Zma side. Description of ZMA

ZMA is a completely natural product that contains vitamin B6, zinc monomethionine aspartate and magnesium aspartate. , and magnesium are essential nutrients and are involved in many biochemical processes.

The reserves of magnesium and zinc in our body are constantly depleted, this is especially active against the background of increased physical activity and intense training process. That is why professional athletes often take ZMA, which helps them achieve growth in strength and increases endogenous synthesis of anabolic hormones.

One of these hormones is testosterone, which in turn is able to increase muscle strength by 250%. In addition, ZMA increases the concentration of insulin-like growth factor, or IGF (IGF).

Zinc reserves are actively depleted by regular ruthless training, and zinc deficiency leads to a decrease in overall performance and muscle endurance. Taking ZMA medications solves this problem. Vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, is an essential nutrient, is involved in protein metabolism and energy generation, and also affects the functioning of the brain.

ZMA and power growth

ZMA can significantly increase the concentration of testosterone in the body. The main positive consequence of increased testosterone secretion is an increase muscle mass and muscle gain. Bodybuilders who take ZMA notice a marked increase in strength.

In addition, since the reserves of zinc and magnesium are quickly depleted during the training process, the intake of ZMA nutritional supplements helps to increase the content of these microelements in the body, and this has a positive effect on muscle endurance and strength indicators.

ZMA as an alternative to steroids

Being a natural product, nutritional supplements ZMA are more popular with bodybuilders than steroids and prohormones. Since ZMA is not a prohormone, sports associations and anti-doping agencies do not prohibit taking this drug.

ZMA can be drunk in long courses, unlike the same prohormones that require cyclical intake. In fact, prohormones can inhibit the endogenous synthesis of testosterone, and therefore they can not be taken for long continuous courses. ZMA does not inhibit the synthesis and secretion of testosterone and has virtually no side effects.

ZMA and a good dream

Taking ZMA at the end of the day, about 30-60 minutes before going to bed, you can significantly improve the quality of sleep. You will fall asleep faster, and sleep will be deeper than before taking ZMA drugs. In addition, dreams will become more colorful.

Sleep is of paramount importance, especially for athletes and bodybuilders. Sleep is the time when the body recovers and heals wounds, and also builds skeletal muscles and synthesizes hormones. The longer and more complete sleep, the more good the night's rest will bring to the body, and the more productive you can spend the next day.

ZMA: method of application

The dosage of ZMA depends on individual characteristics, and you should consult a specialist if you are not sure how much you should take. Existing recommendations are based on the need for all of the components that make up ZMA.

As a rule, the recommended dose of zinc is 20-30 mg per day for men and from 7 to 10 mg for women. The recommended dose of magnesium is 400-500 mg per day for men and 300-400 mg per day for women. The recommended dose of vitamin B6 is 10-11 mg per day for men and 18-20 mg per day for women.

ZMA is best taken 30 minutes before bedtime and, if possible, on an empty stomach. Elevated level calcium can interfere with the absorption of zinc, therefore ZMA should not be taken simultaneously with calcium preparations.

ZMA: side effects

Side effects of ZMA are poorly understood, practically not documented and quite rare. People taking ZMA sometimes report the appearance of acne. Other theoretically possible side effects are associated with certain components of the ZMA preparation: zinc, magnesium, or vitamin B6.

Undesirable side effects of high doses of zinc: fever, inflammation or ulceration of epithelial tissues oral cavity, colds, indigestion, heartburn, sore throat, nausea, drowsiness. An overdose of zinc can lead to dizziness, chest pain, shortness of breath, loss of consciousness, jaundice of the skin and mucous membranes, and vomiting.

Side effects of high doses of magnesium (usually occur when intravenous administration magnesium preparations): redness of the skin, fainting, dizziness, shortness of breath, muscle paralysis, diarrhea. An overdose of magnesium is rare, but can lead to coma, loss of consciousness, dizziness, double vision and visual impairment, slow heartbeat, increase or decrease in urine output, and difficulty breathing.

Side effects of vitamin B6: numbness of the arms and legs, impaired coordination of movements. Toxic levels of B6 and its side effects can be controlled by taking others, for example.

ZMA is a complex compound including zinc, vitamin B6 and magnesium aspartame. This supplement is designed to increase the level of testosterone in the blood, which, ultimately, helps to increase muscle mass. Next, the action of each component will be considered.

Magnesium plays an important role in the life of the body, normalizes the functioning of its systems. It is because of a lack of magnesium that a person can experience excessive fatigue. This trace element has long been known in the world of medicine, and is recommended for daily use.

Zinc is also involved in many metabolic processes. It affects the production of enzymes, participates in all stages of cell growth, takes part in hematopoiesis, and affects the state of the thyroid and prostate glands. The normal functioning of the human reproductive system is also directly related to zinc levels. Impaired taste and smell are the first sign of an inadequate mineral content in the body. Mostly zinc reserves are concentrated in the skeletal system. This substance also affects the pituitary gland, the metabolism of adipose tissues and, most importantly, the liver. Thanks to zinc, it is protected from obesity because it causes fat cells to break down. A large amount of this substance is found in foods such as meat, nuts, legumes, seafood and different kinds hard cheeses. Due to the increased demand for strength training It is highly recommended that you use a sports ZMA to replenish its supplies on time.

The third component of the supplement is aspartic acid. In moderation, this substance is necessary to improve performance. the immune system. Directly affects the central nervous system.

Digestibility ZMA

The need to take supplements during intensive training is due to increased digestibility, while taking ordinary foods (listed above) to compensate for the costs of the most important trace elements for the body is not possible. That is why this supplement is called bioavailable.

A feature of the complex is the anabolic effect on the body, which is due to the presence of aspartic acid. The drug acts even during the sleep period, allowing you to fully recover. It is noted that ZMA helps to improve sleep in general, which is especially important for regular training. An important role is played by the components of the complex in relation to the pancreas. Improving its work, they stimulate the production of hormones that directly affect strength indicators. Thanks to this combination, the so-called synergy effect is achieved - the mutual reinforcement of the components.

Currently, ZMA is produced by world leaders in the field of sports nutrition, including SAN, Optimum Nutrition, Universal Nutrition, Dymatize and others.

In bodybuilding, there are various kinds of supplements that are able to raise the level of testosterone and growth hormone, which ultimately allows the athlete to gain muscle mass at an accelerated pace. Today we’ll talk about one of these supplements, namely about ZMA complex! More specifically, you will find answers to questions such as: Who needs them? How to, how much and when to take ZMA complexes?

ZMA complex is such a sports supplement, which includes zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6. This complex is able to increase the level of testosterone in the human body, which ultimately contributes to an increase in lean muscle mass and strength indicators.

Let's take a closer look at the key components ...

Zinc - is a very important trace element in bodybuilding. It improves the production of testosterone in a natural way, which ultimately leads to accelerated and increased strength indicators. In addition, zinc has a positive effect on our entire body and has many significant properties:

  • takes part in the process of insulin production
  • helps strengthen immunity
  • an essential element of more than a hundred enzymes
  • involved in the transfer of carbon dioxide
  • gives stability to biological membranes
  • accelerates wound healing (very important for diabetics)
  • participates in the processes of tissue repair and renewal
  • participates in bone formation processes
  • increases the level of erection and is involved in spermatogenesis

Magnesium - is a very important macrocell in bodybuilding. It improves training performance, and also takes part in energy production and protein synthesis, which ultimately leads to an accelerated set of lean muscle mass and an increase in strength indicators. In addition, magnesium has a positive effect on our entire body and has many significant properties:

  • involved in the education process bone tissue
  • involved in the process of tooth formation
  • important for the normal functioning of muscle tissue and the central nervous system
  • positive effect on the immune system
  • participates in the restoration and renewal of body tissues
  • positive effect on heart rate and blood pressure
  • takes part in the creation of estrogen
  • takes part in the process of blood coagulation
  • integral component of intracellular fluid
  • removes bad cholesterol

Vitamin B6 - is a very important vitamin in bodybuilding, which has many positive properties:

  • promotes the absorption of protein and fat
  • promotes the conversion of tryptophan to niacin
  • helps prevent various nervous and skin disorders
  • promotes proper synthesis of anti-aging nucleic acids
  • reduces night muscle spasms, calf muscle cramps, numbness in the hands
  • acts as a natural diuretic
  • participates in the processes of glucose uptake by nerve cells, improves brain function and stabilizes blood sugar
  • improves performance
  • improves power performance
  • increases stamina
  • directly involved in muscle growth

What are ZMA complexes for?

As I said, their main role is this. Also, it is believed that in addition to increasing testosterone, ZMA complexes can increase the level of growth hormone (this happens directly during sleep). By safely stimulating the natural production of testosterone and growth hormone, ZMA can seriously boost anabolism, which in turn leads to faster muscle growth and better recovery. In addition, thanks to zinc, an erection level rises and an increased sexual desire appears.

As you can see, this supplement carries great benefit. But, do not take it as a magic pill. If you think that it will help you gain muscle mass and strength just as quickly, if you used steroids, then I hasten to upset you - this will not happen! Yes, you will gain mass and strength faster, but this acceleration will not be significant. This is not a steroid, but an ordinary sports supplement, so you do not need to expect any results beyond it.

Who needs ZMA complexes?

This supplement will be useful to absolutely all men. If you are engaged in some kind of sport, where you are exposed to serious stress and stress (short-distance running, powerlifting, bodybuilding, athletics, weightlifting, boxing, martial arts, etc.), then in this case it will play to your advantage (will improve your physical qualities by increasing testosterone).

If you are an ordinary person (do not do any sports), then in this case it makes sense to use ZMA. The point is that this supplement will increase your erection level. (this will ultimately have a positive effect on the quality of sex) and will improve general state organism. In addition, you will feel an increase in overall physical activity.

How to, how much and when to take ZMA complexes?

If you look at the instructions, it is recommended to use 3 capsules for men and 2 capsules for women per day. Moreover, it is recommended to consume about 30 minutes before bedtime and always on an empty stomach.

Let us briefly go over the main issues:

No. 1) ZMA complex - what is it?

This is a sports supplement that includes zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6. This complex is able to increase the level of testosterone in the human body.

No. 2) What are ZMA complexes for?

The main objective is to increase testosterone naturally. Also, in addition to this, the level of GR and sexual desire increase. All this (except for sex drive) leads to an accelerated set of lean muscle mass and strength.

No. 3) Who needs ZMA complexes?

This supplement will be useful to absolutely all men. Athletes to improve physical qualities and recovery. Ordinary people, to improve overall physical activity and improve the quality of sex.

No. 4) How correctly, how much and when to take ZMA complexes?


ZMA is a synergistic combination of the three most important components: Zinc, Magnesium and Vitamin B6. ZMA in sports nutrition falls into the category of “Testosterone boosters”, which are designed to increase the level of male hormone, increase physical stamina and strength indicators. The standard formula for ZMA supplements includes:

  • Zinc - 30 mg or 200% of the daily norm;
  • Magnesium - 450 mg (113%);
  • Vitamin B6 - 10.5 mg (525%).

The benefits of zinc

Zinc deficiency is felt by 70% of the inhabitants of developed countries. This element performs important functions in the male and female body:

  • It supports the functioning of the immune system.
  • Actively involved in the process of creating new cells.
  • Normalizes the function of the reproductive organs.
  • Supports prostate health.
  • Metabolism is involved.

For bodybuilders and weightlifters, a complex with zinc content plays a fundamental role, since it is indispensable for active protein synthesis and muscle growth.

The benefits of magnesium

This element is responsible for the normal course of more than 300 reactions in the body, and its deficiency leads to disturbances in sleep and rest. The functions of magnesium include:

  • Regulation of the central nervous system.
  • Protection of the heart and blood vessels against the background of increased physical exertion.
  • Normalization of the water-salt balance.
  • Supporting healthy bones and joints.

The daily requirement of magnesium for an adult male is 400 mg. Eating nuts, whole grains, legumes, leafy vegetables will help to avoid a deficiency of this mineral. However, this will not be enough for athletes who experience regular stress. The only affordable way to provide the body with effective magnesium support is to take capsules of ZMA or mineral supplements.

Benefits of Vitamin B6

This element does a lot of “backstage” work:

  • · Contributes to the processes of protein and carbohydrate metabolism.
  • · Participates in the synthesis of "mood hormones" - serotonin and norepinephrine.
  • · Supports Health of cardio-vascular systemdigestive tract.
  • · Helps the body absorb zinc and magnesium faster.

Why you should buy ZMA

1. The complex completely compensates for the deficiency of magnesium and zinc. The lack of these trace elements leads to a decrease in testosterone levels.

2. The use of sports supplements prevents the appearance of spasms in the muscles, positively affects the condition of bone tissue and joints.

3. ZMA improves recovery after intense training, helps to normalize sleep, and strengthens protection against stress.

4. Bodybuilders and powerlifters note a marked increase in physical endurance and performance.

5. The tandem "zinc + magnesium aspartate" is one of the most effective combinations for a natural increase in testosterone levels. Without steroids, semi-legal stimulants and hormonal supplements.

How to take ZMA

By adding ZMA sports nutrition to your usual daily diet, what can you achieve? In the modern world, it’s quite difficult to take care of your diet. Proper nutrition - This is the guarantee of health, because everything that we eat goes to any needs of our body. And a very common problem is that in the body of people there are not enough certain substances. The comprehensive ZMA supplement is designed to make up for deficiencies in components such as zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6. They perform many different functions in our body, and their use in the form of a specialized supplement can help not only athletes, but also ordinary people.

What is sports nutrition ZMA?

Sports Nutrition ZMA is a comprehensive supplement that contains zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6. It was developed specifically for the needs of bodybuilding, but it quickly gained popularity among ordinary people. Clinical studies The effectiveness of this complex and its beneficial effect on the body have been proven. Using it, you can achieve the following:

  • Increased testosterone secretion;
  • Increased lean muscle mass
  • Increases power indicators;
  • Improves mood and eliminates irritability;
  • Improves metabolic processes;
  • Provides improved energy metabolism;
  • Increases the energy potential of the body;

Magnesium and zinc are minerals that, with intense training, leave our body with sweat. Therefore, their reserves are constantly depleted and require recharging. With a lack of these essential substances, the general condition of the body will worsen and many minor ailments will begin. Usually suffers nervous system, a person becomes more lethargic, tired, and sleep also worsens.

An increase in testosterone levels is one of the main properties of this complex. As you know, testosterone is the main anabolic hormone in the male body. Its increase leads to an improvement in body composition - fats are burned, and all nutrients go on building muscle mass. In addition, it has the ability to increase physical strength and endurance, and also strongly stimulates sexual desire.

Many athletes who use this supplement have noticed its beneficial effects on sleep. Some of them purchase this supplement solely because of this property. Her intake will allow the body to better and deeper relax in a dream, which will not only improve recovery of the body, but also give you a charge of vivacity unprecedented earlier. With ZMA, you and your body will need much less time to effectively recover between hard workouts. In addition, during sleep, another important hormone is secreted - growth hormone, better known as growth hormone. Thanks to its increased secretion, you can further strengthen the set of your muscle mass.

ZMA, despite a short stay in the sports nutrition market, has managed to establish itself as one of the most effective anabolic supplements. Of course, we are talking only about those products that have their effect at night. Since it is best to take this supplement before bedtime, it also shows the greatest effectiveness at this time.

How to take ZMA Sportpit?

Most optimal time to take this supplement - an hour or half an hour before bedtime. Also, the portion can be divided into two doses - in the morning and in the evening. Dosages should be as follows:

  • Zinc - 30 mg;
  • Vitamin B6 - 11-12mg;
  • Magnesium 450mg;

Such dosages have been shown to be most effective in studies. Remember - an excess of these substances in the body will also not bring you anything good. The main thing is to maintain the ratio of these substances according to the specified scheme. Depending on the weight of the person taking ZMA, dosages of the active substances may vary.

Side effects of ZMA

Side effects of this supplement are mainly reduced to the action of zinc. Although zinc is contained in the human body and is invariably needed for normal functioning, it is a toxic substance. With its excess, it can slow down the process of assimilation of other substances. This mainly applies to copper and calcium.

Magnesium by its nature is a relatively safe trace element, but its excess can also lead to side effects. Most often manifested: vomiting, headaches, low blood pressure and fatigue. Much less common: dizziness, loss of consciousness, paralysis.

Common side effects are: rash, chest pain, jaundice. But, when researching this supplement data side effects not found in any test group. From this we can conclude that these ailments could be caused by an individual factor of admission in different people.

Test boosters and ZMA - the best combination!

Conventionally, ZMA can also be called a test booster, but not quite ... This supplement only supports your highest possible testosterone level, but what if you want to “jump above your head”? This is possible if you combine ZMA with test boosters! Why? Dough boosters will accelerate your natural abilities and stimulate the testes and adrenal glands to produce more testosterone, and ZMA will provide your body with everything necessary to support this process.

In our opinion, the best ZMA sports nutrition will be combined with these test boosters:

The sports supplement ZMA should become an integral part of the nutrition of an athlete who wants to increase strength, have a good mass and good health. But it would be even better to strengthen it with test boosters! This combined approach will allow you to 100% increase testosterone levels and maintain good male health.

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