Relocation of the kidney in Latin. Diagnosis Wandering Kidney: Danger and Treatment Principles

112 Primum - Agere - First of usual 12. Fabrics and environments --Eemia - blood adeno- - iron Angio- - vessel Aro- - air Blenno- - mucus Carcino-, Carcinom (AT) O- - Cancer, cancer -cele - Chol-, -cholia hernia - bile chondro-cartilage Corpo-, StroCo- - Kal -Derma, Dermo-, Dermato- - leather Fibro- - Fiber connecting fabric Haemo-, Haemato -, - AEMIA - Hidro-Pot HIST (IO) - - Fabric HYSTIO-, HYSTO- - KeratO-Zhank - LIPO-Fat Litho - Stone, MASTO-Dairy Milk Iron, -Mysium - Muscle, Muscular Myxo- - Neuro-Nerve Muscle ONCO-, -OMA - ONYCHO -, - ONYCHIA - Nail Osteo- - Bone PHACO-, -PHAKIA bone tissue - PHLEBO-PY-PY-PY-PY-PY-PY-PY-GNU -, -Sialia - Saliva TENO- - TEXO-, TOXI ( c) O- - poison, poisonous TricHo- hair URO- - urine 13. Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the Allo- - different Aniso- - unequal ATELO- - disadvantage of auto- - - myself, your BARY- - heavy Bath (y) - - Deep Brachy- - Short Brady- - Slow Brad Y- - Slow Chloro- - Green Chrom (AT) O -, - Chromia - Color Chromo- - Color 113 Deliberandum EST Saepe, Statuendum SEMEL - Discuss It is necessary to often decide - once Cryo- - Cold, Low temperature Crypto- - hidden, Secret blue, blue, relating to blue acid-cyano- - those -Cytosis - an increase in the amount (blood cells) Dolicho- - long dynamo-, -dynamia - power, Erythro- red eu- - normal, good hemi- - half Hetero- - other, modified, unlike homeo-, homo- - similar, unchanged, the same hygro- - wet Glauco- - pale blue ISO- - equal to lepto- - soft, thin leuco- - white -LYT, -LYSIS - dissolution Macro- - large, large -malacia - softening Megal (O) -, - Megalia, Macro- - an increase in size, the volume melano- - dark, black micro- small (in size) NECRO- - dead Neo- - new Oligo - - small (by quantity), meager, insufficient ortho- - correct, straight, vertical -oxia, oxy- - oxidation, Pachy- oxygen is for oxygen - dense Paleo- - old, ancient PAN-, PANTO- - all (entirely), all -Penia - poverty, lack of Platy- - flat -poxis - Developing something Poly- - Multiple, Multiple -Lo, due to (removal, -privus - lack of organ) pseudo- - false, imaginary Pyr (ET) O- heat SClerO- - solid, dense STENO- - narrow Tachy- - fast, frequent Tel (E) O- - Remote Tele-, Telo- - Ultimate Telo-Far Thermo -, - Thermia - Warm, Temperature Xantho- - Yellow Xeno- - Alien, Unlike Xero- - Dry 114 TU NE CEDE MALIS, SED Contra Audentior Ito - Do not depart before trouble But feel free to go to meet 14. The pathological states of Algo-, -algia, -Algesia, -ODYNIA - the pain Aniso- is the disproportion of Astheno- - the functional weakness of Carcino-, Carcinom (AT) O- - Cancer, Cancer Tumor -cele - Hernia, Swimming, Exchange -Clasia - Destruction (parts of the body, organ), fragility -ectasia, -ectasis - stretching, expansion (physiological) -ectopia - EMBOLE- (-IA) displacement - the blockage conditioned (body damage), generate- -Genus -isch- - , IS delay - inflammatory disease kypho- - the curvature of the spine Zada \u200b\u200bLitho-, -lithiasis - stone, the process of formation of stones Lordo- - the curvature of the spine Kepenti -LYT, -Lysis - dissolution -malacia - softening -mania - madness, passion of myco - - fungal disease NOSO- - ONCO-, -OMA -MA disease - a tumor condition, illness of non-inflammatory--osis - tera -pareses - Muscular weakness Patho-, -Pathia - Disease -Penia - Insufficient Blood Taurus-philia - Pathological inclination - Phobia. - Pathological fear -Phthisis - descending, CHAKHOTE -PLEGIA - Punch, paralysis deprived of something, due to (removal, -privus - lack of organ) -Prolapsus - loss -ptosis - omitting -Rhexis - gap (organ or vessel) -RRHAGIA - Bleeding (from the organ) -rrhoea - the expiration of the liquid SCLERO- - seal, solidification -Sepsis - infection, rotting -Stenosis - narrowing SPASMO- - Sports -Stasis - stagnation of STRUMO- - TETANO- - convulsive voltage, cramps, TERMO -, - THERMIA - Temperature 115 Quid Dubitas, Ne Faceris - What is the doubt, do not do 15. Medical manipulations -centesis - puncture, puncture -Clasia - destruction (parts of the body, organ) Creating immobility, strengthening position - -Desis - organ -ECTOMIA - excision, full removal -EURYSIS - tool extension of the hollow organ -Gramma - recording, image (results) -Graphia - recording, image (processes) -iatria, -Therapia - Treatment, Healing -LYT, -LYSIS - Chirurgical removal of adhesions -metria - Measurement -pexia - Bashes, Lacking Form or Function Recovery, Plastic -Plastica - Operation -RrHaphia - Sewage Operation, Eashes (Hernia) -Scopia - Study, Instrumental Inspection --Stomia - Overlay Artificial Fisture or Fourty -Therapia - Treatment, Healing -Tomia - Dissection, Opening exercises 1. Highlight terminoelements specify the meaning of the terms: vesicographia, gynaecophobia, dysplasia, hysterectomia, myologia, myelotomia, physiotherapia, phlebographia, physiologus, strumectomia, urolithus, cholelithiasis, myoma, amnesia, adenocarcinoma, perimetritis, enteropathia, achlorhydria, enterorrhaphia, colonoscopia, Chyluria, Dysenteria, Endometritis, Paraproctitis, Dysergia, Cheilosis, Gastroenterologia, Hy perthyreosis, hysteropexia, hyperchlorhydria, mammogramma, lymphocytus, paracolitis, psychologus, trichalgia, enteropexia, ophthalmologia, tonsillectomia, thrombophlebitis, sympathia, myelographia, dystrophia, cytologia, enteroplastica, hyperplasia, hypochylia, hypoplasia, keratotomia, rhinorrhoe, spondylopathia, hyperergia. 2. Make clinical terms with the following initial thermal faults: a) Gastr-: removal of the entire stomach; gastric pain; Inflammation of the mucus of the stomach shell; Inspection of the inner surface of the stomach of the twelve-rosewoman; inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and the fine intestine; inspection of the mucous membrane of the stomach with the help of a gastroscope; gastric bleeding; b) Hyster-: dissection of the uterus; stitching the walls of the uterus when it is ruptured; The overall name of the uterus diseases of unclear etiology; fixation of pathologically sub-uterine; uterus removal; 116 Non Indignari, Non Admirari, Sed Intelligere - Do not indignantly, not be surprised, but to understand C) Kerat-: Inflammation of the cornea; Removal (parts) of the cornea; dissection of the cornea; Benign skin neoplasm with excessive orog; plastic surgery cornea; d) CYST-: Opening the urinary bubble cavity; inspection of the inner surface of the bladder with the help of a cystoscope; the presence of concrections in the urine bubble; inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder; removal of the urine bubble; X-ray shrimp of the bladder; e) neur-: damage to the nerves of an inflammatory nature; tumor of nerve fibers; section of clinical medicine that studies the diseases of the nervous system; Functional disease of the nervous system; neurogenic; compounding the ends of the broken nerve; f) proct-: spastic pain in the field of rectum; Inflammation of the mucus of the shell of the rectum; fixation of the rectum in deposition; the blood flow from the rectum with the release of mucus and pus; Specialist in the treatment of diseases of the rectum; Removal of the rectum; g) rhin-: nasal stone; inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose (runny nose); abundant allocation of exudate of the mucous membrane of the nose; the name of the rhinitis of various origin; Bleeding from the nose; Inspection of the walls of the nasal cavity with the mirror; h) psych-: science of mental illness; painful psycho frustration; treatment of mental impact methods; doctor-specialist in the treatment of mental illness; A specialist who studies human mental activity. 3. Make the terms with the following end term elements: a) -Logia: section of medicine that studies the physiology and pathology of the female sexual system; Science of normal vital processes; science about life, about living organisms; Section of internal diseases studying the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; section of medicine engaged in the treatment of eye diseases; b) -ectomia: Removal of the cornea; Complete removal of almonds (in their chronic inflammation); removing the lacrimal bag; removal of gallposy; uterus removal; removal of the entire stomach; c) -scopia: the study of the vagina with the help of the colposcope; Inspection of the nasal cavity with mirrors; Study of the Eye DNA with the help of an ophthalmoscope; Inspection of the rectum using a rectoscope; inspection of the inner surface of the bladder with the help of a cystoscope; d) -Tomia: Opening the urinary bubble cavity; dissection of the spinallet; Muscle dissection; opening of veins; Opening of the gallbladder cavity; dissection of the cornea; E) -RRhagia: acyclic uterine bleeding; bleeding from the rectum with the release of mucus and pus; intestinal bleeding; gastric blood flow; bleeding from the language; 117 Ne Differas In Crastinum - Do not postpone for tomorrow what can be done today f) -graphia: X-ray study of the breast without the use of contrast substances; Radiographic examination of the veins at the disposal of contrast substances; X-ray examination of the bladder after the introduction of a contrast agent; X-ray examination of the gallbladder; X-ray examination of the spinal cord after entering the contrast agent; g) -tis: inflammation of the language; inflammation of the income fiber; Stay serous shell uterus; inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterus; laminate of the tear bag; The inflammation of the skymands; inflammation of the breast; inflammation of the brain; h) -lithus: Vainstone; urinary stone; nose; intestine stone; i) -Om: benignant tumor from muscle fibers; a benocked (natural) tumor from the glandular epithelium; malignant tumor from ferrous epithelium; Benign skin neoplasm with redundant oroging; a benign tumor of fibrous connecting fabric; A benign muscle tissue tumor. 4. Record the terms in Latin, explain their meaning: phlebogram, phagocyte, physiology, ahilia, phlebolit, enterorragia, haleoplah, chylotorax, encephalopathy, dyskinesia, myopathy, hydrophobia, dysfathea, ratoplasty, gastroenterocolite, spohyla, hypercheratosis, hypochlorogyrhydria, mammography, lymphadenitis, parasistitis, psychiatrist, enterolitis, endophthalmite, afagia, dacryoachdenanalgia, cystography, dysbacteriosis, sindactilia, blood-brain, typhotomy, trichopathy, synergism, encephalomyelitis, distieties, dactyl ignition, hyperthermia, cholecystopathy, mastopathy, neuropathologist Mosopean, allotransplantation, adenocyte, neuropathy. 5. Code the terms with a given value: a) hydropathy; inflammation of the tear gland; Partial removal of hypertured almonds; cohabitation of different organisms; X-ray of the gallbladder; The presence of concrections in the bladder; dissection of the wall of the vagina; Reliable cell of the front lobe of the pituitary pain in the language; neuralgia jaws; doctor specialist in the treatment of diseases of the female sexual system; Plastic Corneal Operation; Breast Removal; memory relaxation; generally the name of certain diseases of the spinal cord; veinstone; treatment with natural and artificial physical factors; Increased feature thyroid gland ; Life science, about living organs; fixation of the colon; the result of graphical registration of brain biotentials; method of registration of brain biopotentials; inflammation (one or more) vertebrae; inflammation (kayma) lips; Simultaneous inflammation of the mucous membrane of a thin and colon; nose stone; obsessive fear of poisoning; insufficient blood thrombocytes; tendency to the formation of thrombov; 118 Melius Non Incipient, Quam Desinent - It is better not to start to stop halfway b) inflammation of fiber near the rectum; Expansion of blind kiski; reduced reactivity of the body; strengthening the motor function of the ka- or organ; compound with the ends of the broken nerve; reduction of body or tissue due to gradual stopping; acycred uterine bleeding; the expiration of lymphs on the surface or in the duty of the body; inflammation of the peritoness; section of medicine dealing with the treatment and prevention of mental illness; doctor-specialist in the treatment of psychic diseases; inflammation of the inner shells of the eyeball; pain in palks; Pathological loss of hair; The absence of gastric focus enzymes; a benign muscle fiber tumor; Difficult swallowing. 6. Highlight terminoelements specify the meaning of the terms: cancerogenus, cardiologia, macrogcnia, pneumosclerosis, megalosplenia, stomatologus, biopsia, melanoma, xerostomia, pyodermia, bradyphacardiostenosis, proctostomia, pylorospasmus, angiocardiographia, prognosis, parodontopathia, lipaemia, haemarthrosis, leucocytus, metastasis, oligomenorrhoca , monophobia, oncologia, otoscopia, pyelotomia, broncholithiasis, diplegia, megalodactylia, xerocheilia, microgenia, paediater, orthostasis, epigastralgia, cystopyelogramma, cystopyelographia, epidemiologia, cardiomegalia, tachycardia, dermatitis, progenia, prognathia, polyuria, polyarthritis, periodontitis, osteonecrosis, glucosuria , Panalgia, Oligokinesia, Vasodilatatio, Otorhinolanus, Homianopsia, Hypotensio, Hymianopsia, Hypotensio, Hypertensio, Leucosis, Meningitis, NephropyeLostomia, Myopia, Neumatosis. 7. Make clinical terms with the following initial thermal elements: a) Cardi-: Defeat of the muscles of the heart due to atherosclerosis of the heartframe; inflammation of the shallower bag; Cardiovascular Cardiovascular Care Specialist Code the increase in heart rate; Starting cardiac muscle; dystrophic lesion of the muscles of the heart; b) Angi-: persistent expansion of the enlightenment of the blood or lymphatic vessel; a benign tumor of vascular and fibrous connective tissue; X-ray of blood and lymphatic vessels; Multi angioma; X-ray study of blood and lymphyological vessels; c) arthr-: pain in the joints; Sustain inflammation; simultaneous inflammation of several joints; inflammation of all tissues of the joint or all joints; the general name of the diseases of the joints of various etiologies; chronic disease of the joint of the dystrophic nature with the lesion of the articular cartilage; d) olig-: reduced urine release; congenital dementia; the presence of an incomplete amount of teeth; insufficient content of blood formation elements; Loading and stiffness of movements; impairment of the menstrual cycle, characterized by a small period of menstruation; 119 QUI Bene Distingit, Bene Docet - who reveals the differences well, he teaches E) MICR-: Small sizes of the spleen; method of studying objects with the help of a microscope; Small size of the language; Small stomach dimensions; Small brain measurements; Small sizes lower jaw; f) leuc-: destruction of leukocytes; increased content leukocytes in the blood; Insufficient content of leukocytes in the blood; formation of leukocyats; allocation with urine leukocytes is greater than the norm; g) Erythr-: Increased content of blood erythrocytes; Kpacri Blood Cell; inflammation of the skin with redness, itching and peeling; The formation of red blood cells with a red bone marrow. h) derm-: skin inflammation; section of medicine studying skin diseases; dry skin; The general name of dermatosis with purulent skin inflammation; General name of skin diseases of various etiology; a specialist in the treatment of skin diseases; 8. Make the terms with the following end term cells] a) -Plegia: paralysis of the muscles of the eye; bilateral paralysis of the element of the body of the body; paralysis of one limb; Muscle paralysis of half of the body; paralysis of the urinary bubble muscles; b) -aemia: the presence of urea and other nitrogen substances in the cpovi; nanish poisonous substances in the blood; reduced blood glucose content; the elevated blood glucose content; overflow of the blood of any section of the peripheral vascular system; c) -tis: inflammation of the octochny fiber; inflammation of the fibrous kidney kidney; inflammation of the pleura; inflammation of all the layers of the walls of the heart; The inflammation of the periosteum; Permanent periodontal; inflammation of the mucous membrane of the charm and the small intestine; d) -stomia: the imposition of an anastomosis between the stomach and the small intestine; the position of the anastomosis between the stomach and the esophagus; operation of creating an outer fistula of the gallbladder; Operation of creating a sewing fistine; e) -Lysis: separation of lungs from adjacent fabrics; Destruction of erythrocytes; Operational liberation of the heart from the battles; bone resinking; Method for the treatment of renal failure with the help of an "artistic kidney" apparatus; dissection (scar battles) of brain shells with surrounding fabrics; f) -genus, a, um: heterogeneous; homogeneous; arising inside the orphanage; arising under the influence of external influences; Ear origin; dental origin; impudent; arising in blood; g) -Spasmus: Savor of the stomach; cramps of fingers; esophagus spasm; spasm rectum; Spasm of the muscles of the gastric gatekeeper; century spasm, spasm brush hands; h) -ectasia: expansion of the cavity of the stomach; expansion of renal loching; expansion of bronchi; Expansion of a blind intestine, stretching the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye, stretching the esophagus. 120 QUI Nescit Tacere, Nescit et Loqui - Who does not know how to be silent, he does not know how to talk 9. Write down the terms in Latin, explain their meaning: leukocyturia, nephropathy, pathogenesis, splenomegaly, vaseraphia, bradycardia, seborrhea, spasofilia, pyelonephritis, acricyanosis , hematologist, micrognathy, periodifrit, monocytopoese, hygogalactium, leukoderma, tachiphagia, uremia, dactic, orthoptics, pediatrics, thrombocytosis, kservodermia, stomatarragia, diotacticity, cardioliz, blepharitis, hondrogenesis, cholestasis, pyometer, osteomyelitis, phenisterectomy , Erythema, Glycemia, Ophthalmoplegia, Poliarrhalgia, Odonyaorgia, Orthopedics, Cefalia, Limphopal, Monocytopenia, Mikromastia, Oli-Geeklysis, Polyneurite, Pylororeoz, Arthrosis, Autohemotherapy, Bilirubinuda, Chondroma, Colthomomy, Diagnosis, Embryotomy, Dysmenorrhea, Electrocard - Ifogram, gastrogen, gastroesophagostomy, hemotorax, hypermetropium, oretheism, orthodontics. 10. Form the terms with a given value: the method of registration of heart biopotentials; a benign tumor of crooked vessels; operation of creating a fistula for the drainage of the kidney and peluran; inflammation of all layers of the wall of the blood vessel; fixation of the rectum in its falling; expanding the lumen of blood vessels; bleeding from ear; Muscle paralysis of half of the body; sclerosis of pulmonary fabric; inflammation of the feet; blood glucose content; an anesthetic specialist; breaking the uterus; Reduced arterial pressure; Embryo Development Science; No view in one half of each eye; monocyte formation; reduced urine release; dry skin; accumulation of pus in the uterine cavity; the increase in heart rate; Slow swallowing; underdevelopment of the mammary glands; Pathological increase in lips; section of medicine studying skin diseases; the general name of the diseases of the joints of various etiologies; allocation of melanin with urine; kidney omission; spontaneous efforts of milk; the fall of the language; increased sensitivity limbs; a benign tumor of adipose tissue; abundant urine release; section of medicine, undergoing treatment and prevention of tuberculosis; inflammation of the cerebral shells; Excessively enlarged sizes of fingers or legs. Do you know that ... Surgery (Chirrgia - from gr. Cheir - Hand + Ergon - work, action) - the area of \u200b\u200bclinical medicine, studying diseases injury, for the treatment of which operational methods are applied. Surgery belongs to the oldest industries of medical science. Already in the works of Homer, a description of the primitive treatment of external damage is found. In the time of the Hippocratic, Greek doctors achieved notable success in the treatment of fractures and violations, I use very small very simple tools for this. The development of general surgery, the beginning of which goes back to the time of the hippocrat, intensified in the III century BC and reached his heyday in I century. AD During this period, extensive surgical instruments are being developed. Despite the knowledge and use of some painful agents, the ancient doctors failed to achieve complete anesthesia. 121 AUT NON TENTARIS, AUT PERFICE - OR DON'T HAVE, OR TO TRANSFER ON CURRENT 21 Workshop on the clinical cycle material Bring Latin equivalent, decrypt clinical terms: I 1. Ureteropelonephritis poliomyelitis Arteriolic 2. Acropar Easthesia Galactocele Aranoiditis 3. Ventricular GEMARTROTRIZINOGODIRITE eritropsiya pachysomia proctocolectomy simblefaron hypodontia 5. 6. 7. arthrectomy virilization phlebothrombosis xenograft enterorafiya vulvovaginitis ureteroenterostomiya bronchiectasis pneumoempyema 8. 9. 10. pneumoencephalography ophthalmia melasma hysterectomy bilirubinemiya bursitis 11. lipodystrophy bathesthesia brachycephaly 12. amniotomy aerodontalgia craniosynostosis 13. ischuria endoscope 14. blepharospasm bradykinesia Seborrhea 15. Algesemetry Astasia Alfaqiya II 1. Hematomyiel coccolite eunectomy 2. Cinema anesthesia hemolysis CystOxia 3. Mixoma Pneumothorax hepatopia 4. Hernejorafia Ectopia Hydramnion 5. Dacriaocystorinostomy I cholestasis hyperalgesia 6. salpingolysis orchidopexy anthropometry meningioma giperdaktiliya photophobia 7. 8. 9. encephalomeningocele hypertrichosis hypertrichosis hyperospheresia cholangiocarcinoma hypoxemia 10. diplegia amniocentesis sialadenitis 11. thrombocytopenia hydrarthrosis enterodynia 12. gisterosalpingosonografiya dacryocystitis lymphangiosarcoma 13. homograft chondrodysplasia tinea 14. DacryoaDenit Haleit Ureterolysis 15. Dermatofibrosarka Deskvamation Arthrodez

BUT. Spinal pain, fixation (wandering) kidneys, kidney omission, uterus removal, leaving, creating an exterior kidney fisture, dissection (parenchyma) kidneys, lap seeding, dissection (opening) of the colon, overlaying a rimberry, dental tumor , spasm of colon, removal of prostate gland, fixation (wandering) spleen, pain in the field of rectum, fixation of the rectum; softening: bones, cartilage, brain; Plastic surgery for larynx, lung expansion, tooth injury, complicated caries.

B. Inflammation: vagina, sigmoid gut, sinuses; plastic vagina and crotch, gap of the vagina, excision of the navel, inflammation of the lacrimal bag, the expansion of the lacrimal bag, the radiography of the uterine pipes, the inflammation of the uterine pipes and the ovary, the creation of the operational way in the opening in mastechnic trumpet, Expansion of the vagina, bone destruction, tool for expansion of the rectum, spinal splitting.

Prefіxatsiy at the clinychnyh thermaine. Broadcasting of folding shorts.

Prefixation in clinical terms. The formation of comprehensive words.

Prefіxal words loss in the spirit characteristic of ІMennikіv that suites of clini themes. Victitors for the word Zakrіplena for him is a meaning, Prefіx can be found on Mishtsi Lockalіzatsky Patologia, Waving, Abo Styrin Virazhenna Be-Yaki Vіdhiennnya Vіd Normal Anatomy Budi Aboy Aboy Persian People's Procession.

Yak Rule, Prefіxi is attracted to the ridges from the foundations: Wallet-Wisen, Latinski - to Latin. Vinyatki Buvyutnu, Ale is not frequent.

Bagato Z Perefіksіv, Shah, take a fate in the devotee of the Klіnіchnyh therm_nіv, vi zun_chali і рабіша, in the words anatomy themes. ONE BATTO VARTATIVE UVAI on those, Scho, a member of the warehouse of the Klіnіchnaya therm_n can absolutely sniffs. So, prefіxix hYPER-, HYPO-, PARA-that іn. In anatomy, thermines gain the vanchuly in the "local" sensing (above-, pіd-, blis-), Todi, Yak in the clinic thermaine thermines, Voni renovate the new, Tіlki there and the meaning of the bіlshny Aboy Blossomy of the Khvoroblovaya Javashki, the similarity of the Symptoma P.

Yak Rule, Prefіxix does not whistling on the poetics of the basics of the fundamentals of the voting, Navіt Yakschko there is nothing to eat dvі Prigolosnі: Hypertrophia, Ectopia, Subluxatio Ta IN.

VM_Ti correctly Himbeniti Prefіx in the folding word, specifically, Yakschko is to be in the middle of the folding thermal - the spirit of the uminnya, it is necessary to be needed.


Potionary word formation is very characteristic of nouns and adjective clinical topics. Imagining the value for it, the prefix may indicate the location of the pathologies, the presence or degree of severity of any deviation from a normal anatomical structure or physiological flow of processes in the human body.

As a rule, the prefixes are attracted to their native bases: Greek - to Greek, Latin - to Latin. Exceptions are, but they are non-specifics.

Many of the consoles involved in the formation of clinical terms you met before, in the words anatomical subject. However, it should be paid to the fact that their value in the clinical term can completely change. So consoles hYPER-, HYPO-, PARA- et al. In the anatomical terms, they are consumed exclusively in the "local" sense (over-, approaching, about-). ..

As a rule, the consoles are not used on the joints with the basics of connecting vowels, even if two consonants are docked there: Hypertrophia, Ectopia, Subluxatio, etc.

To be able to properly determine the prefix in a difficult word, especially if it is in the middle of the complex term - a very important skill that you cannot worry.

Nivazhlivіshі Prefіxi Wallet Parking.

The kidney (lat. Ren) is a paired bobuminium, which performs the regulation of the organism chemical homeostasis, by means of the urinating function. Included in the system of urinary (urinary system) in vertebrates, including humans. The kidney person has an adapter leaflet of peritoneum in the lumbar region on the sides of the last two breast and two first lumbar vertebrae. Fit back abdominal wall In the projection of the 11-12th breast - the 1-2rd lumbar vertebrae, and the right kidney is normal located somewhat lower, since it borders the liver from above (in an adult top pole of the right kidney usually reaches the level of the 12th intercostal, the upper pole Left - level of the 11th edge). Each kidney is covered with a solid connective tissue fibrous capsule, and consists of parenchyma and urine accumulation and removal systems. Kidney capsule is a dense case from connective tissuecovering the kidney outside. The kidney parenchyma is represented by the outer layer of the cortical substance and the inner layer of the brain substance constituting the inner part of the organ.

Average kidney dimensions: length 10-12 cm, width about 6 cm, thickness 3-4 cm, middle mass 120 g

· Kidney has a Bob shape, a smooth surface and dark red color.

· The kidneys distinguish:

two surfaces - front (more convex) and rear (Faciesanterior, Posterior);

two poles - rounded top and pointed lower (ExtremitaSuperior, Inferior);

two edges - convex lateral and concave, addressed by, somewhat down and forward medial (Margolateralis, Medialis).

· Cutting on the medial edge is called renal gate (Hilus Renalis). Through the renal gates in the kidney, renal arteries and nerves include - vein, lymphatic vessels and ureter. All these formations (vessels, nerves and ureter) are combined into the concept of the renal leg.

· Renal gates "open" into the renal sinus (Sinus Renalis). The sinus is filled with blood and lymphatic vessels, nerves, large and small renal cups, renal loin (see below urinary kidney structures) and fatty tissue.

Outside the kidney is covered (Fig. 3.3):

fibrous capsule (Capsulafibrosa) - the most internal, is associated with parenchymal;

the fat capsule (Capsulaadiposa) is located on the fibrous capsule, is represented by a thick layer of loose fatty fiber (especially in the rear surface area and kidney gate).

renal fascia (Fasciarenalis) is part of intra-abdominal fascia, the dust from the fat capsule is located. Renal fascia is connected by fibrous fibrous capsule, has two sheets, front and rear:

§ The front sheet covers the front surface of the kidneys, moving from one kidney to another in front of the renal vessels, aortic and lower vein hollow.

§ The rear sheet covers the rear surface of the kidneys and medially attached to the side surfaces of the bodies of the vertebrae (i.e. interrupted on the spine).

§ Along the lateral edges of the front and rear sheet of renal fascia, they grow up.

§ On the upper pole of the kidney, both sheets cover the adrenal gland and combine, limiting the motion of the kidneys.

§ The lower poles of the fusion of sheets does not occur. The kidneys are shifted down during the inhalation, that is, they have physiological mobility.

Fixing kidney

The complex of structures responsible for fixing the kidney includes:

a) muscle bed kidney - formed by the square muscle of the lower back;

b) renal vessels - renal artery and vein - prevent the removal of the kidney from the aorta and the lower hollow vein;

c) renal fascia and fat capsule;

d) intra-abdominal pressure - due to a reduction in the muscles of the abdominal press.

The gate continues in the recess in the kidney substance kidney sinus (sinus), which is busy:

1. renal cups (large and small),

2. Renal Lohanka,

3. vessels and nerves.

All of them are surrounded by fiber.

Small cups - their 7-10, are short, wide tubes. Their one end captures the groove of the renal substance - the one-piece papilla (can capture not 1, and 2-3), and the other end continues into a large cup.

Large cups - their 2-3, merging, they form a kidney pelvis, from which the ureter moves.

The wall of the cups and lochanks consists of a mucous membrane, smooth muscle and connective tissue layers.

B. Salpingolysis, patellodesis, renoprivus, thyreoprivus, ovarioprivus, dacryocystographia, colporrhaphia, metreurynter, rhachischisis, salpingectomia, trachelotomia, rhachiotomia, thoracocentesis, cranioschisis, dacryocystostenosis, laparocentesis, arthrodesis, cardiorrhexis, spondylodesis, cholangioma, spondyloschisis, urethritis, hysterocervicotomia, ureterographia, ureterotomia, Orchipexia, Orchiectomia, Trachelotomia, Diverticulectomia, SalpingoStomia, Cholangitis, Colpopexia.

XIX. Translate:

gangrenous pneumonia, surface inguinal hernia, malignant tumor, alveolar cancer, skin cancer, slogan, lung cancer, Alveolar sarcoma, multiple hemorrhagic sarcoma, acute appendicitis, serous hepatitis, purulent hepatitis, butorium hernia.

XX. Form the terms with a given value in Latin:

A. Spinal pain, fixation (wandering) kidneys, kidney omit, removal of the uterus, worship, creating an outdoor kidney fisture, dissection (parenchyma) kidneys, cavalry fixation, dissection (opening) of the colon, overlaying a rimp Tooth tumor, spasm of colon, removal of prostate gland, fixation (wandering) spleen, pain in the field of rectum, fixation of the rectum; softening: bones, cartilage, brain; Plastic surgery for larynx, lung expansion, tooth injury, complications of caries.

B. Inflammation: vagina, sigmoid gut, sinuses; Plastic vagina and crotch, gap of the vagina, excision of the navel, inflammation of the lacrimal bag, the expansion of the lacrimal bag, the radiography of the uterine pipes, the inflammation of the uterine pipes and the ovary, the creation of the operational manner in the fallopian tube, the extension of the vagina, bone destruction, the tool for expansion of the rectum, splitting spine.

Delete in each derived its prefix and the production base. Translate the corresponding Russian equivalent, or, if not, explain the value of a motivated word.

1. InfraorBitalis, SuppraclaviCularis, Infratrochlearis, Supratrochlearis, Interclavicularis, Interosseus, Intralobularis, Intramuscularis, ParasterNalis, Episternalis, Supraasternalis, SUBCORTICALIS, SUBDURALIS (Of the meninges), epitympanicus, endocervicalis, applicatio (applico applied), antenatalis (lat. Natus birth), postnatalis, intertarsea, intranatalis, mesoduodenum, interalveolaris, subcutaneous, extrapulmonalis, extrapyramidalis, extramuralis (lat. Murus wall), paravesicalis, SubmandiBularis, Retrobuccalis, Premolares, Subpleuralis, Adduchens (Lat. Duco Led), Abdunces, Abductio, Praeglaucoma, Praecancerosus.

2. AGGRAVATIO (gravis heavy) - Weightly (disease); Exhumatio (Lat. Humus Earth) - digging the corpse; Adaptatio (lat. Aptus capable, convenient), Readaptatio; DecoMpensAtio, Desactivatio, Synphalangia, Absorptio (Lat. Sorbeo absorb, absorb), adsorptio; REABILITATIO (lat. Habilitas ability, fitness), Praemorbidus (lat. Mordus Disease), Exenteratio Seu Eventratio - extracting insides; EXARATICULATIO - EXTRIBUTION OF LIFT TO THE WORK, EXSTIRPATIO (Lat. Stirps bottom part trunk with roots) - eradication, complete removal of the organ; Dementia (Lat. Mens, Mentis Thought, Mens) - Mentis, Diastole - Rhythmic Cover Equality, Diathermia (Greek. Thermos Heat) - Heating Deep Favoring Fabrics, Invasio (Vado Direct, Strengthen), Dilatation (Dilato Expand), Disseminatio ( Semino sow), Differentialis - distinctive, ENDEMIA (Greek. Demos region, country, people) - constant availability of people in this area of \u200b\u200bthe incidence of people in a particular disease.

3. EMPYEMA (Greek PYOM PUM) - Magnaya accumulation in a natural cavity; Prasenilis (Senex, Senis Old), Praeventivus - Safety, Prodromalis (Prodromos Running Ahead) - Explaining, Progrediens (Gradior Go, Performing) - Growing, Prolongatus - Extended, PRONEPHROS - Break, Metanephros - Secondary Kidney, Final Kidneys; Sequestratio - rejection of the necrotic plot, Secretum (Secherno separating), Metaplasia (Greek Plasis formation, education) - resistant transformation of one type of fabric in another.

4. Metathalamus, Hypothalamus, Epithalamus, Epitympanum, Epiphysis (Greek. Phyo Grow), Diaphysis, Metaphysis, Apophysis, DecapitatiO (In Obstetrics - Fruit Operation), Compressio Compression), Eutopia (Greek Topos Place, Normal Organ Location), Dystopia , Revaccinatio, Regeneratio, Degeneration, Antagonismus (Greek. Agon Fight), Invalidus (Validus strong), Conjunctiva, Collectivus.

XXII. Translate adjectives:

Subtle, subtle, subtle (nerve), subtle (duct), interstitial, intercostal, intermachine, stubborn, dinner, extra-abrained, intramuscular, suprade, headband (with two different prefixes), brewed, ompete, intervertebral, ink, plug, intracapsular, Adrenal, intrathora (from Greek. NA).

XXIII. Explain the meaning of the TE and / or the bases producing, bring them Latin or Greek bobbin compliances to them:

A. 1. Haemolysis, haemotherapia, haemostasis, Empyema., haemangioma., haemangiomatosis, haemarthrosis, haematologia, haimatoma. (bounded blood cluster in tissues), haematonephrosis, Azotaemia., Cholaemia.Uraemia.Section., Vasotomia., Ectopia., Vasoconstrictio., Myoma., Myoblastus, Thymocytus, Myoblastoma, Perimysium, Endomysium, Acrohidrosis.

2. Myocardium., Myometrium., Carcinosacoma., Cytopenia, Hydraemia, Lymphocytus., Lympho.CYTO) Penia, Hydrarthrosis, Lymphorrhoea., chondroblastus, Chondroblastoma., Chondrogenesis, Herniorrhaphia., perivasculitis, Epicranium, Eppharynx, Gastrocele, Meningocele, Anaemia., Toxaemia., Myasthenia..

3. Neurosis, Neuritis, Neuroma, NeuroLysis, Angioneurosis, Lymphadenitis, Lymphangiitis, Hyperaemia, Lymphadenoma, Lymphangiaadenographia, Hydradenitis, Anhidrosis, Aesthesiologist.

4. Angiectasia, phlebectasia, anaesthesia, hypaesthesia, phlebosclerosis, erythroblastus, ovocytus, dermatosis, dermographia, mesoderma, periderma, dermatitis, dermatostomatitis, sphygmographia, ureterolysis, pneumolysis, pneumomalacia, lithotomia, lithialis, cholelithiasis, urolithiasis, broncholithus, broncholithiasis, dysfunctio, chylothorax, Chyluria, chylcele..

5. Pyodermia, Pyaemia, Pyrrhea, Pyothorax, Pyria, Pyometra, Dyscrinia, Secretio, Incretio, Endocrinologia, Haemorrhagia, Gastrorrhagia, Odontorrhagia, OnCogenesis, Oncogramma (Volume).

6. Synostasis, myelopathia, aplasia, hyperplasia, dysplasia, metaplasia, myelodysplasia, mesoduodenum, myelosis, ostemyelitis, mastoptosis, hydrocephalus, otoneurologia, otitis, ophthalmologia, cholekinesis, hypopituirismus, ductus bulifer, vesica billiaris s. Vesica Fellea, Gynaecologia, Paediatria, Logopaedia, ChondroCytus, Haemocyti, Gerontologia, Hydrophilia, Hydrophobia, Geriatria.

7. Apnoë, hypopnoë, pneumocephalia, tenorrhaphia, aërohaemotherapia, pneumographia, respiratio, inspiratio, pneumarthrosis, sphygmogramma, atropia, dystrophia, hypertrophia, hypotrophia, vagotropus (a, um), anoxia, hypoxia, haemophilia, aërophagia, aërotherapia, ophthalmorheographia.

B. 1. Anelgia, Synergia, Asynergia, Hypergia, Chirrgia, Chondrodysplasia, Tenodesis, Atrichia, Anonychia, Onychorhexis, Dacryoadentis, Dacryolithus, s. Calculus Lacrimalis, Hyperdynamia, Hypodynamia, Amnesia, Sialadenitis, Sialorrhoea, Corpostasis, Galactostasis, Epoophoron, Lipoma, Dysmotphosis, Pyoophoritis, Pyoopharitis, Pyooovarium, Morphologia, Phacomalacia, Blepharitis, Keratoma (on the skin) keratosis (on the skin) keratitis (about the eye) asthenopia., biopsia..

2. Cardioplegia, Ophthalmolegia, Aphonia, Sphygmophonia, Aethiologist, Aethiopathogenesis, Phrenicotomia, Schizophrenia (Schizosplit), Dacryocystographia, Dacryocystorhinostomia, Hydrorrhachis, Mesovarium, Lipaemia, Haemopoësis.

C.1. Atelodontia, Atelochelia, Ulorrhagia, Uranoplegia, Uranorrhaphia, Meloplastica, Meloscisis, OdontoloThus, Odontogenesis, Dysontologenesis, Paradontitis, Endodontitis, Gnathitis, Prognathia, Progenia.

XXIV. Form the terms with a given value in Latin:

A. 1. Tumor, emanating from sweat glands; tumor emanating from the tissue of the fork gland; The presence in the urine of hemoglobin, blood content (component parts) of bile, concretion in a vessel, (benign) tumor from adipose tissue, difficulty swallowing, accumulation of pus and blood in (cavity) pericardium, the presence of pus in the peritonear (cavity), muscular weakness, Science O (System Diseases), Pathology of Cells, Skin Inflammation, Development Disorder, mesentery thin gut, inflammation of lymphatic vessels, inflammation of the lymphatic assembly, blood treatment.

2. Increased the number of lymphocytes, stagnation of bile, stagnation of lymph, delay (current), motion disorder, cell destruction, uterine bleeding, tissue destruction, extracellular, nutrition disorder, no sensitivity, extra-abrupt, sensitivity disorders, vessel spasms, reduced voltage, reduced Pressure, accumulation of air and blood in pericardia, reduced (loose) breathing.

XXV. Form latin names "Inflammation":

breast, pancreas, outer shell of veins, inner shell veins, (tissues) around the pancreas.

Xxvi. Write in Latin organ names:

gatekeeper, liver, duodenum, ventricle, esophagus, larynx, throat, breathing throat, peritoneum.

Defect the TE, explain their value:

A. 1. Homogenic, heterogeneous, isomerism, anisomeria, thermophilic, cryocauter ("-Kuter" - TE, denoting tool for cavity), thermokauter, brachicephalia, brachidactilia, bradycardia, tachycardia, somatogenic, psychogenic, feminization, masculinization, androfobia.

2. Heterotopy (atypical tissue localization), isotope, heterochromia, xerofthalmia, homeostasis, hypoxia, acrocyanosis.

Healthy kidneys are located on the right and left From the spine on the border of his chest and lumbar departments. Normally, they only slightly protrude from under the ribs, and the amplitude of their movement during breathing, cough and physical Loads Does not exceed 1-1.5 cm. Wandering kidney (Ren Mobilis on Latin) - pathology, in which the anatomical fixation of the main organs of urinary bodies is violated, and they acquire the ability to move freely in the retroperitoneal space. What are the causes, features of the flow, symptoms and treatment of this state: let's understand.

The pathological mobility of the kidneys in medicine was named Nephroptosis (in Latin - Nephroptosis). For example, by omitting the organ of urinary and maintaining it in a fixed position, fixed nephroptosis develops. Pathology, in addition to moving along the vertical axis of the kidney, is freely shifted from the side to the side, the name of the wandering kidney.

The reasons

By virtue of the anatomical characteristics of the structure of the urinary system, the disease is more often a disease. At about 80% of cases, right-sided nephroptosis develops.

Possible causes of the formation of a wandering kidney can be:

  • too fast weight loss during starvation, compliance with strict diet, stress;
  • genetic diseases accompanied by a violation of the structure of muscle and connecting fibers;
  • lifting weights, excessive physical exertion;
  • back injuries and abdomen;
  • frequent pregnancy and childbirth;
  • muscular atony with various neurological diseases, in old age;
  • rachiocampsis.

An important pathogenetic aspect of the disease is the weakness of anatomical formations that support the kidneys in the saline:

  • fat and connective tissue (fibrous) capsules;
  • renal lies formed by lateral side, large lumbar and square lumbar muscles;
  • powerful vascular network;
  • action of intra-abdominal pressure.

Clinical manifestations

The course of nephroptosis is usually chronic. On the initial stages The mobile kidney does not show itself, although the pathological movements along the vertical and horizontal axis have already begun. A little later, the following signs of the disease are joined:

  • Pain in the projection of the wandering kidney. It can be localized at the level of hypochondrium or in the iliac region, often migrates. The character of painful sensations is stupid, novice.
  • Manifestations of infectious damage to the renal pelvis, bladder, ureters: burning, cutting when urinating, changing the color and smell of urine, the appearance of a muddy sediment, sometimes hematuria.
  • Hemodynamic disorders: sharp jumps hell, tachycardia.
  • Neurological symptoms: neuralgia regional branches, weakness, fatigue, phenomena of asthenic syndrome, identity change (irritability, anxiety, signs of hypochondria), sleep disorders.
  • Digestive disorders: decline / complete absence of appetite, gravity in the abdomen, meteorism, stool instability.

Depending on how the kidney mobility is increased, three degrees of the disease are distinguished:

  1. with the first-affected body by a third, it comes out of the edge of the rib arc and easily succumbed to palpation;
  2. the second degree is characterized by a complete yield output from under the hypochondrium: it is well palpable if the patient is worth it, but returns to the initial position at a horizontal position;
  3. the output of the urinary organ from the hypochondrium is freely moving into the retroperitoneal space.

Wandering kidney is a health condition. In the absence of timely treatment, it causes the inflection, twisting and other changes in the supply vessels and ureter. These factors are the cause of the development of complications:

  • pyelectation and hydronephrosis;
  • urmatase;
  • infectious inflammatory processes, chronic pyelonephritis;
  • chronic renal failure.

Principles of diagnosis and treatment

Diagnose disease by early stage Only on the basis of instrumental methods - ultrasound, excretory urography, angiography of renal vessels, scintigraphy. Significant kidney omission with ease is determined by characteristic clinical picture and data objective research.

Consider a disease in several ways. The ethiological method is the operational fixation of the wandering kidney - is carried out at 3 degrees of nephropotosis to normalize the work of the body and the prevention of possible complications. Extensive extensive operation Currently, minimally invasive laparoscopic techniques are rarely preferred.

Reduce increased mobility of urinary organs conservative methods. All patients are recommended to comply with the diet with a limitation of fatty fried dishes and heavy protein foods, adequate food mode, exercise exercise. Fixing the wandering kidney is carried out using an individually selected corset or bandage.

Symptomatic therapy includes a destination:

  • antibiotics (when infection is attached);
  • diuretic drugs;
  • vegetable weather fittings;
  • anti-inflammatory funds;
  • spasmolitics;
  • analgesic.

Nephroptosis is a disease with scarce clinical symptoms that can lead to serious consequences. Timely diagnosis and reliable fixation of the wandering kidney will preserve normal urodynamics and avoid the development of complications.

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