Objective methods of self-control. Self-control, its main methods, indicators, criteria and assessments, self-control diary

When performing speed-power loads before and after training, it is advisable to register urgent changes:
a) the functional state of the neuromuscular apparatus;
b) the biochemical composition of the blood (the content of inorganic phosphate in the blood serum).

Athlete self-control must include:
daily assessment of well-being, activity and mood (see the section "Indicators of the current and urgent functional state of the central nervous system»);
daily assessment of the tolerance of training loads;
daily carrying out immediately after waking up 1 min of the orthostatic test and, if possible, the Ruffier test with the calculation of the Ruffier index;
Q analysis appearance (see chapter III, section "Clinical methods of examination");
analysis of the functions of the urinary and digestive systems.
Let us dwell on the last question in more detail.
On average, the amount of urine excreted per day should approximately correspond to
drink the amount of absorbed liquids (water, juice, compote, soup, tea, etc.).
Normal urine is usually straw yellow in color. If there is very little of it, and this most often indicates a lack of fluid in the body, then due to the high degree of saturation, the urine becomes reddish-yellow. In diseases of the liver, gallbladder and biliary tract, its color may resemble the color of beer. In people with severe kidney and bladder problems, it looks like meat slop. A whitish-milky color means the presence of pus in the urine, which happens with inflammation of the kidneys and the secretion of salts, in particular oxalates. Dark reddish, greenish and blue color may be associated with the intake of certain drugs (multivitamin complexes, furazolidone - bright yellow; acetylsalicylic acid, amidopyrine - pink-red; rhubarb, Alexandrian leaf - greenish), fruits and vegetables.
Usually the urine is clear. Its clouding can be caused by the presence of salts, mucus, fats, bacteria, a significant amount of cellular elements. Urine, as a rule, has a mild, specific odor. When urine is decomposed by bacteria (in case of kidney and bladder diseases), an ammonia smell appears.
The normal daily amount of feces in humans should be 100-200 g per day. Systematic retention of feces in the intestine for more than a day is one of the serious risk factors for progressive deterioration in health. The amount of feces increases with abundant plant food, its poor absorption (for example, in diseases of the pancreas), accelerated intestinal motor function. It decreases with predominantly protein foods (meat, meat products), constipation and starvation.
With constipation, the stool becomes dense or becomes lumpy (sheep feces). In cases like this, so as not to miss serious illness intestines, you should definitely special examination... In the case of an abundant fat content (mainly in diseases of the pancreas), the consistency of feces becomes ointment (it is difficult to flush out of the toilet).
The normal color of feces is dark brown. When plant-based diet it can turn greenish-yellow, with milky - orange-light-yellow. White, grayish-white, clayey or sandy feces indicate a violation of bile secretion. Against the background of a predominantly meat diet, it turns black-brown. When bleeding in upper sections digestive tract, the use of preparations of bismuth, activated charcoal, large quantities of blueberries and black currants, the feces become black.
! REMEMBER! [The appearance of black feces, if you cannot associate it with the use of certain drugs and food, \\ should be the reason for the immediate 1st visit to the doctor.
When the intestinal microflora is disturbed (dysbiosis), the feces become multi-colored. In diseases of the lower digestive tract, in particular the rectum, feces can be excreted in small portions and be mixed with blood, mucus and pus (keep in mind: with hemorrhoids, blood is usually on the surface of the feces and is not mixed with it) ... Particularly suspicious is the “fake friend” symptom - feces dripping into underwear instead of supposed gas release. In this case, you should immediately
conduct an instrumental examination of the rectum and the entire large intestine.
All data obtained as a result of self-control should be entered into the self-control diary every day in parallel with the volumes of training loads of various energetic nature or of various directions.

  • Sorokin A.P. Adaptation and Management of the Properties of the Body (Document)
  • Abstract - Physical culture in the management of improving the body (Abstract)
  • E.I. Stepanovskikh Test tasks for self-control in the course of physical chemistry (Document)
  • Abstract - Products that contribute to the elimination of radionuclides from the body (Abstract)
  • Methodological manual Violations of the acid-base state of the body (Document)
  • Pogarsky V.I. Operating instructions for power cable lines with voltage up to 220 kV (Document)
  • Stroyev Yu.I., Churilov L.P. Endocrinology of Adolescents (Document)
  • Lectures on Developmental Physiology (Lecture)
  • Test work - Adaptation of the human body to various climatic and geographical environmental conditions. Mechanisms and levels of adaptation (Laboratory work)
  • n1.doc

    Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

    Bryansk State Engineering and Technological Academy

    Department of "Physical Education"

    on the topic:

    "Methods of self-control over the functional state of the body"

    student gr. FC-201

    Zakharenko O.V.


    Dubogryzova I.A.

    Bryansk 2009

    Introduction 3

    1. Physical development, assessment methods 4
    2. Functional state and tests 7

    3. Self-control 12

    Conclusion 16

    List of used literature 17

    Exercise is a very powerful means of changing a person's physical and mental state. Properly organized classes strengthen health, improve physical development, increase physical fitness and performance, improve the functional systems of the human body.

    For example, take the cardiovascular system and its main organ, the heart. As already noted, no organ needs training so much and does not give in to it as easily as the heart. When you work hard, your heart will inevitably train. Its limits are expanding, and it adapts to the transfer of much more blood than the heart of an untrained person can do.

    In the process of regular exercise, sports, as a rule, an increase in the size of the heart occurs, and various forms physical activity also have various possibilities for improving the heart.

    At the same time, it is necessary to understand that the uncontrolled and unsystematic use of physical culture means is ineffective, and in some cases it can cause irreparable harm to health, and everyone can give many examples of this.

    To exclude all conditions under which a negative impact of physical exercise, sports can take place, measures of control and self-control of the students themselves are called upon.

    The purpose of the control is to optimize the process of physical exercise based on an objective assessment of the state of the body. Diagnostics of the state of the body during physical education

    includes various types of control: medical, pedagogical, but self-control takes a special place.

    1. Physical development, assessment methods

    As already noted, physical development is a change in the forms and functions of the human body during his life.

    It is possible to determine the level and characteristics of physical development, first of all, using anthropometry.

    Anthropometry is a system of measurements and research in anthropology of linear dimensions and other physical characteristics of the body.

    Anthropometric measurements are carried out according to the generally accepted method using special, standard instruments. Measured: standing and sitting height, body weight, neck circumference, chest, waist, abdomen, shoulder, forearm, thigh, lower leg, VC, back strength and strength of the hand muscles, diameters - shoulder, chest and pelvic-crestal, fat deposition.

    The level of physical development is assessed using three methods: anthropometric standards, correlation and indices.

    Anthropometric standards are the average values \u200b\u200bof signs of physical development obtained during the examination of a large contingent of people, homogeneous in composition (age, sex, profession, etc.). Average values \u200b\u200b(standards) of anthropometric characteristics are determined by the method of mathematical statistics. For each feature, the arithmetic mean (M - mediana) and the standard deviation (S - sigma) are calculated, which determines the boundaries of the homogeneous group (norm). So, for example, if the average height of students is 173 (M)  6 (S) cm, then the majority of the surveyed (68-75)  have a height ranging from 167 (173 6) cm to 179 (173 + 6) cm.

    For assessment, the difference between the indicators of the subject from similar standard ones is first determined. For example, the surveyed student has a height of 181.5 cm, and the average by standards (173 cm with S \u003d  6), this means that the student's height is 8.5 cm more than the average. Then the resulting difference is divided by the indicator S. The estimate is determined depending on the value of the quotient obtained: less than  2.0 (very low);  1.0 to  2.0 (low); from  0.6 to  1.0 (below average); from  0.5 to +0.5 (average); from + 0.6 to +1.0 (above average); +1.0 to +2.0 (high), more than +2.0 (very high).

    In our example, we get the quotient 8.5  6.0 \u003d 1.4. Consequently, the height of the student being examined corresponds to the mark "high".

    Physical development indices. These are indicators of physical development, representing the ratio of various anthropometric features expressed in a priori mathematical formulas.

    The index method allows you to make rough estimates of changes in proportionality of physical development. Index - the value of the ratio of two or more anthropometric signs. The indices are built on the relationship of anthropometric features (weight with height, lung capacity, strength, etc.). Different indices include a different number of features: simple (two features), complex - more. Most common indexes.

    Growth index Brock-Brugsch. To obtain the proper weight, 100 is subtracted from the height data up to 165 cm; with growth from 165 to 175 cm - 105, and with growth of 175 cm and above - 110. The resulting difference is considered the proper weight.

    Weight-height index (Quetelet) is determined by dividing weight data (in g) by height data (in cm). Average values \u200b\u200bare 350-400 g for men and 325-375 g for women.

    For a more accurate determination of body weight, it is necessary to take into account the body type and ideal weight.

    Body type




    height (cm)  0.325

    height (cm)  0.375


    height (cm)  0.340

    height (cm) 0,390


    height (cm)  0,355

    height (cm)  0,410

    Vital index is determined by dividing lung vital capacity (MP) by body weight (kg). The average value for men is 60 (athlete 68–70) ml / kg, for women - 50 (athletes 57–60) ml / kg.

    The strength index is obtained by dividing the indicator of strength by weight and is expressed as a percentage. Average values \u200b\u200bare the following: hand strength for men (70–75)  weight, women - (50–60) , athletes - (75–81) , athletes - (60–70) .

    The coefficient of proportionality (CP) can be determined by knowing the length of the body in two positions:

    Normal KP \u003d (87–92) . KP has a certain meaning when playing sports. Persons with low CP, all other things being equal, have a lower center of gravity, which gives them an advantage when performing exercises that require high stability of the body in space (alpine skiing, ski jumping, wrestling, etc.). Persons with high CP (more than 92) have an advantage in jumping and running. In women, the CP is slightly lower than in men.

    The strength index expresses the difference between body length and the sum of body weight and chest circumference during exhalation. For example, with a height of 181 cm, a weight of 80 kg, a chest circumference of 90 cm, this indicator will be equal to 181– (80 + 90) \u003d 11.

    In adults, a difference of less than 10 can be assessed as a strong physique, from 10 to 20 as good, from 21 to 25 as average, from 26 to 35 as weak, and over 36 as a very weak physique.

    However, it should be borne in mind that the indicator of body strength can be misleading if large values \u200b\u200bof body weight and chest circumference are not associated with the development of muscles, but are a consequence of obesity.

    1. Functional state and tests

    A functional state is a complex of properties that determines the level of vital activity of the organism, the systemic response of the organism to physical activity, which reflects the degree of integration and adequacy of the functions of the work performed.

    When studying the functional state of an organism engaged in physical exercises, the most important changes in the circulatory and respiratory systems, they are of primary importance for resolving the issue of admission to sports and the "dose" of physical activity, the level of physical performance largely depends on them.

    The most important indicator of the functional state cordially- vascular system - pulse (heart rate) and its changes.

    Resting heart rate: measured in a sitting position by probing the temporal, carotid, radial arteries or by heart beat for 15-second intervals 2-3 times in a row to get reliable numbers. Then recalculation is done for 1 minute. (number of beats per minute).

    Resting heart rate on average in men (55–70) beats / min., In women - (60–75) beats / min. At a frequency above these numbers, the pulse is considered rapid (tachycardia), at a lower frequency - (bradycardia).

    To characterize the state of the cardiovascular system, blood pressure data are also of great importance.

    Arterial pressure. Distinguish between maximum (systolic) and minimum (diastolic) pressure. Normal values \u200b\u200bof blood pressure for young people are: maximum from 100 to 129 mm Hg. Art., the minimum is from 60 to 79 mm Hg. Art.

    Blood pressure from 130 mm Hg. Art. and above for the maximum and from 80 mm Hg. Art. and above for the minimum is called a hypertensive state, respectively below 100 and 60 mm Hg. Art. - hypotonic.

    For the characteristics of the cardiovascular system, it is of great importance to assess changes in the work of the heart and blood pressure after exercise and the duration of recovery. Such a study is carried out using various functional tests.

    A functional test is an integral part of a comprehensive methodology for medical control of persons involved in physical culture and sports. The use of such tests is necessary for a complete characterization of the functional state of the student's organism and his fitness.

    The results of functional tests are evaluated in comparison with other data of medical supervision. Often, adverse reactions to stress during a functional test are the most an early sign deterioration of the functional state associated with disease, overwork, overtraining.

    Here are the most common functional tests, used in sports practice, as well as samples that can be used in independent physical education.

    20 squats in 30 seconds The student rests sitting for 3 minutes. Then the heart rate is calculated in 15 s with a conversion of 1 min. (original frequency). Next, 20 deep squats are performed in 30 seconds, raising your arms forward with each squat, spreading the knees to the sides, keeping the torso in upright position... Immediately after squatting, in a sitting position, the heart rate is re-calculated within 15 seconds, recalculated for 1 minute. The increase in heart rate after squats is determined in comparison with the initial in . For example, the initial pulse is 60 beats / min., After 20 squats 81 beats / min., Therefore (81–60)  60  100 \u003d 35.

    Pulse recovery after exercise. To characterize the recovery period after performing 20 squats in 30 seconds, the heart rate is calculated in 15 seconds on the 3rd minute. recovery, recalculation is made for 1 min. and by the value of the difference in heart rate before the load and in the recovery period, the ability of the cardiovascular system to recover is assessed (Table 6).

    To assess the functional state of the cardiovascular system, the most widely used are the Harvard step test (GST) and the PWC-170 test.

    Table 6

    Assessment of the functional state of the cardiovascular system









    Resting heart rate
    after 3 min.
    rest in pos. sitting, beats / min.









    20 squats in 30 s *,%






    Pulse recovery after
    load **,







    Sample on
    holding your breath

    (Stange test)






    HRF max / 100






    Note.  Methodology for a functional test 20 squats in 30 s. The practitioner rests sitting for 3 minutes, then the heart rate is calculated in 15 seconds, recalculated for 1 minute. (original frequency).

    Next, 20 deep squats are performed in 30 seconds, raising your arms forward with each squat, spreading your knees to the sides, keeping your torso in an upright position. Immediately after the squats, the student sits down and his heart rate is calculated within 15 seconds, recalculated for 1 minute. Determined by the increase in heart rate after squatting compared with the initial, in%.

    For example, the initial heart rate is 60 beats / min, after 20 squats - 81 beats / min, therefore (81 - 60)  60 H 100 \u003d 35.

      To characterize the recovery period after 20 squats in 30 seconds, the heart rate is calculated in 15 seconds on the 3rd minute. recovery, recalculation is made for 1 min. and the value of the difference in heart rate before the load and in the recovery period is used to assess the ability of the cardiovascular system to recover.

    Conduct (GST) consists of ascending and descending a standard step at a specified pace for a specified time. GST consists of climbing a step 50 cm high for men and 41 cm for women for 5 minutes. at a pace of 30 lifts / min.

    If the subject cannot maintain a given pace for a specified time, then the work can be stopped, its duration and heart rate can be recorded for 30 s
    2nd min. recovery.

    According to the duration of the work performed and the number of heartbeats, the index of the Harvard step test (IGST) is calculated:


    where t is the ascent time in s;  1,  2,  3 - heart rate for the first 30 s 2, 3, 4 minutes. recovery.

    Assessment of the level of physical performance according to IHST is carried out using the data given in table. 7.

    Table 7

    The value of the level of physical performance according to IGST

    The principle of assessment in the PWC-170 test is based on a linear relationship between heart rate and the power of the work performed, and the student performs 2 relative small loads on a bicycle ergometer or in a step test (the method for conducting the PWC-170 test is not given, since it is quite complicated and requires special knowledge, training, equipment).

    Orthostatic test. The student lies on his back and his heart rate is determined (until stable numbers are obtained). After that, the subject calmly gets up and the heart rate is measured again. Normally, when moving from a lying position to a standing position, there is an increase in heart rate by 10-12 beats / min. It is believed that its increase is more than 20 beats / min. - an unsatisfactory reaction, which indicates insufficient nervous regulation of the cardiovascular system.

    By doing physical activity Oxygen consumption by working muscles and the brain increases sharply, and therefore the function of the respiratory organs increases. Physical activity increases the size of the chest, its mobility, increases the frequency and depth of breathing, therefore, the development of the respiratory system can be assessed by the indicator of the chest excursion (ECG).

    The ECG is assessed by the increase in chest circumference (PCG) at maximum inspiration after deep expiration. For example, the OCG in a calm state is 80 cm, with a maximum inhalation - 85 cm, after a deep exhalation - 77 cm. ECG \u003d (85 - 77)  80 H 100 \u003d 10. Ratings: “5” - (15 or more), “4” - (14–12) , “3” - (11–9) , “2” - (8–6)  and “1” - (5 or less).

    An important indicator of respiratory function is the vital capacity of the lungs (VC). VC value depends on gender, age, body size and physical fitness.

    In order to assess the actual VC, it is compared with the value of the proper VC, i.e. the one that the person should have.

    VC \u003d (40Heast in cm) + (30Hweight in kg) - 4400,


    VC \u003d (40Heast in cm) + (10Height in kg) - 3800.

    In well-trained people, the actual VC varies on average from 4000 to 6000 ml and depends on the motor orientation.

    There is a fairly simple way to control "by breathing" - the so-called Stange test. Take 2-3 deep breaths and exhales, and then, taking a full breath, hold your breath. The time from the moment of holding the breath to the beginning of the next breath is noted. As you exercise, the breath holding time increases. Well-prepared students hold their breath for 60–100 s.
    3. Self-control
    Self-control is an independent observation of the state of one's health, physical development, functional state of the body, physical fitness and their changes under the influence of physical exercises and sports.

    Self-control is an essential addition to medical and pedagogical control, but in no way replaces them. Self-control can be of a medical or pedagogical nature, or it can include both. Self-monitoring data are of great help to the teacher in regulating physical activity, and to the doctor, they promptly signal deviations in the state of health.

    The subjective indicators of self-control include: health, mood, presence or absence of pain or other unpleasant sensations, sleep, appetite, attitude to classes, etc.

    Objective indicators of self-control include heart rate, weight, muscle strength, lung capacity, athletic performance, etc.

    The most convenient form of self-control is keeping a diary, the content and structure of which may vary. It includes both subjective and objective measures of self-control. When doing physical education on curriculum, as well as with independent studies, you can limit yourself to such indicators as health, sleep, appetite, pain, pulse, weight, training loads, violation of the regime, sports results.

    Well-being is a subjective assessment of the state of the body, there is good, satisfactory and bad. When feeling unwell the nature of unusual sensations is recorded.

    Sleep. The diary notes the duration and depth of sleep, its disturbances (difficult falling asleep, restless sleep, insomnia, lack of sleep, etc.).

    Appetite is good, decreased, excessive. Various deviations in the state of health quickly affect appetite, therefore, its significant changes, as a rule, are the result of overwork, illness or non-observance of the rules of food culture.

    Pulse is an important indicator of the state of the body. Usually, in physical culture lessons, the pulse rate at an average load reaches 130–150 beats / min. In sports training, with significant physical exertion, the pulse rate reaches 180-200 beats / min. and more. After a great physical exertion, the pulse returns to its original values \u200b\u200bin 20-30, sometimes in 40-50 minutes.

    If at the specified time after the training session, the pulse does not return to its original values, this indicates the onset of great fatigue due to insufficient physical fitness or the presence of some deviations in the state of the body.

    To assess the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, various functional tests can be used, and their results can be recorded in a self-control diary.

    It is recommended to determine body weight in the morning on an empty stomach, in the same suit. In the first period of training, the weight usually decreases, then it stabilizes and later, due to the increase in muscle mass, increases slightly. In case of a sharp decrease in weight, you should consult a doctor.

    Training loads of the main part of the lesson and violation of the regime, together with other indicators, make it possible to explain various deviations in the state of the body.

    Pain sensations: in the muscles, head, in the right or left side and in the region of the heart, they can occur in case of violations of the daily routine with general fatigue of the body, the formation of training loads, etc. Muscle pain at the initial stage of training is a natural phenomenon. In all cases of prolonged pain, consult a doctor.

    Monitoring sports results is an important point of self-control, which shows the correct use of means and methods of training and training, and can reveal additional reserves for the growth of physical fitness.

    Self-control is of particular importance for students with impaired health and studying in a special educational department. Self-control greatly helps their rational physical education, contributes to the effective use of physical culture to strengthen their health, combat existing deviations and diseases, increase physical and general performance.

    Self-control helps a person engaged in physical exercise and sports to know himself better, teaches to take care of his own health, instills a competent and meaningful attitude to physical education.


    Be a cultured person, take care of your health. And regular physical education will not only improve health and functional state, but also increase efficiency and emotional tone. However, it should be remembered that independent physical education cannot be carried out without medical supervision, and, more importantly, self-control.

    List of used literature:
    1. Gotovtsev P.I., Dubrovsky V.I. Self-control when doing physical education and sports. M .: Physical culture and sport, 1984.

    2. Ilyinich V.I. Student sports and life: Textbook. manual for students of higher educational institutions. M .: JSC "Aspect Press", 1995.

    3. Kukolevsky G.M. Medical observation of athletes. M .: Physical culture and sport, 1975.

    4. Coach's medical guide. M .: Physical culture and sport, 1976.

    5. Polovnikov P.V. Organization of students' classes in the discipline "Physical culture": Textbook. manual / SPbSTU. SPb, 1996.

    Wealthy and intellectually developed - they are the real, not the imaginary elite of society. This is because they easily overcome their habits and fears. They are difficult to break, and they rarely give up if something does not work out for them. Self-control is a characteristic quality of any winner. And, to your delight, this quality is not innate - it can be easily “pumped”, as you do with muscles. True, unlike muscles, all self-control training is based on psychological research, and not on the tradition of physical education.

    Understanding that self-control is a limited resource

    Research has shown that self-control is a limited resource. Its application has a clear physiological effect, such as lowering glucose levels. In other words, at any given time you may not have self-control "in the tank". Therefore, when you tightly control yourself, then your strength is depleted, and the temptation becomes very, very great. Psychologists call this process "ego depletion."

    How to use this knowledge? Just admit that your reserve of self-control is finite, so you will have to find a way to avoid the temptation at hour X. The first step to increasing self-control is to admit that you are weak.

    Premature decisions

    This method was described in a 2002 study (Arieli and Wertenbroch), which was based on an experiment that was conducted in high schools. Scientists have found that students who only set strict learning schedules for themselves did much better than students who worked their brains on the fact of the onset of learning problems. That is, if you take the conclusions of this study from your own experience, then we can say the following: if you set yourself difficult goals, promise yourself their fulfillment, then the likelihood of an increase in productivity increases significantly.

    The reward can really work. When you receive a reward (or give it to yourself), then you become more greedy for short-term sacrifices for the sake of long-term gain, that is, you bring a little spirit of sane capitalism into your routine. Awards can be not only monetary, but also symbolic.

    And also fines

    If in the previous paragraph we talked about the carrot, then in this one we are talking about the whip. We must not only promise ourselves rewards, but also punish ourselves for "bad behavior." To do this, you need to develop your own system of penalties that will help you cope with many of the troubles that are associated with uncontrolled behavior.

    Fighting the unconscious

    Part of our problem lies in the temptations that grow out of unconscious behavior, which is always ready to undermine our best intentions. A research team led by Fischbach (2003) found that the participants in the experiment easily succumbed to temptation when this very temptation was outside of consciousness.

    The practical conclusion is simple. Try to stay away from temptations, not only physically, but also mentally - reorient your brain so that it does not seek to eat donuts or drink windshield wiper, but to fulfill a higher goal.

    Correction of expectations

    Even if there are no results, try to be optimistic to avoid another temptation.

    Optimism is great at helping you achieve your goals, and pessimism quickly destroys the desire to do something when even the slightest problem arises. However, you should not think about how easy it will be to achieve the goal, but about how interesting the path itself, work, actions are. You should not see fantasies, but reality, but this reality should not be dark.

    Assessing the value of goals and temptations

    In order to instill the correct optimism in your life, you should conduct a complete reassessment of temptations and goals, namely, goals should become desirable, and temptations should lower their course in relation to goals. In other words, temptations should become cheap, which is not far from the truth in most cases.

    Using the heart

    Heart often matters more than mind, especially if you are young and inexperienced. However, do not think that your emotional part of your personality cannot help you in the fight against temptations. In one 1975 study in Germany, children were able to refrain from eating marshmallows simply because they thought of marshmallows as white clouds, which, of course, no one will.

    You can increase or decrease cravings for certain things in exactly the same way: by cooling or heating up the emotions associated with an object or action. For example, when it comes to achieving goals, then you can think of the positive emotional aspects of this, for example, feelings of excitement and pride.


    Sometimes exercise leads to avoidance of bad habits. One of right ways do it - with self-affirmation. It means focusing your actions on the things you believe in. It can be family, creativity, quality of work, political ideology, philosophical concept, any other inner conviction.

    By thinking about your core values, you can regain your self-control even when it is completely exhausted. It is from these positions that heroic deeds are born.

    Abstract thinking

    Thinking, as it turns out, significantly enhances self-control. It allows you to think about the subject, understanding it. Unfortunately, in Russian schools they do not develop abstract thinking at all, preferring cramming to it, which leads to the fact that people know the formulas, and why they are needed, and how to apply them in life, do not know.

    The essence of abstract thinking is that you should focus on the questions “why am I doing this?”, “Why am I doing this?”, “What will it bring me?”, And not on the action itself. If you understand why you are doing your job, why you are moving towards a certain goal, or why you want to get rid of bad habit, then it will be easier for you to control yourself and your weaknesses.

    Self-control - regular observation of a person engaged in physical exercises and sports for their health, physical development and physical fitness with the help of simple, generally available techniques.

    Assessment of health status, dynamics of positive and negative changes will not be objective if it is not supplemented with self-control data. Teaching the technology of tracking one's health is one of the main tasks of physical culture at the university, and achieving a sufficient level of self-control skills and abilities (keeping a self-control diary, correct self-assessment based on the analysis of the data of this diary) is one of the goals of physical culture at the university.

    By regularly analyzing the state of his health, the data of testing and conducting various tests, the student gets the opportunity to adjust the amount of work and rest, the time for recovery, choose means of increasing physical and mental performance, make the necessary changes in his own style and, possibly, lifestyle. All data must be recorded in the self-control diary for further analysis at regular intervals: at the beginning and end of the month, semester, school year... The main requirement: conducting samples and testing should be carried out at the same hours of the day, 1.5-2 hours before and after meals.

    Self-control consists of taking into account the following indicators: health, sleep, appetite, pulse, spirometry, respiration, etc. During self-control, a diary is kept, a sample of which is given below (Table 12).

    Table 12

    Self-control diary

    Indicator March 25, 2006 13 h
    Heart rate in the morning lying down, in 15 s, beats per minute
    Heart rate in the morning while standing, for 15 s, beats per minute
    Heart rate difference, beats per minute
    Body weight, kg:
    before training 70,4
    after training 69,8
    Complaints Not
    Wellbeing Good
    Sleep (duration), h Good, 8.5
    Appetite Normal
    Muscle pain Pain on palpation in the calves
    Desire to exercise Big
    Sweating Moderate
    Orthostatic test (morning)
    Stange's test (morning), s
    Hand dynamometry, kg Right - 43, left - 47
    Mood Good
    Pain sensations Not
    Function of the gastrointestinal tract Daily, normal
    Operability Regular
    Sports results Grow
    Violation of sports regimen Not observed

    The form of the diary can be arbitrary. It should record both subjective indicators (health, sleep) and objective (heart rate, breath holding time, body weight), as well as some sports results: total running time in one of the workouts, speed, test results.

    The easiest way to assess the effectiveness of training is to observe the dynamics of the development of strength, endurance and other physical qualities, as well as to assess achievements in various competitions or special tests. For example, if after six months of training your results in lifting the bar have increased, then progress in the development of strength is obvious. If earlier you covered a three-kilometer distance, say, in 18 minutes, and now you overcome it in 15 minutes, then your endurance level has increased; the same if you have increased the distance run over a certain period from 10 to 15 km.

    A decrease in results in test exercises, in sports achievements indicates an incorrect, insufficiently rational training: incorrectly selected training exercises, their total volume and intensity; they do not correspond to your level of preparedness, individual characteristics.

    Any activity of any organ, any change in its state immediately affects the functioning and state of other organs, systems and the whole organism. Muscle training, the development of strength, endurance, speed, dexterity, flexibility - this is the training of the respiratory, cardiovascular, excretory systems, specific excitation of the central nervous system, that is, these exercises are designed to strengthen health, maintain normal life, and increase work capacity.

    All indicators of self-control can be divided into subjective and objective. TO subjective Indicators include well-being, mood, sleep, appetite, and pain. The state of health can be classified as good (feeling of cheerfulness, good performance), satisfactory (slight lethargy), or poor (weakness, lethargy, low performance). Well-being is a rather informative criterion for the correct dosage of physical activity. If they correspond to the functional capabilities of the body, then the state of health is usually good. With excessive physical exertion, its deterioration is observed.

    The next subjective indicator of self-control is mood. it mental condition, quite closely related to well-being. Here is one of the classifications of mood: cheerful, indefinite (vague, unclear), normal, depressed (depressed, sad).

    The dream is effective remedy restoration of both mental and physical performance. Strong night sleep within 7-8 hours indicates optimal physical activity. Its various disorders (frequent awakenings, superficial sleep, difficulty falling asleep, feeling of lack of sleep, etc.) are indicators of the need to increase or decrease the volume of physical activity.

    Appetite also characterizes the state of human health. In painful conditions, overwork, appetite usually becomes worse. If physical activity in training corresponds to the capabilities of the body, then the appetite is good.

    Another type of subjective indicators of self-control is pain. They are recorded in the place of their localization, character (sharp, blunt, cutting, etc.) and the strength of manifestation.

    TO objective self-control indicators include heart rate observations, blood pressure, breathing, body weight, VC, muscle strength and athletic performance.

    Many experts recognize heart rate as a reliable indicator of the state of the circulatory system. It can be independently determined by the heart rate. When a person is at rest, it is better to measure it on the radial artery, at the base thumb arms. To do this, on the back of the wrist, where the pulse is measured, put the hand of the other hand and find the radial artery with the pads of the second, third and fourth fingers, lightly pressing on it. The heart rate is determined by the movement of the second hand of the watch in 10 or 15 seconds, the resulting number is multiplied by 6 or 4, respectively. This calculates the heart rate per minute.

    Heart rate is a very flexible indicator and depends on age, sex, environmental conditions. For example, college-age boys have 70–80 beats per minute, while girls usually have 5–10 beats higher. With the growth of physical fitness, the heart rate gradually decreases, which indicates the economization of the body's activity. Regular heart rate measurements are one of the basic requirements for self-control over the functional state of the body in the process of independent physical training. If at rest this indicator gradually decreases, and other indicators of self-control are at the optimal level, then, therefore, fitness and health status improve.

    Pulse measurements immediately after training allow you to assess the body's response to physical activity, and also indicate the speed of recovery processes.

    Resting breathing should be rhythmic, deep. Normally, in a healthy person, the respiratory rate ranges from 16 to 18 times per minute, in well-trained people - from 10 to 14 times per minute.To calculate your own breathing rate, you need to put your hand on the lower part of the chest, and count each inhalation or exhalation as one breath.

    To determine the functional state of the body, you can use a functional one-stage test with squatting. The subject rests while standing for 3 minutes. Then the heart rate is calculated for 1 min (initial heart rate). Next, the subject performs 20 squats, raising his arms forward, for 40 s. Immediately after squatting, the heart rate is calculated for the first 15 seconds, converted to 1 minute (by multiplying by 4). The increase in heart rate after physical activity is determined in comparison with the initial, in percent.

    Assessment (for men and women): excellent - 20% or less; good - 21-40; satisfactory - 41–65; bad - 66–75; very bad - 76% and more.

    Students who regularly engage in physical exercises are offered K. Cooper's test, popular in many countries, which is used to assess the physical fitness of people under 30 (Table 13). Under the terms of this test, a 12-minute run is arranged for as long as possible. It is best done in a stadium with a standard track length of 400 m.

    Table 13

    C. Cooper's test

    Exercising self-control, it is necessary to monitor the increase in their sports and technical results, the increase in fitness, changes in health and physical development. Running for 100 m, long jumping from a place, lifting the trunk from a prone position and pulling up on the bar are carried out at the beginning and end of the academic year in the process of performing control exercises by students. The results of control tests and assessments during testing of physical qualities should be entered in the self-control diary.

    Self-control is of great educational and pedagogical importance, since a student who is engaged in physical exercises and sports, observing the state of his health and physical development, takes an active part in the analysis of the methodology of his educational and training sessions.

    Key terms

    Medical control - a comprehensive medical study of physical development and functional fitness of people involved in physical culture and sports.

    Diagnostics of the physical condition of students - the process of recognizing and assessing the individual biological and social characteristics of students, interpretation and generalization of the data obtained about their health and diseases.

    Pedagogical supervision - a systematic process of obtaining information about the physical condition of those involved directly in the process of educational and training sessions, physical culture and health and sports activities.

    Self-control - independent observation of the student of the results of the influence of physical activity on the body.

    test questions

    1. Describe the concepts of "medical control", "clinical examination".

    2. What anthropometric measurements are used to assess the physical development of a person?

    3. What indicators indicate the functional state of the cardiovascular system?

    4. What tasks are solved in the process of pedagogical control?

    5. Give the definition of self-control. Briefly outline the self-control technique for the exerciser.

    6. Name the methods of assessing physical development known to you.

    7. For what purposes are functional tests used?

    8. List the functional tests known to you.

    9. Name the methods known to you for determining the indicator of the development of physical qualities.

    In this series of articles, we will introduce you to a unique methodological approach, thanks to which you can quickly and easily master the basic motor skills that are the foundation of the Kadochnikov System. Even if you do not have an instructor or the opportunity to attend seminars and trainings, you will learn how to start learning properly on your own, at home.

    • Part 1.
    • [You are here] Part2. Basic Principles of Self-Control in Self-Study of the Kadochnikov System
    • Part 3.How To Correctly Dosing The Load When Self-Learning The Kadochnikov System

    In this article, you will learn how you can quickly and easily master the skills of hand-to-hand combat and personal safety techniques of the Kadochnikov System from scratch, if you follow the rule "Start with the main thing" and be guided by the basic principles of self-control during self-study of the Kadochnikov System.

    Many people try to learn some self-defense skills in order to stand up for themselves in case of emergency ...

    But either they fail when they find themselves in a dangerous situation, or they don't even try to put up at least some resistance.

    Why is this happening? What mistake are they making?

    Or maybe they are not given this in principle and should not even try? But the truth is, they are not to blame. It's just that the methods they have chosen to cultivate certain skills are most likely unsuitable for these purposes.

    The root of the problem is that the overwhelming majority of people use motor training, which is used in sports, to master such special motor skills as self-defense and hand-to-hand combat. They don't know the main secret:

    Motor training, which is necessary in such life situations, is fundamentally different from sports training for a number of reasons ...

    Motor training of a fencer, wrestler or boxer is aimed at developing certain physical qualities - strength, speed, general and special endurance, etc.

    Without the development of these qualities, it is difficult to become a sufficiently qualified athlete to show nice results competitive activity in the chosen sport, even with high level technical and tactical training.

    In the Kadochnikov System, the opposite is true, because it begins where the sport ends.

    It initially proceeds from the fact that the enemy is ALREADY superior to you in physical qualities, as well as in weight, height, etc.

    That is why motor training in the Kadochnikov System is aimed at developing skills conscious control of your bodythat do not depend on your physical capabilities and allow you to use the force of the enemy against him, oppose the speed of his movements with angular acceleration, and any kind of blows - the skill of decomposing their destructive effect into components ...

    In the very general view The essence of the Kadochnikov System can be formulated as follows:

    In any situation, timely determine the problem, designate the goal of overcoming it, set the task and solve it, taking into account the fact that several solutions may be needed (after all, the only solution may not work). Moreover, the more extreme the situation, the faster decisions should be made.

    This means that basic motor skills must be developed to subconscious level - the body performs them automatically. But if a basic skill was formed with a mistake, or a suboptimal set of such skills was chosen, then instead of helping, they can cause harm.

    How can you tell if the skills you are learning from your studies or training are correct? There are only two main criteria.

    • The first is that any of your movements should be carried out along the shortest path to the goal. Otherwise, you may not have time to reflect that blow, for example, which may be fatal.
    • Second, each of your skills must be biomechanically verified. Otherwise, in a difficult situation, injuries are inevitable - it can be a strong impact of the body on the ground when falling or injury from an opponent's blow, etc.

    That is why, even after studying some kind of motor action, its development and consolidation in the form of a skill should be carried out with obligatory pedagogical control. This means that the instructor must constantly follow your every action during the lessons and correct you every minute to prevent the formation of an incorrect motor stereotype.

    You probably just thought it was unreal.

    After all, as a rule, many people are engaged in a group, and there is only one coach. However, it is impossible to master the correct basic skills without constant pedagogical control. That is why training in martial arts at a decent level has always had the character of individual training - a one-on-one student with a master.

    It is no coincidence that this tradition has been preserved for a long time both in European fencing schools and in the eastern tradition of martial arts. That is why there are so many different stories about how difficult it was to get into training with a real master.

    But The Kadochnikov system has become a unique phenomenon in the field of hand-to-hand combat and personal safety not only because of its effectiveness and reliability in extreme environments. The approach to teaching itself is no less unique in it. Let's be frank - there are many secrets in the theory and methodology of the Kadochnikov System, and most of them are beyond the scope of this article. But about one thing - the very first - we want to tell you.

    As in any sufficiently serious discipline, the Kadochnikov System has several important sections that complement (and expand) each other, although in some situations they can be used independently.

    In classical mechanics, three sections are distinguished - statics, kinematics and dynamics... But in the human body it is already psycho-bio-mechanics. The whole theory and teaching methodology in the Kadochnikov System is based on a deep understanding of human motor activity as a psychobiomechanical system.

    That is why in each of the main sections of the System, such as complex body preparation (lower acrobatics or combat gymnastics), controlling the enemy or disarming, there is a special complex exercise to form the most important set of motor skills. And what is especially important, in each such exercise, the method of pedagogical control (self-control) is already BUILT-IN.

    This is one of those secrets, thanks to which the Kadochnikov System is simple and easy to learn (of course, up to a certain level) at almost any age.

    Because built-in methods of pedagogical control (self-control) provide a high quality of basic motor skills, which will be almost the same as in individual training with a good instructor.

    Right now, we'll look at one simple example to make this methodology absolutely clear and understandable. Take the section of combat gymnastics or lower acrobatics. If you are already familiar with the Kadochnikov System in practice, then of course you have already understood which exercise will be discussed. And you are absolutely right - this is a somersault.

    When performing this exercise, your task is primarily to learn how to maintain a continuous curve of your body, using mainly pectoral motor skills.

    The preparatory version of this exercise is performed from the knees. It is mastered quickly enough, so that the transition from training to the formation of the most important basic motor skill is minimal. The most interesting thing is that you will perform pedagogical self-control over the correctness of the formation of this skill, regardless of whether you want it or not. And that's why…

    In this exercise, the role of your instructor, who observes you as you practice, takes over floorwhere you practice it.

    Because until your body learns to create a continuous curve at the points of contact with the surface on which you are doing your workout, you will “skip hits” - beating hard parts of your body. And the higher the speed, the more noticeable the support reaction will be.

    But having mastered this exercise, your body will learn to avoid sharp corners both literally and figuratively, which means it can "Get off your knees" and start other exercises to develop the following basic skills. For example, thoracic motor skills alone are not enough to prevent themselves from being hit.

    This skill is based on manual motor skills, which allows decompose any negative impact into componentsto lead him beyond the plane of his body. In this case, pedagogical control will be helped by other "instructors" - a wall, a stick ...

    As a result of this work, your body will quickly acquire the necessary and sufficient arsenal of vital skills.

    In this article, we introduced you to a unique methodological technique, thanks to which you can quickly and easily master basic motor skills, which are the foundation of the Kadochnikov System. Even if you do not have an instructor or the opportunity to attend seminars and trainings, now you know how to start learning properly on your own, at home.

    Training at all three levels of the Kadochnikov System is discussed in detail in one of the most effective video trainings for home teaching

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