Signs When the kitten comes to. Black cat: Signs and superstition

Cat - animal mystical. One of the most mysterious animals is not land inspired by superstitions and dark secrets. Raven and Wolf, red cock and owl - all these are satellites of magicians and sorcerers. And, of course, a cat. And not only black, but also the gentle, and redhead, and white awarded the honor of being near the magician.

Cat Aura is so extensive and dense, which covers the whole territory that the cat considers his own. She takes her under his defense, as well as all the inhabitants of this territory. Appearing in the family, the cat will observe and, finding out who the main house will try to establish contact with him. If she is friends with you, be sure, not only she recognized you with the leader, but all other family members are considered the same.

There are folk beliefs about cats. For example, when the cat is harvested, she gives you up with its energy ,. Without responding to a caress or pushing the cat, a person makes it clear that she does not accept her gift, and therefore will not receive another time. Moreover, she can pick up his own strength. That is why real magicians with cats are especially thrift relationships.

Ancient magic and black cat - Mysterious companion Mages and sorcerers

In almost all cultures of the world, the beliefs about cats are associated with witchcraft, medicine, wealth, with unexpected luck or crushing disasters. In the old legends, the cat certainly accompanies a sorcerer or a predictor of destinies. IN Ancient Egypt She was built into the rank of sacred animals, and tied it with the moon and goddess Bastete, patroner female beauty, fertility, home hearth, love and joy. The goddess Bast portrayed in the form of a cat or a girl with a cat's head.

In history, the cat was related to Iside - the Mother Goddess (Bast, Bas-Ast "Soul Isida"). In the temples dedicated to Isis, there were many cats. In the Red Cat, Ra, the God of the Sun appealed. It is in this appearance in Heliopolis he defeated the Lord of the Underground Peace of the Snake Apota, who personified all the evil and all darkness of the world. So that, black cat in magic, and in everything that is related to the supernatural, has come for a long time, and the magicians with these amazing animals have a special relationship. She is mysterious and close to everything that is not given to comprehend a simple person.
In one of the ancient Egyptian papyrus about the cat, said so:

"When you think, she hears you, even if you do not utter a word. The look of God, she reads your thoughts in you. "

Strange and truthful beliefs about cats

In Ireland they say so:

"Beware of people who do not like cats."

  • The cat simultaneously serves forces, and is their conductor. Whom cat loves, it gives good. To whom Mustit, those deprive of happiness.
  • Cats feel great emotional condition And, it is impossible to deceive them.
  • The cat stands on the border of Javi and Navi, is able to move from the world of physical into the world of astral and back. At the same time, it does not be aimlessly wandering, but knows exactly what he wants.

Predated cats read, but they were afraid. In the dark and tragic times of Middle Ages, the Inquisitors did not bypass these graceful animals. They were caught, killed, burned alive on fires next to their tortured hostesses accused of witchcraft. Moreover, in some areas covered by the hysterium of the witch hunt, it was believed that in cats, the strongest and cunning sorcerers are becoming. Poor animals, already subject to persecution, thanks to people beliefs About cats, new problems with fantasy fanatics were added. By the way, not only clergymen paid for such acts, but also a simple people. Outbreaks of the plague epidemic are associated directly with the destruction of cats, which hunted on rats and mice.

The sorcerers and clairvoyant long-stayed kept these animals with them.

But where can the magical power of cats be applied?

  • acquisition of wealth, family welfare
  • assistance in the development of magical abilities
  • good luck in the card game
  • protransport magic
  • lapel in any manifestation (, damage to the relationship, for the dam
  • protection of the house from any induced negative
  • protection against fires and thieves
  • cat strength is used for predictions
  • personal defense Maga

True challenges about black cat

People will adopt related to the behavior of cats, a lot. They belong not only to the cats of black suit, but in general to all fluffy beauties and beauties.

Folk sign If the cat sitting on the windowsill, starts to wash, it means that guests will soon arrive. If you called to visit you a person who is pleasant to you, and which you would like to see again, accomplishing your visitors, imperceptibly put him on the shoulder some of the wool of your cat taken from the tail. And this person is sure to return to your house.

Most people do not continue the way if the Black Cat has moved the road - sign Bad. It is believed that this one old sign is promoting. Some try to miss the other people ahead, let them say, trouble happens to others. Others think that it is enough to cry through left shoulder, and calmly go where they were going. Here's another decision: take a button on your clothes and not to let go, as long as there will be no place where the black cat was going. This is a popular superstition about cats of black suit - and after all, she is an astral defender, those who do not feel fear, she gives goodness and energy, as well as support forces. So, I, Magic, Sergei Artgrom, would say that the cat running the road is a herald of success.

Sailors in the old days necessarily on the ships kept cats. Due to its ability to feel the approach of bad weather, the storms these animals were welcome guests on the ships. In addition, the cats not only predicted the weather, but also brought good luck to the team. Slap cats and fishermen. This is a guarantee of a good catch, as well as a defender from water unclean.

Has long been folk sign first in new house Cat. To good luck and happy life in a new place. Make it to this day. However, there is a folk sign even more old: on the first night they left in the house of a black rooster or chicken. And only after that they let the cat in the house. If your or someone else's cat deals with you and, or, sipping, pulls to you the paws, it is good sign. Know, waiting for you a big luck in affairs and benefits. These folk signs and beliefs are valid if you live in the house is a black cator any other coloring. Those who love these mysterious animals are always lucky and successful.

  • If a black cat sneezes next to the bride, it foreshadows her welfare in marriage.
  • Folk sign If the cat is meowing at the wedding, the young people will live unfortunately.

An old sign on the behavior of cats to predict the weather.

If the cat sits down near the furnace, it foreshadows the cooling. It will be cold if the cat sleeps, curling the glomerulum, and hides his nose. To the cold signs, if the cat loses the tail, at the same time hiding his head. And when the cat washes the paw and head at the same time, or sleeps the abdomen up, it is for warming.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, Magician Sergey Artgrom, I recommend to wear a proven mascot for attracting the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. The cash amulet is made strictly individually, under the name of a particular person and his date of birth. The main thing is right to immediately configure it in accordance with the sent instructions, is equally well suited for people of any religion.

But still sign on the black cat in the house.

If your cat gave birth to two kittens: black and red, then red need to give good people. Black kitten leave in the house. He will certainly bring good luck and happiness. But the gift can not be handed out the kittens. For the kitten, it is necessary to take a coin or treat, otherwise it does not fit in a new place. It is impossible for entertainment to pour cats with water. So a person risks to shorten his life.

Very good sign - if a black cat came to your home

Take a siroto to the house, it means to get good luck in your companions in any financial affairs. In the old days they did: they took into the house of the Neous cats in order to establish their earthly material affairs. Some people feed the stray cats, not suspecting that they support these act in the light of their deceased relatives. Little this, the cat you helped survive, give you luck.

Brought upon a cat has long been considered a good admission.

Friendly contact of the animal with a man, initiated by animals, has always been considered a good sign. This means that the highest strengths show their favor their favor. And to drive it (not to mention something worst) was considered a very bad sign. So, there is not the one who will accept the prevailing kitchen, but the one who rines her.

  • Cat, which came to the house, black color, or a three-color - Vestnik of luck, soon good luck; It prophesies an unexpected profit, family prosperity. Black cats are the best astral defenders. For ancient times, since ancient times, the witches are keeping black cats. As they say, the craft obliges. The sorcerers in the process work with entities are not always benevolent. Along with the magical shields, animals are used to enhance safety.
  • If a foreign red cat came to the threshold at home, then you can be sure that in an intimate plan of spouses or lovers, it will be fine, for the energy of red cats harmonizes the relationships in a pair. Red cats give positive energy and improve the inner atmosphere at home. So, if you came to your apartment ginger cat, you have to take it. According to the folk taking about cats - if she came, then I saw for this reason, and can help you. May attract good luck to your life, protect against witchcraft. Run a kitten, then hurt the highest strength, and lose their help.
  • Sketches If someone else's white cat came, it is definitely fortunately. In addition, white cats are wonderful lekari. They are able to remove headache and symptoms of other diseases. White cat feels damageHer behavior towards who became the object of negative witchcraft changes. If your life is full of problems and difficulties that you have to overcome the cost of great efforts, and a cat entered the house, a folk sign means that it is no accident. Do not chase her, she came to help.

Magic beliefs about cats

Cats are treated. And especially strong in this black and white cats. If the cat lies near a sick person, this is a good sign. This gives the hope that the recovery will soon come. Cats are able to pick up the illness of the illness. Sometimes a cat is approaching a person's face, and begins to breathe air exhale. So an animal takes a disease in humans or negative energy. When the cat understands that he is not able to help a person, he leaves and does not return. If the animal does not have the opportunity to leave, it will avoid contact with a person affected by a ride.

Cats have an incredibly powerful instinct of self-preservation. On the behavior of the cat, you can find out whether the patient will recover or die. Put a sick cat into bed: if it falls - to happy, but will run away - it means, a person is destined to die from the disease. Here is another simple useful sign and advice, how to quickly get rid of barley: if you live in the house a black cat, intend the focus of inflammation with her tail. The effect will come earlier than you expect.

There are ancient beliefs about cats - associated with their death.

  • The cats are preferred alone, in a quiet, dark, cool place. Feeling the hour of completing his earthly life, the cat leaves the house. This happens in the villages. In the cities, everything is different, and usually, not having the opportunity to go out, cats die in the apartments of their owners. But you should know: the death of the cat in the house promises trouble.
  • Meeting with a dead cat on the road does not foresee anything good. It is best to return home by posting your affairs.
  • Cannot torment cats. Cannot kill cats. Including, it is impossible to trample kittens. For these acts, the punishment should not be expected. Old believers about cats It is said that to kill it a mystical creature, which means to bring the troubles, disasters on long years, poverty and lonely old age. Moreover, killing cats here, in the world is revealed, a person is causing enemies in a different world.

The mystical halo of these creatures is so tight that kisses with cats fall under the ban.

The consonant old belief, through the contact of the lips of man and the face of the cat, from a person is its energy. The cat takes the vital power of a person and transfers to the world another to feed his magic inhabitants. It is impossible to let the cat sleep with him on the pillow. You can not breathe air exhalation. And yet, despite all the limitations and prohibitions, the cat remains a favorite and desired being. According to a long-time legend, the cat is the only live creation of God, who has not forgotten the return road to Paradise.

Signs about cats appeared in folklore and folk beliefs, perhaps, from the same time, as these fluffy beauties settled next to a person.

And many superstitions in different countries Improving is similar, although there are also diametrically opposite options. What can I know because of our empty pets?

How do cats predict change in fate?

It was previously believed that cats would predict the host by their behavior to their behavior: both good and bad. The most, perhaps, the well-known sign from this area is if the animal is washed, it means that the guests will compare to the house.

To find out, good people will come or evil, you need to touch the pitus paws. The pads are warm - wait for friends, cold - there will be unfriendly and envious to visit.

There are other challenges about cats that will be promoted. For example, if the cat is pulling towards the owner, it promises him a new acquisition or an unexpected benefit.

If not far from the young couple sneezed the cat - be a fast wedding. Cat sneezing, however, can foreshadow and impending rain or disease for the owner.

If the cat itself came to the house - he also brought good luck to him. It must be sheltered and climb. In general, shelter cat is a good sign, together with him in the house there will be welfare, wealth and fun.

For happiness or on trouble?

However, not all signs with cats are pleasant. So, it is believed that a person who has hit the cat will certainly receive a serious injury. And to the one who deliberately kill the cat, seven years not to see in the lives of happiness.

If the cat lies on the table - to the ravous news from relatives. Loking on the chest to a person - to recovery. In general, cats feel negative energy and treat the owners, licking at a sore place.

To find out the outcome of the disease, in ancient times they put a cat in bed to the patient: I will lie calmly and start purring - it means that a person will recover, jumps out of bed - you should prepare for the funeral. If the cat leaves a house, it is also considered a negative feature and promulit the sad news.

Leaving the house, you must definitely stroke the sleeping cat. If he is in response to silence or surpasses, the road will be good if it starts to meow loudly - it is better not to leave the house today.

If a cat came to the house where there is a pregnant woman, a cat started to go to her, it means that the birth is very close. And if the fluffy favorite goes around the bride, rubs about her legs - the marriage will be happy. But if the animal scratches the girl, the husband will be evil and jealous, to think about the cancellation of the wedding.

Signs associated with the Mashy of Cats

An important role in the superstitions associated with cats playing their color. We all know that the Black Cat is an adultery of misfortune if she moves the road, then happiness will not.

However, the animals are often black suit, without a single speck, become alive talismans for their owners. While they live in the house, the owners will be healthy, and any business will benefit and prosperity.

And what about the pets of other masters?

1. It is believed that the white kitty in the house attracts financial well-being. However, the British and Irish have belief, the opposite familiar to us. The black cat, they consider the sign of good luck and well-being, but the snow-white animal is the misfortune of misfortune.

2. The red cats in the house keep not accepted. It is believed that they sow a discord between family members. The exception is only presented pets.

By the way, contrary to the famous accept, for a presented cat, you can not give a coin - there will be no live in the house for a long time. It is better to symbolically "clarify" it on some small things.

3. The symbol of exceptional good luck, health and prosperity is considered a three-color kitty. Moreover, this sign is equal to both in Europe and Asia.

True, the Japanese believe that it is three-color animals, having lived for many years in the same house, can become weakened. To avoid this, it is impossible to allow the animal to be tangled in one place.

Signs associated with cats and weather

Perhaps the best of all the purr can predict the weather. It is probably the case in some of their special flair on changes in the atmosphere, but they rarely are mistaken.

Watch in the near future for the purr and compare what weather he was predicted. Is it truthful?

  • If the cat rubs his nose, washes behind the ears - this is the right sign of rain.
  • The same applies to the moments when your favorite rides on the floor or on the ground.
  • But if the furniture, walls or doors be labeled with claws - then it means that the coming day will be very windy, cold and rainy.
  • If the cat sleeps, stretching - this is a sign of fast warming. Folded with a glider, closes the nose with a paw or tail - to the frost.
  • In addition, they say that during a thunderstorm you should not let into a black cat in the house - it will attract lightning.

Superstitions about cats a lot - very much these animals are mysterious. Some of them are not more than fairy tales, but to some signs it is worth listening to and closely follow the behavior of a homemade favorite: Suddenly she will tell you something important? Posted by: Ekaterina Volkov


Cats are respected and loved. Clear and intelligent creatures are clearly sent to Earth not just like that. These animals are enveloped by the secret and multiple contradictions. They are called the messengers of hell, but only a cat can be unhindered to the temple. Cats are attributed to extraordinary independence, but they are always close to man and this is no accident. Many acquire a kitten, and for some fluffy animal on the threshold is a big surprise. Cat came to the house, what kind of sign? And what does such an uninvited guest foreshadow?!

Feline devotion

The cat who came to the house shows his humility and determines the choice of its owner. This is an amazing luck to meet the tail on the threshold of the house. Another question is that an unexpected visit can bring different consequences depending on what is happening behind the closed doors of the dwelling.

A cat can come to the house where she needs. The mysterious animal aura feels the events that should happen. If the most proud creature in the world has come to the conclusion that this house needs it, a person cannot handle these plans.

Unplanned good

The cat who came to the house entails a series of successful and bright events. You can guess for a long time, perhaps a person returns good, and perhaps the animal really attracts positive energy.

From life circumstances, it is impossible to protect only your own gust of a kind heart. Someone suffers allergies, and someone is forced to share the roof over his head with harmful neighbors. In this case, from a happy ticket in the form of a fluffy visitor on the threshold will have to refuse, but in no case cannot immediately drive the animal. It needs to be fed and shelter at least for a while, and then you should find a good cat house. Just expel the beast, who himself came to the house, it means to stick a mischief!

Age is important

Very good will be considered to be found on the threshold of the house of a small kitten.

In the house, where did you recently survived the rest of the loss in the form of the death of a relative appeared a kitten? This is a very good sign with a deep mystical component. It is believed that the spirit of the deceased instilled in the cat and again came to live in his native house.

Unkless sign without evidence

The cat who came to the house may be a harbinger of trouble. Only one bad signBut she also crashed about positive feedback on unexpected guests on the threshold of the house.

It is believed that the sick cat, which, in the house, will certainly bring a birth and share it. But what then can be said about families who have a sick animal and get a lot of purring evenings in return and a large number of Good luck as fee for non-equations?!

I'll take trouble and smartly tear

Sometimes the cat comes to the house and serves as a ram. Perhaps the family is brewing or quarrels in the family, and maybe someone from family members pursue failures. In this case, the cat, feeling anything, takes a blow to himself.

Also known is a fact that tells about the therapeutic abilities of the Feline family. Perhaps there is a pretty person in the house, and he may not even know about it. But the cats are known much more than people. The cat hovers in parallel reality and there is no login for simple mortals.

I have to go

A person learns about the good news in the form of a cat that came to the house. He lets her in his life: heals, feeds and cares. But the day comes when the guest is inconspicuous. What does it mean? Most likely, the animal performed his destination and eliminated all the bad energy around the housing. He needs to go, because there are still very many unhappy houses and even the famous 9 cats can not be enough for them.

Calendar meaning of the guest

You can buy a pet you can absolutely at any time, and what's the difference, because a personal choice does not bear the semantic load and omen. In contrast to the prevailing cat. The visit of the future pet, who was not invited can mean different depending on the month.

Come to the house and stay alone. And in one of the January frosty days to see the cat on the threshold? This is a good sign for lonely people, it means that sad loneliness will soon leave the owner with a kind heart.

A cat meowing on the threshold in February, foreshadows changes in life.

Cat or cat came in March? In this case, all words will be superfluous. Soon love will come, and if it is already there, but goes out, it is worth waiting for a sudden fire where there is barely grieving.

April Guest will add trouble. Everything will spin in a mad rhythm and this cycle will take with it all bad.

Cat, who came in May, cares about financial stability. Perhaps her visit to the home or his owner from robbery or rampant spending, or investment in dubious business.

June is a holiday time for students. A cat that came to live in the house this month will certainly help discard the load of responsibility and will give the opportunity to relax.

The July Pet will be guarded by the health of all family members.

In August, the cat is looking for a house that suffocates from the dark energy in the form of damage and the evil eye.

September is good because nature is preparing for the cold, to prepare a house to warm and cozy evenings, it is worth letting a fluffy guest into the house. It will become an excellent addition to any cozy evening or day.

A cat that chose October foreshadows moving to a more comfortable home.

In November, the cat comes to the house, where family happiness is bursting. Most likely, a man is trimmed with a cunning ruffling.

The December animal will go with you hand in hand. He will turn life into a more favorable direction.

In fact, it doesn't matter in which month to take a weak and defenseless creature into the house. Cats see and feel more. Is there a random such an unexpected meeting on the threshold. A cat that came to the house itself is a sign. It can be regarded by anything, but it definitely does not bear negative consequences.

POST Views: 971

There is a different opinion about the content of cats, kittens and cats in a private house or apartment, so this issue is worth viewing from different points of view. As for accept, the article collected the most fAQ For this occasion, the detailed answers are presented.

It is recommended to pay attention to other materials of this cat project, as they can be found no less interesting, useful and relevant information on various issues related to homemade pets.

Black Cat, cat in the house Signs and superstition

There is such a sign that a black cat, living in the house, will bring on all negative energy. Also a black cat is a good guard of dwellings from thieves. Black cats will help you save a person from headaches and attract financial well-being.

According to superstitions, in a thunderstorm, a black cat should be expelled from the house, otherwise zipper can burn the house. If someone else's black cat went to the house - wait for trouble.

Why cats do not take root in the house folk signs

If there are people with negative energy in the house, then the cats in such a house will not live. Or on someone from family members damage, evil eye, cats will also leave. If the house has accumulated bad energyThe black cat will not live in such a house.

Cat in the house Signs of tradition and customs

There are many accepts, including about the cats. Bad, if the cat died in the house - unfortunately in the family. Before entering the house, you first gave the cat. If in the house is seriously ill, and the cat ran away, then there will be a funeral soon.

Folk signs cat in the house of redhead, gray to what it is

If you put the rhyzy, there will be a success in the affairs and well-being in the house, and no envious of this house is terrible. If the light meets the owner violently, then the cat wants to clean the damaged aura. Red cats perfectly absorb household diseases. If suddenly the cat fell out to play, it means to be in the house of early joy.

Gray cat will bring happiness in the house. Gray lumps guard the house from evil eyes and enemies. More cats of this color are considered monetary. Want to be richer? More often stroke the gray cat. According to the folk, let's take, if the gray cat has green eyes, it can absorb the lunar energy and then treat it sick.

Two cats in the house Signs

If there are two cats in the house, then in such a house there are excellent energy and such a house are not terrible troubles and misfortunes.

The cat came out, ran into the house sign

If a cat ran into your house, you need to take it yourself. If you do not take a cat, then there will be seven long years in the family of trouble.

If the cat is shelter, then life will be improved in such a house in all respects, luck will settle in it. It is also believed that, thus, the dead relatives visit relatives.

Neighbor cat should not be expelled, wait until it goes. Such a visit will help get rid of diseases and attract good luck.

Striped, three-color cat came, comes to the house signs

If a tricolor cat came to the house, the cats of this color are rare - it is to wealth and improve the atmosphere in the house. Three-color cat Put the house from the fire.

If the house visited a striped cat, change soon. With its presence, gray cats love good luck to the house and help it easier to treat difficult situations in life.

comments 8.

    May 15, 2011 my cat died. During the last breath, I saw a haze came out of my mouth, somewhere 10 cm long. 09/28/2011 I took another cat, but it mysteriously disappeared from the apartment in a year. I decided that it fell from the 3rd floor. No matter how much I was looking for her, there was not even traces. I was very worried and decided to take another kitten. Chose only out of street. But no one liked. One day on a bench near the entrance, the boys played with a kitten, very much like my first cat. I even had a heart. Asked where she was, they answered that she sat on a bench at the entrance. I took it to myself. How many love and energy came from it, it is impossible to convey words. But she had a sick pancreas. She filed a signal so many times about it, but I did not hear her. Today made Euthanasia. My burn there is no limit. I will wait that she will return to me again .. anyone believes in it?

    we also died my pets of the Fold Semyon Semyon. My burn there is no limit. Obsessively head of the same

In the old days, people gave to such an animal as a cat great importance. In housing, this animal was invited with pleasure, as he spoke by the harbingers of trouble, joy and treated him from diseases. If the house was his cat, then followed his behavior, because he could foreshadow fire, disaster, death, illness.

Cat takes death and illness from home

Bad sign was if the cat left home. Peoples of the world have attributed such behavior that the cat takes death and illness from home. Folk signs Involve, which someone else's cat runs into the house, nailed or ran to the apartment once. It is important to know why to keep such an animal in the focus is useful.

Harfare of happiness

In ancient times, people knew that when the cat runs into the house, this is a good sign, she foreshadows happiness to residents. The Thai people gives this event great importance. The legend clarifies that the cat himself chooses his master and comes to a house with a good, positive energy. To such a gift of fate at the door must be taken respectively, take into the house and leave yourself to live. With these animals, it will take a lot, the value was given to the wool color, the breed:

  • Black cat has been born, your accommodation needs protection, you have a lot of envious and enemies.
  • Several colors of the color, it's good. Well, if a fluffy friend came to a lonely woman or a girl who is looking for his soul mate. This animal will bring happiness in love and family life.
  • If a black cat with white legs came to the house, wait for wealth, career growth, success in affairs.
  • When the white fluffy friend came, it needs to be left, as it will help you get rid of many diseases. He acts as a home doctor.
  • Gray color of the animal will bring peace of mind into your focus. When the gray color animal comes to a woman's waiting for a child, you don't need to drive it, it will be well affected by the inner situation in the house, gives harmony, comfort. Such animals will protect your accommodation from evil, unclean forces.
  • Cat with three colors: black cat, white and redhead, it's triple happiness. Your hearth will be protected strongly.

Cat with three colors is triple happiness

The value of color

If the red fluffy friend came to your door, it's good and happiness. What this sign explains the older generations. In the oldest times of the Red Cat associated with the sun. This animal will bring home joy, fun and protects well from unclean power. Bad person, with a negative energy in the house for a long time will not delay. An animal of such a color is treated from diseases. Such pets are able to read thoughts and sees what the person cannot see.

Fluffy friend will predict the weather to you, protects from the unlocks and ailments. When the Red Cat was born to your door, know with myself it will bring good news to the room.

The older nations focused on him, followed his behavior and knew which side what kind of news would expect. It is important to know what you are preparing a new favorite and family member. Signs are involved that when the cat ran into the house, she wants to protect you, predict trouble or bring good news to the hearth.

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