How to recognize psoriasis? What is this disease? Why does the skin hurt? Psoriasis: photos, symptoms and treatment in adults and children Psoriasis on the abdomen is the initial stage.

Psoriasis ─ chronic illness, from the development of which no one is insured. It can appear at any age, so psoriasis symptoms and possible reasons development is desirable for everyone to know. There are typical symptoms characteristic of this particular disease. According to them, psoriatic papules can be distinguished from other dermatological diseases. Rashes form on any part of the body, from eyes to feet. Depending on the place of localization, papules have a different appearance.

Symptoms: how psoriasis begins

Psoriasis begins with the formation of small rashes on the body. Their size does not exceed the diameter of the pin head. Every day the papules grow in diameter, reaching as a result 4-8 cm, their number increases, the surface begins to peel off. If not treated correctly, individual plaques merge into conglomerates, covering large areas of the body.

This is what psoriasis looks like at the initial stage.

Skin psoriasis can develop at any age. But often the first case of its manifestation occurs in young and adults from 18 to 40 years old. There are no gender differences. Men and women suffer from this disease with the same frequency.

Typical signs of psoriatic papules:

  • The shape is round.
  • The edges are crisp.
  • The color is hot pink or red.
  • The color of the scales is silvery white.

The first rashes, as a rule, form at the site of wounds, scratches, frostbite, burns, on areas of the body that are constantly exposed to friction. They may itch, but this is not the main symptom.

Psoriasis has three unique symptoms that are unique to it:

  1. Stearin spot phenomenon ─ The scales are easily scraped off the surface of the papule. Under them there is a stain resembling a drop of stearin or wax.
  2. The phenomenon of psoriatic (terminal) film ─ If the plaque is completely cleaned of scales, a thin film is visible under it, covering the inflamed area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. It is transparent and moist.
  3. Auspitz Phenomenon ─ if the integrity of the terminal film is violated, small bruises appear on the surface of the wounds, resembling the emerging dew.

The listed triad of symptoms will allow you to accurately determine the onset of the development of psoriasis. They make it impossible to confuse this ailment with other dermatological diseases.

Because the the first symptoms of psoriasis in different parts of the body are slightly different, it is worth considering in more detail each particular case.

Psoriasis symptoms on the hands

Guttate psoriasis on the elbow and forearm

When psoriasis develops on the hands, it is most common for papules to appear on the surface of the elbows or between the fingers. Less often, the rash is localized on the forearm. This part of the body is characterized by a plaque form of the disease. Its main feature is the formation of small red spots, which quickly become covered with scales. The skin of the hands becomes rough.

Damage to the scalp with psoriatic papules is the most common form of the disease. Rashes form in the back of the head, in the forehead, behind the ears, in the parting area of \u200b\u200bthe hair. Small rashes form first. They are single and covered with scales. In the process of development, they grow and can cover the surface of the entire head. A feature of psoriatic papules that form on the scalp is peripheral growth, severe itching and skin irritation. While the scales are small, peeling off, they resemble fine dandruff. With the growth of papules, these flakes look like white flakes. The elasticity of the skin decreases, therefore it is easily injured, wounds are constantly formed.

On the body

Psoriasis on the back and abdomen

The surface of the body is usually covered with teardrop-shaped psoriasis. It is localized on the back, neck, hips, legs, abdomen. Scattered small rashes are formed. They differ in teardrop shape. As the papules grow, they rise high above the surface of the skin, so they can be easily damaged. People who have had a staphylococcal infection are more at risk of developing this disease.

On foot

Psoriatic eruptions on the legs on the knees and lower legs

On the legs, the first papules appear in the knee area, but they can form in other areas. The first eruptions are small and sporadic. They are inflamed and flaky. They have a clear outline, but are loose. They spread quickly, forming conglomerates.

On the nails

The initial stage of psoriasis on the nails manifests itself in several forms. At the first ─ the nail plate is covered with small pits-like depressions, as if from a needle prick. The second form resembles a fungus. Nails thicken, change color to yellow or gray. Over time, if you do not start treatment, they exfoliate. The third type ─ the nail plate is deformed, becomes rough, depressed areas appear on its surface.

On palms and feet

Psoriatic lesion on the palms of the hands and feet

Most often, palms and feet are affected by palmar-plantar psoriasis at the same time. However, there are times when the disease develops only on the palms or only on the feet. First, small papules form on the skin, which quickly merge into conglomerates. The stratum corneum thickens, coarsens. Because of this, it is easily injured, cracks appear.

On the face, ears, neck

Psoriatic eruptions on the ear and in the eye area

Diagnostics and treatment

Diagnosis of psoriasis consists in an external examination of the rash. The dermatologist assesses the localization of papules, the condition of the skin. Even initial symptoms allow him to establish the correct diagnosis. No special analyzes are required. In severe forms of the development of the disease, the doctor may prescribe a biopsy, X-ray, microflora culture.

Psoriasis is a chronic disease. This means that it is impossible to cure him permanently. The goal of treatment is to achieve a stable state of remission. It can last for years if proper therapy is prescribed.

The photo illustrates what psoriasis looks like before and after treatment

The main treatments for psoriasis are:

  1. Medication:
  • external remedies ─ ointments (solidoval, hormonal, non-hormonal, mustard-containing), creams, shampoos;
  • internal remedies ─ antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, stimulants, sedatives, antidepressants, vitamin complexes, tranquilizers, neuroleptics, immunopharmacological agents.
  1. Non-drug ─ laser therapy, magnetotherapy, X-ray therapy, electrotherapy, selective phototherapy, ultrasound therapy, cryogenic therapy, UFO, PUVA-therapy, hyperthermia.

When choosing a treatment method, doctors are guided by the current state of the patient. Complex therapy provides maximum efficiency.

When you notice the first signs of psoriasis on your skin, it is important to see a dermatologist immediately.

He will be able to confirm or deny the diagnosis. Since there are many reasons for the development of psoriasis, each person needs to take good care of their health, protect the skin from injuries and burns, since the first papules are formed most often on damaged areas of the epidermis.

The disease psoriasis is a pathology, with the development of which the integuments of the skin on different parts of the body are affected, as well as the nail plates and hair follicles. This disease is not contagious, and often occurs in a chronic form with periodic exacerbations that can cause both external and internal provoking factors. According to statistics conducted by many medical institutions from around the world, almost 4% of the population has psoriasis. Pathology can develop in people of different age categories, social classes and genders. In 70% of cases, the disease manifests itself in young people, whose age ranges from 18-25 years.


Manifestations of psoriasis on the skin modern medicine considers as an abnormal reaction of the body to external or internal stimuli. Under the influence of provoking factors in different places, the epidermis and its upper layers die off rapidly. Due to the fact that to date, the exact reasons for the development of this pathology have not been established, many experts attribute it to a multifactorial disease with a hereditary etiology.

There are several scientific theories for the development of this ailment:

  1. Immunity disorders. Due to the fact that the system does not cope with its direct functions, the skin integuments are damaged. From this category of patients, the ailment is transmitted to children by inheritance, and its symptoms appear in them at an early age.
  2. Pathology manifests itself in people over 40 years of age. In this category of patients, the nail plates and joints are affected. Experts do not associate this odds of pancreatitis with failures in the immune system.

The following factors can provoke malfunctions in the work of the immune system, and thereby cause the development of pancreatitis:

  • unhealthy diet (more susceptible to illness are people whose diet consists mainly of fatty foods and fast carbohydrates);
  • diseases of infectious etiology;
  • abuse of alcoholic beverages;
  • unfavorable climatic conditions (people living in cold regions often face this pathology).

How does psoriasis develop?

After external or internal stimuli have had a detrimental effect on the human body, psoriatic plaques appear on its skin.

They can be localized on any part of the body, but most often they are detected:

  • in large skin folds;
  • on the extensor surfaces of the lower and upper extremities;
  • on the body;
  • on the part of the head covered with hair;
  • on the stomach.

Modern medicine knows two forms of this pathology: winter and summer. In the first case, the symptoms of skin psoriasis appear in the summer, and during the cold season, the disease is in a calm state. In the second case, everything happens in mirror order.

The first symptoms of psoriasis can appear suddenly, under the influence of provoking factors. But also signs of pathology can appear gradually, in parallel with weakening immune system... As a rule, the slow manifestation of pathology is observed in patients who have immune deficiency states.

At an early stage of the development of pathology in people, specks begin to slowly appear on the integument of the skin. This process can take several months. After this time, the disease turns into an acute stage.

In order to minimize the risks of complications, patients need to contact medical institutions for consultation when the first pathological changes appear on the skin. The sooner narrow-profile specialists diagnose an ailment and identify the causes of psoriasis, the more effective the drug treatment prescribed by them will be and the faster the state of remission will come.

Early-onset symptoms

The main symptom of this pathology is a rash that can appear on various parts of the skin. At an early stage of the development of pathology, such rashes do not have any characteristic features... In humans, first of all, there are spots that have a pink tint, which eventually degenerate into papules, localized in the upper layers of the epidermis. Thanks to this, this category of patients manages to maintain their hair. Papules have a shape that appearance resembles a hemisphere, and is small in size, approximately the size of a pinhead. Their surface is shiny and very smooth, so people can notice such formations with the naked eye.

At an early stage of the development of psoriasis, the shape of the spots that appear is very similar to lichen planus (red), so specialists have to differentiate the pathology from other diseases in order to establish an accurate diagnosis.

After some time after the appearance of pink spots, scales begin to form on their surfaces. At the same time, patients develop severe itching, which is why they scratch the plaques until they bleed and often bring infection into open wounds.

In the event that psoriasis affects the nail plates, their thickening occurs. Psoriasis plaques form on the lateral surfaces, and destructive processes develop in the nutria. If the pathology has affected hairy part head, its first manifestations may not always be noticeable. People can suspect something was wrong by the peeling that has appeared, in the places of localization of which scales are formed, which some take for dandruff.

Modern medicine classifies psoriasis according to the type of rash:

  1. Pustular ... In parallel with the appearance of papules, pustules appear, which are a consequence of the penetration of infection. The integument of the skin of patients is very dry, cracks can appear on them, which ultimately leads to a violation of their barrier functions.
  2. Non-pustular ... In this form of psoriasis, patients develop papules that are not accompanied by an additional rash.


A characteristic sign of the development of psoriasis is the defeat of the integument of the skin, on which severely itchy scaly plaques appear. In addition, pathology can affect other systems and organs, against the background of which people may experience the following symptoms:

  1. Metabolism is disturbed ... In patients, body weight can rapidly decrease. This is because their body loses its ability to absorb everything. nutrientsthat come with food. Against the background of weight loss, patients develop weakness and atrophy of muscle tissue may develop.
  2. Crashes occur in lymphatic system ... In most cases, with the development of psoriasis in people, they begin in parallel inflammatory processes... Against this background, lymphadenopathy (generalized) may develop in the lymph nodes located in the femoral region and in the groin.
  3. Mucous membranes are affected (mainly on internal organs) ... Most often, experts identify pathological changes in the membranes of the urethra and the digestive tract. Initially, small plaques (psoriatic) and pustules appear on the mucous membranes. In some cases, lesions can spread to the mucous membranes of the eyes, as a result of which patients develop irrigocyclitis, conjunctivitis, and lesions of the lens (sclerotic) can occur.
  4. The work of the nervous system is disrupted ... This category of patients may develop psoriatic encephalopathy. Against the background of pathological changes, the subcortical structures of the brain lose their ability to function fully. Some patients begin delusions, during which they can communicate false information to others. Epileptic seizures may also develop unexpectedly.
  5. Arthritis is considered a separate form of psoriasis and is usually accompanied by degenerative changes in cartilaginous tissues. In patients, asymmetric joint lesions are observed, in which severe pain appears on palpation. The psoriatic form of arthritis always begins very violently and acutely, while not in all cases there is a lesion of the skin.

How to prevent psoriasis?

Prevent this skin pathology people can, if they carry out prevention in a timely manner:

  1. From dermatologists, patients will be able to find out how psoriasis goes away on their own, in which cases long-term therapy is indispensable, and also how to prevent repeated relapses.
  2. It is necessary to protect the nervous system from stress.
  3. Mechanical, thermal and chemical damage to the skin should be prevented. If a person is in daily contact with harmful environments, then he needs to wear gloves.
  4. People need to keep their weight under control. If they notice that the arrows of the scales have begun to move in the wrong direction, then emergency measures should be taken to stabilize the weight.
  5. It is necessary to revise your diet and exclude from the menu all foods that can lead to obesity and the accumulation of bad cholesterol.
  6. It is not recommended to spend a lot of time in the sun, as ultraviolet light has a detrimental effect on the skin.

If a person nevertheless encounters this ailment, then for the fastest transfer of the disease into a state of stable remission, he first of all needs a positive attitude. You should also strictly follow all the recommendations of dermatologists and minimize contact with allergens and other provoking factors.

Skin inflammatory disorder has already become widespread enough for doctors, clinical researchers and scientists to pay more attention to it. More than 4% of people around the world are affected by it. But in order to know all about psoriasis and its treatment you will need to study the general picture of this pathology, understand how chronic it is, and whether there are ways to eliminate it. When you clearly know the symptoms and treatment, then it is easier for the patient to accept them during a medical consultation.

The big picture - all about psoriasis in brief

Psoriasis - this is an inflammation of the skin with severe itching and typical plaques, red papules, which have the property of transforming scaly formations from the skin, bursting, turning into wounds, suppuration and have brightly outlined foci in the affected areas. They can also call this phenomenon "scaly lichen". The name of such a disease has its own meaning, which reflects its characteristic features. Translated from Greek. "Psora" the word means - "itching", and from English. - "scabies", which fully confirms the character of skin irritation. The phenomenon has not only its own characteristics, but also varieties, stages, and even its own statistics.

What is pathology

Excessive dryness of the skin and the desire to constantly itch are the first signals of danger. Scaly lichen can be visually identified without much difficulty by the characteristic plaques, papules. More information about you can find in the heading of the same name.

A general description of the body damage is as follows:

  • dry skin above normal;
  • pieces of scales along the edges are slightly raised above the surface of the cover;
  • the tissues are affected as if red wax had been poured over the body and it froze;
  • itching, burning and temperature constantly accompany the pathological condition;
  • putting on clothes is extremely painful and unpleasant;
  • an unpleasant sulfuric odor is also noted from the wounds, especially in advanced cases;
  • often skin lesions appear precisely in places of folds, folds, or frequent rubbing of clothing against the body.

General malaise always accompanies the patient, he cannot sleep normally, work and even wash. Any psoriasis will show symptoms the same - red spots that itch and hurt incessantly. With severe damage, the skin cracks, wounds appear, blood oozes, and sometimes abscesses form. Sometimes abscesses can occur pointwise, and sometimes cover wider areas. Red inflammation is a sign that the activity of lymphocytes, keratinocytes or macrophages is excessive.

Not all patients have bright red spots that look like frozen paraffin on the skin. For example, for some at the initial stage, it simply appears white bloom on the palms, more precisely in the folds or on the lines of the palm.

How contagious is psoriatic condition

If the causes and final methods of treating skin dysfunction have not yet been fully determined by specialists, then its exclusion and the category of infectious nosological units are already accurate. Much research has been done on this topic and it has been found that psoriasis does not transmit from person to person in any way at all. An exception may, however, be a genetic predisposition. Therefore, when a doctor identifies psoriasis, symptoms and treatment, he is always obliged to warn the patient about the non-infectiousness of the sore. And even with a blood transfusion, no excesses of infection were found.

7 types of painful pathology

Some psoriatic conditions should be identified, which is determined depending on the location of the spots, general condition the patient and the course itself. The appearance of a particular species will also determine, in turn, the method of treatment.

Psoriasis exists in the following 7 types

  1. Plaque, which is also called ordinary, vulgar or simple - 80-90%.
  2. Reverse that appears in the flexion areas.
  3. Drop-shaped, very similar to dark-colored tears (sometimes lilac and even purple) or circles.
  4. Pustular (Exudative) - considered the most severe form.
  5. Nail (Onychodystrophy) - nails are affected with a change in their shape.
  6. Psoriatic arthritis - the lesion occurs in the joints, including the fingers and toes.
  7. Erythroderma is also considered common (60-80% of cases).

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: With pustular psoriasis, there is a high likelihood of a “vicious circle” of secondary infection. After the pustules burst, an infection enters the wound.

Unpleasant psoriasis: symptoms, initial manifestations, stages and causes

When such a nuisance begins to appear, then it is better to immediately consult a doctor. Any delay will lead to the most difficult symptoms that will be difficult for the patient. Moreover, fire chaga can appear in all people in different ways - in different parts of the body.

Common symptoms

All symptoms are studied and considered by physicians strictly, according to the stages of the disease, as well as its varieties. Therefore, if you need to determine psoriasis, symptoms, causes, immediately pay attention to common features... Each of the signs makes sense to consider against the background of the type of dermatitis.

Symptoms in the light of a particular type of psoriasis are as follows:

  1. With plaque - the skin is hot, red with a sulfur coating or a bloom of a silvery-whitish hue. Along the edges, the plaques are already peeling off, which resembles scales. When the scales are removed, the wound bleeds and hurts a lot.
  2. On the contrary, there is a minimum of peeling, but the redness is severely inflamed and swollen. Often forms in the folds of skin tissue, as well as in various folds of body parts.
  3. In the case of a drop-shaped - in circles and "droplets" the body is strewn on the back, neck, thighs, on the forearms, in the scalp of the skin on the head.
  4. With exudative - the skin is hot, swollen even to blisters (pustules) with a transparent internal fluid. The lesion occurs on the knees, palms, feet, forearms and legs.
  5. With a nail - the nails turn white, yellow, exfoliate and even gray.
  6. With an artyra - fingers and toes swell, which makes them look like "sausages". The same can happen on your knees.
  7. With erythroderma - swelling of the subcutaneous tissues, itching, redness. Often arises as a consequence.

3 stages of psoriasis development

Each such case has its own characteristic onset - a slight burning sensation, itching sensations, dryness and smoothness of the skin, and sometimes also a light white coating, as from powder or chalk. The plaque is especially visible on the palms and feet. But besides the origin, there are also obvious stages of development. All specialists medical practice also unanimously distinguish three stages of the pathological condition of patients:

  1. Progress - eruptions and bridles.
  2. Hospital - new formations stop appearing, and old ones are slowly taken for healing.
  3. Regression - the lesions take on the outlines of the rims, suggesting atrophy of tissue cells, and the appearance of new skin is already noted in the center of the plaques.

In this case, hyperpigmentation always accompanies the disease. Doctors psoriasis, symptoms, treatment are always determined depending on one stage or another. Difficulties with the definition of ointments can arise if the skin is already coarse and has some thickening in those places where the papules were.

3 main reasons for the formation of pathology

The origin of psoriasis has not yet been fully identified in its final form. However, medicine was able to identify three of the most obvious prerequisites that contribute to the manifestation of the disease.

These include the following causes of psoriasis and its treatment:

  1. Virological background. They are treated with medicines.
  2. Heredity. A comprehensive approach to healing.
  3. Infectious and allergic cause. Pharmacy medicines and traditional medicine are used.

The second reason to consider the occurrence of such dermatitis probabilistic is precisely hereditary causes... They are identified by the frequency of reported cases in families. An extended history is compiled with the inclusion of information about relatives. Various researchers note the likelihood of such a background for the onset of psoriasis activation in 5, 20, 40% (and even more) of cases.

The skin disorder can cover 2, 3 generations, and in some cases, the presence of scaly lichen is recorded even - in the 5th or 6th generations. Also, doctors suggest that a child who is sick with such a misfortune in his adult age is 17-25% likely to have children carrying information about the disease in their genetic set. If both parents were affected by such a specific leprosy, then there is a 60-70% chance that the offspring will also be infected.

The last version of the assumptions why people develop bodily dysfunction in the form of red itchy spots is an infectious-allergic premise. Doctors note the following provoking diseases:

  • staphylococcus or streptococcus;
  • tonsillitis, tonsillitis;
  • influenza viruses;
  • severe pneumonia;
  • hormonal disruptions in adolescents;
  • persistent disorders of the intestines and stomach.

In addition, provocations include frequent food poisoning or overuse synthetic products for food. These are, first of all, those that contain dyes, carcinogens and other harmful substances. All this forces us to assume that internal reason is complex in nature.

What is checked when diagnosing

The disease will always be diagnosed with concomitant consultation - nutritionists, immunologists, virologists and other specialists related to it. To find a type of such a disorder in the body as a disease of psoriasis and its treatment, it will take a long study of its cause. But visually determining the onset of a crisis is not difficult. A blood test will help find out the level of white blood cells, which will confirm inflammation in the body. A biopsy will show the presence of Reete's bodies and other features of the pathology of the skin. And the visual definition of redness allows us to say that the vessels of the circulatory-capillary system are quite fragile and fragile.

Psoriasis and its treatment with various methods

The disease is treated different ways, and sometimes even in their combined application. These are non-traditional mechanisms of treatment, both traditional and aromatherapy, and the prevention of already "asleep" psoriasis. But always therapy should proceed under the supervision of a physician. Self-medication here can only harm yourself.

Psoriasis and treatment with folk remedies

You can use one or another non-traditional methods of treatment at home and only with prior consultation with your doctor. After identifying the cause of psoriasis from the doctor, as well as receiving his recommendations, you can connect the following types of home therapy:

  • herbal and salt baths, bathhouse, sauna;
  • strict diet;
  • lotions on various tinctures and herbal medicinal mixtures;
  • leeches help (individually);
  • the use of other means - for example, birch tar.

FOR REFERENCE: Each patient's body will respond differently to treatment. This means that there is no one single way for all people.

Psoriasis and treatment with orthodox medicine

A professional approach, on the other hand, implies more scientific methods, proven by various tests and experimental tests. After the doctor determines the psoriasis, the symptoms, the causes of the appearance, then he will prescribe the course of his treatment, which is most suitable for this patient.

In total, the following approaches are distinguished in practice:

  1. Ultraviolet therapy (wavelength 320-420 nm).
  2. Ingestion remedies... For example, retinoids such as - Acetritin (Acitretin), Diclofenac (Diclofenac) and Indomethacin (Indomethacin), as well as for the removal of the strongest manifestations - Cyclosporine A (Cyclosporine).
  3. Antiallergens - for example, Cetirizine.
  4. The use of externally anesthetic and emollient drugs (ointments, creams, sprays).
  5. Strict diet with dietitian-approved menus.
  6. Excimer laser, which, with its beam, has a beneficial effect on the foci of psoriasis.
  7. Special shampoos for shampoos for hairy dermatitis.

With the most complex forms of psoriatic dermatitis, many courses of treatment may be needed. Therefore, sometimes it can take about a year to suppress a raging ailment, or even more. One by one, all of the above and other treatments are not practiced. Often, the entire set of approaches is assigned in stages in a complex.

NOTE! Antibiotics are rarely used in the treatment of any type of psoriasis. They can be connected with secondary self-infection, when papules burst.

10 preventive measures are available to everyone!

In order to prevent the occurrence of this type of damage to the human body as much as possible, you can approach the problem intelligently - take into account all possible preventive measures. If anyone is afraid of psoriasis, symptoms, causes, treatment, then just apply prevention. A few simple rules that can help eliminate the likelihood of an illness are as follows:

  1. The need to avoid stressful situations.
  2. Consistency in a positive mood.
  3. Pain relievers or sedatives are always best used only on a natural basis - herbs, extracts.
  4. The transition from wearing synthetic clothing to the habit of wearing only soft tissue made from natural fibers.
  5. When choosing food, you should pay attention to the liver's reaction - it should not suffer for a long time due to inept selection of food.
  6. More oxygen for your body, more walks and more adventures!
  7. A sedentary lifestyle leads to dysfunction of internal organs and the formation of a reaction of the body in the form of psoriasis.
  8. Any medication intake should always be coordinated with doctors.
  9. Exclude frequent colds.
  10. For those with a family of patients with this sore, or a tendency to it, you should adhere to a daily bath or shower.

Despite the fact that the number of patients is increasing every year according to the WHO (World Health Organization), the onset of skin dysfunction can be prevented if you try not to disrupt your sleep, activity, mobility, increase your stress resistance and live positively. The treatment is quite difficult, with healing and not getting rid of in full. But doctors already have their victories, and patients with a competent approach to therapy can calmly improve their quality of life. It should also be noted that when studying this problem, a prerequisite is noted for the occurrence of psoriasis due to weak immunity, disruptions in the endocrine system and severe psychotrauma experienced by a person recently.

Psoriasis is referred to as a disease of the skin. It appears on the body as red spots. The skin is flaky, itchy. Degrades the appearance. Introduces discomfort. In the photo of psoriasis on the body, extensive rashes are visible in the form of red plaques with uneven edges. They can cover large areas of the skin.

Causes of psoriasis

It occurs on various parts of the body. The lesions can be significant. The history of the emergence of doctors raises many questions. Many are inclined to believe that a person may have a genetic predisposition, a malfunction of the immune system, a violation of hormonal balance and metabolism, which serve as the impetus for its beginning.

Others see the reason in nervous breakdowns and shocks, disorders of the hematopoietic organs, trauma, pregnancy, use chemicals for home.

The disease can occur in young children, causing debate about the cause at such an early age.

Psoriasis symptoms

What are the first signs of psoriasis on the body?

Initially, reddish papules are formed. They flake off. Affects small areas that can grow over time. Complicated and cause disruption of the work of many organs. They provoke damage to the skin and can become infected.

They are located on different parts of the body. If untreated, psoriasis affects the nails. The specialist must diagnose and prescribe medication.

Diagnostics and treatment

Signs do not always allow you to make a correct diagnosis, a comprehensive examination and laboratory tests will be able to determine the cause of the disease and correctly choose a cure method.

The complex of measures should include skin restoration. Fast and effective treatment of psoriasis is impossible without regulation of metabolism with the use of drugs and vitamin complexes.

Recovery also depends on the state of the psyche. Shows psychological relief and recovery of the emotional state.

What is the best treatment for psoriasis on the body?

Prescriptions include antihistamines, various ointments and lotions. The disease tends to come back, so the use of some drugs is possible during the period of remission.

To restore the nervous system, motherwort tincture is used. To improve sleep, they drink valerian tincture, medicines with sedative effect... If there is an infection, antibiotics are prescribed.

Relief is provided by Naproxen and Ibuprofen ointments, which relieve swelling and itching. The composition of ointments should include sulfur and salicylic acid... Let's apply Diprosalik and Ftorocort.

For injection, calcium gluconate is used. The course of the disease is accompanied by dry skin, which is removed with moisturizers. Plaques are removed with sulfur ointments. Having reached stabilization, ichthyol ointment and tar are used.

Acceptance of vitamins and minerals decreases the recovery time. If the joints are damaged, paraffin wraps are necessary.

Patients with this disease should lead a healthy lifestyle, eat well, and do not drink alcohol. Spicy, fatty and smoked foods must be removed from the diet.

Folk remedies for psoriasis

Treatment of psoriasis on the body at home is combined with folk remedies. Shown are baths with celandine, pine needles, a series. Sage helps. They use sea salt and soda, which cleanse the skin well. After water procedures, it is necessary to apply moisturizers.

They drink tinctures of chamomile flowers, St. John's wort and violets. Lingonberry leaves and calendula flowers are used. The tincture is taken daily. Treat the surface of the body with tar. Wraps are made from medicinal herbs. Aloe juice with honey, chaga helps well.

Proven method of treatment with butter, yolk and vinegar. Such an ointment is kept for a week and the lesions are often lubricated.

Sea water and sun treatments help. The treatment process is lengthy. The disease is considered by many experts to be incurable. Relapses are possible.

All these measures can alleviate the course of the disease, prevent further rashes on the skin, cleanse and heal its surface. Folk remedies combined with long-term drug treatment. Regular consultations with specialists are required.

Photo of psoriasis on the body

Psoriasis is non-communicable disease, in which the skin and its appendages are affected: hair, nail plates. External manifestations are rashes and peeling of the skin, from which the second name of the pathology came - scaly lichen. It is characterized by alternating periods of exacerbation with periods of relative stability, or remission. Since it is not caused by microorganisms, it is not infectious or contagious. Medical statistics claims that about 3-4% of the population suffers from this pathology. Psoriasis can manifest itself in people of any age, but "prefers" young people: in more than 70% of patients, it is found between the ages of 18-23.

Why does psoriasis appear?

Psoriasis is an abnormal reaction of the body to external stimuli, resulting in rapid death of the upper layer of the skin in certain parts of the body. Normally, the duration of the cycle of division and subsequent maturation of cells is 21-28 days, in the case of the period is reduced to 3-5 days.
Today, most experts tend to consider psoriasis a multifactorial disease of hereditary etiology.
There are several theories about the origin of the disease. According to the first, there are two types of lichen:

  • the first is a consequence of poor functioning of the immune system, affects the skin and is inherited, manifesting itself at a young age;
  • the second makes itself felt after 40 years, affects joints, nails, is not genetically determined and is not associated with a malfunction immune defense.

Proponents of another theory argue that the only factor contributing to the development of psoriasis is immunity disorders, which are provoked by a wide variety of factors:

  • infectious diseases;
  • irrational nutrition;
  • cold climates;
  • alcohol abuse.

In accordance with this theory, squamous lichen is classified as a systemic disease and can spread to internal organs, joints, other tissues. With joint damage, the so-called psoriatic arthritis develops, in which small joints of the hands and feet are affected.
The following factors favor the appearance of the disease:

  • dry thin skin;
  • constant contact with irritating reagents: household chemicals, alcohol solutions, cosmetics;
  • excessive hygiene, leading to a violation of the natural protective barrier of the skin;
  • smoking, drug or alcohol consumption (contribute to the deterioration of blood supply and skin nutrition);
  • taking some medications;
  • fungal and bacterial infections;
  • change of the climatic region;
  • stress;
  • the use of spicy, sour foods, chocolate;
  • allergic conditions;
  • trauma.

Disease classification

How psoriasis begins, how it manifests itself, what is its effect on the body - all these points are determined by a specific type of pathology.
Today there are several classifications of the disease. One of the most common divides psoriasis into two types:

  • non-pustular;
  • pustular.

A non-pustular (or simple) form is a chronic pathology characterized by a stable course. This group also includes erythrodermic psoriasis, the main symptom of which is the defeat of most of the skin.

The pustular variety includes:

  • annular pustulosis;
  • psoriasis Barbera;
  • psoriasis von Zimbusch;
  • psoriasis of the palms and soles.
  • drug-induced form;
  • seborrhea-like;
  • napkin's psoriasis;
  • "Inverse psoriasis" (develops on the flexor surfaces).

Depending on the localization of the pathological process and the characteristics of the manifestation of the first symptoms of psoriasis, there are:

  • psoriasis of the scalp;
  • nails (onychodystrophy);
  • pustular;
  • spotted;


Psoriasis is a systemic pathology that, in addition to spreading to the skin and nails, can affect the spinal column, the region of joints, tendons, immune, endocrine, nervous system... Often there is damage to the liver, kidneys, thyroid gland.

The first symptoms of psoriasis are most often:

  • general weakness;
  • feeling of chronic fatigue;
  • depressed state or depression.

Due to the complex effect of pathology on the body, experts are more likely to talk about psoriatic disease.
And yet the main clinic is associated with the defeat of certain areas of the skin. One of the first manifestations is the appearance of bright red or pink rounded papules covered with psoriatic plaques (scales). Their feature is a symmetrical arrangement on the scalp, flexor surfaces, lower back, and less often on the genital mucosa. Papule size per early stages is several millimeters and can later reach up to 10 cm or more. The peculiarity of the rash becomes the basis for dividing the disease into the following types:

  • point, in which the elements are smaller than the head of a pin;
  • drop-shaped - papules resemble a teardrop in shape and correspond to the size of a lentil grain;
  • coin-shaped - plaques with rounded edges reach 5 mm in diameter.

Sometimes the rash is arched, in the form of rings or garlands, a geographic map with irregular edges.

The top layer of papules are easily removable scaly plaques formed by the keratinized epidermis. Initially, the scales are formed in the central part of the plaque, gradually spreading to the edges. The light, loose appearance is due to the presence of air-filled gaps in the keratinized cells. Sometimes a pink ring forms around the elements, which is a zone of plaque growth and the spread of inflammation. The surrounding skin remains unchanged.
When plaque is removed, a shiny surface of bright red color is revealed, formed by capillaries with significantly thinned walls, covered with a very thin film on top. Capillaries are found due to a violation of the normal structure of the upper layer of the skin and its significant thinning. A change in the structure of the skin occurs as a result of incomplete maturation of keratinocyte cells, leading to the impossibility of their normal differentiation.

Scalp psoriasis

The main symptom is the appearance of psoriatic plaques that rise noticeably above the surrounding skin. They are abundantly covered with dandruff-like scales. In this case, the hair itself is not involved in the pathological process. From the area under the hair, rashes can spread to smooth skin, the neck area, behind the ears. This process is due to the rapid division of keratinocytes in the affected area.

Symptoms of psoriasis of the palms and feet

This form of lichen provokes a significant thickening of the stratum corneum in these areas. The skin becomes rough and cracked. The reason is the intensive division of cells (the rate of their reproduction is up to 8 times higher than the norm) and preservation on the surface. At an early stage, pustules form on the skin with a content that is initially transparent, but gradually turns white. Dark scars form over time. In most cases, it manifests itself simultaneously on the feet and palms, but sometimes plaques appear in only one area. When the process spreads to the back of the hands, we are talking about another form of psoriasis (not about the palmar-plantar).

Symptoms of nail psoriasis

How does it manifest? This type of disease is characterized by a variety of symptoms. There are mainly two types of plate lesions:

  • by the type of a thimble, in which the nail is covered with small pits, resembling traces of needle pricks;
  • by the type of onychomycosis - the affected tissues resemble a nail fungus: the nails change color, noticeably thicken and begin to flake off. Through the plate, a psoriatic papule, resembling an oil stain, surrounded by a reddish rim can be distinguished.

Dependence of symptoms on the stage of the disease

The manifestations of psoriasis vary depending on the specific season and. Many patients have a "winter" type of the disease, in which periods of exacerbation occur in late autumn or winter. In the warm season, due to the intensity of ultraviolet radiation, an improvement occurs. The “summer” type is quite rare.
During the pathology, three stages are distinguished:

  1. Progressive, in which new elements constantly appear, active growth of already existing plaques is recorded, the presence of a pink zone around them, severe peeling, itching.
  2. Stationary - the growth of papules stops, new rashes are not formed, small folds are noticeable on the upper layer of the skin, around the plaques.
  3. Regressive - there is no peeling, plaques begin to disappear, in the process of attenuation of the disease, areas with increased pigmentation remain in their place.

Symptoms of psoriasis in children

The symptoms are somewhat different, especially in infants. The first signs are not typical. A delimited area of \u200b\u200bredness appears in the skin folds, which is accompanied by maceration and gradual peeling of the stratum corneum (starting from the periphery). Outwardly, it resembles eczematid, diaper rash or candidiasis. In young children, rashes continue to appear in places uncharacteristic for psoriasis (on the skin of the face, genital mucosa, in natural skin folds).
Very often, rashes first develop on the head, under the hair. Here, accumulations of crusts are formed against the background of moderate infiltration. Another common area of \u200b\u200brash localization is areas of skin exposed to constant rubbing of clothing or exposure to aggressive drugs.
The papules that form on the body gradually merge into plaques with irregular outlines. Their sizes can vary from lentil grain to baby palm.
With a drop-shaped form, papular elements are small in size. They appear unexpectedly, rapidly covering the body, face, neck, scalp, and extensor areas of the arms and legs.
Psoriasis in children is characterized by a long and persistent course. The only exception is the drop-shaped type, which is characterized by a milder course with long periods of remission. As in the case of adults, there are three stages, or stages, in the development of the disease.

  1. On the progressive, small itchy papules appear with a rim of peripheral growth in red. A feature of symptoms in infancy there is a weak severity of punctate bleeding, terminal film and the phenomenon of stearin spot. In children, lymph nodes increase and thicken, sometimes they become painful (especially with erythroderma and exudative psoriasis).
  2. With the transition to the stationary stage, peripheral growth stops, the infiltrate flattens in the center of the plaque and the desquamation decreases.
  3. The regressive stage is characterized by the resorption of the elements of the rash. Sometimes around them you can see a characteristic depigmented rim. Areas of the former rash are devoid of pigment or, conversely, undergo hyperpigmentation. The lymph nodes become soft and decrease in size.

Diffuse lesions are observed on the palms and soles of the child. Cracks and skin infiltration are also noted. In the case of common forms of dermatosis, the nails are affected: point indentations or longitudinal grooves are formed on them. Severe psoriasis leads to deformation of the nails.

Pustular psoriasis is very rare in babies. It can occur in older adults. This disease is characterized by a severe course with a noticeable worsening of the condition and an increase in temperature.

Arthropathic varieties in childhood do not meet. In rare cases, young patients indicate the presence of joint pain.

Videos about psoriasis symptoms

How is the disease diagnosed?

If you suspect psoriasis, you should consult a dermatologist.

  • based on external examination, assessment of the condition of nails, skin, localization of lesions. As a rule, there is no need for special analyzes.
  • If there are difficulties with the diagnosis, a biopsy is performed. A skin sample is taken from the affected area.
  • X-rays are recommended for joint pain. A blood test is done to rule out other types of arthritis.
  • If you suspect a teardrop psoriasis, sowing from the pharynx to the microflora is prescribed to differentiate with acute pharyngitis.
  • A potassium hydroxide test can rule out the presence of a fungal infection.

Psoriasis treatment methods

The method is determined by the form of the disease, symptoms and sensitivity to medications.
First carried out local treatment with exposure to the affected areas. This avoids the occurrence of an adverse reaction.
There is a technique according to which patients are prescribed soft drugs. If there is no effect, they are replaced with more potent ones. Even if the chosen remedy is effective, it is periodically changed to avoid addiction.
It gives a good result. Their appointment is advisable for severe and medium forms pathology. The disadvantage of this treatment is the high likelihood of serious adverse reactions.
The main groups of drugs used:

  • Retinoids (Tigason, Neotigazon) - eliminate the violation of the maturation of the surface layer of the skin.
  • Immunosuppressants (Cyclosporin A) - reduce the activity of the immune defense and the activity of T-lymphocytes, which provoke intensive division of skin cells.
  • Cytostatics - drugs for treatment malignant tumors () - stop the multiplication of atypical epidermal cells and their growth.

Physiotherapy methods are also used:

  • photochemotherapy;
  • selective;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • electrosleep;
  • ultrasound therapy;
  • hyperthermia.
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