Sketches of the kitten rinate. Cat in the house signs

Modern world Mustles in new items of technical progress, in a hurry, without noticing the change of seasons. Cosmos is getting closer and clearer, the relationship is all pragmatic, friendship and letters - everything is virtual. The news that the cat came to the house can catch surprise. What did our ancestors associate with this incident?

Experience of former times

It is happening in Egypt during the times of Pharaohs, the owner would solve that this is the blessing of the gods. If a cat or a cat came to the house, they were greeted with honor. The same guests were waiting for such guests and in ancient Greece. Romans considered cats symbol of freedom. The white cat came - an assistant gods came, Celts thought.

In Russia, signs associated with such guests had good meaning. If the cat came to the house, wait for luck, happy news, profit. There were opinions only relative to black on the color. There was a belief: if the cat came black, wait for trouble. However, in other places they believed that he guarded the house from the thieves.

There are many accepts and believes on the topic of cats. In order not to dare good luck and wealth, never kick the cat that came to your home. Most correct solution - Shelter the animal, feed, climb, and gratitude will not make himself wait. "I am glad here and I will stay for a couple of months, and maybe more" - the guest will decide.

Amazing cats

The person has the most accurate forexistors of earthquakes and other natural cataclysms. It has long been noticed, the cat precisely anticipates the approaching trouble, be it eruption of a volcano, tsunami or underground shocks. With such a threat, the behavior of the animal changes dramatically. The cat begins to rush, meow, if she has a kitten, then she is trying to hide him, and, if possible, leaves itself. When the trouble passes, the beast comes home again, even if you walk for several months. This feature of animals know well and appreciate in seismic places of residence of people. In Japan, they often hold the cat's houses to know about the threat of an earthquake. In general, the animal world will sign a badge not only through cats. Today they talk a lot about the energy, which surrounds man.

A black cat has a special gift in this regard. It is believed that it feels negative bioenergetic fields and is able to leve them. So, if the owner is sick, then the cat can come and lie on the sore place, alleviating the suffering of man.

In general, a cat or cat falls only in zones with negative energy, taking it on itself. If a cat lies next to the sick, rest assured that she will take his illness. Everyone knows that they have a power of healing. You probably noticed that these animals stretch to the patient, as if they seek him to warm him, and, no matter how surprisingly, it actually acts.

Talk about color

Cat came to house - good sign. Its value can be clarified by the color of wool. It is believed that the red-haired sulitis is wealth and well-being, the white cat brings good luck, black will save from thieves and will give health, well, if the three-color cat lives at your home - happiness in it is guaranteed.

However, B. different countries And different peoples have opinions on this issue. Sometimes, the white cat is considered to be messenger in misfortunes, well, about black and they do not have to talk about. Below will deal with how often the color is interpreted.

  1. Black is associated with witchcraft, with occult forces, with protection. If you drop all the superstitions, then with complete confidence it is possible to say that it is precisely such animals that all households from negativity in the house, giving them wisdom, and also by hanging insight. A well-known fact is that the British, for example, are homeing this animal: if the black cat is in their house, it is considered a great joy. It is important to remember that if an extraneous cat from the street came to your house already "in the position", you need to leave yourself only a black kitten, and the rest are desirable to distribute to other people. A stranger can be a real friend later.
  2. If red cats and cats appeared in your house, remember that their energy is exclusively male, they were awarded solar power. You are a lucky one if you are the owner of such a cat, because he will carry well-being and prosperity into the house.
  3. And here are gray cats - they are delicately and give you only joy and good luck. In Thailand, there is even a special tradition - such kittens are presented as a gift to wedding brides like a symbol of enormous love and tenderness.
  4. Rejoice, if at the moment when someone is sick in your home, you will credit white catAfter all, such representatives have an incredible power of healing. If you lack energy or want to remove the tension, just put this pussy nearby - it will provide you good mood. Americans are confident that this is the kindest sign, if such "beauty" came into the house.
  5. The tricolor cat will bring you real happiness, you should not doubt it. In addition, such representatives are also considered excellent hunters, and therefore your home will be in "reliable paws".

Recognize guest behavior

If a homeless cat appeared in the apartment, you should trace his behavior. There are signs of where he will fall out, who will be caught, will purr or "wash off". If the family has to replenish and the cat runs about the legs of a pregnant woman, then this suggests that he will soon give birth. If the cat came on the eve of the wedding, and also sneezed near the bride, it means that the Union would be happy. Signs of sleeping on the table cats warn that in the family soon to bury the deceased.

Signs about cats in folklores and beliefs have arisen quite a long time. Probably, this happened at that very moment as the pets appeared in the life of people, began to live with them. And it should be noted that superstitions are similar to each other, regardless of which country they arose. However, opposite values \u200b\u200bmay occur. In this review, it is worth talking about what it is worth waiting if the cat came to the house itself, as well as about other signs.


Fate predictions

From a long time, the cat with his behavior predicted a variety of events that can occur in a person's life. They may be negative if a black pet goes the road, or positive if the animal began to wash. In the first case, it is worth waiting for trouble, in the second - long-awaited guests.

You can face with other signs, the main characters in which cats are. For example, if the kitten is pulling to the owner, it is worth waiting for new acquisitions. Successful completion of cases will be marked by a significant benefit.

Next to the young couple sneezed the cat? The symbol foreshadows an ambulance wedding. However, sneezing can symbolize and rain with a possible deterioration in the state of the health of the owner. If the cat has been serving, comes to you - good luck with the animals. Be sure to wish the pet, cling it.

Happiness or trouble?

Not all the signs in which the pet comes can be pleasant. For example, if you hit the cat - an accident occurs. High probability of injury. If the cat was killed intentionally - for seven years there will be no happiness in life.

Cat came to the house and smalleled on the table? What is it? A quick news from loved ones will be received. The pet ruled on the chest - it will be possible to cope with a serious illness. Fluffy feel good enough of the negative energy, eliminating its owner from it.

If you need to know what the disease will lead to when it is over, it is necessary to put a cat in one bed with patients. If the fluffy creation begins to purr, will not show negative emotions - it will be possible to recover soon. If the cat herself jumped out of bed, without laying there and minutes - it means you need to prepare for a funeral.

Pets of red-colored keeping in the house is not accepted. It is believed that they are able to serve as the causes that arise between family members. From the position of exceptions, those pets that were presented are perceived.

Weather signs

You can safely say that both the cat, and the cat is best able to predict changes in the weather. Perhaps this is helped by a special flair.

Eat homemade pets are rare enough:

  1. If the cat starts to rub his nose, wash behind the ears - wait for the rain.
  2. Shower will be in the event that the cat began to ride on the floor or earth.
  3. Pet mans claws furniture items, walls - the coming days will be windy, cold.
  4. The cat is sleeping, stretching on the lay in full growth - wait for warming.
  5. Alien wants to get into your home during a thunderstorm? It is not worth it to let it, as it is capable of attracting lightning.

Video "Popular Signs"

Superstition, there will be quite a lot. Some of them resemble a fairy tale, one should listen to others. In the video will be described somewhat, which meet most often.

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The people there are very popular believing that cats and cats of black suit become harbingers of trouble, and their sudden appearance does not promise anything good. Although people in ancient times, on the contrary, believed that these animals are lucky. The ancient Egyptians worshiped cats, their goddess Bastet in the image of a woman with a cat's head was the main patronage of the homely hearth and a defender of the family. At the time of the Middle Ages, the animals began to be considered the witches with real satellites, they were associated with magic, devil and witchcraft charms.

Interesting is the fact that it is stray black cats that are considered to be messengers and misfortunes. This seemingly ominous - cats and cats living on the street a lot, and a third of them just have a black color. But many people even in our time got used to this stereotype, and barely seeing the turning path of the Black Cat, immediately begin to grab the buttons of their clothes, they spit three times through left shoulder And try to change the route of their path.

Fortunately, such superstitious personalities are not so much, because most pet lovers have not pay attention to the color of their pets. In many European countries, both black cats are considered the best overalls for the house, it is believed that they are able to protect the hosts from negative impact and bring good luck to the dwelling and well-being.

Black cat in the house Signs and beliefs

If you have chosen a black color kitten as a pet, you will have an excellent opportunity to make sure that there are truthful signs and believing many peoples that came to us from the distant past.

Here are some of the most famous will adopt, how these animals live in our home, and whether black cats are dangerous in the house that they are carrying that they have not lost their relevance and in our time:

  • Ancient Slavs believed that if you run in the house first cat in black suit, she will immediately find a common language with houses which guarded their dwellings. Our ancestors believed that the Union of these two creatures dwelling in their home would make their lives of happy and prosperous.
  • On the first night after the housekeeping in the house they allowed a black cat. It was believed that In the house where the animal was spent, thieves will not be able to climb .
  • When the thunderstorm starts, the black color of the black color is preferably released from the apartment to the street, since such cats attract lightning .
  • Black cats were considered the best protection against damage and evil eye as well as from unclean power. Start the animal through the threshold meant to attract luck and prosperity to the house.

Modern signs about black cats

Scientists have long proved that cats "magic" coloring are more calm and friendly, and also have a higher stress resistance. Therefore, a black cat in the house even a negative, has long gave way to modern pleasant superstitions associated with cats of this suit.

The common sign reads: if the cat came to the house - only pleasant events are expected. At the same time, the animal cannot be driven, otherwise you can move good luck. The people say that a fluffy guest is nailed to the house is not just like that, and if you pay attention to its color and behavior, you can learn about the events that will occur in the near future.

You can not drive the animal, otherwise you can move good luck

What does an unfamiliar cat come to the house?

If we talk about what a prodigal cat comes to the house, then the signs can interpret this event in different ways.

  • According to many nations of the world, the animal brings good luck to the house, well-being and peace.
  • It is believed that cats very thinly feel the effect of negative energy fluxes and often come to the houses whose residents threaten danger. And if you open the door to the door and shelter it, it will cleanse the dwelling from the negative, and will continue to protect it from ill-wishers.
  • In the commemorative, which came to us from India, it says that someone else's cat, who has nailed to the house, is a harbinger of the ambulance or replenishment in the family.
  • When an animal comes to the house, in which there is a sick person, then the pretentious guest must certainly feed and leave. In this case, the sign is promoting a quick recovery.
  • If the cat came to the house after someone's death, it should be paid to this. Note says that in this way the soul of the dead man makes it felt. In this case, the fluffy guest is also recommended to shelter, at least in order to distract from sad thoughts.

In general, when cats are nailed to the house, they try to immediately choose their owner. They become a man, whose room enters the animal. At the same time, sign says that his new owner, a fluffy guest brings news about the speedy changes in life.

Cats often come to the houses whose residents threatens danger

Cat color

Cat came to the house - pay attention to the color of its wool. From the color in many ways will depend on what it is worth being prepared in the near future.

The black

Cat black suit - good sign. He brings joy and good news with him. If you ignore the prodigal purr and leave it, then it will definitely become a reliable faith. Black cat will guard the house from damage, evil eye, troubles and misfortunes. With its appearance, the dwelling will be cleaned of negative energy, will be filled with a positive aura and a friendly atmosphere.

Signs also promise that the presence of such a pet will positively affect all your plans and beginnings, and old things you will succeed in complete. In addition, a black cat is a real magnet for money.


If the house came to the house ginger cat - Snacks Sulit Sunset. Murlyka in the fiery fur coat will protect the dwelling from the robbers and attract good people. It is able to save from financial problems: the appearance of such a pet in the house promises a quick promotion and, as a result, an increase in income.

If you will take care of your new estate of each other and fed it well, then people beliefsYou will please and your ancestors. Plus everything, red cats possess powerful energyAnd if your guest also has green eyes, it is guaranteed to fill the house with love and well-being.

Red Cat will reward happiness his red-haired mistress, and the solar cat will make the house of the red-haired owner of the full bowl.

Gray cat who has nailed to the dwelling promises good luck in his personal life


Gray cat is the personification of love and tenderness. For example, in Thailand such animals usually give a wedding - it promises newlyweds happiness in family life and the eternal flame in a homely focus. Signs say that a gray cat who nailed to the dwelling promises good luck in his personal life, and therefore in front of such a guest can safely open the door.

In addition, gray cats are perfectly coping with the role of the Oberega. They will protect your home from the evil eye, barrier will block the way and help in current affairs.


Large luck is the case if a white cat comes into the house. Such an animal is regarded as a real talisman. With the advent of the neat guest in a snow-white fur coat in a person's dwelling, success comes, and it will affect absolutely all spheres of life.

These cats have a huge healing force and quickly drive all the ailments. And if you feel at some point that the energy is on the outcome and you are deprived of the forces, just put next to your light kitten - he will quickly remove the tension and charges the vigor.

However, it should be remembered that white cats are not suitable for inorganized people, chaos constantly reigns in the affairs of which. First you need to establish the course of your life and only after taking a snow-white pet.


The tricolor cat is symbolizing happiness. This is the most generous pet, which will fill the house of his new owner with positive and favorable events. With his appearance, the relationship between households will be applied, the family will become strong, and the income is high and stable. Do not refuse a brought guest - he will give you a lot of positive emotions.

When cats are nailed to the house, they try to immediately choose their owner

Pregnant cat

If you dream about replenishing in the family and at that moment the threshold of your home has a pregnant cat appeared - this is a sign of over that your prayers are heard. Specz recommends to give guests a guest and how to take care of it. Provide comfortable childbirth and distribute kittens in good hands. In this case, you are waiting for the happiness that you have dreamed about so long.

Signals for months

If a stray or someone else's cat was born to your home, then the signs also advise to look into the calendar. Month and season will help to figure out what it happened and what events should be expected.

  • If the fluffy guest appeared on the threshold in January - get ready for new acquaintances. This event hints at what you keep too closed lifestyle. It's time to expand your social circle and more often to meet with friends.
  • In February, a prodigal cat brings positive changes with him. Opening the door in front of him, you let new events in your home. Moreover, changes can be both minimal, for example, rearrangement of furniture and fairly significant: the birth of a child or a journey to another country.
  • The cat came to your house in March - a stormy novel will happen soon. You will meet a person with whom you can feel new emotions, or refresh the current relationships.
  • The Music Guest, who came in April, will introduce energy. The pet will make you daily forces daily and will indicate the way to new achievements. This, of course, will add trouble, but they will be very productive and will definitely bring life to a new level.
  • In May, the cat comes to the house that faces misfortune. She warns the owners about the approaching danger. It may be unreasonable waste of money, tricks of ill-wishers or upcoming robbery. In order to protect and save your property, signs advise to lose the wallet about the furious animal.
  • If someone else's cat came to the house in June, this means that there are unnecessary people in life. It is time to break out of the links and make new useful dating. By the way, some people may disappear from your life and independently, and will set their new pet. Do not disappear: it means you have not needed.
  • July cats are wonderful lekari. And they heal not only the body, but also the soul. Shelutifs an animal, you drive all ailments and get rid of depression. And if the new pet passes on your things, he will restore their positive energy that favorable will affect the atmosphere in the whole house.
  • A cat who has repaired to the house in August will provide reliable protection against unclean strength and evil spirits. It will save a friendly atmosphere and will help improve financial position.
  • If you found a homeless animal on your threshold in September. Signs promise that he will be an excellent hunter. Not only mice, but also bad thoughts will be in its sharp curls, because, as you know, there are also many troubles. New Pet It will take care that all corners of life have been cleaned of unnecessary trash, and the emotional attitude was again at the height.
  • October cats are able to take attack. Such a visit becomes a reminder: it's time to revise the way of your life and pay special attention to personal relations. Otherwise, serious changes are possible: moving to a new place of residence, divorce, new large debts, etc.
  • If the cat comes to the house in November, then it is a direct hint on what you should be close to your second half. There is a high probability of temptation or love spell. If the past animal has a black color, be sure to shelter it. Such a cat guaranteed to protect your relationship.
  • The cat has repaired in December - this is evidence that you or your loved ones may have problems. And they will appear as a result of an imposed opinion. Do not go on doubtful personalities.

And remember the main thing - if you still decide to shelter the homeless cat, then no accident will be able to break the way of your life. And if the changes are still destined to happen, they will be extremely positive.

Ancient superstitions affect the lives of people, allow you to see the future in advance. The ancestors believed in particular strength of domestic pets. If the cat came to the house, the sign prompts happiness and change for the better. An animal should be treated with respect, a random resentment can bring trouble.

How cats affect people's lives

Fluffy pets possess unusual abilities. They feel the approach of the catastrophe, the changes are able to treat inflammation and attract happiness into the house. Express their warnings by change in behavior. Sharp aggression, care from the beloved dwelling, the alarm of the cat - these changes must be boring the owners.

If an alien animal has been born to the house - improve improvements. The mysterious visitor promises such benefits:

  • getting rid of diseases;
  • the ambulance wedding
  • birth of kid
  • fulfillment of long-standing dreams.

There is I. bad value superstition. So, sleeping on the table cat threatens

Accurate interpretation of signs if the cat came to the house depends on the special circumstances.

If the cat appeared in a difficult period of life

A strange pet waged to your home promises to get rid of problems, finding a simple exit from a difficult situation. If at this moment Negative reigns at the dwelling - soon with him will be able to fight:

  • the cat came when someone is sick in the house - healing ahead;
  • fluffy kitten appeared shortly after the death of a relative - attention should be paid to the behavior of the animal.

If the cat came in dark times, it can not be expelled. Resenting the animal is able to return all the sorrows in the family and even strengthen them.

Signals on the weather

Superstition ancestors tell a lot about the world around. The behavior of someone else's cat says changes in the atmosphere:

  • the cat washed, cleans the ears, rides on the ground - the rain will soon go;
  • furniture scratches, behaves anxious - you should prepare for strong winds, thunderstorms;
  • the cat sleeps calmly, stretching out the entire length - it is worth expecting heat and sunny days;
  • animal hides his nose, turns into a ball - ahead of frost.

If a black cat came - it is necessary to equip a housing in the yard. If the animal goes into the house - strong zippers are possible.

Animal Truck Superstition

Was the cat will help clarify the value of signs. In different countries, interpretation is different, but Slavic ancestors believed in such a decoding.

  1. - symbol of magic and witchcraft. Contrary to prejudice, such an animal can neutralize the entire negative, protect the tenants from curses. If the cat comes pregnant - her baby's baby must be left in the house. The rest of the kittens should be handed over to the neighbors. Such an act will strengthen the connection with the animal, will bring happiness.
  2. - Sign of change for the better for men. Cats are associated with the energy of the Sun, attract harmony and well-being in the host family.
  3. Suolet comfort, heat in the dwelling. They come to contribute to a peaceful setting, are a symbol of a happy marriage.
  4. White cats have ability to heal. If the baby came to the house when someone is sick - it is worth waiting for rapid recovery, strengthening immunity in other tenants. Such animals helps to reset the negative, restore the nervous system.

They possess a special force to reflect a negative impact, help solve all problems and gain happiness.

Interpretation by month

The time of year affects the family atmosphere. So and the month of the appearance of a fluffy animal will help recognize the nearest changes in life:

  1. January - promises the acquisition of a pair, the resumption of contacts with old friends.
  2. February - promises the emergence of new desires, which will significantly affect the course of life. They should listen to them.
  3. March - the beginning of spring, romance time. If the cat came - ahead
  4. In April, cats drink the owners of energy, give strength to new accomplishments.
  5. In May - problems with finance are possible. About them and warns an unexpected guest. With it, it is easy to neutralize the threat - you should lose a wallet or about animal wool.
  6. June is a month of rest and change. A stranger will help break unnecessary connections, will help restore the forces and prepare for new efforts.
  7. July guests marvel healing, getting rid of negative, improvement of mental state.
  8. In August, animals appear to protect the owners. Energy of animals protects from curses, diseases and
  9. If the cat nailed to home in September, her main goal is cleansing and preparation for the new one. An animal will become an excellent hunter, and the tenants need to pay attention to the state of the house.
  10. The animal in October warns about a possible breakdown with a loved one forced to move. Do not ignore the promise of someone else's cat.
  11. An animal comes in November - there is a likelihood of the appearance of the beloved yet reacts to its actions, but it is better to intervene in the situation.
  12. December cat promises serious problems with public organizations or law. It is necessary to look at the native - perhaps someone contacted a bad company or under the influence of criminal personalities.

Signs about the month of the appearance of an animal belong to the conscious acquisition of the cat.

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