Why can not kill cats? Is it a big sin to kill the cat? What to make a man who killed a cat by chance.

Among all animals, which in their time a man has tamed, only cats were able to preserve independence. No matter how they love the owner, they are not afraid to show their character, which sometimes has a very pinch and capricious.

At the same time, they sincerely love their owners, come to the rescue in difficult minutes and diligently catch small rodents, protecting the house from them.

Cats have always been considered special animals, mysterious and mystical, and in some nations and sacred. Therefore exist a huge number of admissionrelated to these animals.

Cat in the house - Signs

If you want a cat in your house, you should listen to signs of what animal choose. If you believe the most popular opinion, it is worth taking three-color kitty.

Red The shade of cat wool will bring you financial success. White cat Will be a mascot of family happiness, black will protect against negative energy and otherworldly. If you wish to have a universal assistant home, choose a tricolor kitty.

What black cat Can bring misfortune - absolutely not true, and, very unfair. These cats are not only beautiful, but also strong in terms of their intuition and energy, they are especially closely associated with the other world. Therefore, by choosing such a cat, you protect yourself from all sorts of problems, negative energy, envy and evil. It is these cats better than others feel the need for a host in support.

By the way, if a black cat leaves home, he may take a very serious danger that you threatened. One of folk belts He says that the cat should not take just like that. Even if you are given to you for free, in good hands, give for her symbolic amount - Then she takes on your home.

Very famous sign reports that the cat, which is washed, warns you that soon guests will arrive (Guests launders).

It is worth paying attention to your paws of your beauty. If they are cold, guest can be either unexpected, or who came not with the best intentions. But warm paws of cats say that guests will be your relatives or close friends.

It is also believed that cats are able to feel good people. Therefore, when someone comes to visit you, pay attention to the behavior of the animal.

Cats do not like proud, evil and selfish - they are usually not suitable for them. If she began to purr and rub on the legs of the guest, then this sincere, good man.

It is known that cats are able to feel the pain of man. Therefore, do not be surprised that immediately after you felt the pain in some part of the body, the cat came and lay down there. And do not be surprised if the discomfort passed - these animals are really capable and treated tauger

Very and very bad sign - kill the cat. According to her, the person who did this, for seven years will suffer from failures and diseases. Thank God, not everyone can take a sin to the soul. Another sign says that the one who was able to kill the cat is capable of killing a person.

Cats that have been born

If a nature nailed to home, I sign this good in all respects. So, if someone has recently died in the family, do not be surprised that a kitten can come to the house soon. In this case, it is considered a messenger from your deceased close, who sends a cat with a part of his soul and wishes you only happiness. In no case do not drive out the animal.

If you have long been dreaming to have a child, and a cat came to your house, the sign declares that your desire will be fulfilled. Of course, provided that you leave the kitten, otherwise you will have to say goodbye to the dream of replenishment in the family.

Especially happy is the sign, according to which the kitten had to go to some church holiday. You can be sure that the fluffy handsome will become the best patron Your dwelling, which will help you comprehensively establish well-being.

While everyone is afraid of black cats, such a little animal who has nailed to your home is considered good sign. BUT three-color cat - This is a special happiness that will bring you well-being and protect the house from all sorts of trouble. In any case, the animal must be met with honor. Then it will become your happy talisman.

Cats and children: folk signs

Many believe that cats and children can not get along in the same house. But this is rooted, if the cat is downtriend and does not perceive the child like the enemy.

On the contrary, the animal can pick up all negative energy, leaving the baby is all the cleanest and best.

In addition, there is an ancient Slavic tradition, according to which before the first place the baby in bed for the first time, it is worth putting a cat there. It is believed that the baby will then sleep well.

Cats and pregnancy

The people there are reference that pregnant can not play with a cat And take her in hand, because otherwise the child will have many enemies in the future.

In fact, it is absolute nonsense, because a home-friendly cat can only bring the positive emotions to mom, and a child, accordingly.

But from a scientific point of view, caution in relation to cats is quite substantiated. This is due to the fact that cats can carry toxoplasmosis, very dangerous for pregnant women. Therefore, you should not touch other people's animals, and your cat will not be superfluous to show the veterinarian.

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Cat signs about the weather

As cats are very sensitive, they can feel what the weather will be in the future, and show it with his behavior.

  • Please note how a kitty sleeps. If the cold is coming, it will sleep the Kalachik and hide the nose.
  • If the cat stretches on the back, leaving the muzzle open, wait for heat.
  • If the cat scratches the claws to the floor, then the windy weather is coming, probably the storm.
  • Cat sneeze, as a rule, to the rain, and they wait to the blizzard and blizzard.

Cat for housewarming: People's belief

One of the most famous folk will accept the newly skid. So moving to new housing, let first on the cat's threshold. Perfect if it is black.

The people are believed that a fluffy favorite can remove the entire negative and negative energy from your new home, which could remain from previous owners.

Also worth paying attention to the place where the animal go to bed. In no case do not put your bed in this place, because it is believed that the cat is chosen by the places that are energetically dangerous for humans. And it is better to listen to your fluffy girlfriend.

There is a huge set of other belts associated with cats. These magic animalscapable for more than it seems at first glance. Because if you have no kitty yet, think about becoming its owner.

Name: Masha

Hello! My name is Maria, I am 20 years old. I have a problem that when I was 13 years old, I was very brutally killed two cats with my girlfriend. My first cat with a friend was caught near your own house. She was not afraid of people feeding her two older women so we love her very easily with a piece of sausage. When she came up. I and my girlfriend Svetka prepared for this in advance. Sveta secretly took acetone from home, matches and cut off a piece of clothesline. When she approached the Svetka quickly threw a loop from a clothesline on the neck of a cat. When we went to the nearest forest stitch and brought the cat to the tree. After that, the Sveta said let's try the cat first I agreed . We began to kick a cat with my feet. I didn't know for about 10 minutes. I can no longer know. "You heard that the cat began to hoarse and her mouth went blood. We stopped." The Sveta said, let's finish it and got it from a package with acetone and matches . When she opened the bottle and poured the whole acetone on a semi-cuss on the cat. Little chilled a match about the boxes and threw a burning match into the cat. Cook broke out like a torch and wondered. We immediately understood that it was necessary to run otherwise someone would hear and come. And running 200 - 300 meters stopped and went on foot. We went joyful and fun discussing what they did with the cat.
We killed the second cat spontaneously. What time I went to the bazaar to take a look at myself so that we came to and buy them with my parents. When we entered the territory of the bazaar, we saw as one grandmother gave a cat as a gift. We remembered that literally a couple Weeks back made with that cat and we still wanted to experience this. We came to this grandmother and asked to give us this cat. Gabushka was very glad and gave us a cat The wasteland we still did not know how we will straighten with the cat. But the Svetka did not think that the cat snatched the cat out of my hands and quickly put the cat to the ground and pressed the cat to the cat anywhere. After what she began to beat the cat, trample. Some time, the cat began to rage hoarse and from her mouth. Blood flowed .Then Svetka stopped her beat and removed her leg. Cushion slightly and crawled with a hoarse. We ran up and began to kick it like a ball. All the strength is not yet tired. When we went away. We went and discussed what they did with the cat.
Then we met with two boys every 14 years and naturally did not do it anymore.
I do not think to get upset because of what I did or just forget and not remember it?
I ask the Council.

A cat, a cat - a pet, endowed in folk performances by dual symbolism and various demonic functions and often performing in a pair with a dog.

The cat is estimated ambiguous: both as a clean animal, and as unclean. They say: "Cat has frozen wool, and the cut is pure; The dog was digs of frown, and the wool is chista "; "The dog can be kicked in the face, and not in wool, the cat is the opposite." In the Bulgarian beliefs, the cat is rejoicing the death of the owner, and the dog is crying; The cat adds the owner of the torment in hell, inflating the flame under his boiler, and the dog carries water and fills the fire. The beliefs explain the origin of the cats both from the devil and out of the Mother Move Movement. In the legend about the World Flood, the cat saves Noah the Ark: plugs the tail of the hole that the mouse sprinkled, created by the Devil.

It is forbidden to kill the cat, otherwise there will be no good luck in anything. It is believed that if a person is sleeping with a cat, he will have a reason for him. It is dangerous to drive a cat with horses, because the horse dries from it. The cat is forbidden to let into the church. Cat and dog can not give food, consecrated in the church. However, the Poles at Easter sometimes were specially given consecrated bread with butter. This custom is explained by the people's idea that people have bread thanks to a cat and a dog: according to a common legend about the breadfall, for the irresistible attitude to bread, people now enjoy bread, which God left only for cats and dogs. Bad signIf the cat (any, not only black) moves the road or meet on the way. Hunter and fisherman Meeting with a cat suled in a fishing. In this regard, they tried not to mention the cat during the hunt, or called it otherwise (for example, the filth).

In the guise of black cats often represent an unclean power. At the same time, the cat is believed to see an unclean force invisible to humans. In the image of the cat may appear. In feline appearance, the souls of the dead, especially those who take apart after death their sins or died not to their death. In the form of a cat, the death of small children is shown. In a black cat, the incarnation of diseases was also seen: cholera and "cow's death".

The Russians believe that the black cat and the dog protect the house from lightning, however, they consider and dangerous the presence of them in the house during a thunderstorm. This is due to believe that during a thunderstorm God tries to hit the line of lightning, and the features hide from God, turning to the cat, a dog or another animal. The Ukrainians have a story about how the Lester during a thunderstorm saw a black cat, which he did not take thunder, and shot it by a consecrated tin button. After that, he appeared in a dream. George and said that he killed Satan, who seven years old teased the saint.

The cat is inherent in the traits of a home patron. The presence of her in the house favorably affects the farm and Skot.

They believe that happiness in the house brings a stolen cat. And in a unhappy house cats are not found. When moving B. new house The owners are often allowed in him at first the cat, and only then they alternate themselves. Enjoying after her, the owner goes to the angle, which should be sealing a house. The cat brought to the new home is planted on the oven next to the chimney, i.e. There, where in common beliefs, the house dwells. It is often stories and about the houses that turns to the cat.

Cat is used in folk magic and medicine. Believe, for example, that the black cat or cat has a miraculous bone. If you get it, she will be able to make a person invisible or gives it the ability to know everything. The one who is at midnight at the crossroads of roads like such a bone of his finger and signs in blood, will receive himself in the service damn service, which will bring stolen money to the house, grain, milk from other cows, etc. (See the spirit-enrichment spirit). In some Russian provinces to prevent the occurrence of the case of livestock, it was considered necessary to roast the fallen cattle in Khlevia along with a lively cat. To protect yourself from cholera, they spent around the village of Farwood with a small plow, in which the cat was harnessed, a dog and a rooster, certainly black. The swollen di cow was treated, scratching on it claws domestic cat. Child, patient with a stupid, bathed in the fonts with a black cat so that the disease passed onto the cat. From a runny nunish, there was a sniff smoke of a feline tail. White cat wool was used as a means of burn.

According to the people's ideas, the cat is able to beneficially influence sleep. Therefore, the image of a cat, like a hare, is often found in lullaby songs. Before putting the child to the cradle for the first time, the cat is put there so that the child slept tightly. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe kinship of the cat and the hare is observed in Serbs, who believe that the hare occurred from the cat.

IN folk culture The cat acts as a symbolic analogue of the bear, and the dog is a wolf. In East Slavic fairy tales, in Russian and puddhili fast devilry, frightened by the bear (features, a kimor, water, etc.), calls it a "cat". Russian peasants have a known way to cause a forest spirit - "Borovika", having a bearish look.

We will not open the secret to you, if we say that since the existence of humanity cats were considered creatures, firmly connected with magic and the subtle world. Living side by side with people, they walk by themselves and independently decide who to bestow their friendship, and whom to ignore. And even dying these incredible animals in their own way. No other animal is surrounded by such quantities during life and after leaving it.

Signs associated with the death of a cat

Mysterious in his earthly incarnation, the graceful beauty remains the same after it leaves this world. Where exactly the lung feline souls are rising, the legends do not know. But it must be, this place is located near the human paradise and hell, otherwise it would not be warned belief: do not harm cats! Little predators, scratching and fangs, will patiently wait for their offender on the side. If inhumanly addressed cats on Earth - hold on! Payback will be harsh.

However, not all the animals in the past world are occupied by thoughts about Misty. The same legend says that loving, but having managed to heal in the mortality of the owner, a grateful cat will definitely try to drag on the sky. The main thing here is not to exceed the measure of his bad things, so that the cargo is not too large for a small animal.

A tremendous value has what the animal left this world left. If his natural period came, it's one thing. If the pet suffered from an accident or illness, another. We will talk about it below. And it is very bad if someone purposefully contributed to the death of the animal. Cat's killer commemorates seven years of misfortunes, and those who are dried by kittens - loneliness and poverty. If you do not know how and do not want to add up small fluffy in good hands, do not lay on sterilization - it is in your own interests.

If you die in the house

Cats - creatures mysterious, and associated signs are ambiguous

IN former times Not a single pet had habit of spending a year round in the master's house. Moreover, it concerned cats! The free and spirit, and the elegant Taurus of Murlyki Snyryryali, where they do. Cases when the animal emitted the spirit of the house was rare and perceived as something out of the ran out. Naturally, with a negative color. Who will come to mind to expect good luck after such an incident? In England, the sign still preserved: "Do not let the cat die in the house - the trouble will be."

Today everything is different. In times of high-rise buildings and firmly locked doors, animals are no longer able to freely leave the shopping house and go to the last road. Sad events occur with the pets completely and near and do not bring anything to the owners, except sad. In fact, who will come to mind today, suddenly take a dying favorite on the garbage?! Even if a person do not care about moral norms, such an act will not approve and folk signs: In this case, the animal will suffer from your hands, and this means that it will wait for an hour for fair revenge. And on the friendly "paw of help" to climb into heaven, you can also not count in at all.

Especially since the signs have an impressive camp of opponents who are confident: everything is completely the opposite! The cat's deceased in the house does not bring misfortune, but takes it away from the family. Fluffy esotericists from all their feline forces will protect the peace of the owners: clean the energy of the dwelling, the evil eye will be discharged, the negatives aimed at the family. If it is too much - for example, something really bad happened - the animal may not cope with the situation. And for the price, these brave creatures are not resting! If necessary, sacrifice all your nine lives, just not to let your misfortune to those who love.

In Russia, every pet entrusted the patronage of the house

Have you tried to start a cat several times, but animals dressed one after another? There are three explanations:

  1. You are a careless owner who does not cope with her duties. Homemade pet is a big responsibility. Those who are not ready for her, it is better not to injure either a cat nor their psyche.
  2. There is too much negative in the house. Carefully monitor your behavior and thoughts, do not allow quarrels, sanctify the apartment, finally!
  3. The new tenants did not approve the house, although usually the home spirit is completely inconspicuous and survives the disadvantageous animals with more humane ways than a sudden death. You can try to drop it with a treat and affectionate asking not to be angry and take a new kitty under your patronage.

See outside the apartment (the dead animal on the road or somewhere else)

If you find a dead animal somewhere on the street: found from the curb to be crushed to death either come across while walking in the park - there is nothing to fear. In the fact that the cat died, not you guilty. Some even manage to see in the event good accept, and what! According to their assurances, the Dark Cat foreshadows:

  • Financial profit.
  • Journey.
  • Love - if the animal had a white color.
  • Meet the enemy - if it turned out to be black.

And only English fishermen, noticing before leaving the sea, a drowned cat, immediately uncomfortable fishing rods in the literal and figurative sense. It is believed that Kleva is nothing to wait for such a day, but it will be plenty of trouble.

If you threw a dead cat in the yard or on the threshold

Cats have long been used in magic rites

Faith in the magical power of cats is so great that the animal is sometimes trying to use in witchcraft. There is a whole rite, designed to deprive the sacrifice of peace, punch a hole in financial well-being or expels love from life. Those "Magses" should be strangled or somehow kill the poor animal somehow, and then throw themselves the desired object of adversity.

Of course, it is unpleasant to detect on the porch at the threshold or under the window the dead animal, which clearly threw. Realist, and he will feel not in its plate. And a mystically tuned person will immediately lose his sleep and will help "curse" to work. And it does not matter that it was sent by a buggy neighbor, nothing senseing in magic. The main force is such a damage in what they believe in it.

Sometimes it happens that the dead cat secretly bury in the yard of someone who is going to attack on the mental level. However, you have a serious advantage here: you don't know anything about what happened sabotage, and it will be difficult to influence you. Moreover, people with serious knowledge in thin matters of cats on foreign courtyards do not bury. And the homegrown mage has no effort to seriously harm you.

How to neutralize negative

Updated to the house of the Cat's corpse take away and scream. Do not trigger with your bare hands! And not only from magic considerations - who knows where they took this cat and why did she die?

Returning home, work out from under the tap, and even better - stand under the shower. While you wash, imagine a mirror sphere that surrounds you from all sides, and repeat: "From whom it came to that and left." From obsessive mania that the cat drove specifically, get rid and forget about what happened.

If you are a believer, smear the holy water and read the prayer. There is no damage to any damage.

If you are afraid that somewhere on the courtyard "Good people" arranged a surprise in the form of a walked secret of the cat, boot the kitten. But not pursuant and expensive, but selected on the street. Why? This is a good deed - once. The way to take your thoughts of something, in addition to fear - two. And a strong defender, which in gratitude for love and care will turn off all the dark spells - three.

And the most important thing. The first and most important thing from you is required is less to think about bad signs and curses. Accidentally found on the street of the dead animals do not be afraid. Release your own pet with the world. He gave you a lot of pleasant moments during his short life, why darken these memories, waiting for bad events? If the cat paradise really exists, only good will go from there.

If a person killed the cat - Divide Bed

First about cats. All those who crushed or somehow killed the cat somehow, they will not say evil in his life. Their all life is pursued by all sorts of bad luck and attack.

Cat - the personification of the keeper-house. It is made first in the house when relocation. When the child will turn the first time, a cat is brings to him. The cat feels not only trouble in the house, but also serves as a discharge of tension in the family. It rubs about the sick place of a person, absorbing an excess of a negative wave. A look is resting on it, a man is more comfortable from his purr.

There are cases of the appearance of a cat near the house as a messenger of death and trouble. He feels hardly more dogs. Cats are kind and playful and not dangerous. There are cases when they found their house for 1000 km. They leave the house in their old age, go to die.

If you are sometime for nonsense or inadvertently killed a cat and you began to persecute diseases and bad luck, take advantage of the plot that I will write below to correct the karma.

Conspiracy from trouble, if a person killed a cat:

"Lord, help, Lord, bless.

I, slave (name), selected, baptized, the church is blessed. Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

There is a beast in my door, iron claws, stone breasts, eyes of fiery, wool end, tail pillar.

Remember, Lord, my name: from all enemies and from any evil. And I accept my repentance.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

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