possibility of the following complications:

  • rupture of the retina;
  • retinal disinsertion;
  • difficulties with orientation in space;
  • decreased visual acuity.

The most serious complication of this disease is complete loss of vision. The appearance of unpleasant consequences can provoke the impact of factors such as strong physical exercisevibration, or diving.

Forecast and prevention

Is it possible to stop the degeneration of tissue in the eyeball? It is possible to stop the pathological process and preserve visual functions only if you start complex treatment problems in the early stages of its development. Otherwise, the prognosis is unfavorable, since irreversible changes occur in the structure of the eyeball, and it is not possible to restore the lost visual acuity.

The development of retinal degeneration can be prevented if the following recommendations are followed:

  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • avoid excessive visual stress;
  • avoid injury to the organs of vision;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • eat properly, in a balanced way;
  • not spending a lot of time at the computer or TV;
  • work in good lighting.

It is necessary to diagnose and treat any existing diseases in time, to undergo regular medical examination by an ophthalmologist. If the baby has poor genetics, then he should be observed by a doctor from birth.

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