Why rises GGT in blood. Why is the elevated level of gamma GT? Enhanced enzyme enzyme

Many patients have ever heard the phrase of the attending physician that the level of gamma glutamiltransferase is increased. However, not everyone knows what it means for what reason such a deviation arose, it is possible to return and how to do it.

GGT is a specific protein that accumulates in hepatic fabrics, spleen, kidneys and prostate gland (in men). However, the highest percentage of the concentration of this substance is observed in the liver, so when the doctor tries to find out the exact reasons for the fact that Gamma GTP is raised, it, first of all, sends the patient to the survey of the functioning of this particular body. Hepatic samples are one of the most informative and frequent assays. It is with its help that the level of GGT is determined and the necessary treatment is appointed.

Problems with the liver as a reason for raising the level of GGTP

The reasons are the fact that Gamma GT is raised, there is quite a lot, and quite often they are associated with violations of the liver. These include:

  • cholestasis;
  • cytolysis;
  • prolonged impact of alcoholic toxins on the body;
  • uncontrolled or long welcome drug addicts, breaking the work of the liver;
  • the presence of an oncological process in the liver.

It should briefly consider the most common causes raising GGT In the blood separately.

Cholestasis, or stagnation bile

Gamma glutamotransferase is raised due to the stagnation of bile - what does this mean? This means that the patient's body occurred in the patient's body, a bubble bubble or its ducts occurred. At the same time, cholestasis is not a separate disease - this is a symptom of one of the numerous hepatic ailments. These are:

  • hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • sclerosing cholangitis (primary or recurrent);
  • defeat cookies with food decay of ethanol;
  • liver dysfunction due to medicines.

These are just the reasons that Gamma Globulin is raised in adults who are directly related to the functioning of the liver. If other factors are able to cause the development of cholestasis syndrome. These include:

  • GCB (biliary disease);
  • the presence of benign or malignant neoplasms in the region of the gallbladder or its ducts;
  • oncology of the gastric or pancreatic head.

Note. Treatment of cholestasis depends on the cause of its development. Until it is accurately installed, it is impossible to accept any actions.


Cytolysis is another reason that the GGTP level can be enhanced. This is another symptom that arises as a result:

To find out what of the above reasons is increased by the indicator of GGT, maybe only the doctor, and only after receiving the results for hepatic enzymes, as well as after tool Research (in particular, ultrasound liver and LP).

Alcoholic intoxication

Even the highest quality alcohol products may cause serious intoxication of the body if the hot drinks were taken in excessive amounts. Even a small dose stimulates the process of producing gamma GT, so it is not difficult to imagine what is happening in the body when entering a large amount of ethanol.

Therefore, before painting and wondering what it means, if the level of gamma glutamaltransferase, or GGT, in biochemistry of blood is increased, remember whether you have taken alcohol on the eve or 2-3 days before delivery.

Reception of medicines

If GGT B. biochemical analysis blood is increased, but there is no deviations in the patient's health, then a sharp increase in the level of this protein may be a consequence of the effects of drug-based drugs related to groups:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory funds;
  • antimicrobial drugs;
  • antimicose funds;
  • anesthetics;
  • hypotonic drugs;
  • anticoagulants;
  • diuretics;
  • statins;
  • antianginal preparations;
  • immunosuppressines, etc.

And this is not the entire list of drugs of drugs, which may lead to the fact that the level of GGT in blood biochemistry will be increased. To find out exactly what kind of substance led to a similar deviation, it is possible on the basis of a patient's information about the previously adopted drugs, as well as after a laboratory testing of blood.

Tumor processes

If the GGTP analysis is elevated 2 or 3 times, this may indicate the occurrence of tumor-like neoplasm in the liver, bustling bubble or its ducts. At the same time, the level can increase further if the phase of metastasis has. During the period of remission, the gamma glutamyltransferase rates are reduced to normal indicators, but when exacerbation, the level of this protein is jumping again.


If in analyzing on the GGTP, the protein level is increased by 2 times or more, it can talk about infecting the patient viral hepatitis. In this case, the patient is carried out additional instrumental and clinical researcheswhich either confirm the diagnosis or completely refute it.

Other reasons for increasing

If Gamma Glothrattransferase is raised several times, it can say:

  • sugar diabetes;
  • pancreatitute;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • heart failure flowing in severe form and promoting the development of cardiac liver cirrhosis;
  • renal pathologies: pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, accompanied by nephrectic syndrome, CPN;
  • neurological pathologies;
  • mechanical injuries;
  • pathologies of um;
  • burns 3-4 degrees of gravity;
  • taking hormonal medical preparations assigned to normalize the imaging function.

And yet, according to doctors, if the level of gamma GT is increased by 2 times or more, the reason should be found in the liver. Many liver pathologies for a long period of time may not produce themselves, so they are the only way to detect them is the analysis on the GGTP.

In men

If the GGT level is elevated in the blood biological analysis in men, then in most cases it speaks of disorders of the prostate gland. However, it is worth considering the fact that if we compare the indicators of this protein in the blood in the male and female patients, then the first they are always much higher. This is explained by the physiological characteristics of the male body. The fact is that gamma glutamiltransferase is accumulated in prostate glands, kidneys and liver, which cannot but be displayed on the results of a biochemical blood test.

But if there is a pathological process, then explain why the level of gamma GT in the analysis of blood in men is raised by several factors:

  • prostate cancer;
  • violations in the work of the prostate;
  • transferred or latent the course of liver diseases;
  • chronic alcoholism.

On a note. High level of GGT in men can be a consequence of abuse hormonal drugs To enhance potency. In order not to harm the liver, and not lead to a serious impaired of the balance of hormones in the body, the reception of such drugs and their dosage should be coordinated with the doctor.

Among women

The reasons are the level of gamma GT raised in women can be hidden in violations of the work of the mammary glands, thyroid gland or kidneys. However, it is impossible to exclude from this list of problems with the functioning of the gallbladder, and malfunction in a hormonal background.

So, if the GGT is raised several times, it can talk about the development of a malignant tumor in the milk glands of the patient. The level of this protein in the blood will grow as the carcinogenic process is distributed. Particularly high indicators are noted at the stage of breast cancer metastasis, and such a state is already potentially dangerous to the life of a woman.

If gamma glovedransferase is raised, but deviations in work internal organs It was not found, a patient can be assigned a hormone test. It is especially important to hold in the event that a woman takes oral hormonal contraceptives for a long period of time. With the termination of the reception, the level of gamma GT comes to normal after 7-14 days.

It is proved that women suffer from such pathology as thyrotoxicosis, twice as much as men. Therefore, if the blood test showed that GMMA GT is improved, it is necessary to carefully examine the patient for the presence of deviations (in this case - hyperfunction) of the thyroid gland.

In pregnant women, the level of this protein in the blood can also be increased significantly. First of all, it is associated with the burden on the kidneys. In addition, the development of pyelonephritis or Glomeluronephritis in future mothers, alas, far from uncommon.

There are no problems with the liver, a sharp gain in weight and violations in the work of the heart muscle. All these factors can also lead to the fact that the gamma GTP in the blood will be improved.

Is it possible to normalize the level of protein GGT?

In most cases, it is impossible to independently normalize the level of GGT in the blood without carrying out the treatment of the pathology that caused its deviation from the norm. But if the factors of the fact that GGT in the blood test is elevated, steel:

  • obesity;
  • improper nutrition;
  • unbearable physical exercise;
  • abuse of hormonal drugs to enhance potency or prevent unwanted pregnancy;
  • excessive use alcohol

the situation is completely corrected, and does not threatens to man with serious consequences. To fix it, you just need to revise and change the lifestyle and diet.

But if GGT in blood test is increased with pancreatitis, heart attack, or renal diseases, without the help of a doctor, it will be impossible to reduce these indicators. One diet, excluding all the harmful food, in this case it will not be possible to do. It is quite possible, the patient will need immediate hospitalization with the subsequent conduct of therapeutic procedures aimed at the complete cure of the disease or its transfer to the phase of long-term remission. In the presence of malignant tumors the patient can be an emergency surgical intervention.

If GGT and ALT are raised several times, which indicates the presence of serious liver problems, the patient requires medical therapy. In parallel, he is also appointed a therapeutic diet that will reduce the impact. harmful food On the liver and gallbladder.

To avoid raising the GGTP level in the future, it is necessary to carefully monitor its health and regularly undergo preventive medical examinations. Do not challenge the rules of the head and proper nutrition. This does not mean that you need to abandon all your favorite dishes or classes with preferred sports. It should just pay due attention to your body, give him the opportunity to relax and recover. Only then, health problems will not cause a significant reduction in the quality of human life.

On time, the blood test may prevent many serious diseases. Excess or, on the contrary, a sharp drop in any indicators will be reported by a specialist about violations in the body and will help to make a diagnosis properly and in a timely manner. But the patient himself will be very useful to know that they denote certain indicators, for example, gamma-glutamyltranspendase, or GGTP. If the GGTP is raised, the causes and treatment will indicate the doctor, but to have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is happening is worth it.

GGTP: What to pay attention to?

Gamma-glutamylTranspend of gamma-glovedranspendase is produced human organism and is in the kidneys, liver, bile ducts, muscles (including in the heart hand), spleen and other organs, participating in amino acid exchange. A small amount of GGTP is constantly present in the blood, which is not a pathology. Analysis GGTP - What is it?

In the biochemical blood test, the values \u200b\u200bof the GGTP can fluctuate, normal indicators differ depending on the floor, age, the presence of concomitant diseases. But, despite the fact that the greatest activity of this enzyme is in kidneys, the increase in its serum indicators indicates violations of the liver. He is considered to be a cholestasis marker, the activity of the enzyme is closely related to the impaired work of the hepatobiliary system. This fact is considered more reliable than Alt and AST in certain diseases.

The intensity of the enzyme provoke some medicines adopted in large doses, as well as alcohol. To determine the level of the GGTP, blood tests take on an empty stomach, 24 hours before the fence of blood from the patient's food, fatty products and alcohol are eliminated, which can significantly distort clinical picture. You should relax, avoiding heavy loads and notify the doctor about the medications taken.

See also:

  • Cholestasis - a decrease in the number of bile coming into duodenal gut or complete cessation. Bile does not reach the intestine, but in the blood it turns out to be bilirubin, toxic for the body;
  • Hemolytic jaundice, as a result of cholestasis;
  • Liver cirrhosis - irreversible replacement of the liver functional parenchyma on fibrous fabric;
  • Hepatitis - inflammation of hepatic cloth;
  • Neoplasms, including malignant;
  • Diabetes;
  • Hyperthyroidism;
  • Inflammatory kidney processes;
  • The result of injury;
  • Poisoning with medicines or alcohol.

The standards of the rate of the enzyme GGTP

Indicators of the GGTP standard can vary and in healthy people, they depend on age, gender, lifestyle, concomitant diseases.

In newborns, the GGTP enzyme indicators in the blood are very high, they are several times higher than the norm of an adult. This is due to the features of exchange.

  • The newborn baby allows the content of GGTP to 185 units / l.
  • Until six months, this figure can still grow and make up 200 U / l.
  • The child between 6 months and the year decreases sharply, it should not exceed 34 units.
  • From year to three digit should not rise above 18 units.
  • Up to six years, the norm is within 2 ed / l.
  • The child older than six years and to twelve normally has indicators up to 17 e / l.
  • Further, the figures differ for men and women:

For girls from twelve to seventeen years, the norm should not exceed the 32th / l, older than seventeen years - 33.

For guys to seventeen years, the performance indicators are slightly higher - up to 45 ed / l, and more older men - up to 49 units.

See also:

It is not necessary to wait for unpleasant alarming "bells" to make a biochemical blood test, it can be passed within the annual closerization. It must be remembered that the correct preparation for the analysis is very important, as well as its correct decoding. It is not necessary to scare the numbers of analysis in advance, before visiting the doctor, since the norms can be varied in various laboratories. However, it should not be allowed to control their health. Timely diagnosis will help to stop the disease on initial stage And avoid severe consequences.

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Gamma GlutamilTransferase or abbreviated GGT last years Received popularity in the diagnosis of diseases such as jaundice, cholangitis, cholecystitis. On the reliability of the results of the diagnosis of GGT preferably indicators of enzymes such as Alt and AST.

Given the functional importance of the liver, without a clear work of which, the body remains actually without protection in case of failures in its work. And in recent years, it turned out that the sensitivity to slowing the movement of bile in the liver itself, as well as in biliary ducts above it is at the GGT.

For this reason, the analysis on GGT was introduced into a mandatory set of hepatic samples. By the way, chronic alcoholism is also determined using the same sample.

Gamma GlutamylTransferase (synonym - Gamma-glutamlitranspendaz) is the name of the microsomal enzyme involved in the exchange of amino acids. It is located on cytoplasmic membranes (shells) of cells performing secretory and absorption functions.

Important. The enzyme is most active in kidneys, liver and pancreas.

In the intestinal cells, brain, heart, spleen and prostate, there is a small activity of gamma-glutamlitranspendase (abbreviated GGTP or GGT). W. healthy man GGT is found in blood cells in a minimum quantity, this is associated with the normal process of updating the cell cells. However, increasing the number of this enzyme in the bloodstream is always associated with pathological processes and indicates the destruction of the cells in which it is contained.

Considering the high concentration of GGT in kidney tissue, liver and pancreas, it is considered a sensitive marker of diseases of these organs. The most quickly and bright gamma of glutamiltransferase responds to the defeat of the hepatobillic system.

Important. In the diagnosis of cholecystitis, cholangitis (inflammatory process in grying ducts) and mechanical jaundice (GGT also acts as a zolley stagnation marker), an increase in this enzyme is even more specific than an increase in alosa and asat.

Functions GGT

Gamma GlothratilTransferase ends in the processes:

  • sharing amino acids;
  • metabolism of mediators of inflammatory reactions.

Despite the fact that the concentration of GGT in the renal epithelium is higher than in the liver, whey concentrations (determined in the blood) predominantly liver origin. Most of Destroyed in the kidneys GGT is displayed with urine.

In what cases is assisted on the GGTP

Study of the indicators of this serum enzyme, informative with:

  • alcoholism monitoring;
  • diagnosis of liver diseases, gallbladder and grying ducts;
  • monitoring of malignant tumors, their relapses and distribution of metastases;
  • diagnosis of causes of increasing SHF;
  • controlling the effectiveness of the treatment of diseases of the hepatobillic system;
  • the appearance of complaints pointing to the damage to the liver, gallbladder or ducts (darkening of urine, casing clarification, itching of the skin, jaundice, etc.);
  • diagnosis of extrahepatic pathologies, in combination with other studies.

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Causes of GGT in Blood

An increase in the serum gamma glutamaltransferase in biochemical blood test is observed as a result of damage to the cell membranes, which contain GGT, as a result of intoxication, ischemia, an increase in the activity of gulphous acids or an infectious process.

With a pronounced joy of bile (cholestasy), the level of gamma-glutamlitranspendase begins to increase earlier than alkaline phosphatase. However, when interpretation of analyzes, it is necessary to take into account that GGT can acute to respond to any diseases of the hepatobiliary system. Therefore, increased GGT It is always necessary to correlate with Alat and Asat's activity.

When yellow, the ratio of GGT to Alat is a direct indicator of increasing the stagnation of bile regarding the destruction of cellular structures.

Attention! In chronic alcoholics, the level of GGT in biochemical blood test may increase more than 50 times from normal indicators.

The degree of increase in gamma glutamiltransferase will be directly dependent on the dose and frequency of drinking alcohol. Therefore, GGT is often used when controlling alcohol abstinence.

In addition to damage to the liver alcohol, this enzyme also responds to the development of medicinal hepatitis in receiving hepatotoxic drugs (tetracycline, sulfonamides, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory means, diuretics, etc.).

The next reason for the increase in GGT is the primary malignant tumors of the hepatobilline system or metastase in the liver. Benign neoplasmsAs a rule, do not give such changes in the analyzes, since their growth is not accompanied by the destruction of healthy tissue and heavy intoxication. The exception is tumors leading to the obturation (blockage) of greyhound ducts and contributing to the development of mechanical jaundice.

Among other "yellow" reasons for the growth of gamma GT in analyzes, allocate gallgames, acute and chronic cholecystitis.

Also gamma glovedransferase responds to pancreatic cancer and prostate gland.

In addition to toxic (drug, alcoholic) lesion of the liver and malignant tumors, GGT increases with:

  • acute and chronic viral hepatitis;
  • hepatitis of noncommunicable nature;
  • infectious mononucleosis;
  • fat hepatosis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • severe poisoning.

Important. Gamma GlutamylTransferase, in contrast to the SFF (alkaline phosphatase), does not increase when bone damage, development renal failure. Pregnant women have its levels are also unchanged.

In addition to the diseases of the hepatobilline system, GGT can increase with the defeat of other organs and the use of certain medicines, in particular this enzyme enlarged when:

  • myocardial infarction (here the cause is not only the defeat of myocardium, but also the process of activating the rehabilitation processes occurring in the heart muscle and the hepatic parenchyma, in this regard, the maximum increase in GGT accounts for the third week after a heart attack);
  • kidney lesions (chronic glomerulonephritis and amyloidosis);
  • reception of anti-epileptic and anti-tuberculosis drugs;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • hypercycolous;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus.

Biochemical blood test was always and remains one of the most important laboratory studies. It is widely used to diagnose a variety of diseases, so it is so popular. It is also worth noting that it is a biochemical blood testing that is assigned to confirm the diagnosis, or to refute it. All indicators this study They enter a special form and are issued to the patient. The decoding of Gamma GT passes immediately before issuing in the laboratory.

All indicators of GGTP differ in every person in different ways. It depends on age and gender. It is very important to calculate everything correctly, because if the GGTP is raised, then this is already a sign of the presence of a certain disease. In medicine there are certain norms that should not go beyond. In the case of such results, the patient assign appropriate treatment under the strict control of the attending physician.

The level of activity of indicators

All indicators existing in medicine Gamma GT are determined by specific figures. Such a biochemical blood test in men should not exceed digits from 10.4 to 33.8 me / l. In women, these figures must be no more than 8.8 - 22.0 me / l. All results that will be higher than indicated indicate the presence of pathology, and more precisely may be a sign of a particular disease. In case the GGTP is raised, then this is a sign:

  • hatering jaundice;
  • liver cirrhosis;
  • acute hepatitis;
  • liver cancer;
  • suffered injury;
  • hemolytic jaundice.

The importance of diagnosis

Despite the fact that the biochemical blood test is carried out in different cases, the decoding of Gamma GT also has great importance For the body. In particular, we are talking about the content rate. There are five processes in the body that can increase the activity of the GGTP. It is intoxicating alcohol, cytolysis, tumor growth, cholestasis, as well as medicinal intoxication. Such versatile activity requires special attention and thorough assessment of the causes of hyperfermenia.

If indicator GGTP Significantly increased, the biochemical blood test must be commissioned to confirm the results. The resulting decryption must be read only by a doctor and only if necessary to urgently look for the cause of such results. This analysis is not elevated with a myocardial infarction, but to all this blood test may show problems with the operation of the pancreas. Also, blood test shows that the level of gamma-GT is raised with diabetes and infectious mononucleosis.

Preparation for research

The blood test on the GGTP is taking exclusively on an empty stomach, you can drink only a little water. If it fails to do, then the analysis is carried out no earlier than 8 hours after meals. It is also recommended to eliminate the reception. medicinal preparations Or before the study, warn about their use. The day before the analysis limit ourselves from oily food, roasted, as well as not to take alcohol and take rest from of different types Physical Loads.

It is worth noting that it is strictly forbidden to donate blood after x-ray, ultrasound, rectal surveys and various physiotherapy procedures. In this case, the result will be truthful and not increased by false reduction. Performing all the recommendations of the doctor, the examination will be successful without any complications. The main thing is to adhere to restrictions before analysis and then you can get an accurate result without other suspicions.

Blood tests help diagnose many diseases. Their results are actively used by doctors when making a diagnosis. Among the many types of research, there is a sample on gamma-glutamiltransferase, or gamma GT (GGTP).

GGTP in blood - what is it?

Gamma-glutamilTransferase, or abbreviated Gamma-GT, is an enzymatic compound, produced in the tissues of the liver and pancreas. By its structure, this is a complex protein. Normally in the bloodstream it is practically no present, so its detection or high concentration indicates problems in the work of internal organs and systems. More often, the level of gamma-GT rises in the pathologies of the liver. Doctors always pay attention to this indicator in the diagnosis of diseases of this organ.

Gamma-GT penetrates into the overall blood flow only after the destruction of the cells. Its level can fluctuate and depends on age and gender. In order to determine why Gamma GT is raised, the reasons for women of this violation, specialists are appointed comprehensive examinationbased on laboratory methods.

What does gamma GT answer?

Gamma-glutamiltransferase, as well as any enzyme, performs a stimulating function, launches complex biochemical reactions in the body. The substance takes an active part in the process of exchanging amino acids, which are used by organs and systems as a source of energy. Gamma GT is contained in large quantities In the cytoplasm of hepatocytes and pancreatic cells. It is present in a small concentration and in intestinal cells, spleen, brain. In a healthy person in the blood, this enzyme is missing. Analysis of Gamma-GT helps to identify hidden liver pathology.

What does gamma GT show?

As mentioned above, the enzyme must be completely absent in the blood. His appearance doctors can communicate with various pathologies of internal organs. To accurately determine the cause, the establishment of the source of Gamma GT, specialists are appointed hardware and laboratory research. Talking about what Gamma GT shows, doctors associate an increase in the indicator with the following pathologies:

  • (stagnation of bile);
  • cytolysis (liver cell death);
  • cancer in the liver;
  • pancreatic diseases.

Blood analysis Gamma GT

Biochemical blood test Gamma-GT is carried out with suspected liver disease or to diagnose the state of the organ. The method can be applied as an intermediate study to assess the effectiveness of the treatment of cirrhosis, cholecystitis, cholestasis, cholangitis. With these pathologies, the concentration exceeds valid values several times.

To reveal why Gamma GT is raised (the causes of women are named below), to set the final diagnosis, the study may be assigned to both the following symptoms:

  • constant fatigue;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • changing the color of Urin and Cala;
  • yellowing of skin;
  • unpleasant
  • painful feelings in the right hypochondrium.

Gamma GT - Norm for women

Deciphering the results of the study should conduct only a doctor. Specialist is aware of all the nuances of the disease, there is information about the history of the patient. The assessment is suitable comprehensively, given the condition of the patient, its age. The unit of measurement of Gamma-GT is a unit per liter (ed / l). As the age increases, the concentration of GGTP changes, the rate of which in women looks like this:

  • a period of newborn to six months - up to 200 U / L;
  • from six months to 1 year - up to 34 U / l;
  • 1-3 years - 18 units / l;
  • 3-6 years - up to 22 units;
  • 6-12 years old - about 15 units / l;
  • 12-17 years old - up to 33 units;
  • older 18 - within 42 units / l.

Gamma-glovedransferase is raised - what does this mean?

In order to find out why the Gamma GT level is raised that it means from the point of view of medicine, patients often ask questions to the doctor regarding the results of the analysis. It should be borne in mind that an increase in the concentration of the enzyme may be temporary and is not a sign of the disease. Raising GGTP Blood may be due to alcohol consumption, smoking, some medicines.

However, in most cases, a sharp multiple increase in concentration indicates pathology. When the GGTP is raised, the reasons for this phenomenon doctors are associated with the following pathologies:

  • liver disease;
  • kidney disease (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, kidney tumors);
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • hepatitis B, C;
  • cholestasis;
  • heavy form of food poisoning.

Gamma-GT and liver disease

The first thing that doctors try to exclude, if Gamma GT is raised, is the liver disease and biliary tract. The survey of this body allows you to accurately determine the cause of an increase in enzyme concentration. Among the violations of the liver causing an increase in gamma GT (the norm is indicated above):

  • alcoholic cirrhosis;
  • billier cirrhosis - occurs in the presence of chronic pathologies of biliary tract;
  • liver cancer;
  • chronic hepatitis against the background of the damage to the gastrointestinal tract.

It should be noted that the violation of the liver, explaining because of which Gamma GT is raised (the causes of women are listed in the article) may be provoked by a long use of medicines:

  • nonteroid;
  • antibiotics;
  • cardiovascular preparations;
  • sedative and anticonvulsants;
  • chemotherapy;
  • antifungal agents;
  • hormonal preparations.

Gamma GT is raised during pregnancy

When entering the baby, almost always in women, the level of gamma-GT is raised - the causes of this phenomenon are associated with an increase in the load on the organ. Chronic inflammatory processes During this period, future mothers can exacerbate, which affects both the liver. Given this phenomenon, the doctors adhere to the following conditions for the concentration of Gamma GT during pregnancy:

  • 1 trimester - 0-17 units;
  • 2 trimester - no more than 33 units;
  • 3 trimester - up to 32 U / l.

Increased gamma gt with hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism in medicine denote a violation of the function of the thyroid gland at which it begins to produce hormones in excess. As a result, the concentration of triiodothyronine and thyroxine sharply increases in the bloodstream. This partially explains the situation when Gamma Glothrattransferase is raised. A sharp increase in the level of Gamma GT is one of the testimony to examine the thyroid gland in a woman.

Improved gamma gt - what to do?

When the results of analyzes of GGTP are elevated, doctors prescribe a comprehensive examination of the body to identify the exact cause of its increase. The patient is directed to the ultrasound of the liver, the thyroid gland, prescribed the survey of the gastrointestinal tract. Treatment based on research results are selected individually. Conducted therapy is aimed at eliminating the liver disorders.

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