Types of purebred dogs. Category: All breeds of dogs from A to Z

Dog breeds have been bred for many thousands of years. This process continues to this day. Other mammalian species do not have as much genetic diversity as dogs. What is the huge difference between Chihuahua and Great Dane.

There are different interpretations of what is called "breed". Breeds are actually classified according to the functional purpose for which the breed was bred. Most of the registered dog breeds are traditional breeds with a very long history. The origin of some dog breeds is associated with two or three countries at once. All traditional dog breeds are listed on the FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale) register, but some new breeds are still in development.

According to their functional purpose, all dog breeds are divided into such subcategories as working dogs, domestic (family) dogs, herding dogs, guard dogs, hunting and sled dogs. Working dogs are used, for example, for therapy or police service. Family dogs are bred for the home and do not have a clear functional purpose. Herding dogs work with livestock. Guard dogs must protect property. They bark loudly when they sense an intruder, thus warning their master. Hunting dog breeds help the owner on the hunt. Different types of dogs have specific hunting skills. Sled dogs were bred for transporting goods in sleds to remote regions.

Let's take a closer look at each of the types of dog breeds:

    • Fighting dogs are dogs, by nature itself (often with the participation of humans), folded in such a way as to inflict maximum damage on the enemy. Initially they were used in dog fights, but then, after given view banned all over the world, such dogs began to be used exclusively for guard and protective purposes.
    • Hypoallergenic - dog breeds are not allergic, first of all, due to the low content of certain substances that irritate the mucous membrane. But consider the fact that allergies can be different, and if a person, for example, has asthma with an allergy to pet hair and down, then the hypoallergenicity of the dog will not matter to him. After all, the attack is caused by the coat itself, and the substances that the dog's skin secretes are already a secondary factor. Therefore, if you have one or another allergy, it is better to consult an allergist before buying a four-legged friend.
    • Decorative - as a rule, these are small dogs that have only one function - to be funny and cute companions to humans. Some of these breeds were previously used for hunting, but in modern world game baiting with such small dogs is extremely rare.
    • For children - this category includes those dogs that treat children well and can act as a kind of nanny. For example, all dog lovers know that the Labrador Retriever breed is ideal for families with small children. In fact, even a fighting dog can have a tremendous love for children, a good example of this is the Pit Bull Terrier.
    • For protection - usually, these dogs are included here, which by nature have high loyalty and good fighting qualities. Such dogs may not be suitable for protecting the territory of a private house, but as far as protection against an attack on the owner is concerned, they have no equal here. Of course, if you want to get such a dog, it is better to provide him with appropriate training from a professional trainer.
    • For an apartment - basically, these dogs include breeds that, due to their physique and adaptive psyche, are suitable for keeping in an apartment. In fact, while most of these animals are small to medium in size, this is not always the deciding factor. there is large dogs, which get along well in an ordinary city apartment. And, on the contrary, there are medium-sized dogs that prefer to be outside, and therefore, if they live in an apartment, they need long walks.
    • Sled - Despite the fact that traveling on snow-covered plains on dogs is more and more a thing of the past, these animals are very popular. First of all, thanks to the spectacular appearance and developed intelligence. The most famous, perhaps, are the Husky and Malamute breeds.
    • Hunting - first of all, these are those dogs that have genetic propensities for hunting, so to speak, a kind of ancestral memory, as well as a certain physique. As an example, you can bring the Pointer breed - thin, muscular, very hardy dogs with excellent hunting instincts. Another very famous breed is the Greyhound, or Greyhound.
    • Sentinels - this group includes those animals that, due to their physique and mental characteristics, are ideal for protecting private lands. Usually, these dogs are very territorial, fearless, large in size, great strength and distrustful of strangers. The most striking example guard dog - Alabai, or Central Asian Shepherd Dog.

Choose the right dog.

As you probably already understood, each of the breeds can simultaneously belong to several categories. For example, a fighting dog may be suitable for an apartment, but some decorative breed may well be hypoallergenic.

Choose a four-legged friend wisely, after weighing all the pros and cons. Moreover, here you need to think not only about your own comfort and safety, but also about how the living conditions that you can offer to the animal suit him.

Your choice will determine not only your life over the next 10-15-20 years, but also the life of your four-legged friend, his health and well-being. Therefore, you should not make a choice based on momentary desires.

No wonder the Airedale is considered the king of all terriers. It is a versatile dog with unique working qualities. He perfectly copes with the duties of a watchman and security guard, is a devoted friend

The Pharaoh Hound belongs to primitive breeds. For many centuries, animals interbred only among themselves, without the participation of other representatives of the canine world. History of origin It is believed that the Egyptian dog

The dog, born under the scorching sun of Africa, is distinguished by power and tremendous strength. The brave South African Boerboel has extreme loyalty, hardly on the continent

One of the few breeds that perfectly copes with the role of guard, shepherd and watchman. The Belgian Shepherd Dog is divided into 4 types: Malinois, Groenendael, Tervuren, Laquenois. Subspecies

"Affectionate giant", ideal family dog, selfless guard and devoted friend - all this is Leonberger. History of the Leonberger breed The Leonberger breed of dogs is named after the German town of Leonberg,

The Drathaar is a unique dog. This is an ideal athlete and a born hunter, able to move silently through the forest, follow the trail, serve game.

In 1947, when Estonia was still part of the USSR, the leading dog handlers of the union decided that each republic should have its own unique dog breed,

Refined and elegant Sheltie, outwardly is a miniature copy of the Scottish Shepherd Dog (collie). But it is an autonomous breed, with its own standard and character. History of origin Shetland Sheepdog -

The aristocratic Maltese lapdog is a worthy choice of the elite. The owner of the snow-white creature feels confident both at home and at a social event. After all, his favorite is

An exemplary pet for a family with children. The Australian Shepherd or Aussie was bred sighting, the dog had to become an excellent shepherd and companion. And we can confidently say that

There are some truly unique and rare dog breeds that have captivated attention with their unusual history. Dogo Argentino is the only breed that was bred in Argentina and

Quite popular and demanded Japanese Chin belongs to the group of decorative dogs. Sometimes they are called Japanese spaniels, and in their homeland they are called "jewel dogs". Miniature pet with

Fearless heart of a lion, enclosed in the body of a medium-sized dog. Shih Tzu is from Chinese and translates as lion cub. The second name of the breed is "chrysanthemum", she received it for its wool,

It would seem, what is the difference between Spitz and each other? These little fluffy dogs look about the same in the eyes of an ordinary person. In fact, the Japanese Spitz,

Restless bully and dungeon warrior. The fox terrier is popular at all times. There are legends about him, he is the prototype of book heroes, and all because he has

South African dogs are a big curiosity in Russian cities. Such dogs are rarely given birth, as they require experience in breeding and keeping tetrapods. Rhodesian

Apollo of the canine world. It is difficult to imagine a more regal breed than the Great Dane. It looks like an antique statue, its appearance is mesmerizing and does not leave anyone indifferent.

Back in the 16th century, the noble writer Erasmo Devalvasone described the Cane Corso in his poem “The Hunt.” “Swift and agile like a greyhound, but more fearless and magnificent. Large but

Police as well as guard dog breeds are very popular due to their stamina and energy. Most often, these dogs are turned on by young men who are looking for

The official name of the breed is Dalmatian, but among the people it is more often called Dalmatian. This is a charming dog, a little windy and frivolous in appearance. History of the origin of the Dalmatian breed Dalmatian dog

Perhaps the most famous breed in the world. A true aristocrat and gentleman with his characteristic calmness - his superiority is the English Mastiff.

Spitz are the cutest dogs that have beautiful fluffy coats and a radiant smile. Such dogs are often acquired by experienced dog breeders, as well as lovers of decorative breeds. Keeshond

The dog is one of the most beloved pets. A person deciding to have a pet is sometimes lost in a huge number of breeds. By breed is meant a specific group of dogs that are similar in appearance. All individuals within the breed carry genetic characteristics from the ancestor animal. The breeds are not the result of evolution, but the "handiwork of man" who bred many breeds for his own purposes.

All dog breeds are subspecies Canis lupus familiaris, which, in turn, stands out from the species of canines. Characteristics each breed is obtained as a result of selection. It is worth noting that dog breeds are a category not recognized by biological classification.

Interesting! The concept of breed does not apply to wild animals. It correlates with the concept of subspecies, race, population in the classification of wild relatives of dogs.

All dog breeds have the following traits:

  • the composition of each breed is a certain number of individual animals, which from generation to generation transmit morphological and useful properties for humans;
  • dogs of the same breed are similar in appearance and behavior, since they are descendants of the same set of ancestors, which were artificially selected by humans in the process of selection;
  • the dog's belonging to its breed is confirmed by genetic analysis or its written registration of its origin. Pedigree books - this is the name of the records that are kept by organizations, dog clubs or individuals;
  • the breed of dog is the result of the domestication of animals by humans. When working on a breed, a person can change it in the desired direction.

There are about 400 dog breeds on the globe. The number of animals within the breed is very diverse. There are breeds with a huge number of dogs distributed all over the world, for example, german shepherds, yorkshire terriers, chihuahuas... There are breeds, the number of which can be several dozen individuals, or dogs are popular only in a certain area. So, tibetan Mastiffs you rarely see acquaintances or friends on the streets or as pets. These animals guard monasteries in Tibet. AND portuguese water dog rarely seen even in Portugal. At the beginning of the last century, this breed was even on the verge of extinction, but thanks to the enthusiasm of a Portuguese businessman, a breeding program began.

What is an aboriginal dog breed?

An important condition for the identification of the breed is its recognition by any canine service, dog lovers club. But there are groups of dogs for which purposeful breeding work was not conducted. These are the so-called natural, aboriginal dog breeds.

The appearance in them of specific characteristics of the exterior and behavior became possible due to the action of specific environmental conditions, influencing for a long time. The difference between these breeds is that they are not officially registered and documented, and are identified only by their external features and functions. Some aboriginal breeds are recognized over time by canine organizations. This happened with the breed " alabay ": she ceased to be aboriginal when she was recognized by dog \u200b\u200bhandlers as “ central asian shepherd dog". This is one of the oldest breeds, which arose as a result of unconscious natural selection of folk selection. Alabai dogs appeared 4 thousand years ago and served to guard livestock and houses.

What makes Aboriginal dog breeds different?

  • some experts note in such a breed the absence of such features as adaptation to urban conditions and sexual dimorphism (external anatomical differences between males and females);
  • the greatest genetic diversity and minimum spoilage by human intervention - an advantage over breeds. The loss of genetic diversity has played a cruel joke with breeds that have undergone strong selection. Hereditary diseases and genetic defects are one of their recognized problems.

Classification of breeds. Photos of dogs as evidence of the diversity of breeds

The classification of dog breeds is based on similarities in the exterior and functions performed. After domestication, the first dogs helped humans in hunting and protecting housing. Guard and hunting breeds appeared earlier than decorative ones.

In modern times, the division into groups: sentry, hunting and decorative is conditional. So, many hunting dogs have long been pets, that is, they perform a decorative function. And some hunting breeds are used, for example, in the social sphere or in the police.

The International Cynological Federation divides the existing 400 dog breeds into 10 groups. The specialists of the Russian Cynological Federation, which is a member of the ICF, adhere to the same principle.

  • Group 1. Sheepdogs and cattle dogs, excluding Swiss cattle breeds

Representatives of these breeds are intended for the protection of livestock. The first shepherd dogs appeared in the nomadic tribes of Asia. Their main function was to protect livestock from wild animals. After dog breeds became known in Europe, the inhabitants of Western countries decided to improve the breed. So, collie dogs provide assistance not only on pastures, but can also look after children.

  • Group 2. Pinschers, Schnauzers, Molossians, Swiss Cattle dogs

This is a large and diverse group, which includes dogs that perform guard, combat functions. Molossians (Great Danes and Mastiffs) were used as bodyguards.

  • Group 3. Terriers

The name of the group comes from the Latin word terra, meaning "earth". It reflects the specificity of the breeds in this group: they are intended for hunting underground, in burrows. Conventionally, all breeds of the 3rd group can be divided into 4 sections:

  • toy terriers, literally toy terriers;
  • small bull-type terriers;
  • medium and large terriers.

There is a wide variety of sizes within the same group. So, the airedale terriers, not in vain called the kings of terriers, have a height at the withers of up to 60 cm, and the Yorkshire terrier is distinguished by its tiny size, which gives it a resemblance to house slippers.

All representatives of the Terrier group, despite their size, are characterized by incredible self-forgetfulness in hunting, excitement and resilience in front of opponents exceeding them in size.

  • Group 4. Dachshunds

The word "dachshund" means from German "badger dog". The breed began to be developed in the 16th century in Germany. Within the group, there are three sections of dachshunds: standard, miniature, rabbit. According to the characteristics of the coat, short-haired, wire-haired and long-haired individuals are distinguished.

Brave, independent, with protective qualities - these are the epithets that can be applied to a dachshund. It is indispensable when hunting badgers, foxes and raccoons.

  • Group 5. Spitz and primitive breeds

The large group includes northern watchdogs and shepherds, northern hunting and sled dogs, Asian and European Spitz. The group also includes 3 sections of primitive dogs, which are quite rare, for example, Thai Ridgeback, Podenko Isibenko, Canaan Dog.

  • Group 6. Hounds and related breeds

The group includes a large number of hunting breeds, the main purpose of which is to find a trail of game and chase until the pursued object is exhausted and until the owner catches up with it.

Hounds are characterized by loyalty, persistence in pursuit, sonorous barking, good instinct and obedience.

  • Group 7. Pointing dogs

The group includes:

  • insular Pointing dogs, for example, English breeds: Pointers, Setters, Irish and Scottish Setters;
  • continental... They are characterized by origin in a particular country. So, in France there are 12 breeds of cops, and in Germany - 8 breeds. In Russia, the most famous and widespread breeds are the German Shorthaired Pointer and Drathhaar, the Hungarian Vizsla and Pointing Dog, and the Epanyol Breton.

The purpose of the cops is to help in hunting and spotting birds. All cops have a dry, strong constitution, differ in average height up to 70 cm, with hanging ears.

  • Group 8. Retrievers, spaniels and water dogs

One of the most famous retrievers in the world is the Labrador Retriever. He teamed up with the Golden Retriever, Straight Coated Retriever, Chesabik Bay Retriever and Curly Coated Retriever to form the 1st Section of the group. The group also includes spaniels: German, American Cocker, Clumber Spaniel, Sussex Spaniel (section 2). Composition of 3 sections - lagotto romagnolo (Italian water dog). It should be noted that the Russian Hunting Spaniel is not recognized by the IFF.

Dogs of these breeds are designed to bring down game to their owners from the water.

  • Group 9. Decorative and companion dogs

This includes dogs of small stature and strong attachment to humans. Among them: pugs, bichons, lapdogs, poodles, chihuahuas, Pekingese, Japanese chins. Each country boasts breeds of decorative dogs bred there.

These breeds are not intended for official purposes, their main task is to brighten up the owners' leisure, please them and give positive emotions.

  • Group 10. Greyhounds

Greyhound breeds include hunting animals intended for unarmed hunting: Saluki, Afghan Hound, Irish Wolfhound, Spanish Greyhound, Polish Greyhound.

They are distinguished by dry muscles, thin legs, a long torso, and a long, sharp muzzle. They can chase prey for a long time: ungulates, wolves, hares, foxes - in open areas due to their endurance and high running speed.

In modern times, when canine hunts are rare, greyhounds take part in competitions, for example, chasing mechanical hares.

In the photo of all the breeds of dogs presented on the site, you can get acquainted with the whole variety of the wonderful world of dogs.

Dog breeds are unusually diverse, from the smallest breeds that can fit in a woman's purse to giant dogs that weigh over 100 kilograms and reach over two meters in length.

In this article we will tell you about the most popular dog breeds of various sizes. And so we will provide a complete list of all dog breeds.

A dog is man's best friend among animals. She gives her owner a lot of positive emotions, always there in sorrow and in joy. Today there are a huge number of dog breeds, so you can always find a friend to your liking.

Small dogs


Height: 40-43 cm.

Weight: 10-11 kg.

Region of origin: Central Africa

Basenji - one of the oldest breeds, which appeared more than 5,000 years ago in Africa. In those distant times, these dogs were presented to the pharaohs as a talisman against evil forces. Burials of mummies of these dogs have been found by modern archaeologists.

The peculiarity of this breed is that dogs cannot bark., and in an excited state, they only emit a rumbling. Basenji do not smell like a dog and know how to wash with their paws, like cats. They are distinguished by good health, fearlessness and great self-confidence.

Basenji has excellent hunting qualities. In addition, today it is considered very fashionable to take them as companions. They are great friends, very smart, affectionate and extremely impressive looking.

Yorkshire Terrier

Height: 18-20 cm.

Weight: about 3 kg.

Yorkshire Terrier Is a decorative breed developed in England at the end of the 19th century. Earlier, English peasants were forbidden to have large dogs due to massive poaching, so they bred tiny pets for themselves.

A hundred years ago, these lovely dogs were workers: they lived in coal mines, where they caught huge rats. Today York is considered the most popular breed of small dogs and is the dream of every fashionista.

Yorkies are brave and able-bodied, they are very friendly towards people, very active and playful, devoted to the mistress. They constantly need attention, so all day they either sit in the arms of the hostess, or follow her on her heels.

Height: 23-33 cm.

Weight: up to 5 kg.

Country of origin: UK

Chinese crested dog - an elegant decorative dog, very attached to its owner. They may have no body hair at all, or the cover may be in the form of soft fluff. These dogs don't smell like a dog. Their homeland is China or Mexico.

By the middle of the 19th century, this breed was considered almost extinct. However, several individuals were brought to the UK, where their population was rescued and restored. Today it is spread all over the world.

The Chinese Crested Dog is born to be loved. And not only for the exotic appearance. They are very kind and funny animals that can become real friends for adults and kids.

Height: 32-38 cm.

Weight: up to 5 kg.

Country of origin: Italy

Is the smallest greyhound in the world. The ancestors of these dogs lived in Ancient egypt, were common among the nobility in ancient Greece and Rome. And they were most popular in Italy during the Renaissance.

The Italian greyhound standard was created in the 30s of the last century. Today it is an excellent companion dog with a friendly character and loves to play. But remember that this is a very refined and fragile dog.

Height: 20-25 cm.

Weight: 3-4 kg.

Region of origin: Mediterranean

- a small decorative dog. This breed is considered to be ancient, originating on the island of Malta. She is famous for her long, pure white hair that falls like a mantle and her large bulging eyes.

These lapdogs are used as companions. They are very playful and are always happy to run with their owners to catch up. They also love physical activity, various exercises.

These are very good-natured dogs who treat their owners and their children with tenderness. But they don't like strangers. Maltese lapdogs often have bone problems as well as eye diseases.

Height: 28-32 cm.

Weight: 6-8 kg.

Country of origin: China

Is a very ancient breed mentioned in ancient Chinese chronicles. In those days, the wrinkles on the forehead of this dog were called the "imperial hieroglyph". In the 16th century, pugs entered France, and then spread throughout Europe.

- a decorative breed of dogs, which for centuries kept the Chinese nobility in their palaces and estates. Thanks to its cheerful and non-aggressive nature, the pug quickly won the hearts of its owners and became a favorite in the family.

Height: 15-25 cm.

Weight: about 5 kg.

Country of origin: China

- an ancient decorative breed. They were bred over 2,000 years ago and lived in the palace of the Chinese emperors, being considered a sacred dog. They were not available to ordinary Chinese. The one who saw the Pekingese was waiting for the inevitable death penalty.

The Pekingese have a mane like a lion, so the Chinese considered them to be little guards. According to legend, once a lion fell in love with a monkey and married her. As a result of their marriage, little Pekingese were born.

This dog never forgets its imperial origin and always demonstrates it with its proud gait. In fact, she is strong and fearless. If you ignore the Pekingese for a long time, he will make a scandal.

Height: 24-35 cm.

Weight: 8-14 kg.

Is a small fighting dog breed. Despite its small stature, this is a very strong and muscular dog, capable of standing up not only for itself, but also for its owner.

This bulldog is a very sociable and cheerful dog, a wonderful companion with a stable psyche. He loves to meet guests in the house, but when danger arises, he will immediately show aggression and stand up to protect the whole family.

The French Bulldog is a smaller copy of its English counterpart. In fact, he was bred in the UK and then immigrated to France, where he became the darling of the local elite. Today this bulldog is common all over the world.

Weight: 0.5-3 kg.

Height: 15-23 cm.

Country of origin: Mexico

- a dwarf breed of dogs of microscopic size. Experts believe that hundreds of years ago they lived in the wild, and then were domesticated by the local Indian civilization.

This breed of dog is a wonderful companion that fits in the hand and has a playful and playful character. He has good health and high intelligence, has an agreeable disposition. There are types of these dogs in short and elongated fur.

They are very mobile and curious, have a bold, lively character. They never show anger, aggression or cowardice. Despite their small size, Chihuahuas are tireless and very hardy.

Height: about 25 cm.

Weight: 1.5-3.5 kg.

Country of origin: Japan

- decorative breed of dogs, they used to live in the imperial palace and entertained the emperor and his entourage. Only the nobles could own Chins. And today these dogs are used as companions.

It is believed that the Chins are the ancestors of the Pekingese, brought to Japan by Tibetan monks. For many centuries this country was closed from the world, and when it opened in the 19th century, Japanese chins began to spread throughout the world.

They are very intelligent, temperamental and brave dogs. They are good friends, unobtrusive and clean, very delicate and aristocratic, rarely bark. Japanese Chins create a positive atmosphere in the family and home.

Full list of small dog breeds:

Medium dogs

Height: 50-55 cm.

Weight: about 25 kg.

Country of origin: UK

- an old breed of dogs, they are referred to as bodyguards and companions of a person. The modern standard was established in the middle of the 19th century. Today the English Bulldog is the national symbol of Great Britain.

This dog, according to the British, has all the features of a true gentleman. She is phlegmatic, aristocratic, respectable. The disadvantage of the breed is that in the process of its formation it has turned from a real fighting game into a decorative one.

The first mention of bulldogs appeared in English literature in the 17th century. They were then called both bull and bear dogs. Initially, they were used for baiting bulls, later bulldogs were used for hunting wild boars.


Height: 53-63 cm.

Weight: from 30 kg.

Boxer Is a descendant of the English Bulldog and Mastiff, bred in Germany. For the first time, images of similar dogs appeared in the paintings of German painters back in the 17th century. And the modern boxer arose in the middle of the 19th century in Munich.

The Boxer turned out to be a non-aggressive and controlled dog. He is very loyal to his master and loves small children. The boxer is a great companion, he loves to play, to walk, perfectly lends itself to training.

This breed is often used as police service dogs. They are excellent watchmen and bodyguards. Dogs are highly intelligent and well-balanced, so they often work as guides.

Height: 53-56 cm.

Weight: 23-32 kg.

Country of origin: UK

This is one of the varieties of terriers, bred in the middle of the 19th century. This is a descendant of a cross between an English Bulldog, Dalmatian and White Terrier. As a result, the Bull Terrier has collected the best features of these breeds.

This dog is very active, strong, hardy and has a high intelligence. In the UK today, keeping a bull terrier is a high taste. The dog has a freedom-loving and cheerful character. Requires training.

Height: 54-62 cm.

Weight: 24-32 kg.

Country of origin: Croatia

Similar breeds have been known since ancient times. Archaeologists have found ancient Greek images of such dogs. This means that the breed is old and appeared several millennia ago.

Has a balanced character and proportional body. This is a very strong and active dog, requiring significant physical exertion and long walks, likes to run long distances.

The dog has a short and harsh coat that sheds every year. After molting, the color may change. All over the body - black or brown spots on a white background. Nuance: the Dalmatian does not smell like a dog.

Height: 51-61 cm.

Weight: 20-35 kg.

Country of origin: UK

This dog breed appeared in the 17th century. Collie - Shepherd Dog, which was used by shepherds to search for and guard sheep. The breed does not have a single standard. So, in the USSR, long-haired collies were up to 10 cm higher at the withers. They are also higher in the USA.

Collie - a very peaceful and good-natured breed, it lends itself well to training. Always obeys the owner implicitly. Collie requires significant physical exertion and a lot of space, it cannot be kept on a chain.

The dog has a stable psyche and calm character. She is very sociable and sociable, a good companion, loves children. She is often used as a babysitter for babies.

Height: 54-57 cm.

Weight: 27-40 kg.

Country of origin: Canada

Originally bred as a hunting dog, today it is used as a companion. The history of the breed begins in the 19th century. At first, only black labrador was recognized, later fawn and chocolate colors were recognized.

Labrador Retriever has a strong build, wide chest. It is a strong and hardworking dog with a gentle disposition that loves long walks and great physical activity. It adapts well to the proposed circumstances.

- an excellent hunter, has an excellent instinct and good intellect. He is very fond of swimming and bathing. If you are looking for a true friend, the Labrador is the ideal choice: a kind, loyal, obedient and affectionate dog.

Height: 55-65 cm.

Weight: 20-40 kg.

Country of origin: Germany

It was bred to be used for herding purposes. Today it is used to guard people or property, and as a companion or family dog. Often serves in the police and the army.

The breed originated at the end of the 19th century and originally had an off-white color. Further, the improvement of the German Shepherd Dog in Germany acquired a national scale, until a breed standard was developed.

The German Shepherd has excellent physical stamina and mental balance. She is very intelligent, agile and easy to train. The German Shepherd Dog easily changes the owner and faithfully serves the new one.

Height: 50-60 cm.

Weight: 15-28 kg.

Country of origin: USA

The breed originated from the aboriginal dogs of the Russian Far East. This is a sled dog descended from the oldest breeds of the Neolithic period. Today it is widely used as a companion and as a show dog.

Sled dog breeding in the Far East received a new impetus in development in the 17th century after the Russians came there. Large sleds appeared, which required many dogs. Husky and today must necessarily run in a team.

Siberian husky they have thick fur, a pointed muzzle with large erect ears and a fluffy "fox" tail. Dogs have great intelligence and stamina. They are very friendly in nature and are distinguished by external beauty.

Height: 44-51 cm.

Weight: 18-35 kg.

Country of origin: China

It is an ancient breed originally used as fighting dogs in China. Currently, the Shar Pei is doing an excellent job with guard and hunting functions.

The dog has a sandy color, many folds of skin on the neck and body, as well as a bluish-black tongue. She has a robust build, small ears and a hippopotamus-like muzzle. With this type of Shar Pei, it is difficult to confuse with any other breed.

Sharpey is at least 3 thousand years old, the history of its appearance is little known. In the middle of the 20th century, these dogs almost died out, but were rescued by American breeders. Today they are popular and distributed all over the world.

Height: about 60 cm.

Weight: 18-29 kg.

Country of origin: UK

This dog breed has a wonderful, cheerful character. The Airedale is always in good mood, possesses intelligence and fearlessness. He never shows aggression towards people, but he can show stubbornness.

This breed was bred in the middle of the 19th century. It was originally used for hunting. Later, sports competitions with the participation of Airedale terriers became popular. They have great instinct, they are able to run fast. Also dogs are good as guards.

Full list of medium dog breeds:

Big dogs

Height: 65-70 cm.

Weight: 50 to 80 kg.

Region of origin: Central Asia

- the oldest breed of dogs bred naturally by the shepherds of Central Asia for grazing sheep. It is also widely used to protect people and property. The correct name for the breed is the Central Asian Shepherd Dog.

The formation of this breed took place over 4 millennia. Alabai has best qualities the oldest shepherd dogs and the famous war dogs of one of the homelands of mankind - Mesopotamia.

The constant struggle for life has tempered the character of this amazing dog, made it strong and fearless, a real defender of man. Alabai and today guard the herds and guard the police and army.

Height: 58-63 cm.

Weight: 35-38 kg.

Country of origin: USA

- one of the most ancient dog breeds, bred by the Eskimos. It is designed to work in harness. These dogs are the real symbol of Alaska. The Alaskan Malamute breed is divided into two types.

The first species looks very similar to a large and strong gray wolf, from which the malamutes originated. Second kind smaller in size, can be black and white, white or blue. Both species have the working qualities of a sled dog.

Height: from 75 cm.

Weight: from 70 kg.

Country of origin: UK

Mastiff - an old, purely English breed of dogs, bred in the 9th century, is the largest European Great Dane. This dog is very strong and ferocious towards strangers. It has been used for hundreds of years for hunting big game and in military service.

Experts believe that the English Mastiff descended from a huge mastiff-like dog that lived in ancient times in Tibet, and then spread throughout the Ancient East. Later, these dogs were brought to Britain by the Celts and were selected.

Height: 63-74 cm.

Weight: 20-30 kg.

Country of origin: UK

This long-haired greyhound is designed for hunting. It was brought to Britain by an English officer in the late 19th century. This is a very sociable dog that simply adores people, especially children, but it is extremely difficult to train.

Afghan hounds - an ancient breed. It is believed that the biblical Noah took a couple of such dogs with him to the ark. Greyhounds have lived in the East for several millennia. Experts believe that they came to Afghanistan from Persia, where they grew long hair in the mountains.

Height: 62-70 cm.

Weight: 40-55 kg.

Country of origin: Belgium

As a hound breed, they were bred in Belgium in the XIII century in the family of a priest. These dogs became famous for being widely used for official purposes in the police. They effectively track down and catch criminals.

Also, this breed was previously used to guard dignitaries, royal palaces, etc. Dogs have a beautiful short and smooth six, usually red with black tan marks.

Bloodhounds have a balanced character and very rarely show aggression. They are great friends and companions, but today they are rarely used as guards. dogs have a very kind character.

Height: 58-68 cm.

Weight: 45-50 kg.

Country of origin: France

Dogue de bordeaux or mastiff - a breed of dog bred several hundred years ago. For a long time it remained in the shadows, and only in the XX century gained real popularity and demand.

It is a powerful, muscular and squat dog, whose body is covered with thick skin with many folds. The coat of the Great Dane is short, it fits tightly to the body, the color is all shades of red.

Dogue de Bordeaux has a strong and calm character, is very attached to its owner. He should definitely be trained, and then you will get an intelligent, good-natured and courageous friend.

Height: 68-72 cm.

Weight: 63-70 kg.

Country of origin: Germany

- a dog breed that was bred in Germany at the end of the 19th century. Dogs have a powerful and muscular body, a very beautiful silhouette and choleric temperament.

The Doberman is very friendly and peaceful, loves its owners, especially children. This breed combines the blood of shepherd dogs, pinschers, terriers, etc., it contains the best qualities of its parents.

Dobermans are widely used in law enforcement agencies, they have an excellent sense of smell, are able to find a criminal, weapons, drugs. These dogs have high intelligence and are highly trainable.

Height: 65-70 cm.

Weight: 55-70 cm.

Country of origin: Canada

Is a well-known breed of dog that used to be used as a labor force. Dogs have thick and long fur of black or brown color and webbing between the toes.

Experts disagree about the origin of this breed, but they are sure that the blood of a black wolf, which is extinct today, flows in the blood of the Newfoundland. It is also believed that they have the blood of mastiffs, huskies, molossians, Pyrenees dogs, etc.

Previously, they were used as draft animals for the transportation of significant loads. And the fishermen taught these dogs to pull nets with fish. They are very smart, therefore they are able to carry out more complex assignments from people.

Height: 70-85 cm.

Weight: 25-45 kg.

Country of origin: Russia

This hunting breed is renowned for its long, silky coat. The first mentions of these dogs appeared in the 17th century, when they were called Circassian hounds and were widely used for hunting.

These dogs have excellent eyesight and hearing, they are aggressive towards animals, they can develop significant speed when running for short distances. In relation to a person, the Russian greyhound is friendly, loyal, has a phlegmatic character.

Height: 65-90 cm.

Weight: from 70 kg.

Country of origin: Switzerland and Italy

- an ancient breed of dog, the origin of which is not known exactly, is most often attributed to Asian or ancient Roman mastiffs, crossed with local Alpine dogs.

According to legend, the breed was bred in the XI century by the monk Bernard, who founded a shelter high in the Alps. Centuries later, the St. Bernards began to be used to rescue travelers caught in mountain avalanches.

St. Bernards are very strong and big dogs, distinguished by their special devotion to people and very loving children. They still work in the mountains, rescuing those caught in an avalanche, carrying loads and serving as companions for lovers of the highlands.

Complete list of large dogs.

The small dog is the ideal pet for city dwellers. It takes up little space in the apartment, does not require long walks in open areas, does not take too much time to care. However, sharing an apartment with any living creature requires compliance with certain rules. Therefore, it is so important to make the right choice and acquire a pet that matches the owner's lifestyle, his character, interests and habits.

A list of small dog breeds with photos and names, complete with descriptions and characteristics, will help you choose a pet that matches your preferences in appearance and behavior. The article provides a description of the best breeds of small dogs that are recommended for keeping at home.

Small dogs have recently become more and more popular with city dwellers. This is due to the habitability and less demanding conditions for keeping a small pet.

Affenpinscher is a dog with a height of 25-28 centimeters, with hard black hair, outwardly resembles a small monkey. The behavior of this miniature dog is also somewhat monkey. Affenpinscher is a playful, noisy, hooligan dog with a stubborn character.

Such a playful disposition requires persistent and consistent training so that the little imp turns into an obedient dog that observes the rules of conduct in the house.

Affen Griffon is a breed that arose as a result of crossing Affenpinscher and Brussels Griffon. This is a very mobile, active, friendly dog, distinguished by quick wit and loyalty to the owner. Despite its small size, Affen Griffon does an excellent job with the role of a watchman, and will certainly notify the owner of the appearance of uninvited guests.

A feature of the breed is its coarse coat, which must be regularly trimmed by hand. Griffon's affen haircut is not recommended, as it spoils the structure of the coat.

Schipperke is a miniature shepherd dog that looks like a black Spitz. It is an energetic, cheerful breed that requires long walks, which will become a good companion to a sporty, physically active owner.

A bored Schipperke begins to have behavioral problems: the dog barks with or without reason, fights with pets, rushes at guests, and behaves aggressively while walking. The dog needs active, prolonged games, sports activities, jogging, walks in the park or forest.

The Chinese crested dog is one of the most original small breeds in appearance. This fragile and defenseless-looking baby has quite good health, but does not tolerate cold at all. The future owner of the dog needs to prepare for buying a whole all-season wardrobe for her.

Another feature of the breed is the difficulty of training, which a beginner is unlikely to cope with. You cannot shout at the crested, it is necessary to accustom to the rules of behavior gently, but persistently.

The Dandy Dinmond Terrier has an unusual appearance: the dog has a long body and short limbs. By nature, this is an affectionate, kind and cheerful dog, devoted to the owner.

Dandy Dinmond Terrier needs training from an early age and a lot of physical activity. Such a dog is not suitable for an elderly or calm person, but for athletes, travelers and hunters it is an ideal companion and companion.

The Moscow Long-haired Toy Terrier is a newcomer to the group of small dog breeds, which gained popularity immediately after its appearance in Russia and many European countries. The baby's body is covered with thick, soft, wavy hair, with charming feathers on the ears and legs.

A small terrier is attached to the owner and does not tolerate loneliness. The dog learns to the rules of conduct in the house without difficulty, it can do without long walks, therefore it suits people different ages and lifestyle.

Small Greek dog - Meliteo kinidio - an ancient breed. Popular in its historical homeland and quite rare in our country. This is a small fluffy breed of dog, kind and cheerful towards the owner and all the inhabitants of the house, but does not recognize strangers.

West Highland White Terrier is a breed of dog bred in Scotland, but quickly gained popularity around the world. It is the perfect pet with a cute appearance and friendly disposition. Vesti does not fade, is easy to train, and gets along well with the whole family.

The dog's coat requires careful grooming: trimming, trimming the skirt, combing. The breed is prone to food allergies, therefore, food for it must be selected carefully.It is recommended to exclude wheat, chicken, colored vegetables and cabbage from the diet.

The smallest dog breeds with names

Among small dogs, there are breeds that differ in the smallest sizes. The fashion for miniature pets is growing rapidly at the present time, which is explained by the compactness of the dogs and the ability not to part with them throughout the day. The description of the smallest dog breeds with photos presented below will give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe features of some of the popular breeds and the rules for handling them.

The growth of the Prague krysarik is only 23 centimeters. This is a peaceful, affectionate, sympathetic dog, loyal to the owner, obedient, balanced and unobtrusive dog from the Czech Republic. The ratter is distinguished by its devotion to the owner, loves praise, and is well trained. The dog is particularly sensitive to the mood of the owner, so discontent can be used as a method of education.

The Prague rat-boy requires careful attitude, since his body is rather fragile and there is a high risk of fractures and other injuries. The breed is quite active, so it needs a diet rich in protein.

The Russian Toy Terrier is a miniature dog (20-28 centimeters in height) with a graceful build. Russian toy is unpretentious in content, easily accustomed to the litter box, does not require a lot of time to care for wool. You can usually feed the dog with food: boiled or semi-cooked meat, cereals, stewed vegetables.

The dog must be taught to discipline, otherwise it will constantly bark, demonstrating guard qualities. The dog does not tolerate rough treatment and is very upset, but you cannot indulge the pet's pranks.

The American Lo-Shee Pug is a compact, affectionate dog, ideal as a companion and pet. She gets along well with other animals, learns easily, loves children. The dog loves to bark, but not without reason, but only in order to warn about the arrival of guests or to satisfy its own needs.

Caring for the breed is not difficult: combing once a week, bathing once every 1-2 months, brushing ears, eyes and teeth once a week. In terms of activity, the dog adapts to the lifestyle of the owner: he plays with him when he is active and lies next to him during his rest.

Breeds of small kind dogs

It is impossible to divide dog breeds into good or evil, since the character of each of them depends not only on genetically based temperament, but also on upbringing. But there are breeds that are particularly peaceful and kind in relation to the owner and strangers.

Photos and descriptions of such babies are presented in this section. Breeds of small kind dogs are distinguished by a special friendliness towards family members and even everyone around them, they love affection and praise.

Bichon Frize (curly bichon) is a miniature dog with curly snow-white hair and round black, surprisingly kind eyes. The dog is playful, cheerful, loves affection. But raising a breed is not easy and requires patience and perseverance.

Caring for a luxurious bichon coat is quite difficult. It must be carefully combed every day, and then processed with a slicker. The length of the hair on the muzzle and legs is regulated by periodic haircuts.

The rabbit dachshund was bred in Germany for hunting purposes, but nowadays it is most often bred as a companion and pet. The dog is good-natured, balanced, without a drop of aggression. This dog can play the role of a real clown, as it has a good sense of humor.

With the wrong upbringing, a rabbit dachshund can become bully and stubborn.It must be trained calmly and respectfully.

The beauty of the coat of the Maltese lapdog is the main factor in the attractiveness of the breed. A cute dog with a height of no more than 25 centimeters, with long snow-white hair, with proper care, looks luxurious and rich. It is no coincidence that this breed has always been the favorite of royalty.

The dog is good-natured, docile, loving and gentle towards the owners. The luxurious coat of the breed requires careful maintenance. The breed has poor health, so it must be properly fed, walked and shown to the veterinarian in a timely manner.

The Pomeranian is the smallest species of the group of dogs of this breed. The baby is only 23 centimeters tall. Weight is no more than three kilograms. This is a particularly popular breed among socialites and creative people.

By nature, the Pomeranian is sociable. Cheerful and extremely good-natured doggie. He is obedient and neat, so he is ideal for living together even in a very small apartment. The baby spitz will be the perfect companion for adults and children.

The nature of the Border Terrier is somewhat ambiguous. On the hunt it is a ruthless and reckless dog, and at home it is an affectionate, friendly, loving pet. Many representatives of this breed know how to smile, showing their teeth.

This good-natured dog is used in Western medical institutions as a "therapy animal". Border Terrier owners visit nursing homes and hospitals with their pets, providing psychological support to sick people.

Small smart dog breeds

When choosing a future pet, we often limit ourselves to viewing descriptions of small dog breeds with photographs. Meanwhile, an important selection criterion is the dog's intellectual abilities. An intelligent dog easily remembers commands, learns the rules of behavior and is the most obedient. Among small breeds of dogs, there are several species that are distinguished by the highest intelligence.

This dog will become a devoted friend of all family members. Can adapt to any rhythm and lifestyle of the owners. Papillon with equal pleasure will run around the apartment with the children and lie calmly on the sofa with the owner.

This dog remembers all commands literally from the first time. She understands not only the words of the owner, but even reacts to the intonation with which he speaks. It is worth giving the voice a stern tone, and the papillon realizes that his actions are not permissible. Communicating with Papillon is a sheer pleasure.

Not a single dog show is complete without representatives of this breed. The Continental Toy Spaniel has a mesmerizing appearance: a 25 cm tall doggie with luxurious long hair looks like an expensive plush toy.

The Toy Spaniel is a very intelligent dog, but at the same time prone to dominance. During training, the owner will need to be able to outsmart the pet and turn the execution of commands into reflexes. For each action performed, the pet must first receive a treat, praise, and affection. Correct execution commands are encouraged by reaction in an affectionate voice, and disobedience is encouraged by a stern tone.

Toy poodle

Toy Poodle is an adorable curly-haired dog with high intelligence. This breed can often be found in the circus performing incredible stunts. The toy poodle adores its owner and is ready to please him with obedience.

The positive motivation of the pet contributes to the rapid assimilation of commands. This baby loves very much when she is praised. Pet pranks cannot be ignored.Any hooliganism, left without punishment, will definitely be repeated.

Alaskan Kli-Kai, like all huskies, is not only beautiful in appearance, but also very smart and independent. Unlike the stubborn Siberian huskies, their miniature counterparts are more like cats in behavior. They are affectionate towards the owner and even wash their faces with characteristic movements of their paws.

Another incredible ability of the Alaskan Kli-kai is the ability to make sounds similar to human speech. A set of guttural, howling, gurgling sounds really looks like a conversation, so communicating with a pet can bring real pleasure.

The Tibetan Spaniel is an intelligent dog, restrained in emotions, with an unusually developed intellect. He is able to perform the functions of a watchman, notifying the owner of the appearance of uninvited guests. But Tibby won't bark just like that.

As a true intellectual, the Tibetan Spaniel needs to be alone from time to time, so the pet needs to take a cozy nook in the house. Otherwise, keeping the breed in the house involves standard procedures for grooming the coat and organizing walks.

The smallest dog breed in the world

In the group of small dog breeds, there are dogs that differ in the most miniature sizes.

Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed in the world. Dogs of this breed usually weigh from 0.5 to 3 kg, and their height is from 10 to 23 cm. Chihuahua Boo-Boo is about 11 centimeters tall, weighs about seven hundred grams and is the smallest of the dogs living today.

Chihuahua is a kind, obedient, but at the same time extremely vulnerable and touchy dog. Such a miniature pet requires careful and very careful handling. You need to prepare for the appearance of a dog in the house: remove objects that it can dump, restrict access to places where the dog can climb and get stuck or fall.

Fenech is a restless, curious animal 18-22 centimeters tall and weighing no more than 1.5 kilograms. This is a dog with large ears, about 15 centimeters long, which give its appearance a very funny look.

The domestic fennec fox has very poor health. The dog needs to be kept practically in greenhouse conditions, otherwise it will certainly catch a cold. A feature of this dog is nocturnal, so the owner must take this into account before buying a puppy.

Small smooth-haired dog breeds

Smooth-haired dog breeds are most convenient for keeping in an apartment, since caring for them does not require a lot of time and hair does not scatter throughout the house during molting.

This breed looks like a miniature Doberman. This is a smart, energetic dog that can become a reliable friend of the whole family. The Miniature Pinscher will be the perfect companion for an adult or a child over 9-10 years old.

The Miniature Pinscher is perfect for living in a city apartment. Pet grooming consists of brushing once a week, alternating with a wet towel wipe. For walking, it is imperative to purchase clothes and shoes, without which the dog is not recommended to walk even with a slight cold snap.

The Manchester Terrier is distinguished by its good health, longevity and unpretentious maintenance. This is a cheerful, energetic, cheerful dog about 40 centimeters tall, with short, smooth hair.

The Manchester Terrier is friendly towards other animals and children, loves noisy games and long walks. The character is mostly docile, but sometimes the terrier is stubborn and disobedient. You can feed your pet with traditional dog food, but experts recommend starting the morning with sour milk.

The English Toy Terrier is a small black dog with characteristic reddish markings on the face, paws and chest. The dog's coat is smooth, close to the body and does not require special care. It is enough to iron the English Toy Terrier once a week with a special rubber mitt.

The breed is malleable, friendly, gentle and playful. Toy terrier's energy is in full swing, so he needs active walks, games and exercises, close communication with the owner and all family members.

The Lancashire healer is a squat dog with short but muscular limbs. The coat of the breed is straight, smooth and shiny, complemented by a dense undercoat for the winter. There are no difficulties in caring for the Lancashire Terrier: it is enough to comb it once every two weeks. She recommends bathing the dog only twice a year.

The breed is friendly, playful, easy to remember commands and willingly fulfills them. The Lancashire Terrier loves walking, but it can do without a long stay on the street. Therefore, this pet is suitable for calm, busy at work and elderly people.

Small dog breeds for kids

Most small dog breeds are suitable exclusively for families with grown-up and pet-friendly children. This is mainly due to the fragility of miniature dogs and some intolerance of many of them to rough treatment. At the same time, there are some breeds of small dogs that are quite possible to have in families. Where there are small children.

The Russian colored lapdog is a decorative breed of indoor dogs about 25 centimeters tall with long thick hair of absolutely any color. This playful, friendly dog \u200b\u200bmakes great contact with children of any age, easily remembers commands, and is never capricious.

The Russian colored lapdog loves people, always strives to be in the center of attention, loves to entertain guests. One of the main skills of the breed is the ability to adapt to the mood of the owner.... She always feels when you just need to lie down next to a person, and when you need to play and chat with him.

Bolognese (Italian lapdog) - a dog with a height of about 30 centimeters, thick, wavy hair, giving it a rounded shape. The breed is incredibly human-oriented: affectionate, ingratiating, not tolerating loneliness.

This breed can be started by families with small children. But communication little child and the dogs need to be controlled. For children from 7 years old, the Bolognese dog will become an ideal friend and play partner.

The American Eagle Dog simply loves fun games with children. She is smart, ready to please the representatives of the whole family every minute. The breed is quick-witted and easily learns commands, enjoys participating in dog competitions and loves long walks.

Volpino Italiano is a rare breed of small dogs from Italy. This is a loyal to family and owner, playful and quick-witted dog with luxurious white fur. Volpino italiano loves active and fun games with children, never hurting them.

The dog is distrustful of strangers and always notifies of the appearance of strangers in the apartment with a loud bark. It is necessary to train the dog persistently and patiently, as it is restless and willful.

Other small dog breeds

In addition to the breeds that have been listed in this article, there are many other small dogs. We suggest you get to know some of them in the photos.

Norfolk Terrier pictured

Dog breed australian terrier

Pictured is an American toy terrier

Biewer yorkshire terrier

Boston Terrier dog breed

Brussels griffon pictured

Welsh corgi pembroke

Breed smooth fox terrier

A photo. Italian greyhound

Cairn Terrier dog breed

The description of small dog breeds with photographs presented in this article only gives general information about the features of each of them. Before making the final choice, it is worthwhile to study in more detail the peculiarities of the nature and rules of keeping each breed, so that spending time together will bring true pleasure to the owner, pet and all family members.

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