How to determine astigmatism yourself at home - diagnosis. Determine astigmatism yourself using the online test Astigmatism test

Such pathology of vision as astigmatism arises due to the irregular shape of the cornea, somewhat less often than the lens, and as a result of such a curvature, a person sees the world around him in a distorted form. Every person has a certain degree of curvature of the cornea or lens, but how much it interferes with normal vision - for this it is worth taking an astigmatism test.

Astigmatism check can be carried out both in a hospital setting and personally by the patient himself at home. But an accurate diagnosis is made only by a doctor - an ophthalmologist, after a full online eye test has been performed and all analyzes have been performed.

When to do an astigmatism test

An astigmatism test is performed if the patient has the following:

  • the patient perceives the picture vaguely, indistinctly; in the process of reading or performing other work, eyes quickly strain and get tired;
  • when watching TV or working at a computer, the patient is disturbed by migraine attacks and headaches, and there is a heaviness in the eyes.

Diagnosis of astigmatism

To test visual acuity in the online mode, an online test for astigmatism is carried out using special tables and it is about them that will be discussed below. The main thing to remember is that these tests do not give a final result and all the results obtained with their help only allow preliminary conclusions.

Visual acuity and astigmatism - how to check

If you examine your vision for its acuity and conduct an astigmatism test, most often doctors use an examination using the following tables, special equipment and tests.

  1. Computer refractometry - if there is a question about how to determine this or that pathology, eye disease, including astigmatism. Previously, a pupil-dilating compound is instilled into the eyes and then the fundus is examined using refractometers and an infrared signal reflected from it.

Important! Whatever the results, the diagnosis should be made only by an ophthalmologist after a full and comprehensive examination, prescribing the appropriate treatment.

How to check for astigmatism at home

Each person can examine the presence or absence of astigmatism at home, using certain tests, and they will be discussed below.

To do this, simply close one eye with your hand, and with the second, look at the drawing, which depicts rays diverging in different directions, resembling a watch dial. Perform these manipulations with the other eye - you can make a preliminary diagnosis if you perceive the same picture with each eye differently, with the following changes:

  • doubling or tripling the number of rays;
  • some lines will be darker, others will appear lighter;
  • certain lines will be clearly defined, some of them will blur

Testing is carried out in bright, preferably daylight - just look separately with your right and left eyes at the picture with the drawn lines, located horizontally and vertically.

If the patient sees them equally black and clear, there are no deviations from the norm, but if you see distortion of the picture, the lines are gray - there is.

Siemens star test

The most informative and accurate test - in the picture with the image of the Siemens star, with rays of the same color and size, diverging in equal directions, are looked at with each eye separately. If there is no pathology, then a healthy patient sees:

  • clear lines will gradually blur;
  • a gray background will begin to form in the middle of the star;
  • the lines in the center will be slowly visible clearly, but gradually they will be surrounded by white and appear to be a circle;
  • when the distance between the eyes and the pattern changes in a patient with good eyesight the center of the circle will change in size.

With astigmatism, a person will see an oval or other figure in the image.

If you managed to diagnose the problem yourself, do not practice self-medication, be sure to contact a specialist.

The lens and cornea normally have a regular spherical shape. Violation of its curvature is called astigmatism. This disease is the main cause of visual defects, usually combined with myopia and.

An astigmatism test helps to diagnose pathology. It is very simple to carry out it, for this it is not even necessary to visit an ophthalmologist.

Symptoms for an eye astigmatism test

Typical signs of pathological curvature of the cornea or lens:

  • deterioration in vision clarity;
  • headache;
  • blurring, distorting or doubling objects;
  • fast fatigue when working that requires eye strain;
  • myopia;
  • hypermetropia.

It is worth noting that the listed symptoms do not always indicate the presence of astigmatism. The diagnosis needs to be carefully checked.

Vision tests to diagnose astigmatism

The most popular image for identifying pathology is the Siemens star.

Test number 1:

  1. Position yourself so that the drawing is at eye level.
  2. There should be a distance of about 35-50 cm between the head and the screen.
  3. Take a close look at the image.

In case of visual impairment, the rays, before reaching the middle, begin to blur, overlap each other or merge with the background. It may seem that the picture becomes its negative - the white rays turn black and vice versa. Also, people with astigmatism see the boundaries of clear visibility of lines in the form of an ellipse or more complex shapes, rather than a circle.

Test number 2:

  1. Do not change the position taken in the previous case.
  2. Close one eye with a palm or paper sheet, examine the picture.
  3. Repeat the same for the other eye.

All lines in the image are the same color and width, and the segments in each group are strictly parallel. If this does not seem to be the case, astigmatism may be present.

Test number 3:

  1. Sit so that the star is at head level, at a distance of 25-30 cm.
  2. Alternately closing one and the second eye, carefully look at the rays.

As in the previous test, all lines in the star are equally black and long. In the center, they converge into a regular circle. When it seems that some segments are lighter or darker, thicker, longer, and in the middle instead of a circle there is an ellipse, figure eight or other figure, you should contact an ophthalmologist.

Is the Amsler test necessary for astigmatism?

This image is sometimes used in the diagnosis of astigmatism as a way to identify additional visual impairments, in particular -.


  1. With constant wearing contact lenses or glasses put them on.
  2. Place the drawing at the level of the bridge of the nose, at a distance of 25-30 cm.
  3. Cover one eye, look at a point in the center, remembering how the mesh looks.
  4. Repeat the same for the other eye.

With normal vision, the grid lines remain flat, without spots, distortions or distortions. Otherwise, you need to visit a specialist.

Greetings, dear readers! Today we will continue to talk about astigmatism - a visual defect caused by a violation of the shape of the elements of the optical system (cornea or lens), which leads to a loss of clarity and visual acuity. This time I would like to suggest that you take an astigmatism test.

You don't even need to leave your computer for it. I am sure that with the help of the online test, many people who are convinced that their vision is normal will find signs of astigmatism. If this happens, don't be alarmed! Each person, to one degree or another, is a carrier of this ailment, but in many cases this does not interfere with fully enjoying the world around him.

Astigmatism occurs when the refractive power of the cornea or lens is impaired. In most cases, corneal pathology occurs, the development of which is facilitated by the curved shape of the cornea (it is not spherical, but oval-horizontal).

As a result, incorrect refraction of light occurs, which leads to the formation of several foci on the retina at once. Moreover, some of them are located directly on the retina, while others are located outside it (behind or in front of).

The presence of several focuses in one eye at the same time leads to the fact that the image is blurred and distorted. Instead of straight lines, a person with astigmatism sees waves. In addition, it is difficult for him to understand which objects are at close range and which ones are at far. This eye disease often affects both organs of vision, but there are cases when only one eye is affected.

What is an astigmatism test?

A special test to identify this pathology allows you to understand the features of vision and identify abnormalities (if any). Weak degree astigmatism (up to 0.5 D) practically does not affect vision in any way and does not cause discomfort, but during the test it will most likely be revealed. Then you will need to contact an ophthalmologist, who will confirm the absence of the need for correction.

You can do a simple test yourself by drawing a grid with lines of the same length, thickness, and color on a piece of paper. Next, start rotating this grid in front of your eyes.

If the vision is normal, its appearance will always be the same, and people with astigmatism will think that the appearance of the lines is constantly changing: they are sometimes even, sometimes wavy, sometimes broken, sometimes of different colors. This is due to the incorrect curvature of the cornea, due to which only in some areas of the image it is possible to achieve clear focus.

An astigmatism test allows you to understand whether the curvature of the cornea / lens is normal.

Rules for passing visual tests

Before you start taking an eye test, you should learn about some rules that will allow you to achieve a more accurate result:

  1. You need to completely relax and try not to think about anything.
  2. The test must be carried out with the lights on.
  3. Adjust the position of the computer monitor so that glare does not appear on it.
  4. The dough picture should be flush with the eyes.
  5. Testing should be performed alternately on the right and left eye. The "passive" organ of vision must be covered with a hand, but in no case should it be closed.
  6. Choose the optimal distance from the computer screen to your eyes, at which you will feel most comfortable taking the test.
  7. After examining the photo with the test with both eyes, take a short pause, blink 8-10 times and proceed to the next picture.

Popular tests to identify astigmatism

Today there are a huge number of tests for astigmatism and other diseases of the organs of vision, which are designed to be carried out at home. Now I will tell you about the most popular and effective tests. Let's start with the simplest.

To pass this test, you must:

  1. Having moved 35-40 cm away from the monitor, you need to close your right or left eye and look at the white circle in the center.
  2. Make sure the brightness of all lines is the same.
  3. If some lines are darker than others, this signals the presence of astigmatism. In this case, it is recommended to consider wearing soft toric lenses.

Of course, the decision on any correction of the disease should be made after consultation with your treating ophthalmologist. Thanks to the correction, it is possible not only to improve visual acuity, but also the quality of vision.

Next test:

  1. Close your left eye first and then your right eye (or vice versa).
  2. If, looking at the picture, the lined squares appear equally black to you, congratulations! This suggests that you have no vision problems.
  3. If one of the squares appears lighter or darker, you most likely have astigmatism.

And finally, one of the most popular eye tests - Siemens Star.

Its essence lies in the runaway of black rays on a light background from the edges to the middle. In the absence of perfect visual clarity, the rays blur and merge together as they approach the center.

If the area is very steep, they merge with the general background, and when the gaze moves closer to the center, the clarity stabilizes and the rays become clearly demarcated among themselves. In this case, the picture becomes, as it were, negative: dark areas seem lighter, and light ones - darker. As the rays move, such a "permutation" can be observed repeatedly.

People who do not have vision problems can contemplate a similar effect by bringing the image as close as possible to the eyes. If the picture is far away, the black rays will merge into a single mass of gray. When a person with 100% vision looks at the Siemens star, being 5 meters away from it, the merging of the rays begins to occur at half the length, 2.5 cm from the center.

In the presence of astigmatism, you will see in the middle of the star not a round shape, but the shape of an ellipse, or an oval, or some other shape. With a high degree of disease, it can have an even more complex shape.

The beauty of this test is that it allows you to observe a constant change in visual acuity. If, after passing these tests from the pictures, you realize that you have astigmatism, be sure to go through an ophthalmological examination. It is highly likely that the changes that will be detected in the organs of vision during the examination are insignificant, and there is no need for correction.

If astigmatism affects vision, the doctor will decide on the appointment of a suitable correction method.

Video test

You can also watch the video and additionally check the sensitivity of your vision and visual memory. Only 2% of people answer correctly!


Friends, the astigmatism test is a very useful thing. With its help, a person can independently, and most importantly - for free, carry out an examination of his own vision and identify violations of the visual system. If, as a result of passing the test, suspicious signs are revealed, immediately make an appointment with an ophthalmologist.

A qualified specialist will carry out diagnostics, select the optimal correction method or prescribe a suitable treatment. If the tests were useful to you, please share them on social networks. Good luck and see you soon!

Astigmatism is a common disease characterized by low vision due to irregular corneaor disruption of the lens.

A ray of light, refracting through the structures of the eye and focusing on the retina, incorrectly conveys the image of objects.

With the help of simple manipulations, astigmatism of the cornea or lens can really be detected at home, but an accurate diagnosis should be made by an ophthalmologist. To do this, oculists conduct various analyzes and checking with special devices.

Symptoms of astigmatism

Disease is more common in preschool childrenand does not appear in any way. The child may feel a slight deviation in vision (fuzzy letters, sometimes vague), usually parents take such symptoms for a little fatigue from possible stress in the garden or school.

Photo 1. This is how a person with normal vision (left) and with astigmatism (right) sees. With a disease, the image is blurry, double.

One of characteristic symptomsdistortion of reality, when objects appear to be deformed. The eyes are constantly red, burning sensation and pain... Since such symptoms occur on early stage, with insufficient treatment, serious complications develop.

Reasons for the appearance

Factors of disruption of the retina or lens are as congenital (genetic)and acquired. Vision problems in parents can be genetically transmitted to the fetus, because many genes affect the formation of vision. Acquired eye disease in a child appears for various reasons, even if the vision was good from birth.

Causes of the disease:

  • Mechanical injury. This is any damage to the lens of the eye by stabbing, cutting objects.
  • Inflammation due to infectious diseases and also pr and chemical and physical influences.
  • Improper medical care. In case of negligent carrying out of operational manipulations: improper suture, their discrepancy or incorrect removal.
  • Increased intraocular pressure.
  • Various problems with the dentition. Astigmatism develops with a pathological bite.
  • Adentia - partial or complete loss of teeth.

If in children astigmatism is considered a congenital visual defect, then in older people this disease occurs more often. due to improperly performed medical procedures.


If you find symptoms of the disease, it is better to immediately seek help from a specialist. The ophthalmologist conducts a comprehensive assessment of the condition, including examination of the eyes, determination of visual function, and test of visual acuity.

If there are signs such as decreased vision or severe fatigue, frequent headaches and possible distortion of visual objects, this should be reported to the doctor. Without examination by an ophthalmologist you cannot start treatment yourselfbecause there is a risk of aggravating the problem.

How the specialist determines the diagnosis

After a visual examination, an experienced physician should perform additional diagnosticsto make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe correct treatment.

One of the popular methods is considered visiometrywhich shows the acuity of human vision. If correction is carried out, special glasses are worn where one eye is closed. Replacing special glasses, select those at which the maximum visual acuity will be achieved.

Photo 2. The process of checking vision using visiometry. The patient is put on special glasses, in which the lenses are gradually changed to determine visual acuity.

This test is not painful, completely harmless for both children and adults. The procedure does not require any preparation. Ophthalmologists recommend such a study to undergo at least once a year, even in the absence of symptoms and eye diseases.

Skiascopy.In other words, a shadow test. With the help of a light source, the far point of view of the pupil is determined. It's pretty objective method diagnostics that not always suitable for children and people with increased sensitivity , since sudden changes in light can affect the state nervous system.

This method of diagnosis has many contraindications, including: glaucoma, intolerance to certain medications, as well as severe tearing of the eyes. Skiascopy requires prior use medicines during 3-4 days. Sometimes this period can be extended until 8-9 days depending on the patient's condition.

Computer refractometryheld to fix the refractive power of the human eye using a refractometer.

If earlier this device was manual, then modern ophthalmologists use computer models, which in a small amount of time reflect any deviations of the retina of the eye, and also register the early development of myopia.

Such a study to identify astigmatism is considered one of the best for young children.

You need to prepare for the manipulations in advance: for the most accurate result, the ophthalmologist prescribes a course of eye drops Atropine... Concentration active substance varies with age. Usually the course consists of 3-4 daysinstillation.

Indicationssituations are considered for refractometry deterioration of visionas well as before and postoperative period to control corrective measures. There are some contraindications to computer refractometry, namely: cataract, glaucoma, thorn or opacity of the glass body... The procedure is also not recommended for patients with drug and alcohol addiction or mental disorders .

Attention!Any diagnostics should be carried out an experienced specialist after a complete examination of the eye.

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How to diagnose the disease at home

You can also determine visual acuity or identify the presence of astigmatism at home. For this there are many computer online tests, capable of reflecting the maximum performance under different lighting conditions. If during such home studies you notice deviations from the norm, you need to contact a specialist for additional tests. Popular test methods consist of a list of questions, for example:

  • Do your eyes turn red when they get very tired?
  • Is there dryness or a constant "gritty" feeling?
  • Is there any visual discomfort after physical activity?
  • Does your vision deteriorate in the evening?
  • Does one eye see better than the other?
  • Is there a feeling of partial loss of vision?

After answering the questions, you can carry out additional checks:

  1. Test with lines... The bottom line is that, sitting at a distance in 50 cm from the screen, look at the image in a certain way. It is a circle that has lines. You need to close your eyes one at a time: if some boundaries seem clearer and stand out, you may have astigmatism or visual impairment.
  2. Siemens starrepresents black rays on a white background, tapering towards the center. People who have vision problems or astigmatism see this picture with distortion, perhaps the circle looks like an ellipse. If a person has good, one hundred percent vision, then from a distance of 2-3 meters the circle will be clear (but in the middle, the lines should converge into a small gray spot).

In addition to these tests, there is many more with different lines and circles. A person suffering from astigmatism, after several tests, will be able to make sure of the deviations and promptly seek treatment from an ophthalmologist.

- a disease caused by a change in the shape of the cornea or lens, which leads to the appearance of multiple foci. You can suspect a pathology in yourself by conducting an astigmatism test. This is a preliminary diagnostic method. An examination by an ophthalmologist will be required to establish an accurate diagnosis.

You can check for astigmatism at home by taking an online test. Follow the testing guidelines to get the most accurate results.

Test rules:

  1. Relax, free your head from extraneous thoughts.
  2. Test under sufficient lighting, preferably daylight.
  3. Position the computer so that the monitor is glare-free and the image is 30-50 cm away from your eyes.
  4. Test first on one eye, then on the other. The examined eye is open, while the other is closed with a palm. Don't close your eyes.
  5. After viewing the picture, blink for a few seconds, then go to the next one.

Keep in mind that if you suspect you have astigmatism, the test gives only preliminary results. For an accurate result, you will need to contact an ophthalmologist.

Normally, small deviations can occur in healthy people (within 0.5 diopters). This happens due to overwork of the visual apparatus, general malaise, as well as in newborns. Transient deviations are called physiological astigmatism.

The Siemens star test for astigmatism is the most popular and most informative test option. The image must be viewed in turn with each eye. A healthy visual apparatus sees the same lines (in color, length, thickness), a clear rounded shape, and a gray center.

In the presence of violations, a person sees the shape of an ellipse, an oval or more complex shape, as well as distorted, broken lines.

With divergent rays

You can determine astigmatism using a test where rays are drawn in the shape of a dial, diverging on different sides from the center. Healthy person sees them the same, clear, black.

With changes in the curvature of the cornea or irregular shape of the lens, the rays may appear blurry, of different colors (some are lighter, others are darker), it will seem as if there are more rays in number.

With parallel lines

Another test to test vision for astigmatism is the parallel line test. The unchanged organ of vision sees lines as clear, parallel, black. With pathological changes, they seem gray, uneven, distorted.

Other tests with lines

There are 2 more simple tests. The essence is the same: you need to look at the picture with each eye in turn. If the lines are clear, even, black, with the same distance between each other, then this is the norm. And if there are changes, then you should consult a doctor for a more complete eye examination for astigmatism.

Another option for a test at home - take a sheet of paper, draw a lattice. The lines should be the same in thickness, length, color saturation. Then take a sheet and start rotating it. A person without pathology does not see the difference when moving the lattice in different planes. And a person with impaired visual functions will notice that the lines change length, distort, then turn pale, then darken.

You can assess visual acuity and suggest a disease using the Sivtsev table with letters of different sizes. The person sits at a five-meter distance from the table and names the letters, alternately closing the left and right eyes.

An analogue of the Sivtsev table is the Orlova table. It shows pictures that are convenient for diagnosis in children.

These astigmatism tests are easy, fast and free of charge. Sometimes go through them in order to identify pathology as early as possible. In case of doubtful results, contact a specialist. The doctor will conduct a complete ophthalmological examination and give an opinion on the need for treatment.

Additionally, watch the video test for astigmatism:

What results did you get after passing the online tests? Share in the comments. Repost, tell your friends about the existence of a home diagnosis of the disease. Good luck, all the best.

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